Glass Half Empty


Interesting listening to the aftermath of Osborne’s budget speech on the BBC…you’d hardly know that Ball’s got a pasting or that Labour had been soundly trounced.

You’d have no inkling that Osborne’s budget was based on a solid recovery and gave help to all levels of society….no inkling that under Labour 7.2% of the economy was destroyed.


Some key phrases from the OBR report upon which the budget is based:

In 2018-19, we expect the underlying balance to move into surplus for the first time in 18 years.

There is a roughly 5 per cent chance that the economy will shrink in 2014 and a similar chance it will grow by more than 5 per cent.

We  expect quarterly GDP growth to slow into 2014, gradually strengthening thereafter as productivity picks up and real earnings growth provides the foundation for a stronger and more sustained upswing. This recovery in productivity growth is perhaps the most important judgement in our economy forecast.


Note that ‘This recovery in productivity growth is perhaps the most important judgement in our economy forecast.‘…because the BBC doesn’t look at that….it just tells us that the recovery is a ‘false recovery based on consumer spending and borrowing’...but the OBR says that whilst there will be a slow down in 2014 after that the economy will grow based on productivity gains.

That is not something the BBC seems to want to advertise.

Here Nick Robinson and Robert Peston are carping, negative and critical of Osborne’s measures…for example the decision not to raise the car fuel duty…Imagine what they could do with £22bn – that, the chancellor revealed, is the cumulative cost of the ever-popular cancellation of planned rises at petrol pumps.

Ironic coming from Robinson…the same person who, when at ITV, took Labour to task for suggesting that the Tories would ‘cut‘ the NHS by £35 bn when the truth was they just wouldn’t match Labour’s proposed spending rise but would keep the budget at the then same level….but now Robinson plays the same game….categorising a future non-rise in income as a spending cut.





Here are some of the BBC’s key pointers for critiques of the Coalition that seem to be the editorial backbone to most BBC analyses:

First...Use the Labour narrative (contrast with how they talk of terrorism or the security wall in Israel)…Plan B is credible….and when proven not…go with the new one…the ‘Cost of living crisis‘ is real…and caused by the government’s policies….no one has ever been ‘poor’ before May 2010.

Second….Actually let’s not look back to Labour times...let’s talk about now…in other words let’s not blame Labour for the mess we’re in now.

Third…’Austerity’ is the real cause of our problems….and it isn’t necessary….‘Austerity’ is a purely ideological imposition….the Coalition is on a ‘mission to shrink the government beyond responsible economic stewardship’  That was the BBC’s Dominic Laurie…who seems to have stepped into Paul Mason’s loafers and taken on the mantle of advocate for big government, nationalisation and State intervention.

Fourth….Every government policy that is seen to benefit anybody is ‘electioneering‘ or ‘crowd pleasing populism’…whilst Miliband’s ‘price freeze’ was socially responsible policy making.

Fifth…..the recovery is a ‘false recovery’…based on consumer debt, the spending of savings and borrowing….‘BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson said the government was worried economic growth might not continue as it was mainly based on consumer spending’, (but don’t suggest going back to look at Labour’s record……after all wasn’t that the exact recipe for the leveraging up of the financial crash? Rule 1 applies…let’s not talk about Labour.)  It is remarkable how the BBC manages to ignore all those businesses who say they are doing a roaring trade and go on to paint a picture of doom and gloom.

The OBR does say consumer spending has boosted the growth, but here it explains a major factor in that spending….’Some forms of credit growth have picked up, in particular car finance, which has supported strong growth in car purchases and contributed to the unexpected strength of private consumption.’

Now it was only a few weeks ago that the BBC themselves looked at car buying and concluded that the rise in buying was due to more innovative and cheaper finance packages that gave customers more flexibility at a cheaper price…..I have to assume most people will have looked at their budgets and decided they can manage such deals….unlike the BBC who has decided that they are being reckless and spendthrift…based on what evidence they don’t say.

The OBR says that growth is coming from  increasing productivity, though still too low, but a productivity that will take over as the real driver of growth towards the end of next year….its most important judgement….and one the BBC ignores.


Remarkably you can hear all those points in one little interview on 5Live  (13:20) with the government’s Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Sajid Javid.…who held his own against three hostile BBC inquisitors.



Here is the Telegraph’s initial reaction…entirely different tone to that of the negative BBC:

The boot is on the other foot. Labour MPs now know what it was like for the Tories to have to sit through year after year of Gordon Brown economic triumphalism. For most of Labour’s time in power Budgets and Autumn Statements – or Pre-Budget Reports as Mr Brown rebranded the latter – were an ordeal for the Conservatives. He would rattle off great economic good news and a succession of giveaways, while they just sat there powerless to object. To this day watching Labour fritter away the golden economic recovery they inherited from John Major still rankles. Today, for the first time, George Osborne had a script he wanted to deliver, about economic success and measures that help voters and businesses. Perhaps the most telling moment, the one that caused a collective gasp, was when he revealed the updated figures for what he called the ‘Great Recession’ and a ‘calamity’: at the height of the crisis and on Labour’s watch GDP contracted by a jaw-dropping 7.2pc.

Here was a catalogue of smart, well-judged measures that MPs can deploy on the doorstep as evidence of what the Government is doing to – as Mr Osborne said – get the country moving again. These delighted his own side and left Labour looking as if they now realise how wrong the Ed Balls economic strategy is turning out to be.

His statement also completes a remarkable political recovery for the Chancellor. The economy is the only thing that matters. But it should be noted that a year ago he was in deep trouble. The economy was going against him, his reputation was damaged by the omnishambles budget and he was in danger of becoming more unpopular with the public than is normally bearable for even the most thick-skinned politician. The moment when the crowd booed him as he presented medals at the paralympics was a personal low-point. To his credit, he never faltered, or tried to win easy popularity by trying to doctor his image. Now, he can bask in the plaudits he deserves for placing a bet and seeing it pay of. As he pointed out, there is still much work to be done. But for the moment at least he has an inkling of being a Chancellor who is master of all he surveys.

Polishing The Nerds


Is the BBC just doing PR for Labour politicians with sagging reputations?


Alistair Campbell was resurrected by the BBC in the public sphere…as noted before, an investment well made as he now defends the BBC.

Brown and his disastrous reign has been conveniently written out of history by the BBC.

Miliband has Desert Island Discs put at his service to pimp his geeky Marxist image as he lags so far behind in the personal polls.

And now the BBC gives space on its front page for this tosh:

Ed Balls not a nightmare at home, says wife Yvette Cooper

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls is “lovely” at home and does “all the cooking”, his wife and fellow Labour politician Yvette Cooper has told the BBC.

In a leaked email published by the Mail on Sunday last month, one of party leader Ed Miliband’s aides described Mr Balls as a “nightmare”.

Prime Minister David Cameron recently joked in the Commons he could have told Mr Miliband that “three years ago”.

But shadow home secretary Ms Cooper said attacks on her husband were wrong.






The Golden Merry-Go Round


Any doubt that these ‘ex-managers’ from the BBC…


BBC to cull 8% of senior management by 2015

22 October, 2013 | By

Tony Hall is to cut BBC senior management headcount by nearly 8% as part of efforts to save £100m a year to fund the corporation’s ambitious digital plans.



….will be re-employed by these companies and will be back advising the BBC?….

BBC prepares to spend £85m on consultants

28 November, 2013 | By

The BBC is prepared to spend up to £85m on consultants over the next two to four years, amid growing pressure over its use of external support.



A comment from an ‘insider’:

Anonymous | 28-Nov-2013 10:09 am

Oh for a brave DG who doesn’t need to hide behind consultants. A consultant asks senior management what the problem is? How they would like to deal with it? Goes a way writes a report and gives them back exactly what they asked for with a bill for several million. They make their money preying on the weak and scared.

Television is supposed to be full of people from the top 5% of intellectual and academic achievers, take away the fear of saying no to a boss and they will be able to solve any problem the BBC has without wasting nearly another 100 million on outside consultants.
Any half decent listening researcher, AP or Producer who has not been beaten into submission by their bosses can easily do the job of a consultant.

