Well then, I have of course been following the BBC’s coverage of the arrest and subsequent release of Gerry Adams. What struck me was the almost palpable euphoria expressed by SOME BBC correspondents when Grisly was released last evening.

The Today programme this morning summed it all up when, during an interview with one of Jean McConville’s children, the interview seemed struck dumb when he said he did not trust Gerry Adams. Further, he added that in 2005/2006 Adams had brokered meetings between him and IRA men. The interview interrupted to suggest they HAD BEEN in the IRA but obviously they were no longer. Mr McConville explained they were in IRA in the present tense.

The BBC has long sanitised the likes of Adams and McGuinness and the very idea that Gerry the Peacemaker is actually a terrorist godfather whose IRA are dripping in the blood of innocents such as Jean McConville, who it kidnapped, tortured and murdered in cold blood.

Why does it not ask Adams how can it be that if he was not in the IRA, others who were said he was their leader? Why does not it not ask Martin McGuinness, who by his own admission WAS  an IRA commander, what exactly did he command be done? Why does the BBC give every impression of being pro-Sinn Fein???


I see the BBC is now actually leading the campaigning against Sugar.

Two thirds of people support a ban on sugary drinks in all UK schools and academies, suggests a poll carried out for the BBC. The Populus poll of 1,000 adults in Britain also found more than four out of 10 people would support a tax on sugary drinks. And 59% said warnings on packaging – similar to those on cigarettes – would encourage them to eat more healthily. Six out of 10 wanted supermarkets to stop promotions on unhealthy food.

Now, whether or not one approves of sugar (I don’t but then again I am diabetic and have little choice!) surely the BBC has absolutely NO mandate to campaign either FOR or AGAINST??


(A guest post by Graeme Thompson who comments as ‘hippiepooter’)

‘No word on TODAY ‘notes MEP and Telegraph blogger Daniel Hannan.  What on earth, in Mr Hannan’s view, could merit a ‘word’ on Britain’s flagship radio news programme that it doesn’t get?


An election candidate arrested for quoting Winston Churchill’s unflattering observations on Islam.

The election candidate in question, Paul Weston of Liberty GB, notes on his party’s website, that had he quoted Adolf Hitler’s admiration for Islam he would not have been arrested.

Why should it come as a surprise to anyone who has listened to the TODAY programme over the last 30 years that it does not cover this latest outrage against British democracy?

Police officers now uphold political correctness instead of the law with impunity.  BBC Thought Police on TODAY and other programmes have been instrumental in creating the conditions for this.

Not so much now, as they have achieved their major objective in bringing about the transition stage to tyranny of ‘shamocracy’, but I regularly used to hear TODAY ‘interviews’ with correctnick guests that were nothing more than propaganda pieces.  Correctnick guests were fed prompts to give them a platform.  Guests out of lockstep with ‘kulturkampf’ would be harried and harangued to ‘unperson’ them.  In my experience ‘ex-catedra’ pronouncements dressed up as ‘interviews’ were – and still are – most in evidence with representatives from Stonewall, spurious ‘anti-racism’ campaigners, the EU and those aiding and abetting enemy propaganda in the Jihad war against the West.

Islam is as much a natural ally of the totalitarian left as it was for the fascist right in the 30’s.  The arrest of Mr Weston clearly demonstrates that.

For the record, I do have qualms about Liberty GB.  Maybe it is a racist party, maybe it isn’t.  I wouldn’t dream of voting for them while doubts remain.  However, whether Mr Weston is a closet racist or not, the fact remains he was exercising his democratic right to free speech within the law.  But in ‘New Britain’, Political Correctness trumps law.  There have been many examples of Christians being arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin.  Invariably charges are either dropped or dismissed at Court.  In the most recent case the Magistrate cast doubt on whether a Police Constable was acting in the execution of her duty.  To date, to my knowledge, no Police officer has ever faced disciplinary action for such clear abuse of power.  As in these cases as will no doubt prove to be the case with Mr Weston, Correctnick police act with impunity.

They know that BBC programmes like TODAY and Newsnight have their backs.”


Busy morning on the BBC. Every effort made to debunk claims by Sir Andrew Green’s MigrationWatch (with Evan Davies joining in the fun and games), then a strange thought for the day that seemed to claim teachers were like Christ, and of course a item on how Labour might win the Newark by-election. Just a normal day through the prism of the BBC.


Morning all. Time to start the week with a brand new Open Thread. I bet you are all looking forward to “Woman’s Hour” on BBC Radio 4 this week. Doreen Lawrence will be hosting one such episode and it’s inspiring to see the BBC create the space for her. You rarely see her on the BBC…..


My thanks to David Keighley and Andrew Jubb for this most interesting report on BBC bias over at Civitas. Make sure you read it….

“In this report Newswatch finds that the BBC’s independent Prebble report1 – which the BBC Trustees claimed gave a clean bill of health to the Corporation’s coverage of the EU,2 immigration and religion – is seriously flawed.

Newswatch has unearthed ties between Stuart Prebble and the BBC, between the BBC and the university department which conducted the supposedly impartial research, and between the university’s project director and the EU. The independence of the project is thus severely compromised. “


Yesterday, the BBC obligingly ran with the Labour line that Comrade Ed and the gang had taken the moral decision to move away from the long historical link to the Co op Bank. However it seems not all was as the BBC reported;

As pieces of political spin go, it was up there with the best – even if it concerned the dry subject of Labour’s banking facilities. This morning, the BBC reported that it had “learnt” that the party was looking at ending its 80-year relationship with the Co-operative Bank. It was heavily implied that this was a Labour initiative caused, in part, by recent controversies at the bank which it no longer wished to be a part of.

But as with all things that are spun, there is a risk that they will unravel. And by this afternoon, the party was facing charges that it had been rather economical with the actualité and that it was, in fact, the troubled Co-op that wanted to sever its relationship with Labour, and not the other way round.