There could be trouble ahead for the BBC. There is a newspaper report in the Sunday Telegraph about a ‘fawning BBC documentary’ over someone who was a paedophile. Cancel your TV Licence. Defund the BBC.
@Up2Snuff repeatedly shouting that, is bullying & harassment
You made a false statement I corrected you
but you can’t stand being called wrong so keep making this false claim
I haven’t led your life so don’t know what makes you like that
but in general good advice is just to chill out
Plenty of people have tougher lives and are bigger victims.
Stew, “You made a false statement I corrected you”.
I think I corrected you. You were wrong but sort of right because you were out of date, just like another poster on here who is ‘not up to date’. 😉 Former President Trump repeated the remarks he made about NATO contributions in 2017 again at a political rally in 2024. That is what got the media, especially the BBC, excited all over again in 2024. Can you understand that? Capiche?
A startling business opportunity to boost the economy?
A business setting up massive jails to house foreign criminals. Extend the service to cover the beloved EU. Could I apply for a Government grant and/or use the millions the Government propose spending on the ‘safety’ of muslims to achieve mega jails?
There seem to a huge number of GuardianSupremacist accounts with tens of thousands of followers
tweeting ‘That Tommy Robinson he’s so thick, he got arrested for attending a football match, when he’s still in his 4 year ban from football grounds’
That is surreal cos it’s well known the ban was changed to end after 3 years, so he has been attending football matches for some time now.
He was arrested on Saturday outside Selhurst Park
whilst apparently taking his daughter to see Luton play “It’s her birthday”
He was still under draconian bail conditions that forbade him from going inside the M25, unless under special exemptions.
I’d guess he wanted to get arrested to show that the Met Police are so crazy they won’t let a guy take his daughter to the football
even though it represents zero danger to public order.
I wish all Muslims peace and joy as they enter this season of Ramadan: this special time of prayer, fasting and spiritual reflection.
I give thanks for the great contribution of Muslims to our society, and for their great hospitality and welcome. I pray that this Ramadan is a…
— Archbishop of Canterbury (@JustinWelby) March 10, 2024
I wonder if that would be his mantra if the mother Church was blown up by his religious favourites. Let’s hope none of his new disciples start having mental issues and attack local vicars, as they did in France when they beheaded a priest. Has woky Welby forgotten that ?
Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Arse – After losing a bet to Father Dick Byrne, Father Ted has to kick Bishop Brennan up the backside.
— Father Ted Quote of the Day (@FrTedQOTD) April 14, 2020
“….for the great contribution of muslims to our society…” That would be the Crusades would it not? surely, he’s not talking about corner shops in Bradford?
Time for Saudi to get it’s purse out for reparations!
Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.
Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
PUBLISHED: 23:28, 23 February 2018 | UPDATED: 10:04, 24 February 2018
‘The Pope was quoted as saying: “The strongest one is the one who looks at the situation, thinks about the people and has the courage of the white flag, and negotiates.”
Ukraine’s foreign minister says it will “never raise any other flags” than the country’s blue and yellow colours.’
Apart from the homosexual flag, and begging to have NATO and EU one flying too.
Haiti — “The United States says it has airlifted non-essential embassy staff from Haiti, as the country spirals further into gang violence […] It follows attacks by gangs on the airport, police stations and prisons this week […] The country’s main port said it was suspending operations on Thursday due to sabotage and vandalism.”
When Trump called Haiti and others ‘shithole’ countries the media bubble shrieked with outrage. Like they sniggered at his comments on migrant violence in Sweden and German reliance on Russian energy. The International Organization for Migration (UN) now admits “Haitians are unable to lead a decent life. They are living in fear […] The capital is surrounded by armed groups and danger. It is a city under siege.”
Yup sounds like a shithole. I await an update from the UN and the BBC on Trump’s assessments, must be any time now.
How many times have they hounded Tory Mps on a variety of issues until they are out of office with the bbc following with pitchforks and torches?
“Rachel Reeves tells people to ‘move on’ from Angela Rayner tax claims
The Shadow Chancellor claimed ‘people are ready to move on’ from whether or not Rayner should have paid capital gains tax on her property.”
“Dominic Raab latest in long line of sackings and storm-outs under Britain’s Tories
39 cabinet ministers have been sacked, forced out or quit since 2010”
It’s certainly ‘news’ for people who think we are living in the 12th Century rather than the 21st. Mind you, the BBC are also keen on promoting a return to feudalism, as excitingly re-imagined by the likes of Soros, Gates and Schwab.
I think I heard – on bbc news – that the outgoing blue labour regime ( it’s not a government ) is going to use borrowed taxpayers’ cash to provide more defences for mosques .
Has the regime heard of threats to mosques ? Have they realised that a lot more people are getting a lot more cheesed of about being dictated to by these third world invaders ?
I’m sure we are about to see a whole new intense propaganda exercise about how great Islam is – with various approved ‘mo s’ in public life held up as ‘role models ‘.
Even less will be heard of paki Muslim racist paedo Rape gangs or support for Islamic Hamas or attacks on Jews and Christian’s and Hindus and queers …..
… but the truth is always there… however much the Islamic British state tries to suppress it …
What is it about people not learning from history being doomed to make the same mistakes or something like that ?
Appeasing Hitler …..
Ah, yes here:
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” most likely writer and philosopher George Santayana who originally wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Zephir – there is even the pantomime of a few individuals calling for re – arming – Churchill wilderness style …..
The internal and external threats grow …. But the ability to deal with them reduce …. Personally I find the French more of an immediate threat to real security that games played with the likes of Russia or China – but whilst Sunak and co antagonise Russia via Ukraine sooner or later there will be a real cost …
.. let those countries closer to Russia pick up the tab for their own defence …
Agree. But I have doubts that even if we had a force like the CRS in France whether it would ever be deployed against something like a pro Hamas March . On the other hand if say there was a massive demo against using an ex RAF base for asylum seekers ( invaders) I can see it being used against the demonstrators.
Before we have such a force we need to be confident that it will be used in the best interests of the indigenous population and not used to suppress and intimidate them. For that to happen we need a complete clear out of the current political class.
Protestants in the UK have never lost their right to carry arms for their self defence as per The Bill of Rights 1688/89. Would we need to follow the path that Israelies are going down:
The last person who was about to test this out in the law courts was one of the McWhirter twins (Guiness book of records) who was then assassinated by the IRA.
We start the week with a cautionary object lesson in how controlled PR messaging and potential media manipulation is performed – before your very eyes – as vintage performer Arthur Askey would have quipped (there’s one for the teenagers – ay-thang-yaw!)
Thank you – enthuses the Daily Mirror: First official pic after op… Recovering Kate’s message to the nation as William takes happy snap for Mother’s Day… it is hoped the photo will stop wild conspiracies about Kate’s health as she recovers
I’m smiles better… Mum’s the word… Kate’s joyous Mother’s Day photo – gushes the giveaway free ad sheet Metro…
But what’s this…? With quite some irony the prime advertising spot on the frontpage of the freebie Metro just beneath their (cropped) version of the photo of the Royals consists of ad copy which reads: “Should’ve gone to Specsavers”
Photo from palace was doctored, say agencies – explains the Telegraph: Princess of Wales’s Mothering Sunday image of family recalled after editing fears… it was last night recalled by Getty… – knowing our Getty Images as we do hereabouts one speculates for a moment this was for reasons of lack of any black children present in the Royal family, I jest of course. The Telegraph report continues: …Associated Press, Agence-France-Presse and Reuters, which put out a “kill notice” to halt their distribution of the picture
Perhaps not since comrade Stalin’s loyal press office minions famously airbrushed the image of Nikolai Yezhov from a photograph of the former head of secret police, standing beside the Soviet dictator in happier days, has there been quite such focus on this form of camera fakery.
