At least as we perish in a thermo nuclear war we can be comforted with no further need to pay for the TV licence . Why not cancel yours in preparation for the Final Event …?
The End of The World/start the week 15th April 2024
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“MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 2009”
A similar ban seems to have failed in New Zealand, now they’re trying to seed it here, before it’s eventually rolled out worldwide.
Its just a coincidence though, and there’s no shady globalist government.
Eddy, this is the biggest shot in the arm for Eastern European fag smugglers into the UK. it will provide them with a massive bonanza beyond their imagination.
So the UK are to dismantle the heavily regulated tobacco industry and replace it with an underground, out of control and probably highly dangerous criminal supply chain.
Well done commissar Witty!
Support your local independent importer
Nigel Farage has just finished a speech in Brussels. (Suella Braverman on next.) The Brussels mayor has ordered the police to close down this right-of-centre (“far right”) conference.
Being broadcast on GB News of course. Seemingly, this news is not important enough for the BBC.
This is truly amazing!
“1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765”
The mayor is called ‘emir’…
BBC Headlines….
Most Read
Muslim student loses school prayer ban challenge
Confronting pro-Kremlin troll on false claims about Sydney mall attack
Superdry boss hits back at ‘not cool’ criticism
Historic Copenhagen stock exchange goes up in flames
Stabbed TV presenter ‘feeling much better’
MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 2009
Baby hurt in Sydney stabbing out of intensive care
Couple find medieval relic hidden in bathroom
Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifeline
‘Inoperable’ Eva gets spinal surgery after review
“New figures released by the Scottish government detailing the costs of Humza Yousaf’s pointless self-aggrandising adventures in Dubai at COP28 show that he spent a whopping £106,576.09 on a 6 day trip, £47,986.25 of which was spent on “Marketing Campaign” – i.e, self-promotion. It seems the Scottish taxpayer isn’t just footing their civil servants siesta sessions, they get to subsidise the First Minister’s ego trips as well…”
. . . . .
Yousaf: Trans women (MEN) will be protected by misogyny law
“dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.”
Smoking ban.
Instead of banning and/or taxing tobacco, I think they should Tax Health Clubs heavily. People keeping fit will mean they will live longer and hence draw their Pension for longer costing taxpayers a lot of money.
Ban banning!
Recent events cause me to make connections. I’m firmly on the 2 + 2 = 4 side and that is enhanced the older you become. You reach the point where you can virtually see around corners before arriving there.
The general public may not be aware of the draconian proposals of the Home Office, concealed as, ‘seeking views / Consultation’. Recent history shows that ‘seeking views / Consultation’ is quickly transformed into draconian laws, Some utterly stupid. See the bans on, ‘dangerous weapons’. Firearms/shotguns have already been put through the shredder with local Police descending on the innocent owner and their guns – legally licensed and held – being confiscated. You will have an item in your home which will now be illegal so pay attention because if you are susceptible to the pair of coppers at the door, late evening normally and in the dark for effect, lying to you to gain entry then conducting a search which you unwittingly let them in to carry out. So now, crossbows. The weaker of the two archery forms. No supporting organisations/numerically less than archery. I’ve submitted my views but in that process, it alerted me to what’s happening
elsewhere. I’ll wager that irrespective of microscopically small numbers involved criminally over a ten year period, I’m confident the Home Office will now quickly move to either ban crossbows or heavily license same as in firearms. They will then move on to archery.
There is a move to ban the public from holding/owning any item that could be seen as a weapon. But why? Not to protect the Police. No. But a certain demography is moving rapidly to take complete control of this country. Don’t want resistance when they rise up and carry out home invasions.
We learn from GB News that islam has virtually taken control of the Home Office. They are intent on their ‘terraforming’ of the UK in preparation for total control.
………………A smoking ban?………………. As archery next on the list for licensing/banning as above, smoking? Next on list? Booze/pubs. Any wagers? Just ask yourself what islam would want.
I’m afraid the public are sleepwalking into something they are unaware of. Having lived in the Middle East I know what they get up too: stood in front of you and spit directly into your face………or worse, beat you for no reason………snatching and ripping off a Crucifix from the male of the family while shopping in a supermarket. Evil. Pure evil. And that evil is spreading and intensifying day by day. The Police? Doing their bidding. Don’t accept being ‘filth’ cos that’s what they see you as.
Wake up Brits !!
Alcohol has no place in decision-making – but at Labour Party meetings, members are permitted to drink.
In my own Constituency Labour Party, I have witnessed the corrosive effect that alcohol has on party culture, and if our party is to become truly inclusive of women and other minorities, it’s time we ruled out this practice.
