I am going to repeat this as it seems to be playing out before our eyes:
I posted earlier about the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 giving the Nazis the very same excuses being used today.
“Using this justification, Hitler persuaded Hindenburg to enact the Reichstag Fire Decree. The decree abolished most civil liberties, including the right to speak, assemble, protest, and due process. Using the decree, the Nazis declared a state of emergency and began a violent crackdown against their political enemies.”
“The Reichstag fire and the Enabling Act
Reichstag fire
Burning of the Reichstag building in Berlin, February 1933.
On the night of February 27 the Reichstag building was destroyed by fire. On the pretext of a Communist plot to seize power, the constitutional guarantees of individual liberty were suspended and the Reich government was given emergency powers. It was in this atmosphere of fear and insecurity that the elections were held a week later. Nevertheless, the Nazis failed to secure an outright majority, capturing 288 of 647 seats, and both the Centre Party and the Social Democratic Party held firm. It was only with the help of his Nationalist partners, who won 52 seats, that Hitler was able to secure a bare majority.
The decree consisted of six articles. Article 1 indefinitely suspended most of the civil liberties set forth in the Weimar Constitution, including habeas corpus, inviolability of residence, secrecy of the post and telephone, freedom of expression and of the press, the right to public assembly, and the right of free association, as well as the protection of property and the home. Articles 2 and 3 allowed the Reich government to assume powers normally reserved for the federal states. Articles 4 and 5 established draconian penalties for certain offenses, including the death penalty for arson to public buildings. Article 6 simply stated that the decree took effect on the day of its proclamation. “
Starmer wants surveillance and facial recognition technology, but wants to arrest anyone who films and identifies the people who are rioting. Is this because (1) The white rioters are antifa, under cover police and intelligence officers? (2) The brown rioters holding machetes are police, community and Labour organised gangs? Also, I presume the Police have arranged with the community ghetto leaders to switch off all the CCTV cameras in the area, to protect the identity of the rioters.
‘A judge has warned that anybody present at a riot will be remanded in custody, even if they were only a “curious observer”.
District Judge Francis Rafferty said that someone’s presence at a riot made them involved in the riot as he refused two bail applications.
The judge spoke as four men appeared in Belfast magistrates’ court charged in relation to disorder in the city.
Cameron Armstrong, 18, from Belfast, was charged with rioting in the Connswater area of east Belfast, which saw “violent disorder, petrol bombs, fireworks and different projectiles thrown at police and extensive damage caused to property”, the court heard.
‘Periphery of the scene’
Armstrong’s solicitor said that his client had never come to the attention of the police before, adding that while he admitted he was on the “periphery” of the scene, he denied being involved in any of the disorder.
When asked by the judge what he was doing at the scene, the defence solicitor told the court that Armstrong had gone to the area “to have a look”, adding that he had left when petrol bombs were thrown.
Judge Rafferty said: “He doesn’t have to throw a petrol bomb or brick to be involved in disorder, if he’s present at disorder.”’
Pug – interesting – there is legal definition of ‘riot ‘ and I’m not sure the case law supports what this political judge says – but maybe he’s looking for the next job up so wants to please the reds ….
A small part in passing is when Musk concedes that no one gets it right all the time. Hence public choices are, inevitably, based on weighing matters overall. If permitted.
The BBC, media and left in general do not do that, on behalf of their clients.
They are massive cherry pickers. On the riots recently I have seen only a few instances of those in the race obsessed camp highlighted, other than those who cannot be ignored, due to social media, or collateral sacrifices.
And history has been erased. ‘Riots’ never happened before August 2024. People in them, often violently and recorded, are not in the frame. Except for tweets from those needing a slap down, and if the tweets are from the side of ‘justice’, now, excuses are made or the blob circles or guns for those noticing.
And, as of now, despite asking many august bodies, I still have no simple yes or no answer to whether a bunch of kids at an ideologically corrupted national broadcaster are playing with IT/AI tools of mass suppression to finger folk selectively, possibly inaccurately, with little or no sensible supervision. With Dawn Butler looking set to make it even worse soon per current political practice.
Has the BBC asked him if he would defend in a court ANY of the people hauled up before these new people’s courts back in the days when he was a human rights lawyer?
It’s very clear that Smarmer is interfering in the Judicial system . He is not only pressuring the CPS but seems to be telling Judges what to do. He is prejudicing trials. One might have thought there would be resistance from the Judiciary and Barristers but as far as I know they seem to be compliant.
“Boris Johnson: Keir Starmer is ‘deaf’ to immigration concerns
Former prime minister says Labour leader fails to understand root causes of unrest across UK”
Apologies to Vlad but this question needs addressing, so reposting it:
“why is one person jailed for a facebook post about a riot he never attended, why is a woman still in custody for another post she apologised for and deleted two hours later, but the leader of “hope not hate” remains free after posting a lie about muslim woman attacked by acid which resulted in violence ? ”
Great question and the answer is difficult. In a word it is because of corruption. Cui Bono – who benefits? I can just imagine the smiles of the Albanian mafia with a free reign to ply their drugs while our wet police race around arresting grannies for posting something on fakebook two years ago.
The forces of darkness are very organised but they are few and they are addicted to power. I mean this quite literally. Without power the Volvos won’t roll, the tasers won’t be charged, the 77 brigade electronic intercepts won’t, and the judges pre-written outcome driven sentence report won’t download. This is all about legal not law. The criminal industrial complex.
After the plandemic many asked themselves who were the real criminals. They now know who they are. They are protected by legal but the public must wonder if we will ever have our law back.
At the 2 minute + mark, the nauseatingly sanctimonious judge reveals that he’s basing his verdict and sentencing partly on what the poor bloke ‘informed’ to the police while being ‘interviewed’. I wonder if a solicitor was present at the time?
I once saw a video put out by lawyers saying never talk to the police without a solicitor being present, as even a casual, inoffensive remark can be used against you.
In this case he might have thought he was helping his case by saying he was angry and frustrated, but the judge is using his statement against him.
“Police row explodes as Jewish group say cops have let Islamist extremists go unchallenged.
The Campaign Against Antisemitism has now responded, telling the Express that the police bear responsibility for the violence after months of letting extremist pro-Gaza activists “go unchallenged
“What we are seeing now is in part the result of ten months of catastrophically poor policing. Notwithstanding our repeated calls to crack down on extremists on our streets over the past year, they were allowed to go unchallenged.
“Other extremists saw that and became emboldened.
“Once the authorities have dealt with the far-right riots and those violently reacting to them, they must finally also turn their attention to the Islamist and far-left extremism that has plagued our country for months.”
In 2022, the Campaign Against Antisemitism also reacted with fury when the Crown Prosecution Service dropped charges against four men accused of driving to a Jewish area in North London and shouting: “F*** the Jews. F*** their mothers, rape their daughters”
The rebuke of the Met chief’s dismissal comes after Reform UK MPs pointed to an interview by a senior West Midlands Officer, whose response to Monday night’s Muslim violence was pointed to as proof the police are being more lenient towards them.
Speaking last night, a top officer from West Midlands Police reacted to the distressing scenes of weapon-wielding Asian men attacking and intimidating journalists, describing the riot as mostly law-abiding.”
“Reform UK deputy leader Richard Tice raged: “Police boss admitting they enabled and were complicit in letting marauding masked mob control Birmingham streets”.
Be afraid, be very afraid, putting the bin out next week if the police are around.
“Riot bin ladies are jailed for nearly FIVE YEARS in total: Mother-of-five who fell flat on her face while pushing blazing wheelie bin and laughing ex-flight attendant who deliberately ran at officers are locked up”
When I write comments here – about agencies such as plod -or the msm – so often I find myself looking for a word – and I find it – the word is ‘complicit ‘… such as depicting everyone who attended a protest as a ‘far right thug ‘ the phrase of august 2024 ….
I reckon complicit goes hand in hand with ‘two tier ‘
So much of what it happening here is an echo of the US after the election theft – draconian sentencing – a completely owned legal process….
Elsewhere – if you watch Andrew Lawrence YouTube pieces – he has been starting them with some Muslim greeting – a spoof – then the chief plod of West Midlands starts some woke ‘community safety crap ‘ and starts it with some Muslim crap …. Unbelievable – inshallah …
Seems that Charles saxcoberg gotha (Spelling ) has popped his head up to tell us we are all in it together and those nasty protesters should desist …
I wonder if he’d change his tune in being so supportive of his new government if it started to take some of the huge tracts of land his family owns to house his ‘new arrivals ‘… ? After all – we are all in it together …
The Post Office trials : Recently the media said they can’t understand how people who were not really guilty were given harsh draconian punishment.
