Middle East and North Africa: More than 45 Armed Conflicts
This is, in numbers, the most affected region: more than 45 armed conflicts are currently taking place throughout the Middle East and North Africa in the following territories: Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Yemen and Western Sahara.
The majority are non-international (NIACs), involving a multitude of armed non-state actors and foreign interventions by Western powers, Russia, and neighbouring countries – except for the NIACs taking place in Egypt and Turkey.
‘Syria is the most affected country in the region. Several multiple and overlapping NIACs are taking place in the country – involving numerous armed groups who fight against the government and against each other –, along with two military occupations and three international armed conflicts’ explains Dr Chiara Redealli, Research Fellow at the Geneva Academy.
Most wars across the world are taking place in majority-Muslim countries, with Muslims mainly fighting each other, says The Washington Post.
In 2012, there were six civil wars worldwide. All took place within Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Citing the Human Security Report, it says war around the world has been declining both within and between countries, especially since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 effectively ended the Cold War.
The reasons given for persistent violent conflict among Muslims include border disputes, the Middle East’s strategic importance between East and West, and oil – the latter two sometimes inviting major powers to get involved for good or ill.
Islam, the report says, includes elements of violence, as with other religions (e.g. the “just war” theory), but what varies over time is how prominent people — both religious and political — emphasise different parts of the message.
A ridiculously staged video. Just those children walking through on their own and the dog already off the lead so they meet with the cameras ready.
Are Getty doing video now ?.
I presume we are all supposed to think everybody is happy in Israel now and Hamas are not that bad after all. All intended to reduce public support for Israel restarting the war.
Meanwhile the murdering barabrians and the hundreds of hostages they still have are still out there.
The focus on this site, should be on the real far right racists, those that are quite blind to the fact that palestinians have been chucked out of Lebanon, Jordan and Kuwait for their violence, including killing the king of Jordan for negotiating with Israel,.
Yes, F2 my apologies for not making clear, many of my posts may not appear directly about the bbc, but, as I have said before, they expose the bbc for lies by omission, ie “what you will NEVER hear on the bbc but is reported elswhere
It happens too many times to be a coincidence
everyone knows now about the small Scottish riot, never to be heard on the bbc
Zephir -no apologies needed – I know the’ vibe ‘ rest assured that my personal views are so far to the Right as to be unacceptable to this site … I’d have to do moderate myself .. Brigade 77 to note on the F2 file … move me up the ‘administrative detention ‘ list …
Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world, numbering about 12.4 million, mark the Nakba, or “catastrophe”, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the near-total destruction of Palestinian society in 1948.
The Palestinian experience of dispossession and loss of a homeland is 69 years old this year.
On that day, the State of Israel came into being. The creation of Israel was a violent process that entailed the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland to establish a Jewish-majority state, as per the aspirations of the Zionist movement.”
Here is another history:
The following op-ed by Golda Meir was printed in The New York Times 42 years ago.
January 14, 1976
To be misquoted is an occupational hazard of political leadership; for this reason I should like to clarify my position in regard to the Palestinian issue. I have been charged with being rigidly insensitive to the question of the Palestinian Arabs. In evidence of this I am supposed to have said, “There are no Palestinians.” My actual words were: “There is no Palestinian people. There are Palestinian refugees.” The distinction is not semantic. My statement was based on a lifetime of debates with Arab nationalists who vehemently excluded a separatist Palestinian Arab nationalism from their formulations
When in 1921 I came to Palestine – until the end of World War I a barren, sparsely inhabited Turkish province – we, the Jewish pioneers, were the avowed Palestinians. So we were named in the world. Arab nationalists, on the other hand, stridently rejected the designation. Arab spokesmen continued to insist that the land we had cherished for centuries was, like Lebanon, merely a fragment of Syria. On the grounds that it dismembered an ideal unitary Arab state, they fought before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and at the United Nations.
When the Arab historian Philip K. Hitti informed the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that “there is no such thing as Palestine in history,” it was left to David Ben-Gurion to stress the central role of Palestine in Jewish, if not Arab, history.
