Midweek 4th September 2024

What a world – a British government signalling support of Islamic Hamas terrorists – a US Left Wing Presidentisl candidate with no policies and a German political party being compared to nazis . All this and Two Tier Keir too …

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427 Responses to Midweek 4th September 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:

    Border Security minister Angela Eagle confirmed on Sky News reports that Labour has renewed Tory plans to farm out prisoners to Estonia. The ones who aren’t being let out early, that is…



  2. MarkyMark says:


    The latest register of MP’s interests reveals that Matt Hancock was paid £320,000 to appear in ITV’s I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!

    The payout is less than the £400,000 fee he was rumoured to have received at the time of the series last autumn.


    • pugnazious says:

      Where is he now? I have heard he’s flogging bras for Michelle Mone out of the back of an old ambulance that’s not being used anymore due to the state of the NHS that he failed to save.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “When Covid-19 swept the world, governments scrambled to protect their citizens and chart a course back to normality. As Health Secretary, Matt Hancock was at the forefront of Britain’s battle against the virus, trying to steer the country through the crisis in a world where information was scarce, judgements huge and the roadmap non-existent.

        Drawing on a wealth of never-before-seen material, including official records, his notes at the time and communications with all the key players in Britain’s Covid-19 story, this candid account reveals the inner workings of government during a time of national crisis, reflecting on both the successes and the failures.

        Recounting the most important decisions in the race to develop a vaccine in record time and to build a nationwide testing capacity from the ground up, Pandemic Diaries provides the definitive account of Britain’s battle to turn the tide against Covid-19. Crucially, it also offers an honest assessment of the lessons we need to learn to be prepared for next time – because there will be a next time.”


  3. MarkyMark says:

    “The US’s first black trainee astronaut reaches space at 90”

    First dwarf?
    First trans?
    First non-black white man (Trudeau)?
    First Mother of House Diane Abbott?


  4. pugnazious says:

    Oh the dishonesty of the BBC as it notes…

    ‘Fast fashion drove Bangladesh – now its troubled economy needs more ‘


    The BBC tells us that political unrest and worker protests have undermined the industry….could there be some other long term, broader cause that is trashing the industry?

    Hmmmm….the BBC is very concerned…not. This is the BBC, as you may have heard and read, that has campaigned relentlessly against fast fashion in order, it says, to ‘save the planet’. There are endless BBC headlines like this…

    ‘Fast fashion: How clothes are linked to climate change’

    And this…

    ‘The problem with ‘fast fashion”

    And this…

    ‘Fast fashion: ‘We all have to face up to clothes’ climate impact”

    The BBC has campaigned for years to shut down fast fashion and to make you feel really guilty about buying that cheap T-shirt….stop buying and save the planet….not mentioned is all those jobs in developing countries that make those T-shirts. Ironically when those ex-workers flee their BBC induced poverty and try to migrate here the BBC will tell us we need them…as workers in our [climate destroying] industry…lol.

    That’s the trouble with the green zealots…they don’t give a monkeys about your job and your lifestyle…if you have to walk everywhere [nowhere in effect…how green is that next valley? No idea, never been there], if you have to eat insects, if you only have one set of clothes, if you can’t heat your home, if you have no job or are reduced to peasantry the BBC in their ivory towers don’t care….just where will we get our food when the farmers are put ut of business as the nut zero lunatics want?

    People like Miliband and his extremist friends are one of the biggest dangers to Britain….along with their useful idiot mouthpiece, the BBC.


  5. pugnazious says:

    ‘Government [Labour] ministers have repeatedly used the figure to justify the decision to cut the winter fuel payment, while the Labour leader has also warned that October’s Budget will be “painful”.’

    This reveals two lies…past and present….one that Labour didn’t know of any blackhole…indeed here they say its £46 billion not £20 billion…and two, that removing the winter fuel allowance must be ruled out…..this is from May 2024….


    In Hansard…

    ‘Will the Prime Minister now rule out taking pensioners’ winter fuel payments off them to help fund his £46 billion black hole?’


    As one commenter notes….

    ‘So he didn’t want them cutting it for a black hole he stated as being larger than the one he claims to have actually inherited. He’s used this smaller black hole as justification for making cuts he didn’t want the then conservative government making for a larger funding blackhole’

    The BBC was notably quiet when the IFS said that there was a ‘conspiracy of silence’ in regard to tax and spending in the election campaign…the BBC did not want to press Labour on this…and Labour did not want to tell us just how much tax they would seek to impose.

    The Guardian gives us the headline [of course it’s a long anti-Tory tract]…

    ‘IFS warns of Labour and Tory ‘conspiracy of silence’ over future tax and spending plans’
    ‘Toughest outlook for public finances for 80 years means next government must find tens of billions in cuts or tax rises, says leading thinktank…the IFS said the plans would entail deep cuts of up to 3.5% a year over the next parliament for unprotected government departments – including prisons, justice and local government. Avoiding these cuts would require a top-up to the government’s spending plans worth up to £20bn.’

    Not sure how anyone can claim not to have known of any ‘blackhole’ in the finances….maybe they get all their news from the BBC.


  6. MarkyMark says:


    from order-order.com


  7. pugnazious says:

    Mishal Moan was banging the drum for Hamas this morning on Today as she convened a long piece on how the Jews must allow journalists into Gaza…or we won’t get the truth….hmmm…lol…not sure we’ll get the truth if they’re allowed in…witness Bowen, Donnison and Myrie spinning their own ‘truths’.

    It was a very one-sided rant against the Jews.

    Anyway….once they’re in what might happen?…


    The Jews are such savages restricting the honourable men and women of the Press…oh, hang on…

    ‘MADA is concerned with the significant escalation of violations against journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip alike during the past few days.

    The security services of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and the Internal Security Forces in Gaza Strip, have increased their aggression against journalists in a violent manner that threatens the professional work of journalists, which is a bad indicator of the reality of media freedoms that is witnessing bloody violations. ‘



    ‘Demo In Gaza Turns Tense As Journalist Faces Threats From Hamas’


  8. MarkyMark says:



  9. friend of yogi bear says:

    That’s a great image , just a shame the glass slipper is out of shot.


  10. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      The analysis found 25.1% of nurses were obese compared with 14.4% of “other healthcare professionals”, which included doctors and dentists. Unregistered care workers had the highest prevalence of obesity at 31.9%. These figures compared to an obesity rate of 23.5% among the general working population.5 Dec 2017



    • pugnazious says:

      ERmmm…isn’t the NHS ‘broken’?

      ‘Starmer pledges to fix ‘broken’ NHS ahead of pay talks’

      ‘The NHS is broken, declares Keir Starmer ‘


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’ve just realised how strong is the sense of humour of our great leader ( Sue gray ) with pixie as home sec – Lammy as foreign whatever – and the loon comrade Milliband junior as power failure …. I have no idea who the rest are but I think a Muslim is ‘justice Secretary ‘ which is a full on joke …


      • MarkyMark says:

        Meet the new boss
        Same as the old boss

        I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
        Take a bow for the new revolution
        Smile and grin at the change all around
        Pick up my guitar and play
        Just like yesterday
        Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
        We don’t get fooled again
        Don’t get fooled again, no, no
        Meet the new boss
        Same as the old boss

        The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        I don’t know if Sue Grey is an IRA sleeper agent planning to destroy Britain. But if she were, would she be doing anything differently?


  11. Terminal Moraine says:

    Problems in Italy — “The Italian town that banned cricket”. Any guesses why there’s such an aversion to the sound of leather on willow?

    “The town has an ethnic make-up unique in Italy: of a population of just over 30,000, nearly a third are foreigners. Most of them are Bangladeshi Muslims who began to arrive in the late 1990s to build giant cruise-ships.”

    Local mayor says: “‘They’ve given nothing to this city, to our community. Zero […] ‘Our history is being erased,’ she tells me. ‘It’s like it doesn’t matter anymore. Everything is changing for the worse.’”

    (She’s received death threats and is under 24hr police protection.)



  12. Terminal Moraine says:

    Live feed is salivating over every detail at another show trial — this time Thomas Birley who’s accused of throwing rocks and starting a fire at the Holiday Inn, Rotherham.

    “The sentencing for the 27-year-old is set to start in the next few minutes, and following a BBC request to have a camera in the court, the remarks from the judge will be filmed.”

    What is the legal basis for allowing the BBC to intervene in cases it decides align with their narrative?



    • Lazy Cat says:

      My prediction.

      He’ll be offed in prison. They’ve put a target on his back and it’ll be open season on him from the ‘vibrant’ prison population.

      Allegedly and with my crystal ball on Minecraft in a dream I had and thought I’d share with you.

      Vegetable rights and peace.


    • pugnazious says:

      No legal basis…just that it’s a show trial….the Soviet Union lives on.


  13. Fedup2 says:

    Show trial indeed – welcome to the UKSR – he ll get 5 hard labour I suppose – and cry in the box ( not true ) but fits the bbc narrative .

    Cancel . Your . Licence .

