Giless – welcome to the site . The rule is that when you comment to refer to the BBC – unless you turn out to be a troll – in which case your account may be deleted . I’m getting fed up with dog poo trolls …
Ah, certainly not a troll. I’ve been enjoying reading the comments over the past few months and align with a lot of what’s been shared/discussed. Just amazed that I was first on a thread, as I understand it’s a highly competitive thread!!
Huw Edwards is biggest mover among BBC top earners!
DT July 23 that was. (see ***)
Only this morning I heard on TalkTV that he is still on on half £ million year on sick leave after spending £35,000 on ‘explicit’ pictures from a home web camera of a boy he knew. When the boy’s parents found out, they complained direct to the BBC. The BBC did nothing and fobbed them off. It was only when in desperation did they find The SUN found this was a story worth telling… and how the BBC denied it! Not as if it has not happened before, or for the BBC worth worrying about.
The rest is history, in your papers now – in all the newspapers and even (finally) on the BBC News. And the report below is sourced from The Guardian, who must realise now, that the BBC is beyond any redemption and corrupted by money, greed and full of dicks.
BBC apologises to family at centre of Huw Edwards scandal.
“The BBC has apologised to the parents of a young person who made a complaint about the suspended BBC presenter Huw Edwards, admitting it should have acted more quickly.
The corporation launched a review into its complaints procedure after the scandal in July last year.
I wonder if BBC nabobs have their own HMRC hotline?
HMRC lets wealthy use VIP helpline to avoid long waits
While millions wait an average of almost 23 minutes, high-profile taxpayers get through on a special number called “Public Department 1”
So thats a big f**k you to the UK Taxpayers from HMRC
I actually think that’s a reasonable way to organise things. Calling it a “VIP line” is pejorative. The facts are that people with a lot of money have highly complex tax affairs requiring specialised input from HMRC. They also pay a lot more tax than normal people.
Many people think tax is straightforward. That’s far from true and the amount owed can often be a matter of opinion and whether the taxpayer is prepared to contest HMRC with the risks involved.
British media are not honourable truth tellers
They have no hesitation it editing clips
to omit bits which would spoil the narrative for a bit of PR trickery being pushed by their mates.
.. They are a school bully gang.
Almost every clip of Lee Anderson has the end bit cut off where he says Starmer is controlled by Islamists
“I don’t actually believe that the Islamists have got control of our country, but what I do believe is they’ve got control of Khan & they’ve got control of London, & they’ve got control of Starmer as well.”
Julia Hartley-Brewer says Lee Anderson's comments were also aimed at Keir Starmer and not just Sadiq Khan.
JHB had Paul Scully MP
on Tuesday
and she asked him ..”You do know that Anderson’s video said both Sadiq and Starmer are controlled by Islamists ?”
“No I’ve not heard the Starmer bit”
FFS he’s an MP and he’s commenting a media narrative version, rather than actual reality
This is an interesting article. The BBC are actually trying to ‘blackmail’ Biden into changing his stance on Palestine using all the dirty tricks we’ve seen them use here a hundred times against the government.
What stands out about this is that they have dropped any pretence of trying to be impartial. It’s 100% anti-Trump and 100% pro-Palestine. All mixed in to a pot of bubbling agenda.
Just look at the typical, random voter they manage to find for comment. Who – just like all the fake ‘victims’ in Gaza – manages to come out with a statement right-on the BBC’s current agenda not list:
‘”As far as Joe Biden’s age, I’d rather have someone in office that forgets a few things than a criminal,” she said, addressing one of the concerns that has been raised over Mr Biden’s candidacy.’
Lets see which rising star they have lying-BBC-style through his teeth for this one:
The more sinister thing about this is that the subtle shift in favour of their agenda is because they are starting to get worried that the Democrats might not win. When this happens at the BBC, I’ve noticed it is a subtle shift across their entire output – not just some activist idiot deciding to do it himself. Which means there is some form of very strict guidelines and control going on from the BBC political commissars. I often wonder if they have a meeting to decide it which is then filtered down through their many management layers or there is one head-honcho who dictates it. I would love to see how it’s done.
PJW ‘parts of Britain now resemble a third world sh!thole, lefty politicians lie through their teeth when people say some areas feel like no go areas, even though numerous newspaper articles actually mention them
Labour DIVERT by setting up Andrew Tate as a bigey man, when hardly anyone listens to him’
There’s no evidence of any rape happening at Celbridge
It come from someone posting on Facebook that they’d heard this story.
However one interesting thing is that even after many hours Garda/Police have not issued a denial.
“Sir Michael Ellis said the BBC’s impartiality had been brought into ‘disrepute’ over its coverage of Israel and Hamas.
Opening a Westminster Hall debate on the subject, he warned that the corporation’s reporting had ‘fuelled the appalling rise of anti-Semitism’ and ‘harmed diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the violence’.”
A BBC spokesman of course dismissed the assertion. It seems sadly unlikely that this blinkered, biased corporation will be seeing the light anytime soon …
An opinion poll for More In Common finds people split almost 50-50 between thinking the BBC is pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian. Sir Michael Ellis, who was very briefly attorney-general in 2021, said yesterday ‘The BBC’s biased coverage… has steered (the public) in a more anti-Israel direction.’ ‘Biased’ nowadays seems increasingly to mean ‘you’re telling me things I don’t want to hear’.
He has his supporters. But then the BBC has many staff, pensioners and relatives.
One day Jesus decided to stroll down to the Pearly Gates. No sooner did he get there than St. Peter exclaimed, “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here, I need to go to the bathroom bad! Watch the Gates for me, will you?”
“But what am I supposed to do if someone comes?” Jesus asked.
“Have them fill out the intake sheet,” Peter said, pointing to his lectern. “I gotta run — ‘bye!”
“But —“ Jesus said, too late; Peter was out of earshot. Jesus was studying the intake sheet when he saw an old man tentatively approaching the Gates. “Welcome to Heaven, sir!” he said.
The old man stared. “Heaven — is it true? I’m in heaven?” he whispered. When Jesus nodded, the old man dropped to his knees and said, “Oh, how wonderful! Maybe now I can finally find my son!”
Jesus helped him to his feet and said, “I’ll be happy to let you in, but first I need to get some information from you so we know where to put you. Now, while you were on earth, what did you do for a living?”
“I was a carpenter,” the old man replied.
Jesus was struck by the coincidence, but made a note on the intake sheet and moved on to the next question. “About your family — you say you have, or had, a son, and you believe he’s here already, is that correct?”
“Well, I don’t know for sure,” the old man said. “We went our separate ways a long time ago, and I heard that he died. But he was a very good son, so I know that if he died, he’ll be here.”
Moved with pity for the old man, Jesus replied, “If he is here, we’ll certainly help you find him. Can you give us a description of him?” To which the old man replied, “Oh, he’ll be easy for you to recognize: he has nail holes in his hands and feet.”
Carpenter, good man, separated from family, nail holes — Jesus stared at the old man, dropped his pen and paper, thrust out his hands, and cried, “Papa!!!”
And the old man looked at him quizzically and said:
Not directly BBC – but a cut and paste by a former BBC journalist on twitter –
STARTS The UK is drifting, unhappy, losing faith in previously respected institutions (like the police), buffeted by extremists (often allowed to run amok), dismayed by decline, angry at the inability of the political class to do anything about it, despairing that the Westminster politico/media bubble pursues an agenda, issues and priorities (look at the obsession with Lee Anderson) which are not most people’s — and had enough of being lectured to by a disconnected, de haut en bas chattering class. Yet we have a Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition incapable of speaking up for the moderate majority, who still have pride in their country and are desperate for strong leadership and guidance through the current morass — plus some hope/sign things will get better — all within the bounds of traditional British tolerance and fair play. This vacuum is dangerous.ENDS . …
The author is Andrew Neil . The ‘vacuum ‘ he refers to has been discussed here a lot . I thought the serious disorder would come after red labour has screwed thing up even worse than blue labour …. But now I’m not sure the current system will last to the election …..
The BBC has been responsible for firing up its Hamas followers – biased reporting has consequences which are starting to be played out … millions to be spent shielding MPs .
The BBC explains that it’s ’because Of the war in Gaza ‘…. A Goebells style redrafting of the truth . It’s because of Muslims – now beyond control because of a frightened / complicit plod , political class and media . The majority will one day say enough – and no ‘intelligence community ‘ will be able to stop it .77 brigade to note ‘community tension’ …
I can think of only one politician remotely capable of channeling the views of the silent majority … he has flaws … he may no longer up for the fight … he presents ( still ?) on GBnews – ….. Farage … there’s no one else
If Neil is writing this then that in itself is significant. We all know that he is a slightly to the centre right globalist and very much against populist democracy. Hence his falling out at the start of GBN when he unsuccessfully tried to steer it into being a more mainstream channel and less populist.
