First, three in a row, I think. Hurrah, hurrah, I need a gold medal to celebrate, or at least a cup of tea.
I have had time to think what if Mr Bates and the Post Office had been made by the BBC.
The problems with Horizon would have been due to climate change; Mr Bates would have been Afro-Caribbean, the auditor who was providing support would have been accompanied by her wife and at least one of the sub postmasters would have been trans.
As it was ITV let the story speak for itself. The actress who played Jo, spoke like her as did Toby Jones playing Mr Bates. There was an Asian couple but many sub postmasters are. The auditor in real life was one who appeared to prefer trousers to dresses. All credit to ITV, they just told the story and didn’t follow a woke agenda.
I am devastated! I think I will have to crawl in a corner and cry. I think as a female I am allowed to do girlie things, like crying. I am going to be defined by my sex. 😀
Back in the day all the fuss was about ‘Cathy Come Home’ (c) bBC.
Nowadays we have reaped what we have sown and perhaps we should spare a though for ‘Poor Little Alfie Who Art In Heaven’ (c) biased bBC:
Statistically the most dangerous environment to raise a child is one where the biological father is absent. See the book Broken Homes and Battered Children.
digg, that isn’t going to happen. God happens to love human life, unlike a certain BBCite that I can think of. There will be wars and rumours of wars and earthquakes in diverse places. But there will be a human remnant to be saved by God’s return to earth.
Thoughtful – after watching that story it was the only response I could think of ….
… but anyway … having seen a deeply unpleasant ‘post office investigator ‘ being fried at the post office inquiry during the week – I wondered whether the future of private investigations and prosecutions might be ‘questioned ‘…?
I’d hope it will have an adverse effect on TV licencing – particularly if their ‘inquiries ‘ are motivated by money – with the consequences ….
The lack of a father figure is blamed for the exceptionally disproportionate number of stabbings by a certain group.
Nobody ever takes that further and asks why the males in that group behave that way. Because the answer might infer something genetic. Like that racist gene which makes certain people more likely to be violent and stab other people.
A bunch of out of control Islamist launch a vicious attack on neutral ships. Already we are seeing prominent figures in the US and the UK asking if it was proportional to hit back.
Get real you c words ( Digg – edited – but understandable – Fedup )
What a bunch of w—-k-r/s we have in the West now. ( sorry – edited – Fedup )
Just blast the bastards they just want Islamic control at all costs.
Wake up the West and get it done or you will be handing control to the lunatics in the Middle East.
Fed, since you ask, I remember from childhood (age up to 10 or 11) hearing on BBC Radio News how there was trouble for British Forces in Aden. Al Qaeda created their first terrorist attack in Aden in December 1992. Later a bombing of the US destroyer USS Cole occurred in October 2000 but please note a citation is needed for that in Wiki.
The Post Office has claimed a £934m tax deduction for its compensation payments to the victims of the Post Office scandal. That’s outrageous – and also unlawful. The consequence is that the Post Office has underpaid its corporation tax by over £100m over the last five years, and may no longer be solvent.
We understand that HMRC are actively pursuing this point – and it’s just one of five major Horizon scandal matters where the Post Office has, we believe, materially underpaid its tax. The Post Office failed to declare these issues in its accounts until this year, when it included an obscure reference which failed to adequately disclose the point.
HMRC…just another part of the utterly corrupt ‘Establishment’. “…actively pursuing…” otherwise understood to be ‘having a laugh’ until someone, (anyone?) puts a bit of a squeeze on. So that’ll be in another 10 years …
OK BBC lets have the full spill and analysis about the new Suez crisis.
What’s China doing about their exports, what’s Germany ( Hapag Lloyd ) , Denmark ( Maersk ) , France ( CMA- CMG) , Japan ( Evergreen ) et al doing about their multi million pound shipping companies , or Dubai that now owns Ferrymasters .?
Why Britain , the US , Canada, Australia and Bahrain?
TOADY Watch #1 – I seem to recall Amol or Simon saying something about the Houthis …..
… attacking a Russian ship on TOADY this morning. If that is accurate, that is a bit of an ‘Oooops!’ moment as Russia were on the side of the Houthis. Maybe no more?
It’s EXACTLY like the Jan 06 100% empathy farce the Democrats ran – but in that case, nobody was allowed to stand up to say what a complete disgrace it was like Israel can here. Though of course that one DID get full BBC support.
I am wondering just how deep the rot is in the UN now. Clearly the case should be kicked out in short order. But having seen what the Democrats got away with, I will be very surprised if they simply reject it.
My prediction is some kind of ‘not-guilty but guilty’ nonsense where Israel are admonished as if they are guilty without actually being found guilty.
It’s because these reports are being written by people like this digg:
Who wouldn’t know what an AK47 was if they tripped over one.
They have no clue about the real world. They see evil white males and poor, innocent Muslims who have nothing. They sit at their desks with their coffee and virtue-signal with each other. Because they are what the BBC (and most of the MSM) actually are now.
How I wish they could be sent to live with these people they defend and learn a bit about real life outside Londonistan. I can just imagine them in a terrorist camp asking someone where the nearest starbucks is.
Affecting the Chinese probably more than any other country. Why is the chinese navy not joining in and showing off their weaponry? Two reasons probably. Too far for their warships which don’t have capacity for distance. Hand in glove now with Iranian ‘mates’.
My point about Ed Davey is that of course he shouldn’t resign
.. ministers don’t know the truth about things, cos they are victims of their Sir Humphreys.
However the issue is Davey’s massive hypocrisy, that he calls for everyone else to resign in similar circumstances.
Andrew Peirce column in the Mail today lays out the relationship between Eddie davey -working for the law firm which was employed by the Post Office – and the same law firm which employed eddies’ brother as a partner … British corruption at its’ best …
He has brought to light a clear and pervasive fact of politico-media life, and that is with greater power comes great remuneration, and zero accountability.
Why are these people accorded anything but the dismissal for the jokes they are?
Tomo – thank you for the post – if you are looking for an entertaining read – have a look at the short ‘spiked’ piece about Eddie davey – who I suppose. – will be recommending himself for a peerage as his ass is kicked out of their commons within a year ….
Of all people who deserved his comeuppance- it is / was Davey – it’s so bad he couldn’t show his face at PMQs this week – no standing up and demanding a resignation – eh Eddie – no cards or flowers please ….
Ed Davey visited my area when he was DECC minister.
His adoption of the eco catechism was, like his predecessor Huhne – sprinkled with aggressive zealotry and iirc an assortment of invocations to do down “the deniers” and laced with flat out lies about the efficacy of renewables – presented as articles of faith. His ignorance was only exceeded by his hatey rhetoric
Ok – a bit of charity – up to now one might say that Davey is a good politician – greedy- hypocrite – self serving – knows where the money is ( green crap ) – ticks all the boxes … cares about the country ? No . Constituents ? No … should go far …
More madcap, pro-terrorist nonsense from the BBC’s resident white Muslim anti-semetic.
‘The US and British attacks on the Houthis in Yemen are not just, as ministers in London have suggested, about the freedom of navigation and world trade.’
According to who Jeremy ?. Any actual evidence ?. Nope : it’s purely your opinion. What is it doing in a BBC news report ?.
‘I have spent quite a bit of time with the Houthis in Yemen …’,
Of course you have Jeremy. It’s the only part of this report which rings true.
‘But the threat the Houthis pose is less about the physical damage they might cause and more about the danger to international navigation.’
But I though you just told us it wasn’t ?.
‘I don’t think one single round of air strikes is going to do more than make them think yes, we are on the right track.’
We don’t care one bit what YOU think Jeremy. You support terrorists. You are the ultimate narcissist : everything has to be about you.
‘Some critics of the American and British support for Israel say that an immediate ceasefire in Gaza would be a much better way to stop the Houthi attacks than bombing them. ‘
Which critics would that be Jeremy ?. All the Muslims and you ?. Should that be the case every time the Islamists try to murder people : just do what they say ?.
‘Compared to the force the US and UK can wield there is no comparison, but that isn’t the point in this kind of warfare.’
Yes it is Jeremy. We wipe them out as the terrorists they are. Worked greate with ISIS didn’t it ?. How active do you think Hamas will be when this is over ?.
It’s time the BBC put this mad-cow out to pasture. His clear support for terrorism is an embarassment to an already disgraced BBC in this war.
Nice casual bias from the amol one – introducing the new French enemy PM – “can he stop the drift to the Far Right “ sez amol – then repeated by the lefty bbc droid … thereby making the assumption that being of the Right is just bad . Screw democracy – you are not allowed to be Right – you are not approved …
The queer pm apparently is bringing new policies – such as free dinghies for the third world wanting a hotel room in England ….
Helen and Simpo know they are the only ones who know.
Hear hear @JohnSimpsonNews Afraid perceptions of bias – one way or another – are harder to dismiss. Especially thanks to social media these days, where people say anything they want and believe to be true about the BBC (even if patently untrue!) 🙄
Because they say it is, it is. Apparently. Darn ordinary folk being free again to post on Twitter.
Considering the Iranians started the war in Gaza
the war hasn’t spread that much if it now includes other Iranian proxies like a few Houthi bases
Iran had power cos of its vast exports from its wind farms /sarc
BTW America DOESN’T intervene in Gaza, cos that is a local dispute.
America DOES intervene against Houthis cos when Houthis attack American shipping that is an American issue.
