“After Russia officially accused the United States and the UK of organizing the Crocus Concert venue attack in Moscow that ended up killing 210 civilians….
Yesterday 17APR24, the ONLY factory in the United States that makes 155 mm shells went up in flames. It is completely and absolutely gutted.
Additionally, a fire has broken out at a military ammunition plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania that has been producing ammunition, including artillery and mortar shells for supply to Ukraine.
Simultaneous with this is that the same thing happened in the UK with a Welsh factory of the biggest defense contractor of the UK for 155 mm shells is now destroyed. This factory is known to supply military equipment to both Ukraine and Israel.”
Whilst at face value this does seem extremely disturbing, the key to this is the conversation that this person had with his priest that made the priest contact social services.
While this man seems calm and lucid at this time, we have no idea really what he said or the way he acted when the previous interraction took place that concerned the priest.
Although we can all be pretty certain that any Imam would not involve outside forces in any way, shape or form and if he did I damn well bet the police and doctors would not visit.
7. The accuser and accused shall always appear face to face before any officer, that both sides may be heard, and no wrong to either party.
9. He who raises an accusation against any man, and cannot prove it, shall suffer the same punishment the other should, if proved. An accusation is when one man complains of another to an officer, all other accusations the law takes no notice of
Its WAR . The MSM has decided israel has attacked iran . Apparently there was a bang at about 4 in the morning and someone said that someone said something .
So its WAR -orla is on the way … im heading to my bunker ready for the nuclear onslaught…
Meanwhile – in a couple of hours it may well be that there was no bang at all and boring old peace has broken out .
…. If you hear BBC radio news – the charging of sn SNP big wig comes well down the order with the least number of words possible – compare with the trivia of partygate …
Note for all decent people and the often silent, overwhelming majority in this country:
“You are quite openly Jewish. This is a pro-Palestinian march. I am not accusing you of anything, but I am worried about the reaction to your presence.”
PS 377 NW there knows a Jew when he sees one … I’m a bit surprised the man wasn’t arrested for ‘his own protection ‘… but at least we know whose side the emirs religious police are on now ….
Maybe religious people should have to wear some sort of identification to make the police’ job easier – what about a yellow Star of David – with a fixed penalty for not wearing one …?
Devout Jewish men wear a kippah as a sign of their devotion. They don’t need to go shouting it all around, and such an issue is respected by Christians.
Compare that with the requirements Muslims have for wear outside, and their demands that everyone obeys their creed.
Muslims are a bit like BMW drivers. As far as they are concerned it is ‘their road’ and ‘their rules’. They have no concept of coexistence. Everybody else is ‘other’.
So it would seem very strange to most people when the driver of an aged Nisan Micra who had narrowly escaped certain death at the hands of a BMW driver was taken off the road by the wet police just because the sight of his car on the road could ‘offend’ that BMW driver.
““You are quite openly Jewish. This is a pro-Palestinian march. I am not accusing you of anything, but I am worried about the reaction to your presence.”
Enough is enough. It is time for a major change.
On Saturday 27th April — the next anti-Israel march — we are asking you, Jewish or not, to stand up for the tolerance and decency of which this country is so rightly proud, simply by going for a walk.
For those who want to walk together on the 27th, we will suggest a time and location where people can meet, which we will post on our social media accounts on the 26th.
If you would like to be notified of the suggested meeting place and time by e-mail instead, please sign up at http://antisemitism.org/walktogether.”
From the sublimely tabloid to the ridiculously hypochondriac edition
Custom dictates that one ends a review of the news with an and finally
This morning we stand that tradition on it’s head and say and finally the message we hear loud and clear from government does the U-turn from the former: “Stay home… Protect the NHS…”
And makes a complete 180 to become: PM tells sick note Britain: Get a grip and a job (The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express there handing the megaphone to Number 10)
Mr AsI has long asserted that mistaken official Lockdown policies served to demoralise the British workforce
In a landmark speech today… The PM will demand a switch to a “can do” attitude… His get-tough approach comes after the total number of people signed-off soared to a record 11 million last year; it was 5.3 million in 2015/16 (Express)
Gosh, I wonder what novel ‘major public health intervention‘ (to quote the grandiose slogan deployed for Rishi’s flagship latest cunning plan for his behind the playground bike sheds cigarette ban) might have happened in the interim? If only there were some form of official public inquiry that could look into that.
Just think of it – there has to be a lot of previously muffled, and as yet untapped expertly qualified virological opinion out there, armed with the latest cold light of day medical statistical data and with fresh scientific insights…
Or perhaps not…
Children to share pandemic experiences in Covid-19 Inquiry… The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is made up of an independent group of legal experts. Baroness Hallett said: …hearing the voices of children and young people will be “invaluable” and will help her decide what recommendations to give. (BBC, 3 days ago) – children, led by lawyers? We recall of course Britain’s 1914-18 Great War strategy characterised by the phrase ‘lions led by donkeys’
Running cover for Number 10 the Express front cover also carries the headline: Nicola Sturgeon’s husband charged over SNP finances
Camper Van Beethoven was an American rock band formed in Redlands, California in 1983… Their strong iconoclasm and emphasis on do-it-yourself values proved influential to the burgeoning indie rock movement (Thank you Wiki) – more from the OG Beethoven later
Sunak must be hoping the camper van scandal in Holyrood will take the spotlight off his peculiar gay “bad people” Tory travails this week and last.
Mark Menzies story reveals increasingly bizarre behaviour of our MPs (‘i’)
Sturgeon’s husband charged in SNP finances investigation (Times)
A woman isn’t defined by her husband – or so I hear from our liberal press – and a husband isn’t defined by his wife…
Murrell charged with embezzlement in SNP finance inquiry (confirms the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)
Sturgeon’s husband charged in SNP inquiry – Guardian, really, we’re surprised at you.
Scotch missed
However, our BBC shun the Sturgeon story in their press review double whammy header: Newspaper headlines: EU olive branch and PM targets ‘sick note culture’ (BBC)
Is that the final movement of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Ode to Joy (EU ‘national anthem’) I seem to hear broadcast by our BBC there?
Goodness gracious me! BBC news online has elevated India Election as a clickable major news theme tab, up there with the likes of Israel-Gaza War and Cost of Living and above Climate – Greta won’t be happy… How’s the Net Zero workin’ out fo’ yer?
Lost property – if anyone has any news of the whereabouts of the BBC’s updates to their Ukraine in maps by the Visual Journalism Team – missing since 21 February – can you please let us know
BBC caught in Court circular firing squad
Martine Croxall: News presenter to begin legal action against BBC… In 2020, Ahmed won the employment tribunal she had brought against the corporation. She had claimed she was underpaid by £700,000 for hosting audience feedback show Newswatch compared with Jeremy Vine’s salary for Points of View. (BBC)
Our meteorologists and weather forecasters used to be little men in tweed jackets with leather elbow patches, pens in their top pockets and the odd bowtie. They spent three minutes a day following the news sticking little sunshine and rain stickers on a map of the British Isles and advising us on the crucial question of whether to take an umbrella. That’s before millennialism (belief in our imminent Last Judgement) and the megalomania set in: British scientists at the heart of moves to control the world’s weather (Telegraph)
Meanwhile the Daily Star has the cheek to picture Matt Tissier in a tinfoil hat
We do so enjoy those juxtapositions of clashing media headlines that serve to confound the mainstream messaging
DfE says 85,000 more free childcare places needed in England (BBC) – ahhh, think of the poor children…
Quarter of seven-year-olds have smartphone in social media surge (Telegraph)
Something tells me Rishi Sunak won’t cure sick note Britain any time soon – just look what makes headlines these days in the popular press – from the sublimely jokey tabloid to the ridiculously hypochondriac coronaphobic: Pollen Blitz on the way (Daily Star); Covid patient was left infected for 613 days (‘i’ newspaper)
Really looking forward to Croxhall v The BBC . but I fear it will be settled before it gets to court – with a promise that she can put her fat bottom in one of the chairs on ‘today ‘ ….