Its not difficult give the money to the programme makers not the consultants who have proven time and time again they are definitely not value for money.




Blatant Pro-Labour Electioneering By The BBC


Yesterday the BBC published a story from unnamed sources that the government had asked energy firms to freeze their prices.

This was untrue…and yet the BBC kept reporting it as fact whilst at the same time admitting the Government had denied the story.

And they are still reporting it as fact.

If you have been listening to the radio you may have heard the frequent advert trumpeting 5Live’s ‘excellence’  (09:50:30) based on that report:


‘The Government has asked the Big Six energy firms not to put up electricity and gas bills until the middle of 2015 unless there is a major jump in wholesale prices.  Shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint is with us in the studio….’

“Energy companies you know, don’t buy energy today for tomorrow, they buy it years in advance, actually, whereas wholesale prices have gone down in recent years and in some recent years flat lined,  we as customers haven’t benefited.

We think it’s important to freeze prices because people have been overcharged but importantly we need to reform the way the market works.”



Call me old fashioned but when a story is concocted by the BBC, and only the BBC, from unnamed (and still unnamed) sources on the day that the Labour Party is launching its price freeze pledge, a story that makes it look like the government is adopting Labour’s policy, and the story is vigorously denied by the Government, and common sense would say the story was untrue, then you have to ask why the BBC has decided to select a clip reporting something that is untrue as being true and has then also added to that a soundbite from a Labour spokesperson outlining Labour’s policies.


It sounds remarkably more like a Labour Party political broadcast than a trail for the BBC…though possibly always hard to tell the difference, the News Quiz today having a relentless barrage of anti-Right jokes and not a single anti-Left one, oddly enough.

The fact that the story has basically vanished from the news after a day when the BBC blitzed us with reports, news bulletins and ‘analysis’ about this says a lot about how solid any evidence for it was…and the intentions behind the strategy.

Is this the future of ‘news’ on the BBC until the election?  A storm of false, anti-government reports whipped up using baseless ‘evidence’ and speculation from unnamed sources, and all maligning the government whilst timed conveniently to damage the government precisely when it also does the most good for Labour?





Electric Blues

Has the BBC been caught red-handed pumping out black propaganda against the government whilst promoting Labour policy?

Today was the day when Ed Miliband was to relaunch his energy price freeze policy….just a coincidence that a story broke today, exclusively on the leftwing BBC, that Cameron was supposedly also going to adopt that policy…the only thing was the story was a load of bollocks….in fact “complete b******s”  according to the Government.


The BBC this morning reported that:

The government is asking the Big Six energy companies to hold energy prices until the middle of 2015.


This was reported as fact.

The sources for this report were ‘energy companies and one of the Big Six’, all unnamed….and still unnamed….the story, the BBC says, ‘broke over night’.

So let’s get this right….several energy companies apparently got in touch with the BBC, and only the BBC, this is a BBC ‘exclusive’, a Scoop, in the middle of the night, and told the BBC that Cameron, who has spent the last few weeks castigating the Marxist Miliband for state interventionist plans, his ‘con’,  has suddenly decided to do exactly the same thing and freeze prices.

I’m buying that…sure I am.

Not only that but there appeared to be no government spokesman available at all to come onto the BBC for a very long time….on 5Live the only one we had was Peter Lilley…after 13:00….and Lilley said that in fact it was the energy companies that had come to the government and said they would hold down prices if the government axed some green levies….a completely different picture of events.


But at 07:10, death O’clock in the morning, The BBC had managed to get hold of Labour’s Caroline Flint and put her on the Today programme to talk about this:


The government is asking the ‘big six’ energy companies not to put up prices until the middle of 2015 – after the next general election. The shadow secretary of state for energy and climate change, Caroline Flint, speaks to the Today programme’s Sarah Montague.


Which the BBC followed up with a big splash:

Flint: Cameron ‘following Miliband’s lead’ on energy

“David Cameron is desperately now running around the energy companies asking them to impose a price freeze when he’s spent two months saying that the price freeze that Ed Miliband announced is a con.

