Start the week 4th March 2024

Busy week coming – MP for Hamas being sworn in Monday – Super Tuesday – Budget Wednesday – plus ‘events ‘ – so much for the BBC to show its’ verified bias .

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347 Responses to Start the week 4th March 2024

  1. digg says:

    Could an outdoor sauna on the beach be the new pub?

    Comments the amazingly named Zola Hargreaves…

    BBC asking another frigging stupid question which reveals they have never been to a real pub because there are no real pubs in W1A and if there were they wouldn’t want to go anyway near them as they don’t serve coffee with stupid plastic bubbles in it….

    Childish and naive is not the word!


  2. Cooper_Man says:

    According to the BBC webshite “Horses on the run bring traffic to a halt on US motorway.”

    You would’ve thought that someone at the newsdesk would know that in the US they’re called ‘freeways.’ A bit pedantic of me perhaps, but it’s blindingly obvious even to non-Americans.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Cooper, good point. They are even called ‘interstates’ by some people and labelled as such.


      • Scroblene says:

        And another sort…

        “”Kathy, I’m lost”, I said, though I knew she was sleeping
        I’m empty and aching and I don’t know why
        Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
        They’ve all come to look for America
        All come to look for America
        All come to look for America”

        ‘America’ – (Simon and Garfunkle)

        Apparently, there are eighteen Turnpikes in the US, and if Mare Khaaan gets his grubby little way, the whole of London will be one bloody great Turnpike as well!


  3. Zephir says:


    “Church of England is blasted for trying to hire £36,000 a year ‘anti-racism’ officer to ‘deconstruct whiteness’ – with critics accusing it of ‘drinking the critical race Kool Aid’

    The role is part of an 11-person ‘racial justice unit’ being set up in the Midlands”


    • StewGreen says:


    • Square-Eyed says:

      Presumably the unit will have its headquarters in the Stretchford Conurbation, cultural home of the race relations industry.

      Floreat Peter Simple (Michael Wharton).


      • Scroblene says:

        He was brilliant wasn’t he, Square-Eyed!

        May I recommend a similar style of real humour in Douglas Adams’ and John Lloyd’s fabulous book, ‘The Deeper Meaning of Liff’?

        There are some of the funniest passages I’ve ever read, and even just a quick dip into the pages will bring a guffaw of pure delight!

        In fact, I still can’t stop giggling at the description of food leftovers in the fridge, and how someone has to listen to a boring child…

        (But there again, I never really grew up – thank goodness…)!


        • Up2snuff says:

          Scrobie, oh dear! Another half-hour in my life gone never to return. I could not remember who wrote the ‘Peter Simple’ columns for the DT, which my father read for decades, pronounced de-cades and not, BBC please note, Deck Aids. Deck Aids are sun loungers and quoits and lifebelts and sunscreen and other stuff. So I did an interwebby search and came up with this:

          I note that MW (real name Michael Bernhard Nathan) was educated at a Grammar School and got into Oxford University on the strength of his Grammar School education. I think it was a big mistake for the first Wilson Labour government to dismantle Grammar Schools as they were the biggest boost to upward social mobility around at the time. Another black mark for ‘Socialism’!


          • Scroblene says:

            Craig Brown does a half-decent follow up, Uppers!

            His four or five ‘Coobridanyer’ articles from some years ago still bring tears of laughter to these ol’ eyes!


        • Square-Eyed says:

          Scrobbers, old thing.

          Thanks for the suggestion. Ordered.


          • Scroblene says:

            You won’t regret it, Squares!

            Just one taster…

            The one I keep chortling about is ‘Goosnargh’ – Something left over from preparing or eating a meal, which you store in the fridge despite the fact that you know full well that you will never use it!

            Followed by: – ‘High Offley’ – Goosnargh three weeks later.!

            (In fact, my lunch today is two portions of Goosnargh, an old pork chop and some garlic bread that Senora O’Blene pronounced as being far too strong! She’s having an omelette)!


      • Banania says:

        But keep away from lovely sex-maniac-haunted Stretchford Park! There are worse dangers there now than sex maniacs.


    • MarkyMark says:

      IS IT appropriate to read from the Koran during worship in a Christian church? This month, people close to America’s new head of state, and spiritual advisers to Britain’s long-standing one, have been forced to consider that question.

      It started on January 6th at an Episcopal cathedral in Glasgow when a Muslim student was invited to read from her faith’s sacred text, and duly chanted verses from the Sura or chapter devoted to Mary, the mother of Jesus. The chapter has certain similarities with the Christian narrative and also some striking differences: it asserts that Jesus cannot be the son of God because the idea of God having progeny makes no sense.


  4. Zephir says:

    Funding to hire the 11-person team comes from the church’s Racial Justice Unit and includes a director, programme manager, theologian, communications catalyst and six development workers.

    The team has three years of funding to ‘fan into flame a movement of change’ to transform the church and will involve ‘reimagining parish and community activities’, according to the job listing.

    A spokesperson from Don’t Divide Us, a campaign group that aims to ‘contest the idea that Britain is systematically racist’ told GB News: ‘It is extraordinary that the CoE – the General Synod at least (we don’t know what ordinary parishioners make of it) have chosen to go down this radical, highly partisan political route so wholeheartedly.

    ‘This is a politics that purports to be about kindness and equity, but as many examples show, legitimises intolerance, cultural re-racialisation and antipathy to Britain’s history and culture.’


    • Up2snuff says:

      Zephir, “Funding to hire the 11-person team” I suppose they will kick a few ideas around and drain the Church of England of a few more members/attendees/Communicants.