Rishi wasting more air on promises about sick lists – nothing will be done
‘Doctors ‘ injected children with contaminated blood products putting research in front of health – for money – medical mafia at its’ best – don’t forget to clap …
As l understand it a man called Mark Menzies has resigned as a Tory M.P. and will now sit as an independent, whilst an inquiry of some sort swings into action. We are led to believe this is not the first time his “behaviour” and private life may have given rise to concerns. If that is true , who thought he might be a suitable candidate in the first place?
However you can’t help but laugh at the latest news, that the Chairman of the Labour party is asking for the police to investigate this incident. Also Mr Keir Strammer , who I understand is the leader of the labour party and as such, is calling for something to be done.
It occurs to me that whilst sitting as an independent Mr Menzies might find himself sat next to a man called Nick Brown, former chief whip in the Labour party ,whose behaviour has been subject to such concerns that an internal inquiry within Labour went on for many,many months before he resigned as a Labour M.P. to sit as an independent. Will Mr starmer be telling us all about that and,or call the police to look into it . Or will it simply be that Mr Menzies and Mr Brown can sit next to each other ,swapping notes about their treatment.Surely somebody needs to get to the bottom of all this!
Don’t expect the BBC to mention Nick Brown and his situation, as it might well have been designated a non subject or labelled ” don’t go there”.
Just imagine what fun the bbc Verify team could have investigating all this and who knows there might even be a climate change link, now that would be news.
The naughty step in their commons now has around 25 MPs over various defective types sitting on it … a lot like the fag end of the John major regime – but fags are banned now … apparently …
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
“Devolution in the UK has created a national Parliament in Scotland, a Welsh Parliament – or Senedd Cymru – and a national Assembly in Northern Ireland. This process transfers varying levels of power from the UK Parliament to the UK’s nations – but has kept authority over the devolved institutions in the UK Parliament itself.”
“….kept authority over…..”. Yeah right. But it will be the public that finally hammer the last nail in the coffin of same. Note the beginning of the end in Scotland. It will be the public that finally clean out the nest of Communists masquerading as ‘Parliamentarians’ in the so-called Scottish Parliament. Can’t wait for same to happen to sunak & Co / Der Sturmer & Co.
The missing £600k has happened while Sturgeon was party leader and Murrell was party chairman, both ‘married’ and sharing a house. The one year gap between initial arrest and re-arrest must have yielded enough information from interviews etc to charge him. Possibly been thrown under the bus by the rest of the party as the sacrificial goat.
The SLY news report last night just managed to slip in ‘the house they formerly shared’ – that’s never been reported before that they are apart, but given the absolute craven nature of the media in Scotland, not surprising. When the SLY drone stated that, both myself and Dennis stopped and looked at each other, as I imagine most listening in Scotland did.
G, Central Government cannot resist meddling. I recall the merger of two or three London Boroughs into one and the creation of a London ‘authority’. No savings. Increased inefficiency. Increase in taxes.
JOB LOT Hate preacher Anjem Choudary gets JOB and finally stops claiming £73-a-week benefits he dubbed ‘Jihad Seekers Allowance’
Isaac Crowson
Published: 11:10, 13 Oct 2021Updated: 11:31, 13 Oct 2021
Marky – with or without covid – it’s a big rich of green card to talk about ending a habit which blue labour has presided over …
… there’s a bit of me thinking red labour is going to more to the ‘right ‘ than the current fools …
Just another empty promise from an unelected foreigner …
Marky – they may have no choice – if rates / inflation stays higher than expected – for longer ( as I believe ) with an increasing CPI welfare cost – and taxes maxed out too – they’ll have to behave or really really bust the economy ….
I can’t see many people being happy about increased income tax or frozen thresholds or increased VAT …
Smug tories used to say how they had to fix the economy after red labour had been in power – but it’s looking like the contrary …
“they’ll have to behave or really really bust the economy”
From 2019 …
“In 1997, the New Labour government imposed a windfall tax on utilities companies, which were perceived to have made excess profits in the years after privatisation. The proceeds were used to fund welfare-to-work policies.”
It’s happened already, Fed, and our income tax has reduced our private pension, by around 18%, and it’s only two weeks into the new financial year!
When utilities go up again, as they undoubtedly will, we’ll be back to the high charges for electricity. The poll tax has gone up by 3%, so that ensures the pension pots of the twonks in the town halls are secure!
By June, all the extra cash Senora O’Blene were offered by the ‘Twaddle Loch’ for this year, will be swallowed up again.
Scroblene – back in the 1980s I was advised to save into an AVC …. It has taken me a year to turn it into an annuity and take the 25% cash – fearing for what Red or Blue Labour might do to seize it … it seems a lot of people are also doing it as annuity rates have risen …
And I don’t trust financial institutions …
It does look as though red labour is going to make life harder for pensioners . The state pension age is absolutely guaranteed to be pushed up even further – it’s easy money ( tax) and no one will listen to those affected ….which might include me …
But I believe whoever is the next government will screw decent taxpayers …
Now I’m not following this story at all but this article seemed so odd, I had a look. And I was left wondering what the hell is going on with the BBC and this one.
First they found a Tory activist willing to speak to them and then it all starts going bizarre.
‘Speaking through tears at her home in St Anne’s, Lancashire, the lifelong Tory activist Ms Fieldhouse recounted the conversation she says she had with Fylde MP Mr Menzies in December of last year.’
Through tears because he asked to borrow some money ?. WTF ?. And the BBC were quick to have someone round at her house for the interview ?.
So I try to work out what on Earth the point of this article is and I learn:
‘She told the BBC: “He said: ‘I’ve got in with some bad people and they’ve got me locked in a flat and they won’t let me out until I pay them £5,000′.’
“I said ‘I beg your pardon’. He said ‘it’s life or death Katie, I need £5,000 from the account’.”
Ms Fieldhouse said she would not lend Mr Menzies money but claimed another activist did from their personal savings.
‘According to the Times, the sum was reportedly paid later that morning, by which time it had risen to £6,500, from the personal savings of another local activist, who was reimbursed from campaign donations.’
‘Mr Menzies offered to repay the funds but claimed local Tories who controlled the account the money came from said he didn’t need to, a source told the paper.’
At this point I realised the BBC are mixing their interview with an article in The Times. Amazing how the BBC will use other newspapers as a reference – but only when it suits them. And in this case behind a paywall so we can not get any context at all.
So it seems the BBC are not interested in the slightest about these ‘bad people’ or why they had him locked up and calling people at 3:15am. I have no clue who or why. It seems the entire story is that she isn’t happy that they didn’t ask him to pay the £6,500 back.
‘Ms Fieldhouse called for him to quit Parliament at the next election.’
‘”If he falls on his sword… go away and start afresh. That’s what I would like to happen.”‘
So this woman was in tears telling this story and it seems the right course of action is for him ‘to fall on his sword’ ?. And we are supposed to believe a Tory activist is willing to go on the front page of the BBC ??.
She says:
‘”The party has let me down. I have said; my faith in the party is like my faith in God… they’ve let me down.’
“I watch people go for a walk in this quiet area. Do I want them to go out and vote for a man who gets himself locked up and needs money to get him out? No.”
It’s just bizarre. Why on Earth would this woman be so utterly outraged to take action like this ?. Then of course we get Starmer jumping on the bandwagon with:
“There are obviously a lot of unanswered questions in relation to these allegations.
“Not least why it seems the Conservative Party took so long to act and whether they’ve reported this to the police, who it seems to me should be involved in this.”
Reported what to the police ?. That he was locked in a room ?. Isn’t that up to him ?.
I must have missed something very important in this article because from what I read, it’s another desperate smear attempt at the Tories by the BBC as part of their subversive election campaign for Labour.
Here’s one of the authors:
Seems to me the her and her accomplice were tasked by the BBC political commissars to take this story from ‘The Times’ and make it as damaging to the Tory party as possible.
To be far – I don’t think the blue Labour Party can self harm with voters any more than the last 12 years – i m amazed anyone still votes for it …
Vote reform – almost a Conservative Party …
I wonder if people actually look at the Labour Party – I know the Tories are (utter) shit presently, congratulating each other for being brave about Grinder dick pics and cash demands at 3 am but… as ever with the BBC the devil is in the detail of what they’re omitting ….
