That was Hitlers mistake in 1940 , the boats he had planned to use were too big. Should have gone with the small ones and the Navy and RNLI would have been there like a shot to rescue them. The invasion might have taken years but it would have been an invasion of Europeans rather than Islamic conquerors.
I’m feeling very worn down today as I don’t think the U.K. is going to get through this invasion.
Having just heard that the Tory MP for Dover, Natalie Elphicke, has crossed the floor to Labour, it does show that even politicians in the front line of the invading hordes of foreigners have a heart!
Hopefully, she’ll have a pop for Labour at the GE, as Dover has a real problem with this stupid government letting every Tom, Dick and Mohammed in, to get all the benefits we all provided for years ago, and can’t get now.
Can’t even find that story on the BBC. I expect it’s there but they have clearly used tricks to stop people finding it.
What will really annoy them is videos like this which prevent them saying ‘Israel claims …’.
It does shatter the reputation of the UN because there is no way on Earth they didn’t know. It should have been a huge story and to their extreme shame, the BBC sent it straight under the carpet.
At the very least it should have prompted some kind of major investigation into the conduct of the UN – though I am pretty certain that all the people in government already know all about it.
It will be justifed along the lines of ‘Appeasing Hamas is the best way to protect lives’. Look where that has got them : how many dead now as a result of what Hamas did as a result of being ‘enabled’ like this ?.
Keep going IDF : soon most of the vermin will be dealt with. Add the UN to your list of enemies.
“One girl was only 12 years old when she was first raped by Sri Lankan soldiers. One boy was raped by more than 20 soldiers in UN military trucks where he was sodomised or made to perform oral sex. Another boy was raped by over 100 soldiers, 4 per day, starting at the age of 15.”
Welcome to the brave new world…. Gordon Ramsey with a bunch of American “Chefs” – ha! ha! ha! who think being a good Chef is the ability to say Fuc*ing every other word. The World has gone totally juvenile and foul mouthed bonkers!
God help our youngsters, the man has no scruples whatsoever in his search for money!
I could sympathise with them if they did as I did, and forgot to switch the hob on the oven top off as I went into the other room to enjoy my meal, leaving the frying pan on top of the hob.
I was rudely disturbed by a smoke alarm and a burnt kitchen and smoke everywhere.
My language at the time could have possibly even made Gordon Ramsey blush with shame.
Also I might advise not to try a slow cooking stew in a pot on the hob, then going out for the afternoon unless you enjoy making friends with the Fire Brigade.
I am not a gourmet really, but I don’t recommend charcoal stew. Especially from kitchen walls and celings.
Athough I have recently taught myself how to make Croque Monsieur having tried it in France.
It consists of:
A croque monsieur is traditionally made with baked or boiled ham and sliced cheese between slices of bread topped with grated cheese and lightly salted and peppered, and then baked in an oven or fried in a frying pan. The bread may optionally be browned by grilling after being dipped in beaten egg.
It has a strange effect after a couple of attempts:
One Friday 13th, my Dad came in from working outside, switched on the oven, and then went outside again. Unfortunately Mum had left the chip pan, full of oil, on top of the hob, as you used to do in those days. I will leave the rest to people’s imagination but a lot of Flash was involved.
The best kitchen item we’ve bought, is an air fryer!
The simplicity of the whole procedure is amazing, and it is rapidly overtaking the conventional oven and even the microwave gets ignored!
The only time I allow an expletive in the kitchen these days is when I invariably drop something important on the floor, and the dog leaps in from nowhere to devour it…
Apparently you can even smoke things, take it outside and barbecue stuff, but as you say, a doctorate in chemical science utilising an atomic version of Mrs Beaton’s big book may come in handy soon…
Blimey, that is one heck of a piece of kit! I bet you got that price down considerably! What I like about these machines is the fact that they can be stored in a cupboard, and well away from prying dogs…
It really is the way forward with cooking these days – all those functions will provide an awful lot of surprises for the family, but Chez Scrobs, I think at our age, we may just muddle through with a more basic model!
Luckily, the avocado, chicory and prawn salad I had today was a cold version and the only electricity I used was the iPhone and wifi speaker at medium blast, doing ‘The Chain’, by Fleetwood Mac!
…and the fridge, as the Pils lager went down pretty happily too!
I’m with you Scrob – I thought of buying an air fryer which has warp drive and all the bits but realised my current beloved multi thingy microwave does the job – a clockwork timer is just so retro ….
The instructions are written in gobbledegook, and I’ve yet to understand how to make it all work! It’s been in the corner of the worktop for three years, but does a mean baked spud…
It was the same with the DVD player which broke two days ago, and thanks to Argos, the replacement does exactly what I want to do – watch a DVD!
As we never watch the BBC rubbish any more, we really do need some alternative, and this fits the bill, for less that thirty quid!
Along with the air fryer may I also recommend a slow cooker, they’ve been around for years and I love my two. Takes any cut of so so meat and turns it into wow , even though I say so myself my beef bourguignon is delicious.
I watched an ad somewhere where the sellers photographically panned in and around their ‘air fryer’ revealing that there was a regular heating element above the food compartment and a fan on top that. Weird I thought. I am used to calling this a Halogen Oven. Still use it. Different in appearance, but easlier to clean.
But then, but then, strolling around the ‘Middle Isles’ in my local Lidl I spotted it: Advertised as, a new Halogen Oven called, wait for it………… an, “Air Fryer”.
No more to say apart from I enjoy relating the story and facts, when my friends start hailing the Mighty ‘Air Fryer’ over a pint and I inform them that the Halogen Oven is the same but £30 / 40 pounds cheaper…………
Ok ok – it’s not BBC – but I’m on my second Airfryer in 3 months – £42 and £30 respectively – I guess you get what you pay for …
I used to use a chip pan until it torched the kitchen – lucky I’d seen the video on dealing with it …
Now I’m back on the excellent chip air fryer diet …
Got to be the original 42nd Street, with Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell!
Still have goosebumps when listening to them, and I well remember the children being so very young, just dancing and prancing around the kitchen when it came on the TV one evening…
Hang in there with the air fryer Fed; it’ll soon be able to pick up Capital Radio, and you’ll be able to do the same in your kitchen!
(p.s., just tried the healthy mashed potatoes recipe, and failed, so it’s a healthy bread roll with real healthy and salty butter…)!
For Beatles addicts – YouTube now has techy stuff where they extract different bits of Beatles tunes such as strings or base or vocal alone … it’s groovy …
The London Mayoral election. Yes, as previously highlighted lots of people didn’t vote for Saddo but the only people entitled to vote for or against him live in those inner London Boroughs. It’s arguable that the people most affected by Saddo’s policies have no say at all. They live outside the the Greater London Authority Area but work and/or travel within it.
The other aspect that should be considered is that London is the Nation’s capital so the Mayor’s policies influence all our lives wherever we live, we have no say. I used to regularly travel to London and even now in semi retirement until recently still drove into London to pick up items I’d bought, or attend the Royal Courts, no longer. I find now, that my life is run by a woke, Green Mayor voted for by fraudulent postal votes created by Moslem extremists.
My daughter saves over £200 a week on train fares to London, as her company encourages staff to work from home. Her work is all digital anyway, so apart from not seeing the few people she talks to online, it’s a win/win situation for everyone, as London rents are appallingly high for decent office space!
I don’t think that Mare Khaaan really understands the commercial world, and is just content in pandering to foreigners who take, take take, and then bite the hands that feed them. I give his ridiculous socialist dream for our once-great city about five years, by which time it will be unrecognisable as a British institution.
It might get tricky for the emir the next time TFL runs out of money again . Blue labour baled him out x3 ? Instead of abolishing the office as they should have done …
Red labour won’t have the money to borrow to give him – and the rail mafia won’t change with a red regime – they’ll be worse
Of course, Livingstone started the rot in London, but as he’s terminally poorly with dementia now, any reference to his years slagging off Margaret Thatcher will be dropped like a stone.
Funny though, the awful Harold Wilson years seem to be getting an airing around and about at the moment!
Thoughtful, (I think), mentioned the years of the ‘pound in your pocket’, and I well remember those disastrous times, but luckily, I was still at home with a loving family, and still had a few bob pocket money for fags, Lambrettas etc…
Ep. 102 Che Guevara was executed in 1967 in a remote Bolivian village. One of the last people to speak to him alive was CIA officer Felix Rodriguez. Here’s his story.
A federal judge indefinitely postponed the criminal classified documents trial of former President Donald Trump.
The trial on charges that Trump willfully retained classified national security records after leaving the White House and then hid them from federal authorities was scheduled to start May 20.
But the new ruling from U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon vacates that date and sets a new slate of pre-trial proceedings, the latest of which is a hearing set for July 22.
lol, reminds of the Brexit protestor on the street who was asked what was the best thing the EU had given us.
After some thought she replied ‘The NHS’.
Too dumb to know they are dumb. They just want to protest. If it wasn’t this it would be something else. The subject is not important as long as they feel secure in the ‘group-think’.
“How do you say cosmos in the UK?
Break ‘cosmos’ down into sounds: [KOZ] + [MOS] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
‘Commissioned by the BBC board, in April 2023, Dr Madeline Sumption’s review found while the BBC “produces a lot of excellent content on migration… there are also weaknesses”.’
So it’s a report requested and paid for by the BBC themselves. Ridiculous.
I have never seen such a convoluted, diffcult worded report in my life. All the serious points are buried within qualifiers and excuses. For example:
‘Journalists were sometimes anxious about taking on topics they felt could be hostile to migrants – even though these issues could be investigated while also being respectful towards the people involved’
And we get:
‘And by focusing primarily on political developments, the BBC could overlook concerns such as how migration affected communities, housing, public services and the labour market.’
They did not overlooked them at all. There is no ‘could’ about it : they deliberately lied by omission.
And right at the end we get the recommendations:
The BBC executive has endorsed six key points from the report, which it expects all journalists to consider carefully when working on stories about migration:
‘cover the substance and not just the politics
ensure audiences have enough context
hear from migrants
explain migration terms clearly
represent the full range of opinions
remember good stories also come from outside Westminster’
That list basically describes the BBC political bias right across the board and is of extreme significance. However it’s been dressed right down as ‘just a few suggestions’ at the end of an article few people will have the will to bother reading all the way through.
This should be triggering a full independent review by OFCOM. But of course it won’t. The BBC will address a few of those points in afew article along with their lie techniques to nullify them, then they will go back to how they were.
Just like they did after the outcry that they would not call Hamas terrorists. They stopped doing that very quickly : why has nobody complained at them again I wonder ??.
The report has been generated by one of ‘them’, straight out of the Establishment. Madeleine Sumption is an Oxford University based academic, there was little chance it would read any other way than pro BBC. To recognise bias one has to be unusually perceptive and open or of the opposite view. Given the unambiguous and blatant BBC bias on migration it’s quite obviously not one of Ms Sumption’s qualities.
No Journalist should fear truthful reporting and if their reports are influenced then they should say so. We have her saying ‘Journalists were sometimes anxious about taking on topics they felt could be hostile to migrants”. Very poor indeed.
