An apology – I’d like to apologise to PS277NW who I mistakenly identified as being anti Jewish on the previous thread . In fact it is PS377NW Met police ( religious policing branch ) . I’m sorry for any distress I might have caused ….
What wounds? It comes over as awkward as if forced or not entirely in good faith. Don’t make it about you. Best not to try. Just stick to your viewpoints – there is nothing wrong in having a viewpoint – but please link it to the BBC reporting.
You have flooded this website with your views on Netayanhu and Israel straight from the George Galloway school of thought (which you have admitted to). Just stop repeating the same thing over and over again. Give others a chance to post and make it about the BBC.
Thoughtful- as you might read – you are not winning friends by your repeated view about a non BBC subject . Maybe express your views a the elected PM of Israel – who you seem obsessed about – elsewhere …and not on the biased BBC website …
Son’t blame me Fed I know your views, but I didn’t start this, Broadcasting did with his flaming.
He didn’t need to post that, he could have allowed it to lie, but he chose the path of aggravation, my post is only in response to his lies.
Perhaps you could point to where on this thread prior to the flamers post I even mentionied Netanyahu. It in fact was an olive branch post, and attempt to calm the waters, but there are always those so full of rage hatred and bigotry that they will use any excuse to start it all up again.
So, unable to answer the question – the usual aggressive ignorant bigotry!
Despite the fact I have made it clear I do want to see the state of Israel survive, and I believe Netanyahus actions make that less likely you still choose to lie that I do not – you could get a job with the BBC !
I have never admitted to promoting George Galloways views, I posted a single video interview in which Galloway hardly speaks so I’ll put you to proof of your claim.
But like that other blowhard Up2 you will simply ignore the fact you lied and continue with the bigotry and more lies.
You could have simply allowed this to pass, but no you just had to jump in and start it up all over again!
Sounds like you enjoy feeling like a victim ..worrying – and you like that word ‘ blowhard ‘ a lot .. i recall your fondness for identifying bibi as engineering the hamas attack to deflect from his political problems .
I know politicians are not human but currently pulling such a stalin style tactic would be – unwise … no .. i go with cock up on a 9/11 style failure … or maybe he thinks his poll ratings would improve with a global final war
“i recall your fondness for identifying bibi as engineering the hamas attack to deflect from his political problems . ”
No I never said that, what I did say is that he has consitently refused to explain why it happened given the strength and sophistication of the defences, and why all of the warnings were actively ignored.
Perhaps you can explain to me why Israeli intelligence officers were threatened with disciplinary action for reporting what they were seeing brewing in Gaza? That goes beyond cock up into the downright sinister.
And OK if we follow the cock up theory why has he consitently refused point blank to explain it? He did explain the supposed cock up of the 7 dead aid workers, so that sets the precedent there.
Once he’s out of office we will no doubt learn the truth and it might well lead to yet more criminal charges against him. I doubt though if it does and I am proven correct in my doubt that any acknoiwledgement or apology will be forthcoming.
To Thoughful, I am going to address your “For Pesach” post later in the Hamas-Israel thread, which Pesach being a Jewish festival, was your address to the Jews.
In your address to the Jews you mention: “old wounds”, you mention Klezmer music, you provide a youtube link to “poison sweet madeira” and then you write “And if you can’t feel that hot Mediterranean sun on your skin with that you’ve never been there!”
This message of yours to the Jews I will examine later as I have mentioned (if I can get around to it).
Now this message of yours is from someone (you) that has been posting and posting about your views on Netayanhu and Israel etc – so that also has to be taken into account on how Jews might receive your post.
I had hoped my first message would have got through to you – but you just don’t seem to get it – like someone who is autistic in some way – or just blind to certain things.
You keep on presenting yourself as a victim of an unfair and aggressive assault whenever someone kindly tries to bring certain things to your attention.
Someone that continues to do that will never “learn” or develop an understanding and will continue on the path they have chosen. This is what the “wokerati” and radical feminists do.
Anyway later later (if I can find the time and energy).
And so yet again the proof I requested has been completely ignored because youu like up2 are incapable of backing your wild claims with any evidence what so ever.
Here is another request for some proof which you won’t provide – that I am continually presenting myself as a victim or even that I have ever presented myself as a victim at all.
Which of course you will ignore because you can’t.
I unlike many others from the centre right do actually go to the Left wing chat rooms partly to try to improve my abilities and partly to teach them.
We on the right are lost. They stick together we fracture and fight at every opportunity. There is no concensus building, there is no attempt to explore the other sides point of view, just knee jerking name calling and emnity.
The problem here although you can’t see it, is that I hold mainstream centre right views, and yours are extremist, try going to a few chat rooms or the comments sections on centre right publications.
You probably don’t know what the left are saying because you haven’t expanded your views to that.
You probably can’t see the danger to Israel in the future, and I’m sure you can’t even contemplate the damage being done. The gung ho F you attitude is no longer going to work as it did in the past. It might have escaped your notice but the Wests star is fading, our standard of living is falling fast, as our defence capabilities, how much longer do you think the West can go on propping up Israel?
Doesn’t matter if it’s financial or military the world is changing radically the power is shifting from West to East, anyone in Finance can tell you all about this.
Israel lashing out at its neighbours might have been OK 30 years ago, but its enemies have powerful allies now, and the advice is patience. One of the media articles this week is on the diminishing of US power in the Middle East, but you and others appear to be living in the past – send a gun boat!
We are no longer the power we once were, and if Israel is going to survive compromise with its neighbours has to be achieved.
You appear to think Israel can defeat Iraq Syria, Iran Lebanon, Turkey along with Russia and China.
Tell me how you think they are going to do this?
My thoughts are this – peace and compromise or destruction.
And peace through the Abraham accords was on the cards – it’s not now.
Explain to me the strategic reason for breaking international law and destroying the Iranian consulate ?
I’m interested not so much in the now, but in the future, and I would like Israel to have a future, but it can’t have that behaving the way it currently is doing.
I have a problem with making anything that I post on this site about the current state of BBC reporting or any of its output because I don’t watch or listen to it and havnt done so for years.
I am surprised that so many posters on the site still do watch and listen and so are able to comment on the daily offerings of the foul corporation. I really did feel better in mind and body when I stopped watching or listening to BBC news and their so called entertainment. So I salute those of you who still subject yourselves to the torment of the BBC.
I was a BBC user up until 2020 when I stopped. By then I was , and remain , fully satisfied that the BBC is extremely biased to the hyperglobalist left and a key part of its propaganda and indoctrination effort. I am sure that the BBC is an enemy of the British people and has done immense harm to our country over the past four decades.
I agree, this is my experience too. Radio 4 used to be like an old friend with programs such as just a minute, the news quiz, and others in the comedy slot.
The participants Alan Coren, Frank Muir, Barry Crier, Nicholas Parsons, Humphrey Littleton, might have had some left wing views but they didn’t allow them to impinge too much.
It started to go downhill with the Now Show with Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis when the bias became uncontrolled. There were appalling and egregious breaches of impartiality which increased until it became the norm and I was no longer able to listen to the old favourites.
Maybe we deceive ourselves that the BBC has become worse in its bias, Churchill hated Reith over his Socialist leanings, and his support for the Nazis, it’s worth remembering that Reith was offering to fly the Swastika from Bush House long after everyone knew what the Nazi’s were about.
I remember my father in law now deceased being invited by the Duke of Devonshire to Chatsworth house to some do where the presenter was Brian Redhead, and becomming so incensed at Redheads left wing bias that he stood up and shouted at him to cut the Left Wing bias, to rounds of applause from the audience.
Even from the very formation of the BBC it was known the performing arts was generally liberal and Left leaning, and safeguards were put in place to mitigate that bias, alas that in the later years as the Tories turned to Marxism, those safeguards were left in abeyance.
Yes the BBC has done immense harm, and I can remember the prominent bias in the Thatcher years, so I would agree there. They have perhaps been subtle in the way they have gone about it, providing attack on right of centre views, and disinformation, whilst providing kindly explanation for what should be unacceptable left wing policies.
Double – yes – i used to listen to Today out of duty – as a witness to what they are doing .
But that has tailed off . I think i am one of the millions rejecting the BBC for all sorts of reasons .
So it is tricky making a comment when exposure to the BBC becomes so rationed .
It becomes big ‘events ‘ which demand attention .
Ive been lucky as ive been out of the UK for 3 weeks and my TV gave up completely. It will cost a lot to get the satellite set agsin .
So a lot has come from the radio of free press sites or the Telegraph – articles from which i make the effort to share here .
Luckily for me there are whole swathes of bbc TV output i have never seen and never will . But i know full well that the ‘ approved thought’ infects all BBC output .- in the way the nazis did it to Germany in the 1930s.
A lot of people think the UK is in a bad place now as a result of 12 years of blue labour ‘rule’ …
But i think thats nothing to what is coming with reds in charge and a 200 majority fighting itself ..
I had been a reall BBC junky, certainly from listening first thing in the morning to the Today programme to watching Newsnight every evening. I never really watched anything on ITV for many years. I can’t remember when I gave up on the BBC. It was a gradual reduction. I was left with local news and the nature programmes. The latter stopped when I realised I was watching just waiting for them to mention ‘climate change’ and I realised I was never disappointed. Then I started thinking how long till they mentioned ‘climate change’ and realised that wasn’t very long either. I don’t know why I stopped local news. I think it was that I could see the agenda behind every story.
But I still post here and I do try to link my posts to the BBC. Sometimes it is just ‘I don’t know how the BBC are reporting this’, or ‘this wouldn’t fit the BBC agenda’. It doesn’t happen every time I post, but I hope most.’
“We are now working with a number of major tech companies on BBC-specific pilots [and] we will be deploying the most promising ones in coming months,” he added.
Notes: What this means in practice is BBC redundancies. Layers of middle management to go. Yentob will still be there on the BBC soapbox, but actually making anything at all, will go to outside contractors. in fact today i learn that Yentob says the BBC is ‘all right’ selling its huge back catalogue to ‘other’ online TV Channels. he didn’t say how much, but sometimes the BBC pays £5 per program (I am not joking). And some of the BBC stuff is not actually made by the BBC at all. Richard Attenborough makes more money flogging his Planet Earth series on other channels than he does on the BBC, he owns and runs his own UK production company. His sales are US based.
If you really want to know what the BBC has planned when it is forced to abandon the TV license, its called ‘Homes Under The Hammer’ or ‘Flog It’. This is the scope of BBC imagination.
They hope to get some funding for ‘Climate Change apocalypse III’ but the funding for that seems to be drying up. They are struggling with BBC TV 2 at the moment, as viewers are leaving in droves. They also have bigger problem in that the ‘yoof’ which they invested a lot of time and ‘fun’ programs have gone to NetFlix. In short, only Labour (Tony Blair Mark II) can rebuild the BBC into the proper propaganda channels it was always denying it ever was.
Will AI improve the BBC? I very much doubt it. The media class will be the first to be made redundant. And they know it. There will be several years before the TV license is dead, but now its inevitable. It will then switch to ‘central funding’ and be preserved in aspic as a unique Fossil of the period. A sort of Museum of the lost Art of state propaganda.
I noticed whilst watching Bangers and Cash on whatever channel it’s on, adverts for Big (?) Bottom with Ade Edmondson and Rick Mayall. A BBC series but I think it was to be Britbox, but certainly somewhere where the viewer has to pay. As if we haven’t paid for the series through our licenses.
The BBC’s modus operandi when short of money, is to choose programmes most liked by old people to cut, or a sport liked by the middle classes. They hope the uproar will make the government say, ‘ok, we will increase the licence fee’. If we had a government with backbone, it should say ‘BBC, cut the news if you can’t afford it’. Actually they could cut Newsnight and Questontime and put on the Potter’s wheel. They might get more viewers.
I was exstatic when I heard on the BBC that this
years London Marathon on Sunday is going to be
the most inclusive . Everybody from a plethora of
categories will get the same prize money. I wish I
could compete in the heart failure category.But I feel
that it might kill me.
Mind you when I last run in it 30 years ago. It was pretty
Inclusive then. I ran in the “those with weak bladders “
category. It was very organized. On leaving Greenwich
Park.There was a very large mound where you could take
a piss. The only problem was that is where all the 15000 men
In the marathon could take a leak. Greenwich Hiigh Street had
a river of urine flowing through it.
A religious Jewish friend of mine is running on Sunday.
For those in the “ no sense of direction” category.
I advised him not to wear a scull cap.With no sense of direction.
He is likely to finish up in central London. And be arrested by the
As an appendage . Although there a slight degree of
embellishment in my last contribution. It is around 85%
accurate. For those doubting that I even “ran” in the 1994
marathon. If somebody would tell me to how to download a
photo of me and a one legged friend I met after about 4 hours , crossing the finishing line.
We” ran ” in absolutely freezing conditions. In which
three poor folk died from hyperthermia. It was the last time
the marathon was run in early April,
My one legged friend on crutches won his category. And
even waited for me when relieving myself on greenery on
the route.
If you crossed the finishing line after a 26 mile run alongside a one legged man on crutches, I would advise you consider an alternative sport, like Scrabble or Cluedo or something.
Or a hard jigsaw puzzle.
I would have suggested Buckaroo but that can get a bit violent if you have cardio issues.
I last ran a marathon in 1968, at school. My friend thumbed down a lorry, and we got a lift back to the school. Nobody noticed. But we still did not come first, second or third. Everyone in the marathon was white, male and within a one year age range of each other. The marathon excluded everyone else in the world, including pupils who pretended to be ill, so as to avoid the marathon.
Cross country running at school was enough for me in 1977, especially in the woods halfway through after someone produced a packet of gauloise fags.
Although I still preferred it to rugby, being slightly built, and watching one of us with his kneecap dislocated and the psychotic welsh ex boxer maths teacher deciding to relocate it in situ before the ambulance arrived.
I can still recall the screams.
Hockey was meant to be a relatively non contact sport, but didn’t help one of us getting a broken jaw and drinking and eating through a straw for a few weeks.
“The Now Show” on Radio 4 reached its final episode after 25 years, at 6:30 this evening. So it’s adieu to Punt, Dennis & Co. I for one will not miss it.
It did have something fresh about it, long ago, and I judged that it was better than the dire “News Quiz”, not that that’s saying much. The trouble is that it, in common with much BBC comedy, became all too predictable. The last show of the series sadly proved the point.
The targets seldom change: GB News, Donald Trump, Brexit, Jacob Rees Mogg, etc. There are jokes against Biden, but only for his advanced age, not his policies such as opening the southern border to illegals, stopping exploitation of the US’s own energy reserves, suicidal levels of borrowing and spending, and the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.
Particularly poor was a quip about NHS staff being underpaid, when doctors especially, and nurses, have done well in more recent times and many of the former can afford to work three days or fewer per week. They may be overworked in places but some seem unwilling to meet patients face to face, especially since Covid-19. The NHS is never challenged, only government spending on it.
Another disappointing feature was a musical contribution from a Mr Jazz Emu. Victoria Wood he ain’t. There have been amusing musical interludes on the show but this one was poor. Emu, or maybe that should be EMU, is named not after the Antipodean flightless bird but rather a type of locomotive called an Electric Motor Unit. The name is the funniest thing about him.
There have been some new ideas in the 6:30 comedy slot, not all of them bad, which is just as well because this one has had its time. I hope that the News Quiz is the next to be shown the door.
The political persecution of Trump story just gets better and better. And I’m being sarcastic there in case any doxing morons like maxi are reading.
Another American nutcase of course, but I went looking to see why this man set himself on fire and it seems nobody wants to tell me. All I am told is that he is a conspircay theorist – which is a standard Leftist smear term. That always gets my interest – particularly when the BBC do it as it is ALWAYS covering up something they don’t want you to know.
So I look around and find this ‘What we know’ article from The Independent (who are ‘independent’ as in write what they want, not ‘unbiased’ like you first think as they are a far left as the bbc).
And it seems his ‘conspiracy’ is that the globalist Left are planning a fascist coup to take over the world. Here’s what he wrote:
“To my friends and family, witnesses and first responders, I deeply apologize for inflicting this pain upon you. But I assure you it is a drop in the bucket compared to what our government intends to inflict,” he wrote.
I’m not surprised the BBC don’t report that. They are part of it. As are the EU and it’s what Ukraine is all about. The only thing thing the nutcase has got wrong is that it won’t be a coup, they are getting there by inches. And the persecution of Trump is part of it.
So another lengthy piece which degenerates into blatant misandry from the BBC.
‘Another 14-year-old admits she’s angry.
“It just frustrates me that I need to be aware of men’s impulses… I don’t want to be worrying like ‘Oh, that guy over there, he could just suddenly be like, ‘I want to kill you’.”‘
You are interviewing 14 year olds now BBC ?. What kind of balance do you think they have on the world ?. About the same as your quota clones I expect.
A ridiculous article. How about all the men who get murdered BBC ?. They don’t count for anything in their bizarre far-left world where the voices of minorities count for more than white males.
Here’s the real news BBC. He was a derranged gay male prostitute. How many of those do you think are roaming around looking to stab people ?.
Meanwhile the REAL terrorist story a few days later has vanished. It was a Muslim extremist who wanted to murder Christians. And how many of THOSE do you think there are roaming around ?.
A LOT more. Women should be FAR more concerned about a terrorist attack than a gay nutcase. THAT is your story BBC but as usual you don’t care. Agenda trumps everything.
Here’s the misandrist who wrote it. She turns up quite a lot for articles I consider to be extreme BBC agenda. But I don’t blame her : she’s just a clueless clone writing what her BBC boss told her to write. I’d love to know who that is.
The BBC is a farce and a far-left parasite. Get rid.
I think it is just an unfortunate fact of life that women, being the weaker sex physically, do need to be aware of men’s impulses and take a little bit more care of their own safety. Even though, as you say, more men are victims of violence than women.
However, misandrists like her don’t appreciate that it is the progressive policies of the last half century that have really turned this society into a more dangerous place for women.
The abolition of the death penalty removed the strongest deterrent we had against murder.
Mass immigration has brought millions of people into this country from cultures with barbaric attitudes towards women. Some don’t even think rape is a crime.
Good advice. Same applies to men being attacked by other men – a good kick to the crown jewels for temporary incapacitation. However it is best to practice first on someone – a partner, in a self defence class, a friend – appropriately protected of course.
> Sydney stabbing: Bondi attack on women devastates Australia
Dear BBC
This is your own fault – you and other feminist media organisations around the western world have been responsible for creating a hate-male culture. You have disenfranchised young men. Your attack on the patriarchy has been successful beyond your wildest dreams. The breakup of the family, constant denigration of men, men wanting to be wimmin, this is your miracle.
I warned you about just this problem nearly 30 years ago in a piece I wrote called rogue-males. The brilliant Angry Harry went even further and suggested that public places in the future would no longer be safe because of young men going off the handle.
So dear bBC you are going to have to rediscover the hard way that including men in a family is a great civilising influence. Maybe you hardened feminists could try dating a homeless man for a year. See it like your national service – a kind of civic duty.
This is why BBC, over 30 years ago, I couriered my TV back to you.
It is not the bbc per se, it is the muslims within the bbc that seem to have more than a little influence, their opinions on the UK, India and elsewhere and the religions and culture that are continually crtiticised that reveal that day after day, week after week.
No longer journalists, whatever they are, they are not reporting facts without colouring facts with some kind of justification of actions, they are desperately trying to influence opinion, muslim crimes and misdemeanors rarely if ever reported simply factually.
The same applies to Donald Trump, but does not apply to the obviously retarded Biden and his son.
At the end of the last thread – Friday night – I re published the apology from the emirs ‘ religious police about the man being threatened with arrest for looking obviously Jewish .
Well today the londonistan religious police has had to apologise for the apology … the assistant commissioner responsible for this is obviously destined for the top job with the emir ….
I reckon once the emir is re elected on 2 May he will take his Islam to an even higher level – with all pupils in all schools required to ‘pray to Allah ‘…. There’s no one and nothing to stop him …
BTW – it seems the Jewish bloke chatting to Ps377NWwas the one who got Tommy Robinson arrested … goes around ..comes around …
Thinking about it – perhaps the religious police in londonistan should publish a handy guide about ‘degrees of Jewishness ‘ – harnessing various stereotypes of Jews so that their officers can arrest on sight when necessary …. , issue FPN or cautions ….
The problem these days is that virtually everyone who appears in front of a camera is an activist. And usually left-wing.
Particularly on the BBC – and they have a nasty trick of knowing it but pretending they are just members of the public. Which is one more way they lie.
Israel understands Iran and the other Islamic States surrounding Israel very well indeed. Israel knows that they are in a fight for survival, for their very existence as a modern, liberal, democratic nation.
What a Difference a Year Makes… A famous quote from Vladimir Lenin states: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” (A welcome debut hereabouts for Psychology Today – more from that article by Elaine Dundon later)
This Saturday’s Daily Mail – perhaps prempting one of those tedious end of year news reviews…?
Benefits to be axed after year on the dole
What my year of casual sex taught me about men
Calm down dear
The Mail’s headline news story tells us how after fourteen years in power the Tories leave it until the last minute to start talking conservatively: PM announces biggest welfare crackdown in a generation to get jobless back to work (Daily Mail)
Perhaps the economic and societal costs of all that wonderful enjoy yourself today, someone else will pay, freeloading liberalism has began to take its toll? : Book every young woman should read… Speaking out: Kitty Ruskin, author of Ten Men
Too Much Too Young – was a hit for Ska revivalists, from Coventry, The Specials, back in 1979
Too Little Too Late
No10 wants to cut the cost of UK benefits, which has risen from £42 billion to £69 billion since the pandemic… (‘i’)
Here we go again – Mr AsI is going to bore you for the umpteenth time with a repeat of his thesis that Lockdown – a mistaken and deeply flawed government policy – suffice it to say enthusiatically promoted and prolonged by our BBC – has demoralised the British workforce – then he’ll rehearse his quip how if only there were some form of public inquiry that could look into that.
Let me just do the usual edit on that headline from the left-leaning alarmist poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper which leads with: Disability benefit faces cut in Tory manifesto as PM bets election on welfare blitz
Let’s see, where’s my blue pencil? Bear with me while I give it a necessary quick sharpen: No10 wants to cut the cost of UK benefits, which has risen from £42 billion to £69 billion since the pandemic Lockdown, which was of course a Tory government policy choice
Philately will get you nowhere
Royal Mail workers tell of fake stamp ‘chaos’ (Telegraph)
There are those who claim that what with their plans to sharpen existing Hate Speech Laws and further moves to bring us back into line with the EU the next Labour government will make it a prosecutable offence to hold conservative views.
National Conservatism Conference: Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels event (BBC)
We’re almost at that point already – under a supposedly conservative administration. Stand against the current left-liberal latest thing and you’ll be targeted by the cops: ‘You are openly Jewish’ Scotland Yard under fire after man is threatened with arrest for walking near pro-Palestinian protestors (Telegraph)
First they came for the openly Jewish…
Former BBC Newsnight lefty monologue polemicist and denizen of North London elite dinner parties finds her new perch from which to crow bile at a fellow fan of the overly-applied fake tan: Trump is getting a fair trial… and that sickens him by Emily Mailis (‘i’)
They do say everyone is a liberal – until they’re mugged by reality
WAG’s robbery ordeal… I feared I’d die in armed raid at Dele’s… Dele Ali’s ex Ruby Mae has revealed she feared she was going to die… The model, 29, said two masked men tried to rip rings off her (The Sun)
Jo Brand I’m a voice for the older generation At 66 I’m frightened of being cancelled (‘i’)
Mr AsI isn’t the only one saying calm down, luvs…
Calls for calm after Israel strikes hit Iran (Guardian); Calls for calm as Israel revenge strike sparks fears of all-out war (Mirror)
And yet, oddly enough: Reaction muted on both sides (FT)
Perhaps this Israel-Iran all-out war will be as damp a squib as the Tory welfare blitz?
The Guardian concentrates its thoughts on its happy place: Win! Two free tickets to Glastonbury
Meanwhile, our Jo Brand may see herself as the voice of the over 60s (a somewhat smutty, battery acid tongued lefty voice) and then there’s: Liz Earl at 60 Beauty guru on fitness, friends and joyful sex – in the Telegraph – however, the Daily Express campaigns to despatch the older generation off to their happier place – forthwith: 200,000 demand Dame Esther gets her dying wish – the TV star is of course personally sufficiently well heeled so as to afford to pay for her own final curtain call trip to Switzerland – what this campaign is really about is sharing the benefits of euphenasia with us all – free on the NHS
And with that… I’m out of here
Leaving the last word to Elaine Dundon, The Search for Meaning After Age 50 writing in Psychology Today back in January 2021
What we have experienced in 2020 has not been seen since wartime, or even ever, including the loss of freedom to relax and share joy with others in restaurants, bars, and coffee shops; to gather in large groups at events such as concerts, movies, and religious ceremonies; to play team sports or work out in fitness centers; or to travel as we wish to visit others, including those in other countries.
When we do venture out into the world, we are met by faceless strangers whose masks cover up the expression of their very essence and create a barrier between truly connecting on a human level. The loss of social connection intensifies. The loss of freedom intensifies. Hopelessness intensifies.
Some think all will return to the old, familiar normal once a vaccine is administered in 2021. Others warn us that the current vaccine might not be effective against new strains of the virus and the cycle of masks, lockdowns, and social isolation will begin again. No one knows what the future holds.
If we choose to accept the challenge to retain our humanity in the face of all that lies ahead of us in 2021, each of us will need a Great Reset for our own lives.
Sometime I picture the kidult special advisors coming up with policies like ‘cutting benefits ‘… how thick do they think the electorate is ?
Do they think their minds are so superior that we won’t see through some too late conservative policy which will never see the light of day?
Signing people off was – I think introduced by Blair / brown to cut the unemployment figures to deceive us . No one changed it ….
Now we have fights over disabled parking spaces …
The thing which makes my blood boil is the amount people on jobseekers are given, and the implications of cutting it.
If a single working adult loses their job they will receive jobseekers for just 6 months you will receive the princely sum in return for your NI contributions of just £71.70 pw under 25 and £90.50 if over.
If you are paying child maintanance £10 will be deducted, and if there are any fines outstanding a further £10 deducted.
This means this evil government genuinely believes it is possible to live on £51.50 pw and pay all your bills in full from this amount, or £70.50
Once you reach the 6 month stage the benefit moves to income based jobseekers where they will pay a proportion of the rent and a portion of the council tax.
Until people are actually faced with having to live on these pittances they don’t realise how low they really are.
It’s a different story for the unmarried mothers who get so much they don’t know what to do with it all. That is where the problem truly lies and that is what should be tackled.
Compare it to what an illegal migrant receives and your blood won’t just be boiling, there will be steam comming out of both ears!
It’s a cheap trick playing to the gallery – but one which will never come to pass. If you reduce someones income to zero they have the moral right to steal to live, and even the law recognises we cannot punish starving people stealing food to eat.
It’s not as if it’s a new problem:
“At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,” said the [one of the gentlemen], taking up a pen, “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.”
“Are there no prisons?” asked Scrooge.
“Plenty of prisons,” said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.
“And the Union workhouses?” demanded Scrooge. “Are they still in operation?”
“They are. Still,” returned the gentleman, “I wish I could say they were not.”
“The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?” said Scrooge.
“Both very busy, sir.”
“Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,” said Scrooge. “I’m very glad to hear it.”
“Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude,” returned the gentleman, “a few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?”
“Nothing!” Scrooge replied.
“You wish to be anonymous?”
“I wish to be left alone,” said Scrooge. “Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned: they cost enough: and those who are badly off must go there.”
“Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.”
“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
The Tories could easily be portrayed as Ebeneezer Scrooge not a particularly positive comparison.
The man who spawned over 60 juvenile acolytes who selectively target bbc foes, more often than not using Google on their cubicle PCs, and get it wrong.
The BBC finally does a satire. The audience sound uncomfortable, not sure if they’re allowed to laugh or if this is a test and they’ll have to get up on the stage for a struggle session.
For a joke to work there has to be some truth to it. Smearing the Cass report as far-right, a room full of young, trendy, presumably left-wing people went ‘Nah’.
Ironically, this revealed a more profound truth; it’s over. Thanks @joelycett.
Car Insurance premiums rocketing across the board…..
Even my little 1.6 petrol Golf has jumped £250 this year….
Makes me wonder if petrol/diesel motorists are being ripped off to cover the upcoming mega costs of insuring Electric Vehicles?
They cost more, so are more expensive to repair, they get stranded more so have to be rescued more often, they increase the likelihood of your car and even your house going up in flames.
They are usually owned by more wealthy individuals so is this in fact “lower status” drivers subsidising the better off so they can go about virtue signalling their green credentials?
The reason behind it is the bond market. Insurance and pension companies invest their money in government bonds because they are supposed to be a safe haven with a guaranteed return.
Because they are run by accountants, and accountants lack common sense or a view of risk in the future they buy longer term bonds or ten years or longer, because there is a scintilla of extra interest to be had ( these fractions of a fraction of a percentage is what accountants notice)
So post 2008 GFC interest rates fell to the floor and remained there until just after covid when they rapidly increased. A bond which would net you say 1 or 1.5% was suddenly offering 4.5%
Imagine yourself as a buyer of one of these bonds if you were able to get 4.5% how much would you be prepared to pay for one with say 8 years remaining at just 1% ?
And that in a nutshell is why your insurance premiums have risen. Covid lockdowns meant people weren’t driving, so fewer accidents, more money to put into bonds, then they start driving again and the claim rate returns to normal and you need to sell the bonds to pay the claims, only now they’re only worth half what you paid for them.
Hopefully this goes someway to explaining the real reason why insurance premiums have risen so sharply.
Please note that when this happens the other way around and they are quids in they don’t ever reduce those premiums, it’s always loaded in their favour.
“ Because they are run by accountants, and accountants lack common sense or a view of risk in the future they buy longer term bonds or ten years or longer, because there is a scintilla of extra interest to be had ( these fractions of a fraction of a percentage is what accountants notice)”.
I’m a lapsed FCA, retired and saw no sense in paying the membership fee just so i could receive fee notices addressed to me as ‘FCA’ (no one else having done so for 20+ years despite the qualification having been required for much of my career, in auditing, banking, private equity.)
I was at one time General Manager (top dog reporting direct to overseas HO) of a foreign bank in the city. I knew and still know many investment managers, who are the people who make investment decisions, not accountants.
