276 Responses to Start the Week 3rd February 2025

  1. pugnazious says:

    Should be interesting to see what happens in regard to Lucy Letby. When questions were raised before about her conviction the BBC was absolutely insistent, almost aggressively so, that she was guilty…if we had seen what they had seen in court we’d all agree…and the families of the babies are traumatised and upset by the appeals [so let’s just keep someone who is ‘innocent’ stay locked up for life in order not to upset the families?]

    Curious how insistent the BBC was on this case…no interest in investigating any possibility that there may be a miscarriage of justice here….Simon Webb from ‘History Debunked’ notes that people claim if she’d been Black no-one would make so much fuss….on the other hand some might say if she’d been Black the BBC would have been raising hell and doing their own extensive investigations and be demanding a retrial.


    • Flotsam says:

      I’ve no idea if Letby is innocent or not but there is lots of precedent for miscarriages of justice by our wonderful legal system. It’s always interesting to observe the sharkpool of ex colleagues gather round to stick their knives in. A series of coincidences can easily become a sound legal case.

      As a comment on the parents of the babies alleged to be murdered, I would have thought it to be more of a comfort to know their babies weren’t murdered after all.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        The babies were not murdered, rather they were killed because of poor care by the NHS. I think this is what the BBC wants to cover up.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      I never followed it at the time, can’t remember why.

      But in these dystopian times, an indigenous person getting wrongly accused isn’t hard to accept at all.

      Just reading a good article from last year about it.

      “A British Nurse Was Found Guilty of Killing Seven Babies. Did She Do It?”

      New Yorker


  2. AsISeeIt says:

    Free Trade – the Holy Cow of the globalists

    They’re keen to tell us they don’t like tariffs: It is profoundly stupid to impose tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada. In so doing, Trump risks creating a convergence of interest between these countries (Gideon Rackman, Financial Times)

    How could Trump’s tariffs affect the UK? …economists warn there are still ways Britain could be negatively affected by the president’s wider trade policies even if it avoids being hit directly. (BBC Verify)

    The Bully Pulpit

    Whereas, those Joe Biden trade sanctions on Russia – which have cost us dearly in terms of our energy prices – they were rather keen on those: Trump should call on Opec in his bid to negotiate with Putin… Ukraine’s western allies must join forces with the oil cartel to really squeeze Russia’s war economy. (FT)

    Russia sanctions: What impact have they had on its oil and gas exports? …many countries have pledged to end or restrict their oil and gas imports to curtail Moscow’s revenues and hinder its war effort… Major Russian banks have also been removed from the international financial messaging system Swift… Reducing gas imports from Russia has been a major challenge for many European countries, as the continent has been getting most of its gas through pipelines linked to Russia. (BBC)

    From habitual wooden spoon ‘and finally’ position the jokey blokey Daily Star is suddenly sent rocketing up the BBC news staff online print press line-up. How come, you ask…

    The tabloid rubs shoulders this morning with the likes of the FT and the Times perchance because rather than regaling us with the usual tales of psycho seagulls, the latest nerdy boffin research findings about our dietry or our underware habits, or indeed the weather (gale force / flood hit / white out / what a scorcher… UK) – the Star instead goes with a Donald Trump hit piece front page.

    Missing Brain… Last spotted being batsh*t crazy, sparking a global trade war, spooking financial markets & accusing baffled Britain of being out of line… Is it too late to bring back Sleepy Joe? Or is he having a nap? (Daily Star) – evidently the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked that one.

    The poor old Labour-supporting, hungry NHS nurses foraging in dust bins for a snack, Daily Mirror brings up the rear – unfortunately they go with a cover page Royal story.

    Speaking of bringing up the rear – sometimes these segueways write themselves…

    Celebrity butt-lift injector who left women with sepsis exposed by BBC… Watch the moment Ricky Sawyer is confronted by BBC reporter

    I’m inevitably reminded of those Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer absurd comic sketches about the door-stepping of Dr Shakamoto.

    “We’re here at the offices of Dr Shakamoto. Regular viewers will know he’s some one who’s been practicing medicine in this country without a licence or any qualifications. We’re going to confront him on behalf of some of those people who he’s left with terrible injuries… here he comes now! Dr Shakamoto!”

