By Jessica Schibli, BBC Head of Creative Diversity – I wonder how much they pay her for the made up title and waste of tele tax money – think i’ve found the answer £267,000.00 or 1679 licence payers money
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23 GMT
All those Tories who joined the Labour Party just to get Jeremy Corbyn elected leader
should tell the Party, they once said something 5 years ago that could be constructed as racist, so they want their Labour Party subscriptions refunding.
Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
This article is more than 6 years old
Opposition parties criticise ‘security-led’ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
But Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, said this did not go far enough, and the public “has a right to know if any governments, foreign or domestic organisations or individuals are funding extremism in this country”.
The Welsh Parliament has been accused of pursuing a “vanity project” after spending more than nearly a quarter of a million pounds on a new TV and digital signage system – which was later used to block GB News from its system.
The Tripleplay system, installed across the Welsh Parliament estate in 2022, came at a cost to the taxpayer of £233,000 in total, GB News can reveal.
“During the visit later this month he said he would work with the support of a Ukrainian helper to round up street dogs and take them to a mobile vet to be spayed or neutered.”
Dreamed of having pups, little doggy?
Forget it, Julian Hales a 52 year old bored retard, looking to “do something” following the death of his wife in January 2022 is on his way…
Meanwhile the BBC’S -Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia- is over 3 weeks out of date.
This is one of the most deeply unpleasant posts I’ve seen in a long time.
This poor chap’s wife has died, which I would have thought might have mustered sympathy from most normal people, but you callously refer to him as “a bored retard.”
It says the strays life is terrible then
“The animals are also wormed, vaccinated, tagged and documented before being returned to the street”
North of Kiev I once worked for a weekend building kennels for a dog charity.
They told me the city’s tradition was to have annual stray dog round up day and then they shot them.
That was their culture
and did mean there were many fewer suffering dogs on the street
and less danger to people
I’ll add the punchline: it’s probably a charity scam.
He collects a fat wedge of cash from donations, by tugging at people’s heartstrings in all directions.
Spends a fraction of it traveling to Ukraine, films himself, throwing handfuls of biscuits at local dogs..
Rinse and repeat .
His destination Kherson city was taken over by the Russians without a fight, and later relinquished by them, also peacefully.
Does a city of 220,000 really need a British man to drive 2000 miles…
Ten Quid 😕
That’s what a passport photo booth robbed from me today.
Was £5 last time
Sure you can do it yourself for free, but then the booths mates at the passport office won’t like that, and will probably reject it.
Thing it’s, the booth camera has gone from normal definition to super HD, meaning you look 30 years older than last time.
So they’ll probably mess me about anyway.
The BBC keeping up their incessant pressure on The Tories, Sunak in particular and the Royal Family for the past week. Currently trying to bring Sunak down for allowing his party to accept funds from a bloke who it is claimed, without substantiating evidence so far to have made some negative comments in a private meeting years ago about a Labour MP.
It is so blindly obvious that they are doing all they can to ensure the next Government is a Labour one.
It is blatant political propaganda that should never be allowed from an institution that calls itself the British Broadcasting Corporation and forces everyone to pay if they have a TV whether they watch it or not.
It is well overdue to allow the public to decide if they want to pay for this constant background left-wing noise or whether they can opt out and still watch other live to air channels on their TV’s.
Sure the BBC are opposed to traditional Tory values, but can anything name one Conservative policy of the last 10 years that the two actually differed on?
It isn’t immigration….
The CDC responds to an FOIA on their post-vax myocarditis study; the entire document supplied is redacted. (They claim a (b)(5) exemption from supplying info which is “Privileged communications within or between agencies…”)
Remember though our governments are data-driven and they’re just ‘following the science’…
Being Gaza, via the BBC, does one really need to read on to find out if this was a late Guy Fawkes or early 4th of July, or perhaps more a set up or, at best, about the dumbest thing to do in a war zone evva?
I might check, to see if ‘set off’ means a Catherine Wheel or a rocket horizontally or just a mortar.
No wonder the criminally incompetent Raine is stepping down. On her watch this agency has been an absolute disgrace. I know from experience how useless she has been.
Ok – I’m a bit out of touch – but the question in PMQ about compensation for injury resulting from covid injections didn’t seem to have any impact at all .
Am I wrong ? I thought the story was that these vaccines were perfectly okay … and any dissenters on TV were cancelled – eg mark steyn …
Now it seems commonly accepted that they caused harm – serious harm – and maybe / probably death ….
Bizarre @BBCNews item on the economy, blaming weak demand in the U.K. for the loss of jobs in a Moroccan satchel workshop👀 ??? Why doesn’t he sell to the other 195 countries in the world? Another fake news story from the Biased Broadcasting Company.
For a change I watched PMQs online on Parliament TV – there was plenty about Diane Abbot – who was in the chamber – wearing a bright red blazer . I saw her stand up to get the speakers eye – but she was ignored …. Apparently she is now criticing the speaker about ignoring her .
I think it’s a pity she wasn’t given the opportunity to speak whilst others were talking about her – I had my popcorn ready and was very disappointed …. Parliament really is a joke …. So much false shock
Not the bbc – but from the mail online – the tip of an iceberg ?
STARTS Psychiatrist, 45, is struck off after he fiddled timesheets and falsely claimed £40,000 worth of NHS work shifts when he was actually on holiday
Dr Rajeev Reghunath fiddled public money by filing faked timesheets
Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service ruled he had committed misconduct
The 45-year-old flew to destinations including the UAE and Turkey ENDS
False accounting is usually given a stiff prison sentence …
A really odd analysis of UK GDP growth from Ben of #BBCBreakfast . 0.2% monthly GDP growth is quite fast as opposed to “slow”. I wonder how he would have treated a 0.2% fall? One for @BBCVerify
Seems Lee Anderson is being thrown out of the Carlton Club. because he left the Blue Labour Party – as a result I have tendered my resignation from the Carlton Club with immediate effect and suggest you do too …
Local news from the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation, already trying to use the word Ramadan in every sentence.
A report from that centre of Britishness…..errr….Tower Hamlets. Half the children live in deprived conditions, so a charity called Muslim Aid is dishing out food parcels. Even the charity spokesperson referred to difficulties in language (code for not being able to speak English) and large numbers of immigrants. The BBC then ‘interview’ a woman ‘refugee’ from Iraq with her three children. She is happy to benefit. Isn’t it all so….diverse?
This is England 2024. And they wonder why our services are rats*** and economic growth is near zero.
The main stream broadcasters and in particular the BBC have banded together in an unholy alliance to create and use a new version of the Gulags in soviet Russia.
Lawrence Fox for instance has been banished without trial.
He is now invisible on any channel.
This is a vicious and unfair pile on procedure by their staff and management and signals a new and black future for everyone in this Country.
The first to be attacked was of course Tommy Robinson.
It is the end of freedom of speech with the power of national broadcasters and their cheerleaders able to unperson people who don’t follow their Marxist agenda.
Take note, it will eventually come to every Individual in this Country.
We all will all need to decide eventually whether we accept this meekly or fight.
In short, the BBC are a Marxist cheerleader who’s mission is to break free and open society in the UK.
Vets have come under criticism in some recent posts. I think it’s not just Vets, it’s all the Professions that are ripping us off. Legislation and regulation over the decades has ensured the Professions have made themselves indispensable to our lives, and we have to pay through our noses for their services. The legal profession are a prime example, Parliament is full of Lawyers who produce extensive and poorly drafted legislation that ensures we need them to sort out the mess, at great cost. Another example is the ferociously complex tax system, you’ve stumbled into a Tax trap and HMRC have got their teeth into you? A few thousand will sort that out nicely thank you.
Legislation ensures we need a prescription for almost all medicines thus ensuring we need Doctors. Same with Vets. Drugs for animals are extremely tightly controlled. Doctors are holding the public to ransom with their recent pay demands but they always have pushed the NHS around.
And dentists, many would rather take a tooth out than do any work that might harm profitability.
I am referring to the ones that have leaflets about “investment opportunities” in the waiting rooms rather than old readers Digests. I left like this for an independent dentist for this very reason.
They said they had to extract a tooth rather than do root canal as the root was slightly curved and it was too difficult (read expensive).
I had a job at the time where I managed to get a private dentist to do this and he strongly disagreed with this assessment.
“The Essex-based humanitarian aid charity Hope and Aid Direct has partnered with Premier Inn to donate up to 2,000 mattresses.”
Bizarre story how the hotel chain is refurbishing it’s rooms and sending the old mattresses east.
Is there really a demand or need for 2nd hand mattresses in Ukraine?
Population has fallen due to people leaving , the towns that got flattened are all in Russian controlled areas now, etc
Quite Eddy : a ridiculous display of opportunistic virtue signalling eagerly lapped up by the BBC Idiots.
They will be taken to a safe place in Ukraine where they will be put in some warehouse or other until someone decides they need the space and they get burnt.
There will be no follow-on article because nobody wants them. Mattresses are awkward things to take and spread out in refugee camps where just about everything else takes priority.
All part of the ‘feel-good about Ukraine campaign so we don’t need to talk about the REAL misery and suffering going on with the brave soldiers on the front line getting arms and legs blown off who don’t seem to matter at all to the BBC. It’s like they don’t exist.
Jeremy Vine joins football pundit Eniola Aluko and sues Joey Barton over ‘bike nonce’ social media jibe.
Radio host Jeremy Vine has joined football pundit Eniola Aluko in taking legal action against ex-footballer Joey Barton after he called him a ‘bike nonce’ on social media.
The Radio 2 presenter filed a defamation claim last week after posts made by Barton compared Vine to paedophiles such as Rolf Harris, according to The Sun.
Barton shared pictures of what appeared to be legal documents on ‘X’, formerly known as Twitter and wrote: ‘So @theJeremyVine is suing me… Fella who served me the papers was sound. Told me he completely agreed with me and to keep going.’
It is not yet known how much the ex-Manchester City player is being sued for by Jeremy Vine.
The pair have been involved in a spat on the social media platform for some time.
Vine previously shared his thoughts on Barton’s remarks and said ‘is it possible we are dealing with a brain injury here?’
In one particular post from January 8, 2024, Barton wrote: ‘Oh Jeremy Vine. Did you, Rolf-aroo and Schofield go out on a tandem bike ride? You big bike nonce ya!’
In another post, Barton wrote: ‘If you see this fella by a primary school call 999…’
“A NEW definition of extremism will see Whitehall banned from engaging with hatemongers.
Top Tory Michael Gove will unveil the wording designed to outlaw those who seek to “undermine, overturn or replace” the British democratic system and our values.
But he will face calls to go further after admitting last night quangos, universities, prosecutors and cops will not have to sign up to the clampdown – for now.
The Sun understands Mr Gove will name groups including CAGE and MEND today as falling foul of the new definition and put in the sinbin.
Fascist group British National Socialist Movement will also be banned from engagement.
A leading figure in CAGE notoriously described ISIS butcher Jihadi John as a “beautiful young man” in 2015.
While MEND have been accused of being a “front for Islamic extremists” despite once partnering with the Electoral Commission to promote Muslim engagement in voting.
But he will not name Muslim Council of Britain – despite accusations of extremism and the group currently being suspended from engagement with ministers.
Groups that promote an ideology “based on violence, hatred or intolerance” with an aim to “destroy the fundamental rights of others” will be strictly barred from engaging with ministers and government departments.
And individuals linked to groups falling foul of the definition will be banned from receiving honours and public appointments. ”
The new definition is:
extremism is “the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).”
It seems to me that the daily onslaught of the BBC absuing their power against Brexit supporting Conservatives until they were forced to resign (including a duly elected Prime Minister who won by a landslide) and continuing the campaign until a globalist banker got the job qualifies 100% as ‘undermining the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy’.
But of course these ‘rules’ will only be applied to the Muslims in extreme cases (because they will respond with violence) whereas anyone on the Right will get them just for sneezing.
I suppose what this legalistic definition really does is to show that the concept of multiculturalism and integration is just – crap .
And that the idea that the British way of life – which I grew up with – and needing to be ‘improved ‘ or ‘enriched ‘- is also crap .
We have been turned into a sort of worst case america – where national identity has been eroded / undermined / destroyed – in the name of -what ? Some made up historical guilt about the empire – thus enabling the third world and its’ values to be imported and dumped on top of us without a ‘say’?
And then to live and suffer the consequences ….
At least in comparison to the US – they do have a single reference – the constitution and the flag . But we have ….. not much .
The extremism definition will be a blessing for ‘human rights ‘ lawyers – it will strengthen the ECHR – it will enable the evil within to challenge and demand evidence of their ‘extremist ‘
And it will be used on people like Farage and Reform but not on Islam ….
But as I said at the start – it shows integration has failed – and that multiculturalism is a curse on the British …. Probably makes me an extremist -eh ? /( 77 brigade – note to file )
I got quite used to sandy sandwiches at the seaside in the summer.
Those were the days when a salad was a lump of cucumber, half a tomato and a lettuce leaf, and if you were rich, a slice of 50% water, processed ham with a dab of salad cream.
On my way to @BBCr4today to talk about the totally shameful responses from @RishiSunak and his Ministers in respect of the Frank Hester donation and hateful comments about #DianeAbbott
The argument someone who has had the whip removed for racist comments should have it restored because they’ve been the victim of racist comments is an interesting one…
The BBC reckons race is all that’s needed. Perhaps because it is all they have. If they ignore all Labour’s ism issues.
A couple of days ago the bbc sent a droid to the constituency of Lee Anderson – unusually – it was ‘balanced’ . But in the response to the Q ‘would you vote Reform ‘ the reply was ‘I don’t know enough about them ‘.
What they need – right quick – is Farage . He is the only one who can explain Reform in a way quickly recognisable to the former Tory voters – ok – he will get the full msm treatment and the remainer poison – but I reckon his presence would render a good few Reform seats in their parliament ( I say ‘their ‘ because it doesn’t represent me ) …. It won’t stop red labour from getting the 100 plus majority but it will have an ‘effect ‘ over the next 5 long years ….
In psychology projection is the phenomenon where feelings directed towards the self are displaced towards other people.
