How will the BBC deal with the vote by Labour Party members on the decision to freeze 4000 old people to death every winter ?( the subject will be ‘debated’ at the Conference on Wednesday afternoon after the Great Leaders ‘ Speech … please no more sausage references … oh ok then – knock yourselves out
Midweek 25th September 2024
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LOL…supposedly people very upset that Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights fame isn’t ‘Black’….hmmm…he’s described as a dark-skinned gypsy..or a Lascar or Spaniard…..if you’ve come across so many of our new Brits from Romania or Albania you’ll have seen what Heathcliff is probably meant to look like…and it ain’t African.
I’d say actor Jacob Elordi is pretty well suited to the role…got that Gypsy look….and ‘dark-skinned’ is more likely to be of a ‘Spanish’ nature than ‘black’…in comparison to demure little English Roses and er…the Gammon….
The BBC must know this because they have actually restrained themselves and not mentioned ‘black’ in their report…no claim that Heathcliff should be African unlike other media.
Even the Telegraph falls for the schmutter…
‘There is a growing belief among literary experts that Heathcliff, described in the novel as a “dark-skinned gypsy”, is either black or mixed-race.’
No…it’s nonsense…it’s not a belief, it’s wishful thinking and white guilt….he ain’t ‘black’…he never voted Democrat.
Having said that I imagine this is all good marketing…I’ve never read or indeed watched Wuthering Heights…but have the PDF now…still won’t watch it though.
Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Politicians have rounded on the BBC after staff seemingly doctored the image
By Paul Revoir Media Editor
Published: 22:45, 25 August 2023 | Updated: 12:11, 27 August 2023
Wuvverin’ Ites, innit.
Another dishonest (anonymous) BBC front page spouting of climate bedwetting drivel that has the authors obviously wary of garnering a byline since the cowardly propagandist scut-buckets might just have to defend their lies.
– or admit that it was written for them by Greenpiece
Reality is dawning – the mother of all punch ups is inbound
Ed is going to be pulled out of his burrow eventually.
Owen Jones meets Ed Miliband | ‘The Tories don’t know what kind of Brexit they want’
– send in the organic ferrets
It’s remarkable that this one-man wrecking ball is essentially able to run riot and implement all this stuff with hardly a nod to parliament and democracy…never mind the poor bloody inhabitants…and of course there’ll be net zero challenge from the BBC. He’s already well on his way to destroying the car industry with his previous madness….all too ably assisted by the foolish Tories…..and those green jobs not just replacing but increasing jobs?…lol…maybe in China…
🚨🚨 BREAKING: Labour’s new Homes For Heroes policy WILL NOT fast track veterans to the front of social housing queues
When specifically asked by @GBNEWS Political Editor @christopherhope if veterans would be ahead of asyklm seekers, the PM responded, “not ahead of all other groups”
We are all equal, some more so …. etc
Seems the great leader has decreed that the 30 pieces of silver Susan Gray trousers is not up for public discussion despite the money being sourced from the taxpayer.
He didnt mind parading her when she was doing the dirt on the blue regime but now its a different matter .,openness and accountability are just buzzwords
Oops! Thirty odd prisoners have been let out of prison wrongly. All except 5 have been rounded up and returned, but the others are no doubt propping up the bar or turning it over.
Apparently the wrong crime was put in the paperwork – or some other excuse.
Does no-one employ anyone who are actually experienced in Admin anymore ? We hear the same all the time in other institutions and organisations. They need some old school mature women who know their way around filing systems and are adept at form filling.
Meanwhile in Africa twinned with UK ….
Some 1,685 “seriously ill” inmates have been released from one of the most notorious prisons in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the latest move to tackle overcrowding.
The release began at Makala Prison in the capital, Kinshasa, on Sunday.
It was there, at the beginning of this month, that 129 prisoners died in an attempted jailbreak. Some were shot dead by security forces while others were killed in a crush, officials said.
The government pledged to speed up its plans to decongest the prison, where conditions have been described as “true hell”.
“From the gravy to the peas the sausages will be free.”
Two-tier Keir: Return the sausages…
I wonder if the Israelis have heard about the great leader and his demands to free the sausages ( beef or veggie or those weird Richmond ones )?
Why can they do this and we, apparently, cannot ?
“France is set to follow Germany and expel illegal migrants who ‘break in’ to the country: Minister calls for coalition of like-minded EU countries to demand tighter immigration rules”
Just words – no action!
Just words – NET ZERO ACTION.
“the deputy chairman for the German federal police union said that tighter Border controls in Germany were succeeding in fighting the ‘migration crime crisis’.”
The Trojan horse has entered already ….
