454 Responses to Midweek 14th August 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    “What is going on in the UK ?”

    Good question, RE Tousi above and now this..


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      A Guardian ‘journalist writing a book under a pseudo-name where he has a wet-dream that envisages the assassination of President Trump.

      Should that not require an immediate early morning visit from Hull’s ‘finest’?


  2. Zephir says:

    A conservative gets angry when you lie, a liberal gets angry when you speak the truth


  3. andyjsnape says:

    Can ‘Degrowth’ Save the World? reports the bbc

    “A group of academics and activists are questioning the possibility of endless economic growth on a finite planet and calling for a bold solution: degrowth”

    Maybe population ‘degrowth’ is a better solution. Just because the bbc has found a few buddies who agree with them, it’s something I would question


    • Zephir says:

      Yes, it’s called a pandemic, waiting for the next planned one, after our “trial run” …

      “Monkey pox never stopped spreading in Africa. Now it’s an international public health emergency. Again.”

      “‘Sloth virus’ reported in Europe for 1st time — but what is it?”

      “Canadian government warns country to prepare for new virus far worse than COVID”


  4. andyjsnape says:

    Massive night protests in Kolkata after doctor’s rape and murder

    “Though protests were largely peaceful, they were marred by clashes between the police and a small group of unidentified men who barged into the RG Kar Hospital, the site of the doctor’s murder, and ransacked the emergency department.

    Police fired tear gas to disperse the unruly crowd. Some police vehicles were also damaged”

    It doesn’t sound largely peaceful, as much as you jazz it up bbc

    To summarize:- Lovely women, horrible men



  5. Zephir says:

    Here is the answer, simple really ?

    ” what Polish politicians said about the topic:

    We do not consider people from distant lands as “refugees”, to be precise: we don’t consider people who go through several safe countries as refugees. Refugees, for us, are the people who leave an immediate danger and we are the first country to receive them.

    In case of Middle East, they obviously left a warzone, but on their way, they were in several safe countries.

    A refugee is not somebody running for a better life. We accept Ukrainians that have millions on their accounts. But you know, a bomb can destroy a Porsche just as well as it can destroy a Volkswagen.

    We are saving lives not offering a better life.”


  6. pugnazious says:

    The BBC’s head of religion, another Muslim, Aleem Maqbool, has been investigating the CofE for a long time and come to the conclusion that there are serious issues that ‘go to the heart of the Church of England’….naturally it’s about sex abuse…alleged.

    Apparently a senior cleric was accused of inappropriate behaviour with young men.

    ‘Everybody knew…no-omne would say anything…he was too powerful and untouchable’.

    Hmmm….sounds like Jimmy Savile and the BBC…something the BBC tried desperately to ignore and cover up.

    The odd thing is that despite many police investigations and other probes, so to speak, there was no evidence against this guy…but according to the BBC he’s as guilty as sin. Now he may well have been, and he was paid to leave the CofE, but it’s still all gossip, rumour and circumstance.

    Still, a good story to give the CofE a kicking by the BBC’s Muslim head of religion…and listening to R4 earlier heard a Muslim reporter talking to Muslims in Bangladesh denying there was any real problem with Hindus being attacked there…it may happen a bit but, well, nothing serious…case closed.

    Maybe the BBC should investigate this if it wants to examine real issues with the CofE…

    ‘The church of trans dogma’
    ‘Religious persecution has made a comeback in the Church of England. This week, it was revealed that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Bishop of Derby, Libby Lane, had repeatedly misused safeguarding processes to prevent a chaplain from returning to his ministry.

    The Reverend Dr Bernard Randall didn’t piss in the font or gamble away the collection-plate money. No, he did something far worse in the church’s eyes – he preached traditional Christian views to students at Trent College, a private school in Derbyshire, where he was the chaplain.’



    • Zephir says:

      Only the bbc would rub the countries’ face in it putting a muslim in charge of religion affairs in a Christian country.