I spend a lot of my time in toilets ( oo matron ) but I insist on going into the ‘ladies ‘ … they are much nicer – they smell nicer – there are nicer dispensers . It will be a crime when chaps like me get banned from the ladies …although they have gone downhill since I see more ladies with beards and moustaches now …
This could all be a lie – file to verify …
Not really interested in the story because
a) It’s part of the BBC anti-BJP/pro-Muslim daily campaign
b) I don’t really care what goes on in India. Depsite the BBC’s huge coverage as many of their staff are from there.
I was interested to check who wrote such an agenda piece. Her name is Maryl Sebastian.
Lo and behold a quick search discovered this:
Meryl Sebastian from BBC News Kochi, wrote a Hindu-hate filled article, just like the #Annapoorani movie that was made with many anti-Hindu elements.
Meryl Sebastian from BBC News Kochi, wrote a Hindu-hate filled article, just like the #Annapoorani movie that was made with many anti-Hindu elements.
She penned such Hindu-hate article against The Kashmir Files as well.
‘BBC is always anti-India, anti-Hindu, and that’s proven from the survey conducted. One of the key findings of the INSIGHT UK British Media Report revealed that more than 90% of respondents perceive the BBC as the most unreliable source of information concerning Hinduism and India, followed by The Guardian’
No surprises anywhere there then.
Maryl is one of those BBC, Huffington Post, Yahoo news and MSN veterans which puts her firmly far to the Left.
Hard to find a picture of her : I think this is she:
Amazing how often these BBC ‘reporters’ are women isn’t it ?. About as clear evidence of ‘sexual discrimination’ at the BBC as you can get – but it seems it’s OK when it’s against men.
Will the BBC’s poster girl ‘Sarah Gilbert’ who did the whole thing by herself apparently be having her ‘Damehood’ rescinded and then be prosecuted for manslaughter for not revealing the truth when they knew ?.
After the complete crock of half-truths and lies by omission from the terrorist supporter Bowen yesterday, we finally get a bit more detail of what he was lying about.
It seems Israel demanded 40 hostages. Hamas said they can only muster up 33 and some will be delivered dead. An important point which is not even stated by the terrorist supporting BBC in this article or Bowens. Why are they dead ?. Nobody seems to care.
And for every hostage released, Israel must release 50 terrorist prisoners, including the very worst kind and have no veto about who gets out.
No need to read any further for me. F*ck you Hamas. They will be kidnapping civilians for ever more if they are appeased with this.
And then we are being told that Hamas are hinting at ending the war completely if they get what they want. Just how stupid are these ‘journalists’ ?. Does a single one believe that – or are they simply giving it credibility to help Hamas ?. I have never seen or heard of one single thing which means anything they say can be trusted.
The Leftist MSM make me sick. They are liars and hypocrites. Get the job done Israel : one thing in this life is certain. You can never trust an Islamic terrorist. Ever. He believes anything and everything he does is justified because Allah knows his heart.
Complaints about doctors subjecting Jewish colleagues to antisemitic abuse have surged in the months following the 7 October attacks and the subsequent Israel-Gaza war, according to General Medical Council records.
Chain saws in the operating theatre? If I ever have an op I am glad nothing missing since youth ‘down there’.
Get the feeling that it’s not just country that takes a backseat to faith hate?
“Most of the tech companies contacted by the BBC have declined to respond to the draft measures” – often the case, bbc contact companies/people and that dont reply – can’t blame them
Remember the tv adverts we used to be allowed to see in the 70s/80s, funny, interesting and unusual, now it usually has to includes every type of person from around the world to be allowed to be on the tv screen
I am hearing ‘rumours’ / forecasts of a collapse in Sterlings value against other countries, not immenent but later in the year, possibly Autumn.
No reasons given as to why this will happen, although my own personal reason is the ever present cause of everything bad – Socialism.
Back in the day Sterling was worth up to 5 USD, in 1968 Wilson devalued the pound from $2.80 to $2.40 Under the Liz Truss induced Sterling crisis, it fell to just $1.13.
Today Sterling is at or around $1.25 however the prediction is a fall closer to parity.
For those who can remember the lies Harold Wilsons disastrous government told in the pound in your pocket speech, it’s going to be a pretty similar time.
Everything we buy in as an import will cost more, and when you go abroad everything will be more expensive.
How can you protect yourself? Precious metals will appear to increase in value in inverse proportion to the fall in the pound, although the reality is they have not changed in value with regard to other currencies. It will preserve your wealth (Tax free if it’s in legal tender coins).
Change the bank account to a foreign currency interest bearing account – this will be taxable both on the interest and any CGT
For more risk foreign unit trusts or ETFs, of even straight share holdings will avoid the fall of sterling as if you had stepped out of a lift onto a floor of a building and then watch the lift plummet down a few floors!
It’s a heads up, and it might not happen, nothing in the world of investing is ever guaranteed.
Those reading this might however want to consider the absolutely disgraceful mishandling of the British economy and its currency to allow an 80% devaluation in less than 100 years.
It should be a criminal offence, but unfortunately the elites are rarely if ever called to account.
Might be worth you posting that Politics Joe article with the share dealer explaining about assets again, Thoughtful!
Oli Dugmore says that he learned a lot from the book, ‘Kill All Normies’ by Angela Nagle, and having looked it up on the net, I can’t even understand a word about the resume, let alone know what she’s on about…
It concerns me though, that on these pages, I often refer to ‘Normal Citizens’, so I hope she isn’t taking a pop at me!
I do listen to ‘Gary’s economics’ every now and again, but he has such a one track record with wealth inequality that it becomes tiresome.
He does have a point, the vast majority of mankinds time on Earth has been spent with all the wealth in the hands of a very small number of people, it didn’t change until the industrial revolution allowed others to make enough to become what is today known as “Middle Class”.
We really do face the possibility of a return to Dickensian times where the majority were pretty poor (but equal), and a tiny number were fabulously wealthy.
India and South America are already like this, so unless you have a fortune say £25 million or greater then I’m afraid it’s poverty and the lower orders for you (and me for that matter)
It’s OK really, like Richard Branson famously said when offered the riskiest deal of a lifetime, ‘Thanks, but no thanks, I only need three meals a day’!
An 80% decline in the value of our currency? I wish.
My grandfather used to be able to have a night out for a florin. Yesterday I paid £6 for a pint. Our fiat pounds are rapidly heading for their true value: nothing.
The analogy is a group os skydivers, jumping out of an aeroplane and falling to the ground.
The aeroplane is gold the skydivers are individual currencies which are all falling, to zero, but can rise and fall relative to each other.
The US Dollar has lost around 95% of its original value. The pound was once worth a quarter of an ounce of gold, roughly £450.
But the pound has lost 80% relative to the Dollar If you want to calculate that then please do it’s an 80% decline in regard to the Dollar not its original value.
And of course the far-left Guardian left the really nasty part – the hanging dummies ‘ out of the headline.
Also as part of that story we got:
“People often ask me what it is that makes me tick – it’s Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick” and “You’re nowhere if you believe Theresa May” – a reference to the PM’s attack on “citizens of nowhere”.
The choir’s songwriter, Boff Whalley, said: “It’s meant in fun but we’re trying to get a serious message across with a memorable tune.”
Yes Guardian. Just a bit of fun. And again not reported by the BBC.
Bring on the revolution. OFCOM and the BBC management are first against the wall.
It’s tricky for the bbc really – the absolute certainty that reds will win over blues ( not the FA cup final ) – why would the bbc have to do anything to support red labour ? Apart from ensuring the licence fee increase of course…
No actual evidence or anything substantive. Simply another smear piece. You could simply parody this with ‘Keir Starmer once owned a Che Guevara T-Shirt’ Therefore he is far-left Marxist filth.
How Kim became a human hourglass and times up for his top propagandist in this something we could emulate edition
Labour’s plan to beat Sunak on the economy (‘i’) – may be somewhat vague as to how exactly it differs from that of our high taxing, big spending, open borders Tories.
But our BBC is far from shy about laying out its political manifesto today
Garrick Club votes to allow female members (BBC)
Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander…?
Apparently not: Expansion plan for safe spaces scheme in Dorset for women and girls (BBC) – getting an approving write up there.
Going to the extreme: Inside Germany’s far right (BBC) – booo… scary. And if a twerking gay race-baiting black Doctor Who don’t have conservatives hiding behind the sofa this one will. Don’t have nightmares – as Nick Ross used to say on Crimewatch (whatever happened to that show? Why do our BBC bin it? It was about the most ethnically diverse thing on British TV) Meanwhile we await with bated breath some BBC investigation of the far left
Phew, do you feel it getting a tad warmer, day by day, at round about this time of year?
Climate change: World’s oceans suffer from record-breaking year of heat (BBC) – and by the way, our BBC’s clickable online headline link to this story was even more loopy than a packet of fruit loops in the pocket of a loop-the-looping Greta Thunberg stuck in a giant smoothie machine turned full on: World’s oceans break temperature records every single day of past year (BBC) – really, honestly?
I’m put in mind of Buddy Holly
Everyday, it’s a gettin’ closer,
Goin’ faster than a roller coaster…
Look, can we please have some more restraint on competition from rival media and, by the way, a lot more censorship of messaging… other than our own… can we have that please!
Tame toxic algorithms to protect children, big tech told (BBC) Facebook ‘did nothing about Taylor Swift ticket hack scam’ (BBC)
You know, when we look around the world, as we like to do, we have our favourites and we have our bugbears.
India election: Modi’s party accused of demonising Muslims in video (BBC) Vladimir Putin: Russia’s modern-day tsar sworn in for fifth term (BBC)
Of course we have some of our own naff output to promote: Ireland and Croatia qualify for Eurovision final… Ireland has broken its Eurovision “curse”, qualifying for the contest’s grand final for the first time since 2018. Appropriately enough, it did so with the help of a “gremlin goblin witch” – aka singer Bambie Thug, whose electro-metal anthem Doomsday Blue is now among the favourites to win. (BBC) – I’ll make a point of missing that.
Of course the UK’s dirty little secret about the Eurovision contest is: …the UK did not have to worry about the public vote on Tuesday. It is one of five countries that qualifies automatically for the final, due to its financial contribution to the contest. (BBC) – they mean to say the BBC’s financial contribution – in other words: licence payers
And then, just for all the conspiracy theory fans out there, we have that old doing it in plain sight, laughing in your dumb sheepish plebian face item: Kim family’s master propagandist dies at 94… North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attended his funeral early on Wednesday morning and paid tribute to the “veteran revolutionary who had remained boundlessly loyal” to the regime… South Korea’s Yonhap news agency likened him to Nazi Germany’s propaganda boss Joseph Goebbels, widely known for his mantra “repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” (BBC)
Who’s up for some calm down dear?
The problem with tantric coupling by Kate Lister (‘i’) Stormy Daniles tells of Trump sex encouter (Daily Express)
Did the earth move for you, luv?
Daniels shaken after Trump sex, jury hears (Telegraph)
Our jokey blokey tabloid Daily Star takes the mick out of those supposedly straight-laced serious titles with their celebrity glammer shot excuses for publishing a pin-up: Loadsa pics of celebs at a party
Flower power at the Met Gala (Guardian); How Kim became a human hourglass… Kim Kardashian caused a stir at the Met Gala (Daily Mail); Whos’ the real star of of the Met Gala (Times); The Met Gala… What really happens at fashions biggest party? (Telegraph)
I don’t like the look of your’s. I don’t know who I’d pull out of a sack first?
