Never in the history of this nation have so many absolute lies been pushed by our trusted broadcaster the BBC in an effort to paint a medieval bloodthirsty regime that is Hamas as a legitimate and oppressed organisation. I weep for truth and justice for the Israelis.
I just hope that Israel will get round arms embargo’s placed by Obama Biden and get on with Rafah …Israel has had its back against the wall since Day One – it’s not the soft west …
Well, as ever once you get to the truth you find it is nothing like how the media has reported it, and the truth in the case of Auriol Grey is that the judge at the original re-trial screwed up royally.
For a charge of manslaughter there has to be an initial illegal act, but no one bothered to consider this, they just appeared there had been one, and even the prosecution conceded it had not been properly considered.
Here’s the expert explanation on the case which is probably going to be very very different to what you have read in the media (clue, it has nothing to do with mental disability)
The judge , prosecution barrister and defence barrister in this case should go far ….
Pity the police investigation isn’t mentioned – I wonder if it was a ‘no reply ‘ interview ….
The CPS too as they should have instructed accordingly. But the point of posting it was to show the difference between reality and the media reporting.
I think you’ll agree there is nothing in the media reports explaining it as the barrister in the piece above does.
This barrister and our legal system are full of hogwash.
The reality, if it is our legal system, is that wimmin get off scott free. There are only some 3000 wimmin in prison but more than 80,000 men.
I always remember years ago a mother who had killed her child by smashing the childs head against a staircase. The judge saying that the mother (called Oatley?) should be helped not punished!
In the Huntingdon case where a lady cyclist was crushed after she was aggressively shooed off the shared path by this woman into a fast ring road of cars and then crushed. There is a video with audio that clearly showed what happened.
The rule is that if it is a wimmin the legal system will always find a way to excuse you.
One other thing to add about the Huntingdon death of the cyclist above (and I should say cyclists – three recently) is the town is home to the Cambridgeshire coroner. These people are legally required in the event of any death they feel to be preventable to write a PFD (Prevention of Future Deaths report).
In the last ten years the coroner has not written a single PFD report as a result of the death of a pedestrian or a cyclist in Cambridgeshire.
The coronor could easily write a PFD report blaming the road design (2 fast lanes for vehicles and a narrow shared path for peds+cyclists). Then the highway could be rebuilt to be safe for everyone. This would be relatively cheap and easy to do as well as preventing future deaths.
Instead we spend eye-watering amounts on lawyers to blame only the mad hag in the case above and this achieves precisely nothing to benefit society.
Blast the lawyers and the bBC reporters off into space.
IDS has put forward an amendment to some criminal justice bill nonsense ( what another one ?) introducing some some of offence of dangerous riding ….he has written of it in the DT today
A more clever reader – in the comments – suggested why not just introduce a more widespread ‘ vehicular homicide / dangerous / reckless riding ‘ to catch anything on wheels ?
That was another one of the mistakes the court apparantly made, the pavement is not a shared cyclepath, just a pavement making the cyclist at fault for using it as such.
The Mad Hag as you call her was clearly not to blame in this incident as the court has found.
I will lock horns with you on that one. It is a shared use path. Huntingdon has a one way system that is multi-lane. The effect is that trying to cycle on these roads with the cars would be an instant death wish, plus how can you contra-flow, as a cyclist, without doing a 10 mile detour. In practice the cyclists share the pavement and the traffic investigation police themselves said at the trial that it is indeterminate if this is a shared use path. In other words if they can not tell us how is anyone else supposed to know.
Please watch the video. She was really aggressive. IMHO opinion she was definitely to blame but then so were the highway designers. My beef is that the highway designers are let off scott free and we waste resources on trying to find one single person to blame. This is a fault of our legal system. These fatal crashes often have multiple causes.
We do not let our motorways to be shared by horses, cyclists, tractors, and mopeds. This is all for a very good reason.
Atlas – et al. – the court of appeal report is now published online – it is R v Grey . It is free on the excellent BAILII under ‘court of appeal ‘ criminal division as a ‘recent case ‘ . The judgement is mercifully short- only – I think 2 pages and 38 points .
A demolition of all concerned … what a truly sad case …
I don’t know how many of you follow Simon Webb’s
” History Debunked” channel on YouTube. But one
of Simon’s “specialities” is that when there
are murderous stabbings and the BBC don’t want us to
know whom the culprit might be , unless he generally speaking
is white.
Steven tells us in advance, and plays the part of Mystic Meg and
says I bet the poor sod who has been slaughtered hasn’t
a name such as John Smith and the slasher isn’t named
Bill Brown.
When there is is a “feature” about how evil the Israeleeees are
in Gaza. I have a bet with myself the same thing as Simon
Webb does about the BBC contributors to the feature.
The latest being how Israel have been blowing up all
the water supplies in Gaza. The three today being
Kayleen Devlin who appears to be from the Orla Guerrin
Academy, . Then we have Maryjam Ahmad. .
Daniele Palumbo makes up the triumvirate.
Maybe I am being too facetious. Because we all know ” That
you can trust the BBC,” And probably these three are top
notch investigating journalists. Who could easily walk into top
jobs at the Guardian or better still Novara Media,
BBC satellite data ???. Do the BBC have their own satellite over Gaza now ??.
Of course not – but they are on this crusade to establish themselves as the oracle of truth to the masses. When in fact they are the exact opposite. Not giving the actual story to hide things is worse than simpl elies.
This is a good example. The first stage was to generally paint the IDF as the bad guys murdering innocent civilians. They have deliberately tried to make ‘IDF’ a label for someone we cannot trust.
Then they say things like this. They have to include this information otherwise their deceit is proveable.
‘The Israel Defense Forces told the BBC that Hamas cynically exploits civilian infrastructure for terror purposes.’
The BBC always write it like this so there is doubt because the IDF cannot be trusted.
Yet they have many Muslim journalists who are local people from Gaza who can move freely with the population. They could absolutely confirm beyond doubt that Hamas are fighting from public areas. It could be presented as fact, not an IDF opinion.
But they don’t. Which is possibly the biggest lie by omission of this whole war as it is the root cause of so much suffering and death.
Why ? – two reasons I suspect.
First, the Muslim reporters will all support Hamas over Israel and so will not ‘shop them’ to the infidels.
Second, the BBC do not want them to because it will show Hamas to be the evil scum they really are. And that doesn’t fit the Lefts anti-Jew racist agenda (I refuse to use ‘anti-semetism’ instead of ‘racist’. This is as racist as you can get).
As I’ve said many times, the BBC (and the whole Left) are drenched in the blood of those civilian deaths. They are prolonging the war by supporting Hamas who are laughing at the pressure on Israel as a result of these lies by omission. They know if they just wait (and let many more people die), Israel will be forced to give up and they will survive.
