The Post Office horror has highlighted the consequences of private investigators being motivated by money . BBC licence enforcement is carried out by companies which in turn employ private citizens to get prosecutions for not having a TV licences – a criminal offence. Perhaps the time has come for better control of such activities – or the replacement of the licence with a subscription ….
Start the Week 15th January 2024
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TWatO Watch #1 – BBC giving voice to Gazan Palestinian grievances yet again ….
How about giving a voice to those in mid-Israel who had 50 rockets launched against them, BBC? The Gazan Palestinian, sorry forgotten name, let us call him Arkad answered in reply to Sarah’s question that the war in Gaza City/northern Gaza appeared to be starting up again. That is contrary to a statement from the Israel Defence minister/IDF General that the war in northern Gaza was over, Israel’s objectives had been achieved. Note the BBC negativity to Israel. Israel/the IDF cannot be telling the truth.
If 50 rockets had been launched by Hamas then Isarel/the IDF are likely to respond. The BBC stirring it up to start it all over again?
The Telegraph is either swirling the drain, or…
A pro-Palestinian activist has been selected to challenge Wes Streeting at the next election, as anger concerning Labour’s stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict grows
For a start it limits engagements, so what is the point going further?
But the story itself… ‘anger’ from whom?
If this was to highlight the mess Labour is in, well done.
Streeting is an utter tool, but MPs being elected on the basis of a sky fairy war thousands of miles away and nothing else, shows things are indeed dire in the UK.
“The adults are back in the room”, crowed the msm when Biden ‘won’ (I use the term loosely).
If by ‘adults’ you mean senile, venal, corrupt, sleazy and incompetent, then yes the adults are indeed back in the room – the room being the Oval Office.
And 3 years on, what have we got to show for it? Western economies flatlining or worse, and the real possibility of wars involving China, Russia, Iran and North Korea in the next few years, according to Grant Shapps.
If that’s the best the O’Biden ‘adults’ can do, then give me the kids, any day.
Incidentally, while much of the press has reported Shapps’ warning, I don’t see it on the BBC. Why would that be? (I don’t believe any story the BBC fails to cover to be innocent oversight.)
vlad, Donald Trump is above all a businessman and as such is used to negotiating. We saw this in DJT’s first term, when those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (have a friend with severe TDS) assumed there was going to be war with North Korea and the USA and war between North and South Korea, maybe war with Japan and Singapore, too.
What happened?
President Trump went to North Korea and charmed the socks off their President. Then he went on a tour of other s-e Asia nations and starting with South Korea got the S-K leader and the leader of N-K to meet in the DMZ, the border between the two nations, a historic first. Then DJT went elsewhere in Asia and ‘charmed more socks off’ leaders.
War can be good for business, if you are in the armaments manufacturing sector but it is no good if you are in the hotels and leisure resort business and need people to travel by air.
Yes, he’s a businessman, but he also has beliefs: belief in America, for one. Contrast with the O’Bidens: Joe believes in absolutely nothing except making more money. Obama (who’s running the show behind the scenes) believes only in BLM, CRT and destroying America.
So now we know what makes a Geordie
A woman who went to bed to sleep off a migraine woke up to find her accent had changed to a Geordie one.
Verity Went’s Newcastle upon Tyne accent is thought to be a side effect of functional neurological disorder (FND) affecting her nervous system.
10 months ago our local BBC news had such an afflicted woman
Looked like attention-seeking to me .
Wow here is an interview with the bent William Hague – why do I say bent? Because he is expressing his dislike of Donald Trump – although he gives no tangible reasons, and remarks about his “good friend” Hilary Clinton, who as we all know is one of the most corrupt politicians in the West alive today.
Perhaps it should come as no surprise a prominent Tory is so close to the hard Left of American politics these days and who expresses such antipathy towards Donald Trump, and also towards Lee Anderson, someone else seen as being on the right of the party.
It’s a deeply depressing watch, of the tired old dirty political class at its complacent worst.
I had a dream and must have been doing some maffs.
Why have Royal Navy boats as sitting ducks in the Red Sea? Say every Houthi attack involves 50 cheap drones then to shoot them all down say costs £50 million in UK missiles plus another £50 million to keep the destroyer out there plus pay for repairs then lets say £100 million per attack cost to the UK.
So instead of this how about if the UK unburdens itself of £1000 million for each attack. How much does each illegal invader cost us? At least £100k/year. So for every attack we supply to the houthis 10,000 enthusiastic islam-compatible new arrivals. They can reuse the boats they arrived in and the UK just releases them 10 miles off shore and points them in the right direction.
