Weekend 28th September 2024

The BBC continues to down play the corruption of bungs for the Labour PM and his cabinet . Corruption is now acceptable to Labour and its’ State Broadcaster . Let’s hope it doesn’t end well ….

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21 Responses to Weekend 28th September 2024

  1. richard D says:

    I’d still like to re-iterate my previous comment from a previous topic…. … Dame Maggie Smith……. To borrow a phrase from the song set to Saint-Saëns’ Symphony No.3… “If I had words……”


  2. Lucy Pevensey says:



  3. StewGreen says:

    The Wolverhampton 12 year old machete killers
    I don’t want to know the kids names, but by suppressing CONTEXT the establishment are putting the public in danger the public
    To protect themselves the public should be allowed to know the context .
    The danger may well not come from illegals or migrant families, but we have a right to know.


  4. JohnC says:

    Island mourns Shawn Seesahai machete murder 4,000 miles away

    Two 12-year-old boys have been sentenced for stabbing Shawn Seesahai to death with a machete in Wolverhampton. BBC News visited his family’s home in Anguilla and found an island in mourning.

    What ???. How much did that cost ?. It adds absolutely nothing to the story. It’s pure empathy.

    I contest that the taxpayers money would have been better spent for the BBC to research WHY this boy was repeatedly stabbed. I don’t believe for one second it was for no reason.

    And I’m also disgusted that the BBC make this boy the focus of the article instead of talking about what is REALLY important here : what has gone so drastically wrong in our society that these murders are being committed by 12 year olds.

    But of course we all know the answer to that. It’s the unchecked immigration of ‘enrichment’. The fact they ignore it shows just what shameless hypocrites they are. Some of this blood is on their hands.


  5. Flotsam says:

    So the elephant in the room might now explain why Alli has been buying Smarmer personal items. Not just clothes, but glasses and God knows what else as well.
    It might also to go on to explain why Alli has been buying clothes for Smarmer’s wife. Silence is golden eh?


  6. Flotsam says:

    Does Donald Trump do irony? He’s never struck me as an natural irony man or comedian.

    However, he said, “He’s popular” in response to being asked about meeting Smarmer.


  7. StewGreen says:

    BBC local radio now “Conversation and music for our African and Caribbean communities with Sile Sibanda.”
    Seems it’s a weekly show

    Oh whilst the bBC make some staff redundant
    They seem to have been hiring new minority staff


  8. Square-Eyed says:

    I’ve been pondering all the largesse Lord Alli has bestowed on senior Labour politicians and the motivation behind it. A certain thought arose, so I checked his Wikipedia entry. It seems Lord Alli “is described as one of only a few openly gay Muslim politicians in the world.” You can read the biography for yourself, but I note “Alli’s work has focused on gay rights, youth and education.” Why is all this not a surprise?


    • Deborah says:

      Trouble is now every time I see other politicians wearing spectacles, I am thinking, ‘I bet he paid for his own spectacles’, eg Robert Jenrick shown by GBNews this evening and Nigel Farage shown at the end of a speech taking his spectacles off.


  9. StewGreen says:

    The other Monday when I switched on local radio there was a weekly 3 hour special prog for “The South Asian communities”
    That’s strange cos at the same time the BBC has an entire channel EXCLUSIVELY for south Asians

    “Conversation and music for South Asian communities with Arzu Dutta.”

    Even today BBC is still recruiting such staff


    • StewGreen says:

      Our BBC local Radio weekly evening schedule
      Mondays : Asian Woman 3 hours, white woman 2 hours

      In fact when I look at the 2 week schedule for BBC Radio Humberside …the schedule seems to have very few white males


    • Nibor says:

      Again I ask ,
      South Asia is a huge area , does the BBC have this for a racial or cultural aspect ?


  10. tomo says:

    Likely correct 🙂


  11. tomo says:


  12. tomo says:

    Book to flog?



  13. Sluff says:

    Not BBC but you can’t help feeling it has BBC style.

    Last week I attended a talk and Q and A given by one Theresa May.

    The topic was ‘abuse of power’ . Somehow the issue of child sexual abuse came up. May said this in terms. ‘Abuse has been carried out by Anglicans, Catholics, other religions…..’.

    Get that. ‘Other religions’. But what other religions I wonder was she avoiding naming? Could it be the religion responsible for child sexual abuse in, say, Rotherham? Or Rochdale?

    How pathetic was May? Is there any wonder their natural supporters left them in droves at the election?

    Gobsmacking staggering avoidance of the glaringly obvious by a former PM. They don’t even realise that they are in a deep hole and they are keeping digging.


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