John I thought I would get in touch with either Owen Jones
or Ash Sarkar at Novara media to find out about when
the first march in support of the Houthis was going to
take place in London. I wanted to carry one of their
banners in Arabic with ” Death to Israel, death to the USA ,
death to the UK, death to the Jews etc on it.
But maybe if I get in touch with Jeremy Bowen. Or the
Londonistan Programme on BBC TV . They could help me.
The last sentence from al Beeb’s Jeremy Bowin’-to-the-usual-suspects “ More retaliation from the US and its allies is certain if the Houthis do not do as they are told.
What do you mean, Jeremy ? You mean like “…if the Houthis keep targetting peaceful commercial ships sailing in International waters ?”
Right – so you won’t have any problems with the annihilation of any boats illegally crossing the Channel, ‘cos they are the ‘wrong’ nationality then, you stupid, hypocritical, pr*ck. ?
‘The Houthis are trying to stop a genocide.’
Stop the War’s Dr John Rees tells
@TomSwarbrick1 that ‘if people were as concerned about the loss of life as they are about trade, then perhaps we’d be further in this debate.’
The phrase living through the dog days is properly applied to the high summer – however, it can also refer to: a period of stagnation or inactivity (thank you, Merriam-Webster)
The left-leaning, youth-orientated (but I repeat myself) half-a-quid a pop ‘i’ newspaper (Get i digital for a whole year – for only 50p a week) channels that dog days of January lethargy: How to live happily without much effort
In maritime terminology the dog watch meant that period of duty during the wee small hours of the morning.
Approaching the dog end of an over-a-decade long period of Tory-led administration, in news terms, of course there’s a literal understanding – the dog days flavour represented by nothing so clearly as our most recent dangerous dogs act: New safeguards on dangerous dogs to be introduced in Scotland ‘Public safety paramount’ (North Edinburgh News) – we note a reversal there – England for once playing the test bed for policy experimentation and Scotland playing catch up, come to heel and fetch boy.
The mildly conservative Telegraph sits firmly on the fence on many issues and taking a leaf from the BBC editorial playbook simply asks the question: Pampered pooches Should hotels ban four-legged guests? – how about we let the market decide?
Obviously we can’t leave everything up to the market – there need to be certain state-adminstered safety nets in place…
Malnourished dog left tied up in the cold rescued… The skinny Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross is now being cared by Sunnyside Kennels (BBC, photo credit: West Midlands Police)
Attitudes may vary – generationally and culturally: Being squeamish about eating dogs is a very Gen Z response… At first glance South Korea’s ban seems like a sensible idea, until you realise the only difference between that and beef is sentimentality (William Sitwell, Telegraph comment) – does the idea of doggie fritters sit well with you? If not you’ve just noticed that you’ve still got some residual cultural difference at play
Some claim the cultural change thing is due to grass roots developments – Mr AsI tends to differ – culture in fact tends to be altered from the top down, in his opinion. Media is a powerful tool for our elites: Alison all set to get legend Paul’s TV job… Leading lady Alison Hammond is in line to host For The Love Of Dogs (Daily Mirror) – our Alison is of course what can be termed in some quarters these days a diversity hire
Leading lady, now there we see a very tabloid pun on dog leads
When serious broadsheets are referencing females there’s a very different form applied – here we note the FT using the proper approved top-down formula: Actor Emma Stone Her penchant for curious roles – note actor not actress – we plebs haven’t universally caught onto that phrasing yet
Also in the news are matters non-canine including: Cameron played key role in UK bombing Yemen rebels (‘i’) – and I think Mr AsI has the transcript here of that key telephone call in Lord Dave’s key role:
“Yes, Mr President, of course we will, Mr President! No Mr President, I’m not Swishy Rahman, I’m Dave Cameron. Rishy handed me the phone because you thought you were speaking to New Dehli. No, he’s still in London standing next to me. We’ll get onto it right away! Anything you say, Sir!”
Sadly, the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror splashes with the screamer: High Price of Conflict – but delivers for us that most rare thing – a Mirror frontpage without a single reference to anything being the fault of the shameless Tories – a clear signal that our prospective impending PM Sir Keir would give us not a jot of alternative policy choice on this one.
Michael Jackson’s Earth Song repeatedly echoed the lyric “What about us?”
Post Office risks £100mn bill after tax relief claim on compensation… Potential insolvency threat… Payouts normally non-deductable… Company in HMRC talks (FT) – what about us? Post Office-wise, we just want to buy a first class stamp at a reasonable price and not have queue at the counter for half-an-hour.
One of the many tragedies about the post office horror is that it is owned by the British state . If only it was a private company – it could be killed – but instead we tax payers will pick up the tab – not a lot of cash in current days – a billion here – a billion there …
Just a small correction; dog watches (First Dog and Last Dog) are 4.00pm to 6.00pm, and 6.00pm to 8.00pm and are designed to split watch rotas (7 watches in a day instead of 6 four-hour watches so crew doing one-on, one-off don’t end up doing same every day.
Alleged called dog watches because they are “cur-tailed”
Watching the Maverick of Wall Streets video this morning I am struck by the cynical way the elites play the people, with dangerous games simply for their own political advantage.
We have the situation in Yemen with the Houthis and the lie which is sold to us is that it is necessary to attack them because of the danger they pose to shipping. Why now? They been at this for weeks, and the navy have been shooting down their drones missiles and helicopters.
The answer is that it’s an election year and the cost of shipping has gone through the roof which is going to have a knock on effect on inflation, undesireable in an election year because it means that interest rates can’t fall and people are stuck with high mortgage / loan repayments.
But the lame brains failed to think through the consequences of their actions – and that is a constant hallmark of the far Left, never being able to see that A leads to B, everything is viewed in isolation and when it goes wrong it’s always someone elses fault.
So now we have Iran which seized an oil tanker a few days ago adding to its collection. It’s an odd thing as the tanker was bound for Turkey but was US flagged, never the less oil prices are rising which is going to have an effect on inflation which is the opposite effect to what the elites wanted.
On top of that the US West is facing bitter cold all the way down to Texas again forcing natural gas prices much higher – and of course a knock on effect on inflation.
Where is the evidence that they actually did hit any missile sites though? They killed just 5 Houthis and as I said in an earlier post they were probably all hiding in rat holes like the Hamas lot, and the West did give them plenty of warning they were coming.
That John Simpson thread is lefty lalaland
The thread is full of people asserting that the BBC is a Tory mouthpiece
– that the BBC is pro Israel
– That the BBC has done nothing on the Post Office crisis and it was just Private Eye in 2011
when in fact the Private Eye item was written by a BBC staffer and he quickly got his stuff on the BBC in 2011
and later extensive podcasts and Panoramas since
BUT that in fact he was late cos people knew about the faulty system in 1999 and malicious prosecutions started in 2000
so the entire media were late, cos afraid of PO lawyers
With the first reporting being in 2008 Daily Mail article and 2009 more extensive Computer Weekly article.
So much for “Stop the boats”. Have there been more illegal landings on our coast today ? The only thing stopping them is the weather .
Warning ! We are now facing the dangers of a ‘Trojan Horse’ within our country, despite the warnings we have had from those demos in London . Anything on Al Beeb?
I thought that I should explain the set-up regarding bbc military affiliations :-
US of A v. Russia. Americans are the good guys because the Russians are mainly white & Christian, therefore bad.
This fixture is being played on the neutral ground of Ukraine.
US of A v. Yemen. Americans are the bad guys because the Houthi are muslim and they are always top trumps.
To see what the Houthi look like, stand on the beach at Dover in a week or two.
US of A. involvement in Israel / Gaza. No-score draw; the Israelis are untouchable but the palestinians are muslim. They also have more terrorists who hate the west so they may have the edge.
P.S. Mr Sunak – Please don’t give my money to Ukranian crooks; it could be put to good use nearer to home.
That £2.5Bn. story was off the front page before the ink was dry.
Sunak is being forced to give money to Ukraine by his US puppet master. Rishi Washee is an empty vessel with no thoughts or policies of his own, and utterly clueless.
Biden cannot send money to Ukraine unless he deals with the open Southern border so he orders his vassal states to do so on his behalf until he can get past the road block in America.
You can expect more money to be sent there, only to be laundered through banks in Cyprus back to the political elites in the West.
Ye Gods Dickie, I clicked on that! Please issue a warning before doing it again.
“Caution may contain images of gurning idiots”.
As an antidote I urge contributers to search for “Anna Chapman”. She’s a reporter for R_T now and is possibly the most attractive woman alive. Her maiden name was something like “Sputnik-Vlavivostok” .
Her wikipedia page is very interesting. Not sordid, just politically colourful.
Gotta hand it to our justin – the democrats dont even bother with IOWA – and does his best pretend that the US election isnt fixed again. He even mentions that president trump is the republican candidate – not that that matters of course
Anhoo, in the spirit of reading on a few sentences resonated…
Before October 7, there were no correspondents – foreigners – as reporters in Gaza by the definition above. What there was were locals, stringers, and freelancers. This has not changed much since then, either.
Now, it’s possible to be lenient about this, but the end result is the same.
And there seem to be more ‘journalists’ in Gaza than anyone.
‘And there seem to be more ‘journalists’ in Gaza than anyone.’
lol, that’s because the Leftist MSM love what they have to say about the Jews. Of course every single one of these reporters is an anti-semetic Muslim who grew up in Gaza and will not report anything bad about Hamas because they either support them or know they will be killed if they do (mostly the former).
There are no impartial white journalists reporting because their life expectancy would be about 5 minutes. And going by the BBC videos, they are all complete cowards anyway.
None of which is explained to us by our disgraceful media such as the BBC who present what their Gazan Muslim employees say as the full facts.
I would hazard a guess that the “journalists” reporting from Gaza are actually day tripping from a plush resort somewhere safe. In between sipping their favourite tipple on expenses thinking up the next bit of “unbiased” reporting.
I write with some experience of this. Whilst working in Indonesia certain three letter acronym broadcasters seemed to spend more time in the hotel club lounge than on the streets.
I would bet that the BBC’s intrepid duo, Jeremy Bowen and Frank Gardner, would have a better-than-the-average-correspondant’s chance of survival whilst reporting from Gaza.
I just can’t put my finger on why I would think that !
As political jousting makes media richer than Croeusus… from Forbes;
Homeschooling in the U.S. is booming—for a variety of reasons. Chief among them are dissatisfaction with public schools that spiked during the Covid-19 pandemic and $5 billion a year (and growing) of state stipends for families opting for public school alternatives.
US of course, but then they do all have lovely teeth.
Just happy we got ours through a great independent before that bob cut idiot has to fight all the other bob cut idiots for the money to blow on promised fantasy plans.
I have to say – I didn’t think Tusk would do it …. but hey, – there it is…
Donald Tusk obvs didn’t get the Lech Walęsa memo. Has there *ever* been a time in living memory when there has been so much anger at those employed to govern our so-called democracies?
Councils need to apply a ‘sniff test’ to decide whether a road should stay 20mph in a review of the new default limit.
It comes after a massive backlash in Wales from drivers with protests and a petition with almost half a million signatures.…
I’ve just arrived here and seen your posting. I had intended to comment that a mastermind strategist is at work preparing the World for another anti ‘Crusader’ Jihad. The West has fallen into a big trap. Problem is, all the islamists are all on our soil before it really gets going. That’s convenient for another Northern Ireland style outbreak. Broadly all starting since Bush and Bliar blundered into islam valuing lies and ego above all else. Personally, I’d start by offering up Bush and Bliar as an appeasement to do as islam wishes with them. Serve the bastards up on a plate. In fact, we should offer to deliver them.
Btw, I love the slant on Big Ben, just about to topple and sums up this country and the way its viewed now.
More enrichment on our streets as Houthi supporters join Hamas supporters to cause more havoc in London. Joined by the leftist useful idiots who can be counted on to support any enemies of the West.
However I do take an interest in a variety of things all around the above in current affairs, especially trying to assess context, now the media can no longer be trusted to get near objectivity.
So I have a rummage on occasion when curiosity is piqued. And it has been as Corbyn et al descend on The Hague to play with Africans around definitions. Especially one; genocide.
In so doing I have learned a few things I did not know, had confirmed a few things I suspected and find myself mostly still unimpressed by how the public are served by anyone in the establishment.
I did not know it is a relatively new term. Coined post WW2, if retroactively applied.
I had half suspected it was also terribly vague, and hence could be twisted into whatever it need to be by anyone. And clearly has been. Also it is seemingly ever evolvable, and combined with the latter has also been, to the point I consider it all but meaningless now.
It once belonged to victors but in the new worlds disorder appears to have been embraced and hijacked by the victim mentality brigade. Especially around what constitutes a ‘member’, ‘community’ or ‘group’, from MPs through lads outside schools in Batley to Little Mixture.
I surfed a bunch of dictionary definitions to arrive at this, and then encyclopaedias. From them I suspect most in politics, media and activism stop at dictionaries. Lawyers continue to just go for money, but activism is also lucrative and looks good on the CV.
Brittanica struck a chord:
“most common objections are that such intent can be difficult to establish and that the attempt to assign such intent to individuals makes little sense in modern societies, where violence can result as much from anonymous social and economic forces as from individual choices.”
It goes on in complement:
“The debates between supporters and opponents of the genocide convention have important policy implications, which can be seen in the discussion of the connection between war crimes and genocide. The two concepts differ principally in how the targeted group is defined and identified.”
Given current efforts in The Hague, I also note also the principle of Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? is skipped with oversight bodies, given the dominant players there are South African ANC types, Corbyn, etc. Plus, rampant cherry picking. By everyone.
So, back to opinion.
I do not feel what happened to the Jews at Masada to be attempted genocide, though in passing the opening line of an historical reference is notable for other places of debate.
The siege of Masada was one of the final events in the First Jewish–Roman War, occurring from 72 to 73 CE on and around a hilltop in present-day Israel.
That was a war that resulted in a siege that resulted in all inside getting dead; men, women and children. By their own hand if defying an outside superior force that needed to deal with them.
What happened during WW2 was different. The Nazis were gunning for Jews everywhere. And not disposing of them much in armed conflict collateral ways. And then tried to cover it up.
Flitting between that and Hamas Oct 6, Hamas post Oct 7, Israel ditto and now Houthies… mind bending.
And then I came across another genocidal specification definition in the mix tied to the above.. ‘region’. Very Eurovision.
What makes a location of genocide becoming geographically based… folk in it, even if others exist outside? Faith, ditto? Punitive excess based on military justifications given siege occupant mentality? Skin colour? Bad songs in spandex?
Hutsi, and Tutsi. Syrians and Kurds. In a uniform free world now, where community leaders become governments and regions become armed camps centred around hospitals with useful idiots inside, who tells who or what is what?
‘Palestine’ was/is a disputed construct. What is mostly accepted is that whatever it is it was and is it is inhabited/occupied by brown semites of varying faiths. Sky fairy territory.
In my limited self educating summary above, I therefore can’t see Gaza as a genocide any more than Masada was.
The statements and celebrated actions of those of a surrounded Israel, and supporting Hamas, come across as much more akin to the fortunately failed and ultimately attempted covered up ambitions and actions of the Nazis.
Gaza is simply another tribal banner spat no different to Rangers vs. Celtic, only with nastier leaderships and worse tools, egged on by venal media and inept political leadership voids everywhere, same as it ever was. Fueled ultimately by an oil addiction that JSO is not going to solve either, as it has made the world what it is today. And pretending otherwise is the conceit of the equally insane currently pretending to be in charge.
So frankly IMHO Corbyn, Humzah, Warsi, Labour’s Muslim benches, BBC and Sky Islamists and too many street attracted howling antisemites in London should rediscover what made the UK great… rather than looking thousands of miles away trying to screw here up to the same level as the places they adore so much, such that they bailed from them and would never return to unless on holiday somewhere in the vicinity safer.
Have a watch of Judge Andrew Napolitano, as a former senior judge he has a deal of legal insight, and you will be able to see some of the evidence which is presented to support the case (and there’s a lot of it).
There is a strong case Israel has to answer it runs to 83 pages of evidence highly detailed.
Maybe you aren’t aware of what has been going on in Gaza, but I can tell you it isn’t pretty and the evidence is strong.
There are I think 15 judges, 13 permanent one from South Africa, and one from Israel (who happens to hate Netanyahu).
I have been trying to tell you war crimes are being committed, and that this is catagorically NOT Israel, it is Netanyahu, and that if he were removed then some modicum of peace might be restored, but that is not in the interest of the corrupt monied classes in the USA.
War crimes get committed in war. Some premeditated, some by accident, some by changed rules. Nothing in war is pretty. The tricky part is separating the consequences of conducting it properly on a military basis and what is needed to conclude things with minimal loss of innocent life. Hard to do if one side hates the other more than it loves its own.
I gather you do not like Netanyahu, along with a few other entities you often decry here.
Fine. And if he committed something beyond the pale justice will catch up with him. But again you appear to have access and allude to information I am as yet not privy to, so this I will await.
Not too interested in a former anything as wheeled out by media constantly, and usually only if their opinion suits. Including judges. But we’ll see.
As will the case against Israel, if proven, and preferably judged not by someone who hates the chief, indeed sole defendant in your mind. And if peace reigns if Netanyahu is removed, fine.
But if by ‘modicum’ there is ever a return to the events of Oct 6, that might satisfy some, but were they my family, I would not feel it was any peace at all.
Whatever transpires, as you do not mention it, can we agree ‘genocide’ and war crimes are too easily blurred and the former is deployed too easily now.
As well as almost being used almost exclusively in one direction by those far removed, despite the words and actions of those they appear to side with no matter what. Judges included.
With war crimes effectively not considered at all for them.
From my perspective I have the following train of thought re the genocide accusations that groups are trying to level at Israel.
If you go back to the 1940’s and 50’s the aftermath of the obscene persecution of Jews in Europe resulted in universal agreement that they had suffered massively and the West moved to try to put things as right as possible for the Jewish peoples.
In a way, this put a cordon of protection around anything Jewish which acted to provide a buffer against Jew-hating groups including some notable ones on the left in the UK and the rest of Europe.
The most effective way to break this ring of protection would be to have the World “convict” the Jewish nation as a whole of acting themselves in the same way or worse than their antagonists of years ago, thus smashing their historical depiction as the oppressed.
That way it would become possible for vehemently anti-Jew factions to legitimately attack and rail against them having nullified their previously historical oppressed status.
