288 Responses to Start the Week 3rd June 2024

  1. wwfc says:

    She says it as it is


  2. tomo says:

    Guardian lies noted – but they’ll not stop, – just morph wording to circumvent the rule…


  3. tomo says:

    More Airplane! FUD


  4. tomo says:


  5. tomo says:

    Dr. Shillary?


  6. andyjsnape says:

    Selective liking by the bbc:-

    White House expected to unveil sweeping immigration order

    Of cause its Biden, can only imagine how the rewrite would be if this was the former President Trump


  7. tomo says:


    Surkeer hacked?


  8. Zephir says:

    Ain’t diversity great

    Part 657

    “Revealed: Three newborn babies who were tragically found dumped in parks in London across seven year period belong to the SAME parents – after DNA test on child found in shopping bag earlier this year”



  9. tomo says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]

      In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]



    • Zephir says:

      Clear case of dafamation / Libel / malicious allegations here, take them to court


  10. Fedup2 says:

    World at one

    The BBC has remembered there are ‘hostages ‘ in Gaza again . It doesn’t want to mention its’ ally – Islamic Hamas or its vile conduct in slaughter on 7 October or taking hostages as pawns in a ‘negotiation ‘…
    Instead it just wants to go for the Israeli PM – who is ‘unapproved ‘..
    And now a hare brained plan for Obama to negotiate a release of hostages with US passports …

    I know I’m not connected to the whole business – but perhaps a policy should be set by Israel that hostages will never be the subject of negotiations – so there is no value in abducting and torturing people as is happening now .

    Instead Israel should just increase the response to Hamas Palestine ….if only to make it clear to Islamic Hamas what will happen if it does a 7 October again …

    Keep going IDF .. do what must be done


  11. Fedup2 says:

    GBNews puts up a feed of the Farage rally in Clacton – on YouTube – but GBNews being as amateur as ever – no sound – nothing changes …

    I’ve dipped in and out – it runs for 100 minutes – I’m sure those attending will be described as ‘football yobs ‘by the MSM … without ‘verify ‘ checking such a claim .

    I think they wish Essex didn’t exist …


  12. tomo says:

    The back story appears away from the MSM

    The Mannheim knife murderer had his asylum claim was rejected in 2014 but he was never deported, living illegally until he was regularised after having a child with a German.


  13. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      14 years – 0 boats stopped


      Resilient. Resourceful. Ready. Capable of taking on any maritime military operation at a moment’s notice.

      Meet the fleet
      Over the next decade, £41 billion will be invested in world-class tech and support for the Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary – including autonomous mine-hunters and ocean surveillance vessels – so that we remain an agile, unrivalled force ready to respond to advanced threats.

      Inspiration Class
      Our five new Type 31 frigates will be at the heart of the Surface Fleet – intercepting threats, gathering intelligence and providing humanitarian support.

      Coastal Forces Squadron

      HMS Archer (P264)
      HMS Archer is the lead ship of the Archer-class patrol and training vessels. Find out more about her history, role and crew here.
      HMS Biter (P270)
      HMS Biter (P270)
      HMS Biter is one of the 14 Archer-class patrol vessels that form the Coastal Forces Squadron providing inshore patrol across UK waters.
      HMS Blazer (P279)
      HMS Blazer (P279)
      HMS Blazer has one of the most vital jobs in the Royal Navy: inspiring the next generation as sea training vessel for Southampton University Royal Naval Unit.
      HMS Charger (P292)
      HMS Charger (P292)
      HMS Charger is a small but valued ship. Training students and getting out there to engage with the public in smaller ports are her main tasks.


      • taffman says:

        So what does Border Force (Farce) do?


        • tomo says:

          Provide storage for abandoned inflatable boats at Dover?


        • MarkyMark says:

          Protect them from you! HA HA HA HAHA!


          • taffman says:

            As the Channel weather improves expect more criminal invaders, and more promises of “stop the boats”.
            D Day in reverse. An an insult to all those lives lost eighty years ago .


  14. Guest Who says:

    BBC would look bare without.

    NHS, care sector, entrepreneurs, wealth creation, sporting prowess, job creation, bus drivers, security guards, cleaners, education.

    Nihal lists those who he needs to serve him in Pret.