Many Labour “flagship” policies are self evidently just crazy ignorant and deluded.
Frying pan >> fire territory , much as it pains me to say it 🙁
So as Gamesa executives see it, they made the right bet by coming to China. And they insist that they have no regrets about having trained more than 500 Chinese machinery companies as a cost of playing by Beijing’s rules — even if those rules have sometimes flouted international trade law. It is simply the table stakes of playing in the biggest game going.
“During her Los Angeles property hunt, she played a strategic card—leveraging the Mills Act. This act offers a reduction in property taxes if your home is declared a historic landmark. Swift orchestrated this move by acquiring the historic Samuel Goldwyn Estate and securing its landmark status.”
“Here’s Why Taylor Swift and Other Celebrities Pay Less in Taxes Than You Martin Dasko Sun, Feb 11, 2024”
A lesser-known fact about Swift is that she has made some savvy tax moves to ensure that she pays less on property taxes than the average person.
I’ve been listening to it all morning OMG pop pickers it’s so groovy daddyo….
Profound — classic – timeless – a serious words unlikely to be used in regard to mr swift and his Taylor …
The BBC are NOT the pits. They are Taylor Swifts agent and promoter. Whenever Taylor Swift is about to release an album they have a top story on CBBC Newsround telling the children they must buy it or get their parents to buy it. Whenever Taylor Swift is having a concert they run numerous stories telling everyone where it is, and that they must buy the tickets before they all run out and to remember to buy her merchandise. I am certain the BBC get a cut of her profits.
Yes, there is something weird about the BBC’s obsession with Taylor Swift.
In addition to the fanfare on the national news, BBC Scotland are making a big thing about Swift namechecking 1980s Scottish band The Blue Nile in one of her new songs. This apparently is big news worthy of inclusion on Reporting Scotland and huge rictus smiles from Sally Magnusson.
I don’t get it. Yes, maybe worth a mention on some music or arts programme. But the news?
We are living in a dystopian Anarcho-Tyranny where the only job of the police is to stop you complaining about it and to victimise and intimidate you into silence. You are otherwise on your own against violent and property crime which is too much work for them to investigate. https://t.co/YDV9wXFETp
I know times are hard. Money for lots of people is very tight. If you can’t afford to donate, a share or a show of support in the comments is enough. ❤️
Athletics-China revokes win for He Jie after investigation into half marathon.
HONG KONG (Reuters) – The winner of Beijing’s half marathon He Jie and three African runners have had their results cancelled after an investigation found that the three slowed down near the line allowing the Chinese athlete to finish first, organisers said on Friday.
He had won the race held last Sunday in China’s capital in a time of 1:03:44, a second ahead of Ethiopian Dejene Hailu Bikila, and Kenyans Robert Keter and Willy Mnangat, who tied for second place.
The organising committee said in a statement that the three African runners “actively slowed down in the last 2 kilometres and as a result He Jie won the men’s championship.”
All trophies, medals and bonuses will be withdrawn and the athletes will be reported to the Chinese Athletics Association, it said.
Race operator, the Zhongao Lupao Beijing Sports Management company, will also be disqualified from hosting and operating the Beijing half marathon, the committee added.
Mnangat told the BBC that the trio ran as pacemakers and were not competing.
However, the committee said pacers would not have been allowed to participate as specially invited athletes without organisers’ approval.
The Zhongao Lupao Beijing Sports Management company said its partner Xiamen Xtep Investment, a unit of Hong Kong listed Xtep, failed to note the relevant pacer information, which led to the organising committee not being informed.
He was trying to break the Chinese national record for the half marathon and missed out by under two seconds. The pace makers were paid to help him achieve that. If they had kept going rather than dropping away at the end he might have broken the record. Poor result all around, but the pacemakers got their money.
ps: The BBC is in anti-China mood as the US ramp up their aim to prevent China growing more influential than them in the world. So you will spot lots of anti-China stories on the BBC website. When Donald Trump was President the BBC used to side with the Chinese against Donald Trump. Trump called coronavirus the Wu-Flu and the BBC said Trump was racist in line with what the Democrats and what people like Sadiq Khan were saying.
Some really confusing messages comming out of the media regards the alleged attack on Iran by parties unknown.
I say this because Israel isn’t actually claiming responsibility and Iran is saying any number of things from nothing happened, to something happened but it wasn’t very much.
Western media is full of “Israel strikes Iran” but Israeli media is very different, such as this from the Times of Israel:
“There was no official confirmation of a strike from Israeli authorities; state-run media in Iran reported only that air defenses were activated”
There are other reports that Israeli proxies carried out the attack from neighbouring Syria and it was drones, or that the US did it covertly so there was no linkage directly back to Israel.
Either way Israel gets to save face to the world for those who look no further than a headline, and we will probably never know what really happened other than that the media is once again not telling us the truth.
Thoughtful – wearing my armchair General hat I wondered if Israel used the missile thing as a distraction whilst it did something more harmful but less visible ….
I just hope Israel gets back to dealing with Hamas ….keep going IDF ….
Thoughtful: “Israel gets to save face to the world for those who look no further than a headline, and we will probably never know what really happened …”
I was wondering what sources you go to to help you form your views on what is happening in Israel, between Israel and Gaza, between Israel and Iran & related. You have mentioned George Galloway’s Youtube channel and Scott Ritter as being helpful. I am wondering if there are any other sources you find useful?
Some people say they have a friend in real life (a Muslim, a Palestinian, an Israeli etc) that helps them formulate opinions, others say they have a personal stake in it – they may be Israeli, Gazan, Iranian.
Probably the majority have no personal connection apart from what they see and hear from others e.g. from the mainstream media, from youtubers, from people on alternative platforms.
I went to the Israeli media after being told the story by a third party and sure enough they’re not telling the same as the Western media.
From what I gather Israel only has the Jericho missile with the range to hit Iran, other than an F35 airstrike, but without US airbourne refueling range would again be limited, and Iran did say if they detected aircraft from Israel comming at them, they would let loose a bigger more deadly attack
There have been all kinds of rumours, from bombs to cruise missiles to drones without confirmation of anything, and this is the confusing picture.
It’s a win win in many regards though and hopefully the hawks in the Israeli coalition are satisfied, the public yet again are succesfully deceived, and Iran – well we don’t really know what happened in Iran because they don’t seem to know either!
The point I am trying to make here though is that it is a really confused picture of what happened, which the media are serving up to the sheeple as a black and white event.
“En route to the state championships in 2017, two of his opponents forfeited.[3] He ended the 2017 season with a 57–0 record, winning the 110 lb weight class in the girls’ division.[4]
In 2018, he was the best in the girls’ division with a 32-0 record.[5][6]”
Boy changes sex (by name) then demands to change law to fight men! HA HA HAH A!
Last year, Beggs told ESPN: “[Texas policymakers] should change the laws and then watch me wrestle the boys. Because I’m a guy. It just makes more sense.”
There’s a point most people are missing though, and it’s an important one.
If women are equal to men then why does womens sport even exist?
This situation is partly the fault of women (who now complain) that women are the equal of men.
Until the SJWs and feminazis stop trying to claim equality then this situation is going to carry on.
Personally I think it’s funny because everyone can see there’s an issue but the left are unable to say anything about it!
Take whatever you want and let’s see some records broken, I am looking forward to the judo with some cocaine and amphetamines involved.
Likely a knee in the throat whilst one is bowing to the other and some knuckle dusters and maybe baseball bats produced halfway through.
The olympics bore me rigid, but I might bother to watch some wrestling when they have had some skunk weed and start discussing their favourite music and the best pizza toppings before hugging each other.
I would also be keenly tuning in to the archery and olympic shooting participants on MDMA and other stimulants, where participants have just had an argument or a disagreement or going through a difficult divorce with expensive lawyers.
The swimming events with ketamine might need some lifebuoys thrown in, but it makes for great tv, and it’s the taking part that matters.
