Another week – another win for the Israeli Defence Force ? If so the BBC will continue its ‘period of mourning for dead Islamic terrorists ( it doesn’t call its’ friends terrorists though ) …
Start the Week 30th September 2024
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Imagine my surprise:
Migrant Crime Data “Covered Up”, Says Robert Jenrick as He Calls for Transparency
Jenrick has surprised me in other ways.
It is quite exceptional for somebody who wants to be PM and has been in govt to talk about special forces operations like this.
Now, I am off to lunch so I can’t look at the thread more, but the combo of KGM, Meesh, BBC and a Tory aspirant on allegations on troops sounds well dodgy a brew.
I shall return.
“In a video posted yesterday, Conservative leadership candidate Robert Jenrick claimed that UK special forces are ‘killing rather than capturing terrorists’.
asked him what evidence he had for that claim.
BBC Radio 4 Today
It is quite exceptional for somebody who wants to be PM and has been in govt to talk about special forces operations like this.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy
Col. Jessup : Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know; that Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, *saves lives*. You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said “thank you” and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a *damn* what you think you are entitled to!
OK, he is another inept pol.
She is pure BBC Islam.
Conservative leadership candidate Robert Jenrick faces backlash over special forces killing claim
Usually ‘backlash’ in media terms is ‘something we whipped up’, but having seen it he was unforgivably poor in handling ‘not enough dead jews’ Husain.
“In a video posted yesterday, Conservative leadership candidate Robert Jenrick claimed that UK special forces are ‘killing rather than capturing terrorists’.”
Jen Rick – typical lefty Tory – dump
Humza Useless will be happy for once that there are so many WHITES!
Muslims and mass rape (again, how many times now ?)
Who’da thought it eh ?
“Hezbollah terrorists engaged in sex slavery, rape, mass murder of Syrians.
‘Hezbollah perpetrated rape, mass sexual abuse and committed ethnic cleansing,’ expert says.
JERUSALEM—Photos of Syrians celebrating the assassination of Hezbollah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah last week put the spotlight on the brutal activities of the terror group’s role in sex slavery, mass starvation and kidnappings in the Syrian civil war which led to the deaths of over half a million Syrians.
Walid Phares, a leading expert on Hezbollah and Lebanon, told Fox News Digital that Hezbollah has “committed ethnic cleansing” in Syria. He said Hezbollah “was behind the uprooting of millions of Syrians, of all communities, mainly Sunni. They have perpetrated rape. They have perpetrated mass sexual abuse, including keeping sexual slaves.” ”
“The Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist entity is mainly known in America for bombing the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people in 1983, and the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut also in 1983, resulting in the murders of 241 U.S. military personnel.
A new investigative video series by the Center for Peace Communications (CPC) shines a rare light on the U.S.-designated terrorist movement Hezbollah’s role in sexual slavery, rape and mass murder. The shocking expose about Hezbollah’s enslavement of a Syrian woman aired days after Israel reportedly launched devastating explosions of pagers held by thousands of Hezbollah terrorists across Lebanon in September.
CPC President Joseph Braude told Fox News Digital “Hezbollah’s war on Israel obscures its larger war to subjugate much of the region — as a tyrant in Lebanon, an occupier in Syria, a mafia of sex and drug trafficking, and the nerve center of Iran’s Arab empire. Millions of Arabs whose lives have been shattered by the militia want a different future. Hezbollah does not want the world to hear their voices.”
“Hezbollah took the side of the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad after civilians launched a protest movement in 2011 to secure democracy in the highly repressive nation.
Hezbollah terrorists aided Assad in his scorched-earth campaign to wipe out opposition to his regime, resulting in the killing of over 500,000 people. Syria is now a fragmented and war-ravaged country.
The fundamental corruption and mafia-style criminality of Hezbollah’s global organization has been examined by Matthew Levitt, the director of the Reinhard Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence at The Washington Institute.