The gilt market was skewed most when Lord Myners, (remember him?) advised that pension funds had to invest more in bonds to better match their liabilities, the forerunner of the LDI’s which together with the rank incompetence of Bailey and the BoE caused the gilt market collapse which did for poor Liz Truss last year.
Yes I am aware of the obligations of pension funds to invest in government bonds and gilts.
I also remember the chasing of the scintilla of interest which led to charities putting their money in the Icelandic bank Kaupthing and then losing everything when it collapsed.
Interesting name BTW an Isolated fisherman who eventually takes his own life?
His real name could be Snape Malting or somerthing, if I was called that I would change it also.
I used to work with a chap whos surname was Cockhead, every now and again we would ask for a tannoy call for him because she could not get halfway through it before she cracked up and started snorting trying desperately to complete the announcment, she never managed.
It didn’t really matter he was always next to us, he should have changed his name to Peter Grimes or something.
Aldeburgh is a coastal town in the county of Suffolk, north of the River Alde. It was home to the composer Benjamin Britten and remains the centre of the international Aldeburgh Festival of arts at nearby Snape Maltings.
What tends to stick in one’s craw is those lecturing the plebs, who are travelling around in private jets, yes I’m looking at you Nutmeg and Harry as prime examples, and of course our Muslim Mayor in his 5.1 litre Range Rover
(for driving around London at 15 miles per hour?)
A returm to the medieval, with peasants confined to their hamlets for life, (Six traffic filters – designed to reduce traffic, make bus journeys faster and make walking and cycling safer – will be trialled in Oxford) and dictated to as what they can and cannot eat, maybe to ensure they are fit enough for their low paid jobs for as long as possible, and their only leisure, fed a diet of tv propaganda and crap “reality” (sic) shows, and extremely prompt police action if they say what they thnk.
How very predictable and oh, so very impartial of BBC. That man Murrell…remember him.. yes, only yesterday charged with offences of dishonesty and already removed from BBC news page online.
Perhaps the Verify team can find out why such a speedy disappearance. BBC don’t like doing news about some types of people!
“20mph Wales: Some roads to revert to 30mph after backlash”
It looks like as if someone in the ‘Assembly’ has got some common sense? How much did this exercise cost the taxpayer?
I don’t know if she was Welsh but got stuck for 10 miles behind some twat driving at 20 mph the other day, I was starving hungry and just wanted to get to town to find some lunch, having left for work at 6 AM with constant meetings all morning.
I can understand 20 mph around some areas, with schoolkids wandering into the road looking at their iphones, but the over 70s seem to relish holding up queues of traffic in their Nissan Micras and Honda Jazzes, and when we get to the 50 mph limit they may speed up to 25 mph if there are no sharp bends in the road.
Half blind and deaf, reaction times of a sloth on tranquilisers at junctions and roundabouts, and still have a license, whereas a 30 year old with two pints of lager inside them is a menace on the road apparently.
Although working in Harlow recently I have the opposite problem with psychotic van drivers who all seem to have a modified Transit that can do 40 mph around roundabouts with the indicators decommissioned.
It would not have been a problem if I was still working at a local authority, they swan in at 10 AM and into a meeting where they start eating crunchy nut cornflakes and slurping yoghurt, not having the ability to have breakfast before they go to work apparently.
(National Highways, TfL and Barnet)
Maybe they could cover that at induction, or even in the job advert ?
Must have the ability to prepare and eat breakfast before work ?
Naah, never gonna happen, they’ll sue or go on strike, maybe a picket line but not before 10 am as they will all be at their cereal bowls with their dolphin friendly garlic muesli, and at 11.30 too busy microwaving their multiple tupperware boxes of free range tofu curry and toasting sustainable, responsibly sourced, vegan garlic bread.
In my bit of North Wales (Gwynedd) the 20mph limit is ignored by most, with 30mph driving still common. I followed a police car along our local High Street the other evening at 29mph.
Drivers in Cranebridge can only dream about going as fast as 20mph. As a teacher the Missus drives into town and worst case the last 2 miles can take 2 hours 20 mins to complete. That is a white knuckle ride of 0.87 mph!
Strange how they always want to site supermarkets and housing development off major arterial routes as well as increase the number of non-synchronised traffic lights. Digging up the road when school holidays have completed is another good technique. Time-theft comes to mind.
Some years ago Barnet Council took the decision to be ‘light touch’ councilling. Those of us who believed in low government interference thought this a good idea. We used to be called Conservatives. We stupidly thought that this meant the number of people in the offices would gradually reduce. What we didn’t realise was that the pot holes would never be repaired (I have said before that the High Road leading from the North Circular up to Barnet resembles a third world country road). However the road fining department seems to be fully staffed. If the large white van in front of you comes to an abrupt stop resulting in the merest hint that your car is still in a yellow box, the letter telling you that you are banged to rights comes instantly. As for parking itself, Barnet Council are doing a brilliant job……of reducing the number of parking places. If you work in Barnet but not near the station, forget it, you will have a horrendous journey to work on public transport. If you elderly and want to shop in person, forget it.
To link this to the BBC….local news could do items on the difficulties people have in London due to parking restrictions or how ULEZ is making elderly people housebound. Of course the BBC doesn’t, it is against the BBC’s and the mayor’s agenda.
Yes, parking were the main incoming complaints at Barnet, a too small town for the volume of traffic, driving through to get to the office must rank as one of my very worse commutes.
I used to know a certain Jewish gentlement fromn Friern Barnet, I take it that’s close to you?
His main job was in electronics, but he also had a market stall somewhere nearby and I think he made more money from that than he did at his main job, he certainly had the gift of the gab.
He would certainly need that gift now, especially if he dared show his face in London at weekends, which is now a muslim enclave openly celebrating their endemic racist agenda each and every weekend with their faces hidden behind masks, keenly supported by the muslim mayor, who would most certainly not allow Tommy Robinson to have weekly marches.
In fact he is not even allowed in London anymore. Whereas any muslim arriving hidden in a lorry or container is welcome in our capital city along with their racist, sexist, homophobic views. Many women in London now are not feeling safe in the streets of their capital city.
Last time in London with my wife, she was openly ogled by asian men on the tube and in the street outside of the British museum.
Yes Deborah- I live in Woodside Park as you say the roads are
in a terrible state. We will lose our MP Theresa Villiers at
the General Election because of the demographics of
London’s most populous borough Barnet .
Margaret Thatcher must be turning over in her grave if
she can see what has happened in her Finchley constituency.
We have a regional TV programme on the BBC Which might
as well be called the Londonistan Programme. With
presenters , reporters and features which all but make out
that the indigenous population don’t exist.
Yes I know we are now below 40% . But still we should be
allowed to have features on our plights even if it is just 10% of
the scheduled programmes time.
Foscari, if you drive down from South Mimms to Barnet, beware the right turn at traffic lights into Barnet High Street. It is where I got caught for staying in the yellow box too long. I was sent a still photo which I don’t think it proves anything other than I was there at a moment in time. There is a small road straight ahead but the powers that be still maintain that turning right is going straight ahead. I do think it is Orwellian and that words can mean whatever Barnet Council want them to mean.
Again the local BBC could have a camera and ask locals whether cars are going straight on or turning right. I know it is labouring the point but the BBC only have stories to fit their agenda. I wonder why the BBC is so anti car? Perhaps all the BBC employees travel in paid taxis to work and so don’t care about mere mortals. Didn’t Dan Walker now of Classic FM used to get £200 round trip taxis to the Manchester studio. I wonder if Classic FM are so generous.
Seems like the emir of londonistan wants to introduce pay per mile driving in londonistan – a final nail in the economy of what used to be a British city ….
He knows he will get re elected so will view that he has the mandate for this madness ….. burn that diesel …
Foscari – it is inevitable. They are in the ascendency and the State is being undermined by them from within . Criticism is becoming forbidden. Their population is expanding rapidly and political muscle with it . All the ingredients are there .
Labour is the party of lofty, intransigent quangos headed by civil servants on £400K PA, putting democracy ever further out of your reach as they enrich themselves at your expense.
BBC have been getting excited about this $61 billion for a while.
The fact that a half a trillion, so far, hasn’t won Ukraine the war seems irrelevant to them.
“Refugees have been admitted to UK ‘without proper checks’ as Border Force is ‘too overwhelmed’, terror watchdog says”
Has this story been covered by the BBC , If not why not ?
Message to PM “Stop the Boats “!
I can vote for the local police commissioner in my area .
No independent, just a Green , Conservative, Labour and LibDim .
Now the Greens could have a green policy where all our rubbish is recycled, including trade and roadside litter .
All rubbish , from dirty nappies to aluminium cans are collected IN ONE BIN and taken down to the prisons where it is sorted by the inmates. Not only general rubbish ( to the incinerator and powering a generator) but the recycling can be broken down unto even mobile phones to have the rare earth elements taken out and banked for the nation .
But they would rather have eight different coloured bins for every house.
The Labour lot could see that crime affects the working class more than it does the others , and make the police make council estates a boon to live in .
But Labour doesn’t like the working class , they’re not globalist enough . Barbara Rosche , a Labour minister said “ I’m not here to please lorry drivers “ when she went to Dover to smack fines on them if illegals broke into their wagons to illegally get into the U.K. . And Jack Straw shook hands with an illegal who went on to commit crimes here .
So Labour are for the criminal class , not the working class .
The LibDims could scout the world looking at the countries that don’t have crime , or did have but drastically reduced it .
But that might make them swoon and clutch their pearls if they saw how . Best narrow the horizons to the EU , and the western bits at that .
As for the Conservatives, well they can promise to be tough on crime , then row back the next time one of them is on Question Time before a live studio BBC audience . I’ve no more reason to distrust them on crime than on stopping the boats . They will promise to spend more , then use it to get more in via CCTV cameras at road junctions , parking areas etc .
The Conservatives aren’t conservative, Labour are not for labour , the LibDims don’t like liberalism or democracy and the Greens are black hearted .
Like when the commie bloc had the People’s Republic of this and the Democratic Republic of that .
"The White Rose" is an anonymous collective spreading Covid conspiracies; they and their supporters were responsible for most of those ugly black and white stickers that people used to put on bus stops in the UK. Their new project…
RESIST “During World War II a German underground movement called Die Weisse Rose (The White Rose) distributed leaflets calling on people to resist the Nazi regime.
One of their leaflets mentioned that every single human is entitled to a government that guarantees the freedom of every single person and the wellbeing of the community.
Every human should be able to reach their natural goal, their earthly joy, autonomously and by their own accord. Die Weisse Rose spoke to people’s conscience and urged them to wake up from their dangerous lethargy.
In their fourth leaflet the members of Die Weisse Rose wrote: “We won’t be silenced, we are your bad conscience, the White Rose won’t leave you in peace.”
On The White Rose UK website we publish articles, videos and other information that help people to become more aware of what is really going on.
We also offer leaflets for distribution and readers can subscribe to our newsletter. We encourage people to join the peaceful movement to restore our freedom, our rights and our humanity.
Both of the Scholl parents were later buried after the war either side of their children. The infamous judge who ordered the executions, Roland Freisler, learnt his trade watching show trials in the Soviet Union.
For those wondering if I was a little too extreme when I described the Tories as Marxist, here’s an article which goes some way to supporting that claim.
But great news for millions of ordinary people who won’t have to pay as much through their taxes for the eco-loon global warming virtue-signalling while the Leftoid intelligentsia p*** in the wind over climate change.
Braverman is demanding the head of the londonistan religious police to resign . I think she will be top of the target list when the regime change takes place .
It might be better if the control of the religious police – previously known as ‘the Met ‘ is taken away from the Muslim fundementalist currently being the mayor and put back under the control of parliament …
That won’t happen of course – and the minarets will sprout across londonistan in coming years ….
The Left are full of anger rage hate and violence, and they love a fight. It’s rare they give up and are beaten, but it does happen, in that case they just move onto a new issue. It’s the fight they relish and the issue means little.
There have been trans people around since forever and for the most part society does what it does, and accepts them bar a few nutters. That’s the tale of all minorites, the vast majority couldn’t care less if you are purple with yellow dots and attracted to marshmallows
The mistake others make is engaging with the left at an early stage, giving them the fight they want. Once you engage it’s a pile on.
They don’t care if kids whole lives are destroyed in the process, it’s the fight which matters, and nothing else.
The chutzpah and gaslighting from people who claim the BBC is not biased, or is biased to the right.
It’s obvious some facts are hidden or reported quickly then buried
whilst others in the BBC Guardianland agendas are selected for BANGING ON
eg #GreenSupremacist policies
“Chris Stark says”… is NOT news .. it’s POLITICAL PR
…. He always says the govt isn’t doing enough for CO2 reduction and his Climate religion.
.. Yet it’s been near the top of the headlines from 8 in the morning to 10 at night
Likewise the RadioTimes which is not owned by BBC
but chose to give Chris Packham guest editorship
… That again is Green Supremacism
Climate Change Committee CEO Chris Stark
Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho
Shadow Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood
Entrepreneur Luke Johnson
Broadcaster Chris Packham
Lib Dem Layla Moran
Just look how the BBC are disguising the racist Met police actions as ‘a row’.
‘The policing minister has said he is “deeply concerned” after a Met Police officer described an antisemitism campaigner as “openly Jewish” during a pro-Palestine march.’
That is NOT the story BBC. This is:
“I’m not accusing you of anything but I’m worried about the reaction to your presence.”
‘A spokesperson for Mr Khan said: “Everybody must feel safe going about in London wherever they please.’
So why didn’t Khan say it and why didn’t they single out racism against Jews which is what the story is. That reply implictly means ‘for Muslims’.
Isn’t it amazing : you say anything against Islam and you are an Islamophobe and a racist.
Say anything against Jews and you are just anti-semetic. Not quite the same ring to it is there ?. Can’t spit those words out at somebody.
Of course it’s no coincidence that those who produced these labels are also the ones who are racist against Jews, sorry, anti-semetic.
I’m thinking about taking bets on how long the awful BBC will be in support of Labour when they get to Downing Street this Autumn.
There’s always the soft few weeks while the various cabinet posts are fiddled, and Normal Citizens are supposed to sit back in awe at the choices, so we can disregard that part.
The real problems will start when there aren’t enough reasons to blame ‘The Tories’ any more. As most Conservative MPs will be out of a ‘job’, and people like Sunak will disappear abroad, there’ll be some sort of ‘doldrums’ effect on running the country. This will be so dangerous for our security, our fiscal predicament, and the general well-being of Normal Citizens who will be having to exist with the ridiculous ‘Nutzero’ policy, far too many illegal immigrants, a failing job market, commercial stagnation and a struggling and gasping capital city being ‘run’ by a foreigner in an armoured car!
I don’t think my village will change much, but I’ll never believe the BBC’s reporting about the cities, especially up North, where the majority of foreigners will congregate. The BBC will gloss over all these problems, but will eventually have to concede that the country is really going to the dogs, and Starmer, Lammy and Reeves will not have the knowledge, strength or inclination to do anything about the issues!
My bet will be around four months in, give or take half an hour, as the local elections – if they are allowed – would be on the cards and even some immigrant-overrun places will realise that we’re really up the creek without an inflatable!
None of Labours plans are going to pan out, as the economic collapse predicted to begin in Q2 appears to be getting underway. The GFC in 2008 never really fixed anything, it just threw money at banks and addressed nothing of the underlying problems.
Doing that has had the effect of magnifying those problems and the global banking system is now trillions of USD underwater.
