“CAS ruled the judging panel were wrong to allow an inquiry that increased Chiles’ score and moved her up into bronze medal position from fifth place at the expense of Ana Barbosu, who was left in tears.
‘Aware of the negative impact on Ana Maria Barbosu and Sabrina Maneca-Voinea (who was also in the competition with Chiles), the Romanian Gymnastics Federation aims to correct the mistakes made by the judges and to restore the rights of our athletes,’ the federation said.
The results of the floor exercise have caused an uproar in Romania.
Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday he will boycott the closing ceremony because of the ‘scandalous situation.’
Ciolacu promised Romania would honor Barbosu and Maneca-Voinea as Olympic medalists, ‘including in terms of the prizes.’
The bronze medal represented Chiles’ only individual medal of her Olympic career. She won a gold medal as part of the team event in Paris, and a silver medal in the same event in Tokyo. “
FFS just imagine crowing about an all white medal team in basketball or the 100M ?
“The 2024 Olympics had the first-ever gymnastics podium composed of all Black women
Rebeca Andrade, Simone Biles, and Jordan Chiles made up the #BlackGirlMagic podium.
With Biles’s dominance, we’ve become used to seeing a Black woman winning, but the reality is that gymnastics is still a majority white sport. In the U.S. data from the 2022-2023 school year, shows that only 8% of NCAA female gymnasts were Black. ”
What a special moment, three Black girls sweep the medals for the Floor Exercise, and all performed to Beyoncé songs. Congrats Rebeca Andrade, Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles.
knowing what this sport historically once looked like, it’s such a beautiful thing for young black athletes to see this. so so beautiful and heart-warming!! go usa!!! go brasil!!!
If someone is of a particular political persuasion – and looks at The Guardian website – one might see how alien it is – and how quickly the Far Left is distorting events .
For instance at the moment it is saying ‘senior Tory politicians used divisive language to fuel riots ‘ … I mean – how deluded are they – the tories were never tories – they are part of the problem – the only political outlet people had was Reform
And Reform – for many – was quite moderate – they cannot conceive that people are deeply troubled by uncontrolled immigration – the invasion. – and the lethal danger which comes with it – and which is going to plague us for generations …. And that translates into ‘far right thugs ‘…
Wouldn’t it be so simple, to get the new illegals arriving in their droves, to a ‘safe’ place, in a camp not far from here, hopefully close to the Kent Ports – saves money…!.
There, the first question, in whatever language they profess to use, would be, “Whom did you pay to come here”?
The answer would be useless, so, the next statement should be,
” We are taking you back to France, unless you tell us whom you paid to come here”!
And if they still stay silent, just invoke the British Nationality Law, and ship them right back to France!
Quite specific, but he permanently reminds me of a geography teacher trapped in a loveless marriage on a works christmas do, Who just got an unsolicited kiss of the cheek from the slightly tarty PE teacher.
The commissioner of the londonistan religious police has ( apparently ) threatened to extradite US citizens from America who he thinks has broken internet laws .
This has truly made Americans sit up and watch what is happening to Britain – and the BBC is being noticed too .
I always thought that the sooner that residual image of a ‘good ‘ BBC – still hanging around overseas – was destroyed – the better for those of us wanting the BBC gone ,.. I think we are getting there …
Thanks Elon ….
The whol idea is ridiculous
cos despotic regimes like Morth Korea and Iran would simply have people across the world arrested by claiming critics of them were inciting violence.
BTW where was the Met Police guy when people like Joe Brand were inciting violence and hate by suggesting battery acid over Farage
OK a joke .. but a close one
We do have one small grain of hope in all this. Our politicians have consitently failed to do most things they pledge to do. If Two-Tier Staliner doesn’t break that mold, we might be ok.
lone british police officer thinks they can arrest brown muslim migrants in multicultural britain. gets brutally beaten by them in embarrassing fashion pic.twitter.com/QxUSwzQjhW
3 people arreste for Friday night’s near murder at Ellison Street, Bracebridge, Lincoln
… What fuels speculation is the authorities withholding the names etc.
At time of posting here there is an interesting thing
Yemini’s post has a community note
..”This suspended account (@UKGov) was not the official account of the UK’s Government”
Yeh Yemini’s post clearly says the suspended account was not the official account
So why would someone try to stamp his Tweet as false ?
These days I’m seeing a lot of these false attempts at Community Noting by lefties
FFS I’ve just turned over to Sky news and the press review (can’t be doing with GBN Headliners, the Yank does my head in ) and who is reviewing the papers ? Bloody Amy double – barrelled, she’s getting where castor oil can’t! She must have a damned good Agent giving her exposure lately. Her partner is clearly working overtime looking after the kid. Off switch activated.
This is (one) reason where this government has failed very badly:
Jusice has not only to be done, but to be SEEN to be done by all. And yet:
We have one police officer, an armed police officer who was attacked and had every right to use a firearm, who showed remarkable restraint, where in most countries the attacked would be shot dead, but who did not.
BUT who is now facing losing his career at the very least. Yet those who attacked him are not even charged yet, likely because they are muslim and the fear of offending their community.
We have those who committed minor offences such as throwing an egg or posting something on facebook JAILED. And yet there were hoards of ARMED muslims wandering faces masked, in paramilitary uniforms, about not even arrested, likely for fear of offending their community.
(You try the vigilante defence in court and see where it gets you….)
And we have people as above, committing these minor offences dealt with summarily within days, yet one of theirs, issuing threats to kill on national TV, given over a month before any justice.
And they wonder why people are angry ? And they don’t think this will stoke the flames of division ?
Us, and them, as Pink Floyd would say. One rule for them and theirs, another for us in so many of the minds of the 85% indidenous population, and so many watching from abroad.
Well done Starmer you have failed.
And when that is pointed out to you from a highly intelligent, successful, influential man abroad, you issue threats to him from your police and pet journalists, that you will deal with him in the same summary manner for which he criticised you !!!