“Angela Merkel defends open border migration policy
In 2015, Germany accepted over 1 million refugees during what the chancellor described as ‘extraordinary’ circumstances.”
Wes Streeting, the hopeful to take over from Korker Starmer:-
“People who give to political parties to fund our politics are showing the same philanthropic spirit as people who give to charity. I think it is actually a noble pursuit. I think it’s a good thing to do.”
(Korker, a great, well-respected sausage made in Kent, near here, and well worth a few splonders), ‘Korker’ (barefaced lie) rhymes with ‘Snorker’, (slang for sausage)…
What a vacuous and stupid statement to make by yet another red hopeful!
Korkeir should be proud of his replacement idiot!
Kamala Harris survived a near assassination attempt…
– seems to have forgotten about it?
History repeats…. Clinton forced to admit she exaggerated tale of Bosnian sniper fire
“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base,” she said.
However, reporters and others accompanying Clinton recalled the landing at Tuzla as being routine. And on Monday night, after days of argument, CBS settled the matter, unearthing film confirming there had been no sniper fire.
Faced with the video evidence, Clinton acknowledged on Monday that she had made a mistake.
made a mistake.
made a mistake.
made a mistake.
BRUSSELS, Sept 12 (Reuters) – An inexorable decline in the number of working age Europeans will put a huge strain on welfare systems and public finances in coming decades, according to a report that will form the basis of EU discussions later this week on the demographic timebomb.
The presentation, prepared for senior finance ministry and central bank officials from the EU’s 27 member states by the Bruegel think tank, said Europe’s ageing society will cut the number of people with jobs and paying taxes while boosting the number of those drawing pensions and needing more health care.
Even allowing immigration to continue at current rates – already an unacceptable solution for many Europeans, as shown in growing support for far-right parties – will not be enough to offset the decline in the working age population, it said.
Hungary, which holds the EU’s rotating presidency and will host the discussions on Friday and Saturday, is strongly opposed to increasing immigration and is expected instead to propose remedies such as raising fertility rates through more support for families and boosting labour force participation.
“A choice to protect the most vulnerable pensioners.”
So everyone benefits in the long term – Including pensioners.
“Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”
As an MP, you’ll attend sessions in Parliament to: vote on new laws and policies. raise constituents’ concerns with ministers. debate issues and ask questions.
BBC & Government Won’t Discuss DEVASTATING CONTENT in EXPLOSIVE New Immigration Report
Comment “Mass migration has ruined London. On Saturday I witnessed a male tourist having his phone stolen by 8 men on e-bikes in front of Buckingham palace. I lent him my phone to call the police. The police said they would come but they didn’t turn up after an hour. What the hell has happened to the UK?”
Telegraph carrying a story that one of the great leaders ‘ lectures to the nation during cividcwasnt from his own home but from one of those belonging to a certain donor called ‘alli ‘ …it seems someone has identified the background .
So has starmer breached Covid rules – does there need to be an independent investigation ? Maybe by a senior civil servant whose surname is a colour and has experience of investigating crimes committed by senior politicians ? Will the great leader have to resign ? ( -absolutely no chance of any one the above )
Really concerned about at interview with an IDF spokesman who didn’t say anything about saving the sausages … nor is the BBC talking about them …. If the great leader wants the sausages returned then so be it …
I ration myself to one fry up a week … 3 days to go …( 77 brigade – note to file )
Bbc love it when Primeministers make gaffes, don’t they ?
“Boris Johnson: Why mining gaffe will linger after Scottish visit”
“Gaffes and glory: Boris Johnson abroad – BBC News”
“Boris Johnson new Foreign Secretary: career of insults and gaffes:
This is the man who will represent Britain to the world. The BBC’s Assistant Political Editor, Norman Smith, details his back catalogue of insults and gaffes.”
“Boris blunders with St Patrick’s dinner gaffe”
What is really sickening, considering some of the stuff the idiot Lammy has come out with over the years, including criticising the Vatican for racism when using black smoke to indicate that a new Pope has not yet been appointed, and his many insults to a US president, and who then become Foregn Secretary, is the bloody bbc coming out with this:
“Boris Johnson new Foreign Secretary: career of insults and gaffes
This is the man who will represent Britain to the world. The BBC’s Assistant Political Editor, Norman Smith, details his back catalogue of insults and gaffes.”
No such treatment of Lammy for some strange reason, yet worse than Boris for many and such a rich vein of idiocy and racebaiting including insulting a US President.
“David Lammy’s latest joke is to back ethnic cleansing.
