EDL Girls




The BBC produced a programme recently following the lives of some ‘girls’ who are already, or are thinking about becoming, members of the EDL….they began filming before Tommy Robinson jumped ship.


EDL Girls – Don’t Call Me Racist

The English Defence League has gained notoriety as the far-right street movement with racist and extremist members whose protests often end in violence. Many of its members feel misunderstood and misrepresented by the media. This film explores the lives of some of the females living within the EDL’s ranks.




On one level it is purely a fly on the wall film with little intervention from the producers.

AA Gill in the Sunday Times said it was an ‘odd documentary, part fly-on-the wall and part structured inquiry’…and so it was.  The question you might ask is just how much of that ‘structure’ was designed to nudge the viewer into a certain view of these girls and in particular of the EDL and its views?

Gill suggested the BBC was editorially rigorously neutral about the politics, saying this was refreshing and quite brave (hmm…shouldn’t that really be the whole purpose of such a programme….or is Gill suggesting the normal BBC practice is to manipulate what the viewer sees and thinks?…which if course it does.)

He suggest that showing the EDL girls in a not unsympathetic light might not please the BBC bureaucrats…which is a telling comment……if they don’t like your politics you probably won’t get a ‘like’ from the BBC and all the subsequent user friendly coverage the BBC bestows upon its ‘friends’.

Gill says…‘It was far closer to allowing people who don’t normally get a shot at explaining themselves on television a fair, structured but unmediated slice of airtime than they can normally expect.’

Well….I suppose it was ‘more than they could normally expect’ but that isn’t really saying much because there was a vast amount of necessary background left unsaid……the politics, the ideology, any sophisticated argument about what the EDL is opposed to, is left off the record…..which makes the whole programme worthless really….it becomes just a voyeuristic ‘reality TV’ film that teaches us nothing.

Which is perhaps ironic because one of the reasons behind the film was, as the BBC kept telling us, that these girls were fed up with being misrepresented in the media….but the BBC failed to mention its own part in demonising the EDL and making it legitimate to attack EDL members in the street….as happened to one of the main characters who was severely beaten up by anti-EDL ‘protesters’….curious the BBC never examines the violent thugs of the UAF…controlled by Unite…the Union that also controls Miliband.

The BBC set out from the creation of the EDL to vilify it and undermine its credibility…..such as Andrew Neil’s vicious and malign attack on Tommy Robinson, at the instigation of Mehdi Hasan (Islamist….why does Neil not question his motivation and beliefs?) and Sarah Montague’s  remarkable assertion that the EDL’s beliefs are ‘poisonous’….

‘It’s one thing to say these are extremist groups on the fringes…but it’s the extent to which they pollute the rest of the population I suppose in terms of how you deal with it is the concern and how much pollution do you think has gone on?’

Is the London School of Economics ‘polluting the rest of the population’ with their Islamophobic views?

“Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here”: the human rights struggle against Muslim fundamentalism



Gill finishes with   ‘And that is what a liberal public-service broadcaster should be doing.’


Well it should be doing that, providing a voice for the underdog …but it failed on this occasion….missing out any indepth look at the background politics, missing out the BBC’s role in demonising these people and always the ‘innocuous’ slights in the commentary or linked footage that might pass you by or might just be seen as attempts to edge your opinion against the girl’s views, though, as Gill said, the girls themselves did get a ‘not unsympathetic’ hearing but the programme also gave prominence to a girl who decides not to join the EDL in the end…..because she didn’t want to be labeled a racist.

Is that a condemnation of the EDL and its views or of the likes of the BBC which has portrayed the EDL as racist?














Because They’re Worth It



We cough up 145 beer/irn bru tokens every year for the privilege of being patronised and manipulated but what has the BBC ever done for us?

Is it worth the cost? Does it do anything useful?

Here, via the Telegraph, is a site that provides, at no cost whatsoever and completely unadulterated by political spin, a sterling  public service of immense usefulness:



How to get potholes repaired

Honest John hears of a very efficient way to get potholes repaired

‘My village crossroads had a very bad pothole that left a manhole cover’s steel frame exposed. I emailed a digital image to fixmystreet.co.uk, then had a reply from Cornwall County Council within an hour and, subsequently, a message to say the repair would be carried out within two days. Lo and behold it was, and to a very high standard.’

