454 Responses to Midweek 14th August 2024

  1. digg says:

    The out of all proportion pay rises demanded and meekly handed to the already well above average earnings of union members by the quivering new “Government” are the beginning of massive problems for Labour.

    There is only one way these massive increases can possibly be funded and it will be you and me whether we use the railways etc. or not and whether we are Labour voters or not.

    Labour probably see this as cementing their allegiances with the Union barons but in the same way they have callously and viciously gone after Joe blogs over hate crime their self-delusion will eventually collapse their entire red house of cards.

    It’s a big mistake to use faceless Joe Public as a magic money tree to reward what they see as their political mates and the public will come to see this given time, even those who voted for this shower, and then the fun will really start.

    True democracy is government of the people with the will of the people and that is about to vanish like snow in the Sahara when people begin to feel the financial pain.

    They probably have another favour to pay off and that will be a huge hike in the TV license fee in the next few months I wager!

    After that it will be Council staff wage rises, of course NHS wage rises, Civil Service pay rises, Police pay rises…..the list goes on….

    I say bring it on and teach those who thought they were voting for the common man that it was an illusion.


    • Lazy Cat says:


      An ambition of mine has always been to make a documentary. Specifically on the topic of some of our more well-known political figures and who exactly is funding their 200k+ a pop 60 minute speeches.

      Now, the cynic in some (not me, of course) suspects it might be kick backs for favours done while in office. That the money can’t just be deposited from Source A to politician because that’s illegal. So they wait until they ‘retire’ or leave politics. Then, set up several different ‘think tanks’ and ‘focus groups’ or ‘non profits’ and pay them for a ‘speaking tour’.

      It’s definitely not a form of money laundering and political back scratching.

      I would obviously be making such a film with the intention of showing you all that it’s all just a ‘far right conspiracy theory’.

      Because who wouldn’t pay Tony Blair or Boris Johnson 200k for a short speech? Especially one which doesn’t really say anything we haven’t heard 100 times from globalists already?


  2. Fedup2 says:

    The problem is the 2 party system – which somehow Reform has got to crack in 5 years time.
    Will it be driven and organised enough ? Not making dumb mistakes about invetted candidates?

    Being able to absorb all blue votes and not split it enabling a red clone to win?

    I m pessimistic. The feckless welfare parasites will always vote red and labour will depend on them . Voter ID didnt punish the reds .

    I think in 5 years time i will be an ex pat but will still vote Reform – although theyll not be Right enough for me .

    Farage predicted that the reds will crash the economy either by internal or external causes and have to go to the IMF in acouple of years …
    Then minor disturbances will be seen as -minor ..


  3. StewGreen says:

    ITV local newsPR did a PRasNews item for an event for people from a particular RELIGION associated with a particular region The Punjab

    Repirter “Sikhs are underrepresented in UK sport”

    What in hockey ? In cricket? In kabadi ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Some Gods will look after your head …. others will not.

      “On all journeys, the rider and pillion passenger on a motorcycle, scooter, moped or motor quadricycle, also called quadbike, must wear a protective helmet. This does not apply to a follower of the Sikh religion while wearing a turban. Helmets must comply with the regulations and they must be fastened securely.”


  4. StewGreen says:

    BBC local newsPR
    “Here’s Chris Hewett PR man for UK solar”
    ..CH “public should have access to our stable cheap energy”

    FFS can I order 300 MWh of solar power between 1am and 2am next Thursday ?


    • StewGreen says:

      In reality the more intermittent solar/wind you add to the grid, the more costs you add
      ..that’s why electricity prices are not dropping.


    • MarkyMark says:

      stable cheap energy

      stable = dependent on sun
      cheap = dependent on UK GOV subsidies

      “Solar panels are designed to last for decades, and the industry standard lifespan is 25–30 years. However, some panels may last up to 40 years.”