  7. AsISeeIt says:

    Scandi Noir edition

    Nordic noir, also known as Scandi noir, is a genre of crime fiction usually written from a police point of view and set in Scandinavia or the Nordic countries (Thank you Wiki)

    Men found dead in Sweden confirmed as missing Britons (BBC) – couple of adventurous chaps out on a skiing expedition come a cropper on a glacier? Fallen into a crevasse perhaps?

    Farooq Abdulrazak, 37, and Juan Cifuentes, 33, both from north London, were reported missing after they failed to return home from a business trip… found dead in a burned-out car in Malmö… Swedish police have said both men were shot before the car was set on fire… Mr Abdulrazak and Mr Cifuentes were business partners who co-owned a travel agency. (BBC)

    And in a further twist of the plot set against those same dour grey skies of northern europe…

    Walter Presents…

    German arrest warrant over Nord Stream blast mystery… state prosecutors trying to solve the mystery of who blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea in 2022 have issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diving instructor. The suspect has been named as Volodymyr Z by German media, who have treated the sabotage like a sensational true crime drama. (BBC)

    Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory – if it’s true…

    When Polish officers went to Volodymyr Z’s home in early July, he had already left the country for Ukraine… According to an investigation by three German media outlets, including public broadcaster ARD, Volodymyr Z was part of a team of experienced Ukrainian divers who in September 2022 hired a German yacht, sailed out into the Baltic Sea and planted the explosives, blowing up three of the four Nord Stream pipelines. A Ukrainian man and a Ukrainian woman are also suspected of involvement. If the latest media reports are true, that a group of Ukrainian divers blew up the pipelines, it still doesn’t answer the broader question of who ordered the attack… For years there have been conspiracy theories around the attack, with unconfirmed rumours that governments in Kyiv, Moscow or Washington were behind the attack. (BBC)

    FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — U.S. President Joe Biden has threatened to block the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine… it has been a source of tension between the U.S., which opposed the project, and Germany. If Russian tanks roll into Ukraine, “there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” Biden said (PBS News, February 2022)

    Meanwhile our own home grown cops just keep plodding along…

    Met failing in almost all work areas – inspectorate (BBC) – one isn’t entirely sure what’s meant by all work areas? Presumably, our Sadiq Khan and Mark Rowley led capital crime-busting organisation are doing OK in all their non-work areas?

    The force was assessed across nine areas and graded as “requires improvement” or “inadequate” in seven – including investigating and preventing crime. (BBC)- those will be main ones then.

    Officer pay increase welcomed… We welcome the above inflation rise in officer salary announced by government… Police officers have been awarded a 4.75% increase in pay by the government. The increase in salary is in line with what was recommended to ministers by the Police Remuneration Review Body… Rachael Reeves made the announcement in parliament. (College of Policing, 29th July)

    One begins to discern a policy trend under Keir Starmer: Labour offers train drivers bumper pay deal to end strikes… they’re offered almost 15% over three years – and they won’t have to reform working practices… the deal comes with no strings attached… And there are fears ticket prices will increase… (Daily Mail)

    Commuters face rail fare hikes up to £260 a year (‘i’)

    Not so long ago they were proudly ‘united with the people of Ukraine’ on their masthead – now… presumably… not so much.

    Then they were all for culling our pensioners: Legalising assisted dying would be safer, say majority of Brits in landmark poll… Over the last two years, the Daily Express Give Us Our Last Rights crusade has shared countless stories of people who have suffered due to the cruel ban on assisted dying. (Daily Express, March 2024)

    Now suddenly: It’s ‘cruel to rob pensioners of winter fuel payments’… Express launches campaign to restore payouts for older people

    The Express and their completely independent of government totally grass roots popular campaigns eh?

    ‘No Ifs, No Buts’ Take action now to stop harmful online content (Express)

    It’s not all coordinated, honest: Social media firms… They just don’t care… Online giants promised to protect our kids… they have failed (Labour-supporting Daily Mirror)

    Do you remember that devolution Tony Blair brought in so as to allow for different tax and spend priorities across our home nations?