As late as May 1956, Ahmed Shukairy, subsequently head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, declared to the United Nations Security Council, “It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria.” In view of this, I believe I may be forgiven if I took Arab spokesmen at their word.
Until the 1960’s, attention was focused on the Arab refugees for whose plight the Arab states would allow no solution though many constructive and far-reaching proposals were made by Israel and the world community.
I repeatedly expressed my sympathy for the needless sufferings of refugees whose abnormal situation was created and exploited by the Arab states as a tactic in their campaign against Israel. However, refugee status could not indefinitely be maintained for the original 550,000 Arabs who in 1948 joined the exodus from the battle areas during the Arab attack on the new state of Israel.
When the refugee card began to wear thin, the Palestinian terrorist appeared on the scene flourishing not the arguable claims of displaced refugees but of a ghoulish nationalism that could only be sated on the corpse of Israel.
I repeat again. We dispossessed no Arabs. Our toil in the deserts and marshes of Palestine created more habitable living space for both Arab and Jew. Until 1948 the Arabs of Palestine multiplied and flourished as the direct result of Zionist settlement. Whatever subsequent ills befell the Arabs were the inevitable result of the Arab design to drive us into the sea. Had Israel not repelled her would-be destroyers there would have been no Jewish refugees alive in the Middle East to concern the world.
Now, two years after the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War, I am well aware of the potency of Arab petrobillions and I have no illusions about the moral fiber of the United Nations, most of whose members hailed gun-toting Yasir Arafat and shamefully passed the anti-Semitic resolution that described Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, as racist.
But though Israel is small and beset, I am not prepared to accede to the easy formula that in the Arab-Israeli conflict we witness two equal contending rights that demand further “flexibility” from Israel. Justice was not violated when in the huge territories liberated by the Allies from the Sultan, 1 percent was set aside for the Jewish homeland on its ancestral site, while in a parallel settlement 99 percent of the area was allotted for the establishment of independent Arab states.
We successively accepted the truncation of Transjordan, three-fourths of the area of historic Palestine, and finally the painful compromise of the 1947 partition resolution in the hope for peace. Yet though Israel arose in only one-fifth of the territory originally assigned for the Jewish homeland, the Arabs invaded the young state.
I ask again, as I have often asked, why did the Arabs not set up a Palestine state in their portion instead of cannibalizing the country by Jordan’s seizure of the West Bank and Egypt’s capture of the Gaza Strip? And, since the question of the 1967 borders looms heavily in the present discussions, why did the Arabs converge upon us in June 1967, when the West Bank, the Golan Heights, the Sinai, the Gaza Strip and old Jerusalem were in their hands?
These are not idle questions. They go to the heart of the matter – the Arab denial of Israel’s right to exist. This right is not subject to debate. That is why Israel cannot by its presence sanction the participation of the Palestine Liberation Organization at the Security Council, a participation in direct violation of Resolutions 242 and 338.
We have no common language with exultant murderers of the innocent and with a terrorist movement ideologically committed to the liquidation of Jewish national independence.
At no point has the P.L.O. renounced its program for the “elimination of the Zionist entity.” With startling effrontery P.L.O. spokesmen admit that their proposed state on the West Bank would be merely a convenient “point of departure,” a tactical “first stage” and finally, a combatant “arsenal” strategically situated for the easier penetration of Israel.
I am often asked a hypothetical question: How would we react if the P.L.O. agreed to abandon its weapon, terror, and its goal, the destruction of Israel? The answer is simple. Any movement that foreswore both its means and its end would by that fact become a different organization with a different leadership. There is no room for such speculation in the case of the P.L.O.
This does not mean that at this stage I disregard whatever national aspirations Palestinian Arabs have developed in recent years. However, these can be satisfied within the boundaries of historic Palestine.
The majority of the refugees never left Palestine; they are settled on the West Bank and in Jordan, the majority of whose population is Palestinian. Whatever nomenclature is used, both the people involved and the territory on which they live are Palestinian.
