454 Responses to Midweek 14th August 2024

  1. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Now that two tier has set a precedent for anyone caught in rioting, watching, tweeting about it and other Facebook crimes does he realise that the next lot of these behaviours must be treated the same.
    As most protests are of the left, for example the free Palestine marches, anybody caught misbehaving, watching or is plucked out of a crowd must also be up in front of the judge for a show trial and sent down like all the ‘far right’ protesters.
    Similarly, anyone posting anything that promotes violence on various media platforms (such as saying throw acid in Farage’s face) needs to be treated the same as if it was someone from the right promoting violence against, for example, enrichers.

    I’m not sure the government will be so zealous in prosecuting when it’s those on their side (or their voters) as they are when it’s the much less frequent right protests.


    • MarkyMark says:

      HA H AHA! Kneel before your masters ….



    • NW Ninepence says:

      Hi Emmanuel G

      From time to time I’ve read online articles that suggest contacting your local MP to express your grievances regarding Banks, Pensions, Gender Identity, Net Zero, ULEZ & LTNs. NHS Issues etc.

      In the past few days I’ve received emails from a known site, inviting me to forward an email to the PM, Mrs Balls, and my local MP. highlighting my views on recent matters – Immigration, Facial Recognition, Free Speech, Protest Rights.

      They offer help and advice on where to send emails, how to find your local MP if not known, to make sure you add your address to confirm you are a UK citizen and a constituent of your MP

      ……I most certainly have plenty of opinions and comments to offer on all these issues.

      I even thought to add part of a couple of your earlier gleeful addresses to posters on here, (Good day fellow, – “racist, nazi, far extreme, radical right, fascist”) – under my signature – just to save time and clarify my position – but decided against it.

      So there – job done – ‘My objections and concerns’
      Full name, Email address, Home Address.

      All I need to do now is stand and wait on the doorstep with arms outstretched!


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        Hi NW Ninepence.
        My MP is Bridget Phillipson.
        I’m up in Sunderland with all the far right Labour voters.


  2. MarkyMark says:

    BBC presenters – most honest in the world.

    “Adverts for nutrition products promoted by Diary of a CEO podcaster Steven Bartlett have been banned after a watchdog said they were misleading.

    The businessman, who’s also one of the dragons on the BBC’s Dragons’ Den, promoted products for Huel and Zoe without making clear he has business interests in both companies.”


    “Because the ads omitted material information about Steven Bartlett’s position as a director at Huel, we concluded they were likely to mislead.”


  3. MarkyMark says:

    “Pleased to welcome HH Prince
    to London to discuss the growing UK-Saudi Arabia partnership.

    We’ll work together on shared defence, economic & security interests, including pressing for de-escalation in the region and a ceasefire and hostage release deal in Gaza.”


    discuss the growing UK-Saudi Arabia partnership
    discuss the growing UK-Saudi Arabia partnership

    Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report
    Published 21 August 2023

    According to the Saudi government, 6,000 people have been relocated to make way for the Neom development. It is estimated that around 20,000 tribe members will be relocated from their historic lands to accommodate the development.9 May 2024

    Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson accused of ‘central role’ in arming Saudi Arabia as UK’s relationship with Riyadh reaches crossroads

    In Mecca, only Muslims are allowed, while non-Muslims may not enter or pass through. Attempting to enter Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in penalties such as a fine; being in Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in deportation.


  4. vlad says:

    You can almost taste the BBC’s delight in endlessly updating their reports on the draconian arrests, vicious sentencing and totalitarian clampdown of ‘rioters’ – aka fed-up patriots.

    They even provide maps of ‘how the unrest spread’.

    Funny, I don’t remember maps of how the BLM riots spread, or Just Stop Oil, and definitely not how the pro-Palestine, pro-Hamas, antisemitic riots spread.



    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Vlad

      Hopefully there is long term damage to Labour and whitey will turn against them

      Roll on the next election when Reform will be more of an opposition and more candidates for the electorate to vote for

      Labour & the current Conservative lot have both had their day. Voting between the two of them isn’t the answer, and no incentive for either to listen with getting paid for being in government or being paid for loosing (In opposition)


    • Lazy Cat says:

      The cops too. When they post those rather threatening and incredibly short-sighted gloating posts, showing dad’s getting nicked for a Facebook comment for example, you can almost hear their fapping.

