Note how your typical BBC type lefty/ liberal always says he/ she doesn’t believe the media ( especially the Daily Mail ) until they’ve looked into the subject, verified the content, analysed it and is superior to the average Joe because they know all the background.
Except when it’s something like Tommy Robinson or President Trump, then they believe everything that’s bad .
Today there’s a new video
“Tommy Robinson Thanked And Praised Police”
| Demonstrators March Demading Sir Mark Rowley Resigns
Blecksly “I urge anyone who thinks the police hold data on them, to apply for that data .. wow , he’s an ex police who doesn’t trust the police
It did have the “dangerous content” warning across it
But that quickly disappeared within a couple of seconds and didn’t come back
I guess people like our troll go around maliciously falsely reporting TR video
Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal
Bio : Unfiltered Unbiased Verified 24×7 Breaking News
: Host of the Largest Show on 𝕏 | Founder & Investor
23.2K Following 1.5M Followers”
I see it still exits in his recap tweet
1. 🇬🇧 Police are on heightened alert after receiving numerous reports that a large number of right-wing Tommy Robinson supporters are planning to attack non-white Londoners indiscriminately across the city today.
The original tweet is
It’s a bit of a pain that the establishment have censored and banned sites that capture deleted tweets
so that so far I haven’t tracked a copy
His reply to TR says
“We removed the post. It was reported by the Metro Police. But thank you for the update.”
I find a source for such weird claims
The Independent quotes Nick Lowles, CEO at HOPE not hate, said ahead of the protest: “Today’s demonstration is set to be the biggest gathering of far-right activists, football hooligans and Tommy Robinson supporters in years.
“There is a strong likelihood of violence as we have unearthed shocking messages from hooligan chat groups where people are threatening to attack people of colour, pro-Palestine demonstrators and even the police.”
The paper shows no actual receipts to back that claim
A very brief and flat headline from the BBC which takes you to a typical agenda ‘facts only’ report which still manages to get ‘far-right’ and ‘anti-Islam’ in there but not Islam or Muslim.
The BBC tell us 800 people organised a vigil and tell us ‘they aimed to send a message against “violence, hatred and agitation,”. So once again we are being told it was the anti-Islam activists fault that it happened.
What the BBC DON’T tell us is that those people were actually counter-protestors to an AfD rally – so they were in fact left-wing activists. And the BBC also fail to tell us that this vigil was not ‘peaceful’ – there are videos of ‘police clashing with a group of Antifa activists, who set off fireworks.’
And as usual the Germans are trying to bury the reason why until the story dies down.
The irony of this murder is how it 100% proved the anti-Islam activists to be correct. Yet the Left are trying to paint the picture that it was THEIR OWN fault he did it because they ‘agitated’ him. Of course they are completely ignoring that he has murdered a policeman, not an activist. Clearly he just wanted to murder whiteys.
So remember the latest ‘rule’ the Left have given us everybody: if you upset a Muslim and he murders you, it’s YOUR fault. Not his.
Absolutely disgusting and absolutely normal for the BBC now.
“There is a very specific goal here to promote Islamophobia.”
Public policy expert Dr Georgios Samaras says that the growing trend of far-right parties in Europe is ‘very worrying’ ahead of the European Parliamentary elections.
A double irony of Mannheim is that citizens had the stabber pinned down at one point. One of these citizens was wearing a blue jacket. The police then arrive and under threat get the citizens to move away from the stabber so freeing him. One of the police then pins down the man in the blue jacket. The stabber then returns to stab the policeman who is pining down and on top of the man in the blue jacket. Now that policeman is dead.
Classic Inspector Clouseau policing. The bBC will blame this on the far-right.
2 June 2024
A man died after he was injured when he fired a gun in the centre of a town.
Emergency services were called to Espley’s Yard, Stafford, at about 18:20 BST on Friday following a concern for welfare report.
A man in his 50s suffered serious injuries when he fired a gun and died a short time later, Staffordshire Police said.
Officers were investigating the circumstances leading up to his death and the force said it had referred the shooting to the Independent Office for Police Conduct due to previous police contact.
The death was not being treated as suspicious and officers said there was not believed to be any ongoing risk to the public.
harry, not necessarily suicide but I note that the BBC link has cy99neery in the address so that might be code for ‘sneery’. Guns are dangerous. The BBC article is entirely silent on the type of gun. You would think an intelligent, trained, genuine journalist would ask but no, apparently not.
moggie, fair question. If it was a revolver harry’s suspicions could be correct but if it was an automatic and something went wrong with the action the gun might explode in the firer’s face.
On March 8 2020 on Hassan Yahya, 30 was shot dead by ministry of defence police in londonistan . This third world creature had been approached by police because he ‘looked lost ‘ . He drew out 2 knives and was tazered . The taxers didn’t work so we was shot dead .
An inquest on Friday found the shooting reasonable and justified . It was covered briefly in the londonistan bbc local news . And that’s it . Nothing more – no questions about what this thankfully dead vermin intended to do in Whitehall – ……
The OFCOMBBC – editorial line about minimising adverse facts about third world Islamic vermin applied – every day …
Whilst those who March carrying a union flag are called ‘ football hooligans ‘ by the msm – mail – telegraph – again -to get an uptick from the corrupted state ….
Not to worry, Field Marshall Springster has set up…. a squad.
How election misinformation and fakery is filling TikTok feeds
At this general election a new generation will cast their votes for the first time and social media could be crucial in shaping what they do at the ballot box. TikTok has boomed since the last Westminster poll and is now a key political battleground, engaging its users in the democratic process. But alongside official content and memes shared by the parties are fake, AI-generated videos featuring Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer, as well as other misleading and divisive posts, all getting hundreds of thousands of views. Our disinformation reporter Marianna Spring has set up the Undercover Voters project to investigate what the algorithms are promoting to different users and she’s spoken to some of those behind the viral videos. So could online falsehoods, hate and disinformation swing the result on 4 July?
