Tony Blair: ‘I express more sorrow, regret and apology than you can ever believe’
This article is more than 7 years old
Blair responds to Iraq war report – which says former PM disregarded warnings of risks as he built case for military action
Tony Blair has rejected the Chilcot inquiry’s criticisms of his decision to lead Britain to war in Iraq in 2003, but expressed “sorrow, regret and apology” for some mistakes he made in planning the conflict.
This government has to go because of its failure to defend our borders .
Even Lord Nelson could do it over two hundred years ago with rowing boats and sailing ships ..
We are defended by a woke Home Office, a ‘Fop’ Tory Government and Prime Minister .
What say you ancient Brits ?
With Milei’s decree deregulating the housing market, the supply of rental units in Buenos Aires has doubled – with prices falling by 20%.
Tonight’s episode of Casualty, BBC 1.
See if you can spot the bias, it’s very subtle.
The casualty staff are in danger of assault – something happened in a previous episode – so body-worn cameras and a policeman on the ward are going to be necessary.
Stroppy Black Paramedic Jacob complains about the presence of police officer Harry, an old friend of Charlie’s. “Not everybody feels safe with the po-leece,” he says.
“We don’t lounge around here,” the policeman gets told his job by Stroppy Irish Ward Sister for not dealing with aggressive White Working Class English Male patient.
On to the main plot of tonight’s episode. Asylum seekers at a nearby centre are accused of assaulting local girls. An ambulance is sent to aid one of the inmates.
Asylum seeker Habid Ali has a head injury, he’s been attacked in town. The asylum seekers aren’t supposed to go there – for their own safety. Stroppy Irish Ward Sister says a Habid Ali has been ‘red carded’ at the hospital for drunken violence.
Habid is removed from the asylum centre by ambulance (driven by Kindly Trans Paramedic – who goes by the gender neutral name Sah) which has to run the gauntlet of a mob of mostly white men.
Of course it turns out to be a different Habid Ali (as Harry Hill used to say “What are the chances, mm, mm?). Turns out this Habid is epileptic and Syrian. He “got separated” from his wife and children, who are in a refugee camp in Lebanon. He was innocently walking by a school playground – it reminded him of home – when he was attacked.
“People here are quick to judge but slow to listen.” Sympathetic music on the soundtrack.
White Female Asylum Centre Worker tells Habid he has to move again. She then tells Kindly Trans Paramedic she just wants to make a difference, and has to keep asylum seekers locked up to stop them from being attacked.
At the end, the policeman sympathises with Stroppy Irish Ward Sister, who feels guilty about the day’s events.
(A sympathetic white policeman – the vaunted BBC balance in action, see?)
There were a couple of other subplots, but that was the main one, I don’t think I’ve been unfair in my summary.
Goodness TC : how did you manage to sit through the full episode of that ?. You deserve a medal.
One thing for sure in anything at the BBC now TC, if blacks or asylim seekers are involved, they are always accused of something bad by racist whitey and it always turns out they didn’t do it.
Which immediately brings to mind the real world in this article:
Hartlepool: Man charged with murder by counter-terror police
All the BBC tell us in the remarkably short article considering the crime:
‘Terrence Carney was found seriously injured on Tees Street on Sunday morning and died at the scene.’
First they completely omit to tell us the man who did it – Ahmed Alid – was an asylum seeker.
Second they completely omit to tell us that Carney was a pensioner who just took money from an ATM. Alid waited for him to pass then stabbed him simply to get that money. No argument, no dispute, just stabbed a stranger in cold blood multiple times in the chest and neck.
The announcer said something about asylum seekers before Casualty began and I just started watching, maybe I’m a bit morbid.
Isn’t it taffman who sometimes posts here that the BBC don’t do comedy?
Well, they don’t do drama either. You can’t have drama when everything that happens in it is straight out of the BBC liberal playbook.
I was talking about this just the other day. 20 years ago, if a drama started with with the BBC logo you could be fairly certain it would be a quality program.