It’s like the UK judicial system is not fair
Surely there are parallels with today’s trial and punishments.
#TwoTierJustice the establishment p!sses all over the little people
Patrick Chrystis on Friday night, in the light of Mayor Khan and Humza Yusuf saying they didn’t feel safe in this country, wanted to discuss whether people of white ethnicity feel safe in this country. Joanne Jarjou couldn’t even think of anything but how hard it was for her as a black woman. She really hadn’t the intellect to understand the questions Patrick posed.
Joanne couldn’t conceptualise the uncomfortableness white citizens of this country might feel. As an old woman, I might be ok walking down Brixton High Streets. Risks might be in my head. But I couldn’t be persuaded to walk there at night. The same would apply to Bradford or Leicester, to name but a few.
Deb, I don’t know who “books” these intellectually below par idiots on GBN. This Joanne was an Apprentice contestant, now commenting on politics like a 10 year old. Amy double-barrelled is a lightweight author now self styled as broadcaster. In fact all the women brought on as “lefty fodder” are an embarrassment to listen to unless they’re over 50 and the likes of Clare Fox and Jo Phillips – women with calibre.
(1) Are the boss of X, Rumble or Telegram and visits Britain
(2) Compare Joseph Stalin to Keir Starmer
(3) Think Starmer is inciting a Civil War
(4) Incite violence by waving a Union Jack or Israeli flag
(5) Support an illegitimate protest
(6) Incite hatred of the Government
(7) Complain about grooming gangs
(8) Think the Welsh murderer looks like an illegal immigrant
(9) Film brown people rioting with machetes
(10) Complain about mass immigration
Kier starmer will arrest you for making lists of things kier starmer will arrest you for … or even being there ….two tier keir …..what an epithet …..so soon in the red regime ….straight from honeymoon to divorce …
Despite a massive ten day long MSM wide propaganda barrage I can report that the vast majority of readers comments in the Daily Telegraph and Spectator are resolutely on the side of the anti immigration protestors and unequivocally condemn the actions of the government, police , justice system and the rest of the ruling elite.
There is a chasm between what the journalists and columnists on the one hand write in those publications and what the readers comment on the other hand.
I know that the readers comments of these two publications are not a large sample of public opinion but it does seem to me that the ruling liberal elite have over played their hand and that they are now widely seen as ruling by intimidation rather than by democratic consent.
It will be interesting to see what happens when they try to impose what will be deeply unpopular and widely resented Net Zero measures on the population . Will they dare to use the tactics of the police state as the are doing now and did on Covid?
But the mood of the public has changed drastically. On Covid the lockdown and vaccination measures had broad support ( not on this site but widely in the public) now there is widespread opposition to forcing the acceptance of mass immigration . There will likely be totally hostility to Net Zero measures which impact everyone.
Life is about to get very interesting.
I think you are being generous to the editor of the Telegraph. I think that the Telegraph is a fully paid up member of the globalist elite propaganda machine and as mass migration and the consequent destruction of nation states is a key globalist objective , the newspaper is fully on board with the government.
I also believe that if the Tories had been in power at this time things would have been pretty much the same as under this government. They are all globalists , left or right differences pale into insignificance when compared to the differences between globalists and nationalists.
A diary reminder from Michael Deacon who wrote in the Telegraph the other day.
On June 6 2020 14 police officers were injured in London after a BLM protest turned violent. The next day at another BLM protest a further 8 officers were injured.
End quote.
And what did two tier Kier do two days later? He published a photo of himself taking the knee.
But with this being a site about the bias of the BBC, I’ll end with the observation that they are STILL banging on about this on the news, dredging every conceivable angle to tell us how awful the ‘riots’ have been and by implication how wonderful mass immigration is and how peaceful are the counter-demonstrators. ‘Smash racism and fascism BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY’ it proudly says on the Socialist Worker placards – protected by the Police.
What is the meaning behind Banksy’s new urban jungle? All his agent would tell the BBC was that there was “no comment on the theme”, adding there “may or may not” be more animal paintings to follow. This has left people to speculate about their meaning. (Bonnie McLaren, Culture reporter, BBC)
Here we go. I hope you’re all sitting comfortably…
He is: King calls for unity in wake of riots (Telegraph)
Then I’ll begin…
What do monkeys, wolves, pelicans, goats and elephants have in common? We’re not at a zoo – these are all animals that Banksy has painted around London this week… Fan theories online have ranged from the goat being about the Israel-Gaza war to the animals being compared to far-right rioters across the UK (BBC)
A group of women are excited to see the artwork, and a passerby stops and offers to take their photo together. They tell the BBC they love Banksy because of the mystery surrounding his identity… “I love his work because it’s secret, it’s undercover, and it’s always topical – it’s not random,” Caz says. “I think it might be in relation to what’s going on in the country at the moment,” says Sally, “a statement.” (BBC)
Brian Sewell must be spinning in his grave: The sharpness and vitality of Sewell’s pen were complemented by his ultra-posh voice… Sewell took pleasure in his writing, using baroque language and long sentences… He complained that most contemporary art… was of “scatterbrained triviality” and even at its best “merely a puzzle to be solved, of no aesthetic value”. (Guardian obituary, 2015)
Marcia thinks the artwork comes on the back of the anti-racism gathering in Walthamstow on Wednesday – thousands of people took to the streets chanting, clapping and preaching a message of peace. “I would suspect [that’s what it’s about], as Walthamstow had one of the biggest anti far-right rallies.” (BBC)
Oh, really?
Labour councillor arrested over ‘cut throats’ comments at Walthamstow rally (The Standard); Ricky Jones: Suspended Labour councillor charged with encouraging violent disorder. The 57 year old was filmed addressing a London demonstration on Wednesday evening… Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram said: “…you said ‘we need to cut their throats and get rid of them’.” [allegedly] (Sky News)
Marcia McKnight has been living on the street for two decades and can see the artwork from her house… “I’m in heaven, this is fantastic for my street, for the local neighbourhood,” she says (BBC)
Banksy reveals fourth new artwork… and it’s stolen within an hour… was in Rye Lane, Peckham, and was a stencil of a howling wolf on a satellite dish…. Photographs showed a group of masked men climbing up, grabbing the dish and carrying it away. (Telegraph)
Asiseeit – Walthamstow E17 is now on the map – a far left riot by thugs on Wednesday – ( using the language of the msm ) with threats to ‘slit throats ‘ and then a banksy on the fish and chop shop in Pretoria road .
E17 is one of those few plaices that has fish and chip shops -but not for long judging by the demographic and price of cod …and air fryers …
Non – it was early in the day – I was weak – it’s probably illegal now – as well as reading it…and bris dear yes E17 is responsible for E17 and Beckham and Kane ( sort of ) ..and has pride the the NHS one of the consistently poorest hospitals in Englandistan …it’s well out East so BBC types never go there – except for approved demos ..
I simply cannot understand why those two Manchester Airport ethnic brothers haven’t been charged. What we have is two Officers being ‘charged’ in effect with disciplinary action but the Police officer’s kick came after the Police had been assaulted in the first place.
And the Black Labour ex-councillor calling for slitting ‘fascist’ throats probably wont be charged with terrorism or racism offences, only a civil disorder offence.
If the so-called ‘rioters’ merit 2-3 years, he deserves to be charged with something meriting 10+ years.
Because the authorities are scared of the Muslim reaction if they do arrest them. They know that the Muslims will riot and be very violent. The authorities hope to curry favour with the Muslim ‘communities’ by cracking down hard on white people who seem not to be too keen on Islam.
Hence the two tiers.
On the afternoon of January 14, 1988, 1,000 protesters gathered in Bradford, UK to burn a copy of Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. The protest marked a dramatic escalation in the controversy surrounding the 1988 novel, which would eventually elicit a fatwa from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentencing Rushdie to death.14 Jan 2014
Hitoshi Igarashi, who translated “The Satanic Verses,” was fatally stabbed at a university near Tokyo where he taught Islamic culture.13 Aug 2022
I’ve deleted the tweet you put up – I don’t want to censor – but in current circumstances I think it best to ere on the side of caution …. I was also worried what responses might be – … I know what mine was ….
For info readers – if you wondered what it was – it was a tweet suggesting certain things be done to the flops being used by illegals ….
Given the reach of an originally obscure tweet with few views the sentencing seems profoundly OTT – especially when the likes of HnH can smear and lie with apparent impunity – as can senior policemen and government officials.