Nonetheless he is very plugged in and widely respected by throughout the MSM So if he is putting pen to paper to warn the neo liberal global establishment that their time is nearly up he must be very worried.
I’m not a fan of revolutions as you often end up with an even worse regime in charge than the one you revolted against but if something drastic doesn’t change in the UK soon we will become an Islamic country.
Rochdale bi election Thursday – the openly anti semitic Muslim candidate will win . He is the one who is labelled ‘red labour’ but has been disowned because he wants Jews dead . That doesn’t matter – fixed postal votes are in …. It will help us by demonstrating the sort of creature that gets into parliament and the vermin who vote for him ….
Local Government wants more money . It’s no good at managing its ‘ funding – so it goes to central government for more money – which it gets – £600 million …. A Tory government wouid say – go away and sort your own funding out …. Cut unnecessary activities and stick to the basic stuff .
But no – councils are being encouraged to spend and spend without consequences . Why have local councils ? Maybe have central responsibility ? My council is an enemy – it’s a one party red state – just takes my money . It hates me . ….
… btw – huge uncontrolled population increases go unmentioned in this mess . But people know the truth .
Sport, crime, controversal opinions plus added slant in Wednesday’s edition
MHRA ‘failed to warn’ of vaccine side effects… all-party parliamentary group… said there was reason to believe… Regulatory Agency… had ben aware of post-vaccine heart and clotting issues as early as February 2021, but did not highlight them (Telegraph)
He who pays the piper calls the tune…
Freedom of Information request on whether the MHRA receives funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… We do…
The majority of our income comes from the pharmaceutical industry… the majority of adverse events were mild to moderate, relating to reactogenicity (e.g. sore arm and tiredness.) (Gov.UK, Published 13 August 2021)
And in completely and absolutely unrelated news – on the same newspaper frontpage: Lady Gabriella Windsor’s husband found dead at 45 (Telegraph)
Indefensible – yells the Daily Mail: Despite growing global threats and warnings from military top brass, Chancellor rejects calls to boost Forces funding in Budget – the Mail going in hard there with a Tory challenging opening ‘despite‘
Now some might say that if our government really truthfully believed that nasty Mr Putin was the actual reincarnation of Hitler, with ambitions to advance all the way across Europe, they’d be only too keen to put their hands in our pockets to increase spending on our military.
My, my,
At Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender,
Oh, yeah,
And I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
Abba Eurovision Song Contest winners 1974
Macron faces his Waterloo
UK blocks Macron’s bid to send troops to Ukraine (Telegraph) – Britain, Germany and several other EU nations rebuffed Mr Macron’s proposal. The US also said it would not be sending troops into Ukraine…
The US and the string of allies they’ve sworn to defend, eh? South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria… the Yanks eventaully pulled out and left them in the lurch…
As football pundit Alan Hansen famously remarked to Gary Lineker about Tottenham Hotspur: “They always let you down…”
We wait with baited breath to see how this Israel-Gaza conflict pans out. Realistically, Britain didn’t ought to have a dog in this fight. And if weren’t for our state-sponsored hyper-immigration of millions of muslims this wouldn’t be an issue: MPs handed £30m for extra security amid Gaza threat (Telegraph); You’ve made your point – now end protests, says Cleverly… Gaza marchers urged to ease pressure on police (Times)
Rowling leads backlash over trans cat killer standing trial as woman (Telegraph) – this confusing modern nomenclature that’s come to the fore since David Cameron, followed by a string of left-liberal PMs posing as conservatives took power – for a moment back there I thought a transvestite cat had been on a murder spree. Pussy power.
Funny isn’t it… it’s regarded as highly offensive to abbreviate the term Pakistani, whereas the shortening of transvestite to trans is now de rigueur.
Cat lovers look away now
The story to which the Telegraph refers is of course: Cat sadist caged for killing a stranger… sexual pleasure from putting a cat through a blender has been jailed for life for murdering a stranger she lured to his death on a night out (freebie Metro) – the poor innocent cat may possibly have been a ‘She‘ but the killer in this case was – despite our liberal media’s woke journalistic skew – in fact a ‘He‘: Blake, a trans-gender woman who at times adopted a cat persona, had denied murder but was found guilty at Oxford crown court – saucer of milk for the prisoner in the dock? Seems there are some limits to official and media respect for self-identification. Surely the defence missed a trick there by not entering a diminished responsibilty due to mental incapacity plea. It’s all the rage, or so I hear.
One thing is for sure, our BBC won’t be splashing with this case or marking its anniversary. I’m not sure if social media can be blamed in any way – a situation which often excites our national broadcaster leading to empassioned calls for more censorship and regulation, but: ….judge said Netflix documentary Don’t F*** With Cats played a role in both killings (giveaway Metro)
Identifying as British
Killer’s mugshot and victim’s name reveal neither to have been native white British, by the way.
The Guardian decides to get on board with the Daily Express campaign for euthanasia today. Whereas Esther Rantzen (of That’s Life fame) fronts up the movement in the trashy Express the Gruan prefers to go to a venerable BBC hack personality for their nudge endorsement and appeals to justice rather than tabloid sentiment: ‘It’s a matter of justice’: Dimbleby seeks law change on assisted dying… Jonathan… A campaign for change in the law has been growing
And finally
The Daily Star is as concise as ever – a bizarre trans freak may have put a pet through the blender but the Star don’t mince its words: BBC’s Huw shame
While broadsheets compete in a bit of wordplay
The globalist corporate technocrat-mided FT complains: This year of elections is lacking policy wonks
Wonkiest pub must be rebuilt – slant and all (Telegraph)
Guess the guardian wants to kill off elderly telegraph subscribers – so many positives about killing the old off – no bed blockers – will flatten the curve – more inheritance tax – more empty homes – less adverts for those motability scooters and that bloke in a tank top advertising life insurance – every one gets a DNR form – where do I sign ?
,,. And then Maybe macron will send French troops to fight alongside what’s left of the Ukrainian army …. Which might well be on its last legs – land mines permitting ….
What we do The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the UK.
New funding to help protect MPs from threats
3 minutes ago The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
Rochdale grooming: ‘I was raped more than 100 times from age 12’
6 days ago The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
Google (with AI) commits White Genocide – there is no CANCEL CULTURE .. HA HA HA HA HA!
“Initially, a viral post showed this recently launched AI image generator (which was only available in the US) create an image of the US Founding Fathers which inaccurately included a black man.
Gemini also generated German soldiers from World War Two, incorrectly featuring a black man and Asian woman.
Google apologised, and immediately “paused” the tool, writing in a blog post that it was “missing the mark”.”
“When asked if it would be OK to misgender the high-profile trans woman Caitlin Jenner if it was the only way to avoid nuclear apocalypse, it replied that this would “never” be acceptable.”
Twenty emergency vehicles deployed because 6 illegal invaders are found on a lorry at Newhaven. Viewer warning this is a bBC clip:
However if a UK citizen lies severely wounded or injured then emergency vehicles take 6 hours plus to turn up. This looks like a two tier emergency service to me. Locals don’t matter.
“An investigation has been launched into the death of a mother of two who fell unconscious while waiting in an accident and emergency (A&E) unit. The woman was found in a chair underneath her coat on 19 January at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham.9 Feb 2024”
It’s now day 5 of media obsessively going on about how on GBnews an Islamist falsely stated TR led a mob who threw petrol bombs at police at tge Cenotaph on Remembrance day,
with the presenter Jacob Rees Mogg failing to challenge any of the wild statements.
“Marianne’s stirred” klaxon – I see team Spring has a digital artist.(refugee from BBC kid channel?)
and … after 20 years the BBC notices that Drax are fraudsters…. So, after cheerleading blowing up coal power stations they’re going after the rest of the power system – the BBC IS THE ENEMY.
Drax workers were in the pub the other day
“biomass is the news asbestos” they said
They were talking about the new masks and breathing apparatus they’ve been issued with.
Wowsers, a lawyer who does not immediately inspire Shakespearean thoughts.
I obfuscate (ironically) slightly as disclaimers abound.
Seems amazing that over a hundred years, and with legislators aplenty coming and going, such vague issues might not get nailed down better rather than depending on interpretations still.
Maybe Panorama or #BBCverify could mount an ‘investigation’ from their cubicles?
Long ago I decided to legally avoid testing this. Because one thing that would end poorly is a self-describing ‘enforcement officer’ at the door in a C&A Parka dad jeans and a pair of trainers saying they need to come in.
That the police tacitly support this explains much now, later.
Time to publish the details of their cars – which – no doubt they park a couple of roads away from their targets in ‘nice’ easy areas ….
Remember – TV licence ‘inspectors ‘ are private citizens on commission – do not engage – not a word – not even ‘good bye ‘…
FFS the lefty gate-keeper on the GBnews couch now is Scarlett McCswire
Eammon Holmes is praising her saying how much she brings to the show
She says he is the bonkers one.