    “What’s up my man?”

    “Roger Lewis from BBC Investigates. We’re here to ask you some questions about you practicing medicine in this country without a licence”

    “That’s right but I ‘ave got a ricence. Yeah got a ricence from Fukhama Film Studio. I do prosthetics for people. I do prosthetic arms… regs… face.. rimbs…”

    “What about the woman from the Rue Rider shop?”

    “She wanted new back spine thing going on. But I put her some really nice wings on. Big metal wings. Like super high power fire pony. Now she can fry!”


  3. MarkyMark says:

    “Daniel Khalife has been sentenced to 14 years and three months in prison after being found guilty of spying for Iran and escaping from HMP Wandsworth.”


    Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent

    David Cameron’s backing of Beijing-funded development raises questions over business dealings

    Couple defend first-cousin marriages amid ban call
    They chose to have their wedding back home in Pakistan in 2007 and live in Birmingham.


  4. Jeff says:

    Now, I can’t confirm this, but it’s on Twitter and seems genuine…And if you’re on Twitter you’ve probably heard this already. Anyway…

    According to people connected to the school, the Sheffield knife wielding schoolboy killer is an Albanian called Omar, a pupil at the same school and he was kicked out the week prior to the murder for bringing a knife onto the premises.

    So, last week, hearing of a heavy police presence, concerned parents contacted the school, only to be told by the headmaster that the police were there on “promotional work”. Hmm…

    “IF” this is true it means that within a week this lout was back in school, armed and dangerous and murdering another boy.

    I’ve got a feeling the government and their propagandists at Pravda, or the BBC as we now call them, will be doing their level best to cover this up.

    I’m awaiting the official response…”Nothing in this…misinformation…inflammatory lies…far right propaganda…”

    Yes, we seem to have heard all this before.

    And not that long ago…


  5. MarkyMark says:



    • Ian Rushlow says:

      That’s £1.069 million in salaries. Add the training cost and it’s £1.43 million. The average annual salary of a regular police officer is currently £36K. So, today’s question to residents in West Yorkshire is: Would you rather have lots of zero-purpose die-versity staff as above, or 35-40 policemen and policewomen who could – and I know this is controversial – deter and investigate real crimes, maybe even some of them could patrol the streets?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Labour’s Islamophobia Policy
      Labour’s Christianophobia Policy
      Labour’s Sikhophobia Policy
      Labour’s WhiteStaleMaleophobia Policy


      6. The Runnymede Trust has defined Islamophobia as anti-Muslim racism and further said:

      anti-Muslim racism – Islam is a religion not a race.
      anti-Muslim racism – Islam is a religion not a race.
      anti-Muslim racism – Islam is a religion not a race.

      9. Another example is where a person makes derogatory references to Muslims but the discriminator’s real target is people from South Asia or the Middle East. This ‘dog whistle’ is used particularly by far-right political groups against Muslim, and other South Asian, politicians


  6. tomo says:

    Octopus Energy specialise in flat out lying


    Top of the fast dial list at Beaker’s department

    Roll on the power cuts I say


  7. MarkyMark says:

    Rod Stewart: Tories should stand down and give Labour a go
    Published 27 January 2023

    “Rod Stewart left the UK and made his home in Los Angeles in 1975 to avoid the 83% tax on top earners that existed in Britain at the time. Toto Wolff was accused of being a tax exile by Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner.”


  8. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    Daily Express, quoting reaction to interview of Herr Farage by the (always impartial) Emma Pimpsdottir:

    “… … …

    Listeners rushed to social media to share their fury as columnist Allison Pearson said: “Why didn’t Emma Barnett ask @Nigel_Farage about the extraordinary lead both Reform UK, and Nigel personally, have in the new You Gov poll over both the Tories and the Labour government? It’s a historic moment. Too busy b*tching about Brexit and Musk.”

    A follower replied: “Poor BBC, they just aren’t coping well with populism (democracy).”

    One listener penned: “What an appalling attempted hatchet job on Nigel Farage on Radio 4’s Today programme this morning. Typical BBC combative journalism and so rude.”

    Another raged: “What a waste of time having @Nigel_Farage on this show if all the interviewer is going to do is show the @BBC BIAS like a typical remoaner. Very poor quality interview, disparaging towards one of the most important UK politicians in early 21st Century.”

