288 Responses to Start the Week 3rd June 2024

  1. wwfc says:


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Latest poll of 60000 people suggests a red majority of 190 – I’d win my bet with paddy power bigly – but the blues would get over 100 seats which is a bit disappointing – I was hoping for less than 50 – with most of their cabinet gone ….. can’t wait …


  3. tomo says:



  4. Fedup2 says:

    I listened to Ben Wallace today explaining why more borrowed taxpayers’ money needs to be spent on defence …. Whose defence …? The third world imports are more of a personal threat than any foreign power ….. I used to be very pro NATO.
    But now I’m more likely to say – what is our interest?

    Twice Blighty has been bled dry by european wars – and what had been the gain ? Maybe people will think more on this with June 6 coming up – which is probably swift taylors’ birthday … big day …

    …I’m back in Blighty for a few days before the election – I wonder if the blues in chingford will bother canvassing … I suspect not ….

    … and now that a few days have passed I bet a lot of ex MPs have sorted their future income out …..


  5. StewGreen says:

    Local ITV newsPR
    “The Labour battlebus has visited our area ..here’s Angela Rayner”
    she only got about 1 minute


  6. taffman says:

    Nigel Farage to stand in Clacton?!
    Watch all the woke parties suddenly promising to reduce immigration.
    Let’s all get out and confound the ‘YouGov’ poll – Vote for Reform !
    Nigel will now be the subject of all sorts of attacks from the “meeja”.
    He was the man that got us out the EU. He will be the man to “stop the boats”


    • digg says:

      The Far-Left Biased Broadcasting Cesspit, previously know as The BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation might now take their sights off Tommy Robinson while they train their bile on Farage for a while anyway!


  7. Richard Pinder says:




  8. Richard Pinder says:

    US Flag (1776-1777)


    US Flag (1777-2021)


    US Flag (2021-2025)



    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m surprised there isn’t one with a picture of Obama on it now that he has done 3 terms and wants a 4th ….


  9. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    What a decent gentleman Richard Tice is.
    He’s done the right thing for the good of Reform.
    No huge ego or any personal Empire building from him, just what’s best for Reform (and us)

    I didn’t think he was an effective Leader but he’s shown he’s a good man.

    I find it very encouraging that Nigel is saying there’s something huge happening ‘out there’ and he’s almost always right (or far right as all the unbiased media would say)


  10. Terminal Moraine says:

    BBC Verify doing sterling work again —

    “How many times has Nigel Farage stood for Parliament? In an interview with the BBC following his decision to stand in Clacton, Nigel Farage claimed he had only ‘tried once’ to become an MP. In total Farage has stood for Parliament seven times […] He says his previous times were with ‘a fringe party, a campaign group, using elections to push their message where even saving deposits was a miracle’.”

    Next on the list… Verify geolocate Clacton and confirm it is in Essex while Marianna goes undercover to expose far-right ice cream flavours being sold on the pier.



  11. StewGreen says:

    Farage is the real world
    crazy beeboid Ben Thompson is in the Guardian bubbleworld
    He tweeted this proudly as if he’d won


    • Nibor says:

      Bit of Daleking there by the BBC of Nigel Farage . As when the Daleks exterminates and BBC special effects (1960s) put their enemies down . The BBC person seemed unaffected.
      BBC wishful thinking?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Is that news? Are you serious? Somebody’s tooth brushing habits … I’m not going to waste the viewers time with this rubbish. Let’s talk about toothbrushing .. Emily do you floss?” Gorka @4:16


  12. wwfc says:

    Another good video from Paul..


  13. Flotsam says:

    Farage press conference. Remarkable how many insults and smears were not so subtly wrapped up in the MSM’s ‘questions’. They were asking about U turns regarding his decision to stand, one might have thought they were asking someone in Parliament. One even suggested he’d lied about not standing (in so many words). What it revealed was their hostility to Farage and their genuine concern that Farage might upset the applecart.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Flotsam – I did like the response to the sneer about why he didn’t announce in Clacton ? Response – ‘because you like central London so much ‘ – but see you in Clacton on Tuesday …”
      I used to get taken to Clacton when I was a kid – 2 weeks in a caravan ( 77 brigade to security file )


  14. MarkyMark says:

    “Rise of the right in EuropeThere’s no space for complacency: the British hard right is flourishing
    We don’t need to peer into shadowy, secretive corners for extremist politics here in Britain — it is growing openly in the mainstream of the Tory Party, and without meaningful left opposition, things will only get worse, warns BEN CHACKO”





  15. StewGreen says:

    BBC one TV guide now
    9pm Queer performance artist extraordinaire Gabriel and his partner Andy long to adopt a child. But Gabriel’s own history of childhood trauma threatens to completely derail the process.
    Lost Boys and Fairies – Series 1: 1.