A mini-Palestine state, planted as a time bomb against Israel on the West Bank, would only serve as a focal point for the further exploitation of regional tensions by the Soviet Union.
But in a genuine peace settlement a viable Palestine-Jordan could flourish side by side with Israel within the original area of Mandatory Palestine.
On July 21, 1974, the Israeli Government passed the following resolution: “The peace will be founded on the existence of two independent states only – Israel, with united Jerusalem as its capital, and a Jordanian-Palestinian Arab state, east of Israel, within borders to be determined in negotiations between Israel and Jordan.”
All allied problems can be equitably solved. For this to happen the adversaries of Israel will have to stop devising overt schemes for her immediate or piecemeal extinction.
There are 21 Arab states, rich in oil, land and sovereignty. There is only one small state in which Jewish national independence has been dearly achieved. Surely it is not extravagant to demand that in the current power play the right of a small democracy to freedom and life not be betrayed.
“Cease fire now, for a country we don’t come from, have no connection to, apart from the fact they are muslims, which is more important to us than the government of the country that has given us safety from oppression, given us security, education and opportunity,
The gang rape of british white schoolgirls, and terrorist attacks by our same people and culture, we have NOTHING to say
but we will regularly accuse you of islamophobia
Quite ironic, there is no india phobia, sikh phobia, china phobia south america phobia, polish phobia, philipino phobia japanese phobia
Israel kidnapped Nufuz Ahmad at 14, from inside her school in Jerusalem, in 2021. They agreed to exchange her for Israeli hostages today. Israeli guards attacked her, just before her release, and hurt her so badly, that she is now hospitalised.
So, you think… eh?
Then you read the comments, oddly unmatched by #bbcverify
Do wonder about the value of twitter wars .. it’s not real life is it ? Does it do or change anything ? Is it just a meaningless distraction from Real Life … I suppose the whole business depends on how old users are – and whether they grew up before the internet – as I did …
*I am going to copy this over to the next thread.*
Should it matter? No.
Does it? Well, to the bbc it does, a lot. They have invested massively in trying to dominate it and when Musk interfered crush him. Then expanded Verify to scores to keep futzing about with trivia to distract. All to keep inept pols in line.
Then left him 8 days without medical treatment
Mohammed Nazal says they kept beating them daily until 1 died. They starved them to near death with a plate of plain rice for 10 people. They were freezing with no heating or blankets.
Cost of living crisis???
Watching the semis of Masterchef Professionals, they have to perform in Michelin star restaurants.
One was Ikoyra in The Strand – £300 for a tasting menu lunch. Bad enough, but what was astonishing was the age group of the diners ! – Well I found it astonishing, none were over 40. The age group who can’t afford to buy a home apparently, but can cough up 300 quid for a few plates of food with only a couple of items on. Being “stuffed’ doesn’t happen in these restaurants.
6:45pm BBC local newsPR show
cos it’s a PR show rather than a real news show, we first had a weather report about the current snow and cold week to come Then we had a glorious Global Warming advert piece telling up we are in a warming climate and sea level rise etc.. to coincide with COP28
Terminal MoraineMar 14, 12:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 There is a noticeable absence of interest or countering voices to Starmer abolishing NHS England. BBC seem fine with jumping…
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB_j17IDQgo
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/99ts71KL/berk-starmer.jpg[/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity… https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1900512166865772677
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
Middle East and North Africa: More than 45 Armed Conflicts
This is, in numbers, the most affected region: more than 45 armed conflicts are currently taking place throughout the Middle East and North Africa in the following territories: Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Yemen and Western Sahara.
The majority are non-international (NIACs), involving a multitude of armed non-state actors and foreign interventions by Western powers, Russia, and neighbouring countries – except for the NIACs taking place in Egypt and Turkey.
