This is number heavy and involves a bit of reading…but it’s worth some effort as it is a classic example of the BBC either being lazy and incompetent and/or deliberately missing out relevant facts when it suits them.
The BBC are happy to ‘fly a kite’ or two with speculative ‘reports’ that present a negative image of any one of a number of BBC bête noires based on what ‘someone’ claims…usually a Labour MP, a charity worker or a community leader.
The intent? To keep an idea afloat, to keep it continually in the background of people’s minds even when there is little to no evidence to prove it conclusively…perhaps the suggestion that ‘racism’ is behind every bad experience for a black person or that every social ill can be linked to Tory policies, especially Austerity…or failing that a quick double take and we’re back to the eighties and the fall back cause of all the world’s woes is of course Thatcher.
Yesterday we had three classics:
Demand for food banks has increased hugely…..due to welfare cuts.
A Labour MP states that a constituent may commit suicide because of the welfare cuts.
A black cafe owner claims customers won’t eat at her cafe because she is black.
All given headline treatment but you could argue all stories that are baseless…at least on the terms the BBC wants to portray them.
Just look at one…suicide rates…..I’ll note this here first, that the figures given below indicate a fall in the suicide rate per 100,000 of the population….the BBC reports a rise in overall numbers but without that all important qualification…..amongst others that it also conveniently misses out.
The BBC et al became very indignant when arsonist Mick Philpotts, and his benefits funded lifestyle (£60,000/year), was used as the poster child for Tory suggestions that welfare might need to be reformed. The BBC were more than happy to label the Tories as heartless monsters politicising a tragedy linking welfare reform to the killing of Philpott’s children…which of course the Tories never did…a highly politicised invention of the ‘Left’….but no one said anything about that exploitation.
All that indignation at alleged politicisation and exploitation of personal tragedy gets thrown overboard when the BBC scents Tory blood. They are more than happy to link the personal tragedy of suicide to Tory Austerity policies….such as they are.
Here the BBC makes it clear the importance of how this is presented:
Tragedies such as the one that befell Stephanie Bottrill have the potential to cut clean to the heart of a debate that has the potential to intensify still further.
In this recent article the BBC takes a press release, likes the cut of its jib and slots it into its own world view of the economy…for which it is a perfect fit:
Will the age of austerity harm health?
It starts off with the usual anti-Thatcher rhetoric (Not the only BBC reporter to try and make the link…Mark Easton blamed a rise in depression on Thatcher…and of course Thatcher’s ‘Big Bang’ was the ‘real cause’ of Gordon Brown’s economic crash):
Sandwell, like many areas that were heavily reliant on manufacturing, was hit hard by the recession of the 1980s……But it has only been over the past few years that the impact on the health of the local population has been fully felt.
A host of areas badly affected by the 1980s downturn can point to a similar impact.
It is further proof that economic hardship is bad for health.
Then we get onto the figures for suicides….the numbers are rising…due to austerity the BBC tells us:
The problems could be further compounded by cuts to the welfare system. The charity Mind has drawn attention to research just published by Manchester University. It shows that the number of suicides among mental health patients rose from 1,175 to 1,333 last year.
The figures are taken from a 2013 report by the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide
Here is a video on YouTube from the NCI which explains some of the findings….one of which I repeat here:
That rise is unexplained…though it coincides with a rise in suicides in the general population which most people have related to the difficult economic circumstances at the moment.
So..the rise is ‘unexplained‘….though ‘attributed’ by others, not the NCI, to the state of the economy.
Here are some of the reports actual findings and explanations:
• Our figure for suicide by patients shows a rise in 2011. This figure should be interpreted cautiously as it is a provisional figure based on incomplete data.
So the BBC reports as fact a ‘provisional figure based on incomplete data’.
The BBC also reports:
Prof John Ashton, the new president of the Faculty of Public Health, believes we need to heed the warning.
“Young people have been the hardest hit this time,” he says.
But the NCI says:
Suicides in patients aged under 25 and those aged 25-44 fell in the report period. A rise in 2011 is projected for most age-groups but not in those aged under 25.
And why have the figures risen anyway? Is it purely a result of more people committing suicide or what?
The NCI says:
Suicide by mental health patients has risen – 1,333 deaths in 2011 (England). A change to the coding of causes of death has contributed to this figure and changes to the Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS) method make comparisons with earlier years difficult but it is likely that this is a true rise in patient suicide, following a previous fall. The rise probably reflects the rise in suicide in the general population, which has been attributed to current economic difficulties.
When the Tories claimed knife crime was rising under Labour Mark Easton jumped in very quickly to claim that the figures couldn’t be compared to previous years…as the methodolgy for collecting them had changed…no such scruples here for the BBC….no qualification that the figures may have risen, at least in part, due to a new ‘coding method’… the NCI goes on to reveal:
Prior to 2011, some narrative verdicts were coded as accidental deaths where intent was not specified which may have led to an underestimation of suicide. However, in 2011 guidance was issued to coroners in England and Wales when returning narrative verdicts to provide clearer information on the intent of the deceased. This has led to improvements to the coding of narrative verdicts by the ONS coding team, and some cases which would previously be coded as accidental may now be coded as suicide.
What other inconvenient ‘facts’ might we find if we actually read the report?
First there is the same report by the NCI but from 2012:
In 2000 there were 4,819 suicides, in 2010 there were 4,021.
The report tells us that there was an average change in the general suicide rate in England between 2000 and 2010 of around minus 20%…that’s a drop of 20%.
For people with mental health issues who committed suicide in 2004 the figure was 1,317 and in 2011 1,333…… at the height of Labour’s boom we had a very similar suicide rate.
So it must be austerity…right? And remember the population was lower in 2004…hence…
The NCI report in 2013 claims that the suicide rate per 100,000 people with mental health issues was in:
2004 117.7
2010 91.7
2011 87.8
So in fact the rate of suicides has gone down…though the numbers have gone up…the population having grown enormously since 2004.
Here are some charts of the general suicide rates and the rates for mental health patients in England…note differences in the figures in the two reports (2012 and 2013)…which should be the same:

Here are the figures for the general population: