The Post Office horror has highlighted the consequences of private investigators being motivated by money . BBC licence enforcement is carried out by companies which in turn employ private citizens to get prosecutions for not having a TV licences – a criminal offence. Perhaps the time has come for better control of such activities – or the replacement of the licence with a subscription ….
Start the Week 15th January 2024
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I found this from Pesto interesting.
Back in 1999, Sir Geoff Mulgan was an important but isolated voice in Tony Blair’s senior team who warned that Fujitsu’s Horizon system – which has led to such an appalling miscarriage of justice for so many sub-postmasters – was a monumental crock. Shortly before the final decision on roll-out of Horizon, in May 1999, he wrote a “lessons learned” note for the then PM Blair. His language is blunt and unequivocal (there are shades of Dominic Cummings). It is astonishing that what he said went unheeded. Here is what Mulgan said more than 24 years ago should be learned:
“Horizon has been a fairly disastrous project. It: – was misconceived from the start – has faced continual delays and problems – has over the last year taken up huge amounts of ministerial and official time – has delivered in the end a far from optimal solution
“Information: nearly all the facts presented to ministers turned out to be unreliable. Moreover data was presented in ways that were difficult for ministers to understand.
“The Post Office: throughout this process the relative lack of competence of the Post Office and their failure to develop a proper business strategy has been a key failing.
“Courage. Perhaps the most important lesson is a more general one: namely that when a project is clearly failing government needs to be bolder about cutting its losses. There was a clear case for termination 12 months ago…”
Since then around £2.5bn has been paid to Fujitsu for a system that provided the unreliable evidence behind almost a thousand criminal convictions that ruined lives and should never have been made. The government cannot claim it was not warned.
As do a few clarifying comments.
For me the main take is that the Blair Admin sealed the fate of politicians as anything other than overpaid idiots in tv studios offering targets for overpaid wonks in media.
And I can now think of no reasons to accord any at present my vote, no matter what the alert, as the whole sorry cluster FUBAR of ‘government’ is stitched up by PPE, English and Arts grads plus a scattering of power mad lawyers.
KCL is mentioned above as a new source of these activist clowns. It used to be a top Engineering college. No wonder the country’s science and tech and environment policies are utter pants.
Guest Who
harsh but fair 🙂
I see the bint in charge for a large part of the time at the Post Office is being called “dim and overpromoted” – as an epitaph for government you don’t need much more….
Her degree was Russian French and Economics, how on Earth that qualifies anyone to run a business I do not know, however she went from graduate trainee to CEO of POCL in just 26 years.
She’s straight from boxticking central, another one of the ‘diversity’ appointments who has been an utter disaster from start to finish. Think of the others Lyn Homer – a train wreck causing devastation to what ever department she was appointed to and the Marxist Tories loved her! Eventually she caused so much damage she had to be removed and sent to lie down in a darkened room!
Then there is Sharon White, the diversity monster again beloved of the Marxist Tories who left a trail of destruction in her wake culminating in her pretty much destroying John Lewis.
Discrimination on the basis of anything other than merit is wrong
Guest Who, Civil Service at fault in more than one department of State? Certainly, the F&CO officials claimed that the UK could not afford to ‘upset the Japanese’ although, iirc, Fujitsu was half-owned by the German Siemens company.
The screw ups of Javier Millei go from bad to worse as he sought to cosy up to Bidens USA, but Biden was only interested in personal gain, and Millei had nothing to offer him.
He should have kept his hand in with China that way he would have been treated a damn sight better than he has been.
Still an improvement on his predecessors ??
Let’s hope he doesn’t crash completely and have recovering Islas Malvinas as his only option to curry favour with the electorate eh?
Not like Millei is on the Davos Xmas card list is it?
The globalists will be looking to punish the naughty boy and China will leverage that – he’s caught between the two…
Read and weep for the children.
No. Not Gaza. Rochdale.
Oh the joys of multiculturalism and diversity.
“Police left children at mercy of grooming gangs in Rochdale, review finds’.
Many on this esteemed site could have told them that years ago.
But according to the BBC, no mention why the council and police failed.
Allow me to suggest.
They were more worried about accusations of waaaycism than they were about protecting the young girls.
Priorities only they and a proportion of the public sector would have.
To ordinary folk it was an abomination.
Unforgivable how the media refer to Asian grooming gangs. Throwing Japanese, Chinese, Sikhs, Hindus, etc under the bus.
TWatO Watch #1 – atlas, the Montacutie used the ‘P’ word on TWatO today!
First Pesto; now Crick.