Based on the rehearsal it seems that on the night our Eurovision entry will be simulating gay anal sex in a set that resembles a public toilet. I’m no prude but this is way over the line. It’s pure filth.
I was watching some film of Abba winning Eurovision in 1974. The audience in Brighton were wearing dinner jackets! It was a very formal affair.
Eurovision grew a bit camp over the years, but now it is an all out gay fest. I am done with it, like so much else on the BBC. I will be watching as much of it as I watch of the black gay Dr Who. Not one second.
These Are My Principles. If You Don’t Like Them I Have Others (quote attributed to Groucho Marx)
So some oddball MP crosses the floor of the House – in a manner some might characterise as a rat departing a sinking ship – and yet in fact this simply amounts to further proof, if it were needed, that perhaps seventy to eighty per cent of our parliamentarians on both sides of the House quietly adhere to principles, such as they are, of the careerist self-interested Uniparty.
One therefore credits a minority of twenty to thirty percent of MPs with actual political convictions of some colour – which may well be an over-estimate.
He’s turned me round
A new flame has come
And nothing he can do can do me wrong
(apologies to Simply Red ie Mick Hucknell)
Formerly serious now simply read, Labour-curious, Keir Starmer bromancer, the formerly patriotic Times publishes an apparently critical headline concerning their new flame: Starmer splits party by accepting Tory defector – the gynaeceum that is our BBC News Staff online press pickers like that one for the first punch in their daily press headlines double whammy: Newspaper headlines: ‘Starmer splits party’ and ‘no Royal reunion’ (BBC)
Fun with flags (part one)
Have you spotted it? On the Times frontpage Sir Keir is standing beside a union flag as he is photographed shaking hands with this former Tory no mark jumped up parish councillor. The Guardian crops the pic to almost cut the flag out of shot. The boy’s certainly come a long way since his photoshoot taking the knee beside his deputy and part time landlady (allegedly) Ange Rayner
We take the reality check and realise this headline to be a plug for middle brow midwit Sir Keir’s middle ground appeal. His mentor Anthony H Blair will have told him how to be seen to bash the Corbynites and to broaden his church, so to speak
Perhaps our Sir Keir is now close to normal?
Atheist Keir Starmer avoids reference to God in pledge of loyalty to King Charles III (Telegraph); Campbell interrupted Blair as he spoke of his faith: ‘We don’t do God’ (Telegraph, 2003); Politicians have to ‘do God’, says Blair (Guardian, 2009) – next week’s news Sir Keir goes to church..?
Left-leaning ‘i‘ newspaper embargoes a teaser for a story of their’s on the frontpage it submits to our BBC press pickers. Mr AsI’s interest is piqued for a moment until he discerns in the remaining outline of the picture under their slipshod redacted label a likely similarity with pictures published elsewhere of: Opel Sandy now has hearing that is “close to normal” (Times): Baby born deaf cured in UK world first… Hear’s to you Opel (giveaway Metro) – don’t quote me, I could be wrong.
This might be ‘i’ columnist too hot for work Kate Lister getting her rocks off in public as usual (calm down dear) or one of the many woke left-pandering story lines from this junior poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’
‘Readers loved the fisting’: Why novels need good sex scenes (Holly Williams, ‘i’) – our Kate has a rival stirring the sauce pot.
April was wet and miserable – but the warmest on record. Here’s why (James Dyke, ‘i’) – let me guess: We know that to avoid future catastrophes we must rapidly phase out fossil fuels – thought so.
If you hate modern football you might just love Lewes FC (Sam Cunningham, ‘i’) – let me guess: They have reimagined the game with women at its heart – “feminising the football experience” – though so.
Somebody died for this
Somebody died for just one kiss
Just one kiss
New wave goth band The Cure from the album Japanese Whispers, 1983
Ex-Spanish football chief Luis Rubiales to stand trial for kissing player Jenni Hermoso (Sky News)
The Joke (Czech: Žert) is Milan Kundera’s first novel, originally published in 1967. It describes how a student’s private joke derails his life… Ludvik Jahn has been expelled from school and the Communist Party for his irreverence. (Thank you Wiki)
In economic news: Pandemic-era winners suffer $1.5tn fall in value as lockdown trends fade… Zoom, RingCentral and Pelaton sink… AstraZenica winds up trailblazer Covid-19 jab (FT) – they got that one almost right: Pandemic-era Lockdown-era winners suffer $1.5tn fall in value as lockdown trends fade
“Some companies probably thought that shock was going to be permanent” – said the wonderfully named Steven Blitz, chief US economist at TS Lombard, quoted in the FT
If only there were some form of public inquiry that might look into the corporate pressures that may have been brought to bear on our public health policy
Speaking of the corporate sector, the youth-oriented, metro-sexual freebie adsheet Metro plugs: Eurovision special… It’s as silly as ever and we love it
And naturally the ‘i’ is up for it: Bambie Thug is the most Irish Eurovision act in years… Ireland’s ‘pagan witch’ Eurovision entry is a return to authentic and ancient Irishness (‘i’)
There’s a wonderful irony there given recent events in the Emerald Isle: ‘Government is not listening’: anger over immigration spills into riot on Dublin’s streets… Night of unrest in Irish capital an overdue reckoning for many who say their concerns are not being addressed (Guardian, this article is more than 5 months old)
The animal-themed ‘and finally’ bit
The jokey blokey Daily Star offers: Free funny animals pull out… guaranteed to make you smile
Fun with flags (part two)
Not so amusing: Kidderminster woman pleads guilty to role in monkey torture network (BBC) – top marks for Joel Gunter/BBC photo credit for the pic of: “The Torture King” Mike Macartney at home in Virginia – hot-damn, wouldn’t y’all just know it… in the illustrative pic this good ol’ boy’s confederate southern cross flag is combined with his Trump 2020 banner and doesn’t that just fit the BBC agenda to a T
Something tells me that if he’d had the rainbow pride flag displayed in his man cave alongside a refugees welcome placard… well…
I never realised how hideous the Ephicke people are – her husband convicted of a sex crime whilst an MP? And she takes over ?
I sort of understand the propaganda value she had for Starmer – plus the timing – but the decision to plonk her on the labour bench …. And it was noted that the socialist NHSdoctor who crossed the floor last week has made himself scarce .
Looks like the ‘form ’ for the end of the blue labour shambles – but good for popcorn sales …
I can never understand why the likes of Gates chooses to use his vast wealth to interfere in Climate fantasy, fake meat, 15 minute cities, electric cars, cloud seeding, and generally stuff that pisses the majority of us off, as it’s all used to tax us higher and reduce our quality of life.
He could literally end hunger in Africa, help build a prosperous continent, and be a genuine good guy.
Instead my opinion is that the world would be a better place without him.
He was a mediocre software salesman who got very lucky and very rich. Now he has turned that money into real power over the world. That’s what motivates him. And don’t mention Epstein, that never happened.
“26 August 2020, received £25,000 from News UK, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF, for two newspaper articles, published on 2 and 3 August 2020. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 14 September 2020)”
Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke has defected to the Labour Party, saying the Tories “have become a byword for incompetence and division”. In a statement released just as PMQs was starting, the MP for Dover said the key factors for her decision were housing and border security.15 hours ago
BBC health today: “Pioneering gene therapy restores UK girl’s hearing […] the therapy uses a modified, harmless virus to deliver a working copy of the Otof gene into these cells.”
Fancy that… a day after a viral vector product is pulled off the market because it’s outdated tech that’s been replaced by the ‘better’ class of gene therapy injections, all the major media outlets including the BBC are singing the praises of gene therapy. What interesting timing.
In other news the BBC don’t want to report today that Pfizer have just agreed to settle 10,000 lawsuits over failing to warn people about cancer risks from Zantac. The drug was pulled off the market in the US in 2020.
Gene therapy is the future, they just didn’t tell you it has been since 2021. But this time you can trust the experts.
Saudi authorities have permitted the use of lethal force to clear land for a futuristic desert city being built by dozens of Western companies, an ex-intelligence officer has told the BBC.
. . . . . .
In a concurrent statement, Yasir Al-Rumayyan – the Governor of PIF and the new Non-Executive Director of Newcastle United – said: We are extremely proud to become the new owners of Newcastle United, one of the most famous clubs in English football.
Now that Obama is supporting Islamic Hamas by not sending kit to Israel … Will it be sent to Ukraine where it can be sold on to Israel for a mark up …?
The DT carries a list of blue labour MPs who are standing down at the next election . It’s very disappointing because there are a lot of ‘big names ‘ whose faces I was looking forward to seeing when they lost their seat – an expression similar to being hit with a cricket bat ….
.. I was going to put the list up here but it’s too long for the site .it looks like blue labour HQ is just going to throw some new drones at the job and watch them get slaughtered as the get out of the trench on election night. Can’t wait . 2 champagne bottle stuff for me – before red labour ban it for non party members …
In the Sun today there’s a piece about a £20 million hotel for the migrants in Rwanda (not the Congo) if we ever get round to sending any there.
It has a football pitch, premier league tv football and is quite luxurious.
I’ve seen articles about these hotels having swimming pools etc.
Why can’t normal Brits take advantage of this scheme and leave the UK to settle in Rwanda. I’m sure many would jump at the chance of going there.
There’s also a good piece by Rod Liddell about the bbbc bias which everybody (except the bbbc and the wokies) knows about.
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election {05aug2017}
“Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term”
– 99% is what World leaders dream of getting for a vote!
– Wonder what the 1% thought?
– The European Union official was very happy ….
‘“The world has important lessons to learn from Rwanda,” gushed a European Union official. Embassy observers hailed it as the most orderly vote they had witnessed in their careers.{theguardian 03jan2016}‘
Rwanda election: President Paul Kagame wins by landslide { 05aug2017}
– Notice how BBC use word ‘landslide’ rather than 98.63%. Alarm bells would ring with such a high figure.
“United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday pleaded for immediate radical action on climate change, saying that record-shattering July temperatures show Earth has passed from a warming phase into an “era of global boiling”.27 Jul 2023″
Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, comment made by Chris Packham, 21 April 2024
26 April 2024
Summary of complaint
We received complaints from people unhappy Laura didn’t challenge a comment made by panel member Chris Packham regarding the Daily Sceptic.
Our response
During a discussion with the panel about various issues including climate change, broadcaster and conservationist Chris Packham claimed that the Daily Sceptic, whose editor in chief is Toby Young, is “basically put together by a bunch of professionals with close affiliations to the fossil fuel industry.” We acknowledge we would ideally have asked him to present his evidence on this, but in a fast-moving live programme it’s not always possible to pick up on every point made by our guests. We’ve removed any posts on X with this part of the discussion. This edition of the programme has also been taken down from BBC iPlayer.
I think starmer has put a muzzle on her until the election results come in …. We are in for a Summer of ‘gaffs ‘ – mainly I think from red labour because the other lot will have realised – even by then – that the best thing they can do is go on holiday – and not come back ….
Red labour needs to avoid those Diane abbot ‘how much will it cost ‘? Questions …. Not that it matters …
“Russia’s federal revenue soared to a record $320 billion in 2023 — an amount partly attributable to India’s huge appetite for cheap Russian oil, according to a new report from the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air shared with CNN.21 Feb 2024”
‘World is grateful’: India keeps oil prices cheaper by buying from Russia, Indian oil minister says
The minister said he was confident that India’s renewable targets “will be met totally.”
I have always found it very difficult to understand what
went on in Germany in the 1930’s .Followed by the
” Final solution to the Jewish problem” ‘
But I am beginning to understand
more . Following the BBC, the Guardian , the Independent, Novara media. And other, all but
media partners of Hamas
Many of those working for them, must be having orgasms watching what
happened to the Israeli singer at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Foscari … er … what happened to the Israeli act in the queer show ? ( actually -don’t bother )
There used to be an annual observation about what was Israel doing in the Euro ,,,vision song contest ? It wasn’t ‘ ant semitic ‘ but it was one of those questions ( like clocks going back ) which recurred when that show wasn’t a queer fest ….
For the record ( 77 brigade – – think I haven’t seen it for maybe 20 years ….boom banga bang …)
Is there a connection between the descent of the Eurovision Song Contest into a gay/ trans love fest and the vastly increased coverage of it on the BBC- two semi-finals live FFS and generous coverage of the man/woman/person representing the UK?
Appreciate your comment re “live TV” – wasn’t sure if Samsung TV plus is “live tv” – it seems to reference advertising in the link and making this free and ..
“Samsung TV Plus is 100% free. When we say no strings attached, we mean it. No subscriptions, no new fees, no credit card, just free TV”
This Extinction Rebellion protestor has glued himself to a flight to Dubai. Bob from security just added more glue and we’ve cleared the plane for take off. I imagine he’ll get a cracking view of all the oil fields on approach.
“A person named Riddhi Patel made frightening threats against Republican Mayor Karen Goh and other council members during the Bakersfield City Council meeting on Wednesday. Patel’s threats were reportedly prompted by the council’s lack of support for a ceasefire resolution against Israel and increased security measures at the government building in response to ongoing anti-Israel protests.”
