At least as we perish in a thermo nuclear war we can be comforted with no further need to pay for the TV licence . Why not cancel yours in preparation for the Final Event …?
The End of The World/start the week 15th April 2024
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What to know about Trump’s hush-money trial
Getting Sopes back to keep it balanced?
Women on top!
“Standoff continues as MPs prepare to vote on Rwanda bill”
The present farcical government have failed to defend our nation ! “Stop the Boats “, Stop the Tories.
Theresa May identified mass immigration as one of the big problems in 2015 …. Theresa May did nothing.
Theresa May also used the words enough is enough after a terrorist attack …. Theresa May did nothing.
Theresa May said we are leaving the EU … Theresa May did nothing.
So, at least she was consistent in what she did 🙂
That’s a rare quality in a politician.
The total idiocy of our insane political elites and their ‘Green’ agenda laid bare:
If the plastic self identifies as NON-Binary-Plastic it can save the planet!
TOADY Watch #1 – and Nick is in trouble for being a ‘toadie’
Another BBC Oops! From the DT: I listened to that interview and Nick Robinson’s on air claim must have passed me by. As an excuse, I am so used to the BBC’s bias in favour of Hamas and the Palestinians as well as UN/WFP/UNRWA that I missed it it. Will OFCOM investigate and censure the BBC?
I expect not.
Mark Steyn in fine form:
So, if you’re one of many Canadians, of whatever “gender”, waiting months for a specialist to attend to your prostate, it might be quicker just to get a “vaginal cavity” punched in the middle of your perineum and see whether that does the trick.
Slight notes of ‘special ingredients’ to this.
‘Brexit food charges will eradicate my cheese shop’
Well at least we will get a repeat of the Cheese shop sketch for free, should be worth a visit soon…
As might be predicted – although the guardian reports on the overt bias of emir Robinson on the today programme today – it doesn’t allow comments – could it be that his fan club would fully support him . ? Dump that licence
“BBC forced to apologise after playing 70s hit song during report on Iran attack. A BBC spokesperson said they “apologise for the error” after the lyrics “oh yeah” were heard playing during a bulletin addressing the Iran crisis.
Ladies Night, a hit song by Kool & the Gang, was played as a spokesman for the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) discussed the weekend’s attempted strike during the 5pm bulletin on BBC Radio 2.
As Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner launched into an attack on the Iranian state, the lyrics “oh, what a night” were heard playing in the background.”
BBC crisis as sick days quadruple after staff buckle under stress
Sick days quadruple to 16,000 as staff feel strain of working for Corporation.
Workers at the BBC were absent last year for 15,751 days – equating to an average of 40 people missing because of stress, anxiety or depression every day. This compares to just 4,135 days being lost to stress in 2013.
The broadcaster said there were six members of staff on its payroll who did not do a single day’s work last year because of the effects of stress, depression or anxiety.”
> six members of staff on its payroll who did not do a single day’s work last year because of the effects of stress, depression or anxiety.
I may know of one of them. Often seen rambling zombie like through the village complete with facemask – cos they are vulnerable.
“six members of staff on its payroll who did not do a single day’s work last year” … was one of them Huw Edwards?
New report finds China accounts for astonishing two thirds of global coal power capacity. China is currently constructing 20 times the amount of coal power capacity compared the rest of the world as it accounts for two-thirds of global supply.
A report by Global Energy Monitor found that China contributed roughly 32 gigawatts (GW) to the growth of net coal capacity last year, which stood at 48.4 GW.
“Sydney church attacker ‘is boy, 15, who stabbed bishop during YouTube livestream’: Police address rumours child ‘had fingers cut off in revenge’ before being detained as riot breaks out after city is rocked by second stabbing in 48 hours”
The attacker was seen smirking at horrified onlookers as he was pinned down after wounding the bishop and several worshippers.
‘Police have initially spoken to the young person again, his injuries are quite severe in his hand,’ he said, adding: ‘He’s fairly upset and very distraught.
‘He’s asked to speak to his parents at this stage and we’re making arrangements with his parents to make contact with him.’
AC Holland added: ‘Police are obviously making sure that that young person is safe and, and obviously with the action of the parishioners and obviously the local community, there was concerns for his safety.”
Yes, it’s obvious that the safety of some knife wielding thug bastard is more important than those that would potentially be murder victims.
