Nolan /di’khe’d/ A bigoted blowhard, someone unwilling to listen to other points of view, someone who thinks they have licence to cast moral judgement upon others, someone who makes a show of being independently minded, intellectually rigorous and scrupulously impartial but is in fact someone who toes the party line and is in reality no more than a PC ‘bot’ churning out the Liberal Establishment orthodoxy whilst suppressing inconvenient facts. Alternate /J.O’Brien/
The MCB, closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the inspiration for the Trojan Horse plot, has initiated yet another ‘Mosque Open Day’ and the BBC has been giving it an uncritical bit of cheerleading, of course. Nolan was totally onboard as was the reporter who went to a Mosque where we hear that Islam is all about peace, tolerance and respect. No challenge to that naturally. All guests on the show were either Muslim or very up for the Mosque visit and very positive about it. Nolan wanted to know if one of the organisers was ‘surprised at the level of misperceptions about Islam and Mosques?’….No, she wasn’t…it’s because of lies in the Press and on social media. Yep, all those lies about bombs, murder, terrorism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny, intolerance and racism. All those ‘misperceptions’. We had ‘Cathy’ on to say she had always wanted to visit a Mosque and it was absolutely beautiful and the people were very friendly…as you might expect. Of course this is very superficial, as intended, the reality of what goes on in a Mosque, the reality of what Islam teaches, is not on show. Being given cups of tea, a friendly smile and a Mosque being ‘beautiful’ hardly gets to the heart of the issues about Islam. Her husband refused to go because he has a negative view about Islam for some reason. Nolan wanted to know if the ‘media had played a part in his prejudices about Islam’. So Nolan has already judged the man, who of course has not been on to say what he actually thinks, and because he may be critical of Islam is denounced by Nolan as ‘prejudiced’. Maybe he is right to be ‘prejudiced’. Seems that it is know-all Nolan who is the bigot here. This is all about ‘Dawah’, the Muslim obligation to try and convert others to the faith…it’s a propaganda recruitment drive for Islam….
Typical BBC bias, always knocking the Tories with their jokes about Brexit and Boris.
Well Nish Kumar, host of the Mash Report, has a solution to that: “People always say why don’t you do jokes about Labour,” he tells the Red Box podcast. “But Labour are not really doing much at the moment. We feed off the news.
“The reality is the Conservatives are in power. If you want people us to stop making jokes about you, I would advise losing more elections. Being in opposition is a really good way to avoid being made fun of.”
Labour aren’t in the news because the BBC censors the news. Simple.
Corbyn a paid up commie spy [who’d a guessed?]…Cox alleged to have committed sexual assaults….Labour’s massive misogynist streak…Labour’s massive anti-Semitism problem….Labour’s refusal to say what it wants from Brexit….Labour’s Momentum thuggery….Labour led by a group that champion terrorism and hardline Marxism?
Nothing to see here at all…no jokes, no satire, no fun to be made of.
That’s what we pay the licence tax for….however if you want jokes lampooning Trump, Brexit and JRM….here’s the place….spreading fake news and subversion of people and ideas they don’t like by the BBC’s usual method under cover of a ‘satire’ show….
The Mash Report has quietly become the first successful effort by one of the main channels to copy the hugely successful American fake news satirical shows such as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. (Matt Forde’s Unspun on Dave has been flying the flag for some time.)
It has all the same elements: monologues from behind a desk, fake news headlines, correspondents and a live studio audience. In the past couple of weeks it has really found its voice, and a confidence that previous shows have lacked.
Did laugh at this from the Daily Mash [where the Mash Report gets its writers from]….they think it’s satire and they’re being clever but…people will read it and say yeah, true…coz in essence it is…white skin is better in northern climes, nature not racism…and paler women were seen as more healthy and fertile…say the scientists….so satire and yet… every joke there is an element of truth…
RACISTS have argued that the black Britons from the Mesolithic period changed to be white because it is better, and more should follow their example.
Bill McKay, from Swindon, insisted the DNA analysis that Cheddar Man had dark skin and blue eyes only proves that today’s immigrants need to try harder to fit in.
He said: “What this proves is that 10,000 years ago man moved here, had a look about, realised that being black wasn’t suitable and made a bit of an effort.