“Vincent Coggins is revealed for the first time as leader of the ultra-violent Liverpool crime group”
Original mugshot eg from Liverpool Echo:
BBC bizarrely feeling to need to cut the head out in Photoshop or similar, run some black and white comic book style filter on , then add a Dr Who like background…
“Coggins or Coggin is a surname of Celtic origin specifically Wales. The Coggins family lived in the parish of Cogan, which is in the diocese of Llandaff in the county of Glamorgan. The name literally means “a cup or bowl” and probably meant “dweller in a bowl-shaped valley.””
The one one the left, their capacity for alcohol is severely diminished due to a medical reason which you can google , (they genetically have a lack of an enzyme that can deal with it).
I would just ensure he was kept well way from the wall at the back and its contents.
I have a few memories of being challenged to drinking contests in China and was always the only one not on the floor in the restaurant.
(they also change from a slight yellow hue to bright red, and the poor wives are left desperately texting for taxis that will accept the unconscious)
I may have a few vices but gambling is not one of them, I lost a potential fortune there on who would win.
“About 1,750 people in the UK are living with an undiagnosed hepatitis C infection after being given a transfusion with contaminated blood, according to BBC analysis.
Official documents, seen by BBC News, reveal how the UK government and the NHS failed to adequately trace those who were most at risk of having the virus.”
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
‘ Mr Elphicke, who was her predecessor as MP for Dover, was jailed for two years in 2020 for sexual assault.
Mrs Elphicke ended their marriage after his conviction but supported his unsuccessful appeal.
In September 2020, she told the Sun newspaper he was “an easy target for dirty politics and false allegations” because he was “attractive, and attracted to, women”. ‘
Just some random MP, no one has heard of, but you don’t have to dig deep to find some scandal or crass comment.
What a shower at Westminster…
“Individuals Policy Directorate in HMRC Customer Strategy & Tax Design”
When I first heard about the murder of George Floyd I was sat at my desk doing my tax return. I decided right there and then to pay less tax so I could fund any future DEI workshops needed for my re-education. I expect HMRC will be sympathetic.
Absolutely disgraceful, but then it is Sweden and it’s not now a European city more like a Middle Eastern one, but there’s no excuse for thicko Whites being there, much less the homosexuals who would be murdered if they had their own way:
I know this is not the bbc but Mrs Voter has been watching Shardlake, by CJ Sansome, God rest his soul, died recently.
Made by woke Disney, it is dark and noisy, the books themselves are a good read, the movie by Disney is absolutely dire.
Scene one, England 1536, in the Chambers of Cromwell a shaven headed dark fella right up there with the elite.
Scene two, Somewhere up north in a monastery that’s dark and gloomy, guess what colour the i/c of the monastery is. Yep as the Ace of spades.
Can’t wait for the rest of the series!
It being Ascension – I’m heading down to Traf Square to see whether the Emir has lit up Nelson’s’ Column as he did for his own religion …
Actually … I won’t bother – I think I know what I will find …
Thank goodness it’s the semis, we’re down to the last four, right?
Apparently not:
“Fifteen countries competed in the first semi-final on Tuesday, with Ireland, Croatia and Ukraine among the 10 going through.
France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK are also guaranteed a place in the final, so do not compete in either semi-final, but they will have the opportunity to showcase their songs during the shows.”
Of course it’s retarded BBC journalism, so they don’t bother reporting why these 4, and Sweden? are guaranteed a final place.
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations”
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity…
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
vladMar 14, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The West is facing an Islamic holy war” – Melanie Phillips. WAKE UP!!!
Never in the history of this nation have so many absolute lies been pushed by our trusted broadcaster the BBC in an effort to paint a medieval bloodthirsty regime that is Hamas as a legitimate and oppressed organisation. I weep for truth and justice for the Israelis.
I just hope that Israel will get round arms embargo’s placed by Obama Biden and get on with Rafah …Israel has had its back against the wall since Day One – it’s not the soft west …
Keep going IDF ….
I think he buys his trousers from the same shop as Rishi. Is the Norman Wisdom look in this season?
The shoes, on the other hand, look more like Sleepy Joe’s, the special ones to stop him falling over.
Well, as ever once you get to the truth you find it is nothing like how the media has reported it, and the truth in the case of Auriol Grey is that the judge at the original re-trial screwed up royally.
For a charge of manslaughter there has to be an initial illegal act, but no one bothered to consider this, they just appeared there had been one, and even the prosecution conceded it had not been properly considered.
Here’s the expert explanation on the case which is probably going to be very very different to what you have read in the media (clue, it has nothing to do with mental disability)
The judge , prosecution barrister and defence barrister in this case should go far ….
Pity the police investigation isn’t mentioned – I wonder if it was a ‘no reply ‘ interview ….
No justice there – she is still dead ….
The CPS too as they should have instructed accordingly. But the point of posting it was to show the difference between reality and the media reporting.
I think you’ll agree there is nothing in the media reports explaining it as the barrister in the piece above does.
This barrister and our legal system are full of hogwash.
The reality, if it is our legal system, is that wimmin get off scott free. There are only some 3000 wimmin in prison but more than 80,000 men.
I always remember years ago a mother who had killed her child by smashing the childs head against a staircase. The judge saying that the mother (called Oatley?) should be helped not punished!
In the Huntingdon case where a lady cyclist was crushed after she was aggressively shooed off the shared path by this woman into a fast ring road of cars and then crushed. There is a video with audio that clearly showed what happened.
The rule is that if it is a wimmin the legal system will always find a way to excuse you.
One other thing to add about the Huntingdon death of the cyclist above (and I should say cyclists – three recently) is the town is home to the Cambridgeshire coroner. These people are legally required in the event of any death they feel to be preventable to write a PFD (Prevention of Future Deaths report).
In the last ten years the coroner has not written a single PFD report as a result of the death of a pedestrian or a cyclist in Cambridgeshire.
The coronor could easily write a PFD report blaming the road design (2 fast lanes for vehicles and a narrow shared path for peds+cyclists). Then the highway could be rebuilt to be safe for everyone. This would be relatively cheap and easy to do as well as preventing future deaths.
Instead we spend eye-watering amounts on lawyers to blame only the mad hag in the case above and this achieves precisely nothing to benefit society.
Blast the lawyers and the bBC reporters off into space.
IDS has put forward an amendment to some criminal justice bill nonsense ( what another one ?) introducing some some of offence of dangerous riding ….he has written of it in the DT today
A more clever reader – in the comments – suggested why not just introduce a more widespread ‘ vehicular homicide / dangerous / reckless riding ‘ to catch anything on wheels ?
Apparently this in place in the US and works …
That was another one of the mistakes the court apparantly made, the pavement is not a shared cyclepath, just a pavement making the cyclist at fault for using it as such.
The Mad Hag as you call her was clearly not to blame in this incident as the court has found.
