Tuesday saw the first obvious Far Left attitude of the BBC in the General Election . A speech by Nigel Farage was censored – cut off – with the presenter describing him as ‘inflammatory ‘ . Hours later she – Guru Murphy – was forced to apologise on air . A clear breach of the balance the BBC espouses by the hour and a sign of things to come in the 39 days to the Election . Shameful .
Midweek 29th May 2024
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Head of the RCN resigns to run as the IRA shin fain candidate in NI – from the medical mafia to the terrorist mafia ….. just goes to show the enemy within …
Two shots to the chest shotgun suicide by hanging?
Epstein Island?
What comes to mind?
Witch 1: “When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?”
Witch 2:”When the hurly-burly’s done,
When the battle’s lost and won.”
Witch 3: “That will be ere the set of sun”
Did thy all “kill themselves” (apart from Hillary of course)?
Is that ‘baroness token “q Harry Enfield QT sketch
Let’s not forget the Telegraph’s premier climate bedwetter… seems to be staying away from his chosen subject these days?
AEP is a big disappointment. He has swallowed the climate hoax hook, line and sinker. He use to be worth reading, but that was a long time ago.
Given his antics outside the Manhattan Trump court…
Skilled Photoshopping there
near DeNiro’s press event…
I can’t even watch his films now, I know he is such a hated filled bag of shit.
This is brilliant lol
It seems Nigel Farage is to do Question Time tonight – he has already gone on video refusing to fill in the diversity form …
.. I some how suspect the BBC will find a way of refusing to let him on … and no doubt the audience will be 99.9999% red voters …
There’s tripper traps and there’s Himalayan tripper traps – a BBC camera team and an Attenborough narration in the works?
Flying over Bradford?
Regarding the weakness/obfuscation/disregard of Beeboids and Cubiclists concerning anti-semetism in the Redlabour party, I wonder what Harold Wilson would have said back when he and Lord Kagan were old mates?
The old raincoat man must be spinning in his casket…
Now Kia Strimmer has let in the Abottross, she can work out what to say when she is challenged, or get someone to write down the words!
Don’t let her anywhere near numbers though, she’ll not really understand them…
ITV newsPR show
“Oh the shame of it; about half of UK schools have zero ethnic minority teachers”
Hmm since my village seems 99.9% white, what would you expect ?
I just looked at the list of teachers
I do spot one foreign name. It’s Reilly.
..The rest of the names go Mrs Green, Mrs Brown, Mrs Hughes, Mr Hughes
… only 2 teaches are male
Plus a manager and a caretaker.. out of 25 staff..so 84% female.
One of the dinner ladies has a Polish surname.
Gaffe of the day goes to the reds – Russel moyle banned from standing as red MP after ‘complaint ‘… come on russ – tell us you didn’t touch him / her / it …
Daily skeptic has a bit more about the husband of the dissident MEP who was offed in Palermo:
Even Euronews suspects foul play:
No sh1t Sherlock!
I have to confess that I can’t muster any enthusiasm for the coming election, whereby one useless arse cheek will be replaced by the other. However…
Something did horrify me the other day; the picture of Angela Rayner begging a bunch of surly Muslim men for their votes. It was worse than cringeworthy it was downright sinister.
She and her supporters always promote her as a working class feminist…what utter bollocks…she’s a bloody fraud…there wasn’t another woman in the room and this gutless and gormless bint said sweet FA.
She and her Guardianista ilk are quick enough to criticise gentlemen’s clubs and find examples of misogyny when they want to.
I wonder what the difference was here…
Jeff come on – scenes of comrade abbot putting herself before her party is heart warming – surrounded by chippy thick sistas at Hackneyistan town hall …. Great fun .
And for some reason green card went to Penzance on an overnight sleeper train – better in the daylight because the scenery is very nice – I did it last year although it cost an arm and a leg in first class ….
Seems Fick Ange did not know it was to be segregated until she got there, but decided to stay anyway, because… votes.
