Midweek 3rd July 2024

The election Post . Only the Reform Party promises to deal with the anti British BBC – please vote Reform -and if you are going to a voting station – take your own pen …

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595 Responses to Midweek 3rd July 2024

  1. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    So far Reform seems to be doing reasonably well, but most of the results are in from Tyne and Wear which always used to vote quite well for Ukip. Nowhere near taking a seat though.
    I’m optimistic but not confident.


  2. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    YAYYYY. Lee Anderson has Retained his seat. Reform just need two more to retain credibilty. IMHO.


    • Demon says:

      I hope that it’s not just him. They can’t seem to get past Labour in red seats snd even fall behind the Conservatives where Labour have gained. I am always a pessimist though.


      • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

        Nigel is in! Phew! That is two but we could do with another. But as you are right to be pessimistic. I can’t see Reform getting into double figures as regarding seats. Overall though Reform are definitely going well if it intends to build up a base. I hope unlike Ukip it builds on it and does throw it all away,


  3. vlad says:

    The commies at the BBC can barely contain their glee at the Labour ‘landslide’.


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Very disappointed by the coverage – maudent and shapps and bottomley out – but couldn’t see their expressions – sadly Sunak and Hunt have stayed – but of course at last Mr Farage finally beat the system …

    Thangam debonaire – who was to be culture secretary – so bad she lost in a red landslide – so the evil Lucy Powell looks like being the new culture secretary ….

    And Rees mogg gone – good

    Watching the itv coverage – the SNP – with nichola watching on – is dead – Killed by incompetence and corruption – quite an achievement …..

    The Sunak speech – a sort of suicide note on behalf of the blues – was liked by the presence of mr bin man – who got over 300 votes …

    The starmer victory speech was dry – humourless – tedious – without grace – very red .
    BTW – rishi has had a great night and achieved his objective of destroying his party …..


  5. Doobster78 says:

    Be interesting to see the total votes for Reform v 4 or so seats .

    Great to see the big hitters Farage , Tice and Anderson in Parliament, may only be small in numbers but that’s some voice .

    This electoral system surely has to change , you simply cannot go on having millions upon millions of people voting for a party and getting minimal representation. It stinks .

    Having said that, Farage alone is going to be fun 🤩


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Jimmy Naughtie sounds depressed that the SNP has gone from 48 to 8 seats ….. 8 too many ….

    It was worth being awake to see the face of Joanne cherry – who was a leading anti democrat during the scum parliament against brexit …

    Teresa villiers -toby- Elwood and villiers are gone too …


  7. Fedup2 says:

    How about this ? Incredibly – incredibly – Ian Duncan smith has held Chingford for the conservatives – maybe he ll make their leader – again … I’m shocked ….
    Looks like the Muslims didn’t turn out ..


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      This was a fascinating result. I’ve followed your comments about this constituency and remember it from the Norman Tebbit days. It seemed to me inevitable that Labour would win it, with the “vibrant enrichment” increasing by the year, simply based on demographics.

      Here are the main results:

      Iain Duncan Smith (Con.) 17,281
      Shama Tatler (Lab.) 12,524
      Faiza Shaheen (Indep.) 12,445
      Paul Luggeri (Reform) 3,653
      [Two other candidates] ………

      Do I take it that the Indep. was a Muslim? And what of the Lab. one (maybe Muslim first name?) IDS should thank his lucky stars (and crescents!)


      • Fedup2 says:

        Mustapha – the Indy was a labour contender who got thrown out of the party about 2 months ago ? Because of anti semitic internet comments …… she got close at the last election and was a far left Corbyn type Hamas friends Muslim. – a sure win …
        As you see – even after being de badged her far left operation raised a lot of muslim votes – but the Muslim labour vote split leaving IDS to keep his seat ( miracle – left footer et al) ….
        Living in the constituency he was the only one bombarding with leaflets .
        He got a lot of support because he stopped the communist council from building tower blocks in the nice bits of chingford – they wanted to import more lefty trash ….

