Someone should produce an illegal migration version of monopoly….from Africa to the pot of gold. The bombers during WW2 followed radio beams to their targets…the illegals follow the BBC’s radio signals to our coastline.
There’s a lot of good stuff on the X after Elon has become the official opposition to the one party UK state …. And judging by that wonderful line about the bbc being ‘Pravda ‘
I read X sometimes but more so now – the cabinet office spying unit ( nudge ) must be having a fit seeing what so many people really think .
The international reputation of Britain has been damaged . It’s seen as an extreme woke lost country now – with thanks to mr musk for the Truth .
The BBC don’t have a scooby about what’s happening in Venezuela – they are simply trying to build precedents should twatto + chums decide to try a UK ban.
@peterkenyon It was a free election, a peaceful election & far less susceptible to fraud & impersonation than the UK process.
— Diane Abbott MP (@HackneyAbbott) October 8, 2012
Professor Sarah Birch of the University of Essex, who is an expert on electoral malpractice, said: “It is difficult to see how a handful of individuals visiting Venezuela for a short time would be in a position to evaluate the electoral process in its entirety.
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL is suggesting that the Met investigate Douglas Murray. Why? For the crime of having warned about the recent protests and unrest for years, and finally being proved right.
(How does one post a tweet/X on here, and get it to open?)
Woman who posted fake name of Southport attacker says it ‘destroyed’ her
Bernadette Spofforth, a businesswoman from Chester, denies being the source of the rumour
Hayley Dixon,
Special Correspondent and
Janet Eastham ,
Investigations Reporter
10 August 2024 • 10:44am
– Nick Lowles, the chief executive of Hope not Hate posted on X, on Saturday night that there were reports of an acid attack in Middlesbrough.
Josh Fenton-Glynn, the Labour MP for Calder Valley in Yorkshire, shared Mr Lowles’s post and added: “Far right cowards attacking women. When people show you who they are, believe them.”
He deleted the post on X after the police issued a
Mr Fenton-Glynn then posted yesterday: “I’ve removed the post about acid attackers following police saying it wasn’t true.
“It was from someone who’s generally a good [sic] but it’s important we correct misinformation where we see it.”
(‘Too right’ Mr Fenton Glynn)
– The original site where I first read this appears to have disappeared!
Tomo, lie to Parliament and you get knighted. Have a slice of cake and you get sacked. Sadly the civil service head of ethics who wrote the report on the slice of cake failed to mention that she was just about to be appointed secretary of the labour party.
The stench grows.
I’m glad the picture of the deputy prime minister and a man currently in custody for inciting throats to be slit has been put up here . I think that picture was taken at a union bash .
No doubt Ricky will be getting the best far left lawyer the reds can get – there’s plenty of them …
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak talks to X, Tesla, and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk for a broad-ranging discussion covering AI, technology, and the future of human civilisation.
Subscribe to Rishi Sunak for the latest from the UK Prime Minister.
So protesters are stood looking at an empty building in London – Reform HQ and waving placards. Great fodder for a sitcom. And just look at the ages of the protesters, some are fuschia haired activists with piercings, or young marrieds with the must have accessory – the backpack. So what are their thoughts on grooming gangs or the suicide bombers eh ?
Not that I wish it, but next time there is an atrocity, will they still be out on the streets yelling refugees welcome. I find these anti racists quite sickening in their ideol9gy.
Taylor Swift fans came out in force on Vienna’s streets to sing her songs and show their defiance, a day after her concerts there were cancelled because of a plot to attack them.
Our elders fought in the trenches, parachuted behind enemy lines and fought in the streets and on the beaches.
Now, everyone seems to be pointing their fingers at anyone and everyone who doesn’t have the same political views and trying to get them put in prison.
“Police said Bernadette “Bernie” Spofforth was arrested on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred under a 1986 law and false communications, an offence created under the Online Safety Act 2023.”
designed and operated in such a way that—
(i)a higher standard of protection is provided for children than for adults, (ii)users’ rights to freedom of expression and privacy are protected, and
(iii)transparency and accountability are provided in relation to those services.
Lazy Cat. It is, but tbh those on the protests I believe are not the feelings of the majority in this country, although the media would make you believe it is.
‘The King has praised the way “community spirit” and “compassion” have countered the “aggression and criminality” on display during the riots, says Buckingham Palace.
King Charles had been in phone conversations on Friday evening with Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and police chiefs.
He gave his “heartfelt thanks to the police and emergency services for all they are doing to restore peace in those areas that have been affected by violent disorder”, said a palace spokesman.’
In other words, Charles is firmly on the side of the police and Two-tier-Keir, and against the ‘rioters’ – or some might say: angry patriots.
He would do well to tread carefully. Support for the Monarchy is wearing very thin.
Man caught with crossbow at Windsor Castle said he was ‘here to kill the queen’
This article is more than 1 year old
Jaswant Singh Chail, 21, pleads guilty to three charges including an offence under the Treason Act
DIVERSITY IS OUR … Less than half an hour earlier, Chail had uploaded a video to TikTok saying he was taking revenge for the colonial-era Amritsar massacre of 1919 in India.
Seems China is ready … “This is the first time China and Russia have conducted a joint air patrol near Alaska and in the northern Pacific. It is also the first time that Chinese and Russian aircraft have taken off from the same Russian air base. The bombers came within 200 miles of the coast of Alaska.30 Jul 2024”
Beijing has ‘numerically largest navy in the world with an battle force of around 355 vessels,’ Pentagon said
Compares with 296 warships at the US Navy’s disposal, 69 vessels in Royal Navy and 295 Russian warships
Beijing is expected to add a third aircraft carrier in early 2022, to rival American super carriers
Pictures from Jiangnan Shipyard show that significant progress was made on the carrier in the last month
US leads the world with 11 carriers, UK operates two, including HMS Queen Elizabeth, while Russia owns one
China’s growing threat was underscored today as satellite pictures emerged of mock-ups of a US carrier
Defence experts believe the Chinese were using the mock-up, and that of a US destroyer, in wargames
Comes amid soaring tension with Beijing after it emerged that it had tested new hypersonic nuclear missile
The hilarious thing is the left saying the ‘flag shaggers’ should be the ones sent to fight.
No dears. You don’t get to demonise the entire white working class like that and expect them to fight. They have nothing.. And fght for what? Your big house and your trust fund?
No, it’s up to all those ‘anti racist’ (haha!) Starmer cheerleaders and their beloved islamic communities.
The rest of the country have been shat on for ages and are now the victims of your tyranny.
Years ago, I would’ve been begging to get them to let me join the fight if we were invaded.
Now? I’d put the kettle on a grab the popcorn.
Good luck getting your army together if the Chinese or the Russians invade, you clowns
8) Take back our streets
We’ll introduce laws to strengthen community policing, giving the police greater powers to deal with anti-social behaviour and strengthen support for victims.
New laws will improve the safety and security of public venues and help keep the public safe from terrorism, and we will bring forward plans to halve violence against women and girls.
I remember quite distinctly how the BBC would run some article loosely related to George Floyd then without fail they would retell the whole story in the last third. Just to make certain we all know he was a black man killed by a white policeman.
So here we have a new story about the Southport murders. And here is the entire content of that article about who murdered her:
‘Bebe was killed alongside Elsie Dot Stancome, seven, and Alice da Silva Aguair, nine, when a knifeman attacked a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club event on 29 July.’
That’s it. No name, no picture. Just pure empathy to distract people from even wondering what happened.
Yet the fact this murder was done by the black son of Rwandan immigrants is 100% key to everything going on. It is the reason for all the protests.
But the BBC will not even allude to there being any reason for why people are so angry. They are sticking to the line that it is all far-right racism.
These protests are NOTHING to do with racism and everything to do with what effect mass immigration of third world cultures is having on our country.
Sure some of those hooligans are racists : they are the same sort who go to football matches just for a fight. But for our own Prime Minister and the BBC to simply dismiss all the grievances like this is absolutely scandalous. Their approach is to ruthlessly suppress all opposition into prisons and threaten everybody else that they too will be jailed simply for turning up at a protest.
All it does is confirm beyond any doubt how extreme the two-tier double standards in our society have become. The point is that if they intimidate the people into silence now, things are just going to get worse.
This is exactly what fascism is and exactly how all the other far-left tyrants started. Hitler would be impressed by their total control of state media. Starmer has already proved himself to be far worse than I expected. He has no interest whatsoever in the people who didn’t vote for him. He is a clear and present danger and I agree with Elon : civil war is a real possibility.
They way out of this is a real conservative party who would win by a landslide at the next election. But the BBC (with the backing of Labour) will make sure that will not happen by destroying anyone who might be a threat.
Genocide “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” … “Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural” … socially engineer …. bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
socially engineer …. bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
socially engineer …. bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser
Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.
“Winning the propaganda war is crucial.” – BBC Huw Edwards to convert to Islam and a woman and wear a Hijab to reduce Islamophobia in the UK, he will marry a 6 year old girl in a lesbian marriage and hold off his WhatsApp urges until she is 9 and identifies as a boy.
“Winning the propaganda war is crucial.” – BBC Huw Edwards to convert to Islam and a woman and wear a Hijab to reduce Islamophobia in the UK, he will marry a 6 year old girl in a lesbian marriage and hold off his WhatsApp urges until she is 9 and identifies as a boy.
“The government holds an auction each year to encourage companies to bid to develop renewable energy projects to supply the UK grid with electricity. The scheme is designed to ensure projects get a guaranteed price – known as the strike price – from the government for the electricity they will generate, which it is hoped will enable companies to have the confidence to invest.
Last year, developers did not bid for any offshore wind contracts – they argued that the price being offered was too low to make the projects viable.
In November, the former Conservative government significantly increased the strike price for offshore wind projects in response.”
The BBC are out of control now. They know they are under no threat of punishment from the government or OFCOM and have almost abandoned any attempt at impartiality.
This article is simply stunning. It’s another hatchet job against Trump and quite a large step further than they have gone before.
It’s all praise and support for Kamala. Here’s what the article also includes about Trump:
First “They’re weird.” in bold and a paragraph all of it’s own. Followed by ‘ has shifted the conversation away from the weaknesses of her boss, President Joe Biden, and shone a spotlight on her opponent, Donald Trump.’