It also indicates that Twitter is being farmed…. and who might be doing that?
Lab Rats……
Elsewhere, the BBC fields Keir Starmer’s biographer to attack Elon Musk…..
The BBC and the Westminster parties and blobs hate social media because enables independent actual journalism and analysis, which they cannot do, to find an audience.
True, it also enables low quality and often false content to be shared, but the BBC and other broadcasters have… https://t.co/xIy6wbI0lR
Yes – unauthorised sites ( not the BBC or guardian ) are a serious threat to ‘approved thought ‘ … and inevitably ms nandy will try to control it – lots of taxpayers ‘ money will be spent in the courts in the next 5 years… but fortunately Mr Musk has the US constitution on his side – for the time being ….
It’s difficult for punters like us – I think – to know how much is already controlled ….
– as for this site – it largely self censors – in my view – but it is not full of kidult warriors … even a high threat tweet someone did ( in current climate ) put up by Tomo today had in invitation from him to me that it might need to be deleted as it talked about what some one would like to do to hostels housing illegals …. Thx again Tomo ..
“[Elon] Musk is trying to pretend freedom of speech as some absolute right. It’s never been an absolute right.” Keir Starmer’s biographer Tom Baldwin says there should be more regulation of social media #Newsnight
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
Tame BBC headline on the aftermath of the riots:
“King in call for unity after ‘aggression’ of riots”
The easiest way to restore unity is to restore democracy. The state was cheap in its methodology of restoring order but when you use the state broadcaster and the hard left rent-a-gang you are on a slippery slope. The output of that process is to increase division not reduce it.
Any nervousness at the bBC about the long term implications. Not yet and do not hold your breath. bBC of the Government and for the Government, capitals deliberate.
Is it possible that the WEF King has had his first seminal emission in years? He seems pretty excited. Is this because of the crackdown on all these ‘common’ Northerners?
Is he getting in touch with his inner Henry VIII who tortured and exterminated thousands of uppity Northerners after the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Maybe it is his German royalty connection as via Prince Bernhard of the Bilderberger ‘influencer’ brigade. The same Prince who was later disgraced after the Lockheed bribery scandal.
All the excuses to implement the WEF ‘Great Reset’ seem to be coming in thick and fast. Good times for the WEF.
An interesting question to the King would be: who are you and whose side are you on?
A BID to cover up a gentlemens’ urinal in Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ Whitehall office will cost £8,000, a memo reveals. She was told the Treasury loo, associated with Winston Churchill, cannot be removed because of its “historic significance”.9 hours ago
Anyone noticed the ‘erasure’ of male urinals in public life so they can manufacture sit-down males and so we can waste even more water.
You’d think a ‘senior ‘ politician would be more astute than go near toilet issues …. But maybe it was a spad trying to get browny points …. Or does the civil service even leak labour stuff …
The DT is continuing to function as government mouthpiece by attacking X and Elon Musk . The instruction to the mass media must have well and truly gone out .
As far as the Telegraph (DT) is concerned – if I wasn’t getting a big subscription discount I’d treat it like the Far Left Anti British BBC and refuse to pay for it ….
BBC, Sky, online subscriptions to Telegraph, actual newspapers etc. Don’t even visit the free newspaper sites, they get ad revenue for clicks and visits.
WTF. Judge says you'll be locked up even if only a "curious observer" of any disorder. But wait, I – along with many Labour peers – argued against Tories' disproportionate attacks on right to protest. Front bench shadow ministers called new laws "dracionian." Where are they now? https://t.co/ACIwHo9vPa
“We would like to reassure the public that any instances of inappropriate behaviour or material will be dealt with swiftly by our officers.”
They waved “Tories out” placards as they sang songs with lyrics including: “People often ask me what it is that makes me tick – it’s Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick” and “You’re nowhere if you believe Theresa May” – a reference to the PM’s attack on “citizens of nowhere”.
The choir’s songwriter, Boff Whalley, said: “It’s meant in fun but we’re trying to get a serious message across with a memorable tune.”
It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick
It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick
It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick
Looks like a bit of a trend in The Labour Party direction and it’s ominous to say the least.
They now have the drums rolling against takeaway food outfits, Greggs, Dominoes, Pret etc.
The lovable Wes Streeting warns them they need to change their products to make them healthier and we all know what that means… in that new arrogant Labour tone he warns them to get on board or get steamrollered….
Oddly there appears to be no condemnation of foods of a particular kind, often far unhealthier such as kebab shop stuff etc. To be expected as Labour push to disenfranchise only one sector of our population as much as possible.
‘We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres,’ he told people at the Evening Standard Labour mayoral hustings yesterday night, it has been reported.
‘We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres. We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres. Elect me to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out.’
Hypothetically, if there was a ‘100 protests’ thing that turned out to be a hoax, according to the head of an ‘anti racism’ left wing charity, would one wonder who started said hoax?
And if say, in this hypothetical world, the head of said organisation incorrectly tweeted that fascists were throwing corrosive substances on others not of their race, what might happen next?
Because in this hypothetical world, the new president might have set up fast tracked arrests, trials and sentencing for those spreading false information on social media that could harm others.
You would, I imagine, have to know if sending out such information was endangering others. Either actual or possible.
If, in this hypothetical world, you found that said individual set up the hoax to claim a ‘victory’ in the media, would this mean large groups of Muslims might gather waiting for these ‘racist mobs’ in these towns and cities? Would shops be closed, losing vital business, just to fulfill a hoax?
Then, when no ‘nazis’ turn up, is it possible that some random lone male or males, perhaps just a guy walking home from work (this is all hypothetical), gets beaten by a mob of 50 angry Muslims with planks of wood,who think he might be a Nazi turning up to cause bother or throw acid at their mothers, hypothetically?
I think in such a hypothetical case, under new hypothetically draconian rules, said individual would get the hypothetical book thrown at him.
I would never want such a hypothetical world to exist, but it is what it is… hypothetically, of course.
Watching the judges reading from a small screen as they sentence the far right one might wonder if what they are reading is supplied by the state. If so the line between the state and the judiciary has gone.
BBC News back on the Hamas Propaganda gig – this time it’s a hit by the IDF on a school – 100 dead sez BBC Hamas – no prefix about ‘claim’ or ‘unverified claim ‘ – they got a HamasUN lefty mouthpiece to say how terrible it all is …
Usual stuff to fire up the Muslims and desecrate more British monuments …
TTS has got it worked out: Harsh dealings with all objecting public, to pretty well anything. Chances of an election in 5 years? Chance would be a fine thing but unlikely. All the elite are learning from one another daily. Certainly seeing the UK, the ‘Mother of all Parliaments’ / democracy being curtailed in short order will embolden the elite in Europe.
All established rights now slipping away day by day. Only clink beckons.
I do wonder, hypotheticallly, if there was a ‘right leaning’ guy called, let’s say, oh I dunno, Bobby Tominson, would he be charged with ‘encouring violent disorder’ or the more serious ‘encouraging murder ‘ had he said what a hypothetical labour councillor hypothetically said the other day?
They would all be collectively howling for his extradition…
and why do some get convicted same day and certain others not due back for a month ?
Is it in the desperate hope all has gone quiet and the collective disapproval has drifted away so a suspended sentence gets given under the radar compared to 2 and half years in jail for pushing a wheelie bin or throwing an egg ?
One lady posted the wrong name and deleted it within 2 hours (or so I believe).
No previous.
She was sent down.
I’ve seen video of a lad getting beaten with planks of wood off a large gang of (I think) Muslims. I have seen none of this ‘facial recognition’ stuff and speedy arrest, trial and sentencing here.
Now, I read on a few media outlets today, that even videoing the protests (and not taking part) could mean jail time. My goodness, that is insane.
Now, this is suppressing honest journalism, at least in some cases I would imagine.
What sort of nations harrass ‘non state approved’ journalists and surpress real news getting out?
North Korea? China?
Because the cops, prosecution service and judiciary all seem totally on board with it. In fact, some of them seem to be positively overjoyed at lording it over everyone.
This is fucking madness.
And where is the opposition to any of this? The only thing I’ve heard is Tories agreeing and praising El Presidente.
we have a new ally – one Elon Musk who has put out a tweet describing the BBC as ‘Pravda ‘ …. Welcome to the site Mr Musk – but I’d suggest when you are flying from the US to Europe I’d keep my jet out of UK airspace –
Otherwise you’ll be ‘escorted ‘ to stansted by the New Model Starmer Airforce …..