These days, if I see the BBC logo I instantly turn it off. It is 100% guaranteed to be woke nonsense written by children for idiots.
As soon as I heard what it was about I switched over. We had a racist patient last week so they are really laying it on with a trowel. It’s like rom-coms – you know what is going to happen from the first minute but at least rom-coms are entertaining.
By the way I don’t even have strong political views but it annoys me the way dramas constantly feed us the same propaganda.
Eric – I don’t do TV dramas ( although I’m currently rewatching I Claudius from 1973?( £5 box set charity shop – virtue signal )
Adopting the Goebells technique of building ‘ the message ‘ into every thing ranging from sport – drama – the weather – gets to be tedious and obvious I reckon – to even the thickest TV viewer …..
And as for ‘sport ‘ – I understand the Africa footy cup is on the BBC – I’m sure they all take the knee each game for their kind – right ? Or maybe even they see how ridiculous it is ….
Yeah, I know.
I hadn’t seen Doctor Who in years but I happened to see most of the regeneration episode (sorry, I mean “bi-generation” episode) before Christmas.
Even without the preaching it was bloody terrible. The ‘science’ bit of science fiction implies there ought to be cause and effect at work but they were just pulling story elements out of their arse.
I thought at the end, if there was any sense in the world the next episode would get zero viewers.
He’s also pushed away his main trading partner BRICS and China, attempted to move closed to the USA who have done absolutely nothing to assist him, and to save the economy from a catastrophy of his own making he’s had to move back closer to China and BRICS.
What on Earth was he thinking that Biden would make a good ally and trading partner?
‘Dystopian fiction can be vitally important. It can contain important warnings: raising alarms on social issues through extrapolating troubling trajectories. But in relentlessly imagining the future as already lost to dystopia in our fiction, it’s possible we risk giving up on it in reality too.’
Methinks the BBC are alarmed at how they are regularly touted as architects of a dystopian future and want to discredit it’ Like they do everything else they don’t agree with.
And – of course – the article misses out on the No.1 contender: 1984 which ‘centres on the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance and repressive regimentation of people and behaviours within society. ‘
Exactly what the BBC and the globalist Left want. Now the BBC want to ‘repress’ us talking about it.
‘But Joshua, who died in 2021 aged 57, was a fraud. The BBC’s investigation, involving more than 25 church insiders from the UK, Nigeria, Ghana, the US, South Africa and Germany, unpicks six ways in which he tricked worshippers.’
What a great shame you didn’t investigate while he was alive BBC. Perhaps you could have saved many people from being conned.
But you didn’t. You waited until he was dead so you can run your usual hit-piece and have no worries that the victim might expose what you wrote as lies.
Reading through that article, it’s very obvious that all the quotes have been ‘reworked’ by the BBC ‘team’ so they hit whatever nail is required right on the head. A trick they use a lot these days. Their excuse would be that ‘they capture the sentiment’.
The fact the quotes are always altered in favour of the BBC agenda just makes them cynical and deliberate lies.
‘We are not tackling the social issues that underpin knife crime.’
Activist Donna Murray-Turner tells Natasha Devon that cuts to youth and social services are the ‘genesis’ of the increase in knife crime.
Week after week all white panel.
Are poc only reserved for light entertainment programmes
@BBCOne or reading the news?
The amount of strong black & Brown voices I know on X alone and yet you couldn’t find one?! Esp to talk about Yemen and Rwanda ?
So, instead, Bile has screaming race obsessed harpies.
“One year on, the community is still healing. The incident sparked a period of reflection, giving visitors and those of us who work or volunteer at the centre a reason to pause and reset. “There are a lot of local children dealing with trauma,” said Miranda Elie, whose teenage nephew, Jerrell, was killed nearby in August 2015. Elie and her sister Amanda, Jerrell’s mother, now host poetry workshops to allow local young people to express themselves through the spoken word.”
Here’s the bottomline, if you are going to get into a gun fight you better have enough ammunition on hand to finish it.