I’m a bit surprised, John, that in so valiantly defending Ed Davey over the Post Office, you don’t tell your almost 300,000 followers that you’re currently trying to become a Lib Dem MP.
How did the hustings for the Hamble Valley seat go last Wednesday? Quite well, I hear.
Sweeney! as a Limp? Certainly fits the mould.
Hey come – on – give the slime some slack – I was listening to rishi justifying why we are americas poodle again over the token trip by the RAF to Yemen ….. ( no one else could be bothered ) and up popped poor old Eddie davey asking some crap about international this or that … you could hear the derision as he stood up – having to turn up in the commons on a debate about war …..
He ll be trying to prop up his career next and hoping people forget about his incompetence / negligence whilst a post office minister ….
Eddie … goes around … comes around …
Here is an educational video for those interested in how the coming banking crisis is being kept at bay temporarily, and why people are talking about a banking crisis coming in March.
It might be a bit technical, but it’s worth it if you want to gain some insight into what is going on in the US banking sector, what is about to change, and what the effects of those changes are going to be.
I honestly don’t know what the outcry is over Gary
Lineker and his support for Hamas. I reckon at least
a dozen of his mates on Match of the Day agree with him.
Along with 90% of those working for the BBC.
Actually Palestine do have an International football team.
Maybe Gary and his mates could help form a Hamas Fc
football team.
As they come out to play the supporters could sing ” from
the river to the sea.” Or “gas the yids”. No not the
latter of the two. Chelsea supporters have the rights over
that one.
I needed that laugh
Col Douglas Macgregor:
There are far too many of certain popular interviewees being pirated and then regugitated as original on You Tube, it’s not just MacGregor Ritter and Schaeffer, it’s loads of the more high profile financial guys too.
I’ve seen a recently uploaded video puporting to be be original Charlie Munger who died 28th November last year !
I like to watch the originals on Judging Freedom because I know Judge Andrew Napolitano is at least fair and reasonably unbiased. Youtube needs to get a handle on this because I just stop viewing content I can’t authenticate.
T, Jonny Dymond had an interview with Cathy Ashton, on TWoTWeee yesterday that I switched on the radio in the middle (late home from Church) the Labour Peeress who started that war with Russia.
By the way, I would be extremely cautious about Napolitano’s interview with Prof Sachs. It was anti-Israel and based on a falsehood, a ‘Blood Libel’.
From here it looks like YouTube is very deliberately amping up distraction.
I haven’t purchased a computer game since 1984 but suddenly rammed with stupid game ads and those inane computer voiced silly gadget ads and mind melting irrelevant corporate BS.
… and boring irrelevant kerrap unrelated to recent watch history.
Alphabet are jamming some select signals
Radio4 = Lefty Student Radio
“Do tune in for @davidtorrance’s stellar documentary on the formation of the first #LabourParty government on @BBCRadio4 at 8pm.”
I thought I’d catch the 5pm radio news from the ever truthful BBC to hear who had resigned because of the report about unrestricted rapes by paki Muslim paedo gangs .
I had to wait 35 minutes whilst they went the war porn over the missile firing by Muslim terrorists in the Middle East . Journos and politicians love this ‘international stage ‘ stuff but I’m more interested in the report by the Manchester mayor on the failure to protect children ….
I had to wait even longer because they preferred the Iowa election – which is far more important than raped English children – which just about sums up the stance of the BBC – now so obviously controlled by Islam as to be embarrassing
Then it was a story about shortages of medicines at the chemist ….which to me was a distraction to this huge story
And then some crap about polling for the coming re election of a red or blue socialist party
I had to wait over 40 minutes before hearing the white wash of this report – with no mention of any person being held responsible for failing to protect children -maybe they needed to be coloured …or not up north – which clearly is of no interest to the Islington Far Left BBC ..
By then I’d switched off …
Amazing how the BBC claims the top of the moral mountain – caring about the ‘vulnerable ‘( that favourite BBC word ) yet when the evil is Islam – look for squirrels …who cares about child rape victims …
So – troll reading this – come and defend your BBC ,… but silence will rein as usual …
I beg to differ, (as usual) the evil is not Islam, it is Socialism, the ideology of Satan, and without Socialism none of this would have happened.
It was the evil of Socialism which allowed the evil of Islam into our country and the evil of Socialism which covered up the evils of Islam.
And now with the inquirey reporting it is Socialism which is still covering up the evil of Islam, and attempting to put the blame on White Socialists for failing to nip it in the bud and keep it quiet.
The problem for the evil Socialists is not that the girls were raped, it’s that the public found out about it !
