The 5th of June – the original D Day – but held up because of the weather . During the BBC coverage of the 80th anniversary on the 6th – will there be a reference to ‘climate change ‘? How much will the BBC devalue such a sacred anniversary ? Rest in Peace all those boys whose lives were taken from them to free Europe ..
Midweek 5th June 2024
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The swamp getting in a tiz about tax promises – maybe they think we suffer from amnesia ? – reds and blues will both put up taxes …..
And I wouldn’t be surprised if interest rates have to stay up in order for red labour to borrow money to pay for welfare and ethnics are the rest …
BBC in a nutshell.
Gossipy, but interesting (in the sense that the lobby is covering for somebody, whereas in other cases (Johnson) they dwelled on the philandering). 👇
Mass graves and body bags: al-Shifa hospital after Israel withdrew its forces
Body bags because of? Did hamas leave these? or bbc are you making a headline that looks like its the “terrible” IDF
bbc dont forget that hamas build tunnels under these establishments, oww go on then forget about this, if the IDF are to finally rid us of this terrorist organisation then should the IDF only say please, please, please in the bbc bubble
oh, my….
can’t be an upto date picture, Biden only looks 78yrs old
What’s she on strike from? She doesn’t do anything.
She is busy being on strike! HAH HA HAHA!
“How Britain’s Met Office works the ‘Climate Change’ racket; a look at the mechanics of the thing”
Nicely put. I’m glad more people are realising what’s going on and, importantly, seeing which once respected authorities are chucking their hat in the ring to join others on the scam.
Elias is a crooked Democrat operative
YouTube – Uncommon Knowledge – about an hour of Douglas Murray – worth the watch – he thinks ‘something is coming ‘ akin to 7 October in The West – EU US UK and the age of grievance needs to be replaced by the age of courage ….
.. he thinks that after the disaster of the blues here – the reds will put the UK in a deep freeze …
Autopsy evidence for the inflammatory properties of the nanoparticles used in vaccination to ferry mRNA and DNA to all the cells in the body producing autoimmunity via human production of spike proteins in ribosomes, contributing to myocarditis and cardiovascular disease by the destruction of blood cells leading to clotting, as well as neurological and oncological effects.
Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis:,were%20determined%20related%20to%20vaccination.
The remaining “Covid Vaccinated” are expected to be killed of by the release of “Disease X”. Only “Pure Bloods” and Ivermectin users are expected to survive.

You really can’t put any trust in the validity of this publication for two reasons. Firstly, from the introduction
As of 6 July 2023, SARS-CoV-2 has infected ~767,726 861 individuals around the world, causing 6,948 764 deaths.”
This is simply not true. SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated. It simply does not exist.
Secondly, if you look at all of the papers they reference in this meta-study you will see that they are basing their conclusions on correlating excess deaths to the vaccine rollout. This is fine. Many of us agree the ‘vaccine’ has killed around 17 million people worldwide.
However, there is no evidence the ‘spike’ protein exists because the same protocols the ‘experts’ use to ‘isolate’ the protein are the same methods they used to ‘isolate’ the virus.
In other words, they use indirect markers. They do not extract a unique protein from the tissue. Here is a typical example and of course, it is all wrapped up in a techno-gobbledegook so you as a layperson think this is genuine science.
“Recently, we and other researchers have been working on the development of a new type of sensing technology that can provide a precise quantitative response at the point of care: electrochemical aptamer-based (EAB) sensors. (22−27) This technology relies on the signal produced by a binding-induced conformational change of a redox reporter-modified aptamer on a gold electrode surface (Figure 1B). A variation in the target concentration induces a change in the aptamer conformation, which in turn changes the position of the redox reporter (here, we used Atto MB2, which is a methylene blue derivative) relative to the electrode surface, generating a quantitative electrochemical signal. (28−32) The precise analytical response of the EAB sensor is coupled with their quick response time (from a few seconds to 5 min) and extremely simple operation (single step), making them ideal diagnostic devices for COVID-19 monitoring through high-frequency testing. Motivated by this, here, we describe the development and characterization of a new EAB sensor against the SARS-CoV-2 S protein and its ability to recognize the target in undiluted samples (serum and artificial saliva) in its clinical range.”
They aren’t isolating anything. Before you can claim “we describe the development and characterization of a new EAB sensor against the SARS-CoV-2 S protein and its ability to recognize the target in undiluted samples” you have to isolate it. Since SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated neither has the spike protein.
I can guarantee you this test will test positive for any number of proteins. You could take a sample from a yum-yum fruit and it is just as likely to come up positive. During the plandemic they used PCR. The advantage of using something like PCR is you can ramp up the number of replication cycles to get fewer or more ‘positives’ on demand and create the illusion of a new ‘wave’ of infections.
It is a great tool to use to control a population. In 2020 we had a testdemic, not a pandemic.
I suspect that what is in the ‘vaccine’ is simply poison but the toxicity will vary. Either way, Tedros, a criminal and communist, and his buddies are coming for us all, so both injected and uninjected need to join forces and forget the past if they want to survive what is coming.
I listened to the P.M. BBC “news” programme again , just to see what the BBC chose as it’s headlines.
Evan Davis giggling and sniggering again? so what’s so funny Evan…he can’t stop snigger, snigger , snigger.
Off switch
How about a grown up to present the programme.
Ban fossil fuel ads to save the planet says the bonkers out of his head chief of the UN.
Ban the UN to save mankinds sanity says I.
Matt McGrath eh?
Mendacious weasel
Comments are presently open and predictable
Maybe a few less rockets coming for hammas to fire on civilians on a daily basis in Isreal then? (an act of war by any definition)
Maybe some rape drugs then ? oh, no need, the Israeli teenage girl hostages are already tied up ready to be abused.
So, the best he can do allow protests in favour of hostage raping, child murdering terrorists in London every week and get his Met goons to assault and pepper spray Tommy Robinson sitting in a cafe in London with his family.
650 MPS have not paid? 800 Lords have not paid?
Hmm, bbc ….Spot the real far rights…
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
I’m waiting to hear of Owen going to Palestine to support Islamic Hamas -mi bet they’d put the execution on YouTube …
Mr Owens last tweet:
“Welcome Mr Owens, lets take a walk along the top of this big wall whilst we talk, just so you can get a good view of the area, don’t worry about these other guys around you, we want you to feel safe”
Trigger warning for those of a delicate nature
Milkshake porn tart in Clacton maybe neeeds to educate herself
BBC report that knives are kept clean at these events. BBC verified.
Again, bbc, who Is the far right ?
Meanwhile back the ranch
A truly wonderful party political by the Lib-dems. It reduced me to tears ,as indeed it reduced Ed davey to tears. A neat trick especially as he knew what was coming in the broadcast.
He focussed on how people have been not cared for by “others” and quite right to. If it revealed anything it showed just how busy he was and that must be the reason why he failed the Sub postmasters/mistresses so very badly.
Why on earth would anybody trust this “very busy” man not to be too busy again , if in power.
Get lost Ed.
A truly wonderful party political by the Lib-dems. It reduced me to tears ,as indeed it reduced Ed davey to tears. A neat trick especially as he knew what was coming in the broadcast.
He focussed on how people have been not been cared for by “others” and quite right too. If it revealed anything it showed just how busy he was and that must be the reason why he failed the Sub postmasters/mistresses so very badly.
Why on earth would anybody trust this “very busy” man not to be too busy again , if in power.
Get lost Ed.
BBC local news
“Last year in America one pigeon died”
… Topic was people having extravagant parties to reveal the sex of their baby.
And then sometimes dying to plumage of animals.
Now they’ve moved on to doing PR for the anti-oilfield people at Biscathorpe
.. Now here’s the Green Party rep.
“No need for oil/gas we have solar/wind”
Same stupid argument
“this oilfield is so BIG it will emit loads of CO2
.. and it’s so SMALL that it won’t make any local money
.. and it will all go for export anyway”
Again, not for those of a delicate nature, posted because of the complete and utter hypocrisy of the bbc and others, wheres Owens when you need his opinions…
I was contracted to work in Luton for a couple of years, before this I had no idea of the gehettification and self rule they impose when in a small but total minority.
