That Unherd article about Marianna
“How I Confronted My Jihadi Troll” isn’t happening anytime soon over at BBC Sounds.
.. is one line in the middle
One side-effect of hate, Spring observes, is that it intimidates people and makes them fearful to speak out.
She’s right, of course: many people, for example, are afraid to criticise or mock Islam because they’re worried that some Muslim believers might murder them for it, as happened to Theo Van Gogh in Amsterdam in 2004
and in Paris in 2015 at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, where 12 people were coldly executed by brothers Saïd Kouachi and Chérif Kouachi.
Many, too, are afraid to criticise the political claims and activities of Islamists, believing — with some warrant — that to do so will incur the damaging and sometimes dangerous charge of “Islamophobia”.
This point holds with even greater vehemence within the Islamic fold, where Muslims have been murdered after hateful accusations of blasphemy and apostasy have been levelled against them.
However, Spring doesn’t discuss these examples, intuiting perhaps that were she to do so it wouldn’t be good for business or her personal safety.
(“How I Confronted My Jihadi Troll” isn’t happening anytime soon over at BBC Sounds.)
Nor does she show any curiosity about the huge, roiling global conspiracy theory called jihadism that has directly led to the deaths of hundreds of British civilians over the last decade
and a half — to say nothing of the tens of thousands of Muslims and other minorities it has killed elsewhere across the globe.
For instance allowing questions to the tweet based on ‘wot they wuz told.’
I now see it was headliner for the Moaning Emole (broadcast only) too.
Gaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated them
Palestinian medical staff in Gaza have told the BBC they were blindfolded, detained, forced to strip and repeatedly beaten by Israeli troops after a raid at their hospital last month. Ahmed Abu Sabha, a doctor at Nasser hospital, described being held for a week in detention, where, he said, muzzled dogs were set upon him and his hand was broken by an Israeli soldier. His account closely matches those of two other medics who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals. They told the BBC they were humiliated, beaten, doused with cold water, and forced to kneel in uncomfortable positions for hours. They said they were detained for days before being released. The BBC supplied details of their allegations to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), who said that “any abuse of detainees is contrary to IDF orders and is therefore strictly prohibited”.
Questions that might have been asked, such as…
1) Is Tell BBC like Tell MaMa in terms of who is communicating with whom?
2) These doctors… named or secret squirrels… any ambitions to become Labour MPs or head to Glasgow Airport arrivals?
3) Have Hamas any history of telling porky pies?
4) Has ‘the BBC’ any history of giving them the benefit of a great deal of doubt?
Unherd tries to explain that half of the Jews lionised at anti-Israel rallies are from a strange sect Neturei Karta
That believe Israel should only exist AFTER the new “Messiah comes.
Their bitter opposition to Israel (most of its members actually live in Israel, although there are also communities in the US and UK) is rooted both in its premature nature and because it falls far short of the theocratic paradise they wish to see instituted.
In this, in their extreme religious views, in their willingness to associate with some of the world’s worst antisemites and in their happiness to wave signs around, they are sometimes referred to as “the Westboro Baptist Church of the Jewish community”. It may seem a crude comparison, but it captures a truth : the Neturei Karta do not stand for everyday Jews.
They are an assortment of unsavoury characters — and those who wish to tokenise them could soon come to regret it.”
“They raised a beetroot in the air and shouted f*** capitalism: Minute by minute, ANDREW PIERCE reconstructs Jeremy Corbyn’s four-hour meeting with hate-filled group that mocks Judaism”
One of Jewdas’s founders has explained that the group had ‘an explicitly non-Zionist stance, alongside satirising the many absurdities of the British Jewish community and throwing excellent parties’. On Monday, it served vegan and gluten-free food.
So on an industrial scale there is a conversion to Christianity from Islam by asylum seekers. So I wonder what their reaction would be, after their “conversion “, if you started blaspheming Mohammed in front of them !!
Muslims believe that Jesus’ original message was altered (taḥrīf), after his being raised alive. The monotheism (tawḥīd) of Jesus is emphasized in the Quran. Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is also called a Muslim, as he preached that his followers should adopt the ‘straight path’ (Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm).
Diane Abbott has said comments allegedly made by a top Tory donor that the MP made him “want to hate all black women” and that she needed “to be shot” were “frightening”.
So the old racist Abbott is still at it, accusing others of racist remarks when she’s made so many herself over the years, and this time she’s backed up by tory minister Badenoch. What a surprise!