  16. StewGreen says:

    Ricky Gervais apparently


  17. StewGreen says:

    Is @SkyNews super anti-Israeli ?


  18. Nibor says:

    Actual sales literature;

    “Why not have one of our big obnoxious ugly reps going to the companies that legitimately owe you money to sit about reception areas etc negotiating payment plans “ ?

    And why not ? Should I like the above rep and invite him for dinner ? Obviously not . He might have just as much contempt for me as for the finance directors he persuades early payment is best .
    But he gets the job done .

    Does anyone think the BBC cares about the personality of their telly tax goons who harass mainly single mothers to exhort payment by ultimately a prison term ?
    Does the BBC care about the content of their character .?
    Have any BBC directors , luminary’s or celebrities even sent a Christmas card to a telly tax goon , never mind take him in to share the festive fare at the family dinner table?

    Which brings us to the political field .

    Marmite Farage and bombastic Trump .
    You don’t have to love them or even like them . You just know they’re the best person for the job . A job you realise you can’t do or want to do . But it’s a job needing doing and you hope someone steps up to the plate .
    It doesn’t matter if Farage gets on with Richard Tice , or Angela Raynor gets on with Kier Starmer or Ed Davey gets on with a surfboard .
    We , the taxpayers who pay for it , need the best man or woman for the job , however we feel personally.


  19. tomo says:


    • tomo says:


    • Loobyloo says:

      I notice that the article concerning research from the Netherlands regarding excess deaths and the Covid vaccine, has disappeared from the Telegraph website after less than a day.
      The Daily Telegraph has received funding from the Gates Foundation, and every now and then has reports from its Global Health correspondent. Just saying.
      Sorry – not bbc but I don’t read/watch it anymore.

      Brissles – nice to see you back here!


  20. tomo says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      “… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”


  21. StewGreen says:

    GMB caught doing *stealth edit* removing their false statement about a poll Farage quoted
    Mr Politico.. https://youtu.be/nQOziYrxTyE


  22. Deborah says:

    I’m struggling, apparentlly May 2024 was the hottest ever. We still have the winter duvet on and the heating has just about stopped coming on. A couple of weeks ago we had a warm weekend, but scarcely hot. Mr D remembers the day Mr Blair became PM. It was the beginning of May and so hot Mr D said he nearly passed out with the heat. We haven’t had a day anywhere near 80 degrees, I am not sure we have even had 75. And yet, as I posted a few days ago, a gentleman I know told me in all seriousness, he believed in climate change, as he wore two pullovers and a gilet. How can the Met Office tell us May was the hottest ever. Is it just group think or mass hysteria?


    • StewGreen says:

      Is your thermometer in an urban carpark protected from the wind ?
      or on an RAF runway next to a jet fighter exhaust ?
      No, well there’s no surprise you get different results to the Met Office

      #Gerrymandered Statistics


  23. StewGreen says:

    Dan Wootton has someinteresting tweets
    including a 11,000 vote poll where 80% back reform
    .. https://x.com/danwootton


  24. StewGreen says:

    Alastair Campbell is so pro-women’s rights
    that he sneers Kemi Badenoch and DEMOTES her the actual Minister for women

    So he got Community Noted
    Still he got lots of Likes, cos Labour use bots


  25. tomo says:


  26. tomo says:


  27. StewGreen says:

    Michelle Dewberry questions the media
    smear-labelling the Saturday demo

    Luciana Berger “There were Nazi chants at the Saturday demo”
    “National Action were jailed for threatening me”
    “National Action were invited on Saturday” don’t be daft of course they weren’t
    EDL no longer exists
    her bit .. https://x.com/GBNEWS/status/1797691685238874332
    Someone should have asked her “What makes TR far right ?”
    She wouldn’t define the term precisely
    she just said “anyone to the right of the Tories (ie the blue socialist party)”

    She’s a former Labour MP
    who left the party over Corbyn failing to deal with ant-Semitism ..shes now a LIB DEM election candidate @BackLuciana_FGG @lucianaberger


  28. tomo says:

    Begorrah, bejasus….


