The BBC continues to down play the corruption of bungs for the Labour PM and his cabinet . Corruption is now acceptable to Labour and its’ State Broadcaster . Let’s hope it doesn’t end well ….
Weekend 28th September 2024
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What’s with all those BBC articles on getting a big fat arse deliberately (Brazilian Butt Lift)?
Loads of these ops going wrong. Deaths have occurred from this dodgy procedure.
But why are so many women desperate for this surgery? I don’t know many lads who like those ridiculous fat arses that stick up in the air.
Baboon’s arse is a better name for it.
It’s not due to certain demographics liking fat arses, is it? Which, because this demographic like the fat, stuck in the air baboon’s arse, we see said fat arses being pushed on the media/film and TV so much?
So even little Miss Whitey wants to get one?
And how narcissistic to get this done anyway?
Fixing this dangerous procedure (it’s no secret that it’s a dangerous procedure) should not be available on the NHS.
Pay yourselves ladies, or simply chop your fat arses off.
I’m astounded in this day and age that blokes like any young women. Not much choice I’d say. Either obese and pasty with hair tightly pulled back and copious amounts of arm tattoos, or look totally unreal with everything “false” – eyelashes/boobs/lips/hair.
Mind you I’m still stuck in the 60s when chaps wore a suit at weekends to take us out – when we wore mini dresses, white knee high boots and sported Cathy McGowan or Mary Quant hsirstyles. At least we always looked smart and actually looked in the mirror before we went out !
I’ve been married for just over 20 years and was in a long term relationship for 8 years before that. Had a few flings here and there in between.
It wasn’t difficult for me to get myself a lady friend in the 90s and early noughties. And I’m pretty average.
If, for some reason, I became single again, I’d probably become voluntarily celibate (a ‘volcel’ I believe that call it.)
Going off what others tell me, the modem dating game is crushingly depressing for a man to get involved in.
I know good looking younger lads in good shape with good jobs who are exasperated at the modern ‘dating game ‘.
It all seems to be done on apps now. And the women hold all the cards. About a year ago a lad told me that unless you’re over 6″2, earn 100k and are willing to take on a fat lass with kids from other dads, you’ll probably be ‘going without’.
There is a viral video somewhere where a young lady tries being a man for the purpose of online dating. She was wondering why her decent male friend was finding iit mpossible to get dates on some app when she was overloaded with requests. She just thought he was ‘doing it wrong’ and wanted to show him how to do it so as to help him. She just took over his profile basically, she didn’t become a transexual or anything like that.
The upshot was that she soon detested women for what they’re doing to modern men and that she cried at how awful things are for men now. They just ‘swipe right’ (or whatever way it is to quickly reject) if not 6″2 up, well off, young and with boy band looks. They could also be mean, entitled and cruel in message exchanges.That’s from her (and a lad in the pub) not me by the way. I have no reason to doubt them though.
Now, there are some lovely ladies around of course. But these are obviously ‘snapped up’ quickly. The rest seem to be left wing mouthy entitled drones.
I’ve lost count at how many good looking, in shape young men I’ve seen with fat, ugly, gobby women with kids from other relationships.
I’m glad I’m not single, put it that way.
Remember the 60s with girlies being encouraged to keep slim? Is it just me or do I have the impression that they are now encouraged to stuff their faces.
Ah the 70s
Luton Airport!
And Joan Collins…
And….it begins,
Less than 3 month is all it took this moron….
“Rosie Duffield has resigned as a Labour MP as a result of the party’s “cruel and unnecessary policies” in a bitter blow to Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
In doing so, Duffield, 53, becomes the fastest MP to resign following a general election victory in history.
Labour MP Rosie Duffield resigns as she slams Keir Starmer’s ‘cruel’ winter fuel axe.
Labour MP for Canterbury Rosie Duffield has resigned also citing Sir Keir Starmer’s acceptance of more than £100,000 in gifts including football tickets, clothing and accommodation.”