Hhere is a “convicted criminal” (Trump also being used in that fashion by the far left marxists now also)
“football thug ” talking to the Oxford Union students,
go figure, as they say…
Leftmob use Alinsky trickery
Like ambush naming.. ie the name of their orgs is not what they really stand for eg Hope Not Hate, Stand Up To racism ..who yesterday endorsed milk shaking
Today “United Against Fascism” also endorse milk shaking
Physical violence to intimidate your political opponents is of course pretty Fascist
They are so NOT confident in their stance
… That they’ve locked replies
BTW Louise Raw who first locker her own tweet , later deleted it completely
And seemingly at least one other.
Unite Against Fascism campaigns against the far right eg ‘Tommy Robinson’ & other racist & fascist individuals & organisations. Follow
@AntiRacismDay February 2009
10.2K Following
Famous Welshman:
Oh Dear, ‘ow sad, nevvah mind
Another corrupt ethnic lefty politician bites the dust – is there a £pattern£? If only for the emir …
Let’s hope Vaughan displays the absence of honour expected and demeans his office further by staying on .. I bet the vermin in the SNP know the feeling …
And the banana milk shake vermin has been charged …
So, Miranda’s devolution worked so well then….
As no-one else appears to have done, I will respond to Feds headline re D-Day, and re-iterate his sentiment of RIP boys.
Shortly before he died, I had the honour and privilege of being introduced to Bill Millin, the Piper who played before the troops landing on Sword Beach. He was in his 80s and wheelchair bound at the Paras dinner, but his handshake was strong, and though we had a lively chat for less than 10 minutes it was a conversation I’ll never forget. A humble man whose name is part of history.
Brissles – I chose the words carefully they were boys … you were privileged – I know he featured ( for real as they say ) in The Longest Day piping for Lord Lovett at Pegasus Bridge …
And as I write this I try to imagine – at this exact time – that airborne fleet heading out across to France ….
Longest Day is long and disjointed but I suppose if people want to know about D Day it’s the best so far just for the size and complexity of it ….
Reading some of the accounts – such by Anthony beaver is heart breaking …
.. and then I think about ‘now’ when the British and French States choose not to stop mass illegal entry to Britain ….
I’ve always wanted to go to the Normandy Area – as well as the WW1 battlefields / cemetaries … maybe one day …
You should. My brother did just that and experienced the Last Post at the Menin Gate at Ypres. My own “experience” was different, and across the world, it was the Memorial Garden and Museum at Hiroshima. It deeply impacted me.
My brother and I visited Ypres a couple of times and the last post played at the Menin Gate is particularly moving.
Our great uncle Fred was killed at a place known as “The spoil mound” in late April 1918, just a couple of miles from the town and we were there 100 years to the day to pay our respects and to lay poppies as close to the place he was killed as I could find.
It’s a beauty spot now and very tranquil, with two immaculate Lutyens cemeteries. There are lots of little ponds where the cattle come down to drink that were originally made by artillery shells. The whole area is peppered with them. It’s a lovely area, with lots of twitchers, dog walkers, ramblers and occasional cyclists and I don’t think I’ve ever heard so many cuckoos.
It’s almost impossible to imagine the horrors those poor young men went through.
Uncle Fred died in 1918, but it wasn’t just his life that was lost. His parents never recovered from the loss and my poor aunt’s life was ruined. She was a really sweet natured woman and would have made a lovely mum, but she never remarried and missed him until the day she died in 1968, just over 50 years later.
An absolute tragedy…
I can really recommend visiting the museum beside Pegasus bridge in Normandy.
That was an astonishing operation taking the bridge with the gliders.
Amd now we are being invaded ( with ther help of the RNLI daily }
by those that despise us and cannot wait to get thierr parts in white girls of any age
(fighting age men “fleeing war, 25 year s old pretending to be 16or younger year old)
@ Berissle, you may not like the some words but they may apply sometimes quite presisely
Just a thought about the current Tory party. If Margaret Thatcher applied for a Conservative seat now, would the Conservative Party allow her to stand?
Non – somewhere along the line CCHQ was infiltrated by red wokes whose job was to destroy the blues from within … they’ve done a job beyond dreams …
In answer to the question – ‘no’ ….