X2 cheeks – same evil …
I don’t see any BBC news these days, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t mention that it was a chap called Nick Griffin who attempted to expose this atrocious abuse nearly two decades ago…
The BBC secretly taped one of his meetings, when he was talking about this abuse and then conspired with the unspeakably ghastly and gutless Yorkshire police and nearly got him seven years in nick.
The BBC and the Yorkshire police.
You scrape better stuff off your shoe…
All these years of watching MarkyMark in action have their uses
BNP leader Nick Griffin calls for grooming case inquiry
Oh, well done!
I enjoy indignation and ruffled feathers at the Guardian
The decision was called “regressive” by the She Changes Climate campaign
On the BBC lunchtime news they were still talking about “Asian men”!
A feature on rough sleepers in London during the cold snap.
A local council or charity is providing some tents for them to sleep in.
If only the rough sleepers could get down to Dover and pretend to be illegal asylum seekers. They could get a nice warm hotel and free meals and healthcare.
Just listening to Judge Napolitano and guest with claims of mass censorships of the court hearing regarding South Africas application against Israel, that none of the lawyers speaking in favour of the case are allowed to be heard, only the lawyers in favour of Israel.
This is the case allegedly across the entirity of Europe, and the USA, and presumably has been ordered by the increasingly authoritarian and Fascist Biden regime.
Regardless of how you view the merits of the case, the fact the entirity of Europe refusing to broadcast both sides of a court action is a chilling indication of the degree the elites are able to control what we the people are allowed to know.
Secondly is the degree of control the USA has over its vassal states. The ability to order states to limit the coverage of items of interest now raises the question what else are we being banned from knowing about?
Thankfully we have the internet and Al Jazeera is broadcasting both sides for those who do want to watch it, negating the malign influence of the USA.
I’m not using this post to take sides here, it’s a post about censorship and control of the media by the elites.
Never heard of this Judge Napolitano.
“none of the lawyers speaking in favour of the case are allowed to be heard, only the lawyers in favour of Israel.”
And yet even the bbc has a video:
‘Watch: “Israel has genocidal intent in Gaza”, says lawyer representing South Africa ‘
Andrew Peter Napolitano[1] (born June 6, 1950) is an American former jurist and syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, including The Washington Times and Reason. Napolitano served as a New Jersey Superior Court judge from 1987 to 1995. He also served as a visiting professor at Widener University Delaware Law School, Seton Hall University School of Law, and Brooklyn Law School. Beginning in 1997, he became an analyst for Fox News, commenting on legal news and trials. Napolitano was removed from the network in August 2021 following sexual harassment allegations. He has written nine books on legal and political subjects.
That’s the opening remarks not the lawyers submissions. You can find the Irish one and they are supporting South Africa, but can you find it on live to air broadcast?
United Nations own YouTube channel
“South Africa levels accusations of ‘genocidal conduct’ against Israel at UN Int’l Court of Justice”
Israel lawyers replied
‘ Now that initial representations from both South Africa and Israel have concluded at the ICJ, one of the justices’ first tasks is to assess whether there are sufficient grounds to approve the South African application for provisional measures against Israel, to “protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people under the Genocide Convention”.’
It doesn’t call into question the veracity of the post though does it? Yes you can also get it on Al Jazeera if you want a substitute for temazepam, but it’s not available save on the net.
Dipped in for 10 seconds at a random point.
100% empathy, 0% actual evidence. Just like the Democrats partisan Jan 06 showtrial.
Why is nobody telling me why it is South Africa of all places who are so outraged ?. They don’t seem at all bothered by their own murder rate which was the highest for 20 years last year.
It’s not that this stinks which bothers me, it’s that the entire Leftist MSM are holding their noses and pretending it doesn’t.
The UN have become a political activist organisation and are now entirely unfit for purpose.
Vis a vis, this Rochdale outcry, can anyone remember the name of the Liberal MP for Rochdale, you know the fat paedo everyone knew about?
Just another ‘ larger than life ‘ character – like sir saville ….rolf …glitter ….janner ….
You are referring to dear old Sir Cyril Smith.
And I think I read somewhere that the person who put Smith forward for a knighthood was one David Steele. The former liberal leader. Who it appears resigned his Lords seat when Smith’s deeds became apparent.
It seems that ‘Sir’ Ed Davey should do the same after pretending the Post Office scandal didn’t exist while serving as the Post Office minister during the LibCon coalition.
Maybe he just has a selective memory.
aaand…. coming onto the final straight Canada’s still a neck ahead but Eire’s making a strong challenge.
Just received an advert inviting me to come to Jerusalem for an “unforgettable Passover”.