    A third agreed: “Nigel Farage was just on BBC radio. His party leads the polls, but he was treated like a bad smell. The tone was withering, petulant and sneering, as if the host had to prove her journalistic integrity by – not just ‘roughing up’ Farage – but by intimating he is beyond the pale.”

    However, one listener accused the BBC of being biased the other way, as they said: “The BBC news department and the U.K. MEDIA putting all of their efforts and resources into promoting Reform and Farage and discrediting Labour at every turn.”


    • JohnC says:

      The Left’s complaints of the BBC fall into 2 types:
      The liar who wants to counter the criticism of others saying they are biased to the Left.
      The activist who thinks they are biased simply because they actually such a far-right, racist like Farage on in the first place. In other words, they are not biased enough to the Left.

      An anonymous survey of BBC staff to see who they voted for would end this argument. Which of course is why they won’t do it.


  9. JohnC says:

    ‘Who won and lost as Trump’s North American trade war is delayed – for now.

    It’s just relentless.

    The fact both of the others caved in shows beyond any doubt who are going to be the losers.

    And they’ve been out on the streets in Canada looking for people to say bad things about Trump. And huess what : they found a black man and a fat woman wearing a rainbow scarf and heart-shaped, red-lens glasses.
    Brought to you by this one:
    Her log on LinkedIn shows her last actions was to like someones comment of:
    ‘I’ll be starting a new job in 2025. I will be covering President-elect Trump’s plan to fire federal workers and dismantle government agencies. ‘
    Another ‘impartial’ BBC correspondent then.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      mmm…. dismantling government agencies is a bad thing?
      They’ve been more than happy to help dismantle the western world for the last 30 years.

      O yes, I forgot the Left’s first rule of hypocrisy. it’s always OK when THEY do it.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Black Lives Matter (BLM) believes that the current policing system is corrupt and disproportionately targets Black people. BLM’s vision is to defund the police and invest in communities. ”

        defund the police and invest in communities – invest in communities?


  10. MarkyMark says:

    ‘I’d Love For You To Explain What This Means’: JD Vance Presses FAA Nominee Over ‘Equity’ Agenda

    2,082,966 views 1 Mar 2023

    “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” Thomas Sowell


  11. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Last night on Dewbs they were talking about the idea of having metal detectors in schools to stop schoolchildren bringing knives in.

    If you cast your minds back to your old schools I bet you can think of hundreds of ways to get a knife into school if you wanted to.

    Schools are usually surrounded by fences or walls. If you throw a knife over the fence/wall, go through the metal detector you can then pick it up once inside the school grounds.
    How easy is that.

    Unless schools have prison grade high walls and full body searches as well you cannot stop them bringing knives in.
    Even then I bet they can get knives in, a mate with a drone can drop one in over any wall (so do they need netting as well)

    The answer is in the upbringing of these children, the punishment when caught and stopping the immigration which supplies most of the stabbers. It’s not more ping pong tables.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Ban schools – save the kids.
      Maybe send kids found with knives to detention center for 6 month ISIS training programme?


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      The idea of having metal detectors at schools which might have 1000 pupils is ridiculous.

      I had to do jury service once, and getting into the courthouse was a real chore, and that was just with a few dozen people in the queue. I was even told off for having a pencil sharpener (it’s a bladed article!). Imagine that at a school.


  12. atlas_shrugged says:

    The three judges involved in the case of the murdered Sara Sharif girl have been named:

    Alison Raeside, Sally Williams, and Peter Nathan.


    The question is are these judges:

    1) Evil and harmful?
    2) Unable to make an informed decision because they never visit a family in question?
    3) Part of an industry that enriches itself by deliberate attacks on the family e.g. removing children where there is no evidence, or worse placing children in known dangerous environments?

    Who knows where the truth lies. Is it a combination of all three of the above, or none of them.

    Why have the SS (Social Service) officers not been named? They at least are supposed to visit the families.

    But don’t worry everybody. Liebour and Pixie have a fix. Every child will be given a unique number. That will fix it.