‘Syria is the most affected country in the region. Several multiple and overlapping NIACs are taking place in the country – involving numerous armed groups who fight against the government and against each other –, along with two military occupations and three international armed conflicts’ explains Dr Chiara Redealli, Research Fellow at the Geneva Academy.
Hmm if they can’t fight us they fight eachother
Washington Post
Most of today’s wars are in Muslim countries
Most wars across the world are taking place in majority-Muslim countries, with Muslims mainly fighting each other, says The Washington Post.
In 2012, there were six civil wars worldwide. All took place within Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Citing the Human Security Report, it says war around the world has been declining both within and between countries, especially since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 effectively ended the Cold War.
The reasons given for persistent violent conflict among Muslims include border disputes, the Middle East’s strategic importance between East and West, and oil – the latter two sometimes inviting major powers to get involved for good or ill.
Islam, the report says, includes elements of violence, as with other religions (e.g. the “just war” theory), but what varies over time is how prominent people — both religious and political — emphasise different parts of the message.
The most violent, intolerant scum of humanity in the world
arriving in their thousands in the ‘UK pretending to be victims
Israeli children taken hostage by Hamas reunite with family dog after release
A ridiculously staged video. Just those children walking through on their own and the dog already off the lead so they meet with the cameras ready.
Are Getty doing video now ?.
I presume we are all supposed to think everybody is happy in Israel now and Hamas are not that bad after all. All intended to reduce public support for Israel restarting the war.
Meanwhile the murdering barabrians and the hundreds of hostages they still have are still out there.
They were ‘lost’ but now they are ‘found ‘©️Irish PM …
The focus on this site, should be on the real far right racists, those that are quite blind to the fact that palestinians have been chucked out of Lebanon, Jordan and Kuwait for their violence, including killing the king of Jordan for negotiating with Israel,.
And our darling muzzies are all behind them.
Zephir – some might say – the focus of this site should be the Far Left Anti British anti JudeoChristian BBC …. But so much is linked ..
Yes, F2 my apologies for not making clear, many of my posts may not appear directly about the bbc, but, as I have said before, they expose the bbc for lies by omission, ie “what you will NEVER hear on the bbc but is reported elswhere
It happens too many times to be a coincidence
everyone knows now about the small Scottish riot, never to be heard on the bbc
Its the muzzies again, selling drugs
Zephir -no apologies needed – I know the’ vibe ‘ rest assured that my personal views are so far to the Right as to be unacceptable to this site … I’d have to do moderate myself .. Brigade 77 to note on the F2 file … move me up the ‘administrative detention ‘ list …
Here is “al jazeera ” news outlet:
Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world, numbering about 12.4 million, mark the Nakba, or “catastrophe”, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the near-total destruction of Palestinian society in 1948.
The Palestinian experience of dispossession and loss of a homeland is 69 years old this year.
On that day, the State of Israel came into being. The creation of Israel was a violent process that entailed the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland to establish a Jewish-majority state, as per the aspirations of the Zionist movement.”
Here is another history:
The following op-ed by Golda Meir was printed in The New York Times 42 years ago.
January 14, 1976
To be misquoted is an occupational hazard of political leadership; for this reason I should like to clarify my position in regard to the Palestinian issue. I have been charged with being rigidly insensitive to the question of the Palestinian Arabs. In evidence of this I am supposed to have said, “There are no Palestinians.” My actual words were: “There is no Palestinian people. There are Palestinian refugees.” The distinction is not semantic. My statement was based on a lifetime of debates with Arab nationalists who vehemently excluded a separatist Palestinian Arab nationalism from their formulations
When in 1921 I came to Palestine – until the end of World War I a barren, sparsely inhabited Turkish province – we, the Jewish pioneers, were the avowed Palestinians. So we were named in the world. Arab nationalists, on the other hand, stridently rejected the designation. Arab spokesmen continued to insist that the land we had cherished for centuries was, like Lebanon, merely a fragment of Syria. On the grounds that it dismembered an ideal unitary Arab state, they fought before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and at the United Nations.