I hope Xi Ping and Kim Jong Un support us in our struggles….
Is bbc Comrade Springster still harrassing Musk to get him to interview so her nest of vipers can do a heavily editied hit piece ? as shown on Youtube with the anti vaxxers.
Musk probably looked at her CV and had his doubts.
BTW I saw a guy walked off site after working there for 5 years after the company found he misled on his CV in the original application.
No problem for the bbc to have a proven liar still working there, even when told by the MSM, and FFS as a misinformation specialist !
She might want Elon to fly in, just so El Presidente can throw him in the gulag for life, after a hastily arranged and completely fair ‘trial’ without jury.
“Marianna Spring
Disinformation and social media correspondent
X can feel like two parallel universes at times.
There’s the version where the president of the United States chooses the platform to announce he won’t be running for re-election. That’s the one where the worldwide authority on a particular subject uses X to offer their expert take on unfolding events.
And then there’s the version where false claims, hate and conspiracy theories, including many posts relating to the recent riots and protests across the UK, are recommended to millions who have made absolutely no attempt to seek them out.
At the centre of it all is X’s owner Elon Musk, one of the world’s richest people. But this isn’t just a story about the monetisation strategy and algorithms employed by X under his tenure and how they are boosting divisive content.
It is increasingly also a story about how Mr Musk himself is choosing to wade in, overtly, to opine on unrest in the UK.
And nobody is quite sure what his game plan is.
Stirring the pot
Mr Musk bought what was then called Twitter in 2022. In November 2023, the site reinstated the account of the previously banned far-right activist and convicted criminal, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson.”
No mention of the bbc frequently “wading in” overtly, and “opining” on whatever it wants to around the world, including “fiery but peaceful” (lie) unrest in the USA.
Opining, not objectively reporting, and of course ignoring or hiding in minor sections, whatever does not fit it’s pro muslim, pro black and far left agenda, including christian genocide and burning of churches around the world.
And to add insult to injury, arbitrarily changing a pictures of a white hand voting in the Welsh Assembly to a black hand, but maintaining white hands holding knives in any knife crime story.
“Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘Why on earth would anyone want to change the colour of a hand? The BBC has serious questions to answer. First, they have got to explain why on earth that happened. What was the reasoning for it? What was the thought behind it? What were they trying to say? Why did they falsify the image?
‘The BBC is supposed to be neutral and present factual evidence.’
He added: ‘They can’t say this was an accident because that doesn’t make any sense to me. They have really got serious questions to answer.’
Another Conservative politician Bill Cash said: ‘This is a good indication of the way in which there are elements of the BBC who want to create a misleading impression.This is part of the fundamental problem with impartiality.’ Both articles and images can still be found on the BBC news website.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘It appears that the photograph used as part of this graphic has been altered, which, although there is no intention to mislead, should not have happened and is not acceptable BBC practice. We will be reminding our staff of this.’
The BBC has previously been criticised for its focus on identity issues and diversity, with some accusing it of being unduly influenced by ‘woke’ politics.
After the murder of George Floyd sparked global protests in 2020, the corporation faced criticism over its coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement.”
“On Census Day, 21 March 2021, 2.9 million usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level ethnic group category “White” (93.8% of the population, compared to 95.6% in 2011). 90.6% of the population identified as “White: Welsh, English, Scottish, Northern Irish or British” in 2021.
The second largest high-level category in Wales in 2021 was “Asian, Asian Welsh or Asian British”, with 89,000 people identifying within this category (2.9% of the population, compared to 2.3% in 2011).
49,000 usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level category “Mixed or multiple ethnic groups” (1.6% of the population compared to 1.0% in 2011).
28,000 usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level category “Black, Black Welsh, Black British, Caribbean or African” (0.9% of the population, compared to 0.6% in 2011).
26,000 usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level category “Other ethnic group” in 2021 (0.9% of the population, compared to 0.5% in 2011).
The local authorities with the highest proportions of high-level ethnic groups other than “White” were mainly urban areas such as Cardiff, Newport and Swansea.
5.3% of households in Wales were multiple ethnic group households, up from 4.2% in 2011.”
I wonder if the BBC and the rest of the msm labelling all the millions of malcontents as far-right, fascist, racist, islamophobes etc, won’t have the unintended consequence of making those same people think: oh, if I’m a far right fascist, then maybe far right fascism isn’t so bad.
It could be that the BBC et al have just created a few million fascists.
The problem with being despotic, is that once you jail and oppress too many people, including ones ‘on your side’, you may end up in the dock, or worse, yourself.
Nothing to do with the UK, of course,, just that history has a habit of repeating itself.
“Let’s hope the worm doesn’t turn” said despots throughout history.
The stinger here will be that “fake news” will be forced to be determined by a handful of “disinformation experts” forced on US social platforms for compliance with UK law.
Big boon to the US censorship industry: new jobs as paid censors for the UK gov’t. They’ll cheerlead this. https://t.co/u2qkG5tkDc
I wonder if you’ll need a government loicence to be a journalist soon?
This is why the BBC are all for this. They get to have a monopoly again. Those loicence fees will keep coming in because I think it’ll end up coming out of income tax/internet bills. They’ll be too useful for TTK.
It’ll be the likes of The Guardian and BBC and that’s it.
Now, they always tell the truth in a fair and balanced manner don’t they, so we’ve got nothing to worry about, right Comrades?
The only way I can see them ‘policing’ this idea is to have Starmer approved ‘journalism’.
I am standing by my recent prediction that VPNs will be banned soon too.
You must only consume journalism as dictated by the Ministry of Truth.
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.
The older sister of one of the murder victims witnessed the attack.
Absolutely heartbreaking.
The family have put out a statement.
This part stood out for me. I make no comment on it.
“The response from Southport, the whole of Liverpool, and even further afield has deeply touched our hearts, and we are so grateful to everyone who has reached out to us.”
One wishes them nothing but positive vibes and good luck for the rest of their lives.
https://x.com/SydSteyerhart/status/1822257970698133837 For all the banter that America is somehow further gone than Europe, I think it’s self-evident that Americans, even at their worst, have better instincts on average than Europeans. We instinctively distrust censors and equate private weapons ownership with freedom.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Double plus good everyone!
I am going to repeat this as it seems to be playing out before our eyes:
I posted earlier about the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 giving the Nazis the very same excuses being used today.
“Using this justification, Hitler persuaded Hindenburg to enact the Reichstag Fire Decree. The decree abolished most civil liberties, including the right to speak, assemble, protest, and due process. Using the decree, the Nazis declared a state of emergency and began a violent crackdown against their political enemies.”
“The Reichstag fire and the Enabling Act
Reichstag fire
Burning of the Reichstag building in Berlin, February 1933.
On the night of February 27 the Reichstag building was destroyed by fire. On the pretext of a Communist plot to seize power, the constitutional guarantees of individual liberty were suspended and the Reich government was given emergency powers. It was in this atmosphere of fear and insecurity that the elections were held a week later. Nevertheless, the Nazis failed to secure an outright majority, capturing 288 of 647 seats, and both the Centre Party and the Social Democratic Party held firm. It was only with the help of his Nationalist partners, who won 52 seats, that Hitler was able to secure a bare majority.
The decree consisted of six articles. Article 1 indefinitely suspended most of the civil liberties set forth in the Weimar Constitution, including habeas corpus, inviolability of residence, secrecy of the post and telephone, freedom of expression and of the press, the right to public assembly, and the right of free association, as well as the protection of property and the home. Articles 2 and 3 allowed the Reich government to assume powers normally reserved for the federal states. Articles 4 and 5 established draconian penalties for certain offenses, including the death penalty for arson to public buildings. Article 6 simply stated that the decree took effect on the day of its proclamation. “
Starmer wants surveillance and facial recognition technology, but wants to arrest anyone who films and identifies the people who are rioting. Is this because (1) The white rioters are antifa, under cover police and intelligence officers? (2) The brown rioters holding machetes are police, community and Labour organised gangs? Also, I presume the Police have arranged with the community ghetto leaders to switch off all the CCTV cameras in the area, to protect the identity of the rioters.
Be afraid, be very afraid…..
‘A judge has warned that anybody present at a riot will be remanded in custody, even if they were only a “curious observer”.
District Judge Francis Rafferty said that someone’s presence at a riot made them involved in the riot as he refused two bail applications.
The judge spoke as four men appeared in Belfast magistrates’ court charged in relation to disorder in the city.