The presence of alcohol at meetings can be exclusive to Muslims, pregnant women, drivers, young people under 18, recovering alcoholics, those who cannot afford a pint.
Michaela School: Muslim student loses prayer ban challenge
Batley Grammar School: Blasphemy debate leaves town ‘at crossroads’
Middlesex Crusaders cricket team changes name after complaints from Muslims and Jews
.. . . . . . . . .
They will not change us, we will continue to stand together. They will never change Manchester
Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham
Something went wrong there……………….
Words are easy.
. . . .
Inaugural holder Andy Burnham
Formation 29 May 2015
Deputy Deputy Mayors
Salary £114,000[3]
Website GMCA / The Mayor
“Powers of the mayor initially announced include spatial planning, housing, transport, policing, waste management and skills.[18][19][20][21] In addition to setting the policy direction of the GMCA the mayor serves as an ambassador and public figurehead for the region.”
A first glimpse of the new business venture from the Duchess of Sussex has been teased on social media, with pictures of a jar of strawberry jam.
Prince Harry will be involved in another Netflix venture showing the inside track on the world of polo. That’s the equestrian sport, not the mints.
Iranians on edge as leaders say ‘Tel Aviv is our battleground’
Step into my time machine …. with the BBC ….
Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji
25 April 2018
Iran is promoting a domestically-produced mobile messaging app, complete with a “Death to America” emoji, in an attempt to get millions of Iranians to abandon the popular Telegram service, which it blames for promoting unrest in the country.
Iranians do have humour … One joke doing the rounds on social media says that Soroush’s three-tick message receipt notification (as opposed to Telegram’s two ticks) confirms that an intelligence officer has read the message in addition to the sender and receiver.
“The freedom then of man, and liberty of acting according to his own will, is grounded on his having reason, which is able to instruct him in that law he is to govern himself by, and make him know how far he is left to the freedom of his own will.”
Berry also points out the policy wasn’t in the manifesto.
I keep rehearsing Sunaks ejection from number 10 Mohammed street – I don’t think too May people will get ‘emotional ‘ when he does the walk – bit like when Mary truss did her robot act after being the shortest termed PM in history –
But sadly she still pops up like something that won’t flush …. And nut nut thinking about trying a come back too … ? After seeing Cameron being dug up I suppose these losers think they are still worthy….
I understand that fags are being banned – if people want to suck smoke into their lungs good luck to them – in my view – as long as I don’t have to suffer the smoke …. But tories these days don’t do freedom do they ?
The Paki corner shops will make a killing flogging the illegal stuff to 10 year olds …
We can all dream ….
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Chordary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013] {youtube link}
The PM Theresa May could get top 10 Imams from around the UK, have a nice cup of tea with them and then ask them to stand in front of number 10 and ask a question about the religion of peace and say ‘Who agrees put you hand up, if you do agree then say why …’
1. Hand up if a man who writes a piece of fiction should have a death contract put on his life?
2. Hand up if a man who is homosexual should be killed?
3. Hand up if a man who draws a cartoon should be killed?
Theresa May would follow it with … “Hand up for yes only please, no mumbling about translation and different era. If you put your hand up you get 2 minutes to explain your position. Many thanks.”
Done, dusted and out of the way and in the open …
That you have a government working in your interests, focused on your priorities, putting your needs first.
And I fully expect you to hold my government and I to account on delivering those goals.
Iranian TV – their version of the BBC – News show:
Celebrating like Arabs- Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse
Volkswagen Polo – “Terrorist” Commercial
BBC’s sketch “The Real Housewives of ISIS” goes viral
Re: smoking ban, the Chief Medical Officer declared today that vapes aren’t safe and “we don’t know the extent of the long term effect of vapes.” Just from the last month of pro sport —
Cycling: “Anna Shackley forced to retire aged 22 because of heart condition”
Football: “Udinese v Roma match abandoned after Evan Ndicka collapses”
Football: “Frida Maanum: ‘No obvious cardiac causes’ for Arsenal midfielder’s collapse”
Tennis: “Tennis player Arthur Cazaux collapses mid-match at Miami Open”
Since when did he become concerned about safety and unknown long term effects?
TWatO Watch #1 – strange that you do that, BBC
Michaela School in Wembley, head teacher Katharine Birbalsingh, has won its case brought against it by a Muslim pupil that the school should set aside a prayer room for Muslims to pray. Who do the BBC go to for their first item? An Iman from Southgate, North London, to get his views. Who do the BBC go to next? Polly Toynbee, atheist and President of the Humanist Society for comment.
Both contributors seem ignorant of the requirements of the Butler Act 1944.