All the so called GSIBs (Globally strategically Important Banks) are so interconnected that if one fails they will all fail.
Without going into too much heavy economic theory the situation is that we are about to enter a recession which some say could be as bad as the 1930s depression.
Living standards in the West and particularly Europe are falling fast. Public sector debt is excessive and there is no capacity for higher borrowing unless taxes are raised even higher.
Once this economic collapse takes place social unrest might well become more common particularly in the cities, Labour might even lose control of law and order.
Even at this point in time the IMF is warning the government it needs to get a grip on spending, and there simply isn’t going to be the funds available for Labour to implement its madcap plans.
I remember the Today programme, when John Major was PM, and every story was critical of the Conservative government. I thought ‘just wait until Tony Blair and Labour get in and get the same treatment’. Instead, immediately, every headline started with, ‘today the Labour government will do ……’ I presume it was all drafted by Alistair Campbell and read verbatim by the highly paid BBC newsreaders.
And we had ‘Blair’s Babes’ lying about NooLabor’s intentions/achievements/economic and financing success etc. I bet they were crossing their fingers they wouldn’t be found out and their legs to stop the damp gussets of their gripperknickers/incontinence pants springing a leak.
Scroblene – the whole of the red labour residency in power will consist of blaming the extinct Tory party . There will be no ‘new’ Tory blood so the 12 or so remaining will have their fingerprints on 12 years of failure…..
I think the question will be how many factions will there be in red labour ? Obviously the remainer section will be there – the Islam group – the green group -the Far Far Left group – all for Starmer to attempt to control .
Perhaps discussing re joining the EU will be the Big Distraction as our decline continues and the national debt continues to grow – buoyed up by higher interest rates to try and drag foreign money into the treasury …. But sooner or later the music stops – and there is … silence ….
What will the bbc do ? First year all is wonderful – with a contingent chasing ex Tory MPs and ministers – a bit more corruption too -as seen in coming the sunak honours list ….
… year 2 – bbc realises the desperate state of the UK – but continues to blame tories
Year 3 – getting worse – ‘questions ‘ about whether starmer can handle it – challenge to leadership ?… General election coming in a back ground of even more disfunctional than now – public sector strikes – inflation – more crime – more welfare – ‘painful decisions ‘ about taxation – weaker pound …
Year 4 BBC still supports red Labour – charter probably renewed but maybe BBC cut back a bit ….
The above assumes the security situation remains the same ( unlikely ) – Reform doesn’t have much impact due to the electoral 2 party ‘fix’ – and there is not an unforeseen ‘event’ which changes public thinking more generally – such as the need for a revolution …
I’m now so depressed, I’m going to fill a glass up to the brim with Beaujolais, repeat for Senora O’Blene, and wait for a call from a Daughter at 6.00pm…
This all sounds so dire, I think I may have two glasses, in case I lose one…
I think alcohol is the remedy to the 4 years I described above – . I would like to hear of someone describing the ‘sunlit uplands ‘ into which Blighty is heading – but it’s not even ‘managed decline ‘ any more – it’s just national self harm / abuse – by whoever is meant to be in charge …
Looks like the BBC may have found a way to weed out freelance journalists who don’t comply with gender identity ideology.
You can’t be paid for your time until you fill out a diversity survey. And the first two questions are about your ‘gender identity’.
Tomo – I yawn a bit because it has been obvious for years that the obama federales have been attempting to either really kill president trump or politically kill him ….
BBC Sunday – first line ..‘should you shed your name if it represents a a painful colonial past ?” – off switch …
….. and in the news the US has thrown another 80 billion borrowed money to the bank accounts of Ukrainian politicians – does anyone think Russia won’t laugh and win an a few months time ….?
What’s remarkable is the seeming utter incuriousness in Washington and the US MSM (and ours) on where the money is going…. or, indeed how well AFU are doing on the battlefields.
The presumption that flinging borrowed cash to exacerbate the conflict they know next to nothing about is just perverse.
Tomo – it’s very Vietnam – just throwing money at a place without knowing -truly – whether it’s any good . It’s even worse that using ‘body count ‘ as a measure of ‘success ‘,which encouraged corruption ( lies ) within the military until a north Vietnam tank crashed through the gate of the U.S. embassy –
The absence of information on the msm causes for fearing the worst …
Anyone with a few brain cells following American MSM has to be thinking WTF is going on?
I simply wonder how much cash will be laundered.
The curtains need to be pulled back on Biden’s handlers / puppeteers – unaudited cash being shovelled out and the upcoming election are not a coincidence.
The DC blob has to be dismantled, ditto for Westminster.
Headline in the mail today – I only post it for the ‘record ‘ as I didn’t bother waiting time reading the ‘nothing will be done ‘…
STARTS Senior Conservatives warn BBC as they compile damning anti-Tory bias dossier as top figures contrast wall-to-wall coverage of William Wragg and Mark Menzies scandals with Angela Rayner council house row ENDS
The BBC must be really terrified! A Damning dossier? Well well isn’t that interesting, save for the fact the Tories will do absolutely nothing about it, and even if they tried they’ve left it so late Labour would simply reverse it!
… of which 60 billion comes back to USA arms companies and of which a large amount will be fed back to the politicians as donations. Meanwhile you can also be sure the Zelensky regime will be doing every trick they can to line their pockets for when the war ends and they do a runner.
They now know they can’t win because Russia are not going to give up – they just want to keep this gravy train going as long as they can.
And what are the ‘Europeans ‘ doing – putin is a bigger direct threat to for USSR states than America ( or us ) …. The likes of Poland and the krauts are the ones who should really be funding their war – not us and not the US ….
.. but I suppose the real test will come if a NATO country is directly affected … although I suppose the timescale depends on the state of the Russian military when Ukraine is taken …
No chance Putin will take on NATO Fed. He would have a much chance as Ukraine have now.
When the BBC try to scaremonger us that he will, they are are always quoting Zelensky because they know how irresponsible it would be to suggest it themselves.
The corrupt comedian provides them with an excellent choice of extreme rhetoric to put up as headlines without the BBC having to take any accountability for it. Same as all the excellent English ‘quotes’ from the ‘victims’ in Gaza.
I suppose he would have to gauge the actual capability / will of countries affected – one of those internal pro Russia coups would be more likely than tanks across borders I reckon – until the peace loving new regime asks for Russian ‘help ‘ – the old play book – but the timing must be about before or after the US election – ….
All this stuff really makes the world feel dangerous …any way – what do you think of Taylor swift ?
The recycling of “Ukraine” cash seems to be organised – about a month ago I saw an article about how a retired treacher in upstate New York had contributed apparently to several political campaigns she wasn’t aware of – multiply………
As one sifts through the Sunday papers one may chance upon one or two hints as to the sort of world one may experience in the next few years under a Keir Starmer-fronted, Labour-branded, projection into the future of our present managerial regime.
‘Pay-per-mile road fees to hit net zero’… to achieve Sadiq Khan’s “accelerated” plan to hit net zero, documents reveal (Sunday Telegraph)
Was The Village The First 15 Minute City? The Prisoner was a 17 part series first shown in 1967… It featured one man’s quest to retain his individuality in an enclosed village. Both literal and allegorical, the deep and dark series confused many on its release (The Prisoner Puzzle, You Tube)
Rishi Sunak has set us back, head of climate change watchdog says… Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg… to get to net zero, more needs to be done on “how we heat homes… You regularly hear Ed Miliband… talk about the transition… on the Labour side, but Keir Starmer, of course, doesn’t talk about it quite so much,” he said… He cautioned against leaving a “vacuum” where climate change denial could creep in. (BBC)
Meet you new GP in middle age: Dr App… regular health checks via the NHS app rather than book an appointment with their GP from later this year. They will be asked questions about their lifestyle… prompted to provide measurements… NHS leaders want them to manage their own health… (Sunday Times)
‘I’ve seen too much fear and even more favouritism in the policing of pro-Palestinian protests’… Suella Braverman… former Home Secretary (Telegraph)
Ukraine has grown impatient as its ammunition supplies dwindle, with Russia making steady territorial gains (BBC) – no wonder our BBC haven’t made an update to their Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia – since 21 February
Ukraine Russia war: US House passes crucial aid deal worth $61bn (BBC) – that’s your big headline, folks… meanwhile, hidden way down in the small print: $26.4bn in military support for Israel (BBC) – shushhhh don’t shout that to all our… Openly Islamic / Openly Hamas-supporting Islamists we’ve recently imported over here
Martial law…?
A Briton has appeared in court charged under the National Security Act… “Benefiting Russia”… the person was arrested on 10 April… escorted into the dock by guards… dressed in a grey tracksuit… Judge put… reporting restrictions in place to prevent identification of the individual and full details of their alleged crimes… The National Security Act was introduced last year, updating espionage offences… “….targeting the UK’s democracy, economy and values” (Times)
Starmer: Labour is the party for patriots (Telegraph) – that really ought to have been a headline from the formerly patriotic Times – the once serious paper of record now, frankly, more of a Keir Starmer fanzine: A frank manifesto that Keir Starmer must be brave enough to deliver… The Tories have blown it on free markets, benefit fraud and even patriotism. So Labour must be bold (Times); POLITICS Keir Starmer to demote MPs who failed to shine in shadow cabinet (Times) – first to get the flick from Sir Keir may have to be his far from posh, apparently rather sporty – judging by the spicy way she pushes out the babies – if still rather scary for poor Sir Keir, his very own Ginger Spice: House sale document that could nail Rayner (Mail on Sunday)
Meanwhile, in the mainstream, sensing an imminent revival of the era of triangulated Anthony H Blairite 1990s Cool Britannia Blair’s Babes Girl Power, entertainment (presumably we’ll pay for the big show with a massive overdraft, or an awful lot of that pay-per-mile taxation), goes hog wild on a nostalgia binge.
At last! Spice Girls reunite… for Posh’s 50th party (Mail on Sunday)
Mr AsI wasn’t sure about Brit Pop – it all went by in a Blur
Victoria Beckham on family, fame and turning 50 (Times) – no middle age NHS Dr App for our middle aged Posh and Becks, we’re guessing
Spice of life begins at 50 for Victoria (Sunday Express)
Posh party special (The Sun)
Bruno: My mad night out with Bananarama (Daily Star Sunday) – disambiguation (as they say) for the teenagers (as I tend to say): Bananarama British-Irish girl group formed in London in 1980… enjoyed huge success across the rest of the 1980s, and scored a Billboard Number 1 in 1986 with their Stock Aitken and Waterman-assisted version of Shocking Blue’s song Venus. Britain’s Got Talent star Bruno Tonioli has said his nights out with iconic 80s band Bananarama were so heavy, they put him off boozing for life.
The Spice Girls – all you need to know is that one day no one had ever heard of them and then the very next day everyone had a favourite. Good to know they all still get along with one another.
Cowell: I’ll heal rift with Louis and Sharon… as BGT is back on TV (Sunday Mirror)
While Things Can Only Get Better (D:Ream) and while you’re sitting comfortably enjoying the big show, the man himself, our very own Tone strikes a surprisingly bum note…
Tony Blair ‘Politics is for the weird and wealthy’ (Sunday Times)
Must be tricky for starmer having rayner next in line to the throne . He must be praying for her to get charged and have to go – I’m sure it would only improve red labour voting intentions –
Problem red labour have is the same as blue labour – a very poor choice for key jobs … I mean Lammy? Foreign secretary ? Please …. ( where does cheddar cheese come from ? Pass)
I tried this, hoping there was one of those preferences panels where I could remove the ticks for Woke, Mass Migration, Trans activism, Globalism, Perpetual War and Getty Images, plus slide the switch from ‘Pseudo 51st State of USA’ to ‘England, My England’. Unfortunately none of these options were available. I feel cheated once again by the BBC.
Tomo’s reply ended up in the wrong place “first time I’ve had it presented to me …..
Ian, yeah I had similar thoughts…. still not going to sign in though 🙂
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
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JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the weekend:
– TV Licensing Website: No TV Declaration Difficulties
– Former BBC News Presenter Martine Croxall Begins Discrimination Legal Action
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
For Pesach and to heal a few old wounds some modern Klezmer music:
And if you can’t feel that hot Mediterranean sun on your skin with that you’ve never been there!
An apology – I’d like to apologise to PS277NW who I mistakenly identified as being anti Jewish on the previous thread . In fact it is PS377NW Met police ( religious policing branch ) . I’m sorry for any distress I might have caused ….
Thoughtful: “to heal a few old wounds”
What wounds? It comes over as awkward as if forced or not entirely in good faith. Don’t make it about you. Best not to try. Just stick to your viewpoints – there is nothing wrong in having a viewpoint – but please link it to the BBC reporting.
“as if forced or not entirely in good faith.” Please explain this further as I can’t see it myself.
You have flooded this website with your views on Netayanhu and Israel straight from the George Galloway school of thought (which you have admitted to). Just stop repeating the same thing over and over again. Give others a chance to post and make it about the BBC.
Here, here. Well said, BoBotC.
Thoughtful- as you might read – you are not winning friends by your repeated view about a non BBC subject . Maybe express your views a the elected PM of Israel – who you seem obsessed about – elsewhere …and not on the biased BBC website …
Keep going IDF ..
Son’t blame me Fed I know your views, but I didn’t start this, Broadcasting did with his flaming.
He didn’t need to post that, he could have allowed it to lie, but he chose the path of aggravation, my post is only in response to his lies.
Perhaps you could point to where on this thread prior to the flamers post I even mentionied Netanyahu. It in fact was an olive branch post, and attempt to calm the waters, but there are always those so full of rage hatred and bigotry that they will use any excuse to start it all up again.
So, unable to answer the question – the usual aggressive ignorant bigotry!
Despite the fact I have made it clear I do want to see the state of Israel survive, and I believe Netanyahus actions make that less likely you still choose to lie that I do not – you could get a job with the BBC !
I have never admitted to promoting George Galloways views, I posted a single video interview in which Galloway hardly speaks so I’ll put you to proof of your claim.
But like that other blowhard Up2 you will simply ignore the fact you lied and continue with the bigotry and more lies.
You could have simply allowed this to pass, but no you just had to jump in and start it up all over again!
Sounds like you enjoy feeling like a victim ..worrying – and you like that word ‘ blowhard ‘ a lot .. i recall your fondness for identifying bibi as engineering the hamas attack to deflect from his political problems .
I know politicians are not human but currently pulling such a stalin style tactic would be – unwise … no .. i go with cock up on a 9/11 style failure … or maybe he thinks his poll ratings would improve with a global final war
“i recall your fondness for identifying bibi as engineering the hamas attack to deflect from his political problems . ”
No I never said that, what I did say is that he has consitently refused to explain why it happened given the strength and sophistication of the defences, and why all of the warnings were actively ignored.
Perhaps you can explain to me why Israeli intelligence officers were threatened with disciplinary action for reporting what they were seeing brewing in Gaza? That goes beyond cock up into the downright sinister.
And OK if we follow the cock up theory why has he consitently refused point blank to explain it? He did explain the supposed cock up of the 7 dead aid workers, so that sets the precedent there.
Once he’s out of office we will no doubt learn the truth and it might well lead to yet more criminal charges against him. I doubt though if it does and I am proven correct in my doubt that any acknoiwledgement or apology will be forthcoming.