        I thought all the tories in e4 would vote Reform – but then IDS is still a Tory –

        BTW – on tories – I saw I think David Davies lost his seat …


  8. Guest Who says:

    Strumpet and KGM.

    Mad Al and Goofy.


    The state of the political/media estate in a nutshell.


  9. harry142857 says:

    Well done to Lee, Nigel, Richard and Rupert.
    Shame to see the formidable Penny Mordaunt lose, she wiped the floor with fick Ange in debates.


  10. JohnC says:

    Has Sunack resigned yet ?. I expect he will be gone before Monday and quietly disappear on a plane out once the fuss dies down.

    He will have his speech written already – though I doubt he will stomp off with his bottom lip stuck out like May and Cameron did. At least we are rid of Mr Smug.

    I can’t bring myself to read the BBC articles : you can be sure they will have a record number of them as well for this election.

    Now things will start to get ridiculous. And the BBC will – of course – cover it up.

    Enjoy it BBC : it will be a VERY different story next time (assuming the Tories have not completely sold out).


    • Fedup2 says:

      He told the result count that he was going to be sticking round for ‘years ‘ – can’t see that … it’s unfortunate that the blues still have so many seats ….. I was hoping for less than 50 …


      • JohnC says:

        He really was a terrible PM.

        Not in the same league as Brown and May of course – but placed into a position he is entirely unsuited for by the BBC and civil service double act – all for for this very day when their plan has worked spectacularly.

        It’s nothing less than a coup IMHO.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    It seems the Muslim party ( independent ) won 3 seats last night – streeting almost lost his seat – 500 majority – but Galloway is gone ….

    Mark Harper – has gone from transport secretary to ex MP – that’s maybe be 10 cabinet ministers now ex MPs …. I wonder how long before nut nut opens his trap …. ?

    It looks like the way to win seats is to bungee jump like the repulsive Eddie Davey –
    But it’s more like people just couldn’t vote red or blue or Farage so voted yellow …. Incredible …


  12. pugnazious says:

    Labour same percentage in England as last election…it’s the surge in Scotland that slightly increased their percentage…and they actually lost % in Wales. The Tories lost this election rather than Labour winning….not a Labour landslide but a Tory sinkhole. And again as with UKIP, Reform gets large numbers of votes, more than the LibDems, but hardly any seats….but Farage is in….can he keep up the momentum and concentrate those votes?

    However…on a personal note….maybe Labour has sneaked in but the SNP have been obliterated…happy days.

    Now…where’s my passport?


  13. Scroblene says:

    I’m just so pleased that Reform have started the ball rolling. Four seats so far!

    While exit polls are up there with foreigners flogging the Beeg Issue, the postal votes – mainly from more senior people like me and The Senora, may well make a huge difference.

    We had the time to make balanced judgement, consider the alternatives, look at the monetary aspect, then finally just say, ‘Piss of Tories, you’ve blown it’. You don’t deserve any more time. You’ll just waste our money even more! You could have seen to Brexit, immigration, clipping the Beeboid wings and all manner of things that got you into parliament with a proper majority, and you’re going to suffer for this.

    At least we’ll all see Strummer and Crayons failing from the start – you took years to continue failing.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Scroblene – so the blues are left with some of what there was before – Hunt held on with just 800 votes – they’ll scrap over the the leadership – but they ve lost the trust of the people who voted them in …. And won’t be getting it back ….

      … farage is the commons will only get a voice if he does a deal with the blues – but it won’t happen – the msm will do its’ best to silence / marginalise Reform in the coming months / years ….and solidify the reds in power ….


  14. Jeff says:

    Well, as expected, a Labour landslide…and all honour to those of you that stayed up all night and kept us informed…

    Gald to see Nigel, at long last, make the breakthrough, along with a few colleagues. On the other hand, it’s gutting that one of the few men of honour in parliament, Andrew Bridgen, didn’t get back in, while that useless are-wipe Ed Davey has smashed it. There really is no justice…

    But here’s the real choker…Reform pick up 15% of the vote and (thus far) have 4 seats…the Lie-Dems (misspelling deliberate) get 12% and have 70 seats, the Greens get7% and have 4 seats and the SNP get a measly 2%, but get 8 seats.