      The fools are completely unaware that the majority of the public are no longer on their side because of this attitude. Well, certainly in the case of my family and friends. I’m taking about conservative/reform tyoes (about 40-50%) of the voting public).

      And these are the only ones they had left!

      You made your bed..

      Simple question to anyone who disagrees about the police losing trust and of their double standards.

      Where the eff where they during the (more violent) BLM riots?

      “There is no excuse for thuggery.”

      Unless they’re non white, it seems?

      Put your cravat away Keir, your snobbery is showing.


  5. popeye says:

    BBC website has that article (in Mail days ago) about street cleaner forbidden to accept £3000 raised by local subscription to send him on a holiday. They mention the travel agent who stepped in and awarded him the very same holiday absolutely free of charge – and incredible act of generosity from them, and the general public.

    Wouldn’t it have been nice of the BBC to perhaps mention the name of the travel agents? Of course not, in Beeb world only liberals and ethnics are “nice”


    • Solomon Grundy says:

      Let’s give them a mention here …

      “On Tuesday morning online travel agent On The Beach vowed to send the street sweeper abroad.

      The company said Elvis fan Mr Spiers had won a trip to Portugal in its competition, meaning he would not have to turn down the holiday because it is not a gift.

      Its prize giveaway stated that to win you must be between the ages of 62 and 64, love Elvis, have a surname of Spiers, be a street cleaner in Beckenham and be loved by your local community.”

      Zoe Harris, chief customer officer at On the Beach said: “Congratulations Paul. Who would have thought that just a day after he was denied a holiday, he would win one in a competition. What are the odds?



  6. tomo says:

    More Ireland _ someone’s paying for all this….


  7. tomo says:

    and… York Council hiding electric bin trucks

    Not, obviously on the BBC even locally?


  8. andyjsnape says:

    Promotion brought to you by the bbc:-

    Steven Bartlett nutrition adverts banned for being misleading

    “Huel, Zoe and Bartlett have been approached for comment.” How often does the bbc quote this line “has been approached for comment” – anyone ever heard any outcome??


    • tomo says:

      andy – it’s usually code for “no comment” / Foxtrot Oscar the BBC obviously won’t relay to you that they’ve received robust, two word instruction on reproduction and travel.


  9. tomo says:

    Kneetakers return?


  10. Philip_2 says:

    London: 14 August 2024
    Bumper crop of stories of BBC climate bias!
    Net Zero Watch has just published its annual review of the state of the BBC’s climate reporting. The author, climate and energy writer Paul Homewood, has had plenty of material to choose from, and his paper outlines more than 30 of the most egregious misrepresentations of the facts, with climate change spuriously blamed for everything from hot weather in Spain, sighting of rare bird species in England, to potholes in the roads.

    Paul Homewood said:
    “The BBC produces so many ludicrous climate stories, the only difficulty is deciding what to leave out of the report”.

    Tall Climate Tales from the BBC, 2023 can be downloaded from the Net Zero Watch website. (See link below for full report of the BBC Climate bias reporting)


    “It is not only climate matters where bias and disregard for facts are evident. In the lead up to the General Election, Justin Rowlatt, the BBC’s Climate Editor, writing about the Reform Party’s energy policies, claimed that solar and wind power are cheaper than gas generation. Official government data shows that they are actually considerably greater; but that inconvenient truth does not fit in with the BBC’s renewable agenda.”


    • tomo says:

      – and we’ve already heard calls from climate crazies embedded inside the BBC for incarceration for the crime of climate denial.


      • Lazy Cat says:

        Oh you’ll get prison for ‘climate change denial’ within a year or so.

        Criticising immigration policy is already upon us. It isn’t, you say?

        Well, if you were to have an open discussion and a lefty was present or it was filmed. You’ve had it.

        Think about it.

        Lefty: Immigration is great for the country. The more the merrier. The borders should be open to all.

        Me: I don’t agree.

        Lefty: Why not?

        Me: Well giving any reason at all could be perceived by some as hurtful or hate speech, so I can’t say.

        Soon, it’ll be any labour policy.