In a decent politics – some of the other Labour MPs might join her – if they had a conscience . But they are in the game – promised jobs by whips – jollys – advancement – a political career –
Instead she’ll be on her own …. Good job Rosie … I hope you do the Sunday shows to spread the manure …. The msm of course will call on her to resign and take the bi election to get another friend of Lord Muslim in…
I think she’d be quite safe on her own, Fed!
She has none of the harridan/renegade issues of both red and blue Labourites who’ve gone off in a huff, and having just read her letter, If I lived in Canterbury, I’d think twice about voting for anyone else!
hello scroblene – I hope you are well . So far number 10 hasn’t responded to the HMS Duffield – must be monitoring reactions .
I’m sure sue gray’s first reaction was to get her friends to plant a car bomb – but they’ll try to get one of those ‘recall ‘ things to get rid of her and make her life as miserable as possible.
There is an irony in the fact that all those posh expensive clothes the corrupt PM is wearing now just makes him look shabby .
And seeing a picture of ‘alli’ – if they were casting for a ‘Devil’ he’d win hands down – got a touch of the 40 nights in their desert being tempted about it – but this time the guy paid homage…
Morning Fed – yes fine here, thank you!
You’d have thought that TTK would have been less naive than to expect that the press would be all over these stories like a rash!
Perhaps, like in his ex-job, he ‘La La La’d’ them all, as in the Savile case, and pretended they didn’t happen!
Rosie’s letter is a masterclass in condemning a weak and uninspirational guy, and will stick like **** to a blanket, despite the BBC trying to make Laura’s piece a biblical sensation – not!
Scroblene – there is a suggestion that it is so well written that perhaps JKrolling proofed it …
I wonder if starmer may be ‘influenced ‘ by the wife in the same way nut nut was ?
Unfortunately on my read – TTK will throw some red meat at dissenters in the budget by lifting the very sensible 2 kid welfare limit and throw more money at feckless ( foreign ) breeders to build their palaces in the village back home …
I have just sent my email congratulations to Rosie Duffield resigning from the party of scum far-left thugs (SFLT).
Now she is free of the shackles of the SFLT I suggest she spends some time talking to Matt Goodwin.
Great job Rosie.
Sorry to post the obvious, but this is the latest example:
“BBC’s Fiona Bruce in Question Time ‘bias’ row after halting show for Reform correction”
You may recall that Saviile changed the BBC in that its star DG (who ran off to the USA rather than face a cross party UK parliamentary investigation was given the job of running the New York Times. his name was Mark Thompson (now made head of CNN), which is as bad as the BBC, if not worse in America). So I only mention this as the BBC likes to call itself a ‘progressive’ organisation with globalist goals identical to CNN.
Anyway. This is from today’s DT on his last visit to the ‘progressive’ New York State, something the BBC would like to bring over here. They now have the power to do so under a new Labour government that only 1 in 6 of us voted for. Coming here soon….
Comments (by GL):
‘ Last year I visited New York for the umpteenth time in 30 years, but the first time since the pandemic.
I was shocked by what I saw. Open drug use on the streets, sidewalks full of (illegal?) immigrants harassing passers by, someone defecating in front of a store on 5th Avenue. When I was on the Subway, an African American man came on and announced he was going to murder every white person on the train. We sat in terror till the train reached the next station – every white person then got off. The worst of it was you knew it was pointless reporting it to the police. I would probably have been arrested for racism. Meanwhile, a self-righteous mob screamed outside Trump Tower about the evils of Donald, seemingly oblivious to the chaos their ideology had created around them.
I won’t be back. ‘
Typical BBC……blatant lie…an extraordinarily pro-immigrant puff piece from the BBC…
‘Migrants feel less welcome as Germany’s far-right rises’
Well…first of all good….reality strikes.
Second…the Far-Right? Isn’t it pretty much the Establishment now as Germany shuts its borders?
And then there’s this…from the Telegraph….left-wing, son of an immigrant, a Green Party minister…and he thinks immigration is dangerous…especially Islamic….
