Midweek 3rd July 2024

The election Post . Only the Reform Party promises to deal with the anti British BBC – please vote Reform -and if you are going to a voting station – take your own pen …

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595 Responses to Midweek 3rd July 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:

    Under current.

    “Labour loses four seats to pro-Palestinian candidates
    Shadow Cabinet Office minister Jonathan Ashworth among those losing out as party suffers in urban areas with high Muslim populations”



    Muhammad is UK’s favourite boy’s name for second year in a row
    The Muslim boys name, which is also spelt Mohamed, Muhammed, Mohammad, has routinely been found to be a favourite choice of parents naming their new born sons


  2. MarkyMark says:

    Taxable Income Old Tax Regime New Tax Regime
    Rs 9,00,001 to Rs 10,00,000 20% 15%
    Rs10,00,001 to Rs12,00,000 30% 15%
    Rs 12,00,001 to Rs 15,00,000 30% 20%
    Rs15,00,001 and above 30% 30%


    Income Tax rates and bands
    Band Taxable income Tax rate
    Personal Allowance Up to £12,570 0%
    Basic rate £12,571 to £50,270 20%
    Higher rate £50,271 to £125,140 40%
    Additional rate over £125,140 45%


    There is no individual income tax scheme in Saudi Arabia. Income tax is not imposed on an individual’s earnings if they are derived only from employment in Saudi Arabia. Non-employment income is taxed as an entity or permanent establishment (PE).5 Mar 2024



  3. tomo says:

    Disappointed that Andrew Bridgen lost his seat

    that said – things seem to be stacked against him= – just look at the judge in his libel case against HandonCock


  4. MarkyMark says:

    Rishi to demand he pays all HIS WEATLH taxes to Starmer for the rest of his life! H AH AHHAHA!

    Akshata Murty may have avoided up to £20m in tax with non-dom status. Rishi Sunak’s wife has potentially avoided up to £20m in UK tax by being non-domiciled and pays £30,000 a year to keep the status – revelations that come amid growing political pressure on the chancellor.


  5. MarkyMark says:



  6. Foscari says:

    Here is something you wont hear or see on the BBC.
    It took 1 MILLION votes to get each of the four REMAIN MP’S to be elected.
    . Have a guess how many it took LABOUR.
    to achieve their 410 seats.
    Was it 250,000 ? 150,000, 100,000, 50,000 40,000 30,000
    or 23, 622 ?
    And we go on about elections in Russia , Iran, China . Or North
    Korea !!


  7. Fedup2 says:

    The staged number 10 walk in … plenty of flags … but no English ones ….


    • Flotsam says:

      I noticed that too. Labour activists distributing Union, Wales and Scotland flags, no flag of St George.


      • Fedup2 says:

        And that happened in —-er —— England …… but people are so tamed now as to not notice or comment … the bbc certainly wouldn’t … they missed a trick not waving queer or Hamas flags though … maybe next time …


  8. tomo says:


  9. MarkyMark says:

    “Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”

    Prince Charles Delivers Heartfelt Speech on the Environment in Davos



  10. Right Angle says:

    I noticed Sky News absolutely refused to let Reform have its own column, even after it won its first seat. I assume the BBC did the same thing.

    How unconscionable this is, especially considering that Reform came in second in 98 constituencies!

    The above figure was reported in The Express, but it doesn’t seem to have listed the constituencies.

    I wonder if any kind soul has done the necessary legwork …?


  11. Fedup2 says:

    That question about which country does a new PM goes to first – has been answered without the need for a decision . There’s a NATO thing in the US next week so Starmer can get to meet president Obama and his pals to kiss hands …


  12. MarkyMark says:

    Labour Party manifesto 2019: 12 key policies explained

    Increase health budget by 4.3%

    Hold a second referendum on Brexit

    Raise minimum wage from £8.21 to £10

    Stop state pension age rises

    Introduce a National Care Service

    Bring forward net-zero target

    Nationalise key industries

    Scrap Universal Credit

    Abolish private schools’ charitable status

    Free bus travel for under-25s

    Give EU nationals the right to remain

    Build 100,000 council homes a year



  13. MarkyMark says:

    “The loyalists have been handed flags to wave and cheer with by Labour HQ – the Union Jack, Welsh and Scottish flag – to showcase Starmer’s grand vision of a united kingdom. Though there’s a glaring omission: not a single English flag in sight…”


  14. tomo says:

    Wait until the Cabinet / Front Bench start up…..