Cameron Armstrong, 18, from Belfast, was charged with rioting in the Connswater area of east Belfast, which saw “violent disorder, petrol bombs, fireworks and different projectiles thrown at police and extensive damage caused to property”, the court heard.
‘Periphery of the scene’
Armstrong’s solicitor said that his client had never come to the attention of the police before, adding that while he admitted he was on the “periphery” of the scene, he denied being involved in any of the disorder.
When asked by the judge what he was doing at the scene, the defence solicitor told the court that Armstrong had gone to the area “to have a look”, adding that he had left when petrol bombs were thrown.
Judge Rafferty said: “He doesn’t have to throw a petrol bomb or brick to be involved in disorder, if he’s present at disorder.”’
Pug – interesting – there is legal definition of ‘riot ‘ and I’m not sure the case law supports what this political judge says – but maybe he’s looking for the next job up so wants to please the reds ….
An aspiring Judge Jeffreys
A small part in passing is when Musk concedes that no one gets it right all the time. Hence public choices are, inevitably, based on weighing matters overall. If permitted.
The BBC, media and left in general do not do that, on behalf of their clients.
They are massive cherry pickers. On the riots recently I have seen only a few instances of those in the race obsessed camp highlighted, other than those who cannot be ignored, due to social media, or collateral sacrifices.
And history has been erased. ‘Riots’ never happened before August 2024. People in them, often violently and recorded, are not in the frame. Except for tweets from those needing a slap down, and if the tweets are from the side of ‘justice’, now, excuses are made or the blob circles or guns for those noticing.
And, as of now, despite asking many august bodies, I still have no simple yes or no answer to whether a bunch of kids at an ideologically corrupted national broadcaster are playing with IT/AI tools of mass suppression to finger folk selectively, possibly inaccurately, with little or no sensible supervision. With Dawn Butler looking set to make it even worse soon per current political practice.
Sir Two Tier Kier
Has the BBC asked him if he would defend in a court ANY of the people hauled up before these new people’s courts back in the days when he was a human rights lawyer?
Has this been forwarded to Pixie ?
Brissles, Pixie, who he or who her?
Furthermore the stabber is a future nuclear scientist.
Or would be, if our academic institutions weren’t so racist.
It’s very clear that Smarmer is interfering in the Judicial system . He is not only pressuring the CPS but seems to be telling Judges what to do. He is prejudicing trials. One might have thought there would be resistance from the Judiciary and Barristers but as far as I know they seem to be compliant.
Tony Blair II ? The Prime Monster
Speaking of X-PMs Get this-
“Boris Johnson: Keir Starmer is ‘deaf’ to immigration concerns
Former prime minister says Labour leader fails to understand root causes of unrest across UK”
The Telegraph, posting link but there is a rather aggressive paywall.
Apologies to Vlad but this question needs addressing, so reposting it:
“why is one person jailed for a facebook post about a riot he never attended, why is a woman still in custody for another post she apologised for and deleted two hours later, but the leader of “hope not hate” remains free after posting a lie about muslim woman attacked by acid which resulted in violence ? ”
Great question and the answer is difficult. In a word it is because of corruption. Cui Bono – who benefits? I can just imagine the smiles of the Albanian mafia with a free reign to ply their drugs while our wet police race around arresting grannies for posting something on fakebook two years ago.
The forces of darkness are very organised but they are few and they are addicted to power. I mean this quite literally. Without power the Volvos won’t roll, the tasers won’t be charged, the 77 brigade electronic intercepts won’t, and the judges pre-written outcome driven sentence report won’t download. This is all about legal not law. The criminal industrial complex.
After the plandemic many asked themselves who were the real criminals. They now know who they are. They are protected by legal but the public must wonder if we will ever have our law back.
@ Zephir – Delighted to see it re-posted.
At the 2 minute + mark, the nauseatingly sanctimonious judge reveals that he’s basing his verdict and sentencing partly on what the poor bloke ‘informed’ to the police while being ‘interviewed’. I wonder if a solicitor was present at the time?
I once saw a video put out by lawyers saying never talk to the police without a solicitor being present, as even a casual, inoffensive remark can be used against you.
In this case he might have thought he was helping his case by saying he was angry and frustrated, but the judge is using his statement against him.
hmm… is it still the case in Northern Ireland that people “at risk” are permitted to keep + concealed carry semi-auto pistols?
“Police row explodes as Jewish group say cops have let Islamist extremists go unchallenged.
The Campaign Against Antisemitism has now responded, telling the Express that the police bear responsibility for the violence after months of letting extremist pro-Gaza activists “go unchallenged
“What we are seeing now is in part the result of ten months of catastrophically poor policing. Notwithstanding our repeated calls to crack down on extremists on our streets over the past year, they were allowed to go unchallenged.
“Other extremists saw that and became emboldened.
“Once the authorities have dealt with the far-right riots and those violently reacting to them, they must finally also turn their attention to the Islamist and far-left extremism that has plagued our country for months.”
In 2022, the Campaign Against Antisemitism also reacted with fury when the Crown Prosecution Service dropped charges against four men accused of driving to a Jewish area in North London and shouting: “F*** the Jews. F*** their mothers, rape their daughters”
The rebuke of the Met chief’s dismissal comes after Reform UK MPs pointed to an interview by a senior West Midlands Officer, whose response to Monday night’s Muslim violence was pointed to as proof the police are being more lenient towards them.
Speaking last night, a top officer from West Midlands Police reacted to the distressing scenes of weapon-wielding Asian men attacking and intimidating journalists, describing the riot as mostly law-abiding.”
“Reform UK deputy leader Richard Tice raged: “Police boss admitting they enabled and were complicit in letting marauding masked mob control Birmingham streets”.
“Utterly shameful. Two-tier politics. Two-tier policing. Two-tier Keir.”
Fellow Reform UK MP Rupert Lowe demanded “urgent change” from the police’s tactics.
He tweeted: “A remarkable interview on the Birmingham violent mob rampage”.
“‘Policed within themselves’.
“Why is one group seemingly policed in an incredibly different way to others? It clearly does NOT work.
“Two-tier policing is rife. That MUST urgently change.”
Be afraid, be very afraid, putting the bin out next week if the police are around.
“Riot bin ladies are jailed for nearly FIVE YEARS in total: Mother-of-five who fell flat on her face while pushing blazing wheelie bin and laughing ex-flight attendant who deliberately ran at officers are locked up”
Shouldn’t they be known as Wheelie-bin Freedom Fighters?
Lucy – you might now be guilty of something 😎
When I write comments here – about agencies such as plod -or the msm – so often I find myself looking for a word – and I find it – the word is ‘complicit ‘… such as depicting everyone who attended a protest as a ‘far right thug ‘ the phrase of august 2024 ….
I reckon complicit goes hand in hand with ‘two tier ‘
So much of what it happening here is an echo of the US after the election theft – draconian sentencing – a completely owned legal process….
Elsewhere – if you watch Andrew Lawrence YouTube pieces – he has been starting them with some Muslim greeting – a spoof – then the chief plod of West Midlands starts some woke ‘community safety crap ‘ and starts it with some Muslim crap …. Unbelievable – inshallah …
Seems that Charles saxcoberg gotha (Spelling ) has popped his head up to tell us we are all in it together and those nasty protesters should desist …
I wonder if he’d change his tune in being so supportive of his new government if it started to take some of the huge tracts of land his family owns to house his ‘new arrivals ‘… ? After all – we are all in it together …
Andrew Lawrence YouTube piece
He must be on the starmer list by now ….
The Post Office trials : Recently the media said they can’t understand how people who were not really guilty were given harsh draconian punishment.
It’s like the UK judicial system is not fair
Surely there are parallels with today’s trial and punishments.
#TwoTierJustice the establishment p!sses all over the little people
Patrick Chrystis on Friday night, in the light of Mayor Khan and Humza Yusuf saying they didn’t feel safe in this country, wanted to discuss whether people of white ethnicity feel safe in this country. Joanne Jarjou couldn’t even think of anything but how hard it was for her as a black woman. She really hadn’t the intellect to understand the questions Patrick posed.
Joanne couldn’t conceptualise the uncomfortableness white citizens of this country might feel. As an old woman, I might be ok walking down Brixton High Streets. Risks might be in my head. But I couldn’t be persuaded to walk there at night. The same would apply to Bradford or Leicester, to name but a few.
Deb, I don’t know who “books” these intellectually below par idiots on GBN. This Joanne was an Apprentice contestant, now commenting on politics like a 10 year old. Amy double-barrelled is a lightweight author now self styled as broadcaster. In fact all the women brought on as “lefty fodder” are an embarrassment to listen to unless they’re over 50 and the likes of Clare Fox and Jo Phillips – women with calibre.