The truth is she is nuttier and nasty than any metaphor I think of.
And will it be telling the entire story of how Demonrats under Obama, very many of the Jewish faith such as Victoria Nuland engineered the Maidan coup in order to provide enrichment to others of their cabal such as Larry Fink of Blackrock who has been buying up Ukrainian farmland cheap now the farmers have been killed in the military action their party engineered?
There is an OT Bible story similar to this regarding King David and Uriah the Hittite 2 Samuel 11
The chapter ends with how Davids actions displeased God.
In the following chapter God makes plain how he is going to punish David for what he has done.
These two chapters deserve revisiting and those involved called out for their gross sin and what God says amounts to mass murder to satisfy their own greed and sinfulness.
tomo, if I recall correctly it was a Labour Government nominee for an important EU post, Cathy Ashton, as the EU’s first High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security policy who helped to start the war in Ukraine.
I’m sorry but Cathy Ashton was so incompetent she was more or less removed from office and became a laughing stock she was so bad.
Most of her visits to Ukraine appear to be in the company of one Jewish heritage Demonrat – John Kerry adding further weight to the assertions of a cabal here at work.
TOADY Watch #1 – the lack of knowledge of BBC presenters is astounding!
Much huffing and puffing from the BBC over the £600 million of taxpayers money given to Local Authorities by central Government to help fund their essential services. It is not enough say the BBC and Local Authorities. The subject of Special Educational Needs (of children) was mentioned. I am surprised that the BBC presenters did not know that that funding requirement is met out of the education budget from the Department for Education via the Local Education Authorities controlled by the councils themselves.
You know you can trust the BBC … to pull the wool over your eyes.
A useful reminder of the opacity of school financing.
Academy trusts are supposed to operate as independent institutions free of council interference. But in fact the money goes from the DfE to the local council who then are supposed to give it on to the school. Why? Why introduce a non-performing, non-added value piece of bureaucracy? Schools are moving to a national funding formula so even more reason to cut out the dead wood.
To be fair to councils they do have residual responsibilities for children and many of these cost a lot of money and cannot necessarily be predicted. But when the government throws all its money down the drain of the NHS is there any wonder that every other public service is cash-strapped?
Sluff, it was said during Blair’s and Brown’s time in Government that – “Education, education, education” notwithstanding – the funding for schools was increased dramatically but the Dept. for Education spent half the money on itself and passed the rest to the LEAs. They then spent half the money received from central Government via the DfE on itself and divided the rest of the funds from taxpayers between the schools in its area of responsibility.
Is the situation any different now? I think we should be told.
…….but they have to fund all those equality, diversity, pride and trans initiatives somehow.
And retrofit lifts so all those disabled people can get upstairs in old schools.
Not to mention funding the Prevent strategy to ward off all that Far Right extremism…..
It’s a wonder there is any money left to teach ordinary kids ordinary things, like subjects.
Actually I’ll just mention this. Around 80% of a typical school budget goes on staff salaries. The money which has to be set aside for teachers future pensions is just under 24% of salary. Do the maths.
Hands up all those who knew that 19% of an entire school budget is for staff pensions? Almost as much as funding the entire school apart from staff costs. Maintenance, heating, lighting, water, repairs, school minibus, decorating, everything.
Just as I thought. Almost no-one.
It’s about that same percentage of your poll tax which goes to LA people too!
God knows how much cash that the useful and the gullible give to bogus charities is quantified and handed out to ‘staff’!
Charity begins ‘Chez Scrobs’ these days, as directly Sunak hands out the triple lock increase, and looks around for praise, the extra few meagre pounds gets hauled back via income tax, and gets handed out for the illegals’ housing, (see Alf Dobbs post in the previous string), and the disastrous net-zero green levy etc.!
Sluff and Scrobie, the public sector is fast becoming a millstone around the necks of the taxpayer. There was an implicit request relayed via the BBC, “We need more money from the Government”. The Government has no money. The BBC choose to forget that fact!
The latest BBC victim group is that those with autism stand less chance of landing jobs.
Now it’s not a great affliction to have, granted. But on the other hand, if you are an employer, will such a person help team dynamics? Or empathy with customers? Quite possibly not.
I mention this because in ‘Silent Witness’ on the BBC, ever eager to tick boxes, they have a mute character who communicates by sign language only. We get subtitles when she is ‘talking’. But get this. She also has a full time ‘interpreter’ who sits around reading a book and then whirs into life only when communication is necessary. OK so it’s a drama but the BBC bods have included this. Who pays for two people in order to employ one with a disability? Does money grow on trees? Is this a not so subtle way of engendering support for spending even more taxpayers money on next-to-nothing?
All too often ‘disability rights’ are also ‘fleece the taxpayer rights’. A little harsh perhaps but a necessary reposts to the one-way-street on the matter that appears to be the unchallenged default position of the blank cheque.
I have never watched “Silent Witness”. This is because I had some personal experience of pathologists and coroners, and would not have been able to reconcile what I knew about their indolence and lack of imagination with the fictional crime busters. But I must say it sounds as if the show has degenerated so far that it no longer has any connection to reality. Much like the rest of the BBC,
We offer aid to Pakistan … but cannot protect their women in the UK?
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme – Pakistan (UK AID PROGRAMME)
Reporting Organisation: Department for International Development
Project Identifier: GB-1-202328
Activity Status: Implementation
Total Budget: £283,200,862
To improve primary and secondary education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by providing up to £283.2million in technical assistance, financial aid and infrastructure which aims to benefit all primary and lower secondary children in the province by 2020.This programme targets primary enrolment specifically girl child enrolment and female literacy which contributes towards Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 5. The programme is directly supporting 257,808
As you saw when the civil (dis)Service was tasked with bringing refugees from Iraq during the time of ISIS they didn’t manage to find a single Christian despite the widespread reports of dire persecution and they instead brough radical Islamists into the UK.
Thoughtful, there were also Jewish communities in Iraq (and Iran, as well) and there are some in Damascus in Syria. The Christian sister of a friend is in Damascus happily living alongside Jews and Arabs under what the BBC would describe as President Assad’s cruel rule.
Supposed is the operative word Flotsam. The guy is an unhinged lunatic with no qualifications to discuss this topic other than his personal opinions which are nonsense. I switched off the minute he came on before his ranting started. He cannot coherently argue anything. I do not know why GB news persist in bringing idiots like him, Butterworth, Nickell etc on as I am sure many others like me switch off.
They have to be seen to provide “balance”. Obviously the BBC does not have to do this, because it has a privileged position. GB News is getting reported by leftists to Ofcom on a daily basis. Ofcom is complicit, because it accepts these crackpot complaints, which means GB News has to devote management time to dealing with them. It’s all a fix by the Blob.
BBC must be desperate for president trump to lose a primary – Michigan is now in the bag . I suppose the woman running against him is auditioning for VP …
The BBC (Balestine Broadcasting Company – there is no letter ‘P’ in Arabic) reports that ‘Gazans (are) in survival mode with cold nights and food rations’. Undoubtedly, it is not a pleasant situation for civilians to be in. Meanwhile, according to the same BBC, the weather forecast for Gaza is as follows:
Wednesday: Sunny, with a high of 20C after a low of 11C overnight.
Thursday: Sunny, with a high of 22C with a low of 13C overnight.
Friday; Sunny, with a high of 23C and a low of 15C overnight.
One cannot help wondering whether there are homeless people and pensioners in this country who are also ‘in survival mode with cold nights and food rations’.
You can play a sort of sick game these days . ‘An elderly man attacked and killed in a sickening attack ‘ outside a tube station in east londonistan yesterday . One arrested . ‘An isolated incident ‘…. No names . Nothing else ….
‘Isolated incident ‘ is a bit of a trigger these days …. And the longer no more details are provided …. The more we can guess the story ….
What does this chief constable mean by "Islamophobic crime"? The definition of "Islamophobia" goes beyond the definition of hate crime, to protect *ideas* not *people*, which is why it is not an offence. Does he understand what he is saying?
What does this chief constable mean by “Islamophobic crime”? The definition of “Islamophobia” goes beyond the definition of hate crime, to protect *ideas* not *people*, which is why it is not an offence. Does he understand what he is saying?
Heard an interesting debate on GB News in which I thought Peter Tatchell made the point very well – and repeatedly – that we should be free to robustly criticise and challenge ideologies. That’s not to be conflated with attacking individuals for what they believe – which is wrong. Think I’ve paraphrased that correctly.
Wood is a renewable digg ! The whole thing about Drax is the total hypocrisy of using petrol chainsaws and machinery to deforest entire areas, to then use diesel trucks to get the wood to the sawmills where fossil fuels are used to reduce perfectly good timber to pellets. They then have to use fossil fuels to dry the pellets before loading it onto trains powered by diesel to take it thousands of miles to ports where it is loaded on ships (heavy oil powered) to bring it across the oceans to Liverpool where it is loaded onto diesel powered trains (which run close enough to me to see them every now & again) which takes them to Drax to be burned – one enormous train every day.