“A few generations of grey skies and potato-based diets and they were proper pasty like Britons have been since time immemorial, which now means about 9,975 years.
“They realised that being white looks good in clothes, more respectable and means it’s easier to see your tattoos.
“Also around this period I imagine they invented darts.”
McKay added: “You thought this ‘black indigenous Briton’ stuff would throw me? My racism’s smarter than that.”
Sheer hypocrisy….just this one example will do to show the absolute two-faced tribal circling of the wagons to protect one of their own….
How times change when it is one of your own….taking responsibility just as the news breaks hard….always denied it before and even now says it’s all about nothing really…..
Looks like betrayal is in the Campbell blood as the ‘Dodgy Dossier’ author tries to betray the Brexit voters and urges the Remain troops on….as he did with the British army in Iraq….which Labour then hung out to dry putting them on trial for ‘war crimes’…ably assisted by the BBC…..
Your energy and passion is much needed. Get those uni campuses stirred up. We need resistance and rebellion from people because there is so little from Parliament
Hmmmm…would that be a ‘populist’ rebellion or what, maybe an ‘internationalist spasm‘ that Campbell is fomenting? Better have a word with Lord AdiEU…Brexit being a “a dangerous populist and nationalist spasm worthy of Donald Trump”. I guess he is employing the same logic that the Weathermen terrorists used in the US…when democracy ‘fails’ you…take up violence.
Global Implications of The New Populism. What is it? What is the emerging new world order and what does it mean? Why is populism becoming so attractive around the world? How we can expect the world to change – what is under threat? Nothing much – just the whole of Western civilization and the future of the planet maybe.
Still, inciting riot, rebellion and resistance to the most democratic vote Britain has probably ever had…what’s not to like?
Shame most of the comments on the Tweet really put the boot into Campbell in a way the sycophantic BBC never does when he all too frequently appears in their studios….guess all is forgiven after their little Iraq War spat….the BBC rescued Campbell from the slough of despond, and his no doubt guilt driven PTSD, by practically employing him so often was he on the airwaves…even given his own little show at one stage.
Campbell moans about ‘populism’ and campaign tactics that lack intellectual rigour and depth…
Populists the world over, not least in Europe, will take heart from this. The insurgent has an inbuilt advantage. The more noise you make the more people seem to listen. Making people laugh, or making them feel, is as important as making them think. Getting down and dirty, despite what Michelle Obama said about the need to stay high when your opponent goes low, seems to have won the day.
He claims it is a new thing, naturally it is not, it’s as old as politics…Reagan famously campaigned by ‘sellng the sizzle not the steak’ and what is Corbyn’s sudden surge in popularity based upon if not a massive social media campaign that harnessed the stars of youth culture….a ‘populist’ campaign that the BBC rhapsodizes about…despite its own disdain for populism…otherwise known as Democracy.
Kamal Ahmed: Thanks Molly. Headline has been changed. It was not meant to be taken as literal, but as an historic reference that was out of date.
Kamal Ahmed: It’s been pretty torrid on here since @Andrew_Adonis raised the issue. The headline has been changed and I have deleted the original tweet. Journalism has to be read in context – headline and article. I felt meaning was clear. I hope we can keep the debate civil.
After many false dawns, at last some sunlight has fallen on Europe’s strongest economies.
Growth across the European Union is at levels not seen since 2007.
And the continent’s powerhouse countries – Germany and France – are seeing growth at levels not experienced since the financial crisis bounce-back of 2010.
For Britain, where growth is still reasonable but has slowed since the Brexit referendum, better EU growth is good news.
Nearly half of all we export goes to the EU.
And we are still in the single market and the customs union, which gives us tariff free access to the EU.
That relationship will change.
But the UK is still a major beneficiary as the EU marches forward.
The report was of course entirely pro-EU in any case….you might think the original headline was put there like a honey-trap, designed to bring in Leave voters who then find they are being assailed with pro-EU propaganda…the British economy bounced back long before the EU’s and the EU is merely playng catch-up rather than leaping ahead as Ahmed’s report suggests. Ahmed has long been a pro-EU advocate…his ‘reality checks’ damned Brexiteer claims whilst downplaying criticism of Remain’s apocalyptic claims.
Is Ahmed trying to lure in Leave voters to read his pro-EU propaganda? The Remainers certainly think he might be…..
