Start the Week 17th June 2024

Monday marks the publication of the Reform Party Contract – they refuse to call it a manifesto because manifestos mean nothing . We can be sure the BBC will classify it as ‘unapproved ‘ so it will get the full ‘anti’ treatment from the anti British BBC . You can already hear the sneers – particularly as the Far Left BBC is getting worried about the sheer popularity of Reform . Let’s see.

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302 Responses to Start the Week 17th June 2024

  1. Fedup2 says:

    Postal voting –

    I registered last Thursday – need NI number Dob and picture of signature

    Friday got confirmation email from council I’m registered

    Today – Monday – voting papers dropped through the door ‘

    Cut off for postal application – I think – is Wednesday 19th – but might – might – be wrong …

    So I’ve got my voting form

    – do I vote for the anti semitic Muslim girl with a chip – who was thrown out of labour

    Do I vote liberal for more cycle lanes ?

    Red – to have all my money taken to give to more foreigners

    Reform Party …..

    Vote Reform … to end the BBC licence –

    ( I thought it was so easy to get postal voting I might get another 1 or 2 or 3 ,….)


  2. MarkyMark says:

    Let’s get more students voting – twice the fun …

    Students boasted of voting twice, MP says
    5 July 2017

    Many students boasted on social media of having voted twice in last month’s general election, an MP has claimed.

    Conservative Sir Henry Bellingham said there was “clear evidence” of students saying they voted at their home and university addresses.

    “Surely this is straightforward electoral fraud,” he said.


    • Flotsam says:

      There are huge numbers of improper registrations, there are huge numbers of people unregistered.
      Although there is a non publicly viewable electoral register that can be opted into, the Government allow (or sell) access to the full register to the credit reference agencies and possibly the Insurance companies.


    • Up2snuff says:

      MM, was that why Rosie D. was elected for a Yooni constituency?


  3. MarkyMark says:

    Ed Sheeran beats Taylor Swift to be most played artist



  4. MarkyMark says:


    BBC presenter Salary (£) Change from previous year
    Gary Lineker 1,350,000 Unchanged
    Zoe Ball 980,000 Unchanged
    Alan Shearer 445,000 5k less
    Huw Edwards 435,000 25k more


  5. Flotsam says:

    Labour will giving the vote to 16 year old’s. To encourage them to vote they will be providing coloured pencils and colouring–in voting slips in the voting booths.


  6. MarkyMark says:

    Previously, the BBC had stated that Lineker’s high profile came with “additional responsibility”.

    The BBC has had in place since 2020 social media guidelines for staff working in news and current affairs, to protect its mission for impartiality.

    Earlier this year it revised how those regulations should apply to other staff and freelancers.

    They must also not criticise the character of individual politicians in the UK, or comment on any issue of political debate during an election period (which the UK is not currently in), or take up an official role for a campaigning group.

    Following the publication of the new guidance in September, Lineker responded on X, external by saying the new rules were “all very sensible”.

    . . . . . .

    Gary Lineker says he is in Qatar to “report, not support” the World Cup and will discuss the issues surrounding the “tainted” tournament on air. The host nation has been criticised for its stance on same-sex relationships, its human rights record and treatment of migrant workers.18 Nov 2022


  7. MarkyMark says:

    I WILL GIVE EVERY ONE (70 million people) 1 BILLON each TO SPEND ON GREEN CARS!
    (c) BBC Verified.

    “Response to Labour £7.3 billion pledge: The headline figure of £7.3bn falls massively short of the £40bn per year that Greens have committed to spend. Sticking the word ‘green’ in front of a plan doesn’t make it Green.”


  8. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Good job the police officer who rammed the calf wasn’t in London when the 4 Army horses were running free.

    Apparently they were following the calf for 2 hours.
    You would think somebody could have phoned the RSPCA or a Farmer for advice during these 2 hours.


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      They ( RSPCA ) shut down after 5pm and don’t deal with farm animals or wild animals. Had an argument with one of them over a fox that had been hit by a car and there was an inspector in a van nearby, wouldn’t even take it to a local vet.