WellI think for once the truth of an advert is in no doubt what so ever !
At lease I didn’t get an invite to spend an unforgettable Christmas in Kyiv !
Took me two goes to even pick a BBC article for my first post today. I was so infuriated by their complete bias over reports of the upcoming vote iin the USA and what they are writing about Israel that I closed it in exasperation the first time.
So I just picked the first and easiest to record for posterity here. It’s yet another totally biased front-page headline (which disappears without record) which morphs into something far more sanitary for the main story (which gets archived for anyone who might be checking their bias).
‘Brutal cold hits Iowa as Republican vote looms’
Morphs to: ‘Iowa caucus 2024: Republicans hours from casting first election votes’ for the actual article.
‘loom’ : Here’s the definition from ‘Collins’:
‘If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way.’
‘If a worrying or threatening situation or event is looming, it seems likely to happen soon.’
The event of course is that Trump wins.
100% typical of how the BBC try to influence the readers opinion before they even start reading the article.
According to the desperate BBC report the other day, Nikki Haley has a very good chance of beating him. Let’s see how that works for your ‘honest reporting’ BBC.
I wonder if they have ever used the word ‘loom’ as negative sentiment against the Democrats. Google only showed me this:
‘US midterms: Democracy under threat as key elections loom – Biden’. Which again is negative against Trump.
When I read this kind of thing, I can’t help remembering that arrogant idiot Sopel being mocked by Trump as he tried to claim the BBC were ‘impartial and unbiased’ while being allowed to ask Trump a question. To which Trump replied ‘Yes, just like CNN’.
No doubt our resident far-left idiot troll will furiously tap away to search for something vaguely related and totally out of context to ‘prove me wrong’. And of course refuse to engage in debate when he is ridiculed for it.
I just heard Donald Trump on the radio voicing his concerns over the loss of border control of the US, and the amount of criminals arriving in his country .
Very much like the state of our border .
Sorry, not BBC but facebook just threw the most ridiculous article at me (it doesn’t even bother to say ‘suggested for you’ any more) which said this:
‘The abandoned puppy was rescued by the police. He continuously showed lovely gestures to his police officer, wishing to stay at the police station and join him in doing useful things for society. ’
And 2,100 people left a comment such as:
‘Well thanks Officer. That’s awesome. You are blessed to do all that for a cute little pups.’
It’s official. The world is completely f*cked. Social media is bring us down to the lowest common denominator.
Message to Israel – If it hit his house that infers operational high precision terminal guidance
50m after 450 miles(Basra >> Erbil) isn’t ballistic.
I imply that this is a friendly message for all of us on this site. Please don’t infer any other meaning.
Sad day for the bbc
Trump wins landslide Iowa victory 🙂
Democracy in action.
US election 2024: Can Nikki Haley really stop Donald Trump?
So the answer is ‘NO’ BBC. Going to run a follow up ?.
No. Didn’t think so.
Your darling – who you announced as ‘Nikki Haley, the trailblazer challenging Donald Trump’ back in February – didn’t even come second.
As I mentioned last week, a 100% propaganda campaigning article by the ‘impartial’ BBC which her money could simply not buy. Luckily her sex and their hatred of Trump let them use our money to do it instead.
This is going to be repeated all across the USA and it is a dangerous time for Trump : Obama will be plotting as we speak about how they can stop him. And I’m certain ALL options are on the table.
BBC live feed says: “But Florida Governor Ron DeSantis edges out former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley to take a distant second place”
You can tell something’s gone terribly wrong because to everyone at the beeb a UN Ambassador is automatically a shoo-in.
Considering that President Trump didn’t turn up to do the grip and grin stuff it shows the level of support he really has …. I think we can assume that the Democrats will arrest him later on or find another ‘victim ‘ to make allegations against him …or they’ll shoot him ….
… poor our Justin early on ‘toady ‘ sounded like he was announcing the king had died and wanted to be somewhere else … president trump winning – against the onslaught by the democrat corrupted department of justice – wasn’t in the script …
Indeed a grim day for the BBC …..
I lay odds we’ll hear of an assassination attempt before November.
Plenty of ammunition in the telegraph today – here is one about the repulsive Comrade John Simpson shagging a Russian spy – bet verify won’t look at this –
ENJOY John Simpson has revealed that he had a two-year love affair with a BBC executive recently unmasked as a communist spy.
Terezia Javorska, who became director of the BBC World Service’s Slovak section, passed intelligence to the Czechs for years. Her “aptness for conspiratorial conduct” won praise from her handlers, in newly declassified security files.