So ask yourself this. Who is bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel?
“The church leader gained prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic, amassing a large online following. The church leader is known for his popular TikTok channel. Also, as of April 2024, he has 290,000 followers on the church’s Facebook page.”
Indeed he does have a massive following. But what was it this man was saying during the plandemic? He was constantly admonishing the Australian Government for the tyranny they imposed on the local population. He was and is a vocal opponent of the stabs. He is a very troublesome priest for the authorities. I followed him from the very beginning. His reach on Tik-Tok is a particular worry to the criminals in Government there and elsewhere in the West because billions of young subscribers there can listen to what he has to say. And what he has to say is essentially rebellion against the current regime and the satanic agenda.
Ever read the ABC Murders by Agatha Christie? I can tell you the boys in the Aussie intelligence services have. Perhaps the attack in Sydney a few days ago makes even more sense when viewed from this perspective. After all everyone is now saying the motive was religion. It wasn’t. It was political.
I have friends in Law and some who are magistraits, they say that the media reports have made them wonder if they have reported the same case.
They also say if you weren’t there to hear the case and have to rely on hearsay then you can’t understand how a verdict was arrived at.
Remember the media are there to manipulate you.
Were they dire?
Dire Straits. Even I got that one!
Mrs Balls
Misogyny and strength in diversity everywhere, but never the twain shall meet. There’ll be some serious book fiddling going on to get Yvette’s 50% reduction.
Nick Ferrari on LBC : Have you taken yours (refugees) yet Yvette?
Yvette Cooper: No that’s what I said, because the government has said…
At least Sturgeon can take comfort that she is not alone here, with both Sir Bob Geldof and Stan Collymore thought not to have taken refugees despite their own promises. In fact, even the Archbishop of Canterbury is yet to house a refugee family despite pledging to let them stay in a cottage on the grounds of Lambeth palace. However, a Lambeth Palace spokesman says that they ‘hope to have an update soon’ and insist that the offer ‘still stands’.
It’s been six months, Nicola Sturgeon. Where are your refugees? {spectator mar2016 paywall}
Tomo – isn’t she wonderful ? The death penalty will be introduced – but only for men victimising women . The labour government will lead a campaign against the existence of men – quite rightly – castration at birth might be something for a public inquiry.
Pixie is gonna be good value as Home Secretary – with those eyebrows working overtime ….
Yes, it seems “allahu akhbar” is Arabic for “you are a vaccine denier, the vaccines are safe and effective.”
He came in a dinghy and had hoped to be a footballer but now this dream has been squashed?
If the politicians don’t act, the people will.
Found a BBC article on it here:
Spread of gang violence wrecks Sweden’s peaceful image
They do their usual trick of concentrating on what was done, not who did it and why.
And near the end they actually try to infer it’s because Swedish people are racist.
‘Libaan (left), pictured with a youth worker, says he feels excluded from Swedish society’
Libaan, by the way, is a ‘former criminal’ according to the BBC. Most definitely not a criminal now. He’s lovely and good.
An inferrence which is totally contradicted by the real truth they slip in somewhere in the middle:
‘Detectives suspect some of the latest violence has been organised by criminal leaders based in other countries, including Turkey and Serbia.’
So we have a complete lack of any demographic to show who is doing all the violence and a direct inferrence it’s all because Swedes are racists. Simply amazing.
All of this has happened because of the Leftists like the BBC. Their hands are soaked in blood for protecting those who did it. Same as Gaza.
State Department: US still pursuing hostage deal, obstacle is Hamas
While the latest hostage deal appealed to many of Hamas’s demands, their rejection of it shows they do not want a resolution.
US Spokesperson:
“There’s a deal on the table that would achieve much of what Hamas claims it wants to achieve. And they have not taken that deal,” Miller said. “Now, they can speak for themselves about why they haven’t taken that deal. But the bottom line is they have rejected it.”
Nowhere to be seen on the BBC.
There’s the truth of it. THAT is why so many ‘innocent’ Palestinians are dying. Hamas WANT them to be killed so people like Bowen can write their disgusting pro-Muslim, anti-Jew rhetoric. The trick (as usual) by those like him is to focus on the victims, not the cause.