“He has been too weak, too indecisive,” she continued.



Stitch up?  I think so.


So the question must be….Just when did the BBC first ask the government to confirm these stories?

It looks like the BBC  haven’t bothered to ask the government and went right ahead and reported this as fact without any confirmation…because the government vigorously denies they ever made any such request…and looking at the facts it seems hardly likely that they would.

The BBC are still reporting (at 16:00 today) it as ‘fact’ on their front page…despite having  a separate story of the government denial….and one story of Miliband claiming Cameron is following his policy, and another reporting Miliband’s policy.  Here is the main headline with the denial…..but still followed by the ‘complete bollocks‘ reported as fact:

Ministers deny energy bill bid

The government denies BBC reports it is seeking a commitment from energy companies to hold their prices down until 2015.


Ed Miliband: David Cameron pleading with energy companies

3 hours ago

Labour leader Ed Miliband says the prime minister has been “pleading with energy companies to get him off the hook”.


Government asks energy firms to hold prices


Energy bills: Ministers not seeking ‘price pledge’


All a bit of a shambles from the BBC.



But there’s more to this….not only had the BBC managed to get Flint onto the radio at 07:10 but they had rounded up Dale Vince, the boss of Ecotricity…..who not very long ago at all was quite open about his leanings:

Ecotricity boss Dale Vince backs Ed Miliband in energy company power struggle


Ecotricity founder Dale Vince today called for Ed Miliband to go further than thoughts of a price freeze and consider either renationalising the energy industry


He appeared on Wake Up To Money(05:49ish)….so a very fast move by the BBC to get him on early doors.

When asked about the alleged government’s proposal he said:

‘It does sound awfully similar to what Ed Miliband is proposing’.

Well, fancy that.  Of course it does….and that is why it was so unlikely to be true…and yet the BBC report it, unconfirmed by anyone, as fact.

Here is a further taste of Vince’s politics…..

The Big Six threatened blackouts if Ed Miliband tried to freeze prices (note ‘threatened‘…I thought ‘warned of’ more appropriate’)…I remember the 70’s when the blackouts were caused by the miners…and now we’ve privatised the energy industry it’s the bosses threatening blackouts.’

The presenter asks:  ‘Do we get stitched up by the Big Six?’  ( a leading question or what?  Vince isn’t exactly neutral here)

Vince replies :  ‘Oh yeah…for years…..since privatisation they’ve been running rings around the regulator and they get away with murder.’


OK…so the privatised energy firms are ripping us off….whilst the jolly little green midget is a ‘friend of the people’ providing energy at affordable prices?  Vince boasts he has fixed his prices until the end of winter as well.

100% Green Electricity, Britain's Greenest Gas, Great Customer Service, Cheaper than the Big Six*



Let’s compare Saint Vince and one of the evil Big Six:

Here is npower’s offer:

Fix your energy prices now until December 2017

You can switch tariff or supplier at any time, with no early exit fee.


So….just what benefit is Miliband’s price freeze when it is already happening?…and from 2013 not some time after the election….I don’t think I’ve ever heard the BBC mention these price fixes by the big companies…why not?


And what about that ‘rip off’…that ‘stitching up’ by the Big Six?

Well UK energy is one of the cheapest in Europe.

Here are Ecotricity’s prices compared to SSE’s:

Electricity……15.67 p/kwh        But SSE costs 13.08 p/kwh

Gas………………04.66 p/kwh        But SSE costs 04.36 p/kwh


Not only that but SSE’s standing charge is much cheaper if you pay by direct debit.

Don’t know about Vince’s arithmetic but I’d say SSE’s prices are cheaper.

So if the Big Six are stitching consumers up, ripping them off…..just what is Ecotricity doing as its prices are higher than SSE’s, one of the Big Six?

Why isn’t the BBC doing these checks on claims by Vince?  They don’t want the facts just as they didn’t check the false claims made by the owner of OVO Energy who was caught out twice making false claims but was given huge publicity by the BBC.


So let’s round this up…..the BBC reported a completely unconfirmed allegation as fact….they made no attempt to confirm it…but they did get in a lot of people who are on Labour’s side to talk about it at suspiciously short notice.