RE my previous post…there is more than one kind of justice
Tone bloody deaf, not reading the room, adding insult to injury, use whatever phrase you like..the bloody bbc…
“Nottingham knife attack victim’s mother is facing ‘unimaginable horror’ after finding out the BBC will air interview with killer’s family on Panorama programme.
Emma Webber’s son Barnaby and his friend Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, were stabbed to death by Valdo Calocane in the horror attack in June last year.
School caretaker Ian Coates, 65, was also killed in the knife rampage as he made his way to work in the early hours of June 13. ”
Grade A hypocrisy from the Far Left BBC this morning on Toady on Sunday.
Banging on relentlessly yet again about the ‘riots’ the presenter stated as if a fact that ‘the Far Right are chipping away at our liberal democracy’ !!!!!!!!! FFS.
What? And Cancel Culture doesn’t? And the University ‘safe spaces’ doesn’t? And the ritual of ‘taking the knee’ doesn’t? And the BBC doesn’t with its bias and presumed if not explicit definitions of what is right and wrong?
And two-tier Keir Jong Un, our Great Leader, doesn’t?
The chipping away at liberal democracy is almost all from the left. Just don’t expect the BBC to comment.
Enough to bring a two-tear-Keir to a brass eye in this legitimate grievance edition
Tony Blair didn’t do God: Campbell interrupted Blair as he spoke of his faith: ‘We don’t do God’… Tony Blair’s most senior advisers have intervened to prevent him discussing his faith in public (Telegraph,Colin Brown, Political Editor, 2003)
Well, our Two-Tier Sir Keir doesn’t do empathy: Keir Starmer freezes after being called ‘political robot’ during debate… Sir Keir Starmer was taken off guard when he was described as a “political robot” by a member of the audience during… Sky News debate. (Independent, June 2024)
Keir Starmer was slightly heckled when he took his wreath to Southport. At that point he should have spoken to the crowd. He didn’t. He scuttled away like a frightened rabbit. He’s a disgrace. A Coward who is not fit for office. His Home Secretary is the same (random woman on Twitter X – ie not a mainstream journalist)
Fortunately for 2TK, his media backers are more than happy to perform all the basic required empathy on his behalf: Southport stabbings… Bebe’s sister saw her being killed… Parents say ‘our world is shattered’ in new tribute (Sunday Mirror); a poignant victim family photo also appears frontpage of: Sunday Times; Sunday Express and Sunday Telegraph
Our BBC had an emotional-ish Southport victim tribute headline report online – but Mr AsI was a tad too slow off the mark to catch it.
Our national broadcaster’s patience with Southport headline child victim empathy has rather quickly shifted elsewhere: ‘My Southport shop was looted by rioters, then saved by strangers’… Chanaka Balasuriya, the 47-year-old owner of Southport’s Windsor Mini Mart, has been deeply affected by the violent unrest (BBC)
I had surgery to lengthen my legs and then it went horribly wrong… Elaine Foo’s legs are streaked with thick, purple scars – each one a reminder of a leg-lengthening procedure (BBC)
Couple left ‘heartbroken’ by burst water main damage (BBC)
Ah, here it is… now quietly tucked away in Other news [Liverpool 16 hours ago]: Sister of Bebe King witnessed Southport knife attack (Jonny Humphries & Monica Rimmer BBC News, North West)
Guardianista working the Sunday shift cautions us against any emotional response to the slaughter of (certain) children: History, myths and riots… David Olusoga Don’t fall for the toxic falsehood of ‘legitimate grievance’(Observer)
Oh really, David, is that a fact? David Olusoga defends those accused of tearing down Colston Statue… The historian and author gave expert evidence on the history of slavery, and its ongoing impact on people of Afro-Caribbean descent in Britain. (Independent, 2021) – Two-Tier Olusoga
Despite pre-election promises our newly-minted chancellor Rachel Reeves has suddenly discovered she’s skint: Reeves blamed the £22bn financial hole on the soaring bill to deal with asylum claims and illegal immigration, costing £6.4bn this year alone, along with extra spending on the NHS, the Ukraine crisis and maintaining roads and railways (Guardian)
Likewise our recently installed Secretary of State for Justice Shabana Mahmood gets her excuses in early: Riots will set back efforts to rebuild our broken justice system, warns minister… Disorder impact will last years: Mahmood (Observer)
Let’s not exaggerate the riots, Shabana. Was there really that much damage done? (I’m only aware of 3 dead) Was there really much injury – apart from a few police with scratches and bruises? The cops seem to have sustained more bodily damage, at least per numbers deployed, at the Manchester airport fracas.
The hundreds of arrests made after violent rioting will hamper attempts to rebuild the crisis-hit criminal justice system, the justice secretary warns today (Observer) – You’re milking it now, luv. But maybe that’s why the Manchester thugs who used the police as a punch bag haven’t been had up in court yet?
There’s no such gloom as the Observer peers across the pond: Kamala? She’s bringing the joy… Harris ahead of Trump in three swing states – poll (Nina Lakhani, New York, Observer)
‘And really, that song?’: Celine Dion rebukes Trump for unauthorized use of Titanic tune… Singer jabs at ex-president for playing My Heart Will Go On at campaign rally (Nina Lakhani, New York, Guardian, 10 August) – Girl’s been busy – on behalf of the Kamala campaign.
Naturally, our BBC picks up the anti-Trump story: Celine Dion ‘does not endorse’ Trump use of Titanic song (BBC) – no by line, interestingly. Just a BBC pick-up from the Guardian report, presumably – which picks it up from social media: A statement published on X and on Dion’s Instagram account, which has more than 8m followers, said: “Celine Dion’s management team and her record label, Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc, became aware of the unauthorized usage of the video, recording, musical performance, and likeness of Celine Dion… blah, blah, blah… (Guardian) – well, they do say sharing is caring.
Which is – sort of – where we came in.
But let’s not neglect a few of our favourite regular features.