The BBC (and MSM in general) never go near telling us this. They are inferring all the blame is on Israel. This is all so sick, I can scarcely believe it. Why are the BBC protecting the terrorists ?.
The sad fact might be that there are not many hostages left. How many can have survived for six months in the hands of Hamas?
I can’t even begin to imagine the horror of what they have experienced Rob. Especially the women.
What a shame they didn’t get Bowen instead so he could experience first hand what those he protects are really like.
Regarding Mrs Balls above.
I had a car crash just outside the houses of Mr and Mrs Smith and Mr and Mrs Balls.
I was fortunate enough to be pulled out of the wreckage by the Smiths.
Ah .. I just listened to that at the weekend from a recording of a Kenny Everett radio show Zephir.
But its the way I tell ’em
After listening to ‘The Smiths’ for a couple of hours, you’d be cutting your throat though…
Blimey, they were just miserable all the time!
Sydney church stabbing treated as ‘terrorist act’
Oh dear – just when the BBC thought they had dodged a bullet.
Let’s compare the coverage for this one with the stabbings at the mall.
This one is argueably much more significant because it represents a global ideology and affects society everywhere in the world. It’s not just a one-off gay escort with mental problems.
Why am I sure it will be bare facts only and they will try very hard to divert the reader to the other one with links ?.
Just reading through that article in a bit more detail and there is not one single piece of information which tells me what religion or what motivation this terrorist had.
And as they have already classed it as a terrorist attack, they most certainly know.
Once again they are protecting Muslim terrorists. You can be 100% certain that if he was far-right or a Jew stabbing Muslims it would be in the headline.
What’s even worse is that the BBC would argue that it is right not to tell us because it does not help their multicultural agenda. One might think that after 50+ years of it and they still have to do this that they might have realised the ‘multicultural society’ has completely failed. Those who came to join it did it for the money and to get out of the shitholes of THEIR countries. They never did have any desire to ‘integrate’. In the ultimate act of irony, they consider us infidels to be inferior to them.
Hello JohnC
bbc often can’t bury “news”, when the video is all over facebook and in the public domain
Why does the likes of the bbc promote muslims/islam – when its unlikely terrorists attacks are by Christians on muslims
Quite right Andy : I suspect the BBC would much rather people read their ‘sanitised and controlled’ version of a story than the uncensored versions on social media where we can actually find out what real people think about it.
I’ve pointed out several times on here where the BBC have blurred out people so we can’t tell that they are black or Muslim when the same picture is on other news sites without being censored.
Trump trial: Dozens of jurors rejected as they say they cannot be impartial
I am watching in amazement as the BBC continue to report these persecutions against Trump as if they are entirely normal and everything is right and proper.
‘Sixty of 96 potential jurors were quick to say in the New York court that they could not be impartial.’
I guarantee to you that virtually ALL those 60 said that because they are biased AGAINST Trump. And these are the honest ones : the real Lefties will keep quiet because they think the ends justify the means.
Not a chance in hell he can ever get a fair trial after all the publicity against him from the likes of the BBC – even if the Judge wasn’t also biased in the extreme.
It’s a farce right up there with the kind of thing the Nazis did until they got absolute power. The BBC should be questioning whether he could possibly get a fair trial but they aren’t. They have utterly failed any ethics they still pretend they have.
And it’s this one again : the girl who was on anti-depressants at 17:

In conjunction with this one:

What a complete and utter joke the BBC has become.
Hannah Gutierrez-Reed: Rust armourer sentenced to 18 months for Halyna Hutchins’ death
‘Involuntary manslaughter is the killing of a human being without intent of doing so, either expressed or implied.’
I cannot see how there is any way Baldwin can escape being guilty of involuntary manslaughter considering he is the one who fired the gun. And he has blatantly lied about it by saying he didn’t pull the trigger – but it seems nobody in the MSM cares about that because they never mention it.
Could their sympathetic reporting have anything to do with the fact Baldwin is also a left-wing activist and Trump hater by any chance ?. And a nasty piece of work – but then they all are.
Baldwin is also another good example of just how corrupt the American legal system is now. His bully-boy lawyers got the original charges dropped. And the MSM kept quiet because he’s one of them.
It’s all just Karma to me. He’s getting what he deserves.
