Start the Week 30th September 2024

Another week – another win for the Israeli Defence Force ? If so the BBC will continue its ‘period of mourning for dead Islamic terrorists ( it doesn’t call its’ friends terrorists though ) …

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173 Responses to Start the Week 30th September 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    “The knives are out for Starmer’s cabinet secretary. How long can he hold on?

    Some blame Simon Case for briefing against No 10 enforcer Sue Gray. Others say the man appointed by Boris ‘has poisoned the well’ of the Labour government.

    he may also have concluded that even though he is still a young man (he’ll only be 46 in December), he might not prosper under a new administration – especially with Gray in such a senior position.

    Apart from any other considerations, it seems as though there was simply too much bad blood between the pair.

    Case created his own nemesis: Gray, with the inevitable gruesome consequences we are witnessing now. Worst of all, as soon as a Labour victory looked assured, Case would have seen her coming. ”


  2. Zephir says:

    “Head of Civil Service expected to resign amid tensions with Sue Gray

    Simon Case, long tipped to quit next year, is understood to be stepping down next month ”


  3. Zephir says:

    Angry words in the garden. Then Sue Gray stomped off with a face like thunder. Photos that reveal depth of the acrimony in Downing Street: with Simon Case’s Secretary



  4. Zephir says:

    Starmer’s Stasi:

    13 year old girl in court for kicking and banging at a door:

    “Girl, 13, cries on her mother’s shoulder as she becomes youngest female rioter sentenced after trying to kick down migrant hotel door”


  5. Zephir says:

    Learning from the US democrat (sic) party:

    “Marine Le Pen begins £5.6million embezzlement trial in case that could see her jailed for ten years and banned from standing in elections”


  6. tomo says:

    I’m suspicious, especially after I’ve read reporting about the District Attorneys him + pater have imposed on those cities… rather than their own risibly reworked numbers and reclassification of crimes.

    and yes, Twitter “for you” algorithm is working its magic again….


  7. Zephir says:

    I wonder why ?

    “EU civil war as VDL’s own party calls for fences to ‘secure the border’ from migrants. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is under pressure to fund greater border security to solve the migrant crisis.”


  8. Northern Voter says:

    Apparently, Qweer Starmer has a new nickname. He’s now known as Saloon Door Starmer because he swings both ways!


  9. Zephir says:

    Maybe…because we are all sick to the back teeth with these “victims fleeing war”

    “Machete-wielding attacker sets fire to homes as children lowered from roof to escape.

    More than 30 people have been injured in the horrific attack including eight children with some believed to be in critical condition.

    A Syrian man is reported to have been arrested following the incident.”



  10. Zephir says:

    Fox news says what we are all thinking:

    “NY Times, AP, Washington Post raise eyebrows with glowing coverage of terror leader Hassan Nasrallah
    ‘The media here in America is making him look like he’s a good guy,’ Ainsley Earhardt said”


  11. Zephir says:

    People power, for a change:

    “Netflix saw highest day of cancellations this year after co-founder’s $7M donation to Harris campaign”



  12. Fedup2 says:

    The way things are now- who will sue gray appoint as cabinet secretary – ? Her brother ? Lord moneybags ? Usual corruption …


  13. Zephir says:

    Happy birthday, Marc Bolan..


  14. Zephir says:

    All we need now, in this multicultural world of ours, is some traditional Mongolian heavy metal.. oh, wait…..


    • MarkyMark says:

      Sounds fun … Genghis Khan created an international communication and postal network known as the “Yam.” There is no artwork of Genghis Khan from his lifetime. Genghis Khan’s conquests caused the deaths of roughly 40 million people, especially impacting China and the area that is now Iran.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    The DT reports a report which claims the BBC is institutionally ant Israel – a fact well known on this site – since the BBC is now a Marxist / Islamic evil monster ….

    STARTS The BBC’s “institutionally hostile” coverage of Israel has made Britain unsafe for Jews, a former director has claimed.