Abbott accuses Tories of ‘playing race card’ as Hester row intensifies (Guardian) – this statement uttered poker-faced by our eye-rolling Diane Abbott, Britain’s race-baiting race card sharp player par excellence
Diane Abbott plays race card to excuse her decision to send her son to private school… Miss Abbott also risked fury among her white colleagues in the Labour Party by saying they would ‘never understand’ the Afro-Caribbean culture of parents wanting to do the best for their children. (Daily Mail, 2010); During the 2010 Labour leadership race, Ms Abbott raised eyebrows by stating: “West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.”… BBC interviewer Andrew Neil responded: “So black mums love their kids more than white mums, do they?“(Sky News)
Way back in 2012 Sky News compiled a veritable Royal flush dealt from the pack of gaffes with which Abbott has marked her race card over the years…
The comment that “white people love playing ‘divide and rule'” is not the first apparent gaffe she has made. (Sky)
She has described her own decision as “indefensible” and “incoherent” but also said she feared her child would fall in with “black gangs” if he went to a state school. (Sky)
Ms Abbott reportedly said staff at her local east London hospital who were “blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls” were not suitable to be nurses because they had “never met a black person before” (Sky)
A furious Ed Miliband ordered his shadow health minister to say sorry after she tweeted: “White people love playing ‘divide & rule’. We should not play their game.” The remark ignited a furious backlash at Westminster and on Twitter. (Evening Standard)
But her straight-talking nature has helped her maintain a constituency majority of between 49% and 65% in every election since 1992…. Hackney North and Stoke Newington (Sky)
Even the Guardian, whilst giving her a pass for her race-baiting, has nonetheless at times come over rather queezy at Ms Abbott’s apparent clumsy hypocrisy: Diane Abbott must confront this crisis head on… Being evasive about sending her son to private school will only help her rivals. Tackling the issue could be her Obama moment (Joseph Harker, Guardian 2010)
Yet our Joseph Harker (Guardian’s senior editor, diversity and development. He is a former editor and publisher of the weekly newspaper, Black Briton) back in his 2010 column went on to make a rather telling remark – addressing Abbott’s embarrassing lacklustre performace on the BBC This Week programme’s sofa showcasing her lame response to Andrew Neil’s gotcha: I sincerely hope that she doesn’t simply dismiss his comments as an attack from a known rightwinger. Because (though not among black people) the question of her school choice keeps nagging away at her credibility as a candidate. (Guardian) – Not among black people… because of course identity politics is the main thing, despite Labour’s anti-private schools policies, despite the glaring do what I say, not what I do, personal hypocrisy, one group (Ms Abbott’s and Joseph Harker’s group) – the blacks – they know their group interests always will trump the rest, right?
Speaking of projection – feelings directed towards the self are displaced towards other people…
Putin nuclear warning… in a crude warning to the west as his army advances on the Ukrainian battlefield (FT)
While meanwhile – armed with western financed and Nato supplied weapons: Ukraine drones hit Russia… stepped up strikes on oil refineries deep inside Russia… effort to “reduce the flow of oil money” (FT) – our proxy doing precisely the key western strategy against Putin
The most remarkable aspect of this conflict to date has been Putin’s patient restraint at not retaliating against our escalating western provocations.
Let’s cheer ourselves up with some calm down dears
I’m not sharing my bed any more – and neither should you by Kate Lister (‘i’) – wait till you’re asked, luv
Meanwhile Samantha Brick in the Daily Mail sounds much more like our kind of gal: I’ve never been dumped, because I undertstand what men really want
The US military enjoyed the acronym SNAFU for the sarcastic expression Situation Normal: All Fucked Up – and so it is with our media
The one-time conservative Times deepens their embarrassing bromance with the Labour party leader: Keir Starmer I love Stormzy and The Smiths – next week in the Times features on Sir Keir’s love of pets and an in depth interview about his favourite holiday resorts, the football teams he follows and his favourite flavour of ice cream?
After yesterday’s strident demands from Sarah Vine that Princess Kate come clean over Photoshopgate, the Mail today does a 180 degree volte face: Mail readers and columnist Bel Mooney unite to say: Give Kate a break
Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia (BBC last update 21 February) – despite: as his [Putin’s] army advances on the Ukrainian battlefield (FT)
The Financial Times we know to be cheerleader for the EU par excellence – so we know where we are with the pink paper’s opinion – but the bias can be lost somewhat in their annoying habit of writing headlines that come over more as though they were cryptic crossword clues than as news article titles: Starmer’s plans to breach the Brexit dams (FT) – what is that supposed to mean… Sir Keir flying a Lancaster bomber in a night raid against the Ruhr valley?
The mildy conservative Telegraph yesterday bemoaned the woke gender-neutral demise of Cheltenham’s historic Ladies Day. Today the impotent sleepy Torygraph resigns itself to: Style Wednesday, as the second day of Cheltenham Festival has been dubbed
And finally, from the jokey blokey Daily Star: Billionaire’s bid to build exact replica of not-very-floaty ship TITANIC – Rishi Sunak to be parachuted in as captain on the maiden voyage, we wonder?
His likely term of tenure aboard Titanic Mark 2 would likely be more secure than his present residence in Number 10 – and if he survives all the way across the Atlantic – he does have his Green Card in his back pocket
Asiseeit – a tour de wotsit of a review. I agree on the restraint putin appears to have applied to us despite all those expensive wespons have been fired at him .
Maybe he misread the room and thinks europeans would want more done against russia
But i recognise i am speaking as a punter and there may well be an entire unknown war going on .
I see Comic Releif is off again, all the African dictators will be rubbing their hands and ordering the Mercedes and Bentley brochures.
“In total, the Live Aid festival managed to raise 150 million pounds. Most of the money came from crisis-ridden Ireland. And the largest single donation was transferred by the ruling family of Dubai. It was thought that through large and small charities this money would go to Ethiopia and feed all the hungry there. Was this goal achieved? Alas, this is still a debate.
The mysterious fate of donations
The first investigations and accusations thundered in the 2000s. According to the BBC channel, a substantial part of the funds raised went to support the civil war and the rebels, since it was spent on weapons for the Ethiopian warlords. The Daily Mail found out that at least 20% of the donors’ money went to the rebels. Ethiopian commander Gebremedin Araya announced a most shocking figure as up to 63 million pounds of the charity were spent on political and military support for the rebels.
Thinking about it is scary. Large charities are blind and opaque, vulnerable to fraud and abuse from officials in their own right. But if politics also intervenes in the process, then it is quite a disaster. The investigations naturally led to scandals, a fall in public confidence and a decrease in income for charities. The industry has recovered and continued to grow. But again and again, fraudsters or politicians are impeding its development. Remember the investigations into Age UK, Kids Company or Oxfam. And that’s in Britain alone.”
“I asked Bob Keating, a superb young investigative reporter who had just started working with us, to look into this for a story. The assignment was simple — all this money had been raised, where was it going, was it actually doing good?
He discovered it was not doing good, but, horrifically, unimaginably, the exact opposite. The Ethiopian dictator, Mengistu, until then deadlocked in the war, was using the money the west gave him to buy sophisticated weapons from the Russians, and was now able to efficiently and viciously crush the opposition. Ethiopia, then the third poorest country in the world, suddenly had the largest, best equipped army on the African continent.
By this time we had all seen the pictures and TV footage of Bob Geldof, the figurehead of Live Aid, bear hugging and playfully punching Mengistu in the arm as he literally handed over the funding for this slaughter. It was on TV now alright, but as an endless, relentless reel of heroic Bob Geldof highlights. He drenched himself in the adulation and no one begrudged him it, until our investigation exposed the holocaust that Live Aid’s collected donations had help perpetrate on the Eritrean independence fighters.
Most damningly, Keating reported that Geldof was warned, repeatedly, from the outset by several relief agencies in the field about Mengistu, who was dismantling tribes, mercilessly conducting resettlement marches on which 100,000 people died, and butchering helpless people. According to Medicins Sans Frontiers, who begged Geldof to not release the money until there was a reliable infrastructure to get it to victims, he simply ignored them, instead famously saying: “I’ll shake hands with the Devil on my left and on my right to get to the people we are meant to help.”
In the course of preparing our story, we tried to interview Geldof, who in the beginning, perhaps expecting more of the same media worship, was apparently willing to talk, but as soon as he and Live Aid realized what we knew and were going to ask him about, he declined.”
Under the new definition, which comes into force on Thursday, extremism is “the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or EU!
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or EU!
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2). EU!”