  29. StewGreen says:

    Why would a now LibDem Luciana Berger have such a cosy photo
    with Alastair Campbell in 2019 whilst out campaigning ?
    .. https://x.com/paulewart23/status/1795193027209666991
    So Labour and Liberals are the same party ?


  30. taffman says:

    I understand that fear and consternation is rife in the BBC and the Conservative MPs upon the news about Nigel Farage’s announcement.


  31. Fedup2 says:

    You can play a game today – see which msm report on the three cases of ‘abandoned babies from the same ‘couple ‘’ are … coloured . BBC radio doesn’t mention it – but online does .

    Now why should that be? In newhamistan a pair are banging out a baby a year and dumping them in the street … incest ? Rape ? Plod clueless – ….


  32. harry142857 says:



    Qasim Sheikh: ‘Think twice’ before speaking out about racism

    Former Scotland international cricketer Qasim Sheikh says anyone facing discrimination in sport should “think twice” before speaking out.

    Sheikh previously claimed he was told he should “count yourself lucky to be here” when he tried to raises concerns.

    He told the BBC he had since experienced daily abuse and alerted police after his family were targeted.

    Sheikh said not enough had been done since a report found Cricket Scotland to be institutionally racist.



    BBC pundit is forced to apologise after posting image of Rishi Sunak, President Biden and other…..

    Qasim Sheikh, a former Scotland international cricketer, reposted the picture of the prime minister, along with other world leaders with the caption ‘Kids Killers Union’.
    A BBC pundit has been forced to apologise after posting an image of Rishi Sunak, President Biden and other world leaders with Hitler moustaches.
    The sports pundit, 39, shared the post in January as well as other inflammatory statements appearing to justify the horrific October 7 attacks on Israel. Mr Sheikh, 39, is now a sports pundit and is due to make his broadcasting debut for the BBC on Tuesday.


  33. Fedup2 says:

    Meesh v Nigel Farage

    She might as well have sat there ranting about Nigel Farage.why did she bother speaking at him – the hit a higher level of interruption . Only once did she shut up and let him speak .
    Mr Farage did very well at remaining calm – even when she started asking about his children . Perhaps we should talk about her children – where they go to school – their home address . If journos – bbc start doing this perhaps their whole personal lives should be made public … right meesh ?

    Meesh went for the illegals reform policy – she being from the same part of the world as them – I don’t regard meesh as British – however the posh accent cost …. Who has the whip hand now ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      The death of an Israeli who also held a British passport – held hostage by Islamic Hamas – has not featured in bbc news – no mention on Islamic ‘today ‘ at all

      Keep going IDF – no stopping until it’s done


    • Zelazek says:

      I hate the way Meesh throws in snide comments and rhetorical questions after Farage speaks and then goes straight into the next question without giving him a chance to reply.

      She claims “Allahu Akbar” is said in numerous contexts. Well, the only times we the British hear it is when some invader is about to blow himself and some innocent kids up, stabs a few random strangers sitting in cafes, or marches with a mob of other invaders down our city streets shouting insults and intimidating Jews.

      Her trying to imply that all the Muslims in Oldham speak English was simply laughable.

      She isn’t an interviewer, she’s a propagandist.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Zelatek – as one of those dogs cut meeshes throat I’m sure her last words would be explaining that jihad has various meanings as does Allan’s snack bar – her approved bbc view of turning Britain into an Islamic dustbin was there to hear ….

        She didn’t like the line about 30% of young Muslims approving supporting Islamic Hamas terrorists –

        .. but I wish mr farage had been more combative …


        • Scroblene says:

          Although I consider Meesh as one of the many reasons why the cubiclist news is so boring and over-rated, it’s a good sign when she starts on her hobby horse and avoids listening to answers that good interviewees like Nigel Farage let her squeal on, and the public really gets the picture that her methods aren’t particularly clever.

          There’s over four weeks until everyone votes, and silly tittle-tattle at the tax-payers’ expense will be wearing a bit thin by 4th July.

          Luckily, I avoid everything they say online now, and just poke around at their website to confirm how right I was to cancel their tax 18 months ago!

          (Didn’t meesh put up a beef about someone telling her to get back to her own country once? I seem to recall that all her kids were running around a shop, making a racket and generally misbehaving. That got in the leftie press like a hole in a poo-bag)!


        • G says:


          I remember her ‘carving’ him up some years ago and I guess he’s still smarting from that. But now? he’s matured. Due to GB News and the exposure that brings no doubt. He could have done better but that’s OK. He is honing his responses/answers to the sh*tbags in the BBC. They’re angry. Justifiably so: they’re losing against him.

          I voted ‘Spoilt Ballot’ in the recent local elections and intended doing so 4th July. But now? I’ll follow in behind his wake and I’ll stick some money in as well.

          OK Taffman…………….


      • G says:


        I heard that interview. Disgraceful. She tried to emulate an attack dog at one end of the interviewing spectrum and when it didn’t work, descended progressively into a blatant childishness at the other.


        • Fedup2 says:

          G – yes the ‘debate ‘ she put up about who would be a ‘skilled ‘ import? – baker- butcher candle stick maker – care worker – it was embarrassing and Farage was at the stage of heading away …
          That bbc style of interviewing isn’t interviewing – it is acting as the ‘opposition ‘ a place it should not be …. I’ve said before that the mindset of the BBC seems to be that it is the government – it’s not acting on behalf of the critical listener –

          No wonder patience with the BBC is running out – together with viewing and listening figures ….


  34. JohnC says:

    Early India election count shows Modi lead narrowing

    I have to laugh at the desperation of the BBC to discredit the BJP winning the election in India.

    Here are all the live feed headlines:
    ‘Early trends show Modi’s BJP not headed for landslide win’
    ‘Watch: Congress party workers celebrate early trends’
    ‘Sombre mood at BJP HQ’
    ‘PHOTOS: Jubilant mood at Congress HQ’

    A casual reader would be led to think that the BJP are not going to win.

    I always find it entertaining to watch the BBC try and shape the narrative to suit their own agenda and end up painting an entirely false picture.

    The BJP are going to win BBC. Stop whining like spoilt children. No doubt the BBC bottom lips will be stuck out when the result is confirmed and the reports will be full of the usual ‘but …’s and ‘however ..’s trying to pour cold water on it.


  35. tomo says:


  36. atlas_shrugged says:

    DT Front page today

    Covid jabs may be to blame for increase in excess deaths.

    Sorry Link behind a paywall

    But bBC know naaahthing. Manuel would be proud.


  37. tomo says:

    Activist Sky…?


    • JohnC says:

      He’s conservative so OFCOM will not do anything.


      • tomo says:



      • Fedup2 says:

        He’s not conservative – he is of the blue Labour Party – and as transport minister in lockdown he gave socislist councils £120 million taxpayers money to close roads … I really want to see shapps lose his seat …


  38. JohnC says:

    Apparently the latest Dr Who episode is a load of nonsense based around tiktok, but I just read that at the very there is a huge plot twist !.

    What might that be from the BBC’s woke-prpgramming flagship ?.

    Yup : it turns out the people behind it all are white-supremacists who tell the black doctor ‘you’re not one of us’ and tell each other to keep clear of him so they don’t get contaminated.

    It seems real white people aren’t racist enough, so the BBC are inventing their own.

    This comes after we are told that the writer doesn’t care if people don’t like it and the doctor himself told everyone ‘if you don’t like it, go and watch the grass’.

    Such arrogance and indifference to the audience can only happen when their budget is guaranteed. It’s an absolute farce.

    Meanwhile I will take great delight on the absolutely abysmal ratings. The bubble will burst if they don’t improve.


  39. tomo says:


  40. tomo says:

    Last week turbulence


    • MarkyMark says:

      Travel Unpacked: Top halal-friendly destinations revealed and flydubai turns 15
      The National rounds up the most interesting tourism news you might have missed



    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Translation: scientific evidence has conclusively proven that younger people who received mRNA Covid ‘vaccinations’ are more likely to suffer from serious heart problems. This is not just the hundreds of examples of otherwise healthy young men and women suddenly dropping dead on sports fields – even passengers on airplanes are at risk. Plus it fits into our globalist Green agenda. So there.


  41. tomo says:



  42. Fedup2 says:

    No coverage of Biden junior trial – no doubt another specially selected democrat court to ensure acquittal …


  43. AsISeeIt says:

    The formerly serious Times of London goes with a Daily Star-like frontpage report: Hornet alert after invaders survive the UK winter

    Any implied word association with the fact that Rishi Sunak is having to face the electorate after patently failling to stem the so-called small boats crisis is purely accidental

    The jokey blokey Star itself goes with a distinctly non-tabloid five syllable word as introductory header for its own latest wildlife-related cor blimey story: Ornithology special Our tits are getting bigger & bigger – perhaps they’re feasting on all the hornets?