Who is paying for the Mickey Mouse Broadcaster ?
taffman, not me. I think the anniversary of my giving up the TV Licence occurs this month. 19 years of me not watching TV unless allowed under the old iPlayer rules that the BBC reneged on back in 2016. At the present levels of Licence Fee, £159, I have saved or not spent over £3,000!
I have also saved a lot of time hunting for something worthwhile to watch on TV. I like films and so watching a boxed set (bought from a charity shop) has a double benefit. I would watch sport but some of that is no longer available on the BBC or is not covered properly with inane commentators burbling away. Henry Longhurst, Peter Alliss, Dan Maskell, Jack Kramer are all gone now.
Up2snuff ,
I’m on 20 years now without , before that I had a Black and White one which was cheaper 😄
The Gestapo visited my property twice but I was never there !
We watch very little terrestrial TV and avoid anything BBC like the Plague !
50p for series 1 and 2 of The Crown … certainly beats a TV licence ….
Time for the post apocalyptic mid week thread …
Fed, I have just bought a DVD for Spiral (Engrenages en France) so I have to make time to watch that. Then there’s a Noggin the Nog DVD that I love to dip into on a cold, wet, day. Ian Postgate did a talk on his Dad and Peter Firmin at the Horsebridge in Whitstable recently and I missed it! Oh, woe is me!
Then there is quality TV that is not made any more: Frasier, Hill Street Blues (s.1-s.4 with Michael Conrad as Watch Seargeant esp. good) and Homicide Life on the Street, ThirtySomething for just a few examples.
CORRECTION: Polly Toynbee is not President of Humanist Society, Dr Adam Rutherford is the President. M/S Toynbee is a Vice President and it is interesting how many Vice Presidents have links to the BBC.
“MPs reject Lords amendments to Rwanda bill”
Too little too late!
The news media is bleating on about the housing shortage in the UK. At the same time we get the invasion by sea by thousands men of fighting age.
We are in need of a strong government to defend our borders and to deport those criminals that have made illegal landings on our shores .
Parliament needs reform – Vote Reform UK!
Lots of Conservatives can see the Tory Titanic going down and the MPs are bailing out like rats leaving a sinking ship .
And no new reservoirs, Taff!
Those beautiful sights up in the mountains near you, still stir the soul, and the Midlands and the North are so lucky that your lands, mountain streams and hills give them so much, while you never get much back…
………..And , despite the heavy rainfall this year, we will see a shortage of drinking water this summer because of the arrival of millions of illegals since we built the last reservoir thirty years ago .
How about “Stopping the boats” Rushi ?
India’s shoot-to-kill policy on the Bangladesh border
Security officials openly admit that unarmed civilians trying to enter India illegally are being killed. Will the government act?
Published in:
The Guardian
I see from my calendar that Passover starts at sunset next Monday the 20th and carries on until Tuesday 28th sunset, will the Ex BBC be celebrating this at all? Will the little khant that is the Caliph of Londonistan allow the celebrations to take place on the streets? Will the Met plod allow them to carry on like the palestinians?
Answers on the back of a stamp.
Jewish candle lighting festival so all can join in!
I always thought Purim was fun.
So Michaela Community School, Headteacher Katharine Birbalsingh has won its case against a pupil’s High Court claim to force the School to provide Islamic prayer. Think that will be it? Think again. You can be sure that there will be an appeal, if that fails there’s the Supreme Court and the ECHR after that. The claimant (family?) are legally aided and there are the School’s costs and all the time and energy wasted on dealing with the matter. Hurrah for the legal system! Hurrah for the legal profession!.
The case should be struck out.
Softly Softly … “Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day”
4 August 2019
“They would see it’s just a piece of cloth covering our heads.
“It would be a big step to letting people know it’s just a headscarf – nothing else,” she said.
What’s good for the goose, etc
what about Lincolnshire muslim girls asked to wear skirt for a day then ?
They would see it’s just a piece of cloth covering our legs, just a skirt, nothing else.
UK will defend everyone else’s borders but not it’s own?
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. 2. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.,the%20media%20shall%20be%20respected.
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

I would not respect a police force who had an officer with a black dildo on his head like the one on the far right.
I used to wonder where the phrase “knob head” came from, all is revealed now.
Google search “Is it safe to go to Iraq today?
Do not travel to Iraq due to terrorism, kidnapping, armed conflict, civil unrest, and Mission Iraq’s limited capacity to provide support to U.S. citizens.22 Oct 2023”
Page 77 “. But the
** deliberate selection of a formulation which grounded the statement in what Mr Blair believed**
, rather than in the judgements which the JIC had actually reached in its assessment of the intelligence,
** indicates a distinction between his beliefs and the JIC’s actual judgements**