    Isn’t democracy wonderful…


  15. atlas_shrugged says:

    I for one am really sad that Andrew Bridgen did not win. One of the very few honest politicians.

    I don’t vote, but I do leaflet. I can’t beat myself up not going to drive for two hours to leaflet for Bridgen because he got trounced by the uni-parties. Leafleting would not have made the difference.

    The winning nuuuu liebour candidate is the very model of a Stepford wife.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Atlas – yes – bad news …


      Comrade Robinson interviews Toby Elwood and Steve Baker – both thankfully losing blues .

      But surely defeated MPs – low on sleep – should be quiet rather Yap like dogs ….

      Elwood sounds like he hasn’t lost his seat – Baker is just nasty slime – bad mouthing Nigel Farage and not recognising what he has achieved in a month .

      Baker sounds mentally challenged and should go on Holiday – again ….

      Robinson really enjoyed himself ……


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, Steve Baker is a keen Christian, libertarian and a Brexiteer and is said by some to be on the Right Wing of the Conservative Party.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Up2 – I know all that – but speaking and behaving the way he did shows he is unfit – and deserves to go get a proper job .

          If he was a conservative his conscience would have taken him elsewhere long ago …
          The entitlement these characters display show they need a different existence – as I type Melvin stride – one of the last blue MPs is spouting crap with his 61 majority .

          The answer as to what the blue party needs to do is simple – be conservative – be Reform.

          Vote reform next time .


        • MarkyMark says:



      • G says:

        “…..enjoyed himself…..”

        Positively euphoric along with the rest of that evil organisation.


  16. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – we’re in dire straits now

    “Sky is crying, streets are full of tears,
    Rain come down, wash away my fears,
    Oh, I can read the writing on the wall.” (© Mark Knopfler)

    Writingsonthewall came to mind this morning. When I first started posting on the BBC’s Political Blog back when Nick Robinson (now a chief TOADY) was the BBC’s Political Editor, Writingsonthewall was a fellow poster on the BBC PolEd’s Blog. If I recall correctly he was a raving Socialist but claimed to work for a bank(!) in Docklands in IT. This was back in 2008, so was the time of the Banking Crisis and another Labour Government. Does he/she still post on BBC Threads when they are open to comment?

    Fellow posters were Rock Robin, Sagamix, Lefty10 and Strictly Pickled and many others. Wonder where they are now? BBC Blogs have fallen out of favour with the three senior BBC Editors and Faisal Islam, the Economics Editor, is hardly visible now – does he turn up for work daily at the BBC? He is a notable contrast to the hard working Stephanie Flanders who produced one or more Blogs per day and would read posts and reply to posters where they had picked her up on the very occasional error.

    What a contrast to the BBC of today!


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    The gynaeceum that is BBC News staff drop all prior pretence that the ordering of their online press line-up might be random or happenstance this morning.

    The stauch, reflexively, come rain or shine, Labour-supporting Daily Mirror tops the BBC charts with its exclamatory shout of: Landslide! – and the playground ner-ner, ner-ner-ner, sub-header taunt: Starmer and Labour’s thumping victory as Tories crushed (Mirror)

    I’ve a recurring anxiety dream that somehow or other I’ve gotten myself into an awful lot of trouble. (Speaking truth to media power too explicitly hereabouts, perhaps?) Unjustly incarcerated on remand in some privatised corporate Serco-Mitie-plc-pfi-branded dungeon, awaiting an appearance before the AI-generated Beak and consequent bowlful of porridge at His Majesty’s pleasure – perhaps there’s still just some small glimmer of hope, some appeal to lady justice to be made on my behalf? – My brief walks in – and it’s Keir Starmer…

    I experience that disturbing sinking feeling of sudden falling and awake with a start – with the makings of a day-long sick hangover.

    In their excitement or dementia – I don’t know whether to pin the blame on our BBC or on Google – A pic of Joe Biden appears matched with the headline Corbyn wins Islington at Latest from bbc.co.uk – oh well, one confused old codger is much the same as another.

