Pertinently, locally – it would seem GPs need some kind of “check ride” system for competency and some publicly viewable metric of how much they’re doing for the money.
Starmer has so emboldened the socialists that they're openly admitting they would lynch their opposition if only the police weren't in the way.
John McDonnell apologises for Margaret Thatcher assassination comment
This article is more than 14 years old
Labour leadership candidate says yesterday’s remark was a joke but accepted that it may have caused offence
Maybe we can arrange it for charity? Put it on pay per view?
Have you seen the difference to how, in general ,lefties and righties look?
In the left corner, you’ve got those strange looking, effeminate, bearded, bespectacled soy faced males in eternal Friendzones, trying to get a mad, obese, gobby, pink haired, face pierced harpie to let them have a go on their fanny.
In the right corner, you’ve got men who go to the gym regularly and are in good shape. They are masculine. The women are infinitely better looking and in much better shape.
It’d be a fucking bloodbath.
Not that I’d condone or want such a thing – unless permitted with proceeds going to a charity of TTK’s choice, of course.
Even in Cameltoe Harris got in and agreed to hand Musk over, he’d probably invent either a spaceship to take him to another habitable planet or a space lazer to get rid of his enemies.
These Starmer groupies ( also know as ‘the media’) are making GB look fucking ridiculous. But this is how lefties think. Say something they dislike or disagree with? They want you and your family dead.
There are genuine demons among us and I’ll leave it at that.
I also posted a link to the communist paper ‘Morning Star’ yesterday. It showed even they addressed the need for Kier Jong Un (aka TTK) to engage with these local white working class communities that have been neglected and abused for decades (he still ‘ain’t said sheeeit blud’). They even mentioned that he listen to their genuine concerns about immigration.
I can’t say I have watched the Olympics as much as
I usually do. BUT whenever I turn over to the
BBC Olympic coverage, I get rather excited because
I believe that WE have won another gold medal.
” I am thrilled to bits for Wing , Wang, Wong winning
the gold medal ” I can’t imagine any other NATIONAL
country covering the Olympics who seem so pleased
that somebody from another country has won a gold
medal. Just more proof that the BRITISH broadcasting
corporation is nothing more than an oxymoron.
Can anybody tell me if there has been any ENGLISH
male presenters in the studio during the Olympics?
BBC website “Starmer will be judged on how he tackles root causes of riots”. Despite the smooth words, the Government is most certainly not addressing the root cause of the disturbances. Even with the present demographics, never mind more non-stop immigration, this country WILL be a muslim-majority country by 2050. The indigenous people don’t want to live under an Islamic regime. I do not want my great granddaughters to have to cover their heads (Iran, not even an Arabic country!). I do not want them to be able to marry a much older man when aged 9 (Iraq proposal). Perhaps Starmer can tell me which of the 53 present-day Muslim-majority countries he sees as a paradigm for us. Stupid thing to say. They will never address the concerns of the white population.
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
That police chief saying he’ll look into going after people abroad is making Britain an even bigger laughing stock internationally than it already is.
Is it me, or are the ‘leaders’ of various institutions getting high on power since Keir Jong Un (aka TTK) got in?
If there was an election tomorrow, I think Reform would sweep up in quite a few of those poor northern towns.
British Pravda are saying that our Dear Leader will be judged on how he tackles the root causes of riots.
I think there will be a report. And I can save everyone the time and money by giving you my prediction of the findings (I think I’m still allowed to make predictions, but if not I’ll see you in the gulag).
The findings will be, ‘It’s all whitey’s fault. They need ‘reeducation’. In fact, we will force this on them in their schools and workplaces (even more than it already is,). They need to know about their ‘white privilege’.
I hope to be proved wrong and ‘local community leaders’ come out and apologise for the industrial rape of white girls over decades, and that they will be actively teaching their young males to not do this. And that they will hand over known ‘groomers’ (child rapists) to authorities. In addition, that the government apologises for neglecting the local white working class communities for years and they will be creating lots of affordable housing and jobs for them.
But I think we’re more likely to see Elvis Presley and Queen Victoria presenting This Morning in the nude than that.
I think he’s saying “So you have to avoid the ghosts and eat the pills, the big pills are the power pills and…wow this is the highest score I’ve ever seen…”
“more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.”
This was in 1985, currently in 2024 3 teachers hide in Batley!!!!
“My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.”
The Harry Potter author dared Scottish authorities to ‘arrest’ her as new hate crime laws came into effect. While police determined no action was to be taken, there’s no getting around the damaging implications of Rowling’s rhetoric, writes Louis Chilton
Wednesday 03 April 2024 09:32 BST
£13bn of NHS debt would be written off
£13bn of NHS debt would be written off
£13bn of NHS debt would be written off
In April 2020, the Health Secretary announced that over £13bn of NHS debt would be written off and converted to public dividend capital (PDC). This was part of a wide range of financial measures the Government brought in for health and social care during the current pandemic.
“Results Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%); and unregistered care workers who had the highest prevalence of obesity ..”
“Rishi Sunak’s California escape hatch: His $7.2 million beach home
The UK leader’s luxe penthouse and deep California ties have fueled speculation about where he could land if he winds up out of office.”
06/19/2024 12:20 AM EDT
“Anyone who has any information about the disorder today at the Holiday Inn, Manvers and in the wider area, please report it by contacting SYP on 101, quoting ‘incident number 239’ of 4 August 2024. Those responsible will be identified and pursued by the force of the law”
The watchdog has found that systemic problems meant the force failed to recognise the scale of the problem.
Offences went unprosecuted despite police and child protection agencies in Rotherham having had knowledge of these crimes for decades, the paper said.
In many cases, the officer had retired and, due to legislation in place at the time, could not face disciplinary action.
force of the law …………… in many cases, the officer had retired and, due to legislation in place at the time, could not face disciplinary action.
force of the law …………… in many cases, the officer had retired and, due to legislation in place at the time, could not face disciplinary action.
I read the ex-Guardian editor’s Twitter handle as @arsebridger
“It is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.” The words of a recent Tory leader after staying in the home of a Muslim family. A lot has changed in the last 17 years…
Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%
The public concern illustrated by 3 comments in an hour.
This would be a massive loss to @BBCr4today. Husain is the best presenter they have had for many years. Her interviewing skill far more valuable on Today than reading autocue on the telly.
Ex BBC Ben might also have screwed market rate bbc staff and the managers who hire them.
uh my starting point when it comes to
the consideration of any issue relating
to free speech is my passionate belief
that the second most precious thing in
life is the right to express yourself
the most precious thing in life I think
is food in your mouth
and the third most precious is a roof
over your head
but a fixture for me in the number two
slot is free expression just below the
need to sustain life itself
the best way to increase society’s
resistance to insulting or offensive
speech is to allow a lot more of it as
with childhood diseases you can better
resist those germs to which you have
been exposed
‘Gay’ police horse case dropped
A student who called a mounted policeman’s horse “gay” will not be prosecuted, it has been revealed.
But police have stood by their decision to take Sam Brown to court for making “homophobic comments” despite the Crown Prosecution Service dropping the case.
Mr Brown, 21, a student at Oxford University, had said to an officer: “Excuse me, do you realise your horse is gay?”
Google realized that “don’t be evil” was both costing it money and driving workers to organize. Rather than admit that their stance had changed and lose the accompanying benefits to the company image, Google fired employees who were living the motto.
Comment “Sergeant Constable Detective Officer Peter Pisspot of Twat Valley Police has just issued an arrest warrant for Andrew Lawrence for this video.”
It has been a tough couple of weeks in the UK including misinformation on social media winding people up resulting in #RiotsNotProtests but Keir Starmer has shown himself capable of rising to the challenges that have come his way.
9 August 2024 0 0
8 August 2024 0 0
7 August 2024 0 0
6 August 2024 355 7
5 August 2024 114 2
4 August 2024 139 3
3 August 2024 0 0
2 August 2024 128 3
1 August 2024 0 0
31 July 2024 61 1
30 July 2024 130 2
29 July 2024 255 4
28 July 2024 255 4
27 July 2024 370 6
Kamala Harris says ‘too many’ civilian deaths in Gaza
According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use (3). An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic (57).
That attack triggered a massive Israeli military offensive against Gaza and the current war. More than 39,790 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli campaign, according to Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry.
39,790 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli campaign
300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity in USA
Ban sugar to save more lives than bombing Palestine.
Bomb India to help build Sanitation pipe lines ….
According to the charity WaterAid, from 2000 to 2014, an estimated 2.8 million Indian children died from preventable diseasessuch as diarrhoea, polio and pneumonia caused by the lack of proper facilities. Women and girls face particular problems.6 Oct 2023
Leave mine please – I want FREE BBC in the cell FREE HEATING … FREE IMMEDITATE DENTAL CARE … FREE FOOD … plus access to FREE HALAL FOOD ** prepared away from Bacon.
Neither do most muslims, which is why their Imams, Mullahs and Sheikhs have been able to lie to them about what’s in their scriptures for the last 14 centuries.
Now, at last, Western scholars are beginning to expose the lies. It’s never been more important for westerners to learn a bit about islam. Some relevant links below (until Starmer bans them).
Scholars like Jay Smith question the fundamental tenets of islam, including whether Moohammud even existed, and certainly not at the time and place that is generally accepted.
Others, like David Wood, accept the core historical elements of islam, but expose what he considers to be its many horrors.
Sites like The Religion of Peace keep a tally of the ongoing slaughter by followers of the so-called prophet.
(In case you’re wondering, “In the last 30 days there were 116 Islamic attacks in 26 countries, in which 598 people were killed and 920 injured”.)
Funny, I don't remember Nazi Germany oppressing their own white natives and allowing an Islamic takeover of the country, and treating international organisations as all-important.
You won't get anywhere until you stop seeing everything in simplistic Spitfire-and-bulldog ways.
Mass Migration Is Destroying Britain Yet Politicians and Media Refuse to Discuss the Cause of Riots
On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellows Dr. Philip Kiszely and Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Amy Gallagher of Stand Up To Woke discuss the UK riots and the media and political response.
Recklessly I read the article, wondering if the words ‘immigration’ or ‘asylum seekers’ would appear at regular intervals.
How stupid was I ? Of course not. The root cause of the riots is apparently poverty, lack of investment, and lack of opportunities in the places where the riots took place.
As an exercise in deliberately avoiding the huge elephant in the room, it’s right up there. The BBC ‘on message’ as ever.
Lack of opportunity due to all the businesses being taxi firms who only employ their own, all those definitely not money laundering vape shops, phone repair shops and barbers? All legit businesses.
Bloke down the pub told me.
Nothing to do with the rapes of their girls too?
The preferential treatment for social housing places and a two tiered police and justice system?
I don’t know nuffink about it, guv.
It’s all a conspiracy theory is what it is, you rayyyycists.
It seems the Archbishop of Canterbury is describing being ‘far right ‘ is ‘unchristian .
He does nt describe what ‘far right ‘ is – as usual – nor where ‘right ‘ ends and ‘far right ‘ starts ….
But in a way – the view of the Archbishop is ‘unchristian ‘ in itself.
There is a need to live in the real world . Just how many foreigners can the UK take ? Economically ? Culturally ?
Should the entire landmass of the UK be equally divided up by the entire population ? All that crown land – great estates – military – national parks – the lot – that of course wouid incliude land stolen from the Catholic Church by the archbishops ‘ church …. That would accord with this fools’ view …
Doesn’t the Bible talk about different tribes each being given their own, separate lands?
The leaders of the Christian faith (Catholic and the CofE in particular) are woke and pick and choose the wokey sounding stuff from the Bible to justify having open borders.
Well, I’m sure the Archbishop lives in a nice big house. I am positive he’ll have a few spare bedrooms.
I suggest he leads from the front and regularly houses dinghy riders until they find permanent housing.
He can show us that there’s nothing to worry about after he’s taken a few in.
26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.
8 When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,
when he divided all mankind,
he set up boundaries for the peoples
according to the number of the sons of Israel.
Apallingly lop-sided article making out the Muslims are the peaceful ones.
But of course that’s what you get when you appoint a Muslim as the religion editor of the British Broacasting Corporation in a Christian country.
It’s clear the BBC WANT to split the country into factions. Is it just the usual leftist hatred and spite or do they have a bigger plan ?.
‘Jonathan Munro, Deputy Director of BBC News and Head of News Content, says: “Aleem has always been an exceptionally thoughtful reporter and analyst with journalistic drive and a strong vision for reaching new audiences’
Those audiences of course being all the Muslim countries.
The BBC no longer represent the people who are forced to fund them in any way. They are now an activist organisation who are trying to spread their own ideology across the world. Why on Earth should the people they hate be forced to fund them to do it ?.
Woman prosecuted for retweeting what was claimed to be the identity of the person who stabbed the kids at the dance school.
Will the BBC be prosecuted for the many, many dangerously false news stories it has broadcast to the world…especially given its high status, reputation and trust level?
For instance the baseless report that an Israeli missile had hit a hospital in Gaza…killing hundreds…and completely destroying the hospital. All three of those ‘facts’ were false.
The BBC’s reporting led to crucial diplomatic negotiations being stopped, led to fury around the world against Israel and an undoubted rise in anti-Semitism against Jews everywhere.
The BBC’s reporters who made the claims are still employed and still reporting…Jeremy Bowen is actually proud of his fake report and says he has no regrets. Why is he still in a job and, by current eagerness to prosecute those who promote hate however unintentionally [and you might question the ‘unintentional’ in the case of the BBC], why has the BBC not been prosecuted for ‘stirring up hate’ against Jews and Israel? Why is a woman with probably 10 followers on Twitter prosecuted when the BBC, with many millions of ‘followers’ not?
And of course it still goes on as the BBC promotes the Hamas narrative that Israel bombed a ‘school’ and killed 100 innocent people…the BBC reporting Hamas’ words…’an horrific crime…a massacre…a dangerous escalation…killing people at prayer…’
None of that can be proved, the BBC has no idea if any of it is true and yet they broadcast it as if it is…with the slightest qualification that this comes from Hamas…whilst knowing that this won’t effect at all the willngness of people to believe the lies.
What they reported in the way they did was no different to the hospital report. They had no real facts other than there was some sort of Israeli strike but had absolutely no evidence of what effect that had and what and who the casualties were.
Report and be damned seems to be the BBC modus operandi….well…where Israel is concerned.
If Starmer & Co were really concerned about hate speech they should closely examine the BBC’s output especially given how it effects Jews in this country and how their own Mayor in London facilitates the anti-Semitic Hamas marches.
And if they were to investigate the organisers of the marches as the BBC is so intent on doing with the riots they’d find they were actually organised by Hamas itself and its useful idiot allies here in the UK.
Curious how there’s absolutely no outrage or concern about them…no Spring time for the Muslim Hitlers.
pug, the gent presenting a programme from Liverpool (R4 1.30-2.00 p.m.) appeared to be oblivious to the fact that the BBC can produce fake news and did just the morning after the terrible stabbings in Southport. The BBC said in the News on TOADY that the perpetrator had been brought to the UK aged 6 by his parents who were from Rwanda. Another poster on here has said that that is correct and my ears & brain were not imagining it. It later turned out that the perpetrator was born in Wales and eventually moved to Southport with his family.
You’d be hard pushed to find any real discussion here of what the real causes of unrest are….the dire consequences that we all know that arise from massive uncontrolled immigration.
This is about it…
‘For now the government has avoided discussing immigration, again for fear of suggesting any of the unrest was justified.
But in time they are likely to remind voters that the prime minister believes many people do have legitimate concerns about legal and illegal migration.’