    And before someone cites climate change… : Asian hornets are likely to have arrived in shipments of goods from Asia or in vehicles from mainland Europe. With the right wind conditions they may be able to fly over the the Channel. (Times) – not for our little Asian hornet friends the bother of waiting around for Border Force or the RNLI to arrive to escort them over.

    Speaking of little Asians… more from Rishi Sunak later…

    Summer is STILL a few weeks away (Daily Star) – we’ll leave that one with the fact checkers – more from them later

    Keir Starmer says women CAN have a penis as he finally stops fence-sitting to side with trans activists (GB News, April 2023)

    You may think that was odd. Scientifically improbable. Impossible even. But stranger things have happened…

    Lammy: My nuclear conversion,. Shadow foreign secretary on his weapons U-turn (‘i’)

    In somewhat of a counter to the miserablist campaigning of euthenasia enthusiast Esther Rantzen to which we have become all too accustomed, today we note: Hero Rob’s final message… ‘Whatever your personal battle, be brave and face it. Every single day is precious… Don’t waste a moment’ (Daily Mirror)

    Here’s a mystery to make Inspector Maigret drop his pipe…

    In a similar obituary vein: Russia link suspected in Eiffel Tower coffin mystery… French intelligence officials believe Russia is behind a stunt in which five coffins draped in a French flag and bearing the inscription “French soldiers of Ukraine” were deposited near the Eiffel Tower. (BBC)

    The Kremlin learning the art of the publicity stunt from the likes of Just Stop Oil, perhaps?

    Moscow reacted angrily last month to President Emmanuel Macron’s repeated refusal to rule out sending soldiers to Ukraine. (BBC)

    Perhaps western military personel are already secretly counted among Ukraine war casualties? They’d tell us if that were the case, right?

    If our much celebrated fact checkers are busily onto it then there’s no smoke without fire, eh?

    No evidence Russian missile strike hit ‘NATO logistics hub’ in Ukraine… Our verdict… Although the video does show the damage caused by a Russian missile strike in Odessa, there is no evidence this was a NATO building…. NATO told Full Fact that the building depicted in the video was not a NATO building. (Full Fact) – Mr AsI’s verdict: Nato is of course indubitably trustworthy

    Nato plots land routes to rush troops to Russia (Telegraph) – absolutely nothing to worry about there then.

    Kudos to the Daily Mail cartoonist Pugh. We always say our comic scribblers are able to convey a far more politically pungent take on events than we tend to find in those bland headlines. We like his spicy commentary on a newspaper billboard headline: ‘Farage vows to destory the Tories’ – as he draws a pair of blue rosette sporting chaps departing Westminster in a hurry who comment: “We’re doing a perfectly good job without him”

    What of the Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express (formerly longtime United with the people of Ukraine) you ask?

    The Number 10 line is: Vote for Farage ‘is more likely to end up with Starmer in No10’ (Daily Express) – Rishi, mate, that’s already factored in. The point of this election from a conservative-minded voter’s point of view is now to punish our traitorous Tories to the max.

    The Times follows the market reaction to yesterday’s FT report on big pharma in the dock: Almost £7 billion was wiped off the market value of GSK after the pharmaceutical giant suffered a setback in its costly legal battle over Zantac, its heartburn treatment (Times)

    Matt is away from today’s mildly conservative Telegraph and it’s small comfort but alone of all the big national titles this has been the one organ that has preserved a tiny glimmer of healthy scepticism ‘pandemic’-wise: Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths (Telegraph)

    ‘The Doctor is a good role model’ (Telegraph) – nope, this is nothing to do with: Junior doctors call five-day strike just before election (BBC) – this is instead actor Peter Davison, that rather forgettable in the role Doctor, pitching in to defend the classic BBC sci-fi franchise: Doctor Who: Alienating Your Audience… Its ratings have slumped, it’s been criticised as overly political – even “propaganda” by some, and with the season finale of Series 12 (The Timeless Children), has received MAJOR backlash from even the more diehard of Whovians… Looking at the ratings, there is a big slump. (A welcome debut hereabouts for Transmedia Blueprint ‘Film. Franchise. Fandom ‘)

    Where goes Doctor Who so goes the BBC as a whole?

    Compared to studio franchises like Marvel, Harry Potter, The Purge, Mission Impossible … whatever, they are designed to get the maximum number of people to pay and watch. Money is on the line. If people like it, it gets more money. If they don’t, it gets less – simple economics.