        Income tax doubled? You’re not happy? What, you don’t want Sir Keir to help the disabled refugee orphan children? That’s so hateful. That’s likely to cause me harm and distress that opinion is. I can feel a panic attack coming on….hello, is that the police?


  11. tomo says:

    She’s correct


    • MarkyMark says:

      1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765

      2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018

      …………… HOW WE LAUGHED ………………………

      Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
      This article is more than 7 years old
      Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official


  12. MarkyMark says:

    From order-order.com comments


    • tomo says:

      They’re going to go after Mr Staines aren’t they?


    • Philip_2 says:

      It looks like Ed Milliband on the right, Surely not?


      • Zephir says:

        No, it’s a young Gordon Brown learning the basics of how to wreck an economy by flogging its gold reserves in a car boot sale


    • G says:

      Is that Ed Millipede to the right. It sure looks like him. Perhaps on a ‘re-training trip’?

      Sorry Philip, didn’t spot your post. “Great (and imaginative) minds…” An all that. But you missed the Bliar look-alike to the left……………..


  13. tomo says:

    Will your heat pump be orphaned?

    @Verfiy kidz to investigate?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “As of 23 October 2023, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme heat pump grant increased to £7,500 for air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps, up from £5,000 and £6,000, respectively. This was confirmed in an announcement by the UK Government in September 2023.2 Aug 2024”



      • Philip_2 says:

        “An air source heat pump will never make a saving at current gas and electric prices, in fact it will cost nearly twice as much.”

        ‘The price quoted of £11,000 for a heat pump compares unfavourably with the average cost of £2,000-£3,000 for a gas boiler installation, belying the more complicated installation and expense of equipment construction…

        But the facts are that they are not quite the sum of the parts as they are all based on ‘free wind’ which is course is not free at all. It really was never free Pylons, transformers and cables. And its a lot cheaper by gas by over 300%. And they want to ban all UK gas!
        But then import it from either Russia or the US who actually make the stuff even though we have enough North Sea Gas for over 100 years…


  14. Zephir says:

    “Iranian woman is ‘shot by police in her car for driving without wearing a hijab'”



  15. MarkyMark says:

    At least under the Labour the RACIST (clicked on wrong like on twitter) old will be in jail with FREE heating and FREE BBC TV and FREE NHS Dental! Hooray for the Gulags!


  16. Zephir says:

    “Judge says all rioters must be jailed: Army veteran who ‘didn’t hit anyone or throw anything’ is locked up for a year – as court is told he has to go to prison despite being ‘least involved’ in riot.

    An army veteran described as the ‘least involved’ in a riot has been jailed for a year despite a judge questioning the case against him – but said anyone in the disorder has to receive a custodial sentence.

    Gary Harkness, 51, did not ‘hit anyone… throw anything… [or] spit at anybody’, Plymouth Crown court heard.

    He was described as being ‘steaming drunk’ after sharing around 18 cans and a bottle of tequila with a friend before joining a violent mob in Plymouth city centre.

    Video footage showed him ‘front and centre’ and ‘making a nuisance of himself’, but Judge Robert Linford queried the charge of violent disorder.

    He said people were entitled to protests and throw their arms around, ‘but as long as they’re not using threatening behaviour it’s not an offence, is it?'”



    • G says:


      Ah! Yes, “The Army”. Where are they when you need a coup d’état ?

      Conveniently stretched thinly up on the Estonian border with Russia I don’t doubt. But at least they’re safely tucked away out of harms way in the UK and safe from being beheaded/hacked to death on UK streets.


  17. Zephir says:

    “While he agreed Harkness was ‘prolifically vocal’ he was unable to hear threats and as such he could not be satisfied that he was issuing racist threats.

    He said that of the people he had sentenced so far ‘you are the person that provides me with the most difficulty because it cannot be levelled that you hit anyone, neither have you thrown anything, neither is it said that you spat at anybody’.

    But Harkness accepted he was party to the disorder and that ‘anybody party to this disorder has to receive a custodial sentence’.

    As such, noting the mitigating and aggravating factors – including his PTSD ‘as a result for service to this country’ and that he was ‘one of the least involved that I have had to sentence’ – Judge Linford handed Harkness a jail sentence of 12 months of which he would serve half before being released.”