No exploration of why immigration is such a problematic issue..what those ‘legitimate concerns’ might be….from economic, social and cultural to the destruction of Britain and its identity and history….as the white, British population of London has gone from around 98% in the ’60’s to around 38% now. Of course it will be interesting to see how they define ‘legitimate’ as Welby declares the rioters were all racists…thus their concerns won’t be of interest at all.
You just have to laugh as the BBC turns everything into Trans propaganda….and it’s not the first time this daft narrative has been given the authority and crredibility of a BBC label….
‘Shapeshifters’ ‘Writer and adventurer Blair Braverman dives deep under the surface of the ocean, in search of a more fluid, expansive and communal way to live. In short, she discovers that the ocean is queer…shapeshifters stretch the limits of our imaginations, tiny creatures teach us how to live in community, and where we can uncover new possibilities for how life can work on our planet.’
Sooo…we’re supposed to take lessons on how to live from animals eh? OK….say a pack animal like a lion…..lives in a patriarchal tribe where the females do most of the work, they piss and defecate where they like, they eat meat, and they are very tribal and territorial…they kill foreign lions that enter their territory. Sounds good.
It is bizarre that a supposedly serious science programme should try and equate humans and human behaviour and societies with some primitive sea creature. To suggest that because this creature can change sex and lives happily in its ‘society’ is a lesson for all is assinine and beyond childish. The issues in our society are many and complex…and real…and in no way compare with the simplistic lives of these sea creatures.
This is just gaslighting us…telling us there are no issues…we can all live happily if we just believe….we can have that happy clappy diverse utopia…you just have to shut your eyes and wish.
It’s incredibly insulting and patronising.
And not to mention an incredible waste of licence money being used to promote a dangerous and freakish ideology.
Last time mine decided it wasn’t getting enough attention so went to the bathroom and decided to knock everything off the shelves into the bath. I thought a light aircraft had hit the house.
Wife and I tried shutting the bedroom door and leaving her outside but she just knocks and if we ignore her she then throws herself against the door (noisily) until we let her in.
Apart from the Elon musk view that there will be a civil war in Britain – I’m wondering what the next 4 years 11 months is going to look like under a Sue Gray regime …. ?
It’s a given that taxes will go up for workers – and that conditions for the likes of pensioners will deteriorate .
And it’s tricky to see events panning out as the world currently is – for instance- Ukraine – and will Putin s patience run out ? With what consequences …?
But maybe sticking to the domestic front – will anything – anything – in Britain improve ? It’s hard to see . The prediction that the reds will blame the blues for everything will run for the duration of the parliament
And at some stage starmer / Sue gray will beg for a second election win . It’s a long time away – but judging on the hideous – brutal – nasty – two tier performance up to now – the reds will be toast .
You really really don’t want to try and predict the future….it’s not good…if you’re white, straight and non-Muslim.
The irony is that all the woke stuff is being promoted at the same time Islam is…and they’re totally incompatible. Iran should be a warning to all those lefties who think teaming up with Team Allah will play out well.
If you’re not woke and not Team Allah you need to keep away from both and not believe that your enemy’s enemy is your friend. Neither of them is a palatable choice and either will destroy, what’s left of, our society and make the world a much worse place….looking at countries which have been colonised and conquered by Islam you have to admit such a future would not be good….unlike those where Europeans colonised which prospered and grew with few exceptions.
Those in authority either don’t understand Islam or do and are too afraid to tackle it…or worse they actually welcome it and wish to promote its ascendancy and supremacy.
If/when the Left don’t have the Right to hate, they will turn on the Muslims.
Their promotion of them as ‘victims’ is purely because it suits them. They willfully ignore their deep-rooted misogyny, their extreme homophobia and their blatant racism against infidels.
The support of Muslims by the Left is one of the key indicators to me of what complete and utter hypocrites they are. BAME are simply useful tools to be used in the ideological war against the Right.
The astute observer will notice how the BBC don’t give a shit when any of them are murdered by their own kind. It only makes the headlines when whitey did it. The same goes for blacks.
Once you realise that truth, you realise these people are lowest form of scum you can imagine.
Of course that only applies to the clever ones. Most are young and clueless idiots caught up in groupthink. They will realise how stupid they are when they get older and see the real world.
I agree with a lot of that, but I don’t think the left will ever turn on Muslims.
They’re brown (mostly).
You’re bang on with how British Pravda cover murders. On the rare occasion it’s white on black- you never hear the end of it.
Look at the difference to how the murders of Stephen Lawrence and to untold amounts of black/brown on white killings.
Stephen Lawrence was what, thirty years ago or so? Why are they still going on about it? The guilty are in prison aren’t they? It’s almost as if they keep needing to remind everyone how evil whitey is by focusing so much on this, admittedly awful murder.
But how about the 15 year old white lad from Scotland, Kris Donald, for example. I suggest not looking that up on Wikipedia if (like most people) you’re not aware of it, it’s grim.
How many BBC dramas or documentary series have we seen about that? Where’s his mother’s life peerage?
It’s the lying by omission that really annoys me. If the perp is non white (and the crime is particularly grim) the BBC will call the perp ‘man’ in the headline and/or if named in the article, there will be no photo. Not for quite a while anyway.
If he’s white? You’ll know what he looks like, his full name and address and how many spots he has on his arse within a few hours of arrest or the wanted notice goes out.
“The shocking case of two Filipino nurses attacked during the unrest in Sunderland last week prompted the Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, to announce that those who are racist to NHS staff ‘can and should’ be refused care.”
Oh dear….when they decide to talk about immigration what will they say? Will they agree with the population that there are huge problems or will they try to spin it and tell us we are all wrong? Guess now.
‘Dame Margaret Hodge says Labour too frightened to talk about immigration’
‘Dame Margaret Hodge, who stood down at the election after 30 years as an MP, said Labour ignored voters’ concerns at its peril.
She urged the party to work towards a new, positive discourse about immigration, focusing on the “richness” that foreign nationals bring to the UK.
If you’re a politician, you have a voice. We need to use that voice to develop a new discourse about immigration – you lead rather than follow.’
So basically the same as before…importing millions and gas-lighting us on how it’s so good for us….and of course the BBC will be there to promote that message on loop….Labour will ‘address’ the issues by spinning the line that there are no issues…you’re all mistaken…it’s all wonderful.
And then they wonder why people get absolutely furious and frustrated when they are once again ignored and marginalised.
This is why Stalin wants to jail Elon Musk. Musk said “Sure seems like unequal justice in the UK,” Musk wrote on X. The billionaire also shared a series of memes comparing British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to a Nazi officer and the British government to the totalitarian dictatorship of George Orwell’s ‘1984’.
Pug – the problem with the ‘improvement ‘ line that Maggie hodge spouts is that it assumes Britain is a crap country in the first place . I’d say the import of foreigners since the 1960s has been to the huge detriment of Britain on all fronts – and now the country is at the stage of disintegrating – with freedom of speech undermined by a new model army of Stazi religious police .
Even writing this has made me think twice – in case I am violating one of their laws to ensure ‘freedom ‘ ….
In multicultural countries like the US – there is a unifying constitution – but the UK has nothing to unify it now that its’ history had been rubbished – along with so much else .
Is there a remedy ? No – I can’t see one – and I can’t believe how quickly we are declining …. Sorry to be grim …
Just imagine if Nigel won the next General Election with Reform.
The wokie left would never accept it and as they march and protest out of habit at everything that they disagree with we could expect far worse than the few protests that have happened recently.
Do they realise that these laws which they are welcoming in could then be used against them the same way as the right are being targeted now.
Would those saying refugees welcome or no borders be arrested for treason when the borders are operated as they should be?
Would those advocating violence against Nigel be arrested?
Basically, all the things happening against the right could easily be turned against the left.
The thing is, us on the right are far less vindictive and are more easy going so I doubt if much would happen.
But it could.