Simpson said he could not believe that Ms Javorska was a willing spy, instead suggesting that she was coerced under threat of harm to her family.
“She betrayed Britain… but she was also one of thousands of victims of Soviet Bloc intelligence,” Simpson said, insisting that she “genuinely loved” Britain.
Simpson, who is the world affairs editor of BBC News, admitted, however, that his assessment could be based on his romantic feelings for the “beautiful and intelligent” woman whom he met while covering a Tory Party conference.
“To me, she was a victim of a clever, manipulative intelligence organisation, and of her own weakness. But maybe, of course, I’m still swayed by my affection for her,” he said.
She remains in a coma
Ms Javorska cannot give her own account. Three years ago, she was injured in a car accident and moved to a care home. Simpson said she remained in a coma and would never recover.
This is not the first time that Simpson has had a brush with an attractive woman involved in Czech espionage; he was once targeted in a honeytrap operation involving a hotel receptionist.
Writing in the Daily Mail about Ms Javorska, Simpson said: “I knew and loved Teresa [sic], though our two-year relationship ended years before she became a spy, and I didn’t meet her again.”
He added: “If Teresa had told me that she had been trapped by Czech intelligence, I would have advised her to tell MI5.”
Czech-born Ms Javorska moved to Britain in 1969 and studied at the University of London, before joining the BBC in 1976. She became head of the World Service Slovak section, which worked alongside the Czech department.
She met Simpson at the Tory Party conference in Brighton in 1980, where Margaret Thatcher gave her famous “the lady’s not for turning” speech. He was then the BBC’s political editor.
They began a relationship which proved stormy – she would, Simpson said, throw books at his head – and split up in 1982. Simpson said they never met again, but he heard of her “stellar progress” through the BBC ranks. “Teresa’s brilliance and good looks made her a figure of note in the BBC’s overseas service,” he said.
According to Simpson, Ms Javorska loved Mrs Thatcher and everything British. “She adored the Royal family, and bought a tiny flat at the top of a grand building in Queen’s Gate, South Kensington, because she liked the name of the street,” he said.
“Her hatred of communism and the Soviet Union, I’m certain, was genuine.”
Documents from the Czech security service archive (StB) state that Ms Javorksa was recruited at a cocktail party in the mid-1980s. While she initially had an “inner conflict” about the risks, by 1985 she was “willing to fulfil our tasks”.
Ms Javorska is said to have supplied her handlers from the StB with information about Czech emigres who had fled to Britain, some of whom worked for the BBC. She supplied intelligence about journalists’ sources and the BBC’s methods of reporting on the Eastern Bloc.
During clandestine meetings, she used M&S carrier bags to signal potential danger, and arranged meetings at opera houses by sending messages hidden in postcards.
She “verbally signed up to conscious collaboration with Czechoslovak intelligence”, the notes say.
Her role ended in 1989 when communism collapsed, and she continued to run the BBC’s Slovak section until it closed in 2005.
Provocative photographs
Simpson guessed that the StB told Ms Javorska that they would harm her family. “She was brave, and reasonably well-off, so neither warnings nor offers of money would have had much effect. But the threat that the StB could destroy the lives of her parents or brothers might well have caused her to give way.
“What ought she to have done? Weirdly, I once found myself in something of a similar position.”
Simpson was targeted in 1984, a year after covering the Warsaw Pact conference. He received a letter and several glamorous and “a bit provocative” photographs of the receptionist from the hotel where he had stayed in Prague.
Although they had exchanged only pleasantries, she told him that she would love to meet up with him.
Simpson spoke about the approach in a BBC programme, saying that he decided to play along with it: “I know that was stupid, but my marriage was breaking up and I felt a bit vulnerable.”
But he told his BBC bosses, who contacted MI5. The security services told him that it was a honeytrap operation, and the proposed meeting never took place.ENDS
So the communists go after BBC political editors – comrade Robinson wouid have been too easy – although they probably got him decades ago ….
Surely old Simpo should have realised that she had ulterior motives. What beautiful woman of sound mind would even target this repulsive beast for a romance. Hardly a great catch – eh girls?
Doc … not so fast – I’m pig ugly and I have to fight them off with a stick :;; ( I maybe telling a number of fibs .. )
It does raise issues about whether comrade Simpson and others are moles …. Although I suspect foreign agencies are spoilt for choice in selecting those within the BBC who want to undermine what used to be Britain …
Women and children who went to live with IS in Syria are being brought home
Are being brought home?? so they went to live by the their own accord, but being brought home to return.
Headline is misleading – as if these people are angels.
No bbc they went to a terrorist organisation, it wasn’t a days out shopping!