    Scotland scraps universal winter fuel payments for pensioners… The Scottish government has confirmed it will follow the UK government in no longer providing winter fuel payments to all pensioners. (BBC)

    I guess they call it globalisation

    Mind you, they do say there’s nothing new under the sun…

    Famous Stonehenge stone came from Scotland not Wales… The discovery shows the construction of Stonehenge was a far greater collaborative effort than scientists realised. The findings suggest Neolithic Britain was a far more connected and advanced society than earlier evidence indicated. (BBC)

    Speaking of globalisation and one world government… here’s the Financial Times

    Door open to BoE rate cut… Inflation figures for July have shown less-than-expected rise as underlying price pressures fell sharply (FT) – Really? With all those big public sector payrises in the UK about to begin feeding through the system – increased train fares being the first manifestation?

    Bolstering and undercutting

    US inflation undershoots… The case for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates at its next meeting in September has been bolstered… undercutting forecasts (FT) – oh, I see. I was forgetting the upcoming US Presidential election and the need for the regime to bolster Kamala and to undercut Trump.


  8. Guest Who says:

    🗞️ “When the Murdoch era passes certain papers will close. It’ll take days.”
    Former editor of The Sun David Yelland predicts the demise of his old paper to @amolrajan and @bbcnickrobinson
    🎧 The Today Podcast x When it Hits the Fan
    Listen now!

    50 minutes. 3 comments.

    Two bald idiot dinosaurs and Amol in his swimming trunks.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Guest, the BBC regularly omit the front page of the Sun from their photos/scans of the front pages but strangely the Sun is mentioned in the Blog. Most peculiar! The BBC must have a copy, therefore, somewhere in SQs or BH.

      Most of the occasions the Sun is missed from the front page photos/scans I tend to question: ‘Are there no reliable newsagents in Salford or Central London’?


      • AsISeeIt says:

        ‘BBC regularly omit the front page of the Sun from their photos/scans of the front pages’

        Perhaps someone in the BBC gynaeceum could borrow a copy from their car mechanic or their window cleaner?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Guest, further to the above I note that in the BBC Blog about the newspapers, today the BBC mention yesterday’s front page article from the Express. The BBC is a disaster of its own making!

        Hint to Rachel Reeves: scrap the Licence Fee, make the BBC stand on its own two feet. OAPs will thank you for offsetting your meanness in taking away the Winter Fuel payment.


  9. Althepalerp says:

    Remember: Our Prime Minister would rather see his daughter die than to use private medicine.


  10. JohnC says:

    Liz Truss leaves stage as lettuce banner unfurls

    ‘The activism group Led By Donkeys claimed responsibility for the stunt,’

    That would be ‘Far-Left activist group’ there BBC.
    Shame on you for your now-familiar agenda-based double-standards.

    ‘As she left the stage, laughter could be heard from some members of the audience, while others clapped.’

    No doubt who the BBC are supporting here. How many was that BBC ?. 2 ?. 200 ?. That kind of clapping for something which is basically not actually funny and was done from the nastiest of political motivations is exactly what the audience on SNL did with Baldwins Trump impersonations.

    But of course the Left have no clue what a sense of humour actually is. What they find amusing usually has some element of hate buried in it.

    Not that I have any time at all for Truss – but she is quite right : this is far-left intimidation and suppression of the Right.

    And who do the BBC quote ?
    “What Led By Donkeys did is the best thing I’ve ever seen happen at Beccles Public Hall,” said Paul Williams, 54, a businessman in Beccles.
    “I’ve seen increases in my mortgage payments and I’m sure everyone else has because of her mini budget.
    “I fully back [Led By Donkeys] and I actually support them.”


    • Up2snuff says:

      JohnC, are the Daily Star behind the group ‘Led by Donkeys’? After all, their masthead proclaims “They are proud to love animals”. The obvious exception being the human animal known as Liz Truss.


  11. Sluff says:

    Bad news for the BBC.
    Economic growth for Q2 was 0.6%.
    This is a good news story and serves again to,prove the Tories left Labour a decent financial situation, unemployment was down this week, and inflation only up to 2.2%. Labour are riding the wave.