    In a report published on Monday, Danny Cohen, the BBC’s director of television from 2013 to 2015, accuses the broadcaster of making “false and damaging claims about Israel’s conduct of this war”.

    It also claims that “appalling lapses in accuracy have served to fuel the flames of anti-Semitism that have spread across the world”.

    The document is a review of alleged breaches, errors and complaints made against the corporation in its coverage of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

    The report claims: “Whenever the corporation is faced with the choice of whose account or narrative to believe, it seldom points in Israel’s direction.”

    Three Jewish groups endorsed Mr Cohen’s findings.

    In a joint statement first published in The Times, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council, and the Community Security Trust warned that the BBC’s reporting has “led many British Jews to conclude that the BBC has become institutionally hostile to Israel”.

    Sir Ephraim Mirvis, the Chief Rabbi, also backed the report, saying: “The data could not be clearer: wherever sustained misinformation and demonisation of Israel is found, incidents of anti-Jewish racism surge.”

    Speaking to The Telegraph, Mr Cohen said that the widespread support for his review was a direct result of the risk posed by the BBC’s coverage to the “safety and security” of British Jews.

    He said: “The reason the community organisations have got behind this is because they believe that the BBC’s hostile reporting on Israel has a direct impact on the safety and security of Britain’s Jewish community. That’s why they’re speaking up. They’re not speaking up simply because they disagree with some reporting.

    “They have seen over the last year that [this reporting] has a real world impact on Jewish people, and that the BBC is contributing to an atmosphere in the UK in which Jewish people feel less safe because their reporting lacks impartiality.”

    An earlier report into alleged BBC anti-Israel bias by the Israeli lawyer Trevor Asserson claimed the BBC had “breached rules 1,500 times” over the Gaza war.

    In one example, it criticised the broadcaster for using the term “revenge attacks” in a headline about Israel’s response to the Oct 7 attacks, arguing it depicted Israel as a “vengeful aggressor”.

    The review’s approach and bipartisan endorsement from the Jewish community is likely to cause extreme discomfort amongst BBC executives.

    The Board of Deputies is usually seen as Left-leaning, and Phil Rosenberg, its new president, is a former Labour councillor.

    Adamant that the catalogue of alleged errors must not be brushed aside, Mr Cohen has called for a judge-led inquiry into the report’s findings.

    He said it was crucial that such an investigation was independent, as the BBC “has gotten into the habit of marking its own homework and finding that there may have been “one or two mistakes along the way, but there’s never any systemic problem”.

    “I think when you’ve got 60 pages of a dossier, you can see there’s a systemic problem, and that’s what the BBC don’t want to acknowledge and accept.”

    The corporation routinely states that it has a robust process in place to handle complainants, who have the right of appeal to the independent regulator, Ofcom.

    ‘Profoundly troubling’
    Sir Ephraim, who backed the call for an independent inquiry, said: “Few institutions are as vital for our national cultural identity or for the health of our democracy as the BBC. That’s why the content of this report, which records the repeated and long-standing failure to ensure impartial and accurate news coverage of the existential war that Israel is fighting on multiple fronts, is so profoundly troubling.”

    He explained that demonisation of Israel in the media increases anti-Jewish racism, saying this is “one of the reasons why the accuracy and objectivity of our national broadcaster is so important for the Jewish community”.

    A BBC spokesman said: “The Israel-Gaza conflict is a polarising and difficult story to cover, and we understand there are a range of views. The BBC has focused on reporting the conflict impartially, bringing audiences breaking news, insight and analysis, and reflecting all perspectives.

    “While we do not recognise the overall characterisation of our journalism in this report, we will, of course, always look at anything raised with us with care and attention.”ENDS


  16. Zephir says:

    Douglas Murray INSULTS & SILENCES Rude WOKE Lawyer In A Fiery Debate With Facts


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