Luton, msilim ghhetro racism in action
brave brave men how their sacrifice was betrayed and look how europe is now
As we all know it’s the 80th anniversary of D Day tomorrow and there will be commemorations across the country. It was also the day my old dad, as a very young and raw recruit, was travelling by train to Felixstowe to be inducted into the Royal Navy. He kept a war time diary, which I now have, and he writes about the rumours going about the train…D Day, of course, had been very hush-hush…
In a month’s time we have a quite morbidly dispiriting general election…where we’ll go through the all too predictable Punch and Judy political pantomime, before Wishy Washy vacates number ten…and is exchanged for another two-faced globalist placement. Utterly pointless.
There are very few left from the war years, but I still meet up with a dwindling number at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. Most are bemused at the state of our country. Some ask, “Why did we risk our lives?” Others say, “The country has been given away.” With over a million foreigners entering our island each year “legally” and over fifty thousand being ferried across by our border farce, I can hardly argue.
Throughout the war years hundreds of thousands of young British men willingly gave their lives to defend our nation from invasion.
And our politicians have given it away…
Excellent post Jeff!
I hope your dad arrived back home safe and well.
In the early 1990s we visited the Pegasus Bridge to see exactly what went on. There was a new bridge installed, and we poked around and found the original structure languishing in a field nearby…
A poignant moment!
Luckily, there’s this report, which renews my belief in the recall of such bravery!
Indeed, our spineless, thick, self-serving, inadequate, philandering politicians have just handed back everything those men fought for.
They’re a bloody shower.
We went in 2017 to Normandy and visited the Pegasus Bridge and the museum nearby where the original bridge is now. I would definitely recommend a revisit as the museum was extremely fascinating and the staff incredibly helpful and friendly.
Nicely put Jeff. My Dad too was on Russian convoys, and though a far from religious man, he travelled by train to Scotland to start his deployment, and would often say how good the Salvation Army was, as they would be at stations handing out tea, biscuits and soup to teens and twenties, who were travelling to fight with little money on them for a hot drink.
Brissles, the Sally Ann were just fabulous back then!
Their commitment to assistance for the needy and desperate – and men on their way to fight for their country, and a general wish for the wellbeing of everyone is such a flag-waving experience, I can’t think of a better organisation to do what they did for your dad!
My dad once mentioned the train coming back from Dunkirk in 1940. They stopped at Headcorn station, ( a few miles from here), and there were piles of sandwiches, and mugs of tea for everyone!
Guess who!
Ditto !
One of my Uncle’s was on Atlantic Convoys in the Merchant Navy ……torpedoed three times…..once would be bad luck but three times ! , luckily survived and went on to live to be 86 . Always a very humble man about his past like they all were but he was always upset about his pay being stopped when the ship was sunk . Lots of funny stories without a mention of the true horror of it all .
And now we have RNLI Taxi Service and Border Farce bringing invaders here and we put them in Hotels its a huge insult to all those that gave their lives to keep us Free 😔
TWatO Watch #1 – BBC normally like the IFS so why not now?
The Conservative v. Labour Tax Row. It continues on from TOADY into TWatO. If I recall correctly it is the IFS who claim Labour will have to increase taxes on everyone. That is not to say that the Civil Service have not deliberately sabotaged the Conservative General Election campaign. Whitehall is still smarting over Brexit. Gus O’Donnell was very helpful to the Montacutie in saying all the right things about the Civil Service. And yes, he was a Civil Servant during the Blair/Brown Government era.
From Wiki:
“On 10 January 2012, O’Donnell was created a life peer as Baron O’Donnell, of Clapham in the London Borough of Wandsworth, and was introduced in the House of Lords, where he sits as a crossbencher, on 12 January 2012.[31] In his first speech in the House of Lords, in June 2012, he warned that too many Treasury officials were leaving, that staff are underpaid, and that the Treasury may be struggling to address the problems caused by the ongoing global financial turmoil.”
Hmmmnnnn …. warned about Treasury ‘officials’ ….yes. He would say that, wouldn’t he? I wonder what former PM Liz Truss thinks of Treasury Officials ….. ?
I also wonder why the BBC didn’t go to the IFS for a comment? They like the IFS, the BBC do.
SKY news and GB news both have the top story of how close Reform is to the Conservatives in a new poll , but no mention on the BBC website.
Just read Nadine Dorries’ piece in the DE!