    RIP Child #123456789


  13. andyjsnape says:

    Biden signs with Los Angeles talent agency

    Compare that “report” to the constant negative reporting where President Trump is concerned by the likes of the bbc


  14. MarkyMark says:


    Biden unveils fresh China tariff hikes Dev2024
    “The tariff increases announced today will further blunt the harmful policies and practices by the People’s Republic of China,



    President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day 

    Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,

    You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.

    Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?

    ‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’ 


    Thank you again for contacting us,

    BBC Complaints Team


  15. tomo says:



    Selected career highlights in the replies


  16. Lucy Pevensey says:

    When Trump visits London



  17. Fedup2 says:

    On X Laurence fox publishes a letter from the prison service saying his request to visit Tommy Robinson has been refused because he might use the visit on social media …

    Mr Fox points out – rightly – that this country has become a repressive police state if you are unapproved … 77 brigade to file .
    Mr Fox had naturally ccd the piece to Elon Musk ….


  18. vlad says:

    BBC headline: “UK not choosing between US and EU, says Starmer.”

    Whatever he says, in his bones Starmer leans towards Europe: Semi-Socialist, Big-State, Top-Down, Dirigiste with lots of red tape and, above all, undemocratic control over its citizens. Every Commie’s dream!
    Especially now that America is vehemently rejecting all the above.


  19. MarkyMark says:

    Actor who acts says he does not want to act as though he acts.
    Maybe he can be Martin Luther King?

    “Jesse Eisenberg, who starred as Meta chief executive Mark Zuckerberg in 2010 film The Social Network, has told BBC News he no longer wants to think of himself “as someone associated with someone like that”.”

    Actor then sells film … “Eisenberg is promoting A Real Pain”

    Note: “he no longer wants to think of himself” man cannot change his own thinking?


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Sunak Joins Speaker Circuit

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-D9rDVmBSE#Sunak Joins Speaker Circuit

    “This is big news, we will soon have cheaper bills and even export energy to other countries but none of your BBC news picked this up. “UK to become a net exporter of electricity.” (c) Rishi Sunak 11.06.2024 https://youtu.be/3CNThBxJjm4?t=2368#Conservative Party launch manifesto

    It does beg the question why isn’t the UK doing this already or why aren’t we after 14 years of Tory power we in a position to sell energy or why haven’t Labour go the same policy?”


  21. micknotmike says:

    Want to see something move really fast?

    Breaking news is that the knife killer in Sheffield is an Albanian (So most likely moslim) called Omar. The noise you can hear is the sound of a headline story being whisked off the front page and buried in regions.

    As a possible disclaimer, I saw it on a news feed on youtube about 30 mins ago, and when I went to capture a screenshot it had been pulled. Quelle surprise!


  22. tomo says:

    BBC selling PR services?

    They always fawn ‘orribly over Gates





    • MarkyMark says:

      Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has admitted he made “a huge mistake” in spending time with sex offender and disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.

      Shortly afterwards, it emerged that Microsoft was investigating a complaint that Mr Gates had “sought to initiate an intimate relationship” with a female employee in 2000. The investigation ended after Mr Gates left the board, but Microsoft said the two were not linked.


  23. andyjsnape says:

    Five people shot at school in central Sweden

    Religion of peace? More to follow


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Police said “the danger is not over” and warned the public to stay away. The extent of the injuries is unclear – but police say no officers have been shot.

      “This is currently seen as an attempted murder, arson and aggravated weapons offence,” they said in a statement.”



      “In the second half of the twentieth century, Sweden became internationally known as one of Europe’s key countries of open multiculturalism where standards of social and gender equality as well as of the widely-praised, inclusive welfare state model (Östberg and Andersson 2013) all worked in sync with largely positive …”


  24. tomo says:

    Guess who funds BBC Media Action?



  25. MarkyMark says:

    Science is settled – climate change ….

    “Letby did not murder babies, medical experts claim”

    Serial killer Lucy Letby did not murder any babies, the chairman of a panel of international medical experts has claimed while outlining “significant new evidence”.

    Mark McDonald, Lucy Letby’s barrister, said that because her previous legal team had not called a medical expert at her trial, the information presented was “new, fresh evidence”.


  26. MarkyMark says:

    “China has complained to the World Trade Organization (WTO) – accusing the US of breaking international rules.”