I will lock horns with you on that one. It is a shared use path. Huntingdon has a one way system that is multi-lane. The effect is that trying to cycle on these roads with the cars would be an instant death wish, plus how can you contra-flow, as a cyclist, without doing a 10 mile detour. In practice the cyclists share the pavement and the traffic investigation police themselves said at the trial that it is indeterminate if this is a shared use path. In other words if they can not tell us how is anyone else supposed to know.
Please watch the video. She was really aggressive. IMHO opinion she was definitely to blame but then so were the highway designers. My beef is that the highway designers are let off scott free and we waste resources on trying to find one single person to blame. This is a fault of our legal system. These fatal crashes often have multiple causes.
We do not let our motorways to be shared by horses, cyclists, tractors, and mopeds. This is all for a very good reason.
Atlas – et al. – the court of appeal report is now published online – it is R v Grey . It is free on the excellent BAILII under ‘court of appeal ‘ criminal division as a ‘recent case ‘ . The judgement is mercifully short- only – I think 2 pages and 38 points .
A demolition of all concerned … what a truly sad case …
The first Minister of Scotland – WHITE !
BBC verify that this is what he was thinking but not saying.
“Steve Albini: US indie music giant dies at 61”
What killed him.
Obviously bbc ain’t telling us.
I suffered reading a Guardian article, nothing.
Finally the Daily Mirror:
“Steve Albini dies at age 61 from a heart attack as tributes pour in”
Me neither.
Oh no xxxxx xxxxxx is dead no thoughts no prayers – but the BBC liked them …
And Britain ceases to be a modern Western economy in 3,2,1…
No public sector salaries or pensions / benefits were harmed?
I don’t know how many of you follow Simon Webb’s
” History Debunked” channel on YouTube. But one
of Simon’s “specialities” is that when there
are murderous stabbings and the BBC don’t want us to
know whom the culprit might be , unless he generally speaking
is white.
Steven tells us in advance, and plays the part of Mystic Meg and
says I bet the poor sod who has been slaughtered hasn’t
a name such as John Smith and the slasher isn’t named
Bill Brown.
When there is is a “feature” about how evil the Israeleeees are
in Gaza. I have a bet with myself the same thing as Simon
Webb does about the BBC contributors to the feature.
The latest being how Israel have been blowing up all
the water supplies in Gaza. The three today being
Kayleen Devlin who appears to be from the Orla Guerrin
Academy, . Then we have Maryjam Ahmad. .
Daniele Palumbo makes up the triumvirate.
Maybe I am being too facetious. Because we all know ” That
you can trust the BBC,” And probably these three are top
notch investigating journalists. Who could easily walk into top
jobs at the Guardian or better still Novara Media,
Just reading that story about the Gaza water sites:
Half of Gaza water sites damaged or destroyed, BBC satellite data reveals
BBC satellite data ???. Do the BBC have their own satellite over Gaza now ??.
Of course not – but they are on this crusade to establish themselves as the oracle of truth to the masses. When in fact they are the exact opposite. Not giving the actual story to hide things is worse than simpl elies.
This is a good example. The first stage was to generally paint the IDF as the bad guys murdering innocent civilians. They have deliberately tried to make ‘IDF’ a label for someone we cannot trust.
Then they say things like this. They have to include this information otherwise their deceit is proveable.
‘The Israel Defense Forces told the BBC that Hamas cynically exploits civilian infrastructure for terror purposes.’
The BBC always write it like this so there is doubt because the IDF cannot be trusted.
Yet they have many Muslim journalists who are local people from Gaza who can move freely with the population. They could absolutely confirm beyond doubt that Hamas are fighting from public areas. It could be presented as fact, not an IDF opinion.
But they don’t. Which is possibly the biggest lie by omission of this whole war as it is the root cause of so much suffering and death.
Why ? – two reasons I suspect.
First, the Muslim reporters will all support Hamas over Israel and so will not ‘shop them’ to the infidels.
Second, the BBC do not want them to because it will show Hamas to be the evil scum they really are. And that doesn’t fit the Lefts anti-Jew racist agenda (I refuse to use ‘anti-semetism’ instead of ‘racist’. This is as racist as you can get).
As I’ve said many times, the BBC (and the whole Left) are drenched in the blood of those civilian deaths. They are prolonging the war by supporting Hamas who are laughing at the pressure on Israel as a result of these lies by omission. They know if they just wait (and let many more people die), Israel will be forced to give up and they will survive.
Based on the rehearsal it seems that on the night our Eurovision entry will be simulating gay anal sex in a set that resembles a public toilet. I’m no prude but this is way over the line. It’s pure filth.
I wonder if those “dancers” are thinking “It is a job and I am getting paid, but has it really come to this, FFS?”.
I was watching some film of Abba winning Eurovision in 1974. The audience in Brighton were wearing dinner jackets! It was a very formal affair.
Eurovision grew a bit camp over the years, but now it is an all out gay fest. I am done with it, like so much else on the BBC. I will be watching as much of it as I watch of the black gay Dr Who. Not one second.
These Are My Principles. If You Don’t Like Them I Have Others (quote attributed to Groucho Marx)
So some oddball MP crosses the floor of the House – in a manner some might characterise as a rat departing a sinking ship – and yet in fact this simply amounts to further proof, if it were needed, that perhaps seventy to eighty per cent of our parliamentarians on both sides of the House quietly adhere to principles, such as they are, of the careerist self-interested Uniparty.
One therefore credits a minority of twenty to thirty percent of MPs with actual political convictions of some colour – which may well be an over-estimate.
He’s turned me round
A new flame has come
And nothing he can do can do me wrong
(apologies to Simply Red ie Mick Hucknell)
Formerly serious now simply read, Labour-curious, Keir Starmer bromancer, the formerly patriotic Times publishes an apparently critical headline concerning their new flame: Starmer splits party by accepting Tory defector – the gynaeceum that is our BBC News Staff online press pickers like that one for the first punch in their daily press headlines double whammy: Newspaper headlines: ‘Starmer splits party’ and ‘no Royal reunion’ (BBC)
Fun with flags (part one)
Have you spotted it? On the Times frontpage Sir Keir is standing beside a union flag as he is photographed shaking hands with this former Tory no mark jumped up parish councillor. The Guardian crops the pic to almost cut the flag out of shot. The boy’s certainly come a long way since his photoshoot taking the knee beside his deputy and part time landlady (allegedly) Ange Rayner
We take the reality check and realise this headline to be a plug for middle brow midwit Sir Keir’s middle ground appeal. His mentor Anthony H Blair will have told him how to be seen to bash the Corbynites and to broaden his church, so to speak
Perhaps our Sir Keir is now close to normal?