“The British Sea Viper air defense system is the main defense system HMS Diamond relied on to fire at Houthi drones and missiles. “Type 45 Destroyers, also known as Daring-class destroyers, are specifically designed around the Sea Viper (PAAMS) air-defence system. Each Type 45 destroyer is equipped with a 48-cell A50 Sylver Vertical Launching System. This system is designed to accommodate a mix of up to 48 Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles.”
Neither the US nor the British ships can be reprovisioned at sea, so they have a limited ability to “stay in the fight” if it continues for any length of time.”
One needs to add that using missile defense is very expensive. Each SM-2 missile costs $2.1 million each. Sea viper, which can either be an Aster 15 or Aster 30 costs either £1m to £2m a time ($1.25 million to $2.5 million). Nor does this take into account the challenge of replacing these missiles, once expended. It not only will be more expensive, but could take years of production time.
Another of your pathetic comments. You have a bee in your bonnet about aircraft carriers don’t you? Are you OK with frigates and destroyers, is it just carriers you don’t like? Do tell.
Rob – I know you are sensitive from any criticism of the military . I’m a tax payer – I hate seeing money wasted – and what I’ve seen of procurement and building ships like those which don’t work – it is not acceptable .
You’d almost think the MOD had been infiltrated by our enemies …
I think the UK needs more working kit to deter our enemies on the outside – but we have plenty inside too ….
I will clap and cheer when I hear that those carriers are operational – work – and have the aircraft with them …. Same with the subs …
Both carriers work well, Prince of Wales’ prop shaft problems are now solved.
The F35B also works well, but delivery is painfully slow. 809 squadron should be operational soon, so that with 617 squadron there should be a squadron for each carrier, which is a bare minimum.
There is nothing much wrong with the ships or the aircraft, but HMG has let them both drag along to “save” money in any one year, but which ends up costing more in the long run.
The RAF were able to send 4 Typhoons from Cyprus, but the type is not suited for a 3000 mile round trip, and I expect all 4 needed a lot of servicing after that. A base 1500 miles distant, if you happen to have one, is no substitute for a carrier which can operate in the area for weeks or months. If there is ever a time we need to operate without the Americans, the carriers will be essential. They are very far from being useless.
Rob – thank you for the detail – as you know – I have no regard for the outgoing regime – and the next will be even worse .
I knew about the round trip the typhoons took from Cyprus and the effect on their operational ability – it’s good that all returned .
It will be a good day when the RN sends those carriers out with aircraft to do their job …
THE MONEY STILL ROLLS IN – SEE Lord Cameron for special deals …
“Even after the Horizon scandal, Fujitsu’s products are deeply entrenched in the government’s IT infrastructure.
To the anger of some MPs, the company has still been winning new government contracts and it was one of the biggest IT suppliers to the UK government until recently, according to procurement analysts Tussell.
Over the past four years, Fujitsu has won 101 contracts worth £2bn, according to Tussell. The Post Office has also paid Fujitsu £95m for an extension to the contract for Horizon.”
The post office horror story just won’t die – enter one Teresa May – the PM who gave the frankly evil Cof E vicar – sorry CEO of the post office a CBE – who gets to play Tess in the movie ?
I am guessing meryl – with either Russell Crowe or Tom Hanks in the role of the Welsh crusading sub post master – a huge cast – I was thinking that small chap out of ‘thrones’ could be Eddie Davie – or maybe he could be played by a slug ( no offence to slugs ) ….
I wonder how tess will explain giving a CBE to one her mates -?despite getting ‘advice ‘ suggesting she was unfit because she was silent whilst sub post masters were being maliciously prosecuted ….
.@NOAA tampers with Texas temperature data to create two degrees of non-existent warming. Temperatures from 1885 are adjusted downwards by an average of 1.5F, and recent temperatures are adjusted upwards by an average of 0.5F.
It’s the situation which will come to UK cities sooner or later – those responsible for it will be in their villas with electricity generators as the population freezes to death – population cut good for the planet though eh?
The green crap fetish really is heaven for the mental defectives who push it – burn that diesel ..