Not as much as a bent propaganda broadcaster, love.
Guest – I do wonder at that metropolitan fixation with online stuff . They don’t recognise that a lot of people vote by ‘tribe ‘ – the ‘traditional labour voter ‘ whose dad always voted Red so they do . That’s why the wasted ‘northern wall ‘,was so important and now squandered . Why vote blue if you get red ? Complete with hoards of foreigners ?
Let them play ‘tic tok ‘ games – they only matter if somewhere in the archive someone has said a bad thing …
.. and the other factor this time is likely to be ‘why bother ? They really are all the same “..
The struggle is real ….
“It’s estimated that the hosts make a whopping £3.3 million a month from their hosting duties.22 Nov 2023”
. . . .
Ant McPartlin fined £86,000 for drink-driving
This article is more than 6 years old
Saturday Night Takeaway host loses licence for 20 months after entering guilty plea
A very quick on off switch job for ‘today ‘ – so many promises of ‘jam tomorrow ‘ . I wonder if the planners actually think that stuff counts for anything ? Or is it what they always do in elections .
How the blue party can promise anything is simply beyond me . It has busted the country – destroyed it with 10 million foreigners on its’ watch and is a disaster .
Today some half wit tick box called kemi ? Or is it Kenny – has said men will be men and women women . Woopy do – this from the outfit who said marriage could be between 2 queers – or is it 3 ? Why only 2 in a marriage ?
Apparently there are debates . Hours of lies and crap promises and ‘attacks ‘ – with green card looking as though he should be at home doing his homework – and starmer with that vacant stare …
Will anyone bother ? I’m lucky enough to still not have a TV or be in what used to be the UK – so not for me .
I think the best promise was the Eddie davey one he made whilst visiting another sub post office – free footy – 10 games not behind a pay wall – but why not 20 – Eddie ? This is far more important than votes for 12 year olds or unlimited benefits for the lazy …
The German plod who picked on a victim instead of the Islamic killer – has died . If you see the video he paid for his dumb mistake with his life . Even the lefty Germans are questioning the idea of importing Islam – 1.5 million under the Russian spy -merkel – undermine the west by throwing Islam at it –
How is this going to pan out ? State censorship – lies about the ‘positives ‘ of Islam – are only going to last so long .
Personally I’m looking forward to Palestine playing Israel in the euros – a half and Half scarf ( yuk ) and the Israelies with stab proofs and side arms …
Fedup- ” Merkel Russian spy” As you may remember
I wrote about this a few years ago. Mayne , just maybe
Angela Merkel will have been the most
successful spy in history.
Will it ever be found out if she had a “connection” with
Putin . When she was a young communist in East Germany?
Foscari – yet – and the influence of the KGB remains – for instance – kraut reluctance to help Ukraine or pay its’ way within NATO … however many announcements it makes .
If I was Putin I’d want Germany back under full control again – along with Poland of course …
One does so enjoy those funny little unintentional juxtapositions of headlines…
‘Sex is a fact of biology’ – insists the Daily Mail top story.
Meanwhile: Murdoch, 93, ties knot with fifth wife (Daily Mail)
Talking of biology, the Telegraph frets: Cancer rise in young fuelled by obesity – in fact, according to the Times’s version of the story quoting Prof Charles Swanton, chief clinician with Cancer Research UK, the precise cause of the worrying: Cancer rise in under-50s blamed on poor diet – was still as yet a: “scientific conundrum” – but was happy name every life-style choice of which we tend to disapprove these days: “…including smoking, obesity and red meat. But they don’t in themselves explain the increase we’re seeing in the under-50s.”
And before the experts do discover some miracle cure-all for us, perhaps we’d best take note of little news reports such as: GSK face Zantac jury… A Delaware judge’s ruling has paved the way for pharma groups to face trials in cases brought by 72,000 cancer sufferers who allege that a heartburn drug caused their condition (FT)
I’m reminded of that old playground nonsense ditty..
There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly,
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly – perhaps she’ll die!
There was an old woman who swallowed a spider
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly…
Well, you know how that goes. And perhaps you’ll still recall – although our media appears to have forgotten – that last time big pharma made big news with a supposed big cure for a little ailment.
Lockdown party girl Kay Burley teases us on the frontpage of the formerly serious Times: Putin, Rishi’s dog and me… ‘Last year I woke up covered in blood on the bathroom floor’ Now on her 12th election, the presenter is a master of the political dust-up. But the stresses of her lifestyle almost led to calamity… – Times paywall intervenes there slamming Kay’s adventure story book shut – just like Mr Derek at the finale of a Basil Brush show (there’s one for the teenagers)
The Guardian picks Downing Street top civil servant turned Labour party opperative Sue Gray for their top left-hand frontpage pin-up teaser: From Partygate to ‘power behind the throne’
Well, our incoming PM Starmer may be too pale stale and male for some tastes.
From the Guardianista’s celebrated Gray woman, Starmer’s apparent éminence grise… to the black woman, who apparently he black-balled as his candidate for the Commons but instead offered a seat in the Lords (all very very allegedly of course): Diane Abbott says she intends to ‘run and win’ as Labour candidate (featured bottom right hand corner of the frontpage Guardian)
Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object… The concept emerged from Sigmund Freud’s work on defense mechanisms and was further refined by his daughter, Anna Freud, and other prominent figures in psychology. (Psychology Today , ‘how to change your outlook’)
BBC Ukraine war propagandist Steve Rosenberg is over there deep inside Russia and seeks out: …tiny library offers a selection of books on dystopian worlds and the dangers of totalitarianism… There are multiple copies of Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four; the story in which Big Brother is always watching and the state has established near-total control over body and mind – oh the humanity… body AND mind!
Our Steve chats with some of the locals…
“I’m happy with the direction Russia’s heading in,” pensioner Vladimir tells me. “We’re becoming more independent. Less reliant on the West.”