‘A German Green party leader said young migrant men had sexually harassed his daughter as he condemned the country’s migration policies for causing ‘massive social upheaval’.
Cem Özdemir, Germany’s agriculture minister and a key member of the Green party, said the country must act now to protect its democracy by making clear to illegal immigrants that there is “no place” for them in Germany.
In an op-ed in the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper, the Left-wing politician said it was his duty to speak out after hearing what had happened to his daughter.
His teenage daughter had been repeatedly “sexualised and unpleasantly ogled” on the streets by young migrant men, said Mr Özdemir, himself the son of Turkish immigrants.
Recent migration policies, which have seen millions of people come to Germany via irregular means, have made women less safe, he said, claiming the country was scared of debating the link between fundamentalist Islam and abuse of women due to fear it would empower the hard-Right.
‘Real problems’
“I’m convinced that the AfD benefits the most when we choose not to talk about real problems out of a misplaced sense of respect,” he stated.’
It is ironic that it is the BBC’s attitude that creates and nurtures the ‘Far-Right’. If there was a sensible, honest immigration policy in place and those in charge actually listened to the people of this country, or indeed Germany, extremists would not get a foothold….the BBC on the otherhand just labels everyone ‘Far-Right’ if they want to control immigration.
The BBC et al are in fact the extremists here…in the policies they endorse and in how they try to impose them and silence and smear the critics.
I wonder the thoughts of film star George Clooney working in an industry renowned for its abundance of Jewish folk while going home to his Beirut born wife.
Brissles – I’m not sure that mr clooney has much by way of ‘thoughts ‘ ….
Reading the comments in the DT about the success of the IDF the majority are naturally congratulatory – but there is always that woke element .. the apologists for Islamic terrorism … who think the ‘war ‘ should be played by recognised rules …
And have no idea about how Israel is fighting every day for its’ existence against an Evil Iran – which should have been dealt with decades ago …
Is this the time when it happens ? I think not – maybe it has the Bomb …
When Labour were getting their sums together to see how much they would save by removing the WFP, did they include the monies for the 4,000 pensioners they were told would die because of the cold who would no longer be drawing their pension.
10 million saved WFP plus 4,000 less pensions to pay.
If they did include this death sum then it shows a real nasty side of them.
If not then there’s a bonus they forgot to count so they can send more money to India to help save Cobras or something.
For more than 40 years I considered myself a dyed in the wool Socialist and eventually realized that Socialism is not compatible with human nature which is why it is doomed to fail despite the BBC propaganda
I support Donald Trump for U.S. President
Well, a pretty damning indictment:
“Everything Rosie Duffield said about Keir Starmer in extraordinary resignation letter:
MP Rosie Duffield has launched a blistering attack on Prime Minister Keir Starmer in her resignation letter.
The Labour MP, who has represented Canterbury since 2017, announced on Friday she was resigning from the Labour whip over the changes to Winter Fuel Payments and the ongoing row over Mr Starmer’s freebies.
In her resignation letter, the 53-year-old said she could no longer stay in Labour under Mr Starmer’s management of the party, claiming the Prime Minister was “determined to stick to” policies despite them being unpopular with both the electorate and his own MPs.
She added: “You repeat often that you will make the ‘tough decisions’ and that the country is ‘all in this together’. But those decisions do not directly affected any one of us in Parliament.
“They are cruel and unnecessary, and affect hundreds of thousands of our poorest, most vulnerable constituents.”
Ms Duffield accused Mr Starmer of having “very little previous political footprint” and alleged that it was unclear what his “political passion, drive or direction might be” as party leader.
She further accused Mr Starmer of using “heavy-handed management tactics” while in opposition, and claimed he had “never shown what most experienced backbenchers would recognise as true or inspiring leadership”.
The letter added: “You have never regularly engaged with your own backbench MPs, many of whom have been in Parliament far longer than you, and some of whom served in the previous Labour government.
“You have chosen neither to seek our individual political opinions, nor learn about our constituency experiences, nor our specific or collective areas of political knowledge. We clearly have done nothing you deem of value.”