‘the pair made the case that they were out to protect American freedoms while their “weird” Republican opponents, Trump and his running mate JD Vance, threatened to take them away.’
‘It is a stripped-back version of Mr Biden’s 2020 message – that Trump is a “threat to democracy” – that casts the former president as out of touch with American life.’
‘a Harris spokesperson quipped that a Trump speech made him sound “like someone you wouldn’t want to sit near at a restaurant”.’
Then a comment on Kamala:
‘the campaign’s fresh rhetoric reflects Ms Harris’s “great sense of humour” and her ability to be “a good communicator on a very basic level”.’
.. but quickly back to Trump:
‘her joyfulness is breaking through the dark, menacing undertones of Donald Trump and his running mate.”’
‘Trump, who has long been known as an effective mudslinger and energetic campaigner since he entered politics during the 2016 presidential campaign, has struggled to punch back’
Then we get:
‘Between drags of a cigarette, Tyler Engel – an independent Ohio voter on vacation in St Augustine, Florida – said that Mr Walz “seems like a normal guy, a family man”.’
What is the point of adding ‘between drags’ ?. We find out in the next paragraph because it’s supposed to make us think all the ‘normal people’ support Harris.
And back to Trump:
‘Calling Trump and JD Vance “weird” effectively repackaged President Biden’s “threat to democracy” theme in a “very understandable – almost light-hearted – way ‘
‘the term immediately helped to recast the race from a referendum on Mr Biden’s four years in office to a question of “do we really want to go back to what we were doing during the Trump era?”’
Quite incredible. I know it is a trait of the nasty Left to go after the man, not the ball – but this is a new extreme for the BBC.
Here’s the author:
(‘Reddit’ is one of online communities full of Lefties)
Classic stuff…hyping Harris to the rafters…who knew she was such a fantastic speaker and can hold an audience enthralled…like Hitler? I’m not sure though…I had to switch off after about 15 seconds of her monotone, high-pitch drone….definitely couldn’t risk hearing her cackle. Imagine 4 years of that dimbassery[I misspelt that but decided to leave it…seems to fit]….she just oozes incompetence and being way out of her league….Joe Biden in high heels essentially.
I add this message to show that I disapprove of Elon and include it her so Theresa May, Amber Rudd, Priti Patel Yvette Cooper with Mr Balls can check if it is true with the help of £3.5bbn BBC news verifiy service … HA HA HAHA … Britain won the war, then lost to the woke …..
Quite something that it takes a person like Elon musk to tell the world what is happening in Britain – whereas the state funded broadcaster is now recognised as a far left state mouthpiece .
Mr musk has done a huge – huge service .
Being a grown up -I’m don’t indulge in looking at the BBC website much . But today – after seeing so much comment by Elon Musk about the decline of freedom in Britain – two tier keir –
I thought I’d see some comment about it on the BBC site … but no – yet did report on an American woman who used to run YouTube has died ….. why this has importance is beyond me .
The bbc decides not to report that Elon musk has called the BBC ‘Pravda ‘….
In the footage of a labour councillor calling for ‘throats to be slit ‘ there is a woman next to him who appears to be a steward . She applauds when he makes that comment .
She has been identified . It turns out she is a far left activist – and was one of the disrupters at the Reform press conference at the end of the election campaign . Not much of a supporter of freedom / democracy – but a fan of human slaughter ….
Not that long ago most people in the UK and elsewhere in the Western World would have seen the out of control, brutal state and police reaction to citizens of this Country for what they say in the past few weeks as something that only happens in totalitarian communist dominated, state and police controlled countries in Eastern Europe, the Far East and South America.
Now it’s being rolled out in the UK before our eyes with the tacit approval of our National Press.
This is the most undemocratic shift in this country’s history, with the possible exception of The Cromwell era, and can never end well!
We used to think of our Country as being in the “Free World”. It no longer qualifies as from the last few days.
Big Brother mentality has actually arrived 40 years after it was envisioned mby Orwell.
If he were far-right he would have been instantly jailed for 2 years for such an offence. In the context of Islamic terrorism, it was no casual statement at all. Far, far worse than anything these football hooligans have done.
These are the gross double-standards of both the police and of the BBC reporting of it which have led to this situation.
And if Starmer is successful to suppress the people under threat of prison for even turning up at a protest this time, the cauldron will continue to simmer until it vents with even more violence in the future.
What if an old lady was out shopping. She emerges out of the local charity shop and she’s suddenly faced with the sight of old Doris from next door, throwing a flaming wheelie bin at police officers?
I would think it could be quite difficult for the old dear not to stop for a second a look at the very least.
“You may be 86 with no criminal record. You may have several references from local charities for your selfless charity work over the last 60 years, but looking aghast at your neighbour’s surprising violent outburst is no defence. Five years.Take her down!”
Well I said TTK was a moron to take on Elon, seems he really has got the bit between his teeth. Good luck to Rowley trying to infringe his first amendment rights.
Perhaps someone could suggest to Musk that every anti racist protester should be given an illegal to house and feed, see if they still support them then. I’m sure he would have a view on that
The commie paper, ‘The Morning Star’ is more conciliatory than TTK and the BBC reports I’ve seen.