Ukraine war propaganda
Kyiv has made a mockery of Putin (Telegraph) – despite: Ukraine’s cross-border attack into Russia enters fifth day… more than 10km (six miles) inside Russia (BBC) – which is a pin prick compared with the reality of: According to high-ranking Ukrainian officers, the military picture is grim and Russian generals could find success wherever they decide to focus their upcoming offensive… Elon Musk’s latest pronouncements regarding the war in Ukraine set teeth on edge, as he warned that even though Moscow has “no chance” of conquering all of Ukraine, “the longer the war goes on, the more territory Russia will gain… if the war lasts long enough, Odesa will fall too,” he cautioned (Politico)
You couldn’t make it up
NHS staff ask men if they are pregnant before X-ray scans (Telegraph) – to which the patient’s reply should be ‘Did you by any chance attend any basic biology classes?’
‘Give me a child till he is seven years old,’ said St Ignatius Loyola, ‘and I will show you the man.’
Schools to wage war on ‘putrid’ fake news… Pupils will be taught to spot conspiracy theories in curriculum revamp after riots (Telegraph)
Calm down dear
Starmer’s chief of staff accused of ‘thinking she runs Britain’… Sue Gray is blocking access to him senior Whitehall sources have claimed (Mail on Sunday) – frankly, as a former senior civil servant, she probably has fair claim to thinking she runs Britain
Is asbestos lurking in your make-up bag? (BBC) – is that a calm down dear or a you couldn’t make it up? As always – you decide.
So it all happened because a few thick working-class people were duped by the rich elites? They had no agency, right? If you think that, you are frankly deluded. (PS. I’m not sure that a BBC presenter should be taking this kind of stridently partisan position on a topical issue.)
Well, if nothing else, these are interesting times…
I’ve just been listening a whole gaggle of left-wing talking heads excusing Two Tiers soviet style control over social media. “Misinformation” needs to be controlled… It’s necessary…it’s long overdue” they tell us. “It’s like shouting fire in a crowded theatre.” Hmm…
The thing is, it’s not…well, not in most cases…If you’re just putting an opinion someone finds offensive, that potentially could now be a crime. And these days some groups are permanently offended. It’s also totally “two tier” and disingenuous.
The other day Nick Lowles, head honcho of Hate Not Hope, told his adoring followers that white thugs were throwing acid at Muslim women. Of course, it was entirely untrue, but could any comment have been more inflammatory (literally) than that? I can’t think of any.
Lowles is still enjoying his freedom…and hasn’t been interviewed… while some white woman has been in police custody for days for misidentifying the culprit in the kiddie stabbing. She made an honest mistake, Lowles made something up.
We’ve been told by a government minister that the police, now to be known as Starmer’s Stormtroopers, are “Scouring the internet” . If that doesn’t send chills down your spine then nothing will. Already several men have been jailed for “stirring up racial hatred on social media.” One of them has ben interred for over three years!
However, fake claims about white men disfiguring Muslim women with acid and it’s tumbleweed.
My only contact with the BBC is their local radio which reverts to Radio 5Live out of hours. Anyway the BBC is full on anti fascist, hard right this morning. The so called journalist I heard was more interested in propounding his woke opinions rather than reporting facts. An utter disgrace.
As an aside I wonder how any affray/riot/online postings trials could be considered fair given the interventions of Smarmer, the BBC, MSM with wall to wall condemnations. So far there haven’t been any actual trials with Juries as far as I know, lots of guilty pleas no doubt due to pressure. No trial could be fair now given the poisonous atmosphere, in normal circumstances that degree of interference would result in charges being thrown out.
Today Radio Lincolnshire news was more or less news
Red-io Humberside news was not news, but rather PR clips from when they invited their mates on to a show
Hence the lead at 8am and 9am was “Here’s our friend from the refugee charity Hull Sistas, saying that people who protest are RACISTS”
The 8am news had a second item about a Grimsby man promising to set up a charity helping people build “cheap modular homes”
.. Cheap ? You still have to buy the land
9am second item was a female pig farmer
It wasn’t obviously left wing.
Me neither, and I used to spend hours watching it years ago. It was a window to sports never seen before like sumo wrestling, heavy weight lifting floor gymnastics, and then winter Olympics the ski slalem, and the utter perfection of Torvill & Dean winning gold in Sarajevo.
Now, I needed to pay Disney for the privilege
Like you, Brissles, I haven’t watched a thing in Paris except a few minutes of the opening ceremony and men chasing up a wall whilst waiting to see the doctor. It was only yesterday that I realised how little and wondered why as it was not intentional. I didn’t give the woke commentators a chance. But I read today about 3 black women being on the gymnastics podium. If they are the best in the world, then good on them. But their skin colour shouldn’t matter.
Chasing up a wall while waiting to see a doctor is now an Olympic sport ? it does not surprise me, forget the wall it’s getting to see the doctor where the real skill, dedication and training is required.
KonstantinKisin got 56K Likes for this long tweet that explains that Musk has done a great service by allowing the public to bring real news
And that draconian controls against tweeters are wrong cos that’s ceding control back to politicians and MSM
“Politicians and journalists are the two least trusted groups in society for a reason.”
Responsibility and disinformation on Twitter
I’m looking at 5 tweets deleted by the OFFICIAL Humberside police account.
They posted gloating tweets about demonstration arrests
In one they wrote “15 year old *man* arrested”
Yes that’s after the establishment described the Nealy 18 year old Southport murderer as a boy https://x.com/beverleyturner/status/1821195912670277710
Good luck with that. That area is where I was proud to call home, but the always useless Council would better serve the area by clearing up Ramsgate Town centre from the third world sh….ole it looked the last time I visited.. I could weep from what the town looked like in the 50s and 60s to the poverty stricken place now.
Sad isn’t it , I was a frequent visitor there from the 1960s to 80s , my Aunt and Uncle would be devastated with what it’s turned into now 😢 , One of my Cousins resigned from the Ramsgate RNLI Taxi Service once their priorities changed for the worse 😠 😡 👿
You may have heard the old joke about the bloke carrying a large drum around with him. When asked why he said it was to scare the elephants away. The questioner said ‘But there aren’t any elephants around here!’…..reply….’Exactly…it works’.