  15. Terminal Moraine says:

    Another clueless writeup from a Dutch academic in the Guardian struggling to make sense of the political landscape. As is always the case, he’s not able to imagine any scenario other than a stupid electorate bamboozled by fraudulent populists: “Don’t blame voters for a far right surge in Europe. Blame the far right’s mainstream copycats”.

    The good news is that those not buying it are the highest rated comments:

    “The ‘far right’ as the author calls them would lose most of their influence overnight if Countries just did something about immigration. People are fed up having to put up with it at the levels it is.”
    “For the thousandth time… If voters felt that their concerns were being understood and addressed by the cuddly centrists, then the ‘far right’ (what does that even mean any more?) would have nothing to offer them. Plainly, that isn’t the case.”



    • MarkyMark says:

      “Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        The numbers have changed since then – it now needs to be a new house every two minutes. And 14 primary care hospitals a year. Plus 200 schools a year. And 150 health centres/clinics per year. And an extra 1000 doctors and nurses per year. Plus 750 dentists per year. Plus more gas, electricity, water, sewage disposal, roads, food procurement, refuse collection. And on and on…


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Not sure who it was, but somebody once said “If you don’t listen to reasonable men when you have the chance, you’ll eventually be forced to submit to unreasonable men when you no longer have the choice”.


  16. tomo says:

    Congress as a whole easily beat the market in 2023. Democrats managed an average return of 31.18%, and Republicans saw an average return of 17.99%. That’s compared to the S&P 500 returning 24.23%, according to estimates from Unusual Whales.


    I wonder what Westminster numbers are?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “For example, Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) was traded or held by members, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), while the CHIPS and Science Act was being negotiated and voted on. Other members made opportunely timed trades in early 2023 involving banks under distress and their rescuers. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) traded corn futures while serving on the Agriculture Committee.”


  17. atlas_shrugged says:

    Massive cyber hack on the anychess in londonistan. A “major IT incident”


    Perhaps we need the option of ‘puter-free health care. Alternatively the anychess could contact Mr Fauci because he may know about communicating by burner phone and personal courier.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Don’t annoy the Chinese or Russians!

      “An Australian company that runs a strategically crucial heavy rare earth project has been revealed to have been targeted in a suspected cyber attack as Treasurer Jim Chalmers orders Chinese investors to be removed.

      On Monday Mr Chalmers instructed Yuxio Fund and four other international companies linked to China to divest their shares in Northern Minerals which operates the Browns Range mine in Western Australia’s Kimberley region.

      The Australian company wants to become the first substantial producer of dysprosium — a key component used in electric vehicles — outside of China.”



  18. tomo says:

    tsk… all those MPs not standing on July 4th are heading off to deal with doze wikid wushinz, aren’t they?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Douglas Macgregor
      BREAKING: NATO now planning to get US troops to the front-line to fight RUSSIA..

      What are they thinking?

      NATO has disclosed its preparations to deploy American troops to the European frontlines in the event of a full-scale conflict with Russia.

      Innovative ‘land corridors’ are being established to expedite the movement of soldiers through central Europe, bypassing local bureaucratic hurdles.

      This strategic setup enables NATO forces to swiftly react should Putin’s aggressive actions in Ukraine extend westward.

      Reports suggest that these plans also encompass provisions for potential Russian attacks.

      In such scenarios, troops could mobilize through corridors in Italy, Greece, and Turkey to reach the Balkans, or alternatively, advance towards Russia’s northern border via Scandinavia.

      These details were shared by officials with The Telegraph.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Just hope the wind isn’t blowing our way when it happens ..

      … can’t see a reason for wasting American lives in an Eastern European war – let the krauts and neighbours deal with it – and not the UK …


      • MarkyMark says:



      • tomo says:

        Project 100,000

        AKA “Moron Corps”

        Many departing MPs won’t have trouble qualifying

        “the majority of enlistees had difficulty absorbing their training, they not only put themselves in danger, but their comrades as well”


  19. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Up2snuff says:

        tomo, at the recent central London demo Tommy Robinson introduced a Christian Speakers Corner preacher and had him speak. The video is on the Weekend Thread on this site. If TR is Christianly-inclined he will be, of course, supportive of Israel.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Men who wear hats indoors – not done – he’s really got a baldness thing …


  20. micknotmike says:

    Top story on the scumbc is that Nigel Farage has had a drink thrown at him. Why is this top story? Also, she “only gave her name as victoria”. Didn’t the police take her surname when they arrested her? She will have to give it to the magistrate when she has her day in court.
    I was going to say “Tell her employer too” but I’d put money on her not having a job.
    Actually I’d put money on her not being arrested either.
    Why can’t the courts jail these oiks for 48 hours? That’s all it would take to inconvenience them, and for the responsible adults in their lives to see what they are.
    The craziest thing is that they would describe themselves as democratic. Hypocrisy with a capital hyp.