David Lammy has a peculiar knack for getting the simplest facts upside down, as anyone who recalls his — very game — appearance on Celebrity Mastermind might attest. Or the time in 2013 when the BBC tweeted, “Chimney of Sistine Chapel as conclave votes for Pope — will smoke be black or white?”, and Lammy, sitting in the Commons chamber, responded, “This tweet is crass and unnecessary. Do we really need silly innuendo about the race of the next Pope?”
But when you are foreign secretary, rather than just an attention-seeking backbencher, such ignorance is no laughing matter.
“The foreign secretary’s reference to the ‘liberation’ of Nagorno-Karabakh is shockingly callous and ignorant. In fact, exactly a year ago Baku ethnically cleansed the region of 120,000 Christian Armenian inhabitants in violation of an order from the International Court of Justice.”
“The muppet’s chosen to back a kleptocratic dictatorship over a post-Soviet nascent democracy.”
Lammy’s blundering intervention has not gone unnoticed in the US, where there is a large Armenian diaspora. The Democrat congressman Brad Sherman declared that “David Lammy’s comments on the Armenia crisis are a stain on UK foreign policy. He has endorsed ethnic cleansing.”
In 2016 he made the most passionate contribution to a Commons debate on renewing Trident. Opposing it, he thundered: “As a Christian … I cannot with good conscience vote for what is effectively a blank cheque for nuclear weapons.” By last year he had squared his Christian conscience, declaring that “my commitment to … the UK’s nuclear deterrent is unshakeable”.
“David Lammy gets it wrong (again).
Lammy generously took time out of his busy LBC broadcasting schedule yesterday to appear on a rival competitor, appearing on behalf of Labour to lambast Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak on the BBC.
Unfortunately Lammy, when presented with an open goal, decided to instead do his best impression of Ronny Rosenthal at Villa Park. The Harvard graduate tried to dismiss claims that Johnson’s departure could imperil Britain’s efforts in Ukraine. He told the BBC that ‘there are always others’, claiming:
Churchill replaced Chamberlain just days before the Second World War, Lloyd George replaced Asquith weeks into [the] Somme, Eden lost his job during the Suez crisis.
Yet as others were quick to point out to the Shadow Foreign Secretary, he managed to get all three of these historical facts, er, wrong.
Better luck next time maybe David. Perhaps history isn’t his subject: after all this was the MP who came bottom on Mastermind after claiming that Henry VII succeeded Henry VIII as king, that Marie Antoinette won the Nobel Physics prize in 1903 and that the big prison in the middle of Paris was called ‘Versailles’.
Maybe Lammy should just stick to the second job on LBC where he gets to ask the questions, rather than answer them. ”
I really cannot find on line that Lammy graduated from Harvard, just that he attended Harvard Law School. Everything is a bit vague about what course he was doing and how long the course was (maybe a half day course on white privilege?)
“The madness of David Lammy.
Mr Lammy’s latest meltdown – and that really isn’t too strong a word for his obsessive hatred for Brexit – came on The Andrew Marr Show on BBC One on Sunday. Marr asked Lammy if his previous comparison of the European Research Group (ERG) to the old racist rulers of South Africa and even to the Nazis had been a little over the top. The ERG is the Eurosceptic wing of the Tory Party. It has never enforced or supported apartheid of any kind, far less has it propagated Nazi ideas, so Marr’s question was a good one. Mr Lammy’s response was extraordinary. Not only did he double down on his foul Holocaust relativism by continuing to compare the present political situation with the most criminal political regime in human history – he pushed it even further by saying his comparison of the ERG to the Nazis was ‘not strong enough’.
Not strong enough. Think about what is being said here. Mr Lammy is saying he was actually being too soft when he said Jacob Rees-Mogg and Co were like the Nazis. He is saying they are worse than the Nazis. These Conservative MPs who are favourable towards Brexit and critical of the EU are worse than the dictators who vaporised six million Jews and spread war, terror and fascist authoritarianism across Europe. What madness is this? Lammy told Marr that people who back a hard Brexit – otherwise known as actual Brexit – are promoting ‘extreme hard-right fascism’. ‘I’m not backing off on this one’, he said, as if standing by your hysterical, elitist libel against certain politicians and Brexit supporters more broadly is evidence of backbone and principle, when in truth it is evidence of your increasing vacation of the realm of reason and your corresponding inability to make any kind of rational moral judgement.”
This is our foreign secretary and his shameful past:
The 12 David Lammy tweets that he doesn’t want Trump to see.
Foreign Secretary’s historic insults of the former US president includes ‘a serial liar’ and ‘a wannabe despot’.
David Lammy once said that if Donald Trump were to do GCSEs “he wouldn’t make it to sixth form”.