LG, Penryn

Phenomenal. It proves that these privately run public service sites are the way to get action. But congratulations also to CCC for its alacrity.


A privately run public service site?  Perish the thought.


This has been a public service broadcast by Biased BBC on behalf of the People.




The Dead Budget Sketch


The BBC demands a ‘sustainable recovery’ and never mind what recovery there is now you’d better batten down the hatches because it forecasts a grim, depressing future as austerity really bites…you ain’t seen nothing yet….and welfare cuts are impoverishing the demonised poor.

Remarkable how the BBC have totally ignored the wave of criticism that Miliband received, much from his own side, for his abysmal response to the budget……Pienaar and Co’s only reference to the bad performance was to make the excuse ‘Well it must be difficult for the poor lad‘….strangely the same lame excuse Ed Balls muttered.

Never mind this damning look at Miliband’s robot like performance:

No wonder it seemed familiar! How Ed Miliband’s Budget speech recycled the same soundbites he has used for four years


The BBC weren’t so reluctant to step up the attacks when Grant Shapps published his ‘bingo and beer’ response:


Hardly the biggest story of the day…not a story at all really.

However the BBC clearly thought it was, putting it straight onto the frontpage:


Note also that headline….. ‘Chancellor defends pension overhaul’

He defends it does he?  So there is something wrong with the scheme?  Perhaps he was just ‘explaining’ it.


And as for beer and bingo being ‘patronising’….tell that to the workers:

Budget 2014: What do workers think?

Seems they liked the budget quite a lot.


Yep……We’ve just had the budget….but the BBC laid the groundwork for their narrative that they created and now intend to use, long before Osborne stood up and made his speech.

The BBC has had to develop a new approach to reporting the economy…just as Miliband had to abandon Plan B and has now adopted his ‘living standards crisis’ spiel now that the various double and triple dip recessions haven’t happened, employment keeps on rising, businesses keep reporting good news and inflation is down, and the recovery looks to be on its way, slowly but surely.

The BBC keeps of course trying to undermine the government, rising employment is a ‘puzzle’, or if not, it is the wrong sort of jobs, or the recovery is fragile….all based on consumer spending and borrowing or spending their savings…though no proof of that is ever given.

The basis for their latest approach….demanding proof of a ‘sustainable recovery’.  A bit of an amorphous demand….practically unachievable to prove such a thing, the BBC moving the goalposts that would signify success for Osborne….like Miliband’s ‘living standards crisis’ there would never be enough solid evidence that definitively proved anything…which of course is ideal as they can keep spinning out the talk of a ‘fragile, unsustainable’ recovery forever basically…however successful the economy becomes…..they will, and do, point back to the crash and say ‘You might think you’re doing well…but so did they way back then!’.


The second leg to their campaign to undermine Osborne is to say yes things might be improving, for some, but the future is really grim with 5 more years of austerity piling on the pain…..the country can’t take any more!

However, don’t know about you, but I have yet to meet anyone who is really struggling….or struggling more than they would be under any other government and economic regime…most seemed to have weathered the crash quite well….including the ‘vulnerable’ and the poorest.


Here is Peter Allen from a couple of days ago, doing his dead budget sketch telling us that it’s all ‘deeply depressing’ and that ‘most people would think they have been well and truly clobbered…but they ain’t seen nothing yet’.

He tells us that ‘It’s pretty grim….we’ve got several more years of cuts’……austerity is a ‘nonsense…we can’t go on like this.’

Allen rounds off his chat with economist Sarah Hewin from Standard Chartered Bank with a question…..‘Are others [countries] doing it better than us?’…meaning are they running their economy better…..you might be surprised to hear ther UK isn’t doing very well apparently…even Greece is moving ahead faster than us…..of course it is:

Bulgaria benefits from weakness of Greek economy


Analysts note record levels of unemployment and poverty, and say Greece’s productive economy has all but collapsed in the four years since revelations over the true size of its deficit led to Europe‘s worst crisis in decades.A €10bn aid package for Greece has been agreed – the first was €110bn – but why would businesses stay in the country?