Perhaps it’s symptomatic of how some journos are squirming at the BBC and that the only way they can get any pro-EU info out there is under cover of bad-mouthing the Union. It’s how artists and writers operate under totalitarian regimes, by watching their backs.
No, it doesn't. But look on the bright side – it will probably be shared by lots of Brexity-Trumpkin bots who haven't figured out that it's all about the success of the EU.
Speaking to the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, he said: “We are not shackled to a corpse. You can see the European economy’s recovery. It’s the largest single market in the world.
“The idea you have to choose between being a success in the European single market of 500 million and campaigning to have jobs and wealth created by trading with other economies – you don’t have to choose, you should do both.”
Tommy Robinson thought the BBC maybe having a petty little dig at him by promising to provide transport to bring him to a BBC interview and then the car fails to turn up [1 min 56 s in the video].
Paranoia or BBC games with the hated Tommy Robinson?
Just reading in the Sunday Times that Ann Coulter, someone the BBC ranks alongside Tommy Robinson as a ‘Far-Right’ rabble-rouser, was also promised a BBC car…and it didn’t turn up.
Conspiracy or BBC inefficiency?
Remember this….just a computer error?
Which brings us to the Remain Dementum movement which is in fine fettle as it howls at the moon barking up the wrong tree….they claim the BBC is a ‘Farageist’ supporter….and yet the BBC’s approach to Farage and UKIP, which they presented as akin to Nazis, was merely a dry run for how they report on Trump with massive derision, mockery, slanders and making malign associations with fascism, racism and Nazis.
Here’s Craig at Is the BBC biased? revealing Lord AdiEU’s falling out with the very obviously remain supporting BBC..
Andrew Adonis: The BBC is now performing so badly at impartial and fearless news, & the quality of Netflix etc now so much better at drama, I am wondering for the first time in my life whether we couldn’t do better. Sky can keep sport! BBC on ropes. Sport largely gone to Sky. Quality drama gone to Netflix. BBC news increasingly Brexit, weak & simply Govt press releases. If Netflix set up a sharp, balanced News service, what would be left besides local radio, a desert island & a few good foreign correspondents?
Gary Lineker: What a load of complete and utter tosh.
Andrew Adonis: The BBC’s most highly paid presenter?
Nick Robinson: Well there’s the fact we’re the most trusted source of news & the world’s best nature programmes (Attenborough) & most popular entertainment (Strictly & Sherlock) & culture (Proms & Glasto) & sport (Wimbledon & the Olympics). Other than that what has the BBC ever done for us?!
Andrew Adonis: Huge complacency Nick. The country is in crisis, dangerously poor, polarised, fractured and populist, & you want us to throw garlands! This is not where things are at, I’m afraid. And in the view of many of us, you (the BBC) are the midwife of Farageism. And btw, your news website, after a string of complaints today, still hasn’t corrected a disgraceful headline describing the EU as a ‘corpse.’ Is this what you mean by ‘most trusted source of news’?
Nick Robinson: I don’t want garlands. I want perspective & an acceptance that in a fractured society the BBC will hear from (& challenge) people you may dislike and/or fear.
Andrew Adonis: Well, I haven’t noticed the challenge, tbh. @BBCr4today now just a noticeboard for government and Farage press releases. Vast uncritical coverage of Boris speech, & total failure to get into the Northern Ireland crisis,just the latest instances.
Of course it is part of a campaign by the Dementum stormtroopers to bully and intimidate the BBC into not publishing anything remotely positive about Brexit….shouldn’t think that would be a problem…but in fact they have succeeded in censoring a BBC report despite it being entirely benign for Remainers, as you might expect from Kamal Ahmed…
Andrew Adonis: Apart from the disgraceful headline – when was the EU a ‘corpse’? – the BBC’s economics editor declares the EU will be ‘without, in the future, Britain.’ But we haven’t left & Parliament is a long way from agreeing Brexit. Yet more Brexit bias! … Sorry to keep on about the BBC debasing public debate, but when was the European Union a ‘corpse’? Germany: I wish I was that lifeless! A disgraceful standard of analysis.
Kamal Ahmed: Thanks Molly. Headline has been changed. It was not meant to be taken as literal, but as an historic reference that was out of date.