Labour say the new definition of Extremism is BLAH BLAH BLAH
How about reporting what the Democratically elected Government of this country have to say first and let us decide ? But no, BBC straight in with the anti Tory sentiment and what Labour think.
I’m surprised at the blue Labour Party – even now as they head for the exit – what do they think red labour – or any one else – is going to do with their definition ? And what ever is done – the blame will fall on sunak .
Some clever dolts in the Home Office or wherever -have played a blinder getting this one through …. And we can feel the criminal law getting ever more twisted with ‘aggravating factors ‘ – the rot set it with nonsense ‘hate crimes ‘….
Under the new definition, which comes into force on Thursday, extremism is “the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or UK Gov by allowing crimianls into UK
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or UK Gov by allowing crimianls into UK
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).UK Gov by allowing crimianls into UK
BBC News gleefully reporting the 3rd attempt of Elon musks rocket to be launched – you can hear them praying for failure . Mr musk is Definately not BBC approved ….
Biased reporter doing his best to cope with Putin’s electoral support. Isn’t it possible Russians might actually want Putin as president ?
Love it when they can’t lead someone from a different culture into giving the answers they expect:
“Why do you think you’d be a better president than Putin?” I asked Nikolai Kharitonov, the Communist Party candidate.
“It’s not for me to say,” Mr Kharitonov replied. “That wouldn’t be right.”
“But do you think your manifesto is better than Putin’s?” I continued.
“That’s for voters to decide.”
“But what do you think?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think. It’s up to the voters.”
Instead of talking up himself, Mr Kharitonov praised the incumbent.
“Today Vladimir Putin is trying to solve a lot of the problems of the 1990s, when Yeltsin dragged Russia into wild capitalism,” said Mr Kharitonov. “He’s trying to consolidate the nation for victory in all areas. And this will happen!”
“Transport for London (TfL) has deployed enforcement officers across the network to tackle anti-social behaviour and fare evaders – estimated to cost about TfL £150m a year […] BBC Radio London’s Eddie Nestor went behind the scenes…”
I note the ethnic ratio of offenders to enforcers.
I wanted to be a TFL officer growing up but none of them looked like me, so I turned to crime instead.
Extremism defined, from the Government’s own website (extract):
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms[footnote 5] of others; or
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy[footnote 6] and democratic rights[footnote 7]; or
On that basis we could exclude Greta Thunberg and proscribe a number of Green Crap organisations. After all, they are trying to destroy Britain’s economy and create poverty for most of us. These organisations promote hate against people that don’t subscribe to their religion.
Flotsam point 3 also includes those who: “intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2)”
Cultivating a permissive environment is just what the government have been doing for god knows how long. They need to stop legitimising interactions with themselves, as they’re extremist.
Parliamentary watchdog Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) has just announced its pay decision for MPs in the coming year. MPs will get a 5.5% pay rise of £4,762, coming into effect from next month. That takes their annual pay from £86,584 to £91,346. Breaching the £90,000 barrier…
. . . . . . . . . . .
Independent Parliamentary Standards ! Independent – HA HA HA HA!
I think there’s too many of them, and it’s supposed to be a part time job.
When you consider the salary of the DG of the BBC is £525000 it perhaps puts it somewhat into context.
He cannot be named for legal reasons.
Which is rather odd when you think about it, because Labour and the SNP want to give people like him the vote !!!!!!
Adult enough to have the vote but not to be named for killing someone.
The bbc doesn’t approve of the leader of India – a Hindu called mr modi . The correspondent declined to say what her religion is – so by deduction she is a Muslim – she’d need to be in the BBC wouldn’t she ?
Anyway the Hindus seem less than happy that there are still 200 million Muslims in India . Can you blame them ? Anyway – there was a notable absence – Pakistan . I wondered how many Hindus there are in Pakistan ? And how are they treated ? I can guess – it was pretty poor and obvious anti Hindu – pro Islam propaganda …..
The human race has always been tribal… hence some banging wars back in the day. Britain got rather good at winning just before things got all easily reached and complicated, and then nukes and MAD.
What was interesting was that despite some lingering grumbles, most losers eventually accepted they lost and got back to making the home front work again. In a certain little corporal’s case, maybe he bore the grudge and made the home front work too well as everyone else twatted about.
Now though, wars are seldom declared. So, no winners or losers. That said, large sections of traditional winners’ countries… especially in the establishment, have twisted things to ensure everyone loses by seeding defeat from within.
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Sir Lenny Henry Centre to review BBC’s £112 million Creative Diversity commitment
By Jessica Schibli, BBC Head of Creative Diversity – I wonder how much they pay her for the made up title and waste of tele tax money – think i’ve found the answer £267,000.00 or 1679 licence payers money
Can’t find her …..
Jessica Schibli, BBC Head of Creative Diversity
£267,000.00 or 1679 licence payers money ….267000/32000 ….. 8 NURSES! SAVE LIVES! BAN THE BBC!
2022-2023 bookings but no details on job?
Pushpa Hanumanthareddy
Roles and responsibilities
Pushpa Hanumanthareddy’s roles and responsibilities will be published shortly.
Pushpa Hanumanthareddy’s central bookings Q1 2022-23
2022-2023 bookings but no details on job?
I have decided to self-identify as a far-right waycist so that I can get all the tax money back that I gave to the robbers at HMRC.
This because the tories have to give some money back to another waycist.
Quiz Time:
Labour want the Tories to return Uncle Hester’s £10M. The reason is:
a) It’s morally and ethically wrong for the Tories to keep it?
b) It weakens the Tories Election campaign fund?
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23 GMT
All those Tories who joined the Labour Party just to get Jeremy Corbyn elected leader
should tell the Party, they once said something 5 years ago that could be constructed as racist, so they want their Labour Party subscriptions refunding.
The new definition of ‘extremism ‘ is going to be published on Thursday — I wonder if one has to declare oneself to be an extremist ?
Seriously, the new definition might well be expanded to cover this site. And many others too.
Yes it hadn’t escaped me – and I bet 77 brigade and its’ community has all the cut and pastes ready to roll …..
Just another freedom being ditched …
Saudi Extremisim?
Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
This article is more than 6 years old
Opposition parties criticise ‘security-led’ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
But Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, said this did not go far enough, and the public “has a right to know if any governments, foreign or domestic organisations or individuals are funding extremism in this country”.
Shock. Abbott in stopped clock syndrome moment.
24 mins in
The men fighting gang leader Barbecue for power in Haiti
No Diversity?

White ‘President of Haiti’ 1930 to 1941
Drakeford and the Welsh Senedd have blocked access to GBNews in the Senedd, at great cost.
25mph cars and no TV….
The Welsh Parliament has been accused of pursuing a “vanity project” after spending more than nearly a quarter of a million pounds on a new TV and digital signage system – which was later used to block GB News from its system.
The Tripleplay system, installed across the Welsh Parliament estate in 2022, came at a cost to the taxpayer of £233,000 in total, GB News can reveal.
Shame there’s no way to block Drakeford’s flatulence and watch him inflate and explode like Monsieur Creosote
°”Sheffield man to travel to Ukraine to help abandoned animals”
Awwww I’ll kiss it better
“During the visit later this month he said he would work with the support of a Ukrainian helper to round up street dogs and take them to a mobile vet to be spayed or neutered.”
Dreamed of having pups, little doggy?
Forget it, Julian Hales a 52 year old bored retard, looking to “do something” following the death of his wife in January 2022 is on his way…
Meanwhile the BBC’S -Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia- is over 3 weeks out of date.
Maybe they’ll get airlifted out like the ones in afgee …that had to be put down later …..
Eddie, is there something wrong with you?
This is one of the most deeply unpleasant posts I’ve seen in a long time.