Funny but the Tank in that image the Abrams M1 was designed in the early 1970s and it should perhaps come as no surprise it’s getting blown to pieces on the battlefield in Ukraine.
It’s still the US Main Battle Tank and although there are plans to replace it, it’s going to be years in the future.
It’s a ridiculous design using a jet engine which needs a huge power supply to get it started, so can’t be turned off. Burns ludicrous amounts of fuel and runs so hot even the most basic thermal heat seaker couldn’t miss.
It also requires equally ludicrous amount of maintanance and that has to be done off the battlefield. Then the Russians found that the aged T72 could destroy it with a single shot and even RPGs could knock one out!
Indeed, the M1 Abrams is clearly a piece of shit, unlike the 2000+ Russian MBTs which have been destroyed by the Ukrainians. Who wouldn’t want to be in a Russian tank when the turret blows off?
The M1 Abrams clearly is, the British Challenger however was a different story, and if it hadn’t been for the appalling political incompetence we would still be producing them today, but the loons were convinved by the Leopard it was better, then Turkey proved they weren’t that good after all.
“In a new interview with Forbes, Corey Taylor expressed his distaste with the current political environment. Corey said:
“The problem is that people on both sides are absolutely exhausted by the energy of the other. It’s not just the right, the left is just as fucking crazy and dumbass. It is absolutely fucking exhausting listening to these people try and control shit. If they’re not trying to control the way you act or think, they’re trying to control the way you fucking talk, they’re trying to control the things that you should be offended by. Look, there’s a very clear list of things that you should be offended by: anything racist or anything that has to do with trying to kill people. Everything else is open to interpretation and it all depends on where you grew up, who you grew up with, and what you think in your own fucking head. And it’s a war for the language right now. A war for the language that we use and that we’re allowed to use.I get it on both sides. I usually try to stay in the middle and say the things that need to be said, that aren’t weighed down with the jargon. But, because I’m perceived on both sides as being on either side, it’s a “shut up and sing” situation. The liberals think that I’m this knuckle-dragging mook who just wants to drink Mountain Dew and smoke Marlboro Reds and stare into the sky. The far right thinks I’m this liberal snowflake who wants everybody to get their paychecks so we can all drink jasmine coffee and pick each other’s asses. I’m neither, man! I think you’re all full of shit! But at the same time, it’s a great vantage point, I love it. I watch everybody talk shit, and I go, “None of you know me, I’m not gonna take any offense to any of this.”
If you ever wondered how GB News was de-funded by the politicals elite by obscure links to BBC Verify type ‘in house’ fact checkers (not really about checking facts) but attacking anyone on the ‘right’ of Jeremy Corbyn. They want to maintain the status quo of information. Much of it false or misleading. BBC is part of that cabal.
I followed this link provided by a reader on DT which i was not aware of. There exists a SOROS sponsored : “Global Disinformation Index,” funded by our own UK Government to “quelle free thought/information/speech of a vaguely right wing nature”.
I thought it was just Remainers funded by the EU dream. But there is a global lobby group (links to SOROS/WEF and inside our own government to sponsor attacks on itself. in this case ‘conservative thinking’. And it spans across Europe.
(excerpt) “The Global Disinformation Index was founded in the UK in 2018, with the stated objective of disrupting the business model of online disinformation by starving offending publications of funding. Alongside George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, the GDI receives money from the UK government (via the FCDO), the European Union, the German Foreign Office and a body called Disinfo Cloud, which was created and funded by the US State Department.”
So not just Biden,prior to Biden going back to the Clintons term in office. The WEF (often denned by our own government) are funded by our own government. What is truth, you may ask.
I was there at Knebworth and the energy, showed me, I may not share the love of the music, but the energy showed me, the purple haired pierced idiots on the streets every week are not in the majority in any way.
Also, most miss the irony, of the anger expressed in a creative but disturbing way, shared by many thousands.
Corey Taylor being the vocalist regarding the above post.
BTW not a great place to take a girl on a second date….she seemed rather stunned on the way home, kept muttering about, “what the hell was that”
never having even heard any classic rock music either.
Motorhead were the support act which didn’t help much.
Tinnitus for two days after I believe also, and suspected PTSD, I left her to enjoy her Michael Bolton CDs.
Just hope she doesn’t suffer from flashbacks after a couple of glasses of prosecco.
Also getting stuck in a Slayer moshpit when they arrived on stage didn’t go down well.
Never mind, she could go to Glastonbury and pay hundreds to watch Rolf Harris and Dolly Parton with the rest of the liberal middle classses and think they are so cool..
Plenty of Iranian flags to be waved at the marches on Saturday -with a lovely mix of Hamas / Palestine in Parliament Square …
The emirs’ religious police will be arrested Jews on sight … for public safety of course….
The londonistan religious police has issued an apology over the conduct of PS 277NW –
“The video posted by the Campaign Against Antisemitism will further dent the confidence of many Jewish Londoners which is the
opposite of what any of us want. The use of the term “openly Jewish” by one of our officers is hugely regrettable. It’s absolutely not the basis on which we make decisions, it was a poor choice of words and while not intended, we
know it will have caused offence to many. We apologise. The issues at the heart of these protests are complex, contentious and polarising. When the challenges of public order policing are layered on top it becomes a very difficult environment for frontline
officers to work in. In recent weeks we’ve seen a new trend emerge, with those opposed to the main protests appearing along the route to express their views. The fact that those who do this often film themselves while doing so suggests they must know that their presence is provocative, that they’re inviting a response and that they’re
increasing the likelihood of an altercation. They are also making it much more likely officers will intervene. They don’t do so to stifle free speech or to limit the right to protest, but to keep opposing groups apart, to prevent disorder and keep the public – including all those taking part in or opposing the protest –
safe. That is, after all, our primary role. It is up to us to review these interventions and to determine whether we are getting the balance right, adapting our approach as we do so and making sure officers are supported to make the right decisions, using all the powers available to them. We will continue to do so
following this most recent protest and ahead of future events.”
The assistant commissioner goes onto suggest Jews might likd to wear a Star of David for public safety purposes ( this might be made up ber we are not far off it )
The newspapers are now blurring the face of the religious police sergeant …. And so far has not been named ….
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
Tinfoil hat time:
“After Russia officially accused the United States and the UK of organizing the Crocus Concert venue attack in Moscow that ended up killing 210 civilians….
Yesterday 17APR24, the ONLY factory in the United States that makes 155 mm shells went up in flames. It is completely and absolutely gutted.
Additionally, a fire has broken out at a military ammunition plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania that has been producing ammunition, including artillery and mortar shells for supply to Ukraine.
Simultaneous with this is that the same thing happened in the UK with a Welsh factory of the biggest defense contractor of the UK for 155 mm shells is now destroyed. This factory is known to supply military equipment to both Ukraine and Israel.”
Big Brother is watching you.
Police and nurse visit a man after saying Christians should take a stand.
Whilst at face value this does seem extremely disturbing, the key to this is the conversation that this person had with his priest that made the priest contact social services.
While this man seems calm and lucid at this time, we have no idea really what he said or the way he acted when the previous interraction took place that concerned the priest.
Although we can all be pretty certain that any Imam would not involve outside forces in any way, shape or form and if he did I damn well bet the police and doctors would not visit.
Would you go to this priest for confession? No chance I would.
7. The accuser and accused shall always appear face to face before any officer, that both sides may be heard, and no wrong to either party.
9. He who raises an accusation against any man, and cannot prove it, shall suffer the same punishment the other should, if proved. An accusation is when one man complains of another to an officer, all other accusations the law takes no notice of
Gerrard Winstanley The Law of Freedom 1652
Its WAR . The MSM has decided israel has attacked iran . Apparently there was a bang at about 4 in the morning and someone said that someone said something .
So its WAR -orla is on the way … im heading to my bunker ready for the nuclear onslaught…
Meanwhile – in a couple of hours it may well be that there was no bang at all and boring old peace has broken out .