    The celebrity obsessed giveaway Metro goes with: The eXit factor – then rather echoes the cries of the Corbynite far-leftists: Keir Stormer! – the commies call him Keir Stürmer for his night of the knives-like purges.

    Boris Johnsonian classical analogy

    I’d liken our Sir Keir to the stuttering Derek Jacobi in the role of Claudius as the praetorian guard soldiers, having assassinated the hated emperor Nero, run rampaging through the palace and discover him cowering behind a curtain. Cl-cl-cl-claudius is raised aloft as the default pick for the top job in Rome. And the state sector payroll vote, by the way, look forward to a big pay rise from the patsy they just installed on the throne. Despite the treasury having been plundered.

    Your friend and mine Matt in the Telegraph sketches a couple at home in front of their googlebox as the on screen caption ‘Election 2024’ appears: “Let’s watch Titanic instead. I feel like I know how this one ends…”

    And to bookend that cri de cœur Matthew Lynn comments: ‘Britain is on the brink of bankruptcy but no one will admit it’ (Telegraph)

    Most national titles like the photograph of the happy couple: The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, and his wife, Victoria, arrive to cast their votes in London yesterday (Guardian)

    All I’ve really been told about this public sector power couple pairing is that they lateral flow covid tested one another, the kids… and probably the pets… about five times a week and once more for luck… for a period of a couple of years – and that doesn’t bode well.

    I’ve a strongly held belief, lately expressed as a recurring mantra hereabouts, that sport and politics oughtn’t to be mixed.

    It’s at the stage with me now where I’d prefer to drop all pretence of national anthems and flags at international events.

    Think about it. The stage is the Olympic track and field. Enter Team GB’s medal hungry African immigrants versus various shades of north American and continental European-branded African immigrants. What’s the point?

    BBC golden balls Gary Lineker pontificating on Arabian human rights before signing some lucrative deal with the self-same arabs akin to trading in his old mum for a camel.

    Of course our globalist regime are loving international sport. It’s all about the messaging. Hence the FT frets: Marcon’s timing sets fresh challenge for Paris Games

    How so? With Ressemblement National’s Jordan Bardella potentially installed as premier when they open on July 26… (FT) – and we can’t be having that

    The corprate globalist FT speaks for the ‘many’

    For many, the worry now is the image of France that a far-right government with a nativist platform will present to the world (FT) – oh the humanity!

    Quick, get the froggy version of Danny Boyle onto the opening ceremony show planning so as to celebrate French diversity and inclusion. What’s the Gallic equivalent of that NHS worship song and dance routine?

    I’ve got it – a hundred Kylian Mbappés in stripy black and white jerseys and berets doing the Apache dance routine paired with a hundred blonde Marine Le Pen lookee-likees in satin split skirts and stockings while weilding knives in a dramatic sexy bar fight embrance to the death.

    …the threat of disorder is complicating careful plans for policing the biggest global sporting event – laments the FT – oh the best laid plans of mice and men… of one world internationalist corporate elites and us poor parochial plebs.

    Why banks can’t stop talking about politics (FT)


    • MarkyMark says:

      “For many, the worry now is the image of France that a far-right government with a nativist platform will present to the world (FT) – oh the humanity!”

      Saudi is a unmoderated Conservative Islamic gov – and yet we buy oil from the nasty people!


  18. Sluff says:

    Have I read this right?
    Labour vote share less than 2% up over 2019
    Doesn’t sound like a landslide of positivity.
    Yet creates a one party state.
    Reform result incredible. That’s the message.
    Bigger vote than the LibDems though way fewer MPs.

    One unlikely to gain traction on the BBC or a shed of positivity.
    They are too busy drooling over the Tory failure.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – yes that’s right – it’s the weirdness of the voting system . The reds won because people Would not vote blue any more – once bitten ……
      I don’t know how many million votes reform got but it shows how unrepresentative the false democracy of Britain is …
      …also – the second lowest turn out since 1865 ? So not much enthusiasm for the uni party ….