Anti white racist and mathematical genius Dianne Flabbott is re-admitted to the Labour Party but not so far selected to stand in the election. From the coverage she is a few pence short of a shilling? Parkinson’s disease? Some mental capacity issues? Healthy enough to be an MP?
She holds a rally and as if my magic hundreds of T shirts, posters and placards are on show. You have to hand it to the Far Left. They are well organised.
The BBC give it full, fawning coverage. We learn she was the first black woman MP 37 years ago. Is that it? The sum total of her contribution?
It’s pretty pathetic, almost as pathetic as the BBC coverage.
I am finding the two-left-feet Abbot story highly amusing.
It seems the far-Left think it is not fair because she is black.
They have no clue how racist that statement is. They live a fantasy world all of their own.
I REALLY hope she stands as an independent so she can find out just how many voted for her simply because she was the Labour candidate.
Watch dealer should not have been alone, company says
There we go : the reason this man got murdered is because he was alone.
Quite why nobody must be alone in our great multicultural experiment is not elaborated on.
But of course if a woman walking on her own got raped by the same people in our wonderful capital of enrichment, that would not be her fault at all.
Such immense double-standards.
Let’s see why this murder of Oliver White – who is white – is not being blamed 100% on who did it – who are BAME : (I just added that racist distinction because the BBC only ever do it the other way round)

Honour killing! Killed for the honour of 650 MPS!
I noticed that in the BBC version as well pug. They totally avoid her race until the very end – unlike all the other Lefty sites.
I presumed it was because the BBC are protecting Starmer from being called a racist as there is an election coming up. You can be absolutely sure it would be a different article altogether if it was the Tories.
Black men sue American Airlines for racial discrimination
‘Three black men have filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against American Airlines, alleging that the carrier briefly removed them from a flight after a complaint about body odour.’
‘Alvin Jackson, Emmanuel Jean Joseph, and Xavier Veal allege that, as they were leaving, they realised that “every Black man on the flight was being removed”.’
Oh my goodness, all black people removed. Anything missing from that ? – oh yes:
‘At the flight gate, the three men, along with five others …’
Five white people I assume. So they weren’t ALL black, there were just 3 blacks on the plane.
‘Each of the men had flown from Los Angeles earlier that day, with no issue.’
Now the point here is that nobody stinks on the first flight. But some people do on the second. It depends on how hot they were and a hundred other things. If they were all on the same flight, they all probably experienced the same conditions to make them stink.
“There is no explanation other than the color of our skin,” the men said in a statement on Wednesday, adding: “Clearly this was racial discrimination.”
There is one explanation of course : that they all did stink because of the reasons I describe above. That statement itself is racist.
A very lengthy BBC article about absolutely nothing. I don’t believe for one second it was about racism : I believe it is all about stinking after a long days travel and three racist chancers trying to steal compensation.
As an aside, I have only been sat next to someone who absolutely stinks three times. Twice it was fat black women who shouted a lot, who were ignorant and rude and wore brightly coloured clothing. The third was a white guy who kept his jacket on zipped to the top to avoid sharing it.
As a follow on from the above:
Warning over new supermarket spending ‘challenges’
Here’s the picture the BBC chose:

By using pictures of BAME and women WAY more than their proportion in society, the BBC are dramatically reducing the demand for pictures of white males and hence are absolutely guilty of racist AND sexual discrimination against those whose career depends on modelling these fake pictures from Getty. And on a FAR bigger scale than 3 out of 8 people kicked off a flight (then let back on again) ever is.
As I type, the BBC UK front page has pictures of 1 white woman, 3 black men, 2 black women and 2 women who are wife-and-wife.
No white males at all.
I enjoy these stories simply for how obvious they demonstrate the double-standards of the Left.
Hello John
and the latest “safe” tv adverts, seem to include every denomination in each advert. Instead of just a person, they include about 15 people – just so they are “inclusive”
And if you think about it, the very fact that every advert seems to have 15 actors shows just how much money there is washing around in the advertising industry, and how much money the featured companies also have.
*Despite* Brexit. Won’t hear that analysis anywhere on the beeb.