The Foreign Secretary has come under fire since assuming the Cabinet role for his comments about the Republican nominee, dating back to Trump’s time in office.
On Thursday, he refused to say whether he was wrong to call Mr Trump a “neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath” while a backbench MP in 2018, telling BBC Breakfast that “lots of people had things to say” about Trump.
The Telegraph can now reveal the extent of Mr Lammy’s historic remarks about the former president on social media.
‘A state visit to suck up to president Trump? Not in my name’
Mr Lammy was a vocal critic of Theresa May inviting Trump and his wife Melania to the UK for a state visit in 2017.
Mr Trump eventually declined the invitation in June of that year, because of reaction among the British public against the proposed visit.
Among those strongly opposed to Trump being afforded a state visit was Mr Lammy, who spoke at a parliamentary debate about the issue.
‘You are just a troll’
Shortly before Trump told Mrs May he would not come to the UK, there was a terror attack on London Bridge that saw eight people killed and 48 injured.
In the aftermath, Sadiq Khan reassured residents in the capital “not to be alarmed” by an increased police presence.
Trump then accused the Mayor of London of telling citizens “not to be alarmed” by the terror attack, and criticised Mr Khan for making a “pathetic excuse”.
Mr Lammy subsequently branded Trump a “troll” for his remarks.
‘He is a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser’
Mr Lammy had been highly critical of Trump during a meeting at the fringes of the Labour Party Conference in Brighton.
He condemned the former president over his handling of the march of far-Right and white-nationalist groups in August 2017 in Charlottesville, which saw one person killed.
In comments reported at the time by the Daily Mail, the Tottenham MP said that he would protest against Trump coming to the UK, adding: “If I have to chain myself to the door of No 10 this black man will do it.”
He doubled down on his remarks in a tweet posted on the same day as the newspaper report.
‘Trump is not fit to lick the boots of our fallen soldiers’
Mr Lammy slammed Trump for cancelling a visit to a US war cemetery in France to mark the centenary of Armistice Day in 2018 because of bad weather.
The president also received backlash from US voters and politicians over his decision.
‘The tiny palm of America’s wannabe despot’
The Foreign Secretary, who in the past backed a second EU referendum, warned against “alienating our neighbours in Europe” and falling “into the tiny palm of America’s wannabe despot”.
He was responding to a remark Trump had made on Twitter about France during the Second World War, after Emmanuel Macron had suggested the creation of a “true, European army”.
‘Hitler said the same about Germany’
Mr Lammy compared Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan to comments made in a speech by Hitler in 1940.
‘Theresa May is selling out the UK to a serial liar and a cheat’
Mrs May rescheduled a state visit for Trump two years after the initial plans fell through, reports of which emerged in April.
The event did go ahead, between June 3 and 5, Trump met Elizabeth II at a ceremonial welcome at Buckingham Palace and a state banquet was held.
Mr Lammy urged Mrs May to rethink the renewed invitation.
Brexit could make UK a ‘subservient 51st state to Donald Trump’s US’
Mr Lammy shared an interview conducted with PoliticsJoe, a news site, at what appeared to be a protest against Trump’s UK visit.
He praised the protesters having “stuck two fingers up” at Trump, and having “put balloons up”, in apparent reference to the Trump “Baby Blimp” which was used at the march.
‘Fascism spreads like wildfire’
Trump had launched verbal attacks against four Democrat congresswomen of colour who had criticised his immigration policies on social media, telling them to “go back” to their countries, despite all four of them being US citizens.
In a series of tweets widely condemned as racist, Trump told them to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”.
One of the apparent targets of his attacks was Ilhan Omar, who became the first African refugee to become a member of Congress. His remarks led to his supporters at a rally in North Carolina shouting: “Send her back.”
Mr Lammy condemned Trump’s words as a “racist attack on Ilhan Omar” and called the scenes at the rally “chilling to my core”.
‘Donald Trump will be memorialised as a fragile, bigoted and cowardly disgrace’
The row between the congresswomen, known as The Squad, and Trump continued in the aftermath of the rally. Ms Omar criticised Trump as “the worst, most corrupt and inept president we have ever seen”.
Mr Lammy continued to defend Ms Omar and criticise Trump for his remarks, and accused him of “galvanising a white supremacist chant” at his rally.
‘If Trump did GCSEs he wouldn’t make it to sixth form’
Trump travelled to Poland in August 2019 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Second World War, but earlier that month had caused controversy in remarks he made about the country.
In an interview, the former president was asked whether he had a message for Poland on the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, an act of resistance by the Polish people to liberate the city from Nazi occupation.