Atheist Keir Starmer avoids reference to God in pledge of loyalty to King Charles III (Telegraph); Campbell interrupted Blair as he spoke of his faith: ‘We don’t do God’ (Telegraph, 2003); Politicians have to ‘do God’, says Blair (Guardian, 2009) – next week’s news Sir Keir goes to church..?
Left-leaning ‘i‘ newspaper embargoes a teaser for a story of their’s on the frontpage it submits to our BBC press pickers. Mr AsI’s interest is piqued for a moment until he discerns in the remaining outline of the picture under their slipshod redacted label a likely similarity with pictures published elsewhere of: Opel Sandy now has hearing that is “close to normal” (Times): Baby born deaf cured in UK world first… Hear’s to you Opel (giveaway Metro) – don’t quote me, I could be wrong.
This might be ‘i’ columnist too hot for work Kate Lister getting her rocks off in public as usual (calm down dear) or one of the many woke left-pandering story lines from this junior poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’
‘Readers loved the fisting’: Why novels need good sex scenes (Holly Williams, ‘i’) – our Kate has a rival stirring the sauce pot.
April was wet and miserable – but the warmest on record. Here’s why (James Dyke, ‘i’) – let me guess: We know that to avoid future catastrophes we must rapidly phase out fossil fuels – thought so.
If you hate modern football you might just love Lewes FC (Sam Cunningham, ‘i’) – let me guess: They have reimagined the game with women at its heart – “feminising the football experience” – though so.
Somebody died for this
Somebody died for just one kiss
Just one kiss
New wave goth band The Cure from the album Japanese Whispers, 1983
Ex-Spanish football chief Luis Rubiales to stand trial for kissing player Jenni Hermoso (Sky News)
The Joke (Czech: Žert) is Milan Kundera’s first novel, originally published in 1967. It describes how a student’s private joke derails his life… Ludvik Jahn has been expelled from school and the Communist Party for his irreverence. (Thank you Wiki)
In economic news: Pandemic-era winners suffer $1.5tn fall in value as lockdown trends fade… Zoom, RingCentral and Pelaton sink… AstraZenica winds up trailblazer Covid-19 jab (FT) – they got that one almost right:
Pandemic-eraLockdown-era winners suffer $1.5tn fall in value as lockdown trends fade“Some companies probably thought that shock was going to be permanent” – said the wonderfully named Steven Blitz, chief US economist at TS Lombard, quoted in the FT
If only there were some form of public inquiry that might look into the corporate pressures that may have been brought to bear on our public health policy
Speaking of the corporate sector, the youth-oriented, metro-sexual freebie adsheet Metro plugs: Eurovision special… It’s as silly as ever and we love it
And naturally the ‘i’ is up for it: Bambie Thug is the most Irish Eurovision act in years… Ireland’s ‘pagan witch’ Eurovision entry is a return to authentic and ancient Irishness (‘i’)
There’s a wonderful irony there given recent events in the Emerald Isle: ‘Government is not listening’: anger over immigration spills into riot on Dublin’s streets… Night of unrest in Irish capital an overdue reckoning for many who say their concerns are not being addressed (Guardian, this article is more than 5 months old)
The animal-themed ‘and finally’ bit
The jokey blokey Daily Star offers: Free funny animals pull out… guaranteed to make you smile
Fun with flags (part two)
Not so amusing: Kidderminster woman pleads guilty to role in monkey torture network (BBC) – top marks for Joel Gunter/BBC photo credit for the pic of: “The Torture King” Mike Macartney at home in Virginia – hot-damn, wouldn’t y’all just know it… in the illustrative pic this good ol’ boy’s confederate southern cross flag is combined with his Trump 2020 banner and doesn’t that just fit the BBC agenda to a T
Something tells me that if he’d had the rainbow pride flag displayed in his man cave alongside a refugees welcome placard… well…
I never realised how hideous the Ephicke people are – her husband convicted of a sex crime whilst an MP? And she takes over ?
I sort of understand the propaganda value she had for Starmer – plus the timing – but the decision to plonk her on the labour bench …. And it was noted that the socialist NHSdoctor who crossed the floor last week has made himself scarce .
Looks like the ‘form ’ for the end of the blue labour shambles – but good for popcorn sales …
Can always tell when the bbc likes or approves of someone:-
Nadhim Zahawi to stand down as Tory MP at election
Mary Earps: England keeper receives MBE honour at Windsor Castle
But we NEVER see a favourable report of the former President Trump
Or a negative report of the eu, which funds the bbc
Or a negative report of Bill Gates, which funds the bbc etc etc
I can never understand why the likes of Gates chooses to use his vast wealth to interfere in Climate fantasy, fake meat, 15 minute cities, electric cars, cloud seeding, and generally stuff that pisses the majority of us off, as it’s all used to tax us higher and reduce our quality of life.
He could literally end hunger in Africa, help build a prosperous continent, and be a genuine good guy.
Instead my opinion is that the world would be a better place without him.
He only understands installing viruses and adding new features to things that don’t need them?!
“The links between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates explained
Microsoft founder admits meetings with sex offender were ‘huge mistake’”
He was a mediocre software salesman who got very lucky and very rich. Now he has turned that money into real power over the world. That’s what motivates him. And don’t mention Epstein, that never happened.
Andy – funny that – I was compiling a list of approved and disapproved subjects the BBC editorial policy applies to …
And in news broadcasters you can tell because the reader becomes ‘chipper ‘ eg ‘ when it’s the first coloured woman to have done something ….
Where did we go wrong as a nation, to be 2nd class in our own country.
Can never imagine other countries prioritising foreigners
Imagine Jamaica insisting 80% of tv adverts had to have a white person in them, and showing whites in a positive light, ignoring their own
Racism in a Chinese laundry detergent advertisement
Socialism – welfare – feminism – led to the current rubbish ….
Dilution then loss of national identity ( England ) with third rate politicians and a 4th rate Marxist civil service …. Job done ..
“26 August 2020, received £25,000 from News UK, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF, for two newspaper articles, published on 2 and 3 August 2020. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 14 September 2020)”
Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke has defected to the Labour Party, saying the Tories “have become a byword for incompetence and division”. In a statement released just as PMQs was starting, the MP for Dover said the key factors for her decision were housing and border security.15 hours ago
bbc worries about International students:-
International students sleeping rough on campuses
by bbc reporter Sanjana Idnani
Not Mr Smith or Jones, where does the bbc get them from – tick tick tick
Young Getty people?
Some expat friends sending their kids here faced eye watering costs; not just accommodation but also tuition.
But what they had done was worked hard, budgeted, and… not getting interviewed by a cubicle gardener.
“The BAME Mental Health Service said it sends food parcels to international students”
BBC health today: “Pioneering gene therapy restores UK girl’s hearing […] the therapy uses a modified, harmless virus to deliver a working copy of the Otof gene into these cells.”