  5. Zephir says:

    “Israel ‘boycotts Gaza ceasefire talks in Cairo’ after Hamas terrorists ‘rejected its demand for a complete list naming the hostages that are still alive’

    One source briefed on the talks had said on Saturday that Israel could stay away from Cairo unless Hamas first presented it with a full list of hostages who are still alive. A Palestinian source said Hamas had so far rejected that demand.

    In past negotiations Hamas has sought to avoid discussing the wellbeing of individual hostages until after terms for their release are set.”


    • Deborah says:

      I don’t know if it is still one of Hamas’s demands for a cease fire, but they were demanding from here on in, free electricity and water, paid for by Israel. How can any one negotiate with such people?


      • Banania says:

        How can their demand for a ceasefire be taken seriously when the ceasefire that did exist was broken by the invasion and atrocities in October?


  6. StewGreen says:

    @KonstantinKisin Mar 2 tweet with 16K Likes
    Rishi Sunak doesn’t actually think the far right are a comparable problem to Islamists.

    He just has to say it to pander to the media class
    so they don’t call him an ist and a phobe.

    Weak and dishonest.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “In August and September 2022, Leicester, England, saw a period of religious and ethnic tension between predominately British Hindus and British Muslims of South Asian origin. The unrest saw rioting, protest marches, sloganeering and ethnic violence between the two populations.”


  7. Deborah says:

    For 2 nights now GBNews are reporting that President Trump has said in his speeches that it is Obama in the White House. They didn’t play the clip to give context. I thought we all knew that Obama is running things behind the scenes. Is that what Trump meant or was it a genuine mistake. I haven’t a clue.

    I still have trouble remembering that ‘Prince of Wales’ doesn’t mean Charles and that ‘The Queen’ doesn’t meant our late wonderful monarch (ref Neil Sean). I don’t think I’m going senile.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Deborah, I can’t even get used to it not being 19- something. How can it be 2024?
      That’s a Star Trek date. Not a real date right?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Debs, I still think of HMG being Her Majesty’s Government and have to correct myself in conversation sometimes and hastily say “Er, I mean His Majesty’s Government.”


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Of course Trump knows that the nominal president is Sleazy Joe. Of course he is making the point that Obama really controls things. I don’t need GB News to start being as snarky as the BBC or Sky FFS.


  8. BRISSLES says:

    I’m with you on the Queen thing Deb. Camilla just doesn’t spring to mind at all. And when Steve McQueen is mentioned I only think of the delicious blonde in Thomas Crown, and certainly not the black film director, famed for Widows and 12 Year’s a Slave.


    • Doublethinker says:

      I am with you on the delicious blonde in the Thomas Crown Affair. Faye Dunaway playing with the chess pieces left a lasting impression.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Er, my delicious blonde wore the well cut suit, had a fab haircut and had the bluest of eyes, and every woman wanted to be Faye Dunawsy in thst chess scene. Not many movie scenes have compared since.


        • moggiemoo says:

          Wouldn’t he be blond, not blonde?


          • Scroblene says:

            Brissles, I know I’ve asked you a hundred times, but as well as ‘The Post’ film which you recommended, what was the other one please?

            ‘The Post’ is riveting – first class! Thank you so much for the tip!

            (I was gibbering on about ‘Washington behind closed doors’ which I may persuade Senora O’Blene to get me for my birthday…)!


          • Banania says:

            Fair-haired, anyway.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:


      I think “famed” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


  9. JohnC says:

    Mr Ibu: Nollywood actor John Okafor dies in Lagos

    Me neither.

    Front page news for the UK apparently. At least it is on the BBC. And also on ‘Sputnik Afrique’ and ‘Daily Post Nigeria’ according to google. But nowhere else.

    Never mind :
    ‘Local media say he is survived by his 13 children.’

    Who apparently have been robbing him while he was sick. No doubt the BBC would warmly welcome them over here.

    Brought to you by ‘Natasha Booty’ who now proudly works for BBC news after a career with MSN and Yahoo news. Two of the many who regularly have their extreme Leftist articles thrust uninvited under my nose by my phone.

    No doubt the BBC consider it racist not to put her on the front page from time to time – so we get articles like this which nobody who paid for it cares about.


  10. JohnC says:

    UK terror threat at the highest level since 9/11 with extremists using Gaza war to recruit

    ‘There is a “real risk” of a coordinated attack as well as a lone wolf attack, insiders claim’

    Finally some news about the rodent-control operation in Gaza which is actually relevant to people here.

    But the BBC seem reluctant to tell us about it for some reason.

    If they do, I wonder if they will use their trick to ‘generalise’ it to the word ‘terrorism’ instead of ‘Islamic Terrorism’ then mention some far-Right terrorist as another example. Maybe the schoolboy who had a jpg of a swasticker on his computer in his bedroom.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Can anyone come up with a guess as to what might shake the British public out of their torpor regarding the ongoing Islamic take over of their homeland?
      I don’t mean the political class, media or academia because I doubt that their own burning in a cage or beheading would shake their faith in multiculturalism , post modern anti colonialism and the rest of the bonkers cultural Marxist doctrine that they have succumbed to.
      I mean the ordinary folk of these islands. How much more will they be prepared to see their way of life changed to accommodate the medieval beliefs of their invaders and increasingly their oppressors? Is there anything that will not put up with? Are the bromides served up by the MSM enough to keep them in a coma for ever?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Double – it would probably need to be a suicide attack on a popular royal or celebrity – killing politicians doesn’t count – see David Amies …. Such an event – in my view – is inevitable.

        But even then the likes of the BBC would dress it up as an attack by the lone mad Muslim and use it to reduce internet freedom and the like . There’d be candles and flowers and ‘the community ‘ coming together ….


        • Rob in Cheshire says:


          Don’t forget, it will all be down to “right wing extremists”.