They then make the ridiculous claim that this is ‘renewable’ and sustainable when it is clearly an outrageous raping of the Earth to satisfy melons who are too stupid to realise they are being duped.
I just LOVE it when the Lefty cretins unwittingly expose their extreme double-standards in stories like this. And even better, the BBC have promoted it to world news showing they are equally as bad.
‘The event’s advertisement specified a white dress code, but also had a line saying “Face control: White” – which was largely interpreted to mean the event was open only to white people.’
‘Backlash against the event was swift, with many on social media calling it “disgusting” and “racist”.’
And how many competitions/groups/BBC ‘features’ are black only BBC ?. Google shows me many. Why aren’t THEY disgusting and racist ?.
This is why I detest the ethics of the Left so much : they have the ultimate double-standards. As we keep saying, it’s only wrong when people they don’t like do it. They are motivated by hate and spite. Nothing else.
Be something if the IRA was redeployed to deal with an internal threat eh? Their trash would be coming back our way – although dinghies and the Irish Sea might be … challenging …
Archbishop of Canterbury says “Islamic rules are incompatible with British laws” By 5Pillars (DH)
“There are believed to be more than 80 Shariah courts in Britain which settle financial and marital disputes for those who are willing to accept their rulings.” – NO GO?
She also said spreading fake news such as vaccine misinformation should be a criminal offence, but that the police did not have enough resources to actually do this.
spreading fake news such as vaccine misinformation should be a criminal offence, ARREST ALL 650 MPs!
A story I saw yesterday – our last coal power station is to be destroyed this year – delays in the French building sizewell will lead to power shortages around 2028 due to a production consumption gap …. That green crap has a lot to answer for …
I think – if spared – I may go elsewhere …
A londonistan council is apparently crowdfunding some green crap . What a great idea – maybe the whole government could be crowdfunded – ranging from sponsored potholes to useless aircraft carriers or nuclear missiles which don’t fire …
The relentless attacks on Mr Corbyn, a man of integrity, honesty and humility are truly shameful. We have an opportunity here to offer him support in a practical way. His supporters have not forgotten him, nor have they gone away and through this fund Jeremy can rest assured that we will always have his back.
In a attempt to be helpful , I would like to add that the CO-OP and the U.N. have both recently spoken of no-go areas in this green and pleasant land.
If Miss Jess Philips has ever heard of them, let me explain neither organisation has hitherto been considered” right wing”, but hey, what do I know , some might think they are both simply pouring petrol on these embers of discontent.
The book, which follows three young British Pakistani men on a night out, has just won the New Writers’ Prize on Stormzy’s #Merky Books label
“You criminals, and you’ve got the cheek to call us savages, you should do some jail time, you should pay some damages, you should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.”
“Harold Wood murder: Elderly man dies at London train station in ‘unprovoked’ attack
The man was found seriously injured at Harold Wood station in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
A 22-year-old man has now been charged with murder. Miles Skai, of Brent Cross in Hendon, appeared at Barkingside Magistrates’ Court today.”
Surname Skai
Family name Skai (Sky Myanmar Indonesia China Bangladesh Egypt, スカイ Japan, Skai Myanmar Indonesia China United States Nigeria) , worldwide, is a widespread surname. The cognomen Skai is characteristic of Myanmar, where it is a common surname, Macao, where it is quite a common surname, and Brunei (explore the name in all countries). Measured by absolute frequency, it most frequently occurs in Myanmar, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.
The Lib Dems have been left humiliated this morning after their latest attention-seeking press stunt completely flopped.
24 hours ago with great fanfare, the party launched a new campaign against Lee Anderson, encouraging MPs to sign a parliamentary motion decrying his “Islamophobic comments”.
The Early Day Motion called on the Commons to censure the Ashfield MP, accusing his attack on the Mayor of London of being “Islamophobic, damaging, divisive and risk bringing the House collectively into disrepute”.
It added a final demand that Mr Anderson should come to the House and apologise for his remarks.
In a press release, the Lib Dems called on Conservative MPs and the Government to back the motion, adding that they “must show that Islamophobia is not tolerated in Parliament”.
Unfortunately for the party, not only did Conservative MPs fail to back the motion and “rebuke Islamophobia” but so did most Lib Dem MPs.
24 hours after publishing the EDM, just four of the party’s 15 MPs had bothered to sign the petition.
In addition, five MPs from other parties including Plaid Cymru, Alliance and the SNP backed the petition, bringing the total to nine MPs.
Middle aged white man — in BBCland “hapless father” — “is unable to load a washing machine, boil an egg or microwave rice without it exploding. Up until now, he’s been living in squalor with fellow divorcee Derek…”
BBC reporting on Canada’s new online safety bill which if passed will “amend the criminal code to increase hate crime penalties, including by introducing a new offense punishable by up to life imprisonment for those found guilty of inciting genocide.”
Oh but they’re leaving out the good bit, which extends powers far beyond just inciting genocide…
Offence motivated by hatred
320.1001 (1) Everyone who commits an offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, if the commission of the offence is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.
Where hatred = “the emotion that involves detestation or vilification and that is stronger than disdain or dislike”.
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025
Giless – welcome to the site . The rule is that when you comment to refer to the BBC – unless you turn out to be a troll – in which case your account may be deleted . I’m getting fed up with dog poo trolls …
Ah, certainly not a troll. I’ve been enjoying reading the comments over the past few months and align with a lot of what’s been shared/discussed. Just amazed that I was first on a thread, as I understand it’s a highly competitive thread!!
Yes there are always a lot of secret lurkers who read these threads
.. but haven’t commented yet.
Huw Edwards is biggest mover among BBC top earners!
DT July 23 that was. (see ***)
Only this morning I heard on TalkTV that he is still on on half £ million year on sick leave after spending £35,000 on ‘explicit’ pictures from a home web camera of a boy he knew. When the boy’s parents found out, they complained direct to the BBC. The BBC did nothing and fobbed them off. It was only when in desperation did they find The SUN found this was a story worth telling… and how the BBC denied it! Not as if it has not happened before, or for the BBC worth worrying about.
The rest is history, in your papers now – in all the newspapers and even (finally) on the BBC News. And the report below is sourced from The Guardian, who must realise now, that the BBC is beyond any redemption and corrupted by money, greed and full of dicks.
BBC apologises to family at centre of Huw Edwards scandal.
“The BBC has apologised to the parents of a young person who made a complaint about the suspended BBC presenter Huw Edwards, admitting it should have acted more quickly.
The corporation launched a review into its complaints procedure after the scandal in July last year.
Edwards has not made any public statement since he was named as the BBC presenter accused of a string of allegations, including paying a 17-year-old for sexually explicit photos for several years since 2020.”
***BBC Pay rises from last year…
I wonder if BBC nabobs have their own HMRC hotline?
I actually think that’s a reasonable way to organise things. Calling it a “VIP line” is pejorative. The facts are that people with a lot of money have highly complex tax affairs requiring specialised input from HMRC. They also pay a lot more tax than normal people.
Many people think tax is straightforward. That’s far from true and the amount owed can often be a matter of opinion and whether the taxpayer is prepared to contest HMRC with the risks involved.
You would think these “VIPs” employ accountants to handle their complex tax affairs.
British media are not honourable truth tellers
They have no hesitation it editing clips
to omit bits which would spoil the narrative for a bit of PR trickery being pushed by their mates.
.. They are a school bully gang.
Almost every clip of Lee Anderson has the end bit cut off where he says Starmer is controlled by Islamists
“I don’t actually believe that the Islamists have got control of our country, but what I do believe is they’ve got control of Khan & they’ve got control of London, & they’ve got control of Starmer as well.”
JHB had Paul Scully MP
on Tuesday
and she asked him ..”You do know that Anderson’s video said both Sadiq and Starmer are controlled by Islamists ?”
“No I’ve not heard the Starmer bit”
FFS he’s an MP and he’s commenting a media narrative version, rather than actual reality
I was reading the GB news bit about Sadiq from the leader of reform and he is absolutely right : Sadiq is not controlled by the Islamists at all.
Because he is right in there as a willing participant. He does not need controlling.
BBC reports that Lee Anderson says to ‘drink bleach’ *
* Just like the bBC I could have made that bit up by crafty editing.
“British media are not honourable truth tellers
They have no hesitation it editing clips”
The classic is January 6th. Trump at a rally saying “march on the Capitol” and cutting “…and protest peacefully and democratically”.
All TV stations, including the BBC did this editing. Agenda? What agenda?