“We’re making progress,” says a young woman called Natalya. “As Vladimir Putin has said, a new stage for Russia has begun.”
But what about Russia’s war in Ukraine?
“I try not to watch anything about that any more,” Nina tells me. “It’s too upsetting.”
I wonder if the story of how exactly a lefty civil servant like Gray got the gig of burying nut nut Boris Johnson in the partygate thing ….?
If the blues had buried the story or got a proper person to ‘investigate ‘ and kill it perhaps Nut nut would still be there with the fruit loop wife and he’d charm the gullible sheep into voting for him again …
‘Big Brother, a dictatorial leader supported by an intense cult of personality manufactured by the Party’s Thought Police. The Party engages in omnipresent government surveillance and, through the Ministry of Truth, historical negationism and constant propaganda to persecute individuality and independent thinking.’
Sounds a LOT like what the BBC are trying to do to me.
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
I reckon the bbbc will have to get rid of about a third of its workforce to get these numbers to be accurate.
It also should mean lots of jobs for the UK white male to replace all the over represented tick box fillers.
I read that Surkeer and Labour are urging an examination into the financial background of Sunak for possible improprieties before he was an MP. (Partygate 2 coming up!)
Maybe it would also be interesting to look into the background of Surkeer himself while they are at it:
“From 1986 to 1987, Keir Starmer served as the editor of Socialist Alternatives, a Trotskyist radical magazine. The magazine was produced by an organisation under the same name, which represented the British section of the International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency (IRMT).[19][20]”
A Hamas spokesman features in a piece in the DT today – Frank Gardner – enjoy –
STARTS Frank Gardner has revealed that his BBC colleagues have not apologised after they were filmed blocking him from a lift.
In an interview with The Sunday Times, the security correspondent who uses a wheelchair, claimed the able-bodied staff seen failing to make way in a 2020 documentary have still not said sorry.
Mr Gardner has used a wheelchair since he was shot six times by al-Qaeda while reporting on growing terrorist activity in Saudi Arabia in 2004.
Bullets injured his spinal nerves and left him partially-paralysed.
In the documentary film, Being Frank: The Frank Gardner Story, he talks candidly about the physical indignities he continues to suffer, even having to change his colostomy bag and catheter on camera.
Despite reporting daily on terrorism, intelligence and espionage, he says that “sometimes it’s the small things that get in the way”.
In one sequence, the camera shows the correspondent – who is due in the studio at any minute – watching the lift open to reveal it is full and then close again.
None of his able-bodied colleagues offer to get out and take the stairs.
Mr Gardner can be heard saying: “It is so annoying when you’re about to be on air, and you can’t get [in the lift].
“Because I can’t get down the stairs. Anyone else can run down the stairs, but I can’t do that.”
When the same thing happens again, he worries aloud that he will “miss” his live on air slot.
After waiting 10 minutes, he and the film crew have to speed through the newsroom to try another lift.
But when asked by The Sunday Times whether any of his colleagues, having seen themselves in the documentary, have since apologised, Mr Gardner said, “no”.
Attack in Riyadh
While Mr Garnder survived the attack in Riyadh on June 6 2004, his cameraman colleague Simon Cumbers, 36, was shot in the head and died instantly.
In the interview, the BBC correspondent commented on the incorrect initial reporting of the al-Qaeda attack.
The last al-Qaeda operative involved that day was beheaded in a mass execution in Riyadh in 2016, but Mr Gardner said he is still waiting for justice.
“It was so many years afterwards. And there is still something that niggles me – and it’s stopping me having full closure.
“The Saudi ambassador in London promised me compensation. Simon and I were supposed to be in their care but the minders ran away.
“I don’t blame them. Why should they lay down their lives for two foreigners?
“But we got shot, the government promised compensation and they never paid a penny. I’m so disappointed with that.
“It’s not the money – if it was a hundred pounds or a million, it doesn’t matter. It’s the principle. That would be closure.”
The BBC has been contacted for comment.ENDS
I thought people in wheelchairs want to be treated equally as badly as anyone else . I have cared for someone in a wheel chair . I have employed someone in a wheelchair ( mistake ) …. She got her own parking space for her special car and before she ‘left ‘ she was campaigning for her own lift …. The energy she took out of my team was huge – but I suppose some are ok ….
Frank should just be ‘happy ‘ to be alive … and on big bucks
Some stuff to bear in mind when the Beeboids are whinnying abbot Trump and the present round of court cases.
There was an epic stream session on Locals last night about Alex Jones and the attempts to shut down InfoWars via bankruptcy proceedings and how that’s fallen afoul of insolvency law and how the Democrats are also actually targeting Robert Barnes.
I hope that an edited (from 3 hours+) is done, since the nuggets and dots were too many ….
😳 Today’s column on the British state’s deep aversion to mathematics has perhaps the most extraordinary quote I’ve ever used
No no no – a quarter means 10% – so they are over double with 23% which means there are too many people who can do sums in the Treasury – that’s what really counts – the shadow chancellor worked in the Bank of England – which is really the Treasury … innit …
Trump governed intemperately, lost the 2020 election, refused to concede and, at the very least, was the inspiration for an insurrection on January 6, 2021.
Reminder – George Soros heir, Alex Soros, delivers breathless temper tantrum about Trump in front of Davos elite: "One man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that, took that, took that all away. Um, you know so, um, you know so, um, you know."
That seemingly nice man Vaughan Getting, who l understand is the first minister of Wales, is being critised for taking a donation of £200,000 from another man, who was at the time of making the donation under criminal investigation for something to do with environmental pollution.
Apparently the man had previously been convicted of environmental pollution offences, so seemed to already have a track record for offending.
All the above is in the BBC report on the subject.