    China — Anti Dumping and Countervailing Duty Measures on Barley from Australia


  27. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Here’s a way to stop the Ukraine war.
    Get Russia to join NATO.
    Her borders will then be safe (from NATO with her being a member)

    It cannot happen though, too many people make fortunes from the Arms trade and they need to keep wars going. Unfortunately these are the people in power. The ones who CAN stop wars are the ones who want them.

    Just like all these woke DEI hires need to keep finding ever more ridiculous reasons to exist. If we returned to common sense they would have no jobs and they can’t allow that.


  28. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    If you support the death penalty would you hang Lucy Letby.
    She’s been convicted of baby killing.

    However, there seems to be growing doubt about her guilt.

    I would never want our ‘elite’ to have the power of the death penalty. They can’t be trusted.


  29. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – more BBC bashing of Bibi Netanyahu

    I came in late and as I switched on R4, TWatO was busy bashing Bibi wanting him gone for a Palestinian woman to have a chance of peace. I think you get that peace process, darling, when you get Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranians (and Houthis) to lay down ALL their weapons and to stop seeking the total destruction of Israel including its people.


    Another clear example of BBC bias on the side of the Palestinians.


  30. andyjsnape says:

    Re shooting in Sweden, bbc comments:- School violence rare in Sweden, but gang crime is not

    Yes bbc just look at the sh*thole Malmo has become.

    I was in Malmo 1999, such a beautiful place – bbc what has changed??


    • MarkyMark says:

      23 August 2016

      Boy, 8, killed in grenade attack on apartment in Sweden

      An eight-year-old boy has been killed after a grenade was thrown into a flat in the Swedish city of Gothenburg, police said.

      Yuusuf Warsame from Birmingham in the UK was sleeping in the living room of the flat in the Biskopsgarten area, where he was visiting relatives.

      DIVERSITY “Over the course of the summer, cars have been set alight on an almost nightly basis in some neighbourhoods.”


    • vlad says:

      @andy – Muslims.


  31. Foscari says:

    I am a 79 year old pale , stale, male So if I am being
    reactionary , so far ass the BBC is concerned please
    excuse me. Yes , maybe I have lost it . And it’s time
    for me to be carried away by men in white coats.
    BUT I cant quite understand how the plethora of
    women news presenters
    now look like they have just come out
    of the gym in odd kinds of women’s trousers . Not
    actually tracksuits. But pull ups . Which for many look
    rather strange.
    Do you think they are allowed to wear what they like ? Or are they
    under instructions from BIG BROTHER. OK the London
    programme is different. Because some of the presenters
    are “big” girls whom take up most of the screen. I
    cant see them ever wearing pull up trousers.
    Today on the 1PM news it was quite interesting .One
    of the lady presenters in her trousers was interviewing
    a gentleman dressed in a different assortment of different
    coloured clothes including a bow tie.. This is becoming
    all rather strange for me. Is it time for the men in white
    coats to be called for?


    • Zephir says:

      Yes, I recall being lectured to about my clothing by some idiot office supervisor whilst wearing a jet black smart pair of jeans (not faded in any way) , good shoes and a pressed shirt in an office once, whilst the wimmin next to me was wearing what looked like baggy, creased linen pyjamas, barefeet with sandals. I was much younger then, I would most certainly not accept this sex discrimination today.

      Nothing much has changed there, according to my son, who has the same dress requirements of business suit whilst the wimmin turn up in what they want.

      In a similar vein nowadays, if I go into a clothes shop and the mens’ section is up a flight of stairs with no escalator, whilst the wimmin get their choices all on the ground floor, I walk out making sure I comment how sexist that is.


  32. Flotsam says:

    Looks like it’s Teflon Keir


  33. Eddy Booth says:

    ‘My son was 18 and went to Ukraine as cannon fodder’


    “I’ll go home tonight and he’s not sat there playing Playstation, it’s weird.
    The teenager from Huddersfield was killed in a drone attack in the village of Terny on the eastern front.”

    So went from Call Of Duty on his playstation to becoming a mercenary with the aim to kill some Russians..

    “”I suppose he thought it was a bit of an adventure and he was going out there to help and hopefully make a difference.””

    Adventure like a safari..
    He made zero difference, he died literally minutes into his first mission.