Given the way that the Whitmer kidnap FBI organiser guy went seamlessly straight to The Capitol for Jan 6th… it seems likely that there’s a well oiled agent provocateur operation in the swamp….
Surely MI5 is aware of where the money comes from to finance the ‘Protests’ in Londonistan every week? I’ll wager it will be the same name as appeared in 2015 when arrivals in Europe via the Mediterranean flooded Europe. Same name as it is claimed supports 8 judges on the ECHR. Parliament should know and they can explain it to the public
What the threat levels mean
Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
Date Threat Level
9 February 2022 SUBSTANTIAL
15 November 2021 SEVERE
4 February 2021 SUBSTANTIAL
3 November 2020 SEVERE
4 November 2019 SUBSTANTIAL
23 July 2019 SEVERE
Large generators, sound systems and massive loudspeakers blaring music every 300 meters and then the same again and a massive video screen in parliament square. That s not cheap.
Muslim groups in the United Kingdom have hit back at the prime minister’s suggestion that the community needs to be more “British,” saying that Islamic values are in line with those being pushed by David Cameron.
Writing in yesterday’s Mail on Sunday, Cameron said it is time to stop being “squeamish about Britishness,” adding that it was “not an option” for people to live in the UK without accepting British laws and the British way of life.
“Belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law [are as vital and] as British as the Union Flag, football and fish and chips,” the PM wrote.
The Mail on Sunday interpreted Cameron’s statements as a direct message to UK Muslims – prompting strong responses from several prominent community members.
Rasool said British society is no longer defined by “white, Anglo-Saxon, English-speaking, fish ‘n’ chips-eating, Anglican-church-going people,” given the scale of the immigration into the country.
Muslims who do not speak English will not learn the language … we are the infidel There is no way the Trojans will adopt our way of life. The hard-core Muslims have total belief In their way of life and their certainty of heaven.
The people who prioritise upskirting prevention laws and who want to regulate restaurant meal sizes and what former footballers say on Twitter also want to be involved in military planning. 😆
They want to return to a feudal society with “scientists” in complete control of how we are all allowed to live.
If this pressure continues then mass violent revolution against these Nazis will be the only saviour of mankind’s right to exist. We are already seeing the beginnings of this in Germany and Poland via their farming community.
Unrest will spread until these crazed power-hungry madmen are silenced.
It seems linaker has re tweeted a pro Hamas / Palestine outfit calling for Israel to be banned from sports events – including football … I wonder how far he has to go before the BBC deal with him … as in exit door …
AsISeeItMar 13, 07:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Could Starmer’s regulation shake-up mean a ‘bonfire of the quangos’? – prompts our BBC… All together now, readers… Betteridge’s law…
andyjsnapeMar 13, 06:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 bbc reports.. ‘Roofers took my savings for job I didn’t ask for’ “A 91-year-old man says he lost his…
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
Tony Blair: ‘I express more sorrow, regret and apology than you can ever believe’
This article is more than 7 years old
Blair responds to Iraq war report – which says former PM disregarded warnings of risks as he built case for military action
Tony Blair has rejected the Chilcot inquiry’s criticisms of his decision to lead Britain to war in Iraq in 2003, but expressed “sorrow, regret and apology” for some mistakes he made in planning the conflict.
This government has to go because of its failure to defend our borders .
Even Lord Nelson could do it over two hundred years ago with rowing boats and sailing ships ..
We are defended by a woke Home Office, a ‘Fop’ Tory Government and Prime Minister .
What say you ancient Brits ?
Tonight’s episode of Casualty, BBC 1.
See if you can spot the bias, it’s very subtle.
The casualty staff are in danger of assault – something happened in a previous episode – so body-worn cameras and a policeman on the ward are going to be necessary.
Stroppy Black Paramedic Jacob complains about the presence of police officer Harry, an old friend of Charlie’s. “Not everybody feels safe with the po-leece,” he says.
“We don’t lounge around here,” the policeman gets told his job by Stroppy Irish Ward Sister for not dealing with aggressive White Working Class English Male patient.