“Ex-Church of England priest reveals requests for baptisms from groups of ‘six or seven’ asylum seekers at a time ‘melted away’ when they were requested to attend services first”
“£3,000 for a broken cat’s leg, £1,900 for a dog’s tooth extraction and medicine costing nearly FOUR times more than on Amazon: How owners are being held to ransom for their pets’ lives by vets… with some going abroad to avoid sky-high costs.
“there may be an overconcentration of vet ownership in certain areas.”
“We are also concerned about weak competition in some areas, driven in part by sector consolidation, and the incentives for large corporate groups to act in ways which may reduce competition and choice. ”
This is so true. When this story first materialised, I checked with my vets practice of 25 years in Baldock, that it was still under private ownership. Yep, and no way would she sell out. My friend on the other hand attends another vets 5 miles away and under a venture capitalist umbrella, and she’s charged for practically walking through the door !
We compare bills, and hers are astronomical to what I pay for similar. She’s now looking to change practice.
So I’m glad that this is bring investigated. These companies have you hamstrung, they know animal lovers are prepared to fork out for their pets, so it’s easy profit.
This trend towards maximising income in certain sectors by grouping together has been growing for the last thirty or forty years. Initially it started when loads of colleges of education realised that by turning into universities they would a generate a guaranteed mass income using price-fixing much of which would come from either government or student debt. As a bonus the staff and principles were able to see their salaries skyrocket.
The vet industry has tumbled to the same conclusion. By setting up as large groups they can all act together, customers would be forced to suck up the huge increases in pricing as alternatives vanish.
The NHS is at the moment a short way behind this trend but I think we will see it happen as more and more GP’s move their efforts to private practice for larger rewards.
In my own small town of around 50,000 people, the number of NHS run GP practices has reduced from around 20 to just 4 or 5 mega-practices within the last 10 years or so.
In fact we will then have become a smaller version of The USA.
Meanwhile the chap who wrote the report about biden putting secret documents in his garage ‘left’ the justice department yesterday – the day before giving evidence to congress…
The BBC are reporting that ,some years ago ,a man called Hester (who is a Conservative party donor) maybe that’s the real problem here! Anyway he said some horrid,hurty,rascist things , in private about Ms D. Abbott. Who was a Labour M.P. but has had the party whip suspended because she has said horrid , hurty, rascist things about , Jews and the Irish and travellers.( with me so far) and Ms Abbott now says because she is a woman this is bad and she doesn’t feel safe on the bus and MPs have been murdered,etc,etc, (WARNING..this is where it gets complicated.) Does she feel unsafe because of what he said years ago , or because of what she said more recently.?
If only some clever person could clarify any of this dreadful mess.
Perhaps John McDonnell could help, after all his comments in the past about killing Thatcher and the lynching of Ester McVey were just jokes ,so he would be in an ideal position to see the wood from the trees. If he needs help he could get Clive ” get on your knees bitch” Lewis in to assist.
Ultimately the Archbishop of Canterbury could be called in…that should clear everything up.
If I’ve got any, or indeed all of this wrong ,please send your answers , on a postcard to the BBC.
Now “children fasting for the month of Ramadan
.. here’s our Asian reporter speaking to a Hull Iman
abou how difficult it is for fasting children”
Of he’s from The Muslim Council of GB
.. No one voted for them to be an official body … #activists
Oh here’s a hijabbed boxing coach
“Oh reporter Arif, you are fasting, how do you feel ?”
TOADY Watch #1 – ooh look, wicked Toree donor said nasty, hatey things about Diane Abbott
TWatO Watch #1 – ooh look, wicked Toree donor said nasty, hatey things about Diane Abbott
Both TOADY and TWatO led on the Frank Hester story, poor Princess Kate’s Photoshopping sidelined already. The Conservative Party’s MPs and some of their supporters appear to have a ‘death wish’. Just think before speaking, people! Easy to say but harder to do. TWatO and the Montacutie had a tearful Shami Chakrabarti to comment. Biased? I could not possibly comment. Shami is a Labour Peer and friend of Diane Abbott who prior to her suspension was a Labour MP. Make of that what you will.
When a corporate journo reports on a murderer, they mention his race in the first few sentences* of the article in:
– 68% of articles when the murderer is white.
– 12% of articles when black.
*in the first 2/10ths of words of the article
That’s when they are not photoshopping body parts to suit.
It’s all just some sick game played by juveniles with juveniles.