I was curious as to how a commie paper would be reacting to what’s going on.
I was expecting fist pumping and cheering on of TTK.
Whilst this article is the sort of thing a 6th form Wolfie Smith type would write, (you may need to hold your nose at certain points) the author does actually suggest that Starmer listens to concerns from those working class protesters and engage with them.
He is doing no such thing.
When your PM is more extreme than the Morning Star, you’re in big trouble.
From the linked BBC report “Javon Reily, 32, of Farnborough Road, Farnborough, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Saturday and has been remanded into custody.”
I tried to reply to a post by Lucy but was given an error message. The post I was trying to reply to is no longer there. Has the censorship started already?
Moggie – I don’t know what happened but I didn’t touch those posts today – Tomo put something up which I had to delete as it was ‘incendiary ‘ – some one else’s’ tweet but that was it .
Moggie, it was me. I deleted it because I reread it after posting & I wasn’t certain that the information was quite correct. I wanted to have a longer look at it before leaving it permanently. Sorry about that. You aren’t losing your mind. 🙂
Absolute lunacy. The Guardian is calling for Elon Musk to be put on trial because he dared to share his opinions about mass migration
I have been reading about how a curious observer (or passer by, as they are sometimes known) who dares to be in the vicinity of wrongdoing, might find themselves in the dock as a defendant.
This is a major change in our criminal justice system as in the recent past and indeed for centuries such people were always called ” witnesses”.
We must prepare ourselves for all manner of semantics,
“l suspect”.
> you will simply be charged with “assisting an offender”.
Yep if you are for example on a bus and outside a wet-police officer is on the ground having 9 bells kicked out of him by some ‘far-islamic thugs’ then turn around and keep your head down.
No good deed goes unpunished in todays Two Tier Justice (2TJ).
Someone posted about black people all crowing about gold, silver and bronze medals in the gymnastics all for black people (racists, just imagine if white people did that)
This after they “moved” a white Romanian athlete down from bronze in a clearly wrong arbitration.
Now this has been rectified…woke Olympics should be a hashtag
BGM riots now ? (black gymnastics matter) “One of Jordan’s older sisters, Jazmin Chiles, posted a statement to her social media about Jordan possibly losing her bronze medal.
‘Please keep Jordan (and my family) in your prayers. Racism is real, it exists, it is alive and well,’ Jazmin said.”
“Jordan Chiles is set to LOSE Olympic bronze medal after bombshell ruling against USA star”
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Remember to ask Labour if what you think is hate speech?
If in doubt then say nothing and vote for more Labour.
I keep asking them, and their client propaganda shills.
So far, no answer. This vague law lark is getting obvious but much hairier.
X 2
Someone should produce an illegal migration version of monopoly….from Africa to the pot of gold. The bombers during WW2 followed radio beams to their targets…the illegals follow the BBC’s radio signals to our coastline.
A claim about Starmer that deserves to be fully explored.
Way to the left of Corbyn?
There’s a lot of good stuff on the X after Elon has become the official opposition to the one party UK state …. And judging by that wonderful line about the bbc being ‘Pravda ‘
I read X sometimes but more so now – the cabinet office spying unit ( nudge ) must be having a fit seeing what so many people really think .
The international reputation of Britain has been damaged . It’s seen as an extreme woke lost country now – with thanks to mr musk for the Truth .
I really hope Two tier keir bans it …
Venezuelan president bans X for 10 days over Musk row
The BBC don’t have a scooby about what’s happening in Venezuela – they are simply trying to build precedents should twatto + chums decide to try a UK ban.
Diane Abbott skipped a local NHS meeting to fly to Venezuela last month where her praise for Hugo Chavez has angered critics of his regime.
They say her remarks are ‘a slap in the face’ for the country’s democrats who live under a regime denounced by human rights groups for its repression of dissent.
@peterkenyon It was a free election, a peaceful election & far less susceptible to fraud & impersonation than the UK process.
— Diane Abbott MP (@HackneyAbbott) October 8, 2012
Professor Sarah Birch of the University of Essex, who is an expert on electoral malpractice, said: “It is difficult to see how a handful of individuals visiting Venezuela for a short time would be in a position to evaluate the electoral process in its entirety.
Blimey, we’re toast!
Wonder what the odds are on there being no election within 5 years?
Vote early. Vote by postal. Ask your 8 wives to vote!
8 wives?
Sounds absolutely horrifying.
1 useless husband! HA HA HAH A!
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL is suggesting that the Met investigate Douglas Murray. Why? For the crime of having warned about the recent protests and unrest for years, and finally being proved right.
(How does one post a tweet/X on here, and get it to open?)
@metpoliceuk might want to take a look at this book plug
As Tony Blair’s director of communications before and during the Iraq war I know there are things he has to apologise for – but deceit is not one of them
Tony Blair: ‘I express more sorrow, regret and apology than you can ever believe’
Alastair Campbell: ‘Working out how and when I could have a drink dominated my thinking
Woman who posted fake name of Southport attacker says it ‘destroyed’ her
Bernadette Spofforth, a businesswoman from Chester, denies being the source of the rumour
Hayley Dixon,
Special Correspondent and
Janet Eastham ,
Investigations Reporter
10 August 2024 • 10:44am
– Nick Lowles, the chief executive of Hope not Hate posted on X, on Saturday night that there were reports of an acid attack in Middlesbrough.