Ms Duffield also slammed Mr Starmer for promoting people with “no previous political skills” – describing it as “frankly embarrassing”.
She accused the Prime Minister of having a “lack of basic politics and political instincts”, saying this had come “crashing down on us as a party after we worked so hard, promised so much, and waited 14 long years to be mandated by the British public to return to power”
The letter added: “Since the change of government in July, the revelations of hypocrisy have been staggering and increasingly outrageous.
“I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues are at your total lack of understanding of how you have made us all appear.”
“How dare you take our longed-for victory, the electorate’s sacred and precious trust, and throw it back in their individual faces and the faces of dedicated and hardworking Labour MPs?!.
“The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.”
“Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of those people can grasp – this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister.”
Ms Duffield said she had no confidence the Prime Minister could deliver the change he had promised and demanded to know why Mr Starmer was not showing “the slightest embarrassment” over the gift scandal.
Concluding, she said: “Right now, I cannot look my constituents in the eye and tell them anything has changed.
“I hope to be able to return to the party in the future, when it again resembles the party I love, putting the needs of the many above the greed of the few.”
Another step forwards towards a World Govt:
“Nigel Farage warns of ‘dangerous £320bn power-grab’ that puts British sovereignty at risk.
Reform UK leader calls for vote in Parliament on changes to World Health Organization regulations for dealing with a future pandemic.
The Reform UK leader said amendments to the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations could recommed that countries like Britain implement lockdown measures and border controls.
Writing in The Telegraph, the Clacton MP called it “the biggest loss of sovereignty since the Maastrict Treaty”, which brought the modern-day European Union into being.
He also said plans to oversee countries’ implementation of the regulations could lead to a “Soviet-sounding States Parties Committee”.
National governments have only got about six months left before to decide whether to accept the new regulations or opt out.
Earlier this week, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, told the United Nations General Assembly that “the world needs the pandemic agreement” to be fully prepared for the outbreak of another worldwide disease.”
There might be method to this madness, my mum’s cat did a bloody good job wrecking my HMS Victory model when it got it’s claws stuck in the rigging:
Russian army sends wolves to the front to help counter threat from Ukrainian drones. Russian soldiers are desperate to protect themselves from Ukrainian drones that are sowing panic among the ranks.
The consequences of allowing utter morons into public office…..
I’d wire the energy minister to the grid excess voltage…
in Oz….
In Britain from next Tuesday it will be a criminal offence to keep a chicken without registering it with the authorities. Clown country 🤡🇬🇧
Some wascals are saying register every one you buy – frozen or not.
oops, a daisy
Release the Sausage!
If we still have any real journalists out there, they’d be looking into this freebie expensive rental in NYC for his kid’s studying.
During the dates of the rental, what was his son posting on social media?
Was he in NYC studying?
If he wasn’t, it opens up a real can of worms (or sausages).
Oh I believe it was London not NYC, my mistake.
Perhaps we can charge Green Party members a fee for each lungful of air they inhale?
HA HA HA HAH AHAH! Only horse drawn carriages allowed! BE GREEN!
Not improving…. really not
You and the rest ,should have voted ‘Reform’ !
I reckon it was for Lammy to study for his 11+
Time to see what freebies the kids got – if starmer introduces them into political life their protective cloak is removed – eg what were the GCSE results -? Is he at a private school ? Who pays ?
Southport? Forgotten. Why? Because it was all fake. No children were killed. There are no families who lost their children. If there were do you not think the BBC (Tavistock Institute) would not have presented the grief of the desperate, grief-stricken to you? Didn’t happen right? Why? Time to engage the last remaining brain cell.
Southport? Never heard of it. This is what happens when the vast majority of the population have an attention span of less than 15 minutes. Your reality is entirely controlled. You live in a thought experiment. Your mind is not your own.
But of course, I’m just an anti-vaxxer, swivel-eyed, tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nutjob whose sister-in-law lives next to a house full of ‘asylum seekers’ who decided to stab one another for fun. What did the ‘Police’ do? F*ck all. They were to busy locking up whitey for posting nasty comments on FBIbook.
