239 Responses to Weekend 8th February 2025

  1. Zephir says:

    “They are all welcome here” from the far left hags and beardy wierdies….

    And, this is what we have come to :

    “Local Fine Gael councillor Ray McAdam said residents were told to lock their doors and stay inside.”

    ‘Three males assaulted in the course of the incident have been taken to hospital for treatment, two males for serious but not life-threatening injuries, one male with less serious injuries.

    Local Fine Gael councillor Ray McAdam said residents were told to lock their doors and stay inside.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    We are in interesting times

    In the US Trump and Elon are starting to save America – with so much going on its ‘ hard to keep up

    Whilst in the UK the Starmer Marxist regime is screwing things up at a pace that it is hard to keep up .

    And parliament needs to be bought down ….


  3. digg says:

    A growing number of BBC articles are focusing on dodgy sexual behaviour by folks in one way or another. I think the BBC have decided to join the salacious sex- chasing red-tops to increase their viewing figures….

    Says much about the calibre of the current crop of BBC journalists.

    So fucking sad when the grown ups leave the room.