Josh Fenton-Glynn, the Labour MP for Calder Valley in Yorkshire, shared Mr Lowles’s post and added: “Far right cowards attacking women. When people show you who they are, believe them.”
He deleted the post on X after the police issued a
Mr Fenton-Glynn then posted yesterday: “I’ve removed the post about acid attackers following police saying it wasn’t true.
“It was from someone who’s generally a good [sic] but it’s important we correct misinformation where we see it.”
(‘Too right’ Mr Fenton Glynn)
– The original site where I first read this appears to have disappeared!
Tomo, lie to Parliament and you get knighted. Have a slice of cake and you get sacked. Sadly the civil service head of ethics who wrote the report on the slice of cake failed to mention that she was just about to be appointed secretary of the labour party.
The stench grows.
just replace the \x. with \twitter.
It’s about time the site software recognized X links.
Looks like Musk is having to do the job of our official opposition
** from
I’m glad the picture of the deputy prime minister and a man currently in custody for inciting throats to be slit has been put up here . I think that picture was taken at a union bash .
No doubt Ricky will be getting the best far left lawyer the reds can get – there’s plenty of them …
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak talks to X, Tesla, and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk for a broad-ranging discussion covering AI, technology, and the future of human civilisation.
Subscribe to Rishi Sunak for the latest from the UK Prime Minister.
So protesters are stood looking at an empty building in London – Reform HQ and waving placards. Great fodder for a sitcom. And just look at the ages of the protesters, some are fuschia haired activists with piercings, or young marrieds with the must have accessory – the backpack. So what are their thoughts on grooming gangs or the suicide bombers eh ?
Not that I wish it, but next time there is an atrocity, will they still be out on the streets yelling refugees welcome. I find these anti racists quite sickening in their ideol9gy.
Taylor Swift fans came out in force on Vienna’s streets to sing her songs and show their defiance, a day after her concerts there were cancelled because of a plot to attack them.
‘A tragedy was prevented’
Elon Musk is going for Olympic Gold in the Free Speech category.
Freedland is one of the worst too.
Our elders fought in the trenches, parachuted behind enemy lines and fought in the streets and on the beaches.
Now, everyone seems to be pointing their fingers at anyone and everyone who doesn’t have the same political views and trying to get them put in prison.
What a joke.
If all have one gov and one party and one way of thinking we can beat China at their game!
“Police said Bernadette “Bernie” Spofforth was arrested on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred under a 1986 law and false communications, an offence created under the Online Safety Act 2023.”
designed and operated in such a way that—
(i)a higher standard of protection is provided for children than for adults,
(ii)users’ rights to freedom of expression and privacy are protected, and
(iii)transparency and accountability are provided in relation to those services.
Lazy Cat. It is, but tbh those on the protests I believe are not the feelings of the majority in this country, although the media would make you believe it is.
The BBC are delighted to quote Charles at length:
‘The King has praised the way “community spirit” and “compassion” have countered the “aggression and criminality” on display during the riots, says Buckingham Palace.
King Charles had been in phone conversations on Friday evening with Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and police chiefs.
He gave his “heartfelt thanks to the police and emergency services for all they are doing to restore peace in those areas that have been affected by violent disorder”, said a palace spokesman.’
In other words, Charles is firmly on the side of the police and Two-tier-Keir, and against the ‘rioters’ – or some might say: angry patriots.
He would do well to tread carefully. Support for the Monarchy is wearing very thin.
Looks like their future King Billy will be visiting a lot of mosques in the next few weeks – plenty of pictures with foreigners …
He’s been there, done that, many times.
Man caught with crossbow at Windsor Castle said he was ‘here to kill the queen’
This article is more than 1 year old
Jaswant Singh Chail, 21, pleads guilty to three charges including an offence under the Treason Act
Less than half an hour earlier, Chail had uploaded a video to TikTok saying he was taking revenge for the colonial-era Amritsar massacre of 1919 in India.
Of course neither Charles, Keir nor the Police are showing any curiosity as to the causes of the ‘violent disorder’.
As Douglas Murray keeps pointing out, the Establishment are very adept at tackling the consequences, useless at addressing the causes.
Big Ears courtiers running that show then.
Prince of Wales claims Somalian pirates have been ‘fantastic’ for marine life because fishermen are too scared to go to sea
Maybe they have come to liberate us from our oppressive regime ?
“Royal Navy frigate keeps ‘close watch’ on two Chinese warships travelling through British waters”
Seems China is ready … “This is the first time China and Russia have conducted a joint air patrol near Alaska and in the northern Pacific. It is also the first time that Chinese and Russian aircraft have taken off from the same Russian air base. The bombers came within 200 miles of the coast of Alaska.30 Jul 2024”
I guess China has stuck is flag onto Russias.