The momentum for ridding the redtories really has got going since Nigel Farage got up on his hind legs!
And there’s still four weeks to go!
Look at the difference in Mr Farage’s positive, meaningful rhetoric, against the Bidenesque mumblings coming from Sunak and Strummer, boringly burbling all the same drivel that they churn out at every election…
As you say, absolutely nothing in the beeboid state cubiclist daily briefing.
It’s on Sky though, a bit snidey which is to be expected…
Slovak PM blames shooting on opposition’s ‘hatred’
It annoys me when the hypocrite Left try to blame the Right for causing divisions in society. The BBC are implicitly threatening us on a daily-basis how the far-Right (never just ‘right wing’ these days) are ‘on the rise’ with clear intent to make us all think the Nazis are back.
What they NEVER go near is how these right-wing parties are only ‘on the rise’ because of the Leftist Globalist fascists doing all the things that fascists do. And they don’t like it.
THEY are spreading division and hatred by labelling everyone they don’t agree with (ie anyone who is right-wing) as racists/islamphobics/misogynists/homophobics and anything else which sounds nasty they can come up with. It’s a classic case of left-wing projection.
And as a result this man got shot. But what they will not do is make the link between why that happened and why Farage got liquid thrown over him while out campaigning. It’s exactly the same thing. And because the likes of the BBC are not making the HUGE story about it that they should (basically because they caused it and are secretly happy it happened), every vile Left activist now has an eye on doing the same thing.
And the most bitter ones, the one most full of hate (ie the sort who comment on BBC HYS these days) will be hoping someone DOES use acid and gets rid of Farage forever.
THAT is the truth of it.
One more time: the people who most loudly and continuously claim that they are combatting “disinformation” are the exact people who spread it most aggressively and easily
Presumably bbc tni, including Dopes and a Strumpet, were up their necks in it?
Jen and Springster would make lovely couple.
Was watching BBC Springwatch with Chris Packham.
Noticed his big chunky leather boots. Now they are either:
1) Made from Genuine cattle Hide leather, in which case he is contributing to made made climate change as Cows fart a lot.
2) Made from so called “Vegan Leather” derived from oil.
I wonder which it is.
Notable urban disparity and a national security minister caught celebrating his own nation edition
Ah, those amusing little accidental juxtapositions of frontpage features…
Thought for the Day We will never forget them (Daily Star)
Gail Platt quitting Corrie (Daily Star)
For the unintiated, those tv soap non-consciente among us, this soap dish was the one who in her romantic scenes was oddly reminiscent of a hamster on heat – played by actress Helen Worth, over the decades since 1974 the Coranation Street character Gail has further gloried in the surnames: Potter, Tilsley, Hillman, Rodwell and McIntyre.
Her story line with Brian Tilsley was perhaps the dramatic high point as the pair eventually divorced, but got back together for the sake of their children and married again in February 1988. The marriage did not last and on 15 February 1989, Brian was stabbed to death whilst protecting a woman from some youths outside a nightclub. Such is the hoary old knockabout stuff of soap operas.
Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
Sunak lied to country over Labour tax and spend plans, says Starmer (Guardian); We’ll tackle murder law loopholes, vow Tories (Times); Hunt issues challenge to Starmer over taxes on property (Telegraph) – we would appear to have completed the circle from hamster on heat to our out-going chancellor, the startled meerkat
“Hey Google AI, give me another picture of Jeremy Hunt where he doesn’t looked as though he’s been crossed with a meerkat… but this time have him look a lot less uncanny… and by the way, preferably not black… if that’s at all possible, given your woke programming?”
The Starmer-bromancing Times suddenly goes uncharacteristically all conservative on our ass this morning: If parents want to curb the amount of time that their children spend staring at a screen they should limit their own screen use, a study has found – well, I’ll go to the foot of our stairs… you could have knocked me down with a feather!