This poor chap’s wife has died, which I would have thought might have mustered sympathy from most normal people, but you callously refer to him as “a bored retard.”
An awful post.
Take a long hard look in the mirror…
A friend of mine is involved with a dog rescuing charity from Romsnia. I applaud anyone who rescues animals from war zones.
It says the strays life is terrible then
“The animals are also wormed, vaccinated, tagged and documented before being returned to the street”
North of Kiev I once worked for a weekend building kennels for a dog charity.
They told me the city’s tradition was to have annual stray dog round up day and then they shot them.
That was their culture
and did mean there were many fewer suffering dogs on the street
and less danger to people
I’ll add the punchline: it’s probably a charity scam.
He collects a fat wedge of cash from donations, by tugging at people’s heartstrings in all directions.
Spends a fraction of it traveling to Ukraine, films himself, throwing handfuls of biscuits at local dogs..
Rinse and repeat .
His destination Kherson city was taken over by the Russians without a fight, and later relinquished by them, also peacefully.
Does a city of 220,000 really need a British man to drive 2000 miles…
Ten Quid 😕
That’s what a passport photo booth robbed from me today.
Was £5 last time
Sure you can do it yourself for free, but then the booths mates at the passport office won’t like that, and will probably reject it.
Thing it’s, the booth camera has gone from normal definition to super HD, meaning you look 30 years older than last time.
So they’ll probably mess me about anyway.
The BBC keeping up their incessant pressure on The Tories, Sunak in particular and the Royal Family for the past week. Currently trying to bring Sunak down for allowing his party to accept funds from a bloke who it is claimed, without substantiating evidence so far to have made some negative comments in a private meeting years ago about a Labour MP.
It is so blindly obvious that they are doing all they can to ensure the next Government is a Labour one.
It is blatant political propaganda that should never be allowed from an institution that calls itself the British Broadcasting Corporation and forces everyone to pay if they have a TV whether they watch it or not.
It is well overdue to allow the public to decide if they want to pay for this constant background left-wing noise or whether they can opt out and still watch other live to air channels on their TV’s.
One man, woman or indeterminate Labour voter’s terrorist is another bbc panel member’s concert goer.
Sure the BBC are opposed to traditional Tory values, but can anything name one Conservative policy of the last 10 years that the two actually differed on?
It isn’t immigration….
Another one for Team Verify —
The CDC responds to an FOIA on their post-vax myocarditis study; the entire document supplied is redacted. (They claim a (b)(5) exemption from supplying info which is “Privileged communications within or between agencies…”)
Remember though our governments are data-driven and they’re just ‘following the science’…
Our beloved *anychess* goes one better than the CDC. Type in ‘myocarditis’ into the search box on the anychess main website and anychess says:
We know narthing, narthing, narthing about the my*&^$tis
Israeli forces shoot dead 12-year-old Palestinian who set off firework
Being Gaza, via the BBC, does one really need to read on to find out if this was a late Guy Fawkes or early 4th of July, or perhaps more a set up or, at best, about the dumbest thing to do in a war zone evva?
I might check, to see if ‘set off’ means a Catherine Wheel or a rocket horizontally or just a mortar.
Gaza war: UNRWA says Rafah aid centre hit by Israeli forces
Now THIS is how you write a headline.
If you are the BBC.
GW, should Palestinians who are Muslims set off fireworks during Ramadan?
Marianna enters Conspiracyland to talk to people who don’t like the BBC:
Mr Stringer versus the Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA): Dame June Raine destroys the lives of 485,914 Deplorables:
No wonder the criminally incompetent Raine is stepping down. On her watch this agency has been an absolute disgrace. I know from experience how useless she has been.
Ok – I’m a bit out of touch – but the question in PMQ about compensation for injury resulting from covid injections didn’t seem to have any impact at all .
Am I wrong ? I thought the story was that these vaccines were perfectly okay … and any dissenters on TV were cancelled – eg mark steyn …
Now it seems commonly accepted that they caused harm – serious harm – and maybe / probably death ….
Fed, a BBC presenter died after her first vaccination. You can check the Yellow Card reports here:–2 Warning: it is not up-to-date.
Yes yes but there was no connection between the vaccine – and her death – underlying health problem – coincidence – was – I think – the excuse used .
Can’t see the inquiry going anywhere near this – a whitewash due to report in 2033 …4…5 ..
Bizarre @BBCNews item on the economy, blaming weak demand in the U.K. for the loss of jobs in a Moroccan satchel workshop👀 ??? Why doesn’t he sell to the other 195 countries in the world? Another fake news story from the Biased Broadcasting Company.
For a change I watched PMQs online on Parliament TV – there was plenty about Diane Abbot – who was in the chamber – wearing a bright red blazer . I saw her stand up to get the speakers eye – but she was ignored …. Apparently she is now criticing the speaker about ignoring her .
I think it’s a pity she wasn’t given the opportunity to speak whilst others were talking about her – I had my popcorn ready and was very disappointed …. Parliament really is a joke …. So much false shock
Not the bbc – but from the mail online – the tip of an iceberg ?
STARTS Psychiatrist, 45, is struck off after he fiddled timesheets and falsely claimed £40,000 worth of NHS work shifts when he was actually on holiday
Dr Rajeev Reghunath fiddled public money by filing faked timesheets
Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service ruled he had committed misconduct
The 45-year-old flew to destinations including the UAE and Turkey ENDS
False accounting is usually given a stiff prison sentence …
He is immune!
A really odd analysis of UK GDP growth from Ben of #BBCBreakfast . 0.2% monthly GDP growth is quite fast as opposed to “slow”. I wonder how he would have treated a 0.2% fall? One for @BBCVerify
Seems Lee Anderson is being thrown out of the Carlton Club. because he left the Blue Labour Party – as a result I have tendered my resignation from the Carlton Club with immediate effect and suggest you do too …
Local news from the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation, already trying to use the word Ramadan in every sentence.
A report from that centre of Britishness…..errr….Tower Hamlets. Half the children live in deprived conditions, so a charity called Muslim Aid is dishing out food parcels. Even the charity spokesperson referred to difficulties in language (code for not being able to speak English) and large numbers of immigrants. The BBC then ‘interview’ a woman ‘refugee’ from Iraq with her three children. She is happy to benefit. Isn’t it all so….diverse?
This is England 2024. And they wonder why our services are rats*** and economic growth is near zero.
The main stream broadcasters and in particular the BBC have banded together in an unholy alliance to create and use a new version of the Gulags in soviet Russia.
Lawrence Fox for instance has been banished without trial.
He is now invisible on any channel.
This is a vicious and unfair pile on procedure by their staff and management and signals a new and black future for everyone in this Country.
The first to be attacked was of course Tommy Robinson.
It is the end of freedom of speech with the power of national broadcasters and their cheerleaders able to unperson people who don’t follow their Marxist agenda.
Take note, it will eventually come to every Individual in this Country.
We all will all need to decide eventually whether we accept this meekly or fight.
In short, the BBC are a Marxist cheerleader who’s mission is to break free and open society in the UK.
Today’s libmob “If you are not in OUR gang, you are an unperson”
Is that not basically like fascism, racism etc. ?
Another BBC scoop that looks like some brain donor in a cubicle in W1A gets an email from a rando, and turns it into a post.
Bourne: Woman calls for law change after cats die on road
To what? Making it mandatory they are assigned 10 lives? If Tibbles got smeared that is sad, but cats are not the best to let out to mix it with cars.
silence from the far left marxists at the corrupt bbc:
“By ignoring the Angela Rayner council house row, is the BBC preparing to go back to being the official wing of the Labour Party?”