Princess Charlotte’s sleeve and wrist appeared to be partially missing… the Princess was not wearing her wedding ring… a tree in the background which had some leaves in mid-March (Telegraph)
This joyous Mother’s Day snap was meant to be the reassurance we all needed – but has it backfired? (Daily Mail)
“At closer inspection it appears that the source has manipulated the image,” the AP notice said – so report both Times and Telegraph
The agencies have a policy of of not distributing photographs that have been overly edited. Kensington Palace declined to comment (Telegraph)
In politics – more news of how the two clenched cheeks of our Uniparty arse draw closer together as the all but redundant general election nears…
Starmer to govern with ‘gang of four’…upending the traditional system of cabinet government… which is seen as too unwieldy… a powerful executive cabinet that would make key decisions… Rachel Reeves… Angela Rayner… and Pat McFadden… (Times)
Cabinet office plan… The prime minister should break up the office and make big decisions with only a handful of colleagues according to a report by ex-premiers Sir John Major and Gordon Brown (FT)
Don’t forget to vote… you know it makes no difference
that worked well last time, those behemoths of politics…
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” most likely writer and philosopher George Santayana who originally wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Asiseeit – I think the Sue gray idea that she alone should run the state has legs . Starmer can deliver her lines whilst she does the business – after all – one of her kids is about to be parachuted into a safe red Labour seat so the dynasty will thrive … he can be mums’ enforcer as chief whip …..
As for the royal picture – maybe they could colour up the kids a bit to make it more ‘inclusive ‘ ….
“Mother’s Day brawl breaks out at Liverpool restaurant as diners throw punches in front of shocked onlookers. This is the moment a violent brawl erupted in a crowded restaurant on Mother’s Day as women threw punches and one was smacked against a mirror.
Shocking footage of the fight showed a group of women fighting in The Restaurant Bar and Grill, in Liverpool, on Sunday.
Onlookers cackled with laughter as one woman grabbed another by the hair and rained down punches on her head.”
“Do they know something we don’t? American titans Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Mark Zuckerberg, Jamie Dimon and Walmart’s Walton family sell a staggering $11 BILLION in stock – as billionaires cash out before looming election
Jeff Bezos – the world’s third-richest man – sold $8.5billion in Amazon this month
Mark Zuckerberg – the world’s fourth-richest – sold about $638million in Meta”
UK supermarkets ration toilet paper to prevent stockpiling
This article is more than 4 years old
Other vanishing items include dried pasta, tinned vegetables, medications and hand gel
Shelves across the country have been stripped of such goods after Public Health England urged members of the public to “plan ahead” in case they had to self-isolate for a couple of weeks.
The only reason I can think of is that the headlines they are running lean towards conveying a negative, dodgy impression of devious goings on by the Royals, which of course is the default position for the BBC.
My guess is that some young computer desk jockey at the palace or there publicity agents decided to retouch a bit of blurring or something which is a pretty normal procedure in graphic circles before photos are released for publication.
I would bet quite a few quid that if the same situation had arisen with a photo released by the Holy Mother Meghan and Harry there would be tumbleweed.
Almost all media photos have been retouched
but one guy explained there are new rules intended to stop AI deepfakes
so whereas a hand in the wrong position on a sleeve, would have passed before, it doesn’t now.
TOADY Watch #1 – ooh, ‘the Palace has cheated’ claim various photo agencies and the BBC sneer & smear, too
What do we know about the Princess of Wales? She is a keen photographer and most likely has access to Adobe Photoshop and some serious kit, maybe including a DSLR. What do we NOT know about the Prince of Wales? We do not know how competent a photographer he is and what he knows about digital cameras and how to control them. We do know his wife handed him the camera and asked him to take the photograph.
If it was taken on a recent DSR and if the Prince of Wales is befuddled about camera settings – and there are a bewildering number of them on the latest DSLRs – it is possible he kept his finger on the button/shutter release too long, and ‘machine gunned’ his wife and children. Children being the fidgets they are, may have moved hands and changed expressions from one picture to the next. Apparently, that is the photo agencies main concern.
Or it could be that Princess Kate decided to work on the images in her computer. Will Adobe* be applying for a Royal Warrant?
Plus whoever did any retouching may have been unaware that rejecting photos retouched for any reason is standard practice in the photo library industry and probably by the photo agencies. Notice the BBC are using the word “manipulated” rather then “retouched’ as it sounds much more damning and nefarious.
However it’s the BBC top story running on a loop with multiple BBC talking heads getting air time.
Meanwhile people are still getting blown to bits in Ukraine….
digg, you are correct. There was a big flap years ago but after digital imaging became commonplace about an award winner in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competiton or WPotY as it is known to some enthusiasts. Said entrant had taken out a fence or something like that from his picture of, iirc, a wolf. It was not penning the creature into a space. It was strictly a wildlife photo but the photographer considered the fence to be a distraction and removed it with image retouching software.
The crazy thing is that in the film era, such techniques were known and employed by graphic artists in ‘Comp Depts.’ but it was a much more tedious and arduous and time consuming process to get the scalpels out and cut a print to drop it into another picture and then re-photograph the composite which maybe then required some retouching the ‘join’. Done in a jiffy now. John Heartifeld would be extremely envious if he was still alive. He died in 1968.
I guess this ‘thing’ will be used stir up fear and anxiety over Artificial Intelligence.
I detect a bit of sour grapes from the BBC on the morning news that a sombre deep serious film about the man who created the H bomb portrayed by an outstanding actor who happens to be a man overshadowed a film about a character based on a childs plastic doll.
BBC presenter re the bloke in pink glitter suit singing “I am Just Ken” on stage at the Oscars…. “Now this is what media is really all talking about!”
BBC now bigging up problems around Ramadan in the UK.
Apparently because the skies in the UK are generally overcast at this time of year the appearance of the new moon that normally triggers Ramadan in the Middle East’s clear skies is unreliable so Muslims in the UK cannot be certain when to begin Ramadan.
Is this really a huge problem in the UK deserving of national news headlines?
“Venloer Street, where most Turks and Muslims live, was decorated especially for the month of Ramadan for the first time in Germany’s Cologne as the holy month is just around the corner. The lighting and decorations will remain on the street for 30 days during Ramadan.1 day ago”
Marky – for once – thank you for putting this up – it would be nice to know when it was done …. I wonder if mr Galloway could ever ‘flip’ and acknowledge the inherent danger of the Islam which has just voted for him with so many ‘postal votes ‘….
Interesting that he thinks NATO is finished as as I walked along a beach today I was trying to think through whether president putin would prefer Obama as us president or Trump …
…Should mr putin think that biting off a bit of land on the border or Russia again – but this time a NATO member …. I could see NATO /EU -finding a way of avoiding direct action ….
( I know the above is an academic exercise but it’s ’interesting ‘ and I’d like to have some idea of why I died as the nuclear flash / blast hit )
I don’t like George Galloway because of his ego problem . But the point he makes at the end of this interview – that the ‘Anglo sphere ‘ comprises around 13% of the world population – but has largely called the shots – and is to change – is a valid one .
But he says our days of invading other countries is a bit off the mark . And the way things work – if ‘we ‘ don’t invade countries -others will …. At the moment China is invading via money – and control of resources by western states is reducing ….. for us – and for George – that’s not a good thing – and in the end will come to some sort of war …. always has been –
Simon the Heffer wrote something in the DT yesterday about the blue labour lot needing to do a deal with Reform in order to survive
Reform would be insane to go anywhere near those socialists and the inept ways …
It was the Reform party – The Brexit Party, that got us out of the EU.
It is likely that they will rescue GB from the liberal Tories .
That’s all we hear from the media is fear, fear and fear , that voting for Reform will ‘let Labour in ‘ .
What have the Tories done in all their years in office? Appease , appease and appease .
Perhaps now we will reap the benefits of a ‘real Brexit’ under a strong government?
Uniparty (547)
Conservative Party (348)
Labour Party (199)
Opposition (103)
—-Scottish National Party (43)
—-Liberal Democrats (15)
—-Sinn Féin (7)
—-Plaid Cymru (3)
—-SDLP (2)
—-Independents (23)
—-Democratic Unionist Party (8)
—-Alba Party (2)
There’s no TR news yet apart from a 10am tweet saying his solicitors haven’t received any paperwork
updates may be here
The one video from today : Danny Roscoe of Urban Scoop outside the court in Croydon saying nothing has happened so far
Of course the police idea is stop TR protests , but the court appearance will generate protest
“The van taking Tommy to court broke down causing a delay.”