I am pretty sure that even though the pressure is depicted as coming from South African groups it is being orchestrated by hidden haters of Jews throughout the western world.
Does anyone else have the impression that it is a little odd that a “European” Court has become so rapidly involved in what to me is surely a Middle-Eastern situation in an ongoing war?
I am pretty confident that certain “Friends of Palestinians” right here in the UK will be more than happy to see a guilty verdict from the ECJ courts.
How long before The BBC numbers groupies get excited?
I could care less. London is no longer the UK.
And whoever is on the streets is a fraction of the adult voting public.
All the rest is theatre.
The concern is when the secret ballots are counted, a person gets in who is not noted for sticking to what is right for long, especially in face of pressure from those who do not play fair and know every dodge in the book to see democracy used one last time to cancel it out.
Defence Minister Grant Shapps says due to the cut backs in Defence spending and the high cost of drones etc, the Government have decided to import more of the terrorists into the UK so it will be cheaper to get at them. The idea was welcomed as part of the UK Net zero commitment.
Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand,
and the rulers conspire together
against the Lord and his Anointed One:
“Let’s tear off their chains
and throw their ropes off of us.”
4 The one enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord ridicules them.
Then he speaks to them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath:
But the reality is that the vast majority of people commenting are saying thank you for being impartial. Consider the possibility Guest that the bias lies not in him but in yourself.
Professor Sachs does not appear to know his Scriptures. In the King James Version of the Bible Ahimelech only appears in 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles and there is a solitary reference in Psalm 52.
Follow up to the above post, I have just checked the NIV Study Bible, there is no reference to Ahimelech in Joshua in either KJV or NIV but there is a reference in Mark’s Gospel to Ahimelech’s father; Abiathar the HIgh Priest, in Mark chapter 2 verse 26.
I would suggest that posters on here treat the Judge Napolitano interview with Professor Sachs with extreme caution. Sadly, it appears to be biased.
I see the people who riotously condemned Israel for the loss of life in Gaza are now vibing with the Houthi, who have killed more than 8,000 Muslims. It’s almost like it’s not about moral superiority, it’s about a hatred of Jews and the West.
‘Freedom of navigation… how about the freedom from bombing?!’
offers a revised message for Rishi Sunak in her frustration at his order of strikes on Yemen instead of calling for a de-escalation in Gaza.
But as Yemen follows Sharia law, the court gave her one last option of escaping death – she can secure a pardon from the victim’s family by paying diyah or “blood money”.
When I asked the question as to why the Royal Taxi service brought Abedi to Britain I was told that he was an MI6 asset who was working to bring down Ghaddafi. Once Ghaddafi had been brought down (because Saudi was paying the elites) he should have served no further use but MI6 apparantly over ruled everyone in government and Abedi saw us as the enemy.
The one thing the Russian Marxists realised was that once a revolutionary nutter always a revolutionary nutter regardless of the cause.
Documents published by the inquiry into the Post Office scandal show the former Labour prime minister was warned in 1998 that there were concerns over the competency of Horizon. Sir Tony Blair was warned the Horizon IT system could be flawed before it was rolled out across the Post Office, a document shows.22 hours ago
Not questioning BBC bias but their Saturday evening primetime schedule on BBC 1.
The Weakest Link (with celebrities) at 7.50 followed by Pointless Celebrities at 8.35. If two celebrity quiz shows back-to-back seems bad enough, it’s even worse when you realise David Seaman and his skater wife Frankie are contestants on both.
“Oh, the public, they won’t notice!”
“David Seaman and his skater wife Frankie” – £1000 per person per show! The BBC tv TAX Payer pays them well!
Revealed: How stars are paid thousands to appear on ‘charity’ editions of Pointless and other quiz shows
Format of Pointless means stars can take home more than what’s donated
Celebrities who lose are still given £500 towards charity of their choosing
This pales in comparison to thousands allegedly made in appearance fees
Stars appearing on Pointless paid by show’s production company Endemol
The jackpot starts at £2,500 and can go up if ‘pointless’ answers are given. However if the pair of finalists fail to win the jackpot, they are given just £500 for their charities.
A representative for former Olympic athlete Tessa Sanderson – who appeared on the show recently – confirmed that she was paid, but said it was ‘hundreds not thousands’. However it is thought that celebrities with a higher profile, such as recent guest ITV’s political editor Robert Peston, would receive considerably more.
Celebrities who appear on Pointless are paid by the show’s production company, Endemol, which was unavailable for comment yesterday. The BBC source said: ‘Pointless is made by Endemol. Anything they do pay is significantly less than £10,000.’
In Dallas, high temperatures in the low-60s on Saturday will be replaced by mid-20s on Sunday and dipping even further on Monday, close to a whopping 40-45 degrees below the historical average for the middle of January. The mercury could dip into the single digits at night, challenging long-standing record lows.
A short drive to the north and west will reveal even lower forecast temperatures, as subzero readings could get as far south as Amarillo, Texas, and the Oklahoma City area. The entire region, all the way to the Gulf Coast around Houston, can experience AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures slipping below zero, meaning frostbite can occur in even a short amount of time spent outdoors.
While the temperatures and the AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures will get shockingly low at times, the duration of the subfreezing temperatures is most concerning.
“Temperatures are forecast to stay below freezing in parts of northern Texas for 84 hours or more,” said Lundberg. “This will stress the power grid because of a spike in heating needs.”
It will take the area until Wednesday for the mercury to go back above freezing in Dallas and many other parts of the Southern Plains states.
Texans have become acutely aware of how the state’s power grid can struggle in extreme temperature events. The severe and prolonged nature of the upcoming cold wave has AccuWeather meteorologists comparing this event to others in recent years.
private message
bombs of peace.
collateral damage.
‘Surgical strikes’ and ‘precision bombing’ imply sanitized perfection, and exactitude is what a more discerning public has come to expect from their militaries. When mistakes do come to light, there is hell to pay, at least as far as fickle public opinion can make it so.
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
First, three in a row, I think. Hurrah, hurrah, I need a gold medal to celebrate, or at least a cup of tea.
I have had time to think what if Mr Bates and the Post Office had been made by the BBC.
The problems with Horizon would have been due to climate change; Mr Bates would have been Afro-Caribbean, the auditor who was providing support would have been accompanied by her wife and at least one of the sub postmasters would have been trans.
As it was ITV let the story speak for itself. The actress who played Jo, spoke like her as did Toby Jones playing Mr Bates. There was an Asian couple but many sub postmasters are. The auditor in real life was one who appeared to prefer trousers to dresses. All credit to ITV, they just told the story and didn’t follow a woke agenda.
Hold on just one minute Debs. Can you assure us all that you are in no way related to Fedup2?
Maybe yes and maybe no. Don’t we all have 7 degrees of separation?
7 degrees of separation from Brad Pitt or Richard Gere !? Bring it on !!
Gold medal?
Now at $2048 a troy ounce you have to be joking…………..
Well done girl !
Thank you, I think I am recovering from the stress!
Debs, I don’t know how to break this to you: taffman spoiled your three in a row by getting first place on Start the Week 7th/8th January. 🙁
Tears emoji from Snuffy. You will have to have a go for three-in-a-row with Start the Week on 14th/15th January. We are willing you on! Go girl !!!
Do not despair !
Remember, that “the second mouse gets the cheese”.
taffman, 🙂
I am devastated! I think I will have to crawl in a corner and cry. I think as a female I am allowed to do girlie things, like crying. I am going to be defined by my sex. 😀
Back in the day all the fuss was about ‘Cathy Come Home’ (c) bBC.
Nowadays we have reaped what we have sown and perhaps we should spare a though for ‘Poor Little Alfie Who Art In Heaven’ (c) biased bBC:
Statistically the most dangerous environment to raise a child is one where the biological father is absent. See the book Broken Homes and Battered Children.
God ….
tut tut blasphemy Fed. I am watching myself for breaking that commandment.
Say your hail Marys for that one
We have new a World where family means fuck all. It’s now all about “me” so any prodigy are just a nuisance and disposable.
Welcome to our new civilisation 2024 and onwards….
Time for a massive reset via a huge asteroid hitting earth and wiping out what we laughingly call mankind!
digg, that isn’t going to happen. God happens to love human life, unlike a certain BBCite that I can think of. There will be wars and rumours of wars and earthquakes in diverse places. But there will be a human remnant to be saved by God’s return to earth.
Maybe Fed is a ‘Sky Pilot’*, as well as an airline pilot**
*The important military one not the other sort!
**Brissles, we’re both on the case now…;0)
Thoughtful – after watching that story it was the only response I could think of ….
… but anyway … having seen a deeply unpleasant ‘post office investigator ‘ being fried at the post office inquiry during the week – I wondered whether the future of private investigations and prosecutions might be ‘questioned ‘…?
I’d hope it will have an adverse effect on TV licencing – particularly if their ‘inquiries ‘ are motivated by money – with the consequences ….
The lack of a father figure is blamed for the exceptionally disproportionate number of stabbings by a certain group.
Nobody ever takes that further and asks why the males in that group behave that way. Because the answer might infer something genetic. Like that racist gene which makes certain people more likely to be violent and stab other people.
A bunch of out of control Islamist launch a vicious attack on neutral ships. Already we are seeing prominent figures in the US and the UK asking if it was proportional to hit back.