    • tomo says:

      Why can’t the courts jail these oiks for 48 hours?

      Back in the day (1980s) it was routine for police to arrest and get people remanded, and then stuff them in a prison 150 miles away and push sticks through the spokes of the bail process… – but these days that’s reserved for people who go around putting up stickers?


    • BRISSLES says:

      Maybe it’s me (or my age) but I find the use of the word “scum” distinctly unpalatable . I know the similar “scab” is used for picket line breakers, but since Angela Rayner coined scum, that is a more prevalent northern word, its being used more and more. Classy it isn’t.


      • Scroblene says:


        Great to see your name in lights again – I was soooo concerned…

        My dad used to foam at the mouth when some mental lightweight said that if things were going wrong in politics it was a ‘Diabolical liberty’!

        Back then, the ‘stupids’ liked long words, now, with their continuing substandard education, fewer letters suffice…


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Inevitable really – now every candidate becomes a target . But I wondered whether mr farage would survive the next 4 weeks – and sadly I really still do . His protection people really need to be in the wide awake club .

    And there will silence in many quarters …

    As for her – there needs to be severe consequences …


    • Zephir says:

      She need a good kick in the face for a start and dragged over the railings by her hair to arrest her with a knee in the throat maybe


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Permanent ban from Spoons then?


    • micknotmike says:

      Evening Fed, your comment about security made me think. How did she get within a few feet of Mr. Farage without security spotting quite a large drinks carton? If any harm comes to him, his minders need to know that they will be going away for a long time. Neglect of duty of whatever the civilian equivalent is.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Mick ,
        Judging by the initial coverage of Clacton by GB News it looked very informal but with a lot of people ( supporters ) there …
        Perhaps it’s an indication of how fragile Reform planning and resourcing is … and that’s unlikely to improve in the amount of effort needed to run the campaign for the next week .
        And probably most ‘thinking ‘ is going into the next 6 hours yet alone the next 24 /48 / week ….

        I’d volunteer my services as I have experience in logistics and planning and contingencies … but alas my over 2000 miles away ….
        When such things occur it’s important it doesn’t become a ‘pattern ‘ particularly if mr farage goes to more hostile places with more organised threats ….

        It wouid be in both red and blues interests for him to no longer exist …


    • BRISSLES says:

      Judging by the look of her age, I’m only surprised she knows who he is ! Nige certainly isn’t a Love Island contestant which is probably her level of intelligence.


  22. Zephir says:

    Never heard about this in 2018, I wonder why ?

    “Hunter Biden trial live: President’s son bought revolver while smoking crack ‘every 15 minutes’ and living a life of ‘non-stop debauchery’, court hears.

    At the opening of his trial on gun and drug charges in Wilmington, Delaware prosecutors said Biden was ‘smoking crack every 15 minutes’ when he purchased the gun on October 12, 2018.”



  23. taffman says:

    The best way to repay that attack by that silly liquid throwing child is to vote for The Reform Party and Nigel Farage .


    • Scroblene says:

      Taff, the silly little bitch’s tantrum is headline news on the National Broadcaster’s website!


      Says it all really!

      What a pethetic bunch of also-rans we have in W1AA, festering on taxpayers’ money.


      • taffman says:

        Repay that overpaid broadcaster by not paying the archaic telly tax. Save yourself some money .


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        The politician was walking out of the Moon & Starfish – part of the JD Wetherspoon pub chain run by prominent Brexiteer Tim Martin – to the Reform UK party bus at the time.

        Permanent ban of the mad cow at all Spoons nationwide! Tim will fix it for us.


  24. taffman says:

    How many boats have been stopped ? How many “illegals” has Rishi deported since he took over defending this country ?


  25. Guest Who says:

    Can’t imagine what would drive such extremes.