However, what may have been left out, or simply forgotten, is the suggestion that when a minister in the Welsh government,Gething’s department gave a loan of £400,000 to a company closely connected to the generous donor of the £200,000. Surely some mistake! They could not have needed the money , obviously, because they had so much to spare and could make such big donations. Mean minded and suspicious people might not agree. Plus, those people are most likely racists anyway because Mr Getting is black.
Let me guess the BBC simply forgot to mention this because.
A) It’s not true.
B) They have other more important checking up ( than this sort of thing) to do.
C) Don’t you understand how overworked our award winning, ground breaking Verify team are.
D) We will have a look at this soon ( pencilled in for 5th July).
I for one can’t believe there’s anything dodgy here, after all that Vaughan seems such a nice chap. We can rely on the bbc to clarfy this…..can’t we.
North Thanet here he comes ( or is it south Thanet ?)…the reds will be throwing the kitchen sink at him …blue committing election fraud again – media wanting blood ..
‘Far right’ is a lazy slur which aims to marginalise any dissent from the desired establishment orthodoxy.
Anyone who is not 100% aligned with the pro-globalist media and elite establishment positions on mass immigration, climate, lockdowns and forced vaccinations is ‘far right’
Mannheim police are under orders to follow the usual script but the Germans are noticing:
We mourn our colleague – he gave his life to protect others! On Friday, our colleague from the Mannheim police station was seriously injured in a knife attack and succumbed to his injuries today.
He didn’t give his life, it was taken from him violently and brutally. There’s a difference!
A rising star of Czech politics has been sent to prison for multiple rapes including rape of an underage girl. In 2018, Politico included Dominik Feri as someone who would shape Europe in the years ahead, and he was a staunch supporter of the MeToo movement. But 15 women came forward with allegations and now he’s the first Czech politician to be jailed for sexual violence.
MeToo, political misconduct, toxic men… the BBC would normally be all over this story but they’ve somehow ignored it. I wonder why?
@Nigel_Farage is to stand as an MP in Clacton-On-Sea and will take over the leadership of the @reformparty_uk
Farage: “I genuinely believe we can get more votes in this election than the Conservative party. They are on the verge of total collapse and it couldn’t happen, frankly, to nicer people.”
‘What I intend to lead, is a political revolt.”
Reform will become the “voice of opposition”, says leader Nigel Farage.
“People will realise that often a vote for Conservative is a vote for Labour”
“I appeal to those people who were not going to vote”
Great speech Nigel 👍 Nobody deals with snotty media questions quite like Nige . Was great when he yawned over the Guardian question . Simply superb hour of TV
I turned on the YouTube live feed – which has just ended after 50minutes with mr farage swiping the questions from the swamp …
The bbc on 5 live covered part of his speech – but not all of it …as usual – the professional northern bbc gob -livesy? Ended it with ‘well we’ve got the gist of it ‘…
.. but the press conference was detailed and explanatory – which is why the bbc didn’t cover it ….
Now the targeting begins
1 hostility of Clackton voters
2 msm looking for ‘disappointed reform voters ‘
3 ‘you’re not welcome ‘ via SWP
4 local mosque says ‘no’
5 ‘refugees ‘ living in fear
I posted the livefeed above starting with the juicy bit
In the questions Farage dealt well with the gotchas
eg “Gotcha, you said you wouldn’t want to spend every Friday in Clacton”
.. Farage : that’s what i said ,, but I will put in the hard work and do things like that
Fed, you could be right. I thought it unwise for Nigel Farage to go public yesterday with his desire to take over the Conservative Party after the General Election.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black? Politicians have rounded on…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Uk gov to create a new team of 1000 people to look at how to make 100 cuts! HA HA…
Well I do seem to be first, I just wanted to make sure anyone who went in the march yesterday was ok. No report on the Beeb
Let me check if the BBC reported on it
Now take it apart
Note how your typical BBC type lefty/ liberal always says he/ she doesn’t believe the media ( especially the Daily Mail ) until they’ve looked into the subject, verified the content, analysed it and is superior to the average Joe because they know all the background.
Except when it’s something like Tommy Robinson or President Trump, then they believe everything that’s bad .
Today there’s a new video
“Tommy Robinson Thanked And Praised Police”
| Demonstrators March Demading Sir Mark Rowley Resigns
Blecksly “I urge anyone who thinks the police hold data on them, to apply for that data .. wow , he’s an ex police who doesn’t trust the police
It did have the “dangerous content” warning across it
But that quickly disappeared within a couple of seconds and didn’t come back
I guess people like our troll go around maliciously falsely reporting TR video
There is an anti-Israel account Yesterday he Tweeted a highly imflammatory tweet to his 1.5 milion followers
What will be the consequences ?
It could have provoked violence against TR and his supporters
.. He deleted it , but not before TR called him out on it
Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal
Bio : Unfiltered Unbiased Verified 24×7 Breaking News
: Host of the Largest Show on 𝕏 | Founder & Investor
23.2K Following 1.5M Followers”
I see it still exits in his recap tweet
The original tweet is
It’s a bit of a pain that the establishment have censored and banned sites that capture deleted tweets
so that so far I haven’t tracked a copy
His reply to TR says
“We removed the post. It was reported by the Metro Police. But thank you for the update.”
I find a source for such weird claims
The Independent quotes
Nick Lowles, CEO at HOPE not hate, said ahead of the protest: “Today’s demonstration is set to be the biggest gathering of far-right activists, football hooligans and Tommy Robinson supporters in years.
“There is a strong likelihood of violence as we have unearthed shocking messages from hooligan chat groups where people are threatening to attack people of colour, pro-Palestine demonstrators and even the police.”
The paper shows no actual receipts to back that claim
Why isn’t this Stormzy woman central to the Trump court case indicated for blackmail?
And for Sperm-theft
I read this morning that this creature is now urging Trump’s wife to dump him. What a vengeful, nasty specimen!