Then I woke up. Oh well I can dream can’t I?
Each missile costs closer to £2 million,and it’s normal to fire two at a target in case one malfunctions so make that a cost of £4 million and each ship carries 80 missiles but needs to return to the UK to reload them.
So it gets 40 shots at incomming targets before it needs to come back to Britain again.
Andrew Bridgen debate in parliament on excess deaths:
The answer ? – “Follow the money” not the whitewash inquiry .
Well done, Andrew Bridgen, I say !
The BBC has noticed that its a bit parky in the UK.
“Schools close as Arctic Blast brings snow and ice”
How about modifying that headline BBC?
Something like…
“Arctic blast across the the UK closes schools and raises questions on the validity of Climate Change data and predictions”.
They were quick enough to pin it on CC when we were deluged by rain for weeks a short while back.
I don’t have much contact with the BBC these days, so just out of interest…
How have they covered the latest revelations about the Pakistani rape gangs? Is there much…anything? Have they apologised to Nick Griffin and Tommy Robinson? No, I’m guessing not… Are they blaming the girls? Or…and this is my best guess…they’re not mentioning it unless they absolutely have to?
Also, have they given over any time to look at Andrew Bridgen’s extraordinary speech this afternoon, regarding the injurious impact of the covid vaccine? The same vaccine that the BBC promoted so heavily. I’m guessing probably not…
And what about the striking German farmers who have had quite enough of this green nonsense and have been driving their tractors up and down the autobahns, causing havoc. Any coverage? If so, are they described as “Far right”…”militants” (you know, like Hamas)…or just good old fashioned neo-Nazis?
Answers on a postcard…
I think the back of a postage stamp would suffice.
But who can afford a stamp?
The rape gang info coming out is at least as big an issue as the postmaster debacle… Guess which one rumbles on in the BBC news and which one lasted about half a day.
It appears that loads of Electric Car owners in the USA are getting a hard, cold lesson on the massive downside of owning an electric vehicle.
Now’t on the BBC about this one yet, won’t hold my breath!
Maybe we need to strike a deal with the Oil Producing Nations in the middle east?
We send them all the EV’s as its warmer there and in return they send us Oil to put in fossil fuel vehicles which WILL keep running in the cold?
digg, diesel has been known to freeze in fuel tanks, mostly in trucks and ‘artics’.
Alex Christoforou – commentator from The Duran:
ITV “The contents of a new report which calls for urgent action to tackle child food poverty have been shared exclusively with our reporter Lauren Hall”
Does that mean it’s NEWS or PR ?
“Health experts call for universal free school meals to tackle food poverty”
Apparently the UK is so rich that we can magically give every school child free school dinners.
Surely many families just have sandwiches at lunchtime and then when everyone is home from work they have a family dinner.
The report is by The Faculty of Public Health
they said its a charity.
I wonder if it’s more like a union.
Such organisations do tend to get hijacked from within by woke activists
Stew, then the BBC and other news channels state that the UK has an obesity crisis. You couldn’t make it up!
Yep 36% of older kids are overweight
Zara the campaign for Palestine MP
The weird thing is that her tweet has 26K support Likes
that is a lot
Yet the replies and quote tweets are 97% critical and there are hundreds of them
So either her Likes come from bots
or someting like foreign accounts that click Like but dont speak enough English to engage
She must perform the function of being the turd to which the ‘British ‘ Hamas supporting flies feed off … – I heard her ‘sympathy ‘ question on Monday and she comtinues he MP for Gaza act … revolting ….
Reap what you sow.
One day the cretins in the parties and media that created this will figure out they get eaten soon.
A Muslim pro Palestine activist has just announced she is to fight Wes Streeting, Labour’s shadow Health Secretary, for the Ilford North constituency which has 31.3% Muslims.
The candidate is Leane Mohamad , a Corbyn follower, who has a good chance to turning over Streeting’s 5,000 majority.
This is the start of many Muslim activists standing against Labour at the General Election as they want to show their anger at the party’s refusal to support a ceasefire in Gaza.
Ilford South is 9th on the list of most Muslim dominated constituencies.
No.1 is Birmingham Lodge Hill, followed by Bradford West, Birmingham Hall Green, East Ham, Bradford East, Blackburn, Bethnal Green and Bow, and Birmingham, Ladywood.
There’s another 70-80 constituencies with more than 10% Muslims which could give Starmer a bloody nose come November.
It’s Labour’s Reform. Marvellous.
Lee Anderson MP , quit?
Will he head for Reform uk?………..
He’s not properly quit
You just have to relinquish your ministerial role to vote against the government
The Bangladeshi Broadcasting Corporation on Radio 3 is forever playing music by Jewish Composers and Musicians. This must stop. They have to play music by Islamic composers/musicians, I don’t include Cat Stevens or whatever he calls himself these days.
Would that be the Cat Stevens, now Yusuf Islam, who called for the killing of Salman Rushdie?
What kind of ‘religion’ transforms a hippy peacenik to a bloodthirsty advocate of murder?
Fun piece I just found: “Cat Stevens got off the Peace Train at a station called Fundamentalist Town and then he walked to the bank and deposited the millions of dollars he made in a free society that accepts freedom of expression as an ultimate good, for artists and citizens alike. And then he turned around and said he supported killing a fellow artist for the things expressed in his book…”
View at
Trump is on the way back !
Something tells me that the BBC are afraid, very afraid ?
John Simpson admits affair with BBC director who turned out to be a communist spy
“Terezia Javorska passed intelligence to Czech secret police for years, newly declassified security files show…”
I wish I could show some surprise here but I can’t as its what we alll expect the BBC to be involved in moving from one denial to another cover up. And then simply shrugging it off.
I remember when Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) confronted the DG that many ”executives’ appeared to be openly Marxists working at the BBC, he was told, no NOT Marxists , they were followers of TROTSKY!
The BBC have history when it comes to the reds under the bed. Its often true and they are proud of it. Simpson obviously has no regrets.
Not on the BBC.
“For anyone with a concern about the numbers of ‘excess deaths’ in the last couple of years following Covid this will be interesting. For anyone who hasn’t been concerned so far, it should be of interest.
Dr John Campbell has publicised figures previously, easily found online (though excepting Sweden and Japan I think) that are startling. Or should I say shocking?
And yet the BBC would prefer to to ignore the deaths due to vaccinations. After all the NHS must be protected. They can do no harm. Its not just that the BBC uses BUPA, its the fact that vaccinations were given to children who later died of heart attacks. All prescribed by the BBC as almost mandatory, that those who refuse should be ‘locked up’ and wear masks (that make no difference). The BBC is truly the state broadcaster, as Elon Musk correctly observed.
It’s YouTuber John Campbell, he’s isn’t a doctor…
so what?
Harold Shipman was a doctor, Ursula van der Leyen is apparently a doctor…
What’s your point? Do you disagree with the third party information that Campbell has referenced?
I’m forced to think you’d prefer an academic who urges you to engage with scientific questions and topics only through anointed intermediaries, often him or herself, and a curated set of scientific publications, or scriptures, often written by his or her colleagues.
Fauci fan?
US voters react to Trump’s commanding win in Iowa
So Trump is overwhelmingly elected by the people of Iowa.
The BBC pick 5 people to interview for this article.
One would expect maybe at least 3 pro-Trump.
Nope. One pro-Trump, the other 4 against:
‘The Democrats want us to praise Mr Trump and keep having him front and centre because he’s going to lose.’
‘I’m not voting for Trump. He lies, and I just think that he’s only about himself and it’s not about America.’
‘He now feels more inclined to back independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr over Donald Trump, who he cannot trust’
Absolute classic BBC. These ‘public poll’ articles are the most dirty of all because they can interview 100 people and just choose the ones they want. They don’t represent ‘public opinion’ at all. But then that’s the LAST thing the BBC want to do because they don’t either.
The BBC seems to be following a pattern we’ve seen many times through history. Look at the Russian communists, the German socialists, present American Democrats and the ideologues obsessed with controlling information / media over decades …. often using a shield of proclaimed virtue and the deceit that they’re independent.
Putting people in prison for not paying for the BBC – when they don’t even use it – that’s plain wrong and has to stop.
Sheesh, these Green/eco parasites are quite something.
The UK hydrogen car filling stations all closed and look at Mirai sales:
Nothing to see… move along
A former top FBI official who led the agency’s New York counterintelligence division, and played a key role in the Trump-Russia collusion probe, has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for colluding with Russia – and he may face an even longer sentence under a second indictment for hiding $225,000 in payments from a former Albanian intelligence officer
Tomo put it on the new thread
.. also check the Skeptic Shellenberger video
Twitter was filled with ex FBI guys …”ex” ha ha