Vets have come under criticism in some recent posts. I think it’s not just Vets, it’s all the Professions that are ripping us off. Legislation and regulation over the decades has ensured the Professions have made themselves indispensable to our lives, and we have to pay through our noses for their services. The legal profession are a prime example, Parliament is full of Lawyers who produce extensive and poorly drafted legislation that ensures we need them to sort out the mess, at great cost. Another example is the ferociously complex tax system, you’ve stumbled into a Tax trap and HMRC have got their teeth into you? A few thousand will sort that out nicely thank you.
Legislation ensures we need a prescription for almost all medicines thus ensuring we need Doctors. Same with Vets. Drugs for animals are extremely tightly controlled. Doctors are holding the public to ransom with their recent pay demands but they always have pushed the NHS around.
And dentists, many would rather take a tooth out than do any work that might harm profitability.
I am referring to the ones that have leaflets about “investment opportunities” in the waiting rooms rather than old readers Digests. I left like this for an independent dentist for this very reason.
They said they had to extract a tooth rather than do root canal as the root was slightly curved and it was too difficult (read expensive).
I had a job at the time where I managed to get a private dentist to do this and he strongly disagreed with this assessment.
“Scores of mattresses are going to be driven across Europe to people in Ukraine.
“The Essex-based humanitarian aid charity Hope and Aid Direct has partnered with Premier Inn to donate up to 2,000 mattresses.”
Bizarre story how the hotel chain is refurbishing it’s rooms and sending the old mattresses east.
Is there really a demand or need for 2nd hand mattresses in Ukraine?
Population has fallen due to people leaving , the towns that got flattened are all in Russian controlled areas now, etc
Quite Eddy : a ridiculous display of opportunistic virtue signalling eagerly lapped up by the BBC Idiots.
They will be taken to a safe place in Ukraine where they will be put in some warehouse or other until someone decides they need the space and they get burnt.
There will be no follow-on article because nobody wants them. Mattresses are awkward things to take and spread out in refugee camps where just about everything else takes priority.
All part of the ‘feel-good about Ukraine campaign so we don’t need to talk about the REAL misery and suffering going on with the brave soldiers on the front line getting arms and legs blown off who don’t seem to matter at all to the BBC. It’s like they don’t exist.
Not normally a fan of Joey, but…….
Jeremy Vine joins football pundit Eniola Aluko and sues Joey Barton over ‘bike nonce’ social media jibe.
Radio host Jeremy Vine has joined football pundit Eniola Aluko in taking legal action against ex-footballer Joey Barton after he called him a ‘bike nonce’ on social media.
The Radio 2 presenter filed a defamation claim last week after posts made by Barton compared Vine to paedophiles such as Rolf Harris, according to The Sun.
Barton shared pictures of what appeared to be legal documents on ‘X’, formerly known as Twitter and wrote: ‘So @theJeremyVine is suing me… Fella who served me the papers was sound. Told me he completely agreed with me and to keep going.’
It is not yet known how much the ex-Manchester City player is being sued for by Jeremy Vine.
The pair have been involved in a spat on the social media platform for some time.
Vine previously shared his thoughts on Barton’s remarks and said ‘is it possible we are dealing with a brain injury here?’
In one particular post from January 8, 2024, Barton wrote: ‘Oh Jeremy Vine. Did you, Rolf-aroo and Schofield go out on a tandem bike ride? You big bike nonce ya!’
In another post, Barton wrote: ‘If you see this fella by a primary school call 999…’
“A NEW definition of extremism will see Whitehall banned from engaging with hatemongers.
Top Tory Michael Gove will unveil the wording designed to outlaw those who seek to “undermine, overturn or replace” the British democratic system and our values.
But he will face calls to go further after admitting last night quangos, universities, prosecutors and cops will not have to sign up to the clampdown – for now.
The Sun understands Mr Gove will name groups including CAGE and MEND today as falling foul of the new definition and put in the sinbin.
Fascist group British National Socialist Movement will also be banned from engagement.
A leading figure in CAGE notoriously described ISIS butcher Jihadi John as a “beautiful young man” in 2015.
While MEND have been accused of being a “front for Islamic extremists” despite once partnering with the Electoral Commission to promote Muslim engagement in voting.
But he will not name Muslim Council of Britain – despite accusations of extremism and the group currently being suspended from engagement with ministers.
Groups that promote an ideology “based on violence, hatred or intolerance” with an aim to “destroy the fundamental rights of others” will be strictly barred from engaging with ministers and government departments.
And individuals linked to groups falling foul of the definition will be banned from receiving honours and public appointments. ”
The new definition is:
extremism is “the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).”
It seems to me that the daily onslaught of the BBC absuing their power against Brexit supporting Conservatives until they were forced to resign (including a duly elected Prime Minister who won by a landslide) and continuing the campaign until a globalist banker got the job qualifies 100% as ‘undermining the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy’.
But of course these ‘rules’ will only be applied to the Muslims in extreme cases (because they will respond with violence) whereas anyone on the Right will get them just for sneezing.
So the best way to punish Muslims, Islam, Terrorists, Grooming Gangs and Illegal Immigrants is ……… to stop talking to them.
And let that be a lesson to all of them.
I suppose what this legalistic definition really does is to show that the concept of multiculturalism and integration is just – crap .
And that the idea that the British way of life – which I grew up with – and needing to be ‘improved ‘ or ‘enriched ‘- is also crap .
We have been turned into a sort of worst case america – where national identity has been eroded / undermined / destroyed – in the name of -what ? Some made up historical guilt about the empire – thus enabling the third world and its’ values to be imported and dumped on top of us without a ‘say’?
And then to live and suffer the consequences ….
At least in comparison to the US – they do have a single reference – the constitution and the flag . But we have ….. not much .
The extremism definition will be a blessing for ‘human rights ‘ lawyers – it will strengthen the ECHR – it will enable the evil within to challenge and demand evidence of their ‘extremist ‘
And it will be used on people like Farage and Reform but not on Islam ….
But as I said at the start – it shows integration has failed – and that multiculturalism is a curse on the British …. Probably makes me an extremist -eh ? /( 77 brigade – note to file )
The BBC>Labour magic continues.
Some children in Norwich are so hungry they’re eating sand at school.
The Tory tax cut will do nothing for them and their families.
Here’s why.
That this gets into a position of power explains much; excuses little.
I wish I had sand when I were lad …
Bit of cement… put a lining on your stomach.
I got quite used to sandy sandwiches at the seaside in the summer.
Those were the days when a salad was a lump of cucumber, half a tomato and a lettuce leaf, and if you were rich, a slice of 50% water, processed ham with a dab of salad cream.
‘Comic Relief- plan your Friday night TV’ exhorts the BBC webshite. Thanks for that BBC, I just have. Though perhaps not in the way you wanted.
Of course you are, love.
On my way to @BBCr4today to talk about the totally shameful responses from @RishiSunak and his Ministers in respect of the Frank Hester donation and hateful comments about #DianeAbbott
Some are never allowed to “move on” are they dear ?
(unless they are labour shadow ministers, black wimmin or fat socialist “comics”)
LOL, not letting her personal opinions bias any discussion then.
How very BBC of her.
It seems nobody is allowed to dislike Diane despite what a thoroughly unpleasant racist idiot she is. Presumably because she is black.
But of course it is very acceptable for Angela Rayner to be secretly recorded telling us how she hates Tories without any backlash at all.
This state of affairs caused by the fascist Left is getting ludicrous.
Funny isn’t it sunak under pressure to give the cash back – starmer under pressure to give the imbicile the whip back …..