        • Doublethinker says:

          You mean something like Gary Linecker being murdered by a migrant that he took in to his home …. Oh hang on?


          • Fedup2 says:

            It’s one of those events that no one wants to think about or say out loud …. As the like of Hamas BBC throws more propaganda out the ‘tension’ is bound to become real …


  11. tomo says:


    • JohnC says:

      The ‘Lie By Omission’. The greatest lie of all.

      Which the BBC do all the time.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Heh! That’s my line!

        . . . . . . . . . . . . .

        ‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’

        CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.

        CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.

        CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.

        CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.

        CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.

        CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.

        CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …

        CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …

        CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19 

        BBC …. Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.


  12. tomo says:



  13. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      Everyone is waiting for the Netflix Season 1 Revolution – or else it never happened!**

      ** See Harry and Meghan for details – our precieved truth.


  14. JohnC says:

    Nikki Haley beats Donald Trump in Washington DC for first primary victory

    … and here we have the BBC making as much as they possibly can about this story when the truth is that of 23,000 Republicans in this extreme-Democrat city, only 2000 turned out to vote.

    And Trump won 33.2% when he only won 14% in 2016. That seems to be the only part which is actually news. Not mentioned by the BBC of course.

    And why do the BBC keep describing her as ‘Ms Haley, a former US ambassador to the UN, …’ as if it is a huge badge of honour ?. It is one of those types of job you ship people out because you don’t want them meddling in anything of consequence.

    And just look what a great job she did : the UN are actively hiring and helping terrorists while not having shred of honour between them to resign when they get found out. Absolutely typical of the Leftists who have infested all these types of groups.

    I predict a much more sober report after she gets humiliated on ‘Super Tuesday’ and I will enjoy the BBC writing it up like she didn’t.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      I’m always astonished that the BBC manage to restrain themselves from describing her as a Woman Of Color ™, given that her real name is Nimarata Nikki Randhawa and she is of Indian origin. She was the first Indian American woman to hold a cabinet role in the government. They also fail to mention that it was President Trump who nominated her as US Ambassador to the United Nations.

      But then, in BBC land, liberal racism and misogyny always combine to create a mindset that denies the existence of conservative coloured women, who are considered traitors to the cause. Haley is only tolerated because she is (a) opposing President Trump and (b) is a Neo-Con warmonger.


  15. JohnC says:

    The Ukrainian teenagers who returned to a war zone for their school prom

    While young men are being blown to pieces by the hundreds every week and things are getting dsesperate as it becomes apparent they are losing the war, look at what the BBC want to put on the front page.


    ‘Now, their stories, and those of other Ukrainian women, are being told in a photography exhibition in London.’

    A story with no males and no actual news content whatsoever. It’s 100% empathy.

    Here’s the auther Katie Razzall in a Guardian report about her move from Channel 4 to the BBC. Both arse-cheeks represented along with the BBC right between them.

    Once again the BBC serve up shit for idiots.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ah yes the daughter of Lord Razzall – who got the gig for ( a) creating a lads’ magazine or (b) was the son of a liberal politician and got the job for also being a liberal lefty ….the peak swamp –

      But more seriously – a creature of the ‘approved ‘ – c4 – bbc – sky -bbc – perhaps the next Today job ? Bit white though – they need a tick box coloured girl ….


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      A spokesman for the Association of Ukrainian People Smugglers responds:

      “Thank you for the photos. If you would like to order any similar girls, please call our hotline. Our operators are waiting for your call, but do so now as supplies are unlimited. We also have Moldovan women and girls on special offer. Terms and conditions apply. Sales are subject to 15% VAT and 20% Zelensky Regime Tax.”


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think one of them might have sent an email to my junk box …. I’ve paid for her air fair and included the PIN number to make sure …..
        Other fraud types are available …


        • Ian Rushlow says:

          Fedup2… that’s jolly decent of you. If you’re a bit short after shelling out, I can forward you an email I received from a Nigerian Prince. He’s due to inherit £100m but an admin cock-up at the UN means he needs someone with a UK bank account to initially put the funds in, for which he’ll pay 10%. I’ve already signed up for six other Nigerian Princes, along with the ‘Notify me of next Covid Booster PAYG scheme’, so it’s only fair that I give someone else a chance to make some extra money. I intend to donate my riches to the Church of England so they can increase their slavery reparations fund.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Ian lol – my local bank is closing . They are sending a dispatch rider to change the bank card but they need the PIN to verify it’s me …… ( they try this one out just before the bank closes for the day so they can use the inside ATM with a £1k a day limit – my neighbour got done this way ….. but how they got her phone number ( landline ) is a …. Mystery ….


  16. digg says:

    Not the BBC but it’s other half The Guardian who share mindsets.

    I don’t think I recall ever coming across a more perfect example of a solution looking for a problem with the possible exception of ULEZ.

    Billboards are quite normally put up in densely populated areas for obvious reasons, lots of vacant walls etc to fix them to and lots of passing human traffic. That’s why there are so few in the wealthy, leafy shires!

    But no The Guardian goes along with the idea it’s a nasty plot by those greedy capitalist food, drink and tobacco industries to take advantage of the poor and oppressed.

    Some clever dicks at universities have spaffed a lot of taxpayer cash proving that white is white and wheels are round with loads of simple graphs which prove the bleeding obvious.


  17. JohnC says:

    Trump supporters target black voters with faked AI images

    lol – just look at this from our favourtte blatant liar : Marianna Spring.

    It has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump – but she gets his name in there 28 times !!!.

    Good to see Panorama spending some of that free cash on a bit of political activism. I wonder if they will do a special on all the ‘senior moments’ Biden has had to balance it.