    But in BBC world, positive Tory news must be trashed. So on both Toady and the webshite you can hear and see them dredging around looking for negatives. ‘It will slow down later’, we had a ‘technical recession’ last year, some parts of the economy are doing less well. Blah blah blah.

    All totally desperate stuff. Meanwhile in Europhile loving Germany,……….


    • Zephir says:

      I knew he had converted, but didn’t know he has also adopted the religion of peace’s murderous genocidal habits also.

      Thanks for the heads up.

      Greatest hits (not that many) CD …bin, no big loss there.

      Stick you Moon Shadow where the sun don’t shine mate.


    • digg says:

      Blasphemy laws are quite simply intolerant repression in a pseudo-religious cloak.


  12. Sluff says:

    According to the Telegraph, since 2007 39000 violent offenders have been spared jail, despite having more than 10 previous convictions for violence.

    Did the judges who jailed the ‘Far Right rioters’ know this?
    Does two-tier Keir Jong Un know this? Does he care?
    My money is on ‘No’.


  13. Zephir says:

    Irony lost on the far left, it’s like giving your executioner a hand up to the scaffold:

    “The Secret Jewish History of Cat Stevens.

    Cat Stevens’s real name is Steven Katz, and he cleverly switched it around to sound more like an entertainer and to hide his Jewishness. Never mind, of course, that Cat Stevens was in fact Steven Demetre Georgiou, born two months after the establishment of the State of Israel in London to Stavros Georgiou, a Greek Cypriot, and Ingrid Wickman, a Swede of Greek Cypriot descent. Never mind that an astute listener might have even figured this out by merely listening to the song “Rubylove,” found on “Teaser and the Firecat,” in which Stevens sang in fluent Greek — not Hebrew — with music that featured the sound of the bouzouki, not the violin or clarinet. For a while, at least, Cat Stevens, who sort of looked Jewish in a Greek kind of way, was one of us, and his songs, hippie-ish anthems like “Father and Son,” “Peace Train,” “Wild World,” and “Moonshadow,” became our summer-camp liturgy. It wasn’t, after all, too far of a stretch to find Jewish themes being played out in some of those numbers. What was his big hit, “Peace Train,” if not an anthem of messianic longing: “Oh I’ve been smiling lately. Dreaming about the world as one. And I believe it could be, some day it’s going to come.” What was “On the Road to Findout” (sic) other than a retelling of the story of Abraham? “


  14. Guest Who says:

    ‘Liz Truss said it’s ‘not funny’, but I think people on social media would absolutely disagree with that.’
    LBC’s @NatashaC explains to @AliMirajUK what’s unfolded after a banner of a lettuce was revealed at an event that the former PM was speaking at.

    14 comments in 11hrs. Explains a lot.

    What has unfolded is that a premeditated stitch up requiring serious security failures was concocted between one of too many juvenile activist groups with a direct line to all media desperate to keep a dubiously relevant joke going.

    Pretty soon Panorama will do a ‘making of’.


  15. Tabs says:

    BBC are interviewing students getting their A-Level results this morning. Always the same order of students year after year:
    1. Asian who wants to be a doctor
    2. Ginger girl who wants to be a nurse
    3. white girl
    4. white boy

    They did have a trans person this year at position 6 but even the BBC skipped past them very quickly.


    • andyjsnape says:

      4. doesn’t matter


    • BRISSLES says:

      Tabs this “،envelope opening” spectacle every year has been endured for the past 30 years ! Normally an inner city East London school with mainly black pupils. Then comes the “how do you feel” and “are you pleased” questioning.
      This non event to the rest of us will be the highlight of every news channel today and the coming days.
      I’d like to see the kids from the past 30 years take the A levels I sat in 1964, back then you had to be genius level to get to university especially Oxford and Cambridge.


  16. JohnC says:

    Top A-level grades rise as four in five students secure first university choice

    I kid you not : look at the pictures the BBC use:
    Starmer taking credit

    I can’t link the front-page ‘headline’ picture – but you won’t be surprised to know it’s two Muslim girls hugging with joy and a male behind them. With a wall display very deliberately visible behind them showing anothe BAME girl.

    Where are the white males ?.

    Make no mistake : this is the BBC saying ‘f*ck you’ to the Right after the protests. It’s 100% deliberate and fuelled by spite.

    This is the true nature of the Left and why they have driven such a wedge through society – both here and in the USA. And they will not stop of their own accord. The more we complain, the more they will be determined to do it.

    How do we rid ourselves of this cancer ?


    • G says:

      All, “part and parcel” of Ethnic Cleansing.


    • digg says:

      worry not…the left will eat itself in the end JohnC, it always has and it always will!


    • markh says:

      Why the hell is so much fuss made over these results? It’s not news. I hear the NSPCC are on standby for those who fell short. FFS, in the 70s we just got on with it.
      On my Facebook feed (sorry) someone is congratulating their daughter on getting A levels in Critical Thinking, Sociology and Social Care. What are we breeding?


  17. MarkyMark says:

    “Although anyone can catch monkeypox, the outbreak was largely concentrated among men who had sex with men.”



    Four of the cases detected in Britain self-identified as gay, bi-sexual or other men who have sex with men, the UK Health Security Agency said, adding evidence suggested there may be a transmission in the community.


  18. Lunchtime Loather says:


    It says “Had he been up front when asked by the BBC about his arrest, we would never have continued to pay him public money”.

    He did not need to be “up front” as the BBC already knew the nature of his arrest.

    From a now-deleted timeline page: “8 November 2023 : Edwards is arrested on child abuse image offences – but this does not become public knowledge. A BBC source says the police told the BBC not to share the information”.


  19. G says:

    The West, is a ‘fag-paper’ away from total anarchy.


    • MarkyMark says:

      9 Mar 2020
      Shelves have been left bare in some stores forcing retailers to repeatedly re-stock supplies of toilet paper in Kelowna. Worries about the spread of the Coronavirus and fears that there may be a run on such products appears to be creating an actual run on the product.


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Free speech is one of the hottest issues of our time. We live in a world where we are all becoming neighbours. Many of our cities are now inhabited by people from everywhere, and if you don’t meet them in person, you will find them online, where in principle everyone can see what everyone else is saying.


    What should we be free to express, about ourselves, other people and their religions? Should newspapers be allowed to publish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad? Does the struggle against terrorism justify the government reading your emails? Between Facebook and the NSA, do we have any privacy left?

    1. Lifeblood
    We – all human beings – must be free and able to express ourselves, and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas, regardless of frontiers.

    2. Violence
    We neither make threats of violence nor accept violent intimidation.

    3. Knowledge
    We allow no taboos against and seize every chance for the spread of knowledge.

    4. Journalism
    We require uncensored, diverse, trustworthy media so we can make well-informed decisions and participate fully in political life.

    5. Diversity
    We express ourselves openly and with robust civility about all kinds of human difference.

    6. Religion
    We respect the believer but not necessarily the content of the belief.

    7. Privacy
    We must be able to protect our privacy and to counter slurs on our reputations, but not prevent scrutiny that is in the public interest.

    8. Secrecy
    We must be empowered to challenge all limits to freedom of information justified on such grounds as national security.

    9. Icebergs
    We defend the internet and other systems of communication against illegitimate encroachments by both public and private powers.

    10. Courage
    We decide for ourselves and face the consequences.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    Your bubble is ready: plastic pods offer solution for COVID dining



  22. andyjsnape says:

    More than 40,000 killed in Gaza, Hamas-run health ministry says

    It (the bbc that is), will always show images of women and children

    biased bbc, dont forget to show images of the terrorist fighters for a change!


    • MarkyMark says:

      Who funds Hamas? A global network of crypto, cash and charities
      By Hadeel Al Sayegh, John O’Donnell and Elizabeth Howcroft
      October 16, 202310:12 AM GMT+1Updated 10 months ago


      Earlier this week, Israeli police said they froze a Barclays bank account the authorities said was linked to Hamas fundraising and blocked cryptocurrency accounts used to gather donations, without specifying how many accounts or the value of the assets.
      The move provided a glimpse of a complex financial web, some legitimate, much hidden, that underpins Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement, and its government in the Gaza Strip, which it has run since 2007.