Hello Non Snowflake
“Despite” Brexit, haven’t heard that in ages, made in smile 🙂
All that negative reporting the bbc did around Brexit, and the news report that we would run out of sandwiches, roaming charges would apply to mobile phones in Europe, but then yesterday Tesco mobile were advertising no roaming charges for example – maybe the bbc could take a look at its self and all the times it is wrong, bbc verify to verify – but I doubt it
And dont forget the Brexit survival kits people could buy lol
A pineapple in the basket? Matching, suits the hair style……..
I am sure the pilot was a member of the KKK who told the stewardesses “Get them niggaz off my plane!”.
Or maybe not.
Child in serious condition and three adults injured in Hackney shooting
Notice the bbc NEVER asks President Khan for comment! Its his watch, he is in charge of policing etc etc, and never held accountable
Meanwhile the VD clinic at Newsnight has a waiting room full of aggrieved ex Labour upset about Gaza more than this country.
Andy – will Abbot or the Emir be turning up at the scene or hospital – these events in londonistan are increasing – knife crime barely gets reported any more – unless there’s ‘added value ‘ such as Bournemouth – no charges ,,, no names ….
MPs representing Hackney North and Stoke Newington
The Rt Hon Ms Diane Abbott is no longer a Member, but was most recently the Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, and left the Commons on 30 May 2024.
NHS is going to be in trouble if every gobby Gaza obsessed Doctor gets to be an MP as well as tv studio regular.
Council bins only be emptied if Palestine is recognised as a state!
bbc doesn’t like this
Italy’s PM says fascism is ‘consigned to history’. Not everyone is so sure
Not only did we have bbc verify, we have another logo bbc inDepth
Only the muslim/islam way is acceptable in the bbc’s eyes
Guess people wont just roll over and give up the fight
“Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Every-thing will become a creed.”
I switched on as new girl was giving some red mouth a kicking . I was surprised – the Diane abbot thing rolls on and on ….
And even to ‘today ‘ has to admit that announcements about not increasing NI IT VAT doesn’t make it . Apparently this character was called ‘Darren jones ‘ who I’m sure Starmer identifies as one of his boys – dismal ….
But I wonder if the BBC is becoming a bit hyper about more ‘gaffes ‘ such as cutting off Farage …. But they can’t stop themselves …
Labour and Tory say they will not increase VAT – which was never going to increase at all – but they don’t say they can lower it as we are no longer in the EU.
Remember when Cameron had to beg the EU to remove VAT on tampons so David could buy and wear VAT free Tampons to become a real man.
“If the fashion industry truly cared about the future of our planet, it would issue a solitary line of unisex, one-size-fits-all smocks, then shut down for good”
The banjo thing should kill his career stone dead, unless… every Green vote swings.
Dom Frisby best take care.
Protected tweets.
Medicins Avec Hippocracy
Plus other ‘doctors’.
Jon Stewart and Mehdi Hasan… big fans.
I know Karol Sikora. He is a great guy and gets vilified for expressing totally truthful statements about the NHS in general and the disgraceful damage done to the world by the atrocious handling of Covid by governments and the abysmal cretins of the media.
Press TV, for whom I present two weekly television programmes. Currently unpaid. Address: Westgate House, Hanger Lane, London W5 1YY. (Registered 26 April 2012)
“Press TV is an Iranian news and documentary network that broadcasts in the English and French-language. It is affiliated with Islamic Republic of Iran”
5-14 December 2006, to South Africa accompanied by my personal assistant, to conduct a speaking tour, the travelling and accommodation costs of which were paid for by the Cape Town-based newspaper Muslim Views. (Registered 19 December 2006)
Habibia Muslim Brigade invites public to join in celebrating 70 years of love, loyalty and labour
FEBRUARY 27, 2024
The Habibia Siddique Muslim Brigade is set to celebrate 70 years of existence. NONTOBEKO AISHA MKHWANAZI reports: In the vibrant streets of 1952 Cape Town, a pivotal moment in South.”
“Ed Miliband plays ukulele song about wind turbines”
“Ed Miliband interviewed by Russell Brand – video highlights”
What… is he on?