UK politicians sell you out
both Labour & Tory establishments push their globalist agendas above all else
Michigan vote tests anger over Biden’s Israel policy
This is an interesting article. The BBC are actually trying to ‘blackmail’ Biden into changing his stance on Palestine using all the dirty tricks we’ve seen them use here a hundred times against the government.
What stands out about this is that they have dropped any pretence of trying to be impartial. It’s 100% anti-Trump and 100% pro-Palestine. All mixed in to a pot of bubbling agenda.
Just look at the typical, random voter they manage to find for comment. Who – just like all the fake ‘victims’ in Gaza – manages to come out with a statement right-on the BBC’s current agenda not list:
‘”As far as Joe Biden’s age, I’d rather have someone in office that forgets a few things than a criminal,” she said, addressing one of the concerns that has been raised over Mr Biden’s candidacy.’
Lets see which rising star they have lying-BBC-style through his teeth for this one:

The more sinister thing about this is that the subtle shift in favour of their agenda is because they are starting to get worried that the Democrats might not win. When this happens at the BBC, I’ve noticed it is a subtle shift across their entire output – not just some activist idiot deciding to do it himself. Which means there is some form of very strict guidelines and control going on from the BBC political commissars. I often wonder if they have a meeting to decide it which is then filtered down through their many management layers or there is one head-honcho who dictates it. I would love to see how it’s done.
“Humza Yousaf cosies up to Islamists,
while at the same time moaning about Islamophobia”
PJW ‘parts of Britain now resemble a third world sh!thole, lefty politicians lie through their teeth when people say some areas feel like no go areas, even though numerous newspaper articles actually mention them
Labour DIVERT by setting up Andrew Tate as a bigey man, when hardly anyone listens to him’
Likewise June Slater seems based in the real world
whilst MSM are in DIVERSION Fantasyland
“I’m not islamaphobic, I just don’t like them”
RE Lucy, nothing confirmed yet but crowds gathering it seems:
Breaking! Celbridge in uproar after 7 year old girl Allegedly Raped!
There’s no evidence of any rape happening at Celbridge
It come from someone posting on Facebook that they’d heard this story.
However one interesting thing is that even after many hours Garda/Police have not issued a denial.
Big claims, need big evidence.
Sir Michael Ellis, who was for a short while Attorney General for England and Wales, has this to say about the BBC:
“Sir Michael Ellis said the BBC’s impartiality had been brought into ‘disrepute’ over its coverage of Israel and Hamas.
Opening a Westminster Hall debate on the subject, he warned that the corporation’s reporting had ‘fuelled the appalling rise of anti-Semitism’ and ‘harmed diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the violence’.”
A BBC spokesman of course dismissed the assertion. It seems sadly unlikely that this blinkered, biased corporation will be seeing the light anytime soon …
Have they mounted an ‘investigation’ yet?
Simpo is leading the way.
An opinion poll for More In Common finds people split almost 50-50 between thinking the BBC is pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian. Sir Michael Ellis, who was very briefly attorney-general in 2021, said yesterday ‘The BBC’s biased coverage… has steered (the public) in a more anti-Israel direction.’ ‘Biased’ nowadays seems increasingly to mean ‘you’re telling me things I don’t want to hear’.
He has his supporters. But then the BBC has many staff, pensioners and relatives.
oww no the bbc sticks its nose in:–
Drax: UK power station burns wood from rare forests
Its okay if you earn the salary the bbc employees do, but as we know Green = Expensive for the bill payer
Buring wood pellets. An absolute Green con.
One day Jesus decided to stroll down to the Pearly Gates. No sooner did he get there than St. Peter exclaimed, “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here, I need to go to the bathroom bad! Watch the Gates for me, will you?”
“But what am I supposed to do if someone comes?” Jesus asked.
“Have them fill out the intake sheet,” Peter said, pointing to his lectern. “I gotta run — ‘bye!”
“But —“ Jesus said, too late; Peter was out of earshot. Jesus was studying the intake sheet when he saw an old man tentatively approaching the Gates. “Welcome to Heaven, sir!” he said.
The old man stared. “Heaven — is it true? I’m in heaven?” he whispered. When Jesus nodded, the old man dropped to his knees and said, “Oh, how wonderful! Maybe now I can finally find my son!”
Jesus helped him to his feet and said, “I’ll be happy to let you in, but first I need to get some information from you so we know where to put you. Now, while you were on earth, what did you do for a living?”
“I was a carpenter,” the old man replied.
Jesus was struck by the coincidence, but made a note on the intake sheet and moved on to the next question. “About your family — you say you have, or had, a son, and you believe he’s here already, is that correct?”
“Well, I don’t know for sure,” the old man said. “We went our separate ways a long time ago, and I heard that he died. But he was a very good son, so I know that if he died, he’ll be here.”
Moved with pity for the old man, Jesus replied, “If he is here, we’ll certainly help you find him. Can you give us a description of him?” To which the old man replied, “Oh, he’ll be easy for you to recognize: he has nail holes in his hands and feet.”
Carpenter, good man, separated from family, nail holes — Jesus stared at the old man, dropped his pen and paper, thrust out his hands, and cried, “Papa!!!”
And the old man looked at him quizzically and said:
“ Pinocchio ? “
New funding to help protect MPs from threats
£31m now, and as the muslim population increases – just keep avoiding the issue throwing money at it
When we are all Islamic, Islamophobia will end!
But not the violence.
Just came across this tonight – what do others think?
Not directly BBC – but a cut and paste by a former BBC journalist on twitter –
STARTS The UK is drifting, unhappy, losing faith in previously respected institutions (like the police), buffeted by extremists (often allowed to run amok), dismayed by decline, angry at the inability of the political class to do anything about it, despairing that the Westminster politico/media bubble pursues an agenda, issues and priorities (look at the obsession with Lee Anderson) which are not most people’s — and had enough of being lectured to by a disconnected, de haut en bas chattering class. Yet we have a Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition incapable of speaking up for the moderate majority, who still have pride in their country and are desperate for strong leadership and guidance through the current morass — plus some hope/sign things will get better — all within the bounds of traditional British tolerance and fair play. This vacuum is dangerous.ENDS . …
The author is Andrew Neil . The ‘vacuum ‘ he refers to has been discussed here a lot . I thought the serious disorder would come after red labour has screwed thing up even worse than blue labour …. But now I’m not sure the current system will last to the election …..
The BBC has been responsible for firing up its Hamas followers – biased reporting has consequences which are starting to be played out … millions to be spent shielding MPs .
The BBC explains that it’s ’because Of the war in Gaza ‘…. A Goebells style redrafting of the truth . It’s because of Muslims – now beyond control because of a frightened / complicit plod , political class and media . The majority will one day say enough – and no ‘intelligence community ‘ will be able to stop it .77 brigade to note ‘community tension’ …
I can think of only one politician remotely capable of channeling the views of the silent majority … he has flaws … he may no longer up for the fight … he presents ( still ?) on GBnews – ….. Farage … there’s no one else
Hear hear
If Neil is writing this then that in itself is significant. We all know that he is a slightly to the centre right globalist and very much against populist democracy. Hence his falling out at the start of GBN when he unsuccessfully tried to steer it into being a more mainstream channel and less populist.
Nonetheless he is very plugged in and widely respected by throughout the MSM So if he is putting pen to paper to warn the neo liberal global establishment that their time is nearly up he must be very worried.
I’m not a fan of revolutions as you often end up with an even worse regime in charge than the one you revolted against but if something drastic doesn’t change in the UK soon we will become an Islamic country.
Rochdale bi election Thursday – the openly anti semitic Muslim candidate will win . He is the one who is labelled ‘red labour’ but has been disowned because he wants Jews dead . That doesn’t matter – fixed postal votes are in …. It will help us by demonstrating the sort of creature that gets into parliament and the vermin who vote for him ….
Rochdale Bi Election. Which Bi do I vote for?
Local Government wants more money . It’s no good at managing its ‘ funding – so it goes to central government for more money – which it gets – £600 million …. A Tory government wouid say – go away and sort your own funding out …. Cut unnecessary activities and stick to the basic stuff .
But no – councils are being encouraged to spend and spend without consequences . Why have local councils ? Maybe have central responsibility ? My council is an enemy – it’s a one party red state – just takes my money . It hates me . ….
… btw – huge uncontrolled population increases go unmentioned in this mess . But people know the truth .