Starmer’s thought police are arresting folk for
repeating erroneous tweets. Because BIG BROTHER
believes this is causing strife.
However for the last 10 months the BBC has been
acting as the media partner for Hamas . Churning out what
is fed to them from the terrorist organization . Treating it
as gospel. When it has been proved over again to be lies.
This more than anything has caused strife. How about
these anarchist Marxist news editors at the BBC being
arrested ?
You may ask why these Marxists at the BBC support Hamas.
It comes under the doctrine of ” the enemy of my enemy ,is
my friend.” The enemy of the BBC news editors being the
democratic capitalist state of Israel.
Jordan Peterson: The radical Left is guilt-tripping the West into oblivion. r Jordan Peterson discusses how to win the culture war, with insights from Soviet and Nazi dissidents who stood up against tyranny and compares their struggles with clampdowns on free speech today. He sits down with The Telegraph’s Steven Edginton in a wide-ranging discussion from why Britain was a miracle for the world to if he is addicted to Twitter:
On the culture wars:
“The right lacks vision. They play a rearguard game. They don’t have a compelling story to tell young people. And because they’re conscientious, conservatives are conscientious, it’s easy to hoist them on the petard of guilt. And the psychopathic narcissists of the radical left are unbelievably good at that.”
On the personal versus the political:
“I think you have to get your psychological house in order before you can be even remotely effective politically in the fundamental sense. Otherwise, you’re just a tool of ideology or your own ego.”
On Britain:
“English common law is a complete bloody miracle … what a phenomenal accomplishment. And so, yes, I think that makes Britain singular and worthy of tremendous admiration … It’s a country that’s suffering from far too much guilt at the moment.”
On Twitter:
“Twitter isn’t optional, it’s how I sample the culture. Is it a biased sample? Probably.”
On slavery:
“It was the British who decided hands down that slavery was wrong and then did something about it. And that is documented historical reality.”
On the EU and France:
“A lot of the centralising tendency that’s characteristic of the EU can be laid at the foot of the same spirit that motivated the French, the French revolutionaries … I see the French Revolution in itself as a reflection of something deeper, which is the continuing manifestation of the spirit of Cain.”
A BBC article today opines that Starmer will probably not mention immigration as a factor in the ‘riots’ because he doesn’t want to give anyone (white people) an excuse.
Well, if true (and I think they may be right for once) then why did Starmer excuse genuine (and far worse) riots and attacks on police in Britain, over the death of a foreign criminal (George Floyd) on a different continent?
It’s because, in my opinion (yes, I am allowed one!) one group of protesters was white and the other wasn’t (in general apart from non black lefties like him).
“Meanwhile, a 15-year-old boy has become the first child to be convicted for his part in violent disorder in Sunderland.
Northumbria Police said the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested on Friday morning as part of a round of early-morning raids across the region.
He appeared at South Tyneside Youth Court on Saturday where he admitted one charge of violent disorder and the burglary of a business, after stealing from a vape shop. He will next appear at the court on Thursday.
Separately, a 15-year-old boy from Toxteth was charged with burglary in relation to disorder which took place in Liverpool city centre on August 3. The boy was remanded in custody to appear at Merseyside Youth Court later today.”
“Chief Constable Chris Haward, the NPCC lead for serious and organised crime, said the ‘abhorrent’ violence did not take place ‘spontaneously’.
‘It was the result of dozens of so-called influencers, exploiting the outpouring of grief from the tragic loss of three young girls in Southport,’ he said.
‘They knowingly spread misinformation, stoked the flames of hatred and division and incited violence from the comfort of their own homes, causing chaos on other people’s doorsteps.’
Mr Haward added: ‘Anyone who has been a part of this appalling behaviour should be aware that we have specialist officers from the regional organised crime unit network monitoring content and working at pace to identify you.
‘Online crimes have real-world consequences, and you will be dealt with in the same way as those physically present and inflicting the violence.’”
“Punishment for eco-protesters who were jailed for plot to bring M25 to a standstill in move that saw people miss funerals and cancer treatment was ‘far too severe’, Labour MP claims”
Not difficult to see an ideological element there?
I don’t understand this. Why does the Crown Prosecution Service “stand with” any community? It’s supposed to be an impartial body taking decisions based on the law of the land. Why does the CPS need “panels”? Who is on the panels? What influence do they exert? Worrying.
MI5 to scrutinise Tommy Robinson funding and checks ‘may extend to Farage’. Security service will study travel, contacts and monetary transfers to work out if Russia has interfered, according to the former MI6 officer Christopher Steele
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Atra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
Pertinently, locally – it would seem GPs need some kind of “check ride” system for competency and some publicly viewable metric of how much they’re doing for the money.
I can’t understand why anybody uses the broken FaceBook -especially given the brazen pillaging of private information.
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
26 August 2022
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Caring politics….
John McDonnell apologises for Margaret Thatcher assassination comment
This article is more than 14 years old
Labour leadership candidate says yesterday’s remark was a joke but accepted that it may have caused offence
If only a fight was allowed.
Maybe we can arrange it for charity? Put it on pay per view?
Have you seen the difference to how, in general ,lefties and righties look?
In the left corner, you’ve got those strange looking, effeminate, bearded, bespectacled soy faced males in eternal Friendzones, trying to get a mad, obese, gobby, pink haired, face pierced harpie to let them have a go on their fanny.
In the right corner, you’ve got men who go to the gym regularly and are in good shape. They are masculine. The women are infinitely better looking and in much better shape.
It’d be a fucking bloodbath.
Not that I’d condone or want such a thing – unless permitted with proceeds going to a charity of TTK’s choice, of course.
Mia le Roux has become the first deaf woman to be crowned Miss South Africa (BBC)
And her hobbies include knitting and world peace?
Break Dancing Debuts At The Olympics And It’s Hilarious | Pat McAfee Reacts
I just hope when they said, “And the winner is…..Miss South Africa!” That she didn’t just sit there completely oblivious and not get her prize.
What is the prize for winning Miss World nowadays?
Give it a few years it’ll be a beard trimming kit.
Mail Group = regime “apologists” ?
“Watch in full: Humza Yousaf’s ‘white people’ speech that has sparked racism complaints under Scotland’s new ‘hate crime’ law”
For her many critics, arresting JK Rowling wouldn’t have made her anti-trans comments any less harmful
Haha that’s ridiculous.
Even in Cameltoe Harris got in and agreed to hand Musk over, he’d probably invent either a spaceship to take him to another habitable planet or a space lazer to get rid of his enemies.
These Starmer groupies ( also know as ‘the media’) are making GB look fucking ridiculous. But this is how lefties think. Say something they dislike or disagree with? They want you and your family dead.
There are genuine demons among us and I’ll leave it at that.
I also posted a link to the communist paper ‘Morning Star’ yesterday. It showed even they addressed the need for Kier Jong Un (aka TTK) to engage with these local white working class communities that have been neglected and abused for decades (he still ‘ain’t said sheeeit blud’). They even mentioned that he listen to their genuine concerns about immigration.
The Morning fookin’ Star!
BBC….. don’t understand FAFO
“On 25 July, at a cost of around £50,000, she went in for surgery and set in motion a process which would change her life”
A father is taking legal action against the NHS to try to stop surgeons performing sex-change surgery on his “vulnerable” autistic son.
I can’t say I have watched the Olympics as much as
I usually do. BUT whenever I turn over to the
BBC Olympic coverage, I get rather excited because
I believe that WE have won another gold medal.
” I am thrilled to bits for Wing , Wang, Wong winning
the gold medal ” I can’t imagine any other NATIONAL
country covering the Olympics who seem so pleased
that somebody from another country has won a gold
medal. Just more proof that the BRITISH broadcasting
corporation is nothing more than an oxymoron.
Can anybody tell me if there has been any ENGLISH
male presenters in the studio during the Olympics?
