Tuesday saw the first obvious Far Left attitude of the BBC in the General Election . A speech by Nigel Farage was censored – cut off – with the presenter describing him as ‘inflammatory ‘ . Hours later she – Guru Murphy – was forced to apologise on air . A clear breach of the balance the BBC espouses by the hour and a sign of things to come in the 39 days to the Election . Shameful .
Midweek 29th May 2024
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Not to be eclipsed by Mannheim.
50 year-old man stabbed near Cambridge train station. The attacker escaped by cycle:
Did the victim fail to pay his protection money (Jizya)?
And not 10,000 miles away someone is sentenced to 10 days thinking:
That will learn him!
Rayner backs Diane Abbott.
She obviously wants someone thicker than herself in the Party.
Two bald men fighting over a comb.
Starmer could be PM for shorter than Truss. You sometimes have to feel sorry for him with all those vipers in the nest.
The removals vans could be busy in July.
The stream of ‘Conservative’ MP’s crossing the floor to join the Labour benches is quite extraordinary. I know many people believe there is little difference between the two Parties but I think there’s nothing further from the truth in that idea. Waiting in the wings is a rabidly extreme left wing, woke party who are itching to destroy what’s left of Britain.
What is so remarkable about the exodus to Labour is that Labour ideas are diametrically opposed to true conservative values. I can only conclude those Tories were never conservative in the first place. I have suggested structured infiltration before, I’m even more certain now.
Flotsam – they are the same cheeks – I’m wondering what the disorder will be like once they are forced to cut welfare bribes for those millions living off other peoples ‘ taxes .
I currently commute between londonistan and a better country where I may very well decide to fully move to – and I think very sensible people who can get out – will …
I’d be glad if you can outline the big differences between the blues and the reds ….
Far worse to come with Labour. We know what conservative values are, Smarmer and Labour are a long way from them. The Current Tories are not as conservative as they should be but the fact some MP’s can join Labour tells you a lot. It’s equivalent to a Moslem converting to Christianity.
Typical bbc Frank Gardner slags off man who organised March in Germany and then says a man attacked them with a knife infer what you wish
Lining up the attack on Tommy Robinson doing what he is doing on Saturday …
All hail the hallowed ground that is the NHS.
From the webshite
‘Thousands of cancer patients to trial personalised vaccines
Thousands of NHS cancer patients in England are expected to get access to trials of a new type of treatment using vaccines to fight their disease.’
Not mentioned.
1. The cost. Shall we say £20k per person. But hey, it’s free – it’s the NHS.
2. The products are from BioNTech and use mRNA technology.
The use of which seems to correlate with a surprising number of people keeling over and dying of cardiovascular problems.
Not that/the BBC, MSM, or government seem keen on finding out why.
Judging by the webshite at the time of writing, the treatment is only available to black people. Both patients shown by the BBC are of that colour so I assume 85% of the population will not be able to benefit from the new treatment.
The BBC. The selective amnesia and racism specialists.
Smarmer shows decisive leadership by, err…… allowing Abbott to stand for election as an MP.
Says it all really
MP Diane Abbott apologises for Twitter race comment
Shadow Health Minister Diane Abbott has apologised for any offence caused by comments she made on Twitter, after claims they were racist.
She said she had not meant to generalise when she wrote: ”White people love playing ‘divide & rule'”.
It was a response to criticism of media use of “black community leaders” after the Stephen Lawrence murder trial.
Labour’s Chuka Umunna said party leader Ed Miliband had told Ms Abbott her remarks were “unacceptable”.
Vicki Young reports. 5 January 2012
Marky – if you are putting up old stuff put the effing date on the top -so I can skip past it . it’s tedious as moderator seeing this stuff – I was gonna say tedious old crap but decided not to …
NHS doesn’t waste money
.. Field full of 50 NHS office caravans for auction. They are top spec
Since it’s next to the manufacture’s , seems they have never been used.
closeup pic https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/resources/images/18136888.jpg
Data sheet https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNr8st8XAAA4YUu?format=png&name=orig
Coronavirus: How NHS Nightingale was built in just nine days
17 April 2020
. . . . . .
EXCLUSIVE: Hospital scandal EXPOSED as hundreds of Covid Nightingale beds sold for just £6
The NHS has admitted that it lost £13million on unused emergency beds for up to seven of the temporary hospitals – it bought them for £2,500 each
Look like they might go for buttons…. auctioneer is looking for £12k for a set of 3
Auctioneers: https://www.walkersingleton.co.uk/machinery-business-asset/boss-mobile-connecting-units-phase-2/
Generators https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60cc7c3c4ad38e5605ddd449/t/618961aa0377881038c130bf/1636393391476/Generator-Manual-REDBOX-POWER-REDBOX-INFINITY.pdf
The NNC election PR tweet is ratioed by leftmob screaming Laura Kuenessburg is a Tory stooge
That seems to be gaslighting as LK seems to hate the Tories
Channel4’s lineup is as lefty as you can get now that Lenin and Pol Pot are dead.
Script is already written …
It’s good to see the red party returning to type and have a civil was even before they’ve started their expenses claims ….
I suppose the ex blue people will be consigned to the dustbin where they deserve to be together with the rest of their ex party …
Sorry, but this is exactly what the police deserve. They are always happy to target the innocent. Wait till the London protesters start making holes in their supporters in the Met. I have no doubt it will be the fault of the fictional far right.
Apparently then policewomen then came across to keep the good Samaritan pinned to the ground
This is in the finest Inspector Clouseau tradition.
Police was kneeling for george floyd?
Apparently the victim always received threats
And wanted to wear a stab vest.
But often complained the police warned him an anti-stab vest law would be enforced against him
The German law says that you can’t bring violence tools like masks and weapons to a protest
But then adds you are not allowed to equip yourself with defensive tools like body armour.