Lord god I’m not going over that stuff – you are on the way to being a troll . I’m sure maxi can go back and cut and past . I will not be communicating with you thoughtful on this site again unless it’s about the BBC . Go and stick another pin into your bibi doll©️…
This is really really poor so effing stop
To Thoughful, I am going to address your “For Pesach” post later in the Hamas-Israel thread, which Pesach being a Jewish festival, was your address to the Jews.
In your address to the Jews you mention: “old wounds”, you mention Klezmer music, you provide a youtube link to “poison sweet madeira” and then you write “And if you can’t feel that hot Mediterranean sun on your skin with that you’ve never been there!”
This message of yours to the Jews I will examine later as I have mentioned (if I can get around to it).
Now this message of yours is from someone (you) that has been posting and posting about your views on Netayanhu and Israel etc – so that also has to be taken into account on how Jews might receive your post.
I had hoped my first message would have got through to you – but you just don’t seem to get it – like someone who is autistic in some way – or just blind to certain things.
You keep on presenting yourself as a victim of an unfair and aggressive assault whenever someone kindly tries to bring certain things to your attention.
Someone that continues to do that will never “learn” or develop an understanding and will continue on the path they have chosen. This is what the “wokerati” and radical feminists do.
Anyway later later (if I can find the time and energy).
Best wishes.
And so yet again the proof I requested has been completely ignored because youu like up2 are incapable of backing your wild claims with any evidence what so ever.
Here is another request for some proof which you won’t provide – that I am continually presenting myself as a victim or even that I have ever presented myself as a victim at all.
Which of course you will ignore because you can’t.
I unlike many others from the centre right do actually go to the Left wing chat rooms partly to try to improve my abilities and partly to teach them.
We on the right are lost. They stick together we fracture and fight at every opportunity. There is no concensus building, there is no attempt to explore the other sides point of view, just knee jerking name calling and emnity.
The problem here although you can’t see it, is that I hold mainstream centre right views, and yours are extremist, try going to a few chat rooms or the comments sections on centre right publications.
You probably don’t know what the left are saying because you haven’t expanded your views to that.
You probably can’t see the danger to Israel in the future, and I’m sure you can’t even contemplate the damage being done. The gung ho F you attitude is no longer going to work as it did in the past. It might have escaped your notice but the Wests star is fading, our standard of living is falling fast, as our defence capabilities, how much longer do you think the West can go on propping up Israel?
Doesn’t matter if it’s financial or military the world is changing radically the power is shifting from West to East, anyone in Finance can tell you all about this.
Israel lashing out at its neighbours might have been OK 30 years ago, but its enemies have powerful allies now, and the advice is patience. One of the media articles this week is on the diminishing of US power in the Middle East, but you and others appear to be living in the past – send a gun boat!
We are no longer the power we once were, and if Israel is going to survive compromise with its neighbours has to be achieved.
You appear to think Israel can defeat Iraq Syria, Iran Lebanon, Turkey along with Russia and China.
Tell me how you think they are going to do this?
My thoughts are this – peace and compromise or destruction.
And peace through the Abraham accords was on the cards – it’s not now.
Explain to me the strategic reason for breaking international law and destroying the Iranian consulate ?
I’m interested not so much in the now, but in the future, and I would like Israel to have a future, but it can’t have that behaving the way it currently is doing.
T, blowhard not an insult? Not flaming like BoBotC? You are a hypocrite just like the BBC!
I have a problem with making anything that I post on this site about the current state of BBC reporting or any of its output because I don’t watch or listen to it and havnt done so for years.
I am surprised that so many posters on the site still do watch and listen and so are able to comment on the daily offerings of the foul corporation. I really did feel better in mind and body when I stopped watching or listening to BBC news and their so called entertainment. So I salute those of you who still subject yourselves to the torment of the BBC.
I was a BBC user up until 2020 when I stopped. By then I was , and remain , fully satisfied that the BBC is extremely biased to the hyperglobalist left and a key part of its propaganda and indoctrination effort. I am sure that the BBC is an enemy of the British people and has done immense harm to our country over the past four decades.
I agree, this is my experience too. Radio 4 used to be like an old friend with programs such as just a minute, the news quiz, and others in the comedy slot.
The participants Alan Coren, Frank Muir, Barry Crier, Nicholas Parsons, Humphrey Littleton, might have had some left wing views but they didn’t allow them to impinge too much.
It started to go downhill with the Now Show with Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis when the bias became uncontrolled. There were appalling and egregious breaches of impartiality which increased until it became the norm and I was no longer able to listen to the old favourites.
Maybe we deceive ourselves that the BBC has become worse in its bias, Churchill hated Reith over his Socialist leanings, and his support for the Nazis, it’s worth remembering that Reith was offering to fly the Swastika from Bush House long after everyone knew what the Nazi’s were about.
I remember my father in law now deceased being invited by the Duke of Devonshire to Chatsworth house to some do where the presenter was Brian Redhead, and becomming so incensed at Redheads left wing bias that he stood up and shouted at him to cut the Left Wing bias, to rounds of applause from the audience.
Even from the very formation of the BBC it was known the performing arts was generally liberal and Left leaning, and safeguards were put in place to mitigate that bias, alas that in the later years as the Tories turned to Marxism, those safeguards were left in abeyance.
Yes the BBC has done immense harm, and I can remember the prominent bias in the Thatcher years, so I would agree there. They have perhaps been subtle in the way they have gone about it, providing attack on right of centre views, and disinformation, whilst providing kindly explanation for what should be unacceptable left wing policies.
Double – yes – i used to listen to Today out of duty – as a witness to what they are doing .
But that has tailed off . I think i am one of the millions rejecting the BBC for all sorts of reasons .
So it is tricky making a comment when exposure to the BBC becomes so rationed .
It becomes big ‘events ‘ which demand attention .
Ive been lucky as ive been out of the UK for 3 weeks and my TV gave up completely. It will cost a lot to get the satellite set agsin .
So a lot has come from the radio of free press sites or the Telegraph – articles from which i make the effort to share here .
Luckily for me there are whole swathes of bbc TV output i have never seen and never will . But i know full well that the ‘ approved thought’ infects all BBC output .- in the way the nazis did it to Germany in the 1930s.
A lot of people think the UK is in a bad place now as a result of 12 years of blue labour ‘rule’ …
But i think thats nothing to what is coming with reds in charge and a 200 majority fighting itself ..
Did you ever buy the Roku Stick? lots of free content on there for you if you want it
There are alternative political parties , eg., Reform UK.
I had been a reall BBC junky, certainly from listening first thing in the morning to the Today programme to watching Newsnight every evening. I never really watched anything on ITV for many years. I can’t remember when I gave up on the BBC. It was a gradual reduction. I was left with local news and the nature programmes. The latter stopped when I realised I was watching just waiting for them to mention ‘climate change’ and I realised I was never disappointed. Then I started thinking how long till they mentioned ‘climate change’ and realised that wasn’t very long either. I don’t know why I stopped local news. I think it was that I could see the agenda behind every story.
But I still post here and I do try to link my posts to the BBC. Sometimes it is just ‘I don’t know how the BBC are reporting this’, or ‘this wouldn’t fit the BBC agenda’. It doesn’t happen every time I post, but I hope most.’
Tim Davie: BBC will deploy AI ‘on our terms’
“We are now working with a number of major tech companies on BBC-specific pilots [and] we will be deploying the most promising ones in coming months,” he added.
Notes: What this means in practice is BBC redundancies. Layers of middle management to go. Yentob will still be there on the BBC soapbox, but actually making anything at all, will go to outside contractors. in fact today i learn that Yentob says the BBC is ‘all right’ selling its huge back catalogue to ‘other’ online TV Channels. he didn’t say how much, but sometimes the BBC pays £5 per program (I am not joking). And some of the BBC stuff is not actually made by the BBC at all. Richard Attenborough makes more money flogging his Planet Earth series on other channels than he does on the BBC, he owns and runs his own UK production company. His sales are US based.
If you really want to know what the BBC has planned when it is forced to abandon the TV license, its called ‘Homes Under The Hammer’ or ‘Flog It’. This is the scope of BBC imagination.
They hope to get some funding for ‘Climate Change apocalypse III’ but the funding for that seems to be drying up. They are struggling with BBC TV 2 at the moment, as viewers are leaving in droves. They also have bigger problem in that the ‘yoof’ which they invested a lot of time and ‘fun’ programs have gone to NetFlix. In short, only Labour (Tony Blair Mark II) can rebuild the BBC into the proper propaganda channels it was always denying it ever was.
Will AI improve the BBC? I very much doubt it. The media class will be the first to be made redundant. And they know it. There will be several years before the TV license is dead, but now its inevitable. It will then switch to ‘central funding’ and be preserved in aspic as a unique Fossil of the period. A sort of Museum of the lost Art of state propaganda.
I noticed whilst watching Bangers and Cash on whatever channel it’s on, adverts for Big (?) Bottom with Ade Edmondson and Rick Mayall. A BBC series but I think it was to be Britbox, but certainly somewhere where the viewer has to pay. As if we haven’t paid for the series through our licenses.
The BBC’s modus operandi when short of money, is to choose programmes most liked by old people to cut, or a sport liked by the middle classes. They hope the uproar will make the government say, ‘ok, we will increase the licence fee’. If we had a government with backbone, it should say ‘BBC, cut the news if you can’t afford it’. Actually they could cut Newsnight and Questontime and put on the Potter’s wheel. They might get more viewers.
Our charming immigrants, fleeing war and persecution, once they get into our countries in Europe
I was exstatic when I heard on the BBC that this
years London Marathon on Sunday is going to be
the most inclusive . Everybody from a plethora of
categories will get the same prize money. I wish I
could compete in the heart failure category.But I feel
that it might kill me.
Mind you when I last run in it 30 years ago. It was pretty
Inclusive then. I ran in the “those with weak bladders “
category. It was very organized. On leaving Greenwich
Park.There was a very large mound where you could take
a piss. The only problem was that is where all the 15000 men
In the marathon could take a leak. Greenwich Hiigh Street had
a river of urine flowing through it.
A religious Jewish friend of mine is running on Sunday.
For those in the “ no sense of direction” category.
I advised him not to wear a scull cap.With no sense of direction.
He is likely to finish up in central London. And be arrested by the
As an appendage . Although there a slight degree of
embellishment in my last contribution. It is around 85%
accurate. For those doubting that I even “ran” in the 1994
marathon. If somebody would tell me to how to download a
photo of me and a one legged friend I met after about 4 hours , crossing the finishing line.
We” ran ” in absolutely freezing conditions. In which
three poor folk died from hyperthermia. It was the last time
the marathon was run in early April,
My one legged friend on crutches won his category. And
even waited for me when relieving myself on greenery on
the route.
Foscari, you mean that temperatures were similar then to now? In spite of global warming.
If you crossed the finishing line after a 26 mile run alongside a one legged man on crutches, I would advise you consider an alternative sport, like Scrabble or Cluedo or something.
Or a hard jigsaw puzzle.
I would have suggested Buckaroo but that can get a bit violent if you have cardio issues.
Hi Debs- you taking the piss?
Only in Greenwich High Street
I couldn’t possibly comment.
I last ran a marathon in 1968, at school. My friend thumbed down a lorry, and we got a lift back to the school. Nobody noticed. But we still did not come first, second or third. Everyone in the marathon was white, male and within a one year age range of each other. The marathon excluded everyone else in the world, including pupils who pretended to be ill, so as to avoid the marathon.
Cross country running at school was enough for me in 1977, especially in the woods halfway through after someone produced a packet of gauloise fags.
Although I still preferred it to rugby, being slightly built, and watching one of us with his kneecap dislocated and the psychotic welsh ex boxer maths teacher deciding to relocate it in situ before the ambulance arrived.
I can still recall the screams.
Hockey was meant to be a relatively non contact sport, but didn’t help one of us getting a broken jaw and drinking and eating through a straw for a few weeks.
Sports periods were dreaded at our school.
Mine too, though the games master used to start races with a Webley .38, which always used to fascinate me.
Revenons a nos moutons, as the French say.
“The Now Show” on Radio 4 reached its final episode after 25 years, at 6:30 this evening. So it’s adieu to Punt, Dennis & Co. I for one will not miss it.
It did have something fresh about it, long ago, and I judged that it was better than the dire “News Quiz”, not that that’s saying much. The trouble is that it, in common with much BBC comedy, became all too predictable. The last show of the series sadly proved the point.
The targets seldom change: GB News, Donald Trump, Brexit, Jacob Rees Mogg, etc. There are jokes against Biden, but only for his advanced age, not his policies such as opening the southern border to illegals, stopping exploitation of the US’s own energy reserves, suicidal levels of borrowing and spending, and the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.
Particularly poor was a quip about NHS staff being underpaid, when doctors especially, and nurses, have done well in more recent times and many of the former can afford to work three days or fewer per week. They may be overworked in places but some seem unwilling to meet patients face to face, especially since Covid-19. The NHS is never challenged, only government spending on it.
Another disappointing feature was a musical contribution from a Mr Jazz Emu. Victoria Wood he ain’t. There have been amusing musical interludes on the show but this one was poor. Emu, or maybe that should be EMU, is named not after the Antipodean flightless bird but rather a type of locomotive called an Electric Motor Unit. The name is the funniest thing about him.
There have been some new ideas in the 6:30 comedy slot, not all of them bad, which is just as well because this one has had its time. I hope that the News Quiz is the next to be shown the door.
Last week the show was circling the wagons by “humour” against Angela Rayners critics .
Marathons have got smaller, and Mars bars.
Man sets himself on fire outside Trump’s Manhattan hush money trial
The political persecution of Trump story just gets better and better. And I’m being sarcastic there in case any doxing morons like maxi are reading.
Another American nutcase of course, but I went looking to see why this man set himself on fire and it seems nobody wants to tell me. All I am told is that he is a conspircay theorist – which is a standard Leftist smear term. That always gets my interest – particularly when the BBC do it as it is ALWAYS covering up something they don’t want you to know.
So I look around and find this ‘What we know’ article from The Independent (who are ‘independent’ as in write what they want, not ‘unbiased’ like you first think as they are a far left as the bbc).
And it seems his ‘conspiracy’ is that the globalist Left are planning a fascist coup to take over the world. Here’s what he wrote:
“To my friends and family, witnesses and first responders, I deeply apologize for inflicting this pain upon you. But I assure you it is a drop in the bucket compared to what our government intends to inflict,” he wrote.
I’m not surprised the BBC don’t report that. They are part of it. As are the EU and it’s what Ukraine is all about. The only thing thing the nutcase has got wrong is that it won’t be a coup, they are getting there by inches. And the persecution of Trump is part of it.
Sydney stabbing: Bondi attack on women devastates Australia
So another lengthy piece which degenerates into blatant misandry from the BBC.
‘Another 14-year-old admits she’s angry.
“It just frustrates me that I need to be aware of men’s impulses… I don’t want to be worrying like ‘Oh, that guy over there, he could just suddenly be like, ‘I want to kill you’.”‘
You are interviewing 14 year olds now BBC ?. What kind of balance do you think they have on the world ?. About the same as your quota clones I expect.
A ridiculous article. How about all the men who get murdered BBC ?. They don’t count for anything in their bizarre far-left world where the voices of minorities count for more than white males.
Here’s the real news BBC. He was a derranged gay male prostitute. How many of those do you think are roaming around looking to stab people ?.
Meanwhile the REAL terrorist story a few days later has vanished. It was a Muslim extremist who wanted to murder Christians. And how many of THOSE do you think there are roaming around ?.