  9. MarkyMark says:

    Infant mortality is rising and births are plummeting. This is the legacy of 14 years of Tory cruelty
    Polly Toynbee

    ….. HA HA HA HAHA …

    Muhammad is UK’s favourite boy’s name for second year in a row
    The Muslim boys name, which is also spelt Mohamed, Muhammed, Mohammad, has routinely been found to be a favourite choice of parents naming their new born sons


  10. pugnazious says:

    They just don’t like Reform do they?

    Farage launches ‘The Contract’ and the BBC’s immediate analysis is…

    It’s Liz Truss on steroids

    It’s ‘populist’…whatever that means.

    And ‘The sums don’t add up’…as if Labour’s or the Tories do.

    Can’t remember such a negative takedown for any other party’s manifesto.

    The Times is digging through Reform candidates’ social media history for dirt [supposedly checking other Partys as well]…found one who made remarks about Islam…er…journo can’t remember what he said…but it’s Islamophobic, racist and bigoted anyway.

    Oddly no mention of Labour’s candidate opposing Reform’s main man NIgel Farage in Clacton…might think that would be of interest given that he said ‘The tears of White people’ were his favourite drink…I imagine there’d be a lot more dirt somewhere but the Times isn’t interested despite the Farage link.

    Did laugh to hear that Reform standing will bring about the destruction of the Tory Party….er…isn’t it more the self-destruction of the Tory Party has created Reform as a reborn ‘real’ Tory Party? Reform wouldn’t be necessary if the Tories had done their job.

    Be interesting to see how Reform do given the hatred of them in the media…even more interesting to see if they can build on any success when the real test comes in 5 years time with a new election…will the Tories even exist? Then again Labour was said to be finished not long ago and now they will apparently sweep all before them.

    This might help…but never happen…

    ‘Reform directs some focus at the BBC which is calls “out of touch”, “wasteful” and “institutionally biased”.

    The party would scrap the TV licence fee.’


  11. MarkyMark says:

    Nigel Farage launches Reform UK’s party ‘contract’

    Reform leader Nigel Farage launches his party’s “contract with the people” in South Wales, where he is poised to put pressure on the Tories over immigration and tax.

    The party says it is launching its policies in Merthyr Tydfil to highlight “what happens to a country when Labour is in charge”.


  12. wwfc says:

    I wonder if the BBC will be showing pictures of these when they get them ?


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      It only happened this morning so you can’t expect the BBC to have reported it yet – there needs to be a managerial meeting to determine how to spin it. Plus someone needs to work on a follow-up damage limitation piece for tomorrow: “How Afghan refugees are making France a better place”.

      The reports from grown-up media outlets state that it may be connected with revenge and infighting between different Afghani fractions. One feels deeply for these people, voluntarily trapped in an alien country. If only there was some other place where they could express themselves in this way: Afghanistan perhaps, or is that too obvious? One can only hope that such events don’t lead French voters to reject Macron and vote for someone like, oh I don’t know, Marine Le Pen.


  13. wwfc says:

    Well said John .


  14. Philip_2 says:

    A Labour peer who called a female candidate “frit or lazy” after she called off local hustings over safety concerns has lost the whip.

    Lord Cashman, a former EastEnders actor and MEP, has apologised for his comments about Labour’s Rosie Duffield, who has been vocal about women’s rights and female-only spaces.

    On Friday, Ms Duffield confirmed that she would not be attending hustings in Canterbury, Kent, saying that “constant trolling, spite and misrepresentation” from some was now affecting her “sense of security and wellbeing”.

    And as we all know (although I have never watched it EAST ENDERS) appears only on the world famous BBC (that is for sexual perversion). Its linked to Stonewall and Rosie Duffield is a strong supporter of Woman rights not be be rolled up as TRANS issues (that the above perverter campaigns for).


  15. Guest Who says:
    Unbelievable misinformation from BBC Climate Editor,
    @BBCJustinR, who says renewables are cheaper per MWh than gas.
    AR6 has solar at £85/MWh, onshore wind at £89, offshore at £102, and floating offshore at £246.
    That’s 200%-600% above the long-run norm.