    The penalty for standing up to the invasion …


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Got 9 years
      You’ve supposed to get a third off for a guilty plea, so over 11 before the discount ?
      Might as well have pleaded not guilty and read a defiant statement out about the state of the nation, and said he was a freedom fighter.


      • Lazy Cat says:

        That dark toned scrote who deliberately stabbed the unarmed white lad in the throat?

        Charged with ‘wounding’ which carries 5 years max. Somehow, this is not attempted murder. I’ve seen the video and I know what I saw.

        He stabbed a lad in the throat. Blood everywhere. He laughed about it with his nobhead mates. Dreadful scene as he staggers away with the victim’s faithful and worried dog following him, as he then collapses on the pavement due to loss of blood.

        The pos thought all this was hilarious.
        Absolutely sickening. Just evil, I have no other word to describe that.
        Wounding. 5 years max.


        Put wood on a fire. Pushed a bin at cops. Waved a baton about. 9 years with 5 more on licence. He sounds a bellend though tbh. Got a bit of previous it seems. Prison is probably the best for him.

        However. His 9 vs the possible 5 yr max for the vibrancy providing blade enthusiast?

        It’s a joke, let’s be honest.

        Has antifa ever hurled petrol bombs at police? Or at rival (normal) protesters?

        I can’t be arsed looking. But I would wager there have been a few incidents with no arrests or at best, a slap on the wrists.

        Ttk in action again. No doubt. 9 years.

        I bet Ricky boy gets a lot less. In fact, I think he’ll get no jail at all (he’s pleaded not guilty).


      • Fedup2 says:

        Eddy – just amazingly horrific – Britain is done – the criminal justice system fully owned by the reds – he should have pleaded ‘not ‘ or gone for diminished like the ethnics do when they murder …bet the defence lawyers were owned too …


      • G says:


        And/or signed up for islam………………


  14. micknotmike says:

    I’m in no way supportive of his actions, of course.

    But if he’s now sitting in a cell for that length of time, he’s probably thinking that he should have hired a van and packed it with fertiliser. Nine years is enough to wreck his home, family and life, so what’s to lose?

    I can’t see him serving that term anyway. The uk is heading for the equivalent of the storming of the Bastille. starmer cannot get away with this for the full five year term: we’ll be much like East Germany if he is allowed to carry on.


  15. pugnazious says:

    ‘A bleak picture of a generation of young British Muslims radicalised by anti-Western views and misplaced multicultural policies is shown in a survey published today.

    The study found disturbing evidence of young Muslims adopting more fundamentalist beliefs on key social and political issues than their parents or grandparents.

    2nd and 3rd generation migrant heritage are often more Islamised and radical than their first gen immigrant parents and grandparents.

    Even the BBC acknowledges that…

    ‘ For the past year, I’ve been looking into Islamic identity among young British Muslims and trying to answer that question.

    I have found a pride in an Islamic identity which is stronger than ever – some people see it as positively cool.

    But for some young Muslims with a growing prejudice against society around them, the events of 9/11 have become a source of inspiration.’

    Was it not a defining moment when Western Muslims suddenly became more devout after 9/11? Was it not a moment when the Establishment should have recognised the truth about Islam in the West?

    ‘Rashad Ali, from the Institute of Strategic Dialogue, works with young people attracted to radical ideology.

    He says the way these people look at the world is to think “everything the West has done is evil and the West is to blame for everything.”‘

    This is what even the white children are now taught in our own schools…to hate their country, their history and themselves.

    Carswell says in Denmark Kuwaiti 2nd gen are 70% likely to be in prison….doesn’t bode well here given the number of first gens coming across now who are criminals.


    ‘Why the West must fight for its history’

    ‘Our historical memory is under sustained assault by a significant swathe of our cultural elites. While many involved in this culture war appear to be focussed on controlling the way we speak and think in the here and now, their main mission is to render toxic the legacy of Western civilisation. This ceaseless attack on our history threatens to distort society’s memory of the past and create a state of historical amnesia.’



  16. pugnazious says:

    Even sleepy old Canada is waking up to the horrors of mass migration that sows so much division, hate and anger….


    ‘Meanwhile, authorities have registered a 30% rise in hate crimes, a 187% increase in auto theft, and a staggering 350% rise in home invasions in the Peel region of which Brampton is part; this has come on the heels of last year’s interethnic tensions, following the slaying of a Sikh activist. These statistics are not to suggest that all crime stems from immigrants but rather that an environment of material scarcity and institutional breakdown conduces to higher rates of crime, whether committed by immigrants or native-born individuals.’