  19. tomo says:


  20. Foscari says:

    Of course not the false benefit claimants. Or those
    like Tube Train drivers who on £1500 a week with overtime ,
    who’s job could be taught to crows with a pouch of bird seed
    in the front cabin. BUT a good few million folk, who like
    turkeys ,have voted for CHRISTMAS. And how they will find out!!
    But I for one am devastated that our very hard working MP
    Theresa Villiers has lost her seat in Barnet. Yes like many
    others , because of the Reform intervention. Sour grapes ? Yes.
    The Conservative party asked for this. And by god . They got it
    in spades.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    Keir Starmer to demand free tampax for all men with a cervix on the NHS! Free at point of access!

    Comrades – we are about to enter the twilight world of Labour.


  22. MarkyMark says:

    Gaza bins will be emptied on time with 110% efficiency now Labour and Corbyn are in Parliament as the rulers!


  23. G says:

    I hear that all vessels under the control of Border Farce will put to sea and anchor mid-way, loudspeakers on directed to France and in unison, call:

    ‘All Migrants Welcome’


  24. Doobster78 says:

    15 % Vote share and 4 seats.
    12% Vote share and 71 seats.

    What a system hey !!

    The UK stands almost alone in Europe in using a ‘one-person-takes-all’ disproportionate voting system. If we exclude the authoritarian state of Belarus – “Europe’s only remaining outpost of tyranny”

    When is someone going to invade us on the basis of bringing proper democracy to the UK ? We did it to Iraq, Libya etc …


    • MarkyMark says:

      China has a one party perfect system!


    • kingkp says:

      The liars at the BBC would have you believe that you are living in a representative democracy and that the backward peasants in Belarus are toiling under the oppression of a brutal dictator. It is, of course, a pack of lies.
      “Covid-19: How does Belarus have one of the lowest death rates in Europe?
      Plagued by political turmoil over “Europe’s last dictatorship” and with a president in denial of COVID-19, how has Belarus ended up with one of the lowest death rates on the continent? Kata Karáth reports
      Belarus’s beleaguered government remains unfazed by covid-19. President Aleksander Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, has flatly denied the seriousness of the pandemic, refusing to impose a lockdown, close schools, or cancel mass events like the Belarusian football league or the Victory Day parade.
      Yet the country’s death rate is among the lowest in Europe—just over 700 in a population of 9.5 million with over 73,000 confirmed cases.”
      Lukashenko refused to cave into the criminal banksters.
      Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of USD 940 million in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for USD 940 million, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
      • imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”
      • force them to wear face masks
      • impose very strict curfews
      • impose a police state
      • crash the economy
      There was no pandemic. There is no virus. There is a global criminal conspiracy and this is why Labour was scripted to win years ago so they can now go full throttle towards the completion of Agenda 2030. Most of this is achieved through mind control.


  25. MarkyMark says:

    Rushanara Ali wins

    Rushanara Ali has been elected as the Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green and Stepney, following the General Election which took place on Thursday 4 July 2024.

    Rushanara Ali of The Labour Party received a total of 15,896 votes, followed by Ajmal Masroor, Independent who received a total of 14,207 votes.

    Phoebe Julia Gill, (Green Party) received 6,391 votes
    Rabina Khan (Liberal Democrats) received 4,777 votes
    Peter Howard Sceats (Reform UK) received 1,964 votes
    Oscar Reaney (Conservative) received 1,920 votes
    Vanessa Helen Hudson (Animal Welfare Party) received 348 votes
    Sham Uddin (Independent) received 325 votes
    Somon Md Ahmed (Independent) received 315 votes
    Reggie Adams (Independent) received 217 votes
    Jon Mabbutt (Social Democratic Party) received 233 votes.



  26. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – much rejoicing from the Lefties at the BBC*

    Fliss, BBC Business, (Felicity Hannah) rolls out some women to comment on the Labour win, and one especially is pleased: Raine Newton Smith, Socialist I think it is fair to say, D.G. of the CBI is pleased that Rachel Reeves will be in No.11 and claims that Labour is on the side of business. We’ll probably see the unemployment figures going up, especially in the oil and gas sectors, and the ‘green jobs growth’ failing miserably, farming increasingly threatened. Food rationing during the fifth year of Labour’s first term? Markets crashing again during the fifth year of Labour’s first term? Pound Sterling collapsing during the fifth year of Labour’s first term?

