The BBC loves the Blacktivists, the articulate, disgruntled and deluded Black race agitators like Afua Hirsch whose racial theories are not so far apart from Hitler’s own on racial purity. The BBC exploits them and uses them like cannon fodder for its own amusement giving them massive airtime and publicity for their grievances and gripes. But it is a dangerous game. These are very politicised, motivated, angry, bitter, extremist people whom the BBC are telling us represent Black people as a whole and that their twisted, toxic narratives are rational and credible and given the BBC stamp of approval. The BBC runs with their narrative that white people are all racist, that the ‘system’ is racist and even if someone isn’t obviously racist they are subconsciously and an organisation, as with the Met. Police, despite no police officer or policy being shown to be racist, can be declared ‘institutionally racist’….Macpherson was determined to find blame, blame of a particular sort…racism. Macpherson was a show trial worthy of Stalin or the Spanish Inquisition. The damage that well meaning liberals do is enormous as they appease extremism and throw good people to the wolves turning society upside down by giving the extremist race-baiters a stick to beat every institution and white person with. Divisive and creating huge anger and conflict? The BBC peddles the same toxic narrative.
Here’s the perfect example from this week as it gives a platform to two black people whose views and perceptions are ludicrously out of touch with reality and in all probability the experiences and beliefs of most of the black population.
Jay Brave is a spoken word artist and entrepreneur who doesn’t identify as “black”, arguing that an understanding of ethnic background is far more important than race. But actress, director and fitness instructor Kelechi Okafor has an almost opposite approach to identity and is proud to be, and to identify as, “black”.
Here they meet and discuss why they think the way they do, what their experiences have been, where their views meet, and how they see themselves as agents for change.
Brave claims not to identitfy as ‘black’ and yet every word suggests he does. Ironically recent African migrants tell him he is not ‘African’ and to stop trying to identify as such, and others complain that some ‘Blacks’ maybe not quite black enough….such as Meghan Markle…. Whites only like people like her because she isn’t Black Black, if she had not been mixed race she wouldn’t have been accepted so readily…which of course is hard to prove or disprove….or is it? Just think of how many famous Black people have been celebrated and ‘loved’ across Britain…there’s loads of them from sports stars to actors and musicians. Odd how if Whites like a Black person it is because of their talents but if they dislike a Black person it is due to the colour of their skin. Maybe they just dislike them because they don’t like them. But no, it must be racism.
The Blacktivists are the extremists who push a narrative of grievance, victimhood and oppression at the hands of white people…everything difficult in life is due to racism and thus Blacks must see Whites as the enemy, the cause of all their sorrows. This is the dangerous line that is designed to generate discontent and anger which is exploited by the Blacktivists for their own ends…keeping them in work and on the telly usually. If there was nothing to complain about they’d be out of a job [a self-appointed job…ala Mo Ansar] thus they invent problems and grievances and the BBC gives them a platform, a loud voice and credibility to them and their cause. That way leads segregation, conflict and the end of a civilisation as it breaks up into warring little factions….Somalia is the apocalyptic end result. Thanks BBC.
Arthur Wagner, an AFD member who converted to Islam, is the subject of a Gabriel Gatehouse investigative report. Gatehouse is very excited, a little too over-excited for a supposedly seasoned reporter. It all seems a bit of a game to him rather than a serious report, almost as if he had already got a conclusion in mind and he was just going through the motions to add a bit of colour and body to his script. Of course Gatehouse has a bit of previous when reporting on those he likes to deem ‘Far-Right’as we’ve noted before about a previous Newsnight film by him…
Is the “alt right” on the rise in Europe? And if so, is it a fringe movement – or something bigger than that? BBC Newsnight’s Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Austria and France.
Gatehouse didn’t actually listen to what was being told to him. He had a narrative and he stuck to it….what we got was a constant drumbeat warning us of the rise of a new Nazi regime….Gatehouse freely used words like ethnic cleansing, Nazis and references to concentration camps…just the usual BBC dangerously dismissive and contemptuous treatment telling us these groups had ideas ‘beyond the boundaries of the acceptable’… like controlling immigration and stopping Islamisation? Very controversial.
A group in France says that if immigrants don’t want to integrate they will offer them money and the chance to go to a country where they will feel more at home…not force them but offer them. Gatehouse says this is ‘ethnic cleansing’. Never mind the UK government already does it.
Are you starting to get the idea that Gatehouse doesn’t have a clue what he is saying and what the reality is and has his own agenda to peddle?