For a lady whose profession was the oldest – she must have been cheap for obama to buy – but life insurance might be a bit expensive
Michael Sturzenberger stabbing (in Mannheim) aftermath:
Teenage girl dies on family holiday in Florida
Front page news, girl dies in an accident on holiday. Tragic but I can’t work out why this death among all the others warrants a front-page article.
Meanwhile, the BBC didn’t even report this:
Man who stabbed partner 17 times after break-up found guilty of murder
I wonder if it’s because of what he looks like:

Whoever chooses what gets reported and what doesn’t at the BBC is guilty of gross racist discrimination and sexist discrimination on a daily basis.
Police officer injured in Mannheim stabbing dies
A very brief and flat headline from the BBC which takes you to a typical agenda ‘facts only’ report which still manages to get ‘far-right’ and ‘anti-Islam’ in there but not Islam or Muslim.
The BBC tell us 800 people organised a vigil and tell us ‘they aimed to send a message against “violence, hatred and agitation,”. So once again we are being told it was the anti-Islam activists fault that it happened.
What the BBC DON’T tell us is that those people were actually counter-protestors to an AfD rally – so they were in fact left-wing activists. And the BBC also fail to tell us that this vigil was not ‘peaceful’ – there are videos of ‘police clashing with a group of Antifa activists, who set off fireworks.’
And as usual the Germans are trying to bury the reason why until the story dies down.
The irony of this murder is how it 100% proved the anti-Islam activists to be correct. Yet the Left are trying to paint the picture that it was THEIR OWN fault he did it because they ‘agitated’ him. Of course they are completely ignoring that he has murdered a policeman, not an activist. Clearly he just wanted to murder whiteys.
So remember the latest ‘rule’ the Left have given us everybody: if you upset a Muslim and he murders you, it’s YOUR fault. Not his.
Absolutely disgusting and absolutely normal for the BBC now.
Sky has of course perfected the journalistic technique.
Police officer stabbed during attack at far-right rally dies
Read more🔗
Sadly, for the home of Alex Crawford, #CCBGB
“There is a very specific goal here to promote Islamophobia.”
Public policy expert Dr Georgios Samaras says that the growing trend of far-right parties in Europe is ‘very worrying’ ahead of the European Parliamentary elections.
They are beyond a joke.
A double irony of Mannheim is that citizens had the stabber pinned down at one point. One of these citizens was wearing a blue jacket. The police then arrive and under threat get the citizens to move away from the stabber so freeing him. One of the police then pins down the man in the blue jacket. The stabber then returns to stab the policeman who is pining down and on top of the man in the blue jacket. Now that policeman is dead.
Classic Inspector Clouseau policing. The bBC will blame this on the far-right.
Can anyone translate into English.
Man dies after firing a gun in town centre
2 June 2024
A man died after he was injured when he fired a gun in the centre of a town.
Emergency services were called to Espley’s Yard, Stafford, at about 18:20 BST on Friday following a concern for welfare report.
A man in his 50s suffered serious injuries when he fired a gun and died a short time later, Staffordshire Police said.
Officers were investigating the circumstances leading up to his death and the force said it had referred the shooting to the Independent Office for Police Conduct due to previous police contact.
The death was not being treated as suspicious and officers said there was not believed to be any ongoing risk to the public.
Is this BBCspeak for saying he committed suicide?
harry, not necessarily suicide but I note that the BBC link has cy99neery in the address so that might be code for ‘sneery’. Guns are dangerous. The BBC article is entirely silent on the type of gun. You would think an intelligent, trained, genuine journalist would ask but no, apparently not.
Typical BBC!
What have intelligent, trained, genuine journalists got to do with the BBC?
moggie, fair question. If it was a revolver harry’s suspicions could be correct but if it was an automatic and something went wrong with the action the gun might explode in the firer’s face.
On March 8 2020 on Hassan Yahya, 30 was shot dead by ministry of defence police in londonistan . This third world creature had been approached by police because he ‘looked lost ‘ . He drew out 2 knives and was tazered . The taxers didn’t work so we was shot dead .
An inquest on Friday found the shooting reasonable and justified . It was covered briefly in the londonistan bbc local news . And that’s it . Nothing more – no questions about what this thankfully dead vermin intended to do in Whitehall – ……
The OFCOMBBC – editorial line about minimising adverse facts about third world Islamic vermin applied – every day …
Whilst those who March carrying a union flag are called ‘ football hooligans ‘ by the msm – mail – telegraph – again -to get an uptick from the corrupted state ….
The bbc campaign for Diane Abacus Abbott to run again went well
Abbott says she intends to run and win for Labour
bbc approves
Not to worry, Field Marshall Springster has set up…. a squad.
How election misinformation and fakery is filling TikTok feeds
At this general election a new generation will cast their votes for the first time and social media could be crucial in shaping what they do at the ballot box. TikTok has boomed since the last Westminster poll and is now a key political battleground, engaging its users in the democratic process. But alongside official content and memes shared by the parties are fake, AI-generated videos featuring Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer, as well as other misleading and divisive posts, all getting hundreds of thousands of views. Our disinformation reporter Marianna Spring has set up the Undercover Voters project to investigate what the algorithms are promoting to different users and she’s spoken to some of those behind the viral videos. So could online falsehoods, hate and disinformation swing the result on 4 July?
Not as much as a bent propaganda broadcaster, love.
See point 4.
This her?
Seems chipper.
Guest – I do wonder at that metropolitan fixation with online stuff . They don’t recognise that a lot of people vote by ‘tribe ‘ – the ‘traditional labour voter ‘ whose dad always voted Red so they do . That’s why the wasted ‘northern wall ‘,was so important and now squandered . Why vote blue if you get red ? Complete with hoards of foreigners ?
Let them play ‘tic tok ‘ games – they only matter if somewhere in the archive someone has said a bad thing …
.. and the other factor this time is likely to be ‘why bother ? They really are all the same “..
She a shoe / shoo in.
