The Racist And Islamophobic BBC




‘BBC Panorama whistle-blower reveals racist and Islamophobic programme

Criminal investigation underway as BBC Panorama whistle-blower reveals racist and Islamophobic programme on Tower Hamlets

I believe the programme is being used for political campaigning and electioneering purposes just weeks before local and Mayoral elections in May.’

Lutfur Rahman



The BBC seems to have overcome its inbuilt reluctance to deal with ‘sensitive’ communities and has set Panorama onto Lutfur Rahman (tonight 20:30 BBC 1)….to investigate claims that Tower Hamlets’ Mayor, Lutfur Rahman, has “used public funds both to promote himself and to create a political power base” and says that it has evidence “suggesting” the mayor has refused “to answer opposition questions about spending decisions involving millions of pounds of public money”.

A bit of a wasted opportunity really…a mere half hour programme looking at one very specific accusation….when there is so much more going on in Tower Hamlets, and all related to one issue….the BBC seems to be looking at things purely from a ‘technical and political’ point of view:

The programme exposes serious inadequacies in the checks and balances of a directly elected mayoral system, particularly when there’s a context of dysfunctional party politics.


Rahman doesn’t like the attention  via Guido:

The BBC and the undercover production company, Films of Record, have also been referred to the Information Commissioner and there is now a criminal investigation underway.

….the BBC, he pronounces, being racist and Islamophobic…

[Which must be a bit of a problem for our long term resident race card playing troll on this site who shouts racist and islamophobe whenever Islam is mentioned.]

‘A dossier passed to us by a BBC whistle-blower has revealed it to be in total breach of the BBC’s editorial guidelines as a public broadcaster. It has clear racist and Islamophobic overtones targeting the Bangladeshi Muslim community in Tower Hamlets.’


Not only that but the BBC is attempting to alter the result of an election he alleges:

The BBC’s targeting of our borough is nothing short of a direct intervention in the outcome of an election.


Just as most accusations of ‘islamophobia’ don’t bare scrutiny Rahman’s own racist reaction, they’re white/non-Muslim, so they must be racist/Islamophobic, doesn’t stand up to close, or even the slightest, inspection….the last ditched, desperate defence of someone who has no other argument, no evidence, no substance, to back up their own case.

Panorama doesn’t even mention Islam/Muslim in the web report….they base their accusation solely on particular communities receiving grants for votes….no suggestion it is an Islamic conspiracy.

I guess Rahman and Owen Jones must have a lot to talk about…the BBC being the tool of the Far Right producing islamophobic and racist propaganda.


The BBC though, should be investigating the politics and cultural issues within such communities and force them into the open, especially as many wish them to remain hidden:

‘I do know that many, many Bangladeshis are terrified about speaking out in public for fear of vilification in their own community.’


Eric Pickles says:

“There is a worrying pattern of divisive community politics and mismanagement of council staff and resources by the mayoral administration in Tower Hamlets.”


But that isn’t the BBC’s issue…it is ignoring that ‘divisive community politics’.


The BBC doesn’t report Pickles saying that, merely this:

“Panorama has unearthed some very serious allegations that demand an answer,” he said. “I think the allegations or questions that Panorama raise are of a completely different magnitude to worries and concerns that I have with other councils.”


Slightly different.




Playing the race card seems to be a theme in Tower Hamlets:

Alibor Choudhury, the man in charge of the borough’s £1.2billion budget thought he had a good gag when he wanted to accuse Labour’s Bow West councillor Ann Jackson of being a racist and a fascist. Heck, she was wearing a black cardigan, so, er, wow, like Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts she must be part of John Biggs’s “black cardigan brigade”.

How tasteful.

The problem was she was wearing a black cardigan because she was in mourning for her ex-husband, whose funeral she had attended the day before.

FURY Cllr Anwar Khan accused his white Labour colleagues of halting the ambitions of Bengalis


Don’t remember this on the BBC….

‘We’re not CURRY PEOPLE!’ Amazing VIDEO of politicians erupting in Asian-White race row

THESE extraordinary videos show a town hall meeting descending into bitterness and chaos after an Asian councillor likened white colleagues to Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts, while another claimed his community had been branded “curry people”.




Playng the race card is a highly aggressive and political course of action that is designed to put the ‘guilty’ person on the defensive having to deny such an accusation or smear, knowing that ‘mud sticks’……but this shows just how convenient such a devious and malignant method it is as Asian members of Tower Hamlets had previously praised the designation of the area as the ‘Curry Capital’… ‘honour’ they called it…..