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Some of these people could do with a decent lawyer. A kangaroo would be disgusted at some of these decisions.


  18. Eddy Booth says:



  19. Zephir says:

    Arriving for the latest COBRA meeting.



  20. Eddy Booth says:

    “Here’s the thing. Yes they do know. They know full well that mass migration and the transformation of towns and cities in a single generation has riled up the public. That we have gone from a society of unlocked front doors and honesty boxes to one of stashing a baseball bat under the bed and having to guard yourself from muggers in broad daylight.

    And they absolutely don’t care because this is what they want. They want you broken, fearful, distrusting, paranoid. They want your neighbours to be total strangers and your families to fall apart. They want you competing with illegal immigrants working 24/7 cash in hand for a Deliveroo handler.

    They’ve always fucking hated the working class in this country and thanks to modern technology they’ve been able to flood the country with their preferred residents. They’re all getting filthy stinking rich off it whilst you are burying your little girls that were butchered at a summer dance party.”


  21. pugnazious says:

    Who knew eh? Sir Alex Younger, the former head of MI6, is a Russian apologist and Putin puppet. This morning on Today he stated that the war in Ukraine was now entering a political phase and heading towards some kind of negotiation.

    Oh…wow…even the BBC’s own security correspondent, Frank Gardner, is in the pay of the Russians….

    ‘It is a strategic ploy by President Zelensky to both bring the war home to Russians and better position his country for when the time comes to negotiate a peace deal in earnest.’

    The war won’t end with a Ukrainian victory then? There will have to be some sort of peace deal and negotiation?

    Blimey who knew? Oh…wait…maybe old Farage knew when back in June….

    ‘Nigel Farage has called for peace negotiations to try and end the war between Russia and Ukraine. ‘

    For which he was roundly criticised by the Great and the Good…and was of course the victim of a hatchet-job by NIck Robinson for having said for at least 10 years that Nato expanison would provoke Russia….but Britain’s ex-ambassador to Russia, Sir Tony Brenton, backs Farage not Robinson…

    ‘Obviously Farage is right to say that Putin is responsible for the indefensible invasion of Ukraine. But as to his more controversial point about Nato expansion, history – much of it recently researched – also backs his claim. ‘

    And agrees it’s time to negotiate soon…

    ‘So Ukraine and its Western backers effectively face a choice: either reap these rewards by finding a territorial settlement (the hardest part of which will be doing a deal on Crimea) or continue a long and unpredictable war where, at the moment, the momentum seems to be with Russia and, in the course of which, we have seen a slow but ineluctable slide towards direct Russia-Nato confrontation with all of the appalling escalatory consequences that could carry. Time, surely, to talk.’


  22. Lazy Cat says:

    From Keir Jong Un’s broadcasting corporation. It’s from their live feed from the totally fair courts set up for the ‘riots,’.

    “18-year-old sentenced after arriving at rumoured protest site with knife”

    Ok, a bit extreme but fair enough if that’s the benchmark. I’ve seen videos of Muslims carrying all manner of weapons (which they appear to be trying to make illegal to view – even though most news channels showed them).

    Where are they? There were bloody loads of them at it from what I saw!

    But there is no two tier system. 2+2=5. Up is down. Big is small. Male is female. Black is white. BBC comedy is funny…

    Oh any news on those rioting Roma?

    Don’t make me laugh…


  23. Richard Pinder says:



  24. Zephir says:

    Brown riot…


  25. Zephir says:

    White riot…


  26. MarkyMark says:

    Relax, Starmergeddon hasn’t happened. The grownups are in charge
    This article is more than 1 month oldJohn Crace


    We can now feel free to get on with our lives without worrying what the halfwits in Westminster might do next


    • non-licence payer says:

      I see that TTK has crosses of St Georges outside 10 Downing St in the Guardian photograph. Were these the one and the same that Lady Nugee found so offensive. Is that her ‘animal farmesque’ double chin in the photo or is it someone else?


  27. Lazy Cat says:

    A mate of mine (not that I have many) came up with a good theory.

    He reckons our Dear Leader was bullied at school. And that loads of lefties were the type who got bullied.