On to the main plot of tonight’s episode. Asylum seekers at a nearby centre are accused of assaulting local girls. An ambulance is sent to aid one of the inmates.
Asylum seeker Habid Ali has a head injury, he’s been attacked in town. The asylum seekers aren’t supposed to go there – for their own safety. Stroppy Irish Ward Sister says a Habid Ali has been ‘red carded’ at the hospital for drunken violence.
Habid is removed from the asylum centre by ambulance (driven by Kindly Trans Paramedic – who goes by the gender neutral name Sah) which has to run the gauntlet of a mob of mostly white men.
Of course it turns out to be a different Habid Ali (as Harry Hill used to say “What are the chances, mm, mm?). Turns out this Habid is epileptic and Syrian. He “got separated” from his wife and children, who are in a refugee camp in Lebanon. He was innocently walking by a school playground – it reminded him of home – when he was attacked.
“People here are quick to judge but slow to listen.” Sympathetic music on the soundtrack.
White Female Asylum Centre Worker tells Habid he has to move again. She then tells Kindly Trans Paramedic she just wants to make a difference, and has to keep asylum seekers locked up to stop them from being attacked.
At the end, the policeman sympathises with Stroppy Irish Ward Sister, who feels guilty about the day’s events.
(A sympathetic white policeman – the vaunted BBC balance in action, see?)
There were a couple of other subplots, but that was the main one, I don’t think I’ve been unfair in my summary.
The world according to the BBC!
Goodness TC : how did you manage to sit through the full episode of that ?. You deserve a medal.
One thing for sure in anything at the BBC now TC, if blacks or asylim seekers are involved, they are always accused of something bad by racist whitey and it always turns out they didn’t do it.
Which immediately brings to mind the real world in this article:
Hartlepool: Man charged with murder by counter-terror police
All the BBC tell us in the remarkably short article considering the crime:
‘Terrence Carney was found seriously injured on Tees Street on Sunday morning and died at the scene.’
First they completely omit to tell us the man who did it – Ahmed Alid – was an asylum seeker.
Second they completely omit to tell us that Carney was a pensioner who just took money from an ATM. Alid waited for him to pass then stabbed him simply to get that money. No argument, no dispute, just stabbed a stranger in cold blood multiple times in the chest and neck.
The Telegraph tells the story as the BBC should have done if they had any shred of journalistic ethics.
THIS is the extreme bias at the BBC. Their hypocrisy has become so extreme it’s now no different from outright lies.
The announcer said something about asylum seekers before Casualty began and I just started watching, maybe I’m a bit morbid.
Isn’t it taffman who sometimes posts here that the BBC don’t do comedy?
Well, they don’t do drama either. You can’t have drama when everything that happens in it is straight out of the BBC liberal playbook.
True TC:
I was talking about this just the other day. 20 years ago, if a drama started with with the BBC logo you could be fairly certain it would be a quality program.
These days, if I see the BBC logo I instantly turn it off. It is 100% guaranteed to be woke nonsense written by children for idiots.
As soon as I heard what it was about I switched over. We had a racist patient last week so they are really laying it on with a trowel. It’s like rom-coms – you know what is going to happen from the first minute but at least rom-coms are entertaining.
By the way I don’t even have strong political views but it annoys me the way dramas constantly feed us the same propaganda.
Eric – I don’t do TV dramas ( although I’m currently rewatching I Claudius from 1973?( £5 box set charity shop – virtue signal )
Adopting the Goebells technique of building ‘ the message ‘ into every thing ranging from sport – drama – the weather – gets to be tedious and obvious I reckon – to even the thickest TV viewer …..
And as for ‘sport ‘ – I understand the Africa footy cup is on the BBC – I’m sure they all take the knee each game for their kind – right ? Or maybe even they see how ridiculous it is ….
Why do people watch this shit?
Yeah, I know.
I hadn’t seen Doctor Who in years but I happened to see most of the regeneration episode (sorry, I mean “bi-generation” episode) before Christmas.
Even without the preaching it was bloody terrible. The ‘science’ bit of science fiction implies there ought to be cause and effect at work but they were just pulling story elements out of their arse.