Awkward date… Emmanuel Macron and Xi Jinping share a drink in a restaurant yesterday (FT) – I wonder who’s the ‘top’ there? There’s one for the gays.
The Mirror and Guardian want us to elect Keir Starmer, the Daily Express wants us have euthenasia on the NHS, meanwhile the Financial Times implores readers to vote for Joe Biden: Voters should salute Biden’s economic boom (FT)
This morning there’s just a glimmer of a self-reflecting apologia and tad of a mea culpa expressed concerning the FT’s biggest bigbear – Brexit.
Berlin and Brussels partly to blame for Brexit, says would-be German leader (FT) – that’s Germany’s would-be leader, Friedrich Mertz (‘centre-right’ Christian Democrats, former BlackRock executive, mind you) not the would-be German: Simon Rattle decries Brexit as he applies for German citizenship… Conductor laments impact on UK musicians’ careers and describes application as ‘absolute necessity’ (Guardian) – don’t throw your Rattle out of your pram Simon. Look on the bright side, Si, despite Brexit, they don’t seem to have chucked us out of Eurovision yet.
…stopped short of naming Angela Merkel but implied the former chancellor could have done more to help Britain’s then prime minister win the vote – a widely held view in Westminster (FT) – so it is the Germans who run the EU, nice to have that confirmed. Shushhh don’t tell Macron.
Mertz… also praised the UK’s controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, saying it was “something we could emulate” (FT) – careful now.
Let’s get ourselves safely back on track with the approved agenda: Flood barrier faces mid life crisis… No one talked of climate change when the Queen opened the Thames Barrier (FT) – but boy, oh boy, how they do talk about it these days.
How I save money on my electric car… Running costs beat petrol, say owners (‘i’) – ah, what a wonderful effect high taxes coupled with generous taxpayer-funded subsidies can have skewing the market. Adam Smith would spin in his grave.
The 0810 – let’s ban something – it’s the internet again . A few kids who don’t know what an off switch is kill themselves . The parents want the internet banned as their kid has been using it . It’s about ‘protection ‘ .
Ok then – on that reasoning – let’s ban cars . Cars kill kids . Kids think they are immune from the danger of getting run over . Blame the cars . Ban them .
Every time some wants something banned or controlled of licenced you know it’s another step in reducing freedom – which never comes back …
Liberals sneer at china because of the ways it controls the internet – but we ll catch up soon enough …
The real reason for this article from Marianna-pants-on-fire is ‘Watch out for fake AI images by the Far-Right’ as part of the BBC’s softening us up for the election. It quickly moves on from Katy Parry to the incredibly hyped picture of Trump[ with black voters and some audio clip against Sadiq Khan I’ve never heard of.
I note they didn’t show the fake pictures of Trump in handcuffs and either the Left are not doing any fakes at all or they ar enot being reported. I have noticed that I’ve seen far more fake pictures from the Left trying to slur and ridicule Right wing politicians – but they are not AI generated and are blatantly intending to be nasty and insulting.
But the biggest ommission for this article is that liar Springster should have shown a copy of her CV and then splashed ‘FAKE’ across it.
She is an excellent example of just how big the BBC double standards can be when it suits them. She has lost all integrity as a ‘truth teller’ after she herself has no concerns about lying to get what she wants. Yet she’s still there.
Asiseeit makes reference to some American gala where lots of pretty girls wore nothing . An excuse for the picture editor to put up those poses again … and asking if it’s a ‘good ‘ thing to display assets in such a way …
This week a review found that BBC journalists avoid doing stories about migration for fear of being labelled racist. Today a Centre for Policy Studies report claims immigration was driving the housing shortage. You’d think the BBC might cover it.
BBC Editorial Guidelines clearly define what is ‘not news’.
And here we have poor Phil Mercer of the BBC doing a shameless promotional piece for some academics chasing funding and faithfully writing down everything they say while his mouth opens and closes like a goldfish.
It’s got 6 ‘coulds’ (which always means ‘won’ts’ in these articles) but as software engineer, my favourite one is this:
‘Can we trust artificial intelligence? So, what we have found is that integrating quantum computing in artificial intelligence leads to very reliable and trustworthy systems,” he said.’
100% total bullshit. And simple old Phil doesn’t have any idea.
AI is as trustworthy as the people who write it’s algorithms. As the picture I asked co-pilot for of English students came back full of BAME showed.
“Google pauses Gemini’s image tool for people after anti-‘woke’ backlash. Tech giant says model is ‘missing the mark’ after controversy over failure to depict white people. Google has temporarily stopped its Gemini AI model from generating images of people following a backlash over its failure to depict white people.23 Feb 2024”
Weirdly missing is an equivalent story rather closer to home which is surely worthy of an in-depth article by the BBC’s fine impartial investigative journalists. Which represents, needless to say, the true threat.
Such as this.
How could the Greens NOT know about councillor’s vile rant against a rabbi? Party faces fury for failing to suspend pro-Gaza activist over tirade against Jewish chaplain
Again people seeing the surface and failing to look any deeper.
Why did the Muslims choose the Green Party and why were the Greens prepared to front them as candidate? What selection process was followed in this case?
Were any ‘inducements’ offered by either sides? Not cash but a quid pro quo arrangement
How many ex Labour momentum members who were forced to leave Red Labour have joined the Green party.
All legitimate questions none of which are being asked!
Do you notice that there is no single ‘documentary’ on the channel invasion by the msm – from arrival in France through to a new house in England – courtesy of the taxpayer ?
Here is a piece from the DT from One Danny Cohen – ‘director of BBC news 2013 – 2015 – moaning about BBC coverage of the Islamic Hamas terrorism on U.S. campuses –
Danny – how much bias did you do in your time – ?
STARTS For the latest evidence of the BBC’s failure to take anti-Semitism seriously, look no further than the corporation’s reporting of the campus protests at Columbia and other American universities. It goes without saying that we all have the right to protest. But it is abundantly clear that what is taking place on these campuses is a great deal more toxic, ugly and racist. Violence, intimidation and threats against Jewish students and teachers have been a daily occurrence.
At Columbia, there appears to have been no attempt to hide the anti-Semitism at the protest sites. Captured on video, protesters screamed the following at two Jewish students outside the campus gates: “Never forget the 7th of October.” “That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 … but ten thousand times.” “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!” On American soil, at a place of learning, Jewish people faced threats of a massacre. The spectre of pogroms, long thought part of the history of Jewish people, not their present, had returned.
The same is true at other American universities. At UCLA, things got so bad that pro-Palestinian demonstrators created a checkpoint to stop Jewish students from entering campus. The denial of access to education on grounds of race should be condemned by us all, but many of the campus protesters are selective in their activism when it comes to human rights. For them, anti-Semitism does not count.
The scale of racism against Jews on campuses is such that Joe Biden felt forced to intervene. Warning of an alarming surge of anti-Semitism, he said: “Silence is complicity. Even in recent days, we’ve seen harassment and calls for violence against Jews. This blatant anti-Semitism is reprehensible and dangerous – and it has absolutely no place on college campuses, or anywhere in our country.”
Yet reading the BBC’s online reporting of the protests, you would often have little idea that racism against Jews is loud and proud and Jewish students and teachers are experiencing something truly horrendous.
A BBC News article first published on April 26, titled “What do pro-Palestinian student protesters at US universities want?”, speaks volumes through what it left out until it was apparently updated. This “explainer” did not make a single mention of anti-Semitism at the protests. The tone of the report was also instructive. Protesters were made to sound like young heroes, carrying forward the torch of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the anti-apartheid demonstrations of the 1980s. The bias – and lack of interest – in anti-Semitism could not have been clearer.
It is hard to understand how this is possible from a news organisation that claims to be impartial and repeatedly asserts that it takes anti-Semitism as seriously as any other form of racism.
The same is true of a BBC report on May 2 titled “Columbia University community ‘shattered’ after police raid”. The tone of the article is one of sympathy for the protesters. Issues as serious as whether the cafeteria will fully re-open are deemed worthy of careful reporting. Racism against Jews is not. Nor is the violence and law-breaking that led to the police decision to intervene.
If anyone believes that these are isolated failures, the BBC News live feed page on the US campus protests are revealing. On May 2, this page was updated 58 times over the course of more than 10 hours. The experience of racism by Jewish students was covered in just one post, 30 minutes before the page closed. Despite hours of detailed and continuous coverage, it appears that BBC News felt that anti-Semitism was just not that important.
There is a simple test one can apply to this coverage. Had the poisonous racism on display at these protests been directed at the black or Muslim community, would BBC reports make little or no reference to it? The answer would – quite rightly – be no. The racist abuse would be front and centre of the story. It would be treated with the due prominence and sensitivity it deserves. It would be headline news, at the very heart of the coverage.
Yet racism against Jews is deemed barely worthy of mention in these BBC reports, if at all. As Biden noted, silence is complicity when it comes to anti-Semitism. And again here, the BBC’s silence is an act of complicity. All this adds to the growing list of BBC failures on anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias since the October 7 massacres. It is hard to imagine that the vast majority of members of Britain’s Jewish community will ever forget it.ENDS
The racism, or rather antisemitism on UK campuses is far worse than people on this site may ever suspect. Death threats are common, low marks awarded to Jewish students, threats to students living on campus, Jewish students being evacuated from their rooms on campus, a student rabbi (a rabbi for students, not one learning the job), in hiding. The list goes on. And it has been going on for years and getting worse. This started way before October 7th and was never reported by MSM.
Now that AstraZeneca has not only admitted their perfectly safe vaccine is so safe it is being withdrawn – will the likes of Mark Steyn get his job back on GBNews ?( I was going to refer to it as dire but I stopped partaking when they dumped him ) …
Bowen is at it again and lying through his teeth – BBC style.
‘Israel agreed to a ceasefire offer at the end of April. The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said it was “exceptionally generous”.’
‘Diplomatic sources in Qatar, which is part of the mediation effort with Egypt and the United States, told me “it is broadly the same as Israel’s proposal. Just minor wordings changed and details”.’
I think a demand for 40 hostages being changed to 33 hostages and some of them being delivered dead is a bit more than minor wording Jeremy.
‘This war is showing, once again, how hard it is for powerful countries like Israel to defeat much weaker organisations like Hamas.’
This war would have been over long ago and a LOT less people would be dead if people like Bowen had not made Hamas believe they can get everything they want if they just wait and let the racist Left like the BBC put the pressure on Israel to give them it.
This man is as much drenched in the blood of those civilians as the terrorists themselves.
As people know, I don’t listen to BBC news anymore. Did the BBC report the deaths of 3 IDF at the crossing where Israel was taking aid into Gaza? Or did they report of the 11 soldiers injured there? This was only a couple of days before Hamas said they would agree to a ceasefire and Israel was ready to enter Rafah. The second demand by Hamas for a ceasefire was that Israel should withdraw totally from Gaza? Oh, and did Jeremy mention that Hamas data centre was found under offices for UNWRA?
Being an early waker now – and not listening to 3 hours of Today … I get my news at 0530 – with a news review ( easy bias ) followed by the anniversary bit ….
Did you know Dennis waterman died this day ? Victory in Europe came in at number 5 out of 7 – I think Chernobyl was in there at the top but I was in snooze mode .
I’m guessing the intern on the night shift putting the thing together went VE Day ? What’s VE Day ? What war ?