This week’s conclusion of months of talks to release €10bn of aid, and a promised return to international bond markets before May, have done nothing to silence critics who say a third bailout will be needed to address the country’s monumental debt problems.


Good old BBC, always trust it to bring us the full picture.


Later in the programme (2 hrs 45) we are taken to hear the views of those involved with the Community Links charity in Newham….a Labour controlled borough.

Community Links is run by Geraldine Blake….who is according to the Guardian, a ‘leading leftwing thinker’.

The presenter [Leslie Ashmall] starts by telling us that the budget brought no surprises [really?]…there wasn’t much in the budget for the poor of Newham…..just more welfare cuts and more local government cuts…and they hurt here, they really do, she tells us.

So you know where she is coming from…..she had a narrative and stuck to it, encouraging those being interviewed to paint the bleakest picture they could of their lives under the Tory yoke.

They responded well to the prodding….telling us that the poor will be getting poorer, they’ll be on the breadline…there’s no investment and no regeneration in the area.

The presenter didn’t bother to ask if that might have been the Labour controlled council that was responsible for that…they have been in power for decades after all.

Is there anything in the budget for people like this the presenter asks Geraldine Blake who replies……Well there’s a bit of tinkering and tweaking but not really…..this government  has very successfully demonised a very vulnerable group in society, tarring them with the same brush as fraudsters and shirkers…what we are seeing is that people are pushed away from the job market,  the situation is just appalling…a very bad reflection on how we treat the most vulnerable in society.


Pretty much confirmation that she might well be one of the ‘leading leftwing thinkers’ of legend.

Ashmall’s response…‘Yes, I’ve certainly met very many miserable people today.’


The BBC…never mind the millions who might benefit from the budget….just concentrate on the few who may, or may not benefit.







I Was A Teenage Werewolf


Via The Spectator…..

The BBC’s latest recruit to Newsnight, Duncan Wheldon,  has admitted to having been a teenage werewolf.  The romance of the horror, the thrill of the chase, adolescent hormones coursing through the veins, the moonlight, all lured him into making that fatal decision.  But he’s better now.

He’s over his brief dalliance with demonic Beastliness and has settled down in comfortable old age as a dinosaur…cosying up to the Labour Party and the Union Barons of the TUC….and his new comrades at the BBC…..all strictly ‘platonic’ you understand.


Actually he admits to having been, shock horror, a teenage Fascist.

He’s embarrassed and admits to having been a ‘witless prat’….but as I said, he’s better now….He tells us:

The BBC is full of journalists from a wide range of backgrounds who left their political baggage at the door the day they started work.


…or maybe he’s not so better now.


He goes on….

By the time I was 18 I had joined the Labour Party, horrified by the racism, homophobia and anti-semitism I had encountered on my sorties into far right literature.

Hmmm…was he reading the Koran or the Bible then?  Or the Guardian? Must have some interesting conversations with Katz…will Katz be doing a self-expose, a mea culpa selfie?…admitting having worked for an anti-Semitic paper?


Wheldon continues:

Reflecting on the last week it’s hard to escape the irony that I have been accused of being a dangerous leftie and also a fascist within 48 hours.

None of this should be read as a plea for sympathy.


Well as Nazis were Socialists and they swapped personnel with the Communist party as often as the BBC does with Labour, there’s not much between the two ‘ideologies’ in philosophy or practice…..both murdered millions and enslaved their own people to the ideology.


Wonder how many more ‘selfies’ we will get from within the Labyrinth admitting to having been Trots, Marxists or even UKIP members?



You can see perhaps why Alex Salmond wants 16 year olds to vote on his nationalist agenda.






Phil Yer Boots

Iraqi gunmen launched a three hour assault on British troops with the aim of killing them all……the Iraqis ended up dead or captured…the survivors now complain they were questioned oppressively and shouted at quite loudly.

They want money…no sorry, justice….and they knew, or thought they did, just the man to get it for them.