Fancy that… a day after a viral vector product is pulled off the market because it’s outdated tech that’s been replaced by the ‘better’ class of gene therapy injections, all the major media outlets including the BBC are singing the praises of gene therapy. What interesting timing.
In other news the BBC don’t want to report today that Pfizer have just agreed to settle 10,000 lawsuits over failing to warn people about cancer risks from Zantac. The drug was pulled off the market in the US in 2020.
Gene therapy is the future, they just didn’t tell you it has been since 2021. But this time you can trust the experts.
A 28-year-old man who died from a vaccine-related blood clot was wrongly offered the jab due to a clinical error by a GP surgery 17 years earlier.
When he was 11, Alex Reid’s weight was wrongly recorded as 22st 11lb (145kg) – suggesting he had a BMI of almost 69.
AstraZeneca Covid vaccine death linked to GP surgery error
Don’t forget to clap …
It seems whooping cough is fashionable again – no mention of any particular group or location where it is most popular ….
Do we sanction Saudi NOW?
“Neom: Saudi forces ‘told to kill’ to clear land for eco-city”
Saudi authorities have permitted the use of lethal force to clear land for a futuristic desert city being built by dozens of Western companies, an ex-intelligence officer has told the BBC.
. . . . . .
In a concurrent statement, Yasir Al-Rumayyan – the Governor of PIF and the new Non-Executive Director of Newcastle United – said: We are extremely proud to become the new owners of Newcastle United, one of the most famous clubs in English football.
Saudi Arabia has bought into soccer and golf. Will the NBA and NFL be next?
Normally the BBC support a bit of eco-jihad. Maybe a step too far right now… but give it another 5yrs?
Now that Obama is supporting Islamic Hamas by not sending kit to Israel … Will it be sent to Ukraine where it can be sold on to Israel for a mark up …?
The DT carries a list of blue labour MPs who are standing down at the next election . It’s very disappointing because there are a lot of ‘big names ‘ whose faces I was looking forward to seeing when they lost their seat – an expression similar to being hit with a cricket bat ….
.. I was going to put the list up here but it’s too long for the site .it looks like blue labour HQ is just going to throw some new drones at the job and watch them get slaughtered as the get out of the trench on election night. Can’t wait . 2 champagne bottle stuff for me – before red labour ban it for non party members …
Predictably, Mike Benz is mentioned.
It’s 2 years old so one can compare reality with the report….
Most ordinary folk do not see what’s going on – but nonetheless are a bit uncomfortable for reasons they can’t elaborate….
BBC reporters don’t do geography…. (or read their colleagues pieces on the same topic)
People living in Newcastle might be getting worried in case they decide to expand St. James’ Park.
I have a recollection that the tribes in that part of KSA aren’t exactly fans of the Al Saud dynasty thing …
The Tavistock Institute….
Rumble CEO at US Congress
BBC goons please note
In the Sun today there’s a piece about a £20 million hotel for the migrants in Rwanda (not the Congo) if we ever get round to sending any there.
It has a football pitch, premier league tv football and is quite luxurious.
I’ve seen articles about these hotels having swimming pools etc.
Why can’t normal Brits take advantage of this scheme and leave the UK to settle in Rwanda. I’m sure many would jump at the chance of going there.
There’s also a good piece by Rod Liddell about the bbbc bias which everybody (except the bbbc and the wokies) knows about.
We could go to the hotels, but I assume our leaders have plans for our assisted suicides
“Migrants to help with assisted suicides in UK” future BBC title 2025
count me in
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election {05aug2017}
“Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term”
– 99% is what World leaders dream of getting for a vote!
– Wonder what the 1% thought?
– The European Union official was very happy ….
‘“The world has important lessons to learn from Rwanda,” gushed a European Union official. Embassy observers hailed it as the most orderly vote they had witnessed in their careers.{theguardian 03jan2016}‘
Rwanda election: President Paul Kagame wins by landslide { 05aug2017}
– Notice how BBC use word ‘landslide’ rather than 98.63%. Alarm bells would ring with such a high figure.
Men in women’s toilets if freedom of expression.
Kids who have penis removed are will become real men.
“United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday pleaded for immediate radical action on climate change, saying that record-shattering July temperatures show Earth has passed from a warming phase into an “era of global boiling”.27 Jul 2023″
Great isn’t it ? Burn that coal / oil / gas ….
I doubt the geriatric fool Guterres does his own stuff.
Just woeful, and, actually, dangerous
Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, comment made by Chris Packham, 21 April 2024
26 April 2024
Summary of complaint
We received complaints from people unhappy Laura didn’t challenge a comment made by panel member Chris Packham regarding the Daily Sceptic.
Our response
During a discussion with the panel about various issues including climate change, broadcaster and conservationist Chris Packham claimed that the Daily Sceptic, whose editor in chief is Toby Young, is “basically put together by a bunch of professionals with close affiliations to the fossil fuel industry.” We acknowledge we would ideally have asked him to present his evidence on this, but in a fast-moving live programme it’s not always possible to pick up on every point made by our guests. We’ve removed any posts on X with this part of the discussion. This edition of the programme has also been taken down from BBC iPlayer.
BBC in the past………
The Best of Vicky Pollard | Little Britain | Lucas and Walliams
“It’s so “funny” because its so true to life – We’ve all met at least one “Vicky” in our time… more so now than ever before!”
I recognise her. She is one of the Labour front bench spokeswomen on….something or other.
How many houses does she have?
I think starmer has put a muzzle on her until the election results come in …. We are in for a Summer of ‘gaffs ‘ – mainly I think from red labour because the other lot will have realised – even by then – that the best thing they can do is go on holiday – and not come back ….
Red labour needs to avoid those Diane abbot ‘how much will it cost ‘? Questions …. Not that it matters …
Interest rate held at 5.25% again . More taxes coming in from higher fuel costs ……Guardian reports panic buying of olive oil …
Buy cheap oil from Rishi’s father in law?
“Russia’s federal revenue soared to a record $320 billion in 2023 — an amount partly attributable to India’s huge appetite for cheap Russian oil, according to a new report from the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air shared with CNN.21 Feb 2024”
‘World is grateful’: India keeps oil prices cheaper by buying from Russia, Indian oil minister says
The minister said he was confident that India’s renewable targets “will be met totally.”
I have always found it very difficult to understand what
went on in Germany in the 1930’s .Followed by the
” Final solution to the Jewish problem” ‘
But I am beginning to understand
more . Following the BBC, the Guardian , the Independent, Novara media. And other, all but
media partners of Hamas
Many of those working for them, must be having orgasms watching what
happened to the Israeli singer at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Foscari … er … what happened to the Israeli act in the queer show ? ( actually -don’t bother )
There used to be an annual observation about what was Israel doing in the Euro ,,,vision song contest ? It wasn’t ‘ ant semitic ‘ but it was one of those questions ( like clocks going back ) which recurred when that show wasn’t a queer fest ….