I thought at the end, if there was any sense in the world the next episode would get zero viewers.
Another in the long list of once decent programmes rendered unwatchable by the BBC’s agenda.
Yup , I reckon he’s on the BBC Verify haram list
He’s also pushed away his main trading partner BRICS and China, attempted to move closed to the USA who have done absolutely nothing to assist him, and to save the economy from a catastrophy of his own making he’s had to move back closer to China and BRICS.
What on Earth was he thinking that Biden would make a good ally and trading partner?
Well, Taffman,
We should hope to see such proposals from Tice. Shouldn’t we…………..
‘How to avoid dystopian thinking’
Another morphing BBC headline which changes in the article to:
What the ‘future histories’ of the 1920s can teach us about hope
‘Dystopian fiction can be vitally important. It can contain important warnings: raising alarms on social issues through extrapolating troubling trajectories. But in relentlessly imagining the future as already lost to dystopia in our fiction, it’s possible we risk giving up on it in reality too.’
Methinks the BBC are alarmed at how they are regularly touted as architects of a dystopian future and want to discredit it’ Like they do everything else they don’t agree with.
And – of course – the article misses out on the No.1 contender: 1984 which ‘centres on the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance and repressive regimentation of people and behaviours within society. ‘
Exactly what the BBC and the globalist Left want. Now the BBC want to ‘repress’ us talking about it.
TB Joshua exposé: How the disgraced pastor faked his miracles
‘But Joshua, who died in 2021 aged 57, was a fraud. The BBC’s investigation, involving more than 25 church insiders from the UK, Nigeria, Ghana, the US, South Africa and Germany, unpicks six ways in which he tricked worshippers.’
What a great shame you didn’t investigate while he was alive BBC. Perhaps you could have saved many people from being conned.
But you didn’t. You waited until he was dead so you can run your usual hit-piece and have no worries that the victim might expose what you wrote as lies.
Reading through that article, it’s very obvious that all the quotes have been ‘reworked’ by the BBC ‘team’ so they hit whatever nail is required right on the head. A trick they use a lot these days. Their excuse would be that ‘they capture the sentiment’.
The fact the quotes are always altered in favour of the BBC agenda just makes them cynical and deliberate lies.
The BBC : news by children for idiots.
“Voodoo: A misunderstood religion” BBC
04 September 2017
“…one of the most misunderstood religions in the world.”
Are you an activist?
Well, the media has a studio for you…
‘We are not tackling the social issues that underpin knife crime.’
Activist Donna Murray-Turner tells Natasha Devon that cuts to youth and social services are the ‘genesis’ of the increase in knife crime.
Seems a growth industry.
James Earl Jones was not available.
Week after week all white panel.
Are poc only reserved for light entertainment programmes
@BBCOne or reading the news?
The amount of strong black & Brown voices I know on X alone and yet you couldn’t find one?! Esp to talk about Yemen and Rwanda ?
So, instead, Bile has screaming race obsessed harpies.
SOuth Arfican Parliament needs more Islamic /Chinese diversity?
“One year on, the community is still healing. The incident sparked a period of reflection, giving visitors and those of us who work or volunteer at the centre a reason to pause and reset. “There are a lot of local children dealing with trauma,” said Miranda Elie, whose teenage nephew, Jerrell, was killed nearby in August 2015. Elie and her sister Amanda, Jerrell’s mother, now host poetry workshops to allow local young people to express themselves through the spoken word.”,my%20community%20in%20Loughborough%20Junction.
Having daddies to teach right from wrong might help the ferals a bit …
Larry Johnson – ex CIA analyst
Here’s the bottomline, if you are going to get into a gun fight you better have enough ammunition on hand to finish it.
“The British Sea Viper air defense system is the main defense system HMS Diamond relied on to fire at Houthi drones and missiles. “Type 45 Destroyers, also known as Daring-class destroyers, are specifically designed around the Sea Viper (PAAMS) air-defence system. Each Type 45 destroyer is equipped with a 48-cell A50 Sylver Vertical Launching System. This system is designed to accommodate a mix of up to 48 Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles.”