There is little doubt that Abbot is as thick as twelve blue bricks but the BBC will support her to the end of the earth because she shagged Corbyn.
Britain’s Got Talent crowns 2024 winner
But only an image of Ant & Dec – the winner???
You seen what they get paid?
The struggle is real ….
“It’s estimated that the hosts make a whopping £3.3 million a month from their hosting duties.22 Nov 2023”
. . . .
Ant McPartlin fined £86,000 for drink-driving
This article is more than 6 years old
Saturday Night Takeaway host loses licence for 20 months after entering guilty plea
A very quick on off switch job for ‘today ‘ – so many promises of ‘jam tomorrow ‘ . I wonder if the planners actually think that stuff counts for anything ? Or is it what they always do in elections .
How the blue party can promise anything is simply beyond me . It has busted the country – destroyed it with 10 million foreigners on its’ watch and is a disaster .
Today some half wit tick box called kemi ? Or is it Kenny – has said men will be men and women women . Woopy do – this from the outfit who said marriage could be between 2 queers – or is it 3 ? Why only 2 in a marriage ?
Apparently there are debates . Hours of lies and crap promises and ‘attacks ‘ – with green card looking as though he should be at home doing his homework – and starmer with that vacant stare …
Will anyone bother ? I’m lucky enough to still not have a TV or be in what used to be the UK – so not for me .
I think the best promise was the Eddie davey one he made whilst visiting another sub post office – free footy – 10 games not behind a pay wall – but why not 20 – Eddie ? This is far more important than votes for 12 year olds or unlimited benefits for the lazy …
The German plod who picked on a victim instead of the Islamic killer – has died . If you see the video he paid for his dumb mistake with his life . Even the lefty Germans are questioning the idea of importing Islam – 1.5 million under the Russian spy -merkel – undermine the west by throwing Islam at it –
How is this going to pan out ? State censorship – lies about the ‘positives ‘ of Islam – are only going to last so long .
Personally I’m looking forward to Palestine playing Israel in the euros – a half and Half scarf ( yuk ) and the Israelies with stab proofs and side arms …
Keep going IDF …
Maybe the Islamist was trying to save the right winger from two tier police brutality?
Fedup- ” Merkel Russian spy” As you may remember
I wrote about this a few years ago. Mayne , just maybe
Angela Merkel will have been the most
successful spy in history.
Will it ever be found out if she had a “connection” with
Putin . When she was a young communist in East Germany?
Foscari – yet – and the influence of the KGB remains – for instance – kraut reluctance to help Ukraine or pay its’ way within NATO … however many announcements it makes .
If I was Putin I’d want Germany back under full control again – along with Poland of course …
One does so enjoy those funny little unintentional juxtapositions of headlines…
‘Sex is a fact of biology’ – insists the Daily Mail top story.
Meanwhile: Murdoch, 93, ties knot with fifth wife (Daily Mail)
Talking of biology, the Telegraph frets: Cancer rise in young fuelled by obesity – in fact, according to the Times’s version of the story quoting Prof Charles Swanton, chief clinician with Cancer Research UK, the precise cause of the worrying: Cancer rise in under-50s blamed on poor diet – was still as yet a: “scientific conundrum” – but was happy name every life-style choice of which we tend to disapprove these days: “…including smoking, obesity and red meat. But they don’t in themselves explain the increase we’re seeing in the under-50s.”
And before the experts do discover some miracle cure-all for us, perhaps we’d best take note of little news reports such as: GSK face Zantac jury… A Delaware judge’s ruling has paved the way for pharma groups to face trials in cases brought by 72,000 cancer sufferers who allege that a heartburn drug caused their condition (FT)
I’m reminded of that old playground nonsense ditty..
There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly,
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly – perhaps she’ll die!
There was an old woman who swallowed a spider
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly…
Well, you know how that goes. And perhaps you’ll still recall – although our media appears to have forgotten – that last time big pharma made big news with a supposed big cure for a little ailment.
Lockdown party girl Kay Burley teases us on the frontpage of the formerly serious Times: Putin, Rishi’s dog and me… ‘Last year I woke up covered in blood on the bathroom floor’ Now on her 12th election, the presenter is a master of the political dust-up. But the stresses of her lifestyle almost led to calamity… – Times paywall intervenes there slamming Kay’s adventure story book shut – just like Mr Derek at the finale of a Basil Brush show (there’s one for the teenagers)
The Guardian picks Downing Street top civil servant turned Labour party opperative Sue Gray for their top left-hand frontpage pin-up teaser: From Partygate to ‘power behind the throne’
Well, our incoming PM Starmer may be too pale stale and male for some tastes.
From the Guardianista’s celebrated Gray woman, Starmer’s apparent éminence grise… to the black woman, who apparently he black-balled as his candidate for the Commons but instead offered a seat in the Lords (all very very allegedly of course): Diane Abbott says she intends to ‘run and win’ as Labour candidate (featured bottom right hand corner of the frontpage Guardian)
Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object… The concept emerged from Sigmund Freud’s work on defense mechanisms and was further refined by his daughter, Anna Freud, and other prominent figures in psychology. (Psychology Today , ‘how to change your outlook’)
BBC Ukraine war propagandist Steve Rosenberg is over there deep inside Russia and seeks out: …tiny library offers a selection of books on dystopian worlds and the dangers of totalitarianism… There are multiple copies of Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four; the story in which Big Brother is always watching and the state has established near-total control over body and mind – oh the humanity… body AND mind!
Our Steve chats with some of the locals…
“I’m happy with the direction Russia’s heading in,” pensioner Vladimir tells me. “We’re becoming more independent. Less reliant on the West.”
“We’re making progress,” says a young woman called Natalya. “As Vladimir Putin has said, a new stage for Russia has begun.”
But what about Russia’s war in Ukraine?
“I try not to watch anything about that any more,” Nina tells me. “It’s too upsetting.”