    But if Doctor Who “fails,” then there’s far less consequence, as it’s already being funded by the taxpayer – it’s already been renewed for another season despite more people tuning in for Antiques Roadshow at this point.

    …it does put the BBC in a weird position. In theory, absolutely nobody needs to watch Doctor Who and they could still produce it as a sort of “national icon.”

    It makes sense for a state-owned property to want to promote tolerance and diversity; which is far from a bad message. But that comes at the cost of a compelling, nuanced Sci-Fi series. After all, you couldn’t have a character ever challenge a positive message of inclusivity and social equality, could you?

    The last time Doctor Who had ratings this low, it was during the 80s when the writing for Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh Doctor struggled to find an audience. The writing was more politicised, they had an unsubtle stand in for Margaret Thatcher in an episode, there were talks of revising the Doctor’s origins, and eventually it was cancelled. (Transmedia Blueprint)


    • moggiemoo says:

      Tolerance and diversity would be a reasonable message if it wasn’t for the fact that, in general, ‘the diverse’ are extremely intolerant.


      • Zephir says:

        Couldn’t have said it better myself.

        So many of them sexist, homophobic violently tribalist and extremely racist.


    • G says:

      Where’s’ the subject of ‘Conscription’ gone?

      Silence because the political class know that the islamic contingent in the Home Office is just waiting to produce legislation which bans issuing any weapon to a recruit. Call it, ‘Offensive Weapons’, Job done.


  44. Fedup2 says:


    Comrade Robinson v Cleverley

    Hopefully cleverley is another blue labour minister about to lose his seat . Not the sharpest knife in the box is mr cleverley – unable to explain the failure of 14 years of blue labour shambolic cowardly government ….


  45. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Bbbc radio newcastle news this morning.

    Plenty of Labour, Conservative and libdem news yet strangely silent about the huge political event yesterday.

    Perhaps they think that if they don’t mention about Nigel becoming Reform Leader and Standing for election it might go away. Their silence is deafening.

    How very bbc.


    • Guest Who says:

      Twitter pol media is a farce. It’s a totally insular bubble.

      If ever something pro right cuts through there’s a pile on. If on the BBC troll bots start accusing them of being Tories. If the BBC’s Labour Islam team get snarky and are slapped down they are suddenly heroes of the jihad.


  46. tomo says:


    John Cleese’s senility :


    • MarkyMark says:

      “I’m supporting Biden, who is fundamentally a decent
      man,” – he can buy some art work from Hunter Biden to support the decent man!


    • StewGreen says:

      Everything Cleese says there is false

      Cleese has got 5.5 million followers
      … but got less than 1000 Likes


    • Fedup2 says:

      Probably the meds


  47. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      When you have separate laws you have inequality


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        ‘To promote inequality, introduce separate laws’.


        • JohnC says:

          Or to summarise what the Left stand for now:

          Fighting racist discrimination with racist discrimination.
          Fighting sexist discrimination with sexist discrimination.

          The just swapped the colour/sex.

          The only justification I have seen them make is that blacks have been the subject of racism for so long, they deserve to get it reversed as compensation.

          Quite the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. But after watching them all go out to support terrorists because they have no clue what is actually going on, nothing surprises me from these people now. They live in their own bubble.


  48. tomo says:


  49. digg says:

    Some might see this as robust journalism by the BBC.


    I see it has sensationalist opportunist bandwagonning for brownie points unbefitting an impartial national broadcaster.

    The interviewer is acting like a down-at-heal bailiff or red-top paparrazi News hound, on the attack with no proof whatsoever at this stage.

    Very unprofessional but expected from the BBC of late!

    A new low!


    • MarkyMark says:

      Maybe chase other MPS around the street?


    • tomo says:


      The rot is deep…..

      Let’s not forget that the architects for Grenfell shuttered shop + ran away to Oz before the smoke subsided….


      • digg says:

        I’m not at all suggesting that this lady might have been involved, it’s the entitled attack approach adopted by the BBC reporter that has an odour about it. Could the reporter not have approached the lady without a Mike and camera rolling to see if she would agree to an interview first. The method used was purely to guarantee negative footage.

        What actually occurred was the modern equivalent of a witches ducking-stool trial.

        I would expect this from the Mail or the Mirror but the BBC?


        • tomo says:

          yeah, fair point – the BBC’s footsoldiers are a mixed bag eh?

          If prior attempts at eliciting comments have failed d/t refusal – then confrontation is legitimate – but the context should be elaborated.


  50. tomo says: