Do you wonder why the current ‘Conservative government ‘ has done nothing to control the BBC or its’ so called ‘regulator ‘ OFCOM ?. Well here is a clue – in the last 10 years there have been 11 ‘culture secretaries ‘. One might assume from that -that there is no drive to change the Far Left Anti British BBC . It seems that is a job for a real Party to do .
Weekend 27th January 2024
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Three US servicemen killed and over 30 injured in Jordan. Biden will retaliate by pulling out and leaving lots of weapons for the Islamists as in Afghanistan
The problem is that the US military is full of old Left wing men who are intent on fighting yesterdays battles. They do not appear to have even come to any understanding of the new warefare being waged with drones, and have developed no credible defence against them.
The Ukrainians have developed a portable system the US appears to have nothing, and as we have seen in Britain when airports have been brought to a standstill there is no equipment which can be deployed against them.
No doubt General Milley is of the opinion the next war will be a massive tank battle on the European plains and has no plans for any other kind of engagement.
I have recently been giving some thought back to our living memory past and many readers here will recall the late comedian and founder of Private Eye Peter Cook. He also founded a club in London called “the Establishment” and that is the point of my post, because back then people talked of and believed in “the Establishment”.
This was an informal group of people at the top of society which controlled everything, and had most of the money.
The Establishment were the political class, the senior media people, the bankers, CEOs, senior civil servants etc, and they made sure that they protected one and other if something was going wrong.
Entry to this elite group was by a kind of understanding, just because you held a particular senior position didn’t mean you were a part of the club, they had to trust that you were “one of them” and that you could be relied upon should need arise.
Back then men used to refer to it as “the old school tie” women referred to it as “the glass ceiling”.
But for some reason we have stopped talking about “The Establishment” much I am sure to their great delight. The establishment decided it needed to open its membership to a wider group and ethnic minorities and women and gays were welcomed (so long as they could be trusted.)
The Establishment protects itself and its members, so we saw with the Post Office Scandal successive governments closing ranks and covering up to protect, and even when it became widely known what had been going on, the Establishment moved to protect the senior players within its ranks giving them honours and offers of other senior positions.
The question is though, why have we stopped talking about the Establishment when it most certainly still exists?
Perhaps we need to resurrect the notion once again?
Now just referred to as they or (((they))).
Thoughtful – just a matter of nomenclature – the political – journo – management class – the merry go round of NGOs and Charities and Not Exec jobs with suitable ‘compensation ‘ … CeOs rewarded for failure – bale outs – the PPE class – all bagged as the ‘establishment ‘- swamp – all know the rules – all know the rewards and gongs ….
And we are their victims ….
Interesting Thoughtful, I once was an avid Private Eye reader aa a student. About the same time when Monty Python and John Cleese came along to upset ‘the establishment’ as it was then. but I don’t think your right, its not the same people, its a splinter group now in charge, shape shifters, public service wonks unemployable outside public services where they inhabit like toads.
There was a book I read last year by Peter Hitchins that described how all UK public services were ultimately run by ex Grammer school boys. It was a reason that the public services ran with little fanfare, and the left hated that ‘exclusive’ factor, i.e. intelligence. You had to be a bright kid to go to a Grammer school, and from any poor of middle class background plus it was very competitive. When Labour started to close them down, it was deliberate to create the unification of state education as standardised and quantified and made into a (narrow ) ‘curricullum’ where a tick by numbers is the only rule applied.
There are only a few Grammer schools left. Labour planned to close them all down. They have accomplished what they set out to close down the ‘establishment’ as they called it then. now they are the ‘new’ establishment and we are all the more stupid as a nation because of it. The civil services are without doubt lacking any intelligence and proud of it. Its a different elite, the needy, the easily offended, the well paid but clueless, highly mobile from one failed Quango to another. This is how all our public state institutions are run now. BBC included.
Seriously – a Christmas tree on January 28.
Who is this clown anyway.
Works in my local kebab shop I think, that bastion of truth 🙂
One Council at a time, islam is conquering our once proud nation.
The latest to fall is the Islamic Republic of Redbridge.
“Islamic Prayer Takes Over Labour Controlled Council”
Pianogate update:
Mr Starmer’s wants to save the public institutions.
Which he claims to defends…
By Charles Moore* writing in the Spectator’s Notes (this week)
Here is just one example:
“Zarin Patel was chief financial officer at the BBC from 2004-11. In her role of collecting television licence money, she allowed to be sent out 6.6 million letters threatening people (including me*) that unless we had a television licence we would have to admit enforcement officers into our homes. She had to apologise for this. “
Although the BBC claim to be (like the NHS) always needing more money, – despite billions £, being spent on less. Money spent on staff wages (Gary Lineker) and BBC ‘consultants’ such as ‘Diane Abbott’), or BBC ‘Roger Harrabin’ for climate predictions. No end of BBC experts and consultants with left wing views and endorsements all costs.
Anyway back to Zarin Patel;
“Ms Patel is also on the Board of Trustees of the National Trust [1] and chairs its Audit Committee. She was appointed to this role in 2018, under the NT chairmanship of Tim Parker [2], who was also chairman of the Post Office during part of the painful saga ofthe wronged sub-postmasters. In addition, Zarin Patel was the senior independent director of the Post Office from 2019 to March last year, beginning under Mr Parker’s chairmanship. I think such interconnections are worthy of notice, perhaps even of criticism. “
[1] Appalling state of the National Trust under Tim Parker
[2] Appalling state of the Post Office under Tim Parker
And I read today (28th Jan) that Kemi Badenoch has just relieved the Post Office of its disastrous Director General, which is good news. Not for Starmer’s left wing activists.
Twitter thought I should see this….
UKs very own Lolita Express
They should’ve invited Owen Jones to cut the ribbon?
Fascinating that a train company that takes over 3 hours to cover the 130 miles from Liverpool to Hull can call itself ‘Express’.
As noted below, this is an era where a show that garners zero viewers can be deemed a ‘hit’.
How about just getting the trains to run on time , or even just running ?
Bloody hell. If Steph’s Packed Lunch was a hit show what in god’s name do they class a flop?
No one watches woke infantile crap so no one advertises – pity they didn’t sell it off – but it’s a government owned basket case …
Bristol Murders
He added: “It is extremely important there should be no commentary or sharing of information or images online which could in any way prejudice and any future proceedings.
“It can be an offence to identify anyone who witnessed all or part of the incident as well as those who have been arrested.
“I’d also like to remind people of the impact the sharing of images, footage or even discussing the incident online may have on the families of the two boys. They are already going through the most difficult of times and you may cause them further upset. – Telegraph write up
A&S Police …
Free speech
She seems nice
I suppose the democrats will – inevitably- plant the seed that president trump ‘stole the election ‘ if their own cheat fails … the difference being that they’ll make sure the MSM is fully on board with exposes and investigations strangely absent from the Obama Biden theft ….
I have a suspicion things will go pear shaped earlier….
Who are you working for ?
Whoever you would like to believe I am working for. 🤔😎
It were getting wobbly before….
Khan sponsored I’d wager
Offume Kate Osamor MP red labour – has been suspended from red labour whip because she described Gaza as ‘genocide ‘ on Holocaust Memorial Day . Osamor is a disciple of Corbyn and shows that there are a good few friends of Hamas in the Commons …
New thread time
lol, that is NOTHING compared to the screaming schoolboy trolls from the farm on any BBC HYS about Ukraine.
I kid you not : they want the USA – and us – to declare WW3 on Russia.
And I bet not a single one of them has ever even seen a real weapon.
Apologies if someone else has published this or similar.
‘Women sit next to abusers at music industry parties’ MPs warn
Another BBC misandry monster. Just imagine if men talked about women like they do in this article. It’s full of generalisations about how bad men are and how unfair it all is to women.
I went to ‘BBC Music’ to check out just how unfair it really is.
I saw 9 women and 6 men.
Of the men, half were black. Of 15 people, we got 3 white males and at least one of those was gay (the old queen Elton himself).
Tell me again who is being discriminated against ‘Noor Naji’ of the BBC ?. Get your own house in order before accusing anyone else.
And I nearly spat my tea out when I saw this:
‘In 2021, a BLiM (Black Lives in Music) report found that racism in the British music industry was “serious, upfront and personal”.’
What a surprise. The most racist group there is calling everyone else racist. What a ridiculous name.
Here she is, the author. BBC ‘culture correspondent’. Showing us how professional ‘culture people’ dress:
Complete with boots which allow you to walk underwater.
If anyone makes a time capsule to snapshot just how bad the BBC agenda activism got before society collapsed, they should include this one.
‘We’re the country of beef, but we can only afford chicken’
Very slow “news” day
From nasty party to evil plotters and back again edition
Honorary calm down dears are awarded this morning
Former Tory home secretary, our hush puppy wearing inveterate cigar smoker Kenneth Clarke: …refuses to back Rwanda bill in Lords… risked pushing the UK towards an “elected dictatorship” (Telegraph) – so says the unelected Lord Clarke of Nottingham
Still, at least this wet old Tory wins a decent write up from our left-leaning media – which is what Tory politics is all about since Dave Cameron, right?
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – I was wrong about the House of Lords (the ‘i’ newspaper our pound shop Guardian)
Political lesson one – like a tramp has no fixed abode, the left have no fixed principles – if an institution does their bidding then it’s cool. If conversely an institution, be it the US Supreme Court or the UK House of Lords, is ever seen to act in the conservative interest then it’s evil and needs reforming.
Speaking of evil…
A calm down dear for the Guardian: Badenoch and Gove on Tory group Evil Plotters… Conservative WhattsApp group called Evil Plotters
Speaking of ‘nasty parties’ – some of these news segueways write themselves…
I refer of course to the meaning as implied by the urban slang term ‘nasty‘ – which is pretty much the opposite of the OED definition
Nasty – An expression of approval or impressment with regard to a person’s actions or ability. “Shit dawg! them chess skills are mad nasty, yo!” “Jessica acted nasty in the bedroom.” “Damn, that girl is nasty!” (Thank you Urban Dictionary, that’s quite enough. We get the point)
Rashford’s 12hr tequila party before calling in sick (The Sun) – we begin to see how young Marcus relates so well to our modern school kids.
He passed out at 3am… Cup axe after bender… missing training following two days boozing in Belfast (The Sun) – we ask would a free school dinner work as a hangover cure?