Lawyer Phil Shiner has been filling his boots at tax payers expense for quite some time (The Iraqi team is publically funded by the Legal Services Commission)…..(thanks to Rob in the comments for drawing our attention to this story)……a frequent guest of Victoria Derbyshire no doubt she is clearing the decks for tomorrow and a few words of apology and remorse from Shiner as he tries to explain away how he has managed to find no evidence of British forces unlawfully killing Iraqis…despite £22 million being wasted on this so far.

Al-Sweady Inquiry: Iraq unlawful killing claims dropped


42 weeks of inquiry, 281 ‘witnesses’…and nothing….

A public inquiry into whether UK soldiers unlawfully killed Iraqi civilians in custody in 2004 has heard their relatives no longer believe there is enough evidence to back the claims.

However have no fear, Phil Shiner and Co won’t be on the breadline:

There remain numerous allegations of violent and other ill-treatment of Iraqi Civilians in British custody which the Inquiry will have to consider.


Derbyshire will still have something to fill the airwaves with even if it is just the sound of ‘ambulance chasing’ lawyers whistling in the dark for their money.

She must be getting worried though…what with Moazzem Begg getting himself arrested, such a disappointment, and now Shiner having the shine taken off his bilge…..that’s got to be half the year’s schedule that might have to be filled with something else other than……what’s it called? …’Lawfare’ …for when warfare fails…..a certainty she can hustle up a few welfare claimants who are ‘genuinely’ on the breadline….never mind the car, 4 Rottweilers,  six kids and all mod cons.















The Bridge Over The River Kok

'Slope slur': Jeremy Clarkson, pictured during the series finale of Top Gear with costar Richard Hammond, has found himself at the centre of an alleged racism row following a comment he made during their Burma two-part special




Top Gear went to Burma looking for the River Kwai but ended up up the River Kok without a bridge…so they built one….and Clarkson made his comment about the bridge having a slope…and all hell broke loose….well a few determined-to-be-offended liberals mobilised Twitter.

Just as well Clarkson wasn’t in London then….who knows what he would have said about this…..


The English didn't think this through very well.



At least there’s someone with a sense of humour, something that the uptight liberal thought police seem to have mislaid.






Auntie Knows Best



Sue at ‘Is the BBC biased’ has posted on this from the ‘Life Scientific’:

I listened to the delightful Anne Glover, professor of molecular and cell biology at Aberdeen University amongst other things, and one thing in particular resonated with me, and stayed in my mind. The strap line to her episode states:

“Opposing GM crops is a form of madness” 


I heard the interview as well and that was a stand out phrase…though not BBC bias it does illustrate perfectly the arrogant assumption that ‘they’ know best….and of course that attitude is reflected in how climate change sceptics are in fact treated by the BBC.

Interesting though…bit of a quandary for the Green Party who have been demanding all climate change sceptics be banned from the Public discourse, and indeed political positions…..doesn’t that position lead to the same demand for Greens who oppose GM crops against the scientific consensus?

Logic demands….?


Another example of the arrogant assumption of God’s mantle is Matthew Parris….again not strictly BBC bias but closely related….Parris is an oft employed zero hours contractor for the BBC and a Tory wet…possibly closely related to Justin Webb.


Tory James Brokenshire raised the idea that the ‘metropolitan elite’ are to blame for mass immigration…and of course they are…it was the Labour Party’s very own ‘metropolitan elite’ who opened the borders and flooded the UK with immigrants whilst deliberately hiding the fact by lying about the numbers expected and the effects such an influx would have on wages and jobs.

Parris harrumphed loudly in indignation in the Times (paywalled):

Panicked Tories are attacking their own voters

James Brokenshire blames the ‘metropolitan elite’ for fuelling immigration. He’s either suffered a brainstorm or gone rogue.

Panicking Tory wet attacks panicking Tories?


He calls Brokenshire ”pitiable’ and a ‘demented ferret’ rampaging against the guilty.

Brokenshire’s speech, he tell us, is ‘half-witted, disjointed, cliche ridden nonsense’…the stock in trade of the likes of rancid populists such as Juan Peron or Nigel Farrage……

Apparently it’s all ‘cab driver’ speak….so there you have it….Parris, member of the metropolitan elite has come out….don’t listen to the working class man….f**k the rancid views of the plebs.

Noting cliche ridden about Parris then.