Offshore Wind Turbines Could Mess With Ships’ Radar Signals
A new study finds that turbines can muddle ships’ navigational systems, obscuring the location of smaller boats or creating misleading images on radar screens.
Israeli war cabinet meets to discuss response to Iranian attack
By someone called Ido Vock, and calls himself a Senior Journalist at the bbc
Looking at his LinkedIn profile, he’s probably mid 20’s
Pathetic, the most he has ever done is around 3yrs at the New Statesman, and only a few months previously everywhere else
I’ve highlighted his rubbish before Andy.
This is the modern BBC : very, very average ‘journalists’ who got a job at the BBC for agenda/quota reasons. The trouble is, once they are employed they have to use them because all the good ones who didn’t match the quotas have gone.
The management solution to the problem is clearly a political commisar team who decide the stories and what the content is to be, then the idiots take that direction and arrange it in the BBC style they have been taught. The end result is very, very average.
Luckily the quality of their output doesn’t matter one bit. People have to pay them by law no matter what they do.
I wonder how the ex British broadcaster will evolve over the next 10-20years, probably what we see now is nothing compared to the future of its output
Presumably by then we will have a muslim pm and all the “values” that will bring to British society
I am a Senior Journalist at the BBC, based in London. Before that, I was a staff writer at the New Statesman, reporting on European politics and society from Berlin. My work has also been published in publications including the Financial Times, the Guardian, VICE and Haaretz.
My reporting has taken me to countries including Germany, Poland, France, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Finland covering war, migration, protest movements, elections and more. As a journalist, I work across a variety of formats, including writing for the web and print, hosting podcasts and presenting video segments.
As a political analyst, I have appeared on major broadcasters and have chaired panel discussions with elected officials, policy professionals and experts. I speak French fluently.
BBC Graphic
Senior Journalist
Oct 2023 – Present 7 months
London, England, United Kingdom
New Statesman
New Statesman
3 years 2 months
Europe Correspondent
Nov 2021 – Jul 2023 1 year 9 months
Berlin, Germany
International Correspondent
Jun 2020 – Nov 2021 1 year 6 months
Berlin, Germany
OC Media Graphic
Editorial Assistant
OC Media
Oct 2019 – Feb 2020 5 months
Tbilisi, Georgia
Financial Times Graphic
Financial Times
Jul 2019 – Oct 2019 4 months
London, United Kingdom
WikiTribune Graphic
May 2018 – Jul 2018 3 months
London, United Kingdom
Linked in is getting a bit like Wikipedia on steroids Andy and John!
I was on their facebook sort of platform, pretty well from the start, and still get offers from all sorts of nutters despite being retired many years, and even stating it in my final post there!
Looking at this bloke’s stuff, it’s clear that he’s filled up every little position he’s held, or article he’s written, to bloat a very mediocre career so far. It’s all leftie based, but with the UCL funded visits and research, he should soon qualify for a foreign ‘job’, probably taking over from some of the old harridans who just hang around in W1AA until their pensions get super-taxed!
As you say, his stuff is probably ignored but I did notice some sort of connection with David Miliband, so what does one expect!
That is so true.
The education system, the civil service, the BBC, the UN, and virtually all the ‘human-rights’ charities are thoroughly infiltrated by Leftists now.
And none of them have actually compete or deliver anything to get their money.
Spot on John!
In the dying months of Gordon Brown’s failed leadership, as well as still ‘trying’ to deal with the catastrophic economic fallout caused by Blair, he created countless ‘charities’ in his own image, to muster as many lefties as possible, to continue the mayhem when he was kicked out!
Sadly, most of them are here still, and people like Miliband ran off to do the same overseas too!
Gravy trainers never need to do any work or even get results, they’re an ongoing parasitical infection of all that achievers in the private sector have to graft for. I’m even considering cancelling future money to go our own favoured charity, although it does a great job. One of the reasons, is that a friend here posted that once an organisation gets its claws onto any free money, it’ll persist and challenge for every penny it can get.
I don’t want my executors having to deal with all that when they have better things to do!
(I cannot remember who mentioned this, but thank you whoever it was)!
Great Film…here is what would happen at W1A if Al Beeb was not funded by the Telly Tax..!
That’ so true as well.
If it’s a Muslim terrorist the BBC tells us to feel empathy and compassion for the victims. Who did what and why is hidden from us.