      “Wind turbines are designed to last between 20 and 30 years, but not all components are expected to last the same amount of time. The foundations and towers are expected to last the longest, but blades, gearboxes, generators, and other smaller parts may need to be repaired or replaced earlier. “


  5. Fedup2 says:

    The DT – quiet news day – does a ‘where are they now ?’ Job on the Truss cabinet … it is comforting to know that so many political careers have been destroyed through self harm .

    My favourite casualty is Grant Shaps – a man with no beliefs and saw it all as a game – but he’s counting his money and got the usual corrupt directorships …


  6. tomo says:

    confirmation bias is what’s turning all this up, it must be….


  7. tomo says:


  8. digg says:

    Channel, or BBC clone running a feature on protest re. sex attacks against women hospital staff in Kolcatta, India…..

    The usual images of staff marching round with placards outside the hospital but what puzzled me is that all the protest placards and banners were making demands in the English Language! and certainly not in any Indian language.

    Puzzling really, I can only assume they were alerted that C4 journalists were there so tailored their protest accordingly…

    It goes to show that you cannot trust any footage from the usual lefty sources.


  9. Lazy Cat says:

    Looking at this two tier system we live under, white people need to stop voting for the uniparty.

    It is clear now that whites will be given harsher sentences where there is a (far left) political motivation to do so

    My concern is that the country is too populated by midwits who will just believe everything they hear on the BBC, not noticing the ‘lying by omission’ and the obvious narratives they set in everything they do.

    For example, the BBC couldn’t even help themselves during the Olympic men’s marathon. Unfortunately, my wife pays for the BBC to watch Wimbledon (and no I don’t put a penny towards it).

    However, she had the Olympics on from time to time. I had to leave and do the garden after foolishly thinking I could actually watch something on the BBC without hearing their woke shit.

    The Olympic marathon? They can’t ruin that, right? Should be safe here, surely?

    I lasted about 20 minutes.

    Why? Paula Ratcliffe was commenting alongside Steve Cram. To be fair to Cram, he was focused on the race. But Paula? Well, she behaved exactly as you would expect an out of touch, Islington champagne socialist wimminz would behave.

    After her ‘history’ lessons on the French Revolution (the women marched down here because the rich people were making them starve so there was a fight for social justice) and on the marathon’s ‘sustainability’ and something about net zero, I shouted, “Oh, of course I can’t watch this either, can I you woke c…s!! Silly me! Right love I’m going to do the garden.”

    Anyway, you get my drift. The anti white political show trials continue at a rapid pace and not a word on the draconian sentencing going on from our ‘unbiased’ national broadcaster. Just that whenever a brown Muslim is sentenced (usually for a much shorter term than any white) he was ‘defending his mosque from racists’.

    Anyway, stop voting for these psychopaths in the uniparty.

    Rotherham has a population which is over 80% white.

    And yet enough of them STILL voted Labour in at the last election, despite everything that has gone on there.

    Put these shithouses on the dole, where they all belong.


  10. MarkyMark says:

    2019 …. how come twitter effects Iran voting but not the West?

    “Twitter removes thousands of accounts linked to Iran government
    This article is more than 5 years old
    Nearly 4,800 accounts taken down by microblogging platform
    Step aims to prevent election interference and misinformation”


  11. MarkyMark says:

    Freedom of speech is the right to say whatever you like about whatever you like, whenever you like, right? Wrong.
    ‘Freedom of speech is the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means.’
    Freedom of speech and the right to freedom of expression applies to ideas of all kinds including those that may be deeply offensive. But it comes with responsibilities and we believe it can be legitimately restricted.




  12. MarkyMark says:

    from order-order.com



  13. Fedup2 says:

    The DT has used a FOI to duds over 14000 claims for injury from covid jabs . The British jab is 97% of claims . Proud to British – world beating defective jab –
    And remember the propaganda onslaught to get jabbed – or else ….
    Get ready for the monkeypox injuries too . …. No ‘mpox’ here please – it is Monkeypox ….


  14. kingkp says:

    It’s beginning to look like they are going for a Mon(k)eypox ‘bioweapon’ attack. Then blame you know-who. They have no imagination.