You actually struggle to see what the spectre of the 30’s is here…just what are the policies and ideas that Gatehouse says are ‘Far-Right’ or ‘ethnic cleansing’ or have ‘the whiff of the concentration camp’ about them or have ‘scary connotations’? They all seem fairly mainstream and indeed already put into practise by many governments. Gatehouse comes with preconceived ideas about these people and completely ignores what they actually say preferring to overlay everything with his own narrative, colouring what they say in the darkest tones when such an interpretation, at least from what they said on film, is far from the mark.
Nothing has changed in Gatehouse’s approach…it’s based on ignorance and a twisting of the narrative to suit his agenda. For example when Wagner refuses to show him what is probably an SS dagger with a Swastika on it Gatehouse has no idea why he won’t show it and makes an amused face to camera….odd the BBC’s ‘expert’ on the Far-Right wouldn’t know such ‘memorabilia’ is illegal in Germany. Gatehouse then does a bit of amateur psychology and assesses Wagner as someone who has a ‘love of authority and a fear of the erosion of conservative values.’ Pretty much a Nazi then in BBC parlance.
But the real problem with the film was that it didn’t give us the real reason Wagner converted to Islam, though ironically it does tells us that Wagner thinks there is an affinity between the Far-Right and Islam…yes, don’t say we haven’t told you. Islam and Fascism have so much in common…but Fascism being the more enlightened and modern as far as women go. The BBC hates the Far-Right and yet promotes Islam. Bizarre.
A politician from the nationalist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) who shocked colleagues by converting to Islam says he did so because he was unhappy with the church’s acceptance of gay marriage.
Arthur Wagner made headlines around the world last week after it emerged that he had become a Muslim.
The 48-year-old, who has changed his name to Ahmad, initially refused to comment when his conversion became public last week.
But he came forward in an interview to explain his decision in an interview with Bild newspaper.
“One of the reasons was the way the church has changed, which I don’t understand any more,” Mr Wagner, who was previously a devout Christian and member of his local Protestant church said.
“It’s their attitudes to the AfD, to gay marriage,” he said. He also said he was unhappy that Protestant pastors had taken part in a gay rights parade in Berlin. “With children there! That’s just not right,” he said.
Gatehouse cannot have missed the reports on that in the German Press and the Telegraph….so why miss out something that is clearly the main reason for the conversion? Let’s think…the BBC wants you to think he converted because of the joys and beauty of Islam rather than the truth that Wagner thinks the Christian Church has gone soft and that Islam is radical and severe in its views about gays and all the rest….and he likes that.
Nail on head? The BBC doesn’t want you to think that Islam is homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynist, anti-anyone who isn’t Muslim, violent and ready to kill those who don’t meet its exacting standards and beliefs. So it doesn’t report that. Simple.
We know, because the BBC tells us, that Britain has no culture and thus no indigenous multiculture, thus the BBC likes to import the exotic inhabitants of far-off lands and bring them here as exhibits in some kind of open cultural zoo to be gawked at in amusement and delight by the natives who are all white, male and very boring. Hence we get daft comments from the simple Chiles who yesterday filled his studio with Russians, Ukrainians and Armenians…he expressed his delight saying ‘This is great, this is Europe!’. Naturally he was really meaning ‘this is the EU…and it’s fantastic migrant open door policy’ [never mind none of those countries are in ‘Europe’] betraying the real mindset behind the mic. as if we didn’t already know from his numerous attacks on the ‘Far Right UKIP’ and Nazi Farage. Would he express the same pleasure in the multi-culturalism if he had a Scotsman, a Welshman, an Irishman and an Englishman in the studio, or someone from Somerset, Norfolk and Yorkshire, or from London, Liverpool and Manchester? All very different places, all with unique history and culture…and yet the BBC writes them all off and tells us they aren’t of any interest….Britain is a cultural desert that needs spicing up with those exotic imports. Interested to hear Dimbleby on Any Questions describe the exotic men who committed the sex attacks in Newcastle as all being ‘South Asian’ and that there might be something wrong with their culture….apart from the fact that he just ran off a list of their actual origins, a wide variety of countries, which he seemed to forget, the one actual unifying cultural identifier was that they were mostly, if not all, Muslim…not a mention. A problem with that culture? No of course not. It’s those ‘South Asians’.
Blind to the joys of British culture, blinded by the ‘joys’ of foreign cultures.
The European Central Bank has expressed alarm over the surging euro, accusing the Trump administration of driving down the dollar to gain trade advantage in breach of global accords.