Our new energy secretary ion July 4th
He’s an ignorant eejit, just like the majority of the shadow cabinet. I could be easily convinced that there’s only one shared brain cell between the lot of them – it’s truly embarrassing….
His big brother must be looking for a gig in the Lords ..or team up with green card in the States …
Labours got no talent, Saturday night.
It Ain’t Half Hot Mum… reports the Guardian this morning: Water shortage in Delhi as city hits record 50.5C
As the failing Tory election campaign calls on Dad’s Army for help: ‘Dunkirk plan’ to save 200 Tory MPs… core vote strategy needs to focus on older voters, says ex-No10 aide (‘i’)
You know how one tends to groan the first time one is told how many shopping days there are left before Christmas… you tend to experience that mild ache in the stomach at the first sight of tincel displayed in a shop window… it just always seems to come around much too quickly…
The top new books to read in Pride Month (‘i’)
Whereas: Rainbow fades… ANC waits on voters’ verdict… high unemployment and corruption… Polls suggest ANC will lose… (FT)
So if you’re planning your diary: Israel expects to continue the war in Gaza until the end of the year (FT)
If a dead tree falls in the forest… and no one is there to see it…?
The FT publishes an obit at the sad demise of one their own: Final edition for Standard… as lossmaking London freesheet… grapples with the shift in commuter habits – oh really, how so?
London’s Evening Standard axes daily print edition… An email to staff on Wednesday said more home working, and the availability of wi-fi on the Tube, were among the factors that had harmed its fortunes…circulation has dropped from 850,000 to 250,000 in the past five years, and it has lost £84.5m over the latest six years. (BBC)
There’s really no such thing as a freebie. Someone, somewhere, sometime, always has to pay. And so it is with our NHS. As junior doctors demand the incoming Labour government stuff their mouths with some gold – just like Aneurin Bevan used to do back 1948: Walkout before Britain goes to polls… ‘Cynical’ election doc strike’ (freebie giveaway Metro)
If you’re one of those people – as Denis Norden used to say on his old time Thames Television nostalgia show Looks Familiar – who recalls a dock strike meaning industrial action at the ports – you’ll perhaps appreciate that ancient gag about the sticky fingured Liverpool docker. He was a diesel fitter. “Dees ‘ll fit our mam, dees ‘ll fit our dad…”
Of course it’s the public sector that’s lazy unionised and militant these days. I don’t know about you, but: Joint Leader Dr Robert Laurenson – pictured frontpage of the Metro looks like something out of a Harry Potter revival. I thought they’d raised the school leaving age? Is this chap really a physician already? He looks way too young to be playing doctors and nurses?
Doogie Howser, M.D… an American medical sitcom… stars a young Neil Patrick Harris in the title role as a teenage physician who balances the challenge of practicing medicine with the everyday problems of teenage life (Thank you Wiki)
Of course the nurses, they’re all angels – and budding TikTok stars: We’re behind you, Keir… National Selfie Service… Labour Leader Mr Starmer poses with student nurses on election campaign (Daily Mirror) – Starmer there who’s pronoun now appears to be Mr and definately not Sir
Angels at the bedside, Labour supporters at the ballotbox. We know we all love the nurses. Teachers, not so much lately: You are pure evil… A teacher murdered her lover, buried him at home then invited his mum for a drink (Mirror); Teacher guilty of sex with two boys (BBC)
News from the frontlines
Child in serious condition and three adults injured in Hackney shooting… Kingsland High Street in Dalston… four victims were found with gunshot injuries… Passer-by Ayo Adesina told the BBC… it was “very reckless for someone to have done”. “Literally anyone could have got shot,” he added. (BBC)
Headline of the day accolade goes to the jokey blokey Daily Star – forget the middle east going up in flames, forget europe being dragged toward nuclear conflict in Ukraine: Turd World War… Kim Jong Un uses 260 giant balloons to shower South Korea with tonnes of poop – perhaps he’s just trying to show North Korea could take over the Thames Water franchise: Sewage dumping limits may be eased for failing water firms (Telegraph)
Come to think of it… we know Nato is running low on ammunition we can send over there to Ukraine…
Europe has tiny fraction of airpower needed to guard Nato’s eastern flank… Only 5% of defences at ready (FT)
How the Kremlin uses comics to glorify its war in Ukraine… In Oleg Roy’s books, Nato generals are portrayed as evil and scheming (BBC) – oh the humanity! Just imagine that… the evil Putin regime churning out twisted propaganda aimed at kids.