…. If you hear BBC radio news – the charging of sn SNP big wig comes well down the order with the least number of words possible – compare with the trivia of partygate …
Note for all decent people and the often silent, overwhelming majority in this country:
PS 377 NW there knows a Jew when he sees one … I’m a bit surprised the man wasn’t arrested for ‘his own protection ‘… but at least we know whose side the emirs religious police are on now ….
Maybe religious people should have to wear some sort of identification to make the police’ job easier – what about a yellow Star of David – with a fixed penalty for not wearing one …?
Devout Jewish men wear a kippah as a sign of their devotion. They don’t need to go shouting it all around, and such an issue is respected by Christians.
Compare that with the requirements Muslims have for wear outside, and their demands that everyone obeys their creed.
Jewish men don’t carry knives too.
Muslims are a bit like BMW drivers. As far as they are concerned it is ‘their road’ and ‘their rules’. They have no concept of coexistence. Everybody else is ‘other’.
So it would seem very strange to most people when the driver of an aged Nisan Micra who had narrowly escaped certain death at the hands of a BMW driver was taken off the road by the wet police just because the sight of his car on the road could ‘offend’ that BMW driver.
‘You are quite openly Jewish “ I’m arresting you for walking on the cracks in the pavement ….
I’m gonna sell Iranian flag for the Saturday March – will make a killing …
Funny Police Sketches
Constable Savage: Racist Police (Not The Nine O’Clock News)
““You are quite openly Jewish. This is a pro-Palestinian march. I am not accusing you of anything, but I am worried about the reaction to your presence.”
Enough is enough. It is time for a major change.
On Saturday 27th April — the next anti-Israel march — we are asking you, Jewish or not, to stand up for the tolerance and decency of which this country is so rightly proud, simply by going for a walk.
For those who want to walk together on the 27th, we will suggest a time and location where people can meet, which we will post on our social media accounts on the 26th.
If you would like to be notified of the suggested meeting place and time by e-mail instead, please sign up at http://antisemitism.org/walktogether.”
Walk Together on 27th April 2024
On Saturday 27th April — the next anti-Israel march — we are asking you, Jewish or not, to stand up for tolerance and decency
From the sublimely tabloid to the ridiculously hypochondriac edition
Custom dictates that one ends a review of the news with an and finally
This morning we stand that tradition on it’s head and say and finally the message we hear loud and clear from government does the U-turn from the former: “Stay home… Protect the NHS…”
And makes a complete 180 to become: PM tells sick note Britain: Get a grip and a job (The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express there handing the megaphone to Number 10)
Mr AsI has long asserted that mistaken official Lockdown policies served to demoralise the British workforce
In a landmark speech today… The PM will demand a switch to a “can do” attitude… His get-tough approach comes after the total number of people signed-off soared to a record 11 million last year; it was 5.3 million in 2015/16 (Express)
Gosh, I wonder what novel ‘major public health intervention‘ (to quote the grandiose slogan deployed for Rishi’s flagship latest cunning plan for his behind the playground bike sheds cigarette ban) might have happened in the interim? If only there were some form of official public inquiry that could look into that.
Just think of it – there has to be a lot of previously muffled, and as yet untapped expertly qualified virological opinion out there, armed with the latest cold light of day medical statistical data and with fresh scientific insights…
Or perhaps not…
Children to share pandemic experiences in Covid-19 Inquiry… The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is made up of an independent group of legal experts. Baroness Hallett said: …hearing the voices of children and young people will be “invaluable” and will help her decide what recommendations to give. (BBC, 3 days ago) – children, led by lawyers? We recall of course Britain’s 1914-18 Great War strategy characterised by the phrase ‘lions led by donkeys’
Running cover for Number 10 the Express front cover also carries the headline: Nicola Sturgeon’s husband charged over SNP finances
Camper Van Beethoven was an American rock band formed in Redlands, California in 1983… Their strong iconoclasm and emphasis on do-it-yourself values proved influential to the burgeoning indie rock movement (Thank you Wiki) – more from the OG Beethoven later
Sunak must be hoping the camper van scandal in Holyrood will take the spotlight off his peculiar gay “bad people” Tory travails this week and last.
Mark Menzies story reveals increasingly bizarre behaviour of our MPs (‘i’)
Sturgeon’s husband charged in SNP finances investigation (Times)
A woman isn’t defined by her husband – or so I hear from our liberal press – and a husband isn’t defined by his wife…
Murrell charged with embezzlement in SNP finance inquiry (confirms the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)
Sturgeon’s husband charged in SNP inquiry – Guardian, really, we’re surprised at you.
Scotch missed
However, our BBC shun the Sturgeon story in their press review double whammy header: Newspaper headlines: EU olive branch and PM targets ‘sick note culture’ (BBC)
Is that the final movement of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Ode to Joy (EU ‘national anthem’) I seem to hear broadcast by our BBC there?
Goodness gracious me! BBC news online has elevated India Election as a clickable major news theme tab, up there with the likes of Israel-Gaza War and Cost of Living and above Climate – Greta won’t be happy… How’s the Net Zero workin’ out fo’ yer?
Lost property – if anyone has any news of the whereabouts of the BBC’s updates to their Ukraine in maps by the Visual Journalism Team – missing since 21 February – can you please let us know
BBC caught in Court circular firing squad
Martine Croxall: News presenter to begin legal action against BBC… In 2020, Ahmed won the employment tribunal she had brought against the corporation. She had claimed she was underpaid by £700,000 for hosting audience feedback show Newswatch compared with Jeremy Vine’s salary for Points of View. (BBC)
Our meteorologists and weather forecasters used to be little men in tweed jackets with leather elbow patches, pens in their top pockets and the odd bowtie. They spent three minutes a day following the news sticking little sunshine and rain stickers on a map of the British Isles and advising us on the crucial question of whether to take an umbrella. That’s before millennialism (belief in our imminent Last Judgement) and the megalomania set in: British scientists at the heart of moves to control the world’s weather (Telegraph)
Meanwhile the Daily Star has the cheek to picture Matt Tissier in a tinfoil hat
We do so enjoy those juxtapositions of clashing media headlines that serve to confound the mainstream messaging
DfE says 85,000 more free childcare places needed in England (BBC) – ahhh, think of the poor children…
Quarter of seven-year-olds have smartphone in social media surge (Telegraph)
Something tells me Rishi Sunak won’t cure sick note Britain any time soon – just look what makes headlines these days in the popular press – from the sublimely jokey tabloid to the ridiculously hypochondriac coronaphobic: Pollen Blitz on the way (Daily Star); Covid patient was left infected for 613 days (‘i’ newspaper)
Really looking forward to Croxhall v The BBC . but I fear it will be settled before it gets to court – with a promise that she can put her fat bottom in one of the chairs on ‘today ‘ ….
Rishi wasting more air on promises about sick lists – nothing will be done
‘Doctors ‘ injected children with contaminated blood products putting research in front of health – for money – medical mafia at its’ best – don’t forget to clap …
As l understand it a man called Mark Menzies has resigned as a Tory M.P. and will now sit as an independent, whilst an inquiry of some sort swings into action. We are led to believe this is not the first time his “behaviour” and private life may have given rise to concerns. If that is true , who thought he might be a suitable candidate in the first place?
However you can’t help but laugh at the latest news, that the Chairman of the Labour party is asking for the police to investigate this incident. Also Mr Keir Strammer , who I understand is the leader of the labour party and as such, is calling for something to be done.
It occurs to me that whilst sitting as an independent Mr Menzies might find himself sat next to a man called Nick Brown, former chief whip in the Labour party ,whose behaviour has been subject to such concerns that an internal inquiry within Labour went on for many,many months before he resigned as a Labour M.P. to sit as an independent. Will Mr starmer be telling us all about that and,or call the police to look into it . Or will it simply be that Mr Menzies and Mr Brown can sit next to each other ,swapping notes about their treatment.Surely somebody needs to get to the bottom of all this!
Don’t expect the BBC to mention Nick Brown and his situation, as it might well have been designated a non subject or labelled ” don’t go there”.
Just imagine what fun the bbc Verify team could have investigating all this and who knows there might even be a climate change link, now that would be news.