    It’s going to get messy 🙂


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Farage debrief on youtube had co ordinated disruption from 6? In the audience shouting out in turn – just like actors – which farage mentioned out loud .

    One million votes for each MP is madness .


  16. The Sage says:

    Very slightly off topic and a bit late, do we know if Equity has withdrawn, or is planning to withdraw, Andrew Parker’s union card for the racist remarks he made on national TV while “canvassing” for Reform?
    If his card is not withdrawn then what does this say about the entire incident? Surely, it would more or less confirm that he was in cahoots with others (Channel 4’s production company perhaps) or even a national political party to discredit Reform’s chances.
    I suspect that in all other circumstances the luvvies’ union would be very quick to act against someone making such comments.


  17. MarkyMark says:

    Reeves: ‘There’s not a huge amount of money’

    …. wait ….

    “UK to become a net exporter of electricity.” (c) Rishi Sunak 11.06.2024 https://youtu.be/3CNThBxJjm4?t=2368#Conservative Party launch manifesto


  18. Fedup2 says:

    A one hour presentation of the 4 new Reform MPs – lots of questions – including from Cathy Newman – who I’m sure I saw going to the stage at the end calling out ‘we had nothing to do with the disruption ( at the start ) .

    There was no BBC

    The disruption was planned – co ordinated – and ineffective – but surely the technique of the Far Left seeing the Danger Reform now poses to the uniparty ….


  19. MarkyMark says:

    Ed Miliband enters No 10.



  20. BRISSLES says:

    In the words of David Tennant, can somone make Christopher Hope shut up ! Hes an absolute embarrassment shouting at MPs as they walk towards no.10, then gives a little laugh when they dont answer him. Who the hell would. And this habit they all have at shouting out their full name is puerile. GBNews presenters do it even when interviewing in the stufio.


  21. BRISSLES says:

    David Lammy Foreign Sec pixieballs Home Sec.

    Jeeeezus !!!


  22. pugnazious says:

    ‘Reeves: ‘There’s not a huge amount of money”

    Er…actually there is….it’s the biggest tax take in history….IFS…£100 billion extra above 2019 levels to spend….

    ‘This will be the biggest tax-raising parliament on record’
    ‘At the time of the last general election, UK tax revenues amounted to around 33% of national income. By the time of the next election in 2024, on current forecasts, taxes will amount to around 37% of national income – a level not sustained in the post-war period. Compared with a world in which taxes had stayed at 33% of national income, the UK government will be raising upwards of £100 billion more in tax revenues next year. This is equivalent to around £3,500 more per household, though of course the tax rise will not be shared equally.’



  23. pugnazious says:

    Starmer must have a sense of humour giving Rayner the housing portfolio….though I guess she knows all the ins and outs and ways around rules.


  24. Cooper_Man says:

    Disappointed that Reform’s exit poll numbers of 13 was whittled down to just 4 by the end of the night but it’s a bridgehead into Westminster, albeit a small one. Congratulations to Nigel, Richard, Lee and Rupert.

    Interesting result from my constituency of Peterborough – and a worrying indicator of things to come. It ended up as a Labour gain from the Conservatives, despite the labour vote decreasing by almost 10% from the last election – the conservative drop was slightly higher hence the flip.

    Parks (Labour) – 13,418 -9.5%
    Bristow (Con) – 13,300 -14.7%
    Morris (Reform) – 5,379 +8.3%
    Hussain (WPB) – 5,051 +12.1%

    WPB, for those who don’t know, is the Workers Party of Britain a.k.a. George Galloway’s Muslim Party. What with the results in Blackburn, Dewsbury and Batley, and Leicester South – how much time before a fully fledged Muslim Party is approved by the electoral commission?