If the far-right did it then the BBC tells us to feel revulsion and disgust at the person who did it. We get pictures of him stood near a swasticker and a history of the things he posted on social media. What pushed him over the edge to do it is hidden from us.
Unemployment jumps as UK jobs market stalls
Who would of thought it,. after all the christmas temporary jobs, and this happens every year!
More to be shoved onto the free handout disability list – do I get a free car ?
MOre labour comes onto Kent shore every day!
They’ll be telling us there is a turkey shortage next … also happens every year.
Hello Lunchtime… that’ll be Brexit’s fault
BBC’s ‘covert surveillance’ operations and TV detection equipment used to catch suspected licence fee evaders are ‘struggling to keep up’ with technological changes
What a shame, I’m sure we’re all very sorry for them failing in their attempts to extort money from the innocent, but I was under the impression that the technology was like the old detector van – completely bogus and non existant?
“Critics of the current licence fee funding model say the review indicates how ‘outdated’ and ‘unenforceable’ the current system is.”
We all know that !
Just Stop “Just Stop Oil” protests coming soon!
I fail to understand why these ‘protesters’ aren’t followed home and given a thorough kicking. Then blocking any ambulance coming to help them.
Not the worst but looks like Home Office out harvesting low hanging fruit and playing out over compliant media….
Ex Graun Pompous Ass proclaims…
You’re not thinking straight, Stephen, you’re not alone. I greatly sympathise over cynical 7/10, but a prolonged, brutal assault on crowded Gaza in pursuit of two contradictory goals amounts to murder, however Netanyahu choses to dress it up. Existential disaster for Israel?
You know when you scan across a newspaper and have to reread the headline because it looks ‘mad’? Well there is one in the DT today about the need for the UK to have an ‘iron dome ‘…
Immediately I had the image of the RNLI ‘intercepting ‘ dinghies and bringing 3rd world vermin to the benefits office ….
…. Some might argue that an Iran style missile attack on London might improve it a lot …..
Sorry Fed, I was trying to understand this headline, top of the page on DM website. I was wondering what the Markle was going to do with the 50 jars she had received. Thought it wasn’t good for her ozempic waist line.
“Meghan Markle unveils first product from new lifestyle collection American Riviera Orchard with 50 influencers sent her strawberry jam – including fashion designer Tracy Robbins and Argentine socialite Delfina Balquierl”.
As if these skinny bitches eat jam!
I’m surprised the democrats in New York haven’t put president trump into one of those cages they use for drug dealers . And it seems he will have to be in court for at least 2 months ……
… the desperation the democrats are showing to prevent him campaigning and getting elected really is something ….. perhaps they are worried that the vote count won’t be as fixed as last time ….
I think they are worried that they have to be a lot more careful this time Fed as everybody will be watching closely.
What I am a bit stunned about is how obvious all of this is to disrupt his presidential campaign as much as possible is. It’s as blatant as you can get.
Yet everyone in the media – especially the BBC – completely ignores that and carries on as if everything is absolutely normal.
The West is so totally out of balance now, it needs to be pushed over before it can be straightened out. I’m hoping Trump is the one to do it.
I just have this saving grace that the Republicans are going to be just as savvy as the Democrats were, when the last election was fixed!
There are so many items on lots of stations, websites and also YouTube, which explain how it was done, and I’ll bet next week’s beer money on the systems being looked at very carefully, and used for the Future President Trump’s success!
‘Jodrell Bankers’ I know in the US still think that when The Donald was elected, the country became ‘divided’!
Of course, they’re blind and stupid as well as ignorant of the futile efforts of a senile old git in the WH, doddering about at the whim of Bamalam and Willy Clinchton!
I’m so looking forward to the shenanigans come November, and you can bet the week after’s beer that there will be a fabulous result for all normal citizens!
And you can bet the week after, the week after’s beer that the Beeboids will have an emotional meltdown, hopefully when the cameras are on them, so we can see another po-faced re-run of the Brexit result in all its glory!
Scroblene – I’m not so sure … the justice department and the msm are so in bed with the democrats – they are the democrats – that no amount of evidence produced by Trump will beat Obama –
I suppose the only question is whether Biden dies before November …. And who the next puppet is …I’ve still got my 20/1 on Michelle ….
UK has a selected PM – not elected!