The post then says they expect the establishment to use the court as ruse to get TR’s home address into the newspapers
His legal team are bringing videos of the the credible death threats made against him and his family
Did she alter the picture of prince Andrew and a 17 year old girl he did nothing wrong with but gave a lot of money to ?
Surely we deserve answers – parliament should be recalled – someone needs to apologise …… or maybe who gives a tuppeny xxxx …..
But it does provide a meaningless distraction and didn’t cost anything …
Lee Anderson can now team up with George Galloway and have a scrap to decide the future of Blighty ….
I reckon the left will really be after Mr Anderson’s seat and the fictitious postal votes will do him in … over seen by mr Mohammed the Returning Officer …
Doesn’t appear to have garnered much attention in the MSM, but it appears the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) is preparing to invade Rwanda.
If this does happen and I were a broadcaster opposed to the Tories (like the BBC) I would be using every single detail to embarass the muppets for considering the country to be a safe place for asylum seekers.
Worse still is that the lunatics in government might well have given guarantees that if anything like this does happen we will accept millions of them fleeing the war.
I’m not sure what will happen to any asylum seekers we have sent their either, presumably we will have to bring them back to the UK again ?
Seeing as they gave the anti Tory pro refugee charities the funding to challenge them in court over it all, I question if they ever really wanted it in the first place, and it was in reality all a show for their party to appear they were actually doing something, and also to blame what they call “leftie lawyers” when they did lose.
– Busting myths around the holy month of Ramadan
– Some doctor who’s the first woman of colour to do something. She’s a muslim
– Lee Anderson is from the radical right
– The bloke who fought off a terrorist on London Bridge with a narwhal tusk has signed a letter saying not all muslims in the UK are terrorists and require fighting off with a narwhal tusk
– The holy month of Ramadan
– Ramadan is a holy month
– Ramadan = holy
This isn’t a Chris Morris episode. It’s what the gov and the BBC are pretending is normal life in Britain.
Thanks to” Fed up” for raising the point, the News at One is leading with the Great Royal SCANDAL & CRISIS that a photo may have been edited… yes editing a family photo..
Wow and we thought the Ukraine had problems ,let alone the Gaza situation. Now we realise what really matters.
Even Verify get a mention….not the hilarious nonsense of Verify falling “hook line and sinker “for a Jape with some Trump snaps (the one of Trump sat with some African/Americans not the others of Trump visiting the baby Jesus, or him on the set of Ben-hur circa 1959.) But hey..ho worth a Panorama programme…who watched it I wonder?
Quite what that back slapping little club might contribute only the BBC could say
The BBC going “full out” in the search for the tabloid audience that it needs to bump up any sort of listening figures .
Desperate ,desperate stuff and very sad considering what the bbc
once was.
Latest rumours are that the photo was pulled because it was not diverse enough. Specifically:
1. There are no People of Color ™ in the photo, even though as anyone who has seen a TV advert or watched a BBC programme knows, over 2/3rd of the British population are black, especially the Royals, who have been black since Queen Charlotte started Netflix back in 1761 after marrying George III.
2. There are no members of the LGBTQS+ community present, not even a drag queen. ‘S’, by the way, is a new addition to describe those who self-identify as Saville.
3. Although it is the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan, none of the females in the photo are wearing hijabs or making any effort to cover themselves. This can only be described as hateful, Islamophobic and offensive. Or something like that.
A new expression has entered political debate on the BBC and elsewhere: “sectarian voting”.
Of course, that’s just a euphemism for Islamic / Islamist voting, but politicians dare not speak its name.
Personally, I would have no problem with Christian sectarian voting. A bit more brotherly love in Parliament could be a good thing.
Or Buddhist sectarian voting: all those serene, chilled MPs, Ommm.
Hindu voting: you can never have too many Elephant-headed Gods, I say. And their religious festivals always include a grand nosh-up. Yum.
But Islamic voting is uniquely sinister, given their long-term aim of taking over the UK, then world domination and absorption into the worldwide Caliphate through Da’wah and Jihad; then imposing their ghastly Sharia practices on the dhimmi slave population.
“Obviously the BBC’s journalism* trainees are sorely in need of some instruction on the topic of what constitutes a reputable media outlet worthy of quotation and what does not.”
*Ahem… ‘advanced’, please. The truly thick kids get into Verify.
I really must stop looking at my local paper – the londonistan evening standard . The latest face is that of another coloured boy shot dead in catford yesterday – and another 4 convicted of attempted murder last week – with 20 plus years imprisonment… there are so many …
“A British mercenary who fought for the Ukrainian Armed Forces committed suicide after returning home.
– The Telegraph
The British man fought at the front, where he witnessed the death of his accomplices. Harry Gregg was 25 years old when he was found hanged . Back in Britain he had PTSD.”
His mother said it too.
“Mother of Briton who went to Ukraine to fight Putin’s forces says Liz Truss has ‘blood on her hands’ for encouraging UK volunteers to enter the conflict after he takes his own life”
‘Five days after Vladimir Putin’s invasion in February 2022, Ms Truss said in a BBC interview: ‘If people want to support that struggle, I would support them.’ No 10 distanced itself from her comments, while fellow Conservatives said it would be reckless and illegal for Britons to become involved.
“Ms Truss retracted the statement a week later, but Ms Gregg, 57, said the damage was already done.
Her son served with the 48th Battalion and was nicknamed ‘Eagle’ by the other soldiers.
He saw First World War-style trench warfare, which his mother said he was ‘not equipped for’ mentally.
She added: ‘He ended up with one of his colleagues’ brains all over his uniform and he had to put him in a body bag and drag him out of the trenches.’
Ms Gregg said of her son: ‘He used to bounce through the door with a big grin on his face. When he came back, there was a sadness about him. He was broken.”
Eddy, if you’re going to use Ukrainian nationalist slogans, at least try to spell the country correctly. Not a dig, just an observation. Slava Ukraini, heroyam Slava. Or Слава Україні! Героям Слава!
She is Definately an unsatisfactory mother and perhaps the children should be taken into care . There is now a picture of her in a car leaving somewhere . Has this been altered ? Are we being told the truth . PM to speak outside number 10 – starmer demands inquiry – SNP demand independence referendum ….
Update the judge released TR
In a fresh video TR explains TR took his daughter on the party bus to Crystal Palace
they watched the football
They walked out the ground to the bus , and that is when police pounced and arrested him
Nick leads group that pretends to fight fascism
Yet he thinks it’s OK for police to impose a rules on people BEFORE trial
that prevent them from taking their daughter out on a birthday party bus to watch a football match in Croydon
.. that seems pretty FASCIST
I couldn’t give a rat’s @rse about a faked photo of Kate and the kids. Who cares?
Well, the media seem to…it’s all they’re bloody talking about.
Meanwhile, London’s runt mayor Khan is celebrating Ramadamadingdong all over the capital city, with flashing lights all through the west end and Nelson’s Column glowing like the centre of Mecca.
We’ve had months of belligerent Muzzies throwing their weight around on the streets of London, intimidating Jews and being pacified by our neutered and useless police. Calls for genocide, flagrant disrespect for our war memorials and monuments and swaggering aggression. And yet…hardly any arrests…but one geezer puts up a few posters and gets two years in nick and another takes his daughter to a football match and our heroes in blue are immediately on it.
What we saw last night isn’t merely a religious celebration.
There is a very,very significant lack of diversity which is clearly being ignored and I am outraged…it makes my blood boil..
All this celebrating the RNLI and it’s 200 years of life saving betrays one big problem.The crews of these rescue boats are all white.As Jon Snow would say “I’ve never seen so many white people”.
Every right thinking person must demand that all RNLI boats should have ethnically mixed crews , at least one disabled crew member and LBQT etc representation.
If this is not possible they should NOT be launched, I have no doubt that anybody , adrift , near death would not want to be rescued be any other sort of crew.
The RNLI must also issue an apology for past deficiencies.
Enough of this nonsense.