He responded: “I have a lot of respect for Poland, and as you know the people of Poland like me, and I like them. And I’m going to be going to Poland very soon.”
Sharing a clip of the interview online, Mr Lammy said: “If Trump did GCSEs he wouldn’t make it to sixth form.”
‘Dangerous clown’
During a presidential debate against Joe Biden in September 2020, Trump was asked if he was “willing to condemn white supremacist and militia groups” who had been on the streets in the US. He failed to do so.
‘Good riddance Donald. The world is relieved to see the back of you’
In the final days of his presidency, Trump issued pardons to more than 140 people, including Trump and family allies, as well as Steve Bannon.
The MP for Tottenham has previously called Trump “a serial liar and a cheat”, a “troll” and a “racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser” during his time on the backbenches.
He also warned against the UK falling “into the tiny palm of America’s wannabe despot” by “alienating our neighbours in Europe” after Brexit.
The tweets, which spanned four years and were still visible to the public on Thursday, raise questions about the nature of possible future relations between the UK and US if Trump takes office in November.
Downing Street insisted that Sir Keir Starmer’s Government will “work closely with whoever the American people elect as president”, when asked if a foreign secretary who had previously been critical of Trump could be a problem.
A No 10 spokesman said: “There’s no doubt that the US and UK share a special relationship and that will continue no matter the result of the US election.”
They also pointed to remarks made by JD Vance, who has just been chosen as Trump’s running mate.
Mr Vance once compared the Republican nominee to Adolf Hitler. He has since become one of his most staunch supporters.
Mr Lammy has met Mr Vance on several occasions and said on Thursday morning that the pair had “common ground”, having both come from “poor backgrounds” and both being practising Christians.
Despite Mr Lammy and his team’s recent overtures to prominent Republicans and Trump’s team, his historic comments could cause friction.
Zephir – lammy is just a product of a failing political system in a failing country – import that and get that …..
… anyway – I was looking forward to reading that the IDF was continuing our war against Islam but it seems Israel is being pressured to pull back .pity .
Instead my eye was caught by a piece in The Guardian by a smug ExBBC type who has done another book no one outside the swamp will read . It’s sopel again . The definition of smug .
Sopel was bbc for 40 ? Years I think – so long he has no clue about real life – he talks like he is royalty – returning to the country of his birth with a sneer over the way the place has changed ( for the worse ) .
He squirms is association and support for ‘huw’ “but we were never ‘mates’” yeah right … got any saucy pictures sopel …?
My point is how the bbc went on and on about Boris’ past gaffes and insults when he became Foreign Secretary, as outlined above, yet silence when an even bigger idiot gets the job. Meanwhile :
This is an awful and shocking episode, where there was no criminality, but perhaps a complicated private life. That doesn’t feel very private now. I hope that will give some cause to reflect. They really need to. I wish @thehuwedwards well.
Zephir – I didn’t feel like cutting and pasting the piece promoting sopel’ book because I’d feel dirty to do so . But the interviewed asked him whether he was part of the swamp ( my term ) by attending the wedding of a certain George Osborne recently .
No no sez sopel – I went because he was marrying a friend who is an ex BBC producer … surprising a journo doesn’t see the irony in that – swamp marriage …. Priceless
Elon Musk not invited to top UK investment summit
Only people who agree with the left will be accepted
Elon Musk asks too many awkward questions, the kind of questions the UK and US electorate would also like to ask.
The kind of questions that never get answered.
They are still whipping a dead Egyptian Muslim – this time raping a 16 year old virgin – who had been checked out by Fayads’ medical mafia reporting her sexual activity directly to him .
The BBC are really on this – which is now ‘history ‘ – when in real life young girls are being used by paki Muslim paedo gangs as I write and the bbc cares less about that ….
Just to add to the above – the bbc is now after an ex plod who was fayads’ fixed – he’s been dead for years but that doesn’t matter either ….
.. maybe there is someone alive they can go after …
Cobra meeting today, send in the negotiators…
We danced with joy then hid among the dead – Nova survivors recall Hamas massacre
‘BBC told director of Nova massacre film to not describe Hamas as terrorists’
“It was a price I was willing to pay so that the British public will be able to see these atrocities and decide if this is a terrorist organization or not,” Mozer said.
But of course this is OK:
‘Jo Cox: Man jailed for ‘terrorist’ murder of MP’
Absolutely disgraceful. Where is the outrage ?. The absolute pinnacle of ‘two tier’ BBC political bias.
THAT is the amount of power these far-Left activists have and it’s all funded by the British public.
Another ‘join the dots’ abject BBC failure.