Miliband was relaunching his big ‘price freeze’ policy and it is just coincidental that the BBC was making claims that Cameron was now to adopt that very same policy on the same day?

The BBC are still reporting it as fact on the politics page…3 reports saying the government wants a freeze…and one denying it:

Note in this ‘breaking story’, ‘Energy bills: Green levy reform plan revealed there is no mention of the denial…but there is a video of Miliband smearing  Cameron…why is it on that page when it is irrelevant to the article?


Note also that the interviewer in the video asks if we should re-nationalise the energy industry?…this is a constant theme from the BBC…..Dominic Laurie is a particular exponent of this policy…he has history ranting about the evils of privatisation…and today continued that theme.

Laurie was talking about this alleged government policy….and brought on some callers….well, one or two…the first two were likely Miliband supporters…and both remarkably demanded nationalisation of the power companies….followed up by texts…also demanding nationalisation…with only one doubter.

Laurie told us this was a policy that was extremely popular with the Public…not sure how he knows.

Laurie also had on Labour MP Alan Whitehead who was allowed to speak practically uninterrupted…only stopping to be fed a question by Laurie that seemed purely designed to allow Whitehead to continue his hatchet job on the Tories…one example….

Laurie asks:  ‘Shouldn’t we wait until the energy companies come out on the record [regarding the alleged government attempt to freeze prices] before we call it a shambles?’

So…Laurie thinks it is all a shambles…and gave Whitehead the chance to ‘confirm’ that, as he would.

But hang on…this was after 12:00pm….so the BBC hadn’t yet had an ‘on the record’ report from the horse’s mouth that the government had asked them to freeze prices?

So why had the BBC been reporting this as an absolute fact?

It looks very much like the BBC has been deliberately putting out false information about the government not bothering to check a story that is highly damaging to the government whilst enormously helpful to Labour…and all on the day Labour were relaunching their own energy policy.


Caught red handed peddling pro-Labour black propaganda?  I think so.


Let’s have a look at some recent BBC history:

Paxman made utterly false and insulting allegations about David Cameron and the BBC has not made any apology.

The BBC gave Miliband a massive platform on Desert Island Discs to sell himself to the Public.

Then John Humphrys wrote an article for the Labour newspaper,  the Mirror, defending Miliband’s appearance on the show.

The BBC has been pretty uncritical of Miliband’s price freeze policy, in fact has been supportive of it whilst being extremely critical and negative towards Cameron’s cutting of the ‘green crap’.

The BBC has been party to the massed attacks on the energy companies…the most recent example being the reporting of the ‘excess winter deaths’ which was vastly exaggerated with the BBC not reporting all the facts allowing it to lay blame at the energy companies’ door…..high fuel prices causing the deaths apparently…along with slogans like ‘heating or eating‘ and then the latest..‘heating or healing’ where cancer victims were also suffering because of the high price of cancer treatment or so we were told by the BBC….but blamed on the energy companies.

And today we have the BBC printing ‘legend as fact’ which conveniently tied in with Labour’s narrative.


Taken together a cynic might suggest there is a thread which runs through all of the BBC’s actions….that of helping out the Labour Party, publicising and promoting its policies whilst burnishing Miliband’s image which every commentator agrees is unappealing to the voters.













An all attack on the energy companies is in progress….the BBC, rather than standing back from the fray and giving us impartial news and information, is more than happy to land a few punches of its own.

We had ‘green’ companies complaining about their state subsidised profiteering being taken away from them…and linking it to yesterday’s scare stories about winter deaths….much exaggerated as shown in a previous post.

The company spokesman telling us that 50% of deaths were due to high fuel bills.

The BBC didn’t challenge that.

The BBC itself was questioning the profits made by the energy companies…and then this interview with Tim Yeo, the reinstated chairman of the Energy and Climate Change Committee.


Once again it ‘tackled’ the subject of Cameron cutting the ‘green crap’…with Yeo demanding no cuts be made…or else the poor will suffer.

As the not so very poor Yeo has many vested interests in green companies every time he or his committee promotes global warming or programmes to deal with it there is the potential that it puts money in Yeo’s pocket.