The swamp …
The argument someone who has had the whip removed for racist comments should have it restored because they’ve been the victim of racist comments is an interesting one…
The BBC reckons race is all that’s needed. Perhaps because it is all they have. If they ignore all Labour’s ism issues.
“Totally shameful” is indeed her far left, ant conservative opinion.
There’s irony.
And then, there is BBC irony.
Diane Abbott: Tories will play race card ruthlessly
A couple of days ago the bbc sent a droid to the constituency of Lee Anderson – unusually – it was ‘balanced’ . But in the response to the Q ‘would you vote Reform ‘ the reply was ‘I don’t know enough about them ‘.
What they need – right quick – is Farage . He is the only one who can explain Reform in a way quickly recognisable to the former Tory voters – ok – he will get the full msm treatment and the remainer poison – but I reckon his presence would render a good few Reform seats in their parliament ( I say ‘their ‘ because it doesn’t represent me ) …. It won’t stop red labour from getting the 100 plus majority but it will have an ‘effect ‘ over the next 5 long years ….
In psychology projection is the phenomenon where feelings directed towards the self are displaced towards other people.
Abbott accuses Tories of ‘playing race card’ as Hester row intensifies (Guardian) – this statement uttered poker-faced by our eye-rolling Diane Abbott, Britain’s race-baiting race card sharp player par excellence
Diane Abbott plays race card to excuse her decision to send her son to private school… Miss Abbott also risked fury among her white colleagues in the Labour Party by saying they would ‘never understand’ the Afro-Caribbean culture of parents wanting to do the best for their children. (Daily Mail, 2010); During the 2010 Labour leadership race, Ms Abbott raised eyebrows by stating: “West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.”… BBC interviewer Andrew Neil responded: “So black mums love their kids more than white mums, do they?“(Sky News)
Way back in 2012 Sky News compiled a veritable Royal flush dealt from the pack of gaffes with which Abbott has marked her race card over the years…
The comment that “white people love playing ‘divide and rule'” is not the first apparent gaffe she has made. (Sky)
She has described her own decision as “indefensible” and “incoherent” but also said she feared her child would fall in with “black gangs” if he went to a state school. (Sky)
Ms Abbott reportedly said staff at her local east London hospital who were “blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls” were not suitable to be nurses because they had “never met a black person before” (Sky)
A furious Ed Miliband ordered his shadow health minister to say sorry after she tweeted: “White people love playing ‘divide & rule’. We should not play their game.” The remark ignited a furious backlash at Westminster and on Twitter. (Evening Standard)
But her straight-talking nature has helped her maintain a constituency majority of between 49% and 65% in every election since 1992…. Hackney North and Stoke Newington (Sky)
Even the Guardian, whilst giving her a pass for her race-baiting, has nonetheless at times come over rather queezy at Ms Abbott’s apparent clumsy hypocrisy: Diane Abbott must confront this crisis head on… Being evasive about sending her son to private school will only help her rivals. Tackling the issue could be her Obama moment (Joseph Harker, Guardian 2010)
Yet our Joseph Harker (Guardian’s senior editor, diversity and development. He is a former editor and publisher of the weekly newspaper, Black Briton) back in his 2010 column went on to make a rather telling remark – addressing Abbott’s embarrassing lacklustre performace on the BBC This Week programme’s sofa showcasing her lame response to Andrew Neil’s gotcha: I sincerely hope that she doesn’t simply dismiss his comments as an attack from a known rightwinger. Because (though not among black people) the question of her school choice keeps nagging away at her credibility as a candidate. (Guardian) – Not among black people… because of course identity politics is the main thing, despite Labour’s anti-private schools policies, despite the glaring do what I say, not what I do, personal hypocrisy, one group (Ms Abbott’s and Joseph Harker’s group) – the blacks – they know their group interests always will trump the rest, right?
Speaking of projection – feelings directed towards the self are displaced towards other people…
Putin nuclear warning… in a crude warning to the west as his army advances on the Ukrainian battlefield (FT)
While meanwhile – armed with western financed and Nato supplied weapons: Ukraine drones hit Russia… stepped up strikes on oil refineries deep inside Russia… effort to “reduce the flow of oil money” (FT) – our proxy doing precisely the key western strategy against Putin
The most remarkable aspect of this conflict to date has been Putin’s patient restraint at not retaliating against our escalating western provocations.
Let’s cheer ourselves up with some calm down dears
I’m not sharing my bed any more – and neither should you by Kate Lister (‘i’) – wait till you’re asked, luv
Meanwhile Samantha Brick in the Daily Mail sounds much more like our kind of gal: I’ve never been dumped, because I undertstand what men really want
The US military enjoyed the acronym SNAFU for the sarcastic expression Situation Normal: All Fucked Up – and so it is with our media
The one-time conservative Times deepens their embarrassing bromance with the Labour party leader: Keir Starmer I love Stormzy and The Smiths – next week in the Times features on Sir Keir’s love of pets and an in depth interview about his favourite holiday resorts, the football teams he follows and his favourite flavour of ice cream?
After yesterday’s strident demands from Sarah Vine that Princess Kate come clean over Photoshopgate, the Mail today does a 180 degree volte face: Mail readers and columnist Bel Mooney unite to say: Give Kate a break
Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia (BBC last update 21 February) – despite: as his [Putin’s] army advances on the Ukrainian battlefield (FT)
The Financial Times we know to be cheerleader for the EU par excellence – so we know where we are with the pink paper’s opinion – but the bias can be lost somewhat in their annoying habit of writing headlines that come over more as though they were cryptic crossword clues than as news article titles: Starmer’s plans to breach the Brexit dams (FT) – what is that supposed to mean… Sir Keir flying a Lancaster bomber in a night raid against the Ruhr valley?
The mildy conservative Telegraph yesterday bemoaned the woke gender-neutral demise of Cheltenham’s historic Ladies Day. Today the impotent sleepy Torygraph resigns itself to: Style Wednesday, as the second day of Cheltenham Festival has been dubbed
And finally, from the jokey blokey Daily Star: Billionaire’s bid to build exact replica of not-very-floaty ship TITANIC – Rishi Sunak to be parachuted in as captain on the maiden voyage, we wonder?
His likely term of tenure aboard Titanic Mark 2 would likely be more secure than his present residence in Number 10 – and if he survives all the way across the Atlantic – he does have his Green Card in his back pocket
Asiseeit – a tour de wotsit of a review. I agree on the restraint putin appears to have applied to us despite all those expensive wespons have been fired at him .
Maybe he misread the room and thinks europeans would want more done against russia
But i recognise i am speaking as a punter and there may well be an entire unknown war going on .
I see Comic Releif is off again, all the African dictators will be rubbing their hands and ordering the Mercedes and Bentley brochures.
“In total, the Live Aid festival managed to raise 150 million pounds. Most of the money came from crisis-ridden Ireland. And the largest single donation was transferred by the ruling family of Dubai. It was thought that through large and small charities this money would go to Ethiopia and feed all the hungry there. Was this goal achieved? Alas, this is still a debate.
The mysterious fate of donations
The first investigations and accusations thundered in the 2000s. According to the BBC channel, a substantial part of the funds raised went to support the civil war and the rebels, since it was spent on weapons for the Ethiopian warlords. The Daily Mail found out that at least 20% of the donors’ money went to the rebels. Ethiopian commander Gebremedin Araya announced a most shocking figure as up to 63 million pounds of the charity were spent on political and military support for the rebels.
Thinking about it is scary. Large charities are blind and opaque, vulnerable to fraud and abuse from officials in their own right. But if politics also intervenes in the process, then it is quite a disaster. The investigations naturally led to scandals, a fall in public confidence and a decrease in income for charities. The industry has recovered and continued to grow. But again and again, fraudsters or politicians are impeding its development. Remember the investigations into Age UK, Kids Company or Oxfam. And that’s in Britain alone.”