2024 Modern Olympics – Men box women to make them cry for medals in gay Paris!
BBC website “Starmer will be judged on how he tackles root causes of riots”. Despite the smooth words, the Government is most certainly not addressing the root cause of the disturbances. Even with the present demographics, never mind more non-stop immigration, this country WILL be a muslim-majority country by 2050. The indigenous people don’t want to live under an Islamic regime. I do not want my great granddaughters to have to cover their heads (Iran, not even an Arabic country!). I do not want them to be able to marry a much older man when aged 9 (Iraq proposal). Perhaps Starmer can tell me which of the 53 present-day Muslim-majority countries he sees as a paradigm for us. Stupid thing to say. They will never address the concerns of the white population.
Theresa May has really good speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
Genocide = the replacement of a indigenous population
Perhaps Islam is not the only issue, certainly in the opinion of some.
(Cough cough) ‘knife’ crime.
Allegedly according to some (not me guv honest vegetable rights and peace)
Where did it go wrong?

That police chief saying he’ll look into going after people abroad is making Britain an even bigger laughing stock internationally than it already is.
Is it me, or are the ‘leaders’ of various institutions getting high on power since Keir Jong Un (aka TTK) got in?
If there was an election tomorrow, I think Reform would sweep up in quite a few of those poor northern towns.
British Pravda are saying that our Dear Leader will be judged on how he tackles the root causes of riots.
I think there will be a report. And I can save everyone the time and money by giving you my prediction of the findings (I think I’m still allowed to make predictions, but if not I’ll see you in the gulag).
The findings will be, ‘It’s all whitey’s fault. They need ‘reeducation’. In fact, we will force this on them in their schools and workplaces (even more than it already is,). They need to know about their ‘white privilege’.
I hope to be proved wrong and ‘local community leaders’ come out and apologise for the industrial rape of white girls over decades, and that they will be actively teaching their young males to not do this. And that they will hand over known ‘groomers’ (child rapists) to authorities. In addition, that the government apologises for neglecting the local white working class communities for years and they will be creating lots of affordable housing and jobs for them.
But I think we’re more likely to see Elvis Presley and Queen Victoria presenting This Morning in the nude than that.
I hope to be proved wrong.
** is this considered HATE now by Labour Free Speech Starmer?
I think he’s saying “So you have to avoid the ghosts and eat the pills, the big pills are the power pills and…wow this is the highest score I’ve ever seen…”
“Right, “Knees up Muvver Brown” next, and ALL sing along and dance, or else.
Poorer white pupils let down and neglected – MPs
Published 22 June 2021
It says use of the term “white privilege”, suggesting white pupils are at an advantage, is the “opposite” of the reality for poor white pupils.
Which is true, but I doubt it’s something you’ll hear from the likes of our Dear Leader and his disciples.
Our foreign secretary …
“David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’ Published 3 October 2012”
“Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.”
Just to clarify, I wouldn’t want to see a naked Elvis and Queen Victoria back from the dead presenting a crappy morning show.
Only if he does American Trilogy.
“more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.”
This was in 1985, currently in 2024 3 teachers hide in Batley!!!!
“My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.”
Oh and I think the report might say the protesters were motivated by ‘far right fake news’ influencers on the interwebs.
Expect everything from genuine ‘far right’ influencers to The Lotus Eaters being blocked in the UK. VPN? My prediction is they’ll be banned too.
The lefties will love it. No dissenting views and no criticism to hurt their little fee fees.
Sanity is tipping on its axis … “For her many critics, arresting JK Rowling wouldn’t have made her anti-trans comments any less harmful”
The Harry Potter author dared Scottish authorities to ‘arrest’ her as new hate crime laws came into effect. While police determined no action was to be taken, there’s no getting around the damaging implications of Rowling’s rhetoric, writes Louis Chilton
Wednesday 03 April 2024 09:32 BST
Tony Blair: A woman has a vagina and a man has a penis
Former PM wades into the transgender debate, questioning why politicians had got themselves into a ‘muddle’ on the issue
£13bn of NHS debt would be written off
£13bn of NHS debt would be written off
£13bn of NHS debt would be written off
In April 2020, the Health Secretary announced that over £13bn of NHS debt would be written off and converted to public dividend capital (PDC). This was part of a wide range of financial measures the Government brought in for health and social care during the current pandemic.
NHS is stealing nurses from Africa and Asia?
“Results Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%); and unregistered care workers who had the highest prevalence of obesity ..”
“Rishi Sunak’s California escape hatch: His $7.2 million beach home
The UK leader’s luxe penthouse and deep California ties have fueled speculation about where he could land if he winds up out of office.”
06/19/2024 12:20 AM EDT
“Anyone who has any information about the disorder today at the Holiday Inn, Manvers and in the wider area, please report it by contacting SYP on 101, quoting ‘incident number 239’ of 4 August 2024. Those responsible will be identified and pursued by the force of the law”
The watchdog has found that systemic problems meant the force failed to recognise the scale of the problem.
Offences went unprosecuted despite police and child protection agencies in Rotherham having had knowledge of these crimes for decades, the paper said.
In many cases, the officer had retired and, due to legislation in place at the time, could not face disciplinary action.
force of the law …………… in many cases, the officer had retired and, due to legislation in place at the time, could not face disciplinary action.
force of the law …………… in many cases, the officer had retired and, due to legislation in place at the time, could not face disciplinary action.
I read the ex-Guardian editor’s Twitter handle as @arsebridger
“It is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy
Published 6 July 2022
Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%
The public concern illustrated by 3 comments in an hour.
This would be a massive loss to @BBCr4today. Husain is the best presenter they have had for many years. Her interviewing skill far more valuable on Today than reading autocue on the telly.
Ex BBC Ben might also have screwed market rate bbc staff and the managers who hire them.
Rowan Atkinson is currently trending on X.
It seems quite a few users decided to post his old free-speech speech in recent days.
uh my starting point when it comes to
the consideration of any issue relating
to free speech is my passionate belief
that the second most precious thing in
life is the right to express yourself
the most precious thing in life I think
is food in your mouth
and the third most precious is a roof
over your head
but a fixture for me in the number two
slot is free expression just below the
need to sustain life itself
the best way to increase society’s
resistance to insulting or offensive
speech is to allow a lot more of it as
with childhood diseases you can better
resist those germs to which you have
been exposed
‘Gay’ police horse case dropped
A student who called a mounted policeman’s horse “gay” will not be prosecuted, it has been revealed.
But police have stood by their decision to take Sam Brown to court for making “homophobic comments” despite the Crown Prosecution Service dropping the case.
Mr Brown, 21, a student at Oxford University, had said to an officer: “Excuse me, do you realise your horse is gay?”
Police took the case to court after Mr Brown refused to pay a £80 fine.
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.
Google realized that “don’t be evil” was both costing it money and driving workers to organize. Rather than admit that their stance had changed and lose the accompanying benefits to the company image, Google fired employees who were living the motto.
Two-tier Keir- Social media crackdown.
Comment “Sergeant Constable Detective Officer Peter Pisspot of Twat Valley Police has just issued an arrest warrant for Andrew Lawrence for this video.”
be grateful, peons
It’s wrong to say that those arrested during the riots DO NOT HAVE A CERVIX (c) BBC Verified.
Regime fangurl again –
Q: how do I know?
A: delivered to my timeline uninvited
If he (Andrew Lawrence )gets nicked for this, I suggest every c..t and his dog gets out and protests (peacefully of course!)
Thing is, I wouldn’t put it past TTK. He’s shown his true colours since he got in power.
A cruel Cultural Marxist megalomaniac with no sense of humour or humility.
Small boat crossings, daily
9 August 2024 0 0
8 August 2024 0 0
7 August 2024 0 0
6 August 2024 355 7
5 August 2024 114 2
4 August 2024 139 3
3 August 2024 0 0
2 August 2024 128 3
1 August 2024 0 0
31 July 2024 61 1
30 July 2024 130 2
29 July 2024 255 4
28 July 2024 255 4
27 July 2024 370 6
Kamala Harris says ‘too many’ civilian deaths in Gaza
According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use (3). An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic (57).