8.1       Question from Councillor Motin Uz-Zaman on the promotion of the       ‘Curry Capital’ during the Olympics:

‘What steps did the Mayor take to promote Curry Capital during the Olympics? What was the total budget allocated to promoting Curry Capital and Brick Lane and will the Mayor provide a breakdown of what this budget was spent on?’


Response by Councillor Rania Khan, Cabinet Member for Culture:

‘The Mayor was successful in ensuring Brick Lane and Spitalfields received the honour being designated Curry Capital 2012.’



Perhaps one day the BBC will start investigating the East London Mosque and the extremists it harbours despite reassurances from the BBC that it is a place of tolerance and peace….

Adherents of a multi-faith society looking for a good news story about Islam could do a lot worse than spend an afternoon at the East London Mosque.


Or you could compare that with what Harry’s Place says:

The East London Mosque: A Place For Hate





Featherbedding The Bedroom Tax Dodgers



The ‘Spare Room Subsidy’ or as some of its critics call it, the ‘Bedroom Tax’…or as some are now calling it, the ‘Under Occupancy Penalty’.

Yes, a BBC presenter did say that yesterday…a new one from the BBC with impartiality in its DNA always wanting to give you every nuance and angle to a story, a grateful audience getting to hear every voice….of criticism.

Some dodgy semantics going on….the ‘critics’ know ‘Tax’ is strictly inaccurate and a weak point in their argument, so they have fished around for some other pejorative, negative word and come up with ‘penalty’.

Still don’t hear the BBC giving a similar treatment to the other side….when do we hear of the featherbedded ‘Selfish House Blockers’as some might call them, keeping disadvantaged families living in appallingly overcrowded conditions because they want to keep receiving their state handout of the ‘I’m All Right Jack Subsidy’, as some might call it?



On a slightly different matter……This [reference the leaflet from Eastland Homes Housing Association above] should perhaps been a warning to Grant Shapps from coincidentally almost exactly a year ago:

10:04 – 18 March 2013

@eastlandshomes We’ve all seen your blurb about ppl on the dole drinking and playing bingo etc.You are a disgusting organization #bedroomtax







Easton Effrontery



Today (0810) ventured onto the ‘frontline’ in the immigration debate as John Humphrys went to Sheffield to look at the ‘Roma’ question.

Interesting as you got a clear picture of one problem in the immigration ‘debate’…those closely involved with immigrants have no intention of actually having a debate….immigration is ‘good’ for better or worse.

Humphrys at least had a reasonable stab at balance…except no he didn’t…the things he said raised the problems and issues….and yet nowhere in the piece had there been time allocated to those with genuine concerns about immigration.

A group of people did have a say…but Humphrys admitted he had been ‘ambushed’ by the local residents…in other words there had been no plan to talk to them…just the local council official dealing with immigrants and an immigration help service representative….in other words two people who had no intention of saying anything negative about the issues and wanted to sweep all the problems under the carpet…‘it’ll all turn out OK in the end’….well that’s OK then…just when is the ‘end’ going to be?  There is no end in sight….as immigration continues to swamp the country….it doesn’t stop, it’s a never ending problem, even if one group did ‘integrate’ they are immediately replaced by another…so no, there will never be an ‘end’.

We then came back to the studio….and who pops in for a chat…Mark Easton…the BBC’s very own ‘Open Borders’ PR guru who thinks we should all just learn to love and accept immigrants and luxuriate in the benefits they bring to our country.

Easton’s thought for the day….We should have a calm, reasoned and sensible debate…just as proposed by that (Tiny) Tory group which opposes all measures to limit immigration, oh, and the Libdems of course….and we know their opinions….not forgetting Labour’s part in all this…the cause of the problem.


So all who want no limits on immigration are ‘reasoned and sensible’,  all who actually want a calm, reasoned and sensible debate, aren’t at all calm, reasoned and sensible…they’re all fascist, xenophobic little Englanders….. is the implication from what Easton suggests.



Tricks of the trade


The BBC has been wonderfully generous with its time and money indoctrinating, sorry, ‘mentoring’, 30,000 school pupils from around the country and tutoring them on how to become journalists.

Gord help us!