Get real you c words ( Digg – edited – but understandable – Fedup )
What a bunch of w—-k-r/s we have in the West now. ( sorry – edited – Fedup )
Just blast the bastards they just want Islamic control at all costs.
Wake up the West and get it done or you will be handing control to the lunatics in the Middle East.
Digg – personally – wouid anyone miss Yemen if it wasn’t there any more …?
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen ? No, you’re probably right Fed.
Fed, since you ask, I remember from childhood (age up to 10 or 11) hearing on BBC Radio News how there was trouble for British Forces in Aden. Al Qaeda created their first terrorist attack in Aden in December 1992. Later a bombing of the US destroyer USS Cole occurred in October 2000 but please note a citation is needed for that in Wiki.
It just gets even more unbelievably worse:
The Post Office has claimed a £934m tax deduction for its compensation payments to the victims of the Post Office scandal. That’s outrageous – and also unlawful. The consequence is that the Post Office has underpaid its corporation tax by over £100m over the last five years, and may no longer be solvent.
We understand that HMRC are actively pursuing this point – and it’s just one of five major Horizon scandal matters where the Post Office has, we believe, materially underpaid its tax. The Post Office failed to declare these issues in its accounts until this year, when it included an obscure reference which failed to adequately disclose the point.
HMRC…just another part of the utterly corrupt ‘Establishment’. “…actively pursuing…” otherwise understood to be ‘having a laugh’ until someone, (anyone?) puts a bit of a squeeze on. So that’ll be in another 10 years …
OK BBC lets have the full spill and analysis about the new Suez crisis.
What’s China doing about their exports, what’s Germany ( Hapag Lloyd ) , Denmark ( Maersk ) , France ( CMA- CMG) , Japan ( Evergreen ) et al doing about their multi million pound shipping companies , or Dubai that now owns Ferrymasters .?
Why Britain , the US , Canada, Australia and Bahrain?
It’s simply an attack on the West and needs a massive retaliation or the West is lost.
I wonder how much “aid” is going to these rogue nations via the international do-gooders such as UNICEF thus empowering their anti-west agenda.
… you have to wait for enough of the key WEF members to decide what action, if any should be taken. After all, a good bit of war pushes up prices …
TOADY Watch #1 – I seem to recall Amol or Simon saying something about the Houthis …..
… attacking a Russian ship on TOADY this morning. If that is accurate, that is a bit of an ‘Oooops!’ moment as Russia were on the side of the Houthis. Maybe no more?
After hearing out South Africa and Israel on genocide, what a fair-minded court would do
Just been reading what a complete farce this ‘trial’ actually is. No substance, just empathy and emotion.
Even the BBC realise they won’t get with giving it the usual 100% agenda treatment:
South Africa’s genocide case against Israel: Both sides play heavy on emotion in ICJ hearing
It’s EXACTLY like the Jan 06 100% empathy farce the Democrats ran – but in that case, nobody was allowed to stand up to say what a complete disgrace it was like Israel can here. Though of course that one DID get full BBC support.
I am wondering just how deep the rot is in the UN now. Clearly the case should be kicked out in short order. But having seen what the Democrats got away with, I will be very surprised if they simply reject it.
My prediction is some kind of ‘not-guilty but guilty’ nonsense where Israel are admonished as if they are guilty without actually being found guilty.
The BBC ask why are the west attacking the Houthi’s….
Because the Houthis are attacking neutral shipping in International waters and killing innocent people to attack the West you cunts…
Don’t suppose that’s a reasonable explanation to you but there explained it to you!
How simple does it have to get before you understand?
Let me know if you want any more information!
It’s because these reports are being written by people like this digg:
Who wouldn’t know what an AK47 was if they tripped over one.
They have no clue about the real world. They see evil white males and poor, innocent Muslims who have nothing. They sit at their desks with their coffee and virtue-signal with each other. Because they are what the BBC (and most of the MSM) actually are now.
How I wish they could be sent to live with these people they defend and learn a bit about real life outside Londonistan. I can just imagine them in a terrorist camp asking someone where the nearest starbucks is.
Mummy and daddy must be so proud …
Getting rather obvious why they are flying in fresh new ones.
Affecting the Chinese probably more than any other country. Why is the chinese navy not joining in and showing off their weaponry? Two reasons probably. Too far for their warships which don’t have capacity for distance. Hand in glove now with Iranian ‘mates’.
Just imagine what a huge story the BBC would make of that if it suited their agenda.
But it doesn’t. So they lie by omission once again. And continue to give the man behind it 100% backing.
THOSE are the ethics of the monstrous Leftist hypocrites. They only care about anyone when it suits their agenda.
Just imagine a BBC reporter murdered eh?
Ed Davey says he was lied to. The Post Office lied to Postmasters, they lied to Courts, they lied to…………………..
Ed Davey seems to know a lot about lies.
My point about Ed Davey is that of course he shouldn’t resign
.. ministers don’t know the truth about things, cos they are victims of their Sir Humphreys.
However the issue is Davey’s massive hypocrisy, that he calls for everyone else to resign in similar circumstances.
Stew I didn’t think you are so soft –
1 davey rants about demanding resignations for far less than the consequences of his failure here
2 he was a minister – he had personal staff – SPADS – if he chose good Spads they’d have spotted the issue to protect him . He didn’t . Failure
3 he has no honour – but then – he is a politician
4 Lib Dem’s dream of power – when they get it – failure
5 the consequences of the failure here is so grave as to demand his head ….
I could easily come up with more . ..
Yes you shouldn’t vote for Davey cos he’s an utter utter hypocrite
He maybe chose his SPADS
but see how in drama Malcolm Tucker drives the ministers.
(The SPAD in The Thick Of It based on Alastair Campbell)
I left off the one where some law firm which worked for the post office paid him £850 an hour … it’s okay – he declared it ….morality indeed £
… you have to wait for enough of the key WEF members to decide what action, if any should be taken. After all, a good bit of war pushes up prices …
Mad Al a Spad?
I thought he was Head of BBC Corraling?
And never stopped.
Andrew Peirce column in the Mail today lays out the relationship between Eddie davey -working for the law firm which was employed by the Post Office – and the same law firm which employed eddies’ brother as a partner … British corruption at its’ best …
He has brought to light a clear and pervasive fact of politico-media life, and that is with greater power comes great remuneration, and zero accountability.
Why are these people accorded anything but the dismissal for the jokes they are?
… needs another petition
Tomo – thank you for the post – if you are looking for an entertaining read – have a look at the short ‘spiked’ piece about Eddie davey – who I suppose. – will be recommending himself for a peerage as his ass is kicked out of their commons within a year ….
Of all people who deserved his comeuppance- it is / was Davey – it’s so bad he couldn’t show his face at PMQs this week – no standing up and demanding a resignation – eh Eddie – no cards or flowers please ….
Ed Davey visited my area when he was DECC minister.
His adoption of the eco catechism was, like his predecessor Huhne – sprinkled with aggressive zealotry and iirc an assortment of invocations to do down “the deniers” and laced with flat out lies about the efficacy of renewables – presented as articles of faith. His ignorance was only exceeded by his hatey rhetoric
Ok – a bit of charity – up to now one might say that Davey is a good politician – greedy- hypocrite – self serving – knows where the money is ( green crap ) – ticks all the boxes … cares about the country ? No . Constituents ? No … should go far …
Strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen show war in Gaza has already spread
More madcap, pro-terrorist nonsense from the BBC’s resident white Muslim anti-semetic.
‘The US and British attacks on the Houthis in Yemen are not just, as ministers in London have suggested, about the freedom of navigation and world trade.’
According to who Jeremy ?. Any actual evidence ?. Nope : it’s purely your opinion. What is it doing in a BBC news report ?.
‘I have spent quite a bit of time with the Houthis in Yemen …’,
Of course you have Jeremy. It’s the only part of this report which rings true.
‘But the threat the Houthis pose is less about the physical damage they might cause and more about the danger to international navigation.’
But I though you just told us it wasn’t ?.
‘I don’t think one single round of air strikes is going to do more than make them think yes, we are on the right track.’
We don’t care one bit what YOU think Jeremy. You support terrorists. You are the ultimate narcissist : everything has to be about you.
‘Some critics of the American and British support for Israel say that an immediate ceasefire in Gaza would be a much better way to stop the Houthi attacks than bombing them. ‘
Which critics would that be Jeremy ?. All the Muslims and you ?. Should that be the case every time the Islamists try to murder people : just do what they say ?.
‘Compared to the force the US and UK can wield there is no comparison, but that isn’t the point in this kind of warfare.’
Yes it is Jeremy. We wipe them out as the terrorists they are. Worked greate with ISIS didn’t it ?. How active do you think Hamas will be when this is over ?.
It’s time the BBC put this mad-cow out to pasture. His clear support for terrorism is an embarassment to an already disgraced BBC in this war.
Nice casual bias from the amol one – introducing the new French enemy PM – “can he stop the drift to the Far Right “ sez amol – then repeated by the lefty bbc droid … thereby making the assumption that being of the Right is just bad . Screw democracy – you are not allowed to be Right – you are not approved …
The queer pm apparently is bringing new policies – such as free dinghies for the third world wanting a hotel room in England ….
Helen and Simpo know they are the only ones who know.
Hear hear @JohnSimpsonNews Afraid perceptions of bias – one way or another – are harder to dismiss. Especially thanks to social media these days, where people say anything they want and believe to be true about the BBC (even if patently untrue!) 🙄
Because they say it is, it is. Apparently. Darn ordinary folk being free again to post on Twitter.