    That makes them want to destroy everything ‘good’ and ‘traditional’ about their culture. He reckons it’s a genetic fault only whitey has. It creates real bitterness and spite.

    My mate is no authority on this subject whatsoever by the way, but he did once break both legs by trying a ‘stunt’ on a young lad’s mountain bike during a music festival, so we can take his word for it without worrying about it.


    • Lazy Cat says:

      I forgot say that he was also in his 40s at the time and in a state of ‘advanced refreshment’ as he tried to show off, forgetting he hadn’t whizzed down very steep grass hills for over 20 years.

      How he laughed on the way to casualty.


  28. JohnC says:

    For as clear evidence of the BBC’s agenda-based double-standards as you can get, let’s make sure nobody ever forgets this one:

    The full picture:

    The version the BBC cropped to use:

    They did that to make out it was the police being too aggressive to black rioters.

    ‘The BBC was also under fire for reporting that the protests were “largely peaceful” despite 49 officers being injured across the weekend.’

    The BBC are the most shameless of hypocrites. They have no ethics whatsoever about what they do.


  29. Sluff says:

    First up on ITVNews.
    A coroner has ruled that a boy’s death from Sepsis could have been prevented. He was taken to the Royal Free hospital four times in a week by his parents. On no occasion did the hospital diagnose his condition.

    The weird thing is…I can’t find this story on the BBC webshite.
    Surely it cannot be that the BBC don’t want to undermine our NHS Heroes, can it?


    • non-licence payer says:

      Sluff to be fair a couple of days back on the BBC webshite they reported a very avoidable death in Southend, and the shortcomings of Nottingham which lead to three deaths. In both cases lessons were learnt. Nothing more to see then.


  30. Guest Who says:

    Jess Phillips admits ‘mistake’ over unrest tweet

    Well, that is just lovely.

    Some have noted that such admissions are not always accorded as much empathy.


    • Zephir says:

      Elsewhere, from a more truthful news source..a tabloid, yes, really …

      “Jess Phillips admits she was wrong over Birmingham riot rant as she faces call to resign. The Home Office minister has faced cross-party calls to resign or be sacked after her comments amid the riots.

      Senior Labour minister Jess Phillips has suggested she regrets her comments amid Asian riots in Birmingham, after she appeared to justify the violent scenes.

      Ms Phillips’s comments, which saw cross-party calls for her to either resign or be sacked, came as Muslim men caused havoc in her home town, some brandishing weapons, slashing tyres and intimidating journalists.

      Amid the chaos, Ms Phillips said the masked criminals “came to this location because it has been spread that racists were coming to attack them”.

      She appeared to blame Reform UK deputy leader Richard Tice for the scenes, adding: “This information was spread entirely to create this content. Don’t spread it, Mr Tice!”



    • Lazy Cat says:

      What’s good for the goose, is good for the goose.


  31. JohnC says:

    Mosque explosion call woman jailed for online post

    ‘A woman who called on Facebook for a mosque to “be blown up with the adults inside” has been jailed for 15 months.’

    There’s our benchmark.

    That should be the absolute minimum the Labour councillor who said in public (not just social media) all protestors should have their throats slit.

    His offence was actually much worse because it was a serious statement. Hers was clearly a metaphor because she knows nobody can get explosives to do that.

    I see that his case will be heard again on 6 September because he did not enter a plea. All these quick sentences of right-wing protestors are because they all pled guilty.

    Which of course means he should get even longer. I would say anything less than two years jail is unacceptable and proves the reason for the riots was just.

    It will be a perfect example to prove the two-tier justice system because I strongly suspect he will get a much lesser sentence.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Erdogan himself was jailed for four months in 1999 after reciting a poem to a crowd in south-eastern Turkey – it contained the lines ‘The minarets are our bayonets, the mosques are our barracks, the believers are our soldiers’ – and was judged seditious. Erdogan himself was then banned from holding political office. Yet, despite all these barriers, the AK party swept all but one of the existing parties off the political map earlier this month, and now controls close to two-thirds of the seats in the parliament, making Erdogan the kingmaker of Turkish politics.