Conflict of interest?  I can imagine any member of the Public would say so.

Yeo also states that there are no costs put onto the national grid system due to renewable energy infrastructure development….that’s just wrong….there are massive costs associated with connecting up wind farms to the Grid.


The interview seemed scripted…designed just to tick off and tidy up ‘myths and misconceptions’ about green politics and those involved in it….the final segment just confirmed suspicions.

Winifred Robinson asked Yeo about those apparent conflicts of interest…this is a subject that the BBC has avoided for a long time…and it is a separate question to that which was being asked by the Standards Committee in reference to the Sunday Times report.

Yeo claimed that if you read the report  , and he invites you to read it from cover to cover, you will find it cleared him of all charges…‘you will find I have behaved properly in every possible respect’.

Yeo’s reply was highly misleading….because the Committee didn’t examine the potential conflict of interest generally, just in regard to a specific case, and in fact they suggested that they will investigate further such possibilities….and Robinson didn’t challenge his reply ending the interview there.


Yeo was allowed to slip out of that one almost as if it was designed that way.


Here are some extracts from the report to help you decide if the Committee cleared Yeo of having a conflict of interest as he claimed, by being chairman of a climate change committee advising government policy whilst also have large financial stakes in green companies…..


 The committee concluded that Yeo had not breached the rules of the House, stating that “Mr Yeo made no improper commitments, despite the tone of the Sunday Times articles, and the energetic attempts of the journalists concerned to draw him into doing so”.

However, the committee confirmed it was now ready to move forward with a consideration of concerns raised by Speaker John Bercow that there might be “an inherent incompatibility between chairing a Select Committee and having commercial interests, even though fully transparently registered, in the sector covered by that committee”.

The Parliamentary Commissioner who investigated the allegations against Yeo said: “I have not found Mr Yeo to be in breach of the rules of the House but nevertheless have concerns about the external perception of the relationship between a Member’s outside employment and interests and his work for the House,” she wrote.


This is from the report itself:

His comment that he told the director what to say in his evidence and linked to this is his comment that “What I do in private is another matter”. Taken together and at face value they could give the impression of a senior member of the House who has little regard for the rules and can easily find his way round them in order to suit his own purposes. This of course is the perception which is conveyed by the Sunday Times and strongly denied by Mr Yeo.

While the House takes a very reasonable position that a Member’s knowledge and interests may well enhance his or her ability to contribute to the work of the House and in particular to some of the specialist committees, there is equally a reasonable concern that that Member is then placed in a privileged position which he or she may be able to exploit for their own interests with few checks and balances to control this.

...A privileged position…to exploit for their own interests….????

Guess Yeo will be in the news again…maybe not the BBC news, but perhaps Sky will pick it up when the time comes.



Good Luck IPCC!!! Love Vicky!


Victoria Derbyshire has a love-in with the IPCC. (10:40)

Derbyshire looks at the Kyoto Agreement….she is in full support of it and is shocked that it is being disregarded…‘it’s hugely disappointing’….because of course climate change is the world’s greatest current threat to global security with famine, floods, disease, extreme weather and mass migration.

Naturally she links Typhoon Haiyan to climate change.

Note what the IPCC’s vice chair, Mr. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele,  says…to meet Kyoto targets would mean zero emissions of CO2 by the end of the century.

We are told that the climate has been stable for the last 10,000 years…no it hasn’t…it’s been warming consistently as it emerges from the last ice age…with numerous cold snaps and warm periods just as warm as today’s world.

No questioning the ‘science’…far from it, just all out belief from Derbyshire.

Of the IPCC’s ambitions to get agreement…Derbyshire ends the interview with this…

‘Good luck!’







BBC ‘Cuts’


The BBC tells us that:

The energy regulator Ofgem has launched a scathing attack on the record and profits of the big gas and electricity suppliers.


Sky has a much better report….and mentions something the BBC misses out…curiously:

He also warned that Labour’s proposed energy price freeze “puts at risk the proper functioning of the industry”


Why does the BBC not mention such an important statement about the leading policy of Her Majesty’s Opposition?