The government mobilised the Far-Left Corbynite militias around the country to scare off the Far-Right after having made dire warnings about battalions of racist nazis on the march ready to mount a bloody coup and gas the Muslims. Thankfully the Jackbooted nazis were so terrified by the media blitz and stories of woke warriors on the warpath that they stayed home and spent the night looking at Tik Tok videos of dogs doing funny things….or just maybe…they were never ever going to be out on the streets anyway and it was all a massive PR stunt by the government designed in major part to make Starmer look good…in control, decisive and strong….so very Soviet…invent an enemy and then ‘destroy’ him for the cameras.
The irony is of course that the lefty militias are far more dangerous than the few hundred genuine Neo-Nazi goons that still hanker after a new Third Reich. Just remember a hard-core Far-Left pro-Russia anti-Nato, anti-police Putin fanboy nearly got elected as Prime MInister…backed all the way, twice, by our current Prime MInister who is as radical and extremist and authoritarian as Corbyn is.
‘Were the ‘Spontaneous’ Anti-Racism Rallies Even Real?’
pugnazious ,
I’ve been reading about Hitlers rise to power and how the fire in the Reichstag in 1933 influenced the people to support him ……false flags and all that …..very 2024 with Heir Starmer …….whoops have I just sealed my fate ?
It’s all about poor Chanaka Balasuriya and his mini-mart and how wonderful the Muslim community is. Another small story blown up beyond all proportion by the BBC.
Why ?. We know why of course. Here’s the scum who did it:
One more example of the gross, agenda-based disgusting double standards by the BBC. They don’t care one bit what happened to that woman because it doesn’t fit their false narrative.
Daily Mail have latched on to another missing person carefully selected from the thousands every year, expect 6 bloody stories a day from here on:
“Tom Doherty missing: Family of British doctor, 67, who vanished while walking in the Pyrenees believe his Apple account may hold clues after his car was found abandoned”
“The brutal tyrant whose beloved niece – Labour’s Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq – called ‘a strong female role model’.
With her spectacles and ready smile, Bangladesh’s prime minister Sheikh Hasina may give the impression of a harmless grandmother. But the 76-year-old, who fled the Asian country last week amid protests over her 15 years of iron rule, is a ruthless tyrant.
Troublesome political opponents or journalists critical of her regime were put under surveillance, harassed or arrested on trumped up charges. Serial offenders might be abducted from their homes, never to be seen again. Human rights groups estimate there were at least 600 enforced disappearances on Hasina’s watch.
Hundreds more were the victims of extra-judicial killings, and 280 died at the hands of the security forces in the last few weeks alone, as popular feeling against her rule reached fever pitch and the government responded with its trademark brutality.
Anti-government protesters were shot at with live ammunition. Police also used tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades.
On Monday, as thousands prepared to storm her official residence in the capital Dhaka, Hasina fled by military plane to India. And the shameless ex-leader is now reported to be seeking asylum in the UK. Her trump card is likely to be her extensive family links in Britain, most notably her beloved niece, Labour’s Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq. She is said to treat Ms Siddiq like a ‘daughter’ and appears to have been a major influence on her blossoming political career.”
the best of British is the Socialist Worker Party and their marxists and Trotskyites dedicated to “bringing the country to it’s knees” who co ordinated so much of the so called anti racist evwents, a front for their revoilutionary activism.
The new utopia based on Venezuela, so admired by Hector Sierra, the own of the printers of the thousands of ready made placards, Sherborne Publications Ltd, regular contributor to the Socialist workers newspaper.
“Socialist Workers Party activists gathered to debate how to push struggles to revolutionary conclusions at its recent annual conference.
The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) conference met last weekend to reflect on a year that saw a wave of resistance show the power of workers in society.
The revival of strikes has been central to British politics, and more workers look set to join the fray soon.”
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
“CAS ruled the judging panel were wrong to allow an inquiry that increased Chiles’ score and moved her up into bronze medal position from fifth place at the expense of Ana Barbosu, who was left in tears.
‘Aware of the negative impact on Ana Maria Barbosu and Sabrina Maneca-Voinea (who was also in the competition with Chiles), the Romanian Gymnastics Federation aims to correct the mistakes made by the judges and to restore the rights of our athletes,’ the federation said.
The results of the floor exercise have caused an uproar in Romania.
Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday he will boycott the closing ceremony because of the ‘scandalous situation.’
Ciolacu promised Romania would honor Barbosu and Maneca-Voinea as Olympic medalists, ‘including in terms of the prizes.’
The bronze medal represented Chiles’ only individual medal of her Olympic career. She won a gold medal as part of the team event in Paris, and a silver medal in the same event in Tokyo. “
FFS just imagine crowing about an all white medal team in basketball or the 100M ?
“The 2024 Olympics had the first-ever gymnastics podium composed of all Black women
Rebeca Andrade, Simone Biles, and Jordan Chiles made up the #BlackGirlMagic podium.
With Biles’s dominance, we’ve become used to seeing a Black woman winning, but the reality is that gymnastics is still a majority white sport. In the U.S. data from the 2022-2023 school year, shows that only 8% of NCAA female gymnasts were Black. ”
What a special moment, three Black girls sweep the medals for the Floor Exercise, and all performed to Beyoncé songs. Congrats Rebeca Andrade, Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles.
knowing what this sport historically once looked like, it’s such a beautiful thing for young black athletes to see this. so so beautiful and heart-warming!! go usa!!! go brasil!!!
An ALL Black #Olympics #ArtisticGymnastics podium!!! I can’t. I mean I just CAN’T!!!!
nothing like a bit of #BlackGirlMagic ✨to cheer me up during trying times 👏🏾
Melanin Excellence on Display! #blackgirlmagic
#blackgirlmagic OK
#whitegirlmagic RACIST
If someone is of a particular political persuasion – and looks at The Guardian website – one might see how alien it is – and how quickly the Far Left is distorting events .