Considering the Iranians started the war in Gaza
the war hasn’t spread that much if it now includes other Iranian proxies like a few Houthi bases
Iran had power cos of its vast exports from its wind farms /sarc
BTW America DOESN’T intervene in Gaza, cos that is a local dispute.
America DOES intervene against Houthis cos when Houthis attack American shipping that is an American issue.
John I thought I would get in touch with either Owen Jones
or Ash Sarkar at Novara media to find out about when
the first march in support of the Houthis was going to
take place in London. I wanted to carry one of their
banners in Arabic with ” Death to Israel, death to the USA ,
death to the UK, death to the Jews etc on it.
But maybe if I get in touch with Jeremy Bowen. Or the
Londonistan Programme on BBC TV . They could help me.
The last sentence from al Beeb’s Jeremy Bowin’-to-the-usual-suspects “ More retaliation from the US and its allies is certain if the Houthis do not do as they are told.
What do you mean, Jeremy ? You mean like “…if the Houthis keep targetting peaceful commercial ships sailing in International waters ?”
Right – so you won’t have any problems with the annihilation of any boats illegally crossing the Channel, ‘cos they are the ‘wrong’ nationality then, you stupid, hypocritical, pr*ck. ?
Dr. Shola busy on Vile?
‘The Houthis are trying to stop a genocide.’
Stop the War’s Dr John Rees tells
@TomSwarbrick1 that ‘if people were as concerned about the loss of life as they are about trade, then perhaps we’d be further in this debate.’
Tom realise his career is over?
The name is Stop Selected Wars (Corbyn Front Group)
Stompie Jez still in The Hague stocking up on radials and two star with his new best buds?
BBC getting off on the ‘Africa cup ‘ – but not asking why white people are very un represented …
Especially cricket captains who happen to be…
Here’s Blazer Boy Ros… asking questions.
Is Trump a threat to democracy?
Classic bbc #questionasaheadline propaganda subbing.
Investigatory Powers Act (the snoopers charter)
The phrase living through the dog days is properly applied to the high summer – however, it can also refer to: a period of stagnation or inactivity (thank you, Merriam-Webster)
The left-leaning, youth-orientated (but I repeat myself) half-a-quid a pop ‘i’ newspaper (Get i digital for a whole year – for only 50p a week) channels that dog days of January lethargy: How to live happily without much effort
In maritime terminology the dog watch meant that period of duty during the wee small hours of the morning.
Approaching the dog end of an over-a-decade long period of Tory-led administration, in news terms, of course there’s a literal understanding – the dog days flavour represented by nothing so clearly as our most recent dangerous dogs act: New safeguards on dangerous dogs to be introduced in Scotland ‘Public safety paramount’ (North Edinburgh News) – we note a reversal there – England for once playing the test bed for policy experimentation and Scotland playing catch up, come to heel and fetch boy.
The mildly conservative Telegraph sits firmly on the fence on many issues and taking a leaf from the BBC editorial playbook simply asks the question: Pampered pooches Should hotels ban four-legged guests? – how about we let the market decide?
Obviously we can’t leave everything up to the market – there need to be certain state-adminstered safety nets in place…
Malnourished dog left tied up in the cold rescued… The skinny Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross is now being cared by Sunnyside Kennels (BBC, photo credit: West Midlands Police)
Attitudes may vary – generationally and culturally: Being squeamish about eating dogs is a very Gen Z response… At first glance South Korea’s ban seems like a sensible idea, until you realise the only difference between that and beef is sentimentality (William Sitwell, Telegraph comment) – does the idea of doggie fritters sit well with you? If not you’ve just noticed that you’ve still got some residual cultural difference at play
Some claim the cultural change thing is due to grass roots developments – Mr AsI tends to differ – culture in fact tends to be altered from the top down, in his opinion. Media is a powerful tool for our elites: Alison all set to get legend Paul’s TV job… Leading lady Alison Hammond is in line to host For The Love Of Dogs (Daily Mirror) – our Alison is of course what can be termed in some quarters these days a diversity hire
Leading lady, now there we see a very tabloid pun on dog leads
When serious broadsheets are referencing females there’s a very different form applied – here we note the FT using the proper approved top-down formula: Actor Emma Stone Her penchant for curious roles – note actor not actress – we plebs haven’t universally caught onto that phrasing yet
Also in the news are matters non-canine including: Cameron played key role in UK bombing Yemen rebels (‘i’) – and I think Mr AsI has the transcript here of that key telephone call in Lord Dave’s key role:
“Yes, Mr President, of course we will, Mr President! No Mr President, I’m not Swishy Rahman, I’m Dave Cameron. Rishy handed me the phone because you thought you were speaking to New Dehli. No, he’s still in London standing next to me. We’ll get onto it right away! Anything you say, Sir!”
Sadly, the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror splashes with the screamer: High Price of Conflict – but delivers for us that most rare thing – a Mirror frontpage without a single reference to anything being the fault of the shameless Tories – a clear signal that our prospective impending PM Sir Keir would give us not a jot of alternative policy choice on this one.
Michael Jackson’s Earth Song repeatedly echoed the lyric “What about us?”
Post Office risks £100mn bill after tax relief claim on compensation… Potential insolvency threat… Payouts normally non-deductable… Company in HMRC talks (FT) – what about us? Post Office-wise, we just want to buy a first class stamp at a reasonable price and not have queue at the counter for half-an-hour.
Dog days indeed
One of the many tragedies about the post office horror is that it is owned by the British state . If only it was a private company – it could be killed – but instead we tax payers will pick up the tab – not a lot of cash in current days – a billion here – a billion there …
but nationalisation is the magic solution to rail, water electricity and gas markets.
mad lefty thinking
Just a small correction; dog watches (First Dog and Last Dog) are 4.00pm to 6.00pm, and 6.00pm to 8.00pm and are designed to split watch rotas (7 watches in a day instead of 6 four-hour watches so crew doing one-on, one-off don’t end up doing same every day.
Alleged called dog watches because they are “cur-tailed”
9am R4 “coming up we have Britains First Black ballerina .. she’s a victim, she’s a victim”
Watching the Maverick of Wall Streets video this morning I am struck by the cynical way the elites play the people, with dangerous games simply for their own political advantage.
We have the situation in Yemen with the Houthis and the lie which is sold to us is that it is necessary to attack them because of the danger they pose to shipping. Why now? They been at this for weeks, and the navy have been shooting down their drones missiles and helicopters.
The answer is that it’s an election year and the cost of shipping has gone through the roof which is going to have a knock on effect on inflation, undesireable in an election year because it means that interest rates can’t fall and people are stuck with high mortgage / loan repayments.
But the lame brains failed to think through the consequences of their actions – and that is a constant hallmark of the far Left, never being able to see that A leads to B, everything is viewed in isolation and when it goes wrong it’s always someone elses fault.
So now we have Iran which seized an oil tanker a few days ago adding to its collection. It’s an odd thing as the tanker was bound for Turkey but was US flagged, never the less oil prices are rising which is going to have an effect on inflation which is the opposite effect to what the elites wanted.
On top of that the US West is facing bitter cold all the way down to Texas again forcing natural gas prices much higher – and of course a knock on effect on inflation.
“ the lie which is sold to us is that it is necessary to attack them because of the danger they pose to shipping. ”
Now, what is truth, and what is lie?
Maybe BBC Verify can get JezBo in?
Where is the evidence that they actually did hit any missile sites though? They killed just 5 Houthis and as I said in an earlier post they were probably all hiding in rat holes like the Hamas lot, and the West did give them plenty of warning they were coming.
Send in to Yemen Lt Col Colin (Mad Mitch) Mitchell?
That John Simpson thread is lefty lalaland
The thread is full of people asserting that the BBC is a Tory mouthpiece
– that the BBC is pro Israel
– That the BBC has done nothing on the Post Office crisis and it was just Private Eye in 2011
when in fact the Private Eye item was written by a BBC staffer and he quickly got his stuff on the BBC in 2011
and later extensive podcasts and Panoramas since
BUT that in fact he was late cos people knew about the faulty system in 1999 and malicious prosecutions started in 2000
so the entire media were late, cos afraid of PO lawyers
With the first reporting being in 2008 Daily Mail article and 2009 more extensive Computer Weekly article.
Don’t know why the pompous oaf is allowed these outings.
They serve the bbc no good from any perspective.
When all else fails, LBC gets in UN Chris.
Rather funny they are getting in Carol to disrupt ‘the government’ just at the moment it becomes Labour.
So much for “Stop the boats”. Have there been more illegal landings on our coast today ? The only thing stopping them is the weather .
Warning ! We are now facing the dangers of a ‘Trojan Horse’ within our country, despite the warnings we have had from those demos in London . Anything on Al Beeb?
I thought that I should explain the set-up regarding bbc military affiliations :-
US of A v. Russia. Americans are the good guys because the Russians are mainly white & Christian, therefore bad.
This fixture is being played on the neutral ground of Ukraine.
US of A v. Yemen. Americans are the bad guys because the Houthi are muslim and they are always top trumps.
To see what the Houthi look like, stand on the beach at Dover in a week or two.
US of A. involvement in Israel / Gaza. No-score draw; the Israelis are untouchable but the palestinians are muslim. They also have more terrorists who hate the west so they may have the edge.