“Eyebrows went very high when Elphicke was spotted sat on the opposition benches. It has now been confirmed. A PMQs stunt executed well…”
“Today I announce that I have decided to join the Labour Party and that I will sit in Parliament as a Labour MP. … The last couple of years have also seen a huge rise in homelessness, in temporary accommodation and rough sleeping with record numbers of children now in temporary accommodation, without a secure roof over their head.”
. . . . .
Name of donor: One Family Global
Address of donor: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Plexal Innovation Centre, 14 East Bay Lane, London E15 2GW
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Guest of the donor at an Iftar dinner at the Dorchester Hotel, London, value £500
“Iftar (Arabic: إفطار, romanized: ifṭār) is the fast-breaking evening meal of Muslims in Ramadan at the time of adhan (call to prayer) of the Maghrib prayer.”
PMQ s – sir Phillip Davies ( a rare conservative ) suggests that those Far Left Civil Servants trying to stop the Rwanda Thing go get a job with a like minded organisation like the BBC or Channel 4 news ….
I’m upsetting a few on another site by every time time I see her named
I write “ Stormy Daniels real name Stephanie Gregory if it’s good enough for TR it’s good enough for a hook er “
I can see the heads exploding in the BBBC from here.
I’m sure she was one of the ones on the list Conservative Post was trying to have de-selected, but it looks like she had to do the job for them as they were so inept they couldn’t manage it themselves.
Question : Was she Labour in disguise ?
IMHO most Tories are Liberal/Labour . If she was a real Tory she would have gone to “Reform” not Labour,
I can see more Tories “jumping ship” as the Conservative Government “jolly boat” sinks.
13 years of unfettered immigration!
The definition of poverty in the UK is set at £1 more than that which benefits would pay. therefore if benefits paid £1 Million per week, anyone earning less would be deemed to be in poverty and that in a nutshell is how ridiculous and meaningless the word has become.
Sort of could care less but has another blue MP gone to the Reds ? Is it a surprise ? Is there any difference ?
BTW – it looks like Red Labour is now called ‘changed labour ‘…
Watching PMQs – not listening as it’s all. Blah blah – the faces of the blue labour lot told the truth without words … bye bye blue labour …. Don’t forget your bungs and gongs ….
Just tried commenting on the BBC’s latest climate change hysteria article on infinitesimal ocean warming. Apparently I’m banned from commenting ‘on BBC products’. Not sure how climate change is a BBC product, but clearly no contrary opinion is allowed.
markh, you will be comforted by
TOADY Watch #1 – Irish Sea cold enough for you, Justin Rowlatt
The great BBC are trying to stoke up the spectre of Global Warming & Climate Change just so people, especially children and teens, are anxious and fearful and do not enjoy this week of dryness and sunshine (May Day Bank Holiday Monday excepted) as we head into, hopefully, a good summer. Our UK farmers deserve it this year. The BBC relate that Copernicus, the EU’s orbiting satellite has decreed that April past was warm, the hottest ever. I laughed out loud at that!
I had forgotten to put the central heating on last night (had retired to the computer to do ‘jobs’) and when I remembered this morning the GCH system fired up at 9.5°C. Apparently Justin Rowlatt, the BBC’s Climate Editor (how do you Edit the Climate?) travelled all the way from London or maybe Salford – plenty of CO2 emissions there, Justin – to Anglesey in Wales just to report on coral bleaching. Funny thing but when I do an internet search as to whether there are coral reefs in Anglesey the words cold water are mentioned time and time again.
You wouldn’t be ‘gaslighting’ us listeners, would you Mr Rowlatt?
Not the BBC – but one of those criminal cases where justice wasn’t done – the 50 year old with ‘cerebral palsy ‘ and ‘partial sight ‘ but aware enough to tell a 77 year old woman riding on the pavement ‘to get in the effing road ‘
Whereupon 77 year old is hit by a car and dies . 50 year old found guilty of manslaughter by a jury after a long court case – but now freed by the Court of Appeal – acquitted …
On what appears to be a clever bit of defence Chicanery – not much justice for the dead ladys’ family ….
If you wanna kill some one – have a ‘disability ‘ or go ‘diminished ‘ – it’s a free ticket out ….
Thing is riding on the pavement is illegal, and she didn’t push the silly old woman, she rode into the road of her own volition.
Had she not been breaking the law in the first place it would never have happened.
Unfortunately I cannot find the case as Google seems incapable of finding anything past this case, but also in London an aggressive mixed race migrant was told to get off the pavement by a similarly disabled man, but the black chose to punch him instead and killed him with a single punch.
It turned out his mother who was also a migrant was a serial violent offender and both of them should have been deported, but no one ever is of course.
The point here is that mentally ill people are going to tell those breaking the law not to do it, and that is let’s face it their right, and their freedom of speech. The fact some dotty old criminal then lost control and veered into the road is no ones fault but hers.
Yes killing cyclists riding on the pavement seems good law to me …8 people agree with you …
When I was a kid ( 10?) my mum used to tell me to ride on the pavement . One day a policeman in plain clothes stopped me Showed a card ) and told me to get on the road .
When I was 10 I didn’t know what a c word was – I do now – it was him … ( 77 brigade intel file )
Too many two-wheel warriors, as well as being stupid, now ride far too fast, and have too high an opinion of themselves. I can’t think of any other explanation for the recent horrible event in London’s Regent’s Park, where a phalanx of cyclists were whizzing along, probably at almost 30mph, early one Saturday morning.
One of them hit 81-year-old Hilda Griffiths, who was walking, with her dog, across the road to a pedestrian island. She took two months to die, but I do not think it unreasonable to assume that her death was brought on by the accident.
The speed limit for cars on that road is 20mph. But it does not apply to pushbikes for various perfectly sensible reasons.
All Conservative MP’s selected by the left-wing Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ), are expected to keep their seats, by defecting to the Labour Party, at the rate of two every 11 days.
Hilarious statement issued by the Green Party Jihadi following his acceptance preaching as Leeds councillor. It reads like it’s been created by a Hope Not Hate AI chatbot. Despite his deranged rant, he even manages to get the Islamophobia grievance in there:
“Being elected to represent the wonderful community of Gipton and Harehills was one of the proudest moments of my life. The inaccurate reporting and misrepresentation of my acceptance speech has led to me being subject to a lot of hate and hostility. I should also make clear that it is not unusual for somebody of my faith to use the words ‘Allahu Akbar’ as an expression of gratitude and celebration. Some have sought to misrepresent this and it suggests Islamophobia to me […] My campaign united people from all backgrounds, races and religions in order to affect change for our local community. I will continue to work in peace to represent all of our communities in the coming four years.”
“It said the rise of new coronavirus variants meant demand had shifted to the newer updated vaccines.” No mention of the fact that 9 countries had already prohibited its use going back as far as 2021.
Along with the J&J injection that makes two of the big four now withdrawn. I make that 50%, but I’ll wait for Verify to geolocate my numbers.
Farage talking about the move of Elphick to Red Labour .. farage says that the yearly immigration figures are to be released on 23rd May … any advance on 1 000 000 ?
Taffman, It would be good if Nigel does get involved with Reform but don’t count on it. He seems to be more fixated on the USA now.
Reform has good people like Ben Habib, Lee Anderson, Anne Widdecombe and Richard Tice. Reform must avoid becoming a one-man band and the better it will be the better for its future.
Farage turned on Ukip and its members when he had no further use for it. He cannot be trusted not to do it again, sorry to say.
But, yes, lets hope he does enter the fray, but we must heed Cromwell, “Put your Trust in God, but keep your powder dry”
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025
It was given away big style by lawyer blair and his loony jock sidekick brown.We’ll never get it back.
Every government since has hastened the decline. It won’t improve under sucker and the ginger whinger.
Nearly 80 years since D-Day. Now all the boats are going the other way.
That was Hitlers mistake in 1940 , the boats he had planned to use were too big. Should have gone with the small ones and the Navy and RNLI would have been there like a shot to rescue them. The invasion might have taken years but it would have been an invasion of Europeans rather than Islamic conquerors.
I’m feeling very worn down today as I don’t think the U.K. is going to get through this invasion.
Having just heard that the Tory MP for Dover, Natalie Elphicke, has crossed the floor to Labour, it does show that even politicians in the front line of the invading hordes of foreigners have a heart!
Hopefully, she’ll have a pop for Labour at the GE, as Dover has a real problem with this stupid government letting every Tom, Dick and Mohammed in, to get all the benefits we all provided for years ago, and can’t get now.
I think you’re right, Mrs Kitty, and well said!
If this means the destruction of the foul, lying UN outfit’s credibility then that’s just magnificent!
Can’t even find that story on the BBC. I expect it’s there but they have clearly used tricks to stop people finding it.
What will really annoy them is videos like this which prevent them saying ‘Israel claims …’.
It does shatter the reputation of the UN because there is no way on Earth they didn’t know. It should have been a huge story and to their extreme shame, the BBC sent it straight under the carpet.
At the very least it should have prompted some kind of major investigation into the conduct of the UN – though I am pretty certain that all the people in government already know all about it.
It will be justifed along the lines of ‘Appeasing Hamas is the best way to protect lives’. Look where that has got them : how many dead now as a result of what Hamas did as a result of being ‘enabled’ like this ?.
Keep going IDF : soon most of the vermin will be dealt with. Add the UN to your list of enemies.
“One girl was only 12 years old when she was first raped by Sri Lankan soldiers. One boy was raped by more than 20 soldiers in UN military trucks where he was sodomised or made to perform oral sex. Another boy was raped by over 100 soldiers, 4 per day, starting at the age of 15.”
Welcome to the brave new world…. Gordon Ramsey with a bunch of American “Chefs” – ha! ha! ha! who think being a good Chef is the ability to say Fuc*ing every other word. The World has gone totally juvenile and foul mouthed bonkers!
God help our youngsters, the man has no scruples whatsoever in his search for money!
@ Digg
I could sympathise with them if they did as I did, and forgot to switch the hob on the oven top off as I went into the other room to enjoy my meal, leaving the frying pan on top of the hob.
I was rudely disturbed by a smoke alarm and a burnt kitchen and smoke everywhere.
My language at the time could have possibly even made Gordon Ramsey blush with shame.
Also I might advise not to try a slow cooking stew in a pot on the hob, then going out for the afternoon unless you enjoy making friends with the Fire Brigade.
I am not a gourmet really, but I don’t recommend charcoal stew. Especially from kitchen walls and celings.
Athough I have recently taught myself how to make Croque Monsieur having tried it in France.
It consists of:
A croque monsieur is traditionally made with baked or boiled ham and sliced cheese between slices of bread topped with grated cheese and lightly salted and peppered, and then baked in an oven or fried in a frying pan. The bread may optionally be browned by grilling after being dipped in beaten egg.
It has a strange effect after a couple of attempts:
chest pains and left arm going numb
If you put a fried egg on top it’s then called a Croque Madam. Even more reasons to have chest pains.
Where are the chips?
One Friday 13th, my Dad came in from working outside, switched on the oven, and then went outside again. Unfortunately Mum had left the chip pan, full of oil, on top of the hob, as you used to do in those days. I will leave the rest to people’s imagination but a lot of Flash was involved.
The best kitchen item we’ve bought, is an air fryer!