Gaylord Alli aside, how come the BBC think they get to write the rules?
After ‘lacklustre’ contest, next Tory leader has five days to prove their worth (Laura Kuenssberg, Presenter, Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, BBC)
When to recline and how to share armrests: Rules for avoiding a mid-flight row (Tom Espiner and Josh McMinn, BBC Business team)
The real far left : Dissent will not be permitted:
“Keir Starmer’s furious MPs rage she should never have been allowed the ‘privilege of resigning'”
“Her resignation comes after a difficult week for the Government, as a row over ministers accepting freebies from donors deepened on Friday with the revelation that Sir Keir had received another £16,000 in free clothes from Labour peer Lord Alli.
It brought the total amount accepted by the Prime Minister for clothing from Lord Alli to £32,000.
Questions have also mounted over Sir Keir’s use of the Labour peer’s £18million penthouse flat in Covent Garden, where the PM stayed during the election period in June, and also recorded clips advising Britons to stay at home during the pandemic, and a tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II following her death in 2022.
Labour has also refused to answer queries over Lord Alli’s Downing Street pass, since withdrawn, which previously allowed him to attend meetings on national security grounds.
The Prime Minister is also facing accusations of having a conflict of interest in accepting Arsenal football tickets and hospitality – all while his government is about to introduce legislation to create a regulator for the sport.”
The timing of that resignation is an interesting one . I suppose she thought that if she did it on the eve of the red conference it might unite them and they’d all rally round TTK and his save the sausages speech ….
So do it afterwards – while their parliament is still on holiday -with the dead blue party conference having no effect at all – with no one able to exploit what she has said because no one want to hear them anymore ….
.. seems to be taking ages for the tories to realise they are dead ….
Failed 21/7 terrorist who plotted to kill hundreds of Londoners in botched bomb attack is freed after serving just HALF of his 33-year prison sentence
Manfo Asiedu, now 53, was arrested after the failed London bombings in 2005
It came two weeks after 52 people were killed in the 7/7 suicide bombing
And….another one…
“‘Sex pest’ TV director convicted of online grooming was able to move freely between primetime shows despite allegations of sexual harassment on set.
Salisbury, from Bradford, was sacked by EastEnders in 2016 after six years amid claims of sexual harassment. Despite the BBC insisting at the time that sexual allegations were always taken extremely seriously, it did not report him to police.
That meant that in 2021 he was able to return to the BBC where he made Expert Witness until 2023, directing 20 episodes.”
BBC radio news – bias by omission – 3 charged with murder of a ‘man ‘- no names …. in Norfolk …. Google tells you the obvious – no names means it’s the coloured folk ….
Leon Bangura, 22, of Old Kent Road, London, is charged with murder and threatening another person with an offensive weapon.
Bangura : West African (Sierra Leone): from the name of the Bangura clan of the Guinean and Sierra Leonean Susu people and subsequently of the Sierra Leonean Temne people of unexplained etymology.
Thx Zephir -The victim was a tar brush job –
It’s sad that there is a need to develop that soviet skill of re interpreting the ‘news ‘ to find the truth ….add the long term demonisation of people ( eg trump ) and the instant cancellation of people – and we find we are living in a very controlled restricted hostile state …
So true.
Whatever one may think of Trump, it is profoundly disturbing that every single organ of state including the media has been mobilised to demonise, slander, misquote, libel, urge violence against him, prosecute him and verbally attack him for years now, and now TWO assasination attempt under very suspicious circumstances regarding the so called security services.
THIS should worry anyone who still believes the UK and US is a democracy.
Most definitely NOT on the BBC:
Soros Buys Over 200 Radio Stations Weeks Before U.S. Election
‘The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)—the U.S. agency responsible for regulating communications via radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable—last week approved the purchase with the three Democrats on the commission outvoting the two Republicans’
‘Under the federal Communications Act, no radio station license can be held by a corporation with more than 25% foreign ownership. The Soros group acknowledged that the level of foreign ownership of Audacy will exceed that, and still requested that the FCC expedite the approval of the application for ownership’
Amazing how the rules can be simply ignored when it suits them.
Is legal action possible to stop this ??
It just stinks.
– when Soros ha an absolute stable full of legal whores?
– some chance
– the 5th Labour of Hercules comes to mind
this shit has been piling up for decades
Read it and weep, as they say, all Labour voters……
Boris was not conservative. Just a chancer.
Live and learn.
Reeves liar:
“Insists Labour’s tax and spend binges are a thing of the past”
Don’t say we weren’t warned…
Why is Boris missing ?
It must be a list of only current MPs
Starmer would still be top I guess
2018 Puffin published an EDUCATION book
“Little Leaders – Bold Women In Black History by Vashti Harrison”
They promoted it on Twitter ..there were no replies at all
So no discussion about it’s accuracy
2024 Simon Webb is able to point out huge basic inaccuracies
ie the book is really DIS-EDUCATION PROPAGANDA
“How children in Britain are indoctrinated with false narratives relating to black history”
But for Madikizela-Mandela, the end of apartheid marked the start of a string of legal and political troubles that, accompanied by tales of her glamorous living, kept her in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
As evidence emerged in the dying years of apartheid of the brutality of her Soweto enforcers, the “Mandela United Football Club” (MUFC), some South Africans questioned her ‘Mother of the Nation’ soubriquet.
In one 1993 headline, the Sowetan newspaper referred to her as “Mugger of the Nation”.
Blamed for the killing of activist Stompie Seipei, who was found near her Soweto home with his throat cut, she was convicted in 1991 of kidnapping and assaulting the 14-year-old because he was suspected of being an informer.
Her six-year jail term was reduced on appeal to a fine.
She and Mandela separated in 1992 and her reputation slipped further when he sacked her from his cabinet in 1995 after allegations of corruption. The couple divorced a year later, after which she adopted the surname Madikizela-Mandela.
Appearing at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) set up to unearth atrocities committed by both sides in the anti-apartheid struggle, Madikizela-Mandela refused to show remorse for abductions and murders carried out in her name.
Only after pleading from anguished TRC chairman Archbishop Desmond Tutu did she admit grudgingly that “things went horribly wrong”.
In its final report, the TRC ruled that Madikizela-Mandela was “politically and morally accountable for the gross violations of human rights committed by the MUFC”.
Four years later, she was back in court, facing fraud and theft charges in relation to an elaborate bank loan scheme.
Black Lives Matter organiser Xahra Saleem jailed over £30k fundraiser fraud
BLM finances under fire: Only 33% of donations given to charities as execs paid millions.
From 2020 through 2022, Tides transferred $8.7 million from the fund to Black Lives Matter Grassroots, an offshoot of the national Black Lives Matter group led by Melina Abdullah, a longtime activist and professor. But Black Lives Matter Grassroots reported to the IRS that it never received that money, and no one involved in the transactions will say what became of the funds.
The whole BLM scam is one huge fraud. Not just 33%. I bet the other 66% went to fraudulent ‘charities’ and far-left groups preaching violence and revolution.
Ps. Naomi Campbell has been caught fiddling a ‘charity’ she was a trustee for. While she milked it for thousands, only 8% went on charitable grants.
Her friend Nelson Mandela told her to ‘use her voice for good’. Puke.
Blyth .. what’s happening there ? .. The Tories built an electricity interconnector there to the Norwegian grid which is largely hydro powered (whilst Norways state own oil corp keeps developing new gas fields to sell on world markets)
“The site in Blyth, Northumberland, will become one of Europe’s biggest AI data centres.
The land was bought by private equity giant Blackstone earlier this year, after the collapse of Britishvolt which had planned to build an electric car battery factory on the site.”
There has been much outrage in the msm and BBC over the cyber hack at many railway stations last week. The Metro, for example, refers to “a sickening islamophobic message” being posted, which it then quotes: “The Islamisation of Europe is already happening and it’s getting worse each day”.