Eat out to Help Fraud out with Rishi!
“Shahid Naseeb Ahmed, 42, tried to falsely claim around £138,840 from the Government’s Eat Out To Help Out Scheme (EOTHO) and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS).
His claims were for the Merchants Hotel in Back Piccadilly in Manchester, between April 2020 and August 2021. He was the sole director of the hotel at the time of the claims.
Under the EOTHO scheme he falsely claimed £61,165 and from the CJRS he falsely claimed £51,708. Further false claims were stopped when HMRC became suspicious.”
Seems like new smart meters are to have ‘surge pricing ‘ which I think is a terrible idea – everything gets turned off from 9pm to 10pm and all the house work done at the weekends – ugh …
Reef doom wall to wall today
A long time ago in a middle eastern country far, far away edition
Plus extra fashion news in this sustainability special
Can we NOW outlaw Iran’s terror forces in UK? – demands the excitable Daily Express
No, says the formerly patriotic Times: PM rejects mouting calls to ban Iran group
As I recall, Bertie Wooster didn’t always take the advice proffered by his loyal lackey, Jeeves
Not that the faddish (formerly ‘United with the people of Ukraine’) highly strung Daily Express properly fits the mould of that constant reliably sensible gentleman’s man servant creation of PG Wodehouse – Reginald Jeeves.
Although, leaving aside the diplomacy: Keeping diplomatic links is vital, says Sunak (Times) – in sartorial matters our Adidas Samba tennis shoe wearing, overly tight suited, trousers too short Rishi could cetainly do with the wardrobe advice of a good valet…
Bertie Wooster constantly irks Jeeves by defying his advice. “Not THOSE socks, sir!” “Jeeves, lavender socks are all the rage now!” Jeeves shudders…
Mr AsI is something of a connoisseur of those awkward and media narrative-busting little juxtapositions of closely placed yet clashing headline features.
A little too proximate for comfort beside the Times report: Rishi Sunak has rejected calls to proscribe Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – we’re teased by Times2 magazine’s Sathnam Sanghera: The day I asked Salman Rushdie about the fatwa
There’s one for the teenagers: A long time ago, on Valentine’s Day, 1989, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, declared Rushdie’s novel “The Satanic Verses” blasphemous and issued a fatwa ordering the execution of its author and “all those involved in its publication.” (The New Yorker) – a long time ago…?
For a moment there I was unsure whether that was simply a literary flourish or a call to forgive and forget – I’ll give David Remnick a pass since he titles his column: The Defiance of Salman Rushdie. After a near-fatal stabbing—and decades of threats—the novelist speaks about writing as a death-defying act.
Good to see our MPs gainfully and usefully employed at this moment of multiple crises, economic, diplomatic, cultural and social: MPs to vote on smoking ban for Generation Alpha… some of the world’s toughest anti-tobacco laws… born since 2009, the UK’s first smoke-free generation in a major public health intervention (BBC) – because our government’s last major public health intervention went so spiffingly well and that’s put our NHS in such tip top form – if only there were some expert forum, some form of independent public inquiry that could look into that
How’s that Net Zero workin’ out fo’ yer?
Tesla cuts 14,000 jobs… worldwide EV slowdown (FT) – I’m oddly reminded of those Duracel battery bunny adverts from days of yore as so many toy drummer rabbits would slow down and conk out
Sometimes these segueways write themselves
A fine example of corporate capitalistic investment opportunism here: US private equity firm Blackstone is close to acquiring the site in north-east England that had been earmarked for a battery factory. It plans to build one of Europe’s largest data centres. (FT)
Data centres have become the backbone of our interconnected world, facilitating the seamless flow of data and information. However, their energy-intensive nature has raised concerns about their environmental impact, sustainability and energy supply security. (EU Science Hub)
So much for this bold statement of intent: Blackstone, the world’s largest alternative asset manager, invests in companies with innovative solutions to tackle climate change and energy transition (A welcome debut hereabouts for Sustainability Magazine – let’s quote this source while it’s still around – what a shame it would be if with battery cars rapidly going out of fashion Sustainability Magazine had to fold)
Mr AsI likes to pull the leg of the formerly serious Times of London over its frontpage convergence with – and often remarkable similarity to – the Manchester Guardian.