Gord help us if this is what they are teaching them:

Fiona Bruce mentors pupils for Michael Gove interview


Fiona Bruce reveals the BBC’s greatest trick for eliciting sympathy for a ‘victim’ of whatever oppression the government is guilty of now in the BBC’s eyes and making things unreasonably and impossibly difficult for a politician….and thereby altering the viewer’s perceptions of the full narrative…….‘love me, love my dog as well’ type of thing….love the individual immigrant…love, or at least grudgingly accept mass immigration.


That secret is to demand answers for the ‘personal’ circumstances.

Bruce said the pupils should be asking questions directly relevant to them…‘and we were talking about this….for a politician it’s very easy to talk in general terms’ but if the interviewer asks questions about their own personal circumstances saying ‘Your policies are making things worse for are you going to help me’…then that is a bit harder for the politician to answer.


Of course no politician can possibly provide an answer for everyone’s personal circumstances and so such a line of questioning is essentially dishonest and designed to embarrass the politician…he can’t possibly know the full circumstances and even if he did he can’t make policy decisions there and then, and certainly not for one person or one particular group.

The BBC of course loves this as it puts the politician on the spot, generating tension or conflict and the BBC knows that and it will file his answer away for another day only to raise the matter later demanding answers as to why such and such hasn’t been done.

The BBC’s greatest trick…make it personal…immigration?…never mind the massive downsides, ignore them, promote the ‘benefits’ but in particular get personal, get the immigrants individual story, the hardships, the poverty, the ‘appalling’ lives they escape from, the terrible dangers they endured as they risked all to come to Britain..passing through all those countries with the same religion, culture or language to get to a completely foreign and alien UK, which is the only one that will pay you benefits……oh….and most of all tell us how they have come to work and have no intention of claiming any benefits at all…..get the sob story and the listener’s sympathy for one immigrant will then transfer to the narrative on immigration as a whole….let’s fling open those borders.

Remember….‘The enemy is only someone whose story you haven’t heard yet.’




I don’t know about a ‘full house’ but own a big house and you’re toast…if the BBC has its way.

Listening to Today (around 07:25) and the BBC journo was interviewing Lord Turner, in charge of not regulating the banks at one time.

Said journo stated that he thought the housing market was creating inequality and that we must surely have a ‘mansion tax’.

Nice, as always, to have a BBC journo’s opinion inserted as ‘fact’ into a news programme along with his solution….nothing to do with Cameron clearly stating in PMQs that he would fight this unjust tax?






A Warning From The Future



The BBC have a warning for you about the Far Right:

France election: National Front gains trigger alarm


It is always an oddity that the BBC is never ‘alarmed’ about the Far Left taking power…there is no ‘warning from history’ about them….as Stalin erased his enemies from the archives the BBC erases Stalin and his ilk and their massive crimes….apparently communist North Korea is a Nazi state…and Putin is of the ‘Far Right’.


However it is not only the Far Left who get left out of this scenario.

The French Far Right have teemed up with ‘conservative’ Muslims and indeed ‘conservative Catholics’…


Here is Harry’s Place:

Domestically [in the UK] the far-left continues to ignore the reactionary and regressive nature of many of their Muslim allies, bolstering them in the process at the expense of liberal Muslims.

In France things are quite different as the far-right has begun to reach out and develop an alliance with conservative Muslim factions. Far-right elements in France have never been pro-Muslim but, in the grand scheme of things, they have decided that gays and Jews pose a greater threat to the French way of life. It is not unusual to see conservative Catholics, Muslims and far-right elements joining arms to protest on the streets of France condemning same-sex marriage and Zionist domination in the same breath. This new movement is represented by the anti-Semitic comedian Dieudonne and the inverted nazi salute he helped to popularise, known as the quenelle.


Why no mention of the connection of ‘conservative’ Muslims or Catholics in relation to the French Far Right?

After all a warning from history is self evident for that:


‘Islam And Judaism’……wonder what it says inside.






This Labour love-in has to end


Via Guido:

Labour Send “Solidarity” to New Newsnight Editor

Just what the new Newsnight economics editor needs when he is being accused of being too close to the Labour Party, the Labour deputy leader sending him public solidarity on Twitter:

@DuncanWeldon sorry to c Mail attacks on you. Sending u solidarity Hang on in there. Horrid but they’ll give up after a bit. H—
Harriet Harman (@HarrietHarman) March 25, 2014



Po-faced Polly


All smiles



The canny Andrew Neil makes a wee joke about Tuscany Toynbee…and the Poverty Queen isn’t amused (via Guido):



Bit of a sense of humour bypass there.


Oh…where’s that smile gone?