Kamal Ahmed: It’s been pretty torrid on here since @Andrew_Adonis raised the issue. The headline has been changed and I have deleted the original tweet. Journalism has to be read in context – headline and article. I felt meaning was clear. I hope we can keep the debate civil.
Brendan Cox is headlining on the BBC at the moment…must be a big news story….which begs the question why the BBC pretty much ignored the story when it was headlining in the Mail and on Guido as well as in other papers a while back….one BBC employee admitting he deliberately chose not to highlight those stories…..and note his alleged sexual assaults were carried out when he was married to the sainted Jo Cox.
This is of course standard BBC practice…ignore stories that are bad news for the Tribe until forced to take notice as the story goes beyond their control and any attempt to suppress it is clearly not succeeding. Is this how they are playing the ‘Agent Cob’ allegations about Corbyn? Not a peep on the website…clearly hoping it will blow over and no further evidence will be found to back up the claims. If there is more concrete evidence? The BBC will of course be first to break the story! If the claims had been that it was a Tory in league with say the EDL the BBC would immediately have promoted the rumours as headline news….as they have with Trump/Russia.
This is how they operated with Rochdale and Rotherham….not reporting what was going on and only when the story became unstoppable did they climb on board and of course, tried to claim it for themselves with films like ‘Three Girls’. They received plenty of praise for that film but it was years too late…where was it ten years ago?
Now it’s #metoo as the BBC plays catch-up…..although not in all cases…..still censoring the truth about their involvement in Osborne’s attack at Finsbury Park…it’s always the Far-Right and Tommy Robinson to blame. Which reminds me….remember this cartoon from the Guardian…the real culprit is missing…..any apology from Rowson, Morley and all those who gloated that the Mail and the Sun were the ’cause’ of the terror attack?….The Huffington Post joined in as it gleefully reported that the Mail had been called an ‘open sewer’ [by little Owen Jones] as it attacked the Guardian for its malign cartoon.
The Guardian’s flagship summit returns on 7 March 2018 to look at responsibility against a backdrop of rapid change, and discuss how publishers and brands can best serve their audience and consumers.
View the latest programme here and list of speakers here.
As the mainstream media faces increasing accusations of bias and misinformation, we’re asking what constitutes balance in news? And as new and independent outlets make headway, how can they work with the mainstream to best serve readers and the public?
As news and information consumption changes, social media platforms are are finding themselves under more scrutiny than ever before. So what responsibility do these platforms have for the content they host? Should they be judged by the same standards as news providers?
Unfortunately the conference’s opening keynote speaker is…Paul Mason, radical, hysterical and bonkers….and once fanatical fan of activist social media…now?
Emily Maitliss is there…relegated to moderating the discussion on women’s issues….nice bit of sexism from the Guardian there….lot of white faces as well.
And of course Nick Robinson will be on hand to give us his unbiased thoughts on balance and bias in the media…no bias in the question at all…..
9.20 – 9.50 Transparency, objectivity and the new media landscape
During both the American presidential election and Brexit campaign, media owners faced a dilemma over showing balance in their coverage and giving credence to false claims – so in the post-truth age, why aren’t all ‘facts’ equal? And who are the new media players staking a claim in a more divided world?
Moderator: Polly Curtis, editor-in-chief, HuffPost UK
Nick Robinson, presenter, BBC Today programme
Matt Kelly, editor, The New European and head of content, Archant
Sacha Berlik, managing director, The Trade Desk
Can’t wait for the video…and no doubt Robinson will be back in the papers treating us to more reassurances that the BBC is the finest and most trustworthy news provider worldwide and stoutly defending it agaiinst all claims of bias and partisan reporting. He has to do this by written word in the Press as he can’t talk on the radio with his tongue so firmly in his cheek.
Also look forward to seeing all those BBC ‘outside contractors’ getting their tax bills now they are deemed employees by HMRC. Blooming tax dodgers.