    I just did a search for ‘Trump’ and ‘BBC’ and the list of headlines was almost totally negative. Then I did the same for Biden and it was the exact opposite.


    • Guest Who says:

      Springster! And chums.
      This is a very troubling account by @mishtal of the shocking bias and, frankly, unethical reporting on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza that BBC News is doing. This is not good enough from a supposedly neutral state-funded broadcaster.

      Comments to counter… are ‘defensive’. And all laughably predictable.


      • Guest Who says:

        And here is the founder.
        When the alt-right reared its head about a decade ago, its defenders dismissed its neo-Nazi wing as small and ironic.
        Does anyone still take that position now?

        Killing it in America. 4 reposts in a day.

        mm, again I find your aggressive responses counter productive to intellectual debate.
        Resorting to aggression = argument lost….no?
        As previously mentioned you have had two of my contemporaries on your show.

        Who is an ‘invester’. Opparently.


      • JohnC says:

        That’s just what I said.
        The only thing the BBC verified in that article is where it happened. Which nobody disputed anyway.
        The rest of it was giving a soapbox to Hamas supporters to infer it was Israels fault. Though all miraculously walked that BBC tightrope where they just stopped short of claiming a fact which could be disproved.
        Which of course means the BBC carefully rewrote it themselves with their own words. As they have clearly been doing for everything.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      She’s apparently done a special with Just Remain In on ‘President Trump’.

      Wonder what that will be like?


  18. andyjsnape says:

    Very very very very very quiet news day:-

    Suffolk mum says her daughter’s ‘uncontrollable hair is beautiful’

    So what


    • Fedup2 says:

      I told a fib because of George Galloway – who claimed that Davie davis MP was going to introduce him to the commons today . Davis has announced ‘no effing way ‘…. Apologies and one for verify …


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The bald truth…
      For several years the BBC has ran articles about female hair, preferably involving black wimmin’ with big, frizzy hair-do’s (the sort you don’t actually see in Africa, as anyone who has spent time there will know). But any female hair will do.

      However, in a recent development they have now switched to the absence of head hair, specifically the condition of alopecia. Although it mainly affects men, it also affects women too, and the BBC have taken special interest. Actually, not just interest, it’s an obsession. Here’s just a selection of recent articles:

      The question is why? Choose from the following reasons:

      1. At the end of last year, a drug to counter alopecia called Litfulo (also known as Ritlecitinib) was approved by the FDA in America and by the MHRA (NHS) in the UK. The drug is manufactured by, c’mon, you know already, it’s Pfizer of course.

      2. A female BBC employee has alopecia and is being given narcissistic free rein to write about it. And plug Litfulo.

      3. A male BBC employee saw the original Star Trek movie in 1979 and was impressed by Lieutenant Ilia. This grew into a sexual fetish about bald women. They have now been given narcissistic free rein to write about it. And plug Litfulo.

      As a fellow baldy, I’m just speculating…


  19. AsISeeIt says:

    BBC… Licenced to… toe the official line

    “Do you expect me to report?”

    Auric Goldfinger: “No Mister BBC, I expect you to lie… to obfiscate… and to distract”

    Nothing to report about this significant frontpage news story, eh BBC?

    Germans reveal secrets of UK military operations in Ukraine (Times); Luftwaffe spills Army secrets to Russia (Telegraph)

    Oh, just a moment… Q has had his team of expert technicians carefully scan the BBC online news site with some whizzo new gizmos for any trace of the story… and has instead uncovered this little snippet of crucial classified information: Working for MI6 ‘more exciting than James Bond film’, says spy (BBC)

    Meanwhile, in the real world…

    Highly sensitive details of British operations on the ground in Ukraine and of the transport of weapons to the frontlines have leaked from an unencrypted video call involving German military (Times)

    Luckily, my mole at M16, Miss Moneypound, (everything is subject to inflation these days) has passed me the transcript.

    “Hey Heinz, Got Im Himmel, it’s quiet tonight”

    “Ja Fritz, too quiet. You better turn up your microphone. Why are you not coming into zee bunker for zee secret conference zis evening?”

    “Ach! Nein, I’m WTF… working from das Haus. Zo… I marched into zee living room and demanded of Frau Fritz… I vant to sprechen mit der Führer! Unt she said – do it over Zoom!”

    “Ha-Ha, stoopid Ivans vill never have thought of zat!”

    “Ja, stoopid Putin won’t think to bug Microzoft Teams! Zo, tell me all about zee Britishers’ secret plans?”

    On a conference call two weeks ago, Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz told Luftwaffe officers that Britain had “several people” in Ukraine… Details were given on Britain’s deployment of Storm Shadow missiles (Times); Recordings of the call… using off-the-shelf video phone technology… were broadcast by a Russian state television presenter (Telegraph)

    Meanwhile: Working for MI6 can be more exciting than a James Bond film, a director for the agency has told the BBC. The officer, named only as Kwame, said that in the course of his career he has seen things “way more than what you see in the spy movies.” (BBC) – Kwame…?

    Q to Bond: “You’ll notice a few changes around here, Bond. Have you met your new boss. Our new M? He’s transfered recently from the Nigeria section”


    • Guest Who says:

      “… he has asked me to meet him on Platform 3 of Waterloo Station to collect the £1M seed money for the rebels…”


    • MarkyMark says:

      ” unencrypted video call involving German military” – maybe it was intentional – “Don’t tell them your name Pike!”


      • tomo says:

        Some accounts have it that nothing dramatically sophisticated was involved and that there was an extra participant in an online call / meeting who just listened like some kind of online Zoom local council meeting….