“The Chinese ships had participated in Russia’s annual Navy Day parade which took place on July 28. ”
People’s Liberation Army
China now has the world’s largest navy – with another new high-tech aircraft carrier set to be launched by February
Beijing has ‘numerically largest navy in the world with an battle force of around 355 vessels,’ Pentagon said
Compares with 296 warships at the US Navy’s disposal, 69 vessels in Royal Navy and 295 Russian warships
Beijing is expected to add a third aircraft carrier in early 2022, to rival American super carriers
Pictures from Jiangnan Shipyard show that significant progress was made on the carrier in the last month
US leads the world with 11 carriers, UK operates two, including HMS Queen Elizabeth, while Russia owns one
China’s growing threat was underscored today as satellite pictures emerged of mock-ups of a US carrier
Defence experts believe the Chinese were using the mock-up, and that of a US destroyer, in wargames
Comes amid soaring tension with Beijing after it emerged that it had tested new hypersonic nuclear missile
I just do not hope Starmer goes to war, but it’s generally what the far left enjoy doing, they have form.
Good luck getting the 85% white indigenous population to fight, that have been demonized and jailed by their governement.
Leave it to the muslims, they seem to have all the weapons and uniforms already hidden in the mosques.
“I just do not hope Starmer goes to war” – he is already at war with his own people.
The hilarious thing is the left saying the ‘flag shaggers’ should be the ones sent to fight.
No dears. You don’t get to demonise the entire white working class like that and expect them to fight. They have nothing.. And fght for what? Your big house and your trust fund?
No, it’s up to all those ‘anti racist’ (haha!) Starmer cheerleaders and their beloved islamic communities.
The rest of the country have been shat on for ages and are now the victims of your tyranny.
Years ago, I would’ve been begging to get them to let me join the fight if we were invaded.
Now? I’d put the kettle on a grab the popcorn.
Good luck getting your army together if the Chinese or the Russians invade, you clowns
8) Take back our streets
We’ll introduce laws to strengthen community policing, giving the police greater powers to deal with anti-social behaviour and strengthen support for victims.
New laws will improve the safety and security of public venues and help keep the public safe from terrorism, and we will bring forward plans to halve violence against women and girls.
halve violence against women and girls = let male boxers beat women in Paris and call it Sport?
WAKE UP call to the ‘blatant distortion’ of ‘angry people’ by the Government that ‘DESPISES Britain’
Sister of Bebe King witnessed Southport knife attack
I remember quite distinctly how the BBC would run some article loosely related to George Floyd then without fail they would retell the whole story in the last third. Just to make certain we all know he was a black man killed by a white policeman.
So here we have a new story about the Southport murders. And here is the entire content of that article about who murdered her:
‘Bebe was killed alongside Elsie Dot Stancome, seven, and Alice da Silva Aguair, nine, when a knifeman attacked a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club event on 29 July.’
That’s it. No name, no picture. Just pure empathy to distract people from even wondering what happened.
Yet the fact this murder was done by the black son of Rwandan immigrants is 100% key to everything going on. It is the reason for all the protests.
But the BBC will not even allude to there being any reason for why people are so angry. They are sticking to the line that it is all far-right racism.
These protests are NOTHING to do with racism and everything to do with what effect mass immigration of third world cultures is having on our country.
Sure some of those hooligans are racists : they are the same sort who go to football matches just for a fight. But for our own Prime Minister and the BBC to simply dismiss all the grievances like this is absolutely scandalous. Their approach is to ruthlessly suppress all opposition into prisons and threaten everybody else that they too will be jailed simply for turning up at a protest.
All it does is confirm beyond any doubt how extreme the two-tier double standards in our society have become. The point is that if they intimidate the people into silence now, things are just going to get worse.
This is exactly what fascism is and exactly how all the other far-left tyrants started. Hitler would be impressed by their total control of state media. Starmer has already proved himself to be far worse than I expected. He has no interest whatsoever in the people who didn’t vote for him. He is a clear and present danger and I agree with Elon : civil war is a real possibility.
They way out of this is a real conservative party who would win by a landslide at the next election. But the BBC (with the backing of Labour) will make sure that will not happen by destroying anyone who might be a threat.
Genocide “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” … “Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural” … socially engineer …. bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
socially engineer …. bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
socially engineer …. bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser
Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.
By Tom Whitehead and Tomwhitehead
23 October 2009 • 6:42pm
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
“Winning the propaganda war is crucial.” – BBC Huw Edwards to convert to Islam and a woman and wear a Hijab to reduce Islamophobia in the UK, he will marry a 6 year old girl in a lesbian marriage and hold off his WhatsApp urges until she is 9 and identifies as a boy.
Annual remuneration (as at July 2024)
“Winning the propaganda war is crucial.” – BBC Huw Edwards to convert to Islam and a woman and wear a Hijab to reduce Islamophobia in the UK, he will marry a 6 year old girl in a lesbian marriage and hold off his WhatsApp urges until she is 9 and identifies as a boy.
Annual remuneration (as at July 2024)
“The government holds an auction each year to encourage companies to bid to develop renewable energy projects to supply the UK grid with electricity. The scheme is designed to ensure projects get a guaranteed price – known as the strike price – from the government for the electricity they will generate, which it is hoped will enable companies to have the confidence to invest.
Last year, developers did not bid for any offshore wind contracts – they argued that the price being offered was too low to make the projects viable.