    Having said that just having two different cultures is too much for Canada…the French and the Anglos. They don’t mix well.


  17. pugnazious says:

    Well named….

    ‘A man who was caught driving at 100mph was not involved in “deliberate speeding”, a judge said as he fined him and handed him five penalty points.

    Tadeusz Moron, from Lisnagowan Road in Dungannon, was clocked in June by a mobile camera device on a section of the A29 which has a 60mph limit.’

    This just doesn’t make any sense…the judge apparently excusing the behaviour and yet fining him heavily and giving him more than the normal points.

    ‘District Judge Magill said in “normal circumstances” he would give Moron a £65 fine and three penalty points, but added: “That can’t happen here.”

    “You have a clear record and there was a reason why you were rushing. It’s not an excuse but at least there was a reason behind what you were doing,” he said.

    The judge said that rather than deliberate speeding, Moron had “something weighing on his mind” and noted he had no previous record.’

    Bizarre….or is it just the way the BBC reports it?


    Hmmm…the Irish News explains it better…he should have been disqualified…and so got away with it but with a heavier punishment than normal for slower speeding infringement….BBC missed that somewhat crucial bit out [and that’s after updating..‘This story has been updated to correct an error in relation to the speed the defendant was driving at.’]….

    ‘A driver caught in excess of the speed limit has avoided disqualification after a judge ruled he was preoccupied and it was not intentional.

    Despite the usual practice of disqualification for any speed of 100mph or over the judge held “there was a reason for rushing”.’

    The Belfast Telegraph…

    ‘A driver caught at 100mph has avoided disqualification after a judge ruled he was preoccupied and it was not intentional.’


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘poster boy’
      Keith Vaz
      100mph car crash
      while on cocaine


      ‘He was an adrenalin junkie’: Fiancée of Romanian immigrant ‘poster boy’ greeted by Keith Vaz in 2014 who died in 100mph car crash while on cocaine was a thrill seeker who ‘knew he’d die young’
      Victor Spirescu welcomed by Keith Vaz when immigration rules relaxed in 2014
      The Romanian was pictured shaking hands with the minister and having coffee
      He went on to make a good living in the UK and became an air duct fitter
      The 33-year-old got engaged to Suzana Mates and the pair travelled extensively
      She said he was an ‘adrenalin junkie’ who lived life to the full and worked hard
      By Sarah White For Mailonline

      Published: 13:16, 11 May 2018 | Updated: 15:48, 11 May 2018



  18. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Have you noticed the current word of the month which is being used by the guests on GB News.
    It’s ‘nuance’

    Also, have you noticed the lovely Michelle Dewberry’s catchphrase.
    It’s ’And so on and so forth’


  19. MarkyMark says:

    “This candid account tells the story of what it was like to be at the heart of things. It’s the first draft of history and will help anyone fighting like we did to handle a pandemic.”

    –Michael Gove

    “Unputdownable … What shines throughout this book is the eagerness with which Hancock seized the immense task presented to him – managing the national response to the worst pandemic in a century … There is much to learn here.”

    –The House


    –Daily Mail


    –Daily Express

    “Revelatory … Hancock paints a vivid picture of how difficult it is for our leaders to translate policy into action”

    –Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph

    “A helpful contribution to the public record … This is a story about what happens when the entire machinery of government is too clunky, too inadequate to respond to a crisis”

    –Charlotte Ivers, Sunday Times



  20. tomo says:

    Scouser machine gun murderers made £2 million… but are told to repay £1

    really, when claims like that are made there really should be some requirement to provide evidence for the £2 million figure….

    PA News syndicated tale



  21. tomo says:

    Things are heating up stateside


  22. tomo says:

    An honest assessment of the moron’s antics


  23. non-licence payer says:

    I see that the bBC are frothing over the latest sentence. I feel a few FoI requests coming on to establish the frequency/severity of sentencing comparing recent riots, or would that be a criminal question.
    The criminal judiciary need to be very careful.


  24. non-licence payer says:

    Fedup, I am in goal hanging Lineker mode. Poke it over mate!


  25. Fedup2 says:

    Ok non – usual fee – but will take clubcard or nectar points or avios …


  26. friend of yogi bear says:


    I noticed a post up today showing Mr Matt Hancock….l had reached a stage when I was sure he was dreadful, hopeless , awful, unforgivable and so much more…..

    And ,yet , another post showing Ed MILLIPEDE and suddenly ,strangely , unaccountably l thought.. mmm. Hancocks not so bad after all.
    Well, life’s full of surprises.


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