Having just woken up to the news about Lee Anderson, ignoring as usual, the Beebist nonsense, I went to the Sky site to find out what it was all about…
I love this quote from a so-called Tory…
“A Conservative Party spokesperson said they “regret” the decision taken by Mr Anderson, adding: “Voting for Reform can’t deliver anything apart from a Keir Starmer-led Labour government that would take us back to square one – which means higher taxes, higher energy costs, no action on Channel crossings, and uncontrolled immigration.”!
Has this Bluelab bloke ever listened to anyone of the Normal British Population?
(Just checked, or in Beeboid terms, did a Vilify – not a peep on any of their ‘headlines’)!
Scroblene – I somehow think that maybe 300 blue labour MPs may have the expression of someone hit with a sledgehammer on election night as – maybe – they suddenly realise their Party is finished ….
I’m deeply disappointed by the 5pm BBC news – they didn’t lead with the altered picture – instead it was about Lee Anderson and Reform .
I feel uncomfortable listening to lefties pretending to be neutral when talking about the True Conservative Party (reform) and pretending that the Tory Party is anywhere near Right when by their conduct they are high spending socialists …
Apparently the Muslims have some ‘month’ thing – I refuse to name it . Yet the BBC is prefixing it with the word ‘holy ‘. Well it’s not holy to me – and is just another indication of who runs the BBC – the evil left and Islam ….
And the BBC continues to moan about the IDF continuing to kill Hamas supporters in Gaza ….keep going IDF – maximum effort ….
In a previous life – I was on a government working part which examined the implications of digital images – it was just before the iPhone came along .
There was great concern about images being fiddled with before being presented in criminal trials . In the end it was all about a coherent audit trail to show that pixels hadn’t been fiddled with …
I wonder when the princess of wales type event will turn up in a miscarriage case …?
I believe cameras record “exif” data now in the image file, to preserve the original dates taken etc
“EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format. It is a standardised way of storing useful metadata in digital image files, and it holds a wealth of technical information about how the image was created, including the time and date it was taken, the camera and lens that was used, and the shooting settings.”
Zephir – when I was involved in digital stuff it was very much the ‘Wild West ‘ and even internet porn hadn’t been invented – chaps still had to depend on Katie razzle it seems …
ITV local news.. opening story Hull funeral parlour has been mixing up bodies or something
For some reason they bring on a Hull Labour MP to comment.
Next they are having a sneer at Lee Anderson “Only he knows if the letters in his full mail bag come from his actual constituents.
They finish by handing the mic to the local Labour Party rep. She says his constituents are crying out for change.
Doh .. Labour have the SAME crazy green, crazy open border policies, they are not a change.
I don’t understand why the RF are not being truthful about Kate’s medical condition. I mean, we already know she’s had something serious so telling the whole truth is not going to be a gross invasion of her privacy. In fact, Kate would probably garner universal sympathy however bad her condition is, and the RF would inspire some trust if they were more forthcoming.
The peculiar position of the Royals demands that their private lives are to a great extent public property.
In these days of social media it is unbearable for many people to just wait for her to recover. I agree that it doesn’t matter who she is, her health details are private and must remain so. There are many reasons why she might not want it to be public knowledge- an issue with reproductive system, or the colon (colostomy bag?). Some folks are much more embarrassed than others about such things.
Skeffling on the Humber “4 dead sperm whales” in shallow water
..and everyone thinks ‘Do windfarms cause these deep water creatures to go into shallow water”
pugnaziousMar 11, 18:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The old joke….in America you can always find a party…in the Soviet Union the Party always finds you. Not much…
pugnaziousMar 11, 18:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ‘Construction workers started to dismantle the Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House on Monday following threats by Republicans…
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
There could be trouble ahead for the BBC. There is a newspaper report in the Sunday Telegraph about a ‘fawning BBC documentary’ over someone who was a paedophile. Cancel your TV Licence. Defund the BBC.
Telegraph March 9th
It’s about the 2016 Newsnight Newcastle documentary
Oh hello Stew, where is that apology you owe me?
@Up2Snuff repeatedly shouting that, is bullying & harassment
You made a false statement I corrected you
but you can’t stand being called wrong so keep making this false claim
I haven’t led your life so don’t know what makes you like that
but in general good advice is just to chill out
Plenty of people have tougher lives and are bigger victims.
Stew, “You made a false statement I corrected you”.
I think I corrected you. You were wrong but sort of right because you were out of date, just like another poster on here who is ‘not up to date’. 😉 Former President Trump repeated the remarks he made about NATO contributions in 2017 again at a political rally in 2024. That is what got the media, especially the BBC, excited all over again in 2024. Can you understand that? Capiche?
A startling business opportunity to boost the economy?
A business setting up massive jails to house foreign criminals. Extend the service to cover the beloved EU. Could I apply for a Government grant and/or use the millions the Government propose spending on the ‘safety’ of muslims to achieve mega jails?
Jimmy Saville MK2?
There seem to a huge number of GuardianSupremacist accounts with tens of thousands of followers
tweeting ‘That Tommy Robinson he’s so thick, he got arrested for attending a football match, when he’s still in his 4 year ban from football grounds’
That is surreal cos it’s well known the ban was changed to end after 3 years, so he has been attending football matches for some time now.
He was arrested on Saturday outside Selhurst Park
whilst apparently taking his daughter to see Luton play “It’s her birthday”
He was still under draconian bail conditions that forbade him from going inside the M25, unless under special exemptions.
I’d guess he wanted to get arrested to show that the Met Police are so crazy they won’t let a guy take his daughter to the football
even though it represents zero danger to public order.
This has to be a joke. Call in the BBC verifiers
I wonder if that would be his mantra if the mother Church was blown up by his religious favourites. Let’s hope none of his new disciples start having mental issues and attack local vicars, as they did in France when they beheaded a priest. Has woky Welby forgotten that ?
‘Thank you for the huge contribution that Muslims across our nation make to our society’.
Any similar complimentary and grateful comments made by ANY Muslim leaders about Christians ?. No. Thought not.
That has to be one of the most pathetic, virtue-signalling and totally meaningless appeasement ‘speeches’ I have ever heard.
Meanwhile we got another example of their ‘huge contribution’ to our society with this:
Protestor with ‘Hamas are terrorists’ banner ARRESTED ‘for his own safety’
Not reported by the BBC of course. Because they don’t think Hamas ARE terrorists : they think they are freedom fighters.
They don’t do peace, just violence.
Top reply
Especially the ones that you baptized illegally over the last few months and a laughing in our face because we are unable to deport them
“….for the great contribution of muslims to our society…” That would be the Crusades would it not? surely, he’s not talking about corner shops in Bradford?
Time for Saudi to get it’s purse out for reparations!
Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.
Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
PUBLISHED: 23:28, 23 February 2018 | UPDATED: 10:04, 24 February 2018
Calvin Robinshop answers the arch bishop
I am searching for a charitable interpretation of this.
It seems like he sees no need for Moslems to convert.
That would mean either he does not care for their souls, or he does not believe Jesus Christ is the only way to Salvation.
Either way, he is rendered unfit for office.
‘The Pope was quoted as saying: “The strongest one is the one who looks at the situation, thinks about the people and has the courage of the white flag, and negotiates.”
Ukraine’s foreign minister says it will “never raise any other flags” than the country’s blue and yellow colours.’
Apart from the homosexual flag, and begging to have NATO and EU one flying too.
Pope is right for once.
Will the Pope be happy if a condition in the negotiations is leaving the Catholic Church and adhering to the Russian Orthodox one ?
Haiti — “The United States says it has airlifted non-essential embassy staff from Haiti, as the country spirals further into gang violence […] It follows attacks by gangs on the airport, police stations and prisons this week […] The country’s main port said it was suspending operations on Thursday due to sabotage and vandalism.”
When Trump called Haiti and others ‘shithole’ countries the media bubble shrieked with outrage. Like they sniggered at his comments on migrant violence in Sweden and German reliance on Russian energy. The International Organization for Migration (UN) now admits “Haitians are unable to lead a decent life. They are living in fear […] The capital is surrounded by armed groups and danger. It is a city under siege.”