A LOT more. Women should be FAR more concerned about a terrorist attack than a gay nutcase. THAT is your story BBC but as usual you don’t care. Agenda trumps everything.
Here’s the misandrist who wrote it. She turns up quite a lot for articles I consider to be extreme BBC agenda. But I don’t blame her : she’s just a clueless clone writing what her BBC boss told her to write. I’d love to know who that is.
The BBC is a farce and a far-left parasite. Get rid.
I think it is just an unfortunate fact of life that women, being the weaker sex physically, do need to be aware of men’s impulses and take a little bit more care of their own safety. Even though, as you say, more men are victims of violence than women.
However, misandrists like her don’t appreciate that it is the progressive policies of the last half century that have really turned this society into a more dangerous place for women.
The abolition of the death penalty removed the strongest deterrent we had against murder.
Mass immigration has brought millions of people into this country from cultures with barbaric attitudes towards women. Some don’t even think rape is a crime.
My parents told me to bring my knee up between a man’s legs if ever I was attacked. I still think that’s the best advice. Sorry chaps !
And there was me thinking it was only the IRA that did kneecapping.
Good advice. Same applies to men being attacked by other men – a good kick to the crown jewels for temporary incapacitation. However it is best to practice first on someone – a partner, in a self defence class, a friend – appropriately protected of course.
> Sydney stabbing: Bondi attack on women devastates Australia
Dear BBC
This is your own fault – you and other feminist media organisations around the western world have been responsible for creating a hate-male culture. You have disenfranchised young men. Your attack on the patriarchy has been successful beyond your wildest dreams. The breakup of the family, constant denigration of men, men wanting to be wimmin, this is your miracle.
I warned you about just this problem nearly 30 years ago in a piece I wrote called rogue-males. The brilliant Angry Harry went even further and suggested that public places in the future would no longer be safe because of young men going off the handle.
So dear bBC you are going to have to rediscover the hard way that including men in a family is a great civilising influence. Maybe you hardened feminists could try dating a homeless man for a year. See it like your national service – a kind of civic duty.
This is why BBC, over 30 years ago, I couriered my TV back to you.
BBC Is Trying to Close Down Freedom of Expression Using Verify:
It is not the bbc per se, it is the muslims within the bbc that seem to have more than a little influence, their opinions on the UK, India and elsewhere and the religions and culture that are continually crtiticised that reveal that day after day, week after week.
No longer journalists, whatever they are, they are not reporting facts without colouring facts with some kind of justification of actions, they are desperately trying to influence opinion, muslim crimes and misdemeanors rarely if ever reported simply factually.
The same applies to Donald Trump, but does not apply to the obviously retarded Biden and his son.
RE above, QED:
an attack on a priest in a church during a service by a muslim extremist and yet:
“Sydney stabbing: Bondi attack on women devastates Australia”
How low can the bbc muzzies stoop ?
At the end of the last thread – Friday night – I re published the apology from the emirs ‘ religious police about the man being threatened with arrest for looking obviously Jewish .
Well today the londonistan religious police has had to apologise for the apology … the assistant commissioner responsible for this is obviously destined for the top job with the emir ….
I reckon once the emir is re elected on 2 May he will take his Islam to an even higher level – with all pupils in all schools required to ‘pray to Allah ‘…. There’s no one and nothing to stop him …
BTW – it seems the Jewish bloke chatting to Ps377NWwas the one who got Tommy Robinson arrested … goes around ..comes around …
Thinking about it – perhaps the religious police in londonistan should publish a handy guide about ‘degrees of Jewishness ‘ – harnessing various stereotypes of Jews so that their officers can arrest on sight when necessary …. , issue FPN or cautions ….
Reminds me of a paragraph in a Spike Milligan book about a colleague’s nose.
As far as i can recall:
His nose was so big that even in Bar Mitzvahs people were heard to remark “who’s the Jewish looking bloke in the corner?”
The problem these days is that virtually everyone who appears in front of a camera is an activist. And usually left-wing.
Particularly on the BBC – and they have a nasty trick of knowing it but pretending they are just members of the public. Which is one more way they lie.
Yes, we saw the post earlier of Labour infesting charities with socialist activists.
And, a family with 12 bloody children struggling to feed them…
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – is Jezbo Thoughtful in drag?
Jeremy Bowen has penned this article on the BBC web-site: It is full of BBC ignorance or maybe it is wilful blindness on the part of Bowen and the BBC?
Israel understands Iran and the other Islamic States surrounding Israel very well indeed. Israel knows that they are in a fight for survival, for their very existence as a modern, liberal, democratic nation.
Oh. Worth mentioning. People in London celebrated this on the day.
Only certain people.
Guest Who, ?
Guest, at a guess I would say Mr Fox is refering to the aerial attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
Would I be correct in that guess?
What a Difference a Year Makes… A famous quote from Vladimir Lenin states: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” (A welcome debut hereabouts for Psychology Today – more from that article by Elaine Dundon later)
This Saturday’s Daily Mail – perhaps prempting one of those tedious end of year news reviews…?
Benefits to be axed after year on the dole
What my year of casual sex taught me about men
Calm down dear
The Mail’s headline news story tells us how after fourteen years in power the Tories leave it until the last minute to start talking conservatively: PM announces biggest welfare crackdown in a generation to get jobless back to work (Daily Mail)
Perhaps the economic and societal costs of all that wonderful enjoy yourself today, someone else will pay, freeloading liberalism has began to take its toll? : Book every young woman should read… Speaking out: Kitty Ruskin, author of Ten Men
Too Much Too Young – was a hit for Ska revivalists, from Coventry, The Specials, back in 1979
Too Little Too Late
No10 wants to cut the cost of UK benefits, which has risen from £42 billion to £69 billion since the pandemic… (‘i’)
Here we go again – Mr AsI is going to bore you for the umpteenth time with a repeat of his thesis that Lockdown – a mistaken and deeply flawed government policy – suffice it to say enthusiatically promoted and prolonged by our BBC – has demoralised the British workforce – then he’ll rehearse his quip how if only there were some form of public inquiry that could look into that.
Let me just do the usual edit on that headline from the left-leaning alarmist poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper which leads with: Disability benefit faces cut in Tory manifesto as PM bets election on welfare blitz
Let’s see, where’s my blue pencil? Bear with me while I give it a necessary quick sharpen: No10 wants to cut the cost of UK benefits, which has risen from £42 billion to £69 billion since the
pandemicLockdown, which was of course a Tory government policy choicePhilately will get you nowhere
Royal Mail workers tell of fake stamp ‘chaos’ (Telegraph)
There are those who claim that what with their plans to sharpen existing Hate Speech Laws and further moves to bring us back into line with the EU the next Labour government will make it a prosecutable offence to hold conservative views.
National Conservatism Conference: Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels event (BBC)
We’re almost at that point already – under a supposedly conservative administration. Stand against the current left-liberal latest thing and you’ll be targeted by the cops: ‘You are openly Jewish’ Scotland Yard under fire after man is threatened with arrest for walking near pro-Palestinian protestors (Telegraph)
First they came for the openly Jewish…
Former BBC Newsnight lefty monologue polemicist and denizen of North London elite dinner parties finds her new perch from which to crow bile at a fellow fan of the overly-applied fake tan: Trump is getting a fair trial… and that sickens him by Emily Mailis (‘i’)
They do say everyone is a liberal – until they’re mugged by reality
WAG’s robbery ordeal… I feared I’d die in armed raid at Dele’s… Dele Ali’s ex Ruby Mae has revealed she feared she was going to die… The model, 29, said two masked men tried to rip rings off her (The Sun)
Jo Brand I’m a voice for the older generation At 66 I’m frightened of being cancelled (‘i’)
Mr AsI isn’t the only one saying calm down, luvs…
Calls for calm after Israel strikes hit Iran (Guardian); Calls for calm as Israel revenge strike sparks fears of all-out war (Mirror)
And yet, oddly enough: Reaction muted on both sides (FT)
Perhaps this Israel-Iran all-out war will be as damp a squib as the Tory welfare blitz?
The Guardian concentrates its thoughts on its happy place: Win! Two free tickets to Glastonbury
Meanwhile, our Jo Brand may see herself as the voice of the over 60s (a somewhat smutty, battery acid tongued lefty voice) and then there’s: Liz Earl at 60 Beauty guru on fitness, friends and joyful sex – in the Telegraph – however, the Daily Express campaigns to despatch the older generation off to their happier place – forthwith: 200,000 demand Dame Esther gets her dying wish – the TV star is of course personally sufficiently well heeled so as to afford to pay for her own final curtain call trip to Switzerland – what this campaign is really about is sharing the benefits of euphenasia with us all – free on the NHS
And with that… I’m out of here
Leaving the last word to Elaine Dundon, The Search for Meaning After Age 50 writing in Psychology Today back in January 2021
What we have experienced in 2020 has not been seen since wartime, or even ever, including the loss of freedom to relax and share joy with others in restaurants, bars, and coffee shops; to gather in large groups at events such as concerts, movies, and religious ceremonies; to play team sports or work out in fitness centers; or to travel as we wish to visit others, including those in other countries.
When we do venture out into the world, we are met by faceless strangers whose masks cover up the expression of their very essence and create a barrier between truly connecting on a human level. The loss of social connection intensifies. The loss of freedom intensifies. Hopelessness intensifies.
Some think all will return to the old, familiar normal once a vaccine is administered in 2021. Others warn us that the current vaccine might not be effective against new strains of the virus and the cycle of masks, lockdowns, and social isolation will begin again. No one knows what the future holds.
If we choose to accept the challenge to retain our humanity in the face of all that lies ahead of us in 2021, each of us will need a Great Reset for our own lives.
Well said, luv.
Sometime I picture the kidult special advisors coming up with policies like ‘cutting benefits ‘… how thick do they think the electorate is ?
Do they think their minds are so superior that we won’t see through some too late conservative policy which will never see the light of day?
Signing people off was – I think introduced by Blair / brown to cut the unemployment figures to deceive us . No one changed it ….
Now we have fights over disabled parking spaces …
The thing which makes my blood boil is the amount people on jobseekers are given, and the implications of cutting it.
If a single working adult loses their job they will receive jobseekers for just 6 months you will receive the princely sum in return for your NI contributions of just £71.70 pw under 25 and £90.50 if over.
If you are paying child maintanance £10 will be deducted, and if there are any fines outstanding a further £10 deducted.
This means this evil government genuinely believes it is possible to live on £51.50 pw and pay all your bills in full from this amount, or £70.50
Once you reach the 6 month stage the benefit moves to income based jobseekers where they will pay a proportion of the rent and a portion of the council tax.
Until people are actually faced with having to live on these pittances they don’t realise how low they really are.
It’s a different story for the unmarried mothers who get so much they don’t know what to do with it all. That is where the problem truly lies and that is what should be tackled.
Compare it to what an illegal migrant receives and your blood won’t just be boiling, there will be steam comming out of both ears!
It’s a cheap trick playing to the gallery – but one which will never come to pass. If you reduce someones income to zero they have the moral right to steal to live, and even the law recognises we cannot punish starving people stealing food to eat.
It’s not as if it’s a new problem:
“At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,” said the [one of the gentlemen], taking up a pen, “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.”
“Are there no prisons?” asked Scrooge.
“Plenty of prisons,” said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.
“And the Union workhouses?” demanded Scrooge. “Are they still in operation?”
“They are. Still,” returned the gentleman, “I wish I could say they were not.”
“The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?” said Scrooge.
“Both very busy, sir.”
“Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,” said Scrooge. “I’m very glad to hear it.”
“Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude,” returned the gentleman, “a few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?”
“Nothing!” Scrooge replied.
“You wish to be anonymous?”
“I wish to be left alone,” said Scrooge. “Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned: they cost enough: and those who are badly off must go there.”
“Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.”
“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
The Tories could easily be portrayed as Ebeneezer Scrooge not a particularly positive comparison.
The man who spawned over 60 juvenile acolytes who selectively target bbc foes, more often than not using Google on their cubicle PCs, and get it wrong.
One comment in 13hrs.
And his new boss?
This is actually very damning.
The BBC finally does a satire. The audience sound uncomfortable, not sure if they’re allowed to laugh or if this is a test and they’ll have to get up on the stage for a struggle session.
Luckily, a new breed is coming.
For a joke to work there has to be some truth to it. Smearing the Cass report as far-right, a room full of young, trendy, presumably left-wing people went ‘Nah’.
Ironically, this revealed a more profound truth; it’s over. Thanks @joelycett.
Car Insurance premiums rocketing across the board…..
Even my little 1.6 petrol Golf has jumped £250 this year….
Makes me wonder if petrol/diesel motorists are being ripped off to cover the upcoming mega costs of insuring Electric Vehicles?
They cost more, so are more expensive to repair, they get stranded more so have to be rescued more often, they increase the likelihood of your car and even your house going up in flames.
They are usually owned by more wealthy individuals so is this in fact “lower status” drivers subsidising the better off so they can go about virtue signalling their green credentials?
The reason behind it is the bond market. Insurance and pension companies invest their money in government bonds because they are supposed to be a safe haven with a guaranteed return.
Because they are run by accountants, and accountants lack common sense or a view of risk in the future they buy longer term bonds or ten years or longer, because there is a scintilla of extra interest to be had ( these fractions of a fraction of a percentage is what accountants notice)
So post 2008 GFC interest rates fell to the floor and remained there until just after covid when they rapidly increased. A bond which would net you say 1 or 1.5% was suddenly offering 4.5%
Imagine yourself as a buyer of one of these bonds if you were able to get 4.5% how much would you be prepared to pay for one with say 8 years remaining at just 1% ?
And that in a nutshell is why your insurance premiums have risen. Covid lockdowns meant people weren’t driving, so fewer accidents, more money to put into bonds, then they start driving again and the claim rate returns to normal and you need to sell the bonds to pay the claims, only now they’re only worth half what you paid for them.
Hopefully this goes someway to explaining the real reason why insurance premiums have risen so sharply.
Please note that when this happens the other way around and they are quids in they don’t ever reduce those premiums, it’s always loaded in their favour.
“ Because they are run by accountants, and accountants lack common sense or a view of risk in the future they buy longer term bonds or ten years or longer, because there is a scintilla of extra interest to be had ( these fractions of a fraction of a percentage is what accountants notice)”.
I’m a lapsed FCA, retired and saw no sense in paying the membership fee just so i could receive fee notices addressed to me as ‘FCA’ (no one else having done so for 20+ years despite the qualification having been required for much of my career, in auditing, banking, private equity.)
I was at one time General Manager (top dog reporting direct to overseas HO) of a foreign bank in the city. I knew and still know many investment managers, who are the people who make investment decisions, not accountants.
The gilt market was skewed most when Lord Myners, (remember him?) advised that pension funds had to invest more in bonds to better match their liabilities, the forerunner of the LDI’s which together with the rank incompetence of Bailey and the BoE caused the gilt market collapse which did for poor Liz Truss last year.
And do they have a gilty conscience ?
Yes I am aware of the obligations of pension funds to invest in government bonds and gilts.
I also remember the chasing of the scintilla of interest which led to charities putting their money in the Icelandic bank Kaupthing and then losing everything when it collapsed.
Interesting name BTW an Isolated fisherman who eventually takes his own life?
Over thoughful again, maybe ?