About this time of the morning we tend to enjoy a calm down dear or two with our cornflakes
I’m a 42-year-old single woman – that doesn’t make me a cougar by Kate Lister (‘i’)
Well, luv, let me introduce: Meet Britain’s most eligible bachelors (Telegraph)
Wait a minute, scrub that – better snap them up double quick: UK’s most eligible bachelor is off the market – Duke of Westminster announces engagement. Hugh Grosvenor, 32, proposes to Olivia Henson, 30, at his family seat in Cheshire (Telegraph); Not enough men to go around in London’s dating scene, study finds… Data scientist reports a ‘notable urban disparity’ that has left women struggling to meet a family-oriented partner… In 2022, the birth rate in England and Wales dropped to the lowest on record (Telegraph)
Don’t worry, the Tories may have been a rather chocolate teapot on many an issue on their watch – but they have at least been addressing that one: Net migration was unusually high in 2023, at 685,000 (Migration Observatory)
Legalise it, we’ll advertise it
Magic mushrooms hepled my menopause, by restoring joy – calm down dear
I’m oddly reminded of one of those classic comic recordings by Bob Newhart (there’s one for the teenagers) – within a satirical skit about an office retirement party (yes, Ricky Gervais, there’s really nothing new under the sun) Bob recounts how a character in the company was know as old smiler – because he admits: “He had to get half-gassed to come into this crummy job every morning”
The dedicatedly anti-Brexit FT blames the impending Tory demise on… you guessed it: Tories become the final casualties of Brexit
How’s that corporate wokism workin’ out fo’ ya?
Investors ditch ESG funds… A net $40bn has been withdrawn form environmental, social and governance equity funds as poor performance, scandals and a US rightwing backlash sap investors’ faith (Financial Times) – more FT far-right watch later…
And meanwhile our mate Jeremy, liberal chancellor and AI meerkat look-a-like leads the rearguard action for the dripping wet faction: Hunt warns Tories: don’t lurch to the right (our Jeremy popping up in the Guardian of all places) – rather proof of the pudding that the proposition how the perverse incentive of the Tory party that keeps them awake at night really is the dream of getting a half decent write-up from the left-leaning BBC or Guardian.
The perverse incentive for a seriously prospective Labour PM is of course to gag, purge and generally hide the nutters in his party, despite the left-leaning Guardian: Why I’ll run as an independent candidate Faiza Shaheen on Labour and deselection (Guardian)
The academic was deselected by Labour after liking a series of posts on X that allegedly downplayed antisemitism allegations. (our BBC there putting it about as mildly as possible)
On X she liked a post alleging that anybody who is mildly critical of Israel is “assailed” by “professional organisations” who “every time” inflict “non-stop harassment” and “accuse you of antisemitism”. (The Sun)
Faiza Shaheen accused Sir Keir Starmer’s party of systematic Islamophobia and bullying after not being selected (Evening Standard)
You say antisemitism, I say islamophobia… let’s call the whole thing off
Far-right watch – that’s a little game I’m enjoying whilst perusing the frontpage of the globalist FT each morning.
In recent months Israel has provided our FT with wonderfully fertile territory for the planting of an accusitory far-right or two: Jerusalem rally Israelis proclaim presence in city… Far-right national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir told the crowds… (FT) – a nationally-minded national security minister, celebrating his own nation, imagine that?
And finally, the (unintentionally?) funny headline: Events are taking place in France and the UK to mark the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of France (BBC) – damn those Froggies.
BBC “Top talent” nick robinson interviewing a German diplomat, who sounded remarkably like Herr Flick from “ALLO,ALLO. Didn’t seek to correct the line that continues to be pushed regarding It was in reality, an invasion of France to throw out the German occupying forces. Not simply an attack on Nazi’s, the German diplomat said it was an invasion to liberate Europe, that’s right but any implication that the Germans were liberated too , is an alarming revisionist nonsense. The Germans fought hard to resist their own liberation from Nazi domination because they were one and the same.
The German diplomat also pushed the line that the Soviets fought alone against the Nazis for some time. Sadly ,the normally oh, so clever, Nick didn’t jump in to correct that curious and inaccurate view.
The Germans are trying hard to create the “new truth” that the nazis were the problem during ww2 and the germans are different and victims and nothing to do with the horrors of that period.
Let’s give Nick the benefit of the doubt though, personally I put nicks failure today down to his ignorance of the facts, history ,etc,etc, not anything more sinister.
For anyone wishing to explore this further I recommend a book from Amazon ( on kindle unlimited) called D-Day from the German perspective, Eckhertz Holger. The interviews were taken in the 1960’s and are fascinating with a number believing still that they were protecting Europe from the allies.