For instance at the moment it is saying ‘senior Tory politicians used divisive language to fuel riots ‘ … I mean – how deluded are they – the tories were never tories – they are part of the problem – the only political outlet people had was Reform
And Reform – for many – was quite moderate – they cannot conceive that people are deeply troubled by uncontrolled immigration – the invasion. – and the lethal danger which comes with it – and which is going to plague us for generations …. And that translates into ‘far right thugs ‘…
Wouldn’t it be so simple, to get the new illegals arriving in their droves, to a ‘safe’ place, in a camp not far from here, hopefully close to the Kent Ports – saves money…!.
There, the first question, in whatever language they profess to use, would be, “Whom did you pay to come here”?
The answer would be useless, so, the next statement should be,
” We are taking you back to France, unless you tell us whom you paid to come here”!
And if they still stay silent, just invoke the British Nationality Law, and ship them right back to France!
Problem solved in a flish!
Muslims have been destroying Christian places of worship for centuries. That may now be an illegal fact.
The commissioner of the londonistan religious police has ( apparently ) threatened to extradite US citizens from America who he thinks has broken internet laws .
This has truly made Americans sit up and watch what is happening to Britain – and the BBC is being noticed too .
I always thought that the sooner that residual image of a ‘good ‘ BBC – still hanging around overseas – was destroyed – the better for those of us wanting the BBC gone ,.. I think we are getting there …
Thanks Elon ….
The whol idea is ridiculous
cos despotic regimes like Morth Korea and Iran would simply have people across the world arrested by claiming critics of them were inciting violence.
BTW where was the Met Police guy when people like Joe Brand were inciting violence and hate by suggesting battery acid over Farage
OK a joke .. but a close one
Despotic regimes like North Korea…….
Such as the UK, with its dear leader, Keir Jong Un.
We do have one small grain of hope in all this. Our politicians have consitently failed to do most things they pledge to do. If Two-Tier Staliner doesn’t break that mold, we might be ok.
Dave offers an impressive summary of bubble thinking.
No, just get all your news from anonymous right-wingers on X. What could possibly go wrong?
Dave is allowed to do tweets calling for Burden to murder Trump
But when Musk comments on UK free speech, that’s a great crime.
I haven’t checked the context on this yet
Have a look at the Elon Musk Twitter output there is loads against Stamer’s Stalinist policy
and even against BBC
“The BBC has already lost its reputation – it has become British Pravda”
In response to inflammatory tweet by BBC’s David Yelland
“You are destroying your reputation Elon Musk.
The fact you no longer employ anyone wise or brave enough to tell you is one of your problems.”
Katie Hopkins had a go at Yelland last week
“He tweeted in support of the pedophile Huw Edwards.”
It’s weird cos what provokes Yelland was Musk merely saying that he supports freedom of speech in the U.K.
And this regime journalist condemns him for it.
The quote tweets are a goldmine
3 people arreste for Friday night’s near murder at Ellison Street, Bracebridge, Lincoln
… What fuels speculation is the authorities withholding the names etc.
At time of posting here there is an interesting thing
Yemini’s post has a community note
..”This suspended account (@UKGov) was not the official account of the UK’s Government”
Yeh Yemini’s post clearly says the suspended account was not the official account
So why would someone try to stamp his Tweet as false ?
These days I’m seeing a lot of these false attempts at Community Noting by lefties
Now online the community note has gone.
Why didn’t the Telegraph and BBC headline their news
Far Right hijack protests against government immigration policy ?
FFS I’ve just turned over to Sky news and the press review (can’t be doing with GBN Headliners, the Yank does my head in ) and who is reviewing the papers ? Bloody Amy double – barrelled, she’s getting where castor oil can’t! She must have a damned good Agent giving her exposure lately. Her partner is clearly working overtime looking after the kid. Off switch activated.
BBC lying by omission
They were present but not taking part. (c) Jeremy Corbyn
Obviously they’ve spare time while ECHR Shamima Begum application is processed?
So lefties want to continue to tweet “racist” at righties
But feign outrage when Musk tweets that one of their lefty bosses is racist.
TwoTierKeir stuff
This is (one) reason where this government has failed very badly:
Jusice has not only to be done, but to be SEEN to be done by all. And yet:
We have one police officer, an armed police officer who was attacked and had every right to use a firearm, who showed remarkable restraint, where in most countries the attacked would be shot dead, but who did not.
BUT who is now facing losing his career at the very least. Yet those who attacked him are not even charged yet, likely because they are muslim and the fear of offending their community.
We have those who committed minor offences such as throwing an egg or posting something on facebook JAILED. And yet there were hoards of ARMED muslims wandering faces masked, in paramilitary uniforms, about not even arrested, likely for fear of offending their community.
(You try the vigilante defence in court and see where it gets you….)
And we have people as above, committing these minor offences dealt with summarily within days, yet one of theirs, issuing threats to kill on national TV, given over a month before any justice.
And they wonder why people are angry ? And they don’t think this will stoke the flames of division ?
Us, and them, as Pink Floyd would say. One rule for them and theirs, another for us in so many of the minds of the 85% indidenous population, and so many watching from abroad.
Well done Starmer you have failed.
And when that is pointed out to you from a highly intelligent, successful, influential man abroad, you issue threats to him from your police and pet journalists, that you will deal with him in the same summary manner for which he criticised you !!!
Morning all.
UK children to be taught how to spot extremist content and misinformation online
And then join BBC Young Reporters.
RE my previous post…there is more than one kind of justice
Tone bloody deaf, not reading the room, adding insult to injury, use whatever phrase you like..the bloody bbc…
“Nottingham knife attack victim’s mother is facing ‘unimaginable horror’ after finding out the BBC will air interview with killer’s family on Panorama programme.
Emma Webber’s son Barnaby and his friend Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, were stabbed to death by Valdo Calocane in the horror attack in June last year.
School caretaker Ian Coates, 65, was also killed in the knife rampage as he made his way to work in the early hours of June 13. ”
“It is understood that the families of Barnaby, Grace and Ian were not asked to contribute to it. “
Grade A hypocrisy from the Far Left BBC this morning on Toady on Sunday.