  23. vlad says:

    Labour are doing exactly what the Democrats have done in the US, starting with Odious Obama: weaponised and politicised the Judiciary and the police. (As well as everything else they can get their hands on.)
    And cheered on by the BBC, of course.


  24. MarkyMark says:

    Protests in holidaying hotspots across Europe have been triggered by tensions over mass tourism, with locals claiming overwhelming numbers of visitors are harming their way of life.

    over mass tourism or mass immigration
    numbers of visitors are harming their way of life or replacing your way of life.




    • Guest Who says:

      Luckily the msm is all over it with their insights and experience.


      Elon Musk’s following on X has soared during his ownership. But his account has increasingly broadcast views that are frequently right-leaning and fomenting misinformation. How far does the billionaire’s megaphone reach?

      Musk and his army of social media warriors should be honest about wait they’re asking for. It’s not the right to free-speech. It’s the right to stoke up riots and disorder

      Across the spectrum. Are they thick, in denial or has Sturmer’s Stasi got their kids hostage?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Paris 2024 – men can box woman as spectators clap. FREE SPEECH IS NOT TOLERATED.



    • Guest Who says:

      I see climate change got shoehorned in too.

      As it does everywhere.


      “Would you like lies with that?”


      • wwfc says:

        A good watch here


        • JohnC says:

          They focus on climate change there, but the BBC are churning out exactly the same biased output across their whole far-Left agenda.

          When they are lying, they infer instead of state. Or they quote someone in a manner to make it sound like fact.

          The worst thing of all is that they have obviously taken it one step further and are obviously writing the quotes themselves so they fit the agenda perfectly. As we have seen with all those perfect English speakers using all the correct current buzzwords despite being poor Muslims living in a Gaza warzone.


  25. Guest Who says:

    Who needs Getty?

    The Nordic goddess crowd.


  26. JohnC says:

    More than 40,000 killed in Gaza, Hamas-run health ministry says

    This is an article by BBC Verify no less !!!. So I repsumed that since they took on the challenge, they were going to verify the number is correct and I was interested in how they were going to do that.

    The summary is:
    They have no idea. The report quickly disintegrates into the usual BBC rhetoric where they admit nobody really knows.

    Another gem from the ‘BBC Verify’ children.

    I suspect they present the Hamas number in the headline and when you see ‘BBC Verify’ you are supposed to believe it’s true.

    The most disgraceful thing (as usual) is that when they use information from Hamas and give it equivalence with information from Israel, they do not point out that Hamas are a terrorist organisation whereas Israel are a duly elected government in a functioning democracy.


  27. JohnC says:

    UK economy continues recovery with 0.6% growth

    Never interested in what the BBC have to say about anything in politics these days – but I was interested in the HYS voting.

    And here’s a typical example of what I found:

    ‘The Conservative’s policies working well then’
    349 upticks. 127 downticks.

    Totally and completely different to what we would have seen before the election. It would have got over 1,000 downticks back then – the ratio was usually about 3:1 in favour of Labour.

    It seems like the troll farm contract has been cancelled now so we will all forget about how extreme the voting used to be and the evidence of bias will disappear.


  28. Fedup2 says:

    Just wondering .. as I wait to get my plane out of Blighty – whether there has any mention of VJ Day today ? I think I know what the answer is …..

    BTW – I know the bbc will only mentions Indians who fought for the empire ( not the ones who fought for the dirty japs )


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Of the 2.5 million Indian troops who fought for the Allies, up to 3,000 served on the German side during the war, as part of Subhash Chandra Bose’s Indian Legion (Indische Legion) in Europe.13 Feb 2017”


  29. MarkyMark says:

    “However, even those scholars who would permit early abortion in certain cases still regard abortion as wrong, but do not regard it as a punishable wrong. The more advanced the pregnancy, the greater the wrong.”