View at
“I asked Bob Keating, a superb young investigative reporter who had just started working with us, to look into this for a story. The assignment was simple — all this money had been raised, where was it going, was it actually doing good?
He discovered it was not doing good, but, horrifically, unimaginably, the exact opposite. The Ethiopian dictator, Mengistu, until then deadlocked in the war, was using the money the west gave him to buy sophisticated weapons from the Russians, and was now able to efficiently and viciously crush the opposition. Ethiopia, then the third poorest country in the world, suddenly had the largest, best equipped army on the African continent.
By this time we had all seen the pictures and TV footage of Bob Geldof, the figurehead of Live Aid, bear hugging and playfully punching Mengistu in the arm as he literally handed over the funding for this slaughter. It was on TV now alright, but as an endless, relentless reel of heroic Bob Geldof highlights. He drenched himself in the adulation and no one begrudged him it, until our investigation exposed the holocaust that Live Aid’s collected donations had help perpetrate on the Eritrean independence fighters.
Most damningly, Keating reported that Geldof was warned, repeatedly, from the outset by several relief agencies in the field about Mengistu, who was dismantling tribes, mercilessly conducting resettlement marches on which 100,000 people died, and butchering helpless people. According to Medicins Sans Frontiers, who begged Geldof to not release the money until there was a reliable infrastructure to get it to victims, he simply ignored them, instead famously saying: “I’ll shake hands with the Devil on my left and on my right to get to the people we are meant to help.”
In the course of preparing our story, we tried to interview Geldof, who in the beginning, perhaps expecting more of the same media worship, was apparently willing to talk, but as soon as he and Live Aid realized what we knew and were going to ask him about, he declined.”
Under the new definition, which comes into force on Thursday, extremism is “the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or EU!
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).
For some reason a whole bunch of lawyers throughout the UK are jumping up and down and shouting ‘kerching, kerching, kerching’
Can’t think why.
“Providing a permissive environment” That would include certain schools and religious places would it ?
BBC Headline @ 11am. Radio 2 .
Labour say the new definition of Extremism is BLAH BLAH BLAH
How about reporting what the Democratically elected Government of this country have to say first and let us decide ? But no, BBC straight in with the anti Tory sentiment and what Labour think.
I detest the BBC with a passion, i really do.
This was more or less the first thing that Adolph Hitler did when he came to power….
I’m surprised at the blue Labour Party – even now as they head for the exit – what do they think red labour – or any one else – is going to do with their definition ? And what ever is done – the blame will fall on sunak .
Some clever dolts in the Home Office or wherever -have played a blinder getting this one through …. And we can feel the criminal law getting ever more twisted with ‘aggravating factors ‘ – the rot set it with nonsense ‘hate crimes ‘….
Cultural appropriation but superbly done from an age when humans had a sense of humour!
Yes, clearly appropriated from the London Gaza protests…only the hate placards, masks and fireworks missing.
Under the new definition, which comes into force on Thursday, extremism is “the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or UK Gov by allowing crimianls into UK
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
UK Gov by allowing crimianls into UK
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).UK Gov by allowing crimianls into UK
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
RACE IS A ‘costume’! So all races are equal! Hijab is just a costume!
BBC News gleefully reporting the 3rd attempt of Elon musks rocket to be launched – you can hear them praying for failure . Mr musk is Definately not BBC approved ….
“Russia election: Stage-managed vote will give Putin another term”
By Steve Rosenberg
Biased reporter doing his best to cope with Putin’s electoral support. Isn’t it possible Russians might actually want Putin as president ?
Love it when they can’t lead someone from a different culture into giving the answers they expect:
“Why do you think you’d be a better president than Putin?” I asked Nikolai Kharitonov, the Communist Party candidate.
“It’s not for me to say,” Mr Kharitonov replied. “That wouldn’t be right.”
“But do you think your manifesto is better than Putin’s?” I continued.
“That’s for voters to decide.”
“But what do you think?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think. It’s up to the voters.”
Instead of talking up himself, Mr Kharitonov praised the incumbent.
“Today Vladimir Putin is trying to solve a lot of the problems of the 1990s, when Yeltsin dragged Russia into wild capitalism,” said Mr Kharitonov. “He’s trying to consolidate the nation for victory in all areas. And this will happen!”
UK PM was selected not elected!
Short BBC video on fare-dodgers on the tube —
“Transport for London (TfL) has deployed enforcement officers across the network to tackle anti-social behaviour and fare evaders – estimated to cost about TfL £150m a year […] BBC Radio London’s Eddie Nestor went behind the scenes…”
I note the ethnic ratio of offenders to enforcers.
I wanted to be a TFL officer growing up but none of them looked like me, so I turned to crime instead.
Extremism defined, from the Government’s own website (extract):
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms[footnote 5] of others; or
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy[footnote 6] and democratic rights[footnote 7]; or
On that basis we could exclude Greta Thunberg and proscribe a number of Green Crap organisations. After all, they are trying to destroy Britain’s economy and create poverty for most of us. These organisations promote hate against people that don’t subscribe to their religion.
Flotsam point 3 also includes those who: “intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2)”
Cultivating a permissive environment is just what the government have been doing for god knows how long. They need to stop legitimising interactions with themselves, as they’re extremist.
219 terror suspects arrested in 2024. 46% were of “white appearance”. 34% “of Asian ethnic appearance”.
All those Chinese, Malaysian, Singapore, Japan etcetera terrorists.
Why don’t they just say 95% were pakis or Arabs.
White “right wing” terrorists threw hurty words, islamists threw bombs
Parliamentary watchdog Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) has just announced its pay decision for MPs in the coming year. MPs will get a 5.5% pay rise of £4,762, coming into effect from next month. That takes their annual pay from £86,584 to £91,346. Breaching the £90,000 barrier…
. . . . . . . . . . .
Independent Parliamentary Standards ! Independent – HA HA HA HA!
Thoughful will think it’s still not enough …… they do work ever so hard …..
I think there’s too many of them, and it’s supposed to be a part time job.
When you consider the salary of the DG of the BBC is £525000 it perhaps puts it somewhat into context.
Yes he’s paid too much .
A 17 year old boy has pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter.
He cannot be named for legal reasons.
Which is rather odd when you think about it, because Labour and the SNP want to give people like him the vote !!!!!!
Adult enough to have the vote but not to be named for killing someone.
It’s what the socialists want.
The bbc doesn’t approve of the leader of India – a Hindu called mr modi . The correspondent declined to say what her religion is – so by deduction she is a Muslim – she’d need to be in the BBC wouldn’t she ?
Anyway the Hindus seem less than happy that there are still 200 million Muslims in India . Can you blame them ? Anyway – there was a notable absence – Pakistan . I wondered how many Hindus there are in Pakistan ? And how are they treated ? I can guess – it was pretty poor and obvious anti Hindu – pro Islam propaganda …..
The human race has always been tribal… hence some banging wars back in the day. Britain got rather good at winning just before things got all easily reached and complicated, and then nukes and MAD.
What was interesting was that despite some lingering grumbles, most losers eventually accepted they lost and got back to making the home front work again. In a certain little corporal’s case, maybe he bore the grudge and made the home front work too well as everyone else twatted about.
Now though, wars are seldom declared. So, no winners or losers. That said, large sections of traditional winners’ countries… especially in the establishment, have twisted things to ensure everyone loses by seeding defeat from within.
Thanks Tony. And all who followed.
Fed, about 4 million Christians in Pakistan, many of them Church of England.