All part of the beebs campaign to get eebygum back to the uk, they’ll never give up till she returns.
And here is another one from the Telegraph – about a British Islamic Hamas sympathiser who works for the BBC –
Gary Lineker has removed a social media post calling for Israel to be banned from international football, having apparently misunderstood the message he shared.
The Match of the Day presenter retweeted a pro-Palestinian campaign’s call for Israel to be barred from tournaments and games over “its grave violations of international law”.
Lineker has removed the retweet following a backlash from MPs angered by his “ill-informed” and “inappropriate” use of social media.
According to sources, the former England captain had misunderstood, believing he was sharing a news article about Israel being banned rather than a demand for a ban.
The shared post was put out by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, and included a statement from the Palestinian Football Association.
‘Deeply inappropriate’
The statement called on Fifa and the International Olympic Committee to sanction Israel, urging officials to “suspend Israel’s membership and ban it from international tournaments and games until it ends its grave violations of international law, particularly its apartheid rule and the crime of genocide it is perpetuating in Gaza”.
Israel’s military action in Gaza was provoked by the Oct 7 Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians, in which 1,200 people were killed.
Andrew Percy, the Jewish Tory MP, called Lineker “an ill-informed, ignorant commentator on the Middle East” and said: “The BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions] movement is a racist, anti-Semitic campaign, and nobody who receives taxpayers’ money working in the BBC should be endorsing a campaign that is widely understood to promote Jew hate.
“There has to be a line where the BBC has to intervene, and him endorsing a racist campaign, which is what the BDS group is widely understood to be, surely must be a new low if they’re going to allow him to get away with that.”
Stephen Crabb, the parliamentary chairman of the Conservative Friends of Israel, said the call for a sports boycott was a “deeply inappropriate tweet for any BBC figure to endorse”.
It is understood that Lineker assured the BBC that he did not mean to endorse the boycott and deleted his retweet when he realised his error.
Samir Shah, the incoming BBC chairman, recently told MPs that he wanted to find a conclusive “solution” to the cycle of rows involving the Match of the Day presenter.ENDS
Perhaps Mr Lineker should start advertising for Specsavers, as he clearly can’t see what he’s re-tweeting !
Lineker should join Owen Jones and Ash Sakar at
Novara Media. Where he can spout his champagne ”
Socialist Worker” views to kingdom come. Why I
should have to help Lineker in a life of luxury
with my license tax is beyond comprehension. Evert time
I look at him on TV . I want to vomit. And I have to pay
for this.
Our Justin has a chat with a democrat mate from Georgetown University . You know the song …. But I was thinking – the whole premise the swamp is using is that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen – and that the court cases against president trump are legitimate .
Therefore their tune is a complete lie . So many people know the election was stolen and that Obama / Biden are manufacturing cases and convictions against president trump – whilst voting mechanisms are strengthened to prevent him winning – welcome to Russia …
I heard that…. I think…
TDS should be recognised as a notifiable mind virus – amazingly smug clots pleasuring each other…
If a Trump supporter gets invited…
Stop press
A Jamaican poet has won third prize in a school competition – according to BBC news – one of those rare laugh out loud moments – the title of the poem ?-“ innit “ … that might be a lie …
The search for a replacement for Benjamin Zephaniah is, it seems to me – a bit like the BBC are trying to find the next Dalai Llama or just maybe a rescue dog as company mascot….
Import the 3rd world, become…
Machete attacks leave children with ‘war-zone’ injuries, say Leeds trauma staff
Rachel Reeves
Labour is now the party of wealth creation.
The Bob on BBC later to explain how?
A country can compete on diversity advisers and drug dealers only so long
A prediction – papers will turn up showing that president trump went to the Epstein lolita island and raped several children – all of whom have now come forward with their legal teams …
and an ex marine will buy a dodgy snipers ‘ rifle and somehow get 3 shots off in 3 seconds – all hitting the moving target whilst the secret service look the other way ….
PS – the only commentators our Justin has been talking to on Toady this day is anti trumps …. But not one for BBCOFCOM … the swamp panics
General election: Labour would need record swing to win
Labour? What about the other parties, or is the bbc expecting the electorate to continue going between the useless Conservatives and even worse Labour
Why not do promotions for other parties, and not just a promotion for Labour!
Yeah, right.