      Turkey president Erdogan: Women are not equal to men
      Published 24 November 2014


      Erdogan calls on Turkish families in Europe to have five children to protect against ‘injustices’
      Raf Sanchez, Eskişehir 17 March 2017 • 6:34pm


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      I think the trick to get the ‘far right’ protesters to plead guilty was that if they entered no-plea they would automatically be jailed on remand and this would be longer than the sentence for a guilty plea. They then did the maffs.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “As a self identified climate activist I believe it was the BBC that made me do far right things due to too much Islamophobic content being show by Channel 4 the Jihadi Next door. I wish to enter the woman’s prison to liberate my masculinity.”

        A little bit of bother…


  32. Zephir says:

    I never thought I could develop such a visceral hatred of this lying, hypocritical, opportunist government, that lied and lied to get in to power, then u turned, who, during BLM riots when 14 police officers were injured, including one with a punctured lung, said NOTHING about the rioters and took the knee in sympathy with them, from the vicious, inflammatory, hate messages posted by their various MPs about Donald Trump (who was then attacked and shot) , Farage (who was then repeatedy attacked) and so many others, and now all this….


  33. JohnC says:

    Have you noticed how the BBC have totally thrown Biden under a bus and are now wetting their panties about Kamala wherever they can ?.

    It’s like he simply ceased to exist at the BBC once their lies by omission over his mental state were proven by events.

    I actually think they hope he would quickly die to save further embarassment which might help Trump.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “She is Jedi Master”

      “I think the headline on the front of the magazine says it’s her time, I mean. For heaven’s sake, you could not be more gushing, could you?”


      • Zephir says:

        Oh God no. if it’s “her time” she will maybe declare war or something if another country upsets her


    • Zephir says:

      And, where the hell is the “leader of the free world” ?

      Why is no one asking this ?

      And, why does the Harris woman avoid the press and any questions from the electorate, just like Biden ?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Free world is on a break.



      • tomo says:

        The EV charger scheme alone should sink both Kamala and Joe…


  34. Lazy Cat says:

    What’s the difference between a ‘mistake’ and a prison sentence for a social media post?

    Your political affiliation.


    • Zephir says:

      What’s the difference between this government and a battery ?

      The battery has a positive side.


      • MarkyMark says:

        During their summer break, a girl in his class wrote to him about “optimistic young people filled through and through with the healthy spirit” of Marxism; he replied caustically, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!”


        Having lost his student exemption, he was drafted into the Czech military where alleged subversives formed work brigades, and spent the next few years working in the mines at a labor camp in Ostrava.


  35. MarkyMark says:


    Below is our full list of 6 demands for accountability for this moment. It is critical that public outcry continues for each and every one of them.

    Impeach, convict, and ban Trump from future political office: Every second that Trump remains in office is a threat to our democracy. We are joining Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Cori Bush, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and others who are demanding Trump be immediately impeached and convicted in the United States Senate. Trump must also be banned from holding elected office in the future. Call your members of Congress and demand they support impeachment by dialing (202) 224-3121.

    Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack: More than half the Republican representatives and multiple senators stoked Trump’s conspiracy theories and encouraged the white supremacists to take action to overturn the election. We are supporting Rep. Cori Bush’s resolution to expel them from Congress for their dangerous and traitorous actions.
    Launch full investigation into the ties between Capitol Police and white supremacy: The Capitol was able to be breached and overrun by white supremacists attempting to disrupt a political process that is fundamental to our democracy. We know that police departments have been a safe haven for white supremacists to hide malintent behind a badge, because the badge was created for that purpose. Guilty parties need to be held accountable and fired. We are supporting Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s COUP Act to investigate these connections.

    Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms: Trump has always used his digital media platforms recklessly and irresponsibly to spread lies and disinformation. Now it is clearer than ever that his digital media is also used to incite violence and promote its continuation. He must be stopped from encouraging his mob and further endangering our communities, even after inauguration.

    Defund the police: The police that met our BLM protestors this summer with assault rifles, tear-gas, and military-grade protective gear were the same police that, on Wednesday, met white supremacists with patience and the benefit of the doubt, going so far as to pose for selfies with rioters. The contrast was jarring, but not for Black people. We have always known who the police truly protect and serve. D.C. has the most police per capita in the country; more funding is not the solution.