That’s sickening? Well, yes, but not in the way they think.
No doubt the culprits will be apprehended and receive the harshest possible sentences… for telling the truth.
Hack ? Wow some criminal mastermind got the admin password to public wifi system that 20 stations use and changed the welcome message to “We love Europe” and a list of Islamic terrorist attacks
@GBNEWS Sep 27
‘How is listing Islamic terror attacks Islamophobic?!’
Meanwhile back in March promoting Islam on station screens in NOT problematic ?
MSM thought such a list so dangerous
they blurred it out
In the replies dozens of people posted the original
Kill the Jews (c) Islam Koran.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
Very simple thing says one guy
“Someone has likely just set up their own WiFi access point with the same SSID name as the public system.
Then people connect to it without thinking. Standard technique for skimming passwords and other security info.”
but that would not work for 20 stations simultaneously
so I bet the actual admin password was used
BTW ZeroHedge published the full message
How many people actually saw the message ?
Not many I guess, cos there are no tweets prior to news coverage
Jihad Report
August, 2024
Attacks 124
Killed 1128
Injured 1101
Suicide Blasts 4
Countries 24
List of Attacks
024.09.27 Sudan el-Fasher 18 95 Eighteen people are killed when Janjaweed/RSF send shells into a local market.
2024.09.27 Syria Shaddadi 3 0 A violent ISIS attack leaves three dead.
2024.09.27 Pakistan Kurram 6 22 Six Shiites are killed in a targeted attack by Sunni extremists.
Sausages soon to be “released” ?
When you contrast it to the shunning / cold shouldering that Turdeau routinely gets at international meets from other leaders – you really do have to wonder what’s actually going on?
The body language isn’t faked …..
Macron likes a black man?
Lord Alli to give pensioners FREE clothes to beat the winter blues!
Someone in the media may actually challenge him on this one day.
When they do, I am pretty sure he will manage to call such criticism racist in some way.
There is no way he won’t bring up his race or ‘coming from a working class black family in Tottenham.’
£1.5m in ‘donations’?
That is a disgrace.
And yes, we should never forget the ‘brutal realities of war’.
Maybe stopping picking fights with Russia every two minutes might help? Calling their UN chap part of the ‘mafia’ in a mafia state. To his face no less. He did say ‘I stand before you a black man..’ or something to the effect (as always). He was sitting down when he said it, not standing before anyone, but this is Lammy, after all.
I’m not shilling for Putin, I have no skin on the game. I’d just like the war to end and for the killing to stop (on both sides). And I’d like the threat of nukes raining down due to Lammy’s stupidity to go away.
It’s terrifying having someone so stupid as Foreign Secretary.
And I’ll tell you what is mafia like.
Getting £1.5m in bungs.
Maybe he’d be more familiar in the home of his father/ mother rather than in the UK … or a chip shop ..
Guyana is a parliamentary democracy with a lively press and a robust civil society. However, elections held in 2020 were marred by attempted fraud. Crime, police violence and corruption, and discrimination against Indigenous and LGBT+ people remain significant problems. The exploitation of offshore oil and natural gas reserves has raised the stakes of anticorruption reforms and stoked ethnopolitical divisions.
Crime levels are high, and police capacity is low. There are frequent armed robberies, hold-ups, carjackings and other violent crimes, often involving 2 or more attackers. Passers-by can get caught up in gunfire even if they are not targets because police are armed and shoot back.
Violent attacks and personal safety
Muggers can attack in broad daylight, often holding their victims at gunpoint or knifepoint. They may target tourists, particularly if those that show obvious signs of wealth.
Areas where you’re most at risk are:
Tiger Bay and Albouystown in Georgetown
Sophia, south Georgetown
Stabroek Market area – where robberies are a daily occurrence
Avoid walking alone around Georgetown, even in the main areas, and do not walk anywhere at night.
Foreign visitors have been assaulted in Georgetown’s botanical gardens. If possible, go with an organised group and avoid taking valuables.