He published a 2018 report on “Hezbollah’s Corruption Crisis Runs Deep.” Levitt noted that “some prominent figures in Hezbollah are involved in horrific criminal enterprises, including trafficking in sex and human beings.” He cited the example of Hezbollah official Ali Hussein Zeaiter, who according to media reports, was linked to “a large prostitution network, mainly employing Syrian women.”
Lord Alli argued dictator Assad should not be removed
Labour donor spoke in House of Lords about ‘several’ meetings with Syrian leader
BBC Verify is a bad joke. Which is why her peers handed Springsteen another award.
Defence Secretary Admits 77th Brigade Tasked to “UK Disinformation”
Big Brother Watch Team / February 2, 2023
Ben Wallace announces probe into claims by a 77th Brigade whistleblower that the military unit had covertly spied on Brits posting about Covid on social media
Officials previously claimed operations had “never conducted any kind of action against British citizens”
But in a parliamentary statement, Ben Wallace this week admitted the 77th Brigade scours social media to “assess UK disinformation”
openDemocracy reveals another government “misinformation” unit logged journalists who tweeted about their clearing house exposé
“Defends record on immigration.”
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
Tory Conference 2023.
Google AI Search “uk demographic changes”
The UK’s population is changing in several ways, including:
Population growth
The UK’s population is growing, mainly due to migration, and is projected to reach 70 million by 2026. The population is projected to grow by 6.6 million people between mid-2021 and mid-2036.
Aging population
The UK’s population is also aging, with 19% of the population aged 65 or over in 2022. This number is projected to increase to 27% by 2072.
Natural change
The difference between births and deaths is projected to be the main driver of future population growth in Northern Ireland.
Net migration is projected to account for 92% of the UK’s population growth from 2021 to 2046.
LGBTQ+ population
The proportion of the UK population identifying as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) increased from 1.6% in 2014 to 2.2% in 2018.
Total fertility rate
The average number of children a woman has during her lifetime has been declining.
DT says Iran getting ready for missile attack on Israel . If the internet gets unplugged and / or that bright light plus blast comes along – please cancel your TV licence as the world is about to end …
I’d like to say it’s been fun – but maybe better next time …
It might dry my area out, got a few roads closed at the moment
James Cleverly has said he would abolish the licence fee if he won the Tory leadership contest and eventually became prime minister.
Mr Cleverly made the remarks as he faced questions from Christopher Hope, the political editor of GB News, and Tory members on the penultimate day of the party’s annual conference in Birmingham.
Asked about the future of the licence fee, he replied: “It’s going. And I said this when I was first elected. I had a delegation from the BBC come along to me when I was a new MP, and they did the usual thing, ‘because of the unique way in which the BBC is funded…’
“And I said to them at the time, this was back in 2015, I said if I were you at the next renegotiation of the licence fee, I would start your planning to be a subscription service. You have a back catalogue of some of the best television in the world.
“If Disney and Netflix can make money on the subscription model the BBC should because in the era of streaming services, the tax to watch television is an unsustainable one.”
Its all a bit unlikely, but at least The Conservatives are starting to talk about it. No longer is the BBC the Holy Grail of broadcasting but a rather sick and disturbed mental patient on NHS meds.
“James Cleverly has said he would abolish the licence fee if he won the Tory leadership contest and eventually became prime minister.”
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 4 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
Latest election news – live updates
Rowena Mason and Jim Waterson
Mon 9 Dec 2019 22.30 GMT
A question we keep hearing being asked is “How does making steel abroad then shipping it here to reduce our carbon emissions help in tackling global warming” (cooling/climate change, insert this weeks word)
The answer is always some waffle, maybe about leading the World or some other catchphrase.
My complaint is that the questioner NEVER follows up on whatever rubbish they are given as an answer.
There is no answer that shows the global carbon is reduced, only moved from one place to another, and then add on the shipping costs.
Why do they always let them off with their piss poor answers.