Sport, crime, controversal opinions plus added slant in Wednesday’s edition
MHRA ‘failed to warn’ of vaccine side effects… all-party parliamentary group… said there was reason to believe… Regulatory Agency… had ben aware of post-vaccine heart and clotting issues as early as February 2021, but did not highlight them (Telegraph)
He who pays the piper calls the tune…
Freedom of Information request on whether the MHRA receives funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… We do…
The majority of our income comes from the pharmaceutical industry… the majority of adverse events were mild to moderate, relating to reactogenicity (e.g. sore arm and tiredness.) (Gov.UK, Published 13 August 2021)
And in completely and absolutely unrelated news – on the same newspaper frontpage: Lady Gabriella Windsor’s husband found dead at 45 (Telegraph)
Indefensible – yells the Daily Mail: Despite growing global threats and warnings from military top brass, Chancellor rejects calls to boost Forces funding in Budget – the Mail going in hard there with a Tory challenging opening ‘despite‘
Now some might say that if our government really truthfully believed that nasty Mr Putin was the actual reincarnation of Hitler, with ambitions to advance all the way across Europe, they’d be only too keen to put their hands in our pockets to increase spending on our military.
My, my,
At Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender,
Oh, yeah,
And I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
Abba Eurovision Song Contest winners 1974
Macron faces his Waterloo
UK blocks Macron’s bid to send troops to Ukraine (Telegraph) – Britain, Germany and several other EU nations rebuffed Mr Macron’s proposal. The US also said it would not be sending troops into Ukraine…
The US and the string of allies they’ve sworn to defend, eh? South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria… the Yanks eventaully pulled out and left them in the lurch…
As football pundit Alan Hansen famously remarked to Gary Lineker about Tottenham Hotspur: “They always let you down…”
We wait with baited breath to see how this Israel-Gaza conflict pans out. Realistically, Britain didn’t ought to have a dog in this fight. And if weren’t for our state-sponsored hyper-immigration of millions of muslims this wouldn’t be an issue: MPs handed £30m for extra security amid Gaza threat (Telegraph); You’ve made your point – now end protests, says Cleverly… Gaza marchers urged to ease pressure on police (Times)
Rowling leads backlash over trans cat killer standing trial as woman (Telegraph) – this confusing modern nomenclature that’s come to the fore since David Cameron, followed by a string of left-liberal PMs posing as conservatives took power – for a moment back there I thought a transvestite cat had been on a murder spree. Pussy power.
Funny isn’t it… it’s regarded as highly offensive to abbreviate the term Pakistani, whereas the shortening of transvestite to trans is now de rigueur.
Cat lovers look away now
The story to which the Telegraph refers is of course: Cat sadist caged for killing a stranger… sexual pleasure from putting a cat through a blender has been jailed for life for murdering a stranger she lured to his death on a night out (freebie Metro) – the poor innocent cat may possibly have been a ‘She‘ but the killer in this case was – despite our liberal media’s woke journalistic skew – in fact a ‘He‘: Blake, a trans-gender woman who at times adopted a cat persona, had denied murder but was found guilty at Oxford crown court – saucer of milk for the prisoner in the dock? Seems there are some limits to official and media respect for self-identification. Surely the defence missed a trick there by not entering a diminished responsibilty due to mental incapacity plea. It’s all the rage, or so I hear.
One thing is for sure, our BBC won’t be splashing with this case or marking its anniversary. I’m not sure if social media can be blamed in any way – a situation which often excites our national broadcaster leading to empassioned calls for more censorship and regulation, but: ….judge said Netflix documentary Don’t F*** With Cats played a role in both killings (giveaway Metro)
Identifying as British
Killer’s mugshot and victim’s name reveal neither to have been native white British, by the way.
The Guardian decides to get on board with the Daily Express campaign for euthanasia today. Whereas Esther Rantzen (of That’s Life fame) fronts up the movement in the trashy Express the Gruan prefers to go to a venerable BBC hack personality for their nudge endorsement and appeals to justice rather than tabloid sentiment: ‘It’s a matter of justice’: Dimbleby seeks law change on assisted dying… Jonathan… A campaign for change in the law has been growing
And finally
The Daily Star is as concise as ever – a bizarre trans freak may have put a pet through the blender but the Star don’t mince its words: BBC’s Huw shame
While broadsheets compete in a bit of wordplay
The globalist corporate technocrat-mided FT complains: This year of elections is lacking policy wonks
Wonkiest pub must be rebuilt – slant and all (Telegraph)
Guess the guardian wants to kill off elderly telegraph subscribers – so many positives about killing the old off – no bed blockers – will flatten the curve – more inheritance tax – more empty homes – less adverts for those motability scooters and that bloke in a tank top advertising life insurance – every one gets a DNR form – where do I sign ?
,,. And then Maybe macron will send French troops to fight alongside what’s left of the Ukrainian army …. Which might well be on its last legs – land mines permitting ….
What we do
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the UK.
New funding to help protect MPs from threats
3 minutes ago
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
Rochdale grooming: ‘I was raped more than 100 times from age 12’
6 days ago
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
Google (with AI) commits White Genocide – there is no CANCEL CULTURE .. HA HA HA HA HA!
“Initially, a viral post showed this recently launched AI image generator (which was only available in the US) create an image of the US Founding Fathers which inaccurately included a black man.
Gemini also generated German soldiers from World War Two, incorrectly featuring a black man and Asian woman.
Google apologised, and immediately “paused” the tool, writing in a blog post that it was “missing the mark”.”
“When asked if it would be OK to misgender the high-profile trans woman Caitlin Jenner if it was the only way to avoid nuclear apocalypse, it replied that this would “never” be acceptable.”
Twenty emergency vehicles deployed because 6 illegal invaders are found on a lorry at Newhaven. Viewer warning this is a bBC clip:
However if a UK citizen lies severely wounded or injured then emergency vehicles take 6 hours plus to turn up. This looks like a two tier emergency service to me. Locals don’t matter.
“An investigation has been launched into the death of a mother of two who fell unconscious while waiting in an accident and emergency (A&E) unit. The woman was found in a chair underneath her coat on 19 January at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham.9 Feb 2024”
It’s now day 5 of media obsessively going on about how on GBnews an Islamist falsely stated TR led a mob who threw petrol bombs at police at tge Cenotaph on Remembrance day,
with the presenter Jacob Rees Mogg failing to challenge any of the wild statements.
Tousi has the clip
Jacob Rees-Mogg said that anti-Islamic comments have no place in society and people had thoughts
Sophia Ankel
Apr 20, 2019
I bet that twerp can’t wait to get his peerage after being thrown out of his seat …
“Marianne’s stirred” klaxon – I see team Spring has a digital artist.(refugee from BBC kid channel?)
and … after 20 years the BBC notices that Drax are fraudsters…. So, after cheerleading blowing up coal power stations they’re going after the rest of the power system – the BBC IS THE ENEMY.

Drax workers were in the pub the other day
“biomass is the news asbestos” they said
They were talking about the new masks and breathing apparatus they’ve been issued with.
I heard it with my own ears.
Wait till they hear about DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE
Who the BBC ‘tracks down’ in one of its highly selective ‘investigations’ is likely based on the same filtering system that gets QT audiences vetted.
Wowsers, a lawyer who does not immediately inspire Shakespearean thoughts.
I obfuscate (ironically) slightly as disclaimers abound.
Seems amazing that over a hundred years, and with legislators aplenty coming and going, such vague issues might not get nailed down better rather than depending on interpretations still.
Maybe Panorama or #BBCverify could mount an ‘investigation’ from their cubicles?
Long ago I decided to legally avoid testing this. Because one thing that would end poorly is a self-describing ‘enforcement officer’ at the door in a C&A Parka dad jeans and a pair of trainers saying they need to come in.
That the police tacitly support this explains much now, later.
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the middle of the week:
– TV Licensing Goons Wearing Body Cameras
– BBC Boss Davie Boasts About Institutional Wokism
– BBC Mobile Phones and Premium Rate Call Costs
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
Time to publish the details of their cars – which – no doubt they park a couple of roads away from their targets in ‘nice’ easy areas ….
Remember – TV licence ‘inspectors ‘ are private citizens on commission – do not engage – not a word – not even ‘good bye ‘…
Write to TV Licensing and remove their right of access to your home. Make sure you get confirmation of this letter from TV licensing.
Then any subsequent ‘visits’ allow you to do TV licensing for harassment.
Even drug-pushers don’t turn up at your home demanding payment for drugs you have never taken.
FFS the lefty gate-keeper on the GBnews couch now is Scarlett McCswire
Eammon Holmes is praising her saying how much she brings to the show
She says he is the bonkers one.
The truth is she is nuttier and nasty than any metaphor I think of.
Do keep up!
The NYT changes its tune on Ukraine…. grinding of gears detected.
BBC to dutifully follow?
And will it be telling the entire story of how Demonrats under Obama, very many of the Jewish faith such as Victoria Nuland engineered the Maidan coup in order to provide enrichment to others of their cabal such as Larry Fink of Blackrock who has been buying up Ukrainian farmland cheap now the farmers have been killed in the military action their party engineered?
There is an OT Bible story similar to this regarding King David and Uriah the Hittite 2 Samuel 11
The chapter ends with how Davids actions displeased God.
In the following chapter God makes plain how he is going to punish David for what he has done.
