Midweek 25th September 2024

How will the BBC deal with the vote by Labour Party members on the decision to freeze 4000 old people to death every winter ?( the subject will be ‘debated’ at the Conference on Wednesday afternoon after the Great Leaders ‘ Speech … please no more sausage references … oh ok then – knock yourselves out

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164 Responses to Midweek 25th September 2024

  1. pugnazious says:

    LOL…supposedly people very upset that Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights fame isn’t ‘Black’….hmmm…he’s described as a dark-skinned gypsy..or a Lascar or Spaniard…..if you’ve come across so many of our new Brits from Romania or Albania you’ll have seen what Heathcliff is probably meant to look like…and it ain’t African.

    I’d say actor Jacob Elordi is pretty well suited to the role…got that Gypsy look….and ‘dark-skinned’ is more likely to be of a ‘Spanish’ nature than ‘black’…in comparison to demure little English Roses and er…the Gammon….


    The BBC must know this because they have actually restrained themselves and not mentioned ‘black’ in their report…no claim that Heathcliff should be African unlike other media.


    Even the Telegraph falls for the schmutter…

    ‘There is a growing belief among literary experts that Heathcliff, described in the novel as a “dark-skinned gypsy”, is either black or mixed-race.’

    No…it’s nonsense…it’s not a belief, it’s wishful thinking and white guilt….he ain’t ‘black’…he never voted Democrat.

    Having said that I imagine this is all good marketing…I’ve never read or indeed watched Wuthering Heights…but have the PDF now…still won’t watch it though.


  2. Zephir says:

    Wuvverin’ Ites, innit.


  3. tomo says:

    Another dishonest (anonymous) BBC front page spouting of climate bedwetting drivel that has the authors obviously wary of garnering a byline since the cowardly propagandist scut-buckets might just have to defend their lies.

    – or admit that it was written for them by Greenpiece



  4. Guest Who says:

    🚨🚨 BREAKING: Labour’s new Homes For Heroes policy WILL NOT fast track veterans to the front of social housing queues
    When specifically asked by @GBNEWS Political Editor @christopherhope if veterans would be ahead of asyklm seekers, the PM responded, “not ahead of all other groups”


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Seems the great leader has decreed that the 30 pieces of silver Susan Gray trousers is not up for public discussion despite the money being sourced from the taxpayer.

    He didnt mind parading her when she was doing the dirt on the blue regime but now its a different matter .,openness and accountability are just buzzwords


  6. BRISSLES says:

    Oops! Thirty odd prisoners have been let out of prison wrongly. All except 5 have been rounded up and returned, but the others are no doubt propping up the bar or turning it over.

    Apparently the wrong crime was put in the paperwork – or some other excuse.

    Does no-one employ anyone who are actually experienced in Admin anymore ? We hear the same all the time in other institutions and organisations. They need some old school mature women who know their way around filing systems and are adept at form filling.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Meanwhile in Africa twinned with UK ….

      Some 1,685 “seriously ill” inmates have been released from one of the most notorious prisons in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the latest move to tackle overcrowding.

      The release began at Makala Prison in the capital, Kinshasa, on Sunday.

      It was there, at the beginning of this month, that 129 prisoners died in an attempted jailbreak. Some were shot dead by security forces while others were killed in a crush, officials said.

      The government pledged to speed up its plans to decongest the prison, where conditions have been described as “true hell”.


  7. MarkyMark says:

    “From the gravy to the peas the sausages will be free.”

    Two-tier Keir: Return the sausages…


  8. Zephir says:

    Why can they do this and we, apparently, cannot ?

    “France is set to follow Germany and expel illegal migrants who ‘break in’ to the country: Minister calls for coalition of like-minded EU countries to demand tighter immigration rules”



  9. Zephir says:

    “the deputy chairman for the German federal police union said that tighter Border controls in Germany were succeeding in fighting the ‘migration crime crisis’.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Trojan horse has entered already ….

      “Angela Merkel defends open border migration policy
      In 2015, Germany accepted over 1 million refugees during what the chancellor described as ‘extraordinary’ circumstances.”


  10. Scroblene says:

    Wes Streeting, the hopeful to take over from Korker Starmer:-

    “People who give to political parties to fund our politics are showing the same philanthropic spirit as people who give to charity. I think it is actually a noble pursuit. I think it’s a good thing to do.”

    (Korker, a great, well-respected sausage made in Kent, near here, and well worth a few splonders), ‘Korker’ (barefaced lie) rhymes with ‘Snorker’, (slang for sausage)…

    What a vacuous and stupid statement to make by yet another red hopeful!

    Korkeir should be proud of his replacement idiot!


  11. tomo says:

    Kamala Harris survived a near assassination attempt…

    – seems to have forgotten about it?


    • MarkyMark says:

      History repeats…. Clinton forced to admit she exaggerated tale of Bosnian sniper fire
      “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base,” she said.

      However, reporters and others accompanying Clinton recalled the landing at Tuzla as being routine. And on Monday night, after days of argument, CBS settled the matter, unearthing film confirming there had been no sniper fire.

      Faced with the video evidence, Clinton acknowledged on Monday that she had made a mistake.

      made a mistake.
      made a mistake.
      made a mistake.


  12. MarkyMark says:



  13. MarkyMark says:

    BRUSSELS, Sept 12 (Reuters) – An inexorable decline in the number of working age Europeans will put a huge strain on welfare systems and public finances in coming decades, according to a report that will form the basis of EU discussions later this week on the demographic timebomb.
    The presentation, prepared for senior finance ministry and central bank officials from the EU’s 27 member states by the Bruegel think tank, said Europe’s ageing society will cut the number of people with jobs and paying taxes while boosting the number of those drawing pensions and needing more health care.
    Even allowing immigration to continue at current rates – already an unacceptable solution for many Europeans, as shown in growing support for far-right parties – will not be enough to offset the decline in the working age population, it said.
    Hungary, which holds the EU’s rotating presidency and will host the discussions on Friday and Saturday, is strongly opposed to increasing immigration and is expected instead to propose remedies such as raising fertility rates through more support for families and boosting labour force participation.



  14. MarkyMark says:

    “A choice to protect the most vulnerable pensioners.”


    So everyone benefits in the long term – Including pensioners.


  15. MarkyMark says:

    “Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”


    As an MP, you’ll attend sessions in Parliament to: vote on new laws and policies. raise constituents’ concerns with ministers. debate issues and ask questions.


    BBC & Government Won’t Discuss DEVASTATING CONTENT in EXPLOSIVE New Immigration Report

    Comment “Mass migration has ruined London. On Saturday I witnessed a male tourist having his phone stolen by 8 men on e-bikes in front of Buckingham palace. I lent him my phone to call the police. The police said they would come but they didn’t turn up after an hour. What the hell has happened to the UK?”


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Telegraph carrying a story that one of the great leaders ‘ lectures to the nation during cividcwasnt from his own home but from one of those belonging to a certain donor called ‘alli ‘ …it seems someone has identified the background .

    So has starmer breached Covid rules – does there need to be an independent investigation ? Maybe by a senior civil servant whose surname is a colour and has experience of investigating crimes committed by senior politicians ? Will the great leader have to resign ? ( -absolutely no chance of any one the above )


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