Yup sounds like a shithole. I await an update from the UN and the BBC on Trump’s assessments, must be any time now.
“Tomorrow lies close at hand in images of elsewhere”
What Haiti does today, Europe will do tomorrow. Coming soon to a city near you.
Augusnel Tour. “We do it Safe & We do it Best”.
By Augusnel Tour Haiti
bbc presenter:- Tiffanie Turnbulll
A wealth of experience going back weeks 🙂
UK Government commits extra funding to protect Muslims from hate attacks
11 Mar 2024
Probably as usual: Soros
How many times have they hounded Tory Mps on a variety of issues until they are out of office with the bbc following with pitchforks and torches?
“Rachel Reeves tells people to ‘move on’ from Angela Rayner tax claims
The Shadow Chancellor claimed ‘people are ready to move on’ from whether or not Rayner should have paid capital gains tax on her property.”
“Dominic Raab latest in long line of sackings and storm-outs under Britain’s Tories
39 cabinet ministers have been sacked, forced out or quit since 2010”
Nice to see red labour will be occupying the same amoral ground that the current regime does … ‘higher standards in public life ‘ – indeed ….
I’m really looking forward to the 200 labour majority – plenty of room for more Muslim loons and infighting over who can be more to the £left£….
‘move on’ 1400 raped kids ‘get over it’ 1400 raped kids ‘lessons learnt’ 1400 raped kids ‘no monuments for them!’
Princess of Wales: Kate image withdrawn by four news agencies amid ‘manipulation’ concerns
Front page “news” in the bbc world 🙁
Bread and circuses – but why not have a completely digital royal family ? Think of the cost savings ? All that soap opera stuff could be done online – with a premium service for royalists who want to have tea ©️with the Queen ©️or meet princess©️Meghan ©️. All that saving on security and guards and palaces ….
It’s certainly ‘news’ for people who think we are living in the 12th Century rather than the 21st. Mind you, the BBC are also keen on promoting a return to feudalism, as excitingly re-imagined by the likes of Soros, Gates and Schwab.
I think I heard – on bbc news – that the outgoing blue labour regime ( it’s not a government ) is going to use borrowed taxpayers’ cash to provide more defences for mosques .
Has the regime heard of threats to mosques ? Have they realised that a lot more people are getting a lot more cheesed of about being dictated to by these third world invaders ?
I’m sure we are about to see a whole new intense propaganda exercise about how great Islam is – with various approved ‘mo s’ in public life held up as ‘role models ‘.
Even less will be heard of paki Muslim racist paedo Rape gangs or support for Islamic Hamas or attacks on Jews and Christian’s and Hindus and queers …..
… but the truth is always there… however much the Islamic British state tries to suppress it …
What is it about people not learning from history being doomed to make the same mistakes or something like that ?
Appeasing Hitler …..
Ah, yes here:
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” most likely writer and philosopher George Santayana who originally wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Zephir – there is even the pantomime of a few individuals calling for re – arming – Churchill wilderness style …..
The internal and external threats grow …. But the ability to deal with them reduce …. Personally I find the French more of an immediate threat to real security that games played with the likes of Russia or China – but whilst Sunak and co antagonise Russia via Ukraine sooner or later there will be a real cost …
.. let those countries closer to Russia pick up the tab for their own defence …
I strongly suspect we will need a strong army in the near future to tackle a domestic threat.
Forget the rest of the world
Agree. But I have doubts that even if we had a force like the CRS in France whether it would ever be deployed against something like a pro Hamas March . On the other hand if say there was a massive demo against using an ex RAF base for asylum seekers ( invaders) I can see it being used against the demonstrators.
Before we have such a force we need to be confident that it will be used in the best interests of the indigenous population and not used to suppress and intimidate them. For that to happen we need a complete clear out of the current political class.
Protestants in the UK have never lost their right to carry arms for their self defence as per The Bill of Rights 1688/89. Would we need to follow the path that Israelies are going down:
The last person who was about to test this out in the law courts was one of the McWhirter twins (Guiness book of records) who was then assassinated by the IRA.
We start the week with a cautionary object lesson in how controlled PR messaging and potential media manipulation is performed – before your very eyes – as vintage performer Arthur Askey would have quipped (there’s one for the teenagers – ay-thang-yaw!)
Thank you – enthuses the Daily Mirror: First official pic after op… Recovering Kate’s message to the nation as William takes happy snap for Mother’s Day… it is hoped the photo will stop wild conspiracies about Kate’s health as she recovers
I’m smiles better… Mum’s the word… Kate’s joyous Mother’s Day photo – gushes the giveaway free ad sheet Metro…
But what’s this…? With quite some irony the prime advertising spot on the frontpage of the freebie Metro just beneath their (cropped) version of the photo of the Royals consists of ad copy which reads: “Should’ve gone to Specsavers”
Photo from palace was doctored, say agencies – explains the Telegraph: Princess of Wales’s Mothering Sunday image of family recalled after editing fears… it was last night recalled by Getty… – knowing our Getty Images as we do hereabouts one speculates for a moment this was for reasons of lack of any black children present in the Royal family, I jest of course. The Telegraph report continues: …Associated Press, Agence-France-Presse and Reuters, which put out a “kill notice” to halt their distribution of the picture
Perhaps not since comrade Stalin’s loyal press office minions famously airbrushed the image of Nikolai Yezhov from a photograph of the former head of secret police, standing beside the Soviet dictator in happier days, has there been quite such focus on this form of camera fakery.
Princess Charlotte’s sleeve and wrist appeared to be partially missing… the Princess was not wearing her wedding ring… a tree in the background which had some leaves in mid-March (Telegraph)
This joyous Mother’s Day snap was meant to be the reassurance we all needed – but has it backfired? (Daily Mail)
“At closer inspection it appears that the source has manipulated the image,” the AP notice said – so report both Times and Telegraph
The agencies have a policy of of not distributing photographs that have been overly edited. Kensington Palace declined to comment (Telegraph)
In politics – more news of how the two clenched cheeks of our Uniparty arse draw closer together as the all but redundant general election nears…
Starmer to govern with ‘gang of four’…upending the traditional system of cabinet government… which is seen as too unwieldy… a powerful executive cabinet that would make key decisions… Rachel Reeves… Angela Rayner… and Pat McFadden… (Times)
Cabinet office plan… The prime minister should break up the office and make big decisions with only a handful of colleagues according to a report by ex-premiers Sir John Major and Gordon Brown (FT)
Don’t forget to vote… you know it makes no difference
Bye-bye playmates!
” Gang of Four”
that worked well last time, those behemoths of politics…
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” most likely writer and philosopher George Santayana who originally wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Asiseeit – I think the Sue gray idea that she alone should run the state has legs . Starmer can deliver her lines whilst she does the business – after all – one of her kids is about to be parachuted into a safe red Labour seat so the dynasty will thrive … he can be mums’ enforcer as chief whip …..
As for the royal picture – maybe they could colour up the kids a bit to make it more ‘inclusive ‘ ….
Digital Royals, what an idea, we can then see the error messages:
A Royal wedding with Markle : Bad Command
Abort, Retry, Fail
Prince Andrew and Epstein : Fatal System Error, Package File is Corrupt
Charles 3 Xmas address: Garbage in Garbage out
Diana in Paris in a Mercedes : Crash Report, Hardware Reset
There were three people in this marriage : Software Brittleness
Harry’s brain: 404 Not Found
Video call from his wife: black screen of death
You see – ending possibilities – it wouid save the tourist industry millions – and it is green crap ! No need to travel to the UK to see the dismal Buckingham house ….. personal signed digital picture for you from the Queen ©️- just $99.99 or 1 bitcoin ©️
You could have DIY Knighthoods too!
Just send a stamped addressed envelope to Buck House, get a photo of a sword, and staple it to each shoulder for a couple of seconds!
I came across this quite a while ago, I think it need to be rewritten, it is not diverse enough,
A silly day in the making – a civil war between the chavs and the people of Waitrose ….
And ‘the norff’ isn’t south enough ….