How many shopping days left to Pride Month?
“Europe has tiny fraction of airpower needed to guard Nato’s eastern flank…” but has 104 new genders! The West is Winning!
. . . . . .
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
‘We all love the nurses’ – Lucy Letby was so bad at killing babies other members of the medical mafia actually noticed . Maybe she should have just done the occasional one she didn’t like …
Don’t forget to clap ….
Red labour will be desperate for someone to die because of the medical mafia strike so that the blues can get the blame …
Assisted Deaths (c) NHS
Hunt being interviewed by comrade Robinson – hunt was allowed to speak for 30 seconds without interruption . Hunt said the blues won’t increase ( the rate of) IT NI or VAT . So looks like they’ll be either tampering with thresholds or introducing a completely new form of tax – maybe VATplus ….
No way will they cut the addiction to borrowing nor cutting the deficit
I wrote earlier that I sense a change in style on ‘today ‘ …. It seems to slightly less hostile than the norm – perhaps – to repeat – they realise they are under the cosh as far as politicians actually noticing their misbehaviour / bias ….
I understand the new form ‘Newsnight ‘ is different too – I don’t know – I’ve not watched it for decades because of the obscene bias with which I got Fedup ….
But the BBC is so biased it will soon revert to Far Left type – particularly if the reds become more ‘solid ‘…
BTW – the vile red Muslim candidate for my constituency – chingford -has apparently been bounced because of her online comments .
She tried for the seat last time – huge numbers of Far left thugs were Imported – I’d see group of them with their clipboards and lanyards looking completely lost going door to door . IDSs constituency office was attacked and there was intimidation in her name – she’d have got in this time …
” Welcome to the BBC” Just look at todays leading
internet page. And ask yourself ” what’s going with
our BATIONAL broadcaster?”
If Getty’s imaging don’t use Caucasian advertising
models . Get an agency that does !!
If the BBC insist that they only want ethnic advertising
models. SACK who’s responsible for racism !
Racism in a Chinese laundry detergent advertisement
Vile has used the magic word.
How have I only just discovered @supertanskiii ⁉️
[Note: retweeted impartially. Happy to RT the equivalent person on the other side]
Note: he might be inaccurate in claim.
He is also keen on this lovely lady.
It’s not even just in politics this has happened.
@SangitaMyska for @LBC
And myself and @Bushra1Shaikh cancelled by @GBNEWS
are always the FIRST TO GO.
Maybe the libbies in media are twigging that they are part of the great replacement, and the bosses are twigging fielding rabid racist or faith baiting diversity hires is bad for business?
“GE2024. Day 5/6:
Labour smash the Tories in new polls after the GE announcement. Johnny Minge meets a friendly constituent, Sunak continues to operate like broken AI and Rayner is cleared by the police and HMRC and a few more titbits.
In short: It couldn’t be going better.”
Tan Smith. Political Pisstaking, Commentary & Satire. Like the Tories? You’ll hate me. Sweary. Dystopia Warner. Labour🌹 You can sub/shout a coffee here👇🏼
Essexko-fi.com/supertanskiiiBorn 16 JuneJoined August 2014
6,501 Following
From the DT – BBC to review the ‘white men always bad – coloureds always good ‘ policy –
STARTS The BBC is to assess if there is evidence of “groupthink” in storylines, as part of a review into the portrayal of ethnic minorities and class.
The corporation has appointed two media experts to probe how accurately and authentically the broadcaster portrays different groups and communities across the UK.
