Midweek 25th September 2024

How will the BBC deal with the vote by Labour Party members on the decision to freeze 4000 old people to death every winter ?( the subject will be ‘debated’ at the Conference on Wednesday afternoon after the Great Leaders ‘ Speech … please no more sausage references … oh ok then – knock yourselves out

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8 Responses to Midweek 25th September 2024

  1. Doughboy says:

    Well blow me down was lurking and got a first!!!!


  2. tomo says:




    • Philip_2 says:

      Net Zero scam. UK is signed up to it, never debated in parliament and is a BBC key feature on all bulletins… with hilarious results.
      No Scientific debate; ‘it just happens’, everything is blamed on Climate change:

      Even when its clearly not:
      “When the Washington Post set out to map 485 million years of global temperatures, it uncovered an inconvenient truth in the climate change story: Earth’s been on a 50-million-year cool-down. “

      And the usual culprits of the left even admit what they are doing.

      The UN IPCC admitted a long time ago that the whole scam was Christiana Figueres At a news conference in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

      The BBC is fully signed up. Even before anybody had heard of ‘global warming’ as it was called then. Even CO2 is harmless and a natural by product. All Plants need it to thrive. Its also the basis of Beer production and cheese and Wine and … bread (yeast).

      Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise.

      And then we have Milliband in charge.


  3. tomo says:

    The crazies like Lynch are coming out….


    • digg says:

      And we all thought that he was just trying to get the best deal for rail workers…. Turns out he is just another manic communist who wants to grab control of the whole fucking country so he can be the unelected leader.


  4. BRISSLES says:

    So is he going to run a business ? any business ? because with his ambition there won’t be a company left for his members to work for as all the employers will have gone abroad. How thick is he ?


  5. BRISSLES says:

    10,000 Brits (plus dependants) to be evacuated from Lebanon. To where ? Three guesses. Will this be Ukraine Mk2 ? Forget God knows how many thousands of houses needed to be built in the next 5 years, we’ll be using every bit of farmland for development soon


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