The simplicity of the whole procedure is amazing, and it is rapidly overtaking the conventional oven and even the microwave gets ignored!
The only time I allow an expletive in the kitchen these days is when I invariably drop something important on the floor, and the dog leaps in from nowhere to devour it…
And there are many other examples…
I just replaced the air fryer with the Ninja foodi max, and it’s so complex I think it’s going to take years to learn how to use all its functions.
SImilar footprint to the air fryer though
A good chum has something like that, Thoughtful!
Apparently you can even smoke things, take it outside and barbecue stuff, but as you say, a doctorate in chemical science utilising an atomic version of Mrs Beaton’s big book may come in handy soon…
I just love the chips!
That’s a different model to mine. Mine is a pressure cooker, slow cooker, steamer, air fryer, yoghurt maker and other things.
it’s the OL 750 this one, except I didn’t pay anything like their RRP
Blimey, that is one heck of a piece of kit! I bet you got that price down considerably! What I like about these machines is the fact that they can be stored in a cupboard, and well away from prying dogs…
It really is the way forward with cooking these days – all those functions will provide an awful lot of surprises for the family, but Chez Scrobs, I think at our age, we may just muddle through with a more basic model!
Luckily, the avocado, chicory and prawn salad I had today was a cold version and the only electricity I used was the iPhone and wifi speaker at medium blast, doing ‘The Chain’, by Fleetwood Mac!
…and the fridge, as the Pils lager went down pretty happily too!
I’m with you Scrob – I thought of buying an air fryer which has warp drive and all the bits but realised my current beloved multi thingy microwave does the job – a clockwork timer is just so retro ….
I’m hopeless with our combi-microwave, Fed!
The instructions are written in gobbledegook, and I’ve yet to understand how to make it all work! It’s been in the corner of the worktop for three years, but does a mean baked spud…
It was the same with the DVD player which broke two days ago, and thanks to Argos, the replacement does exactly what I want to do – watch a DVD!
As we never watch the BBC rubbish any more, we really do need some alternative, and this fits the bill, for less that thirty quid!
Who could ask for more!
Along with the air fryer may I also recommend a slow cooker, they’ve been around for years and I love my two. Takes any cut of so so meat and turns it into wow , even though I say so myself my beef bourguignon is delicious.
My Lidl Airfryer lasted 6 goes before giving up – the shop could care less – avoid .
Try the above Mrs Kitty, only wait for a decent deal on the price, it is an air fryer and slow cooker plus many other things in one unit.
Aaaah, slow cookers!
My butcher told me that mutton was making a comeback, and sure enough, after a suitable time on ‘medium’ for a few hours, he was absolutely right!
We swear by ours, and brisket cooked in Guinness is to die for!
Air fryer?
I watched an ad somewhere where the sellers photographically panned in and around their ‘air fryer’ revealing that there was a regular heating element above the food compartment and a fan on top that. Weird I thought. I am used to calling this a Halogen Oven. Still use it. Different in appearance, but easlier to clean.
But then, but then, strolling around the ‘Middle Isles’ in my local Lidl I spotted it: Advertised as, a new Halogen Oven called, wait for it………… an, “Air Fryer”.
No more to say apart from I enjoy relating the story and facts, when my friends start hailing the Mighty ‘Air Fryer’ over a pint and I inform them that the Halogen Oven is the same but £30 / 40 pounds cheaper…………
Time flies and memories dim.
Chip pans were great. It was like having a pan of napalm in the kitchen. Happy days.
Ok ok – it’s not BBC – but I’m on my second Airfryer in 3 months – £42 and £30 respectively – I guess you get what you pay for …
I used to use a chip pan until it torched the kitchen – lucky I’d seen the video on dealing with it …
Now I’m back on the excellent chip air fryer diet …
Back to the favourite musical videos ….?
“Back to the favourite musical videos”
Got to be the original 42nd Street, with Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell!
Still have goosebumps when listening to them, and I well remember the children being so very young, just dancing and prancing around the kitchen when it came on the TV one evening…
Hang in there with the air fryer Fed; it’ll soon be able to pick up Capital Radio, and you’ll be able to do the same in your kitchen!
(p.s., just tried the healthy mashed potatoes recipe, and failed, so it’s a healthy bread roll with real healthy and salty butter…)!
For Beatles addicts – YouTube now has techy stuff where they extract different bits of Beatles tunes such as strings or base or vocal alone … it’s groovy …
That’s interesting Fed!
I’ve tried to find it but am having no luck! Can you describe the ‘title’ please?
Scroblene Try ‘nowhere man ‘ johns guitar and vocal only – you tube keeps firing them at me …..
Is it just me or have we all gone just a teensy weeny ever so slightly bit off-topic!
I blame the BBC for all this kitchen gadget malarkey.
The London Mayoral election. Yes, as previously highlighted lots of people didn’t vote for Saddo but the only people entitled to vote for or against him live in those inner London Boroughs. It’s arguable that the people most affected by Saddo’s policies have no say at all. They live outside the the Greater London Authority Area but work and/or travel within it.
The other aspect that should be considered is that London is the Nation’s capital so the Mayor’s policies influence all our lives wherever we live, we have no say. I used to regularly travel to London and even now in semi retirement until recently still drove into London to pick up items I’d bought, or attend the Royal Courts, no longer. I find now, that my life is run by a woke, Green Mayor voted for by fraudulent postal votes created by Moslem extremists.
My daughter saves over £200 a week on train fares to London, as her company encourages staff to work from home. Her work is all digital anyway, so apart from not seeing the few people she talks to online, it’s a win/win situation for everyone, as London rents are appallingly high for decent office space!
I don’t think that Mare Khaaan really understands the commercial world, and is just content in pandering to foreigners who take, take take, and then bite the hands that feed them. I give his ridiculous socialist dream for our once-great city about five years, by which time it will be unrecognisable as a British institution.
It might get tricky for the emir the next time TFL runs out of money again . Blue labour baled him out x3 ? Instead of abolishing the office as they should have done …
Red labour won’t have the money to borrow to give him – and the rail mafia won’t change with a red regime – they’ll be worse
Of course, Livingstone started the rot in London, but as he’s terminally poorly with dementia now, any reference to his years slagging off Margaret Thatcher will be dropped like a stone.
Funny though, the awful Harold Wilson years seem to be getting an airing around and about at the moment!
Thoughtful, (I think), mentioned the years of the ‘pound in your pocket’, and I well remember those disastrous times, but luckily, I was still at home with a loving family, and still had a few bob pocket money for fags, Lambrettas etc…
Anybody seen the postal vote tabulation for the London Mayoral election?
There just should not be a London mayor …
I’ll change my name by deed poll to ‘Whittington’ on your behalf, Fed!
“Turn again Scroberlene,
Your noble – er – London Clean (er),
Lord Mare of Londonistan…”
(Poetry and lyric-writing was not my best subject, but you probably didn’t notice that!
I was better at physics, and even chemistry, where I got 72% at ‘O’ Level, and surprised the whole teaching staff)!
Rachel Reeves has the speech, appearance and manner of an android. She would do well putting in an appearance in the next Blade Runner sequel.
Watch live: Labour’s Rachel Reeves MP to accuse government of ‘gaslighting’ public on the economy
Breaking news on the Trump documents trial
A federal judge indefinitely postponed the criminal classified documents trial of former President Donald Trump.
The trial on charges that Trump willfully retained classified national security records after leaving the White House and then hid them from federal authorities was scheduled to start May 20.
But the new ruling from U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon vacates that date and sets a new slate of pre-trial proceedings, the latest of which is a hearing set for July 22.
The USA has now come up with another insane pronunciation of the name of a country, this time Cutter which apparantly is Qatar.
Nearly as good as Yurp for Europe
I am always fascinated by the cosmos as reported by their highly remunerated illterates.
Did somebody say Illiterates? 🙂
Looking forward to mt trip the see the Cambridge students occuoping the lawns outsideof their colleges:
“Free plasticene”
lol, reminds of the Brexit protestor on the street who was asked what was the best thing the EU had given us.
After some thought she replied ‘The NHS’.
Too dumb to know they are dumb. They just want to protest. If it wasn’t this it would be something else. The subject is not important as long as they feel secure in the ‘group-think’.
Democracy means being free to be stupid!
I remember that one she also was upset about not having free movement which meant she had to pay. I snorted my tea at that stage.
In every packet of Cornflakes?
Come one – least they managed to get a long word into the spa…..
“How do you say cosmos in the UK?
Break ‘cosmos’ down into sounds: [KOZ] + [MOS] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
cosmos in British English
(ˈkɒzmɒs IPA Pronunciation Guide )
1. the world or universe considered as an ordered system
2. any ordered system
3. harmony; order
4. Word forms: plural -mos or -moses
any tropical American plant of the genus Cosmos, cultivated as garden plants for their brightly coloured flowers: family Asteraceae (composites)
Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Word origin
C17: from Greek kosmos order, world, universe
BBC migration coverage: Review finds no consistent bias but risks to impartiality
‘Commissioned by the BBC board, in April 2023, Dr Madeline Sumption’s review found while the BBC “produces a lot of excellent content on migration… there are also weaknesses”.’
So it’s a report requested and paid for by the BBC themselves. Ridiculous.
I have never seen such a convoluted, diffcult worded report in my life. All the serious points are buried within qualifiers and excuses. For example:
‘Journalists were sometimes anxious about taking on topics they felt could be hostile to migrants – even though these issues could be investigated while also being respectful towards the people involved’
And we get:
‘And by focusing primarily on political developments, the BBC could overlook concerns such as how migration affected communities, housing, public services and the labour market.’
They did not overlooked them at all. There is no ‘could’ about it : they deliberately lied by omission.
And right at the end we get the recommendations:
The BBC executive has endorsed six key points from the report, which it expects all journalists to consider carefully when working on stories about migration:
‘cover the substance and not just the politics
ensure audiences have enough context
hear from migrants
explain migration terms clearly
represent the full range of opinions
remember good stories also come from outside Westminster’
That list basically describes the BBC political bias right across the board and is of extreme significance. However it’s been dressed right down as ‘just a few suggestions’ at the end of an article few people will have the will to bother reading all the way through.
This should be triggering a full independent review by OFCOM. But of course it won’t. The BBC will address a few of those points in afew article along with their lie techniques to nullify them, then they will go back to how they were.
Just like they did after the outcry that they would not call Hamas terrorists. They stopped doing that very quickly : why has nobody complained at them again I wonder ??.
The report has been generated by one of ‘them’, straight out of the Establishment. Madeleine Sumption is an Oxford University based academic, there was little chance it would read any other way than pro BBC. To recognise bias one has to be unusually perceptive and open or of the opposite view. Given the unambiguous and blatant BBC bias on migration it’s quite obviously not one of Ms Sumption’s qualities.
No Journalist should fear truthful reporting and if their reports are influenced then they should say so. We have her saying ‘Journalists were sometimes anxious about taking on topics they felt could be hostile to migrants”. Very poor indeed.
Women-only museum to become a toilet to keep men out
An unpleasant story of misandry and spite – but the BBC dress it up like it’s a big joke. Amazing how their attitude varies when it suits them.
Well done Kelly Ng. You are everything we expect you to be. Double-standard misandrist hypocrite.