    • Cooper_Man says:

      I missed Birmingham Perry Barr

      Khan (Ind) – 13,303 +35.5%
      Mahmood (Lab) – 12,796 -33.9%


      Hussain (Ind) – 10,518 +27.0%
      Hollern (Lab) – 10,386 -39.3%

      Dewsbury & Batley

      Mohamed (Ind) – 15,641 +41.1%
      Iqbal (Lab) – 8,707 -36.2%

      Leicester South

      Adam (Ind) – 14,739 +35.2%
      Ashworth (Lab) – 13,760 -35.3%


  25. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I don’t want to hear any more complaints about Putin. The enemy is in Westminster



    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m trying to think of any ‘quality ‘ on the red front bench – I suppose the nearest it gets is Mrs balls but she ll flounder too..


      • Lucy Pevensey says:


        I wanted to to ask others, is it just me? Or are The Labour MP’s as thick as mince now? With a few exceptions.

        Compared with say the vile Tony Blair. He is sinister but clever. This lot seem to be made up of a majority of stupid people.

        And which is the more dangerous combination?
        Evil & clever or evil & stupid?


        • Peter Grimes says:

          Yes they are as thick as mince.


        • Lefty Wright says:

          Put it this way. I am far from being clever so I would feel more confident of victory playing Ludo with a stupid Labour MP than playing against a clever Labour MP.
          Incidentally, I voted for the Reform Party so does that make me thick,clever or evil?
          I like to think that I am none of the above. I just am.
          Before any of you clever bastards remind me that Ludo is decided by the throw of a dice and not by intelligence, I am really not THAT thick!!


      • Peter Grimes says:

        Mr Pixie Cooper-Bollox was one of the chief liars for BlairBrown and their claim that they were reducing debt.

        Inexcusable, unforgivable.


    • Peter Grimes says:

      It looked as though Our ‘Ange was packing a giant dildo in the trouser pocket of her ridiculous green suit.

      Was it hers or would it more likely belong to her porn star son and daughter in law?


    • kingkp says:

      They are all in on the scam. This is a global conspiracy. The sooner you become a full-blown swivel-eyed conspiracy nut the greater the chances you have of surviving 2030 and beyond. Although given the state of the world by then you may choose other options.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Uncross your legs at 16 to get a free house.

      That’s a skill innit.


  26. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Starmer has one and a half hours to get his cabinet sorted before knocking off for the weekend.


  27. tomo says:


  28. MarkyMark says:

    Robert Plant – ‘Ship of Fools’


    • kingkp says:

      This is of course why the Black Nobility et al. introduced democracy into the West. They realised the peasants were awakening to the scams of the elites. What better way to control the dumb masses than to convince them they have a choice in the fate of their pitiful lives? After all, those enlightened souls who could see through the scam would be trapped on the ship of fools with no possibility of disembarking safely.
      Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are no longer taught in our schools for a reason. Too many kids might get the idea that democracy isn’t such a good thing after all and start looking for genuinely equitable solutions to a problem that has plagued mankind since his creation.


      • MarkyMark says:

        The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}



  29. wwfc says:


  30. Scroblene says:


    Beeboids grit their teeth as Reform wins a fifth seat!

    Go Nigel!

    I never thought I’d utter this word, but….



  31. MarkyMark says:

    “In 2010, Mahmood was elected as MP for Birmingham Ladywood, becoming one of the UK’s first female Muslim MPs, along with Rushanara Ali and Yasmin Qureshi. Mahmood has spoken about how her faith is the most important thing in her life, and said that it is the motivation for her to undertake public service.”


    “…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
    – Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007


  32. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    When you think about it, Farage caused the Boris win in 2019 by withdrawing his Party (to get Brexit done) and also caused the Labour win yesterday instead of a probable hung parliament.