    Pass the BREATHE Act: The police were born out of slave patrols. We cannot reform an institution built upon white supremacy. We need a new, radical approach to public safety and community investment. The BREATHE Act paints a vision of a world where Black lives matter through investments in housing, education, health, and environmental justice.



  36. MarkyMark says:

    Mr Pintaru was remanded in custody until his next court hearing on 10 September. UK authorities say he is a Romanian national with no fixed address.

    Prosecutors told a London court on Tuesday that Mr Pintaru had approached the duo on Monday at about 11:30 BST. He grabbed the child, put her in a headlock and then attacked her with a steak knife.



  37. G.W.F. says:

    A reminder of the BBC’s need to fact check its sources.

    Tall Climate Tales from the BBC, 2023
    14 Aug 2024
    Written By Paul Homewood
    Paul Homewood’s annual review of the BBC’s climate output sets out more than 30 of the most egregious misrepresentations of the facts, with climate change spuriously blamed for everything from hot weather in Spain, to rare birds in England, to potholes in the roads.



  38. Zephir says:

    Death threats from islamists, one attempted kidnapping, far left trying to shut him down.

    Two groups now trying to shut him down for telling the truth, and for being an independent news service.


    • MarkyMark says:

      If he joins Islam we can end Islamophobia – see Yemen for more details of how Shiite and Sunni Islam life in Islamic Harmony.


      Iranian woman paralysed after being shot over hijab


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Mahyar does need to be a bit more careful. I’ve been thinking that for some time. He needs to be very secretive about where he lives, vary his routes & so on. The other day he put out a video from his back garden & I thought it was a bad idea to show anything at all of his surroundings. I pray God hides him from those that would do him harm.


      • StewGreen says:

        Last month a guy did turn up looking for him .
        Viewers warned him to be careful showing his own building in shot.
        He replied that since he was scheduled to learve it makes no difference


  39. MarkyMark says:

    Change begins now.

    David Lammy

    MP for Tottenham, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs
    Tottenhamtidd.ly/315f030eJoined December 2008
    5,384 Following



    Wishing Pakistanis in the UK, in Pakistan and around the world a happy 77th Independence Day.

    Today we celebrate our deep cultural ties and strong people to people links.

    I look forward to developing our vibrant relationship further 🇵🇰🇬🇧



    Batley 1985 … more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.

    Batley 2024 … 3 teachers hide from Pakistan Tolerance.


  40. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • Zephir says:

      People should know about the continual rocket attacks Israel suffers all the time from those of “religion of peace” including Palestinians.

      The very same Palestinians loathed by their Islamist neighbours for their vicious behaviour, and that’s saying something.

      They cause trouble wherever they go, look at the border with Egypt who want nothing to do with them, or Jordan and so many others:

      Jordan helped. They got an attempted violent revolution.

      Egypt helped. They got suicide bombers on their territory.

      Lebanon helped. They got an Islamic civil war and from what was the Paris of the middle east it became a ruined country.

      Kuwait took some refugees. They supported Saddam attacking their country.

      Etc, etc.

      Arab countries talk nice because it’s popular. They are even sending some aid to show as if they are doing something. But everyone knows what will happen if you agree to take a large number of Palestinian refugees and nobody is willing to risk it.

      Egypt literally refused taking Gaza back when Israel offered it in the peace agreement. Jordan literally took away all citizenships from the Palestinians in the West Bank.


  41. atlas_shrugged says:

    Soldiers at base next to Cologne airport warned not to drink tap water.


    High Anxiety.


  42. Zephir says:

    “Pictured: The nine suspects wanted by police over disorder in Birmingham after counter protest to far-right riots saw man being assaulted and a pub and a car damaged.

    Masked groups turned out in the Alum Rock and Bordesley Green areas on Monday after rumours circulated in a far-right Telegram group of thugs heading to the city.

    Some of those who turned up to a McDonald’s in the area confronted Sky News reporter Becky Johnson as she delivered a live report to anchorman Mark Austin – riding up to her on a motorbike as she spoke to the camera.

    Ms Johnson later disclosed that a Sky News van was attacked by a man with a knife as they attempted to leave the scene – after being told they were not welcome in the area.