  30. MarkyMark says:

    As we commemorate VJ Day, we express our gratitude for the immense sacrifice made by our armed forces during World War II.

    6:30 am · 15 Aug 2024


    On the anniversary of V-J Day, we remember the sacrifice our veterans and their families made to protect Britain and defend our freedom.

    Today, we reflect on their memory and draw from their courage to inspire us for the future.

    protect Britain and defend our freedom.

    protect Britain and defend our freedom.


  31. Zephir says:

    Time to avoid the bbc again, not wanting to hear how many girls, asians and black people got 7 grade A A levels ffs

    Back in the real world when we had to take actual exams to pass and did not get google to do our course work which then guarantees you a pass before any 5 minute exam you might have to encounter nowadays, we were told one A level required one hour homework each.

    You would have to be a near genius to be allowed to take 4 A levels

    And we had to use a library and assess references rather than a search engine which will just give you the answers anyway to copy verbatim.


    • Fedup2 says:

      ‘What do you want to do when you leave school ?’

      ‘I want to work at the BBC- inshala …’


      • Zephir says:

        Well. we’ll send you on a creative writing course to do your CV if you’re applying for misinformation officer.

        And if the bbc find you’ve lied, thats fine they just don’t care.


    • moggiemoo says:

      I think there were 3 out around 130 in my school that got to do 4.


      • Zephir says:

        Exactly, and I bet they could string a sentence together without using the word “like” or “literally” three or four times, every bleeding sentence, and could spell correctly.


  32. MarkyMark says:

    “In an Instagram video,, external Gunn said she didn’t realise her appearance would “open the door to so much hate”.”

    Hate? Comedy? Ridicule?




    • Fedup2 says:

      Not BBC
      But I do like that ‘think before you post thing ‘ the implied menace – the threat of a year in stir for a Facebook post – the front door coming in at 5am with handcuffs and camera team …all good stuff for an authoritarian regime with a 20% vote and a month in office..

      I understand the penal response of the judges too – ordered by the chief judge to forget all the namby pamby social reports or consequences of being banged up – just go for it…

      It’s that sort of 18th century punishment regime being used to try to make punters think twice the next time a child is raped / murdered by a ‘new arrival ‘ or second generation monster ( see Nottingham )

      It won’t work of course . People are too cheesed off seeing their home towns invaded – it’s the only weapon the TTK regime have ….

      Guilty plea gets you 6 – 12 months . Not guilty gets you 24 months remanded in custody…


  33. Flotsam says:

    The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan Series 1 Epside 4 was broadcast yesterday. The very prescient synopsis on TV info read:

    “Number Six stands for election as the new number Two to learn the identity of Number One – but soon discovers the true nature of democracy in the Village.”


  34. Althepalerp says:


    SO: Now we know it was Ukraine that blew up Nord stream 2 and sent gas and electric costs sky rocketing.


  35. Sluff says:

    Sweden reporting their first case of MPox.

    It used to be called Monkey Pox but apparently this was regarded as unacceptable to certain people. Since it is sexually transmitted maybe it’s the Pox mention.

    It’s sure to be coming here. On trains. And boats. And planes.
    How enriched and multicultural I will feel when it does.


  36. StewGreen says:

    Last nights BBC local newsTheatre show
    “The riots. this baaad man has been jailed for 3 years for kicking a female police officer”
    … “Here’s footage of him kicking her shield”
    .. so their first claim is not correct
    Nevertheless the guy is a baddie .. cos it is wrong to go to a protest wearing a face covering

    4 viewers comments were then read out
    All 4 were against the NARRATIVE , all blamed the new government for street trouble

    The prog then brought on an establishment approved senior retired female police officer once deputy commissioner in Lincolnshire
    “violence is not acceptable” etc.
    .. Her spin was not huge


  37. Zephir says:

    “Sweden reporting their first case of MPox.”

    No speculating OK ?

    Although my moneys on either Michael Jackson, Tarzan or anyone that worked at PG Tips.


    • wwfc says:

      I don`t think PG tips thought this through after years of their most famous adverts lol


      • BRISSLES says:

        It’s actually very noticeable now that almost every ad starts off with a black face.