    A Rowlatt can travel the world in a jet whilst a Bellamy is still pulling his walking shoes on.

    Just saw a tweet by one of the ShadCab bonkers bobs who have got cosy with noted political statesperson… Mad Al.


    • Sluff says:

      UK contribution of CO2 to the global total is a huge…..errr…….0.9%.
      Put these words in order.
      In wind the p***ing.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Sluff – keep on citing that 1132 coal power stations in China – and 250 in India and rising ….. what sort of fool thinks blowing up half dozen ? Vital coal power stations in Britain will make any difference to anything .

        To me – the politicians who did that are criminals – forcing people to live in the cold and pay far too high fuel bills – I effing curse those blues who did it …


  16. Oldspeaker says:

    Unusal piece by the bbc, appears to be all about the men, nothing about the women evading conscription.


  17. wwfc says:

    Lets not go so hard on sir keir starmer on the trans issue you can understand his confession as he is both a c&nt and a prick


  18. Sluff says:

    BBC 6 pm news.

    And they are STILL droning on about those nasty Greek border controllers protecting their border.

    Get out the hankies. All those illegal asylum seekers are poor, in fear, blah blah blah, and wanting to get into the EU is perfectly natural.

    But the BBC have taken it on themselves to do an investigation into the Greek coastguards. Hey presto, they have a programme about it later on tonight.i

    As if there was no other news. Like the Reform Party launching their manifesto.

    Funny, that.

    The insidious, pro EU, pro immigration, Far Left BBC in full swing.
    And who says the BBC don’t advertise?


  19. digg says:

    Noticing a rising spate of stories in certain sections of the media of how for instance the British Rulers oppressed and starved the poor folk in the Indian Subcontinent during WW2 and lhow British soldiers despoiled poor girls in Africa whilst training, etc, etc, they are arriving in the news like buses.

    We all know that following on from Windrush and Grenfell it’s almost certainly just a form of cash for crash extortion but the gullible or possibly infiltrated BBC go right along with it full tilt.

    I half expect anytime soon for the Spanish to demand the UK cough up for sinking their Armada…..

    Perhaps we should have a go at the Japanese for starving so many British servicemen to death and get some reparations coming inwards for a change?


  20. tomo says:

    All the dressing up in the world and they still look like a pair of awkward 5 year olds dressed as arabs at a nativity play?



  21. Sluff says:

    The true impact of the witless Tories supporting devolution was revealed today.
    Wales has had a devolved Labour government for 25 hours.
    And healthcare in Wales is even more rubbish than in England, despite 10% more per capita expenditure.
    Yet the voters still blame the evil Tories not Welsh Labour for failures for which the Tories have no responsibility. And the Tories have been too stupid and thick to counter this.
    Meanwhile our Nigel seems to be on the right lines…….


  22. tomo says:

    There’s lies and then there’s The BBC


  23. Sluff says:

    Important news from BBC Londonistan.

    The cow that was rammed by a Police car is recovering well!!!!!!

    Meanwhile, also on BBC Londonistan, a firearm a day is recovered by the Met.
    As adverts go for multiculturalism, you have to admit it’s right up there.
    Not that the BBC would ever join the dots.


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Plenty of steak holders?


    • BRISSLES says:

      Its holiday season. All the grown ups are on vacation. The kids are reduced to interviewing each other now. I see Amy nickerless-turnoff is on again, clearly hankering after a presenter role – well if they can hire lefty Nigel Nelson, then …..


  25. MarkyMark says:

    “Keir Starmer is Captain Flip Flop”


  26. MarkyMark says:

    “But where was Blair all through the dark days, when people were losing their jobs for saying exactly this, when children were being butchered and drugged, when corporations were falling over themselves to celebrate it all? When Rosie Duffield was ostracised and Keir was complaining that “What is a woman?” wasn’t a very helpful question?
    Suddenly Blair shows up. Next he’ll be telling us not to invade Iraq.”


