Weekend 28th September 2024

The BBC continues to down play the corruption of bungs for the Labour PM and his cabinet . Corruption is now acceptable to Labour and its’ State Broadcaster . Let’s hope it doesn’t end well ….

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155 Responses to Weekend 28th September 2024

  1. Lazy Cat says:

    What’s with all those BBC articles on getting a big fat arse deliberately (Brazilian Butt Lift)?

    Loads of these ops going wrong. Deaths have occurred from this dodgy procedure.

    But why are so many women desperate for this surgery? I don’t know many lads who like those ridiculous fat arses that stick up in the air.

    Baboon’s arse is a better name for it.

    It’s not due to certain demographics liking fat arses, is it? Which, because this demographic like the fat, stuck in the air baboon’s arse, we see said fat arses being pushed on the media/film and TV so much?

    So even little Miss Whitey wants to get one?

    And how narcissistic to get this done anyway?

    Fixing this dangerous procedure (it’s no secret that it’s a dangerous procedure) should not be available on the NHS.

    Pay yourselves ladies, or simply chop your fat arses off.


    • BRISSLES says:

      I’m astounded in this day and age that blokes like any young women. Not much choice I’d say. Either obese and pasty with hair tightly pulled back and copious amounts of arm tattoos, or look totally unreal with everything “false” – eyelashes/boobs/lips/hair.

      Mind you I’m still stuck in the 60s when chaps wore a suit at weekends to take us out – when we wore mini dresses, white knee high boots and sported Cathy McGowan or Mary Quant hsirstyles. At least we always looked smart and actually looked in the mirror before we went out !


  2. Zephir says:

    And….it begins,

    Less than 3 month is all it took this moron….

    “Rosie Duffield has resigned as a Labour MP as a result of the party’s “cruel and unnecessary policies” in a bitter blow to Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

    In doing so, Duffield, 53, becomes the fastest MP to resign following a general election victory in history.

    Labour MP Rosie Duffield resigns as she slams Keir Starmer’s ‘cruel’ winter fuel axe.

    Labour MP for Canterbury Rosie Duffield has resigned also citing Sir Keir Starmer’s acceptance of more than £100,000 in gifts including football tickets, clothing and accommodation.”



    • Fedup2 says:

      In a decent politics – some of the other Labour MPs might join her – if they had a conscience . But they are in the game – promised jobs by whips – jollys – advancement – a political career –
      Instead she’ll be on her own …. Good job Rosie … I hope you do the Sunday shows to spread the manure …. The msm of course will call on her to resign and take the bi election to get another friend of Lord Muslim in…


  3. Zephir says:

    Sorry to post the obvious, but this is the latest example:

    “BBC’s Fiona Bruce in Question Time ‘bias’ row after halting show for Reform correction”



  4. Philip_2 says:

    You may recall that Saviile changed the BBC in that its star DG (who ran off to the USA rather than face a cross party UK parliamentary investigation was given the job of running the New York Times. his name was Mark Thompson (now made head of CNN), which is as bad as the BBC, if not worse in America). So I only mention this as the BBC likes to call itself a ‘progressive’ organisation with globalist goals identical to CNN.

    Anyway. This is from today’s DT on his last visit to the ‘progressive’ New York State, something the BBC would like to bring over here. They now have the power to do so under a new Labour government that only 1 in 6 of us voted for. Coming here soon….

    Comments (by GL):
    ‘ Last year I visited New York for the umpteenth time in 30 years, but the first time since the pandemic.

    I was shocked by what I saw. Open drug use on the streets, sidewalks full of (illegal?) immigrants harassing passers by, someone defecating in front of a store on 5th Avenue. When I was on the Subway, an African American man came on and announced he was going to murder every white person on the train. We sat in terror till the train reached the next station – every white person then got off. The worst of it was you knew it was pointless reporting it to the police. I would probably have been arrested for racism. Meanwhile, a self-righteous mob screamed outside Trump Tower about the evils of Donald, seemingly oblivious to the chaos their ideology had created around them.

    I won’t be back. ‘


  5. pugnazious says:

    Typical BBC……blatant lie…an extraordinarily pro-immigrant puff piece from the BBC…

    ‘Migrants feel less welcome as Germany’s far-right rises’


    Well…first of all good….reality strikes.

    Second…the Far-Right? Isn’t it pretty much the Establishment now as Germany shuts its borders?

    And then there’s this…from the Telegraph….left-wing, son of an immigrant, a Green Party minister…and he thinks immigration is dangerous…especially Islamic….

    ‘A German Green party leader said young migrant men had sexually harassed his daughter as he condemned the country’s migration policies for causing ‘massive social upheaval’.

    Cem Özdemir, Germany’s agriculture minister and a key member of the Green party, said the country must act now to protect its democracy by making clear to illegal immigrants that there is “no place” for them in Germany.

    In an op-ed in the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper, the Left-wing politician said it was his duty to speak out after hearing what had happened to his daughter.

    His teenage daughter had been repeatedly “sexualised and unpleasantly ogled” on the streets by young migrant men, said Mr Özdemir, himself the son of Turkish immigrants.

    Recent migration policies, which have seen millions of people come to Germany via irregular means, have made women less safe, he said, claiming the country was scared of debating the link between fundamentalist Islam and abuse of women due to fear it would empower the hard-Right.
    ‘Real problems’

    “I’m convinced that the AfD benefits the most when we choose not to talk about real problems out of a misplaced sense of respect,” he stated.’

    It is ironic that it is the BBC’s attitude that creates and nurtures the ‘Far-Right’. If there was a sensible, honest immigration policy in place and those in charge actually listened to the people of this country, or indeed Germany, extremists would not get a foothold….the BBC on the otherhand just labels everyone ‘Far-Right’ if they want to control immigration.

    The BBC et al are in fact the extremists here…in the policies they endorse and in how they try to impose them and silence and smear the critics.


  6. BRISSLES says:

    I wonder the thoughts of film star George Clooney working in an industry renowned for its abundance of Jewish folk while going home to his Beirut born wife.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Brissles – I’m not sure that mr clooney has much by way of ‘thoughts ‘ ….
    Reading the comments in the DT about the success of the IDF the majority are naturally congratulatory – but there is always that woke element .. the apologists for Islamic terrorism … who think the ‘war ‘ should be played by recognised rules …
    And have no idea about how Israel is fighting every day for its’ existence against an Evil Iran – which should have been dealt with decades ago …

    Is this the time when it happens ? I think not – maybe it has the Bomb …


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