There have also been incidents of violent theft by gangs who follow cars from Cheddi Jagan International Airport and attack their victims when they reach their destination. Always drive with windows closed and doors locked.
Never try to exchange money or buy goods on the street – go inside the money exchange or shop. You must also be vigilant when leaving local banks as you could be followed. If possible, arrange to be collected by a car or taxi booked by your hotel or with a licensed operator.
George Soros, founder of Open Society Foundations, Invests $500M in Refugees
On Black Wednesday, the Bank of England declared that the U.K. would leave the European ERM. Because of his role in Black Wednesday, George Soros became known for “breaking the Bank of England.” It has been reported that he made a $1 billion profit that day.
Oh the initial 25th Sept BBC story, seems to be major misinformation
I have tracked first mention of it to 3 tweets between 5:07pm and 5:25pm on Wed 25th SEpt
The first guy tweeted a full screenshot
So it was already in public domain when BBC published their story at 10pm
I guess the wifi was closed down quick cos only those 3 tweets mention it
Somewhere in the world a public wifi network probably lists things done by the Israeli Defence Force
.. Would MSM ever say such a list is ANTI-SEMITIC ?
That BBC headline was one of 8 different ones used on the story
It was up for at least and hour ..maybe 3
List of stealth edits on the headline
Has the evil mullah the IDF zapped been buried yet ? Or did Israel do the full job and vapourise him and his mates ….?
I wonder who is next on the target list ? The IDF need to keep those Islamic terrorists worried about the next attacks in the run up to October 7 ….
DT says the body of the head of hezbollah has been recovered intact and that he was killed by blast injury – which sadly would have been very quick .
No announcement about the date of the funeral but I’m sure the IDF will be keeping the date open for a further visit
Keep going IDF ….
Btw – it seems a possible successor has also been ended …
The bbc is a cauldron of fetid overpaid hacks.
“Of course not all cultures are equally valid”
Laura also wanted Kemi to name specific cultures rather than cultural values. You can see socialist manipulation in real time. The white lefty is shocked that black people don’t agree with their race theories
And exports them.
Labour Karry just got nailed.
They are beneath contempt.
Best she could get, so they had to go with this.
Chris a TNI Verify founder?
He always pulls out the receipts!🤣
Chris Wallace, I think you’re fake news, and I think most people believe that!
“There are so many challenges in media… You hear ‘no’ a lot.”
Here’s @NickBrightDJ’s story about his life as a radio and podcast presenter to help inspire you if you’re thinking about a #MediaCareer (via
@BBCBitesize) ⬇️
Senior staff clearly expect not to hear it much from those younger.
How to NOT report on Jimmy Saville – BBC master class.
Save a pensioner – give them your BBC TV License this year to cover their heating allowance loss from Labour.
About half of it, maybe. And might make things worse.
Rishi Sunak is set to leave Tory conference after making it through…just one day.
Rishi Sunak apologises for leaving D-day events early to record TV interview
Rishi Sunak heads to California for ‘special trip’ with family
His Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition, commonly known as the Official Opposition in the United Kingdom, is the main political opposition to His Majesty’s Government. This is usually the political party with the second-largest number of seats in the House of Commons, as the largest party will usually form the government. Since July 2024, the Official Opposition has been the Conservative Party, led by former British prime minister Rishi Sunak.
Tory leadership hopefuls Badenoch and Jenrick pledge big changes on immigration
big changes on immigration = MORE
big changes on immigration = EVEN MORE
big changes on immigration = MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE.
One of Bowen’s ‘sources’?
Lebanese “journalist” Marwa Osman cries on air upon hearing the news Nasrallah was killed in an interview with RT. 🤡
Not this Bowen…
Guest – damn missed it – hope it cried a lot ….
Keep going IDF …
World at one
One for Ofcom – bbc creature having a nice chat with a Lebanon politician ( sounded like hezbollah ) – it’s all terrible isn’t it ? Those nasty Israelis …. No rebuttal – no one to speak for the IDF – where’s that balance ? …