Also, now we’ve shut our last coal power generator and the last blast furnace when can we expect the globe to stop warming/cooling/climate changing, or is it all a big waste of time, a huge con.
Robert Generic, the most right leaning of the four bald men arguing over a comb could do himself some good if he took on this climate crap.
China bans Peppa Pig because she ‘promotes gangster attitudes’
Tattoos of the character have become popular amongst a subculture of people
The double acid attack Monday afternoon at a Westminster school hasnt had much bbc attention . The suspect is a coloured male on an e scooter .
Maybe the horror threshold is very high now
Looks like iran is getting ready to take sausages ..,🌭
The US has indications that Iran is preparing to “imminently” launch a missile attack on Israel, a senior White House official says
Israel has not identified any aerial threat being launched from Iran, says military spokesperson Daniel Hagari
Missiles raining down on Tel Aviv now according to GB News.
Has our present Labour Government had the gumption to summon a COBRA meeting yet ?
Hope not – fortunately the UK has no influence other than aiding and abetting Islamic terrorists against the IDF
Keep going IDF – thoughts and prayers for you against Islamic evil …
Israel Defense Forces
RAW FOOTAGE: Watch as Iranian missiles rain over the Old City in Jerusalem, a holy site for Muslims, Christians and Jews.
This is the target of the Iranian regime: everyone.
THAT is the KEY POINT needing drilled into the skulls of our pig thick and/or ideologically corrupted political and media estates.
Every Lammy, Bowen, Crawford, Kahn, AOC, EU, UN, etc needs to STFU when their merry boys in brown care not one whit for anything but killing Jews by scattergun.
Offing Hezbollah Leaders surgically in their bunkers is about as restrained as it is possible to be.
The irony…..the US pays for Iron Dome to stop Iranian missiles also paid for by Obama when he handed over up to $150 bllion in frozen assets to stop Iran going nuclear[lol…how those Ayatollahs must have laughed].
What happened to the Iron Dome American’s pay for?
Also noted:
Labour, BBC, Graun, Ch4, and every idiot ‘protestor’ in London or other cities can stick their faux Islamophilic outrage and notions of proportionality in that ditch with JezBo.
As black history month kicks in [would we actually notice anything different from the normal months?] we learn that Napoleon was black, the ‘Right’ brothers were also black and that Japan was invented by black people…..Curious that BBC Verify doesn’t bother fact-checking this black propaganda….maybe more certify them than verify….
From the DT – a report on the failure of the chief Islamic terrorist supporter on Today – meesh Hussain – failure to challenge anti semitic comments …
STARTS The BBC has admitted that it failed to sufficiently challenge an Iranian guest who accused Israel of being an “ethno-supremacist” state that is committing a “holocaust” in Gaza.
Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran, appeared on Radio 4’s flagship show on Tuesday to comment on how Iran would respond to Israel’s “limited” ground invasion inside Lebanon.
In what Jewish organisations called a “disgraceful” move, Mishal Husain, the BBC presenter, permitted Mr Marandi to speak at length, unchallenged, as he called Israel a “genocidal regime” that believed its citizens were the “chosen people”.
A BBC spokesperson told The Telegraph that Mr Marandi was interviewed to “gain an understanding of the view from Iran” and noted that he “was challenged during the course of the interview and the Israeli position was reflected”.
They added: “However, we accept we should have continued to challenge his language throughout the interview.”
The BBC is facing a wave of criticism for allowing what commentators have called “offensive” anti-Semitic tropes to be broadcast on its airwaves largely interrupted.
Husain only appeared to interrupt him once to ask what he meant by Iran will do “whatever it takes” to stop Israel. Mr Marandi skirted around the question, saying: “I’m not part of the Iranian government.”
The Iranian-American academic, who is the son of the former Iranian health minister, has previously been called a “propagandist” and “mouthpiece” for the Iranian regime by HonestReporting, an organisation that works to combat prejudices in the media.