These two chapters deserve revisiting and those involved called out for their gross sin and what God says amounts to mass murder to satisfy their own greed and sinfulness.
Aeschylus “In war, truth is the first casualty.”
tomo, if I recall correctly it was a Labour Government nominee for an important EU post, Cathy Ashton, as the EU’s first High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security policy who helped to start the war in Ukraine.
– ah yes, the overpromoted NHS bogroll counter Kaff – shades of that Post Office CEO woman.
She was picked as a fikko.
I’m sorry but Cathy Ashton was so incompetent she was more or less removed from office and became a laughing stock she was so bad.
Most of her visits to Ukraine appear to be in the company of one Jewish heritage Demonrat – John Kerry adding further weight to the assertions of a cabal here at work.
Thoughtful you seem to be having an overload on your anti-Jewish comments. You must be a Lefty.
TOADY Watch #1 – the lack of knowledge of BBC presenters is astounding!
Much huffing and puffing from the BBC over the £600 million of taxpayers money given to Local Authorities by central Government to help fund their essential services. It is not enough say the BBC and Local Authorities. The subject of Special Educational Needs (of children) was mentioned. I am surprised that the BBC presenters did not know that that funding requirement is met out of the education budget from the Department for Education via the Local Education Authorities controlled by the councils themselves.
You know you can trust the BBC … to pull the wool over your eyes.
A useful reminder of the opacity of school financing.
Academy trusts are supposed to operate as independent institutions free of council interference. But in fact the money goes from the DfE to the local council who then are supposed to give it on to the school. Why? Why introduce a non-performing, non-added value piece of bureaucracy? Schools are moving to a national funding formula so even more reason to cut out the dead wood.
To be fair to councils they do have residual responsibilities for children and many of these cost a lot of money and cannot necessarily be predicted. But when the government throws all its money down the drain of the NHS is there any wonder that every other public service is cash-strapped?
Sluff, it was said during Blair’s and Brown’s time in Government that – “Education, education, education” notwithstanding – the funding for schools was increased dramatically but the Dept. for Education spent half the money on itself and passed the rest to the LEAs. They then spent half the money received from central Government via the DfE on itself and divided the rest of the funds from taxpayers between the schools in its area of responsibility.
Is the situation any different now? I think we should be told.
…….but they have to fund all those equality, diversity, pride and trans initiatives somehow.
And retrofit lifts so all those disabled people can get upstairs in old schools.
Not to mention funding the Prevent strategy to ward off all that Far Right extremism…..
It’s a wonder there is any money left to teach ordinary kids ordinary things, like subjects.
Actually I’ll just mention this. Around 80% of a typical school budget goes on staff salaries. The money which has to be set aside for teachers future pensions is just under 24% of salary. Do the maths.
Hands up all those who knew that 19% of an entire school budget is for staff pensions? Almost as much as funding the entire school apart from staff costs. Maintenance, heating, lighting, water, repairs, school minibus, decorating, everything.
Just as I thought. Almost no-one.
It’s about that same percentage of your poll tax which goes to LA people too!
God knows how much cash that the useful and the gullible give to bogus charities is quantified and handed out to ‘staff’!
Charity begins ‘Chez Scrobs’ these days, as directly Sunak hands out the triple lock increase, and looks around for praise, the extra few meagre pounds gets hauled back via income tax, and gets handed out for the illegals’ housing, (see Alf Dobbs post in the previous string), and the disastrous net-zero green levy etc.!
Sluff and Scrobie, the public sector is fast becoming a millstone around the necks of the taxpayer. There was an implicit request relayed via the BBC, “We need more money from the Government”. The Government has no money. The BBC choose to forget that fact!
The latest BBC victim group is that those with autism stand less chance of landing jobs.
Now it’s not a great affliction to have, granted. But on the other hand, if you are an employer, will such a person help team dynamics? Or empathy with customers? Quite possibly not.
I mention this because in ‘Silent Witness’ on the BBC, ever eager to tick boxes, they have a mute character who communicates by sign language only. We get subtitles when she is ‘talking’. But get this. She also has a full time ‘interpreter’ who sits around reading a book and then whirs into life only when communication is necessary. OK so it’s a drama but the BBC bods have included this. Who pays for two people in order to employ one with a disability? Does money grow on trees? Is this a not so subtle way of engendering support for spending even more taxpayers money on next-to-nothing?
All too often ‘disability rights’ are also ‘fleece the taxpayer rights’. A little harsh perhaps but a necessary reposts to the one-way-street on the matter that appears to be the unchallenged default position of the blank cheque.
I have never watched “Silent Witness”. This is because I had some personal experience of pathologists and coroners, and would not have been able to reconcile what I knew about their indolence and lack of imagination with the fictional crime busters. But I must say it sounds as if the show has degenerated so far that it no longer has any connection to reality. Much like the rest of the BBC,
We offer aid to Pakistan … but cannot protect their women in the UK?
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme – Pakistan (UK AID PROGRAMME)
Reporting Organisation: Department for International Development
Project Identifier: GB-1-202328
Activity Status: Implementation
Total Budget: £283,200,862
To improve primary and secondary education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by providing up to £283.2million in technical assistance, financial aid and infrastructure which aims to benefit all primary and lower secondary children in the province by 2020.This programme targets primary enrolment specifically girl child enrolment and female literacy which contributes towards Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 5. The programme is directly supporting 257,808
MM, ah but, yes but, no but ….. Asia Bibi was a Christian not one of a group favoured by some on the Left, including the BBC.
It’s utterly disgusting – yet I pray on, knowing that God is sovereign and that one day Christ will return!
As you saw when the civil (dis)Service was tasked with bringing refugees from Iraq during the time of ISIS they didn’t manage to find a single Christian despite the widespread reports of dire persecution and they instead brough radical Islamists into the UK.
Thoughtful, there were also Jewish communities in Iraq (and Iran, as well) and there are some in Damascus in Syria. The Christian sister of a friend is in Damascus happily living alongside Jews and Arabs under what the BBC would describe as President Assad’s cruel rule.
From here account …×900
“The World is on Fire!”, Jim Dale a supposed climate expert emotes on GBNews.
I think, judging from their behaviour, a lot of these Green fanatics are narcissists.
“The World is on Fire!” last week it was boiling!
Dale is an absolute dimwit failed matelot
Supposed is the operative word Flotsam. The guy is an unhinged lunatic with no qualifications to discuss this topic other than his personal opinions which are nonsense. I switched off the minute he came on before his ranting started. He cannot coherently argue anything. I do not know why GB news persist in bringing idiots like him, Butterworth, Nickell etc on as I am sure many others like me switch off.
They have to be seen to provide “balance”. Obviously the BBC does not have to do this, because it has a privileged position. GB News is getting reported by leftists to Ofcom on a daily basis. Ofcom is complicit, because it accepts these crackpot complaints, which means GB News has to devote management time to dealing with them. It’s all a fix by the Blob.
BBC must be desperate for president trump to lose a primary – Michigan is now in the bag . I suppose the woman running against him is auditioning for VP …
The BBC (Balestine Broadcasting Company – there is no letter ‘P’ in Arabic) reports that ‘Gazans (are) in survival mode with cold nights and food rations’. Undoubtedly, it is not a pleasant situation for civilians to be in. Meanwhile, according to the same BBC, the weather forecast for Gaza is as follows:
Wednesday: Sunny, with a high of 20C after a low of 11C overnight.
Thursday: Sunny, with a high of 22C with a low of 13C overnight.
Friday; Sunny, with a high of 23C and a low of 15C overnight.
One cannot help wondering whether there are homeless people and pensioners in this country who are also ‘in survival mode with cold nights and food rations’.
You can play a sort of sick game these days . ‘An elderly man attacked and killed in a sickening attack ‘ outside a tube station in east londonistan yesterday . One arrested . ‘An isolated incident ‘…. No names . Nothing else ….
‘Isolated incident ‘ is a bit of a trigger these days …. And the longer no more details are provided …. The more we can guess the story ….
Legal issues?
What does this chief constable mean by “Islamophobic crime”? The definition of “Islamophobia” goes beyond the definition of hate crime, to protect *ideas* not *people*, which is why it is not an offence. Does he understand what he is saying?
Heard an interesting debate on GB News in which I thought Peter Tatchell made the point very well – and repeatedly – that we should be free to robustly criticise and challenge ideologies. That’s not to be conflated with attacking individuals for what they believe – which is wrong. Think I’ve paraphrased that correctly.
BBC Panorama….
Drax power station still burning wood!
Could have been….
UK avoids power cuts this long cold winter by using electricity from Drax power station to offset poor renewables power generation.