      • taffman says:

        Have they ‘shot themselves in the foot’ ?


        • Zephir says:

          Belfast Zoo is also on my list of suspects. According to the news today, they locked a work experience guy up in the lions cage the other day by accident.

          Did they also leave him locked in the monkey house one night ?

          You can see how this pox can spread so easily, if he’s a student he’ll be at it like knives in the halls of residence every night and he’s not likely to warn any potential partners he was gangbanged by a bunch of monkeys for 12 solid hours one night.


      • Guest Who says:

        I miss when you looked forward to the ads.

        This was probably written by Femi and Dr. Shola, directed by Abbott.


  38. StewGreen says:

    Today’s ITV localnewsPR
    rail users court case is successful
    as the court fulls FAST TRACK PROSECUTION procedure used by rail companies is illegal
    The illagl procedure was “We think you are a fare evader so pay the rail court £500 fine or else”

    Doh cos FAST TRACK PROSECUTION denies people the right to a proper defence.

    Next story : white pedo from Sheffield jailed for using alcohol and his stretch limo to abuse girls


  39. StewGreen says:

    Last night’s ITVnewsPR
    Item about a fam who couldn’t plant in Winter cos it was too wet
    but now in the same field with a newly develloped wheat vaiety have achieved a phenomenal harvest.

    #1 farming success varies from year to year
    #2 leaving a field fallow for a whiles leads to higher yields in the next plating
    … Hardly rocket science.

    #GlobalWarming #ConstantFamine


    • StewGreen says:

      Next “the added challenges with autism in the SOUTH ASIAN community”
      .. Obvious question : Cousin marriages ?
      .. That was not mentioned

      “The diagnosis comes on average TWO later than for white communities”
      .. so you are shouting racism then ?

      In the example the family seemed to be Hindu


  40. wwfc says:

    Another good watch


  41. JohnC says:

    Top A-level grades rise across England, Wales and NI

    .. and here’s the picture the BBC chose for the article:

    Exactly the same picture The Guardian use.

    It’s the far-Left saying ‘f*ck you’ to everyone on the Right after the protests. They are showing they can have as many racist double standards as they like and nobody can do anything about it.


  42. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – did I hear Jonny Dyond lie on today’s programme?

    He claimed that the BBC were not able to get journalists into Gaza, but Barbara Plett Usher appeared to start reporting from Israel but then from Gaza itself. If I am correct, very naughty, Jonny, very naughty. You will have to go and sit on Marianna Spring’s ‘Naughty Step’ all day tomorrow.


  43. kingkp says:

    Here’s some advice. Before the next plandemic is declared you might want to read this.


    • kingkp says:

      I wonder if you can get locked up in two-tier Keir’s Polizeistaat for recommending a book on Amazon! I guess I’ll find out soon.


      • Zephir says:

        Amazon links do not work on this site for some reason.

        Unless of course you have given a link for a book on journalistic ethics for bbc hacks..

        That could also be why it’s blank.


  44. tomo says:


  45. kingkp says:

    MPox BS incoming
    I suggest you don’t fall for it this time. Looks like they will claim it’s bioterrorism. I wonder who they will blame? As Kill Gates says, ‘This will get attention this time’. I wonder how he knows so much?


    • taffman says:

      Lets hope that the 77th Brigade are up to the job and that they are looking after us, the people of Great Britain?


      • kingkp says:

        I don’t know how these people sleep at night knowing they are the lowest of the low. They clearly don’t understand that we are only here in physical form for a brief time and how we behave will determine what happens when our time is up. I would not want to be in their shoes.


  46. digg says:

    The Guardian has opened the batting for an assault on the Royal Family…..

    The next target after white English men I guess…..

    This will be the year that the royal family assault reaches fever pitch as the lefty journalists are emboldened by white scum being banged up left right and centre.

    The BBC will be following in its tail with no doubt whatsoever.

    Sooner or later they will crash and burn as the British public wake up to what they are doing and strike back.

    Remember everyone, they are only living by sucking on your money so you all know what to do!