  27. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK overachieves another carbon emissions target and rejects rollover

      This builds on the UK’s success of becoming the first major economy to halve emissions since 1990, while growing the economy by around 80%.

      DESNZ is a ministerial department, supported by 14 agencies and public bodies.

      Department for Energy Security & Net Zero
      Works with 14 agencies and public bodies
      Non-ministerial department
      Executive non-departmental public body
      Civil Nuclear Police Authority
      Coal Authority
      Committee on Climate Change
      Great British Nuclear
      North Sea Transition Authority
      Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
      Salix Finance Ltd
      UK Atomic Energy Authority
      Advisory non-departmental public body
      Committee on Fuel Poverty
      Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
      Public corporation
      National Nuclear Laboratory
      Electricity Settlements Company
      Low Carbon Contracts Company


      Salix Finance Ltd
      Zero tolerance to bullying and gossip


    • kingkp says:

      Interesting. Firstly there seem to be quite a few deputy directors with the job title ‘Net Zero Buildings – Clean Heat’. Wtf is clean heat? Secondly what other data is the Politburo storing on the servers of a foreign power?


      • MarkyMark says:

        ‘Net Zero Buildings (NO BUILDING)
        – Clean Heat’ (NO BUILDING SO NEED TO HEAT IT)

        HA HA HA

        Harry Enfield – I saw you Coming (Season 2)


    • Fedup2 says:

      And Danny lord finkelsteins sister is the permanent lefty secretary …


  28. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:


      Glastonbury Festival 2016: Mountains of filth and rubbish left behind after weekend of partying

      . . . . . . .

      “Look at wall over there – there is a message on that wall to Donald Trump – build bridges not walls.” HA H AHA HAH A


  29. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – is the BBC biased

    The Montacutie covered the ‘scandal du jour’ from TOADY onwards: . Is the BBC biased? Well, it believes an illgral migrant instead of the Greek Coastguard Officer.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “This man from Cameroon told the BBC he was thrown into the sea by the coastguard – his two companions drowned”


      Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.


      • JohnC says:

        Did the BBC ever cover the fact that Muslims threw Christians overboard in overloaded boats in the Mediterranean ?.

        I’m pretty certain they wouldn’t. because they don’t care about the dead at all. Just the agenda.


  30. Lucy Pevensey says:

    “Blade Runners topple THREE ULEZ cameras in a coordinated strike…”


  31. StewGreen says:

    “Now here is the BBCnews
    The holy priests of the London establishment Guardianland
    have declare the new testament of Reform is unclean and very unholy”

    * The new Reform Party budget document


  32. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    Romanian fans chanting ‘Putin’ as they demolish Ukraine 3-0.


  33. JohnC says:

    Reform UK proposes ‘freeze’ on immigration

    Not interested in anything the BBC have to say on this. I just went to check the comments.

    And I was not disappointed : almost all written like spiteful schoolboys again. Few arguments, just insults at Nigel, Brexit and Trump. 100% typical Lefties.

    But the point is this : how can anyone at all consider the BBC is not biased to the Left when this is their readership ?. There is no balance here whatsoever.

    This is a dirty trick right from the bottom of ther BBC’s barrel. Let the activists write the insults and slurs and pretend it’s ‘free speech’.

    Many of those comments would be deleted in other circumstances. I bet very few get removed today. The left are getting desperate and the BBC are getting much worse because they know they will get away with it because OFCOM are the same people.


  34. tomo says:

    Interesting that Newsquest UK (biggest fleet of failing UK local rags + directed from Washington DC) seem to be studiously ignoring the UK GE beyond some occasional platforming of the Greens from their Swindon area office…

    The silence is farcical – and, I’d assert a deliberate effort to deny a proper public debate on the issues facing the electorate…


  35. tomo says:

    One has the excuse of senility


    • JohnC says:

      Not even trying to hide his cue cards now. He’s more like a child than a President. How embarassing for the USA. Can’t be long now before they invent a lie as to why he must step down.

      That NATO boss does not impress me one bit either. I just saw his interview on the BBC where his head jerks around like someone slightly mad as he tells us NATO will deploy more nuclear weapons and we need to start punishing China for helping Russia.