Confirmed or probable news and national incident edition
Just another day, yet the propaganda goes on and, mind you, is shown to be in full effect
Especially that aimed at the little ones
Enter measels as a metaphor to justify failed lockdown policies
When one had the measels as a kid one took a week or so off school – now accepting the post-lockdown mindset we have to call that spell at home watching day-time TV ‘isolation’, we confine the healthy kids and we blame not the germs but the ‘unvaccinated’
Children forced into isolation amid measels outbreak… unvaccinated children are being forced to isolate for up to three weeks… Health chiefs have declared a “national incident” with more than 300 confirmed or probable cases identified in the West Midlands since October (Telegraph) – confirmed or probable…?
Post-punk Mancunian doom rockers Joy Division included the song titled Isolation on their album Closer released two months after the suicide of the band’s lead singer and lyricist Ian Curtis in 1980
In fear every day, every evening
He calls her aloud from above
Carefully watched for a reason
Painstaking devotion and love
Surrender to self-preservation
From others who care for themselves
A blindness that touches perfection
But hurts just like anything else
Isolation, isolation, isolation
Mother, I tried, please believe me
I’m doing the best that I can
I’m ashamed of the things I’ve been put through
I’m ashamed of the person I am
Isolation, isolation, isolation
In certain right-of-centre political quarters the impending electoral revolt against the likes of the UK Tories can be seen in part as a form of sotto voce rejection of the lockdown regime by a population that realises, but does not explicitly express, their anger at the manner in which they were duped. It is a hard thing to admit that level of shame and humiliation and the surrender to fear which was involved. Better just to damn the Tories. To coin a phrase – we’re ashamed of the things we’ve been put through.
Of course there is the conspiracy theory that the demoralisation of the uppity populist-minded electorates of 2016 was the point of the whole pandemic enterprise – draw your own conclusions there please.
Of course the left-leaning regime-friendly pound shop junior Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper was the uber coronaphobic organ and it simply can’t shake it off: Health 7,000 Covid deaths could have been avoided if people had taken jabs – evidence please? Please step away from that computer model…
Britain is dogged by ‘out of date IT systems’ – Gareth Davies, National Audit Office quoted today in the FT
Catch ’em young – as Mohammed said to Abdul: Child sex scandal report… 96 Rochdale groomers still free… large scale exploitation by gangs of mainly Pakistani and Afghan men… plolice and council rebuked for failing girls (the giveaway Metro bravely goes with Rochdale rape gangs as their frontpage story – accepting the inevitable immediate relegation to the lower tabloid section of the BBC online press line-up this morning)
Catch ’em young
The worried children of today want a serious word – so claims the formerly serious Times newspaper: Asked a decade ago what their word of the year was, British youngsters opted for something predictably childish: “minion”
Minions, explained… Minions are a species of tiny yellow henchmen… Minions is a spinoff and prequel to Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2… Set in the late 1960s, the movie follows three Minions as they search for a new evil boss to rule their species (thank you Vox)
A new evil boss to rule their species…? Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
A police officer surveys the grounds at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, yesterday – so runs the caption for the FT’s feature photo this morning
But we digress
But now – after Brexit… – you can almost feel the formerly patriotic Times editorial board shudder… and watch for what horrors with which our Brexit is bracketed: ...after Brexit, a pandemic and the death of a sovereign… – oh Poppy Koronka – our reporting journo here – you have excelled yourself, dear.
Poppy Koronka is a news reporter at the Times. She has led investigations which uncovered university staff discouraging students from reporting sexual assaults to the police and American anti-abortion groups training activists in the UK. (Thank you Times profiles. And by the way she looks about 19-years-old)
But now – after Brexit, a pandemic and the death of a sovereign – it seems that children have much more grown-up concerns… – wait for it – have you guessed it?
According to Oxford University Press, the children’s word of the year for 2023 was “climate change” – that’s two words but hey ho
You could have knocked me down with an El Niño
We’ve been served with rather thin gruel in the way of calm down dears at breakfast this morning: ‘My husband walked out… so I started a mommune with my friends‘ (‘i’) – mommune that’s your new word of the morning
This one came up recently: East Yorkshire women’s running group say men ‘intimidating’ after dark (BBC) – and again here: From catcalls to murder: What female joggers face on every run (BBC) – and back then: Lockdown runs: Women ‘chased and harassed by men’ (BBC)
It was a different time
I’m sorry ladies, but I’m inevitably reminded of that scene in the cult, multi-quotable, movie Withnail & I where our heroes drive a decrepid, barely street legal old Jaguar out of London off to the country – to the soundtrack of Jimmy Hendrix with Richard E. Grant as our lovable failed thespian pissed up and drugged Withnail catcalling out of the passenger seat window at school girls – to their reply “Up your’s granddad!”
Withnail: “Scubbers! Scrubbers… the little tarts they love it!”