I spend a lot of my time in toilets ( oo matron ) but I insist on going into the ‘ladies ‘ … they are much nicer – they smell nicer – there are nicer dispensers . It will be a crime when chaps like me get banned from the ladies …although they have gone downhill since I see more ladies with beards and moustaches now …
This could all be a lie – file to verify …
Men identify as women for 30 minutes to use toilet/museum.
India election: Modi’s party accused of demonising Muslims in video
Not really interested in the story because
a) It’s part of the BBC anti-BJP/pro-Muslim daily campaign
b) I don’t really care what goes on in India. Depsite the BBC’s huge coverage as many of their staff are from there.
I was interested to check who wrote such an agenda piece. Her name is Maryl Sebastian.
Lo and behold a quick search discovered this:
Meryl Sebastian from BBC News Kochi, wrote a Hindu-hate filled article, just like the #Annapoorani movie that was made with many anti-Hindu elements.
‘BBC is always anti-India, anti-Hindu, and that’s proven from the survey conducted. One of the key findings of the INSIGHT UK British Media Report revealed that more than 90% of respondents perceive the BBC as the most unreliable source of information concerning Hinduism and India, followed by The Guardian’
No surprises anywhere there then.
Maryl is one of those BBC, Huffington Post, Yahoo news and MSN veterans which puts her firmly far to the Left.
Hard to find a picture of her : I think this is she:

Amazing how often these BBC ‘reporters’ are women isn’t it ?. About as clear evidence of ‘sexual discrimination’ at the BBC as you can get – but it seems it’s OK when it’s against men.
Looks like a Springster clone head grafted onto Adele’s old body.
It’s a Nolan …
Stephen Nolan?
Outside of this Hindu caste system were the achhoots – the Dalits or the untouchables.,the%20Hindu%20God%20of%20creation.
AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccine worldwide after admitting jab can cause rare blood clot
Will the BBC’s poster girl ‘Sarah Gilbert’ who did the whole thing by herself apparently be having her ‘Damehood’ rescinded and then be prosecuted for manslaughter for not revealing the truth when they knew ?.
‘Sustainable calm’ proposal splits Israel and Hamas
After the complete crock of half-truths and lies by omission from the terrorist supporter Bowen yesterday, we finally get a bit more detail of what he was lying about.
It seems Israel demanded 40 hostages. Hamas said they can only muster up 33 and some will be delivered dead. An important point which is not even stated by the terrorist supporting BBC in this article or Bowens. Why are they dead ?. Nobody seems to care.
And for every hostage released, Israel must release 50 terrorist prisoners, including the very worst kind and have no veto about who gets out.
No need to read any further for me. F*ck you Hamas. They will be kidnapping civilians for ever more if they are appeased with this.
And then we are being told that Hamas are hinting at ending the war completely if they get what they want. Just how stupid are these ‘journalists’ ?. Does a single one believe that – or are they simply giving it credibility to help Hamas ?. I have never seen or heard of one single thing which means anything they say can be trusted.
The Leftist MSM make me sick. They are liars and hypocrites. Get the job done Israel : one thing in this life is certain. You can never trust an Islamic terrorist. Ever. He believes anything and everything he does is justified because Allah knows his heart.
BBC ‘reporting’ is glorious. Its subbing is next level.
Man charged after officers hurt in ‘chainsaw chase incident’
The Texas Chainsaw Incident didn’t do too well until renamed.
This is Nats Devon level.
Complaints about doctors subjecting Jewish colleagues to antisemitic abuse have surged in the months following the 7 October attacks and the subsequent Israel-Gaza war, according to General Medical Council records.
Chain saws in the operating theatre? If I ever have an op I am glad nothing missing since youth ‘down there’.
Get the feeling that it’s not just country that takes a backseat to faith hate?
What sort of ‘doctor ‘ I wonder …?
Mountain challenge inspires women to overcome fears
The Sound of Banned Music.
She said it was to make women in the community, including British Muslim women, “feel safer and empower them”.
Ofcom interferers, and the bbc promotes it… sorry I meant to say ofcom changes things
Tame toxic algorithms to protect children, big tech told
“Most of the tech companies contacted by the BBC have declined to respond to the draft measures” – often the case, bbc contact companies/people and that dont reply – can’t blame them
Remember the tv adverts we used to be allowed to see in the 70s/80s, funny, interesting and unusual, now it usually has to includes every type of person from around the world to be allowed to be on the tv screen
I am hearing ‘rumours’ / forecasts of a collapse in Sterlings value against other countries, not immenent but later in the year, possibly Autumn.
No reasons given as to why this will happen, although my own personal reason is the ever present cause of everything bad – Socialism.
Back in the day Sterling was worth up to 5 USD, in 1968 Wilson devalued the pound from $2.80 to $2.40 Under the Liz Truss induced Sterling crisis, it fell to just $1.13.
Today Sterling is at or around $1.25 however the prediction is a fall closer to parity.
For those who can remember the lies Harold Wilsons disastrous government told in the pound in your pocket speech, it’s going to be a pretty similar time.
Everything we buy in as an import will cost more, and when you go abroad everything will be more expensive.
How can you protect yourself? Precious metals will appear to increase in value in inverse proportion to the fall in the pound, although the reality is they have not changed in value with regard to other currencies. It will preserve your wealth (Tax free if it’s in legal tender coins).
Change the bank account to a foreign currency interest bearing account – this will be taxable both on the interest and any CGT
For more risk foreign unit trusts or ETFs, of even straight share holdings will avoid the fall of sterling as if you had stepped out of a lift onto a floor of a building and then watch the lift plummet down a few floors!
It’s a heads up, and it might not happen, nothing in the world of investing is ever guaranteed.
Those reading this might however want to consider the absolutely disgraceful mishandling of the British economy and its currency to allow an 80% devaluation in less than 100 years.
It should be a criminal offence, but unfortunately the elites are rarely if ever called to account.
Might be worth you posting that Politics Joe article with the share dealer explaining about assets again, Thoughtful!
Oli Dugmore says that he learned a lot from the book, ‘Kill All Normies’ by Angela Nagle, and having looked it up on the net, I can’t even understand a word about the resume, let alone know what she’s on about…
It concerns me though, that on these pages, I often refer to ‘Normal Citizens’, so I hope she isn’t taking a pop at me!
I do listen to ‘Gary’s economics’ every now and again, but he has such a one track record with wealth inequality that it becomes tiresome.
He does have a point, the vast majority of mankinds time on Earth has been spent with all the wealth in the hands of a very small number of people, it didn’t change until the industrial revolution allowed others to make enough to become what is today known as “Middle Class”.
We really do face the possibility of a return to Dickensian times where the majority were pretty poor (but equal), and a tiny number were fabulously wealthy.
India and South America are already like this, so unless you have a fortune say £25 million or greater then I’m afraid it’s poverty and the lower orders for you (and me for that matter)
It’s OK really, like Richard Branson famously said when offered the riskiest deal of a lifetime, ‘Thanks, but no thanks, I only need three meals a day’!
I’m on that average, ot thereabouts…
An 80% decline in the value of our currency? I wish.
My grandfather used to be able to have a night out for a florin. Yesterday I paid £6 for a pint. Our fiat pounds are rapidly heading for their true value: nothing.
Sorry I should have been more specific.
The analogy is a group os skydivers, jumping out of an aeroplane and falling to the ground.
The aeroplane is gold the skydivers are individual currencies which are all falling, to zero, but can rise and fall relative to each other.
The US Dollar has lost around 95% of its original value. The pound was once worth a quarter of an ounce of gold, roughly £450.
But the pound has lost 80% relative to the Dollar If you want to calculate that then please do it’s an 80% decline in regard to the Dollar not its original value.
bbc is upset by the “Far Right” again
Going to the extreme: Inside Germany’s far right
Next, bbc verify to do a report on the Far Left? Or a report to upset the Religion of Peace?
I think the BBC have just started their election smear campaign.
They are refreshing ‘far-right’ as a nasty label before they start using it in earnest.
There is no such thing as far-left now at the BBC.
In fact, when the nasty far-Left hung dummies from Salford Bridge to greet the Tory conference, the BBC didn’t even bother to report it. I cannot find any reference with google.
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
And of course the far-left Guardian left the really nasty part – the hanging dummies ‘ out of the headline.
Also as part of that story we got:
“People often ask me what it is that makes me tick – it’s Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick” and “You’re nowhere if you believe Theresa May” – a reference to the PM’s attack on “citizens of nowhere”.
The choir’s songwriter, Boff Whalley, said: “It’s meant in fun but we’re trying to get a serious message across with a memorable tune.”
Yes Guardian. Just a bit of fun. And again not reported by the BBC.
Bring on the revolution. OFCOM and the BBC management are first against the wall.
It’s tricky for the bbc really – the absolute certainty that reds will win over blues ( not the FA cup final ) – why would the bbc have to do anything to support red labour ? Apart from ensuring the licence fee increase of course…
No actual evidence or anything substantive. Simply another smear piece. You could simply parody this with ‘Keir Starmer once owned a Che Guevara T-Shirt’ Therefore he is far-left Marxist filth.
Luckily, Springster is on it. Roughly 50% from the look of it.
Met Gala: BBC Verify examines fake Katy Perry AI-generated image
BBC ‘examinations’ are like political party ‘investigations’.
How Kim became a human hourglass and times up for his top propagandist in this something we could emulate edition
Labour’s plan to beat Sunak on the economy (‘i’) – may be somewhat vague as to how exactly it differs from that of our high taxing, big spending, open borders Tories.
But our BBC is far from shy about laying out its political manifesto today
Garrick Club votes to allow female members (BBC)
Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander…?
Apparently not: Expansion plan for safe spaces scheme in Dorset for women and girls (BBC) – getting an approving write up there.
Going to the extreme: Inside Germany’s far right (BBC) – booo… scary. And if a twerking gay race-baiting black Doctor Who don’t have conservatives hiding behind the sofa this one will. Don’t have nightmares – as Nick Ross used to say on Crimewatch (whatever happened to that show? Why do our BBC bin it? It was about the most ethnically diverse thing on British TV) Meanwhile we await with bated breath some BBC investigation of the far left
Phew, do you feel it getting a tad warmer, day by day, at round about this time of year?
Climate change: World’s oceans suffer from record-breaking year of heat (BBC) – and by the way, our BBC’s clickable online headline link to this story was even more loopy than a packet of fruit loops in the pocket of a loop-the-looping Greta Thunberg stuck in a giant smoothie machine turned full on: World’s oceans break temperature records every single day of past year (BBC) – really, honestly?
I’m put in mind of Buddy Holly
Everyday, it’s a gettin’ closer,
Goin’ faster than a roller coaster…
Look, can we please have some more restraint on competition from rival media and, by the way, a lot more censorship of messaging… other than our own… can we have that please!
Tame toxic algorithms to protect children, big tech told (BBC)
Facebook ‘did nothing about Taylor Swift ticket hack scam’ (BBC)
You know, when we look around the world, as we like to do, we have our favourites and we have our bugbears.
India election: Modi’s party accused of demonising Muslims in video (BBC)
Vladimir Putin: Russia’s modern-day tsar sworn in for fifth term (BBC)
Of course we have some of our own naff output to promote: Ireland and Croatia qualify for Eurovision final… Ireland has broken its Eurovision “curse”, qualifying for the contest’s grand final for the first time since 2018. Appropriately enough, it did so with the help of a “gremlin goblin witch” – aka singer Bambie Thug, whose electro-metal anthem Doomsday Blue is now among the favourites to win. (BBC) – I’ll make a point of missing that.