Anne Morrison, the former Bafta chairman, and Chris Banatvala, an independent media consultant, are to lead the review, which is to begin “in the coming days”, the BBC said.
It will cover television, radio and online content, as well as output from the Nations and English regions. The assessment is expected to consider whether “storylines represent a sufficiently broad and authentic range of perspectives or if there is evidence of groupthink”, the corporation said.
It will also attempt “where any imbalances in portrayal and representation are identified, to determine what causes them and how they might be addressed
The BBC has faced fierce backlash over impartiality issues, most notably after presenter Gary Lineker tweeted fierce criticism of the Government’s Rwanda policy. It has also come under fire for its reporting of the war in Gaza.
As part of the midterm review of the BBC’s charter, the board was ordered to tackle the corporation’s “groupthink” and ensure that its coverage represents all political reviews.
Announcing the new review on Wednesday, Samir Shah, the BBC chairman, said: “The BBC must reflect the lives of all classes, communities and cultures across the UK, and how authentically and fairly it does this can be a significant factor in determining overall perceptions of the BBC.
“Anne Morrison and Chris Banatvala bring extensive knowledge and understanding of portrayal and representation in broadcasting, so are particularly well placed to identify the strategic challenges the BBC faces delivering on this key priority in its Royal Charter.”
The review will also examine results from the 2021/22 census, to establish how the portrayal and representation of the UK “reflects current reality in terms of the make-up of communities around the country and what the major changes have been over time.”
The audit is the third in the BBC’s 10-point impartiality plan and comes after a review into the impartiality and accuracy of the broadcaster’s coverage of immigration earlier this month.
The previous assessment, conducted by the director of the Migration Observatory at Oxford University, found that some BBC journalists were anxious that reporting on local concerns about migration, or covering topics such as immigration fraud, could appear “hostile” to migrants.
However, the review, which was commissioned by the BBC board, concluded: “It is not racist to be concerned about the impacts of migration or to prefer more restrictive policies. BBC coverage should have equal empathy for migrants and UK residents who worry about the impacts of migration.”
BBC management endorsed the key points and said they would tell journalists: “It’s not biased to hear directly from migrants, just as it’s not racist to air concerns about immigration.
“Audiences want to know why people move and appreciate hearing from them – though not to the exclusion of hearing other voices.”ENDS
You might be able to guess the tone of the comments – anyone from the BBC reading them will think they are an example of ‘right wing racist group think’ and be beyond the ability to question whether the BBC is lost …btw … it seems the current incarnation of ‘doctor who ‘ isn’t doing to well at all … I suspect it may be ‘rested ‘for a few years … but maybe it sells well in bongo bongo land …
To add – I think the outcome might be that Joe Public want to see the occasional normal non lefty non queer British white man for a change …. – who isn’t on bail or subject to an ‘inquiry ‘…
Fedup I just watched Dopesick which, despite being a Hulu production, comes heavily plugged by the BBC. Main characters —
A young but plucky 120lb waif works down the Appalachian mines, showing she can mix it with the blokes and the jackhammers. She’s a lesbian. She’s also in an interracial relationship. Her parents are god-fearing bible belt Christians who, it is clear, are not big fans of Eurovision.
The DEA agent is the standard template strong, black woman who gets promoted to first ever female head of dept. Because she’s “got balls” (i.e. rude and aggressive). She’s in an interracial marriage too… oh and so is the lead attorney (a white guy married to a black woman).
As Hulu is owned by Disney I was half expecting the FDA board to consist of drag queens fighting climate injustice as a health priority.
Group think indeed.
Terminal – yes – I’ve seen some that – they really don’t hide the box ticking any more – Disney really on the slide and even my Mickey Mouse degree isn’t worth having now 😎sorry – I had to …
Right at the end of the Hunt interview he got to say “ if starmer can’t handle Diane abbot – how does he expect to deal with putin ?” …. Some spad deserved his rations with that one…. a point to the blues there … reds minus one …
Tuned in to hear Toady Toenails interviewing, ‘the public’ in Bolton. Exploring their voting intentions. Anybody know which slice of the cultural demographic they narrow their interviews down to and how they are selected? There’s got to be a ‘slice’ labelled: ‘thickos less cultural enrichers’. Cos that’s what we hear. No ‘difficult’ interviewees & nothing to remind the listener that the country freely give foreigners voting rights. Oh! hang on though, The True Reds/Commies, intend lowering voting rights. So, looking forward to expecting a burbling sound as the interviewer shoves the mike into the pram………………..