The Establishment shakedown continues as Brexit and the Trump victory are incessantly ‘stopped and searched’ by th self-appointed thought-police who aim to close down the wild west of the free speech internet. It’s a well known fact, if you believe the BBC, that Clinton lost and Brexit succeeded due to Russian interference and the Social Media companies not doing their job….filtering out those whose opinions don’t align with the values and beliefs of the BBC and fellow travellers. The operation to ‘regulate’ the Social Media companies is moving into high gear as the hysteria builds and the massive vested interests, political, commercial and philosophical, try to generate the impression of a consensus that these companies are acting against ‘our’ best interests and to ramp up the pressure on politicians to rein them in. The reality is of course it’s not the actual platforms that are the concern but the sort of people and the views they hold and disseminate that these vested interests look to rein in, they seek to shut down all opposing voices that shine an inconvenient light upon their own actions and beliefs and which offer genuine alternatives to the ones the BBC would like to see on a ballot box. Democracy in action.
Here’s the billionaire who has interfered in more national elections and political and economic issues than any Russian autocrat. Soros uses his ill-gotten billions to corrupt and disrupt societies politically and socially, shamelessly and callously happy to tear them apart whilst pretending to ’empower democracy’ and all to keep the gold flowing into his own coffers and to serve his own political interests.
Soros cares not one jot about the British people, or indeed the American, he is after all the man who ‘broke the Bank of England’ and made over a billion doing it [the irony….he forced us out of the ERM]…and surprise surprise, another irony…or cunning plan….. he made a killing on Brexit…..the market turmoil based upon the apocalyptic warnings of Project Fear saw the markets drop after the referendum and Soros made another bundle. He has been found guilty of insider dealing before…any chance Project Fear was ramped up to such ridiculous heights of hysteria to help make rogue traders a few billions? Maybe a select few of Osborne’s friends in the City were delighted whatever the outcome of Brexit.
Now he’s all for attacking those who give a platform to populists…as opposed to autocratic billionaires who think they should be able to make all the decisions for the people…
Soros Calls on EU to Regulate Social Media to Fight Populism
Billionaire open-borders activist George Soros has demanded the European Union (EU) regulate social media because voters’ minds are being controlled and “manipulated”.
He claimed the size of social media firms made them a “public menace” and argued they had led people to vote against globalist causes, including electing President Donald J. Trump, in an article for The Guardian published Thursday.
Soros is as much a demagogue as any tyrant…he claims Trump wants to run a Mafia-like state and is just like Kim Jong-un….
The current moment in world history is a painful one. Open societies are in crisis, and forms of dictatorships and mafia states, exemplified by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, are on the rise. In the United States, President Donald Trump would like to establish his own mafia-style state.
Not only is the survival of open society in question; the survival of our entire civilisation is at stake. The rise of leaders such as Kim Jong-un in North Korea and Trump in the US have much to do with this.
Then we get this….hilariously unaware…or more plausibly…an obvious piece of misinformation…
Companies earn their profits by exploiting their environment. Mining and oil companies exploit the physical environment; social media companies exploit the social environment. This is particularly nefarious, because these companies influence how people think and behave without them even being aware of it. This interferes with the functioning of democracy and the integrity of elections.
It takes significant effort to assert and defend what John Stuart Mill called the freedom of mind. Once lost, those who grow up in the digital age may have difficulty regaining it.
I assume he means the intemperate BBC interference on behalf of Clinton as it disparaged, mocked and maligned Trump in every broadcast and article about him….or indeed his own funding of anti-democratic, some [the FBI or the Department for Homeland Security for instance] might say terrorist, organisations in the US to oppose Trump, not forgetting his funding of the Obama social media campaigns.
The growing industry of paid activists and media to purposefully, systematically deceive the American people is unjust, unloving and wicked. I beg news reporters and journalists to take the time to discover the money behind the optics and events that shape our daily news.”
She’s right. But don’t wait for the “professional” journalists to tell you what’s really going on. We live in a time of “citizen journalism,” where we have access to tools to help expose the truth and cut through the mass propaganda the media is all too eager to feed us from the Soros table of plenty.
The Soros folks try to discredit anyone who shines the light on their sordid activities. But the money trail is evident for all who care to follow it.
Yes, ‘don’t wait for the “professional” journalists to tell what’s really going on’. They’re mostly on the same side as Soros. Look at the attempts to use ‘Fake News’ to shut down debate, free speech and political diversity. We’ve often made the accusation that the BBC uses this narrative to shut down or at least regulate to death its political, cultural and commercial rivals in an attempt to make it the dominant media provider….manufacturing the impression that it is one of the few sources of news that can be trusted thus reinforcing that dominance not just by facts on the ground of huge restrictions upon oppponents but by manipulating and deceiving the viewers’ opinions and perceptions. Of course before ‘fake news’ it had Leveson to champion as it tried to shut down Murdoch once he stopped supporting Labour.