In November, the former Conservative government significantly increased the strike price for offshore wind projects in response.”,solar%20%C2%A361%2F%20MWh
Why the ‘weird’ label is working for Kamala Harris
The BBC are out of control now. They know they are under no threat of punishment from the government or OFCOM and have almost abandoned any attempt at impartiality.
This article is simply stunning. It’s another hatchet job against Trump and quite a large step further than they have gone before.
It’s all praise and support for Kamala. Here’s what the article also includes about Trump:
First “They’re weird.” in bold and a paragraph all of it’s own. Followed by ‘ has shifted the conversation away from the weaknesses of her boss, President Joe Biden, and shone a spotlight on her opponent, Donald Trump.’
‘the pair made the case that they were out to protect American freedoms while their “weird” Republican opponents, Trump and his running mate JD Vance, threatened to take them away.’
‘It is a stripped-back version of Mr Biden’s 2020 message – that Trump is a “threat to democracy” – that casts the former president as out of touch with American life.’
‘a Harris spokesperson quipped that a Trump speech made him sound “like someone you wouldn’t want to sit near at a restaurant”.’
Then a comment on Kamala:
‘the campaign’s fresh rhetoric reflects Ms Harris’s “great sense of humour” and her ability to be “a good communicator on a very basic level”.’
.. but quickly back to Trump:
‘her joyfulness is breaking through the dark, menacing undertones of Donald Trump and his running mate.”’
‘Trump, who has long been known as an effective mudslinger and energetic campaigner since he entered politics during the 2016 presidential campaign, has struggled to punch back’
Then we get:
‘Between drags of a cigarette, Tyler Engel – an independent Ohio voter on vacation in St Augustine, Florida – said that Mr Walz “seems like a normal guy, a family man”.’
What is the point of adding ‘between drags’ ?. We find out in the next paragraph because it’s supposed to make us think all the ‘normal people’ support Harris.
And back to Trump:
‘Calling Trump and JD Vance “weird” effectively repackaged President Biden’s “threat to democracy” theme in a “very understandable – almost light-hearted – way ‘
‘the term immediately helped to recast the race from a referendum on Mr Biden’s four years in office to a question of “do we really want to go back to what we were doing during the Trump era?”’
Quite incredible. I know it is a trait of the nasty Left to go after the man, not the ball – but this is a new extreme for the BBC.
Here’s the author:

(‘Reddit’ is one of online communities full of Lefties)
Tracey Ullman as Angela Merkel
Classic stuff…hyping Harris to the rafters…who knew she was such a fantastic speaker and can hold an audience enthralled…like Hitler? I’m not sure though…I had to switch off after about 15 seconds of her monotone, high-pitch drone….definitely couldn’t risk hearing her cackle. Imagine 4 years of that dimbassery[I misspelt that but decided to leave it…seems to fit]….she just oozes incompetence and being way out of her league….Joe Biden in high heels essentially.
Saudi TV mocks Joe Biden & Kamala Harris in viral skit
Bet she’s spent many an hour in front of the mirror practicing her draw and re-holster.
I hope so!
A simple time line ….
23 October 2009 Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser
Sun 17 Oct 2010 Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’
5 February 2011
State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron
I add this message to show that I disapprove of Elon and include it her so Theresa May, Amber Rudd, Priti Patel Yvette Cooper with Mr Balls can check if it is true with the help of £3.5bbn BBC news verifiy service … HA HA HAHA … Britain won the war, then lost to the woke …..
BBC’s sketch “The Real Housewives of ISIS” goes viral
2024.08.03 India Shedhakhai 1 0 A Hindu is stabbed and beaten to death by his wife’s Muslim family over interfaith marriage.
2024.07.30 Afghanistan Parachinar
44 Killed
200 Injured
Forty-four are killed when pro-Taliban Sunnis storm a Shiite community.
But Mr Johnson argued Nato’s “core mission” in Afghanistan had succeeded.
Quite something that it takes a person like Elon musk to tell the world what is happening in Britain – whereas the state funded broadcaster is now recognised as a far left state mouthpiece .
Mr musk has done a huge – huge service .
“Antifa crowds teem outside Reform UK’s POSTAL address in Victoria”
The real office address is secret cos in the past the same folk have stormed it
Guess what Starmer and the police did then ?
CCCBGB indeed
Being a grown up -I’m don’t indulge in looking at the BBC website much . But today – after seeing so much comment by Elon Musk about the decline of freedom in Britain – two tier keir –
I thought I’d see some comment about it on the BBC site … but no – yet did report on an American woman who used to run YouTube has died ….. why this has importance is beyond me .
The bbc decides not to report that Elon musk has called the BBC ‘Pravda ‘….
In the footage of a labour councillor calling for ‘throats to be slit ‘ there is a woman next to him who appears to be a steward . She applauds when he makes that comment .
She has been identified . It turns out she is a far left activist – and was one of the disrupters at the Reform press conference at the end of the election campaign . Not much of a supporter of freedom / democracy – but a fan of human slaughter ….
Not that long ago most people in the UK and elsewhere in the Western World would have seen the out of control, brutal state and police reaction to citizens of this Country for what they say in the past few weeks as something that only happens in totalitarian communist dominated, state and police controlled countries in Eastern Europe, the Far East and South America.
Now it’s being rolled out in the UK before our eyes with the tacit approval of our National Press.