Already happened in the thieves area yesterday:
“Mother’s Day brawl breaks out at Liverpool restaurant as diners throw punches in front of shocked onlookers. This is the moment a violent brawl erupted in a crowded restaurant on Mother’s Day as women threw punches and one was smacked against a mirror.
Shocking footage of the fight showed a group of women fighting in The Restaurant Bar and Grill, in Liverpool, on Sunday.
Onlookers cackled with laughter as one woman grabbed another by the hair and rained down punches on her head.”
Citeh supporters …
Zephir, wot? No Midlands? Ioi think Woilverhampton will hoive souimething to soiay about that!
Such actions would be unthinkable in St Albans.
“Do they know something we don’t? American titans Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Mark Zuckerberg, Jamie Dimon and Walmart’s Walton family sell a staggering $11 BILLION in stock – as billionaires cash out before looming election
Jeff Bezos – the world’s third-richest man – sold $8.5billion in Amazon this month
Mark Zuckerberg – the world’s fourth-richest – sold about $638million in Meta”
Wonder what I should do with the £8.43p I have in my ISA…
Thoughtful, you’re an expert in these matters, can we have your four-penn’orth please?
I had better use my £2.50 Tesco clubcard voucher today just in case
Tins and toilet roll futures …
UK supermarkets ration toilet paper to prevent stockpiling
This article is more than 4 years old
Other vanishing items include dried pasta, tinned vegetables, medications and hand gel
Shelves across the country have been stripped of such goods after Public Health England urged members of the public to “plan ahead” in case they had to self-isolate for a couple of weeks.
MM, you and Stew Green do like to keep up todate!
Always check you have COVID suppliers my friend!
Germans told to stockpile food and water for civil defence
22 August 2016
“#Panic-buying: This is what it’ll look like 2 hours after the supermarkets open,” said one tweet
Can anyone explain why the BBC are headlining a story about a possible but not confirmed bit of retouching in a photo issued by the Palace?
The only reason I can think of is that the headlines they are running lean towards conveying a negative, dodgy impression of devious goings on by the Royals, which of course is the default position for the BBC.
My guess is that some young computer desk jockey at the palace or there publicity agents decided to retouch a bit of blurring or something which is a pretty normal procedure in graphic circles before photos are released for publication.
I would bet quite a few quid that if the same situation had arisen with a photo released by the Holy Mother Meghan and Harry there would be tumbleweed.
Almost all media photos have been retouched
but one guy explained there are new rules intended to stop AI deepfakes
so whereas a hand in the wrong position on a sleeve, would have passed before, it doesn’t now.
“Home Office is dysfunctional, says ex-borders watchdog David Neal”
Really ?
Home Office admits 15,000 people deleted from police records
This article is more than 3 years old
Policing minister, Kit Malthouse, reveals figures a month after data blunder was first revealed
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
TOADY Watch #1 – ooh, ‘the Palace has cheated’ claim various photo agencies and the BBC sneer & smear, too
What do we know about the Princess of Wales? She is a keen photographer and most likely has access to Adobe Photoshop and some serious kit, maybe including a DSLR. What do we NOT know about the Prince of Wales? We do not know how competent a photographer he is and what he knows about digital cameras and how to control them. We do know his wife handed him the camera and asked him to take the photograph.
If it was taken on a recent DSR and if the Prince of Wales is befuddled about camera settings – and there are a bewildering number of them on the latest DSLRs – it is possible he kept his finger on the button/shutter release too long, and ‘machine gunned’ his wife and children. Children being the fidgets they are, may have moved hands and changed expressions from one picture to the next. Apparently, that is the photo agencies main concern.
Or it could be that Princess Kate decided to work on the images in her computer. Will Adobe* be applying for a Royal Warrant?
* Other image manipulation software is available.
Plus whoever did any retouching may have been unaware that rejecting photos retouched for any reason is standard practice in the photo library industry and probably by the photo agencies. Notice the BBC are using the word “manipulated” rather then “retouched’ as it sounds much more damning and nefarious.
However it’s the BBC top story running on a loop with multiple BBC talking heads getting air time.
Meanwhile people are still getting blown to bits in Ukraine….
digg, you are correct. There was a big flap years ago but after digital imaging became commonplace about an award winner in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competiton or WPotY as it is known to some enthusiasts. Said entrant had taken out a fence or something like that from his picture of, iirc, a wolf. It was not penning the creature into a space. It was strictly a wildlife photo but the photographer considered the fence to be a distraction and removed it with image retouching software.
The crazy thing is that in the film era, such techniques were known and employed by graphic artists in ‘Comp Depts.’ but it was a much more tedious and arduous and time consuming process to get the scalpels out and cut a print to drop it into another picture and then re-photograph the composite which maybe then required some retouching the ‘join’. Done in a jiffy now. John Heartifeld would be extremely envious if he was still alive. He died in 1968.
I guess this ‘thing’ will be used stir up fear and anxiety over Artificial Intelligence.
Was there not a rather impressive Pallywood effort that generated a child with six fingers?
Of course a genetic possibility.
Luckily for the Royal Family, DSLRs, Photofake and insane juvenile media were less prevalent back in Vic’s day.
I detect a bit of sour grapes from the BBC on the morning news that a sombre deep serious film about the man who created the H bomb portrayed by an outstanding actor who happens to be a man overshadowed a film about a character based on a childs plastic doll.
BBC presenter re the bloke in pink glitter suit singing “I am Just Ken” on stage at the Oscars…. “Now this is what media is really all talking about!”
BBC now bigging up problems around Ramadan in the UK.
Apparently because the skies in the UK are generally overcast at this time of year the appearance of the new moon that normally triggers Ramadan in the Middle East’s clear skies is unreliable so Muslims in the UK cannot be certain when to begin Ramadan.
Is this really a huge problem in the UK deserving of national news headlines?
Plus I can think of a really good fix….
“Venloer Street, where most Turks and Muslims live, was decorated especially for the month of Ramadan for the first time in Germany’s Cologne as the holy month is just around the corner. The lighting and decorations will remain on the street for 30 days during Ramadan.1 day ago”
And there was me led to believe they were all Astronomers, Scientists, Teachers and Astro-physicists. So surely they would know all this anyway……
Bloody Hell…
Even our fxxxing weather is Islamophobic.
Perhaps they’ll take the hint…
Neil Oliver interviews George Galloway
Marky – for once – thank you for putting this up – it would be nice to know when it was done …. I wonder if mr Galloway could ever ‘flip’ and acknowledge the inherent danger of the Islam which has just voted for him with so many ‘postal votes ‘….
Interesting that he thinks NATO is finished as as I walked along a beach today I was trying to think through whether president putin would prefer Obama as us president or Trump …
…Should mr putin think that biting off a bit of land on the border or Russia again – but this time a NATO member …. I could see NATO /EU -finding a way of avoiding direct action ….
( I know the above is an academic exercise but it’s ’interesting ‘ and I’d like to have some idea of why I died as the nuclear flash / blast hit )
I don’t like George Galloway because of his ego problem . But the point he makes at the end of this interview – that the ‘Anglo sphere ‘ comprises around 13% of the world population – but has largely called the shots – and is to change – is a valid one .
But he says our days of invading other countries is a bit off the mark . And the way things work – if ‘we ‘ don’t invade countries -others will …. At the moment China is invading via money – and control of resources by western states is reducing ….. for us – and for George – that’s not a good thing – and in the end will come to some sort of war …. always has been –
Congratulations to Lee Anderson! He is now a Reform MP.
Let’s hope he’s followed by a swag of them.
Hi Yasser
bbc “reports” he defects” to Reform
Sounds a bit unfavourable, maybe he has “Joined”
He did not “defect” as our teeny tiny PM had thrown him out of the “Conservative” party.
Will Reform morph into the new Conservative Party in all but name once they all have left Conservatives – same expenses, different logo?!
Simon the Heffer wrote something in the DT yesterday about the blue labour lot needing to do a deal with Reform in order to survive
Reform would be insane to go anywhere near those socialists and the inept ways …
Farage said he’d not go against Boris so Boris would have power to do a full Brexit.