Parris goes on to say that opposing immigration is insane and uncivilised….why didn’t the PM disown these ‘ravings’, these dog whistling to UKIP inclined Tory voter  ideas? he asks.

An EU referendum?  Cameron must have had a brainstorm that makes him susceptible to the grubby fascist entreaties from the Terrible Tory Right.

He clings to the hope that Cameron, when he regains his rationality and liberal mindedness, will reject controls on immigration.

Finally he suggests we all just shut up about immigration.

Sounds an awful lot like Mark Easton who told us we must just learn to love immigration and reap the benefits.

You can see why the BBC likes him.











Does ‘Bull****’ Have A ‘Hall’ Mark? This is Priceless

“Strong public broadcasting spurs a ‘race to the top’ between public and commercial media, raising overall standards across the industry. This contributes towards the sector’s economic success, cultural vibrancy and audience satisfaction.”



This post is based upon a speech given by Tony Hall, BBC Director-General, at the Voice of the Listener & Viewer Conference on Wednesday 27 November 2013.

From this speech come a few interesting points…the first being about the Voice of the Listener & Viewer organisation.

You might think that it was representing the viewer and listener…the general public in other words…maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t……how many of you have ever heard of it?

VLV represents the citizen and consumer interests in broadcasting, and speaks for listeners and viewers on the full range of broadcasting issues. We use our independent expertise to champion quality and diversity, respond to consultations, produce policy briefings, conduct research and work for public service broadcasting that informs, educates and entertains. We also run events and  conferences. Find out how you can support VLV, keep up with our work, or join us.

It supports the independence, integrity and secure funding of the BBC and the work of broadcasters and programme suppliers who demonstrate commitment to public service broadcasting.



However its staff seem to be, surprise surprise, packed with ex-BBC types…out of eleven board members six are ex-BBC:

Colin Browne – Chairman
Colin Browne was co-opted onto the VLV Board in March. He has wide experience of broadcasting and the media. He was Director, Corporate Affairs at the BBC from 1994-2000

Toni Charlton – Honorary Treasurer
During a 35 year career with the BBC, Toni climbed the production ladder to become an Events Producer in Television Outside Broadcasts, before doing project management roles for BBC News and five years as the Chief Assistant for BBC Drama.

Sophie Chalk
Sophie Chalk has worked as a producer/director in television and radio since 1989. Credits as a producer/director include TVam, GTMV, Sky News, Yorkshire Television, Jazz FM, BBC World Service and Radio 4. She set up the independent production company, Rooftop Productions in 1998, and joined IBT as Director of Campaigns in 2006

David Eggington
A VLV visit to BBC Radio Merseyside in 1999 led to him becoming a volunteer member of the station’s ‘A’ Team for a couple of years answering listeners’ queries.

Dinah Garrett
Dinah worked for almost 20 years in corporate affairs at the BBC, finally responsible for corporate events and publications, public consultations and the BBC’s accountability programme. She devised and produced seminars, major launches and workshops for specific stakeholders and interest groups around the UK and in Europe.

Wendy Jones
Wendy Jones is a  journalist and communications specialist with an extensive background in broadcasting. Her BBC career included nine years as education correspondent, reporting/presenting for Today and other news and current affairs programmes, and roles as deputy secretary and head of edcuation policy and public affairs.


Amongst many current objectives are these, to:

  • Safeguard the independence of BBC governance and the quality and range of BBC programmes and services by supporting the licence fee until such time as another method is developed that provides the same benefits
  • Support the principles of public service broadcasting around the world.


Hmmm…seems more like an undercover arm of the BBC…..influencing government PSB media policy on behalf of the BBC by stealth.


It does seem more concerned with protecting the Public Service Broadcasters than with connecting the viewer and listener to those PSB organisations and having their voices heard within them….as you can see here that is a major aim of the VLV….and much appreciated by the BBC:


What they say about VLV

British Broadcasting is the best in the world, but now its future is threatened. If you want to help ensure its quality, please join me in supporting VLV which is doing so much to protect the principle of public service in broadcasting.”  –          Sir David Attenborough

it (VLV) has emerged as the most important champion of television and radio consumers by consistently pressing for the retention and extension of high-quality public service broadcasting”. – Roy Greenslade

“the BBC’s senior managers regard it (VLV) as the only organisation that speaks from the licence-payer’s perspective while offering passionate support for public service broadcasting” – Tim Luckhurst


You can make your own mind up about just how far down the road the VLV has gone to being an advocate for the BBC rather than for its listeners and viewers but Tony Hall’s speech has other interesting points….