The Apprentice is a rich seam for broadcasters to mine. As are other sofa sloth faux mavens moving from low rent exposure to pretensions of intellect.
About the only one not flaunting their bits or imported for ratings is that blonde lady they all banned.
“pretentious of intellect” – spot on
Sir Keir Stalin will arrest you if you:
(1) Are the boss of X, Rumble or Telegram and visits Britain
(2) Compare Joseph Stalin to Keir Starmer
(3) Think Starmer is inciting a Civil War
(4) Incite violence by waving a Union Jack or Israeli flag
(5) Support an illegitimate protest
(6) Incite hatred of the Government
(7) Complain about grooming gangs
(8) Think the Welsh murderer looks like an illegal immigrant
(9) Film brown people rioting with machetes
(10) Complain about mass immigration
Kier starmer will arrest you for making lists of things kier starmer will arrest you for … or even being there ….two tier keir …..what an epithet …..so soon in the red regime ….straight from honeymoon to divorce …
Despite a massive ten day long MSM wide propaganda barrage I can report that the vast majority of readers comments in the Daily Telegraph and Spectator are resolutely on the side of the anti immigration protestors and unequivocally condemn the actions of the government, police , justice system and the rest of the ruling elite.
There is a chasm between what the journalists and columnists on the one hand write in those publications and what the readers comment on the other hand.
I know that the readers comments of these two publications are not a large sample of public opinion but it does seem to me that the ruling liberal elite have over played their hand and that they are now widely seen as ruling by intimidation rather than by democratic consent.
It will be interesting to see what happens when they try to impose what will be deeply unpopular and widely resented Net Zero measures on the population . Will they dare to use the tactics of the police state as the are doing now and did on Covid?
But the mood of the public has changed drastically. On Covid the lockdown and vaccination measures had broad support ( not on this site but widely in the public) now there is widespread opposition to forcing the acceptance of mass immigration . There will likely be totally hostility to Net Zero measures which impact everyone.
Life is about to get very interesting.
Daily Telegraph?
Blows in the wind.
I think you are being generous to the editor of the Telegraph. I think that the Telegraph is a fully paid up member of the globalist elite propaganda machine and as mass migration and the consequent destruction of nation states is a key globalist objective , the newspaper is fully on board with the government.
I also believe that if the Tories had been in power at this time things would have been pretty much the same as under this government. They are all globalists , left or right differences pale into insignificance when compared to the differences between globalists and nationalists.
Net zero won’t affect the rich champagne socialists.
These people clearly have no intention of listening to anyone opposing their policies.
It’s as if they’re saying:
Now walk to work and use these candles, you disgusting plebs!
Why can’t you be rich, like me you smellies?
This is all hypothetical and alleged in Minecraft etc.
A diary reminder from Michael Deacon who wrote in the Telegraph the other day.
On June 6 2020 14 police officers were injured in London after a BLM protest turned violent. The next day at another BLM protest a further 8 officers were injured.
End quote.
And what did two tier Kier do two days later? He published a photo of himself taking the knee.
But with this being a site about the bias of the BBC, I’ll end with the observation that they are STILL banging on about this on the news, dredging every conceivable angle to tell us how awful the ‘riots’ have been and by implication how wonderful mass immigration is and how peaceful are the counter-demonstrators. ‘Smash racism and fascism BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY’ it proudly says on the Socialist Worker placards – protected by the Police.
Deacon is a rare exception. 90% plus of articles in the DT are broadly supportive of the crackdown.
Mr Orlowski is good DT reading usually…
The ironic thing about the ‘Socialist Workers Party’ is that they mostly seem to be posh, trust fund brats who don’t need to work.
Socialist? They wouldn’t give you the skin off their shite and would set the dogs on any ‘refugees’ who got too close to their Islington mansions.
What is the meaning behind Banksy’s new urban jungle? All his agent would tell the BBC was that there was “no comment on the theme”, adding there “may or may not” be more animal paintings to follow. This has left people to speculate about their meaning. (Bonnie McLaren, Culture reporter, BBC)
Here we go. I hope you’re all sitting comfortably…
He is: King calls for unity in wake of riots (Telegraph)
Then I’ll begin…
What do monkeys, wolves, pelicans, goats and elephants have in common? We’re not at a zoo – these are all animals that Banksy has painted around London this week… Fan theories online have ranged from the goat being about the Israel-Gaza war to the animals being compared to far-right rioters across the UK (BBC)
A group of women are excited to see the artwork, and a passerby stops and offers to take their photo together. They tell the BBC they love Banksy because of the mystery surrounding his identity… “I love his work because it’s secret, it’s undercover, and it’s always topical – it’s not random,” Caz says. “I think it might be in relation to what’s going on in the country at the moment,” says Sally, “a statement.” (BBC)
Brian Sewell must be spinning in his grave: The sharpness and vitality of Sewell’s pen were complemented by his ultra-posh voice… Sewell took pleasure in his writing, using baroque language and long sentences… He complained that most contemporary art… was of “scatterbrained triviality” and even at its best “merely a puzzle to be solved, of no aesthetic value”. (Guardian obituary, 2015)
Marcia thinks the artwork comes on the back of the anti-racism gathering in Walthamstow on Wednesday – thousands of people took to the streets chanting, clapping and preaching a message of peace. “I would suspect [that’s what it’s about], as Walthamstow had one of the biggest anti far-right rallies.” (BBC)
Oh, really?
Labour councillor arrested over ‘cut throats’ comments at Walthamstow rally (The Standard); Ricky Jones: Suspended Labour councillor charged with encouraging violent disorder. The 57 year old was filmed addressing a London demonstration on Wednesday evening… Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram said: “…you said ‘we need to cut their throats and get rid of them’.” [allegedly] (Sky News)
Marcia McKnight has been living on the street for two decades and can see the artwork from her house… “I’m in heaven, this is fantastic for my street, for the local neighbourhood,” she says (BBC)
Banksy reveals fourth new artwork… and it’s stolen within an hour… was in Rye Lane, Peckham, and was a stencil of a howling wolf on a satellite dish…. Photographs showed a group of masked men climbing up, grabbing the dish and carrying it away. (Telegraph)
Asiseeit – Walthamstow E17 is now on the map – a far left riot by thugs on Wednesday – ( using the language of the msm ) with threats to ‘slit throats ‘ and then a banksy on the fish and chop shop in Pretoria road .
E17 is one of those few plaices that has fish and chip shops -but not for long judging by the demographic and price of cod …and air fryers …
Fedup I’m floundering with the quality of that pun!
Non – it was early in the day – I was weak – it’s probably illegal now – as well as reading it…and bris dear yes E17 is responsible for E17 and Beckham and Kane ( sort of ) ..and has pride the the NHS one of the consistently poorest hospitals in Englandistan …it’s well out East so BBC types never go there – except for approved demos ..
And um, not my era of course, but wasn’t E17 some sort of boy band too ?
I simply cannot understand why those two Manchester Airport ethnic brothers haven’t been charged. What we have is two Officers being ‘charged’ in effect with disciplinary action but the Police officer’s kick came after the Police had been assaulted in the first place.
And the Black Labour ex-councillor calling for slitting ‘fascist’ throats probably wont be charged with terrorism or racism offences, only a civil disorder offence.
If the so-called ‘rioters’ merit 2-3 years, he deserves to be charged with something meriting 10+ years.
Because the authorities are scared of the Muslim reaction if they do arrest them. They know that the Muslims will riot and be very violent. The authorities hope to curry favour with the Muslim ‘communities’ by cracking down hard on white people who seem not to be too keen on Islam.
Hence the two tiers.
Bradford City of Culture.
On the afternoon of January 14, 1988, 1,000 protesters gathered in Bradford, UK to burn a copy of Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. The protest marked a dramatic escalation in the controversy surrounding the 1988 novel, which would eventually elicit a fatwa from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentencing Rushdie to death.14 Jan 2014
Hitoshi Igarashi, who translated “The Satanic Verses,” was fatally stabbed at a university near Tokyo where he taught Islamic culture.13 Aug 2022
I’ve deleted the tweet you put up – I don’t want to censor – but in current circumstances I think it best to ere on the side of caution …. I was also worried what responses might be – … I know what mine was ….
For info readers – if you wondered what it was – it was a tweet suggesting certain things be done to the flops being used by illegals ….