The Manchester report on the failure of the authorities to protect children from paki rape gangs was buried the moment it was published ….
Where is the discussion of it today ? It has echoes of the Post Office Horror where across years revelations were made but not acted on – not actively taken on by the msm because it wasn’t ’interesting ‘ … similar to the child victims – the post office victims – no one gave a damn ….
Noticing this more and more; partisan ‘interviewers’ in full on partial rant claiming it’s ‘their interview’ to avoid explaining why their stance is anything but an ideological harangue session.
“Jobs for the girls”
Steph McGovern went off from the BBC for the big money at Channel4
So what do BBC Radio4 do ?
Of course, cos she’s one of their mates.
Lesbian mother ..tickbox
and they wonder why audience figures are falling?
Carry on.
Oh dear. NZ politician resigns over accusations of stealing handbags from posh Kiwi boutiques.
Golriz Ghahraman is Iranian-born, a Green Party MP, its justice spokesperson, a former UN human rights lawyer and the first refugee to be elected to the NZ parliament. It’s looking bad. Luckily there’s always a taxpayer-funded BBC damage limitation team ready to spring in to action:
“‘The mental health professional I see says my recent behaviour is consistent with recent events giving rise to extreme stress response, and relating to previously unrecognised trauma’ […] Green Party co-leader James Shaw said that Ms Ghahraman had been subject to ‘pretty much continuous threats of sexual violence, physical violence, death threats since the day she was elected to Parliament’. ‘That has added a higher level of stress than is experienced by most members of parliament,’ he said.”
When in doubt pull out and wave the victim card….
Being a Greenie one has to has to assume she’s well versed in trying to smear and demonise anybody who doesn’t agree with her
There is of course evidence of her claims.
Apparently she’s also suffering from MS. Come on, have a heart, it’s just a few handbags being liberated from colonial oppression…
Ireland reporter is covering multiple protests against migrant centres in his country. Gets asked by the legacy media to share footage:
The presumption that it’d be handed over for free is in there eh?
RTE expect to be paid when their stuff is used elsewhere.
“Atherstone ball game: Police issue violence warning”
“The Shrove Tuesday event sees hundreds of people grapple in the street for possession of a heavy ball.”
They’re always looking for some unregulated activity to totally control.
Game looks brilliant – but how the heck do they know who’s friend or foe?
All going swimmingly though at BBC Getty.
Wage growth slows again as job market contracts
Likely miffed she didn’t score the Blue Peter gig.
Machete attacks leave children with ‘war-zone’ injuries, say Leeds trauma staff
Assuming not a primary kid, maybe good for following the BBC security bod around?
Machete attacks have, of course, long been a tradition among everyday English folk.
Meanwhile, there is likely a growth industry in military reporting with nut jobs in Hollywood who have played hit men and current substitute teachers.
Determining the types of munitions used in a wide variety of media is also kinda what I used to do for two governments and militaries.
Bets on #BBCVerify opting not to go near rather get involved as it spoils stuff?
Not the BBC
Monitoring the House of Commons committee on the post office – you can play ‘watch them squirm ‘ – I have sympathy for the current CEO of the post office – he is both deaf dumb and blind and has no memory of anything – it’s like watch a slug – amoral and a swamp dweller – well paid too …
Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines:
Updates about the Mark Steyn case very welcome – but it looks like the swamp is trying to destroy any money he has on legal fees …
Forward – Waking up to the global climate engineering reality can be overwhelming for most. Finding straightforward and accessible answers to the most commonly asked questions about climate engineering is essential for fueling further interest and investigation. has just assembled over a dozen very short and to the point videos to specifically address the most commonly asked questions on the climate engineering / geoengineering issue. With all the Q and A videos assembled on a single page, the information can easily be shared with anyone that is just waking up to the climate engineering reality. – End
Selena Gomez, Jenna Ortega and more walk red carpet at Emmy Awards
The likes of the bbc approve of this lot, what a load of shte
Why do the msm refer to those in Rishi’s Party who want to toughen up the Rwanda Bill as right wingers and the far right.
Surely these mp’s should be called Conservatives.
There is about 40 of them still to be found in the ‘Conservative’ Party along with all the others who should be in either the libdems or Labour.
Emmanuel, according to the BBC ‘the kids are all t’right/Alt Right’ at 1.45 p.m. on RadioFlaw.
I’m afraid that the first time I heard that phrase, up2snuff, I ‘heard’ it as a truism, ‘The kids are all trite’, and I assumed they were talking about the Beeboid talking heads.
Ah, the eventual disillusionment that they weren’t being self-critical for the first time ever…
richard D, 🙂 x 5!