Banging on relentlessly yet again about the ‘riots’ the presenter stated as if a fact that ‘the Far Right are chipping away at our liberal democracy’ !!!!!!!!! FFS.
What? And Cancel Culture doesn’t? And the University ‘safe spaces’ doesn’t? And the ritual of ‘taking the knee’ doesn’t? And the BBC doesn’t with its bias and presumed if not explicit definitions of what is right and wrong?
And two-tier Keir Jong Un, our Great Leader, doesn’t?
The chipping away at liberal democracy is almost all from the left. Just don’t expect the BBC to comment.
Enough to bring a two-tear-Keir to a brass eye in this legitimate grievance edition
Tony Blair didn’t do God: Campbell interrupted Blair as he spoke of his faith: ‘We don’t do God’… Tony Blair’s most senior advisers have intervened to prevent him discussing his faith in public (Telegraph,Colin Brown, Political Editor, 2003)
Well, our Two-Tier Sir Keir doesn’t do empathy: Keir Starmer freezes after being called ‘political robot’ during debate… Sir Keir Starmer was taken off guard when he was described as a “political robot” by a member of the audience during… Sky News debate. (Independent, June 2024)
Keir Starmer was slightly heckled when he took his wreath to Southport. At that point he should have spoken to the crowd. He didn’t. He scuttled away like a frightened rabbit. He’s a disgrace. A Coward who is not fit for office. His Home Secretary is the same (random woman on Twitter X – ie not a mainstream journalist)
Fortunately for 2TK, his media backers are more than happy to perform all the basic required empathy on his behalf: Southport stabbings… Bebe’s sister saw her being killed… Parents say ‘our world is shattered’ in new tribute (Sunday Mirror); a poignant victim family photo also appears frontpage of: Sunday Times; Sunday Express and Sunday Telegraph
Our BBC had an emotional-ish Southport victim tribute headline report online – but Mr AsI was a tad too slow off the mark to catch it.
Our national broadcaster’s patience with Southport headline child victim empathy has rather quickly shifted elsewhere: ‘My Southport shop was looted by rioters, then saved by strangers’… Chanaka Balasuriya, the 47-year-old owner of Southport’s Windsor Mini Mart, has been deeply affected by the violent unrest (BBC)
I had surgery to lengthen my legs and then it went horribly wrong… Elaine Foo’s legs are streaked with thick, purple scars – each one a reminder of a leg-lengthening procedure (BBC)
Couple left ‘heartbroken’ by burst water main damage (BBC)
Ah, here it is… now quietly tucked away in Other news [Liverpool 16 hours ago]: Sister of Bebe King witnessed Southport knife attack (Jonny Humphries & Monica Rimmer BBC News, North West)
Guardianista working the Sunday shift cautions us against any emotional response to the slaughter of (certain) children: History, myths and riots… David Olusoga Don’t fall for the toxic falsehood of ‘legitimate grievance’(Observer)
Oh really, David, is that a fact? David Olusoga defends those accused of tearing down Colston Statue… The historian and author gave expert evidence on the history of slavery, and its ongoing impact on people of Afro-Caribbean descent in Britain. (Independent, 2021) – Two-Tier Olusoga
Despite pre-election promises our newly-minted chancellor Rachel Reeves has suddenly discovered she’s skint: Reeves blamed the £22bn financial hole on the soaring bill to deal with asylum claims and illegal immigration, costing £6.4bn this year alone, along with extra spending on the NHS, the Ukraine crisis and maintaining roads and railways (Guardian)
Likewise our recently installed Secretary of State for Justice Shabana Mahmood gets her excuses in early: Riots will set back efforts to rebuild our broken justice system, warns minister… Disorder impact will last years: Mahmood (Observer)
Let’s not exaggerate the riots, Shabana. Was there really that much damage done? (I’m only aware of 3 dead) Was there really much injury – apart from a few police with scratches and bruises? The cops seem to have sustained more bodily damage, at least per numbers deployed, at the Manchester airport fracas.
The hundreds of arrests made after violent rioting will hamper attempts to rebuild the crisis-hit criminal justice system, the justice secretary warns today (Observer) – You’re milking it now, luv. But maybe that’s why the Manchester thugs who used the police as a punch bag haven’t been had up in court yet?
There’s no such gloom as the Observer peers across the pond: Kamala? She’s bringing the joy… Harris ahead of Trump in three swing states – poll (Nina Lakhani, New York, Observer)
‘And really, that song?’: Celine Dion rebukes Trump for unauthorized use of Titanic tune… Singer jabs at ex-president for playing My Heart Will Go On at campaign rally (Nina Lakhani, New York, Guardian, 10 August) – Girl’s been busy – on behalf of the Kamala campaign.
Naturally, our BBC picks up the anti-Trump story: Celine Dion ‘does not endorse’ Trump use of Titanic song (BBC) – no by line, interestingly. Just a BBC pick-up from the Guardian report, presumably – which picks it up from social media: A statement published on X and on Dion’s Instagram account, which has more than 8m followers, said: “Celine Dion’s management team and her record label, Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc, became aware of the unauthorized usage of the video, recording, musical performance, and likeness of Celine Dion… blah, blah, blah… (Guardian) – well, they do say sharing is caring.
Which is – sort of – where we came in.
But let’s not neglect a few of our favourite regular features.
Ukraine war propaganda
Kyiv has made a mockery of Putin (Telegraph) – despite: Ukraine’s cross-border attack into Russia enters fifth day… more than 10km (six miles) inside Russia (BBC) – which is a pin prick compared with the reality of: According to high-ranking Ukrainian officers, the military picture is grim and Russian generals could find success wherever they decide to focus their upcoming offensive… Elon Musk’s latest pronouncements regarding the war in Ukraine set teeth on edge, as he warned that even though Moscow has “no chance” of conquering all of Ukraine, “the longer the war goes on, the more territory Russia will gain… if the war lasts long enough, Odesa will fall too,” he cautioned (Politico)
You couldn’t make it up
NHS staff ask men if they are pregnant before X-ray scans (Telegraph) – to which the patient’s reply should be ‘Did you by any chance attend any basic biology classes?’