    As she reported that local community leaders had been speaking to police about the gatherings, the man shouted: ‘Yo, free Palestine, f*** the EDL (English Defence League)’.”



  43. Zephir says:

    Labour caves to union barons again with another inflation-busting pay rise
    The Department for Transport said it has offered the train drivers’ union – ASLEF – a 5% pay rise for 2022/23, 4.75% for 23/24, and 4.5% for 24/25.


  44. Nibor says:

    BBC Moral Maze eight o clock just gone .

    About mass tourism and the negative effects.

    The negative effects are mainly about the cultural aspect , rowdyness , tourists not appreciating the host culture and bringing their own culture with them .
    The second negative effect was the shortage of housing for the locals .

    And that’s tourists , who come , see and go home .After spending- putting – money into the local economy.

    Well according to the BBC liberal/ left logic which we glean over time confirmed by their Guardian/ New European newspapers , the tourists should settle permanently in these holiday destinations and keep their own culture . And bring criminals along with them .


  45. Guest Who says:

    “Journalists must not be seen to be police officers… It’s a fundamental trust issue”.
    Photojournalist Joel Goodman tells @katierazz why he is resisting demands by South Yorkshire Police to hand over pictures of the riots

    Wasn’t Verify using its AI toys to act as proactive vigilantes?


  46. Zephir says:

    I had to check whether it was April 1st…

    “Rise of the XL Bully CAT: Warning over hairless felines with ‘exaggerated’ features that are being bred in the UK despite serious health issues”



  47. Zephir says:

    As I said earlier, people are noticing…

    “What’s Kamala Harris hiding? She’s been the nominee for a MONTH – yet still refuses to reveal a single policy or plan… SCOTT JENNINGS exposes the shaming truth behind her silence.

    Elites in the Democratic party are truly shameless. They’d already committed an egregious affront to democracy by covering up President Joe Biden’s infirmity for months and then hand-picking his successor.

    It was even worse that Vice President Kamala Harris, their anointed nominee, had never won a single vote in a presidential primary contest. And it’s an ongoing insult that Harris has yet to submit to a single interview or news conference in the 24 days that she’s been her party’s new standard-bearer. But it’s the latest news from Harris world that is truly too much to stomach. Campaign insiders are now suggesting to the media that she wants to ‘break’ from Biden’s failed stewardship of the US economy. You know, the same economy she’s helped to run the past four years.

    It’s now abundantly clear that the Harris 2024 campaign strategy is to treat the American people as if they’re mushrooms… keep them in the dark and feed them crap. Almost 80 days out from the election (and only a month from the start of early voting in some states), Harris is yet to reveal an iota of what she actually wants to do as president.

    As vice president, Harris was tasked with easing the global factors driving an unprecedented number of migrants to the U.S. border. The result was the worst illegal immigration crisis in American history – and an estimated 10 million border crossings since Biden was inaugurated.

    In her role as Vice President and loyal Biden lieutenant, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate in February 2021 to pass the nearly $2 trillion COVID stimulus bill that sent inflation soaring. Since then, prices have been a runaway freight train of misery for the American people.

    If Harris’s record proves anything it is that she’s a rank political opportunist. ”



  48. Deborah says:

    I was looking something up about Joseph Turner, the artist. Mr Google suggested the BBC’s go to newspaper, the Grauniad. At the bottom of the article was this,

    ‘This is what we (the Guardian) are up against.

    Bad actors spreading disinformation online to fuel intolerance.
    Teams of lawyers from the rich and powerful trying to stop us publishing stories they don’t want you to see.
    Lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science.
    Authoritarian states with no regard for the freedom of the press’.

    Isn’t it the Marxist way to accuse others of what you do yourself? And as for Climate Change being ‘established science’, don’t get me started.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      They really do have an overblown sense of their own importance don’t they? Who really cares if a Commie rag bites the dust? There are a dozen others.

      Climate “emergency” Yawn. Global-warming gets an upgrade. Again, a dozen other newspapers are there to bore us with the climate scam.


  49. StewGreen says:

    Daniel Bostock the musician has been quite for last few years
    .. but he thinks there could be a strange foreign predator in his village
    And he wants the police to come down and check it out
    ..they won’t
    But will turn up about Facebook posts.

    He’s more than fuming