      What could possibly go wrong ?. It’s now clear to everybody that Ukraine cannot win and they are getting desperate.

      The interview has far more than it’s fair share of irrelevant cuts to show us the typical BBC narcissist BAME woman doing the interview.

      China should pay for propping up Putin’s war – Nato chief

      Add that to the utterly corrupt and disgraced UN and it seems the world is in an almighty bad place now. And for all his faults, Trump is the only one with any desire to sort it out.

      We are witnessing in real time how the ideological Left destroy everything they meddle with. And when it’s on this scale, the end result is always hundreds of thousands or millions of deaths. We are just in the lower bracket of that number now – but they still have time.


      • andyjsnape says:

        Good morning JohnC

        “China should pay for propping up Putin’s war” – maybe China could put a surcharge on everything they sell to the west, to offset the cost

        A bit like energy prices go up in the winter months – and we all pay extra VAT, helps the government pay off some of the covid debt, sorry I mean blame this on Russia for energy prices increasing and them invading Ukraine


      • tomo says:

        Stoltenberg is a dolt


      • Up2snuff says:

        JohnC, Jens S. is a favourite interviewee/contributor on all things Gaza for BBC R4.


    • Fedup2 says:

      If only a tame msm would ask at a ‘presser ‘ what sort of diaper he uses ….?


  36. tomo says:

    And the likelihood that Warrington Council will not go bankrupt is…………..


    • MarkyMark says:

      Bankrupt ? You mean on target!


      • tomo says:

        Well… I suppose there might be bigger things swirling down the toilet….

        I’m hearing that NHS meds / pharmacy are in crisis. I’m seeing shortages at local pharmacy which aren’t being recorded – I was shorted on an order and told to ask for the balance later…. later I tried to get the meds and was *refused* since the NHS “app” system didn’t track quantities delivered and asserted that since I’d picked up the pills I’d obviously got the correct amount.

        Cue half a day wasted on phone calls ….

        Simultaneously I heard gossip from low level NHS workers in admin that pharma companies aren’t being paid properly and that as a consequence they’re withholding supplies.

        pfff…. clap?


  37. AsISeeIt says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

    The Guardian’s sole interest in sport is when it can use that sports news to push some cherished political agenda

    Ukraine players show defiance at Euro 2024 (Guardian)

    Here we go. Like that flat one passes in a London suburb – evidently inhabited by Guardianista-style folk who enjoy ‘The Latest Thing’ – decorated with both the now familiar Palestine and the Ukraine banners hanging from their balcony – next week it’ll be the pride rainbow – they’re simply having Fun With Flags [TM Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory]

    Who’da thunk it…? A sudden outbreak of blood and soil nationalism at the Gruan? The Ukrainian team sing their national anthem wrapped in the country’s flag… (Guardian) Not that it did them any good: …before being beaten 3-0 by Romania… the eastern european antagonists who arrived to spoil the party may be different but perhaps there is a sport and political analogy in there somewhere, given current reports from the battlefront, eh Guardian?

    Of course the junior poundshop Guardian for reading age 7 that is the ‘i’ newspaper takes its cues from big sister – sport/politics-wise: Mbappé latest to speak out against far right (‘i’) – but what’s this black fancophone footballer’s stance on school dinners we wonder?

    Croissant prices capped at £1.10 – don’t be silly, that’s just today’s Daily Star quoting the Count Binface election manifesto. While our BBC is on tentahooks over: Is the Sun about to endorse Sir Keir Starmer?

    Get your page 3 Mbappés out for Labour?

    The jokey blokey Daily Star meanwhile comes out for that daft bloke in a superhero cape with a milk churn on his bonce – I think we can all agree now that ancient monster raving loony party joke has worn very very thin – anyway, tin dust bins have been consigned to the landfill of history for years now – don’t he know these days it’s all black plastic sacks and big plastic council wheelie bins – probably that was meant to save the planet somehow – by giving a massive boost to the plastics industry?