For the record ( 77 brigade – – think I haven’t seen it for maybe 20 years ….boom banga bang …)
Australia. When did they become part of Europe?
Is there a connection between the descent of the Eurovision Song Contest into a gay/ trans love fest and the vastly increased coverage of it on the BBC- two semi-finals live FFS and generous coverage of the man/woman/person representing the UK?
The Rat pack – birth of the blues live. Full comedic act and song
Thing would be a more appropriate definition.
May I ask a question..
Samsung TV plus – would anyone know if you need/dont need a tv licence to watch this? tv licencing website is clear as mud
Thank you
The question is do you watch live TV (any channel) including the internet. If no then you do not need a TV license.
This will not stop them harassing you. When they send the threat-o-grams withdraw the right for them to access your home.
Hello Atlas
Appreciate your comment re “live TV” – wasn’t sure if Samsung TV plus is “live tv” – it seems to reference advertising in the link and making this free and ..
“Samsung TV Plus is 100% free. When we say no strings attached, we mean it. No subscriptions, no new fees, no credit card, just free TV”
Send all email and mail to Gary Lineker
Rumble BANNED in Russia! Why is the MSM Dead Silent About It?
BBC silent there I feel…
Link to time:
If only
Keir Starmer used Qatar-funded private jet for Emir trip
11 January
“A person named Riddhi Patel made frightening threats against Republican Mayor Karen Goh and other council members during the Bakersfield City Council meeting on Wednesday. Patel’s threats were reportedly prompted by the council’s lack of support for a ceasefire resolution against Israel and increased security measures at the government building in response to ongoing anti-Israel protests.”
Read more at:
Riddhi Patel faces 18 felonies after threats to Bakersfield City Council | Diya TV Headlines
Was interesting to watch this, FAFO. The tears are beautiful to behold as reality bites.
“Huyton Firm: Brutal organised crime group brought down by its own text messages”
“Vincent Coggins is revealed for the first time as leader of the ultra-violent Liverpool crime group”
Original mugshot eg from Liverpool Echo:
BBC bizarrely feeling to need to cut the head out in Photoshop or similar, run some black and white comic book style filter on , then add a Dr Who like background…
“Coggins or Coggin is a surname of Celtic origin specifically Wales. The Coggins family lived in the parish of Cogan, which is in the diocese of Llandaff in the county of Glamorgan. The name literally means “a cup or bowl” and probably meant “dweller in a bowl-shaped valley.””
You just know the tossers would embed a soundtrack if they could
… they’ve likely bought the rights for a series on Merseyside?
David Cameron gave a grave warning to the former Tory MP: “In life, if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”
. . . . . . .
How David Cameron tried to make his fortune with cash from China
@ MarkyMark
Regarding your photo above.
The one one the left, their capacity for alcohol is severely diminished due to a medical reason which you can google , (they genetically have a lack of an enzyme that can deal with it).
I would just ensure he was kept well way from the wall at the back and its contents.
I have a few memories of being challenged to drinking contests in China and was always the only one not on the floor in the restaurant.
(they also change from a slight yellow hue to bright red, and the poor wives are left desperately texting for taxis that will accept the unconscious)
I may have a few vices but gambling is not one of them, I lost a potential fortune there on who would win.
“Free water, housing, food: Modi’s $400bn welfare bet to win Indian elections Published 12 hours ago”
“About 1,750 people in the UK are living with an undiagnosed hepatitis C infection after being given a transfusion with contaminated blood, according to BBC analysis.
Official documents, seen by BBC News, reveal how the UK government and the NHS failed to adequately trace those who were most at risk of having the virus.”
Same offices as :
European Climate Foundation
Conservative Environment Network
Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit
and they all bray endlessly about Tufton Street
180, Borough High Street, London, SE1 1LB
All ex BBC staff welcome
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
Africa started the first fire – so are responsible for all climate change / cool / heating.
“We are about to vote in a Government with a vast majority that nobody wants.”
A Labour Government Should FRIGHTEN Us All. To Save Britain We Must REVERSE Blair’s Revolution
Natalie Elphicke apologises for comments about ex-husband’s victims
‘ Mr Elphicke, who was her predecessor as MP for Dover, was jailed for two years in 2020 for sexual assault.
Mrs Elphicke ended their marriage after his conviction but supported his unsuccessful appeal.
In September 2020, she told the Sun newspaper he was “an easy target for dirty politics and false allegations” because he was “attractive, and attracted to, women”. ‘
Just some random MP, no one has heard of, but you don’t have to dig deep to find some scandal or crass comment.
What a shower at Westminster…
“Once you protect one named group, they become a privileged group.”
“Individuals Policy Directorate in HMRC Customer Strategy & Tax Design”
When I first heard about the murder of George Floyd I was sat at my desk doing my tax return. I decided right there and then to pay less tax so I could fund any future DEI workshops needed for my re-education. I expect HMRC will be sympathetic.
Am for everyone to have everything without effort?
Absolutely disgraceful, but then it is Sweden and it’s not now a European city more like a Middle Eastern one, but there’s no excuse for thicko Whites being there, much less the homosexuals who would be murdered if they had their own way:
I know this is not the bbc but Mrs Voter has been watching Shardlake, by CJ Sansome, God rest his soul, died recently.
Made by woke Disney, it is dark and noisy, the books themselves are a good read, the movie by Disney is absolutely dire.
Scene one, England 1536, in the Chambers of Cromwell a shaven headed dark fella right up there with the elite.
Scene two, Somewhere up north in a monastery that’s dark and gloomy, guess what colour the i/c of the monastery is. Yep as the Ace of spades.
Can’t wait for the rest of the series!
It being Ascension – I’m heading down to Traf Square to see whether the Emir has lit up Nelson’s’ Column as he did for his own religion …
Actually … I won’t bother – I think I know what I will find …
“Eurovision 2024: When and where are the semi-finals and final taking place?”
Thank goodness it’s the semis, we’re down to the last four, right?
Apparently not:
“Fifteen countries competed in the first semi-final on Tuesday, with Ireland, Croatia and Ukraine among the 10 going through.
France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK are also guaranteed a place in the final, so do not compete in either semi-final, but they will have the opportunity to showcase their songs during the shows.”
Of course it’s retarded BBC journalism, so they don’t bother reporting why these 4, and Sweden? are guaranteed a final place.
If you are bored with the trans/ gay fest that is the Eurovision Song Contest on the BBC then fear not.
Tune in to The One show on BBC1 tomorrow instead.
Eddie Izzard is on..