You’re far more generous than I am Yogi…
I would never give Nick Robinson the benefit of the doubt.
The BBC deliberately misinterpret our sacred history to suit their own corrupt agenda.
Before too long the last of those brave D Day veterans will have departed this mortal coil…and we’ll start seeing revisionist dramas depicting our heroes as a multicultural mish mash of blacks, Asians and possibly even Eskimos.
Blimey, they might even do it on Doctor Who…
Either that or the narrative will shift to be that they were white colonial supremacists.
But they’ve just done that one with the new gay, black doctor already.
Did you know they got rid of the sonic screwdriver because it was suggestive of a weapon ?. Would be entirely appropriate in the hands of the new doctor IMHO.
…….and the Home Office.
Israeli strike on UN shelter in Gaza kills at least 27
I think we are all quite certain now that Hamas were using it as some form of headquarters with civilians as human shields. So lets see what words the BBC give to Israel and the other side who are definitely lying:
The Israeli military said it carried out a strike on a UN school that housed a “Hamas compound”.
‘In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said jets had conducted a “precise strike on a Hamas compound embedded inside an Unrwa school in the area of Nuseirat”.’
That’s it.
The terrorist group Hamas who absolutely cannot be trusted:
‘The Hamas media office has accused Israel of committing a “horrific massacre”.’
‘Ismail al-Thawabta, director of the Hamas media office, rejected Israel’s claims that the UN school had hidden a Hamas command post.’
‘”The occupation uses … false fabricated stories to justify the brutal crime it conducted against dozens of displaced people,” he told Reuters news agency.’
That just about sums up the BBC coverage of this war.
But the biggest elephant in the room is in that Israel quote:
‘precise strike on a Hamas compound embedded inside an Unrwa school’. Again the BBC only ever mention things like this as quotes from someone else then totally ignore it. Why aren’t they asking the UN why someone is saying Hamas have all these bases in UN sites ?. The silence is absolutely deafening. If ever ‘silence is violence’ was true, this is it.
And is ‘Unrwa’ in lower case deliberate to make it less obvious that we are talking about the UN to casual readers?.
The BBC are terrorist supporting, racist scum. End of.
I really can’t do the BBC on the D Day anniversary ….
So back to the election … my constituency – chingford – has IDS as the longstanding MP . He inherited it from Norman Tebbit . The blue majority was down to 3500 last time as the red council shipped various foreign rubbish into the borough …
The Muslim woman currently kicking up a stink – with the support of the ‘community ‘ stood last time and nearly won .
This time she has been deselected by the red party because of anti Israel anti semitic comments – she has huffed and puffed and talked about ‘legal action ‘ against the red party
This seems to have gone away – she says she is now standing as an independent ‘ supported by the ‘community ‘….
So Chingford is now a curious case – blues split by reform and the reds split by the ‘Islam party ‘ . I’m voting Reform …. But I’m tempted to go blue just to keep Islam out . As a Christian I know what this lady and her followers would like to do to me …
BBC D-Day reporting? Through gritted teeth. But almost at the point where living veterans = 0. As toenails pointed out to a 100 year old veteran he interviews.
Ah well, next time round, we can all celebrate the success of the muslim population. War on the doorstep.
I know the BBC form – they’ll fight their way up any beach to find an ethnic – a Muslim even better – who ‘took part ‘… the inclusive box has to be ticked .
I’ve read too much 20th century military history – I can’t watch it being ‘re interpreted ‘ by the BBC and the like to meet their approved standards . I also some of the coverage of the US involvement as though no one else – not Uk / Canadians took part – something perpetuated by Hollywood and the anti British Spielberg ….
Mark Felton On you tube provides very detailed and objective free documentaries – with 2.3 million followers – Worth the watch …
Remember the American sub & crew which secured the Enigma machine…………
Why is Islam here? See Conservatives ….
“Ex-chancellor Sajid Javid calls for Muslim war memorial
Published 9 February”
. . . . . . . . . .
Listen carefully and you will hear Javid whispering his request for the Qur’an as his book of choice when becoming an MP in the commons.