Once again Tomo -,apologies …
Fedup2 – like I said – you might want to delete …
Given the reach of an originally obscure tweet with few views the sentencing seems profoundly OTT – especially when the likes of HnH can smear and lie with apparent impunity – as can senior policemen and government officials.
It also indicates that Twitter is being farmed…. and who might be doing that?
Lab Rats……
Elsewhere, the BBC fields Keir Starmer’s biographer to attack Elon Musk…..
Yes – unauthorised sites ( not the BBC or guardian ) are a serious threat to ‘approved thought ‘ … and inevitably ms nandy will try to control it – lots of taxpayers ‘ money will be spent in the courts in the next 5 years… but fortunately Mr Musk has the US constitution on his side – for the time being ….
It’s difficult for punters like us – I think – to know how much is already controlled ….
– as for this site – it largely self censors – in my view – but it is not full of kidult warriors … even a high threat tweet someone did ( in current climate ) put up by Tomo today had in invitation from him to me that it might need to be deleted as it talked about what some one would like to do to hostels housing illegals …. Thx again Tomo ..
Newsnight, of McAlpine and O’Brien fame?
“[Elon] Musk is trying to pretend freedom of speech as some absolute right. It’s never been an absolute right.” Keir Starmer’s biographer Tom Baldwin says there should be more regulation of social media #Newsnight
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
Tame BBC headline on the aftermath of the riots:
“King in call for unity after ‘aggression’ of riots”
The easiest way to restore unity is to restore democracy. The state was cheap in its methodology of restoring order but when you use the state broadcaster and the hard left rent-a-gang you are on a slippery slope. The output of that process is to increase division not reduce it.
Any nervousness at the bBC about the long term implications. Not yet and do not hold your breath. bBC of the Government and for the Government, capitals deliberate.
Is it possible that the WEF King has had his first seminal emission in years? He seems pretty excited. Is this because of the crackdown on all these ‘common’ Northerners?
Is he getting in touch with his inner Henry VIII who tortured and exterminated thousands of uppity Northerners after the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Maybe it is his German royalty connection as via Prince Bernhard of the Bilderberger ‘influencer’ brigade. The same Prince who was later disgraced after the Lockheed bribery scandal.
All the excuses to implement the WEF ‘Great Reset’ seem to be coming in thick and fast. Good times for the WEF.
An interesting question to the King would be: who are you and whose side are you on?
A BID to cover up a gentlemens’ urinal in Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ Whitehall office will cost £8,000, a memo reveals. She was told the Treasury loo, associated with Winston Churchill, cannot be removed because of its “historic significance”.9 hours ago
Anyone noticed the ‘erasure’ of male urinals in public life so they can manufacture sit-down males and so we can waste even more water.
Cluck cluck cluck.
You’d think a ‘senior ‘ politician would be more astute than go near toilet issues …. But maybe it was a spad trying to get browny points …. Or does the civil service even leak labour stuff …
The DT is continuing to function as government mouthpiece by attacking X and Elon Musk . The instruction to the mass media must have well and truly gone out .
As far as the Telegraph (DT) is concerned – if I wasn’t getting a big subscription discount I’d treat it like the Far Left Anti British BBC and refuse to pay for it ….
What terrible times …
Just don’t give them your money.
BBC, Sky, online subscriptions to Telegraph, actual newspapers etc. Don’t even visit the free newspaper sites, they get ad revenue for clicks and visits.
Fuck ’em.
Joe rogan has now picked up on UK internet repression on his show – makes you proud to be … er … In the British caliphate ..
I for one love Saudi and say the Chinese Party re education camps are cosy and nice. Except if you share a one bed cell with BBC Huw Edwards.
There were a few account holding media scattered about. No idea who took them to one side, but oh boy.
This article is more than 6 years old
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
“We would like to reassure the public that any instances of inappropriate behaviour or material will be dealt with swiftly by our officers.”
They waved “Tories out” placards as they sang songs with lyrics including: “People often ask me what it is that makes me tick – it’s Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick” and “You’re nowhere if you believe Theresa May” – a reference to the PM’s attack on “citizens of nowhere”.
The choir’s songwriter, Boff Whalley, said: “It’s meant in fun but we’re trying to get a serious message across with a memorable tune.”
It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick
It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick
It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick
It’s meant in fun … Boris Johnson’s head upon a stick
SO the police if they kneel are responsible for all BLM activities?
Looks like a bit of a trend in The Labour Party direction and it’s ominous to say the least.
They now have the drums rolling against takeaway food outfits, Greggs, Dominoes, Pret etc.
The lovable Wes Streeting warns them they need to change their products to make them healthier and we all know what that means… in that new arrogant Labour tone he warns them to get on board or get steamrollered….
Oddly there appears to be no condemnation of foods of a particular kind, often far unhealthier such as kebab shop stuff etc. To be expected as Labour push to disenfranchise only one sector of our population as much as possible.
Vote Labour, get Hard Labour,
Wes Streeting gets his protein from bluebottle burgers does he?
Labour is stuffed with ignorant nitwits who’re on a binge diet that they think is power – and they’re getting very drunk.
I’ve given up on kebabs and curry houses.
As have many others recently, I’m sure.
Purely for health reasons, of course…
Are there are ‘too many chicken shops’? Mayoral candidate seems to think so
author image
Jimmy Nsubuga
Published Aug 7, 2015, 2:04pm
‘We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres,’ he told people at the Evening Standard Labour mayoral hustings yesterday night, it has been reported.
‘We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres. We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres. Elect me to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out.’
Doxxing for profit….
Pretty rich (ironic even) coming from an undoubted mouthpiece of the US spook swamp.
Hypothetically, if there was a ‘100 protests’ thing that turned out to be a hoax, according to the head of an ‘anti racism’ left wing charity, would one wonder who started said hoax?
And if say, in this hypothetical world, the head of said organisation incorrectly tweeted that fascists were throwing corrosive substances on others not of their race, what might happen next?
Because in this hypothetical world, the new president might have set up fast tracked arrests, trials and sentencing for those spreading false information on social media that could harm others.
You would, I imagine, have to know if sending out such information was endangering others. Either actual or possible.
If, in this hypothetical world, you found that said individual set up the hoax to claim a ‘victory’ in the media, would this mean large groups of Muslims might gather waiting for these ‘racist mobs’ in these towns and cities? Would shops be closed, losing vital business, just to fulfill a hoax?
Then, when no ‘nazis’ turn up, is it possible that some random lone male or males, perhaps just a guy walking home from work (this is all hypothetical), gets beaten by a mob of 50 angry Muslims with planks of wood,who think he might be a Nazi turning up to cause bother or throw acid at their mothers, hypothetically?
I think in such a hypothetical case, under new hypothetically draconian rules, said individual would get the hypothetical book thrown at him.
I would never want such a hypothetical world to exist, but it is what it is… hypothetically, of course.
Watching the judges reading from a small screen as they sentence the far right one might wonder if what they are reading is supplied by the state. If so the line between the state and the judiciary has gone.
And we thought Rishi was bad…
BBC News back on the Hamas Propaganda gig – this time it’s a hit by the IDF on a school – 100 dead sez BBC Hamas – no prefix about ‘claim’ or ‘unverified claim ‘ – they got a HamasUN lefty mouthpiece to say how terrible it all is …
Usual stuff to fire up the Muslims and desecrate more British monuments …
Keep going IDF …
TTS has got it worked out: Harsh dealings with all objecting public, to pretty well anything. Chances of an election in 5 years? Chance would be a fine thing but unlikely. All the elite are learning from one another daily. Certainly seeing the UK, the ‘Mother of all Parliaments’ / democracy being curtailed in short order will embolden the elite in Europe.
All established rights now slipping away day by day. Only clink beckons.
I do wonder, hypotheticallly, if there was a ‘right leaning’ guy called, let’s say, oh I dunno, Bobby Tominson, would he be charged with ‘encouring violent disorder’ or the more serious ‘encouraging murder ‘ had he said what a hypothetical labour councillor hypothetically said the other day?
Hmmm. That’s a tough one, isn’t it?
Freedom for Britain!
They would all be collectively howling for his extradition…
and why do some get convicted same day and certain others not due back for a month ?
Is it in the desperate hope all has gone quiet and the collective disapproval has drifted away so a suspended sentence gets given under the radar compared to 2 and half years in jail for pushing a wheelie bin or throwing an egg ?
One lady posted the wrong name and deleted it within 2 hours (or so I believe).
No previous.
She was sent down.