This morning the populist tabloid Sun The People’s Paper closely mirrors, or perhaps is mirrored by (depending on your perspective) the red top Daily Mirror The Heart of Britain
Both titles go with a pair of big audience pleasing performers – the Mirror actually including a cameo pic of: Hosts Ant and Dec – beside their iteration of the shared promotional glamour shot: Judges Amada Holden & Alesha Dixon BGT – Britain’s Got Talent – if you can believe such a thing
It’s as though Chris De Burgh suffered double vision when he caught sight of his Lady in Red
Alesha went with a scarlet minidress in leather with thigh high boots (bonus lower bottom portion of our girls’ outfits as revealed in The Sun) – while our Amanda preferred her frock in that red latex rubber look (thigh high side split skirt and vertigo-inducing high heels)
Return of TV talent show – suggests the suggestive Sun
That’s your judges, now meet the star witness…
Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model – shows a leg on the cover of the formerly serious Times: …claims she had a ten-month affair with Doanld Trump, can testify at his criminal trial in New York
Let’s close, not with a calm down dear, but to show some respect to the fairer sex with a well said, luv
Lucy Mangan The key to happiness? Low expectations (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – preparing us for our in-coming Starmer government perhaps?)
Apparently if president trump wins the awful rushtie is going to come to Britain .. can’t he go to somewhere like Iran or Pakistan or whether his people come from …?
Having read “The Satanic Verses” several times, years apart – it looks to me like a deliberate provocation of the sort that most would ignore but calibrated to inflame religious nutters, an exercise in triggering outrage.
Useful in showing up zealous Muslims as dangerous I suppose … and people DO need reminding.
That said his purported UK move is pure liberal pantomime TDS.
“The police reported that a janitor had found the body of Mr. Igarashi near an elevator on the seventh floor of the building with slash wounds on his neck, face and hands. They said an autopsy showed that he died between 10 P.M. on Thursday and 2 A.M. today. In addition to translating “The Satanic Verses,” ”,The%20Satanic%20Verses%2C%22%20Mr.
TOKYO, July 13, 1991
“Lucy Mangan The key to happiness? Low expectations” –
Is that one of the emir of londonistan 1 million ‘homes ‘?
Sydney mall attack: Confronting pro-Kremlin troll on false claims Jewish student was killer
Marianna-pants-on-fire is back.
Here she is trolling social media searching oput anyone who suggests anything she can highlight as ‘misinformation’ no matter how obscure or how many people actually believed it.
Here she is using a lot of words to dismiss a couple of claims (specially selected from thousands) about this attack : one conveniently by someone pro-Putin and the other claiming the attacker was a Muslim.
She even ‘debunks’ one claim that he was an incel with:
‘his father said that his son had “wanted a girlfriend” and that had had “no social skills and was frustrated out of his brain”.’
What Marianna ? – he was a 39 year old gay prostitute !!!.
It seems this stupid, stupid woman is sitting at her desk all day reading everything on twitter looking for individual cases she can use to write pointless articles like this. She makes a point of telling us she messages people who write them and they don’t respond.
It’s completely pointless. Trolls will post their spite because they enjoy to do it (don’t you maxi). Cherry picking a couple of topics every few months is like asking 100 people if they think we should keep the license fee and only printing the responses which say yes. It has no context whatsoever.
But most unfortunate is that as Marianna was concentrating on the racists falsely suggesting it was a Muslim, a real Muslim was busy with real terrorist stabbing attack not far away. Which proves the speculation was actually warranted.
Goodness me, this tripe from the liar is on the BBC world news front page !!.
Amazing what the BBC will turn a blind eye to when it suits them.
Sanction UAE?
“Abdullahi Halakhe, senior advocate for East and Southern Africa at Refugees International, told Middle East Eye: “The UAE has worked more than any other country to stifle the emergence of democracy in the region.
“They have funded regimes in Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Libya and are now supporting the RSF in Sudan. Chequebook diplomacy works for them.””
I note he didn’t mention their cheque book activities in Europe.
Saudi Purchase of English Soccer Team Sparks Debate About Premier League
“cheque book activities” investing in UK.
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The west opened it’s legs to accept anything …
“George Osborne, the chancellor, will on Tuesday announce plans for Britain to issue the first Islamic bond outside the Muslim world, as he seeks to turn the City of London into the “unrivalled western centre for Islamic finance”.