    BBC have it tucked away under West Yorkshire not War in Ukraine


  34. vlad says:

    Levels of TDS
    Level 1 – crying
    Level 2 – screaming
    Level 3 – flying helicopter into plane?

    (The pilot in the recent crash was an ardent Biden supporter)


    • pugnazious says:

      Sounds sort of familiar re the Syrian schoolboy bullying and threatening…difference is that he was given a lesson by brother of one girl threatened…and the rest is history and Tommy Robinson is in prison.

      When you import people you import their culture and their problems…lessons have not been learnt.


  35. pugnazious says:

    The BBC’s web report on Lucy Letby doesn’t start well…

    ‘Serial killer Lucy Letby did not murder any babies, the chairman of a panel of international medical experts has claimed while outlining “significant new evidence”.’


    Why start with ‘serial killer’ when that is in doubt? The report as a whole does though give a reasonably fair look at what is going on…how different to the BBC’s Nick Garnett on 5 Live who has several times consistently and aggressively insisted Letby is guilty. Today was no different…his opening line that the doctor heading the press briefing had notably said this was all ‘in my opinion’ indicated direction of thought of Garnett. Well yes…it’s the doctor’s opinion having spent a long time weighing up the evidence and thus coming to that opinion…it’s not an opinion formed out of thin air as Garnett implied.

    Garnett went on to dismiss the claims as ‘old evidence’…all been seen before and already looked at and dismissed by the courts…except of course that’s not true.
    Garnett claimed the press briefing didn’t give a balanced view…there was no evidence put for the other side…it was, he said, a ‘very strange press brief’. Hmmm…they put the evidence that they thought indicated the prosecution was wrong…they, and no-one else either, are not likely to put the case for the prosecution…that’s it’s own job. A very strange point by Garnett.

    He went on to claim there was a huge amount of evidence saying Letby is guilty….really? Isn’t that the point of the legal challenge…saying that evidence is in fact wrong?

    He made a lot of the families being upset…but what has that got to do with anything? Do they just want a victim to blame and rot in jail regardless of truth? Garnett seems to.

    It was notable that Garnett failed to tell us that the doctor leading the challenge was in fact the author of a study used by the prosecution to charge Letby…the doctor claims the study did not in fact back up the clams made by the prosecution. Why would Garnett not tell you that the man whose medical study was used to prosecute Letby challenged its use?

    Nor did Garnett actually tell us about what the challenges actually were to the prosecution evidence….you’d have no idea why the doctors were saying Letby may not have killed any baby at all. He asked no questions about the prosecution and made absolutely no attempt to put the other side….being a journalist surely that’s his job not the ‘defence’s’….instead he chose to act for the prosecution and did his best to downplay, discredit and dismiss the claims.

    Contrast with the Telegraph’s reporting…

    ‘Cracks in Lucy Letby evidence are now gaping holes’
    ‘Never before in British legal history has such a highly respected group of medical experts come together to challenge the evidence against a convicted serial killer.

    The 14 neonatologists who have reviewed the Lucy Letby data are world-class specialists, with thousands of medical and scientific papers published between them.

    Their conclusion: there were no murders, only the precariousness of prematurity, coupled with the tragic incompetence of a failing baby unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital.

    At a press conference in central London, the major review found doctors at the Countess of Chester had misdiagnosed diseases, cared for infants beyond their capabilities, demonstrated poor skills, and did not know how to use equipment.

    These, remember, were the very doctors who took the stand to point the finger at Letby. In some instances, they even helped the police gather evidence against the nurse.’


  36. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Israel are the viilains here according to the BBC

    Note the language used by the BBC here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/cn4m8dv1kx8o Two-year-old Palestinian Habiba al-Askari suffers from a rare disease that has cut off the blood supply to her limbs. Doctors treating her said she needed to be evacuated to a hospital outside of Gaza to save her life, and some of her limbs.

    Jordan has been trying to get Israeli permission to evacuate her for nearly ten days.

    May be seven days, may be eight days, may be nine days. Of course Jewish and Arab Sabbaths would have intruded and the Israelis may have been considering treating the little girl in a hospital in Israel.


  37. taffman says:

    The Parliament of Great Britain is in need of reform.
    Next time vote for The Reform Party before we go to the dogs !