Farage also backed Tony Blair as Vaccine Tsar!
It was the Reform party – The Brexit Party, that got us out of the EU.
It is likely that they will rescue GB from the liberal Tories .
That’s all we hear from the media is fear, fear and fear , that voting for Reform will ‘let Labour in ‘ .
What have the Tories done in all their years in office? Appease , appease and appease .
Perhaps now we will reap the benefits of a ‘real Brexit’ under a strong government?
Uniparty (547)
Conservative Party (348)
Labour Party (199)
Opposition (103)
—-Scottish National Party (43)
—-Liberal Democrats (15)
—-Sinn Féin (7)
—-Plaid Cymru (3)
—-SDLP (2)
—-Independents (23)
—-Democratic Unionist Party (8)
—-Alba Party (2)
There’s no TR news yet apart from a 10am tweet saying his solicitors haven’t received any paperwork
updates may be here
The one video from today : Danny Roscoe of Urban Scoop outside the court in Croydon saying nothing has happened so far
Of course the police idea is stop TR protests , but the court appearance will generate protest
“The van taking Tommy to court broke down causing a delay.”
The post then says they expect the establishment to use the court as ruse to get TR’s home address into the newspapers
His legal team are bringing videos of the the credible death threats made against him and his family
Trafalgar square London Eid Al-fitr lights
Surely – now that the Princess of Wales ©️has admitted deceiving the nation by changing an official photograph she should resign from office and retire to a non public life ….
Did she alter the picture of prince Andrew and a 17 year old girl he did nothing wrong with but gave a lot of money to ?
Surely we deserve answers – parliament should be recalled – someone needs to apologise …… or maybe who gives a tuppeny xxxx …..
But it does provide a meaningless distraction and didn’t cost anything …
Lee Anderson can now team up with George Galloway and have a scrap to decide the future of Blighty ….
I reckon the left will really be after Mr Anderson’s seat and the fictitious postal votes will do him in … over seen by mr Mohammed the Returning Officer …
Hello mr pierce
Metal Mickey?
Doesn’t appear to have garnered much attention in the MSM, but it appears the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) is preparing to invade Rwanda.
If this does happen and I were a broadcaster opposed to the Tories (like the BBC) I would be using every single detail to embarass the muppets for considering the country to be a safe place for asylum seekers.
Worse still is that the lunatics in government might well have given guarantees that if anything like this does happen we will accept millions of them fleeing the war.
I’m not sure what will happen to any asylum seekers we have sent their either, presumably we will have to bring them back to the UK again ?
Government won’t have a contingency plan, as there was zero seriousness of anyone being actually sent there.
Seeing as they gave the anti Tory pro refugee charities the funding to challenge them in court over it all, I question if they ever really wanted it in the first place, and it was in reality all a show for their party to appear they were actually doing something, and also to blame what they call “leftie lawyers” when they did lose.
The last hour on R5:
– Busting myths around the holy month of Ramadan
– Some doctor who’s the first woman of colour to do something. She’s a muslim
– Lee Anderson is from the radical right
– The bloke who fought off a terrorist on London Bridge with a narwhal tusk has signed a letter saying not all muslims in the UK are terrorists and require fighting off with a narwhal tusk
– The holy month of Ramadan
– Ramadan is a holy month
– Ramadan = holy
This isn’t a Chris Morris episode. It’s what the gov and the BBC are pretending is normal life in Britain.
Thanks to” Fed up” for raising the point, the News at One is leading with the Great Royal SCANDAL & CRISIS that a photo may have been edited… yes editing a family photo..
Wow and we thought the Ukraine had problems ,let alone the Gaza situation. Now we realise what really matters.
Even Verify get a mention….not the hilarious nonsense of Verify falling “hook line and sinker “for a Jape with some Trump snaps (the one of Trump sat with some African/Americans not the others of Trump visiting the baby Jesus, or him on the set of Ben-hur circa 1959.) But hey..ho worth a Panorama programme…who watched it I wonder?
Quite what that back slapping little club might contribute only the BBC could say
The BBC going “full out” in the search for the tabloid audience that it needs to bump up any sort of listening figures .
Desperate ,desperate stuff and very sad considering what the bbc
once was.
Trump will not give a penny to Ukraine – Hungary PM Orban
at the end of the bbc report:-
” to keep fighting Russia – a much bigger military force with an abundance of artillery ammunition”
Interesting comment – abundance etc. Is the bbc finally being honest about Ukraine/Russian war
It was me what did it.
“Kate photo: Princess of Wales says she edited Mother’s Day picture recalled by agencies”
Beginners mistake saving over the original😀
Latest rumours are that the photo was pulled because it was not diverse enough. Specifically:
1. There are no People of Color ™ in the photo, even though as anyone who has seen a TV advert or watched a BBC programme knows, over 2/3rd of the British population are black, especially the Royals, who have been black since Queen Charlotte started Netflix back in 1761 after marrying George III.
2. There are no members of the LGBTQS+ community present, not even a drag queen. ‘S’, by the way, is a new addition to describe those who self-identify as Saville.
3. Although it is the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan, none of the females in the photo are wearing hijabs or making any effort to cover themselves. This can only be described as hateful, Islamophobic and offensive. Or something like that.
You forgot Anne Boleyn, she was a real schwarze. Apparently.
Only her head was, which is why it was cut off. Tudor racism, you see.
A new expression has entered political debate on the BBC and elsewhere: “sectarian voting”.
Of course, that’s just a euphemism for Islamic / Islamist voting, but politicians dare not speak its name.
Personally, I would have no problem with Christian sectarian voting. A bit more brotherly love in Parliament could be a good thing.
Or Buddhist sectarian voting: all those serene, chilled MPs, Ommm.
Hindu voting: you can never have too many Elephant-headed Gods, I say. And their religious festivals always include a grand nosh-up. Yum.
But Islamic voting is uniquely sinister, given their long-term aim of taking over the UK, then world domination and absorption into the worldwide Caliphate through Da’wah and Jihad; then imposing their ghastly Sharia practices on the dhimmi slave population.
Dhim dhiminey
Dhim dhiminey
Dhim dhim dhimmi…
No thanks.
Along with ‘sectarian editorial’?
Envy of the world.
“Obviously the BBC’s journalism* trainees are sorely in need of some instruction on the topic of what constitutes a reputable media outlet worthy of quotation and what does not.”
*Ahem… ‘advanced’, please. The truly thick kids get into Verify.
I really must stop looking at my local paper – the londonistan evening standard . The latest face is that of another coloured boy shot dead in catford yesterday – and another 4 convicted of attempted murder last week – with 20 plus years imprisonment… there are so many …
Slava Ukrani! hunting safari gone wrong:
“A British mercenary who fought for the Ukrainian Armed Forces committed suicide after returning home.
– The Telegraph
The British man fought at the front, where he witnessed the death of his accomplices. Harry Gregg was 25 years old when he was found hanged . Back in Britain he had PTSD.”
Intel Slava Z Telegram Messenger
A bit mean to imply that Liz Truss has something to do with this. RIP young man.
His mother said it too.
“Mother of Briton who went to Ukraine to fight Putin’s forces says Liz Truss has ‘blood on her hands’ for encouraging UK volunteers to enter the conflict after he takes his own life”
It’s a bit of a lark …. Untill it isn’t

‘Five days after Vladimir Putin’s invasion in February 2022, Ms Truss said in a BBC interview: ‘If people want to support that struggle, I would support them.’ No 10 distanced itself from her comments, while fellow Conservatives said it would be reckless and illegal for Britons to become involved.
“Ms Truss retracted the statement a week later, but Ms Gregg, 57, said the damage was already done.
Her son served with the 48th Battalion and was nicknamed ‘Eagle’ by the other soldiers.
He saw First World War-style trench warfare, which his mother said he was ‘not equipped for’ mentally.
She added: ‘He ended up with one of his colleagues’ brains all over his uniform and he had to put him in a body bag and drag him out of the trenches.’
Ms Gregg said of her son: ‘He used to bounce through the door with a big grin on his face. When he came back, there was a sadness about him. He was broken.”