When the Arab historian Philip K. Hitti informed the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that “there is no such thing as Palestine in history,” it was left to David Ben-Gurion to stress the central role of Palestine in Jewish, if not Arab, history.
As late as May 1956, Ahmed Shukairy, subsequently head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, declared to the United Nations Security Council, “It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria.” In view of this, I believe I may be forgiven if I took Arab spokesmen at their word.
Until the 1960’s, attention was focused on the Arab refugees for whose plight the Arab states would allow no solution though many constructive and far-reaching proposals were made by Israel and the world community.
I repeatedly expressed my sympathy for the needless sufferings of refugees whose abnormal situation was created and exploited by the Arab states as a tactic in their campaign against Israel. However, refugee status could not indefinitely be maintained for the original 550,000 Arabs who in 1948 joined the exodus from the battle areas during the Arab attack on the new state of Israel.
When the refugee card began to wear thin, the Palestinian terrorist appeared on the scene flourishing not the arguable claims of displaced refugees but of a ghoulish nationalism that could only be sated on the corpse of Israel.
I repeat again. We dispossessed no Arabs. Our toil in the deserts and marshes of Palestine created more habitable living space for both Arab and Jew. Until 1948 the Arabs of Palestine multiplied and flourished as the direct result of Zionist settlement. Whatever subsequent ills befell the Arabs were the inevitable result of the Arab design to drive us into the sea. Had Israel not repelled her would-be destroyers there would have been no Jewish refugees alive in the Middle East to concern the world.
Now, two years after the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War, I am well aware of the potency of Arab petrobillions and I have no illusions about the moral fiber of the United Nations, most of whose members hailed gun-toting Yasir Arafat and shamefully passed the anti-Semitic resolution that described Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, as racist.
But though Israel is small and beset, I am not prepared to accede to the easy formula that in the Arab-Israeli conflict we witness two equal contending rights that demand further “flexibility” from Israel. Justice was not violated when in the huge territories liberated by the Allies from the Sultan, 1 percent was set aside for the Jewish homeland on its ancestral site, while in a parallel settlement 99 percent of the area was allotted for the establishment of independent Arab states.
We successively accepted the truncation of Transjordan, three-fourths of the area of historic Palestine, and finally the painful compromise of the 1947 partition resolution in the hope for peace. Yet though Israel arose in only one-fifth of the territory originally assigned for the Jewish homeland, the Arabs invaded the young state.
I ask again, as I have often asked, why did the Arabs not set up a Palestine state in their portion instead of cannibalizing the country by Jordan’s seizure of the West Bank and Egypt’s capture of the Gaza Strip? And, since the question of the 1967 borders looms heavily in the present discussions, why did the Arabs converge upon us in June 1967, when the West Bank, the Golan Heights, the Sinai, the Gaza Strip and old Jerusalem were in their hands?
These are not idle questions. They go to the heart of the matter – the Arab denial of Israel’s right to exist. This right is not subject to debate. That is why Israel cannot by its presence sanction the participation of the Palestine Liberation Organization at the Security Council, a participation in direct violation of Resolutions 242 and 338.
We have no common language with exultant murderers of the innocent and with a terrorist movement ideologically committed to the liquidation of Jewish national independence.
At no point has the P.L.O. renounced its program for the “elimination of the Zionist entity.” With startling effrontery P.L.O. spokesmen admit that their proposed state on the West Bank would be merely a convenient “point of departure,” a tactical “first stage” and finally, a combatant “arsenal” strategically situated for the easier penetration of Israel.
I am often asked a hypothetical question: How would we react if the P.L.O. agreed to abandon its weapon, terror, and its goal, the destruction of Israel? The answer is simple. Any movement that foreswore both its means and its end would by that fact become a different organization with a different leadership. There is no room for such speculation in the case of the P.L.O.
This does not mean that at this stage I disregard whatever national aspirations Palestinian Arabs have developed in recent years. However, these can be satisfied within the boundaries of historic Palestine.