Minutes from the ECB’s policy meeting in January flagged concerns that the overly-strong exchange rate had become unhealthy and “required monitoring”, with doves on the Governing Council clearly worried that the eurozone is still caught in a low inflation trap with no safety buffer against fresh deflation shocks….They are desperate to see inflation rising….’
The BBC’s narrative is that the ‘plunging Pound’ #duetobrexit and so-called high inflation is bad for our economy….wonder how they will spin the EU wanting lower exchnage rates and higher inflation. Note the BBC also always tells us we are suffering terribly from a wage squeeze…with that ‘high’ inflation and low wage rises…and yet always fails to mention the hugely raised tax allowance, the minimum wage/living wage increase, screamingly low interest rates for a decade, and more free child-care. Hardly getting the full picture from the BBC…almost as if they had an agenda to push about the economy.
Agent Cob-Nut hasn’t come in from the cold yet, perhaps he’s stuck, maybe he can batter his way out with a blackpudding [no jokes about Di-abolical], or maybe he can just use it to batter his critics in the Press into silence…the BBC need have no concerns of course as he threatens ‘change is coming’….the BBC is happy to see change even if it means a Marxist, terrorist supporting wrecker in No10…or No13 according to Di-abolical.
Spot any more BBC ‘Help for Zeroes’ list it all here……
First we get the denial of service then we get the slow rebuttal service then we get somewhere half-near the truth…almost like the BBC is trying to cover something up.
We had the radio silence on Corbyn and Cox, then the grudging admittal that there might be a story and then today we get a [and fair do’s to the BBC if belated ala Rochdale etc] proper examination of the evidence so far against Corbyn on 5 Live with Sam Coates from the Times [not slagging off Brexit as the BBC usually employs him to do] and then Livingstone given a decent quizzing. Curious though that the BBC considers the story is now worth reporting when nothing has really changed since it broke a week ago…if now why not then? Similarly the Cox story…we heard today that ‘very serious allegations’ had been made about him and again we got a pretty indepth look which didn’t pull any punches as it exmained Cox’s behaviour when he worked for Save the Children. How is it only now, a week late, that the BBC deigns to do its job and look at ‘very serious allegations’?
And in regard to Cox…Neil Henderson @hendopolis (BBC Newsdesk and Planning editor) told us that he didn’t publish the Mail frontpage because he was threatened with legal action….I’m sure I read somewhere that he originally said that he wouldn’t publish it because he just didn’t like it…but I can’t find the reference or link….if anyone knows please put it in the comments. But maybe I just dreamt that?
Hungary became well-appreciated. Our recognition and influence is more widespread than could be expected based on our size and economic strength. To what might we owe this result? Primarily to the fact that the Fidesz and KDNP over the last eight years suspended political correctness. We deep-sixed the Euro-blah-blah, the liberal artsy-craftsy, the empty doubletalk. We sent the muzzle back to Brussels and the leash to the IMF.
Africa is not capable of setting foot on the path of Asian-style development, and will not be able to create humane circumstances for their young people. If they let these hundreds of millions strong youthful crowd make their way North, then Europe will be soon under terrible pressure. Moreover, most of the immigrants will be arriving from the world of Islam. If everything continues as it is today, Europe’s largest cities will have an unequivocal Muslim majority, and London will not be a cuckoo’s egg, but the first swallow [not an exception, but first of many]. Our culture, our identity and our nations, as we know them today — if everything continues — will cease to exist; our worst nightmares will come true. The West will fall, while Europe does not even realize it is being invaded.
Albert Maysler. [Was he thinking of the BBC`s reporting?]
You may initially think the recent video above has nothing to do with the BBC and its bias, an interview between Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson, but in fact things said here are central to this site and why we need to keep on challenging the BBC’s narrative. In the interview we hear views and ideas that are directly opposed to everything the BBC believes, beliefs that it uses as ground zero, its baseline worldview that shapes its approach as to how it reports on the world and the perceptions and values it presses upon its audience. Peterson, and Brand, unlikely you may think but true, topple the BBC iconic views on the world, on equality and Capitalism, around which much of the BBC utopian idealism is based.
Brand is far more subdued and less taken to wild, rambling, complex rhetoric than usual though not totally…Peterson politely slaps him down when he did indulge himself by saying Brand’s complex, multi-faceted and wide-ranging questions or statements are a result of an open mind, a creative mind. The sting was that though such divergent thinking is good, Peterson said it is hard to ‘catalyse an identity’ if you take nothing as read, if you have no solid beliefs or values, everything is relative and you refuse to make judgements. You can see already we’re into BBC territory.