    You’ve got our vote mate… we at the Daily Star believe it to be the most sane and honest manifesto out there.

    The formerly serious Times goes full-on Guardianista this morning with not one but two sport/lefty-politics features

    Games danger… Athletes have warned that competitors at the Paris Olympics next month could be put at risk from extreme heat caused by climate change (Times)

    Euro racism claim… Uefa is investigating claims that Serbia fans abused black England players with racist chants during the Euro 2024 match (Times)

    But what’s worse… mixing sport with politics… or mixing sport with the greed of naked commercialism?

    Lineker outfits appear to breach guidelines… Gary Lineker appears to have broken BBC guidelines by wearing his own range of Next meanswear to present coverage of England’s opening game at the Euros (Telegraph)

    Speaking of naked commercialism

    ‘Hackers leaked intimate photos after my laptop was stolen’… She jokes that it’s darkly appropriate that such an ordeal “happened to someone who does documentaries, so it’s the perfect opportunity to turn [the cameras] around”… Patricia Franquesa’s laptop was stolen during a business trip to Madrid in 2019…hackers threatened to leak a film-maker’s nude photos stored on her stolen laptop (BBC) – you don’t want them out there – don’t put them up there, luv.

    I’m inevitably reminded of some of those celebrity sex tapes we used to hear so much about a few years back – the ones that got accidentally ‘leaked’ shooting those minor celebs to instant viral fame and fortune.

    More people turning away from news, report says… the Reuters Institute’s report suggests some people avoid the news because of the war in Gaza (Noor Nanji, BBC Culture reporter)

    The above report illustrated by a pic, courtesy of Reuters, showing a bleak grey-toned scene in Gaza focused on a young Palestinian girl in a bright red dress – an image that tries rather desperately to channel Spielberg’s Schindler’s List – we know what you’re up to Reuters.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Games danger… Athletes have warned that competitors at the Paris Olympics next month could be put at risk from extreme heat caused by climate change (Times)”



  38. JohnC says:

    ‘I would be beheaded’: Islamist insurgency flares in Mozambique

    A lengthy article about Islamic State terrorists from the BBC and the word ‘terrorist’ (or even ‘terror’) does not appear once. Neither does the word ‘Muslim’.

    They are ‘jihadists’ or ‘insurgents’. Sounds much more noble than the primitive murdering scum they actually are.

    These people are they very definition of the word ‘terrorist’ to me. But it seems only white people can be that these days at the BBC.

    Luckily one of millions of Africans somewhere in North Mozambique who worked for the government tells us they would have killed him if they had known – but they just insulted him as he ran away. The BBC make a point of changing his name for safety. Just in case those terrorists read BBC news and think ‘That was the guy we saw last week’. Such high drama.


  39. tomo says:

    The deranged alcoholic Campbell ….


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – curious how much media attention Campbell gets – never been elected – hot blood from an illegal war on his hands – mental issues – booze issues – yet he is put on national msm and paid attention too …

      There’s a whole paddock of such creature – alibi coloured –
      toynbeen – queer jones – who will be constantly rolled out in the run up to the election and beyond .

      I’m sure the bbc has already drafted the failure of Reform – only a few million voted for them – they lost their deposits in x number of seats – Farage is a broken man – ‘far right rejected’ …
      Or could it go the other way – the biggest unapproved vote since brexit …

      Vote reform


      • MarkyMark says:

        Writer, Podcaster,
        Communicator, Strategist

        Life so far
        Alastair Campbell is a writer, podcaster, communicator, campaigner and strategist best known for his role as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s spokesman, press secretary and director of communications and strategy. Still active in politics and campaigns in Britain and overseas, he now splits his time between writing, speaking, broadcasting, charities and consultancy.

        Fiona Millar (born 2 January 1958) is a British journalist and campaigner on education and parenting issues. She is a former adviser to Cherie Blair. Millar contributes to The Guardian and the Local Schools Network website.

        Millar became a trustee of the Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association in October 2020, a charity which aims to promote human rights in Palestine.[35][36] As of May 2024, she is the charity’s minutes secretary.[37]


      • tomo says:

        The unhealthy incestuousness of the legacy media is in plain sight for anybody who looks….