Wood is a renewable digg ! The whole thing about Drax is the total hypocrisy of using petrol chainsaws and machinery to deforest entire areas, to then use diesel trucks to get the wood to the sawmills where fossil fuels are used to reduce perfectly good timber to pellets. They then have to use fossil fuels to dry the pellets before loading it onto trains powered by diesel to take it thousands of miles to ports where it is loaded on ships (heavy oil powered) to bring it across the oceans to Liverpool where it is loaded onto diesel powered trains (which run close enough to me to see them every now & again) which takes them to Drax to be burned – one enormous train every day.
They then make the ridiculous claim that this is ‘renewable’ and sustainable when it is clearly an outrageous raping of the Earth to satisfy melons who are too stupid to realise they are being duped.
Drax was built next to a massive coal field, which we now refuse to use. The world has gone mad.
Cut the BBC’s mains electricity supply – pedal generators only.
BBC and matters #28Gate… I tend to seek other sources.
Given every Beeboid got an Apple anything so long as they gave them a mention, this must have lead to some disappointment.
Organiser of ‘white party’ in Sri Lanka apologises after backlash
I just LOVE it when the Lefty cretins unwittingly expose their extreme double-standards in stories like this. And even better, the BBC have promoted it to world news showing they are equally as bad.
‘The event’s advertisement specified a white dress code, but also had a line saying “Face control: White” – which was largely interpreted to mean the event was open only to white people.’
‘Backlash against the event was swift, with many on social media calling it “disgusting” and “racist”.’
And how many competitions/groups/BBC ‘features’ are black only BBC ?. Google shows me many. Why aren’t THEY disgusting and racist ?.
This is why I detest the ethics of the Left so much : they have the ultimate double-standards. As we keep saying, it’s only wrong when people they don’t like do it. They are motivated by hate and spite. Nothing else.
Unlikely on the BBC
Be something if the IRA was redeployed to deal with an internal threat eh? Their trash would be coming back our way – although dinghies and the Irish Sea might be … challenging …
Undesirables from Ireland ?
The conniving fecks in Dublin exported the worst of the Tinkers when Brussels told them to give them equal rights…
Just once?
“Rochdale grooming: ‘I was raped more than 100 times from age 12’”
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
Talking about UK Labour fikkoes
Archbishop of Canterbury says “Islamic rules are incompatible with British laws” By 5Pillars (DH)
“There are believed to be more than 80 Shariah courts in Britain which settle financial and marital disputes for those who are willing to accept their rulings.” – NO GO?
Jess should marry a mo ….
My Body – My Choice – Except concerning Jabs!
“TikTok campaign needed for MMR jab, says Jess Phillips MP”
“Most of these cases were in Birmingham.”
She also said spreading fake news such as vaccine misinformation should be a criminal offence, but that the police did not have enough resources to actually do this.
spreading fake news such as vaccine misinformation should be a criminal offence, ARREST ALL 650 MPs!
This entity of which she speaks.. has it been independently verified?
NOT on the BBC
A story I saw yesterday – our last coal power station is to be destroyed this year – delays in the French building sizewell will lead to power shortages around 2028 due to a production consumption gap …. That green crap has a lot to answer for …
I think – if spared – I may go elsewhere …
I hear there are plenty of basement properties becoming available quite close to Israel, all with their own water features.
Although there have been some noise and vibration complaints.
Free rockets!
A londonistan council is apparently crowdfunding some green crap . What a great idea – maybe the whole government could be crowdfunded – ranging from sponsored potholes to useless aircraft carriers or nuclear missiles which don’t fire …
The relentless attacks on Mr Corbyn, a man of integrity, honesty and humility are truly shameful. We have an opportunity here to offer him support in a practical way. His supporters have not forgotten him, nor have they gone away and through this fund Jeremy can rest assured that we will always have his back.
Also Dr Snerd’s paintings of The Algarve, Tom’s home-made wine and square hoops…
Fantastic to hear of another MP embroiled in ‘lawfare’ – the more the better IMHO.
Then maybe we can have a return to common sense and our common law.
In a attempt to be helpful , I would like to add that the CO-OP and the U.N. have both recently spoken of no-go areas in this green and pleasant land.
If Miss Jess Philips has ever heard of them, let me explain neither organisation has hitherto been considered” right wing”, but hey, what do I know , some might think they are both simply pouring petrol on these embers of discontent.
2018 …. “POLICE GO TO HELL!”
STACEY DOOLEY visits Protest in Luton Where she comes across a group of Muslim Extremists
Stacey Dooley investigates what is going on in her hometown of Luton and finds out why it is known as the extremist capital of Britain.
Is it all hype? Or is ‘L-town’ such a pick-and-mix of culture that extremists are attracted here like no other town in Britain?
Anyone for mouldy food
Is mouldy food safe to eat?
Honestly bbc, just throw it in the bin – there you go, saves you writing a whole page about the stuff!
Anyone still paying for this cr*p
Save £159 – stop paying the BBC!
The book, which follows three young British Pakistani men on a night out, has just won the New Writers’ Prize on Stormzy’s #Merky Books label
“You criminals, and you’ve got the cheek to call us savages, you should do some jail time, you should pay some damages, you should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.”
“Harold Wood murder: Elderly man dies at London train station in ‘unprovoked’ attack
The man was found seriously injured at Harold Wood station in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
A 22-year-old man has now been charged with murder. Miles Skai, of Brent Cross in Hendon, appeared at Barkingside Magistrates’ Court today.”
Surname Skai
Family name Skai (Sky Myanmar Indonesia China Bangladesh Egypt, スカイ Japan, Skai Myanmar Indonesia China United States Nigeria) , worldwide, is a widespread surname. The cognomen Skai is characteristic of Myanmar, where it is a common surname, Macao, where it is quite a common surname, and Brunei (explore the name in all countries). Measured by absolute frequency, it most frequently occurs in Myanmar, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.
How it started … how it’s going …

Who’s the funny looking bloke in the bigger pictures?
I saw a comedian talking about this subject.
He said the Government was thinking of adopting the Australian point system.
This means the Australians gather together all the immigrants. Point to where they came from and say. *uck off back there.
Will probably go for the diminished …. Will the victim turn out to be Jewish ? Will the facts ever come out ?
The Lib Dems have been left humiliated this morning after their latest attention-seeking press stunt completely flopped.
24 hours ago with great fanfare, the party launched a new campaign against Lee Anderson, encouraging MPs to sign a parliamentary motion decrying his “Islamophobic comments”.
The Early Day Motion called on the Commons to censure the Ashfield MP, accusing his attack on the Mayor of London of being “Islamophobic, damaging, divisive and risk bringing the House collectively into disrepute”.
It added a final demand that Mr Anderson should come to the House and apologise for his remarks.
In a press release, the Lib Dems called on Conservative MPs and the Government to back the motion, adding that they “must show that Islamophobia is not tolerated in Parliament”.
Unfortunately for the party, not only did Conservative MPs fail to back the motion and “rebuke Islamophobia” but so did most Lib Dem MPs.
24 hours after publishing the EDM, just four of the party’s 15 MPs had bothered to sign the petition.
In addition, five MPs from other parties including Plaid Cymru, Alliance and the SNP backed the petition, bringing the total to nine MPs.
Humiliation is something they must be used to.
All Lib Dems can now return to their constituencies, and “Prepare for Humility”..;0)
(D. Notsosharpthesedays)
bbc does comedy (aparently)
First look and further casting confirmed for new BBC Comedy Daddy Issues
As a kid the bbc was the place to watch most of our family tv. Unlike now, can only imagine what the bbc thinks as “comedy” these days
Having just read the synopsis, what a rib tickling situation !!!
I can’t wait, it will be laugh a minute.
Middle aged white man — in BBCland “hapless father” — “is unable to load a washing machine, boil an egg or microwave rice without it exploding. Up until now, he’s been living in squalor with fellow divorcee Derek…”
Looks absolutely vile therefore perfect for the bBBC. I would have said thanks for the heads up so I could avoid it but I watch none of their shit.
BBC reporting on Canada’s new online safety bill which if passed will “amend the criminal code to increase hate crime penalties, including by introducing a new offense punishable by up to life imprisonment for those found guilty of inciting genocide.”
Oh but they’re leaving out the good bit, which extends powers far beyond just inciting genocide…
Offence motivated by hatred
320.1001 (1) Everyone who commits an offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, if the commission of the offence is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.
Where hatred = “the emotion that involves detestation or vilification and that is stronger than disdain or dislike”.
BBC ‘reporting’ over the pond is very much in keeping with TNI MSM guidelines.
Epic for use of not just BBC #accusedof but also BBc ‘quotes’
Hope none of the lady contenders of proud heritages get all inspired at the next fluff awards:
Protest by driving your tractor = nazi sympathiser
Protest by setting yourself on fire = martyr
It’s all getting a bit jihadi
Protest by throwing oil (just stop oil) = genius
“for those found guilty of inciting genocide.”” – Google just removed the white race from the internet !!! !HA HA HA HA!