That attack triggered a massive Israeli military offensive against Gaza and the current war. More than 39,790 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli campaign, according to Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry.
39,790 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli campaign
300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity in USA
Ban sugar to save more lives than bombing Palestine.
Bomb India to help build Sanitation pipe lines ….
According to the charity WaterAid, from 2000 to 2014, an estimated 2.8 million Indian children died from preventable diseasessuch as diarrhoea, polio and pneumonia caused by the lack of proper facilities. Women and girls face particular problems.6 Oct 2023
A question to the admins of this site: should you consider deleting all the old chats before Starmer’s Stasi’s come a-knocking?
Leave mine please – I want FREE BBC in the cell FREE HEATING … FREE IMMEDITATE DENTAL CARE … FREE FOOD … plus access to FREE HALAL FOOD ** prepared away from Bacon.
Sounds good – apart from no bacon.
Neither do most muslims, which is why their Imams, Mullahs and Sheikhs have been able to lie to them about what’s in their scriptures for the last 14 centuries.
Now, at last, Western scholars are beginning to expose the lies. It’s never been more important for westerners to learn a bit about islam. Some relevant links below (until Starmer bans them).
And Dr Jay Smith:
Good post Vlad.
I’ve saved hard copies of quite a few of Jay Smith’s Talks among others. Just in case they are eventually scrubbed from the intra-net.
Scholars like Jay Smith question the fundamental tenets of islam, including whether Moohammud even existed, and certainly not at the time and place that is generally accepted.
Others, like David Wood, accept the core historical elements of islam, but expose what he considers to be its many horrors.
Sites like The Religion of Peace keep a tally of the ongoing slaughter by followers of the so-called prophet.
(In case you’re wondering, “In the last 30 days there were 116 Islamic attacks in 26 countries, in which 598 people were killed and 920 injured”.)
Charge the stasi-snoopers an admin fee of £1000 for each post they view.
Mass Migration Is Destroying Britain Yet Politicians and Media Refuse to Discuss the Cause of Riots
On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellows Dr. Philip Kiszely and Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Amy Gallagher of Stand Up To Woke discuss the UK riots and the media and political response.
BBC webshite features this story
Starmer will be judged on how he tackles root causes of riots
Recklessly I read the article, wondering if the words ‘immigration’ or ‘asylum seekers’ would appear at regular intervals.
How stupid was I ? Of course not. The root cause of the riots is apparently poverty, lack of investment, and lack of opportunities in the places where the riots took place.
As an exercise in deliberately avoiding the huge elephant in the room, it’s right up there. The BBC ‘on message’ as ever.
Lack of opportunity due to all the businesses being taxi firms who only employ their own, all those definitely not money laundering vape shops, phone repair shops and barbers? All legit businesses.
Bloke down the pub told me.
Nothing to do with the rapes of their girls too?
The preferential treatment for social housing places and a two tiered police and justice system?
I don’t know nuffink about it, guv.
It’s all a conspiracy theory is what it is, you rayyyycists.
Don’t mock Caesar’s friends…nor snigger from the sidelines…they’ll still get you….
And don’t dare ‘blaspheme’….
It seems the Archbishop of Canterbury is describing being ‘far right ‘ is ‘unchristian .
He does nt describe what ‘far right ‘ is – as usual – nor where ‘right ‘ ends and ‘far right ‘ starts ….
But in a way – the view of the Archbishop is ‘unchristian ‘ in itself.
There is a need to live in the real world . Just how many foreigners can the UK take ? Economically ? Culturally ?
Should the entire landmass of the UK be equally divided up by the entire population ? All that crown land – great estates – military – national parks – the lot – that of course wouid incliude land stolen from the Catholic Church by the archbishops ‘ church …. That would accord with this fools’ view …
Doesn’t the Bible talk about different tribes each being given their own, separate lands?
The leaders of the Christian faith (Catholic and the CofE in particular) are woke and pick and choose the wokey sounding stuff from the Bible to justify having open borders.
Well, I’m sure the Archbishop lives in a nice big house. I am positive he’ll have a few spare bedrooms.
I suggest he leads from the front and regularly houses dinghy riders until they find permanent housing.
He can show us that there’s nothing to worry about after he’s taken a few in.
Lazy Cat
Acts Chapter 17 (NIV)
26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.,KJV
Deuteronomy 32 (NIV)
8 When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,
when he divided all mankind,
he set up boundaries for the peoples
according to the number of the sons of Israel.,ESV
Thought so thanks 🙂
Meet the men promising to protect English mosques facing threats
Apallingly lop-sided article making out the Muslims are the peaceful ones.
But of course that’s what you get when you appoint a Muslim as the religion editor of the British Broacasting Corporation in a Christian country.
It’s clear the BBC WANT to split the country into factions. Is it just the usual leftist hatred and spite or do they have a bigger plan ?.
‘Jonathan Munro, Deputy Director of BBC News and Head of News Content, says: “Aleem has always been an exceptionally thoughtful reporter and analyst with journalistic drive and a strong vision for reaching new audiences’
Those audiences of course being all the Muslim countries.
The BBC no longer represent the people who are forced to fund them in any way. They are now an activist organisation who are trying to spread their own ideology across the world. Why on Earth should the people they hate be forced to fund them to do it ?.
Woman prosecuted for retweeting what was claimed to be the identity of the person who stabbed the kids at the dance school.
Will the BBC be prosecuted for the many, many dangerously false news stories it has broadcast to the world…especially given its high status, reputation and trust level?
For instance the baseless report that an Israeli missile had hit a hospital in Gaza…killing hundreds…and completely destroying the hospital. All three of those ‘facts’ were false.
The BBC’s reporting led to crucial diplomatic negotiations being stopped, led to fury around the world against Israel and an undoubted rise in anti-Semitism against Jews everywhere.
The BBC’s reporters who made the claims are still employed and still reporting…Jeremy Bowen is actually proud of his fake report and says he has no regrets. Why is he still in a job and, by current eagerness to prosecute those who promote hate however unintentionally [and you might question the ‘unintentional’ in the case of the BBC], why has the BBC not been prosecuted for ‘stirring up hate’ against Jews and Israel? Why is a woman with probably 10 followers on Twitter prosecuted when the BBC, with many millions of ‘followers’ not?
And of course it still goes on as the BBC promotes the Hamas narrative that Israel bombed a ‘school’ and killed 100 innocent people…the BBC reporting Hamas’ words…’an horrific crime…a massacre…a dangerous escalation…killing people at prayer…’
None of that can be proved, the BBC has no idea if any of it is true and yet they broadcast it as if it is…with the slightest qualification that this comes from Hamas…whilst knowing that this won’t effect at all the willngness of people to believe the lies.
What they reported in the way they did was no different to the hospital report. They had no real facts other than there was some sort of Israeli strike but had absolutely no evidence of what effect that had and what and who the casualties were.
Report and be damned seems to be the BBC modus operandi….well…where Israel is concerned.
If Starmer & Co were really concerned about hate speech they should closely examine the BBC’s output especially given how it effects Jews in this country and how their own Mayor in London facilitates the anti-Semitic Hamas marches.
And if they were to investigate the organisers of the marches as the BBC is so intent on doing with the riots they’d find they were actually organised by Hamas itself and its useful idiot allies here in the UK.
Curious how there’s absolutely no outrage or concern about them…no Spring time for the Muslim Hitlers.
pug, the gent presenting a programme from Liverpool (R4 1.30-2.00 p.m.) appeared to be oblivious to the fact that the BBC can produce fake news and did just the morning after the terrible stabbings in Southport. The BBC said in the News on TOADY that the perpetrator had been brought to the UK aged 6 by his parents who were from Rwanda. Another poster on here has said that that is correct and my ears & brain were not imagining it. It later turned out that the perpetrator was born in Wales and eventually moved to Southport with his family.