The BBC, which “must remain duly impartial” according to its own guidelines, allowed Mr Marandi to continue uninterrupted as he claimed that the “UK supports this Holocaust in Gaza, just as it supports the slaughter of the Lebanese”.
“We have no doubt that [the UK] will be with the Israelis until the very last Palestinian,” he said, adding that the only way forward was “resistance” by Iran’s proxy forces.
The professor then labelled Israel an “expansionist regime” that “believes in ethno-supremacism”, without rebuttal from Husain.
It believes that they are a chosen people. They have exceptional rights, and therefore they have exceptional rights to the whole region. It’s not just Palestine today. It goes beyond the borders of Palestine,” he added.
The presenter waited for Mr Marandi to finish, thanked him and moved on to a new segment of the show.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews said they were “deeply concerned” with the national broadcaster for allowing his claims to be aired “without clear pushback”.
“We will be raising this directly with the BBC at the highest levels,” it added in a statement.
Claudia Mendoza, the CEO of the Jewish Leadership Council, told The Telegraph: “Comments such as these are unacceptable and anti-Semitic, drawing upon ancient conspiracy theories about Jewish power and control.
“It is disgraceful for the BBC to air such comments, even more so given that they went unchallenged in a prime-time slot.”
Hadar Sela, the co-editor of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (Camera), which lobbies for a fair representation of Israel in the media, said that for six years the BBC has solicited commentary from an “apologist for the Iranian regime”.
“No less unsurprising is the fact that BBC presenter Mishal Husain made no effort whatsoever to challenge Marandi’s racist rant and redundant claims of ‘genocide’,” Ms Sela told The Telegraph.
“This is not the BBC providing various viewpoints: this is the BBC knowingly providing a platform for lies and hate speech.”
Simon Schama, a historian and BBC presenter, called the Today’s Programme “profoundly and appallingly offensive” for allowing Mr Marandi to air his “anti-Semitic abuse about ‘chosen people’, ‘holocaust’ in Lebanon etc without challenge”.
One wonders whether the likes of the Jew hater and meesh should find a more comfortable country for their beliefs .
She is the poster girl of course – with that false – bought – English accent …
2700 miles from londonistan – wonder if anyone would notice if Tehran was not there any more ?
There are a lot of Iranians, some of my acquaintance who loathe/detest the ruling elite – they should be assisted in removing the brutes in power.
“Kamala Harris Appears On Popular Podcast, Gets Immediately Destroyed”
The far left US election frauds are starting already:
“Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation banning local governments from requiring voters to present an ID at the ballot box in order to cast a vote – a move which sparked backlash from Elon Musk, who branded Newsom as “The Joker.”
“Wow, it is now illegal to require voter ID in California! They just made PREVENTING voter fraud against the law,” Musk wrote on X late Monday. “The Joker is in charge.”
The bill was passed by the California Assembly in August after being introduced earlier in the year by state Sen. David Min, a Democrat. Newsom signed the bill into law on Thursday. ”
BBC needs shutting down now.
Meanwhile in the BBC studio…
As we in Great Britain face uncertain times why are we ending our most important, strategic industry ?
Lots of taffmen are not happy. Not happy at all !
We are being run by idiots.
BBC have their best and brightest on the job.
They’ve found a ‘Nazi’ in Finland stirring up trouble during the ‘riots’ after the Southport child massacre.
Is he the administrator of a neo Nazi channel sending details to social media groups on how to set fires?
Is he a violent neo nazi?
Well, he could be I suppose. However, one thing hit me when I saw the video. Completely ignored by the ‘journalist’.
He’s brown.
Definitely couldn’t be trying to start some kind of race.war he wants then? And he’s definitely not hoping the non whites win?
Whatever he is, the fact is that if he’s brown, it’s hard for anyone to believe he’s a white supremacist neo nazi.
A nutter, maybe? A trouble maker, possibly? An attention seeker? Who knows?
A nazi? Well….come off it lol.