A Stalwart Labour Supporter



Carrying on from the last post about excess winter deaths, Victoria Derbyshire had a guest on her show to talk about just that (11:07)


She introduced him as Professor John Ashton, President of the Faculty of Public Health‘the Association for the country’s most senior health officers‘ she tells us.


So the FPH is a government body yes?


Though you may have thought so from her introduction….An assumption that might mean you listen less critically to what Ashton said…though when you hear it,  perhaps not.

Ashton’s statements were clearly highly political….he said ‘we don’t seem to care enough about our elderly folk to look after them…to make sure they have enough money in their pensions and to pay their energy bills’.

Derbyshire asks….’Are you saying they are dying because they don’t have enough money and we don’t look after the?’

Ashton replies...’Exactly right…..I hope the government will do something with the energy companies and their approach to poor people’


All very worthy you might think…until you realise the FPH is not a government body but a campaigning charity…..which Derbyshire only mentions in the last three words of the interview….’the Faculty of Public Health…which is a charity’…presumably a listener has contacted the BBC and complained.


What she doesn’t mention is that Ashton is a ‘stalwart member of the Labour Party’ and that the BBC has been castigated for not mentioning this before, though Ashton, who has the Labour Party in his DNA, thinks he is above bias:

 “The fact that I am a member of the Labour Party has never interfered with my professional objectivity. For me, being a member of the Labour Party is like being Church of England, or black or gay. It is where my values come from. It is the fundamental right of citizenship to belong to a political party.”

A Conservative Party spokesman said: “The BBC has a responsibility to report news objectively. They should always inform their viewers if the person they are interviewing has political motives, and it is absolutely appropriate for us to request that they do so.”



Any chance that Ashton is just by chance travelling down the same road as Ed Miliband and his attack on the energy companies?

Nice of the BBC to give him such a platform to continue the politics by stealth.



What also isn’t mentioned is that today sees the launch of a campaign on this very subject by a whole raft of groups:

“George Osborne has an opportunity when he gives his Autumn Statement in two weeks’ time to solve this problem once and for all, by increasing funding for energy efficiency,” said Mr Matthew [Ed Matthew, director of the Energy Bill Revolution]  “If he cuts the energy efficiency budget he will be condemning people to death.”

Next Tuesday fuel poverty campaigners will be marching on the offices of the UK’s big energy suppliers. A range of anti-austerity groups including Fuel Poverty Action, UK Uncut, Disabled People Against Cuts and the Greater London Pensioners Association will target Npower in the City of London.

Further protests are to take place at British Gas’s new HQ in Oxford, and at Lewes and Bristol. The campaigners will march under the banner “Bring down the Big Six – Fuel Poverty Kills!”

On Tuesday morning they will deliver a coffin filled with energy bills and a “peoples’ invoice” to German-owned Npower to recover energy as a public good. In addition, a speak-out will be held where those hardest hit by fuel poverty will tell of their experiences.




Christmas Kills…Government Must Do Something



An estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths occurred in 2012-13 – a 29% increase on the previous winter.

What the BBC doesn’t say is that summer deaths also rose compared to the previous year….by 25%.

So that actual ‘excess winter death rate’ is  only 4% above what might be the expected rate in comparison to the summer rate.

Not such a headline grabbing, politically powerful message for all those with vested interests.


Things are never as simple as the BBC presents them.


Which country in Europe has the highest excess winter death rate?

Answer….Portugal…followed by Spain.


Here is a report from the Office of National Statistics

Death rates plunge despite coldest winter in 14 years

Date:23 November 2010

There was a dramatic drop in excess winter deaths in the severe winter of 2009/10, the coldest in 14 years, compared to the milder winter of 2008/09, according to a new report out from the Office for National Statistics. The winter brought an estimated 25,400 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in 2009/10, a 30 per cent drop compared with the figures for 2008/09. There were 10,600 excess winter deaths in males and 14,800 in females, the majority occurring amongst those aged 75 and over.