P.S. Mr Sunak – Please don’t give my money to Ukranian crooks; it could be put to good use nearer to home.
That £2.5Bn. story was off the front page before the ink was dry.
Sunak is being forced to give money to Ukraine by his US puppet master. Rishi Washee is an empty vessel with no thoughts or policies of his own, and utterly clueless.
Biden cannot send money to Ukraine unless he deals with the open Southern border so he orders his vassal states to do so on his behalf until he can get past the road block in America.
You can expect more money to be sent there, only to be laundered through banks in Cyprus back to the political elites in the West.
Ye Gods Dickie, I clicked on that! Please issue a warning before doing it again.
“Caution may contain images of gurning idiots”.
As an antidote I urge contributers to search for “Anna Chapman”. She’s a reporter for R_T now and is possibly the most attractive woman alive. Her maiden name was something like “Sputnik-Vlavivostok” .
Her wikipedia page is very interesting. Not sordid, just politically colourful.
The choice of photos in articles is entirely impartial, a BBC friend tells me .
So Daily Skeptic impartially selected a pic of Marianna gurning.
FooC :
– Japan new buildings do well in earthquakes
– Justin Webb on Iowa primaries
– Rebecca Root reports from a clinic on the Thailand-Myanmar border trying to treat Myanmar’s sick and wounded.
– The tiny Caribbean island of Barbuda : new resort
– Sam Bradpiece explains why Guinea Bissau’s government has moved to protect vultures
Gotta hand it to our justin – the democrats dont even bother with IOWA – and does his best pretend that the US election isnt fixed again. He even mentions that president trump is the republican candidate – not that that matters of course
Ay up, I thought… subbing…
Anhoo, in the spirit of reading on a few sentences resonated…
Before October 7, there were no correspondents – foreigners – as reporters in Gaza by the definition above. What there was were locals, stringers, and freelancers. This has not changed much since then, either.
Now, it’s possible to be lenient about this, but the end result is the same.
And there seem to be more ‘journalists’ in Gaza than anyone.
Where exactly does JezBo get his scoops from?
‘And there seem to be more ‘journalists’ in Gaza than anyone.’
lol, that’s because the Leftist MSM love what they have to say about the Jews. Of course every single one of these reporters is an anti-semetic Muslim who grew up in Gaza and will not report anything bad about Hamas because they either support them or know they will be killed if they do (mostly the former).
There are no impartial white journalists reporting because their life expectancy would be about 5 minutes. And going by the BBC videos, they are all complete cowards anyway.
None of which is explained to us by our disgraceful media such as the BBC who present what their Gazan Muslim employees say as the full facts.
I would hazard a guess that the “journalists” reporting from Gaza are actually day tripping from a plush resort somewhere safe. In between sipping their favourite tipple on expenses thinking up the next bit of “unbiased” reporting.
I write with some experience of this. Whilst working in Indonesia certain three letter acronym broadcasters seemed to spend more time in the hotel club lounge than on the streets.
I would bet that the BBC’s intrepid duo, Jeremy Bowen and Frank Gardner, would have a better-than-the-average-correspondant’s chance of survival whilst reporting from Gaza.
I just can’t put my finger on why I would think that !
When I wish to locate the source of the BBC ‘s standpoint a quick look at the Trot’s SW paper is helpful
‘US and British strikes on Yemen open door to more imperialist slaughter in Middle East’
I love it when these people show their true colours. It means we can despise them with valid reasons. They show us what the BBC WANT to say but can’t.
As political jousting makes media richer than Croeusus… from Forbes;
Homeschooling in the U.S. is booming—for a variety of reasons. Chief among them are dissatisfaction with public schools that spiked during the Covid-19 pandemic and $5 billion a year (and growing) of state stipends for families opting for public school alternatives.
US of course, but then they do all have lovely teeth.
Just happy we got ours through a great independent before that bob cut idiot has to fight all the other bob cut idiots for the money to blow on promised fantasy plans.
I have to say – I didn’t think Tusk would do it …. but hey, – there it is…
Is that the sound of crashing gears?
surely not
Yemmy demo outside Parliament.
Khan’s peeps must’ve given them a permit
I’ve just arrived here and seen your posting. I had intended to comment that a mastermind strategist is at work preparing the World for another anti ‘Crusader’ Jihad. The West has fallen into a big trap. Problem is, all the islamists are all on our soil before it really gets going. That’s convenient for another Northern Ireland style outbreak. Broadly all starting since Bush and Bliar blundered into islam valuing lies and ego above all else. Personally, I’d start by offering up Bush and Bliar as an appeasement to do as islam wishes with them. Serve the bastards up on a plate. In fact, we should offer to deliver them.
Btw, I love the slant on Big Ben, just about to topple and sums up this country and the way its viewed now.
More enrichment on our streets as Houthi supporters join Hamas supporters to cause more havoc in London. Joined by the leftist useful idiots who can be counted on to support any enemies of the West.
The police look on while the BBC cheers on.
I am not a lawyer. Or a historian. Or politician.
However I do take an interest in a variety of things all around the above in current affairs, especially trying to assess context, now the media can no longer be trusted to get near objectivity.
So I have a rummage on occasion when curiosity is piqued. And it has been as Corbyn et al descend on The Hague to play with Africans around definitions. Especially one; genocide.
In so doing I have learned a few things I did not know, had confirmed a few things I suspected and find myself mostly still unimpressed by how the public are served by anyone in the establishment.
I did not know it is a relatively new term. Coined post WW2, if retroactively applied.
I had half suspected it was also terribly vague, and hence could be twisted into whatever it need to be by anyone. And clearly has been. Also it is seemingly ever evolvable, and combined with the latter has also been, to the point I consider it all but meaningless now.
It once belonged to victors but in the new worlds disorder appears to have been embraced and hijacked by the victim mentality brigade. Especially around what constitutes a ‘member’, ‘community’ or ‘group’, from MPs through lads outside schools in Batley to Little Mixture.
I surfed a bunch of dictionary definitions to arrive at this, and then encyclopaedias. From them I suspect most in politics, media and activism stop at dictionaries. Lawyers continue to just go for money, but activism is also lucrative and looks good on the CV.
Brittanica struck a chord:
“most common objections are that such intent can be difficult to establish and that the attempt to assign such intent to individuals makes little sense in modern societies, where violence can result as much from anonymous social and economic forces as from individual choices.”
It goes on in complement:
“The debates between supporters and opponents of the genocide convention have important policy implications, which can be seen in the discussion of the connection between war crimes and genocide. The two concepts differ principally in how the targeted group is defined and identified.”
Given current efforts in The Hague, I also note also the principle of Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? is skipped with oversight bodies, given the dominant players there are South African ANC types, Corbyn, etc. Plus, rampant cherry picking. By everyone.
So, back to opinion.
I do not feel what happened to the Jews at Masada to be attempted genocide, though in passing the opening line of an historical reference is notable for other places of debate.
The siege of Masada was one of the final events in the First Jewish–Roman War, occurring from 72 to 73 CE on and around a hilltop in present-day Israel.
That was a war that resulted in a siege that resulted in all inside getting dead; men, women and children. By their own hand if defying an outside superior force that needed to deal with them.
What happened during WW2 was different. The Nazis were gunning for Jews everywhere. And not disposing of them much in armed conflict collateral ways. And then tried to cover it up.
Flitting between that and Hamas Oct 6, Hamas post Oct 7, Israel ditto and now Houthies… mind bending.
And then I came across another genocidal specification definition in the mix tied to the above.. ‘region’. Very Eurovision.
What makes a location of genocide becoming geographically based… folk in it, even if others exist outside? Faith, ditto? Punitive excess based on military justifications given siege occupant mentality? Skin colour? Bad songs in spandex?
Hutsi, and Tutsi. Syrians and Kurds. In a uniform free world now, where community leaders become governments and regions become armed camps centred around hospitals with useful idiots inside, who tells who or what is what?
‘Palestine’ was/is a disputed construct. What is mostly accepted is that whatever it is it was and is it is inhabited/occupied by brown semites of varying faiths. Sky fairy territory.
In my limited self educating summary above, I therefore can’t see Gaza as a genocide any more than Masada was.
The statements and celebrated actions of those of a surrounded Israel, and supporting Hamas, come across as much more akin to the fortunately failed and ultimately attempted covered up ambitions and actions of the Nazis.
Gaza is simply another tribal banner spat no different to Rangers vs. Celtic, only with nastier leaderships and worse tools, egged on by venal media and inept political leadership voids everywhere, same as it ever was. Fueled ultimately by an oil addiction that JSO is not going to solve either, as it has made the world what it is today. And pretending otherwise is the conceit of the equally insane currently pretending to be in charge.
So frankly IMHO Corbyn, Humzah, Warsi, Labour’s Muslim benches, BBC and Sky Islamists and too many street attracted howling antisemites in London should rediscover what made the UK great… rather than looking thousands of miles away trying to screw here up to the same level as the places they adore so much, such that they bailed from them and would never return to unless on holiday somewhere in the vicinity safer.
Have a watch of Judge Andrew Napolitano, as a former senior judge he has a deal of legal insight, and you will be able to see some of the evidence which is presented to support the case (and there’s a lot of it).
There is a strong case Israel has to answer it runs to 83 pages of evidence highly detailed.