Sopel, Lucas, the whole sorry pond scum class are tweeting like fury. Sad bunch.
Another pop musician gone that I’ve never heard of, or totally forgot about, some keyboard player, Karl Wallinger from The Waterboys – a one hit wonder band, with the plodding – The Whole of the Moon.
“His writing credits with World Party included Ship of Fools, Way Down Now, and She’s the One.
In 1999, Robbie Williams’ cover of She’s the One became his second number one single as a solo artist.”
Cause of death top secret as usual.
“In 2001, Wallinger was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm and spent five years away from the spotlight following surgery.”
KikuchiyoMar 12, 13:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 I’m sure we’re all excited for the sounding of the seven trumpets which will bring destruction upon the earth, including…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 12:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 What has happened to Lisa Nandy? To many pies.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 12:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The world does not need any more white saviours. As I’ve said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes.…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 12:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Free food and accommodation for 14 years – Keir to set him free next week!
StewGreenMar 12, 12:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Hull : fairly prompt action by police and establishment against 2 pervy fairground workers Two seedy Hull Fair workers have…
StewGreenMar 12, 12:07 Midweek 12th March 2025 Hull : Atlas Caravan factory has gone bust 180 job losses and then the suppliers
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:38 Midweek 12th March 2025 Canada’s Justin Trudeau cannot say how often he wore blackface [img][/img]
That Unherd article about Marianna
“How I Confronted My Jihadi Troll” isn’t happening anytime soon over at BBC Sounds.
.. is one line in the middle
One side-effect of hate, Spring observes, is that it intimidates people and makes them fearful to speak out.
She’s right, of course: many people, for example, are afraid to criticise or mock Islam because they’re worried that some Muslim believers might murder them for it, as happened to Theo Van Gogh in Amsterdam in 2004
and in Paris in 2015 at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, where 12 people were coldly executed by brothers Saïd Kouachi and Chérif Kouachi.
Many, too, are afraid to criticise the political claims and activities of Islamists, believing — with some warrant — that to do so will incur the damaging and sometimes dangerous charge of “Islamophobia”.
This point holds with even greater vehemence within the Islamic fold, where Muslims have been murdered after hateful accusations of blasphemy and apostasy have been levelled against them.
However, Spring doesn’t discuss these examples, intuiting perhaps that were she to do so it wouldn’t be good for business or her personal safety.
(“How I Confronted My Jihadi Troll” isn’t happening anytime soon over at BBC Sounds.)
Nor does she show any curiosity about the huge, roiling global conspiracy theory called jihadism that has directly led to the deaths of hundreds of British civilians over the last decade
and a half — to say nothing of the tens of thousands of Muslims and other minorities it has killed elsewhere across the globe.
Amazing what does not happen at the BBC.
For instance allowing questions to the tweet based on ‘wot they wuz told.’
I now see it was headliner for the Moaning Emole (broadcast only) too.
Gaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated them
Palestinian medical staff in Gaza have told the BBC they were blindfolded, detained, forced to strip and repeatedly beaten by Israeli troops after a raid at their hospital last month. Ahmed Abu Sabha, a doctor at Nasser hospital, described being held for a week in detention, where, he said, muzzled dogs were set upon him and his hand was broken by an Israeli soldier. His account closely matches those of two other medics who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals. They told the BBC they were humiliated, beaten, doused with cold water, and forced to kneel in uncomfortable positions for hours. They said they were detained for days before being released. The BBC supplied details of their allegations to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), who said that “any abuse of detainees is contrary to IDF orders and is therefore strictly prohibited”.
Questions that might have been asked, such as…
1) Is Tell BBC like Tell MaMa in terms of who is communicating with whom?
2) These doctors… named or secret squirrels… any ambitions to become Labour MPs or head to Glasgow Airport arrivals?
3) Have Hamas any history of telling porky pies?
4) Has ‘the BBC’ any history of giving them the benefit of a great deal of doubt?
Unherd tries to explain that half of the Jews lionised at anti-Israel rallies are from a strange sect Neturei Karta
That believe Israel should only exist AFTER the new “Messiah comes.
Their bitter opposition to Israel (most of its members actually live in Israel, although there are also communities in the US and UK) is rooted both in its premature nature and because it falls far short of the theocratic paradise they wish to see instituted.