Russell Brand was pretty much in awe of Peterson and indeed admitted they were getting on famously, ‘on the same frequency’. Brand frequently looked for approval for his own thoughts from Peterson. It was indeed pretty much a meeting of minds…a bit of Christiano/Buddhist mind-melding. This meant the interview was far more revealing and we were allowed to see so much of Peterson’s thoughts and ideas. Brand raised the Cathy Newman interview as a contrast and Peterson said the difference is that in this interview they were trying to discover something whilst Newman was trying to prove something. Another lesson perhaps for BBC interviewers who take an aggressive stance trying to prove one small point rather than just asking what do you believe, what are you doing and how will it help?
The interview showed that far from being ‘alt-right’ or someone from the ‘intellectual dark web’ as Brand introduced him, Peterson is pretty apolitical, not really Right or Left…he has harsh things to say about both…the Right don’t care about inequality [or they do but they believe in merit sorting out the deserving from the undeserving] whilst the Left’s policies are based not upon care for the poor but upon hatred for the rich….they thrive on resentment, destruction and corruption. Peterson doesn’t say if he believes in God but much of his approach can be seen as coming from Christianity or religion in general…he says religion is a natural balance of good and bad whilst political systems offer unablanced promises of only the good….Christianity says be useful and generous, the Right say be useful, the Left say be generous….Peterson says we need to bring the two together…which of course is society in the West today with all its faults.
Peterson also says that he has received 35,000 messages [he’s counted] from ‘right-wing’ people who have seen his lectures and have said he has saved them from a dark place, that being too far to the extreme Right, which goes against the idea peddled by his critics that he is some sort of Far-Right Peter Pan.
Interestingly Brand admits he himself is sort of apolitical in that he can’t bring himself to support any of the mainstream parties as they take a narrow approach ‘due to the power of trans-national organisations and the irrelevance of sovereignty now when it comes to ordinary people asserting their power’. So Brand must be a Brexit supporter then…take back control? Oddly, though he says he understands people voting for Trump, their rage and frustration, but he still hates Trump….strange for a peace-loving Buddhist who says the problems of the world can be solved not by politics but by ‘accessing the transcendant…be kind, loving and compassionate to all.’ He has realised this on his ‘journey of self-realisation‘ as his ‘epiphanies coalesced’.
As said this was pretty much a love-match, a Buddhist/psychologist union of minds…both agreeing on pretty much everything. Even Peterson’s belief that inequality does not derive from Capitalism but from society, human-nature and the natural course of events…inequality has been with us long before ‘Capitalism’, large C, was invented by the Marxists. Brand agreed with this huge contradiction to his own beliefs which blame Capitalism for all the ills of the world. That’s the beauty of Peterson, he says things so clearly and which are so obviously true that you can have no real argument with him and which is why he is now getting such large audiences and acclaim. Brand does have a stab at defending his anti-Capitalist stance but it’s half-hearted as he suggests ‘well it [Capitalism] can’t help’ and later that ‘Capitalism is a manifestation of greed’. Capitalism as an ideology, an ‘ism’, was invented by the Marxists, it was a necessary evil that allowed them to sell Socialism…if people don’t have a problem then they don’t need a solution…hence Capitalism was invented as the problem with Socialism as the solution.
Peterson dissects Brand’s own success saying that as Brand became successful he then got offered more and more opportunities to do things that then increased his bank balance and his fame and thus again increased his opportunities. This is how life works….money goes to money put bluntly….it’s inequality but it’s not an ideology, it’s not an ‘ism’, it’s life and the natural course of events as people try to make a living and it’s a result of specialisation. Brand’s success is due to his specialisation, his skill at doing his job. He gets more famous and more people want to book him for shows…it’s a virtuous circle, for Brand, that everyone else is cut out of…the opportunities are solely available to him and thus the world becomes more unequal as no-one else can just walk in and do his job…it’s the same for businessmen who go global…they make more money from a global market with factories across the world and the BBC complains about their fortunes compared to a British worker…which is a completely false comparison….Brand is effectively the same as these globalised businessmen…these Capitalists…he just fails to admit it.
It is an irony that all capitalism is in fact a result of ‘socialism’, or ‘tribalism’, the end of the totally self-sufficient individual and the creation of the division of labour as jobs [such as metal working] became specialised and higher status and surpluses could be produced and traded. As Lenin said …. ‘The fundamental process of the formation of a home market (ie., the development of commodity production and capitalism) is social division of labour.’ He added capitalism was ‘progressive’ and that ‘working for oneself is transformed into working for the whole of society’.