    Is it appropriate for @r4Today presenter Mishal Husein, to become involved in an hostile clash with Nigel Farage about his view that Muslims are not subscribing to British values, when as a Muslim herself, she clearly has her own private thoughts about the subject?
    With ratings collapsing on the show, the editor and producers saw the stand-off as an audience winner. They were wrong.
    The palpable irritability of Ms Husein got in the way of a deep dive into Farage’s thinking.
    A mistake for her both journalistically and personally. After a decade it’s time to move on. Mastermind and University Challenge have gone, but I’m sure something could be found.

    As ever, the #tellitoftenenough crowd deployed to claim ‘not enough dead Jews’ was a voice of sweet reason.


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC getting Jo Brand on QT?



    • Fedup2 says:

      Perhaps it’s time for a ‘history of Islam ‘ which should start a ‘debate ‘ within the Muslim ‘communities ‘ ….


      • Scroblene says:

        Isn’t it a shame that we have to discuss foreign ‘religions’ here all the time!

        We have enough problems with our own lot without worrying about islamic stuff, ‘funny’ bods in silly kit and general layabouts…

        Great Britain is a Christian country, so if anyone wants to visit, even stay here, then we have our rules.

        If you don’t like them, well fuck off.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Fed & Scrobie, I recommend a slim volume (78 pages + glossary + appendices) ‘A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Islam’ by Patrick Sookhdeo. If you want heavier duty reads look for the books by Rev. Dr. Bill Musk who has written about folk Islam, from memory the Yazidis, and possibly other groupings within the Muslim faith.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Up2 – thanks but I have absolutely no interest in that apart from trying to seek out the weaknesses of an enemy . My suggestion about meesh doing a ‘history ‘ was a malign one ….
            A long long time ago – the 1990s – I was involved in how Islam would develop in the West – fueled by all that oil money pouring from Saudi – then it all took off with 9/11…. And the consequences …

            So keep going IDF …


  26. friend of yogi bear says:


    Evan Davis on the P.M. programme does enjoy a giggle and more often a snigger….but I was forced to listen to him today for some while. I was sat in the barber’s chair, until mercifully the hairdresser changed channels… with the comment “for gods sake shut up” l think something might be wrong in that studio, perhaps a laughing gas leak, he never stops giggling away. No wonder the audience figures have collapsed for his programme , just like all the other current affairs “news programmes” on the BBC.

    Now that is worth laughing at!


    • Scroblene says:

      I’ve got a haircut planned for Monday morning, Yoges…

      My cutter tells me about everything she’s cooking for the next month, has a fabulous chatline, and, does all the talk without a hint of beeboid, lumpen stupidity, because she’s a lovely, normal lady with a fabulous figure – and ‘they’ do get a bit close on quite a few occasions…!

      The only music is the sound of my whitened tresses softly reaching the floor, never to be adorned again, but she’s worth every penny of the fiver tip for knocking off a reducing mullet…

      As you may gather, I love her to bits, but please don’t tell Senora O’Blene – er – she already knows…


    • Northern Voter says:

      Little Evan was probably sat on somebody’s giggling pin.


    • Up2snuff says:

      F.o.y.b., I used to listen to PM regularly but got annoyed at something Carolyn Quinn said while caretaking for Evan during the early Syrian Civil War. Haven’t listened since despite the Montacutie’s pleas and trails for PM.


  27. tomo says:


  28. StewGreen says:

    “staged” is trending cos crazy lefties say the girl who milkshakes Farage
    “Apparently she looks very like the Reform Parties
    press officer’s Girlfriend Emma Hewertson

    Here’s the crazy antifa BBC London historian endorsing milkshake attacks
    And in the process caught using the photos of two different girls.
    .. She’s locked replies, so you can’t comment


    • StewGreen says:

      Raw and the lefties are making a Conspiracy Theory

      At about 7pm the Sun named the perp as a Labour supporter who makes her living taking off her clothes on Only Fans


      • StewGreen says:

        Parallel case
        ” Angela Rayner’s son Ryan Batty and his wife are making a decent living by appearing together in porn film on Only Fans.