I wonder if the story of how exactly a lefty civil servant like Gray got the gig of burying nut nut Boris Johnson in the partygate thing ….?
If the blues had buried the story or got a proper person to ‘investigate ‘ and kill it perhaps Nut nut would still be there with the fruit loop wife and he’d charm the gullible sheep into voting for him again …
This is the Wiki entry for 1984.
‘Big Brother, a dictatorial leader supported by an intense cult of personality manufactured by the Party’s Thought Police. The Party engages in omnipresent government surveillance and, through the Ministry of Truth, historical negationism and constant propaganda to persecute individuality and independent thinking.’
Sounds a LOT like what the BBC are trying to do to me.
“Tories pledge to tackle ‘confusion’ over legal definition of sex”
confusion in quotes
. . . . .. .
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
I reckon the bbbc will have to get rid of about a third of its workforce to get these numbers to be accurate.
It also should mean lots of jobs for the UK white male to replace all the over represented tick box fillers.
Fear ye not… this clearly ignored sector of society is to get… a magazine! If not, perhaps, the first.
Cue considerable cubicle excitement. Especially the men.
This looks fun.
A ‘feisty’ exchange of views.Apparently
I read that Surkeer and Labour are urging an examination into the financial background of Sunak for possible improprieties before he was an MP. (Partygate 2 coming up!)
Maybe it would also be interesting to look into the background of Surkeer himself while they are at it:
“From 1986 to 1987, Keir Starmer served as the editor of Socialist Alternatives, a Trotskyist radical magazine. The magazine was produced by an organisation under the same name, which represented the British section of the International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency (IRMT).[19][20]”
A useful way to smear Sunak, float the idea out without actually saying something that could be proved or disproved.
No one reads the news – just the title!
bbc reports on:-
Tories pledge to tackle ‘confusion’ over legal definition of sex
I’m sure people have bigger issues to worry about!
bbc try reporting on immigration, or lack of borders
A Hamas spokesman features in a piece in the DT today – Frank Gardner – enjoy –
STARTS Frank Gardner has revealed that his BBC colleagues have not apologised after they were filmed blocking him from a lift.
In an interview with The Sunday Times, the security correspondent who uses a wheelchair, claimed the able-bodied staff seen failing to make way in a 2020 documentary have still not said sorry.
Mr Gardner has used a wheelchair since he was shot six times by al-Qaeda while reporting on growing terrorist activity in Saudi Arabia in 2004.
Bullets injured his spinal nerves and left him partially-paralysed.
In the documentary film, Being Frank: The Frank Gardner Story, he talks candidly about the physical indignities he continues to suffer, even having to change his colostomy bag and catheter on camera.
Despite reporting daily on terrorism, intelligence and espionage, he says that “sometimes it’s the small things that get in the way”.
In one sequence, the camera shows the correspondent – who is due in the studio at any minute – watching the lift open to reveal it is full and then close again.
None of his able-bodied colleagues offer to get out and take the stairs.
Mr Gardner can be heard saying: “It is so annoying when you’re about to be on air, and you can’t get [in the lift].
“Because I can’t get down the stairs. Anyone else can run down the stairs, but I can’t do that.”
When the same thing happens again, he worries aloud that he will “miss” his live on air slot.
After waiting 10 minutes, he and the film crew have to speed through the newsroom to try another lift.
But when asked by The Sunday Times whether any of his colleagues, having seen themselves in the documentary, have since apologised, Mr Gardner said, “no”.
Attack in Riyadh
While Mr Garnder survived the attack in Riyadh on June 6 2004, his cameraman colleague Simon Cumbers, 36, was shot in the head and died instantly.
In the interview, the BBC correspondent commented on the incorrect initial reporting of the al-Qaeda attack.
The last al-Qaeda operative involved that day was beheaded in a mass execution in Riyadh in 2016, but Mr Gardner said he is still waiting for justice.
“It was so many years afterwards. And there is still something that niggles me – and it’s stopping me having full closure.
“The Saudi ambassador in London promised me compensation. Simon and I were supposed to be in their care but the minders ran away.
“I don’t blame them. Why should they lay down their lives for two foreigners?
“But we got shot, the government promised compensation and they never paid a penny. I’m so disappointed with that.
“It’s not the money – if it was a hundred pounds or a million, it doesn’t matter. It’s the principle. That would be closure.”
The BBC has been contacted for comment.ENDS
I thought people in wheelchairs want to be treated equally as badly as anyone else . I have cared for someone in a wheel chair . I have employed someone in a wheelchair ( mistake ) …. She got her own parking space for her special car and before she ‘left ‘ she was campaigning for her own lift …. The energy she took out of my team was huge – but I suppose some are ok ….
Frank should just be ‘happy ‘ to be alive … and on big bucks
I am wondering why Frank didn’t allow more time to get to the news studio if he knew the risk of the lift being full.
Race card played by Plaid whatever to defend the acceptance of a large political donation by Gethin from an outfit that could be described as flaky.
How novel, that should shut down the investigation!
One-trick-pony comes to mind!
“FM’s backers say attacks on him racially driven”
. . . . . .
Some stuff to bear in mind when the Beeboids are whinnying abbot Trump and the present round of court cases.
There was an epic stream session on Locals last night about Alex Jones and the attempts to shut down InfoWars via bankruptcy proceedings and how that’s fallen afoul of insolvency law and how the Democrats are also actually targeting Robert Barnes.
I hope that an edited (from 3 hours+) is done, since the nuggets and dots were too many ….
If you don’t have a penis is more important than policies!
“Mexico elects Claudia Sheinbaum as first woman president”
wait, we thought cutting howibble container ships will cut global warming … ?
but, but…. too mindmelting for the BBC apparently
No no no – a quarter means 10% – so they are over double with 23% which means there are too many people who can do sums in the Treasury – that’s what really counts – the shadow chancellor worked in the Bank of England – which is really the Treasury … innit …
Telegraph journo speaks out of his backside:
Tomo – looks like telegraph moving further left as it wants to please the coming red regime …
So how many US politicians were riot-adjacent in the summer of 2020?