In this, in their extreme religious views, in their willingness to associate with some of the world’s worst antisemites and in their happiness to wave signs around, they are sometimes referred to as “the Westboro Baptist Church of the Jewish community”. It may seem a crude comparison, but it captures a truth
: the Neturei Karta do not stand for everyday Jews.
They are an assortment of unsavoury characters — and those who wish to tokenise them could soon come to regret it.”
Labour – the party of AntiSemitism.
“They raised a beetroot in the air and shouted f*** capitalism: Minute by minute, ANDREW PIERCE reconstructs Jeremy Corbyn’s four-hour meeting with hate-filled group that mocks Judaism”
One of Jewdas’s founders has explained that the group had ‘an explicitly non-Zionist stance, alongside satirising the many absurdities of the British Jewish community and throwing excellent parties’. On Monday, it served vegan and gluten-free food.
So on an industrial scale there is a conversion to Christianity from Islam by asylum seekers. So I wonder what their reaction would be, after their “conversion “, if you started blaspheming Mohammed in front of them !!
Muslims believe that Jesus’ original message was altered (taḥrīf), after his being raised alive. The monotheism (tawḥīd) of Jesus is emphasized in the Quran. Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is also called a Muslim, as he preached that his followers should adopt the ‘straight path’ (Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm).
Yes and i recall The Lord warning of false prophets and religions coming after Him. That Mo was a real fraud .
But Welby says it’s all the same God?!
Hmmmm, and the Hindu one has an elephants head. Go figure !
Welby converts to Islam and declares the shahādah, “there is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.
Welby: are there any more boots I can lick, please?
Diane Abbott has said comments allegedly made by a top Tory donor that the MP made him “want to hate all black women” and that she needed “to be shot” were “frightening”.
John McDonnell apologises for Margaret Thatcher assassination comment
This article is more than 13 years old
Labour leadership candidate says yesterday’s remark was a joke but accepted that it may have caused offence
Diane Abbott apologises over Twitter racism row
This article is more than 12 years old
MP said tweet saying ‘white people love playing “divide & rule”‘ was taken out of context before Ed Miliband ordered apology
So the old racist Abbott is still at it, accusing others of racist remarks when she’s made so many herself over the years, and this time she’s backed up by tory minister Badenoch. What a surprise!
Well, well, well….
“Ex-Church of England priest reveals requests for baptisms from groups of ‘six or seven’ asylum seekers at a time ‘melted away’ when they were requested to attend services first”
Well, well
“Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary appears in court accused of leading and directing banned militant network Al-Muhajiroun”
And another who stands up for the majority in this country vilified by the MSM:
“Moment Sky’s Sophy Ridge accidentally calls Lee Anderson a ‘p****’ in another live on air gaffe as she discussed his defection to Reform party”
Lets face it – it’s a mono party and a mono media – that ..person could be on sky or the bbc or c4 -same 3 cheeks …
Venture capitalists….
“£3,000 for a broken cat’s leg, £1,900 for a dog’s tooth extraction and medicine costing nearly FOUR times more than on Amazon: How owners are being held to ransom for their pets’ lives by vets… with some going abroad to avoid sky-high costs.
“there may be an overconcentration of vet ownership in certain areas.”
“We are also concerned about weak competition in some areas, driven in part by sector consolidation, and the incentives for large corporate groups to act in ways which may reduce competition and choice. ”
This is so true. When this story first materialised, I checked with my vets practice of 25 years in Baldock, that it was still under private ownership. Yep, and no way would she sell out. My friend on the other hand attends another vets 5 miles away and under a venture capitalist umbrella, and she’s charged for practically walking through the door !
We compare bills, and hers are astronomical to what I pay for similar. She’s now looking to change practice.
So I’m glad that this is bring investigated. These companies have you hamstrung, they know animal lovers are prepared to fork out for their pets, so it’s easy profit.
This trend towards maximising income in certain sectors by grouping together has been growing for the last thirty or forty years. Initially it started when loads of colleges of education realised that by turning into universities they would a generate a guaranteed mass income using price-fixing much of which would come from either government or student debt. As a bonus the staff and principles were able to see their salaries skyrocket.
The vet industry has tumbled to the same conclusion. By setting up as large groups they can all act together, customers would be forced to suck up the huge increases in pricing as alternatives vanish.
The NHS is at the moment a short way behind this trend but I think we will see it happen as more and more GP’s move their efforts to private practice for larger rewards.
In my own small town of around 50,000 people, the number of NHS run GP practices has reduced from around 20 to just 4 or 5 mega-practices within the last 10 years or so.
In fact we will then have become a smaller version of The USA.
Meanwhile the chap who wrote the report about biden putting secret documents in his garage ‘left’ the justice department yesterday – the day before giving evidence to congress…
Every day I have seen the usual suspects whine about Ramadan not being treated the same way as Xmas day on the Somme.
When anyone not totally deluded or utterly cynical knows it’s the RoP’s Black Month for extra slaughter.
The BBC are reporting that ,some years ago ,a man called Hester (who is a Conservative party donor) maybe that’s the real problem here! Anyway he said some horrid,hurty,rascist things , in private about Ms D. Abbott. Who was a Labour M.P. but has had the party whip suspended because she has said horrid , hurty, rascist things about , Jews and the Irish and travellers.( with me so far) and Ms Abbott now says because she is a woman this is bad and she doesn’t feel safe on the bus and MPs have been murdered,etc,etc, (WARNING..this is where it gets complicated.) Does she feel unsafe because of what he said years ago , or because of what she said more recently.?
If only some clever person could clarify any of this dreadful mess.
Perhaps John McDonnell could help, after all his comments in the past about killing Thatcher and the lynching of Ester McVey were just jokes ,so he would be in an ideal position to see the wood from the trees. If he needs help he could get Clive ” get on your knees bitch” Lewis in to assist.
Ultimately the Archbishop of Canterbury could be called in…that should clear everything up.
If I’ve got any, or indeed all of this wrong ,please send your answers , on a postcard to the BBC.
ITV local news PR “Women in Construction say
.. safety gear doesn’t come in small enough sizes”
example of trousers that are too long then too narrow at the hips
Hmm since oriental men tend to be petite the same safety gear should fit small UK women
Oh now pluggng a mining drama “We are not Going Back”
This is part of daily NUM PR on the prog recently
lioinising 40 year anniversary of Strikng miners and Arthur Scargill .. #PRasNews
Now “children fasting for the month of Ramadan
.. here’s our Asian reporter speaking to a Hull Iman
abou how difficult it is for fasting children”
Of he’s from The Muslim Council of GB
.. No one voted for them to be an official body … #activists
Oh here’s a hijabbed boxing coach
“Oh reporter Arif, you are fasting, how do you feel ?”
ITV local news have put up a tweet
I don’t know if it made the Leeds broadcast edition
Whatever the story, the Twitter replies look like this
TOADY Watch #1 – ooh look, wicked Toree donor said nasty, hatey things about Diane Abbott
TWatO Watch #1 – ooh look, wicked Toree donor said nasty, hatey things about Diane Abbott
Both TOADY and TWatO led on the Frank Hester story, poor Princess Kate’s Photoshopping sidelined already. The Conservative Party’s MPs and some of their supporters appear to have a ‘death wish’. Just think before speaking, people! Easy to say but harder to do. TWatO and the Montacutie had a tearful Shami Chakrabarti to comment. Biased? I could not possibly comment. Shami is a Labour Peer and friend of Diane Abbott who prior to her suspension was a Labour MP. Make of that what you will.
The sanctimonious twattery of all in the Westminster bubble, politician or media dag, is something to behold.
Especially when they seem to take it in turns.
The legacy media is racist against Asians and Whites
When a corporate journo reports on a murderer, they mention his race in the first few sentences* of the article in:
– 68% of articles when the murderer is white.
– 12% of articles when black.
*in the first 2/10ths of words of the article
That’s when they are not photoshopping body parts to suit.
It’s all just some sick game played by juveniles with juveniles.
Sopel, Lucas, the whole sorry pond scum class are tweeting like fury. Sad bunch.
Pharmacists in California are required to complete this woke ideology course.
This course includes a list of people that automatically are guilty of privilege and marginalizing less fortunate groups
-White people
-Able-bodied people
-United States citizens
I can never “unsee” the photo where she wore odd shoes – a spot of photoshopping was badly needed that day !
Another pop musician gone that I’ve never heard of, or totally forgot about, some keyboard player, Karl Wallinger from The Waterboys – a one hit wonder band, with the plodding – The Whole of the Moon.
“His writing credits with World Party included Ship of Fools, Way Down Now, and She’s the One.
In 1999, Robbie Williams’ cover of She’s the One became his second number one single as a solo artist.”
Cause of death top secret as usual.
“In 2001, Wallinger was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm and spent five years away from the spotlight following surgery.”
So what caused that?
They never tell you anything