        According to Guido they’ve been at it since 2022 and charge a reasonable £5.50 a month,
        Ms Rayner has been seeking privacy for her family of late which I thought was due to her two homes row”


        ex beeboid Richard Bacon tweeted that that story should not have been reported
        He’s ex 5Live, ex Blue Peter
        all BBC are Labour supporters ?
        I saw Maitlis has been sneering at Farage (mentioned above I think)


      • StewGreen says:

        Victoria Thomas-Bowen says The Sun… https://x.com/TheSun/status/1798061182840181079


      • StewGreen says:

        BBC frequent guest Louise Raw seems double wrong
        as her tweet uses an image that seems photoshopped to me
        unless Farage has ladies hands



  29. Fedup2 says:

    British values – another scum BBC employees put a hitler moustache on green card and others – from thr DT

    A BBC cricket pundit has apologised for posting a photo on social media of Rishi Sunak with an Adolf Hitler moustache as he attacked the Government’s policy over Gaza.

    Qasim Sheikh, a former Scotland international cricketer who has just been appointed to the corporation’s commentary team, retweeted a picture featuring the Prime Minister, alongside other international leaders with similar moustaches added.

    The original post on X, formerly Twitter, has the caption “remember these child killers” while text on the image reads: “Kids Killer Union.”

    Mr Sunak is seen alongside Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, and Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, with their respective flags displayed on their foreheads.

    The group also includes Emmanuel Macron, the French president, and Giorgia Meloni and Justin Trudeau, the Italian and Canadian prime ministers.

    Mr Sheikh has now apologised for “any offence caused” in a statement issued by the BBC, indicating the broadcaster intends to keep him post.

    He said: “If my messages have caused people to think I am supporting the attacks of Oct 7, then that would not sit well with me, and I apologise for any offence this has caused. I would never seek to support any loss of innocent lives. That was not my intention.

    “I welcome the opportunity to clearly state my views. I have been clear from the outset that the killing of innocent lives is wrong. There is no way I would support what happened on Oct 7 as acceptable, it was morally reprehensible.

    “As is the ongoing situation in Gaza where many innocent lives continue to be lost – many of which are women and children. I will continue to call for a stop on the killing of innocent civilians, my message is clear for a ceasefire and a stop to all conflict.”

    Mr Sheikh, 39, shared the post in January among a series of others which criticised Israel’s retaliatory action following Hamas’s Oct 7 attacks.

    He also accused Israel of lying about the al-Ahli hospital rocket attack, in which hundreds of people died on Oct 17. Israel has denied responsibility for the strike and blamed a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    One of his posts read: “Many innocent Palestinians have just lost their lives in a hospital bombing. To make it even worse the oppressor Israel has tried to blame someone else for the bombing.”

    Israel demands BBC ‘upholds standards’
    In the wake of Hamas’s attack on Israel, which killed around 1,200 people, Mr Sheikh said: “The UK/US instantly stand with Israel today, although they have stayed quiet for years on the atrocities committed by Israel over Palestine. Claiming Palestine has no justification to attack, don’t they have a right to defend themselves.”

    He also accused both Mr Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, of being “genocide enablers”.

    Orly Goldschmidt, an Israeli embassy spokesman, said: “We condemn all anti-Semitic acts and remarks. We expect the BBC to uphold its stated editorial values and standards, and believe such standards should be applied wherever such ani-Semitic rhetoric occurs within the organisation.”

    The messages emerged after Mr Sheikh, who was capped 27 times for Scotland, was hired by the BBC to provide commentary for the T20 World Cup which started over the weekend.

    On Tuesday, Mr Sheikh will make his debut for England’s opening group stage match against Scotland in Bridgetown, Barbados.

    In 2022, he spoke out about the “devastating” racism he suffered while playing for Scotland after an independent review that highlighted 448 examples of institutional racism and led to the resignation of the entire Cricket Scotland board.

    The BBC introduced social media guidelines to improve impartiality in September following a review of its policies. The guidelines state that presenters of “flagship programmes” must not “criticise the character of individual politicians”.

    The guidelines also require “respect and civility in public discourse”.They were introduced after a series of tweets by Gary Lineker, the presenter of Match of the Day, in which he was critical of the government.Ends

    His full name is Mohammad Qasim Sheikh.


  30. StewGreen says:

    @Marky ..you wanted a photo of Lammy on his taxpayer funded bicycle
    .. https://x.com/liblabluv/status/1798023038300287113


  31. Fedup2 says:

    Time for the new thread – BBC prepares to intimidate and criticise Reform and Nigel Farage – Definately not approved and Definately wrong


  32. G says:

    Variations on a theme?

    A muslim would spit in your face.