This is the most undemocratic shift in this country’s history, with the possible exception of The Cromwell era, and can never end well!
We used to think of our Country as being in the “Free World”. It no longer qualifies as from the last few days.
Big Brother mentality has actually arrived 40 years after it was envisioned mby Orwell.
I wonder if it’s against the new Communist law to retweet a clip of someone with a hi-viz vest and a microphone.
Aren’t the BBC afraid if Two Tier bans misinformation?
There’s plenty of proof the BBC is the biggest user of it . Their threatograms sit in my drawer .
Labour councillor calling for mass murder of his political opponents? Enter no plea and come back to court in a month’s time.
Wife of Tory councillor makes similar comments online?
Enter no plea – come back to court in under 48 hrs.
Has anyone in the media asked the reason for the delay in only one of these two trials?
If he were far-right he would have been instantly jailed for 2 years for such an offence. In the context of Islamic terrorism, it was no casual statement at all. Far, far worse than anything these football hooligans have done.
These are the gross double-standards of both the police and of the BBC reporting of it which have led to this situation.
And if Starmer is successful to suppress the people under threat of prison for even turning up at a protest this time, the cauldron will continue to simmer until it vents with even more violence in the future.
Curious observer offence. That must be a new one.
What if an old lady was out shopping. She emerges out of the local charity shop and she’s suddenly faced with the sight of old Doris from next door, throwing a flaming wheelie bin at police officers?
I would think it could be quite difficult for the old dear not to stop for a second a look at the very least.
“You may be 86 with no criminal record. You may have several references from local charities for your selfless charity work over the last 60 years, but looking aghast at your neighbour’s surprising violent outburst is no defence. Five years.Take her down!”
Madness Of crowds!
Mathew Goodwin:
Well I said TTK was a moron to take on Elon, seems he really has got the bit between his teeth. Good luck to Rowley trying to infringe his first amendment rights.
Perhaps someone could suggest to Musk that every anti racist protester should be given an illegal to house and feed, see if they still support them then. I’m sure he would have a view on that
Start as you intend to carry on…
I don’t think Ms. Gabbard is intimidated – in fact I suspect that Roughing up Kamala at the DNC POTUS dTV debate was just a taster.
The commie paper, ‘The Morning Star’ is more conciliatory than TTK and the BBC reports I’ve seen.
I was curious as to how a commie paper would be reacting to what’s going on.
I was expecting fist pumping and cheering on of TTK.
Whilst this article is the sort of thing a 6th form Wolfie Smith type would write, (you may need to hold your nose at certain points) the author does actually suggest that Starmer listens to concerns from those working class protesters and engage with them.
He is doing no such thing.
When your PM is more extreme than the Morning Star, you’re in big trouble.
‘Man’ charged with 4 counts of attempted murder, including leaving a nine year old girl seriously injured.
Who is this ‘man’ the BBC keep reporting on? He seems to be up to no good quite a lot.
From the linked BBC report “Javon Reily, 32, of Farnborough Road, Farnborough, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Saturday and has been remanded into custody.”
Indeed. But no pic…
I tried to reply to a post by Lucy but was given an error message. The post I was trying to reply to is no longer there. Has the censorship started already?
Moggie – I don’t know what happened but I didn’t touch those posts today – Tomo put something up which I had to delete as it was ‘incendiary ‘ – some one else’s’ tweet but that was it .
Moggie, it was me. I deleted it because I reread it after posting & I wasn’t certain that the information was quite correct. I wanted to have a longer look at it before leaving it permanently. Sorry about that. You aren’t losing your mind. 🙂
It never even crossed my mind that you’d deleted it, I thought dark forces were at work.
“A 35-year-old woman who was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder and assisting an offender has been released on police bail.”
2 tier?
not ‘arf
I have been reading about how a curious observer (or passer by, as they are sometimes known) who dares to be in the vicinity of wrongdoing, might find themselves in the dock as a defendant.
This is a major change in our criminal justice system as in the recent past and indeed for centuries such people were always called ” witnesses”.
We must prepare ourselves for all manner of semantics,
“l suspect”.
FOYB (a.k.a. Boo Boo)
No problem, just being in the vicinity is no defence, you will simply be charged with “assisting an offender”.
> you will simply be charged with “assisting an offender”.
Yep if you are for example on a bus and outside a wet-police officer is on the ground having 9 bells kicked out of him by some ‘far-islamic thugs’ then turn around and keep your head down.
No good deed goes unpunished in todays Two Tier Justice (2TJ).
Remember the Leeds lady offering tea.
Someone posted about black people all crowing about gold, silver and bronze medals in the gymnastics all for black people (racists, just imagine if white people did that)
This after they “moved” a white Romanian athlete down from bronze in a clearly wrong arbitration.
Now this has been rectified…woke Olympics should be a hashtag
BGM riots now ? (black gymnastics matter) “One of Jordan’s older sisters, Jazmin Chiles, posted a statement to her social media about Jordan possibly losing her bronze medal.
‘Please keep Jordan (and my family) in your prayers. Racism is real, it exists, it is alive and well,’ Jazmin said.”
“Jordan Chiles is set to LOSE Olympic bronze medal after bombshell ruling against USA star”