The report, Excess winter mortality in England and Wales, 2009/10 (provisional) and 2008/09(final) points out that excess winter mortality is mostly not caused by conditions directly related to the cold, such as hypothermia. The majority of additional winter deaths are caused by cerebrovascular diseases, ischaemic heart disease and respiratory diseases. Exposure to cold or to influenza infection can be fatal to people who are already vulnerable because of these pre-existing health conditions.

“Although the winter of 2009/10 was the coldest one since1995/96, excess winter mortality fell by almost a third. This is may be because levels of influenza were low for most of the winter season. The highest excess winter mortality in recent years was in1999/2000 when influenza reached epidemic levels in a relatively mild winter.”




Here is the latest from the BBC for last winter’s deaths:

There was a big rise in the number of winter deaths last year, official figures for England and Wales show.

An estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths occurred in 2012-13 – a 29% increase on the previous winter.


This is the latest from the ONS:

Excess Winter Mortality in England and Wales,

In 2012/13 19.6% more people died in the winter months compared with the non-winter months, up from 15.5% in 2011/12. There were an estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in 2012/13 – a 29% increase compared with the previous winter.


[Hmmmm….a rise in excess deaths, compared to summer deaths, from 15.5% to 19.6% is a rise of nearly 20%…… where does that 29% come from?….that must be taking other factors  into account….

Looking at the figures…summer deaths also went up…by 25% from 2011/12 to 2012/13

(summer deaths from 20,875 to 26,000…..winter deaths….from 24,111 to 31,100)

That means that the excess winter death increase isn’t quite so bad….if summer deaths went up 25% then excess winter deaths would also presumably at least go up that much…but have actually gone up 29%…..

…therefore, if my maths is correct….the actual, unexpected, genuinely ‘excess’, increase is around 4%


Now 4% of course is not just a statistic, somebody has died….but it puts things into perspective…..if I calculate correctly]


Here is the main factor, as the BBC admits but then ignores for the more eye catching ‘profiteering by evil energy companies kills pensioners’ narrative:

The number of winter deaths peaked in the first week of January, which coincided with a peak in rates of influenza-like illness over the Christmas weeks.


So…the Christmas period…any chance it is all those relatives visiting, who have spread influenza around, being the likely cause of these deaths rather than the cold?


Ban Christmas!


I showed you the excess death figures for 2009/10…here are the previous years figures, 2008/09 which was apparently a comparatively mild winter:

“In the winter period of December to March 2008/09 there were an estimated 36,700 more deaths in England and Wales, compared with the average for the non-winter period (see definition below). This was an increase of 49 per cent compared with the number in the previous winter 2007/08. This is the highest number of excess winter deaths since the winter of 1999/2000, when excess winter mortality was nearly a third higher than in 2008/09.”




So 2008/09, a milder winter, had 36,700 excess winter deaths.

2009/10 had the severest winter in 14 years…and a 30% drop in excess winter deaths compared to 2008/09…….25,400.

2012/13 there were 31,100 excess winter deaths.


If you can work out the causes let me, and the BBC, know….because they seem to be swallowing press releases uncritically and not doing some basic journalism, exactly on the day a campaign has been launched by charities and politicians on this subject…..which hasn’t been acknowledged by the BBC:

Next Tuesday [26th Nov] fuel poverty campaigners will be marching on the offices of the UK’s big energy suppliers. A range of anti-austerity groups including Fuel Poverty Action, UK Uncut, Disabled People Against Cuts and the Greater London Pensioners Association will target Npower in the City of London.

Further protests are to take place at British Gas’s new HQ in Oxford, and at Lewes and Bristol. The campaigners will march under the banner “Bring down the Big Six – Fuel Poverty Kills!”

On Tuesday morning they will deliver a coffin filled with energy bills and a “peoples’ invoice” to German-owned Npower to recover energy as a public good. In addition, a speak-out will be held where those hardest hit by fuel poverty will tell of their experiences.


The problem is possibly far more complicated than the BBC, and others, are letting on.  It suits many people’s agenda of course for that to be the case and for there to be yet another cause to rally around that can be used to try and force the government to spend more money on their pet projects such as ‘socioeconomic progress’….and climate change.