Neither the US nor the British ships can be reprovisioned at sea, so they have a limited ability to “stay in the fight” if it continues for any length of time.”
One needs to add that using missile defense is very expensive. Each SM-2 missile costs $2.1 million each. Sea viper, which can either be an Aster 15 or Aster 30 costs either £1m to £2m a time ($1.25 million to $2.5 million). Nor does this take into account the challenge of replacing these missiles, once expended. It not only will be more expensive, but could take years of production time.
Meanwhile the aircraft carrier HMS useless I and II remain in port – latest excuse – not enough sailors ….-for the support ships … gotta laugh …
Another of your pathetic comments. You have a bee in your bonnet about aircraft carriers don’t you? Are you OK with frigates and destroyers, is it just carriers you don’t like? Do tell.
Rob – I know you are sensitive from any criticism of the military . I’m a tax payer – I hate seeing money wasted – and what I’ve seen of procurement and building ships like those which don’t work – it is not acceptable .
You’d almost think the MOD had been infiltrated by our enemies …
I think the UK needs more working kit to deter our enemies on the outside – but we have plenty inside too ….
I will clap and cheer when I hear that those carriers are operational – work – and have the aircraft with them …. Same with the subs …
Both carriers work well, Prince of Wales’ prop shaft problems are now solved.
The F35B also works well, but delivery is painfully slow. 809 squadron should be operational soon, so that with 617 squadron there should be a squadron for each carrier, which is a bare minimum.
There is nothing much wrong with the ships or the aircraft, but HMG has let them both drag along to “save” money in any one year, but which ends up costing more in the long run.
The RAF were able to send 4 Typhoons from Cyprus, but the type is not suited for a 3000 mile round trip, and I expect all 4 needed a lot of servicing after that. A base 1500 miles distant, if you happen to have one, is no substitute for a carrier which can operate in the area for weeks or months. If there is ever a time we need to operate without the Americans, the carriers will be essential. They are very far from being useless.
Rob – thank you for the detail – as you know – I have no regard for the outgoing regime – and the next will be even worse .
I knew about the round trip the typhoons took from Cyprus and the effect on their operational ability – it’s good that all returned .
It will be a good day when the RN sends those carriers out with aircraft to do their job …
THE MONEY STILL ROLLS IN – SEE Lord Cameron for special deals …
“Even after the Horizon scandal, Fujitsu’s products are deeply entrenched in the government’s IT infrastructure.
To the anger of some MPs, the company has still been winning new government contracts and it was one of the biggest IT suppliers to the UK government until recently, according to procurement analysts Tussell.
Over the past four years, Fujitsu has won 101 contracts worth £2bn, according to Tussell. The Post Office has also paid Fujitsu £95m for an extension to the contract for Horizon.”
The post office horror story just won’t die – enter one Teresa May – the PM who gave the frankly evil Cof E vicar – sorry CEO of the post office a CBE – who gets to play Tess in the movie ?
I am guessing meryl – with either Russell Crowe or Tom Hanks in the role of the Welsh crusading sub post master – a huge cast – I was thinking that small chap out of ‘thrones’ could be Eddie Davie – or maybe he could be played by a slug ( no offence to slugs ) ….
I wonder how tess will explain giving a CBE to one her mates -?despite getting ‘advice ‘ suggesting she was unfit because she was silent whilst sub post masters were being maliciously prosecuted ….
I’d wager that BBC committees have already worked up a series of similar announcements for us…
The official position is we’re melting….
It’s the situation which will come to UK cities sooner or later – those responsible for it will be in their villas with electricity generators as the population freezes to death – population cut good for the planet though eh?
The green crap fetish really is heaven for the mental defectives who push it – burn that diesel ..
Joe’s on holiday?
I bet half of them are ‘Feds’ like in the Capitol …
Given the way that the Whitmer kidnap FBI organiser guy went seamlessly straight to The Capitol for Jan 6th… it seems likely that there’s a well oiled agent provocateur operation in the swamp….