The majority of the refugees never left Palestine; they are settled on the West Bank and in Jordan, the majority of whose population is Palestinian. Whatever nomenclature is used, both the people involved and the territory on which they live are Palestinian.
A mini-Palestine state, planted as a time bomb against Israel on the West Bank, would only serve as a focal point for the further exploitation of regional tensions by the Soviet Union.
But in a genuine peace settlement a viable Palestine-Jordan could flourish side by side with Israel within the original area of Mandatory Palestine.
On July 21, 1974, the Israeli Government passed the following resolution: “The peace will be founded on the existence of two independent states only – Israel, with united Jerusalem as its capital, and a Jordanian-Palestinian Arab state, east of Israel, within borders to be determined in negotiations between Israel and Jordan.”
All allied problems can be equitably solved. For this to happen the adversaries of Israel will have to stop devising overt schemes for her immediate or piecemeal extinction.
There are 21 Arab states, rich in oil, land and sovereignty. There is only one small state in which Jewish national independence has been dearly achieved. Surely it is not extravagant to demand that in the current power play the right of a small democracy to freedom and life not be betrayed.
The arabs don’t want the palestians, the jews most certainly don’t want to be killed by palestinians,
Lets leave them to the purple haired sociology stoodents in the uk
And before any marxist twat even thinks about it:
Analysis | Three-quarters of Palestinians Support Hamas’ Attack on October 7, Says New Poll.
“Cease fire now, for a country we don’t come from, have no connection to, apart from the fact they are muslims, which is more important to us than the government of the country that has given us safety from oppression, given us security, education and opportunity,
The gang rape of british white schoolgirls, and terrorist attacks by our same people and culture, we have NOTHING to say
but we will regularly accuse you of islamophobia
Quite ironic, there is no india phobia, sikh phobia, china phobia south america phobia, polish phobia, philipino phobia japanese phobia
I wonder why ?
Twitter is rammed with posts like this.
Israel kidnapped Nufuz Ahmad at 14, from inside her school in Jerusalem, in 2021. They agreed to exchange her for Israeli hostages today. Israeli guards attacked her, just before her release, and hurt her so badly, that she is now hospitalised.
So, you think… eh?
Then you read the comments, oddly unmatched by #bbcverify
Then you notice… ‘followed by Ash Sakhar’.
And…. Then, the bio… @BBCWorld.
Fully coordinated.
Do wonder about the value of twitter wars .. it’s not real life is it ? Does it do or change anything ? Is it just a meaningless distraction from Real Life … I suppose the whole business depends on how old users are – and whether they grew up before the internet – as I did …
*I am going to copy this over to the next thread.*
Should it matter? No.
Does it? Well, to the bbc it does, a lot. They have invested massively in trying to dominate it and when Musk interfered crush him. Then expanded Verify to scores to keep futzing about with trivia to distract. All to keep inept pols in line.
Then left him 8 days without medical treatment
Mohammed Nazal says they kept beating them daily until 1 died. They starved them to near death with a plate of plain rice for 10 people. They were freezing with no heating or blankets.
Classic Hamas propaganda.
Here’s a video of Muhammad being escorted out of the prison, Completely healthy.
Seems worth looking into to clarify?
Or play the system?
My goodness how happy and safe this country could be without fucking arabs in it
I didn’t think there were that many of them
Time for the new thread … thanks for your comments …
Cost of living crisis???
Watching the semis of Masterchef Professionals, they have to perform in Michelin star restaurants.
One was Ikoyra in The Strand – £300 for a tasting menu lunch. Bad enough, but what was astonishing was the age group of the diners ! – Well I found it astonishing, none were over 40. The age group who can’t afford to buy a home apparently, but can cough up 300 quid for a few plates of food with only a couple of items on. Being “stuffed’ doesn’t happen in these restaurants.
6:45pm BBC local newsPR show
cos it’s a PR show rather than a real news show, we first had a weather report about the current snow and cold week to come Then we had a glorious Global Warming advert piece telling up we are in a warming climate and sea level rise etc.. to coincide with COP28