“Qur’an please”
“Yes of course, would you like to pick it up yourself”
Sajid Javid won the “Best Politician” at the “British Muslim Awards 2015”.
Removed xxx
Two men stand in front of the nation – could it be both are lying rather than one of them? BBC un-verified fact checkless checker
D-Day…revisionism and the truth about wars in europe.
I confess I have listened to the BBC today show this morning, to monitor the way they have chosen to commemorate the 6th June.
One item , not associated with the landings in Normandy, is the report on the Russian economy and why ,oh,why is it doing well despite sanctions..Tim sebastian tells us about oil sales to India but no clue if the oil goes beyond India.
The main purchaser of oil from India is ….wait for it Germany, a country that proudly states it doesn’t buy Russian oil anymore!
Could this possibly be true…you bet it is.. German purchasing of “indian ” oil up by 12 fold…yes 12 times more than before the Russian invasion. Could this possibly mean that the Germans are helping to fund Putins war.
I will leave readers to draw their own conclusions.
As a footnote I think there are elections in europe this week..nothing important though, just delegates to the “forum of approval” or parliament as they call it. Nothing for example like a vote for Ursula von der lyin , she is not subject to anything as ghastly as a vote, she was appointed by a committee.
Did he import more people to help their NHS?
Tomo -thanks – I guess he and his country is unapproved by the BBC . If the turn around is true I assume he either did deals with the various criminal enterprises – is one himself – or used the army without the ‘rule of law ‘ kill killers . ….
I assume he is not on the Obama approved list either so he can expect a short life …
I tried to see the full interview but couldn’t see it .
an hour:
Gail is leaving Corrie and they are starting to film her exit.
As Corrie likes to be at the front of all that’s going on will they use Gail to push some current type of event?
Will she be stabbed to death by one of the many ‘lone wolves with mental problems’ or perhaps she might have to disappear because she ‘scuffed a book’ as they might want to have her back in a few years.
More likely she will be a victim of one of the huge number of far right bombings or other terrorist atrocities we are told by our media are happening all the time.
Be funny if she died of complications because of some ‘jab’ she got but they wouldn’t dare go there.
Corrie used to be ok but I stopped watching as it became more woke some 10+ years ago.
The good thing about getting old is you can watch stuff over and over. I must be on the third or fourth ‘Auf wiedersehen pet’ by now and the same for ‘Minder’ and ‘The Sweeney’
Talking Pictures, UK Gold and now Rewind all watchable. I’m doing ‘Shine on Harvey Moon’ right now.
When I was watching the old Coronation Street episodes on freeview, I noticed they started bringing the agenda in some time after 2000. What made it ridiculous is how they brought a fat black woman in and a Pakistani called Vic who was the most obnoxious tw@t you can imagine and had all the typical characteristics.
But what they did was write the script just as if they were white. So the ugly fat black woman was soon shacked up with Kevin and when Vic walked into the bar, the white girls went ‘Cor – who’s that ?’.
They should send Gale on a shopping trip to any of the Towns along the railway after Selby towards Manchester if they want it to be realistic. There she can get stabbed in the street in broad daylight. Though you can be 100% sure it would be a white person who stabbed her.
The good thing about getting older is that you can’t remember all the episodes !. I recently watched The Sweeney again and they were almost all new to me :-).
And what an absolutely excellent program it was. I look forward to being able to watch it afresh more frequently as I get older.
‘They set their skin alight’: Survivors accuse Myanmar army of massacre
Another report by the BBC’s grubby communist Joanthan Head.
I got as far as where he quotes ‘eyewitnesses’ as saying : ‘ … poured burning petrol on their skin’ and realised much of that article is blatant lies from Muslims just as we get from Gaza.
It’s hot in Malaysia like it is in Thailand. You don’t do anything near burning petrol because it goes up like napalm.
The whole article is pretty similar to Gaza where what the Muslim civilians say about their enemy is taken as gospel by the BBC because it suits what they want.
Myanmar is a brutal regimes reaction to Muslim terrorists. Not evil right-wing Junta vs innocent civilians as the BBC want us to believe. They tried to make their own Muslim only region using terrorism and the Junta kicked them out with extreme predjudice. That’s about it. No innocent party anywhere.
No surprise Melinda is changing her surname.