    Oh joy!

    *Jane Garvey moment with champagne bottle littering the corridors at BH. Do the BBC employ any Conservatives or conservatives at all?


  27. Althepalerp says:

    Watched Andy Burnham on Sky when Jacob Rees-Mogg lost his seat.
    What a complete c**t.
    He should learn to be magnanimous in victory.


  28. MarkyMark says:

    So Labour have no excuses now! Super Majority with a super team!
    Nothing can go wrong.




  29. Foscari says:

    ” BIG BROTHER how should report Reform on the news now
    on the BBC. They did get just under half the percentage of
    votes that Labour got? ” Ok if Farage is mentioned . And I
    insist he is mentioned as little as possible. It is prefaced by the fact
    that he has lost eight elections before. As for the seats and and
    percentage of the votes. I want to see as little as possible of
    Reform.” Yes BIG BROTHER we are already making sure sure
    of all of this already. And the fact that the Liberals won nearly
    20 times more seats than the racist scum ,with less of a
    percentage of the vote, will not be mentioned.”


  30. MarkyMark says:

    “Foreign Secretary David Cameron, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and Argentinian football star Lionel Messi were among those whose affairs came under scrutiny following the leak.

    In total the data revealed links to 12 current or former heads of state and government, including dictators accused of embezzling money from their own countries.”


    Panama Papers: Court acquits all 28 charged with money laundering


  31. atlas_shrugged says:

    Mark Steyn quick off the draw with his election analysis:


    “I would account the rise of a separate Islamic political force that no longer needs to work within the established parties as the most significant development of last night – and not in a good way”.


  32. Fedup2 says:

    I reckon if president trump pops up to publicly congratulate Nigel Farage it should send the reds off the edge … box office …
    And president trump visiting Clacton …


  33. MarkyMark says:

    Labour assumed the loyalty of its Muslim voters as it does the loyalty of its gay voters, but the former seem to grasp that they will soon be strong enough to do without the socialist infidels.



  34. MarkyMark says:

    “Yet, despite the differences between the UK and the Fifth Republic, the goal of the Permanent State remains the same: nothing will be permitted to change.”



  35. tomo says:

    Labour’s share of the vote is five points lower than Jeremy Corbyn’s supposedly humiliating defeat in 2017: in fact, it is the lowest share of the vote for any winning party ever .

    h/t Mark Steyn


  36. MarkyMark says:

    Biden to congratulate George Galloway on wining the PM seat of the UK in Gaza!


  37. Flotsam says:

    Although I’ve stayed up on many election nights the inevitability of the result and too many grinning idiots meant I gave it a miss.
    Quite honesty the result is a disaster for Britain, we can only look forward to increased taxation and Authoritarianism. More votes bought with our money by Labour from the ranks of the public sector and benefit addicts. At one time I thought the country might become a superstate again but people seem to want handouts rather than enterprise and self reliance.
    Labour wants to disassemble the Planning system, God help us, we have to look forward to millions of shoddy small units being built for the adoring proles in unsuitable locations.


  38. Scroblene says:

    I’ve just looked out of the window, and yup, it’s belting down with rain, and quite cold…

    This is certainly the start of an ice age in Tunbridge Wells, as we’ve now got a Lib Dem for an MP, so the freeze-over has definitely started!

    Greg Clark, retiring MP leaves with two months salary, and a pension of around £55,000 p.a.


  39. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #3 – the gloom will descend very soon

    BBC Licence Fee (a.k.a. Telly Tax) increased to £200 by Labour? Then, when even more people stop paying it, it may be added to Council Tax by the Labour Government. UPFs will be banned, sugar and salt will be taxed.

    “Oooh, it’s good to be alive in 1985 1984.”


