Did the BBC report this?
Huge crowd of Muslim protesters picket Downing Street to protest at Charlie Hebdo cartoons
Or this…
Grandfather’s body could be exhumed after relatives of Muslim buried alongside complain he was an unbeliever
Or even this…
Cathy Newman ‘ushered out of mosque’ on national open day
I can’t find a BBC report on any of those for some reason…the last one is particularly of interest as the BBC is now taking a lot of interest in it…as Cathy Newman has had to apologise after it turns out she misinterpreted events.
Funny how the BBC takes an interest when Muslims are seen to be somehow ‘wronged’ but studiously ignores Muslims acting as Muslims will wont to do due to their religious convictions.
Here’s the BBC on the trail of the ‘Islamophobic’ Cathy Newman….
Channel 4 presenter Cathy Newman sorry over mosque claims
The BBC now claims that this is an important story…here’s Peter Allen yesterday (12:23)…Allen says she is accused of ‘lying’…..
‘Obviously this was important as it was picked up by a lot of newspapers [But not the BBC] and in the present circumstances, the present atmosphere, it became an important story…’
Not so important that they reported it from the get go.
Allen has little Owen Jones, the CeeBeebies’ mini ‘George Galloway’, on to talk about this…Jones is a flagrant bandwagon jumping opportunist who will spout any old specious claptrap from the Marxist playbook to get on TV or the radio…and here he is….and you know what…Allen laps every word up, not a word of disagreement, not a single thought entered Allen’s head that Jones might just be talking utter bollocks as he pushes the Islamist’s narrative.
“It takes two to lie: one to lie and one to listen”
Homer Simpson.
The trouble with Allen and his ilk is that they want to believe.
Naturally Cathy Newman’s ‘lies’ are symptomatic of a widespread attitude towards Muslims in British society, and in her position as a newsreader she should have realised the ‘background’ [Rampant Islamophobia stalking the land] Allen tells us….suggesting she shouldn’t have put out her tweet [even if it had been what actually happened].
That says a lot about BBC attitudes to the news…and explains why the above stories didn’t make it through the BBC filter…..any story that reflects badly on Muslims must be suppressed just in case people, those ignorant, stupid, prejudiced people, start to think Islam may not be compatible with life in the UK.
Ironically a counterblast to Jones playing the ‘race card’ is from a programme in a series that the BBC commissioned to persuade us that Muslims and immigration are good for Europe, and Pegida is evil.…but one programme slipped through and was distinctly ‘off-message’ ….
Craig at ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ has transcribed part of it…
When Muslims complain about ‘Islamophobia’ these days they ought to ask where this ‘phobia’ comes from. Is it unfair on Muslims if a lot of people are revolted by an Islam that spreads violence and terror and they turn away from such a religion and its followers?
The confused, misled young people who carry out terrorist attacks in the name of Allah are only part of it. Conditions in many Islamic countries are beneath human dignity. Public executions, stonings, appalling medieval practices, which are far too seldom condemned by Muslim believers. Likewise, the widespread, systematic, pitiless discrimination against women and against people of other faiths. Elementary human rights are denied in the name of a great world religion. All this cannot and should not engender any sympathy, any good will.
‘Islamophobia’ cannot be compared with anti-Semitism, which is also still part of the European mentality. ‘Islamophobia’ in Europe today is less irrational and less deep-rooted than the hatred of Jews. It is primarily the failure of Muslim elites to live out their faith and interpret it in such a way that it can be communicated to people of other faiths or none.
Above all though, violence in the name of Islam and the Koran has led to a deep alienation between Muslims and non-Muslims. What is expressed in this alienation is above all horror.
Naturally it is still ‘Islamists’ distorting a fine religion but the speaker, Turkish-German writer Zafer Senocak, was prepared to criticise Islam and Muslims…and blame them for their own actions…..he told us that it is essential to have a conversation about what is happening and Islam’s part in it…he used a quote from his father to illustrate this…
‘You can’t walk tall and strong on eggshells’
In other words sometimes you have to say things that will ‘offend’ other people or say things that are unwelcome truths in order to allow solutions to be found.
People like Owen Jones want to close down debate and do so by scaremongering about the consequences of that debate and labelling anyone who dares to venture down that route as prejudiced, racist or Islamophobic.
Curiously an example of Muslims jumping the gun and scaremongering in favour of the Islamist narrative doesn’t concern Jones….
The BBC asks…
Was it right to label Chapel Hill shootings a ‘hate crime’ so quickly?
Intreresting reply from the ‘lying’ Muslim activist…
The #ChapelHillShooting hashtag was started by an activist, Abed Ayoub. He’s the legal and policy director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), a lobby group based in Washington.
Q. But at the time you gave these events their interpretation on social media, you did not really know what happened?
At the time I was tweeting and others were tweeting, yes, we made the assumption given the circumstances and given the facts, that this was a hate crime. But I think – as one of my other tweets alluded to – you cannot blame the Arab and Muslim community for believing that.
Q. You are the legal and policy director of a major campaigning organisation. By jumping the gun did you undermine the credibility of the case?
No, by jumping the gun I think we opened the dialogue and conversation about the issues we’re facing in this community.
So it’s OK for a Muslim to whip up a potentially hugely violent reaction amongst Muslims worldwide if it ‘starts a conversation’ about ‘issues’ but Cathy Newman is crucified for making a genuine mistake?
Despite that piece of nuanced journalism from the BBC they are still pushing the ‘hate crime’ angle of the Craig Hicks killing of three Muslims dental students….
Chapel Hill murders: Residents recall victims and parking rows
Was the car park of an apartment complex the reason for a triple murder, or were cars just a pretext for a hate crime?
Ahh…so it may have been about parking but really it was about religion and race!
Interesting that the father of two of the victims claims it must have been a hate crime because Hicks came out with a gun once when arguing with the deceased…however it seems to have been his standard behaviour as another person reveals…
Michael Nam points to a parking space in the Finley Forest condominium complex in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. It doesn’t look like much – a stretch of pavement and a stone marker with the word “reserved” in faded white letters. Two squashed pinecones are lying on the ground.
It meant something to Craig Stephen Hicks, though. Once when Nam parked his car there, Hicks came out of his apartment with a gun holstered on his hip. It was at about four on a November afternoon.
“I was like, ‘Is this for real?'” Nam says. “I’m not afraid of your gun, but why the hell did you bring it out?”
The BBC report is favouring the ‘hate crime’ narrative and looks to paint Hicks in as bad a light as possible whilst everybody else is entirely reasonable and normal.
I shall listen in to Peter Allen today to hear what Jones has to say about all this.