        Newspaper readership falling, radio numbers falling, TV viewership falling – the dishonest banal drivel and manipulation by omission is seen and understood by a minority – the dilution to a thin gruel of fantastical fabrication + overt silly lies (or worse, a lot worse) is increasingly driving the bulk of people away…


    • MarkyMark says:

      Alastair Campbell had Iraq dossier changed to fit US claims
      This article is more than 14 years old
      ‘WMD in a year’ allegation halved original timescale after compilers told to compare contents with Bush speech


    • JohnC says:

      Going for the man, not the ball is a defining trait of the Left. maxi does it all the time.

      It’s root is the nasty, spiteful streak in the character they all have when you scrape through the hypocrisy and virtue-signalling..


  40. Fedup2 says:

    Someone had the bright idea of having ‘husting events’ – meesh did one in somewhere called Motherwell in scotlandistan.
    I heard the intro – the Party required clapping in unison and knew I’d be better served streaming some tunes – off switch …..
    ….. I’m sure that the BBC will be well into killing the ‘unapproved ‘ Reform party by now – particularly since the contract contains a policy to end the TV licence and therefore hopefully the state prospaganda operation which is still called ‘the BBC ‘….

    Vote Reform – a lot


  41. Fedup2 says:

    From the DT – Reform promises to end the biased BBC and TV Licence – Enjoy

    STARTS Nigel Farage has pledged to reform the “institutionally biased” BBC and scrap the licence fee as part of Reform UK’s “contract” with voters.

    On Monday, the Reform leader unveiled a manifesto that also promised to lower income tax and to leave the European Convention of Human Rights.

    He said the licence fee was “taxation without representation” and that, in a world of on-demand TV, people should not be forced to fund the “wasteful” BBC.

    The manifesto, launched in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, pledged to “commence reform of the BBC”. It said: “The out-of-touch wasteful BBC is institutionally biased. The TV licence is taxation without representation. We will scrap it. In a world of on-demand TV, people should be free to choose.”

    However, the Institute for Fiscal Studies said the multi billion-pound spending pledges do not add up.

    Reform said its tax cuts would cost £90 billion a year, which together with spending increases of £50 billion a year could be paid for through £150 billion in savings. The spending commitments are way in excess of those promised by Labour or the Liberal Democrats.

    Carl Emmerson, the IFS deputy director, said the package was “problematic”, adding: “Even with the extremely optimistic assumptions about how much economic growth would increase, the sums in this manifesto do not add up.

    “Whilst Reform’s manifesto gives a clear sense of priority, a government could only implement parts of this package or would need to find other ways to help pay for it, which would mean losers not specified.”

    In response, Mr Farage said: “If you change things radically, it’s always going to be problematic, and those who are part of the status quo might not like it and might not agree with it. But you know what? We’re the only party putting forward really radical ideas.”

    He said it was “absolute nonsense” that his party’s plans would create a larger tax burden than Labour.

    The manifesto included a pledge to eliminate NHS waiting lists within two years with a cash injection of £17 billion a year, while a series of tax cuts included a promise to take everyone earning less than £20,000 out of income tax altogether.

    The IFS questioned whether Reform would be able to meet its target of cutting spending by £150 billion a year through eliminating waste and tackling out of work benefits.

    “Spending reductions would save less than stated, and the tax cuts would cost more than stated by a margin of tens of billions of pounds per year,” said Mr Emmerson. “Meanwhile, the spending increases would cost more than stated if they are to achieve their objectives.”

    The IFS said a reduction in tax of £90 billion a year would still see tax revenues higher as a share of the economy than in 2019/20, but in reality the package of tax cuts proposed would cost tens of billions of pounds a year more than that.

    The think tank said the plans to cut the rate of corporation tax from 25 to 20 per cent immediately, and then to 15 per cent at the end of the Parliament, would cost twice as much as Reform estimates.