  40. Zelazek says:

    Reform’s share of the vote in Scotland is 6.9%. Not quite what I predicted or hoped for but still not too bad given Scotland’s socialist heart and propensity to flirt with separatism. Not as good as the 15% share in England and nearly 17% in Wales, but it’s something to build on.


  41. MarkyMark says:

    Spare a thought for the following 11 cabinet ministers, who lost their seats last night:

    Gillian Keegan – Education Secretary.
    Grant Shapps – Defence Secretary.
    Penny Mordaunt – Commons Leader.
    Alex Chalk – Justice Secretary.
    Lucy Frazer – Culture Secretary.
    David TC Davies – Welsh Secretary.
    Simon Hart – Chief Whip.
    Michelle Donelan – Innovation and Technology Secretary.
    Victoria Prentis – Attorney General.
    Johnny Mercer – Veterans Minister.
    Michael Tomlinson, Illegal Migration Minister.




    Amber Rudd
    Non-Executive Director
    Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee.



  42. Fedup2 says:

    Two things –

    Thank god it’s almost over and we can get back to the tedious Euros later today and the woke United game tomorrow –

    Second – how much the bbc et al keeps on and on with the election – now -1030 it’s the kissing hands thing at the palace …
    I wonder what the first ‘ unpopular ‘ decision will be …. ? Maybe they’ll recognise Palestine ….


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      Being barking marxists nuuu liebour will pick the issues which are the most malicious and harmful to British people. So priorities;

      20% VAT and business rates on private education
      Fast tracking illegal migrants into free housing to displace the brits
      Massive energy hikes with Great Marxist Energy
      Raiding private pension pots
      etc etc


  43. MarkyMark says:

    Unpopular Labour win the popular vote!


  44. MarkyMark says:

    “I have heard your anger and disappointment and take responsibility.”

    p.s. off to USA now to celebrate 4th July! YEAH!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Q So Rishi – what have you learned ? A er – always carry an umbrella ? – I made the missus carry it on the way out …”

      As soulless departure as Truss – I still admire the Cameron ‘whistle ‘ one although I despise the man … back to the garden shed David ? Or a few more bungs …( appointment as non exec director ).?


  45. tomo says:


  46. MarkyMark says:

    Are the three teachers in Batley free to come out now that Gaza has been appointed as PM leader?


  47. MarkyMark says:

    Rishi’s paper round in the UK is over – his wife looks happy!
    Off to India or USA to avoid taxes!


    • G says:

      “Off to India or USA to avoid taxes!”

      With a pit-stop to Davos on the way to proffer his apologies and to add that there is no loss because his replacement is also a disciple / devotee of the Davos philosophies.


  48. G says:

    The results in Wales:

    “The election results for Wales
    Labour 486,636 votes (37.11%)
    Conservatives 239,993 votes (18.3%)
    Reform 223,018 votes (17.01%)
    Plaid Cymru 194,769 (14.85%)
    Liberal Democrats 85,911 (6.55%)
    Green 61,662 (4.7%)”

    I didn’t expect any different. As I’ve said before, the people of Wales are wedded to Labour, “My father and before him, my grandfather always voted Labour”.

    However, the figures will show, now, what a danger Reform will become. Ditto England. To reach just under 46% of the Labour vote is truly amazing particularly when the short history of Reform is considered.

    We, living in Wales can expect more socialist communism ahead. That punishment will be administered now, totally unchecked.


    • Fedup2 says:

      God yesterday they dug up heseltine – now they’ve got the EUs finest – comrade neil € kinnock € … blah blah ( no mention of out of control population growth – caused by uncontrolled invasions -now )


    • Flotsam says:

      Wales is so Socialist that the Reform vote does surprise. I haven’t analysed the figures but I guess its probably ex Tory voters voting Reform in the border constituencies in places like Monmouthshire, Conwy and Powys.


  49. Fedup2 says:

    Just seen the footage of ids getting his Chingford seat back . I was amazed that the returning officer spoke in English – rather than the majority language which Urdu or Farsi or whatever …

    Elswhere George Galloway didn’t even turn up for the result – stay classy George –


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