The naughty step in their commons now has around 25 MPs over various defective types sitting on it … a lot like the fag end of the John major regime – but fags are banned now … apparently …
Martin Kulldorff – an interview… well away from the mainstream
Mustn’t allow informed debate to rear its head, no way…..
Not enough Covid medals have been handed out to officials?
toecurling, gutless kerrappp…..
ONS are the authoritative, robust statistical authority? pffffff…..
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
So what was the theory then?
“Devolution in the UK has created a national Parliament in Scotland, a Welsh Parliament – or Senedd Cymru – and a national Assembly in Northern Ireland. This process transfers varying levels of power from the UK Parliament to the UK’s nations – but has kept authority over the devolved institutions in the UK Parliament itself.”
“….kept authority over…..”
“….kept authority over…..”. Yeah right. But it will be the public that finally hammer the last nail in the coffin of same. Note the beginning of the end in Scotland. It will be the public that finally clean out the nest of Communists masquerading as ‘Parliamentarians’ in the so-called Scottish Parliament. Can’t wait for same to happen to sunak & Co / Der Sturmer & Co.
The missing £600k has happened while Sturgeon was party leader and Murrell was party chairman, both ‘married’ and sharing a house. The one year gap between initial arrest and re-arrest must have yielded enough information from interviews etc to charge him. Possibly been thrown under the bus by the rest of the party as the sacrificial goat.
The SLY news report last night just managed to slip in ‘the house they formerly shared’ – that’s never been reported before that they are apart, but given the absolute craven nature of the media in Scotland, not surprising. When the SLY drone stated that, both myself and Dennis stopped and looked at each other, as I imagine most listening in Scotland did.
G, Central Government cannot resist meddling. I recall the merger of two or three London Boroughs into one and the creation of a London ‘authority’. No savings. Increased inefficiency. Increase in taxes.
A complete disaster.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has set out plans to end what he called Britain’s “sick note culture” if he wins the next general election.
He said “work is good for people” and he was worried benefits had become a “lifestyle choice”.
The plans include fit for work notes away from GPs to “specialist work and health professionals” in England.
Labour says the government has “run out of ideas” and has failed to deliver a healthy nation or economy.
. . . . . .
JOB LOT Hate preacher Anjem Choudary gets JOB and finally stops claiming £73-a-week benefits he dubbed ‘Jihad Seekers Allowance’
Isaac Crowson
Published: 11:10, 13 Oct 2021Updated: 11:31, 13 Oct 2021
Marky – with or without covid – it’s a big rich of green card to talk about ending a habit which blue labour has presided over …
… there’s a bit of me thinking red labour is going to more to the ‘right ‘ than the current fools …
Just another empty promise from an unelected foreigner …
“bit of me thinking red labour is going to more to the ‘right ‘” – once they have your vote, you no longer matter.
Marky – they may have no choice – if rates / inflation stays higher than expected – for longer ( as I believe ) with an increasing CPI welfare cost – and taxes maxed out too – they’ll have to behave or really really bust the economy ….
I can’t see many people being happy about increased income tax or frozen thresholds or increased VAT …
Smug tories used to say how they had to fix the economy after red labour had been in power – but it’s looking like the contrary …
“they’ll have to behave or really really bust the economy”
From 2019 …
“In 1997, the New Labour government imposed a windfall tax on utilities companies, which were perceived to have made excess profits in the years after privatisation. The proceeds were used to fund welfare-to-work policies.”
It’s happened already, Fed, and our income tax has reduced our private pension, by around 18%, and it’s only two weeks into the new financial year!
When utilities go up again, as they undoubtedly will, we’ll be back to the high charges for electricity. The poll tax has gone up by 3%, so that ensures the pension pots of the twonks in the town halls are secure!
By June, all the extra cash Senora O’Blene were offered by the ‘Twaddle Loch’ for this year, will be swallowed up again.
I wish I had a green card…
Scroblene – back in the 1980s I was advised to save into an AVC …. It has taken me a year to turn it into an annuity and take the 25% cash – fearing for what Red or Blue Labour might do to seize it … it seems a lot of people are also doing it as annuity rates have risen …
And I don’t trust financial institutions …
It does look as though red labour is going to make life harder for pensioners . The state pension age is absolutely guaranteed to be pushed up even further – it’s easy money ( tax) and no one will listen to those affected ….which might include me …
But I believe whoever is the next government will screw decent taxpayers …
Tory response to MP Mark Menzies allegations appalling, says activist
Now I’m not following this story at all but this article seemed so odd, I had a look. And I was left wondering what the hell is going on with the BBC and this one.
First they found a Tory activist willing to speak to them and then it all starts going bizarre.
‘Speaking through tears at her home in St Anne’s, Lancashire, the lifelong Tory activist Ms Fieldhouse recounted the conversation she says she had with Fylde MP Mr Menzies in December of last year.’
Through tears because he asked to borrow some money ?. WTF ?. And the BBC were quick to have someone round at her house for the interview ?.
So I try to work out what on Earth the point of this article is and I learn:
‘She told the BBC: “He said: ‘I’ve got in with some bad people and they’ve got me locked in a flat and they won’t let me out until I pay them £5,000′.’
“I said ‘I beg your pardon’. He said ‘it’s life or death Katie, I need £5,000 from the account’.”
Ms Fieldhouse said she would not lend Mr Menzies money but claimed another activist did from their personal savings.
‘According to the Times, the sum was reportedly paid later that morning, by which time it had risen to £6,500, from the personal savings of another local activist, who was reimbursed from campaign donations.’
‘Mr Menzies offered to repay the funds but claimed local Tories who controlled the account the money came from said he didn’t need to, a source told the paper.’
At this point I realised the BBC are mixing their interview with an article in The Times. Amazing how the BBC will use other newspapers as a reference – but only when it suits them. And in this case behind a paywall so we can not get any context at all.
So it seems the BBC are not interested in the slightest about these ‘bad people’ or why they had him locked up and calling people at 3:15am. I have no clue who or why. It seems the entire story is that she isn’t happy that they didn’t ask him to pay the £6,500 back.
‘Ms Fieldhouse called for him to quit Parliament at the next election.’
‘”If he falls on his sword… go away and start afresh. That’s what I would like to happen.”‘
So this woman was in tears telling this story and it seems the right course of action is for him ‘to fall on his sword’ ?. And we are supposed to believe a Tory activist is willing to go on the front page of the BBC ??.
She says:
‘”The party has let me down. I have said; my faith in the party is like my faith in God… they’ve let me down.’
“I watch people go for a walk in this quiet area. Do I want them to go out and vote for a man who gets himself locked up and needs money to get him out? No.”
It’s just bizarre. Why on Earth would this woman be so utterly outraged to take action like this ?. Then of course we get Starmer jumping on the bandwagon with:
“There are obviously a lot of unanswered questions in relation to these allegations.
“Not least why it seems the Conservative Party took so long to act and whether they’ve reported this to the police, who it seems to me should be involved in this.”
Reported what to the police ?. That he was locked in a room ?. Isn’t that up to him ?.
I must have missed something very important in this article because from what I read, it’s another desperate smear attempt at the Tories by the BBC as part of their subversive election campaign for Labour.
Here’s one of the authors:

Seems to me the her and her accomplice were tasked by the BBC political commissars to take this story from ‘The Times’ and make it as damaging to the Tory party as possible.
To be far – I don’t think the blue Labour Party can self harm with voters any more than the last 12 years – i m amazed anyone still votes for it …
Vote reform – almost a Conservative Party …
I wonder if people actually look at the Labour Party – I know the Tories are (utter) shit presently, congratulating each other for being brave about Grinder dick pics and cash demands at 3 am but… as ever with the BBC the devil is in the detail of what they’re omitting ….
Many Labour “flagship” policies are self evidently just crazy ignorant and deluded.
Frying pan >> fire territory , much as it pains me to say it 🙁
Exhibit A
So as Gamesa executives see it, they made the right bet by coming to China. And they insist that they have no regrets about having trained more than 500 Chinese machinery companies as a cost of playing by Beijing’s rules — even if those rules have sometimes flouted international trade law. It is simply the table stakes of playing in the biggest game going.