I’ve seen video of a lad getting beaten with planks of wood off a large gang of (I think) Muslims. I have seen none of this ‘facial recognition’ stuff and speedy arrest, trial and sentencing here.
Now, I read on a few media outlets today, that even videoing the protests (and not taking part) could mean jail time. My goodness, that is insane.
Now, this is suppressing honest journalism, at least in some cases I would imagine.
What sort of nations harrass ‘non state approved’ journalists and surpress real news getting out?
North Korea? China?
Because the cops, prosecution service and judiciary all seem totally on board with it. In fact, some of them seem to be positively overjoyed at lording it over everyone.
This is fucking madness.
And where is the opposition to any of this? The only thing I’ve heard is Tories agreeing and praising El Presidente.
No wonder they got smashed.
Fucking useless.
we have a new ally – one Elon Musk who has put out a tweet describing the BBC as ‘Pravda ‘ …. Welcome to the site Mr Musk – but I’d suggest when you are flying from the US to Europe I’d keep my jet out of UK airspace –
Otherwise you’ll be ‘escorted ‘ to stansted by the New Model Starmer Airforce …..
Some one please put said tweet up …..
Put a tweet up that might hurt El Presidente’s feelings?
If any of you lot want 20 years breaking rocks, knock yourselves out.
Only seen this so far but it’s enough !
Funny, but it’s what Tommy Robinson was campaigning for a couple of years ago….
Support freedom of speech in the UK!
6:27 pm · 9 Aug 2024
I hope Xi Ping and Kim Jong Un support us in our struggles….
Is bbc Comrade Springster still harrassing Musk to get him to interview so her nest of vipers can do a heavily editied hit piece ? as shown on Youtube with the anti vaxxers.
Musk probably looked at her CV and had his doubts.
BTW I saw a guy walked off site after working there for 5 years after the company found he misled on his CV in the original application.
No problem for the bbc to have a proven liar still working there, even when told by the MSM, and FFS as a misinformation specialist !
oh the irony…..lost on the far left
She might want Elon to fly in, just so El Presidente can throw him in the gulag for life, after a hastily arranged and completely fair ‘trial’ without jury.
Allegedly, in Minecraft and hypothetically.
Here it is:
The BBC has already lost its reputation – it has become British Pravda
7:31 am · 10 Aug 2024
BBC getting it back in spades…
“Marianna Spring
Disinformation and social media correspondent
X can feel like two parallel universes at times.
There’s the version where the president of the United States chooses the platform to announce he won’t be running for re-election. That’s the one where the worldwide authority on a particular subject uses X to offer their expert take on unfolding events.
And then there’s the version where false claims, hate and conspiracy theories, including many posts relating to the recent riots and protests across the UK, are recommended to millions who have made absolutely no attempt to seek them out.
At the centre of it all is X’s owner Elon Musk, one of the world’s richest people. But this isn’t just a story about the monetisation strategy and algorithms employed by X under his tenure and how they are boosting divisive content.
It is increasingly also a story about how Mr Musk himself is choosing to wade in, overtly, to opine on unrest in the UK.
And nobody is quite sure what his game plan is.
Stirring the pot
Mr Musk bought what was then called Twitter in 2022. In November 2023, the site reinstated the account of the previously banned far-right activist and convicted criminal, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson.”
and you can guess the rest etc etc
No mention of the bbc frequently “wading in” overtly, and “opining” on whatever it wants to around the world, including “fiery but peaceful” (lie) unrest in the USA.
Opining, not objectively reporting, and of course ignoring or hiding in minor sections, whatever does not fit it’s pro muslim, pro black and far left agenda, including christian genocide and burning of churches around the world.
And to add insult to injury, arbitrarily changing a pictures of a white hand voting in the Welsh Assembly to a black hand, but maintaining white hands holding knives in any knife crime story.
“Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘Why on earth would anyone want to change the colour of a hand? The BBC has serious questions to answer. First, they have got to explain why on earth that happened. What was the reasoning for it? What was the thought behind it? What were they trying to say? Why did they falsify the image?
‘The BBC is supposed to be neutral and present factual evidence.’
He added: ‘They can’t say this was an accident because that doesn’t make any sense to me. They have really got serious questions to answer.’
Another Conservative politician Bill Cash said: ‘This is a good indication of the way in which there are elements of the BBC who want to create a misleading impression.This is part of the fundamental problem with impartiality.’ Both articles and images can still be found on the BBC news website.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘It appears that the photograph used as part of this graphic has been altered, which, although there is no intention to mislead, should not have happened and is not acceptable BBC practice. We will be reminding our staff of this.’
The BBC has previously been criticised for its focus on identity issues and diversity, with some accusing it of being unduly influenced by ‘woke’ politics.
After the murder of George Floyd sparked global protests in 2020, the corporation faced criticism over its coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement.”
Stock Image from Getty
As it appeared, after bbc manipulation, on their story
“On Census Day, 21 March 2021, 2.9 million usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level ethnic group category “White” (93.8% of the population, compared to 95.6% in 2011). 90.6% of the population identified as “White: Welsh, English, Scottish, Northern Irish or British” in 2021.
The second largest high-level category in Wales in 2021 was “Asian, Asian Welsh or Asian British”, with 89,000 people identifying within this category (2.9% of the population, compared to 2.3% in 2011).
49,000 usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level category “Mixed or multiple ethnic groups” (1.6% of the population compared to 1.0% in 2011).
28,000 usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level category “Black, Black Welsh, Black British, Caribbean or African” (0.9% of the population, compared to 0.6% in 2011).
26,000 usual residents in Wales identified within the high-level category “Other ethnic group” in 2021 (0.9% of the population, compared to 0.5% in 2011).
The local authorities with the highest proportions of high-level ethnic groups other than “White” were mainly urban areas such as Cardiff, Newport and Swansea.
5.3% of households in Wales were multiple ethnic group households, up from 4.2% in 2011.”
Source: The so-called Welsh Government –
All to do with the tail trying to wag the dog.
I wonder if the BBC and the rest of the msm labelling all the millions of malcontents as far-right, fascist, racist, islamophobes etc, won’t have the unintended consequence of making those same people think: oh, if I’m a far right fascist, then maybe far right fascism isn’t so bad.
It could be that the BBC et al have just created a few million fascists.
Well done, Auntie, well done.
The problem with being despotic, is that once you jail and oppress too many people, including ones ‘on your side’, you may end up in the dock, or worse, yourself.
Nothing to do with the UK, of course,, just that history has a habit of repeating itself.
“Let’s hope the worm doesn’t turn” said despots throughout history.
Fresh ….
…. OFF
How will they decide what’s fake and what isn’t?
I wonder if you’ll need a government loicence to be a journalist soon?
This is why the BBC are all for this. They get to have a monopoly again. Those loicence fees will keep coming in because I think it’ll end up coming out of income tax/internet bills. They’ll be too useful for TTK.
It’ll be the likes of The Guardian and BBC and that’s it.
Now, they always tell the truth in a fair and balanced manner don’t they, so we’ve got nothing to worry about, right Comrades?
The only way I can see them ‘policing’ this idea is to have Starmer approved ‘journalism’.
I am standing by my recent prediction that VPNs will be banned soon too.
You must only consume journalism as dictated by the Ministry of Truth.
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.
— Part II, Chapter IX
I don’t read newspapers or watch national news, just the local BBC news for the weather forecast which is invariably wrong as well.
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.
1400+ raped kids = 0 action due to racism.
3 kids killed = arrest everyone who protests.
The older sister of one of the murder victims witnessed the attack.
Absolutely heartbreaking.
The family have put out a statement.
This part stood out for me. I make no comment on it.
“The response from Southport, the whole of Liverpool, and even further afield has deeply touched our hearts, and we are so grateful to everyone who has reached out to us.”
One wishes them nothing but positive vibes and good luck for the rest of their lives.
Predictable as it is putrid from a Guardianista
Jews hide in London and 3 teachers hide in Batley from the FAR … FARRRRRRR …… HA HA HA HAH AHAH A
Ah yes – freedman – another radio 4 regular – gotta keep your job with all those young coloured girls after a ‘career ‘ eh ?
Don’t normalise the far right. But sometimes we must take it on
This article is more than 5 years oldJonathan Freedland
110 pages of content
For all the banter that America is somehow further gone than Europe, I think it’s self-evident that Americans, even at their worst, have better instincts on average than Europeans. We instinctively distrust censors and equate private weapons ownership with freedom.
UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’ https://trib.al/5Zjd57c
Comments, well…