The biggest irony? Google and Facebook were secretly backing Clinton…and we know Facebook got caught out promoting left-wing news whilst suppressing right-wing sites….and Google employees are involved in something similar now. As said the real target isn’t the social media companies themselves, it’s the people who use them…the right-wing people that Soros and Co want to silence.
Here’s someone who sees the BBC et al’s narrative on fake news for what it is…an attempt to stop people calling them out for their own fake news….
Speaking at a TEDx talk at the University of Nevada recently, investigative journalist and author Sharyl Attkisson revealed the left-wing roots of the term “fake news” that became popular during the 2016 election. Attkisson noted that during the election there seemed to be a concerted media effort to focus on “fake news” within conservative media, which made Attkisson suspicious both of this new term and the mainstream media’s sudden attempts to push it to the forefront of the national conversation. She then traced the origin of the word back to the nonprofit organization “First Draft,” which, she says, “appears to be about the first to use ‘fake news’ in its modern context.”
Attkisson said that soon enough “fake news” was being discussed on a national level, as if the mainstream media had received “its marching orders.” She stated, “Fake news, they insisted, was an imminent threat to American democracy.” Attkisson posed a question, “What if the whole anti-fake news campaign was an effort on somebody’s part to keep us from seeing or believing certain websites and stories by controversializing them or labeling them as fake news?”
It was then that Attkisson decided that, “the whole thing smacked of the roll-out of a propaganda campaign.”
Attkisson then noted that there was a sudden shift in the attitude towards the term “fake news” — thanks to President Trump. “But something happened that nobody expected. The anti-fake news campaign backfired. Each time advocates cried fake news, Donald Trump called them ‘fake news’ until he’d co-opted the term so completely that even those who [were] originally promoting it started running from it — including the Washington Post.”
Attkisson warned that the next attempt to suppress speech has come in the form of something called “media literacy,” where people are told which news outlets should be trusted – unsurprisingly most of the supposedly trusted outlets are liberal and mainstream. What Attkisson describes is reminiscent of Facebook’s “trusted publishers” system which aims to dictate which news publishers should be trusted by Facebook users. “Media literacy advocates are busy trying to get state laws passed to require that their version of media literacy be taught in public schools,” said Attkisson.
Attkisson concluded, “When interests are working this hard to shape your opinion, their true goal might just be to add another layer between you and the truth.”
If Clinton had won and we’d all voted remain you wouldn’t be hearing a word about ‘fake news’ and the power of the Social Media companies…so long the darlings of the BBC who priaised them for their apparent role in the Arab Spring…not so bothered then about political narratives on social media when it goes their way.
The BBC is very excited about what is a bit of a non-story as Mueller tries to dignify his witch-hunt with a few Russian small-fry…let’s face it, should there be any surprise that Russia tries to interfere in a US election? Hardly a new tactic for them. And after all the BBC does it, the Guardian tried it and got slapped down. And the US isn’t known for its lack of intervention in other countries’ internal affairs…such the small matter of Brexit. Wasn’t it Reagan and Thatcher who toppled the Soviet Empire? Bet old comrade Corbyn was gutted.
Speaking of which…Comrade Cob-Nut’s alleged dalliance with Commie spymasters hasn’t hit the BBC headlines yet…it’s top story in the Telegraph, it’s in the Mail, not the Guardian of course, it’s in the Times…but for some reason a story about the leader of the Opposition, whom the BBC keeps on insisting is the next, and soon-to-be, PM, hasn’t made it onto their own pages. The BBC seems more concerned about Russian interference in US politics than the fact that a terrorist cheerleader who has close ties to Russia and Iran is so close to the top job in the UK…a man who wants to disband the Army, do away with MI5, trash Trident and neuter NATO….and of course destabilise society and crash the economy. Just how does the BBC manage to ignore this story….can it ride it out hoping it will blow over quickly or will it have to dust off the cover stories that show Corbyn was a flag-flying model figure of the British Establishment?
List the bias here….
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