That seemingly nice man Vaughan Getting, who l understand is the first minister of Wales, is being critised for taking a donation of £200,000 from another man, who was at the time of making the donation under criminal investigation for something to do with environmental pollution.
Apparently the man had previously been convicted of environmental pollution offences, so seemed to already have a track record for offending.
All the above is in the BBC report on the subject.
However, what may have been left out, or simply forgotten, is the suggestion that when a minister in the Welsh government,Gething’s department gave a loan of £400,000 to a company closely connected to the generous donor of the £200,000. Surely some mistake! They could not have needed the money , obviously, because they had so much to spare and could make such big donations. Mean minded and suspicious people might not agree. Plus, those people are most likely racists anyway because Mr Getting is black.
Let me guess the BBC simply forgot to mention this because.
A) It’s not true.
B) They have other more important checking up ( than this sort of thing) to do.
C) Don’t you understand how overworked our award winning, ground breaking Verify team are.
D) We will have a look at this soon ( pencilled in for 5th July).
I for one can’t believe there’s anything dodgy here, after all that Vaughan seems such a nice chap. We can rely on the bbc to clarfy this…..can’t we.
Barry Gardiner has £500K to help him out!
Nigel Farage on X 1 hour ago, copied and pasted.
I will be making an Emergency General Election announcement at 4pm today.
North Thanet here he comes ( or is it south Thanet ?)…the reds will be throwing the kitchen sink at him …blue committing election fraud again – media wanting blood ..
Exhibit A
Mannheim police are under orders to follow the usual script but the Germans are noticing:
We mourn our colleague – he gave his life to protect others! On Friday, our colleague from the Mannheim police station was seriously injured in a knife attack and succumbed to his injuries today.
He didn’t give his life, it was taken from him violently and brutally. There’s a difference!
Issued in accordance with UK State pro Muslim propaganda ©️department ….
Missed this from April —
A rising star of Czech politics has been sent to prison for multiple rapes including rape of an underage girl. In 2018, Politico included Dominik Feri as someone who would shape Europe in the years ahead, and he was a staunch supporter of the MeToo movement. But 15 women came forward with allegations and now he’s the first Czech politician to be jailed for sexual violence.
MeToo, political misconduct, toxic men… the BBC would normally be all over this story but they’ve somehow ignored it. I wonder why?
One hell of a wig
bbc is really keen on labour being the next government:-
Chris Mason: Why Labour are so keen to talk about defence
Not just anyone, but a Senior labour figure
The whole “report” is positive
Compared to what the bbc put out about:-
Tories pledge to tackle ‘confusion’ over legal definition of sex
Labour in the national interest, and the bbc choose to report
about conservatives talking about toilets!
Red on pink action?
The BbC has chosen not to mention that a leading political figure is to make an announcement at 4pm .
Presumably – the bbc not being interested – it will not send anyone to the press conference or mention it after ward ….
“acting judge”…?
– what’s that about?
btw, if you weren’t aware, Merchan is lined up to do down Steve Bannon too….
Just started to watch new Netflix series called Eric with Benedict Cucumberpatch.
It seems the top good guy is a black gay cop who is caring for his old white very ill partner.
How unusual eh!
Leftist agitators and Soros DAs….
Why aren’t the UK’s leftoid street agitators being outed?
Fauci at US Congress – again…
Ridley & Chan …
off to scan Ladbroke’s odds…
Couldn’t dismiss it … had to go look…
,… then they’ll all have their throats cut or be thrown off the roof … right Owen you little sodomite …?
What a brilliant speech by Nigel.
@Nigel_Farage is to stand as an MP in Clacton-On-Sea and will take over the leadership of the @reformparty_uk
Farage: “I genuinely believe we can get more votes in this election than the Conservative party. They are on the verge of total collapse and it couldn’t happen, frankly, to nicer people.”
‘What I intend to lead, is a political revolt.”
Reform will become the “voice of opposition”, says leader Nigel Farage.
“People will realise that often a vote for Conservative is a vote for Labour”
“I appeal to those people who were not going to vote”
DITTO ! Now the fun begins ….
Great speech Nigel 👍 Nobody deals with snotty media questions quite like Nige . Was great when he yawned over the Guardian question . Simply superb hour of TV
This might be a long one ….
I turned on the YouTube live feed – which has just ended after 50minutes with mr farage swiping the questions from the swamp …
The bbc on 5 live covered part of his speech – but not all of it …as usual – the professional northern bbc gob -livesy? Ended it with ‘well we’ve got the gist of it ‘…
.. but the press conference was detailed and explanatory – which is why the bbc didn’t cover it ….
Now the targeting begins
1 hostility of Clackton voters
2 msm looking for ‘disappointed reform voters ‘
3 ‘you’re not welcome ‘ via SWP
4 local mosque says ‘no’
5 ‘refugees ‘ living in fear
The full daily mirror hit piece .
Good luck Nigel –
Vote Reform .
I posted the livefeed above starting with the juicy bit
In the questions Farage dealt well with the gotchas
eg “Gotcha, you said you wouldn’t want to spend every Friday in Clacton”
.. Farage : that’s what i said ,, but I will put in the hard work and do things like that
At 12:29pm .. a full 4 hours before Farage announced about Clacton
a SkyNews staffer posted this
2014 Clacton By-election result
1st – 59.7% – Douglas Carswell (UKIP)
2nd – 24.6% – Giles Watling (Conservative)
Seems to mean Farage has already won Clacton.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the reds and blue do a deal to make sure Farage doesn’t win .. or use the Biden method …
Fed, you could be right. I thought it unwise for Nigel Farage to go public yesterday with his desire to take over the Conservative Party after the General Election.