His real name could be Snape Malting or somerthing, if I was called that I would change it also.
I used to work with a chap whos surname was Cockhead, every now and again we would ask for a tannoy call for him because she could not get halfway through it before she cracked up and started snorting trying desperately to complete the announcment, she never managed.
It didn’t really matter he was always next to us, he should have changed his name to Peter Grimes or something.
Ah, perhaps I should explain further. Peter Grimes is a rather dark opera by Benjamin Brittan. Peter Grimes is not a pleasant man and meets a bad end.
It’s an unusual choice of name for that reason.
Ditto, maybe I should explain further..
Yes, Benjamin Britten, with an e
Aldeburgh is a coastal town in the county of Suffolk, north of the River Alde. It was home to the composer Benjamin Britten and remains the centre of the international Aldeburgh Festival of arts at nearby Snape Maltings.
What tends to stick in one’s craw is those lecturing the plebs, who are travelling around in private jets, yes I’m looking at you Nutmeg and Harry as prime examples, and of course our Muslim Mayor in his 5.1 litre Range Rover
(for driving around London at 15 miles per hour?)
A returm to the medieval, with peasants confined to their hamlets for life, (Six traffic filters – designed to reduce traffic, make bus journeys faster and make walking and cycling safer – will be trialled in Oxford) and dictated to as what they can and cannot eat, maybe to ensure they are fit enough for their low paid jobs for as long as possible, and their only leisure, fed a diet of tv propaganda and crap “reality” (sic) shows, and extremely prompt police action if they say what they thnk.
North Korea in all but name.
How very predictable and oh, so very impartial of BBC. That man Murrell…remember him.. yes, only yesterday charged with offences of dishonesty and already removed from BBC news page online.
Perhaps the Verify team can find out why such a speedy disappearance. BBC don’t like doing news about some types of people!
psrty gate party gate party gate week after week after week
Police – Advice for openly Jewish people.
You need to click on the link – Andrew Lawrence
RE above, nuff said
“20mph Wales: Some roads to revert to 30mph after backlash”
It looks like as if someone in the ‘Assembly’ has got some common sense? How much did this exercise cost the taxpayer?
I don’t know if she was Welsh but got stuck for 10 miles behind some twat driving at 20 mph the other day, I was starving hungry and just wanted to get to town to find some lunch, having left for work at 6 AM with constant meetings all morning.
I can understand 20 mph around some areas, with schoolkids wandering into the road looking at their iphones, but the over 70s seem to relish holding up queues of traffic in their Nissan Micras and Honda Jazzes, and when we get to the 50 mph limit they may speed up to 25 mph if there are no sharp bends in the road.
Half blind and deaf, reaction times of a sloth on tranquilisers at junctions and roundabouts, and still have a license, whereas a 30 year old with two pints of lager inside them is a menace on the road apparently.
Although working in Harlow recently I have the opposite problem with psychotic van drivers who all seem to have a modified Transit that can do 40 mph around roundabouts with the indicators decommissioned.
It would not have been a problem if I was still working at a local authority, they swan in at 10 AM and into a meeting where they start eating crunchy nut cornflakes and slurping yoghurt, not having the ability to have breakfast before they go to work apparently.
(National Highways, TfL and Barnet)
Maybe they could cover that at induction, or even in the job advert ?
Must have the ability to prepare and eat breakfast before work ?
Naah, never gonna happen, they’ll sue or go on strike, maybe a picket line but not before 10 am as they will all be at their cereal bowls with their dolphin friendly garlic muesli, and at 11.30 too busy microwaving their multiple tupperware boxes of free range tofu curry and toasting sustainable, responsibly sourced, vegan garlic bread.
In my bit of North Wales (Gwynedd) the 20mph limit is ignored by most, with 30mph driving still common. I followed a police car along our local High Street the other evening at 29mph.
Drivers actually sticking to 20mph are a rarity.
Drivers in Cranebridge can only dream about going as fast as 20mph. As a teacher the Missus drives into town and worst case the last 2 miles can take 2 hours 20 mins to complete. That is a white knuckle ride of 0.87 mph!
Strange how they always want to site supermarkets and housing development off major arterial routes as well as increase the number of non-synchronised traffic lights. Digging up the road when school holidays have completed is another good technique. Time-theft comes to mind.
Some years ago Barnet Council took the decision to be ‘light touch’ councilling. Those of us who believed in low government interference thought this a good idea. We used to be called Conservatives. We stupidly thought that this meant the number of people in the offices would gradually reduce. What we didn’t realise was that the pot holes would never be repaired (I have said before that the High Road leading from the North Circular up to Barnet resembles a third world country road). However the road fining department seems to be fully staffed. If the large white van in front of you comes to an abrupt stop resulting in the merest hint that your car is still in a yellow box, the letter telling you that you are banged to rights comes instantly. As for parking itself, Barnet Council are doing a brilliant job……of reducing the number of parking places. If you work in Barnet but not near the station, forget it, you will have a horrendous journey to work on public transport. If you elderly and want to shop in person, forget it.
To link this to the BBC….local news could do items on the difficulties people have in London due to parking restrictions or how ULEZ is making elderly people housebound. Of course the BBC doesn’t, it is against the BBC’s and the mayor’s agenda.
Yes, parking were the main incoming complaints at Barnet, a too small town for the volume of traffic, driving through to get to the office must rank as one of my very worse commutes.
I used to know a certain Jewish gentlement fromn Friern Barnet, I take it that’s close to you?
His main job was in electronics, but he also had a market stall somewhere nearby and I think he made more money from that than he did at his main job, he certainly had the gift of the gab.
He would certainly need that gift now, especially if he dared show his face in London at weekends, which is now a muslim enclave openly celebrating their endemic racist agenda each and every weekend with their faces hidden behind masks, keenly supported by the muslim mayor, who would most certainly not allow Tommy Robinson to have weekly marches.
In fact he is not even allowed in London anymore. Whereas any muslim arriving hidden in a lorry or container is welcome in our capital city along with their racist, sexist, homophobic views. Many women in London now are not feeling safe in the streets of their capital city.
Last time in London with my wife, she was openly ogled by asian men on the tube and in the street outside of the British museum.
Funny thing is that it’s not the same in Manchester where there are two main Jewish areas and they don’t seem to be suffering in the same way.
Yes Deborah- I live in Woodside Park as you say the roads are
in a terrible state. We will lose our MP Theresa Villiers at
the General Election because of the demographics of
London’s most populous borough Barnet .
Margaret Thatcher must be turning over in her grave if
she can see what has happened in her Finchley constituency.
We have a regional TV programme on the BBC Which might
as well be called the Londonistan Programme. With
presenters , reporters and features which all but make out
that the indigenous population don’t exist.
Yes I know we are now below 40% . But still we should be
allowed to have features on our plights even if it is just 10% of
the scheduled programmes time.
I lived in Woodside Park in the late 80’s and very nice it was too. I can only imagine what it’s like now.
Well some of houses in Woodside Park are painted in colours that they would never have been painted originally.
Foscari, if you drive down from South Mimms to Barnet, beware the right turn at traffic lights into Barnet High Street. It is where I got caught for staying in the yellow box too long. I was sent a still photo which I don’t think it proves anything other than I was there at a moment in time. There is a small road straight ahead but the powers that be still maintain that turning right is going straight ahead. I do think it is Orwellian and that words can mean whatever Barnet Council want them to mean.
Again the local BBC could have a camera and ask locals whether cars are going straight on or turning right. I know it is labouring the point but the BBC only have stories to fit their agenda. I wonder why the BBC is so anti car? Perhaps all the BBC employees travel in paid taxis to work and so don’t care about mere mortals. Didn’t Dan Walker now of Classic FM used to get £200 round trip taxis to the Manchester studio. I wonder if Classic FM are so generous.
Seems like the emir of londonistan wants to introduce pay per mile driving in londonistan – a final nail in the economy of what used to be a British city ….
He knows he will get re elected so will view that he has the mandate for this madness ….. burn that diesel …
Khant’s trying to stoke a proper rebellion.
“App to cut EU border queues won’t be ready in time”
“Under the much-delayed Entry Exit System (EES), non-EU citizens will need to register fingerprints and a photo at the border from October.”
I see the global rollout of wanting our fingerprints has spread to the EU.
Wonder how many fingers they’re after.
I’m more than happy to give them two.
Non-EU citizens* don’t even need a passport to enter Britain.
* Well, Australians, Americans, Canadians and Japanese do. Those from Africa, Middle East and Indian sub-continent definitely don’t.
Fedup – With all the shops being allowed to be attacked. I hope
no one allows a a Kristallnacht to be enacted.
St Francis of Assisi eh?
I’d prefer it if he eschewed the glam telly life and did the poverty thing as a beggar and itinerant preacher like the original ….?
Foscari – it is inevitable. They are in the ascendency and the State is being undermined by them from within . Criticism is becoming forbidden. Their population is expanding rapidly and political muscle with it . All the ingredients are there .
Puff for Kuenssberg Sunday show – hate on the Tories and poncing for the climate parasites – standard corporation fare ….
Doesn’t do much for my blood pressure.
You mean we’re not The Leaders in the race to Net Zero ?
Good .
What constituency does this fool represent ( answer none ) …
The planet’s not on fire, but I think the emir’s pants are.
. US House to vote on critical $61bn Ukraine aid package”
BBC have been getting excited about this $61 billion for a while.
The fact that a half a trillion, so far, hasn’t won Ukraine the war seems irrelevant to them.
“Refugees have been admitted to UK ‘without proper checks’ as Border Force is ‘too overwhelmed’, terror watchdog says”
Has this story been covered by the BBC , If not why not ?
Message to PM “Stop the Boats “!
I can vote for the local police commissioner in my area .
No independent, just a Green , Conservative, Labour and LibDim .
Now the Greens could have a green policy where all our rubbish is recycled, including trade and roadside litter .
All rubbish , from dirty nappies to aluminium cans are collected IN ONE BIN and taken down to the prisons where it is sorted by the inmates. Not only general rubbish ( to the incinerator and powering a generator) but the recycling can be broken down unto even mobile phones to have the rare earth elements taken out and banked for the nation .
But they would rather have eight different coloured bins for every house.
The Labour lot could see that crime affects the working class more than it does the others , and make the police make council estates a boon to live in .
But Labour doesn’t like the working class , they’re not globalist enough . Barbara Rosche , a Labour minister said “ I’m not here to please lorry drivers “ when she went to Dover to smack fines on them if illegals broke into their wagons to illegally get into the U.K. . And Jack Straw shook hands with an illegal who went on to commit crimes here .
So Labour are for the criminal class , not the working class .
The LibDims could scout the world looking at the countries that don’t have crime , or did have but drastically reduced it .
But that might make them swoon and clutch their pearls if they saw how . Best narrow the horizons to the EU , and the western bits at that .
As for the Conservatives, well they can promise to be tough on crime , then row back the next time one of them is on Question Time before a live studio BBC audience . I’ve no more reason to distrust them on crime than on stopping the boats . They will promise to spend more , then use it to get more in via CCTV cameras at road junctions , parking areas etc .
The Conservatives aren’t conservative, Labour are not for labour , the LibDims don’t like liberalism or democracy and the Greens are black hearted .
Like when the commie bloc had the People’s Republic of this and the Democratic Republic of that .
Your name vill also go on ze list, @hopenothate really are a vile organisation.
Wonder if they called on Wendy’s expertise.
And audience of… two.
RESIST “During World War II a German underground movement called Die Weisse Rose (The White Rose) distributed leaflets calling on people to resist the Nazi regime.
One of their leaflets mentioned that every single human is entitled to a government that guarantees the freedom of every single person and the wellbeing of the community.
Every human should be able to reach their natural goal, their earthly joy, autonomously and by their own accord. Die Weisse Rose spoke to people’s conscience and urged them to wake up from their dangerous lethargy.
In their fourth leaflet the members of Die Weisse Rose wrote: “We won’t be silenced, we are your bad conscience, the White Rose won’t leave you in peace.”
On The White Rose UK website we publish articles, videos and other information that help people to become more aware of what is really going on.
We also offer leaflets for distribution and readers can subscribe to our newsletter. We encourage people to join the peaceful movement to restore our freedom, our rights and our humanity.
This is the Munich grave of the first members of The White Rose who were executed by the nazis. Hans and Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst:
Both of the Scholl parents were later buried after the war either side of their children. The infamous judge who ordered the executions, Roland Freisler, learnt his trade watching show trials in the Soviet Union.
For those wondering if I was a little too extreme when I described the Tories as Marxist, here’s an article which goes some way to supporting that claim.
Wondering to post it after todays fraction, but check the photos, the usual crop of White middle aged middle class “wimmin” clueless as per usual.
Has the BBC lost its way ?
BBCWebshite. Front page article.
Chris Stark: Rishi Sunak has set us back, head of climate change watchdog says
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
But great news for millions of ordinary people who won’t have to pay as much through their taxes for the eco-loon global warming virtue-signalling while the Leftoid intelligentsia p*** in the wind over climate change.
Braverman is demanding the head of the londonistan religious police to resign . I think she will be top of the target list when the regime change takes place .
It might be better if the control of the religious police – previously known as ‘the Met ‘ is taken away from the Muslim fundementalist currently being the mayor and put back under the control of parliament …
That won’t happen of course – and the minarets will sprout across londonistan in coming years ….
The Left are full of anger rage hate and violence, and they love a fight. It’s rare they give up and are beaten, but it does happen, in that case they just move onto a new issue. It’s the fight they relish and the issue means little.
There have been trans people around since forever and for the most part society does what it does, and accepts them bar a few nutters. That’s the tale of all minorites, the vast majority couldn’t care less if you are purple with yellow dots and attracted to marshmallows
The mistake others make is engaging with the left at an early stage, giving them the fight they want. Once you engage it’s a pile on.
They don’t care if kids whole lives are destroyed in the process, it’s the fight which matters, and nothing else.
The chutzpah and gaslighting from people who claim the BBC is not biased, or is biased to the right.
It’s obvious some facts are hidden or reported quickly then buried
whilst others in the BBC Guardianland agendas are selected for BANGING ON
eg #GreenSupremacist policies
“Chris Stark says”… is NOT news .. it’s POLITICAL PR
…. He always says the govt isn’t doing enough for CO2 reduction and his Climate religion.
.. Yet it’s been near the top of the headlines from 8 in the morning to 10 at night
Likewise the RadioTimes which is not owned by BBC
but chose to give Chris Packham guest editorship
… That again is Green Supremacism
The Importance of Being Chris
Joining #BBCLauraK
Climate Change Committee CEO Chris Stark
Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho
Shadow Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood
Entrepreneur Luke Johnson
Broadcaster Chris Packham
Lib Dem Layla Moran
Lucky Claire.
Minister ‘deeply concerned’ by Met protest row
Just look how the BBC are disguising the racist Met police actions as ‘a row’.
‘The policing minister has said he is “deeply concerned” after a Met Police officer described an antisemitism campaigner as “openly Jewish” during a pro-Palestine march.’
That is NOT the story BBC. This is:
“I’m not accusing you of anything but I’m worried about the reaction to your presence.”
‘A spokesperson for Mr Khan said: “Everybody must feel safe going about in London wherever they please.’
So why didn’t Khan say it and why didn’t they single out racism against Jews which is what the story is. That reply implictly means ‘for Muslims’.
Isn’t it amazing : you say anything against Islam and you are an Islamophobe and a racist.