‘Give me a child till he is seven years old,’ said St Ignatius Loyola, ‘and I will show you the man.’
Schools to wage war on ‘putrid’ fake news… Pupils will be taught to spot conspiracy theories in curriculum revamp after riots (Telegraph)
Calm down dear
Starmer’s chief of staff accused of ‘thinking she runs Britain’… Sue Gray is blocking access to him senior Whitehall sources have claimed (Mail on Sunday) – frankly, as a former senior civil servant, she probably has fair claim to thinking she runs Britain
Is asbestos lurking in your make-up bag? (BBC) – is that a calm down dear or a you couldn’t make it up? As always – you decide.
Morning all,
Nice easy one to start the day. Who, or what, is TTK please?
Two Tier Keir.
Thanks Guest! That’s been driving me mad for ages. I feel foolish for not keeping up!
I still don’t know what a ‘meme’ is or gaslighting …or ‘far right ‘ ..
So it all happened because a few thick working-class people were duped by the rich elites? They had no agency, right? If you think that, you are frankly deluded. (PS. I’m not sure that a BBC presenter should be taking this kind of stridently partisan position on a topical issue.)
He’s allowed because… tiers.
Well, if nothing else, these are interesting times…
I’ve just been listening a whole gaggle of left-wing talking heads excusing Two Tiers soviet style control over social media. “Misinformation” needs to be controlled… It’s necessary…it’s long overdue” they tell us. “It’s like shouting fire in a crowded theatre.” Hmm…
The thing is, it’s not…well, not in most cases…If you’re just putting an opinion someone finds offensive, that potentially could now be a crime. And these days some groups are permanently offended. It’s also totally “two tier” and disingenuous.
The other day Nick Lowles, head honcho of Hate Not Hope, told his adoring followers that white thugs were throwing acid at Muslim women. Of course, it was entirely untrue, but could any comment have been more inflammatory (literally) than that? I can’t think of any.
Lowles is still enjoying his freedom…and hasn’t been interviewed… while some white woman has been in police custody for days for misidentifying the culprit in the kiddie stabbing. She made an honest mistake, Lowles made something up.
We’ve been told by a government minister that the police, now to be known as Starmer’s Stormtroopers, are “Scouring the internet” . If that doesn’t send chills down your spine then nothing will. Already several men have been jailed for “stirring up racial hatred on social media.” One of them has ben interred for over three years!
However, fake claims about white men disfiguring Muslim women with acid and it’s tumbleweed.
Two Tier’s Britain. Stalin would be proud…
My only contact with the BBC is their local radio which reverts to Radio 5Live out of hours. Anyway the BBC is full on anti fascist, hard right this morning. The so called journalist I heard was more interested in propounding his woke opinions rather than reporting facts. An utter disgrace.
As an aside I wonder how any affray/riot/online postings trials could be considered fair given the interventions of Smarmer, the BBC, MSM with wall to wall condemnations. So far there haven’t been any actual trials with Juries as far as I know, lots of guilty pleas no doubt due to pressure. No trial could be fair now given the poisonous atmosphere, in normal circumstances that degree of interference would result in charges being thrown out.
Today Radio Lincolnshire news was more or less news
Red-io Humberside news was not news, but rather PR clips from when they invited their mates on to a show
Hence the lead at 8am and 9am was “Here’s our friend from the refugee charity Hull Sistas, saying that people who protest are RACISTS”
The 8am news had a second item about a Grimsby man promising to set up a charity helping people build “cheap modular homes”
.. Cheap ? You still have to buy the land
9am second item was a female pig farmer
It wasn’t obviously left wing.
Paris Olympics closing ceremony. There will be a fat trans woman in a simulated crucifixion, nailed to the cross by gay Centurions.
To ‘Singing in the Golden Rain’ with Marianne being Clogged to Death by Vibrant Clock Orange cross border cyclists
That’s the only part of the Olympics I’d be interested in watching. I’ve not seen a single moment of it, so proud.
Me neither, and I used to spend hours watching it years ago. It was a window to sports never seen before like sumo wrestling, heavy weight lifting floor gymnastics, and then winter Olympics the ski slalem, and the utter perfection of Torvill & Dean winning gold in Sarajevo.
Now, I needed to pay Disney for the privilege
The day I want to watch some overweight woman “breakdancing” as an Olympic Sport, is the day I throw the telly out the window.
“Angry Aussie Olympics boss Anna Meares blames criticism of breakdancer Raygun on SEXISM after her shocking display in Paris.
Aussie went viral after failing to score point in competition
36-year-old’s routine branded ridiculous and embarrassing”
Like you, Brissles, I haven’t watched a thing in Paris except a few minutes of the opening ceremony and men chasing up a wall whilst waiting to see the doctor. It was only yesterday that I realised how little and wondered why as it was not intentional. I didn’t give the woke commentators a chance. But I read today about 3 black women being on the gymnastics podium. If they are the best in the world, then good on them. But their skin colour shouldn’t matter.
Chasing up a wall while waiting to see a doctor is now an Olympic sport ? it does not surprise me, forget the wall it’s getting to see the doctor where the real skill, dedication and training is required.
Slightly altered video of Starmer’s speech, captures the gist of #TwoTierKeir
KonstantinKisin got 56K Likes for this long tweet that explains that Musk has done a great service by allowing the public to bring real news
And that draconian controls against tweeters are wrong cos that’s ceding control back to politicians and MSM
“Politicians and journalists are the two least trusted groups in society for a reason.”
Spot the difference…
One, speaking the prophetic truth; the other: brown nosing Khunt for the muslim vote.
Peace throughout the multiculty land. Thanks to the combined efforts of Sturmer, the King and the Trots of the SWP.
A wailing and a gnashing of teeth in libtard cubicles…
Doncha just love that Musk
Although amazing, the only one who has a voice for the British lives 6000 miles away
Responsibility and disinformation on Twitter
I’m looking at 5 tweets deleted by the OFFICIAL Humberside police account.