Lenin also told us that capitalism was an essential first step in the creation of a socialist paradise, saying that it would of course be eliminated as the socialist society and economy bloomed, not admitting he knew capitalism was there to stay. Where does all the money come from to pay for the grand social projects like the NHS, schools, roads, housing, security, emptying the bins etc etc? It all comes from business. Shame Corbyn and the BBC forget that. Maybe they should read a bit more Lenin.
One of the main points from the interview was about the causes of inequality. Peterson said it came more from psychology than sociology…the solution was to strengthen the individual by giving them confidence in their own abilities, giving them the realisation that there are so many jobs that they could do if only they had the confidence and belief in the future to try for them…this would come from psychological interventions not sociology….as proven in experiments in the Netherlands where low performing migrants were powered to the top of the pile by not only upskilling them but by increasing their aspirations and expectations. Inequality. It’s mostly in the mind.
If you don’t believe you can do something you won’t try…a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Peterson’s ‘wisdom’ is nothing new really, it’s as old as the hills….for instance he says people must do ‘what is meaningful not expedient’. They must be long term and not self-centred, don’t go for the easy-life avoiding hardship and confrontation…tackle your demons. That’s, he said, ‘where the gold is.’ Where the good mental health is…through fire all things are renewed….Brand was in Buddhist heaven…he even had his own little quip…
‘Don’t follow your bliss, follow your blisters’.
Watch the video, it is long but fascinating and Brand almost shuts up letting Peterson really expand on his thoughts….all good common sense, which is why the BBC types may not like him.
No wonder really that the BBC has spent the last week avoiding any mention of Agent Cob’s alleged previous bit of capitalist entrepreneurialism selling out his country when they refused to make any noise about his, and his fellow traveller’s, proven terrorist associations and the willingness to betray Britain and cheer on those who would happily murder men, women and children across the land….and still doing it today by his support for Islamist terrorists who wish to wipe out all Jews in Israel….then again the BBC does the same
Only now does the BBC deign to allow us to read about the accusations, forced to do so as Tory MPs are demanding he face the Foreign Affairs select committee and May has broached the subject at a press conference when asked about it by a Sun journo…not a BBC one of course. Naturally the BBC report has no added value, no investigative journalism, no stabs in the dark, no conjecture or speculation or firm conclusions based purely on a hatred for the subject…oh, I’m getting confused with their coverage of Trump whom they have no problem declaring a Russian agent time after time based upon the words of serving Russian intelligence officers who want to disrupt the US political system…and the BBC et al act as their useful idiots by trying to unseat a President. Who is working for the Russians…Trump? or the BBC, the NYT, WaPo and the rest?
There should be no surprise about these claims about Corbyn as he has always ‘worked’ for the Russians one way or another, paid or unpaid….the man who wants to abolish the army, trash Trident, neuter NATO, silence the security services and lay waste to our economy.
What could be more serious than the allegation that the possible future Prime Minister of Great Britain worked for Soviet-backed Czechoslovakia during the 1980s at the height of the Cold War?
This is the grievous charge made by former Czech spy Jan Sarkocy, who claims he met Jeremy Corbyn ‘more than ten times’ between 1986 and 1989 while at the Czechoslovak embassy in London. He says that, as a young MP, Corbyn – codenamed ‘Cob’ – was a Czech ‘asset’ approved by the Russians.
The allegation has at least surface plausibility in view of Corbyn’s well-known anti-Americanism at this time, and his unfriendly attitude towards the British State, evinced by his association with members of the IRA during the ‘troubles’.
A number of newspapers including the Mail have been following up Sarkocy’s story, broken by the Sun last Thursday. Some have steered clear of it, notably the Leftist, Labour-supporting Guardian, which has so far not carried a single word. That is what one would expect.
Far more worrying is the way the all-powerful BBC has hitherto avoided Sarkocy’s allegations, which have been met with vehement denials by the Labour Party. If you relied on our public service broadcaster for your news, as about half the nation does, you wouldn’t know anything about ‘Cob’.
vladMar 3, 16:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC were quick to report that the latest car-rammer in Mannheim was ‘German’. I wonder if he was German…
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JeffMar 3, 16:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Well I never, not only a “vehicle attack” in Germany, apparently there’s a massive lockdown in Vienna, though details are…
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tomoMar 3, 16:37 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Bluidy cars…. [img][/img]