On Toady we have an article about a forthcoming exhibition of Monet paintings. They are all from his time in London. But get this. We are told Monet was keen to paint the London smog. An art critic confirms.that on the South Bank there were many industries with smoke bellowing out of many chimneys. The date was around 1900.
Does Sad Dick Khan know this? Does the BBC? Because they would have you believe pollution in London today is as it was in Monet’s time, which of course is utter nonsense. Any ‘pollution’ mentioned today, and there are many occasions, is totally political, to ban car use, promote cycling and public transport. The socialist ideal of the collectivisation of transport achieved through an entirely false prospectus.
Did you have your sick bag ready?
On Toady they are querying whether the NHS is broken.
Cue a litany of people who have had wonderful treatment and some go-to NHS apologist telling us it’s all the fault of the patients!!!!!
Appalling BBC bias. But what do expect? One state institution relying on public taxes supporting another.
If you interviewed anyone in a big city who can speak eeengleesh you wouldn’t get the flowery heart attack story the dolt from Norfolk gave …
.. and the bloke whose kid has had every bit of thevNHS thrown at it wouldn’t know about the rationing for others ,..
Someone privatise the NHS – sell it to Elon …
NHS is broken? NOPE! IT has lots of money to waste still ….
Diversity managers!
I think Khant has adopted a fresh swagger and several extra scooritee people sincee Starmer regime entered Downing Street.
Sick bag 2.
Pathetic reporting. Mischal Useless Hussein interviews a Lebanese woman who has been displaced. ‘How do you feel’ asks Mischal insightfully. ‘I am borrowing pillows’ the interviewee replies.
The BBC. World class in barrel bottom dredging.
WTF A good lawyer moment:
A lawyer calling out the hypocrisy of taking a donation to help his son’s education with GCSE exams.
Jump the first minute – watch at x2 speed …8 minutes …nice argument he makes about disruption of kids’ education …
London mayor urges Americans against re-electing Trump
London Mayor Sadiq Khan reignites public feud with Trump
Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News
Published September 25, 2024 10:32am EDT
Disabled woman ‘lifted off bus’ after ramp broke
ffs bbc you would have moaned if they had left her on the bus. Can’t win!
“Once I had to miss two buses before I could actually get on because of prams.”
Boots on the ground and basically deserted in this arguably boring and pompous edition (I jest of course – there’s butt and fart jokes in the ‘and finally’)
After a spectacular hat trick run of three consecutive days at the top of the gynaeceum that is BBC News staff’s online press line-up the Times takes a tumble down to languish in fifth place this morning.
In case you were wondering the Times goes with: Inmates win points for shorter jail terms… Texas-style scheme aims to cut prison population – and that headline won’t go down well with the public given the soaring crime statistics.
“What do points make?” TV games show Play Your Cards Right compare Bruce Forsyth would prompt, “Points make prizes!” the audience would respond.
On a day when our mate Matt in the Telegraph lampoons Labour ministers with a sketch of a couple checking out of a posh looking Liverpool Hotel: “We’ve been attending the Labour conference. May I presume Lord Alli has… you know… settled my bill?” – the voters really don’t want to hear about that tired old excuse for a ministerial junket – the overseas (Christmas shopping) fact-finding mission…
Shabana Mahmood, the justice secretary, plans to visit the US State this year to see how she could emulate its success in cutting its high prison population and rate of reoffending (Times) – Really, Shabana? Working from home with Zoom video conferencing links suddenly not good enough to get the job done?
That report is coincidentally closely juxtaposed with: Starmer’s Covid video at donor’s penthouse… used an £18 million penthouse belonging to Labour donor Lord Alli to urge the public to work from home (Times)
And for one more stir of the pot: Caitlin Moran on freebies and blagging (Inside Times2)
The FT meanwhile provides a globalist regime central safe bet for our BBC gynaeceum – on the one hand fascinatedly intent on pushing foreign bang-bang news at us – but on the other hand pushing the peacenik card: Lebanon push Israel prepares for incursion… Biden and his French counterpart… led a push last night at the UN General Assembly to secure a truce (FT)
Britain desperate to get on that peace train?
UK leads efforts to avert Lebanon invasion as Isreali readies troops (Times) – ‘UK leads efforts’ – why us exactly? Us little Britain and whose army?
US, UK, and allies call for 21-day ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah (BBC news online top headline story)
The Gruaniad neatly combines wars and rumours of ceasefires – putting the cart beside the horse, so to speak: Israel warns of Lebanon ground offensive as ceasefire calls grow – as their journo team goes in mob-handed: Emma Graham-Harrison, Peter Beaumont, Jerusalem, Lorenzo Tondo and Quique Kierszenbaum, Tel Aviv… and Uncle Tom Cobley and all…
There’s a journalistic first rule of foreign news events – are there any ‘Brits’ involved?