Of course the UK’s dirty little secret about the Eurovision contest is: …the UK did not have to worry about the public vote on Tuesday. It is one of five countries that qualifies automatically for the final, due to its financial contribution to the contest. (BBC) – they mean to say the BBC’s financial contribution – in other words: licence payers
And then, just for all the conspiracy theory fans out there, we have that old doing it in plain sight, laughing in your dumb sheepish plebian face item: Kim family’s master propagandist dies at 94… North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attended his funeral early on Wednesday morning and paid tribute to the “veteran revolutionary who had remained boundlessly loyal” to the regime… South Korea’s Yonhap news agency likened him to Nazi Germany’s propaganda boss Joseph Goebbels, widely known for his mantra “repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” (BBC)
Who’s up for some calm down dear?
The problem with tantric coupling by Kate Lister (‘i’)
Stormy Daniles tells of Trump sex encouter (Daily Express)
Did the earth move for you, luv?
Daniels shaken after Trump sex, jury hears (Telegraph)
Our jokey blokey tabloid Daily Star takes the mick out of those supposedly straight-laced serious titles with their celebrity glammer shot excuses for publishing a pin-up: Loadsa pics of celebs at a party
Flower power at the Met Gala (Guardian); How Kim became a human hourglass… Kim Kardashian caused a stir at the Met Gala (Daily Mail); Whos’ the real star of of the Met Gala (Times); The Met Gala… What really happens at fashions biggest party? (Telegraph)
I don’t like the look of your’s. I don’t know who I’d pull out of a sack first?
Awkward date… Emmanuel Macron and Xi Jinping share a drink in a restaurant yesterday (FT) – I wonder who’s the ‘top’ there? There’s one for the gays.
The Mirror and Guardian want us to elect Keir Starmer, the Daily Express wants us have euthenasia on the NHS, meanwhile the Financial Times implores readers to vote for Joe Biden: Voters should salute Biden’s economic boom (FT)
This morning there’s just a glimmer of a self-reflecting apologia and tad of a mea culpa expressed concerning the FT’s biggest bigbear – Brexit.
Berlin and Brussels partly to blame for Brexit, says would-be German leader (FT) – that’s Germany’s would-be leader, Friedrich Mertz (‘centre-right’ Christian Democrats, former BlackRock executive, mind you) not the would-be German: Simon Rattle decries Brexit as he applies for German citizenship… Conductor laments impact on UK musicians’ careers and describes application as ‘absolute necessity’ (Guardian) – don’t throw your Rattle out of your pram Simon. Look on the bright side, Si, despite Brexit, they don’t seem to have chucked us out of Eurovision yet.
…stopped short of naming Angela Merkel but implied the former chancellor could have done more to help Britain’s then prime minister win the vote – a widely held view in Westminster (FT) – so it is the Germans who run the EU, nice to have that confirmed. Shushhh don’t tell Macron.
Mertz… also praised the UK’s controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, saying it was “something we could emulate” (FT) – careful now.
Let’s get ourselves safely back on track with the approved agenda: Flood barrier faces mid life crisis… No one talked of climate change when the Queen opened the Thames Barrier (FT) – but boy, oh boy, how they do talk about it these days.
How I save money on my electric car… Running costs beat petrol, say owners (‘i’) – ah, what a wonderful effect high taxes coupled with generous taxpayer-funded subsidies can have skewing the market. Adam Smith would spin in his grave.
Today Glance ( not long enough for a ‘watch ) …
The 0810 – let’s ban something – it’s the internet again . A few kids who don’t know what an off switch is kill themselves . The parents want the internet banned as their kid has been using it . It’s about ‘protection ‘ .
Ok then – on that reasoning – let’s ban cars . Cars kill kids . Kids think they are immune from the danger of getting run over . Blame the cars . Ban them .
Every time some wants something banned or controlled of licenced you know it’s another step in reducing freedom – which never comes back …
Liberals sneer at china because of the ways it controls the internet – but we ll catch up soon enough …
Met Gala: BBC Verify examines fake Katy Perry AI-generated image
The real reason for this article from Marianna-pants-on-fire is ‘Watch out for fake AI images by the Far-Right’ as part of the BBC’s softening us up for the election. It quickly moves on from Katy Parry to the incredibly hyped picture of Trump[ with black voters and some audio clip against Sadiq Khan I’ve never heard of.
I note they didn’t show the fake pictures of Trump in handcuffs and either the Left are not doing any fakes at all or they ar enot being reported. I have noticed that I’ve seen far more fake pictures from the Left trying to slur and ridicule Right wing politicians – but they are not AI generated and are blatantly intending to be nasty and insulting.
But the biggest ommission for this article is that liar Springster should have shown a copy of her CV and then splashed ‘FAKE’ across it.
She is an excellent example of just how big the BBC double standards can be when it suits them. She has lost all integrity as a ‘truth teller’ after she herself has no concerns about lying to get what she wants. Yet she’s still there.
Asiseeit makes reference to some American gala where lots of pretty girls wore nothing . An excuse for the picture editor to put up those poses again … and asking if it’s a ‘good ‘ thing to display assets in such a way …
Being there by not actually turning up saves a lot of effort.
This week a review found that BBC journalists avoid doing stories about migration for fear of being labelled racist. Today a Centre for Policy Studies report claims immigration was driving the housing shortage. You’d think the BBC might cover it.
BBC Editorial Guidelines clearly define what is ‘not news’.
How quantum physics could ‘revolutionise everything’
And here we have poor Phil Mercer of the BBC doing a shameless promotional piece for some academics chasing funding and faithfully writing down everything they say while his mouth opens and closes like a goldfish.
It’s got 6 ‘coulds’ (which always means ‘won’ts’ in these articles) but as software engineer, my favourite one is this:
‘Can we trust artificial intelligence? So, what we have found is that integrating quantum computing in artificial intelligence leads to very reliable and trustworthy systems,” he said.’
100% total bullshit. And simple old Phil doesn’t have any idea.
AI is as trustworthy as the people who write it’s algorithms. As the picture I asked co-pilot for of English students came back full of BAME showed.
“Google pauses Gemini’s image tool for people after anti-‘woke’ backlash. Tech giant says model is ‘missing the mark’ after controversy over failure to depict white people. Google has temporarily stopped its Gemini AI model from generating images of people following a backlash over its failure to depict white people.23 Feb 2024”
Getty delivers the goods.
Ever eager to peddle the myth of danger from the Far Right, the British Brainwashing Corporation dredges up this story……from Germany FFS.
Going to the extreme: Inside Germany’s far right
Weirdly missing is an equivalent story rather closer to home which is surely worthy of an in-depth article by the BBC’s fine impartial investigative journalists. Which represents, needless to say, the true threat.
Such as this.
How could the Greens NOT know about councillor’s vile rant against a rabbi? Party faces fury for failing to suspend pro-Gaza activist over tirade against Jewish chaplain
No doubt the BBC regards the Daily Mail as ‘Far Right’.
Again people seeing the surface and failing to look any deeper.
Why did the Muslims choose the Green Party and why were the Greens prepared to front them as candidate? What selection process was followed in this case?
Were any ‘inducements’ offered by either sides? Not cash but a quid pro quo arrangement
How many ex Labour momentum members who were forced to leave Red Labour have joined the Green party.
All legitimate questions none of which are being asked!
Islam is Net Zero **
**for freedom and other cultures.
Apparently a green London council type resigned after 3 days to become the next Brighton green MP …. Ambition eh? Service eh?
Pension of 52K for life?
Do you notice that there is no single ‘documentary’ on the channel invasion by the msm – from arrival in France through to a new house in England – courtesy of the taxpayer ?
An exchange and appreciation of cultures and a multicultural society.
Leading Berlin politician hurt in wave of attacks
So… a mostly peaceful ‘hurt’?
Security guard shot at Drake’s Toronto home amid beef with Kendrick Lamar
‘Ready, Steady, Cook, Eh’ has a dodgy episode during BBQ
Anybody seen the postal vote tabulation for the London Mayoral election?
Here is a piece from the DT from One Danny Cohen – ‘director of BBC news 2013 – 2015 – moaning about BBC coverage of the Islamic Hamas terrorism on U.S. campuses –
Danny – how much bias did you do in your time – ?
STARTS For the latest evidence of the BBC’s failure to take anti-Semitism seriously, look no further than the corporation’s reporting of the campus protests at Columbia and other American universities. It goes without saying that we all have the right to protest. But it is abundantly clear that what is taking place on these campuses is a great deal more toxic, ugly and racist. Violence, intimidation and threats against Jewish students and teachers have been a daily occurrence.
At Columbia, there appears to have been no attempt to hide the anti-Semitism at the protest sites. Captured on video, protesters screamed the following at two Jewish students outside the campus gates: “Never forget the 7th of October.” “That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 … but ten thousand times.” “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!” On American soil, at a place of learning, Jewish people faced threats of a massacre. The spectre of pogroms, long thought part of the history of Jewish people, not their present, had returned.
The same is true at other American universities. At UCLA, things got so bad that pro-Palestinian demonstrators created a checkpoint to stop Jewish students from entering campus. The denial of access to education on grounds of race should be condemned by us all, but many of the campus protesters are selective in their activism when it comes to human rights. For them, anti-Semitism does not count.
The scale of racism against Jews on campuses is such that Joe Biden felt forced to intervene. Warning of an alarming surge of anti-Semitism, he said: “Silence is complicity. Even in recent days, we’ve seen harassment and calls for violence against Jews. This blatant anti-Semitism is reprehensible and dangerous – and it has absolutely no place on college campuses, or anywhere in our country.”
Yet reading the BBC’s online reporting of the protests, you would often have little idea that racism against Jews is loud and proud and Jewish students and teachers are experiencing something truly horrendous.
A BBC News article first published on April 26, titled “What do pro-Palestinian student protesters at US universities want?”, speaks volumes through what it left out until it was apparently updated. This “explainer” did not make a single mention of anti-Semitism at the protests. The tone of the report was also instructive. Protesters were made to sound like young heroes, carrying forward the torch of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the anti-apartheid demonstrations of the 1980s. The bias – and lack of interest – in anti-Semitism could not have been clearer.
It is hard to understand how this is possible from a news organisation that claims to be impartial and repeatedly asserts that it takes anti-Semitism as seriously as any other form of racism.
The same is true of a BBC report on May 2 titled “Columbia University community ‘shattered’ after police raid”. The tone of the article is one of sympathy for the protesters. Issues as serious as whether the cafeteria will fully re-open are deemed worthy of careful reporting. Racism against Jews is not. Nor is the violence and law-breaking that led to the police decision to intervene.
If anyone believes that these are isolated failures, the BBC News live feed page on the US campus protests are revealing. On May 2, this page was updated 58 times over the course of more than 10 hours. The experience of racism by Jewish students was covered in just one post, 30 minutes before the page closed. Despite hours of detailed and continuous coverage, it appears that BBC News felt that anti-Semitism was just not that important.
There is a simple test one can apply to this coverage. Had the poisonous racism on display at these protests been directed at the black or Muslim community, would BBC reports make little or no reference to it? The answer would – quite rightly – be no. The racist abuse would be front and centre of the story. It would be treated with the due prominence and sensitivity it deserves. It would be headline news, at the very heart of the coverage.