This sentence stood out:

‘Nothing makes the case for the BBC more eloquently than what we do in news.’


Well not even those in the BBC believe that….Paxman has famously slated BBC news as consisting mostly of press releases and being reactive rather than proactive not seeking out stories and investigating events and issues……yesterday I posted comments by Nic Newman who also criticised BBC news, amongst others.

So no, BBC news, as is, does not make the case for the existence of the BBC…the grand philosophy behind the concept makes a case for a PSB news service but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.



Hall stated this:

I want to make three arguments today. First, that the existence of the BBC is essential to the production of high-quality programmes and content.

Second, that licence fee payers have a right to expect not just quality but also value for money.

And third, that making continual efficiency savings leaves the BBC facing very hard choices about the work it does. And we will need you – the viewer, the listener and the licence fee payer – as our guide and support as we make these decisions.


You can judge for yourself how the BBC does on those points but here is another splendid one that Hall makes:

I want a BBC that feels different, where our audiences are on the inside, helping us to be the best we can be.

A central part of my vision for the BBC is that it is not just paid for by its viewers and listeners, it belongs to them, to you. The sense of ownership that I want to create is the direct descendant of your original protest. Digital technology now means that we are able to hand to our listeners and viewers a huge amount of control that 30 years ago we kept to ourselves.

No listener or viewer should ever have to feel a sense of powerless frustration that the BBC they want has succumbed to a BBC they didn’t ask for, because in future individuals will have the ability to control the BBC themselves.


Of course that isn’t what you think…you might think I want a BBC that reports the truth about the EU or immigration, or Labour’s responsibility for the economic crash or Islam…….that’s not what he means…Hall is merely allowing you to watch the programme you want when you want…maybe.

So that sense of powerless frustration that you are getting a BBC that you didn’t ask for…still going to be there.



Hall likes his figures…especially if they are presenting the BBC in a good light.

Here he compares the BBC 20 years ago and today:



Note the BBC has 42% share of TV and Radio…so pretty dominant.



Hall goes on to talk up the BBC based on a BBC survey carried out by Populus.  He claims the BBC are top of the pile…a global leader….but that is slightly disingenuous because it is based not on a global poll about the BBC but on a poll conducted in each country about their own TV services…

The UK came out top.

72% of people here said that UK TV programmes overall are of good quality – the highest out of all the countries surveyed. And out of 66 major TV channels around the world, BBC One came out top.


He does say ‘72% of people here‘ but that is easily overlooked especially in a speech and gives a rather better impression of the BBC than perhaps it deserves.


This is of course part of Hall’s strategy when talking to government, part of the negotiations for the Charter renewal…..the People love and value the BBC above all others Hall assures, persuades Government….the Empire is striking back…and as you may have just heard the proposal to make not paying a TV license fee a civil offence has been amended…after enormous BBC pressure apparently No 10 has ‘persuaded’ the author, MP Andrew Bridgen, to allow a change that now delays implementation until the Charter renewal talks begin.


Another part is his reference to this study, commissioned by the BBC:

Global study confirms public service broadcasting has positive effect on commercial broadcasting

Public service broadcasting promotes a ‘race to the top’ with the commercial sector, according to a new report published by the BBC today.

Daniel Wilson, BBC Head of International Policy, says: “The suggestion that the BBC and public service broadcasting crowd out commercial investment misunderstands the dynamics at play in the UK creative sector. In practice, the BBC’s presence has had the opposite effect.


No surprise that this is the same argument that Harriet ‘we’re all BBC now’ Harman deploys when she demands special treatment for the Labour friendly broadcaster.


So pardon me for being sceptical about a very self-serving report that makes the BBC the crucial inspiration and driving force  creating quality, competition (ha ha) and innovation in broadcasting in this country.