You know you
can trustcannot trust the BBC.You are forgetting Rule No.1 from the Lefty handbook Pug:
It’s only wrong when other people do it.
Just more of the extreme double standards of these people which have brought us to this situation.
some insight….
50 shades of Gray….Machiavelli lives.
Machiavelli ?
– don’t flatter her!
Lol…a BBC ‘indepth’ report….
‘Starmer will be judged on how he tackles root causes of riots’
You’d be hard pushed to find any real discussion here of what the real causes of unrest are….the dire consequences that we all know that arise from massive uncontrolled immigration.
This is about it…
‘For now the government has avoided discussing immigration, again for fear of suggesting any of the unrest was justified.
But in time they are likely to remind voters that the prime minister believes many people do have legitimate concerns about legal and illegal migration.’
No exploration of why immigration is such a problematic issue..what those ‘legitimate concerns’ might be….from economic, social and cultural to the destruction of Britain and its identity and history….as the white, British population of London has gone from around 98% in the ’60’s to around 38% now. Of course it will be interesting to see how they define ‘legitimate’ as Welby declares the rioters were all racists…thus their concerns won’t be of interest at all.
Some might say…
Point out to people what happens to EVERY town and city (USA has many examples) where whites become a minority and it’s raaaayyyycist.
Unless there is a mass awakening, all these idiot clapping seals will one day see how wrong they were.
You’ll either live like white South Africans do in SA or as ‘kuffar’ in any majority muslim country.
Your kids will thank you. If you haven’t aborted them all, of course.
Allegedly according to some not me guv.
You just have to laugh as the BBC turns everything into Trans propaganda….and it’s not the first time this daft narrative has been given the authority and crredibility of a BBC label….
‘Writer and adventurer Blair Braverman dives deep under the surface of the ocean, in search of a more fluid, expansive and communal way to live. In short, she discovers that the ocean is queer…shapeshifters stretch the limits of our imaginations, tiny creatures teach us how to live in community, and where we can uncover new possibilities for how life can work on our planet.’
Sooo…we’re supposed to take lessons on how to live from animals eh? OK….say a pack animal like a lion…..lives in a patriarchal tribe where the females do most of the work, they piss and defecate where they like, they eat meat, and they are very tribal and territorial…they kill foreign lions that enter their territory. Sounds good.
It is bizarre that a supposedly serious science programme should try and equate humans and human behaviour and societies with some primitive sea creature. To suggest that because this creature can change sex and lives happily in its ‘society’ is a lesson for all is assinine and beyond childish. The issues in our society are many and complex…and real…and in no way compare with the simplistic lives of these sea creatures.
This is just gaslighting us…telling us there are no issues…we can all live happily if we just believe….we can have that happy clappy diverse utopia…you just have to shut your eyes and wish.
It’s incredibly insulting and patronising.
And not to mention an incredible waste of licence money being used to promote a dangerous and freakish ideology.
My cat can lick its own arse, but that is not something I would recommend trying.
Certainly not in the tinned goods aisle at Saintsbury’s, as the judge informed me during sentencing.
My cat can do that, but bides its time until I am on a zoom meeting and does it on the sofa behind me to the delight of all meeting participants.
Or worse still, it jumps up to say hello but lands straight on your keyboard, resulting in your screen going black but you can still hear everyone.
Last time mine decided it wasn’t getting enough attention so went to the bathroom and decided to knock everything off the shelves into the bath. I thought a light aircraft had hit the house.
Sounds like our cats were separated at birth.
Does this ring a bell ?
3:30 am every day. She picks on me not the Mrs.
Wife and I tried shutting the bedroom door and leaving her outside but she just knocks and if we ignore her she then throws herself against the door (noisily) until we let her in.
Anyone want a cat?
You have an alarm clock that doesn’t need a battery, the only problem is resetting it….
We had the same problem when it discovered the outdoor world and wanted to mark the doorstep at 5 AM every morning
Apart from the Elon musk view that there will be a civil war in Britain – I’m wondering what the next 4 years 11 months is going to look like under a Sue Gray regime …. ?
It’s a given that taxes will go up for workers – and that conditions for the likes of pensioners will deteriorate .
And it’s tricky to see events panning out as the world currently is – for instance- Ukraine – and will Putin s patience run out ? With what consequences …?
But maybe sticking to the domestic front – will anything – anything – in Britain improve ? It’s hard to see . The prediction that the reds will blame the blues for everything will run for the duration of the parliament
And at some stage starmer / Sue gray will beg for a second election win . It’s a long time away – but judging on the hideous – brutal – nasty – two tier performance up to now – the reds will be toast .
Civil War ?
We already have the Roundheads attacking and church statues damaged….they’ll be banning Christmas next.
The reds will be toast, the blues already are, the yellows and greens are bloody useless as well, it doesn’t bode well.
You really really don’t want to try and predict the future….it’s not good…if you’re white, straight and non-Muslim.
The irony is that all the woke stuff is being promoted at the same time Islam is…and they’re totally incompatible. Iran should be a warning to all those lefties who think teaming up with Team Allah will play out well.
If you’re not woke and not Team Allah you need to keep away from both and not believe that your enemy’s enemy is your friend. Neither of them is a palatable choice and either will destroy, what’s left of, our society and make the world a much worse place….looking at countries which have been colonised and conquered by Islam you have to admit such a future would not be good….unlike those where Europeans colonised which prospered and grew with few exceptions.
Those in authority either don’t understand Islam or do and are too afraid to tackle it…or worse they actually welcome it and wish to promote its ascendancy and supremacy.
If/when the Left don’t have the Right to hate, they will turn on the Muslims.
Their promotion of them as ‘victims’ is purely because it suits them. They willfully ignore their deep-rooted misogyny, their extreme homophobia and their blatant racism against infidels.
The support of Muslims by the Left is one of the key indicators to me of what complete and utter hypocrites they are. BAME are simply useful tools to be used in the ideological war against the Right.
The astute observer will notice how the BBC don’t give a shit when any of them are murdered by their own kind. It only makes the headlines when whitey did it. The same goes for blacks.
Once you realise that truth, you realise these people are lowest form of scum you can imagine.
Of course that only applies to the clever ones. Most are young and clueless idiots caught up in groupthink. They will realise how stupid they are when they get older and see the real world.
I agree with a lot of that, but I don’t think the left will ever turn on Muslims.
They’re brown (mostly).
You’re bang on with how British Pravda cover murders. On the rare occasion it’s white on black- you never hear the end of it.
Look at the difference to how the murders of Stephen Lawrence and to untold amounts of black/brown on white killings.
Stephen Lawrence was what, thirty years ago or so? Why are they still going on about it? The guilty are in prison aren’t they? It’s almost as if they keep needing to remind everyone how evil whitey is by focusing so much on this, admittedly awful murder.
But how about the 15 year old white lad from Scotland, Kris Donald, for example. I suggest not looking that up on Wikipedia if (like most people) you’re not aware of it, it’s grim.
How many BBC dramas or documentary series have we seen about that? Where’s his mother’s life peerage?
It’s the lying by omission that really annoys me. If the perp is non white (and the crime is particularly grim) the BBC will call the perp ‘man’ in the headline and/or if named in the article, there will be no photo. Not for quite a while anyway.
If he’s white? You’ll know what he looks like, his full name and address and how many spots he has on his arse within a few hours of arrest or the wanted notice goes out.
It’s a piss take and it’s anti white.
The Left NEED someone to hate LC. It’s in their DNA.
I agree it will likely never happen – but my point is that it would if they had no-one else to hate.
It will never happen because if things ever get that serious, they will lose. They are hopeless in the real world.
When all you have is a hammer?
“The shocking case of two Filipino nurses attacked during the unrest in Sunderland last week prompted the Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, to announce that those who are racist to NHS staff ‘can and should’ be refused care.”