    • Fedup2 says:

      The spies must have a big budget for the inevitable tribunals by disgruntled coloured spies ‘passed over ‘ by connected white girls who look pretty ( 77 brigade to note )


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      No, no, no.

      “You’ll notice a few changes around here, Bond. Have you met your new boss. Our new M? Shim/They/Them transferred recently from the Nigeria section”


  20. Guest Who says:

    How far has The Economist fallen?
    The coalition the Labour Party is building could be broader than the one squandered by the Conservatives, fusing an urban core with working-class voters in the north and suburban voters in the south.
    We analyse Britain’s changing electorate: 📈

    Yes, the Conservatives squandered a golden opportunity.

    The others, and their media dags, simply sold out


  21. JohnC says:

    Having another go at the BBC Radio 4 drama ‘Tommies’ after I slated it the other day.

    It seems that since I passed the halfway mark, the stories are now almost entirely about Indian units saving British units then being subjected to racism, strong women who are intellectually far superior to all the British men who are bumbling upper-class idiots or – in the one I’m currently ‘enjoying’ – about Nigerian units who we apparently ambushed in their villages and took into slavery to fight for us and who are talking to each other about how racist the British are.
    These Nigerians speak and act in exactly the same way as the British characters with all the same ethics, manners etc and their dialogue has very obviously been written by a BBC whitey who has no idea whatsoever about their culture.

    They are currently about to save some idiot British whiteys trapped in a Fort by the Germans. There is no doubt at all that they will be brave heroes and whitey will be racist at them afterwards.

    I have to admit it’s hard going. I keep hoping it will get back to tales of war but I don’t think it is going to. It’s full on agenda now.


    • Fedup2 says:

      JohnC – I listened to it the first time round and was less susceptible to the ‘approved message ‘ than I am now . It’s just another dried out committee drafted tick box propaganda piece distorting British history – avoid ..


      • JohnC says:

        It started off all about the Tommies (which is it’s name after all) and I was quite enjoying it.

        After a few episodes, all the accents changed to Indian then the suggestions of the British being racist started creeping in which set my agenda-bell ringing like a Laurel and Hardy fire engine.

        And it’s just gradually got more and more to the point that well-spoken Nigerians are comparing stories about how they were press-ganged into slavery by the British. I did notice a quick reference in there suggesting it was actually their own people doing it – but it was never repeated.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Hazel Hill, the 13 year old daughter of Captain Fred Hill was instrumental in increasing the firepower of the Spitfire in the lead up to the Battle of Britain.”

      “Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire”


    • tomo says:

      JohnC, thanks for putting yourself through that so we are spared


  22. MarkyMark says:

    Church has fallen …

    “Glasgow when a Muslim student was invited to read from her faith’s sacred text, and duly chanted verses from the Sura or chapter devoted to Mary, the mother of Jesus. The chapter has certain similarities with the Christian narrative and also some striking differences: it asserts that Jesus cannot be the son of God because the idea of God having progeny makes no sense.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Have they got to burning the Bible yet ? Must be some lockdown / vaccine madness driving these fools to madness ..


  23. Fedup2 says:

    The leaks the treasury is putting out before the budget suggests it’s going to be fully red labour and a suicide note by the blue Labour Party . Red labour will call for an election . Sooner the better ….


  24. friend of yogi bear says:

    Sad to say I have another job for Miss Spring and the “fact” finding gang she seems to be in charge of.

    BBC today programme was trailing , even headlining one of her investigations into the apparently wicked Mr Trump, it’s all about him taking advantage of black voters. Incidentaly, no claim from Mr Trump about being brought up in the black church, in the way that Biden has claimed. It’s all on Panorama tonight..( every Monday the Today programme makes a headline of the Panorama topic for that evening)…sadly the viewing figures continue to crash..surprise ..surprise.
    Anyway I digress, my task for young Miss Spring is to investigate why Kamala Harris is asking Israel to let more aid into Gaza and why no mention ever of Egypt’s blockade of their Muslim brothers.

    It’s all so very confusing isn’t it just. .


    • Fedup2 says:

      I know it’s just a pantomime because of the fixed vote – but approval rates for president trump have improved with each political ‘trial ‘ … not something the Obama gang want to think too much about … maybe time for another mugshot and an Obama court judge prosecutor and jury …


  25. Guest Who says:“T
    he destruction of nature is the backbone of the economy” << is absolute ideological bullshit.
    The RS has been fast-pedalling away from science for decades now, and bringing other British institutions with it in its decline.
    No, it's not 'BBC Ideas', it's BBC IDEOLOGY.


  26. StewGreen says:

    11am PR as news in the headlines
    “A £100 million investment fund set up to address the Church of England’s links to transatlantic slavery is too small and slow, according to a new report which calls for a target of £1 billion.”

    At least they have put a limit on it.
    Once you cave into these people, that’s never enough they usually want more and more.

    Bet money goes to recent black immigrants descended from African royal families whose ancestors benefited from selling slaves


    • Fedup2 says:

      Should be able to buy a Beemer with tinted windows innit …


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        Only £1bn? Just go the whole hog and rebrand the CofE the Windrush Church of Divine Redistribution.


    • vlad says:

      Not a day goes by without the woke CofE making a laughing stock of themselves.
      Yesterday they were rightly mocked for hiring a ‘deconstructing whiteness officer’ on £36K a year.
      Today they want to throw away £100 million – or a billion, who’s counting? – on reparations nonsense.
      Meanwhile, congregation numbers continue to tumble, and they’re having to close down churches on a weekly, if not daily, basis.
      Current projections give the C of E a couple of decades before final extinction.
      Once upon a time, I would have considered that a tragedy for the nation. Now, I think the final demise can’t come soon enough.