PM does not rule out ‘boots on the ground’ to help UK nationals escape as defence chiefs ramp up plans for potential evacuation (‘i’)
The Israelis may also be about to put boots on the ground in Lebanon – meanwhile our BBC is quick to put some kitten heels on the ground…
BBC finds Lebanese seaside city deserted after Israeli attacks… Correspondent Orla Guerin visited the usually crowded holiday destination, and said it is now “basically deserted”, apart from people fleeing intense Israeli airstrikes in nearby towns. (BBC)
Lebanese seaside holiday destination?
I’m oddly reminded of that vintage British comedy movie Carry On Abroad (1972) and the supposed dismay of the Carry On troupe, the likes of Kenneth Williams, Sid James, Kenneth Connor and Barbara Windsor, when they picked up the script expecting some sunny overseas filming location – only to find the penny-pinching producers had cast the package holiday resort of ‘Elsbels’ as confined to the habitual haunts of Pinewood Studios, the High Street, Slough and Bagshot in Surrey. Our Shabana for one would have baulked at such puritanical denial of a well deserved junket in warmer climes.
On the subject of penny-pinching disappointments
Labour plots income tax rise in Wales despite election pledge – the Telegraph there with a classic journalistic despite
Mr Asi’s topical thought for the day… is there any other kind?
When we plebs finally notice the king has no clothes – it’s because Lord Alli hasn’t come across with the usual freebie suits and frocks
In arts news
Boring, pompous and proof that the Turner Prize has lost its edge – complains the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper that is the junior poundshop Guardian.
Au contraire comes the reposte from the grown-up OG Guardian’s 4 star review: Turner prize 2024 review – vitality, surprise … and a Ford Escort in a doily… The nominees bring in bottles of Irn-Bru, gigantic concrete jewellery and blood-red footprints in a show filled with moving cultural collisions and humour… Le Bas’s installation… her “Gypsy-hippy-punk” aesthetic, and her Roma-Traveller background are the motors of her art… All artists have a story to tell… Pio Abad’s childhood in Manila, the family home being sprayed with machine-gunfire by supporters of the Marcos regime… Jasleen Kaur’s… syncretic values of her Sikh background, are embedded in her art… Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan CDs and glow-in-the-dark prayer beads… Abad has made a series of laser engravings on marble… examine the 19th-century theft of the Benin bronzes from the Edo Kingdom (in what is now Nigeria) – you get the picture… picture… art… see what I did there?
Female celeb angst story, care of the Guardian: ‘I survived because I has no choice’ Towie’s Lauren Goodger
And for a little light relief we find our red tops do relish some butt humour…
Mum of 5 dies after butt lift treatment (Mirror) – all due sympathy to the family of course.
One hundred and farty! Darts legend denies biggest guff in history of British sport (Daily Star)
Modern art …
UK leads efforts for ceasefire in Lebanon as Israel readies troops
Up to 6,000 British nationals and their dependants are still in the country as tensions boil over
UK leads efforts for ceasefire???? By David Lammy
“PM does not rule out ‘boots on the ground’ to help UK nationals escape as defence chiefs ramp up plans for potential evacuation (‘i’)”
Everyone to evacuate to UK!
> to help UK nationals escape
How lovely! The last time this kind of operation was done off the coast of Libya we imported the Manchester child-nail bomber.
No good deed goes unpunished.
The UK will introduce a new visa at the end of January that will give 5.4 million Hong Kong residents – a staggering 70% of the territory’s population – the right to come and live in the UK, and eventually become citizens.
China’s ambassador has been summoned by the UK Foreign Office, after three people were accused of assisting Hong Kong’s intelligence services.
In a meeting with Zheng Zeguang, the Foreign Office officials condemned a “recent pattern of behaviour” by China, including cyber-attacks.
On Monday, three men in the UK were charged with offences under the National Security Act.
Hong Kong called on UK officials to provide “full details” of the charges.
China, under which Hong Kong operates as a special administrative region, has refuted the allegations that the city’s intelligence service was involved.
More invaders. But at least they have a strong work ethic, and won’t attempt to impose a fascistic ‘religion’ on us.
won’t attempt to impose a fascistic ‘religion’ on us. – HA HA HA HA HA! Just wait …
Maybe the Lebanese town was deserted because they knew orla gerrrin was coming to do her funeral act …
BBC agreed to air Nova festival massacre documentary only if Hamas not described as ‘terrorists’
BBC agreed to air 9/11 as long as event is called – plane accident.