    The £17 billion increase for the NHS would not be nearly enough to meet the party’s commitment to eliminate waiting lists within two years, said the IFS. It pointed out that eliminating the waiting list entirely had not been achieved in the history of the NHS.ENDS

    The MSM concentrates on the numbers – but let’s face it -all political parties through economy numbers around knowing they are meaningless …


    • MarkyMark says:

      He said the licence fee was “taxation without representation” and that, in a world of on-demand TV, people should not be forced to fund the “wasteful” BBC.

      In 2022, there were 44,245 prosecutions and 40,654 convictions for TV Licence evasion. Of the 40,654 convicted, 30,193 were women (74%).

      74% women! HA HA HA HA !Equality!


  42. Fedup2 says:

    so if you are going to VOTE REFORM – register TODAY – otherwise don’t bother …


  43. MarkyMark says:


    The independent review into
    the application of sharia law
    in England and Wales
    Presented to Parliament
    by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
    by Command of Her Majesty
    February 2018
    review pdf

    Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values (ISLAMOPHBIC! HA HA HA!)


  44. MarkyMark says:


    “More sick kids go private as others face NHS waits”


  45. Fedup2 says:

    Today 0810 big interview –

    Since Monday was the launch of the Reform Party Contract / manifesto one might have thought there would be a piece on the promise to end the TV licence and Biased BBC – but not such item –

    Instead it was the usual useless ‘discussion about what why their NHS is constantly crap – with no mention of huge population increases – they rolled out a dolt called ‘Matthew Taylor ‘ who was a Tony Blair bitch a few years ago – he’s got a non job in a NHS quango – £250 k pa plus package -no doubt almost as much as Meesh gets …


  46. MarkyMark says:

    Good news! We are saved! image.png

    “Enlightenment, a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity were synthesized into a worldview that gained wide assent in the West and that instigated revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics.”


  47. Nibor says:

    BBC ,

    Amount of illegals who have arrived (invaded ) Europe = 60 million .

    Amount of invaders – sorry undocumented arrivals – who have drowned = three score and ten ( about 70 ).

    The tragic deaths equal about 0.00000001% of the illegals .

    So we must have safe and legal routes for them ( which means what ?) .


    • MarkyMark says:

      Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2023

      There were 44,460 people detected arriving by small boats in the year ending June 2023, 26% higher than in the year ending June 2022.

      Weasel words …
      Irregular migration (unstoppable – sorry)
      Small boats (lots of small boats)
      Undocumented (throws documents in sea)

      Overall, males represented 87% of small boat arrivals in the year ending June 2023. This proportion is similar to the proportion of males each year from 2018 to 2021.

      Since January 2018, 75% of small boat arrivals have been adult males aged 18 and over. Around one-sixth (17%) have been children aged 17 and under (see table Irr_02c).

      Since January 2018, Iranians have been the most commonly detected nationality making up 21% of all small boat arrivals. They were the top nationality detected in the years 2018 to 2021. However, other nationalities have been appearing in greater numbers since 2020.

      In the year ending June 2023, almost half of small boat arrivals were from 2 nationalities – Albanians (26%) and Afghans (21%).


      2019 … ”
      This article is more than 5 years old
      Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade”


  48. MarkyMark says:


    Band Taxable income Tax rate

    Personal Allowance Up to £12,570 0%
    Basic rate £12,571 to £50,270 20%
    Higher rate £50,271 to £125,140 40%
    Additional rate over £125,140 45%

    “Since 2017, employers in the public sector such as the NHS and the BBC (the end-client) have been responsible for determining the tax status of all their contractors. To avoid becoming liable for the PAYE themselves, they have advised their presenters to join their payrolls and wind down their personal companies.16 Feb 2022”

    Who are the biggest tax evaders in the UK?
    Welcome to the tax rogue Hall of Shame!
    Jimmy Carr. “I’ve made a terrible error of judgement”. …
    Alan Partridge. “I don’t avoid tax, I evade it. …
    Vince Cable. “An honest mistake was made”In 2011, the then-Business Secretary failed to inform HMRC when his income exceeded the pre-set VAT threshold. …
    Gary Barlow.


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