Mr Osborne hopes that £200m bond or sukuk will act as a catalyst for the City to become a leading player in the sharia-compliant finance market, which is worth $1tn globally.”
Send more aid to China – it is still a developing country.

There was an interesting “feature” on the Londonistan
programme on the BBC. Asad Ahmad told us that a group
of Muslims who had been invited to 10 Downing Street on
Eid were upset that Rishi was not there to greet them.
Apparently they all had badges or emblems on them to
let him know that they supported Hamas. But Asad told us that
they were discreet about it.
Maybe Sunak had more important things to worry about at
the time . Like the forthcoming attack on Israel by Iran.
BUT may by now he should realize that Islam is all but the official
religion of the UK. The BBC for one except this,
Just for info. Haven’t posted of late, Cataract op has made eyesight a bit squiffy (it’s usually the Scotch responsible !) And a watery eye through specs with one lense is truly not a great look. I’m told once the other eye is done by end of June, it will all be fine. Yeah right.
Brissles darling – good luck – here’s looking at you kid …
I’ve missed you. Welcome back
I’m trying to find a bookie to get odds on the Israeli response to Iran – they won’t want to kill ordinary people – or maybe anyone at all – so I suppose the utilities will be the mail target – as well as where drones are made / stored …but it will have to be good TV for the Israeli public ….
Sergei Shoigu Russian defence minister sent a message across to Tont Blinken in the US warning that if Israel attacks Iran Russia will attack Israel.
Of course we don’t know what form that would take but Israel would struggle to attack Russia in revenge.
After the global hawk was downed by Iran and the US under Trump killed General Sulemanyi Iran responded with a rocket attack close to US bases injuring some US troops, but at that point the US drew a line under it and there were no further exchanges.
This in my opinion is how Israel would be best advised to react. No further retaliation, tell the people the Iranian attack was a failure and de-escalate.
As your title for the blog is “end of the world” I’d rather that didn’t happen just yet.
If Israel – Iran don’t do the job this time – it will happen sometime – and I think – within current years —- ….i just hope the war stays local … but the speed of spread might be too much to control …
Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of the Notre Dame fire. Today this in Copenhagen at the old stock exchange. The news agencies will now be working to unjoin any dots that the plebs might be starting to form in their minds.
Both were covered in scaffolding, but where there workers smoking their Gauloise whilst working?
Parliament next ? Would save a lot of money …
Especially with a full complement of our ‘betters’.
The Muslims who took one of the bestist schools in England to court over the right to pray – lost .
No prayer of any sort is allowed . The Muslims wanted to use their ‘practices ‘ to dominate the ground and staff .. go find your own schools …. I hope the appeal wins too …. But somehow I think the woke judges will weaken …
Conquest is complete – from North to South.
Western Isles’ first mosque built ahead of Ramadan
11 May 2018
Fleeing conflict
There has been a Muslim community in the Western Isles since 1945.
During the 1980s and 90s the community grew to as many as 80 people, before numbers dwindled to about 25 members.
However, in the past few years the community has begun growing again after families fleeing conflict in Syria were resettled in the islands.
The head mistress of the micheala? school has put up a 2 page comment on twitter – the Muslim mother got £15000 k legal aid to push Islam into a non religious school – and hints she will try another attempt as well as send a second Muslim kid to that school in September …
..and we are not allowed to know who they are … in my view – anonymity should go out the window if you get taxpayers’ cash ….
Disgraceful …
Paying for the rope to hang yourself.
How is it that they can get taxpayer cash and no one else can? To have access to this money the mother must be in receipt of substantial benefits and also it’s not normal for a religious Muslim to be a single mother, nor for the husband to not be working.
More than £117m to be spent on protecting mosques and Muslim faith schools, govt announces
It follows a £70m package for Jewish groups and comes in response to concerns the Israel-Hamas war is fuelling division in the UK.
Monday 11 March 2024 01:52, UK,community%20sites%20across%20the%20UK.
3 teachers hide in the basement as Muslim kids demand to pray ina non religious school – ha ha haha!
Rishi – free speech for all **
** terms and conditions apply.
Why has the weather changed again?
climate change
climate change
climate change
Sounds like a build up to reporting on CLIMATE CHANGE
or just because it always has