BBC agreed to air the Litvinenko story provided those nice Russians were described as giving him a ‘lovely cup of tea’.
“Time to means test millionaire Starmer to see if he is eligible for all these benefits and perks like he does to our pensioners.”
BBC are positioning Starmer as down to earth kinda guy … HA H AHH AH AHA
“The last time I was in New York, the then prime minister – with more than a splash of ostentation – took us reporters to the top of the Empire State Building for interviews.
This time, the prime minister took us to a modest, bordering on non-descript room in the offices of the British diplomats who work at the United Nations.
The first prime minister in question was Liz Truss, the second was Sir Keir Starmer.”
US and allies call for 21-day ceasefire but Israeli strikes in Lebanon continue
What about the rocket launches BBC ?. No mention of them at all because nobody can expect Israel to stop while they are still firing them.
Elsewhere I find:
Times Of Israel ‘Live Update’ from 2 minutes ago:
‘Some 45 rockets were launched in the latest barrage from Lebanon, the military says, adding that some were intercepted and the rest fell in open areas.’
The BBC never mention these rocket attacks – which are the direct cause of the conflict – except as incidental news to what Israel are doing. They infer they are a consequence, not the cause which is a complete lie.
It’s as clear as pinnocio’s nose on the BBC’s face that Hezbollah will not stop. They have already decalred they will continue until the fighting stops in Gaza. A fact the BBC don’t want us to know because it puts the blame on Hezbollah.
I see they are saying a ceasefire has actually been agreed. Clearly Israel are not falling for the trap. Let’s see how long before Hezbollah fire more rockets and the BBC report described Israel’s response in the main headline then mention the rockets halfway through.
Keep going IDF and finish this job. They will come back of course because the next generation of suicide bombers is always under training. But it’s like a bush which needs to be pruned before it takes over completely.
Then we can go through all of this again in 15 years.
IF IT SAVES JUST ONE LIFE …. “Inmates with restraining orders wrongly let out early”
It said 37 offenders were wrongly let out in recent weeks under a government scheme designed to reduce overcrowding, indicating the error was down to their offence being logged incorrectly.
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said the majority had now been returned to prison and police are working “urgently” to locate the rest.
We are responsible for:
working on the problems caused by illegal drug use
shaping the alcohol strategy, policy and licensing conditions
keeping the United Kingdom safe from the threat of terrorism
reducing and preventing crime, and ensuring people feel safe in their homes and communities
The BBC are very exercised over the Phoney Pharaoh bonking his staff while Harrods turned a blind eye.
Imagine that: a large organisation turning a blind eye to sexual abuse by its top people!
Could never happen at the Beeb, right?
“How Al Fayed built a corrupt system of enablers to carry out his sexual abuse”
If it had been a woman it would be breaking new glass ceilings!
Just saw that vlad and was similarly disgusted by the BBC’s double standards. I made a comment below before I saw yours …
I’ve just found out that Radio 4 has a series on the Iranian embassy siege where the heroic SAS rescued a number of sausages …..
And killed a few sausage-takers as well of course.
How Al Fayed built a corrupt system of enablers to carry out his sexual abuse
An excellent example of the BBC dishonesty:
That applies directly to most of the BBC sex offendros who abused their positions to get victims – particularly Jimmy Saville.
But I don’t recall and daily headlines about what THEIR staff did and HE abused children.
This is their entire archive on that story:
Savile and Hall: BBC ‘missed chances to stop attacks’
The review found that senior managers were not told of complaints about Savile because of an “atmosphere of fear” which still exists in the BBC.
Inmates with restraining orders wrongly let out early
This article will be gone from the front page very quickly.
Never mind eh BBC ?. At least the right-wing scum including that woman who bought eggs and the multiple males who just turned up and didn’t do anything got 12 months+.
You know when the bbc run a story and you know there is a gap in it ? Well they reported that the new mayor of New York is under investigation for things …. It said he is a retired policeman – but for some reason it didn’t mention that he is a Democrat .
Presumably he has failed to pay homage to president obama or similar because otherwise he’d be untouchable …
BBC will never bad mouth a Democrat
Classic lie by omission.
Same as they do their best to hide it about both the Trump assasins and even they mention it, they surround it with innuendo and generalisation so you don’t make the direct connection.
I wonder how the BBC will deal with the spokesman for the Muslim rapist Fayad – mr Michael Cole – who -if I recall was the BBC royal correspondent before taking the Fayad Money ?
Will Cole be arrested for aiding abetting concealing serious sex offences ? Or will the bbc suddenly get bored with this dead story ?