    • vlad says:

      Note that the BBC considers the deranged ravings of a black, female Bishopette worthy of inclusion on the Home page of their webshite.
      Well, of course they do: black, female, woke and vindictive – what’s not to like?
      9/10 on their woke-ometer. (Trans would have scored the full 10/10.)


    • StewGreen says:

      “Can someone tell her that Britain had to force Africa to stop enslaving and selling its own people”

      The BBC tweet is heavily ratioed 140 to 40 Likes or something


  27. taffman says:

    I understand that more “illegals” landed on our shores this weekend, are they being accompanied by Tory MPs whistling “When the boat comes in “?
    Anything on Al Beeb?


    • Non Snowflake says:

      They have little Rishi
      He’s taking the bloody Pishi
      It’s all extremely Fishy

      When the boat(s) come in…….


  28. taffman says:

    More ‘ping pong’ being played at The House of Lords today ……


  29. StewGreen says:

    from a YouTube comment

    conversation with a young female graduate taking a year out as a lifeguard in New Zealand.
    ‘Are you looking forward to returning to the UK?’ I asked.
    ‘ Well I have a good job lined up, but not really.
    You dare no longer say what you think.
    And if you have children they will just be indoctrinated with propaganda in schools’,
    was her unprompted response. I do think the tide is turning.

    The video is about the founding of an open non-lefty university in Texas


  30. Terminal Moraine says:

    Via AP — “A teenager has been arrested on suspicion of stabbing and critically wounding an Orthodox Jewish man on the streets of Zurich […] police said in a statement that they suspect antisemitism as the motive in the stabbing attack that occurred Saturday evening.”

    Not reported on BBC, just like they didn’t report Gabriel Abdullah’s knife attack in a kosher supermarket in Golders Green a month ago.

    I notice also there has been almost no follow up to Sunak’s nonsense speech on Friday. BBC normally relish a conversation around the dangers of extremism. But maybe even they realise they’ll struggle to keep equivocating about the far-right risk if they open the phone lines.


  31. Terminal Moraine says:

    R5 just did a piece on Kashif Anwar’s killing of his wife Fawziyah Javed by pushing her off Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh.

    Ch4 are doing a programme on it. It’s another to add to the list of generic violence against women. No mention by Naga that they were married in an Islamic ceremony, and in a recording Anwar is heard telling his wife “to stop behaving like a British woman”.

    Because extremism is the same everywhere; tutting when your other half has loaded the dishwasher the wrong way again… pushing your pregnant wife off a cliff for haram activities… there’s violence on both sides…


  32. andyjsnape says:

    Church fund ‘not enough’ to right slavery wrongs



    • vlad says:

      Most cultures have owned or traded slaves. Many still do.
      Including muslims.

      “Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle; he had sex with his slaves; and he instructed his men to do the same. The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero).”

      “Most telling, perhaps, is that slavery is still practiced in the Sudan, Niger, Mauritania and a few other corners of the Muslim world – and you won’t see any of those Muslim apologists (who shamelessly repeat the lie that Islam abolished slavery) doing or saying anything about it!

      In fact, a fatwa (Islam Q&A 33597 originally at was recently issued by a mainstream Islamic source reminding Muslim males of their divine right to rape female slaves and “discipline” resisters in “whatever manner he thinks is appropriate”. Not one peep of protest from Islamic apologists was recorded.

      In 2013, the same site prominently proclaimed (Islam Q&A 10382 originally at that “there is no dispute (among the scholars) that it is permissible to take concubines and to have intercourse with one’s slave woman, because Allah says so.”

      In 2003, a cleric in Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body declared, “Slavery is part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad and jihad will remain as long as there is Islam. Those who argue that slavery has been abolished are ignorant, not scholars. They are merely writers. Whoever say such thing is an infidel.”

      In 2011, Salwa Al-Mutairi, who is considered a women’s rights activist in Kuwait, suggested that Russian women be taken captive in battle and turned into sex slaves in order to keep Muslim husbands from committing adultery.

      In 2014, al-Azhar (the Islamic world’s most prestigious university) proclaimed that Muslims can capture women in battle for sex slavery. The woman making the announcement was Suad Saleh, a so-called ‘moderate,’ who said this at the very same time that thousands of Yazidi women were being horrifically raped by the Islamic State.

      In 2016, a British imam who claims to be anti-extremist, affirmed the legitimacy of sex slavery to his followers. The next year, a Kuwaiti Sheikh called enslaving unbelievers “one of the virtues of Islam.” There have also been several modern-day fatwas endorsing the sexual abuse of non-Muslim women following capture.

      After the Islamic State kidnapped and pressed into slavery thousands of Yazidi women and children in 2014, the caliphate issued an FAQ of sorts on slavery, which included rules on sexually molesting children: “It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however, if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse.” The best that “mainstream” apologists could muster in response was a letter appealing to “the reality of contemporary times”, meaning that Islam has no fixed moral position on the rape of woman and children.

      In 2016, a scholar at Egypt’s al-Azhar, the most prestigious Islamic school in the Sunni world, stated that non-Muslim women could be captured in a time of war become “property” and can be raped “in order to humiliate them.”

      A senior Islamic scholar, Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan, affirmed in 2018 that taking a married woman as “booty” and making her a sex-slave annuls the contract with her non-Muslim husband.

      A 12-year-old girl taken captive by the Islamic State explained that her ‘master’ would pray before he raped her: “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to Allah.” Other sex slaves have been forced to pray before the rape or recite passages from the Quran during. When a Yazidi woman begged a caliphate member not to rape a little girl, he responded, “She’s a slave… and having sex with her pleases God.”

      In 2017, African slaves were freed from captivity in Libya, where their Arab masters not only raped and starved them, but forced them to drink from toilets. Groups like CAIR, which pretend to be concerned with “human rights,” never lifted a finger to help them.