They posted gloating tweets about demonstration arrests
In one they wrote “15 year old *man* arrested”
Yes that’s after the establishment described the Nealy 18 year old Southport murderer as a boy
There is a Darren Grimes thread about how politicians likely Diana Johnson retweeted the gloating tweets
And why that is wrong
That’s a slippery slope.
We’re close to the bottom as it is, sliding down on our backsides and getting faster.
Why not 1 million per person to end poverty?
Then only rich people can swear! HA HA HA HAHA H!
Good luck with that. That area is where I was proud to call home, but the always useless Council would better serve the area by clearing up Ramsgate Town centre from the third world sh….ole it looked the last time I visited.. I could weep from what the town looked like in the 50s and 60s to the poverty stricken place now.
Sad isn’t it , I was a frequent visitor there from the 1960s to 80s , my Aunt and Uncle would be devastated with what it’s turned into now 😢 , One of my Cousins resigned from the Ramsgate RNLI Taxi Service once their priorities changed for the worse 😠 😡 👿
You may have heard the old joke about the bloke carrying a large drum around with him. When asked why he said it was to scare the elephants away. The questioner said ‘But there aren’t any elephants around here!’…..reply….’Exactly…it works’.
The government mobilised the Far-Left Corbynite militias around the country to scare off the Far-Right after having made dire warnings about battalions of racist nazis on the march ready to mount a bloody coup and gas the Muslims. Thankfully the Jackbooted nazis were so terrified by the media blitz and stories of woke warriors on the warpath that they stayed home and spent the night looking at Tik Tok videos of dogs doing funny things….or just maybe…they were never ever going to be out on the streets anyway and it was all a massive PR stunt by the government designed in major part to make Starmer look good…in control, decisive and strong….so very Soviet…invent an enemy and then ‘destroy’ him for the cameras.
The irony is of course that the lefty militias are far more dangerous than the few hundred genuine Neo-Nazi goons that still hanker after a new Third Reich. Just remember a hard-core Far-Left pro-Russia anti-Nato, anti-police Putin fanboy nearly got elected as Prime MInister…backed all the way, twice, by our current Prime MInister who is as radical and extremist and authoritarian as Corbyn is.
‘Were the ‘Spontaneous’ Anti-Racism Rallies Even Real?’
‘Rumblings of mass UK far-right rallies were ‘a bit of a hoax’’
pugnazious ,
I’ve been reading about Hitlers rise to power and how the fire in the Reichstag in 1933 influenced the people to support him ……false flags and all that …..very 2024 with Heir Starmer …….whoops have I just sealed my fate ?
… meanwhile this elaborate empathy-loaded extravaganza is headline news at the BBC:
‘My Southport shop was looted by rioters, then saved by strangers’
It’s all about poor Chanaka Balasuriya and his mini-mart and how wonderful the Muslim community is. Another small story blown up beyond all proportion by the BBC.
Meanwhile they didn’t even report this awful story:
‘Camden sex offender jailed after horror rape attack on female victim’
Why ?. We know why of course. Here’s the scum who did it:
One more example of the gross, agenda-based disgusting double standards by the BBC. They don’t care one bit what happened to that woman because it doesn’t fit their false narrative.
Spot the riot police….or the traffic officer stopping an unregistered vehicle.
Oh my God, not…AGAIN
Daily Mail have latched on to another missing person carefully selected from the thousands every year, expect 6 bloody stories a day from here on:
“Tom Doherty missing: Family of British doctor, 67, who vanished while walking in the Pyrenees believe his Apple account may hold clues after his car was found abandoned”
Mad dogs and Englishmen …
… seem to think after enduring shite UK weather that they can blunder around under continental sun without problems or taking precautions.
Yes, look at missing 411 on youtube. Thousands in the USA alone every year.
Hmm ?
“The brutal tyrant whose beloved niece – Labour’s Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq – called ‘a strong female role model’.
With her spectacles and ready smile, Bangladesh’s prime minister Sheikh Hasina may give the impression of a harmless grandmother. But the 76-year-old, who fled the Asian country last week amid protests over her 15 years of iron rule, is a ruthless tyrant.
Troublesome political opponents or journalists critical of her regime were put under surveillance, harassed or arrested on trumped up charges. Serial offenders might be abducted from their homes, never to be seen again. Human rights groups estimate there were at least 600 enforced disappearances on Hasina’s watch.
Hundreds more were the victims of extra-judicial killings, and 280 died at the hands of the security forces in the last few weeks alone, as popular feeling against her rule reached fever pitch and the government responded with its trademark brutality.
Anti-government protesters were shot at with live ammunition. Police also used tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades.
On Monday, as thousands prepared to storm her official residence in the capital Dhaka, Hasina fled by military plane to India. And the shameless ex-leader is now reported to be seeking asylum in the UK. Her trump card is likely to be her extensive family links in Britain, most notably her beloved niece, Labour’s Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq. She is said to treat Ms Siddiq like a ‘daughter’ and appears to have been a major influence on her blossoming political career.”
“….now reported to be seeking asylum in the UK.”
Welcomed with open arms no doubt. TTS will be seeking advice from her…………
Yes, precisely, asylum for a monster, like so many
TwoTier justice meme
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Ahhh I get it now..
the best of British is the Socialist Worker Party and their marxists and Trotskyites dedicated to “bringing the country to it’s knees” who co ordinated so much of the so called anti racist evwents, a front for their revoilutionary activism.
The new utopia based on Venezuela, so admired by Hector Sierra, the own of the printers of the thousands of ready made placards, Sherborne Publications Ltd, regular contributor to the Socialist workers newspaper.
“Socialist Workers Party activists gathered to debate how to push struggles to revolutionary conclusions at its recent annual conference.
The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) conference met last weekend to reflect on a year that saw a wave of resistance show the power of workers in society.
The revival of strikes has been central to British politics, and more workers look set to join the fray soon.”
Billy encapsulates it
Where did it go wrong?