“If we would not have done it, someone else would have done it,” said Jorge Calvet, Gamesa’s chairman and chief executive.
Moist underwear in the Verify cubicles?
The Day Today – WAR!
I won the bet – always worth the watch ..launch more missiles – on TV this time …
“That’s it yes its war!”
BBC news at One on TV
Taylor Swift (mean neither) has a new album out.
They really are the pits.
“During her Los Angeles property hunt, she played a strategic card—leveraging the Mills Act. This act offers a reduction in property taxes if your home is declared a historic landmark. Swift orchestrated this move by acquiring the historic Samuel Goldwyn Estate and securing its landmark status.”
“Here’s Why Taylor Swift and Other Celebrities Pay Less in Taxes Than You Martin Dasko Sun, Feb 11, 2024”
A lesser-known fact about Swift is that she has made some savvy tax moves to ensure that she pays less on property taxes than the average person.
“Call it a gold rush: Taylor Swift is adding billions to the U.S. economy.”
I’ve been listening to it all morning OMG pop pickers it’s so groovy daddyo….
Profound — classic – timeless – a serious words unlikely to be used in regard to mr swift and his Taylor …
The BBC are NOT the pits. They are Taylor Swifts agent and promoter. Whenever Taylor Swift is about to release an album they have a top story on CBBC Newsround telling the children they must buy it or get their parents to buy it. Whenever Taylor Swift is having a concert they run numerous stories telling everyone where it is, and that they must buy the tickets before they all run out and to remember to buy her merchandise. I am certain the BBC get a cut of her profits.
Yes, there is something weird about the BBC’s obsession with Taylor Swift.
In addition to the fanfare on the national news, BBC Scotland are making a big thing about Swift namechecking 1980s Scottish band The Blue Nile in one of her new songs. This apparently is big news worthy of inclusion on Reporting Scotland and huge rictus smiles from Sally Magnusson.
I don’t get it. Yes, maybe worth a mention on some music or arts programme. But the news?
Croydon is another area of London that has changed culturally as part of the mass immigration and diversity programmes of the uni-government.
He ll get the 4am door implosion , cs , dogs , cuffs if he’s not more careful – and they’ll take his kids into a council brothel ( care home )…
Jeremy Vine seems to be very litigious, has made money from it, and the legal system has put his critics behind bars.
It’s almost as if he’s part if the protected class. And him a highly paid North London media ponce. Who’d have thought it?
You can trust the Chinese !!!
There is a video attached.
Athletics-China revokes win for He Jie after investigation into half marathon.
HONG KONG (Reuters) – The winner of Beijing’s half marathon He Jie and three African runners have had their results cancelled after an investigation found that the three slowed down near the line allowing the Chinese athlete to finish first, organisers said on Friday.
He had won the race held last Sunday in China’s capital in a time of 1:03:44, a second ahead of Ethiopian Dejene Hailu Bikila, and Kenyans Robert Keter and Willy Mnangat, who tied for second place.
The organising committee said in a statement that the three African runners “actively slowed down in the last 2 kilometres and as a result He Jie won the men’s championship.”
All trophies, medals and bonuses will be withdrawn and the athletes will be reported to the Chinese Athletics Association, it said.
Race operator, the Zhongao Lupao Beijing Sports Management company, will also be disqualified from hosting and operating the Beijing half marathon, the committee added.
Mnangat told the BBC that the trio ran as pacemakers and were not competing.
However, the committee said pacers would not have been allowed to participate as specially invited athletes without organisers’ approval.
The Zhongao Lupao Beijing Sports Management company said its partner Xiamen Xtep Investment, a unit of Hong Kong listed Xtep, failed to note the relevant pacer information, which led to the organising committee not being informed.
He was trying to break the Chinese national record for the half marathon and missed out by under two seconds. The pace makers were paid to help him achieve that. If they had kept going rather than dropping away at the end he might have broken the record. Poor result all around, but the pacemakers got their money.
ps: The BBC is in anti-China mood as the US ramp up their aim to prevent China growing more influential than them in the world. So you will spot lots of anti-China stories on the BBC website. When Donald Trump was President the BBC used to side with the Chinese against Donald Trump. Trump called coronavirus the Wu-Flu and the BBC said Trump was racist in line with what the Democrats and what people like Sadiq Khan were saying.
Some really confusing messages comming out of the media regards the alleged attack on Iran by parties unknown.
I say this because Israel isn’t actually claiming responsibility and Iran is saying any number of things from nothing happened, to something happened but it wasn’t very much.
Western media is full of “Israel strikes Iran” but Israeli media is very different, such as this from the Times of Israel:
“There was no official confirmation of a strike from Israeli authorities; state-run media in Iran reported only that air defenses were activated”
There are other reports that Israeli proxies carried out the attack from neighbouring Syria and it was drones, or that the US did it covertly so there was no linkage directly back to Israel.
Either way Israel gets to save face to the world for those who look no further than a headline, and we will probably never know what really happened other than that the media is once again not telling us the truth.
Thoughtful – wearing my armchair General hat I wondered if Israel used the missile thing as a distraction whilst it did something more harmful but less visible ….
I just hope Israel gets back to dealing with Hamas ….keep going IDF ….
Thoughtful: “Israel gets to save face to the world for those who look no further than a headline, and we will probably never know what really happened …”
I was wondering what sources you go to to help you form your views on what is happening in Israel, between Israel and Gaza, between Israel and Iran & related. You have mentioned George Galloway’s Youtube channel and Scott Ritter as being helpful. I am wondering if there are any other sources you find useful?
Some people say they have a friend in real life (a Muslim, a Palestinian, an Israeli etc) that helps them formulate opinions, others say they have a personal stake in it – they may be Israeli, Gazan, Iranian.
Probably the majority have no personal connection apart from what they see and hear from others e.g. from the mainstream media, from youtubers, from people on alternative platforms.
I went to the Israeli media after being told the story by a third party and sure enough they’re not telling the same as the Western media.
From what I gather Israel only has the Jericho missile with the range to hit Iran, other than an F35 airstrike, but without US airbourne refueling range would again be limited, and Iran did say if they detected aircraft from Israel comming at them, they would let loose a bigger more deadly attack
There have been all kinds of rumours, from bombs to cruise missiles to drones without confirmation of anything, and this is the confusing picture.
It’s a win win in many regards though and hopefully the hawks in the Israeli coalition are satisfied, the public yet again are succesfully deceived, and Iran – well we don’t really know what happened in Iran because they don’t seem to know either!
The point I am trying to make here though is that it is a really confused picture of what happened, which the media are serving up to the sheeple as a black and white event.
Congressman Trey Gowdy | This House Would Vote Blue No Matter Who
“Let’s let the grown ups handle foreign policy…..”
Comment “She has no recollection of ever being married to Mr Murrell.”
The cream of the page 3 girls on the Islamic Times, to titillate the readers
Monty Python?
Sometimes a picture and a couple of words is enough….
Transgender wrestler Mack Beggs wins Texas girls championship
I’d love to see her try to get her cock in the test tube at the drugs test.
“En route to the state championships in 2017, two of his opponents forfeited.[3] He ended the 2017 season with a 57–0 record, winning the 110 lb weight class in the girls’ division.[4]
In 2018, he was the best in the girls’ division with a 32-0 record.[5][6]”
He gets to roll around on the floor with girls! Yeah!
Boy changes sex (by name) then demands to change law to fight men! HA HA HAH A!
Last year, Beggs told ESPN: “[Texas policymakers] should change the laws and then watch me wrestle the boys. Because I’m a guy. It just makes more sense.”
There’s a point most people are missing though, and it’s an important one.
If women are equal to men then why does womens sport even exist?
This situation is partly the fault of women (who now complain) that women are the equal of men.
Until the SJWs and feminazis stop trying to claim equality then this situation is going to carry on.
Personally I think it’s funny because everyone can see there’s an issue but the left are unable to say anything about it!
I’ve been saying precisely this for years.
I’ve been promoting all drugs sport for a while.