  38. Zephir says:

    Mentioned above but, worth a second look at the wailing and gnashing of bbc teeth.

    Musk eh, and the slander he has received from bbc marxist kidult activists pretending to be journalists. What do they say about revenge best served cold…..

    “Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s USAID closure will hit BBC charity.

    The US humanitarian relief agency being shut down by Elon Musk and Donald Trump has been funding the BBC’s charity to the tune of $3million-a-year of American taxpayers’ money, MailOnline can reveal today.

    The complete closure of USAID, which President Trump has said is ‘run by radical lunatics’, would blow a giant hole in BBC Media Action’s annual budget.

    BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international development charity and it trains journalists and produces programmes that are broadcast in some of the world’s poorest regions.

    It funds a range of projects in 30 countries and 50 languages across the world, from advising with the United Nations on media disinformation to ‘mentoring’ journalists in Africa on climate change and ‘changing perceptions’ about the Covid-19 vaccination.

    The charity, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary, says its work is ‘building stronger democracies’, making a ‘safer, more habitable planet’ and creating ‘more inclusive societies’ – especially for the disabled and LGBTQI+ people.

    Last year USAID gave BBC Media Action $3.23million (£2.6million) of US taxpayers’ money, making it the second largest donor to the British-based charity. In the previous 12 months USAID donated $2.35million (£1.89million) to fund projects in Afghanistan, Kenya, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nigeria and other nations.”



    • MarkyMark says:

      Why is the BBC a charity?


      • tomo says:

        Because our politicians have allowed the charity sector to be abused from A to Z – they’ve also allowed the “not for profit” sector to be politicised… This especially applies to billionaires up to no good like Soros.

        I wish that the http://www.fakecharities.org site had been better supported.

        Scum bureaucrats have been hosing public funds (i.e. your money) at crony or worse fake charity outfits in increasing amounts for several decades


  39. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news last night the murder in a Sheffield school by Omar
    Three sets of parents were interviewed
    all were black
    The last one said “This is like America man, but this is Sheffield”


  40. atlas_shrugged says:

    Good article on the involvement of the military in the global Covid Plandemic:


    Military/IC-affiliated groups involved in messaging/propaganda/censorship:

    Ministry of Defence team [ref]
    iSAGE [ref]
    77th Brigade [ref]
    Nudge Unit [ref from March 11th 2020] / Behavioural Insights Team – now “fully owned by Nesta” (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) [ref]
    RAF analysts [ref]
    Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) (crossover US/UK)[ref]

    Key figures in Covid response linked to military, IC, UN/WHO:

    Roy Anderson [ref]
    Dominic Cummings [ref][ref]
    Jeremy Farrar [ref] [ref][ref]
    Clare Gardiner [ref]
    Richard Hatchett (crossover US/UK) [ref][ref][ref][ref]
    Tom Hurd [ref] [ref]
    Thomas Waite [ref]
    Simon Manley (UK Director-General COVID-19) [ref]


  41. pugnazious says:

    ‘“[Tories] We cannot get any worse than a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile … banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian … piece of scum,” she said at the event, before adding that she had “held back a little”.’

    Any irony that the foul-mouthed Rayner should be trying to impose a blasphemy law for the benefit of her Muslim voters? The other irony is that so much of that could be applied to so many of her Muslim voters….just add ‘anti-Semitic’….but apparently then it’s OK.


  42. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news
    Item #1 Sheffield school murder
    Item #2 We speak to a group of Muslim women about the rioting this summer
    … no not about the Harehills rioting supported by Muslims
    but about a gtreat catastrophe by evil white racist white people
    (no acknowledgement about any Southport connection)
    end “effort

    Item #3 Other news
    Item #4 Dotty the black midwife in Chesterfield.

    Next item is PR for their 7:30pm show .. opened with video of Miya Knights a black “tretail analyst” then onto the show’s presenter 2 white women.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Thanks for this summary, Stew. I wonder how long your ITV local news staff have been sitting on that #2 story, since we are not yet near one year from the troubles last Summer. It does seem convenient, does it not, that they have this (non-)story to “balance out” your #1 story about the dreadful and unnecessary killing of the Sheffield schoolboy. Almost as if they were determined to find/create Muslim victims … …


  43. Lucy Pevensey says:



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