BBC staff after Musk again once they have sorted the election?
“I’m assuming he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror on 7th October 2023 then? When he avoided tweeting about that “Hamas thing”.”
Presumably today the jury in the show trial of President Trump will deliver their ‘guilty’ verdicts . The judge will remand him in custody as a flight risk pending sentence – Obama will has suggested 2 years federal prison – more than enough time to kill him ….
.. next trial starts tomorrow ? And the day after ….
All terrorism is acceptable ..
F*cking idiots.
Whatever that factory makes, Israel won’t need it. They have plenty.
WE might need it of course for our F35’s in this war against Russia the BBC and the comedian keep telling me is coming. Therefore they should be tried as enemy saboteurs.
Which I believe the customary punishment is death by firing squad.
“Last October, the MoD issued a rare security alert after it emerged that a number of former RAF, Royal Navy and Army pilots had been training the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force. The pilots were contracted through a South African company after being offered salaries of around £250,000.17 Sept 2023”
I’ll volunteer to be in the squad, I’ve reached that age when the loons set my teeth on edge just by looking at them and the weekend ones shouting for terrorists are really getting on my nerves.
If the parts they’re bleating about were actually made there….
That said, I’ve seen claims that a look at their funding and organisers might turn up some colourful characters…..
Any old bundle of cables, anywhere, just lying around. If severance is true, Criminal Damage at the very least and Tortious Interference with a Subsisting Contract.
Italy’s PM says fascism is ‘consigned to history’. Not everyone is so sure
The BBC only ever focus on far-right fascism. But fascism is a much broader thing to define than that. It’s a concept more than a specific political class.
It encompasses things like authoritarian control, the removal of dissention and opposing views along with the oppression of people who don’t conform. It can also include things like globalism where the ‘state’ has total control over the people.
I would say that when people you agree with start to be given startlingly harse sentences by Judges in political cases, you are in a developing fascist state.
We are most definitely in the clutch of Leftist fascism in the West. Tommy Robinson, Alex Bellfield, the Jan 06 protestors and the ex-President they tried to impeach twice himself are more than enough proof for me. Never mind the removal of all our right-wing politicians who dared to stand up to them.
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
MSM are busy installing “inflammatory comment” panic buttons under their desks.
Lee Anderson says move illegal migrants to a Scottish island… “The BBC’s Jo Coburn hit back that his policy suggestion was ‘just inflammatory rhetoric’, shortly after the BBC sparked a bias row after describing Nigel Farage for “inflammatory comments”.
Maybe we should learn from tolerant Islam?
“For months, if not longer, Saudi border guards have been systematically shooting and shelling Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers trying to cross from Yemen along the remote, inaccessible border that divides the two countries. These migrants include large numbers of women and children. They are unarmed.1 Sept 2023”
The other brand is islam – if we mimic Germany I think we are around 1930 with Gaza replacing the crash as the vehicle for advancement of their cause … political power is increasing together with demands … the reds in power will push it on unless there’s a big 100 plus majority …
Guido’s not sure Hunt should be encouraging voters to look at his record:
Increase in income tax rate in October 2022.
Council tax measures Autumn Statement 2022.
Income tax/National Insurance thresholds frozen Autumn Statement 2022.
Inheritance tax threshold freeze Autumn Statement 2022.
Income tax Dividend Allowance reduced Autumn Statement 2022.
Income tax additional rate threshold reduced Autumn Statement 2022.
Capital Gains Tax reduced annual exempt amount Autumn Statement 2022.
National Insurance employer threshold frozen Autumn Statement 2022.
VAT registration threshold frozen Autumn Statement 2022.