Maybe you aren’t aware of what has been going on in Gaza, but I can tell you it isn’t pretty and the evidence is strong.
There are I think 15 judges, 13 permanent one from South Africa, and one from Israel (who happens to hate Netanyahu).
I have been trying to tell you war crimes are being committed, and that this is catagorically NOT Israel, it is Netanyahu, and that if he were removed then some modicum of peace might be restored, but that is not in the interest of the corrupt monied classes in the USA.
War crimes get committed in war. Some premeditated, some by accident, some by changed rules. Nothing in war is pretty. The tricky part is separating the consequences of conducting it properly on a military basis and what is needed to conclude things with minimal loss of innocent life. Hard to do if one side hates the other more than it loves its own.
I gather you do not like Netanyahu, along with a few other entities you often decry here.
Fine. And if he committed something beyond the pale justice will catch up with him. But again you appear to have access and allude to information I am as yet not privy to, so this I will await.
Not too interested in a former anything as wheeled out by media constantly, and usually only if their opinion suits. Including judges. But we’ll see.
As will the case against Israel, if proven, and preferably judged not by someone who hates the chief, indeed sole defendant in your mind. And if peace reigns if Netanyahu is removed, fine.
But if by ‘modicum’ there is ever a return to the events of Oct 6, that might satisfy some, but were they my family, I would not feel it was any peace at all.
Whatever transpires, as you do not mention it, can we agree ‘genocide’ and war crimes are too easily blurred and the former is deployed too easily now.
As well as almost being used almost exclusively in one direction by those far removed, despite the words and actions of those they appear to side with no matter what. Judges included.
With war crimes effectively not considered at all for them.
From my perspective I have the following train of thought re the genocide accusations that groups are trying to level at Israel.
If you go back to the 1940’s and 50’s the aftermath of the obscene persecution of Jews in Europe resulted in universal agreement that they had suffered massively and the West moved to try to put things as right as possible for the Jewish peoples.
In a way, this put a cordon of protection around anything Jewish which acted to provide a buffer against Jew-hating groups including some notable ones on the left in the UK and the rest of Europe.
The most effective way to break this ring of protection would be to have the World “convict” the Jewish nation as a whole of acting themselves in the same way or worse than their antagonists of years ago, thus smashing their historical depiction as the oppressed.
That way it would become possible for vehemently anti-Jew factions to legitimately attack and rail against them having nullified their previously historical oppressed status.
I am pretty sure that even though the pressure is depicted as coming from South African groups it is being orchestrated by hidden haters of Jews throughout the western world.
Does anyone else have the impression that it is a little odd that a “European” Court has become so rapidly involved in what to me is surely a Middle-Eastern situation in an ongoing war?
I am pretty confident that certain “Friends of Palestinians” right here in the UK will be more than happy to see a guilty verdict from the ECJ courts.
How long before The BBC numbers groupies get excited?
I could care less. London is no longer the UK.
And whoever is on the streets is a fraction of the adult voting public.
All the rest is theatre.
The concern is when the secret ballots are counted, a person gets in who is not noted for sticking to what is right for long, especially in face of pressure from those who do not play fair and know every dodge in the book to see democracy used one last time to cancel it out.
Border Farce at work again ?
Baldrick has a cunning plan
Psalm 2:1
Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand,
and the rulers conspire together
against the Lord and his Anointed One:
“Let’s tear off their chains
and throw their ropes off of us.”
The one enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord ridicules them.
Then he speaks to them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath:
I saw ‘Peace’ at the start. When was that?
So, Prof Sachs, in awe of the UN.
I read his bio. He got a forward by Bono.
I persevered. As SA is ‘entitled’ to indulge in lawfare.
Ignoring the reality of urban warfare with a foe who has no intention of fighting as has been before.
I have stopped at 5′ as he does not come across as an impartial guest.
But the reality is that the vast majority of people commenting are saying thank you for being impartial. Consider the possibility Guest that the bias lies not in him but in yourself.
Reality is you shared it love.
Likely from somewhere you feel comfortable. Where people thank people for being impartial. Not something one sees often where not needed.
I offered the courtesy of starting to view something that started bad and got worse.
Consider that possibility next time you roam a bbc HYS.
Give them what they want.
Excellent news, thank you for sharing. You seem to be the only mainstream British journalist, doing their job properly.
Professor Sachs does not appear to know his Scriptures. In the King James Version of the Bible Ahimelech only appears in 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles and there is a solitary reference in Psalm 52.
Search for ‘Ahimelech’ here:
Use the search facility on the KJV site at the top left.
Follow up to the above post, I have just checked the NIV Study Bible, there is no reference to Ahimelech in Joshua in either KJV or NIV but there is a reference in Mark’s Gospel to Ahimelech’s father; Abiathar the HIgh Priest, in Mark chapter 2 verse 26.
I would suggest that posters on here treat the Judge Napolitano interview with Professor Sachs with extreme caution. Sadly, it appears to be biased.
Bet Schapps got the hots for Marijuana Spring
Hardly a surprise.
Most definitely one:
I see the people who riotously condemned Israel for the loss of life in Gaza are now vibing with the Houthi, who have killed more than 8,000 Muslims. It’s almost like it’s not about moral superiority, it’s about a hatred of Jews and the West.
Seems a good fit for a bbc editor slot.
There are bbc morons. And then there are ex bbc LBC morons.
Carol ironing her keffiyehs?
‘Freedom of navigation… how about the freedom from bombing?!’
offers a revised message for Rishi Sunak in her frustration at his order of strikes on Yemen instead of calling for a de-escalation in Gaza.
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 5 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
Nimisha Priya: The Indian nurse from Kerala on death row in Yemen
5 December 2023
But as Yemen follows Sharia law, the court gave her one last option of escaping death – she can secure a pardon from the victim’s family by paying diyah or “blood money”.
When I asked the question as to why the Royal Taxi service brought Abedi to Britain I was told that he was an MI6 asset who was working to bring down Ghaddafi. Once Ghaddafi had been brought down (because Saudi was paying the elites) he should have served no further use but MI6 apparantly over ruled everyone in government and Abedi saw us as the enemy.
The one thing the Russian Marxists realised was that once a revolutionary nutter always a revolutionary nutter regardless of the cause.
Documents published by the inquiry into the Post Office scandal show the former Labour prime minister was warned in 1998 that there were concerns over the competency of Horizon. Sir Tony Blair was warned the Horizon IT system could be flawed before it was rolled out across the Post Office, a document shows.22 hours ago
Back to horses and carriages:
Not questioning BBC bias but their Saturday evening primetime schedule on BBC 1.
The Weakest Link (with celebrities) at 7.50 followed by Pointless Celebrities at 8.35. If two celebrity quiz shows back-to-back seems bad enough, it’s even worse when you realise David Seaman and his skater wife Frankie are contestants on both.
“Oh, the public, they won’t notice!”
“David Seaman and his skater wife Frankie” – £1000 per person per show! The BBC tv TAX Payer pays them well!
Revealed: How stars are paid thousands to appear on ‘charity’ editions of Pointless and other quiz shows
Format of Pointless means stars can take home more than what’s donated
Celebrities who lose are still given £500 towards charity of their choosing
This pales in comparison to thousands allegedly made in appearance fees
Stars appearing on Pointless paid by show’s production company Endemol
The jackpot starts at £2,500 and can go up if ‘pointless’ answers are given. However if the pair of finalists fail to win the jackpot, they are given just £500 for their charities.
A representative for former Olympic athlete Tessa Sanderson – who appeared on the show recently – confirmed that she was paid, but said it was ‘hundreds not thousands’. However it is thought that celebrities with a higher profile, such as recent guest ITV’s political editor Robert Peston, would receive considerably more.
Celebrities who appear on Pointless are paid by the show’s production company, Endemol, which was unavailable for comment yesterday. The BBC source said: ‘Pointless is made by Endemol. Anything they do pay is significantly less than £10,000.’
The sky is falling! the Earth is warming!
In Dallas, high temperatures in the low-60s on Saturday will be replaced by mid-20s on Sunday and dipping even further on Monday, close to a whopping 40-45 degrees below the historical average for the middle of January. The mercury could dip into the single digits at night, challenging long-standing record lows.
A short drive to the north and west will reveal even lower forecast temperatures, as subzero readings could get as far south as Amarillo, Texas, and the Oklahoma City area. The entire region, all the way to the Gulf Coast around Houston, can experience AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures slipping below zero, meaning frostbite can occur in even a short amount of time spent outdoors.
While the temperatures and the AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures will get shockingly low at times, the duration of the subfreezing temperatures is most concerning.
“Temperatures are forecast to stay below freezing in parts of northern Texas for 84 hours or more,” said Lundberg. “This will stress the power grid because of a spike in heating needs.”
It will take the area until Wednesday for the mercury to go back above freezing in Dallas and many other parts of the Southern Plains states.
Texans have become acutely aware of how the state’s power grid can struggle in extreme temperature events. The severe and prolonged nature of the upcoming cold wave has AccuWeather meteorologists comparing this event to others in recent years.
US delivers ‘private message’ to Iran after Yemen strikes
private message
bombs of peace.
collateral damage.
‘Surgical strikes’ and ‘precision bombing’ imply sanitized perfection, and exactitude is what a more discerning public has come to expect from their militaries. When mistakes do come to light, there is hell to pay, at least as far as fickle public opinion can make it so.