Surely MI5 is aware of where the money comes from to finance the ‘Protests’ in Londonistan every week? I’ll wager it will be the same name as appeared in 2015 when arrivals in Europe via the Mediterranean flooded Europe. Same name as it is claimed supports 8 judges on the ECHR. Parliament should know and they can explain it to the public
Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL. 2023-01-14
What the threat levels mean
Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
Date Threat Level
9 February 2022 SUBSTANTIAL
15 November 2021 SEVERE
4 February 2021 SUBSTANTIAL
3 November 2020 SEVERE
4 November 2019 SUBSTANTIAL
23 July 2019 SEVERE
Large generators, sound systems and massive loudspeakers blaring music every 300 meters and then the same again and a massive video screen in parliament square. That s not cheap.
Follow the money.
Seems four doctors have drowned on the enemy side of the English Channel as an overcrowded dinghy( 70 ) tried to leave the enemy coast ….
Update – it’s up to 5 now … build a big wave machine …
Muslim groups in the United Kingdom have hit back at the prime minister’s suggestion that the community needs to be more “British,” saying that Islamic values are in line with those being pushed by David Cameron.
Writing in yesterday’s Mail on Sunday, Cameron said it is time to stop being “squeamish about Britishness,” adding that it was “not an option” for people to live in the UK without accepting British laws and the British way of life.
“Belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law [are as vital and] as British as the Union Flag, football and fish and chips,” the PM wrote.
The Mail on Sunday interpreted Cameron’s statements as a direct message to UK Muslims – prompting strong responses from several prominent community members.
Rasool said British society is no longer defined by “white, Anglo-Saxon, English-speaking, fish ‘n’ chips-eating, Anglican-church-going people,” given the scale of the immigration into the country.
Muslims who do not speak English will not learn the language … we are the infidel There is no way the Trojans will adopt our way of life. The hard-core Muslims have total belief In their way of life and their certainty of heaven.
After Caroline Lucas opines on how to deal with the Houtis we get the heavyweights at LibDem nut-house stepping up to the pulpit….
Some might speculate on where Moran’s loyalties lie – apart from self interest of course …. Wonder who would for her (…it)?
Worth pointing out that Mzzzz Moran herself used uni-lateral violence on her then partner and was convicted of it.
Very strangely the feminists have kept very quiet about this but a man would be hounded out of his work (e.g. footballers) for the rest of his life.
Is she still using her ‘I’ve going family in Gaza ‘ gig still ?
I’ve now seen two men in different provincial supermarkets since Christmas trying hard (and failing badly) to be “ladies”…
One was “Kenny Everett” and the other was Dick Emery’s “Hettie”
Both seemed to be trying (desperately) to get a reaction….
That’d be the same DWP that bilked thousands of women out of their state pensions?
A walking law suit …
Someone should have a word with this bloke.
BBC Verify job….
Dem damn hooties
Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law charged with drugs offences – is krankie charged yet ? The criminal wing of the SNP seems disproportionately large ….
The Orwellian intent of the Climate ultra climate science brigade is made markedly clear in this Guardian feature.
They want to return to a feudal society with “scientists” in complete control of how we are all allowed to live.
If this pressure continues then mass violent revolution against these Nazis will be the only saviour of mankind’s right to exist. We are already seeing the beginnings of this in Germany and Poland via their farming community.
Unrest will spread until these crazed power-hungry madmen are silenced.
Who left all those anti – British, Palestinians in to Great Britain?
Time to deport them back to whence they came.
This is planned to be achieved by the end of the decade, what do you think their plan is for Britain?
It seems linaker has re tweeted a pro Hamas / Palestine outfit calling for Israel to be banned from sports events – including football … I wonder how far he has to go before the BBC deal with him … as in exit door …
Looks like Linekar is putting forward the BBC line. BBC lefties will agree thus isolating the far right who support Israeli genocide.
unbe-effinleevable (with apologies to Victor Meldrew)
Loved the pauses…