Take whatever you want and let’s see some records broken, I am looking forward to the judo with some cocaine and amphetamines involved.
Likely a knee in the throat whilst one is bowing to the other and some knuckle dusters and maybe baseball bats produced halfway through.
The olympics bore me rigid, but I might bother to watch some wrestling when they have had some skunk weed and start discussing their favourite music and the best pizza toppings before hugging each other.
I would also be keenly tuning in to the archery and olympic shooting participants on MDMA and other stimulants, where participants have just had an argument or a disagreement or going through a difficult divorce with expensive lawyers.
The swimming events with ketamine might need some lifebuoys thrown in, but it makes for great tv, and it’s the taking part that matters.
I’ll be putting a bet on that Usain Bolt won’t stand a chance against a shop lifting scally on speed running away from an Asda security guard.
Coming soon…
Funny but the Tank in that image the Abrams M1 was designed in the early 1970s and it should perhaps come as no surprise it’s getting blown to pieces on the battlefield in Ukraine.
It’s still the US Main Battle Tank and although there are plans to replace it, it’s going to be years in the future.
It’s a ridiculous design using a jet engine which needs a huge power supply to get it started, so can’t be turned off. Burns ludicrous amounts of fuel and runs so hot even the most basic thermal heat seaker couldn’t miss.
It also requires equally ludicrous amount of maintanance and that has to be done off the battlefield. Then the Russians found that the aged T72 could destroy it with a single shot and even RPGs could knock one out!
God help us if we ever end up in a war !
Over Thoughful maybe sometimes ?
Indeed, the M1 Abrams is clearly a piece of shit, unlike the 2000+ Russian MBTs which have been destroyed by the Ukrainians. Who wouldn’t want to be in a Russian tank when the turret blows off?
The M1 Abrams clearly is, the British Challenger however was a different story, and if it hadn’t been for the appalling political incompetence we would still be producing them today, but the loons were convinved by the Leopard it was better, then Turkey proved they weren’t that good after all.
2024 “US calls for calm after officials say Israeli missile hit Iran”
2018 Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji
Published 25 April 2018
2nd on the right can come back
Hold up a placard and declare job done. Well done, Hollywood.
A reminder when dolts like Mark Drakeford are being handed “Covid hero” awards…..
The dimwitted jerks in the mainstream media are trying to move on to hector their audiences on fresh topics without apology – we should not forget …..
Whilst some light candles…
“In a new interview with Forbes, Corey Taylor expressed his distaste with the current political environment. Corey said:
“The problem is that people on both sides are absolutely exhausted by the energy of the other. It’s not just the right, the left is just as fucking crazy and dumbass. It is absolutely fucking exhausting listening to these people try and control shit. If they’re not trying to control the way you act or think, they’re trying to control the way you fucking talk, they’re trying to control the things that you should be offended by. Look, there’s a very clear list of things that you should be offended by: anything racist or anything that has to do with trying to kill people. Everything else is open to interpretation and it all depends on where you grew up, who you grew up with, and what you think in your own fucking head. And it’s a war for the language right now. A war for the language that we use and that we’re allowed to use.I get it on both sides. I usually try to stay in the middle and say the things that need to be said, that aren’t weighed down with the jargon. But, because I’m perceived on both sides as being on either side, it’s a “shut up and sing” situation. The liberals think that I’m this knuckle-dragging mook who just wants to drink Mountain Dew and smoke Marlboro Reds and stare into the sky. The far right thinks I’m this liberal snowflake who wants everybody to get their paychecks so we can all drink jasmine coffee and pick each other’s asses. I’m neither, man! I think you’re all full of shit! But at the same time, it’s a great vantage point, I love it. I watch everybody talk shit, and I go, “None of you know me, I’m not gonna take any offense to any of this.”
If you ever wondered how GB News was de-funded by the politicals elite by obscure links to BBC Verify type ‘in house’ fact checkers (not really about checking facts) but attacking anyone on the ‘right’ of Jeremy Corbyn. They want to maintain the status quo of information. Much of it false or misleading. BBC is part of that cabal.
I followed this link provided by a reader on DT which i was not aware of. There exists a SOROS sponsored : “Global Disinformation Index,” funded by our own UK Government to “quelle free thought/information/speech of a vaguely right wing nature”.
I thought it was just Remainers funded by the EU dream. But there is a global lobby group (links to SOROS/WEF and inside our own government to sponsor attacks on itself. in this case ‘conservative thinking’. And it spans across Europe.
“The Global Disinformation Index was founded in the UK in 2018, with the stated objective of disrupting the business model of online disinformation by starving offending publications of funding. Alongside George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, the GDI receives money from the UK government (via the FCDO), the European Union, the German Foreign Office and a body called Disinfo Cloud, which was created and funded by the US State Department.”
So not just Biden,prior to Biden going back to the Clintons term in office. The WEF (often denned by our own government) are funded by our own government. What is truth, you may ask.
Maybe I should ask BBC Verify unit.
I was there at Knebworth and the energy, showed me, I may not share the love of the music, but the energy showed me, the purple haired pierced idiots on the streets every week are not in the majority in any way.
Also, most miss the irony, of the anger expressed in a creative but disturbing way, shared by many thousands.
Corey Taylor being the vocalist regarding the above post.
BTW not a great place to take a girl on a second date….she seemed rather stunned on the way home, kept muttering about, “what the hell was that”
never having even heard any classic rock music either.
Motorhead were the support act which didn’t help much.
Tinnitus for two days after I believe also, and suspected PTSD, I left her to enjoy her Michael Bolton CDs.
Just hope she doesn’t suffer from flashbacks after a couple of glasses of prosecco.
Also getting stuck in a Slayer moshpit when they arrived on stage didn’t go down well.
Never mind, she could go to Glastonbury and pay hundreds to watch Rolf Harris and Dolly Parton with the rest of the liberal middle classses and think they are so cool..
For shear spectacle Slipknot are absolutely amazing live!
Yes the phrase electric atmosphere created by many thousands is appropriate here, a bit like Hampden Park back in the day,
“LIVE US calls for calm after officials say Israeli missile hit Iran”
Israel and Iran trying to play it down
USA releasing details; but they’re the ones calling for calm 🙄
Ever seen a calm islamic extremist ? it’s not in their DNA.
Give them an AK47, an Israeli or American flag and a lighter and off we go again.
And the follow up single …
The actual lyrics are “It wasnae us, it was the Torees made us do it”.
Plenty of Iranian flags to be waved at the marches on Saturday -with a lovely mix of Hamas / Palestine in Parliament Square …
The emirs’ religious police will be arrested Jews on sight … for public safety of course….
Time for a new thread soon ….
The londonistan religious police has issued an apology over the conduct of PS 277NW –
“The video posted by the Campaign Against Antisemitism will further dent the confidence of many Jewish Londoners which is the
opposite of what any of us want. The use of the term “openly Jewish” by one of our officers is hugely regrettable. It’s absolutely not the basis on which we make decisions, it was a poor choice of words and while not intended, we
know it will have caused offence to many. We apologise. The issues at the heart of these protests are complex, contentious and polarising. When the challenges of public order policing are layered on top it becomes a very difficult environment for frontline
officers to work in. In recent weeks we’ve seen a new trend emerge, with those opposed to the main protests appearing along the route to express their views. The fact that those who do this often film themselves while doing so suggests they must know that their presence is provocative, that they’re inviting a response and that they’re
increasing the likelihood of an altercation. They are also making it much more likely officers will intervene. They don’t do so to stifle free speech or to limit the right to protest, but to keep opposing groups apart, to prevent disorder and keep the public – including all those taking part in or opposing the protest –
safe. That is, after all, our primary role. It is up to us to review these interventions and to determine whether we are getting the balance right, adapting our approach as we do so and making sure officers are supported to make the right decisions, using all the powers available to them. We will continue to do so
following this most recent protest and ahead of future events.”
The assistant commissioner goes onto suggest Jews might likd to wear a Star of David for public safety purposes ( this might be made up ber we are not far off it )
The newspapers are now blurring the face of the religious police sergeant …. And so far has not been named ….