Oh…and it was appalling bias by Neil against grandstanding social reformers campaigning for the poorest and most downtrodden in society using the conveniently highly paid media jobs as the vehicle to deliver the message and who also have a lovely little villa in Tuscany for those well needed revitalising rests after spending so much of their valuable time lifting the poorest out of the gutter, kicked there by a callous, cold hearted Tory no doubt.







Please Me Freeze Me




The BBC completely ignored Labour donor John Mills’ claim that Miliband will not actually honour his promise to freeze energy prices….a pretty damning claim as that policy was central to Miliband’s politics….his ‘flagship policy’.

However the BBC have immediately jumped on SSE’s announcement that they are going to freeze prices for a year slamming it on their frontpage as the second most important story and are claiming this as a victory for Miliband.

Evan Davis on Today linking the two and The BBC’s industry correspondent, John Moylan, says the freeze has echoes of Labour’s flagship energy policy, which promises to keep prices at the same level for 20 months after the next election if Labour are elected.’

Not much outrage about the 500 jobs going at SSE as a result:

SSE said it expects lower profits as a result of the freeze, but it would be “streamlining and simplifying” its business to cover the shortfall.

The company announced it would cut 500 jobs and shelve three planned offshore wind farm developments.



Only it doesn’t have anything to do with Miliband…these companies have been offering fixed price tariffs for a long time, well before Miliband piped up.


Every company offers them…npower offers this:

Price Protector March 2018

With Price Protector March 2018, your electricity and gas prices will be fixed at the rates you sign up to, so you’ll not see any price rises before 31st March 2018.

Then there’s so many others……

E.ON    Fixed 2 year


British Gas  Fix & Control Aug 2015

ScottishPowerOnline Fixed Price Energy June 2015

ScottishPower   Fixed Price Energy April 2016

Extra Energy  Fixed Price September 2015

first:utility   iSave Fixed v18 May 2015

EDF Energy Prices fixed until 30th June 2015



etc etc etc



Always a puzzle as to what catches the BBC’s imagination when they sit around in their editorial meetings to decide what is ‘News’, and what isn’t.






Miliband Will Freeze Energy Prices When Hell Freezes Over




Miliband’s proposed energy price freeze was apparently a game changing political moment, one that dramatically caught the headlines….so why does the BBC not report one of his backers claiming that Miliband will not honour his promise?


We’ve long been off the opinion that Miliband is as much a windbag as Kinnock ever was…his ‘policies’ being mere populist piffle designed to catch the headlines….and they were very successful at that….the BBC fell head over heels in love with him…Pienaar constantly reminding us that Miliband was ‘setting the agenda’.

We always thought that was so much hot air.

Now it seems that even his own party donors think that as well:

Labour party donor John Mills: Miliband won’t freeze energy bills or break up banks

Ed Miliband’s promises are merely anti-business rhetoric he is unlikely to carry through, says key supporter

Ed Miliband is unlikely to follow through on his threats to break up the major high street banks and cap energy bills, one of the party’s biggest private donors has said.

John Mills, the entrepreneur behind the JML household products range, said the Labour leader is “less sympathetic” towards business than most voters would like but his policies are merely “rhetoric.”



However, the ever loyal BBC doesn’t even mention this damning claim in their report, they are far more sympathetic and busy making excuses for him:


Ed Miliband ‘boxed in’ over economic policies says donor

One of Labour’s biggest individual donors has said there is very little difference between the party and the Conservatives on economic policy.

John Mills, who gave Labour more than £1.5m in shares last year, said the Labour leader Ed Miliband was very “boxed in” over his policy positions.

If Labour stuck with its general economic strategy, the choices between the parties would be “very narrow”.



So despite 4 years of telling us how different things would be under Labour the BBC is reporting that well, actually, there’s not much to set them apart….you know when you come to vote don’t think that the Tories were the ones who rescued the economy…Labour’s policies will be just the same….you can vote Labour quite safely….the economy is safe in their hands.


So much for conviction politics and ‘vive la difference!‘  as Miliband supposedly created a new political landscape.


However Miliband insists:

‘There were clear differences between his party’s economic policies and the Tories.

“I took this job on three and half years ago and always knew this was going to be a close election.

“And I relish the fight over the future of country over the next thirteen months and fundamentally I think that is a fight about what you stand up for.’


Trouble is not even his own backers back trust him, and don’t ask his brother….shame the BBC doesn’t give you the choice as to whether to do so yourself….they just don’t report the inconvenient truth it seems.