Say anything against Jews and you are just anti-semetic. Not quite the same ring to it is there ?. Can’t spit those words out at somebody.
Of course it’s no coincidence that those who produced these labels are also the ones who are racist against Jews, sorry, anti-semetic.
This sums up the scumbag Left hypocrites.
I’m thinking about taking bets on how long the awful BBC will be in support of Labour when they get to Downing Street this Autumn.
There’s always the soft few weeks while the various cabinet posts are fiddled, and Normal Citizens are supposed to sit back in awe at the choices, so we can disregard that part.
The real problems will start when there aren’t enough reasons to blame ‘The Tories’ any more. As most Conservative MPs will be out of a ‘job’, and people like Sunak will disappear abroad, there’ll be some sort of ‘doldrums’ effect on running the country. This will be so dangerous for our security, our fiscal predicament, and the general well-being of Normal Citizens who will be having to exist with the ridiculous ‘Nutzero’ policy, far too many illegal immigrants, a failing job market, commercial stagnation and a struggling and gasping capital city being ‘run’ by a foreigner in an armoured car!
I don’t think my village will change much, but I’ll never believe the BBC’s reporting about the cities, especially up North, where the majority of foreigners will congregate. The BBC will gloss over all these problems, but will eventually have to concede that the country is really going to the dogs, and Starmer, Lammy and Reeves will not have the knowledge, strength or inclination to do anything about the issues!
My bet will be around four months in, give or take half an hour, as the local elections – if they are allowed – would be on the cards and even some immigrant-overrun places will realise that we’re really up the creek without an inflatable!
Any takers?
None of Labours plans are going to pan out, as the economic collapse predicted to begin in Q2 appears to be getting underway. The GFC in 2008 never really fixed anything, it just threw money at banks and addressed nothing of the underlying problems.
Doing that has had the effect of magnifying those problems and the global banking system is now trillions of USD underwater.
All the so called GSIBs (Globally strategically Important Banks) are so interconnected that if one fails they will all fail.
Without going into too much heavy economic theory the situation is that we are about to enter a recession which some say could be as bad as the 1930s depression.
Living standards in the West and particularly Europe are falling fast. Public sector debt is excessive and there is no capacity for higher borrowing unless taxes are raised even higher.
Once this economic collapse takes place social unrest might well become more common particularly in the cities, Labour might even lose control of law and order.
Even at this point in time the IMF is warning the government it needs to get a grip on spending, and there simply isn’t going to be the funds available for Labour to implement its madcap plans.
I remember the Today programme, when John Major was PM, and every story was critical of the Conservative government. I thought ‘just wait until Tony Blair and Labour get in and get the same treatment’. Instead, immediately, every headline started with, ‘today the Labour government will do ……’ I presume it was all drafted by Alistair Campbell and read verbatim by the highly paid BBC newsreaders.
And we had ‘Blair’s Babes’ lying about NooLabor’s intentions/achievements/economic and financing success etc. I bet they were crossing their fingers they wouldn’t be found out and their legs to stop the damp gussets of their gripperknickers/incontinence pants springing a leak.
We’re up the creek already but, considering the daily influx, I can’t imagine how this country could be short of inflatables.
Scroblene – the whole of the red labour residency in power will consist of blaming the extinct Tory party . There will be no ‘new’ Tory blood so the 12 or so remaining will have their fingerprints on 12 years of failure…..
I think the question will be how many factions will there be in red labour ? Obviously the remainer section will be there – the Islam group – the green group -the Far Far Left group – all for Starmer to attempt to control .
Perhaps discussing re joining the EU will be the Big Distraction as our decline continues and the national debt continues to grow – buoyed up by higher interest rates to try and drag foreign money into the treasury …. But sooner or later the music stops – and there is … silence ….
What will the bbc do ? First year all is wonderful – with a contingent chasing ex Tory MPs and ministers – a bit more corruption too -as seen in coming the sunak honours list ….
… year 2 – bbc realises the desperate state of the UK – but continues to blame tories
Year 3 – getting worse – ‘questions ‘ about whether starmer can handle it – challenge to leadership ?… General election coming in a back ground of even more disfunctional than now – public sector strikes – inflation – more crime – more welfare – ‘painful decisions ‘ about taxation – weaker pound …
Year 4 BBC still supports red Labour – charter probably renewed but maybe BBC cut back a bit ….
The above assumes the security situation remains the same ( unlikely ) – Reform doesn’t have much impact due to the electoral 2 party ‘fix’ – and there is not an unforeseen ‘event’ which changes public thinking more generally – such as the need for a revolution …
As you say, Labour will renew the BBC’s charter. The BBC will never criticize them, they are two cheeks of the same arse.
I’m now so depressed, I’m going to fill a glass up to the brim with Beaujolais, repeat for Senora O’Blene, and wait for a call from a Daughter at 6.00pm…
This all sounds so dire, I think I may have two glasses, in case I lose one…
I think alcohol is the remedy to the 4 years I described above – . I would like to hear of someone describing the ‘sunlit uplands ‘ into which Blighty is heading – but it’s not even ‘managed decline ‘ any more – it’s just national self harm / abuse – by whoever is meant to be in charge …
Down Your Farm on Radio 4 now .
A new word coming into vogue soon ; neurodivergent .
or, in plain English, nutters…
The BBC has more than it’s fair share.
On the farm eh? – did they have the failed organic carrot farmer or one of his minions on?
BBC ‘share’ is carefully managed.
Looks like the BBC may have found a way to weed out freelance journalists who don’t comply with gender identity ideology.
You can’t be paid for your time until you fill out a diversity survey. And the first two questions are about your ‘gender identity’.
While some might yawn, they won’t be yawning when the swamp comes after them….
DJT’s travails in New York, I feel, should concern everybody….
Tomo – I yawn a bit because it has been obvious for years that the obama federales have been attempting to either really kill president trump or politically kill him ….
BBC Sunday – first line ..‘should you shed your name if it represents a a painful colonial past ?” – off switch …
….. and in the news the US has thrown another 80 billion borrowed money to the bank accounts of Ukrainian politicians – does anyone think Russia won’t laugh and win an a few months time ….?
What’s remarkable is the seeming utter incuriousness in Washington and the US MSM (and ours) on where the money is going…. or, indeed how well AFU are doing on the battlefields.
The presumption that flinging borrowed cash to exacerbate the conflict they know next to nothing about is just perverse.
Tomo – it’s very Vietnam – just throwing money at a place without knowing -truly – whether it’s any good . It’s even worse that using ‘body count ‘ as a measure of ‘success ‘,which encouraged corruption ( lies ) within the military until a north Vietnam tank crashed through the gate of the U.S. embassy –
The absence of information on the msm causes for fearing the worst …
Sort of, and yet not really….
Anyone with a few brain cells following American MSM has to be thinking WTF is going on?
I simply wonder how much cash will be laundered.
The curtains need to be pulled back on Biden’s handlers / puppeteers – unaudited cash being shovelled out and the upcoming election are not a coincidence.
The DC blob has to be dismantled, ditto for Westminster.
Headline in the mail today – I only post it for the ‘record ‘ as I didn’t bother waiting time reading the ‘nothing will be done ‘…
STARTS Senior Conservatives warn BBC as they compile damning anti-Tory bias dossier as top figures contrast wall-to-wall coverage of William Wragg and Mark Menzies scandals with Angela Rayner council house row ENDS
The BBC must be really terrified! A Damning dossier? Well well isn’t that interesting, save for the fact the Tories will do absolutely nothing about it, and even if they tried they’ve left it so late Labour would simply reverse it!
… of which 60 billion comes back to USA arms companies and of which a large amount will be fed back to the politicians as donations. Meanwhile you can also be sure the Zelensky regime will be doing every trick they can to line their pockets for when the war ends and they do a runner.
They now know they can’t win because Russia are not going to give up – they just want to keep this gravy train going as long as they can.
And what are the ‘Europeans ‘ doing – putin is a bigger direct threat to for USSR states than America ( or us ) …. The likes of Poland and the krauts are the ones who should really be funding their war – not us and not the US ….
.. but I suppose the real test will come if a NATO country is directly affected … although I suppose the timescale depends on the state of the Russian military when Ukraine is taken …
Van Der Leyen and Stoltenberg eh?
No chance Putin will take on NATO Fed. He would have a much chance as Ukraine have now.
When the BBC try to scaremonger us that he will, they are are always quoting Zelensky because they know how irresponsible it would be to suggest it themselves.
The corrupt comedian provides them with an excellent choice of extreme rhetoric to put up as headlines without the BBC having to take any accountability for it. Same as all the excellent English ‘quotes’ from the ‘victims’ in Gaza.
The BBC ‘lie by quotation’.
Ooo, I like that… ‘Lie By Quotation’.
Get in a patsy, ask them the question, get the required reply, print it.
The LBQ Technigue. Very BBC.
A new acronym is born.
I suppose he would have to gauge the actual capability / will of countries affected – one of those internal pro Russia coups would be more likely than tanks across borders I reckon – until the peace loving new regime asks for Russian ‘help ‘ – the old play book – but the timing must be about before or after the US election – ….
All this stuff really makes the world feel dangerous …any way – what do you think of Taylor swift ?
Let’s say Russia invades Estonia. Then what? Do we go to war? I rather doubt it.
The recycling of “Ukraine” cash seems to be organised – about a month ago I saw an article about how a retired treacher in upstate New York had contributed apparently to several political campaigns she wasn’t aware of – multiply………
Meanwhile it looks like NHS 111 being connected to a local undertakers?
Denial could creep in Sunday edition
As one sifts through the Sunday papers one may chance upon one or two hints as to the sort of world one may experience in the next few years under a Keir Starmer-fronted, Labour-branded, projection into the future of our present managerial regime.
‘Pay-per-mile road fees to hit net zero’… to achieve Sadiq Khan’s “accelerated” plan to hit net zero, documents reveal (Sunday Telegraph)
Was The Village The First 15 Minute City? The Prisoner was a 17 part series first shown in 1967… It featured one man’s quest to retain his individuality in an enclosed village. Both literal and allegorical, the deep and dark series confused many on its release (The Prisoner Puzzle, You Tube)
Rishi Sunak has set us back, head of climate change watchdog says… Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg… to get to net zero, more needs to be done on “how we heat homes… You regularly hear Ed Miliband… talk about the transition… on the Labour side, but Keir Starmer, of course, doesn’t talk about it quite so much,” he said… He cautioned against leaving a “vacuum” where climate change denial could creep in. (BBC)
Meet you new GP in middle age: Dr App… regular health checks via the NHS app rather than book an appointment with their GP from later this year. They will be asked questions about their lifestyle… prompted to provide measurements… NHS leaders want them to manage their own health… (Sunday Times)
‘I’ve seen too much fear and even more favouritism in the policing of pro-Palestinian protests’… Suella Braverman… former Home Secretary (Telegraph)
Ukraine has grown impatient as its ammunition supplies dwindle, with Russia making steady territorial gains (BBC) – no wonder our BBC haven’t made an update to their Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia – since 21 February
Ukraine Russia war: US House passes crucial aid deal worth $61bn (BBC) – that’s your big headline, folks… meanwhile, hidden way down in the small print: $26.4bn in military support for Israel (BBC) – shushhhh don’t shout that to all our… Openly Islamic / Openly Hamas-supporting Islamists we’ve recently imported over here
Martial law…?
A Briton has appeared in court charged under the National Security Act… “Benefiting Russia”… the person was arrested on 10 April… escorted into the dock by guards… dressed in a grey tracksuit… Judge put… reporting restrictions in place to prevent identification of the individual and full details of their alleged crimes… The National Security Act was introduced last year, updating espionage offences… “….targeting the UK’s democracy, economy and values” (Times)
Starmer: Labour is the party for patriots (Telegraph) – that really ought to have been a headline from the formerly patriotic Times – the once serious paper of record now, frankly, more of a Keir Starmer fanzine: A frank manifesto that Keir Starmer must be brave enough to deliver… The Tories have blown it on free markets, benefit fraud and even patriotism. So Labour must be bold (Times); POLITICS Keir Starmer to demote MPs who failed to shine in shadow cabinet (Times) – first to get the flick from Sir Keir may have to be his far from posh, apparently rather sporty – judging by the spicy way she pushes out the babies – if still rather scary for poor Sir Keir, his very own Ginger Spice: House sale document that could nail Rayner (Mail on Sunday)
Meanwhile, in the mainstream, sensing an imminent revival of the era of triangulated Anthony H Blairite 1990s Cool Britannia Blair’s Babes Girl Power, entertainment (presumably we’ll pay for the big show with a massive overdraft, or an awful lot of that pay-per-mile taxation), goes hog wild on a nostalgia binge.
At last! Spice Girls reunite… for Posh’s 50th party (Mail on Sunday)
Mr AsI wasn’t sure about Brit Pop – it all went by in a Blur
Victoria Beckham on family, fame and turning 50 (Times) – no middle age NHS Dr App for our middle aged Posh and Becks, we’re guessing
Spice of life begins at 50 for Victoria (Sunday Express)
Posh party special (The Sun)
Bruno: My mad night out with Bananarama (Daily Star Sunday) – disambiguation (as they say) for the teenagers (as I tend to say): Bananarama British-Irish girl group formed in London in 1980… enjoyed huge success across the rest of the 1980s, and scored a Billboard Number 1 in 1986 with their Stock Aitken and Waterman-assisted version of Shocking Blue’s song Venus. Britain’s Got Talent star Bruno Tonioli has said his nights out with iconic 80s band Bananarama were so heavy, they put him off boozing for life.
The Spice Girls – all you need to know is that one day no one had ever heard of them and then the very next day everyone had a favourite. Good to know they all still get along with one another.
Cowell: I’ll heal rift with Louis and Sharon… as BGT is back on TV (Sunday Mirror)
While Things Can Only Get Better (D:Ream) and while you’re sitting comfortably enjoying the big show, the man himself, our very own Tone strikes a surprisingly bum note…
Tony Blair ‘Politics is for the weird and wealthy’ (Sunday Times)
Must be tricky for starmer having rayner next in line to the throne . He must be praying for her to get charged and have to go – I’m sure it would only improve red labour voting intentions –
Problem red labour have is the same as blue labour – a very poor choice for key jobs … I mean Lammy? Foreign secretary ? Please …. ( where does cheddar cheese come from ? Pass)
“Bruno: My mad night out with Bananarama”
My first thought was of Frank Bruno. Now that really would have been a mad night out, know what I mean, Harry?
A new click-able prompt on the BBC web site
“Change my Nation”
I tried this, hoping there was one of those preferences panels where I could remove the ticks for Woke, Mass Migration, Trans activism, Globalism, Perpetual War and Getty Images, plus slide the switch from ‘Pseudo 51st State of USA’ to ‘England, My England’. Unfortunately none of these options were available. I feel cheated once again by the BBC.
It’s not really new was always labelled “Change your nation”
A tweet from March 14th shows it as changed to “Change my nation”
Tomo’s reply ended up in the wrong place
“first time I’ve had it presented to me …..
Ian, yeah I had similar thoughts…. still not going to sign in though 🙂
I don’t trust most journalists.
The BBC’s hit-jobs on Michaela prove them to be activists with an agenda, not journalists.
The envy of the world national broadcaster, ladies, gentlemen and… LBQTs…
Did they empty chair her and get in Raisin Brane to comment?