Yet racism against Jews is deemed barely worthy of mention in these BBC reports, if at all. As Biden noted, silence is complicity when it comes to anti-Semitism. And again here, the BBC’s silence is an act of complicity. All this adds to the growing list of BBC failures on anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias since the October 7 massacres. It is hard to imagine that the vast majority of members of Britain’s Jewish community will ever forget it.ENDS
Maybe as an insider Danny might contribute here …
The racism, or rather antisemitism on UK campuses is far worse than people on this site may ever suspect. Death threats are common, low marks awarded to Jewish students, threats to students living on campus, Jewish students being evacuated from their rooms on campus, a student rabbi (a rabbi for students, not one learning the job), in hiding. The list goes on. And it has been going on for years and getting worse. This started way before October 7th and was never reported by MSM.
Now that AstraZeneca has not only admitted their perfectly safe vaccine is so safe it is being withdrawn – will the likes of Mark Steyn get his job back on GBNews ?( I was going to refer to it as dire but I stopped partaking when they dumped him ) …
Bowen: Netanyahu knows Hamas survival amounts to his own defeat
Bowen is at it again and lying through his teeth – BBC style.
‘Israel agreed to a ceasefire offer at the end of April. The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said it was “exceptionally generous”.’
‘Diplomatic sources in Qatar, which is part of the mediation effort with Egypt and the United States, told me “it is broadly the same as Israel’s proposal. Just minor wordings changed and details”.’
I think a demand for 40 hostages being changed to 33 hostages and some of them being delivered dead is a bit more than minor wording Jeremy.
‘This war is showing, once again, how hard it is for powerful countries like Israel to defeat much weaker organisations like Hamas.’
This war would have been over long ago and a LOT less people would be dead if people like Bowen had not made Hamas believe they can get everything they want if they just wait and let the racist Left like the BBC put the pressure on Israel to give them it.
This man is as much drenched in the blood of those civilians as the terrorists themselves.
As people know, I don’t listen to BBC news anymore. Did the BBC report the deaths of 3 IDF at the crossing where Israel was taking aid into Gaza? Or did they report of the 11 soldiers injured there? This was only a couple of days before Hamas said they would agree to a ceasefire and Israel was ready to enter Rafah. The second demand by Hamas for a ceasefire was that Israel should withdraw totally from Gaza? Oh, and did Jeremy mention that Hamas data centre was found under offices for UNWRA?
Just wondering how the BBC reported these facts.
Remember these BBC News bloopers?
bbc thinks its funny, no your just sh*te
Being an early waker now – and not listening to 3 hours of Today … I get my news at 0530 – with a news review ( easy bias ) followed by the anniversary bit ….
Did you know Dennis waterman died this day ? Victory in Europe came in at number 5 out of 7 – I think Chernobyl was in there at the top but I was in snooze mode .
I’m guessing the intern on the night shift putting the thing together went VE Day ? What’s VE Day ? What war ?
“Eyebrows went very high when Elphicke was spotted sat on the opposition benches. It has now been confirmed. A PMQs stunt executed well…”
“Today I announce that I have decided to join the Labour Party and that I will sit in Parliament as a Labour MP. … The last couple of years have also seen a huge rise in homelessness, in temporary accommodation and rough sleeping with record numbers of children now in temporary accommodation, without a secure roof over their head.”
. . . . .
Name of donor: One Family Global
Address of donor: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Plexal Innovation Centre, 14 East Bay Lane, London E15 2GW
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Guest of the donor at an Iftar dinner at the Dorchester Hotel, London, value £500
“Iftar (Arabic: إفطار, romanized: ifṭār) is the fast-breaking evening meal of Muslims in Ramadan at the time of adhan (call to prayer) of the Maghrib prayer.”
Are the Tories and Labour gradually merging ?
Great Britain is ‘cracking’ under mass immigration .
Time to vote for The reform Party .
New Islam Party!
PMQ s – sir Phillip Davies ( a rare conservative ) suggests that those Far Left Civil Servants trying to stop the Rwanda Thing go get a job with a like minded organisation like the BBC or Channel 4 news ….
I’m upsetting a few on another site by every time time I see her named
I write “ Stormy Daniels real name Stephanie Gregory if it’s good enough for TR it’s good enough for a hook er “
I can see the heads exploding in the BBBC from here.
The UNIparty
May 2024 update, BBC pantwetter edition
I’m sure she was one of the ones on the list Conservative Post was trying to have de-selected, but it looks like she had to do the job for them as they were so inept they couldn’t manage it themselves.
Question : Was she Labour in disguise ?
IMHO most Tories are Liberal/Labour . If she was a real Tory she would have gone to “Reform” not Labour,
I can see more Tories “jumping ship” as the Conservative Government “jolly boat” sinks.
13 years of unfettered immigration!
bbc website:-
Absolute child poverty has fallen since 2010, but is rising again
By bbc verify, no way it went down, then up, what next 🙂
Child poverty = only having an iPhone 7 ….
Two iphones is success!
The definition of poverty in the UK is set at £1 more than that which benefits would pay. therefore if benefits paid £1 Million per week, anyone earning less would be deemed to be in poverty and that in a nutshell is how ridiculous and meaningless the word has become.
Sort of could care less but has another blue MP gone to the Reds ? Is it a surprise ? Is there any difference ?
BTW – it looks like Red Labour is now called ‘changed labour ‘…
Watching PMQs – not listening as it’s all. Blah blah – the faces of the blue labour lot told the truth without words … bye bye blue labour …. Don’t forget your bungs and gongs ….
Just tried commenting on the BBC’s latest climate change hysteria article on infinitesimal ocean warming. Apparently I’m banned from commenting ‘on BBC products’. Not sure how climate change is a BBC product, but clearly no contrary opinion is allowed.
markh, you will be comforted by
TOADY Watch #1 – Irish Sea cold enough for you, Justin Rowlatt
The great BBC are trying to stoke up the spectre of Global Warming & Climate Change just so people, especially children and teens, are anxious and fearful and do not enjoy this week of dryness and sunshine (May Day Bank Holiday Monday excepted) as we head into, hopefully, a good summer. Our UK farmers deserve it this year. The BBC relate that Copernicus, the EU’s orbiting satellite has decreed that April past was warm, the hottest ever. I laughed out loud at that!
I had forgotten to put the central heating on last night (had retired to the computer to do ‘jobs’) and when I remembered this morning the GCH system fired up at 9.5°C. Apparently Justin Rowlatt, the BBC’s Climate Editor (how do you Edit the Climate?) travelled all the way from London or maybe Salford – plenty of CO2 emissions there, Justin – to Anglesey in Wales just to report on coral bleaching. Funny thing but when I do an internet search as to whether there are coral reefs in Anglesey the words cold water are mentioned time and time again.
You wouldn’t be ‘gaslighting’ us listeners, would you Mr Rowlatt?
Two people hate each other so much they can’t be bothered … ha ha ha ha hah ah
“King and Harry at London events but will not meet”
Not the BBC – but one of those criminal cases where justice wasn’t done – the 50 year old with ‘cerebral palsy ‘ and ‘partial sight ‘ but aware enough to tell a 77 year old woman riding on the pavement ‘to get in the effing road ‘
Whereupon 77 year old is hit by a car and dies . 50 year old found guilty of manslaughter by a jury after a long court case – but now freed by the Court of Appeal – acquitted …
On what appears to be a clever bit of defence Chicanery – not much justice for the dead ladys’ family ….
If you wanna kill some one – have a ‘disability ‘ or go ‘diminished ‘ – it’s a free ticket out ….
Thing is riding on the pavement is illegal, and she didn’t push the silly old woman, she rode into the road of her own volition.
Had she not been breaking the law in the first place it would never have happened.
Unfortunately I cannot find the case as Google seems incapable of finding anything past this case, but also in London an aggressive mixed race migrant was told to get off the pavement by a similarly disabled man, but the black chose to punch him instead and killed him with a single punch.
It turned out his mother who was also a migrant was a serial violent offender and both of them should have been deported, but no one ever is of course.
The point here is that mentally ill people are going to tell those breaking the law not to do it, and that is let’s face it their right, and their freedom of speech. The fact some dotty old criminal then lost control and veered into the road is no ones fault but hers.
Yes killing cyclists riding on the pavement seems good law to me …8 people agree with you …
When I was a kid ( 10?) my mum used to tell me to ride on the pavement . One day a policeman in plain clothes stopped me Showed a card ) and told me to get on the road .
When I was 10 I didn’t know what a c word was – I do now – it was him … ( 77 brigade intel file )
Too many two-wheel warriors, as well as being stupid, now ride far too fast, and have too high an opinion of themselves. I can’t think of any other explanation for the recent horrible event in London’s Regent’s Park, where a phalanx of cyclists were whizzing along, probably at almost 30mph, early one Saturday morning.
One of them hit 81-year-old Hilda Griffiths, who was walking, with her dog, across the road to a pedestrian island. She took two months to die, but I do not think it unreasonable to assume that her death was brought on by the accident.
The speed limit for cars on that road is 20mph. But it does not apply to pushbikes for various perfectly sensible reasons.
All Conservative MP’s selected by the left-wing Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ), are expected to keep their seats, by defecting to the Labour Party, at the rate of two every 11 days.
Hilarious statement issued by the Green Party Jihadi following his acceptance preaching as Leeds councillor. It reads like it’s been created by a Hope Not Hate AI chatbot. Despite his deranged rant, he even manages to get the Islamophobia grievance in there:
“Being elected to represent the wonderful community of Gipton and Harehills was one of the proudest moments of my life. The inaccurate reporting and misrepresentation of my acceptance speech has led to me being subject to a lot of hate and hostility. I should also make clear that it is not unusual for somebody of my faith to use the words ‘Allahu Akbar’ as an expression of gratitude and celebration. Some have sought to misrepresent this and it suggests Islamophobia to me […] My campaign united people from all backgrounds, races and religions in order to affect change for our local community. I will continue to work in peace to represent all of our communities in the coming four years.”
BBC news on the AZ vaccine withdrawal —
“It said the rise of new coronavirus variants meant demand had shifted to the newer updated vaccines.” No mention of the fact that 9 countries had already prohibited its use going back as far as 2021.
Along with the J&J injection that makes two of the big four now withdrawn. I make that 50%, but I’ll wait for Verify to geolocate my numbers.
Farage talking about the move of Elphick to Red Labour .. farage says that the yearly immigration figures are to be released on 23rd May … any advance on 1 000 000 ?
Then now is the time for Nigel Farage to step up and do something about it !
What say you readers ?
I think he will wait until the blue Labour Party is destroyed and see what remains . Now the tide is too strong for anyone to do anything …
Taffman, It would be good if Nigel does get involved with Reform but don’t count on it. He seems to be more fixated on the USA now.
Reform has good people like Ben Habib, Lee Anderson, Anne Widdecombe and Richard Tice. Reform must avoid becoming a one-man band and the better it will be the better for its future.
Farage turned on Ukip and its members when he had no further use for it. He cannot be trusted not to do it again, sorry to say.
But, yes, lets hope he does enter the fray, but we must heed Cromwell, “Put your Trust in God, but keep your powder dry”