    Just imagine what he can do when Reform really take off.
    He’s head and shoulders above any of the other politicians and I’m glad he’s on our (my) side as he’s a formidable opponent.


    • Scroblene says:

      I’m looking forward to seeing how many Tories, who lost their seats, come whingeing and whining to Nigel Farage, and begging for a place in the next by-election!

      I can imagine a few monosyllabic and dismissive comments coming from Reform HQ…


  33. Fedup2 says:

    The thick and nasty Lisa Nando’s nandy is the culture secretary instead of thandi Newton debonaire managed to lose her seat ..to a Gaza MP.


  34. Fedup2 says:

    Pleased to report Reform had a 5th MP after x3 recounts


  35. wwfc says:


    • Guest Who says:

      Rebel News

      Here’s some of what I learned:

      Mass immigration is an enormous political issue in the UK, but many people are afraid to say that in public for fear of being cancelled. Many Brits didn’t want to tell me they were against mass immigration if I was recording them on camera.

      The establishment media is even more vicious than the establishment political parties when it comes to silencing contrarian voices. If you think the Canadian media is bad, you’d be shocked at the misconduct of the British media.

      It’s possible for courageous politicians to go around the regime media, though, by using social media. Nigel Farage, the former leader of the Brexit movement who now leads Reform UK, mastered social media, and was able to connect directly with people, especially youth.

      People don’t like fake conservatives. If a “Conservative” party doesn’t live up to its name, people will either stay home or vote for someone else. The fake UK Conservatives got thrashed after 14 years of breaking promises.

      The “first past the post” voting system makes it hard for upstart parties to get any traction. (The Labour Party got just 34% of the votes, but got 64% of the seats in Parliament; Farage’s Reform Party got 14% of the vote, but less than 1% of the seats. They came in second in nearly 100 constituencies, but that obviously doesn’t count.)

      There are now five pro-Hamas MPs who ran as independent candidates in highly Muslim constituencies. They each campaigned on the idea that the Labour Party wasn’t pro-Gaza enough. No doubt Labour will become even more anti-Israel to appease this growing phenomenon.

      Labour will likely continue the open borders approach to immigration, and the problems of Islamic extremism, high housing costs, social discord and crime will continue — perhaps irreversibly. Parts of the UK no longer look like the UK.


  36. Guest Who says:

    I almost cried at this appointment…
    Makes you realise how starved we’ve been of decency.

    The odds of effective account holding…


  37. Guest Who says:

    The legacy media are just propaganda puppets.


    Don’t want to do the whole prophetic fallacy thing – but as Starmer drives to Downing St the sun comes out. What a contrast to May 22 when Sunak launched the election campaign

    No word as yet on where said sun emerged from to whom.


  38. Up2snuff says:

    ‘The-cost-of-living-crisis’ * Watch #1

    The price of loose baking potatoes has gone up at Aldi by over 4% under the Labour Government and they have only been in power today!

    * Created by the BBC and fellow Lefties in order to get the Labour Party elected to Government


  39. Guest Who says:

    Interesting times.

    The new Health Secretary Wes Streeting has been applauded by civil servants as he arrived at the Department of Health. He said to reporters on the way in:
    “The NHS saved my life and I am determined to spend my

    This man now has his mits on our NHS.
    I vow to research every day and bring you every single NHS contract he offers up to the private sector.


  40. Guest Who says:

    Safe pairs of hands.

    Welcome to the least qualified UK cabinet in history. Here is their work experience outside public life.


  41. Guest Who says:

    Shades of Sue Gray?

    Hugely concerning decision.
    The man who completely botched the UK’s response to lockdowns is now science minister.
    What is Labour preparing us for?
    And why is it rewarding failure?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Sir Patrick Vallance KCB has been appointed Minister of State (Minister for Science) in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology


      • Fedup2 says:

        Another lesson – if you are going to appoint science types – make sure they are of your political views – valance was an enemy within for Johnson .


        • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

          I recall Dame Jenny Harries revealing something of her colours when asked at a press conference about what might be causing an increase in deaths, after the Covid vaccination campaign.

          Unable to explain the rise, she threw out “climate change?”


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        Rewarding incompetence and corruption. There is probably a name for that.


  42. MarkyMark says:

    A senior Tory source has it bluntly: “He’s literally doing the f**king conga after wiping out the party.” Even Starmer’s welcome reception was more muted than this…




  43. MarkyMark says:

    UK GOV
    Practice guide 69: Islamic financing
    Updated 9 September 2019

    The theological basis for Islamic finance stems partly from the traditional prohibition of usury or interest, which means that interest-based lending may not appeal to followers of Islam. Islamic finance products have been structured to avoid the payment of interest. These financial products have been developed so that they fall within the regulatory and legal framework of England and Wales and so introduce no new concept in HM Land Registry terms. They are available in the UK to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

    The three forms of contract are:

    Ijara wa Iqtina
    Diminishing Musharaka
    This guide also discusses the emergence of the Islamic bond or sukuk market.


    Provided the statutory conditions are fulfilled the lease, the transfer of the reversion and any intermediate transfers of shares in the freehold are relieved from Stamp Duty Land Tax or Land Transaction Tax, as is the initial transfer if the customer is the registered proprietor.


  44. MarkyMark says:

    Now Labour are in the Ukraine war ended?



  45. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Say what?

    “Abbott hailed as ‘trailblazer’ as she becomes Mother of the House”



    • Fedup2 says:

      Can you imagine the FCo briefing itself on Lammy – watching the mastermind piece …? Must think it’s got a really easy life coming …although he ll want to spend the FCO budget on ‘reparations ‘ and giving the entire GDP to the overseas give away budget ( btw andrew plebgate Mitchell got re elected ugh)

      Emily thornbury didn’t get the justice gig – some mate of starmer got a peerage to sit in the cabinet …


  46. Fedup2 says:

    There’s a great bit about the new reform mp for Basildon – he was speaking to Farage – I think during a recount – having stepped outside . Farage said ‘who is monitoring the count- your agent ? ‘No says candidate – im my own agent – my mum and dad are watching the count ….’

    Farage said he will be at Basildon ? At 10 00 Saturday morning to meet the 5th reform MP and go walk about to thank the good people .
    I hope the local McDonald’s monitors who is buying banana milkshakes … of ‘shakes’ as I guess they are called because of the lack of milk …. There’s bound to be trouble …


  47. Lucy Pevensey says:

    After his victory in Blackburn, the independent candidate Adnan Hussain is greeted with joyous shouting for the annihilation of Israel. pic.twitter.com/HzJpQwVHHj— habibi (@habibi_uk) July 5, 2024



  48. pugnazious says:

    In the Spectator….

    ‘Will the Tories finally get the message?’

    ‘Can it just be a coincidence that most of the leading figures of the Tory left lost their seats, while the coming women and men of the right largely held on? ‘

    Judging by some of the comments by Tories the answer would be no…they just don’t get it…absolutely no self-awareness as they demand a ‘return to the centre’ and no truck whatsoever with ‘Farageism’….no idea why they’ve lost.
    Tobias Elwood even said they must stop trying to appeal to the Tory base…and power must go to the MPs. So just ignore the people you’re there to serve and just do your own thing because you know better than those right-leaning base-type people? Pretty much what they’ve done for 14 years…Brexit aside and they think that was a mistake…foolishly allowing ‘the Base’ to have a voice….mustn’t do that again. It’s the same attitude the anti-democratic, technocratic EU has…and of course the same one the BBC has. Best not to let the great unwashed have a say in their own lives…they’re so stupid, ignorant and bigoted.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I heard Elwood saying this . I thought his judgement was screwed by tiredness and emotion – having lost his seat – but it was that air of entitlement and superiority which really hit … so lost


  49. Fedup2 says:

    Not had enough yet ? Here’s lord frost writing at 2300 4 July

    START Professor Norman Dixon’s landmark book, On the Psychology of Military Incompetence, showed how and why certain generals, seemingly well trained, clever, fitted for the job, nevertheless failed catastrophically at the job they were given.