      A Quran memorization competition in 2015 offered slave girls as the top three prizes. Again, there were no voices of Muslim protest from elsewhere. As Uzy Bulut keenly observed, “A religion that encourages destructive rioting and killing over cartoons, but shows no sign of sorrow as little girls are sold and raped, does not have much to contribute to advancing civilization.”

      An American apologist for Islam defended slavery in a 2020 interview, saying that “renting” labor is “better than owning.” In 2024, a New Jersey imam openly prayed that the Jewish children in Israel become “booty for Muslims.”

      Since Muhammad was a slave owner and slavery is permitted by the Quran, the Muslim world has never apologized for this dehumanizing practice. Even Muslims in the West will often try to justify slavery under Islam, since it is a part of the Quran.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      How much is enough? Please tell! HA HA HA HA HA!


  33. StewGreen says:

    @TalkTV now Oct 7th peace festival survivor
    Her car was shot at as they left the festival
    They had to drive back and then got trapped
    they ran and the two them ended up hiding in bushes for 8 hours
    One of the nearby hiders appears to have been caught and killed.
    One of her 23 yo friends is still hostage


  34. StewGreen says:

    @TalkTV viewer at Thomas 10:44am
    “They will generate new anti-extremism laws
    that will strip away the rights & freedoms of UK citizens
    while doing NOTHING to actually reduce REAL extremism”

    JHB reply “Totally nailed it”


  35. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      Drive a Pizza and eat the car! HA HA HA HA HA!
      China does not give a shit!


  36. StewGreen says:

    That church job advert



  37. StewGreen says:

    #paradox : If in 1680 Britain had a skirmish with an African tribe and killed 100 people
    today’s Britain pays zero compensation

    If in 1680 that African same tribe had sold a British corp 100 slaves
    today’s Britain pays billions in compensation ?


  38. Thoughtful says:

    A full list of the 59 Tory MPs (to date) quitting at the end of the parliament and not standing.

    Douglas Ross, Moray
    Sir Charles Walker, Broxbourne
    Crispin Blunt, Reigate
    Mike Penning, Hemel Hempstead
    Adam Afriyie, Windsor
    Chloe Smith, Norwich North
    William Wragg, Hazel Grove
    Dehenna Davison, Bishop Auckland
    Sajid Javid, Bromsgrove
    Sir Gary Streeter, South West Devon
    Andrew Percy, Brigg and Goole
    Mark Pawsey, Rugby
    George Eustice, Camborne and Redruth
    Edward Timpson, Eddisbury
    Jo Gideon, Stoke-on-Trent Central
    Stephen McPartland, Stevenage
    Sir Paul Beresford, Mole Valley
    Robin Walker, Worcester
    Sir Graham Brady, Altrincham and Sale West
    Pauline Latham, Mid Derbyshire
    Gordon Henderson, Sittingbourne and Sheppey
    Craig Whittaker, Calder Valley
    Nicola Richards, West Bromwich East
    Henry Smith, Crawley
    John Howell, Henley
    Sir Robert Goodwill, Scarborough and Whitby
    Jonathan Djanogly, Huntingdon
    Dr Matthew Offord, Hendon
    Alister Jack, Dumfries and Galloway
    Richard Bacon, South Norfolk
    Dominic Raab, Esher and Walton
    Philip Dunne, Ludlow
    Andy Carter, Warrington South
    Will Quince, Colchester
    Royston Smith, Southampton Itchen
    Sir William Cash, Stone
    Lucy Allan, Telford
    Steve Brine, Winchester
    Sir Greg Knight, East Yorkshire
    Chris Clarkson, Heywood and Middleton
    Ben Wallace, Wyre and Preston North
    Trudy Harrison, Copeland
    Stuart Andrew, Pudsey
    Stephen Hammond, Wimbledon
    David Jones, Clwyd West
    Sir Alok Sharma, Reading West
    Chris Grayling, Epsom and Ewell
    John Baron, Basildon and Billericay
    Nick Gibb, Bognor Regis and Littlehampton
    Dr Lisa Cameron, East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow
    Jamie Wallis, Bridgend
    Sir James Duddridge, Rochford and Southend East
    Oliver Heald, North East Hertfordshire
    Mike Freer, Finchley and Golders Green
    Kwasi Kwarteng, Spelthorne
    Nickie Aiken, Cities of London and Westminster
    Tracey Crouch, Chatham and Aylesford
    Kieran Mullan, Crewe and Nantwich
    Paul Scully, Sutton and Cheam


  39. tomo says:

    Bluidy council bureaucrats “at it” again – no surprise that it’s LibDems spaffing other folks money


    I wonder if there’s any dodgy benefits / BiK to particular councillors or officials?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Come on – make it 250 million – you’ve always got the punters to pay when it goes belly up … and the councillors get their bungs …


  40. Zephir says:

    A “Baptist Minister” involved, demanding £9000, pictured

    “‘Cash for care jobs’ scandal EXPOSED: Vulnerable UK patients are being looked after by unqualified migrants as rogue fixers charge up to £20,000 for ‘100% success rate’ in getting work visas, undercover probe reveals
    Watchdog warned there had been ‘widespread abuse’ of the system since 2022.”



  41. tomo says:

    US lawyer Robert Barnes is on fire over the treatment of Pennsylvania Amish farmer Amos Miller by that state’s utterly swinish bureaucrats (aided by a very broken legal system) and his commentary is absolutely full of takeaway quotes about overreach and toxicity of those people. Classic stuff – he has to put them in their place for all our sakes….