Proper Mental
‘Be Kind’
Left wingers excepted
Is Joyce Thacker now working in the Prison Service?
> Why are they being unusually cruel to him?
Our legal system, and anti-social services are infested with psychopathic man-hating feminazis. Judges are probably some of the worst.
By removing a father from his children the state mutilates the rest of the family. This then creates the opportunity for them to further enrich themselves and to enlarge the client state.
Daniel Amneus describes this process in detail in his book called ‘The Garbage Generation’.
Parenting rights are about the CHILD
withholding them affects the wellbeing of the child
Therefore you are punishing an innocent.
The term Person Posing Risk to Children is real
and is mentioned in prison and charity documents
However Twitter search shows ZERO result ever for it
That shows it can’t be very commonly used.
Also Goggle shows zero results for
: “person posing risk to children” UK prison “far right”
So what’s going on ?
There are general notes
If there is evidence that you being in your child’s life would put them at risk of harm, the court might decide you should not have contact with them.
One example of this might be if you are in prison for child-related offences.
HoC info
There are statutory minimum prison visit entitlements and standards that prisons must meet for visiting families, including children. Prison rules also require governors to encourage and promote family ties.
….Prison Service Instruction , states that “where a prisoner who is assessed as posing a risk to children wishes contact with a specific child, staff must refer to Safeguarding Children: Child Contact protocols in Chapter 2 of the Public Protection Manual.” This is available on the gov.uk website: Public Protection Manual, Chapter 2: Safeguarding children. Section 2 deals with child contact procedures and notes that contact includes that by phone/letter. The manual explains that a risk assessment of the prisoner and a “best interests” assessment for the child must be carried out in order to decide what, if any, form of contact is appropriate. It emphasises that the best interests and welfare of the child are paramount.
Net Zero Race As Urgent as Covid Vaccine Hunt: Sir Patrick Vallance
The same team that inflicted military grade psyops on the country to give us the fake pandemic are now to be unleashed on the country to give us ‘climate boiling’.
Hard times for poor old England. Whatever did we do to deserve this.
atlas_shrugged, you present me with too good an opportunity to miss!
Brilliant – thanks. I have been badgering the missus to get tickets to see them at Saffron Walden. Legends.
This is also worth a listen………..
Bulldog, yes I have that bookmarked as well. 🙂 Don’t have it on CD which is a shame.
atlas_shrugged, the replacement for the late Tim Hart is a rather attractive lady, Jessie May Smart. Methinks dear old Maddy has a rival!
This is a good watch
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – do BBC Picture Editors ever look at the pictures for their articles?
1. Expensive looking laptop on right hand side
2. Beyond that a tablet computer on a stand
3. Left of centre, the model has recent mobile phone in right hand
4. There are other visual clues that this is a very affluent household and does not need its living standards increased one iota!
Well, old wobble chops has done it again. Yet another U turn…Sir Keir Starmer has decided to allow Diane Abbott the right to stand as a Labour candidate. Quelle surprise…
This bloke has less backbone than an amoeba. The dreadful Diane is an arch leftist, an out and out antisemite and admires Mao Zedong…Well, she would…I mean, 36 million death toll…what’s not to like?
This is the incoming government…weak as water. If it’s not Mr Wobbly, it’s his hideous henchwoman Angela Raynor. This two faced “feminist” bragged about flashing her “growler” at Boris Johnson, but turned up at a men’s only Muzzie event covered from head to toe like a celibate nun, to beg a bunch of surly third-worlders for their votes.
Things are certainly looking grim…
Gaffe of the day
Ian dale – apparently a radio presenter for LBC – gives up his job on Tuesday to campaign to become blue MP for Royal Tunbridge Wells – only to end it today because the Lib Dem’s found a record of mr dale saying he didn’t like the place …..
Joint winner – starmer for allowing the deranged comrade abbot the hackney seat back …..
Shame eh?
I see LBC turning up on YouTube crowing about DJT verdict …
Things change fast….
Iain Dale hadn’t actually been selected yet
He withdrew from being on the shortlist.
I don’t think so….
BBC news ticker and Google search result
“All Santander staff and millions of customers have data hacked
— Hackers are attempting to sell what they say is confidential information belonging to millions of Santander staff and customers”
Is that truth ?
It’s clickbait deception by omission
The actual story says
All Santander staff and ’30 million’ customers in Spain, Chile and Uruguay hacked”
So normal UK customers have not been affected
… in UK thousands of staff maybe affected by just account numbers and addresses being leaked.
“No transactional data, nor any credentials that would allow transactions to take place on accounts are contained in the database, including online banking details and passwords”
Has he been taking lessons that Vine creature or the imbicile Rowlatt ….?
Does anyone really think a nuclear reactor will be built in the current generation ? Or that the energy gap due @ 2027 Won’t happen – when people realise a fool blue actually demolished all the coal power stations they won’t be happy … or warm …
@Fedup2 take a wild guess at which person during the last Labour government scuppered plans to progress rapidly with new reactors.
Stew – I’m surprised starmer still has him about – surely more of a liability than an asset- but I suppose a WEF friend he has to have him as a green crap ambassador …..there are no coal power stations left for him to blow up – the blue loon did that ..
Reading a BBC report of the arrest of a terrorist planning an attack on the French (ugh ) Olympics – one struggles to find a motive – yet alone a name – in passing it mentions that there have been a number of attacks by Muslims in past years – including the beheading of a teacher who showed a cartoon of the false prophet ( insert cartoon here ) ….
So 1 and 1 makes … er …
No sign of the troll this week .. time for the weekend thread ….
The BBC are still using their well worn phrase -“the Conservatives claim” I have never heard them use the word “claim” in connection with labour.