    In a case study of the failed British defence of Singapore in 1942, Dixon wrote that “the more events proved them to be wrong, the stronger their defences became against admitting this to be the case”, and that General Percival, their highly intelligent commander, showed “ineffectual leadership”: “passivity and courtesy, rigidity and obstinacy, procrastination, gentleness, and dogmatism”.

    Overall, he identified a tendency to ignore inconvenient facts, to stay in well-trodden comfort zones and stick to routines and actions that had served them well in previous roles, to obsess about second-order issues rather than get to grips with the core problems, and to be frozen by indecision at critical moments.

    Remind you of anything? Perhaps, were he writing today, Professor Dixon would be tempted to pen On the Psychology of Political Incompetence. After all, the traits he identified have all been readily visible at the top of the Conservative Party in the last year.

    That’s why we have tonight’s disastrous result – and a disaster it is, if not quite the utter wipe-out some predicted. The strategy chosen by the outgoing Tory leadership – to ignore the 2019 electoral coalition and political realignment, to pretend Brexit never happened, and to tilt Left-wards away from actual conservatism – was a comfort zone plan, not one that engaged with the reality of the political situation. It was compounded by the inability to deliver anything important, the repeated failure to get to grips with illegal immigration, and the view that legal migration didn’t matter, and the obsession with second order issues like the smoking ban. And the polls fell consistently as all this became more and more obvious to Conservative voters.

    Many of us, beginning with Suella Braverman in her powerful resignation letter last autumn, have been pointing out that catastrophe was coming. We might as well have talked to the wall. The clique around the Prime Minister knew better. As poll after poll predicted disaster, we were told that Downing Street knew best. Like General Percival, the more events worsened, the more they clung to their analysis. Those of us who wanted to save something of the party while it was still possible were frozen out.

    In recent days, this has all been coupled with an air of entitlement entirely unjustified by the conduct of the campaign. The leadership seemed to believe that, whatever its errors, whatever its failure to deliver, the Conservative Party had an absolute right to occupy the Right of British politics. Nigel Farage and Reform were treated as if they were the tenantry arriving at the front door with pitchforks, or uppity domestic staff disrupting the smooth running of a stately home, rather than people who had actual grievances and had every right to make their case. The leadership of the party have simply failed to realise that trust in them is broken and instinctual loyalty to the party is largely gone. Hence tonight’s result.

    Decent man though he is, Rishi Sunak’s brief, tragic premiership has ended, and it is best that it has done so, though I wish it could have been sooner. He never seemed to understand the skills needed to lead, and all he and the group of mediocrities and nonentities around him were able to achieve was stop anyone else doing so instead. Some of them will no doubt be paying the price before tonight is out, as, unhappily, will large numbers of good conservative MPs, too.

    All that is left now is a rebuilding job, and it’s a huge one. Discussion of that can wait – though not for long. What is clear is that those directly responsible for tonight’s disaster – the leadership, the accommodationist grandees, the defeatist commentators around them – can’t be part of the reconstruction. They need to go and not be seen again. Then the Right of centre in British politics, those with actual conservative beliefs, whatever party they are in, can start to do what is necessary: unite behind a conservative vision with a coherent set of policies and the determination to deliver them. That is going to take time. All the more need to start soon. ENDS


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Good man Lord Frost. I don’t think we would have had any form of Brexit without him.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Fedup that is a great post.

      I want to have the ability to divorce my MP – based on unreasonable behaviour.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I like the parallel with Singapore – which I’ve read is a text book example of being unable to see what is coming – unable to recognise the ability of the enemy and failing to put in countermeasures -even with the superior forces the common wealth had it place …

        I don’t know what happened to perceval ( Sunak ) perhaps he died with his men at the hands to the japs / reds …


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