  42. BRISSLES says:

    Always tragic to hear of a child’s death. The 7 year old who died in the Channel was traveling with her father, expectant mother and 3 siblings. A family of 7 no less. So that’s a 3/4 bed house, 4 school places, child benefit, etc etc etc those 4 kids go on to have families, and so it goes ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Paid for by the parents…… On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia


    • Zephir says:

      And if any of us were to take a 7 year old out in a little rubber boat across the sea which capsized, I am sure, without a doubt, we would end up in court over child neglect/ cruelty or something.


  43. Eddy Booth says:

    “Ukraine war: Germany under pressure to explain intercepted phone call”

    “Germany is scrambling to explain how an audio of air force officials discussing giving Ukraine long-range missiles was leaked by Russian sources.”

    So it’s all a security breach issue, and not the explanation you may expect, ie why they’re warmongering and discussing attacking the Russians..


  44. Zephir says:

    If the church of England (one of the the biggest landowners in England) has enough spare cash to fund the aforementioned divisive jobs programme, then why the hell are they always asking the public to reach into their pockets to repair church towers ??

    “Experts estimate the Church of England has around 105,000 acres of land in the UK, which includes farmland and forestry estate, as well as thousands of prestige properties. The total value of the portfolio is said to exceed £2 billion.”

    This may be of interest generally:

    50 biggest landowners in the UK


  45. Zephir says:

    There are lots of interesting articles on the above site such as:

    “Subsidised offshore windfarm anyone? How King Charles acquired our continental shelf, almost three times the UK’s land area”

    “Mandelson: Tony Blair banned fox hunting after a £1 million donation from animal rights campaign IFAW”

    “London’s War on Informality, what seven hours in London taught me about surveillance capitalism – Brett Scott”


  46. Doobster78 says:

    I was flicking thru the TV Guide for later ….

    BBC 1 @ 8pm – TRUMP – The Sequel ?

    Justin Webb and Marianna Spring look ahead to the Election !!!

    Wont that be a nice balanced 30mins of viewing (NOT). I cannot even bare to watch 30 seconds never mind minutes.

    Then on Radio 2 news, last item, the estate of the late Sinead O’Connor have asked Donald Trump to not use her music (Nothing Compares to you) at his rallies. Apparently he used it recently and the family say she would have been disgusted !!!

    Clearly a VERY slow news day for the BBC and scraping the bottom of the barrell for todays Anti Trump story.

    But hey, its Anti Trump so anything will do.

    Come on Donald … please do the business !!!


    • Guest Who says:

      Sopes and Strumpet are currently taking over their old TDS beat in the USA.

      US politics and conspiracy theories almost go hand in hand, as @maitlis and @jonsopel found out at a MAGA rally in Virginia.How does Trump’s messaging achieve such powerful cut through with his base?

      Like Springster ‘found out’ on her little outings?

      Still, it’s a podcast so six people will hear it.

      🥇 The people have spoken! Electoral Dysfunction with @BethRigby, @jessphillips and @RuthDavidsonPC is number one on Apple’s podcast chart – so why not give it a listen 👇

      Ten. So… ‘the people’ with Apples? Who listen to Westminster bubble obsessives instead of anything useful?


    • Non Snowflake says:

      Ironically enough, tonight’s episode of Mission Impossible on Legend is where the team are trying to stop a corrupt party winning an election using rigged voting machines.

      (And Donald’s mission, if he chooses to accept, is to stop the same thing this year in the USA.)


  47. Fedup2 says:

    And the US Supreme Court clearing President Trump to run for Colorado is perfect timing for Super Tuesday . The Obama gang will claim ‘fixed court ‘ whereas the truth is another attempted presidential assassination attempt by Obama – failed ….
    Their fix has to work again … BBC in mourning …


    • Guest Who says:

      The great unravelling.

      I’d like a word with everyone who believed our election systems were secure and auditable in full.
      Do you also believe we can accurately measure the temperature of the earth and predict it 50 years out?
      Same thing.
      That stuff only sounds sensible to people with no experience in business or government.

      [coff] Rochdale [/coff]
      Media corporations like the NYT have long been this way.
      They puff up their chest about how they hold powerful institutions accountable with leaks and transparency.
      But soon as someone exposes their own misconduct, they act like the CIA and hunt down the leaker to punish.

      I noticed this very early on when reporting on media outlets. You ask any questions and they direct you to PR people who have prepared scripts like “we don’t discuss our internal journalistic process.”

      As a valued, trusted partner here, Tim Davie was asked for comment…. six weeks later a BBC Press spokseweasel issued a blow off on his behalf, no backsides, because… exemptions.


  48. digg says:

    So the Church are to set up a £100 million fund for their part in slavery…. As expected, not enough shouts the black lady we need 10 times that amount….

    Maybe the Church should ask the moors, Arabs etc who did the actual enslavement to chuck some in?

    And while we are up to this sort of thing maybe Norway and Sweden and the Low Countries could pass a couple of billion our way to compensate us for the Viking shenanigans, and don’t get me started on the Romans and The French, they must owe us billions too!


    • Zephir says:

      Romans ?

      All we got was Hadrians Wall and have you seen the state of that recently ?

      Scots are just walking through now and becoming MPs in Rochdale.

      Either that or vandalising Wembley Stadium when their national team gets trashed.

      Roman Roads ? have you seen the potholes on Time Team ? how many times have they had to be resurfaced over the last few hundred years ?


      • tomo says:

        Hadrian’s wall was built by Roman Drag Queens – according to The National Trust

        BBC docudrama to follow with the latest Dr. Who taking the Tardis back for a ringside seat.

        Daleks benched for that then…


  49. Guest Who says:

    FB link photo. Hope it works. From a BBC forum. Might be a spoof. Or, not.