Oh dear….when they decide to talk about immigration what will they say? Will they agree with the population that there are huge problems or will they try to spin it and tell us we are all wrong? Guess now.
‘Dame Margaret Hodge says Labour too frightened to talk about immigration’
‘Dame Margaret Hodge, who stood down at the election after 30 years as an MP, said Labour ignored voters’ concerns at its peril.
She urged the party to work towards a new, positive discourse about immigration, focusing on the “richness” that foreign nationals bring to the UK.
If you’re a politician, you have a voice. We need to use that voice to develop a new discourse about immigration – you lead rather than follow.’
So basically the same as before…importing millions and gas-lighting us on how it’s so good for us….and of course the BBC will be there to promote that message on loop….Labour will ‘address’ the issues by spinning the line that there are no issues…you’re all mistaken…it’s all wonderful.
And then they wonder why people get absolutely furious and frustrated when they are once again ignored and marginalised.
This is why Stalin wants to jail Elon Musk. Musk said “Sure seems like unequal justice in the UK,” Musk wrote on X. The billionaire also shared a series of memes comparing British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to a Nazi officer and the British government to the totalitarian dictatorship of George Orwell’s ‘1984’.
Keep going Elon,
I am tempted to join X, many on here would have stuff he would be interested in…
Pug – the problem with the ‘improvement ‘ line that Maggie hodge spouts is that it assumes Britain is a crap country in the first place . I’d say the import of foreigners since the 1960s has been to the huge detriment of Britain on all fronts – and now the country is at the stage of disintegrating – with freedom of speech undermined by a new model army of Stazi religious police .
Even writing this has made me think twice – in case I am violating one of their laws to ensure ‘freedom ‘ ….
In multicultural countries like the US – there is a unifying constitution – but the UK has nothing to unify it now that its’ history had been rubbished – along with so much else .
Is there a remedy ? No – I can’t see one – and I can’t believe how quickly we are declining …. Sorry to be grim …
Just imagine if Nigel won the next General Election with Reform.
The wokie left would never accept it and as they march and protest out of habit at everything that they disagree with we could expect far worse than the few protests that have happened recently.
Do they realise that these laws which they are welcoming in could then be used against them the same way as the right are being targeted now.
Would those saying refugees welcome or no borders be arrested for treason when the borders are operated as they should be?
Would those advocating violence against Nigel be arrested?
Basically, all the things happening against the right could easily be turned against the left.
The thing is, us on the right are far less vindictive and are more easy going so I doubt if much would happen.
But it could.
We should not be nice to them if we win.
They’re demons.
Fuck ’em.
If only Bernard Manning was still with us.
Can you imagine how he’d have handled that ‘ha ha ha’ sarcy feminazi?
Not before killing as many as possible.
“Mao did more good than harm.” (c) Diane Abbott
Starmer’s thought police are arresting folk for
repeating erroneous tweets. Because BIG BROTHER
believes this is causing strife.
However for the last 10 months the BBC has been
acting as the media partner for Hamas . Churning out what
is fed to them from the terrorist organization . Treating it
as gospel. When it has been proved over again to be lies.
This more than anything has caused strife. How about
these anarchist Marxist news editors at the BBC being
arrested ?
You may ask why these Marxists at the BBC support Hamas.
It comes under the doctrine of ” the enemy of my enemy ,is
my friend.” The enemy of the BBC news editors being the
democratic capitalist state of Israel.
Anarchist or maybe antichrist.
In Kier Jong Un’s Britain you can get thrown in prison for saying something that is a ‘non crime’ but hurts someone’s feelings.
Leftie: Do you like my new spiky pink haircut?
Me: Not really.
6 months chokey.
Jordan Peterson: The radical Left is guilt-tripping the West into oblivion. r Jordan Peterson discusses how to win the culture war, with insights from Soviet and Nazi dissidents who stood up against tyranny and compares their struggles with clampdowns on free speech today. He sits down with The Telegraph’s Steven Edginton in a wide-ranging discussion from why Britain was a miracle for the world to if he is addicted to Twitter:
On the culture wars:
“The right lacks vision. They play a rearguard game. They don’t have a compelling story to tell young people. And because they’re conscientious, conservatives are conscientious, it’s easy to hoist them on the petard of guilt. And the psychopathic narcissists of the radical left are unbelievably good at that.”
On the personal versus the political:
“I think you have to get your psychological house in order before you can be even remotely effective politically in the fundamental sense. Otherwise, you’re just a tool of ideology or your own ego.”
On Britain:
“English common law is a complete bloody miracle … what a phenomenal accomplishment. And so, yes, I think that makes Britain singular and worthy of tremendous admiration … It’s a country that’s suffering from far too much guilt at the moment.”
On Twitter:
“Twitter isn’t optional, it’s how I sample the culture. Is it a biased sample? Probably.”
On slavery:
“It was the British who decided hands down that slavery was wrong and then did something about it. And that is documented historical reality.”
On the EU and France:
“A lot of the centralising tendency that’s characteristic of the EU can be laid at the foot of the same spirit that motivated the French, the French revolutionaries … I see the French Revolution in itself as a reflection of something deeper, which is the continuing manifestation of the spirit of Cain.”
A BBC article today opines that Starmer will probably not mention immigration as a factor in the ‘riots’ because he doesn’t want to give anyone (white people) an excuse.
Well, if true (and I think they may be right for once) then why did Starmer excuse genuine (and far worse) riots and attacks on police in Britain, over the death of a foreign criminal (George Floyd) on a different continent?
It’s because, in my opinion (yes, I am allowed one!) one group of protesters was white and the other wasn’t (in general apart from non black lefties like him).
TTK and all those idiots who supported the BLM movement should be forced to watch this.
It should be required viewing in all schools too
This is a brilliant documentary btw. 8.1 on IMDB and free to watch.
Free the political prisoner, Derek Chauvin!
“The number of rioters and agitators arrested by police has hit more than 900, it was confirmed tonight.
There have been 927 arrests and 466 charges across the country so far, a spokesman for the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) said.
The astonishing figures came as the Director of Public Prosecutions warned the worst offenders they could face up to ten years in jail.”
“Meanwhile, a 15-year-old boy has become the first child to be convicted for his part in violent disorder in Sunderland.
Northumbria Police said the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested on Friday morning as part of a round of early-morning raids across the region.
He appeared at South Tyneside Youth Court on Saturday where he admitted one charge of violent disorder and the burglary of a business, after stealing from a vape shop. He will next appear at the court on Thursday.
Separately, a 15-year-old boy from Toxteth was charged with burglary in relation to disorder which took place in Liverpool city centre on August 3. The boy was remanded in custody to appear at Merseyside Youth Court later today.”
“Chief Constable Chris Haward, the NPCC lead for serious and organised crime, said the ‘abhorrent’ violence did not take place ‘spontaneously’.
‘It was the result of dozens of so-called influencers, exploiting the outpouring of grief from the tragic loss of three young girls in Southport,’ he said.
‘They knowingly spread misinformation, stoked the flames of hatred and division and incited violence from the comfort of their own homes, causing chaos on other people’s doorsteps.’
Mr Haward added: ‘Anyone who has been a part of this appalling behaviour should be aware that we have specialist officers from the regional organised crime unit network monitoring content and working at pace to identify you.
‘Online crimes have real-world consequences, and you will be dealt with in the same way as those physically present and inflicting the violence.’”
And, yet….
“Punishment for eco-protesters who were jailed for plot to bring M25 to a standstill in move that saw people miss funerals and cancer treatment was ‘far too severe’, Labour MP claims”
Not difficult to see an ideological element there?
Guilty until proven innocent.
– look at the source……..
Landslide at Uganda rubbish dump kills 21
Landfill site? bbc its not very green, maybe Panorama could do an investigation to it
UK rubbisH? Reparations?