Individual Savings Accounts: maintain annual subscription limit at £20,000 for 2023-24 Budget 2023.
Starting rate limit for savings income: maintain at £5,000 for 2023-24 Budget 2023.
Maybe Hunt could pledge to reduce some of them instead of hinting at new ones…
. . . . . . .
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
We’ve had years of stealth taxes to try and balance the books. Taxes at a record high and we are still borrowing tens of billions every year. 14 years and the useless Tories have done nothing to reform the bloated public sector, only expanded it with ever more self-righteous single issue protest groups demanding expenditure.
But in BBC land, any attempt to reduce the public sector is sure to be defined as Far Right Thatcherism. And the worst of it is, the Tories have been trying for several years to avoid that label by throwing money at everything. Anyone out there getting the 29% of salary employer pension contributions that teachers get? Thought not.
It hasn’t worked of course, as they are shortly to discover.
Media constantly gaslight by portraying the spendthrift Tory party as austere.
“Inflation is a quiet but effective way for the government to transfer resources from the people to itself, without raising taxes.2 Mar 2024
Thomas Sowell”
On the subject of the election, the BBC seem only to have noticed just now that the IT in the NHS is, shall we say, behind the curve? Have they got rid of all the fax machines yet? Do they do external email yet?
Presumably at least £20 bn of taxpayers money is required plus a minimum of a 5 year project to rectify this….
Or would it be easier to give nurses a pay rise? It’s what the public wants…..
The Register is a pale (and gutless) shadow of what it used to be – but even still, – the NHS’s IT antics keep the keyboards clacking there…..
How did she get in?
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
Nigel Farage has suggested that Reform may stand down candidates if they can reach an agreement with the Tories This was quickly denied by Lee Anderson and Richard Tice.
I believe that Richard Tice is growing in stature while Farage is just a loose cannon as ever. Perhaps Richard should ship the vainglorious Nigel off to the USA before he does anything else stupid.
I have noticed for years that the nearer he gets to an election the more prone he is to foot in mouth.
Nigel Farage backs Tony Blair to lead Britain’s vaccination programme during dig at ‘low grade’ government
NHS – never knowingly heling assisted deaths since it’s inception.
Some oik did several tyre smoking donuts on a bit of road…
Fragile or what? If it was ignored, the rest of us would be none the wiser.
“WATCH: A Spokane city leader breaks down in tears while talking about someone vandalizing a street pride mural.”
Remove your PENIS to end the hate.
Can’t we see the ‘artwork ‘ ? Or is it a picture of sodomy …?
Labour are a meritocracy /sarc
Election related I wonder?
Looks like the now sacked red Islamic candidate for my constituency – e4 – now represented by IDS and previous Lord Tebbit ( get the picture ?) is taking the red party to court so that she can get place back – apparently the nominations have to be done by next Friday so maybe she’ll get a court to injunction the general election until the reds cave in to her.
The thought of being represented by a red Islamic Hamas supporter fills me with dread – white flight indeed …
Wild guesses…
Didn’t ?
Was due to Brexit?
“Behold the impartiality of MSNBC:
Andrew Weissmann: “With respect to Judge Merchan, I have like a man crush on him. He is such a great judge. If you looked in a dictionary for judicial temperament, that’s what you would get.”
TDS is one helluva drug.”
I have like a man crush on him.
I have like a man crush on him.
I have like a man crush on him.
I was thinking of going to the evin restaurant in Hackney tonight – tripadviser says it has outstanding entertainment if you like authentic drive byes on motor bikes . Looks like it’s a Turkish gangsta job with the cultural wall of silence so loved by the third world ….
Hello Fedup2
I’m tempted to goto the 3rd world restaurant, but i’m washing my hair later
Wise move … a child was shot in this diverse event – down the road Diane abbot and the sistas were hold a rally outside the KFC … ( might be made up ) …. … the scum deputy red leader has endorsed her … so more popcorn … red governmenf looking to be as chaotic as the blue even before the can start claiming the expenses … ( bet they’ve all got their ‘list ‘ ready )