I mean – someone actually had regard to what Mary lizzy Truss had to say ? Really ? And volunteered to go and die in someone else’s war ? ….
Shami Begum – Not a Monster (c) BBC Verified plus paying her for her podcasts!
If she’d done her job and stated it’s illegal and that any mercenaries would be arrested on their return .. it might have focused his mind.
Eddy, if you’re going to use Ukrainian nationalist slogans, at least try to spell the country correctly. Not a dig, just an observation. Slava Ukraini, heroyam Slava. Or Слава Україні! Героям Слава!
Ok thanks, I’ve always had difficulty with spelling, I’ll try to remember to include the extra i next rant.
“The Taxpayers’ Alliance reveals that UK councils have splurged a whopping £51,775,800 on equality, diversity and inclusion hires since 2020”
£51 million on the NHS!
Kate photo: Princess of Wales says she edited Mother’s Day picture recalled by agencies
Still front page “news” on the bbc webshte, surely after 6hours the 21,000 staff at the bbc could find some news?
BBC Verified 110% checked by Marianne as a hate crime.
Surprised they are not demanding her resignation.
She is Definately an unsatisfactory mother and perhaps the children should be taken into care . There is now a picture of her in a car leaving somewhere . Has this been altered ? Are we being told the truth . PM to speak outside number 10 – starmer demands inquiry – SNP demand independence referendum ….
Update the judge released TR
In a fresh video TR explains TR took his daughter on the party bus to Crystal Palace
they watched the football
They walked out the ground to the bus , and that is when police pounced and arrested him
His man put out a longer video earlier of him exiting court
the first 1:30 mins were waiting for him
The edited YouTube version
It’s quite strange there are no tweets from MSM yet
Are they thinking up a narrative, or waiting for the Nudge Unit to give them one ?
Nick leads group that pretends to fight fascism
Yet he thinks it’s OK for police to impose a rules on people BEFORE trial
that prevent them from taking their daughter out on a birthday party bus to watch a football match in Croydon
.. that seems pretty FASCIST
Perhaps it’s just me, but…
I couldn’t give a rat’s @rse about a faked photo of Kate and the kids. Who cares?
Well, the media seem to…it’s all they’re bloody talking about.
Meanwhile, London’s runt mayor Khan is celebrating Ramadamadingdong all over the capital city, with flashing lights all through the west end and Nelson’s Column glowing like the centre of Mecca.
We’ve had months of belligerent Muzzies throwing their weight around on the streets of London, intimidating Jews and being pacified by our neutered and useless police. Calls for genocide, flagrant disrespect for our war memorials and monuments and swaggering aggression. And yet…hardly any arrests…but one geezer puts up a few posters and gets two years in nick and another takes his daughter to a football match and our heroes in blue are immediately on it.
What we saw last night isn’t merely a religious celebration.
The runt is showing us who’s in charge…
Mecca is a NO GO ZONE and needs to be more diverse! BBC Fact checked!
lol I can also see ms maxwell ….
Islam can come to the UK and light up Cologne and Trafalgar Square, but Christianity cannot go to Mecca!
HA HA HA HA! Tolerance is a one way street!
Moderate Muslims demand more diversity! HA HA HA HA HA!
There is a very,very significant lack of diversity which is clearly being ignored and I am outraged…it makes my blood boil..
All this celebrating the RNLI and it’s 200 years of life saving betrays one big problem.The crews of these rescue boats are all white.As Jon Snow would say “I’ve never seen so many white people”.
Every right thinking person must demand that all RNLI boats should have ethnically mixed crews , at least one disabled crew member and LBQT etc representation.
If this is not possible they should NOT be launched, I have no doubt that anybody , adrift , near death would not want to be rescued be any other sort of crew.
The RNLI must also issue an apology for past deficiencies.
Enough of this nonsense.
Having just woken up to the news about Lee Anderson, ignoring as usual, the Beebist nonsense, I went to the Sky site to find out what it was all about…
I love this quote from a so-called Tory…
“A Conservative Party spokesperson said they “regret” the decision taken by Mr Anderson, adding: “Voting for Reform can’t deliver anything apart from a Keir Starmer-led Labour government that would take us back to square one – which means higher taxes, higher energy costs, no action on Channel crossings, and uncontrolled immigration.”!
Has this Bluelab bloke ever listened to anyone of the Normal British Population?
(Just checked, or in Beeboid terms, did a Vilify – not a peep on any of their ‘headlines’)!
Scroblene – I somehow think that maybe 300 blue labour MPs may have the expression of someone hit with a sledgehammer on election night as – maybe – they suddenly realise their Party is finished ….
2016 photo of RNLI crew members
when they were visited by the Queen on her birthday
Diversity does not extend to selfless volutary work it seems
Photo shop ?
I’m deeply disappointed by the 5pm BBC news – they didn’t lead with the altered picture – instead it was about Lee Anderson and Reform .
I feel uncomfortable listening to lefties pretending to be neutral when talking about the True Conservative Party (reform) and pretending that the Tory Party is anywhere near Right when by their conduct they are high spending socialists …
Apparently the Muslims have some ‘month’ thing – I refuse to name it . Yet the BBC is prefixing it with the word ‘holy ‘. Well it’s not holy to me – and is just another indication of who runs the BBC – the evil left and Islam ….
And the BBC continues to moan about the IDF continuing to kill Hamas supporters in Gaza ….keep going IDF – maximum effort ….
In a previous life – I was on a government working part which examined the implications of digital images – it was just before the iPhone came along .
There was great concern about images being fiddled with before being presented in criminal trials . In the end it was all about a coherent audit trail to show that pixels hadn’t been fiddled with …
I wonder when the princess of wales type event will turn up in a miscarriage case …?
I believe cameras record “exif” data now in the image file, to preserve the original dates taken etc
“EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format. It is a standardised way of storing useful metadata in digital image files, and it holds a wealth of technical information about how the image was created, including the time and date it was taken, the camera and lens that was used, and the shooting settings.”
Zephir – when I was involved in digital stuff it was very much the ‘Wild West ‘ and even internet porn hadn’t been invented – chaps still had to depend on Katie razzle it seems …
The R4 lunchtime news quoted the Exif info.
There is no suggestion this time, but it’s not a watermark , you could put the source file through an editor and put in whatever Exif info you wanted.
ITV local news.. opening story Hull funeral parlour has been mixing up bodies or something
For some reason they bring on a Hull Labour MP to comment.
Next they are having a sneer at Lee Anderson “Only he knows if the letters in his full mail bag come from his actual constituents.
They finish by handing the mic to the local Labour Party rep. She says his constituents are crying out for change.
Doh .. Labour have the SAME crazy green, crazy open border policies, they are not a change.
new vid : BBC Should be Renamed ABBC: Anti-British Broadcasting Channel – So Much of its Content Undermines UK
Unbelievable. Kate edits a photo. Headline news.
I don’t understand why the RF are not being truthful about Kate’s medical condition. I mean, we already know she’s had something serious so telling the whole truth is not going to be a gross invasion of her privacy. In fact, Kate would probably garner universal sympathy however bad her condition is, and the RF would inspire some trust if they were more forthcoming.
The peculiar position of the Royals demands that their private lives are to a great extent public property.
I can’t see how the intimate details of anyone’s medical issues are beyond them and their doctor.
In any case, BBC fave geriatric Sleepy Joe was accorded the mind of a 50yo by the WH doc. That of a 50yo clam was quietly tucked away.
It’s not like the shot was in any way newsworthy in any serious sense. Her and the kids. Editing out Harry in the BG in his new Hamas cosplay kit… ok.
In these days of social media it is unbearable for many people to just wait for her to recover. I agree that it doesn’t matter who she is, her health details are private and must remain so. There are many reasons why she might not want it to be public knowledge- an issue with reproductive system, or the colon (colostomy bag?). Some folks are much more embarrassed than others about such things.
Ronaldo playing for Sunday league side:
Skeffling on the Humber “4 dead sperm whales” in shallow water
..and everyone thinks ‘Do windfarms cause these deep water creatures to go into shallow water”